JdO:«3'JTH CO; ai3I03X ;A L FRSEUIOW. N.J. *

■ . s r r t i ' - 2450 COPIES This Week i • r o ^ N s i i n ’s o r I llO|.!td)BI., MADISON ONE SECTION MAHI.UOItO, m a t a w a n ...... ,. AN** — 7" 16 PAGES ^SXVawan nouour.u

88tli YEAR — 19th WEEK Member National Association Mcmbor ’ New Press Association MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1956 Monmouth Cmml.v AuiodaHutk Single Copy Ten Cents Corodl Moves To Reserve Available N .Y. U. GLEE CLUB TO PRESENT CONCERT SATURDAY Holmdel Adopts Full-Acre Lot Sizes , Credit For Municipality's Own Needs To Developers, Consider Master Plaij Borough Debt Increased To $158,200 To Committee Sets Nov. 26 For Public Hearing Oil Extend Water Main, Build Tank, Fix Streets Zoning Ordinance Amendment, Creating Chang* — M ayo r 3 p a' f f o rd ~:1Vr -’----:— r , - ■ v"'- fichancfc, Matawan, ' averred Holmdel Township's Flan- at the council meeting Tues­ nlng .Dom'd clampod down on Madison Board To developers Tuesday night by day the' municipal govern­ Donations Needed ment would reserve by ordi­ voting lo recommend to th# lorowhlp oommlttco the Im­ nance the right to use Its For Blood Bank Get Its $15,000 own credit for Its own pur­ mediate upgrading of all r.oncs- In the township, bu^ , poses. He noted there was ap­ Old Bridgo Gardens Zone C, to fulLscre minimum plication made, by the Mata­ First Aid Squad...... lot'■allies, Zone C Is roselved wan Township Board of Edu­ Fund To Be Delivered Issues Plea' For Help for the Be)l l.abs and Is not cation to overbond the -Joint involved In residential conoid* . . borouirh-township.. school dls-. Roy Matthews, tfYesldent of Mnyov Waller Jurmnn coil, e n t lo n , of the nine-man trict to build schools. If the firm e d UiIh in o i' n 1 n g lho the Matawan Township First board iiendrd hy Wllllnm B, state grants this application, Mndlson Township committee Aid and Rescue Squad, has an­ Iln rd ln g , only D an ie l S. 15Iy, it will take away air power would turn over to the school townahlp clerk, nnd Francis to bond for municipal ! im­ nounced, that the blood bank b o ard M onday n ig h t tlio $15. Walling opposed the upgrad­ provement for years to come; sponsored by the squad Is hard 000 co lleoted If n fo rm n l re ing. P rio r to Ibis unt Ion, ZoiiO tlie mayor pointed out. He be­ pressed to keep up with de­ quest for tile funds woro made. Tlio mnyoi- said llio E h ad 100 by -iso foot lola. „ lieved, therefore. It was, in­ mands in recent weeks. Don­ cumbent upon the municipal governing body would do this T h o township conmiltloa ■ ors may give blood at Mon­ government to be TSreEanded wllh llie midcmtniidliig llmt quickly approved on first In tho matter. . .. ■ ■ mouth Memorial Hospital on tlio funds, 'pul lu Ita climgo rending the amendment to tho by tho dovelopcrs of Old zoning ordluaiioa giving elfeo^ ' Two ordinances were lnfro- Saturday from 11 a.m . to 1 p.m. Urldgo Ourdens und or, an lo tho recommendation of th« duced to this effect. Bath are and this blood Is given free to ngrceniont with Uie townuhlp p la n n in g b o n n 1. A publlo due for final action at the any resident of M atawan Town­ ship upon request of a physi­ oommlltoe to contribute I'JRO lienrlnR will bo hold Nov. ail Nov. 27 meejting, whioh Is nt 0 p.m. _ _. i pertain to- be In odvaaae of cian , , • ’ .... per hutlse sold towards now schools, did not oomo umlnr , any school election to secure Mr. Matthews, states that It Tlio municipal hall "at Crsw. tlie Hnnie category nn tax Voters' approval of the. over-i is doubtful if the squad could ford's Corner was packed at money, Tho township commit, ' bonding, One'ordinance would have c on t I n u e d furnishing tho Joint mealing of tho plan- teo Is prohibited from turning bond the borough for $84,000 blood had it not been for.the nlng board and township com* over to tho school board.any to build a 500,000 gallon ' re- whole-hearted s.u pport re­ mllloo. The adherents o l u p ­ money oollocted through,taxa­ serve^tank at the new Mld- ceived from m e m b e rs of grading and keeping ■ th* tion uiilll the voter* have ap­ . diesex Sd. water plant and Guadalcanal Post 4247, Veter­ to w n sh ip rural had tholr proved the purpose for whioli run a 10-lnch water main 4800 ans of Foreign Wars, Cllff­ ahuma spurred all lho. moro feetnlong Ravine Dr. to wood. The squad president re­ the soliobl board has dealg- by no less than six dovolop- Mftii. St. The second would minds residents that these nnlod tlio funds, , ors,' all armed with big rolls ' bond* the borough by no .000 veterans Jalready have given Appearing under sponsorship of the Matawan Grammar For Its only appearance In the vicinity, the olub lias planned The money now Is > depos­ of bluein’lnlM. s e e k in g , ip p ro v - to Improve certain streets. so much for their country, Sohoel Parent-Teacher Association, the New York University a varied program to please tlio more serious student of niuslo ited in tho genoral funds' of al of plans for- new subdivi­ ' • Tho effect of these ordl- yet they have donated about Glee Club will give a concert at the Matawan III ah Sohool on as well as bring enjoyment to the amateur. The Matawan P-TA the township In tlio Farmers sions. Only two gained any Is privileged In bringing such professional entertainment Into acceptance at all, and llielrg , nances will raise the out­ 80 p e r c e n t of th e blood to Saturday at t p.m. The all-male chorus, under the dlreollon Morohni\ts National Bank, this area. Mrs. William J. McGraw is oononrt chairman wltli Mntawan. It would l?o releas­ was only approval of skotolt standing debt of the borough the bank. . of Alfred M. Greenfield, will render an unusually Interesting! Mrs. Iloiner Ocrlufsen and Mrs. William Smltli, Jr., In charge of ed by the sumo pioooduro p la n s. - fro m $64,300 to $158,200, a c ­ Squad members stress that group of Welsh songs ln native tongue, spirituals and a numbelr tlokets. Anyone desiring tickets plonso call Ma 1-Z512-J or they undor which the scliool bonrd cording to the supplemental lt is imperative that the peo­ of seml-popular tunes. may be purchased at the door. _• Not ICiioiirIi lloadblooks d e b t statement filed. The ple of Matawan Township calls on tlio township cimimlt- Wllllnm Mulheron, a spouta* $158.200 amount Is near , the support the..* blood bank on too to deliver funds, when tor, found these roadblocks to — borough's ultimate borrowing Saturday if its life-saving Early Copy, Please Holiday Store Hours hooded, for othor school pur development still not enough, capacity. Little’ will remain service Is to be continued. Woman Is Fatally Preliminary Plans poses, tlio mayor staled. llo waiilod lo know what had „ Duo to Thanksgiving Dar* Plans for the ruletldo soa< for sohool purposes, if the or- Transportation will be arrang­ Tho $15,000 reprosents llio hucoino of a domand lie had Thursday, Nov, 22, It wlU be son wero dlsouased Tuosday dinancea are approved^ Mata- ed for donors, If requested by contribution for lho first 00 m a d e 10 m o n th s uru llia l a, Injured By Auto necessary to print The Mata* Of Holmdel School nlglil hy tlio Mntawan Mer­ wan Township has made a calling M a ta w a n 1-1810 or hounes sold ln Old Urldgo plumbing code ordinance bt wan Journal on Wednesday* chants Association, mooting similar move. The school 1-231B. D o n o rs m a y go d ire c t­ Oardons, the mayor slated. introduced lo onlotoe a stand- Thus th e deadline for dl*v ln tlie American Legion llall, board’s case at Trenton will ly to the hospital blood bapk Mrs. Margaret Merrill . Hold Conference T h o ro aro 104 h o u ses to ho aid of good workmanship on play advertising copy will bo, M ain St. . resolve itself solely to -an is­ and Inform the receptionist built, The money Is paid on lliose represonlltiB Uiomsolve* Killed Monday Night M onday a t 12 o 'o lo ck n o o i^ With Architect , TenlSjrok Ronson and Ran­ sue of the use of the board's they wish to donate their this, banln by the dovelupor Hi' aa plumbers, lie aoouaed th« classified advertising* 5 p*ni* dolph Harris, eo>cbalrmen ol own borrowing power plus blood to the blood bank spon­ Mrs. M argaret Merrill, 80, P r e lim in a r y p la n a fo r a 12- stead of his oreollng a.school township committee bt fatting. ' whatever extension the State of 274 Main St., Matawan. Monday, and new* copy jjcim ' elementary soliool, de- Ute Christmas events com­ unit and presenting 11 to the to protoot the township, hous*- sored by the Matawan Town­ day, 12'o'clock. mutes, announced that Mat­ , e n t s - o f - S d w a - ship First Aid’ Squafl, ' was injured--fatally Monday "jlgmd to Meet booming pupil towiulilp because this dovol holders against faklr» .in l|i* hlght when she -was ..struck by Wa know ! that our readers, awan merchants will remain o p m o n t ta nol ■ side plumbing trade and also «afa tlon and Local Government , . Inform ation .For ..Donors. ■ . enrollment, were studied at will allow. 7 " ' .' a car whilB crossing the will cooperate with tu In the regular meeting of ths open until, 0 p.m. each eveu* make tho building or a sohool rev e n u e .was being lost (hat .Tie following persons may The total' expenditure - for street In' front ot her home. this early deadline* so th* Holmdel Township Board of Ing, beglniiing Dee. 10. the most ooofiOmloal prooed could come from lloonalnsf newspaper con be published the water project is Increased donate, blood: Those ln good Mrs. Merrill died at 8:10 Education on Nov, 7, Bamuol In s d d 1 t.lo n, Individual lir e ,______■ p lu m b e rs. health'between the age3 of 21 b y a c&sfa a p p ro p ria tio n of p.m., an hour after she was early nnd our employees will Mountford, representing the lighted Christmas trees will Clerk Possessed Check Mayor Ja ines ASkoriOnTP- and 60, or between tlio ages --$4200.. to $88,200. The total ex- admitted to Perth A m b o y be free to spend lhe holiday firm of Mlckelwrlght and be plaoed ln front of each Tho -agitation over the 110;- mlnded Mr. Mulheron I h * of 18 and 21 If the parent's (continued on page eight) General Hospital, suffering In­ with their families* Mountford, Trenton school ar-, store as a suitable decora­ (oontinuad on page four) mortgage agonoles on no# or guardian's consent Is giv­ ternal Injuries and fractures Aa has been the policy In chltects, prosonted the prelim­ tion, Trees are to lie ereoted (OoiiUiiued on paie seven) en. Not more than one pint of of both legs. recent years* this offloe will inary drafts of ths proposed early next' month. - Matawan Joins Ii». blood can be given at 'one J o h n J . F a g a n , J r., 32, be closed all day, Friday* school. The group discussed pros- Drunken Driving time, but donors may give Township Firtt Aid L a k e sh o re T ra iler P a rk , N ov. 23. Designed to Include two kin­ ont parking (aallitles In the Diabetes Detection blood again after six weeks’ Brown Mills, driver of the business district and wars to Will Sell Yule Treei dergartens, ln addition to an In co-operation with tlio Now Sends Man To Jail elapse. Donors should not car, said he did not see Mrs. Increase snd Improve pres­ all-purpose room and noces- Jersey D I a b * t e a Detection The Mntawan Township First * have a regular meal for at Merrill crossing tbe street un­ ent parking areas. Measures Three Awards For sary storage spaos, boiler Drlvo Week, Nov, II to 17, lhe Aid anil Heaotie oquad will soil least/four hours, prior to giv­ til lt was too late to avoid to oontlnue the clean appear- Martui Aclt When He room, health room and offices Matawa;i llorough Uoard of Christmas trees, wreaths and ing* blood; they, may have wa­ striking her. anoe of borough streets also ter, fruit Juices and soft Matawan Journal the sohool will be located on Hoaltli, has made tlie following blankets thin yenr to liolp offsot fails To Pay Fin# Police Chief John J; rioqd were dlsouased. drinks, but no' milk, cream or a 10-acre site on the Koyport- places available lor tho ibhI- the uiiiiximctod’’rise In operat­ said tbe victim, apparently Holindel Rd. ln the Hazlet Magistrate James H. Mar- butter. A brief medical exam­ donts of .Malawnn lo receive ing costs nf the squad, Mem­ returning home from a bak­ Prizes Fo* Social, fin, Matawan, Monday, im­ ination. Is provided and tne seotlon of the townahlp, tlielr "Dreypak" kit: Matawan bers anticipated, they w ould ery across the street, was posed a 00-day Jail sentence history of each donor li tak­ Sports, Advertising Mr. Mountford ostlmated Drug Store, Main Ht,; Sanford's answer about 000 calls during dressed ln dark clothes, He Road Work Change on Mark B. Conway, 61, of en; those with a history of the plans, as were presented, Pharmaoy, Mnln HI.; Malawan lOMl, but aocordlng to present added that rain, at the time ln-,,thi Better Newspaper 223 Hlllcrest Ave., Laurence malaria. Jaundice or certain would cost more to carry out Publlo lloaltli Center, Drond Ind icatio n s, th e n u m b e r w ill ex< of the accident, hampered Harbor,> for driving while ln injectious diseases, etc. a re Contest sponsored annually by than the $325,000 the board Is Challenged HI., and llarouuli llall, Clerk's coed 700. Tho additional oall* the driver's visibility. an Intoxicated condition. The n o t elig ib le. E a c h d onor Is the Mew Jersey Press Associ­ anticipates spending to con­ Office, Main St. put. considerable strain on th* Arraigned Before Martin Jail term was Imposed after mailed a card giving hli struct and equip the proposed There Is no obllgutlon. Sim­ budget, according to Uoy Mat- Mr. Fagan was arraigned ation, The Matawan Journal Lanzaro Holds Mayor Mr Conway failed to pay a blood type and RH factor. school unit; ply roiiuenl a “Drtypak," take lliews, president, in municipal o o u r t before won two first-place awards Ignored Ordinance total 1250 fine. Hia license Plan Suggested To Cut Prlue Squad officers for the year Magistrate James H. Martin and one third place tbls year. It Ii o m o, follow Instniotlonn, mitind miimbern nmiouno* was revoked two years. place a thrce iieiit stam p on the thnt they muni sell $000 worth : fro m S ep t, 30, 1950 to Sept. following the accident cn a Awards were presented on Suggested plan cuts by tho Authority of tho mayor to Patrolman James Volk, bor­ board to meet its anticipated a d d re sse d o n v o I o p o, and a of niRi'chnmllso, boforo li e y 30, 1957 a r e ; M r. M atth ew s, technical cbarge of causing Friday at the 35th Annual clmtigo a program of road t ough police, arrested Mr. Con­ tlucC'Cont stamp on tlm return president; Charles Maurer, death by auto. He was re­ Newspaper Institute, held at figure included reduction ln work adopted under an enabl­ nuiKe any profit, The loca­ way after an accident at vice president; Charles Meek­ leased in $1500 bond for ac­ Rutgers University, The first th e size of th e 4000 s q u a re ing bond ordinance wan chal­ envelope and the results will tions w h ere tre e s Will b e s o ld , Route 34 and Mill Rd. when bo ..returned after an analysis er, secretary; Edward Coop­ tion of the grand Jury. place awards were for the so­ foot all-purpose room, roduo- lenged by Coinmlttooman Jo­ wtll be. announced at a lateri that driver- reportedly ' ram ­ er, treasurer; Benedict Smith, Mrs. . Merrill, the wife of cial and .women's page and Ing the lobby and corridor seph A, Laiijiaro at the Mnrl- has been made. ' . d ate. ' med-the oar of Walter EL- sergeant-at-arms: Charles Elf the late Charles Merrtll, had the sports page, and third area and elimination of two I) o i o Township Committee White, 31, South Atlantic Ave, lander, captain; John Bunk­ been a resident of Matawan prise was for display adver­ large porch roofs. meeting' Tlulrsdny. 1 taatawan. Mr. White w as er, assistant captain; M r. for 60 y e a rs. 8 h e w as e m ­ tising. ” ' ■ The arohltoct reportod pros­ Mr, Langaro found that tlie BOY REUNITED WITH MISSING PET standing waiting to make a Maurer^ first lieutenant; Ed­ ployed as a custodian of '.he The Matawan Journal enter­ ent costs should be estimated ordinance had stipulated that left turn. He was badly shak­ mund Ryan, second lieuten­ Malawan Orammar School (or ed the rural weekly contest a t a rate of $15 por squaro Ityan nd. was lo have been en tip In the . ‘ ant; Joseph Drugas, chief en­ m o re th a n 50 y e a rs . S he w as a and competed with newspa­ foot. Mr. Mountford presented hard-siirfuced alter the work The officer took Mr. Con- g in e e r. member of the First Methodist pers with a circulation of up new plans, modified to meet on HorberUvlIle and Spring WaV. before Dr. J. P. Cooper, Trustees - are Thomas J. Church, Matawan. and of the to 3000 copies. Contest rules the board’s anticipated expen. Valley ltd, wan done, llo de­ Matawan, wbo found tlie LaU: Taggart, John P. Kucharek, Sons , and Daughters of Liber­ stipulated a newspaper must (continued on page eight) clared that Instead of ltynn . rence Harbor driver unfit to Mr. Bunger, Edward Ander­ ty . . , : enter one Issue from cither Rd. being finished, Union be operating a motor vehicle son, Albert E. Pripk, Thpmas She Is survived by a d au g h ­ the second week in March or Hill Rd. had been surfaced. due to intoxication. ' Ketchel Honored By Wheeler, and Alfonso Cuomo, te r, M rs. Helen Y u n k er the second week ln June, and Mr. Lanzaro Insisted thoro The court ruled on a three- Matawan; a son, Walter H. three consecutive Issues pub­ Friends, Co-Workers was no provision for such' a car case. Patrolman John Bears, MUIford, Conn., and lished between Jan. 1 and change lu the ordinance adopt- M cQ lnty, b o ro u g h p o lice, Is- Urge Organizations More than 250 friends and eight grandchildren. . Aug. 31, 1050. The copies of od Hopt. 13, llo d e m a n d e d O tis (continued on page four) co-workers tendered a sur. To Aid Needy Families Funeral services are being The Journal submitted were Heamen, township engineer, ex­ prise testimonial dinner to J, held today at 2:30 p.m. at the J u n e 13, J u ly 5, J u ly 13, and Organizations that have not Raymond Ketchel, Nawatam plain wliy tho work had been Bedle Funeral Home, Mala­ J u ly 19. Madison Inn, Trudy's contacted tbe Matawan Public ch a n g ed . wan, with tbe Ilev. Albert D. Way, Matnwan, on Tuesday Get 5-Dajr Suspension ‘ Health Association ln regard to According to the criticism Mr. Henmeii revealed that Curry, pastor of the First evening at Coby's Restaurant, the Christmas project for the of J. Barrye Wall, publisher South Amboy. Mr. Ketchel Is the 125,000 appropriation had Two taverns had their li­ Methodist Church, Matawan, needy families and still desire of the Farmvllle Herald, general superintendent of, pow­ not been sufficient for the censes suspended for five day officiating. Interment will be F a rm v llle , V a , If a fo u rth three roads. The money re to do so, Bhould contact tne er production for the Jersey periods by the Madison Town­ in Cedarwood Cemetery, Key- Health Center as soon as pos­ place had been given ln this Central Power and Light Co malnlng after work on ller- ship Committee Monday be p o rt. _ • bertsvlllo and Spring Valley sible so that arrangements group for general excellcnce, Mrs. jKetcliel also wss an cause of alleged sale of liquor Classaa In the M ata w an lids, was completed allowed may be made. . lt would have been awarded honored gpest and many gifts to minors. Madison Inn, Mata Orammar School are being dis­ for doing a total Job on the "Let’s Oct Together” Is the to The Matawan Journal. were presented to Mr. Ketch wan Hd. and Cllffwood Ave., missed at 2 p.m. so the -fac­ .smaller Union Illll ltd. or slogan adopted by tbe commit Attending the Institute el from Ills friends and asso­ a n d T ru d y 's B a r, J lo u te 35, ulty and students may attend starting something that could tee “so that a real Christmas representatives of Tlie Key­ c ia te s , Laurence Harbor, will be clos­ the funeral service. 'continued on page four) will be provided for some chil­ port Weekly and Tlie Mata ed Nov. 20 to Nov. 30 Inclusive Mr, Ketchel has been ern dren and old folks who, per­ wan Journal were Ml»s Ger­ , At n’hcarlng Oct. 22, the de­ ployed by the Jersey Central haps. would have no Christmas Purchases New Plano aldine V. Brown, associate fending attorneys, Itaiph 8 Power and Light Co. for 32 Mutual Contracting at all if lt were not for the editor; Oeorge T, McC'atlhy, Heuser, Matawan, for the Mad­ Arthur Bchultze, Keyport years, and those attending Opens Matawan Plant generosity of the organizations Douglas p. sentell and Mrs. represented all the power sta­ ison Inn, and Benjamin Klein- rcaiftUrantpur, a c c o m ­ Roanne Titus, news depart­ berg, South River, for Trudy's, ln town.” . panied by VanWinkle Todd, tions served hy lh# Jersey *I1ie M u tu al C o n tra c tin g Calls will be received by ment; ThomBs R. Hart, as Central, Including Mouth Am­ Company, Inc., which has it* sought to show the bartender Matawan, returned home Fri* alstant foreman, mechanical Mrs. WUllam Wilkins, Public boy, Bayrevllle and Whlppany, main office in Atlantic High at both establishments had used day from Ogden. Utah, where department, and Seymour iT. due care la asking the minor Health Secretary at the Health M r. Sohultse purchased as w all a* associates from lands, has opened an off lco C e n te r, M a 1-1095 fro m 9 a.m Pappas, photographer., Also ths slater eompany, Gilbert and plant, oft Atlanllc Avs Involved lo prove their ages a U . B. Navy surplus twin-en* attending the Institute from but in each case a deception to 12 o'clock noon, or by Mr. glne.d Deeehcrnfi airplane. B ta tlo n at Phllllpsbiirg. next lo llie Freight Station In William Wldman, welfare chair­ Keyport were Lt. Oeorge W. Matswanl Tho company also had been practiced In the use Mr. Bchulur ycvcrtUy lepoi't* Parcels, publlo Information of­ Henry I*onard. who has m a n . M a 1-4335 d u rin g the has a branch in llelmar. WII of/card* which supposedly cer­ e d ho will kepp the aircrsft ficer of the Hew Jeiary Hlat* been associated with Mr. ev en in g . Ham lllch, formerly nf . llie tified tlis ages. at Linder) Airport. The pUne Police, and Mi* l'stcrlt. Keurhei for many years, act­ c s n c a rr y »f*ven p iv irm g e ra ed as master of rrrermiiiles Belmar office, will bs m snsgrr The sentences were light, ac­ An sppesl hr I l-rrar-oltl Ith-hard Iloldlierg, rlsht, fer Ihe cording to Mayor Walter Jur- ... Irf Appreciation ' or csn b* used to transport Included among the' speakers of the new plant, . return ef lile pel fltrinsn Hhrplirrd dog, Healne, which wa* vye wish to llisnk Ihe voters equipment, Mr. rtchuhirr said. «% . Hirau*«. i m - years. It, owns1- 15 I'oumtt* ewit the appeal In Ihla UlrNsrd ii tke ef Mr. more dlllliteit In checking Howard Preston ftcooomfcal For tim« sch«duit on request, Wrlle to Joseph ployee relation* manager of trucks snd has orders placid an* Mrs. Js^k Held ber*. tl Weil Rlebari HI. O srlsa Fsika th e m .” lf[»-»dv I* , call Keypert 7 01M, will M o r r is , U-7* $4, B e l n i i r , tl . i JCPJrL. for six additional ones. war Hemes, Barllea Tewkehlib *•- LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE claimed they 4er« attacked LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE by Mr. Williams. In the ...ann. Of said obligations^—tl. l-^n-fiFst-reading .rjid- publication thereof *fler final pass- „„|rt jhjll hear ’U f1? ordered W?bt course of the fight, Sgt, Davis COMMON-LAW 5*375 per centum 15%) per annum, »re hereby dcUjtnlned. declared, re THE - By-TtrtUL -­ ■BBenjrpTQVI a i ertv- *SId~Lo c & 1 *ond *> to) Tha Imnml'fmPIlt cit£d 800 StSteOj; . ■ ' . ' SJrS T JS . ?« 1®W. and iL | went to hl3~caT~Bna^got~niIg writ of Execution .to. me directed. Law. J ■- : . Section 3. (a) The Improvement i-w • -Mt - b® further t£>n. Issued otit of the Monmouth County • NOTICE ' ; hefeby authorized and the purpose • (a) The said purpose7 described ilderfed^otr. final passage at a meet. lfi-ehph. Mr. Williams took lt Court (Law Division) there will be PUBLIC NOTICE 19 HEREBY lor the financing of which said obliga­ lh SecUon 3 of this Ordinance is not costs and fcgabwppnses^aw ^ cJSJcu out 0<'Sgt.1 Davis' "hand and exposed to sale at public vendue, on - GIVEN that the foregoing ordinance tions are to be Issued la the installs* ■ current 'expense and Is a prop­ rot exceeding <600,’On account of hu to be heid in the Borough HallVti liSmaiiaua a w J Monday, the 10th daypf December, was introduced at a regular meet7, tion of a seal coat on South-Street, erty or improvement which the Bor* terest on obligation# to finance surl» Tuesday, Noyembcr 27th, 195fl ai 2 FP»re Two Nov. 15, 195G attacked Mr. Mumnia with lt, Union Street, Middlesex Road, Sut- opgh may lawfully make or acquire cost during the period permitted by o'clock P.M., at which.-timiiiJne according to the story given 1055. between the'hours ot 12* o'clock lug of.UwMayof_and‘C^uncll o! the phen Avenue^ Edgewater Drive, Clin* as' ■ general improvement.. • • . said Section, w . ,r .­ place a public hearings will be ht 2 and 4:30 o'clock 1st 2 o'clock Eastern Borough of Matawan in the County (b). The period or*, usefulness of the officers. , - Standard Time) in the afternoon of of Monmoulh held on November 13th. on Street rrora proad Street to Or­ Section 5, The full faith and ^crgdjt and -all persons Interested wiif said day, :at the Court House in the 1956 and passed on first reading and chard S treets the Borough* Install* said purpose, withlri the limitations ol^-lhe Boroufih are hereby, pledged given an opportunity lo be heard con. The Incident Involving , Mr. Borough of Freehold, County of Mon­ the same was then ordered to be ation of prime and seal coat wviClin­ of SecUons 40:1-34 to 40:1-36 of spiu to'the punctual payment of the prin­ cerning such ordinance. published-according to law, and lhat ton Street, Orchard Street to the Local Bond Law and according to cipal of ar>d interest on the said J. FRANKLIN DOMINICK Grand Jury Gets Borne and Mr. Murphy grefw mouth, New ^ers.PX—M_.aatisfy a Kallroad In the Borough ‘and install* to the reasonable ' life thereof, is obligations authorized by this Ord* Borough Clerk out their pursuit of a car be Judgment-of said court amounting lo such ordinance wlU be further con­ ation of two inch mixed in place sur­ five (5) years. , , / 315 $19.20 ______approximately $425-00. sidered for final passage at » meet­ face on Beechwood Terrace; -Maple (c) The supplemental debt state­ inance. Said obligaUons shall be di­ lleved to have been the one All the defendants' right, title, and ing of the said Mayor and Council Avenue. Bcllvlew Avenue NorthffeJd ment required by said Law has been rect. unlimited- obligations of the NOTICE TO BIDDERS Stabbing Cases - Interest, If any. In and to the follow­ lo be held in the Borough Hall on duly made and filed in the Office ot Borough and the Borough shall be Hotjee is hereby given that tha to have sideswlped their cai ing: . Tuesday, November 27th, 1950 at fl Road and Overhill Road in the Bor­ obligated to levy 8d valorem taxes Borough Council of the Borough^! on Route 35, " Laurence Har o'clock P.M.. at which time and ough in accordance with plans and the Borough Clerk and a complete upon all the taxable property within Matawan. vilU, receive^blds for A- second1 st&bblnff match Ali those lots, tracts and parcels of place a -public-hearing will be held specification* to be. preparedly .the execute**--original.^thereof has been tiie Borough for -the payment'Of said removal o( garbage and collecUon bor. They overtook the cat land atUiate,- lying and being in the and all persons interested will be Borough Engineer and filed In the filed in the Office of the Director of obligations and interest thereon with­ of ashes to be opened Tuesday ev*rJ " lnvolvlar 3oseplr R.; Williams, and forced the driver to stoo Township of Matawan, County of Mon* given an opportunity to be heard coa Office of the Borough Clerk.' the Division of Local Government of out limitation of rate or amount. ing November 27th, 1956 at the Bo£ 54, Bayview Ave., CHffwood. mouth and State of New Jersey, and cerning such ordinance. (b) ' The estimated maximum the State of New Jersey, and such Section 6. This Ordinance shall take oufih Hail at 8 o clock P.M. on County Rd. When they described as Lots No. 43, 44, 41 and J. FRANKLIN DOMINICK amount of bonds or notes to be is' statement shows that the gross debt effect twenty (20) days after the first resulted Tuesday ln Norman went to question him through 40; in Block H, as shown on Ihe of* sued for said Improvement or pur­ of the Borough as defined In Scction publication thereof after final pass* Bids wlU be received for the prlca J. Currie. Keyport attorney, ficlal tax map of Matawan Township, Borough Clerk 40:1*76 of said Law Is increased by per year, according to the specific*, his car window, the driver jl5 127.75 pose is >10.000. this ordinance by $10,000, and that age, as provided by aaid Local Bond tiona on tile with the Borough Clerk. demanding this man be held Monmouth County, on Sheet 16. as (c) The esUmated maximum Law, - Bight Is reserved to reject any and took a stab at them with a made by Richard Heuser, C.E., 1015, ORDINANCE PHOVIDING _FOR THE amount of money to be raised from the said obligations authorized by NOTICE all bids. for the Monmouth County knife, then fled, they related and revised in 1940. REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF all sources for said improvement or this Ordinance will be within all debt PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERESY By Order of the Borough Council Grand Jury (or atrocious as­ ; Said premises are further described ✓'CERTAIN STREETS IN THE BOB- purpose is *10.500. the excess there­ limitations prescribed by said Law. GIVEN that the foregoing ordinance Dated Nov. I4th, j95fl. ’ Mr. Williams later told police as follows: OUGH OF MATAWAN. IN THE of over the aaid esUmated maximum (d) The following Items, as de­ was Introduced at a regular' meet* . - Sgd. —- sault and battery on his cll- he had defended himself Beginning at a point in the souther* " COUNTY OP MONMOUTH. NEW amount of bonds or notea to be is­ fined and authorized by Section 40:1­ sued therefor being the amount of 55 of aaid Law, are and shall be ing orthe Mayor and Council of the . J. Franklin Dominick ents, John Borne, 41, Harri­ against an unprovoked attack ly tide of Seventh Street distant 640 JERSEY. APPROPRIATING 110, charged as a part of the cost of said Borough of Matawan in vthe County Borough Clerk' . son-Ave., Union Beach, andl feet westerly' from the westerly aide 500 THEREFOR, AND , AUTHOR­ the said $500 down payment for of-Monmouth held on November 13th, j!5 $3.00 ‘ - with a bottle opener. of Atlantic Avenue, said beginning IZING THE ISSUANCE OF 110, aaid improvement or purpose. purpose to be financed, by the Is* John Murphy, 35, Arbordale Magistrate Foster put all point being in the dividing line com* OOO BONDS OH NOTES OF THE Dr., Cliffwood Beach, on Oct, defendants uncer $1000 b a ll to mon between lots Nos. 42 and 43 run* BOROUGH FOR FINANCING SUCH 80; Mr. Currie told Magistrate nlng thence (1) along the easterly APPROPRIATION. await grind Jury action after line of Lot 42, South 17 degrees”41 BE IT ORDAINED by the Borough 1/uther A. Foster, Matawan the filing of the coui:ler-coiH- minutes West a distance of 150 fret Council iil.the^Borough-of..Matawan,- te-a-point fixed-by-a-slaJte-fit the in the County o/ Monmouth0 (n o t lei* __JBQ k S s1i1b,— m iad„taken_^21 plalnts before” him Tuesday,- northwest earner of Lot. No. ... 18: than two-thirds 61 all members there­ . . stitches to close the wound ln thence (2) and along the northerly of affirmatively concurring) aa.fol* Mr; -Borne’s hand which, the line of Lots Nos. lfl, 15. 14 and 13, lows: . Many Local Residents South 72 degrees 19 minutes East a Section 1. The Improvement des­ lawyer said, Mr. Williams distance of 100 feet io a point fixed cribed in Section 3 of this Ordinance From Keyport, N. J. (Rollo Post House) had Inflicted. The /fact Mr. Aid TB Seal Drive by a stake in the southwesterly cor* is hereby authorized as a general ner of Lot No. 6; thencg (3) and improvement to be made or acquired Williams was Involved last along the westerly line of Lots Nos. by the Borough of Matawan,'In the weekend ln a seqond stabbing Arnone regional chairmen 6. 5, 4, 9, 2 and 1, North 17 degrees county of Monmouth, New Jersey. for the Monmouth County Tu­ 41 minutes East a distance of 150 For the aaid improvement or pur­ Direct To New York City's Business and Theatre Districts incident made it patent he feet to a point fixed by a stake In pose staled in said SecUon 3, there was nobody to be held on a berculosis Christmas Seal the southerly ilne of Seventh Strcot;, fl hereby appropriated the cum of Clip Out and Save Clip Out and Syve n'— simple - disorderly - charge In­ drive are:* Mrs. Laura Hard­ thencfr (4) and along the southerly 110.500, aaid sum being inclusive- of ing, Holmdel;. Mrs. C. E . line of Seventh Street, North 72 de* all appropriations heretofore made Round Trip Fare Departure* From New fork CHj to Keyport volving assault, In Mr. Cur- grees 19 minutes West a distance of therefor and including the sum of Departure* From Keyport | ■ rle^s. opinion, .. Springhorn, Matawan; Mra. 100 feet to the point or place of be< 1500 aa the down payment_.J.or said OreyboQot 30Lb 8L - Greyhuuw Greyhouna Slth scth I Elnnlng, improvement or purpose required by To New York CHj " . ONLY . Ternlna) StreetStreet I r 'Magistrate Poster allowed Henry E.'Ackerson, Jr., Key­ law and now available therefor by A.M. *:«,* 9:45 A.M.A.M. »*. »*. 10. io.U u ' ' I p o rt. . Said courses and distances have A.M. 7:20.* I, 9. 10, II I Currie's request, but in- been taken from a survey made by virtue of provision in a budget or P.M. 12, l,w* I, 4. 4. I, fl,M 10:34 I — . . 10:40,. 11{4# . • p.m.,P.M.. ^12, j,1, 3|3, 4,4, 4,j, g6 . Mrs. Ann Andreach, Mrs Frank A. Foss, C.E., Kejport, N_ J., budgets of the Borough previously It Midnight Sunday and DoUdaya I P.M., 1:40, 2:40, 7:00 Satarday*.S*torday* OOnlyq^ I Idrmed him the two men dated Janr27th, 1955. Ssla map was adopted. . .. I S, 10. 12:30 A M. , i stabbed in the latest affray, James O. Beatty. Mrs. MTL. SecUon 2. For the financing o t aaid •Deoutci Sat. Sul aad Holidays I 3:40, 4:40, J:40 •* ,0- A M. "I formerly known as Lakeview Park improvement or purpose and lo meet **8tuuaa* Only 1 6:40 Saturdays Only 1:181:15 MondiMondays William Mumnia, 40, of 50 W. Stoner, Mrs. J. E. Rockafel- and -is now known as "Revised Map 1.58 the part of said 110.500, appropriation | •••Fri.. Sat.. Boo. and BoUdayw 9:40, *:40< 12:15 A.M • . oaly I ProspectAve., River Gar­ low, Keansburg; Mrs. Spring- of Lots at Matawsn Township, Mon­ not met by said down payment, ne­ ■ dIu tax 1 mouth Co., N. J., belonging to Jacob gotiable bond* of the Borough, each _ ^ dens, and Wilbur a. Davis, horn, Matawan: Mrs. William H. Lefferts," made by Ktchard lieu* to be known as "Street Bond *, are 24* an Army sergeant station­ E. Whltacre, Keyport, are ser, C.E., August 10th, 1023, and filed hereby authorized to be Issued*- in in the Clerk’s Office of the County the principal amount of $10,000. pur­ "Save Time - SaVe Money - Save Your Car - Mo Parking Problems ed In Connecticut, already among many voluteers w U o of Monmouth in Case No. 68. suant lo the Local Bond Law, con­ had; had Mr, Williams held have worked during the past Said Lota Nos, 43 and 44 being the stituting SecUon 40:1-1 to 40:1-88 of Drop Ua ■ Card tl 27& B roadnaj. Kejport and We Will Place You on Our Malllnc Llat lor SchednlB Chante* same premises conveyed to Carl the Revised Statutes of New* Jersey. tb r the grand jury for atrocl- month to prepare the Christ* Greene and Margaret Greene by deed In anliclpaUon of the Issuance of aaid ous assault. mas Seal appeals for mailing. Irom.-Herman G. Swerdloff, et ux. bonds and to temporarily finance aaid Today, 18,000,000 Christmas dated March 15th, 1055, and recorded improvement or purpose, negotiable Ralph S. Heuser,—Matawan in the Clerk's Office ol the Countv of notes of the Borough in a principal Seals reached, 65,000 Mon­ Monmouth on June 6th, 1935, ln Deed Asbury Park > New York Transit Corp. attorney representing Mr. amount not exceeding tlO.OOO are mouth .County residents as Book 3860, on page 0. hereby authorized to be Issued pur* ' f AFf'II.IATKI) BOI.LO. TBANSIT ...... ■. Williams, promptly averred Said Lots Nos, 45 and 46-being the suant to and- within the llmitaUons his . client would sign atro­ the 50th annual drive got un­ same, premises conveyed to Carl prescribed by said law. The .maxi­ derway across tbo nation to Greene and Margaret Greene by deed mum' rate of Interest which any or Phone KEYPORT 7-0797 - 7-0360 . cious; assault charges against from -Herman G. Swerdloff, et ux, Mt. Brone and Mr. Murphy. -rAifle_.iimda-_ttL^ombftt_tuberci dated Novr 1st. 1Q54, arid recorded In ulosls. , ...... the Clerk’s Office of the County of Mr. Heuser said, the Union Monmouth on November 15th, 1954, Beach man and his compan- In Monmouth County, the in Deed Book 2337, on page 237. , ion'had Inflicted an "unmere- seal sale alms to raise $38,OQO Seized as the property of Carl Green* and Margaret Greene taken . HU1” beating on Mr.. Williams to_ finance' a * concerted , effort in execuUon at the suit of The Peoplea through' a car; window at the to discover unknown cases of National Bank of Keyport. a body "yme of the' alleged stabbing tuberculosis; help p a tie n ts corporate and to b« sola by IRA E. WOLCOTT, Sheriff. THE on County Rd., Cliffwood, and their families; carry oo Dated Oct. 30. 103d O ct. 30. / ' : ' ■ g e n e ra l h e a lth in fo rm atio n In Karkus, Kantor & Burns, Attya. 100 lines) 11-4 , $34.70 • Mr. Heuser already .h a d An effort to cut down on the Jo nation's number o n e infect!' had Mrr Williams sign .atro- ORDINANCE PHOVIDINC TOB THE clous assault counter-charges ous killer. ERECTION OF A 500,000 GALLON against M r.Mumma and Sgt. ELEVATED WATER -TANK AND THE INSTALLATION OF WATER Dftvls. Mr,’ Heuser said Mr. Entertains At Bridge TRANSMISSION LINE IN AND DY Williams, related he had been THE BOROUGH OF MATAWAN. Mrs. David M. Bruce enter* INTHE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH. beaten^ and kicked while help­ NEW JERSEY, APPROPRIATING less on the1 ground before this talned at luncheon and bridge *88.200 THEREFOR. AND AUTH- Tuesday.- Her guests were. OniZlNO THE ISSUANCE OF *84.- — Tialr-ln-a-scutflB outside Bru- 000 BONDS OR NOTES OF THE .no'ff Pood Market, Cliffwood Mrs. Paul Royer, Shrews­ BOnOUGI! FOR FINANCING SUCH : Ave.. Saturday. - bury; -Mrs. Qeorge Shaw, APPROPRIATION, Kedington Shores, Fla.; Mrs. BE IT ORDAINED by the Borouih Patrolman Ralph Wallace. Council of the Borough of Matftwtn. _ and,;Pranols Cherney, Mata­ Dwight O&twood, Mrs, How­ In the County ot Monmouth (not 1»> ard Veale, Parlin; Mrs. Paul than two-thirds of all membera there* wan Township Police, arrived of^affirmatively concurring) as jgl* "on thef »cene at Bruno’s to Blsh, Mrs. David Gall, Mrs. lind Mr. WHIUms In posses­ Oeorge R. Qaskell, Mrs. El­ Section ,1. The Improvement des* more Kattner, Mrs.*.Peter A. crtbed in Section a of thla Ordinance , slon .of a pocket knife which la hereby authorised aa a general C he admitted using on the two Read, Mrs. Donald W. Rob­ Improvement to be made or acquired inson, Mra, Ppa/ford W. b y 1h4 Borough of Matawan, tn the ' men. Both of them wero tak- .County of Monmoulh, New Jersey.. • - «ri' to Perth Amboy General Schanck, Mrs. R, A. G. Stet­ For the said improvement or pur* Hospital by _ Matawan Town­ ler and Mrs. R. L. Cartan, pose stated In said Section 3. there all of Matawan. Is hereby npproprlated the sum of ship First ' Aid Squad after 489.200, said sum being inclusive of th e fight.' Sgt. Davis-had all appropriation* heretofore made therefor and' including the sum of patches over cuts on his ‘ Food Sale 4.200 as the down payment for said and his arm was ln i cast. mprovemenl or purpose required bjfc flaw and now. available therefor by — Polled received , conflicting The Ladles Guild of Trinity virtue ..of-provlslon-In- a -budgeV&F reports as to what the fight episcopal CliUrCfr“ MStftWaff; budgets of !the Borough previously w a s -about. Mr. Williams will conduct a food sale tomor­ adopted. Section 2. For’ the financing of said' claimed the two men attack­ row nt 9 a.m. at the Friendly improvement or purpose and to meet ed him, and the two men Shop, Main St., Matawan. the part ot said W6.200 appropriation not met by sold down payment, he* jotlalilc bonds of the Borough, each o be known an ’‘Water Bond‘\ are hereby authorized to bo Issued In tho principal amount of $04,000 pur* suant to the Local Bond Law, con* stltuting Scction 40:1*1 to 40:1. The Improvement hereby authorized and the purpose for tho llnnnclng of which said ob\lga* fftl0pV FRIDAY , tlons arc to he Issued is the ereiMUm of a 600,000 gallon elevated water lank nt the present wntcr treatment Pi?? . sllualR the westerly stdo of tv \ n o v e m b e r Middlesex Hoad in tha.Borough ond the Installation of a ten Inch water main from ltavlnc Drlvo to Main 5 dMnnre nf approxlmaielv Itonigh*1./ 4,800 feet in accordance with plans and 'specifications therefor to be prc* pared and filed In the Office of the borough Clerk. . , (b) The estimated maximum amount of bonds or notes t4 bo Is* sued for said improvement or pur* pose is $04,000, (c) The cstlmfitcd maximum amount or money to be raised from on a Now 1957 all source* for said improvement or purpose Is $80,300, tho excess Uierc* of over the satd estimated maximum amount of btfnds or notes to be Is* See it in rca V ic t o r sued therefor being the amount of the said' $4,200 down paymant for said Improvement or purpose. Scction 4. The following irtattera IULL are hereby determined, declared, re* 2 in I cited and stated: (a) The said purpose. described In Section 3 of (his Ordinance la not COLOR • current expense and Is a prop* C0L0RTV erly or Improvement which tho Bor* uugh may lawfully make or acquire as a general Improvement. (b) The period or usefulness of said purpose, within the limitations of Sections 40:1*34 to 40:1-30 of aaid Local/ Bond Law and according to to tlie reasonable liro thereof, ia lorly 140) years. . Phone FREE le) The supplemental debt atate* ment required by said Low has been duly made and filed in tho Office of NlAtawan the Borough Clerk ond a complete DEMONSTRATION executed orjRlnal thereof has 'beca. Other cora have changed models . ; . litis one changes filed in the Olflco ot iho Director ol tho DlvlMon of Ixtcal Government of’ motoring. Look at its rich, racy lines . . . at the long; 1-1045 fRight in your homej tho Slato of New Jersey, and auch low silhouette . . . at the dramatic upsweep of the rear slutcment shows thnt tho gross debt of the Iioroiiflh as defined |p Section fenders that plumo back from the ^vaist like the wake Torsion-Aire Rid£ 40:1*70 of suid Law is Increased by You neVer lo o k e d o f' N O W i this Ordlnnncu by. $8-t,(k>0, and that of,* hytlroplane, It’s n streak of a car with the elegance T o n ig h t ! tho said obligations authorized by pf the boulevard and the spirit of tho speedway. pours the road under y ou! this Ordinance will bo within all debt, ■ V ' - ' . limitations prescribed by said (aw. (d) Tho following Items, as. de­ as good in Cct into this car, drive it into traffic or out on the open fined and nulhorltcd-by Section 40:1* Try Chrysler** new Tondon-Aire Hide tri^l 85 of snid Law, are nnd aholl ba highway and you enter a new domain of travel. In the you'll tli'mk some of the laws of gravity, j charged as a pnrt of the cost of anJU 1957 Chrypler, with its new' Tomon-Airo Ride, motion purposo to be financed by tho Ir* motion and inertia have been'snnpended in' ROYAL TV SALES suance ot said obligations: (1) not has a new ’'fccl-J. And wait till you toe tho ihrottle. A • exceeding $2,000 on account cf tho anything before! your favor. No more rock and roll. No more cost of issuanco of aaid obligations; new Pushbutton TorqueFlito Transmission teams with pitch when you iiop. Chrysler’* new torque and (2) not exceeding $fl,A00 on ac* & S E R V IC E count ot engineering and inspections • mighty airpl&ne-lype V*8 engine, developing up to rod suspension and lower center of gravity costs and legal . expenses: and (3) 825 horsepower, to give you • new higli-vrlocily give you a brand new ground-skimming *‘fe«P not exceeding $4,200 on account of In* 31 Washington St. terest on obligations to finance auch getaway, matchless passing power when you need it. of the road. The wheels ride the contour* . . . coal during the period permitted by but you don't. Tlie road just pour* under you. sold Bcotion, “ • Section &. .The full faith and credit Come in this week and vhil cmr ihowrooma. Sco and MATAWAN of the Borough ure hereby pledged to the punctual payment or tho prln* drive the moat completely new car of tlie year! cip&V of and Interest on the nsld obligations aulhorircd by this Ord* You own a new Inancc. Said obligations shall Ik? dl* can rect, unlimited obligations of the Borough and tho Borough ahsll b« obligated to levy ad valorem .tairs m a V icto r 2 in i color tv upon ad the taxable property within Raritan Garage Bennett's , Inc. the norough /or tha payment bf aaid ohltgAllons and interest thereon with* O nly $3 l17 A W vokl Tul . • — ' ------!«P KEYPORT ' t r £&&8f

SiSuSSLisL A i l i i k Iff't f - ' \ "* i s * ' - * w - j r -.» "** \ V | ; '" YJ^v* \ *■ ^ * rt u c * ? i y . » , -V* .i '•W'W'ilS ^ K-* ^ _ ;... K k j, * 'V x /> *• ■*.■*

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s* L V . » ~ i Is.’ ;.1 '•,'■.t*'**■ s/,r NOW ONLY - Sub-t»#n 8 to 14 Sub-teen 8 to 14 ' Sub-teen 8 to 14 - loro* cordod trim collar .. Leather collai'ftd , S i r 9 8 Flip Hood Collar - C H A T H A M Peerless W001 FliCCi 100% Wool 9 8 t 1 X . 9 8 9 8 - were 25.00 were 22.50 — r- Finest quality toiloririg on t M ore 2 4 i9 0 ’ Perfect for the ^car —r «urel But, thoio «aiy on, • ■ -A top quality coal beaut/ Mfere 25.00- thli lovely wool-ond-nylon, ., , 4 comfy cdatj aro fust a> perfect for a day'i. . any girl wUI be proud lo . tweed coot that** to hand- Wne new Peerjeis woo) woarl With a large collar, lomely topped with a lea- ' ' shopping, spending time outdoor! on a nippy day -tweed wllh lining & I t j <} corded trim and gored ther collar. Royon lin^d. reproceiied wool Interline or for.wear lo-and-from schooll tn caiuat— - ' back. Rayon'lined & re- '100*/. reprocessed wool' Jng. Perky belted bacli, |wo Vtow ipiaih g|o ~proeeiied wool Interlined. ..handy pockeii, Calom ; Interlining. Coloru Grey, ~ttri«d. Seart Barrymcw* collar, 2 styles that look good on everyone. In a Colori'i Red, Turquoise, Cot- : Brown, Orey, Aqua, Sim Aqua, Pink. Slzei 8*to V4. . patch pocktti, d«lochobl« half* b*lt In back. Black only. l« 1 t. wonderful selection of quality fabrics. - tllllon Bluo, Sliei 8 lo M. 8 to U , - m s n e y i p ^ p s n MSM m m m \ STORE HOURS FRIDAY 9 to 9 P.M. SATU RDAY 9 to 6 PM.

Hi- Double Breasted Wool A7Boxyrrull-l«ngih «tyle, rock 'n - L « roll collor, push-up ileevei. 100% reproeeued ■wool. T a ffe ta lin e d .! Navy, 8 to 16. l i e s . $23.00 Rich Wool Fleece % B. Angle-doling box coot with lining. 75*/. wool, 25 /• nylon. Pg»h-up ileevei. Aitorled u X 9 8 colors. 8 lo 18. | O S’. c.t . $23.00 Fitted Coat C. BeauHfully foshioned & warm. With taffeta-lining. Puih-up sleeves. Grey, Pea- ___ cock, Beige. Siies*^! 8 lo Id . f * Rec. $3(1.0 ’ Cuslunere and

\Vool Fleece L y -' D. Rhineslone butlon* and lobl. (J" Snug milium lining. 10% cash* more, 90 V* wool. _ Grey, Beige Pco* y y ^ ^8 ACCENTED COAT cock, Sirei fl lo 10. r. ^ "V FASHION BIOHT lire. S30.00 A. ^xltinff nev wool fl^k fabric’ dressed up with TWEEDY CLUTCH ve.vet buttons ond a cutc Johnny coUpr. nayon lined All Wool Exciting n«w 3 -iltp lacJ. and interlined. Blue, Chftrcoal Orey. d er back coat.., booull. Sizes 6 to 14. # 1 ^ A n fully mode with large £. Ballerina back & a cordigon collor, putli'Up ileevai, neckline. Iridescent tolfetd lin­ Tolfelo lined. ” reg 18.90 r " “ in g . Interlined..— _ ' Orey only In . Grey, Brown, Siies * ^ 9 ilnl 8 lo 16. 8 lo 16. First In FitHliion COAT WITH SCARF ■ li r e . S30.00 All Wool ~ 98 B . W eather-deJjine rayon lined end wool Interlined Cashmere and Wool 5 ' 907r reprocejned w oo! coat w ith perk$r Johnny collar Martinique , Colors: N a v y, charcoal grey, brow n. — Sizes 8 to H f . With smart new mandarin' Mixes • Zibelines neckline, palch poclels. Milium lined. Peacock, Red,. — ——n n n e t , l i t $■ 98 Beige. In »ii*s_# + • Flecks re g 19-90 lo 16. R e r . I » « All Fully Lined

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X / $ ■ i t ■ / % ' r J . J . NEW BERRY CO. m * i v * * " * * * zbukl did not bellev* thi. called voting on the change, Mr. Holtz, defeated' Demo­ A—Th* only part b 1 o o d uiu ii Brewer averred he would cratic candidate for a com- Degree ln Educational Psy­ A s t o r y FO R was the correct procedure plays in cancer Is that of be­ not vote to pay C. H. Sutphen. chology from New York Uni­ and voted against the motion. * THE " versity,' and presently ia ing the carrier of cancer cells Freehold, the contractor,. !or. m f * e, ||&vyp'verl It carried. 5:3. ,_ ,,.... w o rk ed t o ^ w ’^ d m n s e ^ i j l f ffroitff6pe part of ttff.bjfji}tjj tli<5 • W 4 fr UiitYr th e c o m m itte e ' JmatW'. j W aU JJW other. Howeve'r,^ cancer *BefoW tfie" * secretary' could Had Inspected ^fatslirtiotion ithree years, with the wfrter c&ilonaj Psychology., He hap may develop in certain tissues appear at the'township offices to that effect passed unani-: group for a year and‘as cus­ io get'the -check, the ‘mayor been 'em p lo y ed a s youth dl* which form the cells1 of the m o u sly .-1 Mr.: Lanzaro vowed todian for about 10 years. . ‘ P a re r OFouf**4! N ov. 13, 1956 made a statement that the rector -in 'a 1 community center ,, i - n , to inquire further into, the val ' • The committee approved or- m oneybad bfeen-deposited in' in, Teaneck and as a ‘psychia­ ;;q {_i p i le u k e m ia ,, a fo rm j Of idlty of not dolns the w o rk d ^ ln?; 15Q0 copies of a re c e n t­ -..By Margaret A. Leavy . ... ; the bank under the’ Jegil' re­ THE MATAWAN JOURNAL tric group worker in j New cancfci;.? . r’. , stipulated in the' ordinance. ■ii^a ly-passed township zoning or­ quirement that all check# ^nd Established UU -.4 Telephone l*3U3u Ydrk, prior to accepting a ' A—Yes, leukemia Is a gen­ Holtz Resigns dinance, In. book form, for J Mabel Brown. Publiahw position as a teacher in Key­ The Big Football Game , • eralized—'disease which pri­ drafts made out to the. town­ distribution to interested per­ ship’s order must be deposit­ Walter E. Holtz offered his Published every Thursday at port, Hurry and get dressed!" “Here -comes Central. They marily iffects tbe. blood form sons. The committee didn’t Keyport, Monmouth County. N.J. - Ing tissue and usually results ed In ihe general funds of the resignation to the committee By BROWN PUBLISHING AND When.we Initiated the fea- called Judy to her brother are wearing red ^nd black decide whether “the booklets In an overproduction of white municipality immediately on as assistant director of civil PRINTING COMPANY _ -tUxe, entitled “A Story For David. "Daddy’s taking us*“to football colors,1' said Judy, wouldabe sold or given away. blood o e 11 s or uncontrolled receipt., no matter for what defense,, :.member o f the - J r U . T in y T o ta,f’ »we a s k e d -fo r ap* the football game thi’i alter-. ' The big football same be- It was decided to install an growth. A tumor is the ordi­ purpose. The mayor said the township water commission Oaraldin* V Brown .Associate Editor proval or disapproval. It Is a noon.” • , gan. Up and down the field outdoor telephone , booth lor nary sense Is not present ln school board would get' the and custodian of the munici­ *UVSCKlPTIf)N RATES prerogative of the public to. **What fun!" said David. the ball flew. First .the green township committee's own pal' building. The committee emergency purposes In front le u k e m ia . of -the flrehouse. • $4.50 express an opinion, and ■ He began to get dressed, and white players had the draft, as it does for any oth­ ^epted ills resignation with _ again, we ask for criticism, Q—Why don't the white cor­ 2.&0 First he put on his football ball. Then the red and black er payment of school funds. ret. Tbree Months „ 1.50 pro or con, -for this Is a news puscles ln -the blood kill can­ ne Vear loulside atate) . S.OO iult,. Tncn he put on his foot- players took the ball and ran Committee Records Probed r. Holtz said he,was re­ na V«ar (outside U S). . TOO paper of the people, and con­ ball shoes. Last of al) he put down the field with It, cer cells? • NEWSPAPERS, 8 structive comment is welcom­ A—The chief function of the The matter of the fund has ining because of ‘flack, of Tha Matawan Journal ta a newspapoj on his football helmet. . David and Judy were get* o-operatlon" from the com­ Mof tha people, t>y tha paopla and toi ed always. 1 “What are you doing?" ask- ting dizzy trying to keep white corpuscles Is to protect been ' so Involved in months mittee with him on his ,jobs. tba oeopla Ita aim (a to aerva the ed Judy in surprise. “You are track of the football, the body against hacteria or past that -in February the beat Interests of Matawan: to present He said the committee has all of the new. of tha week without not going to play football to- Suddenly they saw one of germs. They kill germs and board appointed a special turned down requests for civil bias dr preiudlce te a clean, aafle day. Daddy is taking us to the Central players .running combat Infection. They have committee to probe commit­ conservative manner respecting ihe •defense equipment and by­ Inalienable rights of our citizens, and w atch the game between down the field toward themj no effect on cancer cells. te e r e.c ords to determine thereby matdnx Itself worthy of their Looking Backward where it "might be. passed the -water group on ON BUSY STREET oonftdenet. . Madison and Central/’ . He carried the football in tils Q—Is pain an early symp- ITEMS ABOUT FOLKS AND ‘-'I have to wear, my football- arm,- A -player .from —Madlson tomof-cancer?...... - Mayor -Jurman -said t h i s occasions...... *, — 'Ileisponslbltlty s p t for typographies! ar- THINGS WE"KNEW IN A—No. except In a cancer •*reri la .. limited...... to the cost . of the . suit if I’m going to a football ran over and tackled him morning there was never any space occimled cy lucb error. THE LONG AGO game," said David.' “My suit right In front of Daddy and of the bone or nerve tissue. intent on the part of the town­ Pain usually is a late.symptom Enured ae second-class matter *1 is green and white. That is David and Judy. ship to withhold the funds tha cost office at Matawan; N. J.. un­ Madison's color, our lteam," The football fell to tho and when it comes the growth from the board at any time. der Me set of March 3. 1B79. Forty Years Ago he said proudly. ' ground and w e n t . bounce often Is far advanced. • The fund, he noted, had not Classified Ads (Issu e T h u rsd a y , N ov. 16, 1916) “X guess you can wear your bounce, bounce right over to- Q_Wliat is cancer? amounted' to $15,000 until the T H U R SD A Y , NOV. 15, 1056 ’the semi-monthly meeting football suit if you want to,” ward David and Judy, A—Cancer is a . disorderly real- estate sales had been FOR SALE HELP WANTED- of the Mhyor and Council was made to swell it to its~pres- said Judy, " but I think it Quickly, Duvld fell on the growth of the cells of the body. A REAL CRISIS held Tuesday evening In the. ent size. He felt same distor­ RELIABLE man. for woPk Jn new* looks ^illy.” ’ ...... ball and held Ifc tight. The If it Is not destroyed or re­ Aluminum Windows car agency as parts clerk. CaU Truck House. Mayor V*'. H. tion of the facts had _ occur­ Keyport 7-4000. * • Last week wheln The Mata­ When Daddy saw pavld referee ran over, moved, it eventually causes Venetian Blinds ' Sutphin presided and Council- red in the political campaign. wan Journal published a box­ dressed in his football suit “There’s a green and white , Fre. Bstlmalea No Mone* Down AMBITIOUS man for work In Kup _ m en Henderson, P a rk e r and helmet he laughed. player holding the ball, he d e a th . ' Tlie board's need lor the Kar) K Frantz. Keyporl f-3403 service station; ideal conditions. ^ ed announcement that it Call Keyport 7-4000. wjis • W Schenck, Watrous and Woolley “We are o n l*y going to laughed. “That means the Q_W hat is the difference be­ new school rooms brought up- n’SED refrigerators Food condl "would not be able, to publish were present. tween normal and cancerous tion 149 »5 *nd up Pete'ai Inc RELIEF cook. Apply In person be* . the score of each individual watch the game. David. You ball must belong to Madison.” a discussion of .hiring more sornor IV Fronl and- Mdin St* Key' _ tween 1 and 4 p.m. any day. Mount ~ Mr. and Mrs.-~.-U.-L. Mo­ cell growth?- ‘ s , Pleasant Manor Nursing Home. 38' bowler In the bowling leagues are not going to play in it," All the people around then* space ln flrehouses. It was port Cali Keyporl 7.2700_____ w(tl loney' returned last week he 8aid. began to laugh and talk at Freneau Ave., Matawan. »jis . la the' area, apparently . It A —N a tu ra l ce ll g ro w th con* reported the Cheesequake ACCORDIONS from a three weeks' hunting NtW ana used hmiehl-snin-rentea r* .SALESLADY, part time in women brought about a crisis among “I have to wear my football once. They patted pavlcl on H ues from b irth , u n d e r thfe’ Fire' Co. was setting a rental paired snd exchanged N i Mu and .children s wear, Some ex* trip tn Maine. Mrs. Moloney 1 'those Interested in bowling, suit and my football helmet,” the shoulder., control of natural body forces of (1050' on the’ use of their »IC‘ Center. 42 Brnad St Keyport Tel pcrlence preferred. Cali Kevport met with great success in* said David. “Maybe I will The Madison football player KEvpnri 7-I47H Le«nna on all in 7*0708. , - , ’wjia thus an explanation Is due to until maturity is' reached. quarters after the installation bringing down the big game, as Urumenta wl'f MALE,, life Insurance career, ex­ : those so vitally concerned get to play in tbe game.” who had made the tackle Thereafter, growth takes of lavatories of - a . size suit: ^All nav baled Call Keyport >. cellent opportunity and training, she shot a moose, two elks “All right,” Daddy laughed, came over and shook David’s about this change Id, policy place only to replace injured able for school needs. Ques­ 1I01>. Swartsel'a Barm Suppllea vvitt salary plus commission. Ages -28 To and a caribou. “You can wear your puit if hand, “That was Quick think- 50. Call Red Bank 6-4048. uJIS . For many years it has been or worn-out tissue. On the oth tion was raised if it would be USED television sets ir "ood condl During Saturday night some tlon Bargains from 129 and up' WAITRESS, experienced. Call Key­ the custom of this newspaper you want to. Come along, chil- in*, my boy,” .. he s a I d. er hand, cancer cells do-not rented for a profit, since person who. had a hankering 'dfen'" 'You’re a good football play- Kete’* Inc. corner W Front and port 7-0970. . - w J15 to use tbe Individual bowling respond to the controls that Cheesequake, was becoming a Main Sis.. Keyport Tel-Ke- 7-4700 after- chtaken for his Sunday FEMALE for clerical work, tome scores for each member in D ad d y an d D av id and Ju d ? er.** keep normal cells In check fire district and the fire com­ riHES completely guaranteed, fill) - typing, general office rouUne. Pleas­ dinner broke Into B. K. Eske- e a c h le ag u e, but* th e n u m b e r found a good place, to stand David's eyes sparkled as he but force their way into the missioners would control the caps in stock for immediate mount ant working conditions, liberal em­ sen’s chicken house and..car* ng. 0 hour service tn recapptng you? ployee benefits. Apply Canterbury of leagues has grown to such right on the sidelined. _ looked at Daddy and Judy, normal cells in the vicinity fire house. It was noted the eatings,‘ Bayshore Tire Co..Co., High Knitters £td„_.Locust St., Keyport;---- rled ft w a y with him two Wouldn’t you like to sit in “You see,” he said proudly, a. proportion that it Is not and . later spread to other L a u re n c e H arb o r F ir e Co; way 39. CHffttood~ Call “ **Matawan * wjl5 choice Brahma bens weighing 1-0SB6. ' wjtl possible to do this Any longer the stands?” asked Daddy. / d id !" parts of the body,. , could rent their quarters for WOMAN for general housework ) day about six pounds each. But David and Judy shook ' "Did what?" they asked in PIN baU machines for home use. a week. CaU Matawan 1-0620-J. First, of-all, the newsprint school purposes for no inore , $25. Louis J. Costa. 37 Pershing wjis i _problem Is. still acute*. and~'tt Large and enthusiastic audl- their heads. “We can see bet- surprise. than cost because theirs was Place, Keyport. Call Keyport 7*0591 ^er here,” they said...... "I did get to play in the, 7-1535. wjtl FEMALE, general office worker, with Is impossible to ~ devote:, one encesrrTwere • present -at -‘the Madison Board To administered as public prop­ '^typing experience. Letter compo­ 99th annual meeting of the Soon the players ran onto football game after all!" said erty by fire commissioners. sition and dictaphone transcribing entire page to bowling, scores, (continued' from page one) FORK LIFT TRUCK, magneto type, useful but not e&tenUal. Salary open, when one does not know Monmouth County Bible Soqi- the field. {‘Here comes Madi- David. “, Lease To Commissioners stand up'drive. CaU Wm. L. Morris, 000 s ta rte d a t th e to w n sh ip good wages, welfare benefits. ' Arch­ where or when the .next news ety, which was held on Tues« $on in thlir green and white “So you did," Daddy and l^r. Meyers explained the Keyport 7-3030. Can be seeq at Key* itectural. Tiling Co., Caes-ft-Jackson the Madison Midtown Associ­ port Weekly office.' wftf Sts,, Keyport.:...... wjl5 print shipment »• may come. day morning and-afternoon in suits!" cried David. • Judy laughed. : ~ ___ Cheesequake volunteer fire­ ation, Informed the schoplmen YOUNG man to handle mail service, Tlie advertisers must be serv* t h e -Matawan: Presbyterian men expected to get aroiit^ board meeting Thursday when TOP soil, 'manure, fertilizer, Ume, stationery, stock room,1'typing and __ed. and normally, the number C hurch. Fire destroyed7 one of the this by leasfteg the flrehouse gcass seed and garden supplies. general office work. Salary open, Caslmlr Zizlk, secretary of Imported tulip bulbs and crocus. of pages printed Jn any news* Senator Henry E. Ackerson, to the fire commissioners, to Kocd wages^weJfare benefits. Arch* buildings of the Fiscjier Bag his brother had found out ln Evergreen shrubs and shade trees. ilectural Tiling Co./ Cass & Jackson paper depend^ upon tbe per* Jr., Keyport, has been r/re-> Cancer and You retain the. status as private Open 9'a.m. to 9 p.m. including Sun* and Burlap Company, at. the Sts.. Keyport.______•_____ \vjl5 centage of advertising. How* quested by Governor Fielder conversation with the may- property. The firemen then day. - Raritan Landscaping,. Michael SECnETARY, general office work, the nignt before there was A.rteUl, Proprietor. Call South A-m* ever, in recent Weeks, it has, to serve as ‘a member of the foot of Dock St., Matawan,* could rent the portion not as­ boy 1-0208. wjtf knowledge of stenography, steady Q—Is there any known set a check for the money in the position, 5 day week. Call Keyport been necessary to print addK StftLe Board of Canvassers for 1 a p t Saturday evening,-, at signed on .lease to the .fire SODA' fountain equipment. Write 7-4074 or Keansburg 6*2157. wjl5 um - cure for cancer? ...... ; * possession of the township j tional' pages s.imply..to accom­ the purpose oLcanvftssinff .the about;8 o’clock; - - , commissione.rs tp the: school ‘Box C in care of this newspaper A—A s.jum is of. value on­ clerk.- He believed this clear­ v ' wjl3 FUEL yard employee with. driver’s modate the bowling scores, vote for United States Senat-’ board like any other private license.\ Hopla, 110 * 3rd St.. Key- Because of the discontinu­ ly against a disease due to a ed up a question as to the GIRLS, 2 piece coat and slack set, frort. ■ wjl3* and we believe, even the ar­ or, Members of the House of la n d lo rd . . . , size 5, price flO. Cajl Keyport 7- ance" of all but" four trains on germ and as far as is known, Whereabouts of the fund ^hat dent bowling fans, will realize Representatives,' for/ Electors,~ Mr. Kordzlnskl and William 3259-W.______^wj WOMAN to do general-housekeeping cancer is not 'caused by a had existed for nearly . 68 and cooking. Excellent conditions, that financially this is not for President and Vice-Presi­ th e F . ii N.Y. H.H., the Rol-' Joyce were named a commit­ nEFRIGEHATOR, Wesllnghouse, 9 5\u day work. Must sleep in, 1 child, g e rm . months. He reported to the cubic foot, excellent condition $50. best policy. dent and Governor. lo Transportation Corporation tee to study the use of the 2 sdults. Experience not neccssary. board the mayor said the Cali Matawan 1*1832. wj!5 Write Box G in care of this news* Secondly, for several years The first snow of the sea­ Q—Can immunity to cancer' second lloor ol tiie flrehouse Pflptr. • " ' wjl5 son came yesterday.. During has taken over the carrying schoolmen could have the WALL PAPER finest imported and. the newspaper has had only be acquired like dlptherla and on the South Old Bridge Fire domestic-- decorator papers .'and of mails between the Mata­ fund by asking for it. . one Bports writer. Now them the night it fell sufficiently to typhoid' fever? * Co. for school purposes. companion fabrics; also mrdiuni and Upon this information. lower priced papers. Burlew’s ' FOR-RfeNT are two. "Thus space must be cover roofs of houses but not wan railroad station and th^ A—As Immunity is Possible The board received $9382.08 Studio, 154 First St., Keyport. Key­ leave ft mantel of white on James E. White moved and avallableBfor live sports news* Freehold post office, tempor­ only through a disease caused as half yearly payment of portMW5.______wj!5 BEAUTIFUL 8 ’ room house in coun* Mother Earth. Harold Meyers seconded a try,'7 minutes from Mq^van sta­ Jiom , th* atc&B wMcb WiB a rily , _ .. ’ ’*■ • hy a germ, it .cannot be de­ motley due from the State Former _ Mayor 8. B. Eg­ motion to have »the Aboard sec­ - THANKSGIVING tion with option-to buy. 0 acrey, _puWir*tJon covers. Jn order veloped agatast cancer. ■ Department of Education for privacy, reasonable rental to the.,, gleston spent tiie weekend at No sooner had John Nun- Q—How many'cancer din-* retary. Irving Zochs, pick up U> ta k e c a re o f this problem, buildlnr purposes or school ■ " TURKEYS . . right people who •,will rare /«r Pr^P’r:?‘' SayvJJle,, L. I., nnd_ oq fintur- zifito. Onk Shades, been un­ the check directly as long as and to meet , the tremendous ics are there in New Jersey? u p k ee p from tbe cigarette Live .50 per.ib. over 13 lbs., under erly. Call 10 a.m. to < p.m. ^ a!f« day and Monday !uied' n}s eye it was dated' not more than wan 1-0223-W. . Interest the many children, tangled* from a collison, yes* A—There are 46 hospitals lh ta x . - . . . .55 per 3b. Order now.’ Siano’s nnd gun at duck'shooting, and three months; in arrears and Farm Market. Highway 35. Call Mid- NEW modern home to share -wUh . athletes and parents have In terdny morning/ when his the atate which have approv­ Rossmeyer & Weber, Bus riletown 5-0442-J._____.. wjl5 bOsiness uoman. rnust have ref­ with: a measure of success, ed cancer clinics to which pa­ was m^de out so that 'it could high school sports, some truck, which was towing an­ Co.,'Metuchen. was awarded GIRLS hlcycle 26" also; boys bicycle erences to stand investigation. Handy too,. He needed some recrea­ tients are referred .by their either be cashed by the board location, reasonable. Inquire 60 Lin­ phase of the sports world th e c o n tra c t fo r R o u te 17, 24*', good condition, reasonable. Call tion after the stjrenous work other truck, * stalled on the doctors nnd which are sup­ or endorsed over to the board Keyport 7-1207.____ wil5 coln Court, Keansburg. wjis bad to be coveted. P a r t 1', on its b id oi $5200. I t s he put in during the political tracks of the New York and ported by funds of the Amerl- by the township. The motion FAHMER’S & -MERCHANT'S- bank APAHTMENT_3_raomg^.Bji Thirdly, g o 11 i n g bowling Inquire 68-‘ Atlantic St., Matawan; ; campaign, - which' ended last can Cancer Society. carried Donald Borst, presi­ figure onJPart 2 of $4000 was Stock. Bid ask 44. CaU Lone or call Matawa .vpn 1-4846-R after 5 p.m. scores in type is a problem, Long Branch Railroad with too high. Marathon Bus Co., Branch Q-0GS7 |U . . wjl 5 week, and it Ib a matter oi Q—Is cancer a blood dls: dent of * the board, Charles because of the time It takes; an oncoming Pennsylvania ex­ South Amboy, got tfie con­ SOKA *25^ Caii” Matownn 1-4B12-J. satisfaction to us that he wns e a se ? . Thompson, and Stanley ftofd- ■ ■■ •______115 APARTMENT. 4 rooms. Inquire 137 lhe lightness of the carbons Main St., Matawan or call Mata* more successful in ■‘his hunt, press train within sight. He tract, oh a bid of $3580. Mr. won 1-463G between 9 a.m, and, 6’p.:n. nubmiUed, and the different for ducks than in corralling was out of gas. Henry Wash­ M eyers announced a new SERVICE wjIS types of writing one has to route. No. 32, had been es­ the votes in the borough. ington, flagman on duty at APARTMENT, a rooms,- heat,—sas re a d . tablished because the number and electric furnished;-. Call.Key* the crossing, apprehended the port 7-3034. wjl5* It la not our intent to hurt Twenty-Five Years Ago of pupils, attending Matawan TELEVISION SERVICE approach of the Pennsylvania APARTMENT, 4 rooms,' all improve­ the bowlers, or have them llfipue Frldny, ^Jov. 20, 1031) High School from ^ladlson Call u> for reliable rv_ service; tele­ ments. on 2nd-floor.' inquire Jan- feel we are-not interested in That the taxpayers of New express In' time to avert—a. Park, has increased so rapid­ vision antennas repalrei and instal­ kic£. Highway 34. Box 42, ;Soulh of ly. led We al«o repair radios and smaU Lloyd Road. Matawan. ' j22* lhelr1 sport. That is not true, Jersey li.a v e supported th e catastrophe. ' electric appliances. nnd we tried, to arrive at a public school system Uf the Ten Years Ago " “ HOUSES FOR SALE . solution' that, would be a hap­ state with open-hand generos­ VILLAGE TELEVISION py, medium. If the bowlers ity is abundantly reflected In (Issu e T h u rs d a y , ^loVi 21, 1046) Drunken Driving BUILDINGS to move delivered to have any better suggestions a study, in the constantly L a w re n c e W. Lemalre, 20 E. FRONT ST. .vour ^rnperty Cheap All 'morove* (continued from page one) ments Mo orice ver onnne “High* to make, we are ready and mounting costs of public edu­ Edgemcrc Dr., Matawan. was KEYPORT wav 13. Manaiapan- Hhnne £n«l>«h* willing to listen. ca tio n sln cc th e y e a r 1900, appointed to membership on sued summonses to Paul J. town 7-3521 Maillnr address, Harry The nverage cost of education tlie Matnwan Township Board S ta rk e . 19, N ew Y o rk ; Jo h n KEYPORT 7-3081 N Fnrman Box 187 Freehold.. «'Hf Too Big Alone E . D olan, 32, of 31 W eldon ______n-JU FIVE room garage, apartment, work ANOTHER NEW FEATURE per pupil - h a s In cre a se d 502 of Education at the Novem­ shop, oil heat, aluminum storm win­ per c e n t sin ce 1001, and in ber meeting to 'fill the unex­ “It's time 1o gO to school.” courage ht.m. The answer Rd., Matawan. and’ Lloyd C. DON’S TV SERVICE dows, real cheap, $5500, Call nfler The Mntawan Journal Ib try the 1 ? y e a rs , 1018-1030, th e pired term of A. Adam Remember your school days; they give is loo often not the Mason, 21, of 135 Jackson St., For Tail efficient radio and television 12 noon. Matawan 1-4419. *1« Ing constantly to build up average cost per pupil had _ Bunkc, who submitted his res­ that statement, should be fa­ answer Johnny’wants to hear. Mntawan, after a collision be­ service call Mntawan 1-.1/144 witf UNION REACH. 3 bedrooms, kltchcn,. reader Interest. ■ We realize I ; ^ ‘n“nVed To" iili.js'p er suT tween cars operated by Mr. ANDNCAPING H'tMding and main living room, dining room ignation becnuso business af­ miliar. To your. children U is “Not now i Johnny, I ’m tennnre nf vour grounds om spec hot water, coal heat, asking $6000. that one of the most import- J clcni. • fairs prevented his regular at­ a reminder of a Job they do busy , . “who cares . . Dolan and Mr. Mason. It was . any: lop toll manure, fertilizer lime Priced for quick sale,, owner will found the latter driver, had I *• st™* nd t «i Kevnon consider mortgage. Carlton H. Pol* ant parts of any newspaper I Monday morning Mayor tendance at bonrd sessions. each day and will continue to and a variety of sure fire in­ ing. Real Estate Broker. CaU Key* is feature material. This Christian Heuser. Councilman T h e M ata w an T ow nship do fo r a t le a s t 10 yenrs of terest stoppers. been the one to come to, a — ■■ ■ •------wW port 7-1018. uJ15 week, at the author’s request, George Barrett, chairman of Board of Education at is No- their lives in this part of the The first few times Johnny skid before the crash iind TV SERVICE MATWAN, 2 story, comer hotne, kit­ w e in tro d u ce a colum n en* vem b’CT’'' m e etin g ap p ro v ed a that the Starke car hnd clear­ chen. dining room, living room. 4 the Water Committee, , and nation. That call Is not for continues to test his family's 26.Years With Service bedrooms and - bath,' fuU- cellar, pas titled, “Let's Talk Children," Borough Attorney Jacob R. six-point p r o g r a m grant­ theni-. thls time, lt isJor- you. Interest In him and his job. ed the others. Leo Weinstein, heat, f'1500. Priced for quick sale. by Thomas B. Haver, teacher riADIO TV AND SMALL- Lefferts appeared before the ing “cost of living lncrease,r tKfclr p a re n ts , - ’ But soon after being answer­ Matawan, was attorney . tor APPLIANCES Carlton H. Poling, * Real Estute Brok* of geography and science in Bonrd of Chosen Freeholders bonuses to teachers npd em­ Jo h n n y Jones h a s been ed with these "push asides” Mr. Mnson. The crash occur­ cr. Call Kevport 7*1018. " J15 the seventh and eighth grades re d on R o u te 18, TEN EVCK RONSON INC KEYPORT. - nicety located ranch asking for aid from the Free* ployees In the system and es­ spending about five hours a he raises a question. “Are UP TOWN ON MAIN ST.. ’ house. 2 bedrooms, living room, of th e - Keyport Grammar holders for Matawan. Perjnls* tablishing, rctronctlvc to Sept day, five days a week each Mom and- Dad Interested in Jo se p h S a n to r a ,'. 18, of 18 MATAWAN kitchen, bath, breezeway and..Karoge; S chool. Daniel Dr.. Middletown, paid MATAWAN 11000 gas heat, gas Tange, screens, storm slon wus asked lo lay a pipe 1, 1646. a m in im u m s a la ry of year in school since his fifth mj- school, if they’re not.who ______- wlU windows and Venetian blinds. $1.1,500. Mr, Haver is experienced in nlong the county road for the $1800 to all re g u la r te a c h e rs birthday; Ever wonder what will be? After ail, they are n fine of $5 and $5 costs of OIL stoves and door furnances Cnrlton II. Poling. Real Estate Brok­ the field of “Childhood Emo­ proposed extension of water who were members of the he’s doing? sure you have, my parents. court for operating his auto­ rlcanril and repaired, kitchen burn­ er. Call Keyport ^1018. _ v,-j I» mobile wllh a defective muff­ ers find floor furnances *old and In­ tional Development.’’ d u e ‘o mains which are soon to be 1045-46 s ta ff and w hose con but never have gotten around There also is some work stalled. . Call Keyport 7-!ll23 uitf KEYPORT. ” 2~story frame home" le r. . dining ronm. living room, kitchen his forma) education and past installed along the Morris­ tracts called for a salary to visiting his school. Johnny did, hi school: a pro with electric stove. 3 bedrooms a^d employment. He received his scale of less than $1(100. RUSSEl.l’S RADIO- bath, full finished cellar with lava­ town Rd. and Aberdeen Rd. Johnny started out this 'fall lect he helped w ith/a draw­ tory, 2 car garage, 114,800.- Carlton Bjchelor of Science Degree ns part of the emergency re­ The Sister Elizabeth Kenny as many other children begin­ ing his teacher has displayed: & TV .11. Poling; Real Estate Broker. Call from Seton Hall University. lief plan which the borough F o u n d atio n 1046 a p p e a l for ning a new year. Ills heart work that he was proud ot. Road Work Change When vour TV ncedn service cal, kKeypnrt_7.n)18.______wjl# South Orange; his Master's officials are planning, llOjOOO in funds to fight drend was full of promises to him-' Mat 1-6070 Cllfhvnod. N J Serv Tport 7-l!>18i East Keansburg, in charge of up and about the marks he Johnny simply tears up the thing further to do with the H. Mclnlnsh ' . >'jl» the Keyport-Kcansburg area . Mtddte Uoad. Keyport would Ket. The terms went on mimeographed wmte sheet matter than to make this re­ Keyport 7-50C<-J driv e. ’ and those promises became that began: “Visit your school port required of him as town- wju LOST The borough fire ./■depart­ dim and his interest flipped o n ” » * township engineer, lie said CAItHLNlfr.il and Dulidlnf conttBctoi u m r ~i«lra.\ecl i>r sto!r,i on Frida>V ment and the Frenenu Inde­ away. Johnny even becomes This starts n long line of tlie Union Illll work cost J. O Meisger florence Ave. Key N(>veml>ef 3lh, bl:^% and uhite pendent Fire Co. early Tues­ a little “ p ro b le m ” w hen thf/ port New Hntnes »ara^ei: all altrr hound dog; also large t.m unllce dog. let downs for Johnny Jonea. *3500. • aitons »nr repairs Ea^v financing James Warnork. 5<0 Line Hoad, Mat* day evening battled 'u live alarm goes off each morning. Most of them he doesn't even Mayor IleuponMibtc ■irrangfU Call Keyp.ir* 7415!) witf au an. Call Matawan l-t7B4-». \vjl3* w hich g u tte d the amiWI dwell* Is the Job too' big for the HUi.i.tiii z i n u loti cleared cellara notice and Just accepts as he Mayor .Dennjs Buckley took lanks oni4 leutici dug; |0t», rarasei Ing of Charles Clayton on tlio little fellow? Is he having did his “Not now, Johnnies." th? responsibility for making and wnoi fillet* md ended, drive WAITED north hunk of Lako Mnlawan. trouble learning h is work7 cindered. es was .estimated unofficially at are many Rood answers to soli Dumn Irurkj mr hire Eckel in a 3 room hentr-d pleasant apart* / errors. All of us know there with enough of the commit­ Urptherv lenneni Road. Morgan ment in Malayan. Address Elderly 11500. Hint but let’s go b&c£ to the should b* something done teemen to know It was the vtlle. Call . Matawan 1-1845. ju Woman, In care of Vhe Matawan Tempers flared and heated size of the Job. about them. Of course there will of the majority, lie' dis­ ODD J.ibs aniMtgiuTaiilln^ AUics Journal. T ilS*. remarks flew at the 3la-houi’ Those 10 years are long are many times when “wc ami cellars cleaned, refine hauled claimed any Intent ,to slight away, rteanonahlc rates. Call Ma*- November meeting of the hard ones for the (julckly de-‘ Just can't help It.” If these Mr. Lntuaro and insisted he a'\an 1-2427-H. WANTED TO BUY Matnwan Township Hoard of veloplng Johnny, and Just as times are real exceptions, our did not feel a matter of such ALL types of antiques Dolls. !>»>»* furniture^i.t.w ib j chinav u u i* glassware c and oldw.— Education as the majority1 his parents must help. him Johnnies will understand, , for an obvious n£ed for a change Mowers Sharpened jawelrr‘ Opportunil* opo Shop. —Th* - *■Mat* membership expressed open tlirough other phases of his we have shown hin\ hy_our required a special meeting. Dlade-Ktte l.awn Mower Service Uiewf.. U_5 . Brn.Brnadwav Kevport Calj Hand and power mowers sharpened K evport 7*1448; resentment at statements of development they must help interest, understanding. If our Mr. Lanzaro was adamant, repaired mid reconditioned. We call fellow-member Franklin 3. him with this one. No, tho Job help is sometimes not accur­ “ S o m e th in g ’s w ro n g ,,, -he p ro ­ for and deliver; all work guaranteed; Anderson, who failed in 'an Is not too big, if his parents al«n ice skates thatpened, at! type Real Estate For Sale ate our. Johnnies,'nt least, nre c la im e d . “ M y vo te ». HIGHWAY frontage 205 X 1>»' an i forego action on approving it pojite Blodgett*. IB x 40 buliding, 3 bedroom*. K't- One day this month John- concerned. . spent ■ on certain roads. I rhcn and bath. rea«>nat)le jMin. new set of by-laws pronemed 1 iiy came home esclted abo'm I , lt Is time for nil of us'as didn’t vote for other roads. I Trahachlno. Mata'van |*1L17-M. by tlie rules committee. information ht* had learned : parents to go , to school want^jny vote respected.'’ Situation Wtinted The basketball team spon-; ab^ut a foreign country. “Do each day through our chil­ T|ie aroused committeeman ' ! l Tor «ti h p e » ol cur USED CARS sored by Malawan Post 176/you know what Bwetlen pro d re n . w hen the school invite** tains site itratch cnrialnt tr .nt Ihcn (lulled t|ie others on' the own •'em* ,'rompi service C«ii American Legion, will be duces?" Johnny Is interested our attendance, and through governing body to see wlmi ‘'‘,"»'_*rnho\ i-TMis ^ CIIKVnOLET, lOJfl, Bel Air 4 ('■tor , forced to play all of Ita gaiops In telling that he has learned. Vb. jwmtr glide, fully equipped. Calf participation In the Parent (hey know of the mayor’s ac­ WII4-. itora|j. t>p««~o(,tji?'t>ptng at borne,, Ke»port 7-OOaJ J.l. 1111* 011 the rond. or at least ihose ■ hfl wants his parents to^ihare Teacher Association. tion. Daniel P, Brewer, Jr., 3 >#ars eaperltnci*. Call Kevport 7-32fi5-h._ • ^ wjll* 8TUDEOAVR1tp*r li « , scheduled prior to completion \ in his own pride of hit 'eart* Johnny !ft dotng a Job. Wc and Charles McCue ackhow- rhampion atarlfgnt eiub C'>ui>*» decays thf Want Aa. Cj»)llns, Mat*«an im 4>r be ft f.lftr. Call MatawMt *• 4ns. . v , . . ^ W ' ' r - - . * Marlboro Auxiliary Frank Goes Announcement Of THE ' T Insignia Presented To College For A Day Church Directory MATAWAN JOURNAL M. E. Haley Hose Co. Aux­ Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. r , ., .. The official Insignia of the A Matawan father became a CUffwood Commtmltr First BapUii Obarcb ’ The Licensed Practical iliary-wili hold ’ a cake'" sale Currie attended. Alumni Day N ov. IS, 1856 Marlboro Hospital Auxiliary college student for a day on r » n F i v » ,, Friday, at Spotless Cleiners. S a tu r d a y , at Perklomea Prep • Methodist Chnfob t32 Main St., Malawan Nurse Association of New Jer­ was presented to new mem­ Saturday, as the honored guest Rev. Lawrenco R Bailey Main St., Matawan. beginning School. Pennsburgi; Pa, They Rev Richard Yauisy Pastor sey, Division 10, .met Friday of Bethany College, 'Betliany, bers at a repent meeting of at 10 a.m. .. attended $e cornerstone lay­ Sunday morning worship Is - - •" „£astor Channfng PI Cla^" ‘r • it West Virginia. Frank M. Bunt: “Giving Thanks” will be nlglit in the solarium of the the auxiliary/ Mrs, William Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ml- ing ceremonies for the recre­ at 9 a m.; cburch school at 9:45 ing, went, back to the class- the sermon topic at both tho Rlverview Hospital, with Mrs. Honored At Diniter , dura, Newark, were Saturday ation building, the* alumnae a.m.; and Uie evening service Jones, Holmdel, membership roam with his daughter, Bar­ 10 an d 11 a.m . serv ic es on guests of Mr. ('and Mrs. luncheon, the football game at 8 o’clock. - .. Dorothy Reed, president, pre­ A testimonial dinner iionor- and education, chairman, pre­ bara, a sophomore at the col­ Sunday. Tho aervloe will In­ James A. Farley, NM^tawaa. and the dinner which follow­ P ra y e r a n d Bible S tudy la siding. ■ ' Ing Channlng P. Clapp, Mata* tented the arm patches, lege. ' clude a Dedication Prayer tor ed. M r. Ourrle graduated held Wednesday evenings at Announcement was, . made wan. manager of maiiufactur*, Walter H ... .Jones, Jrir- CT3, The occasion was the annual Iho visitors vln the every w hich a r e to b e^ w orn on tUe from Perklomen; C 1 a ss of 7:80 o’clock. ing" of Uio Carborundum Com­ spent the weekend with his “Dad's Day*’ at Bethany, on member canvass. A nursery th a t a new wane scnl& wns regulation cherry regl smock, 1914. .. Prayer meeting is hel’d'-on pany, Rofractorles Division, parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. which fathers beoazne students Is conducted for children appfoved for the LPN as of Friday at 8 p,m. Povlh Amboy; Henry M. Kill*" to Mrs,.Royal Gibson, Rum- Jones, 28 Middlesex St. He is Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald for a day to observe and share whose parents wish to attend Sept. 5, as follows! Eight-hour mar, plant manager; John fl, son; Mrs. Edward Lange, In­ attending scbool at Fort Dev* Miller attended the Princeton- the campus'activities ot their Trinity Epiicopal Church the 11 o’clock service, Sun­ d a y , $13; eight-hour d a y , m en Gnynor. ■ manager, manufao* terlaken; Mrs. Stanley Meltz- en s, M ass. Harvard football game at offspring. Mr. Bunting and the day School meets at 10 a.m, ' Main St., Matawan tw rina enKlncDrh>K. and R o b ­ off, Pair Haven; Mrs. George Ronald C. VanMeerbeke. 3 Palmer Stadium, Princeton. other fathers attended classes, with classcs for cach ago tal, $1(1; etght-hout; doy, more Rov. Bernard McK. Garllck ert E. McLeod, plant 'ongli Pope, West Deal; Mrs. Wil­ Woollfey St.. Is a freshman la S a tu rd a y . had luncheon with the students group. T lio M en 's C lass Is th a n ono p a tie n t, <18; eight- - R ec tal neer, who recently were pro­ liam Post, Matawan; Mrs. the day undergraduate (jlvl- Mrs. Jac Cushman enter­ at noon, and attended the Beth* held ln the parsonuge. - hour day, mother and baby, moted to the positions' ludl-' Peter DeBona, Llncroft, and 'Sion of Newark College of En tained her bridge club any-Marletta football game ln Confirmation will be held at Mld*wock prayer and Bible $13: 10-hour d a y , $1S; 12-hour cnted, was held at Yo Cot* to new members, wbo were glneerlng* Newark, according Thursday. Prize winners^ were the-afternoon, St. Peter's Church. Freehold, Study Is held Thursday even* tiny. (IB; hourly nursing (3 tagc Inn. Keyport. recently. . n o t present, who Include: to Dean Frank A. Grammer, Mrs. F. Howard Lloyd, Jr., During the evening the fa- tomorrow at 8 p.m. ing at 7:30 o'clock. . ' - T h e - a f f a ir , sponsorod t _bjf Mrs. C. Coakley Graves, director of admissions. Mr. the hostess. ,nnd Mrs. Sterl­ thers'gathered ln~the loungo of The 25th Sunday after Trin­ first hour, 1150 nor hour for ity, there will be Holy Com­ First Methodist--Church r thn C o m p a n y Management Marlboro; Mrs. Fnrnk Kid- VnnMeerbeke Is majoring In ing Thompson,' jr., Middle­ Die Bethany Houso for n “Dad’s cuch additional hour up to tour; munion ut 8 a.m.; Family Main St., Malawan Club, wns under tbo chair*’ well, Llncroft, and Miss mechanical engineering. town. Mrs. Baynard Smith Smoker.” There they heard Rev.- Albert-D—Curry—Pastor adniinlsLorUig a _ hypodermic manahlp-of-Oeorge— ~ ,tfene~FD st, M a ta w a n ."7 .... V h s -a'substltdte. ’ .. an address by the college presi­ Euchnrlst- and . eburch-school Pfc. Bayard T, Lamborn, at 0 a.m. and a spcclal par­ nceille, if no other nurso Is on sen. Asalstinn him wero Ste*. dent, Dr. Perry Eplcr Gres­ Sunday School begins at Volunteer hours given by Jr., who V&s stationed at M rs. Henry Kenarney, phon J. Petvrosnk, Hobert ham. The final evciU of the ish meeting at 9:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. At tho B:4f> nnd 11 duty, $1,50; 20-hour duty. J20. auxiliary members were an­ The Presidio, San| Fraijotsco, Princeton, spent Tuesday with a.m. ■ worship siM'vlccs, th e D 1 li1. o 1, Duncan Morrison, evening was the showing of mo­ Officers will be Installed at ' Committee heads wore nam­ nounced at the meeting by is spending a 30-day furlough her sister, Mrs. J. Donald Tliurman Nealls, and Alton tion pictures'of previous Beth­ Ihe meeting of tho Ladles pastor’s sermon ’'iiubjcct will ed ns follows: Mrs. Mnble Mrs. J. Berkeley Gordon. with his .^parents, Mr. and M iller. W<^ny. ; any football games. - Oulld on Monday at 6 p.m . be “ In Anticipation of Flrehopk, |)roB.rum; Mra, Mil .Marlborpj patient serv ice Mrs. Bayard T. Lamborn. Harvey S. Stonaker return­ The Rev.. William T. Whlto Thanksgiving Day.’ ilieil VuRt, m e m b e islilp ; M rs Kuch of tlu* guests was pre­ chairman. A total of over 1100 Pfc. Lamborn will leave Nov. ed h om e Saturday f r o m The program, according to . : - . • . ■ • . - I will be the celebrant at Holy U. Covert,-publicity; Mrs. Jo­ sented with a gift commombri ' hours was given in the recre- 29 for duty in T okyo, Ja p p n . Perth Amboy General Hospi­ Dr. Gresham, served a four­ David’s Emmanuel Tabernacle Communion on Thanksgiving sephine Tlghe nnd Mrs, Oert- aUuK tho occasion, - -About M -..-. 'atforial ’’therapy department, Mrs, Ralph W. Herrick en­ tal, where he had, been a fold purpose: Fathers who went Apostullt> Fatih D ay a t 7 ;45 a.m . rude Powell, co-hostesses; members of the club were la- the occupational therapy de- tertained her bridge club at mcdical patient for three to college themselves, $ot a Roosevelt A ^» Cdlftwood Mrs, Lunelte* Wliulon, ways attendance, , ' “ paHment; the garden, library luncheon Thursday. Winners w eeks. . 1 chance lo re-llve some ’bf their Second Baptist Churcb. Rev^ Ruth/pupreo Paston nnd means, nnd fylrs. Evelyn andv “ V an ity F a ir ,” plus In- were Mrs. J. Raymond A luncheon and bridge par­ campus experiences; fathers Orchard tit., Matawan AtVtho 8 ((’clock sorvlco this4 who weren’t lortunate enough Clients, education.. Square Dance Planned organizational work during Ketchel, the lio n e ss, and ty held at ’the Echo Lake Rev. W. J, Hutcheson, Pastor evenlng.rEIaer Lucy .Maxwell^ to attend college got a chance Perth nmboy, will bo _tho Pinal plnim for tiie Clirls!- September and October. Mrs. William n. Craig. Country Club, Westfield* Nov. _ T he W illing W o rk ers.. Will -The flrsr meeting rtf tlio to see first hand whnt college sppflker..'Tlie sorvlco la Bpon^ miis pnvty were mnde for Deo. “ Vanity' Fair," - the auxiliary Mr. and Mrs: Willalm C. 7 was nttended ' by Mrs. Fred­ sponsor a concert by tho month of tlie C41Ilwot>a: Fir# life is like; all fnlhers wero sored by 61stor Mary Clifton 14. it will bo held nt the homo clothing shoi which distrib­ Noddings and daughter, Sarah erick Noble, Mrs. May Mycr Westfield Qunrtcb tomorrow Co, was held TucstfSy at tlie able to see their sons and Tomorrow at 8 p,m, tho of -Nfrij. J a n e F isk , 10 C reek utes donated clothes to needy Ellen, were Saturday dinner and Mrs. Galdys Todd, Holm­ evening at 8 o'clock. Flrolfouse. rln n s fo r 111* daughters *'ln. action” on the Rev. Ford, Asbiiry Park, will lid., Keansburg, With Mrs, p a tie n ts g ave “ o u t .895 g a r ­ guests of Mr. and Mrs. John del, and Mrs. J. Raymond forthcomlhg square d an o t, ments to 198 men and womea cnmpus and in the classroom; Sunday moyning worship Is bo tho speaker, sponsored by Flrehoek, Mrs. Voil mid Mrs. Chlsmar, Fords. t Ketchel, Matawan. • - Saturday»4)ov, 34, 'wero dis­ during October, according to fathers had an opportunity to a t 11 o'clock with the sermon Sister Lois Boyco. \ Powell oil Ihe" commlltee, A Mrs. Conrad ,Johannsenien- cussed. .Tickets for. tlio. dnnc# Mr. and Mrs..... Edwin H. talk - with the professors who to bo dollvorcd by tho pastor, Sunday'School • is at 10 a:mr covered- dish"“auiipor-wlll -bn' Mrs. Marshall Longstreet, tertalned at bridge 'Nov. 7. may be purchased from sny Matawan, chairman, ' Dominick werevguests of Miss tench their sons and daughter! nnd muslo by the. Junior and the morning sorvlce at 11 aorvert and entertainment will Winners . were the hostess, momber of the lire company, Edna Stevens, 'Franklin, on and to discuss with them the choirs. At 7 p.m. the Candle­ o ’clock, bo furnished, Mrs. Lewis. Brooks, Red Mrs. William J. Rabel. and Armistice1 Day. , light Singers of Bellovllle will or at tlie-rJoor, MUslo will ba students' merits and problems. Mrs. Hood, Mr*. Covert, Mrii. Bank, auxiliary president an­ Mrs, Joseph Baier. O t h e r present a song' program. This Keyport Reformed Churoh provided by the Baddlo Pals, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund L. Flak, Mrs, Enimu Berry and nounced that many gifts have guests .were, Mrs. Frank H. service Is sponsored by the Warren 81,, Koyport a well known square! dune* West entertained F rid ay Mrs. Harriett Miller, • all offi­ been presented'to the hospital Bliss, Mrs. Frederick Dede- u sh e rs. , .-■ Rev. Roderlok N. DeYouug bar.dr from thi* area, for the patients’, bene M t evening, Their guests were cers of Division^ 10, ■ recently rick and' M rs., Elmore ■ Katt- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dvors- YOUR , On Sunday, Nov,'- 25, at 3 ; P a s to r : , _ through tlie “effort of the aux­ attended a dinner In Clifton, n e r. < cak, Pompton Plains; Mr. p.m.', tho Dukes of Harmony. Sunday Sohrol mools at 0(30 Entertain* Demi iliary.1 Among the gifts.- are G A P t f glvcn-ln honor of M rs, Stella Mr. .aind Mrs. Frederick K. and Mrs. John Marko, Plain­ Newark, will tender : a fiong a.m., nhd^r the suporvlsion ot t’w o higlMiaellty, four'Speed Hurrla, stale president, . Mrs, aenovleve DonntU, . Dederlck attended a family field; Mr. and Mrs. Edward service, sponsored by the pas­ Garrett Post. An organ modi* record players; several eleq- Miss Anna^ kerinerup, state Matawan Borough Councllwo- dinner, Saturday at the home Black‘, . Sayrevllle; Robert tor's aid olub. • t a tion Is' preseoted by ^irir trie'; razors which Laurence and -natlonSt'- seoretary, Was man,, entertained tho Domo- of Mr, and Mrs. Warren De- Black. Scotch Plains; Mr. and John Sargurton at 10:30 a.m., Taylor, Holmdel,; was instru­ honored guest at the meeting. orntlc members of tho eleo- derlcki Summit. • Mrs. .Duncan Black and Miss First Presbyterian Churoh and tho morning worship serv* mental In obtaining; three 116 Mala 8 t„ Matawan Uen board, a n d , commltteo Members of the Teachers1 Lynn West. . .. • • • By Your . : Ice-lsjitt. 10:45 o'clock, . b r a s s and , bronze reading mbmbera: Monday ovcninr at Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Mor­ Rutgers Garden Reporter . Rev, Cheitei* Galloway t ^ . Ju n io r -Y-0 u t h: Fellowship Chriitmai Plant Made - lanips- donated-by ^M r. and P?yb spent Saturday Jn her' homo, M a I d o ii Lano, N ew York, attending the rison and Mrs; Fratik W. „Atlthei twb Sunday inorning meets tho f 1 r a t, seoond and At Ladiei Aid Meeting Mrs; *. Douglas' Downs, N e w 'Mums tn Landscape Matawan, Assistant Prosecu* evening performance of "The Kerney spent the -weekend services at B;30 and 11 third /Sundays of tho month at Shrewsbury; a large quantity M o s t homo landscapors tor Jolm Applegate was th o Most-Happy Fella," followed with Mr. and Mrs, Richard o'clock, held ^ in the leoture 7 p .m ., an d S en io r Y outh Pol* Plans .wero m ad a for. a of paper Scuffs made by Oirl spoclal guest of the evening. by dinner at Leone's. Those W. Kerney, Warwick, - . - frown on* extensive use of room at tlio old churoh site, lowshlp tho same evonUiKS at Christmas party to bo^lield at Bcoucs ot the Shore council. flowers in the front yard. Tho attending were Mrs. Rensse­ Mr. and Mrs William j. th e pastor’a Thanksgiving 6 o’plook, ...... th e n e x t m e etin g ,. Deo. 11, a t A..large oil painting by Mrs. laer L._ Cartan, 1 Mrs.- Gerard Rabel entertained ,at . dinner Idea la that nothin? should de­ tiieme will be “Keep Grati thu' meeting Tuasday, of the To Hold Card Party tract- from -the; home’a en- Herbert Staer was presented A. Devlin, Mrs. Paill A. Friday. Their guests ‘ were tiid e. A live In Y b u r H eart.*' (iethiomane Luthtras. Ohurob Lnrilos Aid of Ihfl Flrat Uaiitlnt trance^as the center of Inter­ lh # - by t h e Matawan Women’s Egan, Mrs. Howard .Erd­ Mr. and Mrs. Frederick K- Nurseries are held for tots Maple PI„-Keyport Cluirch, Matawan, Mm. Har­ est;. I,.-"....- \. . ; / . > •• '. ■ Clioosenunke Indepondont Tiro ' Club.- Mrs. — Longstreet pre­ mann, Mrs. Louis Pazlenza, Dpderick, Mr. ; and Mrs. J. whosa pm'eritB desire to at* Rev. Fredorlok Boos, Pastor. ry M, Munson,, president, pre- Company Is sponsorlng t card sented tiie painting at the re­ Mrs. Warren Vreeland, Miss'' Raymond Ketchel, Mrs. W. -H o-w e v e r, • an ornament­ tend churclw Bunday. School Is Tliere are two services on slded. Mrs. Lawrenoo Dalloy party In Iho flrchouw, Roulo ’ cent auxiliary meeting. The Esther Blau and' Miss Laura Oliver Diggln and. George R, al hortloulturlst who spoke at at 9:30 a.m.;- Junior high fel­ Sunday: matins at 3:J0 a,m. led-devotions..—Tlio hostesses 34, ChoeieqUake, tomorrow at - lamps and the picture will be G ordon. Gaskell. ' , • the recent one*day course on lowship meets at 7 p.m. and and the regular service at 11 woro Mrs. Charles. J, Ruff and used dn the suhrobms at the Mrs. Richard dold...... — 8. p.ni. Those on thn oominlt* Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Dono­ Mr, and Mrs. Charles E c h ry sa n th e m u m s a t th e ^Col­ senior fellowship at 7:30 p.m.. o'clock, Sunday School begins hosRli&jL w hich th e a u x ilia ry On Dec. 1‘t, a covered dtib tee are Mrj, Uenry DelbaSoo, van, Millport, Pa., spent sev­ Hunt and Mr. and Mrs,... J, lege of AgrlculCui^r suggested at which tim e-the topio will at 9:4ft,a.m. : ... . is redecorating. The redecora- luiiolieon, and grab bait, will be Mis. Hubert FoVror Mid M il, eral days visiting Mr. and F r a n k 1 I n Dominick' were how-you can us? “mums ir be “Hovrbo'Wo'Know Ood?H United Hebrew Conrre|»llon held at thoVohurcii. Prayer John Jlysf-akr, ...... tlon project is under the su­ Mrs. George Hazlett. guests of^Mr; and Mrs. Peter what the landscapers call the pervision . of M p s. Spcncer “public area.” put , them In Bayview Presbyterian Cburch Dro»J Bl„ Koiport - palji will axuhango gifts tl this A. Read at dinner at Peter­ Card of Thanks Embree, Holmdel. Mrs. C. William Ludi and' pocke^d groups ln the foun­ Cliffwood Deacb Rabbi H C,II Levins time,-- - , Mrs, Lydia Walling, spar.t the sons, I+akewood, Sunday, Mr. We desire to thank our many Holiday . plans, which ln- and Mrs.' Hunt's 28th wedding dation'planting, or In email Rev. Francis Osteraiock» At tlio, Friday ntght aorvlce weekend with Mfv.and Mrs., trienda and retaUvea who it\ velude the sale of candles' ro annlversairy was ..being cele- groups ln the border plant­ The Caihcrtno Close Circle •I 0:1» p.rti. tlie setmon topic H u . Birthday Party Glenn Hunter, Frederick, Va. any way offered aBSlstnnco op benefit the . auxiliary patient hrated« . .. . > , ings at the sides of the_ prop* win meet tomorrow at. l/P-m will be - “ftsllglon In Out1 Ed route home .Bundnr,< they /•^jendod sympathy durjur : fund,*1 w e re * announced. ; Mvs. M rs.,; Donald W ,. . Robinson erty. . ' •' - - • • :• In ,11)0 church basomont. Mrs .Sohool." : ,. : jBllilo,.Colti'ell, ■ soil ■■ of Mr, were guests, of jJlri *and„Mrp. I O irSaLu rd ay tliero'w lJJ . be A and Mrs. Horlipi t: Coltrall, .Jr., illneaa Slid a t tJio. doath of o ur Restraint is the magic wal'd R'o b e r t Wft.iaco, prosldont, Downs, ways and means John • Anderson, "{ M arlon, entertained a t1 bridge, .Nov. v7. service at 7:30 n .m ., end U>b- celobnitod lila eighth birthday dear JiUsbund and brother ’ chairmen, .said that unusual Winners were Mrs. David ln the public area. But if will conduct tlie meeting. Re­ M d. . ■ ; _ v ' •' bath service at II tt.m . with a luncheon given in Ills Jfloob'V. Mallhews, We ei* ' Christmas candles, such as Bruce, Mrs. Bayard T. Lam­ you're really interested in freshments will bo served. honor, Monday, Movies were pecially desire to llmnk Hoy,' Byzantine s> y 1 e, rope-type, Mrs. Charles C. Schock. sr. born, Mrs. Ross Maghan. Oth­ growing 'mums, let yourself , Church school classes meet Religious school claascn are Is spending the winter at . Mi­ oh Sbnddy at 9:45 u.m. At ln session on Sunday fiom 10 shown nnd games woro play­ Albert Curry, Dr. Casagrande, and tree-Shaped will be sold. er guests wwe Mrs. Johnson go in the "private area” the tlie 11 ^o'clock _ worship serv* ».m. until 13 o'clock noon,’ ed, Ouests were Hllcn Mlllor, Matawan First Aid-Jind-Pollce-^ ‘‘The psychiatrist stands, in ami, Fla... • Cartan, Mrs. Richard Gold, backyard. Make.lt as color­ Monday from 4 lo » n.m _3.'iin!e_aill)ort«oii7-Iiliitlii—JotilF DPjiurinujht, Fearers and all “ the" battreiineT-^accoraing-to —M r t— a nd — Mf s r— A r— E d gar- -Mrs',— M,—Munson-%nd- ful-as-you-plcaBej-wlth—mums- ico. the' pastor’s sermon topio W I i" l) c n O oH’s^M eH 1 c 1 n e Tuosduy from 8:45 .to ntrtt eon, Floionoo Hohiiffeioii, Bu* those who scnt the bnftiitlfnl Dr. Curt Lynn who spoke at Palm and daughter, P e g g y, Mrs. Charles J. Ruff.- In the perennial border or a.m.; Wednesday train 4 to sun Smith, Patsy Cottrell, Hil­ flowerm also the Redlo Funoral the meeting.’ “However,” Dr. have returned , home after Miss Mary Emma < Stack, flower bed, pocketed in bol­ The first regular mooting of ly Kcngon,,, Upbblo Jfofped, Hoijio for tholr kind[mid court** spending several days -• with Perth. Amboy; Mrs. Edwin IL* der plantings around the prop­ the ■ Westminister Fellowship 8:30 p.m, and 5:30 to T:30 p.m Lvnn said. “A'small measure R icky P u lto n ,, R ay m o n d Zilulk, Vus sorvloeT" * v ; * ' of victory has been won ln the Palms' son, Robert, a Dominick, M r8.\Jay,F, Hos­ erty or as a special focal will be qpened on Wcdnead&y p .m . . ' Tile Junior cllftlr ineots Sun­ Charles Zlmmor, Diivld Smith Mtrs, Cecelia Matthews, j the'fight ’ against mental 111- student ; at Roanoke College, tetter arid Miss Mary Llsk, point,' : wltlf a covered dish supper at day nl 0:15 a.m.; the.'senior and Alien Slnttlij^.-. Wife'and-Family, r- Tiiess', o y . th e use of the * new Salem, Va. _ — 1 . . . - Thursday attended the even­ Cushion . o r. other : heavily- 5:30 p.m. and. the; meeting fholr on Tuesday at 8:30 I),in., tranquillizing and stimulating M r. and M rs. R oss W. Ma- ing performance of “Man of pinched types are best for will beg'ln at'fl:30 p.m. A film drugs such as Thorazine. Ser ghan and children, Phyllis Destiny'.* at, the Old MIU The­ foundations /^plantings. Stand­ strip, ‘‘Wo Have This Fellow­ lind ' U.B.V, on Wednesday It pasll; Promazine; 'and Bitai- and Ross, jr., returned home atre, ; Tinton Falls, . ard tynea are beat Jd’ the pri­ sh ip ," vyUi^ bo show n; 1:30 p!m; , ’ ln ‘ V ; . ' Monday^ after/spendinfc sever­ Mr.. and Mrs, James Domi­ vate area, particularly in: cut­ al-days with Mr. and Mrs 1 9 5 6 Dr., Lynn Js chief’of men s nic and their four daughters, ting gardens, '• ‘ — .. Harold Delamater, P o u g h- M&ry, Estelle,, L,e n a , and WiiliamHoitetter Judith Till honored service and senior resident ot Much morf .information on keepsie, N. Y. Rose, and'M rs. T, W' Sarno, At School In Arizona At Birthday Party Marlbqro arid recently Was. 'mums was packed into the Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wel­ all of Jersey City, spent . Sun­ CHRISTMAS CLUB elected a; member of the New working day . of the enthusias­ stead and Miss Katherine Mc­ day with fifr, and, Mrs. Eu­ .William.-T, Hostetter, Mata­ A Ijlrtlidny party was. given York Academy of Science. He tic group of more than 100 Donald returned home Mon­ gene A. C usanelii. wan', has enrolled as a mem­ N ov.: 0 ‘to celebrate the olghlh received his medical degree gardeners who quickly ‘ filled 'BEIN G I’A II) NOVUM IIIJIt l'H li day after spending several Mrs. Robert - Armstrong, ber of th e J u n e 1057 c la ss of birthday~of Ju d ith ,Till,^G repn at the " University of Vienna the quota set for; this .new days with Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ Morgan: Mrs. vHarold Pease, the American Institute for For­ where he* also did undergrad kind pf class In^ which inten jiiid W hite Village, M alaw an. To 1441 Memberi In Tho-Stim Of ard Fullerton, Marblehead, Matawan; Mrs, Harvey Ap­ eign Trade, Phoenix, At'U, - • uate and post-graduate work slve In stru ctio n 'w a s given In Tlm them e of the party was. M ass. plegate,- Mi's, prank Boyce, Specializing In Latin Amer­ in 'psychiatry, psyohojogy. _ and only one flpwer. The class CJlnny and Glnnctto DolU /D oo/ Mr. and Mrs. . George Doub- Keyport, spent Wednesday In ican, Mr. Hostetler is taking philosophy. * may have set a r pattern for lier and Mr. and Mrs. Philip New York. They attended a the school’s Intensive training orations w ere tfrcen and yellbw , others in the future, $ 1 6 1 , 1 0 0 A to ta l of 1640 p atle n ls out Neidlinger spent the weekend performance of “Mr. .Wonder­ coiirso In preparation for a car­ carried out W ith bouquets of of the 2896 at Marlboro have Some Questions at the Tidewater Jnn, Easton. fu l’' followed by d in n e r i t eer in American business or chrysanthcm um fl, ' A , birthday, been .treated with the aev; Many gardeners have been Md. They were Joined by Mr L e o n e’s. - government ubroad. Hc atten­ c u k e was the centerpiece. (lrufr5- sin c e 1955, and D r. .accepting'the Invitation of the and. Mrs. Julius Flncken, ^William 01insman,.Jr., .Lake ded The Peddle School, IIlKhts* Gum es were played and prizoB Lynn believes- their ; use at f Swarthmpre.TsP.a, . ;...... side Dr., and Alexnndcr. Mac garden reporter to send In town*, nntl rccclvcd hid JJeftlic awarded;— ------— : Marlboro Is Justified. To show Mr. and Mrs. William Cop- Fayden, Sea Girt. ' attended aucstionB.- A~‘fcwTof. these lor of Arts Degree In Econo N o w I h 1 lit* 'I'lm c T o Ouests wdre Doris M cauhnn, examples "of the improvement • pCI. antj daughter, Rebecca, with answers supplied by spe­ mica from Qlcklnson Collc^f* the Princeton-Hsrvajd foot­ M arlboro; M ary Jtuic H attrlck, made by the.drugs. Dr. Lynn ond Joyce Ward, spent F ri- ball Hame ,at Palmer Stadl- cialists, follow: . Carlisle, Pa., where ho “was a c Cliffw ood; Patty Uahnrtnon, presented four patients ajjd day in Atlantic City. um, Prtnccton. Q—What can I grow ln my member of Thcta Chi, "lV Keyport; Linda. Klbr«eht, Sus­ • read parts . of their case hls- window box at this season? Club, Interfraternity Council an Hugh. fJnda .Hugh. J a p I c c .. ; torles at the meeting. Three M rs, fi. H., Union City, and the varsity football team Join Our of the patients hud been In Confirmation To Be Rev. Calvin Wood He Kerved In the U.S. Ar.nty Hrow n. Karen Km ley, Harhuni A—It's nol easy to make Bvlutko, Putty rJugan, Pally tjie disturbed ward at the hos­ {^eld At Freehold Feted At Party things grow in a window box spending time in Germany. pital while tlie fourth had Alim -iiah and l)cljl)le (lunkle, In cool or cold weather. You His pre/sent course of study M-atnwan, ■ , been in the senile -ward, for Confirmation for Trinity Epi­ Tlie Rev. Calvin Stanley can get a much better effect concentrates on techniques of Monduy evenlnv, » fam ily '57 Christmas Club retrogressed patients. Now scopal Church, Malawan, will Wood, 88 J e rs e y A ve., Cliff by arranging evergreenH and international Uunlnenu adminis­ dinner wan held, y/ltli Judith's the. men reside in cottage be held tomorrow at 8 p.m, at wood, was feted with a «ur red berries in the window tra tio n , fo rclu n huiKuiiK'-H and wards and are able to pur- St. Peter’s Church, Freehold, urnndpiurm tH, M r, a n d M rs. prise birthriny party, Saturday box. charataoristlcji of forelyn comi- S in a i t ticlp a tc In w ork th e rap y . Af- An to n 'Jill, s r., t'olonta, utlend- with Bishop Alfred L. Banyard Q —C an I grow la n ta n a s in- tries, ter the meeting these patients < officiating!. evening, given b>^ his wife, at lli|f. K m ilas rtlui t doors?--Mrs. W, B.. Ocean Joined auxiliary members and I Thos(. who wl„ hc con(lfmert Ihclr lioine. O rove, Jeniem Celebrate Having nliimrt i>( j guests for refreshments and from Matawan are: Thomas Those attending werp: Mr Boyi On Honor Roll A --L a n ta n a does bej»t in full entered Into conversation. 8iddons, Lois Mary Tuttle, Ste­ Wedding Anniversary t i n i e . . . h o t h e y c a n 1)0 and'M rs. Christoplier fiW and sunlight. It’s possible to dl« David L. HlitnHen, Am boy phen Macuga, Anne Margaret children. South Orange; Mrs plants and take therri lnduom. The eighth wrddinK anniver­ ltd ., anil Jlnice W . Clunkle, 4,r) mire of having ft tnorry "’Q o Enjoy ono of America s great Eggers. Florence Rollin Man Hazel Thomo« an d chUdrcu but don't exprct loo much sary of Mr, und Mrs. Alfred LuKr'idd(V f>i., M itlaw un, have freedoms Attend , the church ville, M argaret McDonald, Ore- CJIirlHtintw next yoar! .IuhI from them . Jensen, Lloyd Kd,. Matawan, heen nainrd to thn honor roll of vour choice this weekend gory Harry Nazarlan. ' Orange; Hoy Mancel, Holmdel Q—-Is it true that a shiu)> was cclebrnled at a party Hat- st K uiger* Preparatory Hchool put 'awiiy a mnnll nmo'uiit Alsu Marjorie Jeanne Biel, Mrs. Lillie Edmond and Mra. urday. at iheir home. Many will set started more widely New IJninsw irk, for the first cntrli wcr.'k nml walcli it Lois Ann Hunter, Anna Ida Artie Wood, Matawan; Mr. and if you place a bean In the glftK and flow ers w m i re c e iv ­ quiitter of the academ ic year Talinadge. Judith ■ Lawrence. Mrs. Henry GutridRe, Mr. and hole in which it is planted? ' ed, Thr*/students .w o e am ong 40 m o u n t u p I " Theodore Carlson, Jerve N. Ir­ Mrs. fJimon Hall and daughter, R.C.. Newark, Guests attending wore Mr, the laryeM mim br-r In tin* E x i 6 e ons, and rteven Caramazza. ftchool’u h U lory, nam ed to the M araly n , Mrs. Lady Fidizier, A—No, th e r e ’s* no po w er In and Mrs, ^llab Jennen, Mr, 'Quick Battery Servico Wayne Marz and Ernest Bade and Mrs- Randolph Jensen. list, Douglas V. K r o i H t h , D trr Mrs. Mildred Hughes, the Itev. a beun to stlmulat* plant NEW CLUBS NOW AVAILABLE from Trinity Church, will as­ growth, except as the bean, a Mr. and Mrs, Klmer Jennen, wood Faun , Furrlngton lid, Samuel . Buntin, Harry Eppo, COLOT’S, Matawan sist ai acolytes at the servico. legume, fixes nitrogen in the and Mr. and Mrs, Wlillam rto M atnw an, wss am ong IV to H. Mrs. Iiene Wright and children, soil. But that's a different the. South Hlver; Mr. and Mrs. Cflve honorable m ention. OFFICIALLY STARTS James Hughes, Frar.lpr Shep* sto ry , ' ' William B. Holmes, CheeKe- pard and Alex Thompson, all quake, and Mr. and Mrs. Hoy M eeting Date Changed of CHffwood. VanPelt, Matawan. DECEMBER 3rd Pledges Theln Chi 'ihe regular m eeting of the Attend Meeting Seymour Bmlth, ion of Mr. Gueati For Supper M ataw an Junior W om an's Club end Mis. Beymom F , Sm ith, hah be*r> ehunged to Tuevduy, English Motors N o v . at the Knifl* Honr The following'officer# of the 438 Harboi ltd., Matawan. hat Mr*. William II. Helm* en- 2d, Farmers &. Merchants Matawan Towrfbhlp High School pledged Thrta Chi, national teil^irjpfi at auppfr H U n d a y firelioune, K ryp o rf, »t H p , m Parent-Teachcr Association at- ftor.-jal fia tfrn J Iy a t Ca.*!e Im ev/Milng, H«»r a werr 'flic mr-ellng w an pohtpoiiRii Wrnd'-il the m eeiln« of th r Mon- tut<* of Technology. Cleveland. Mm. Itichasd K, GiJeiinnei, from tb li pit fit Tuenday, National Bank County Parr-nvTcarhcr Ohio. He graduated fiom Mat- M ik. t.a w m i i v .1, A M Y~r LINCOLN • MERCURY As*ociiition Ttirsflay at Frre- aw aii li I Kit Hchool, d a -*1! (jf M i v Howajd Wolvpjion. Min. PInn Dinner Dnncc hold ^fKwna! Htgh Hrh^ol. 1 \i'A. whfjr Ik* v/as artlv^ if* M an y V/MU MhtH lluiinuh Matawan , ■ ■” ' ' ' 1 7 NEW AND USED CARS M ; s Karl U v t t'M H 1-, tl> Gun Club mid on the tu*-.k M rL ean, Mi».n l,ui;ie MSIU'J, jrsrr:liiW 'T/1 M a d l f c o n patMcia Hrlmv, fl p m. In ihe P«i*-t Ifomr, Plan* Fcdrral Neierve flj'itciiwMMiil)#! I'f d e f a l . M r h. C alvin ' Help Wanted io lhi& v/ill be dt(«r;iii»?!'ul f*ii tlie (till l>ry(rvM Inaprancs CtrporatUn • Red Bank 6*4545 — 6-0176. Prw tri*. 1 #*prr* piiper fell you about the goon rumibJjecl apaiiiiieiit sigt^a ner diiiiLt iidii:iJuitfi l

available for the use of c>ur customers, LOSE UGLY FAT day and' night, around the clock., In Teh Days or M oney Back II you are nverwelibt, hen ii (he Nni really thrilling mwa to come •loot In years, new A convenient way to get rid of extra pound* easier OeNcfeue than ever, io you can be ai illm and OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY SAUCE With Turkey trim as you want. Thli new product 2 for2 9 ' called DIATIION curb* both hunger 4i appetlif. No drugR, d o diet, no ex* u n i t Largest crciie. /ibioiutely harmless. . When TOMATO JUICE ™ 21c | PUMPKIN DARLING Con THE you take DiATilON. you atlll enjoy 1 5 * your meals, still eat tho foods you like but you limply don’t have the urge (or extra portion* and auto* LEMON FLAKE CAKE MIX 1WAN,[>or, 34* MATAWAN inatlcally your weight must come NONE SUCH MINCEMEAT j’t*.', 45* down, became, ai your own doctor will tell you. when you eat leis, you weigh lest. -Excess weight endangers BANK your heart, kidneys.- Ho d o matter what you have tried before, get/OlA* Til ON and prove to yourself wnat il At AT a WAN, NIW JMSEY ran do. DIATIION Is sold oik this (JUAKANTKICi You must lose weight with (he (lr«t package you use or tlie package costs you nothing. Just re­ o turn the bottle lo yout druggist and get your money bark. D1ATKON uuim im utintm ii.nit costs 13.00 and la sold wllh this strict MUIUfUlUlDtrOIII money back guarantee bys . Snndford Drugs Store M A I N S T R U T 128 Main Srtcet IN STAMPS Mall Orders Filled Pkg- 5 C BIRDS EYE \ G0LD STAMPS? I( not, TOD/\YChristmas Is* not. ^or off— MINUTE MAIP ORANGE JUICE 6 01. » . 50* MINUTE MAID GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 6 -or. 2 /2 7 ? uM u Llu rS IT^MPS. T W 9| ,J,T?U.TIFUL They re 10 GtFTS' convenient. ' r ond more voluob'o— they Ore the CHAMPS IN STAMPS,


CINNAMON ROLL R e g u l a r $ 2 ^ v a u i |* . Order Your Supply Of Our Choice imported nnd GfcNUlNE L E A T K e R ZIPPER SKINNED Domestic Wines and Liquors For Your JUICr 2 ™ 45c AND DELICIOUS 1 0 — Festive Holiday and Week-end Party. [i« 29‘ B O Y J C A P S WITH W A R M H EA V Y {ffJiSf FKEE PROMPT DELIVERY CHEDDAR CHEESEj | ROME BEAUTY APPLES 3»« 25* IM fOltTID C R IIK UNNE0 VVARW/’R eXTRA Open Fro/n 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. . , SHARP .STRING FIGS .. 25' ! REO ■ Richard E. Gillis, Prop. ' 63' BROV vM.u,M0 ■ 69 REDDI-WIP A ll,; S t~tfLb L 6|-*TO 7 Ir 4 9 ' FOOD CIRCUS HU* 5 CORNERS MUTE 35 MlDDUTWDL i l 182 m a i n St r e e t Cull MA 1-2341 “»» 1*«IT «vA*«Ttri*a.v.MTlrm . Ntb^an tww tfrrtcTiva t m iv Entertain To Celebrate Joanne Mastro s Achievement Day -H o w t o - Keep a Sick Child Happy THE i First Birthday; Madison Township Items )bserved By Club happy, relaxed tttmos- j>here is important for th# Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mas- pink and white. Guests were ‘Browntown Pedal Push' tiuick recovery of a lick Nov. IB, 1056 P a g a N in e Iro, Cheesequake, entertala- A s t r 1 d Gilbertson, Naomi e r s 4*H C lub o b se rv e d . N atio n ­ child. A sick little girl can X - 1^^- = - ed .P rld ay i-ev en ln g L ^ at _ a .. din­ O t a n e,-Florence Schaffren; be- alnused by dressing ner party ln celebration ot al 4-H Achievement Day with her special sick-abed doll Raymond Zizik, Patsy i n i Right Accessories the first birthday of their program for parents and m a complete wardrobe Make Or Break Outfit daughter, J o anne; D e c o ra ­ Billy Cottrell, John, Solvig; prospective new members on preparcoVm advance by N ov, 7. ’ tions were In Dink and blue ikrn# “-and Tordis Engedai. Mother. Make the doll a Accessories are the extras with multi-colored balloons Doris and Brenda Donaldson, A skit explaining various patient tbo, with bnnd- you ohooso to complete your ■ hung from the-celling. Browntowni-^Bobby- Lewis and club activities was presented agca, arm sling and other e n se m b le , says M o n m o u th ‘Guests. were Mr. and Mrs. J im m y V anD orn, Cedar by Janice Tesch, chairman; sick room,, equipment Joseph K e nu 1, Bloomfield, G ro v e . - Patricia Kazimir, J u d i t h County liome agent Mrs. I-or- godparents of the guest ’of Sunday guests' of Mr. and Crane, Barbara Crane, Melo­ Pieccs of Macaroni cun fee* strung na K. White. They can maks into a variety of wonderful neck- honor; "also Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John Pangborn, Cheese- dy Bastedo, M arta Maccia'}, Inccs, chains and bracelets. They, a costume more Interesting John Spatola and grandson, quake. were Mr. and Mrs. Kathy Logoyda and Anne can be colored with crayons oi and becoming, as well ss pro- Fatil, Bloomfield; Mr. and William Lambert. Maplewood, Chamberlain. sowed onto cardboard. vido an opportunity for you to Mrs. Al Blrrer and daughters, and Mr; and Mrs, William Ribbons were presented by ' Carol and Elaine, Caldwell; Haplln, Union. Mrs. John L. Chamberlain express your peiaonullty. „ . Mr. and Mrs. Steve Brust, Mrs. Laurence Cressman, fo^ exhibits"^ tbe Middlesex Carefully chosen noccSsor- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mastro Cheesequake, was hostess Sat­ County Fair, lt w as an* lea can keep an outfit up-to- nounced that the local club date and ln style from on* and sons, Ronnie, Michael urday at a demonstration SpenaT^slcITTbc^^ had earned 14 out of. 37 coun­ season to the next. A bnslo and Joseph; Cheesequake: party. Attendiag were—Mrs. and fire englnoa and a'large box Turkey-Pimiento Loaf Is Seasoned With Celery Salt ty awards for outstanding dress or suit may to -appro* _ Mr. and Mrs. John Clrlllo and Robert Mitchell and Mrs. Lee to ‘'drive" them in will keep n girls’ /project work. The im­ children,. Deborah, Marie aad Robbins, Cheesequake; Mrs. This ii one ol the prettiest and METHOD: Put tha rice, water little boy with thesnilHes enter­ prlato for different hours oi portance of parent co-opera* Anthony, Jersey City; Mr Donald Yetman, Sayrevllle. tastiest turkey (or chicken) snd salt ln a 2-quort saucepan. tained for hours. Provide a qunn- the clay, different occasions Uoii in record keeping was Don't let glaring lights and Mrs. John Fruzynskl and and Mrs. Charles Dean, South loaves ever! It has all the special B ring to a vigorous boiL Turn tUy of salt to make roads. This or seasons by the fclever uss thfi.hcBt dQWIli CQYCr w ilh a l i d , — daughters, - Donna " and _ Pa­ ' Amboy.”'- —...... flayer ysu’d expect if eating in, stre s s e d . _____ I-.:..:-.;- plcks~up"cjtsUy~whh a~vacuum ..muke.the patient uncoihr of - accessories.^ ------aa exclusive restaurant or hotel, . and simmer over this low heat - fortablo during the tiny or tricia, Irvington; Anthony Anne Chamberlain, who will cleaner. u • ___ _ In offoring guides to acces­ Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Roberts ‘ 14 minutes. Remove the sauce­ awaken him at night wlu'n Mastro and Miss Joan H ig­ MENU represent Now Jersey as cltl* sory seloolion, Mra, 'Whits and son, Roger and Mrs. pan from the heat but leave the you look into see that nil gins, Newark,. aad Marie and ae n sh ip d e le g a te a t 0 th e Ma* says that with basic colored Pearl Queen, Winston Salem, TUBKEY-PIMIENTO LOAF lid on 10 m inutes. ' is well. By using the new Anthony M a stro, C heese Uonal Club Congress ln Chi* clothes, bright matching bag N. C., returned home Tues­ Mjjshroom Sauce Stir in tha cup milk, eggs; q u a k e . ) cago* from Nov. 25-30 will re­ Luxtrol light control day following several days CabBnge Au Grntln turkey, green pepper, onion, pl- and shoes may be used but port on her sxperlence there, which 1 rcgulutea the in- visiting at the home of Mr. mlento, salt, pepper and celery never more than two aoces- lirs. Olaf Gilbertson, H ot B uttered Beets* at the Middlesex County tniHity of llflht—from and Mrs. Edward Roteubobin, salt. Mix thoroughly. Pour Into bright to nenr darkness- sorles In - this bright color Browntown, has returned Cottage Cheese Salad *wavd dinner to be holds at Browntown. Other recent over a heavily greased lost pan hold- wltli ono outfit. Too many home -from a five-day trip to - Hot Bread: y . pig at least 5 cups. Place the fcjonroe Bchool No. 2, Dec. 6. the lights inthe sick room night guests were Miss Mary may be controlled for touches of the namo color la Baton Rouge, La., where she Ice Cream With Sauce Z _ _ joai pan in a pan of hot water. costume result In a spotty, Ann . Toth, Woodbridge, . and' Miss Chamberlain also will plnytlmo nctlvities or for was the guest on board the TCRKET-PIMIElVrp LOAF B ako ln a pre-heated 350'F. unlntorcsllng effect. Miss Barbara Bos,' English­ oven 1 >4 hours or until the loaf cpnduct a class for club sec­ rest and sleep, Ensily.in- S. S. Sentinel, of her brother, tow n. • INGREDIENTS: 1 Is firm and-a silver knife In­ retaries at the annual county slalled, th e u n it Is nn e x ­ Any bright wardrobe addi­ Secpnd Officer John Enge 4-H Officers' Training Sohool Mrs. Robert Hoever and 2/S cup uncooked white rice serted In the center comes out cellent addition to uny tion definitely culls for stub!* land, whom she had not seen clean but slightly moist. to be held at New Brunswick, dauehters, Sharon, B ren d a 1 1/S cups water - ' 1'hild‘K room liund acm'.ssoiicft; sho points for nine years. Mrs. Olga 1 teaspoon salt ' Saturday. Local officers will and Robbin, Cedar Grove, Remove the loaf from the pan out. When a dark costume Is Jgertae'n. Huntington, L. I Va cup m ilk * of hot water. Cut around -the attend this' meeting after In* topped with n bright hat, uss accom-mnled -Mrs. Gilbertson spent Monday visiting M r s. 3 eggs, beaten » edges and down tho sides and. stallation at a co-operative Ian Church, Long Branch, Is a dark bag and uhoc.v Gloves Jon the trip. They spent a day HojtVer's parents, Mr. and 2 cups finely chopped turkey ends of the loaf pan. Allow thi Church Youth Raise (or chicken) . supper to be held tt tho alwuys in n y inatcli dark Mrs. George Crank, Fairlawni loaf to stand 10 minutes. Plucc sponsor for the North shot - ln-NeW Orleans visiting points 3 tablespoons finely chopped, hom e of_ M rs. B. C. M accia Funds For UNICEF Bhocs nnd bug or lnunionir.0 - ol-in terest. Mts. Crank recently returned, a large plate over the loat-pan. tonight, under the dlrectlon'of UCYM , . home from a three-week trip green tfepper ' In neutral shades • such : as- 1 tablespoon finely chopped .* and Invert. Place the serving tbe hostess, Mrs. Harry II. Young people of tlio Protes­ Contributions for UNICEl" Mrs. Eugene Skowronek, platter over the loaf and invert beige, gray or while. With to-California, where she visit­ onion ■ * • Crone, jr. and Mrs. Peter A. tant cliui'chcs lu tlie North are still' being received und Browntown, attended a canas ed relatives. again so the browned top of the d v e s s o ti . dl niultt-oolortd ta party Thursday for mem- cup chopped plmtento Read. New members will be Shore United Christian Youth may bo.Tient to tlio First Pros- prints, plaids or other de- Mrs. Herbert Gaub,. Brown­ teaspoons salt loaf will be up. Serve with* a hers of her sorority, at the sauco made by heating together guests of the club at this Movement raised <102.80, as of bytorlan Church, Long Brunch. slgns, choose n solid colored town, was hostess to hor sew­ >{ teaspoon black pepper home of- Miss Stella Fetrucha the 1 cup of milk and the con­ meeting. Miss Sylvia Moinar N ov. 7, In nn u n u su a l p ro g ra m ing club Tuesday evening. teaspoon celery salt • hat nnd keep other accessor­ Newark.*: -. " . ' denscd cream of mushroom soup, Browntown, Jms jolucd tn e for tho United ('lotion's Jnler- Those attending were Mrs. 1, 10lj oz. can condensed County Agent Advises ies simple ln design. cream of mtfshroom soup This reclpc makes 0 lo 10 gen­ club as a leader for forestry nntlonnl Children's Emergency Mr. and. Mrs. Peter John- Leroy Burlew, Mrs. Adele Fund, lt was reported by tho Moving Cold Frames lie carcfiil Hint you don't sen. Browntown,- entertained 1 cup milk - erous servings. ' ■ ’ an d cr& fU. Herzog, Mrs. Naihan .Cress­ Rev. Robert Hugh Reed, spon­ subtract f r o m good tnato Thursdajnat a party in honor When the saino type of crop when yoii.ndd ncceiiorles lo man. Cheesequake; Mrs. Har­ sor of tlio group.. of their daugWer, Linda, who old—Cosgrove,- Mrs. Howard Joyce Tombs Feted Beginning on the Saturday Is started year after year, your costume. Don't wear nn was celebratinK tier n I n t n Burlew and Mrs. M e rr I’ll At Engagement Party before Hnlloweeii, and at var­ ni o v I n a the plimt-growlng overnbiiniluncB of aocessorlus birthday. - pecorflHontf^ w eT (f'Titeen, Browntown. ious times, Protostnnt youth framos to a newjjpciitlon Is that niigliL clutter your up- An engagement party In groups canvassed tholr com­ considered easier tlmn treat­ poarance, wnrns M rir White, ■ Thanksgiving Eve Service; Other News honor of Mias Joyce Tombs, Officer Training’ Runa Into Crossing munities, to receive contrlbu- ing tlio soil chomlonlly In 437 /Ulantlo St., Keyport; was tlonalor needy ehlldron around permanently located frame. William Ohmman ~ ; given by her parents, Mr. School To Be Held- s Signal At Cliffwood »A Thanksgiving Eve service cr and Mrs. Arthur Chapman tlio world. This "trick-or-treat Movable frames are inoro ln the Morganville Methodist Bogota, were 6aturday guests and Mrs. Harold Tomb;, at program provided help for oth­ numerous t h a n permanent Named Chairman A ' 4-H ' Officer’s Training their homo Saturday overling. Ju llu s iH erseg , 440 .A um ack Church will be-'lield Wednes­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs ers rather tlrnn treats for them­ ones. Boards oaii be taken up P o s tm a s te r W illiam F . Olilt* Scbool will be held Saturday Ave„%Unlon Beach, was day al 7:45 p.m., according Thomas Antisell and family, The engagement ol M 1 & s selv e s. in spring, stored, nnd then smuii, Lnurtnce Ilavhor, once in Llptnan Hall, College of Ag* charged b^_ Patrolman .John to an announcement by the Miss Charlene Holmes spent Tombs to Thomas McGowan, Tho North Shore United replaced In s new looatlon In again has brrn appointed Rev. Fred Bowen, newly-ap­ Jr., Keyport, wns announced fall. Tlio boards will last long ricultuce; New Brunswick, from KlriQarie, Matawan Township several days as guest of Mr Christian Youth Movement |s ChrlslniaH Seal Hale Clt'ilnnan 10 a .m . *to 12 noon. . pointed pastor of the church. and Mrs. Clinton Woolley, re c e n tly . the official co-oporatlvb Fro- er in this system and tlifr sol) of Madison Township, by tlis Police, with being the driver This is the first time an even­ Is more oaslly propured with The officers. of Middlesex R ah w ay . G uests attending were: testnnt youth bi'ganlsation In Middlesex County Tulieroulo* who. at li:30 p.m. Sunday ing service has been held at the larger field equipment _ C o u n ty > AZ„clubs _will be traln-- :M rs. Anthony Lalco, Harbor Miss-Betty McGowan, Miss the area, representing Metho- sis and l^cnlili League. ran -into the signal -warning this season of the year,—All ■Slive ■.Davis,--Mrs.- Elliabetb odlst, Presbyterian,' Baptist, -When tho new locution of Fred BcliiiU, I,auro;mo ll«i“. - ed Inn their duties for the com­ block at the Cliffwood Ave. Rd., entertained her bridge are invited to meet for a McGowan and Miss Marie Lutheran, Reformed, AME tlio fraineyard lias been es bor, will' assist Mr. Olmsinan ing year. Presidents and vice* crossing of the New York & club recently and was pro service of thanks. - Ahlors, Keyport: Mrs. Mary Zion, Episcopalian, AME, and tabllslied, broudenst well rot­ on Ihe committee, Any other priwidents will be trained by Long Branch R.R. The bar­ sented with a hostess gift. On Sunday the annual offer-A Arb^czawskl, Matawan, and Community churches, It works ted mannre, Uinentono lf nco residents of Madison~Tnwnshlp ' Theodore Blum, Somerset rier Is located at the center O u e sts were present from Ing of nonperlshnble foods Mrs. Bernice Ahlers, Union in co-opci'atlon with tho New canary, and superpliosphute desiring to help during ths .County Club Agent; secretar­ of the roadway and cars pass Elizabeth, Orange, Cedar ies by Anne Chamberlain, Ma­ and money for the Home for Bridge, Union and Roselle. B eacli. Jersey Council of Churohes for Then work thoso materials ■in­ cnmpnlHn, whluli opeui loitny, around lt on each' side. the Aged, Ocean Grove, will tawan: treasurers by Robert Morganvllle Cub Scouts ants were sent by: Miss the National Council of.Church to'the surface of the. soil > with to conttmiO'thrniiKh Ujcem ber, Patrolman Klnnane found be received at the church, Perrine. Cranbury; reporters played flag football against Carol Slckler, Mrs, fceverly of Christ In tho United BtateB. thn tractor making tlio still ns should contnvt Mr. Otuuman, the Herseg. .car .one-half mile which will be open all da y by Dorothy Smith, Extension River Plaza and were defeat­ R u tk o w sk l, M rs, F ra n c e s Mo* which sponsors tlio National line as possible' boforo: tho from the sce officers of the Sunday .School The second hour of the school There are two more games -to_h 1 t_theL_slgnal_and be dam ­ the date of Thursday, Dec. What puts the Mark of Tomorrow will be devoted to a workshop on their schedule. aged on the left slder^Mrr '2(IJ'was "plQked''for_ the-Christ­ on filling out 4-H records and On Tuesday] Mri; Jfigeph' Herseg reportedly told the of­ mas program. It will begin at program planning. Spurgat, Mrs. John Williams ficer he fell asleep at the 7:45 p.m. and will be under and Mrs. Thomas Antisell at­ wheel and awoke when he the direction of Walter J. ' Fjorm New Club was but a few feet from the Lmbertson, superintendent. tended the fall county council in the new signal. The Union Beach man of Parent-Teacher Associa­ For the first time Freehold was given a summons. Miss Miml Opper, Miss Car­ tions In the Freehold Reglou- Regional High School students al High School. ol Opper, and Mr, and Mrs. have a club-designed for the Herii what puti Ihe Mark cf Tomorrow In th* mw Hnd of Ford I ~ John Opper, Bayslde, L. I., Mr. and Mrs. Msrcellus Future Homemakers of Amer- Rattlesnake 4-H’ers were Saturday guests at the Quackenbush and Staoy and 7trlca.'Membership ln the club Is Make Decorationi home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Alfred Conover were Sunday It's tha icvlplvred look. You'll see it tlio moment you 1st your , open to girl students at the Bond, Blossom Heights, Wick- dinner guests at the home of cyoH wander ovor this lino car. Ill n '57 Kord you lielong . . , snywhws. school and all who are inter­ Members of the Cedar Grove Rattlesnakes 4-H Club had an atu n k ...... Mrs. Wm. B, Clayton, Garden ested fcre’urged to.attend the H'l the long, lean llnsi, Thera’s n greyhound grsoo to Um new Kord, early introduction to the “Spir­ City, L. I., In celebration of -!on Tuesday in B-117 Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. No usolew "fat,” no sliowy "padding,” Kortl Is ss trim Jst flglilef. it of Christm as” when they met Mrs. Clayton’s birthday. Jn the new section of the school. Holmes and son, Robert, Saturday evening at the home were guests Thursday even­ The sum of $117,50 has Ii'i lh* hardtop styling. Falrlnno svdiAis hava tlio .hardtop look pf been collected In the Girl Furnished apartment signs of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hil­ ing. at the home of Mr. and Victorias! Supertliln canter pillars are smartly copcunlod to give hardtop ■ ton. leaders. ’ Scout fund drive in the Mor- fot sole at this olfice Mrs. Roland Boyce, fn cele­ beauty when doors aro closed, . ' 1 , g a n v llle -W ick a tu n k a re a . All After a week of searching bration. of Mr? Boyce's birth­ It's ths freedom of choice, Colors? FiibriisV'Ai’i- drama PAINTS breeds at Trenton Stale Fair, ti/.e how training in agrlcul W. D. Sivartxel Jr. In S e p te m b e r. T he s te e r w as turnl sciences can lead . to F a r m & Garden Supplier shown Tuesday and sold at 7ood Job'i in research. Indus Hatlet, N. J. auction on Wednesday, clar­ try, and "flgribualness,” if a P H O N E K E V 7-1109 £ e b w H q . young person does not want t «< juuitr'jAi eii muon ence Wordi*n, Windsor, N. Y.\ //J1/////// w a s an over-nl;;ht Thursday to take up farming. guest at the Murdock home The exhibit is an attempt cn route to the Maryland by the college to overcome show. , the notion that ail graduates Mr, and Mis. Vernon Heyer of an agricultural collegc go m a^w hy Travel h ac k to th e f a rm o r ta k e Job", have icUirncd homo from * Jytf looking at Oil* TrIi Iium Club IM a * on the farm. Executive, sales, six-week ♦ r Sp to thr west k aa < ...... kind of fu n I coast. En routf: home they research, management and .stopped in Illinois to visit other positions are open to SE AC OAST iheir fjr.st grandchild, properly trained young men FLOOjk COVERING CO. T he Morganville Parent- and women Many students 3n Teucher .Aa^ociation will .sup­ the Cotlege of Agriculture at Rutgers come from cities and M’l the record-breakingn a p erF orm ance, O/i tin* Kult F laU a t HAS ALL YOUR FLOOR COVERING NEEDS ply the during Na r tional Erf'Jcftllon Werk ob­ tow ns. Bonnoyille,noyille, Utah, n '57 Ford traveled 60,000 miles in than Wlia mon (*yi , Havrf Ui Giva You An Eitim ate on Having servance ;wlth open house and There will be a continuous 80 d a / f t . . . u n fivnruKC n|H ^*d o f 10ft. Hi tn p h , irultuliti# o il p it p a r e n t-teachcr tonfnencca showing of color tildes in­ atop${ Another Kord uvi’uiged over 107 mph. AlW^ctht r# 45H "D on't wot* far TOMORROW Linoleum , Broadloom , *te. Intlalled by O ur Ex­ Tuenday and Friday. dicating kinds of Jobi that nre national nnd internittionsl (H rforinnnn«k verslly exhibit also will irr wonders, ell this extra atrongth, fslni l- imty, eiU/t length U wftf made for a Thanksgiv elude a typical county auri your* at low Ford prlccrt! ' cultural agen*.*s office, with a and Installation In• ing parly for the Bunday il a t|i*> ial / ;'> \i\) >1 81V V n 57 FORD Hchool children and their display of bulletins and tircu • «i M in t ' M AJ*W. •«!»* friends at the chapel. Hatur* lam that can be ordered A rtx)*' V S 'Uhvnh , »f< i*', Irff, It formation. d a y afurn& on a l 3. p .m . All jet>re*eniative of the college attending ate ,asked to bung will- bi; on hand at all tlmei Rt 35 and a donation of food for the to answer questions. Thanksgiving baskets. Movies - . George S. Barrett & Son Clark S t K E 7 - 2 0 2 5 will be shown and refresh­ "Help Wsnteo ada to this Open Daily J to 6 W*d. A Fri. E^*, Till 9 P.M. ment* served., paper tell you about Uie good MA N STREET MA 1-3100 MATAWAN Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Mill* jobs open. ' • ' • • •( v:; tion, outlined the program and conditions be corrected. Many usual Inquiries oa employ­ the annual convention at Atlan* Applicants also fall la the ment and unemployment, will p g T ^ T H B ______Exams To Be Given Survey tIc'CLty~flvertiie weekend;— ~ i>hysieal—examination — wliichL be asked during the weefcj of SiftW JN JOURNAL in submitting the proposal to For State Police consists of strenuous physical Labor Noy. JB as p art ol tiie nation-’ the NJEA Delegate Assembly. tests and should - prepare for vJiile Icurreni [podoiattqn ,6ur- this phase of the tests. • f -■ ‘vey 'which l i conaiiftetT each Dr. Beck said, “We must re­ Col. Joseph D. Rutter, Su­ !pi^;iaJr;4_UestIoa3 - 'w iir be N o v . 15. 1S5G No application Is necessary jnonth on a sam ple! b&sU by member that these a te mini­ perintendent of the New Jer­ asked In the November Cur­ prloi—tq the written examina­ the_ Census Bureau. . mum proposals. This law Is sey State Police, bad an* tion. Application blanks will rent ' population Survey to de­ termine - unemployed Per­ designed to put a floor under nounced that- written examin­ be completed after passing B e a d tb e Cii d Ad* Teachers In State s o n s ' a t f i seeking full-time or ations of applicants (or the successfully the :wrltten, med­ leathers* salaries, not to set * part-time Work, according to New Jersey State Police Aca­ ical and physical tests. Furnished apartment signs goal or Ideal for any commua- demy will be held FrldayV at Supervisor Jerome Litsky of ’Ask Minimum Raise Further information and In­ fo r s a le a t th is office'. U y,” • f 7:30 p.m. at the Sussex Ave. the U. S, Census Bureau’s structions can be obtained at A rm o ry , 176 Sussex A ve., fie ld office, 641 W ash in g to n New Jersey teaclierfi will ask the nearest State Police bar­ Newark; the 112tti Field Ar­ St.. New Vork, which will' the 1957 Legislature lo raise the Hazlet Man On Scout r a c k s . ' ■ Banquet Committee ' tillery A f m o r y; - Eggerts participate In the survey. state schedule of minimum Crossing Rd.. R.D., Trenton, These special Questions, TOYS galarles for teachers. The New William Friedlaender, Haz­ and the U« S. Naval Reserve Recognition Of asked four times a year, Jersey. Education Association, let,, Is a member of the ban­ T ra in in g Center, M em o rial Specialty Received round out the labor force sta­ • with over 33rO0O public school quet committee for the an­ Ave., ; Camden. tistics provided by Current * teacher members, has endors* nual Monmouth Council Boy All applicants must be no Four members of the medl Population Survey monthly in­ Games - Dolls ed such a request and agreed Scouts of America Recogni­ less than 22 . years or more cal staff of Monmouth Mem­ quiries on employment and on a vigorous program to se- tion Dinner, which will be than 35 year's of age as of orial Hospital have been not!y; unemployment by burnishing Trains - Bicycles - cure legislative approval. held Tuesday, Dec. 4, at Sea Ju n e 28, 1957, a h d a t le a s t 5' fled, ot recognition'" by their Information on the availability The teachers are seeking Girt Inn. Judge Elvln K. Sim- 8” and not more than 6’ 4" various specialties. - of part-time workers. In May minimum starting salaries of mlll is chairman of the affair without shoes. They .can weigh Dr. Peter J. Guthorn, As­ of th i s - y e a r , a ro u n d 11 p e r $3600, $3600, and $4000. depend­ which will pay tribute to the *no le ss th a n 150 pounds and bury Park and Dr. Edwin J. cent of .the unemployed men S&H Green . iny-on the amount of prepar- many volunteer.' leaders who no more ,than 225 pounds,, and Otis, Long Branch receive^ were seeking part-time rather :—atlon-fof-teaohlng.— Wlth_$200^ lead the county’s 250 scouting must" be well proportioned. w o rd o i their— beicg’ . made than fulltim e • Jobs," while 17 : Stamps a n n u a l In c re a se s fo r 10-12 units wltli a~~membeiiJihtp~"of Applicantsrtnust-havo- a good Fellows in_tte_ American_Cjol: p e r c e n t ot the unemployed years, teachers with less than o v er 7500 S couts. reputation and "sound moral lege of Surgeons during ’ the women wereTseeklBB'parttlme -Given—In ~Toy -D ept. four-years of. training would High Scouting" honors, In­ character. * A nnual Convention of the rather than jfull-tlme Jobs., Of eventually reach $5400; those cluding the award of the Sil­ All oppiicants_are requested American College of Sureeons the unemployed men seeking - with college degrees"$5800, and ver Beaver for distinguished to appear at their nearest lo­ In San Francisco last month. part-time Jobs Iff May, 52 per Enjoy Our Lay-A-Way -those with ffve-yoar training s^rvico to boyhood, will high* cation for the examination. Dr. Jack Levin. Freehold, cent were between 14 and 17 .beyond high school, $6200. The light the 'evening program; T li □ se receiving*-a—passing was notified. that he. has pass­ years-of-age while II per cont '^jpi'&sent state minimum sched- Recognition of scrvlcos, train­ m ark,In the written test will ed his examinations of the w ei e 63 years-of-age and « ^ K E 1 - 2 0 0 0 ... uie provides for a starting sal- ing. and other awards will be be notified when to appear American Board of Internal ovfil'. Thirty-seven per c e n t of “ •«ry of $3000, With 13-17 annual made. The theme bf the ban* for .medic.5.1 and.^hyslcal ex­ Medicine. Dr. R, .Dean Cod* the Onemployed women seek­ Increases of $150 a year to sai- quet this year Is "Hats Off to aminations. As many men fall dlngton, Red Bank, received ing part-lltne work )ti May wero ln the 14-17- year age .. - arles’ oX $4800, $5100, $5400, ac» Our Leaders.” The county to pass the medical examina­ word that he had been certifi­ HARDWARE CO. cording to preparation. now has almost 2000 men and tion,'due to bad tonsils, wax ed by the American Board of b ra c k e t, ‘ 2 8 W. FRONT STREET Dr. Richard^ T. Beck, presl* women ln leadership positions In ears and badly deviated Pediatrics, after passing . his The special part-time work dent of the teachers' associa­ -throughout lhe area. septum, lt is suggested these board examinations. questions, together with the

.... Be sura to gat the site you want O R t t R YOUR "BACKED-BY-BOND" Thanksgiving Turkey TODAY -. ' ~ . '" ■" —— - , Stock up on These Grocery Specials for Thanksgiving CRANBERRY SAUCE*™ .“I * 1

M cC orm ick Green Giant Peas 2 33* 7-MInit Pie Crust Mix (12* OFF 48'. Holiday Spices 'A W Deal)

II/4 o t Herb Seasoning V: 29* Dole Fruit Cocktail 2 % 69/ Penquin Beverages»ft 2” -27* pkg. ■3 ' » ...... Wise Potatothips 33' k m Poultry Seasoning V I S * Strained k A J P i Cranberry Sauce » £ 2'-“3'P Coconut Cookies ^4?" Chopp«d £ \ t n Whole Thyme 11* Swifts Baby Meats

Cinnamon . izip Pumpkin Pie Mix <»• - 2"23” Chocolate Chip *2 9 * Sara Lee Coffee Cake Proitn pVg. Nutmeg •founrf V,' 31' Kitchen Garden Corn® 2 - 29” Hudson Toilet Tissue 3*35* Italian Salad Dressing" " " “ 33* Orange Juice Snow C rop F ro u n 2<‘ °, 37* ^ --Jj; C rou a II . Date Pudding if.'tU.'ll "aiV' 51* Fig Pi'ddlnq 01 AJIIrandt lici, Injector Blades >ky ' 73* lU ckw all 51* Plum Pudding fettikwill - «*n 51* Hard Sauce C rflti I P aclwall 49* Wh't«i Onions A:: ,V d‘ 21 1 PUSS 'N BOOTI Sauerkraut Smd Url»n 225* PMmpVInPle Mix 23* CocMall Cherries 'i." 33* Ritters Tomato Juice 31* Sweet Potatoes, K 23* Royal Price Yams "..V 27* Freshpak Stuffed Olives V,1, 35* Dromadiry C O F f H Mixptl PicMesDw*" ,'**t '* “ '33* Poultry Seasoning 2*1,°,' 25* Cake Mix D!,l» fn !» 49* CAT FO O D Sandwich Cremes Just Reduced! Oilord pkg. 29^ Steero Poulilon Cubes " V 18* Broth 2 25* Superfine Limagrands u." 15* Geisha Crab Meat Apricot Nectar dJSJh 2 39* Frltos 29* l o r l y W o rn ScotMns Napkins t ’ ‘V '2 4 * Spited Mixed NutsAi,,r "..v 1 " Mince Meat • '" < u" '" 1 ,’i*f2J* 3 ‘.r, 25’<- lib. 8 7/ Modess * Lesfoil bSl: 37* 65, '■'S' b a g Ivory Soap Ivory Snow , Duz Kraft Swiss Links f i t N®pklnt Kr«lt Ch..i. Llnki Sanitary Soap Tt . ’ 3 26« 2 till 25, lOtfl Oha«M Freshpak Smokelh Soap u,,b“o> 3b’:,V 29,2 29, l.r, ih Garlic <••1! Ck..it 11,1, 1 lb. 2 * 8 5 ' A T 7 4C 23* PS:33‘ pkg ■ * 3 2 ^ , 6 7 7 * Pfttff Lfnki bag 9 5 ^ j . Drefl plV 32. X 77, i Racon ‘ "27, Nippy Orand Union Oroc.ry M e Eff.dlv. Thur.., Nov. ISIh lluu W.d„ Nov. 21... Me«,( Produc. ond Dairy Thur.„ Nov. 15th thru Sat., Nov. 17,h. Grand Union W . R .i.rv. Th» Right To Limit QuontltlM. F O R T O P QUALITY FAMOUS BRAND N/\ M E GIFTS...... FOR AL.l_ OGC A S I O N S ' L - 9 9 ^ S BLUE STAM PS physical p x a m early next arts courses necessary for a engine mechanlo or In one of toes for processing, the estl « * J year. Proin ihepoKTorqualKl college,degree;------J------m a te d 1958 p ro d u ctio n ls th e aircraft hydraulic, .repairman, highest on 'record field young inen reniainjhg -tHIs , ^ophon»ore, ye*r, w|ll he . . r i electrical repairman, and en-: m ln competition approximj^l^ spent ptaard, freighters,; tank­ Ftor the other crop,'* winter NOTES ers and. passenger vessels of glne mechanlo, or as an ln-; and .spring splnaoh, the 1938 , . .. 4 S elected to \b « g U structor, ' , " 1 :. H 1 (T h school seniors ancL the .United States ' Merchant production Is the second .high­ thEir naval careers in B^ptem- Airman PaJnwr .entered jjie est on record. ______. Nay. iS, - lhat Page Eleven tradiiates h&vd ^ ^ iin|li‘'fB i|j M arlne.^urlog-whlch-^tme^he A ir.F o rc e oi) S e p t.-7, 5050. Ho f 1 it i'ii : will 'study the s practical as­ .Tlie Indicated 1956 produc­ •ifttoV to a r k i J j U t , tjfe 's,^ pects his, future woiesslon. begaa.h I s bas|c training at tion or 7.720.000 'tons 'com­ 'iavy's Reserve Officer Traili­ NHQ^C College trailing prodildtd1 th i1 iilglieW 4d& rijrt program .also is open . to ' i!n- The remaining^ two years will Lackland Air Force, Texas, , pares’ with 5,510,000 tons har­ ng -Co r p s, Vice Admiral be spent at the Academy v e ste d ln 10SS a n d >1 s v e r- yield ker .ftoie of .arty' y«4r (m*' f >f Naval Personnel, said re­ listed men on active duty At Air Force Base record, according to Mon* with the Navy and Marines. pursuing advanced studies es­ ago of 6,400j000 ' tons for the cently. Applicants will take Aimed Services sential -.to' a ship’s olficer. Airman Third Clasi Winston 1945-54 period. ■ mouth County Agent M. A. t'h e nationwide competitive Separate Quotas are establish­ L. Lawson, son of Mrs. Laoy The eight orops covered ln Clsrk. The final figures hav* sxamlflfttion on Dec. 8 as tbe ed for applicants from within Palmer In Texas - E. Lawson. 212 Atlantlo Bt., tlie report usually account'for first 'step toward an , appoint­ these services...... Airman Baslo William Palm ­ Keyport, reported to White­ not been tabulated complete­ about 90 per cent of the total ment as midshipman. Application forms are avail­ . Discharged From Navy ln, 133 Florence Ave„ Onion er, son of M rs. Delores McKln- man Air Force Base, Mo. on ly . ' ...... ' ...... tonnage of the 11 processing Designed to supplement tbe able at all high schools, col­ Palmer H. HeBter, machin­ B ea ch , w hose wife, Betty, n e y , 341 F ilth Oct. 20 and has been assign­ leges, .Navy Recruiting Star lives at 18 . East Highland ed “to the 340th Field Main­ vegetables for which the crop >f/lcer output ol the Naval ist'* jnate third class, U. S. S tr e e t. Cliff- Reporting Board mak.t-3 "Help Wanted” ads In till* tlons or from the' Chief of Ave., Atlantlo Highlands, re­ tenance Squadron, . ' fVcademy, the NROTC pro­ Navy, son' ot wood, recently paper tell you about the good Naval Personnel, Washington cently was assigned to the m a te s . A b fa r aB to m a to e s gram makes lt possibly (or a Mrs. Mary B. has entered A irm a n Lawon • attended are oonoernod, New Jersey lo b s op en . /oung man to earn ft/coipmis- 25, D. c. . , 534th Armored Field Artillery t r a ln 1 n g at Keyport Hlgl' Bchool before Hayes, Exeter battalion. Fort Sill, Okla. sion while studying at the ci­ Va., and hus­ Sheppard A 1 r his entry . Into the U. S. Air PVt. Paulln. an ammunition vilian college of his choice Navy Adds Guided band of M ri. Force B a se , F o rc e , ln J u ly . , . ffhlch has. an NROTC unit. Joan E. Hest­ handler In th e battalion’s Tejc., In th e ' Whiteman Air Force BaBe Missilemen. To Li»l ' Service Battery, entered the Ml tuition, fees and books er, 59 a r e e n aircraft and ls a Btrateglo Air Command THANKSGIVING DANCE Army ln July and completed ire furnished by the Navy, Another field bas been Add' Orove A ve., engine m e ­ Installation, under the juris­ baslo training at Fort Knox, Sponsored By The apd' the student. receives an ed to .‘the U. S. Navy's list of Keyport, h a B chanic coune diction of The Eighth Air K y. annual, retainer of $600 for technician^, shortages, and to received- b is A i r m a n F o rc e . - f o u r - y e a r s —D u r i n g - t h e - BUjfi-' TALMEK 1 Cliffwood Angels Field Club the-llst-okthose~men-vwhO'can honorable.-dis­ At -K in g s P d ln t------PalmeiLattend: mer the student goes on re-enllst with their old rate c h a rg e 11 o m Cecil C. Burglm, son of[ Mr. ed M atawan Hlgb School, where tra in in g cruises to many HESTER Vegetable Production even if they have been a ci­ the U. S. Navy, and Mrs. Cecil C. Burglm, he was active in football. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 parts of the world. After com­ vilian up to two years. Guid­ Prospects Bright attached to th e U. S. Naval Keyport, has been appointed The aircraft and engine me­ pleting the usual four-year ed missilemen, the boys that Receiving Station, Norfolk, Va. officially a Cadet-Mldshlpman chanic course provides train­ Affording to tlie Crop Re­ sollege, conrfin, ho U commls shoot thoso rockets Into the ing for seleoted alrmon In tlie The Norfolk Naval Receiving ln the fall class at the United porting Board of the Agricul­ CLIFFWOOD FIRE HOUSE sloned In the Regular Navy air, are the new additions. fundamentals' of mechanics Station, commanded by Capt. States Merchant Marine Aca­ tural Marketing Service, pros-, >r M a rin e C o rp s- a n d . g oes on First, gecond and third with emph&sls on the inspec­ ' CUffwood — . J. C. Q. Wilson. USN, pro­ demy, Kings Point, N.Y. This pecta for eight.Important veg­ active duty with the' Navy's clasa^ guided missilemen are tion and maintenance of recip­ c e sse s a p p ro x im a te ly 8000 m e n is one of the youngest of the etables for commercial pro­ for-flung fleets. needed. For xnore Informa­ rocating engine type alroraft a month on their way to and federal academies In th e cessing point to a record high High school seniors and tion, contact the U, S. Navy He will, receive lnstruotlon on Music By Walt Staeger and Hit OrcKeitr* from naval activities all over United Stales. total production ot 7,720.000 graduates between the ages Recruiting Station in the Post the aircraft and engines of such the world. , Cadet-Mldshlpman Burglm tons. For each of seven of of 17 and 21 may apply for Olffce Building, Asbury Park. will receive four years of In­ Planes as the B 30, B-29, C-124, the eight orops, green lima Dancing From B Until? the NROTC aptitude test, Training At Fort1 Sill tensive training In the techno­ C-87, C-54, T-8, B-28, C-119 and beans, snap beans, beets for Those wbo make a qualifying ;hed 'apartment ilg n s Pvt. Thomas L. Paulln. son logical field of his choice and B-25. This training will enable canning, kraut cabbage, Bweet -— Donation $1.00 ------icore will be given a rigid for sale at this office. of Mr. and Mrs.” Jerry Paul­ In the supplementary liberal him to work rs an aircraft and corn, green peas, nnd toma T*

Ybu Can’t Beat "Backed-by-Bond”


U. S. Choice and Packer*1 Top Brands


d a iry foods Kingan’s Reliable—Boneless—Fully Cooked READY TO EAT |b. OLD FORGE CHEDDAR - CANNED. HAM S Avg. * |t 8-10 M l Cover with Irown Sugar — Oarnlsh wllh Pineapple Mice* — In llew Oven end Serve with Candled Sweet Pohrtoee - A U ol Vltslnta llyl* Tr«i». BABY GOUDA V“45/

Swtft'i Prtmlujn Broolrfitld . Red ”L" PM-Ceek*d WMh M uM - Milk Fed - Ovsn Rm <» m M Ro«I MUENSTER CHEESE ^55/ W AL ROAST Legs and Rumpa 1^- 55^ SAUSAGE MEAT 1139* SCALLOPS just He»t end Serve p|^ 9 ran d Union — (tlec fe d QutlKy — toneleii — _ frozen foods—r— . FreiWy C tound - - Kstiet — N«w Crop " ■ Ib. HADDOCK FILLETS W eiU 2 pkgt. ..--. A ' H EATLO AF leaf F«iiV«l D>­ SAUERKRAUT k17* 7 9 SLICED STRAWBERRIES 2 — ‘- 39* Freshly Cut ' freshly Cut — Meaty H ygrsdt'i Skinless BIRDSEYE GREEN PEAS 2 ' - ^ - 3 3 ' fRANKFURTERS^ ‘ 49* HALIBUT STEAK ‘ 6 9 ' FORK HOCKS Sauerkraut “>•23* SEABROOK COCKED SQUASH '>" * 1 7 * Fresh Fruits and Vegetables SEABROOK CUT CORN / 2 » - - ^ 3 7 * Firm, Large Clusters -— baked. tre a t* ” Save Up To 5# A Loaf i NANCY UYNN FIRM TYPE EMPEROR GRAPES Q B E A ^ Made wllh Milk \ b o t . M ^ Duller snd Honey loaf A Dalldoui Fine Texlured "Homeilyle" Loaf Your family Will (n|oy SWEET POTATOES Oolden MARVIN DATES IRESH CRANBERRIES .... DATE & NUT ROLL Tho Porfwt gi« | PORTABLE PHONO FRUIT CARE MIX FLORIDA •ktChtlttni WHITE ONIONS Delidoui Creamed FINGER FIGS CITRUS FRUITS don'l DM)) Price* start ai low at 1 0 5 , nllUoaairei AV O C AD O S Add i*il to Salads •sch FRESH DATES Ccliternti I pifl- 19* Packed and shipped by fail Ixprsss Inclusively fer Orand Union Customers VUH rotit. TrltH* ft>K«d»miHiMi CrnUr Hi ill I . , . Direct from Florida !o any pe/ten SWEET CIDER Naturvs Perfect BUnd "MBia • "ftt, ~KMiibtri, ‘ itt. fCUt»*4 a t ; Moo " liy , Ofitm V i M * b l In the U.t.A, >«e. yeur Ornnd Unlew Produce Manager Today . . . + ~ 4 U^m e>M«r IV -v. H*v. 1M * n W~C H ~. *)■>. MmA P nA m mmd M ty FfUm, y h ¥ t n TW». Mm. I M Ara W , M*t. »»*. W « tip fW TV* M fM ?• U m N TS^i.JZ —» U fe « i BUiESBWMl

■y •! Maine MATAWAfJ;1JQ lJ^A Lf J ‘th^ • Rummer of 1857 with sardtries. itiralhed. wlth' a cup Heat until faubWy and aervt over toast. * Fate-Twelve Nev. 15, 1958 ' Approximately 20,000. houaes final reports BSt .for_the fall,_. of chOr tu4ce^a tablespjonlul in the New York-Northeastern Mr.; Harjan polqMjOut. m « jNew Jersey standard JnetroK all Information furnished ; to Jiolltati' are* will be i covered JRJpePagliara Leads a s p art of the ' National the Census Bureau-; *»■ kept Housing Inventory which, gets confidential by law and only New Auxiliary Plans underway locally today, ac­ statistical totals and averages cording to Sheldon O. Harlan are published. - ' A meeting, of mothers of chll of the Census Bureau's field dren and others Interested In staff who will direct the sur­ the Speech and Hearing Cen­ v e y . ter of Monmouth Memorial About 30- persons will be Hospital, Long Branch, will employed in the survey which be held at Auxiliary Hall, Third will supply current Inform*, and BaOi-.Aves. Long Branch tlon on tbe number and char­ Wednesday Nov. 28, at 2 p.m acteristics of dwelling units to discuss plans for organlza- now ih existence lh the area. tlo n ol a new auxiliary to as­ Tbe survey also will furnish sist the. center. . facts on the losses and gains . Spearheading the movement resulting from new construo are Mrs, Marie Fagliara; Cllff- tlon, conversions and demoli­ Matawan Sporting Goods wood, and Mrs. Helen Salt*- tions since 1950, providing tbe 160 M A IN ^ S T R E E T " -M A 1*4448 MATAWAW ‘ man, Interlaken, who explain You Get Clean, Quick ftrst measurement of the lo­ ... ' N ext T o P o lic e Headquarters —thaLthe-new..auxlUaty. wJll fof cal housing supply since the —Heat. For Cooking_ Open 9 .A.M. te « P .M . Dallr — Friday 9 A.M. to J E.B mallze the efforts of friends of 1950 census of housing. the speech and hearing center, The survey will show size And . make possible u system- P^cJmpt, Efficient and age of houses, rents paid, Ued progrdm for raising funds to.purchase equipment at tho value of homes, condition of ' Service . . houses, vacancies, plumbing c e n te r...... The State University on Saturday will dedicate formally this new ikutgcri University Lib* facilities and characteristics ...' .The Speech and Hearing Cen­ rary, $4,000,000 structure which hat a 1,500,000 volume book capacity and room t* house 1200 STORM DOORS of families 1 i v 1 a g In tho KEYPORT GAS CO. ter of Monmouth Memorial is students, three times the size of the Voorhees Library which had been outgrown for many years. .. ' ' madel>f ■ . . a division of the Department Gov. Robert B, Meyner and former Gov, Alfred Driscoli will take part In the dedloatiotf houses covered In the survey. convocation. Information also vill be ga­ of Rehabilitation Therapies of Affiliate of- Monmouth Memorial Hospital, thered on outstanding mort­ With Philip N. Goldberg, group, and a lm o s t never. In 11am H. Rooney, Keansburg, gage debt. Interest rates, use ALCOA ALUMINUM speech' and hearing therapy sin g in g . Local Residents laborer; Bernard H. Bowden, of conventional and govern­ ment-insured mortgages, sec­ ..supervisor.' Patients under th­ Generally, speech defects Keansburg, - treasurer’s assist­ KEYPORT LUMBER wi cfi'oil.^ treated, at the, center Include: ond mortgages and monthly erapy range from children ant; WUllam R. Some r s, With speech defects as young Ap'hasia, the difficulty of un­ On Petit Jury payments, If amortized. & SUPPLY CO. * A L C O A I as three years old to elderly derstanding and/or expressing K ean sb u rg ^ steamfitter; Enumerators for the Nation­ patlenis who have lost their oneself as a result of brain A m ong 150 p e tit J u ro rs who Frank E. St. John, Keyport, al Housing Inventory w e re Ti'l. Matawan 1-1872 ALUMINUM liv en > two-day training speech through cerebral accl- damage; stuttering, delayed will begin service at Free­ foreman, and Jacob Q. Um- ClifTwood, N. J. Mill HODUCTI dent <“strolr> speech, /therein the child docs course Tuesday a n'd Wednes­ atvMiauM^eMeta^ Bt i hold N ov. 20, ihelr terms to beiger, Holmdel Township, not speak until he Is three or day. It is expected-that the One of the newest develop­ run until Dec. 7, are 23 looal ments in the center was the or­ four years old; severe articu­ research chemist. survey will he completed - In ganization of group therapy lation disorders, such as baby residents. They are Elmer L.' sessions which are proving ef­ talk and unintelligible speech Baldwin, Jr., Union Beach, en­ fective as a supplement to pri­ caused by cleft palate condi­ gineering aid; Mrs. Helen C. vate Instruction, particularly tions, voice disorders, foreign Bliss, Matawan, housewife; Taka iheft mil/out;for lo r children, although , th e accents, and speech defects as Walter Brown, Keyport, pack­ members of the groups range result of problems of nasal­ from four-to-24. _ ity and breath control; post er; Mrs: Ann Carras, Key­ -So promising is the group laryngectomy training, which port, cashier; Mrs. Beatrice therapy effort that the' stutter- makes speech possible for pa­ A. Collins, Keyport, house­ tients who have had their lar­ i "%'?£ have formed a club called wife; Waiter R. Ergott, Un­ the’ "Stutterbusrs,” which Is ynx removed surgically by ALL BEST SIZES >IN STOCK made up of "Junior .Stutter- teaching them to substitute ion Bea.ch, foreman; James - K e y p o rt bugs” finder 11 years old, “stu- other muscles and organs of A. Eeeney, Marlboro Town­ tterbugs" from 11 to 17,-and the thorax aiid abdomen for ship, project engineer; Law­ Complete — Nothing Extra.To Buy “Senior Stutterbugs" compos­ the normal larynx: cerebral rence Gilchrist, Keyport, ed of adult stutterers. In the palsy victims, and auditory smelter; Miss Barbara Hol- Make Your Table Reservations sessions, discussions on a wide training ’ problems, ln which Ungdrakai- Keansburg, route Variety of subjects^are encour­ the patient has difficulty ln dis­ maker; Mrs. Florence Hul­ aged to induce'Tfte stutters to tinguishing between sounds. sart, Matawan, cashier. accept their disabilities in ex­ An unique project currently Also wtr Han m nrbtfon-'37’» most tUtUatkn itflht^ . !Sk M ara's where you’ll iind all the big-time ehangee in looks, side, handling, Two Great Stores peiioimaBee. There's cm M alting new exprM iloa ei Wgos, alertness and M««r InteHer — Leak —a lathloa "Uni" h t 'B 7tohi-m akhtd trili M e evf.iA w U Wed Front St. luxury tn styling. These’* f . new «asa and oonHdenoe at the wheel as you ' pilot th* greateet V-8 erer developed—a power plant lhat tops even laet »«•** MreM-Blpaeh V-* 5 ■ n«wr >ufpc0f/on tyth n t>at»d o a o big, toad-hugging 124* wf 123 -ia ch w in /b a a * . You can own to fill tha Aerolux bulbs. A small current 7 Ho wonder Uiey’ie calling this '57 Pontiac ihe Lluip.ico Package ol Ihe' \ a new (hardly enough to register on your meter) Yeasl (Sou* in and look lt orer, thrive tt. You'll know In a single mile iliat •fopular-PHa^tariM taiarOhlsfiBuiiM OhltrtOhM NAlii causes tho gases to ionizo and fashion the you're driring America’s Ho. 1 Road Cast . '■ ' Sea America's Number ® Road Car al These Pontiac Dealers' r c a V i c t o r flowers and other designs in light. See Our Beautiful T, V. Lamps ' 2 in i C o lo r T V ' On/y SJM A Wwk! HAZLET LIJNCII DOWNES PONTIAC fake 36 Months Jo Pay! t i v, Highway 3S — Keyport ! ■ • 62- 66 Lower Ma&n St.. Phone Mat. I-2299 Matawaiv N. V. blmdel Adopts NURSES GUESTS AT HMH LUNCHEON Jurisdiction over municipal af­ Officer To Contest | New pistrict Manager] Holmdel Board Asks fair*. . : ’ Other board members ,be- m - Developers To Aid lleved, . however, the , board olmdel Township Commit- should . seek the co-operation ursday- Edopted-chBnges The H o 1 m i l 1 Township ^if - the - : township --authorities | the' 'banding' tbd£' 16' stiffen' ing tr^hnent at. a military Board of Education has gone who may ut able to persuade fe requirements against a^o£* hospijfrt t .in . Phbfem^yill^; ^Pa, ( on record requesting t h • lo c al d e v e lo p e rs to a s s is t fl- pie] influx of developed. > Xn; has, Indicated'lip will app^AJ llatmdel -Towinhlp-Commltt.e 6ariolaHy.:fc_jj^cesstuxi-»chaol finance-to that effect waa a Tirurikeri driving conviction to ‘make an effort" to seek by Increased ; populallon fig­ opted bn final reading. • ln New Brunswick which will donations from local develop u re s , ’ J John,Fuchs. Islrate of Stanley Stilwell, magistrate, prevent him from traveling by ers to help defray the cost ot Nearby Madison Township, Madison Township and a Mlll- nd the proposed.code need­ auto to see his children Jn West school construction. B oard In adjoining Middlesex Coun­ town ;Uoioii»h, nn

PACKAGE and. BULK Purina Chows A two--niilnNiirfiHwKbi<(diuf Nrw Ji'nwy rnllnMid uuiy toslly( Friskies 'llicnxwllioiivlly Iu x h I in lhe world. Ihilinntnifnttlu! Hunt'Club 1 luilmin Hlv*-r w ntcrlronl, ncrntm from duwnhiwj/ M nnl Cero Meato Uinwi tw o iiilliw of rnilrottd, inclmllriK mlJil^TTrU'rinlnril Vitality " fmillltiiK, In HIM pnid InxiwiimoiintiiiK lo $1,870,0001 Kasco JlH vnlly ii imrliun o l Ih i' N i w Jcrwy Turnpike mli-nnl »n from Newark to llie llollnnd 'l’imiu-1 wim pliiml In M-rvlic II U i . K - F ' S J W. D. Swarfiel, Jr. ] Immriliiili'ly iuljnm il lo l l i i w Iw o inllm of riillnmil,Tl o i s x t i i l lliclilKliwiiy um striicllnii iivitiibi^I M 't inllllondiillnri IK-r I Coal - Feed and Farm Supplied - _ m ile fo r (lie hi'iic-filof (ilgliwny trimn|Mii(«ll(iii, fni'liidlil) H A 7A .K T . I lln- riillriim l'. |iiliicl|>iil inm pi'tltor*. Tilt' fliinnt irlKl'iir jliU I I fiiclllly was ln« fri*: lhe Inviwlinenl Ik lux In * niutlliu iiuxim* in lux in v . 'I'lir iiiljiii-riil iiillriuul, w llli mi inwiMini nt ol p P h o n e H er. 7-1100 J * lipiimxilliiili'ly 1 hem mi'UN thi'uw ! ol 1li<- I'lirnpiki', Is u y ln * ninl,1 ii I llie ru le nl Til,‘15,000 |n r mill! of rond eiuli fenr,-- W llllc IIU- Klillll/lll lum jrllllllllll fix-i111 il-M w llliln ilii«e I vo miles," llm Iiiii-h /u e Vimlly liliiln i lim n IImwc on coiiiimralilK rnlliiwil |ini|H’ily utty w)n-r«' flue In llie lift Hull. Ill (nd, lie «Mi*uTiiwnf on m u m 'n t Ihi' hniil within llifitm i mlh’iilii l< Ii In us liilli h Ml tfiO.IKM) nn OI II'I '

1 (ere In n n n llier (I in mill Ic lim e iIi'IiiuiihIi iiIIiik llie iIIhci i n ln iilo rx nml inchiile lux system filled eveiy ilnv l>y yniir New ,1 rsey • K EEPSY 0U Milliimds n hvnleni wliidi cimiH-ln your inllrimiU In | «y III* I 0N-THE-G0 liiKlicsl iicIIk iiiiI Iiixiii of liny Klnle in llie union, five lln in tlieniitiunnl nvi-niKel Tmlny, Ihe New Jersey rnllronil Inilimlry pii.vo oul an average of 91.67 In New Jersej luxe* fur every ilnlln e a rn e d In (henfnle~flie enrneil ilnllnr soil A7 rents lienliles, ' # Hm li ili*i>ioj>oi liuniile IftKi-non y o u r riilln>ii Ole iilso nn d mure linpoi limlly, n lux oil yim r/uliire. Yon <,111 lielpNeW Jeixi-y |iioKiiwi ln'lnu u Well-Ill urtiHHl POINTS TO CHECK eili/j-n nnil »|ii-,iliiiiK yoili m inil on v>linI n m U lo lie du us ■ to net lax fall jilny In Ni-w .li ifi y. You'll And llie fm U n WAFTUE-MAKCR AND OfttLL AUTOMATIC COFFCKMAKKR f Chtck engine, early . u r e t e r , " 1 'a i'ih u n T k a r u n ." .lu-l uille: Iliillioiid Infoimnllm U u te iu ^ JC P sL #' Check battery. Iher ir'Coinini'iiiiHliiel.Newiiik Z,N ,J. T h e r e ' s an electric g i f t m iital, hat* f«nitfi'- U o n * . contpr+**(nn. f o r everyone on your liat I : Chcrk dUtrh*df«r for 10/ needed «errl^)nff. SEE YOUR REDDY KILOWATT DEALER (!«r« rill#4 t'm r

RAILRO A D S SERV IN G N EW JER SEY , i j w m p m f j HALEYS JCP&L KKKVK'K KTHTIIIK ‘ Jtiit; Cnlral IVw«r a Ll|H N ilm a I41U • l« t» M , 1 ■- ’*0» • *-■-■ ■ ■■ fighters wanted~for the main bout for the Nov. IS" -date. BAYSHORE PLAYERS WITH RED BANK CATHOLIC Red Rai jers Set Keyport Jayvees Top Trip Successful There will be, however, the \ THE ' amateur bouts at Fatersort ty- Rumson Gridders Alfred C. Poole,- Holmdel; jJMAOT.AN JOURNAL Maj. KarlJ AckersJn, Hazlet, presently..stationed in Florida Club boxers will participate, K e y p o rt’a finest fo o th ill Three touchdowns hy sopho- A move is being made this P a g e F o u rte e n N ov. 15, 1956 NO CHANQEj in tha. site ..ol inore -halfback- Frank-Lawson w ith tfoe tJ . S . A rm y ;. J - J a y team In "many* years took its week by the Matawan Town­ the annual Thanksgiving■ Day Monday sparked the Keyport Willey, Red Bank, and J. Le­ ship Recreation Commission rightful: place at the top of High School Jayvee football game will take.place no,mat­ on schanck, Jr.,' keyport, and the township police de­ the heap" Saturday ln the ter wbat conditions- of wea­ te a m to a 27-0 win over Rtjm- v e returned home' from a partm ent-to ^organize- a-police -­ Ruth Tops Reeves j son at the Bulldog fteld. ' Eho»e ' Conference ” emsfgiag th er 6r~fleia~^derfoorTleve!- one-wgek “hunting trip spent athletic league for boys 8 to tbe best offensive and defens­ op, John Caraccloio, director The close-out win evened tbe at King Bartlett Lake Camps, 14 years old as a help to curb of athletics of Matawan High, season's record of the Keyport Eustis, Me. In Scoring Race iv e club ln the schoolboy Juvenile delinquency In the h as confirmed; \ Agreement squad with two wins and a like The party returned h o m e township. Once . the township league. s ' ■, Oeorge Ruth, Keyport High will be sought with Keyport, number of losses. The Raiders with thr^e bucks; one, seven unit Is chartered, its boys caq School’s explosive halfback, Coach Stan Baker's Jugger­ according to the -MHS direc­ have lost to Matawan aad Red point; one, six point, and one participate In the athletic naut has thundered’over the tor, on the need for postpone­ Bank thla_year while coping a spike horn. tournament's held under PAL moved into the lead la tbe ln- ment, II the weather Is foul. opposition eight times this tilt from Point Pleasant. sponsorship. The crying need dfvldii&I scoring race of the This could happen as some­ year for a total of 269 points, Ray Frye, Raider tackle, Is for realization of the town­ Shore .Conference- Saturday by thing overdue M for ' the 17 av e ra g in g better th a n 33 opened up the scoring In the Depth Perception ship first aid squad’s plan to years they have played, Key­ scoring three touchdowns and points a game. , first quarter when he Intercept­ provide a recreational center, port and Matawan never haye . live extra points for a total ed a Rumson pass by Jim Rafy ln Its headquarters for the The Raiders never have run Into -weather sufficiently p o in t o u tp u t of 112. on the Bulldog 42-yard-llne and For Hunting boys. Perhaps the townshlO scored less than 27 points In bad to forr.ft a postponement Ruth, ono of the finest any single gairie and Satur­ raced Into the end zone ahead oommlttee, planning a new of their game. Yet each one ' By Dr, James Gregg backs In Keyport grid history, d a y 's 48 points a g a in st Bum - of his pursuers. Tommy Leon­ bail with the bonding already of them, up to this Very good ard took a handoff.from Ben (Tbli coiumo u presented as a pub needs only eight more count­ son was the season’s high In Uc service to co-opcihMod with the provided, . can get ' together year weather-wise, has found Ochlnegro for the extra point. ers to tie the conference post­ a single g a m e , e c lip sin g the* It necessary each season to New Jersey . Ootometrlc Association with the first aid men oh * A second pass Interception by ~:uevUom may be addressed to thr building for' their Joint needs war scholastic scoring mark Raider 46-0- record against postpone one or twp other lew Jersey Ootometrlc Assori'‘** ii which would provide the reo- act by Danny Lewis, Tree- Lambertvllle ln the opening football games to be played G ene F le m in g oh h is ow n 45 102 Wes» State St Trento* * H i Charlie was puzzled. “I don't reationar'faclllties so '"Badly bo ld , ln 1953 w ith 120 po in ts. - Four cridmen wliohave helped Coach Joe Bolger's-squad g a m e .- —..... - ...... - ■ ..... oh" Monday” or Tuesday dates. of an erraut pass by Rumson's get lt, Doc. My vision is sharp The Raider halfback, who, at Red Bank Cathollo High School through a rugged schedule Closest rival of Keyport ln The logical date for the play­ Peter Stlen started a 55 yard needed for youth In the com­ as a tack but I've sure been h a s b ee n trailing Long this season are (left to Tight) ♦ Joe Miele* a freshman, fulU the team scoring output race ing of a postponed Thanksgiv­ march by Keyport for Its sec­ m u n ity . ' B ra n c h ’s fabulous Bobo missing my shots lately." back} Charles Rupyr a Junior, quarterbaok; William Kennedy, Is Long Branch with a to ta l ing. Day game would be the ond sc o re . Beeves In the Individual scor­ a senior, halfback, ond Mike Gorman Jr., end. Kennedy Is of 260 points, also'' rolled up.ln following Saturday afternoon. Both Fleming and Leonard ‘Sit down ' at this Instru­ ing race throughout tha sea- from Keyport, and; the other three are from Keansburg. eight outings this year. , Matawan and Keyport athletlo ground off substantial gains to ment," directed hls optome­ U m DOC! mCANTH/T . son, caught up-to the Oreen trist. “This test of depth per­ Keyport stands alone tills directors and school officials hiring the ball down to the,Rum­ \MMVME---8UTm Wave ace who was ■ held ception may show wbat the week as the only undefeated will confer well ln advance of son three where Lawson bulled scoreless Saturday against As- trouble la." . v CAN ALWAYS &TA60QP Red Raider Steamroller Crushes Rumson- and untied eleven at the game time this year on - any over for the TD. A point after b u ry P a rk , sneak by Ochlnegro was good. t m m e f / m m x m Bhore. Long Branch, w h 1 o b need lor postponement so Bringing home the limit of Reeves still holds a total of had been undefeated ln seven there will not be -any repeti­ fiawson electrllled tho crowd birds calls for aocur&te judg­ 10B poin ts o n 18 touchdow ns, Fair Haven Regional Saturday, 48-0 games, was'rocked by Asbury tion of the 1954 situation. On when he took a lateral from ment of speed and distance. S t m u b B U I O f c Ruth, who now has a total that occasion lt was uncertain Ochlnegro on the half-time When something’binders nor­ Triggering a lightning-like and w£nt 48 yards for the P a r k S a tu rd a y , 13-6, of 17 touchdowns and 10 up to 15 minutes before game klckoff, and sped 82 yards mal depth perception, like It offense that rolled up three score, The-play was ruled a Defensively, the Raiders are tra points to his credit, shares tim e w hether' the contest through the Rumson defenses had for Charlie, safety is threa­ touchdowns ln the first quar­ lateral try'by Williams, with agiln tabbed as one ol the the honors with Reeves for could be played and one Key­ for the third Raider tally. Tom tened as well. ter, the Red Raiders of Key- the ball remaining In play. finest at the shore permitting being the fourth grldder to port board member at that port High School crushed win- Ruth again tallied the extra only 38 points by opponents ln Leonard again rushed for the Good two-eyed vision contri­ hit the century mark In tho tlme^was opposed to letting less Rumson-Falr Haven Re­ point and went on for twp conversion. ’ butes to seeing depth. A cau­ past dozen years. eight games, relinquishing a the Red and. White team play gional High School Saturday, more tallies, ln the- fourth A 95 yard march hy the jun­ tious one-eyed person learns meager average of 4.6 yards on such a muddy surface. Others to hit at least 100 •quarter. ior Raiders just before the half to get along, but two eyes are afternoon, 48-0, a t th o R a id e rs a g am e . .*'*'/ . ' points during a season, be­ field beforo 1500 chilled on­ After a Raldor drive fizzled ended went for nought os the superior in certain depth judg­ Asbury Park,, an outstand­ KEYPORT has, at this sides Lewis were Ted Lauer, lookers. - on the Rumson six, Williams period ending play, a pass ments. Anything that interferes ing defensive club, has per­ writing, an exceedingly Middletown Township with 113 Coach Stan (Tuffy) Baker’s again got off a poor punt that from Ochlnegro to Fleming, with the two eyes working cor­ mitted 45 points to be scored good chance of becoming ln 1948; and*E d W eber, M ata powerful football machine add­ went out of bounds on the" was completed, outside the end rectly together can cut down upon lt while Long Branch, the only undefeated Group w a n , w ith 10D ln 1017. ed another seven points in the Bulldog three yard line, Ruth zone. ' the accuracy. . by. virtue of Saturday's loss, II football team In the Hank Cl#ary, ace Keyport third quarter and 20 more In took tbe ball from Cleary on Thp drive was featured by • ^Each eye sends Its Image of Is the fourth best defensive state. There were thrco oth­ quarterback, moved into the the fourth period to complete the first play and went Into !• and 25 yard rijns by Leon space to the brain. There the club with opponents tallying er unbeaten Group II aggre­ Hunting for a good deal _ third rung on the scoring lad- the humiliation of Rumson the end zone. He again added ard and" Lawson. A 48 yard 50 points. gations at the start of grid image from each eye Is blend­ ~der. by-passing Long Branch's which now has dropped 19 the extra point. . pass play, Ochlnegro to Law­ ed Into a single! mental Impres­ on your present car? Aim . Middletown Township ln on­ warfare Saturday afternoon. Joe Grazlario who was held games in a row, U— —Pour plays later, Ruth took son, accounted for th e final sion. Thefee “images” must be for STRAUB BUICK and ' ly seven outings; this year, By nightfall, two of them ' scoreless. Cleary, picking up The win Saturday, eighth in & pltchout from Cleary Raider touchdown. Fleming's however, bas permitted a to­ had swallowed the bitter -about equal In air their quali­ you’ll. find you Kit tha one touchdown against Rum- succession this year for the Ground the right end of Rum- try for tho extra point w a tal of 34 points with, one less ply of defeat. Verona suc­ ties to make the stereoscopic son, now totals.. 57 counters r o n r p 1 n g„ Raiders,.. assured son’s fdrward wall and went thrown back by Rumson. depth experlecne what it should right spot. ' game-played than tbe Raid­ cu m b ed to M lllb u rn , 17-0, for the season against Grazl- Keyport of at least a tlo for 44 yards down the sidelines A sharp Raider defense did e rs. and Ocean City outscored be. a n o 's 66. the Shore Conference B divi­ for his' last tally of th? day. not permit Rumson to pene­ 0 m m ____ The vaunted offense of the hlgh-rldlng Middle T O w n* Poor eye-muscle co-ordlna- Dan Fiorettl, Point Pleas sion championship. A w in He went off right tackle for trate further thau the Raider Raiders this year has totaled ship, 13-8. This downfall of tlon prevents the two eyes from ant, brings up the fifth posl- Thanksgiving Day ovor neigh­ th e , P A T , ! 38-yard-llne at any time during m o re th a n 2000 y a rd s on the Middle Township was Im­ worjclng together properly. In T, tio n w ith 54 counters. b o rin g Matawan, h o w ev er, . in tho closing minutes of th e g am e. S i t i a u i portant to tho Keys as the -some cases, one eye may sup­ Cleary, along with Len Gol­ would keep tho Raider's rec­ the final quarter, with Raider ground and. via the air routes A last quarter £umson pass­ MOTOBS,ife I eleven from South § Jersey press Its Image, and seeing Is den, Raider end, are hot af­ ord unblemished and certain­ pophomores and freshmen in ln the eight games played ing attack with Stl?n and Hen­ Vour Bulck Dealer' i thus far. , had made a better scoring drastically effected. Muscle ter the shore's passing and ly stamp the local eleven the lineup,„ the Raiders start­ ry Hoffpian doing the pitching balance of Uie eyes has .been KE 7*4000 Shore Conference champs and ed a final scoring drive from against Point Pleasant than receiving honors this year. moved the ball into Raider ter­ found to be a strong factor ln the Bulldog 30-yard line. ' had th e R ed an d W hite, Tlife . C le ary h a s -fire d 10 sc o rin g one of the best teams In Cen­ ritory but th e Raider second accident proneness. And faulty passes while Oolden has re­ tral Jersey. Five plays later, Tom Leon­ remaining Group H team ,_.wltlv_^eyport'.is„ Lyndhurst. stringers • stopped ' the ’ drive musclei-balance_ is-very-com r ceived; four TD aerials and Coach Baker's awesome a r d o sophom or e fullback when' two passes^ wehV Incom­ They easily disposed of Pat­ mon at all ages. ' . n . scored a PAT f o r a total of eleyen scored the first three charged into pay dirt for Key- plete. erson Central Saturday, 194 Fatigue piles up quickly 25 points. . . . times It got its hands on the port's 48th point of the dayi Score Periods However, at 10:30 a.m,. when the eyes don't work as a ball on one and two yard The try for the point after K ey p o rt ’ 7 7 13 0—27 . Raider fullback Ray Lo­ : Thanksgiving, L y n d ­ team. Responses become slug­ Phone Kennsbmg 6 0300 plunges by Hank Cleary and failed . fit. J o s e p h 's C u b P a c k 80, R u m so n 0 0 0 0— Presto upped his season's out­ Keyport, defeated Atlantic hurst meets B ast R u th e r­ gish, attention drifts, and re­ put to 2B points by virtue of R ay LoPresto respectively Although it was a red letter Frl.-Sat. ‘ Nov. 16-17 H ighlands* P a c k 22 by a sco re ford for their final game. action time drops when eyes three touchdowns and 10 per- and a sparkling 60 yard run day for ths Keyport backfleld of 27-13'' a t A tla n tic H ig h la n d s East Rutherford is a Group TV Debut Monday For strain to see. Result? T^e deer Hot Rod Girl feet tries for the PAT. Sopho­ by halfback Oeorge Ruth. men who rolled the Raider's Memorial Field on Sunday, to m school and lost only to Is away before you know It. — a lso — more halfback Frank Lawson On Keyport's second play of season scoring total to the Telephone Series xnaik their fourth win in suc­ mighty'C 11 ft o n, rated a Your gun reaches your should­ ' b\ bo represents the Raiders In the game, following a three h ig h e st In h is to ry w ith 260 Girls In Prison cession, It looked as 11 Key­ number . two team In tbe “Our Mr. Sun,” the first pro­ er too slowly. Another beauti­ the scoring columns with IB yard advance through the points1, the defensive work of These pictures will not he port was In. fpr lt'fl>rfirst Ide-. itnte v .until... m eeting Mont­ gram In the. now- Boll-System ful- miss! • • • \ - ;:- .. . points on three TDs. . line, Cleary faked a pltchout, the Btartlng forward wall was shown: at the Sat. Matinee swept left fcnd.-and^.re versing tremendous. fe a t a s A tlantlo Highlands1 clair on Saturday. The'East TV Science Series, will be Charlie, 'you,' have 20/20 ; Special Kiddle:-Matinee;::? his field behind a host of T he Rumson attack ., was racked up the first score be­ Rutherford sco‘r6 wltli Clif­ seen^over the CBS television eyesight-' alright," " concluded S a tu rd a y KHS, MHS Scoring Raider blockers, streaked all held to a net of minus seven h in d some splendid blocking ton was only 27-20_so_Jt.ap^ network, in-an hour-long color­ Dr.-CameHr-the-optometrist; within tlio flrst'thi'fife' minutes "pears likely that Lyndhurst cast at 10 p.m., Monday. The Return of the Texan K oyport the-way-down-to~the_Rumson Tarda ~rushlng'"an"''arterno'bn, But that left eye practically of play, will not faro very well ln show marks the television de­ 'Cartoon ' - 46 Lambertvllle 0 one. ’ On almost every play, Rum- goes to sleep at times. It takes - TIIE RACES their Thanksgiving contest. but of th e Academy Award 38 V W ayne — e Cleary, on the next play, son backs were playing tag ln . After that, however, lt was a hlg toll ln your efficiency, at Prizes To Holders Of This would leave Keyport, winning director, Frank Cap­ 27 C en tral R eg . 0 sheaked across for the Initial their own backfleld with Raid­ -keyport's game to win as they work as well as hunting. LUCKY NUMBERS Raider score. Ruth took a came back with a touchdown if victor- over Matawan, -on ra, Mr. Capra currently Is 33 Point Pleasant 26 er guards and tackles who Sun. - Mon, - Tues top of the whole Group II working ln three more p ro ­ 33 Lakew ood 0 handoff to ta lly the p o in t af> continually' broko up tho Rum­ on a pass from Robert Brown N ov. IB-18-20 In . New Jersey. - - - 27 Metuchen . 0 te r; ...... • ...... •• ■ • • son offenso before it got- un- to John -Medolla, -wlth-ilrowri grams In the series...... looking It Over William Holdeii v 27 F ren ch to w n 6 \ Rumson tailed to move af­ dcrw ay , going'around right end for the ^ 440ur Mr. Sun” tells the story ter. the ensuing klckoff and Keyport (48) extra point to tie the score and INDOOR TRACK competi­ of the sun, from its worship by (continued from column five) Toward The Unknown - 48 - R u m s o n ------= 0 Ends — Golden,“ ‘ ‘ Johnson, Lotuon- tion will be' undertaken- by of the major leacuers to- C arto o n ____ _ - 1 ■ ■ —i i was forced to punt to the ski. never lo go behind for the ..re­ ancient man to its use by mod­ Matawan High again this hlm.- Smlsko pitched Amboy 38 Raider 41. Ruth, on tho first ,Tackles — O'Brien, Anderson, Vel- mainder of the game. e rn m a n fo r a v a rie ty of pur-^ W ed. - T h u rs. N ov. 21-22 269 camp, Hartzlcr, Frye. year. As soon as football sea­ to a semi-final round spot • .-Vr play from scrimmage, swept The excellent work of t h e poses. The show includes Esther Williams ' M ata w an Guarrin — Corclouc, . Mlcla, Vac- son is over*, Coach coracfeiolp ln t h e/ Greater Newark right end behind crisp block­ carllla. Bnumnn. Keyport team 's backfleld which some of the most* dram atic pic 7 • • N eptune . 24 Centers —• Boggs, Scolone, • will get his charges working Tournament this past base­ Unguarded Moments ing and went all the way for consists Of Browri, Earl Buck- tures of the sun ever taken, 19 . Point Pleasant " 6 Backs —■ LoPresto, Zaremba, Cleary, out on the dirt track at Mata­ ball season and wound up Thursday Thanksgiving pay the tally. LoPresto got the Ituth, Chromy, Fleming, Leonard, man, John Duhlgg an d Jack as well as scenes of scientists . .J,--, t R um son 0 Lawsen, Ochlnegro, Brown*1 ' wan High In preparation for his scholastic year with a Continuous Performance Central Regional; 14th Raider point, going off D u B o I s e behind Keyport's ln action in solar studies S ta rtin g A t 2 .P.M . . 7 numson-Kalr Haven (0) the Bishop Loughlln meet 9-1 re c o rd . H c an d D ietz 6 left tackle. Ends — Frank. Robb. splendid lino enabled Keyport throughout the world. First Show Only - 34 . ‘ Lambertvllle sponsored by th e Catholic were clubmates last season, LoPresto got Into the scor­ Tackles — Krouse, Love. to le a d a t th e half, 14-7, While. "Our Mr. Sun’1 and tlie 0 ’ 'St.'Peters Guards'— McGulness, Scholl, Dcai, High School Athldtlc League on the South Amboy Briggs War Paint ' —— ing near the end of tho first Berry. ' Bell System’s Science Series The second half was fought team that won the state C arto o n s - period after a quick kick by CenterDobrosky. ln N ew Y o rk , D ec. 15. T his ave designed for popular, en­ 62 59 liucka — Marshall. J. C. Williams, as bitterly by both sides as was actually makes the track sea­ semi-pro championship and Joe lerublno went straight up tertainment on television, they F rT - SatT" N ov 23-21 Johamicinnnn, Icrublno, Toinblyn, the first half but the passing son seven months long for lost out to Johnstown, N. Y., and w as caught by a stiff Hoffman. also are designed to enhance Ginger Rogers Football Scores . Score . by Ferlods combination of Brown, and Me- the Maroon and 'Steel coach, In th e V . S. playoffs In a brcezo, and fell floating to the the public’s understanding of The First Traveling Humson Regional 0 0 0.0—0 dolla gave Keyport the cdse. who also works, under the sor­ much disputed series. ; ' Keyport 49, Rumson 0. R u m so n 10. Walt Z a re m b a Keyport 21 0 7 20—48 significance for modern Touchdowns—Cleary (1, run), Ruth, for all touchdowns were mado riest situation with regard to St. Peter's (N.B.t 12, Matawan 0. plunged to the otic, and Lo­ living. ' Both, this .program and Saleslady ^ Asbury Park 13, Xonp llranch 0. a, (50, run; 3, run: 44, run); LoPresto, by Medolla, with Brown going facilities for training track BOXING BOUTS to have Leonardo 27, Toms River 0. Presto, on a pltchout, easily 2 (1, run; 43, run); Leonard (2. run). others to fonow are produced . . . Also scored. Again Ruth plunged Points after touchdown — Ruth, 5, over for the extra-points.- athletes that could be fYnagln been held at Park Arena, PlcasantvJIlo 23, Rtrt Bank Cnthn under the supervision of lead­ 11c 1 . « for tho extra point. rufihlnR; LoPresto. rushlnjj. Keyport will travel to th e ed, go the, Maroon and Steel H ighland Park, tonight were Show Down At Abilene Freehold tteglonal 20, Manasquan 0, Officials — Lonorberg, Dobm'nski, ing scientists. T H E RA CES Rumson and Keyport; both Iloinert. Clark. Llncroft field to take on River mentor certainly earns his put over until early Decem­ Red Sank 33, Neptune 0. Prizes-To Holders Of Point Pleasant 14, BuyvlUo Region* fumbling mnny times, went Statistic! . Plaza, Sunday, at 2:30 p.m. money. An athlete 0 w hom C a ber by the promoters because al 7, . - . K n Two out of every five polio LUCKY NUMBERS *hrough the second quarter First Downs , . Standings racclolo developed at Mata­ of difficulty ln getting the Lakewood IB, Roselle 0, 7 i 1c 11 m s are teen-agers or Perth Amboy 00, South Ulver 18, without a score, but on the Net yardage, rushing 200 7 T e am . - W wan High, Danny Harris, Is Pnsscs attempted adults. These are the .’'people New Brunswick 20, Woodbrldge 7, fourth play of the sccond half, 8 15 4 now a Junior In Tuskegee In­ Highland Park 10, Frenrhiown 0, Passes completed * 0 hit hardest.-. Protect now with SayrcvHle 0, Mcluchen 0. LoPresto. recovered a fumble Passes Intercepted . 4 ‘ Rumson Pack 11 3 stitute ln Alabama and has a Vnrils • gained, passing Salk vaccine. by Rumson’s J. ,C. Williams 0 T Middletown Pack 142 2 couple of seasons of college . OPEN Fumbles ' 4 j AILYIAR River Plaza Pack 32 1 co m p etitio n left. D anny Is IN-UI HUMS! L ln cro ft P a c k 110 1 running the 100-yard dash in Anrmul Ski Jamboree 1 Cooper Victoriouft In Morganvlllo Pack 03 1 9.8 seconds. He was . doing To Be Held Tomorrow Races In Icy Waters Atlantic Highlands Pack 22 0 around 10.0 when he was com­ p etin g fo r M a ta w a n ln 1950. IN- CAR HEATERS The Now Jersey Ski Council, •Don Cooper ,wont ahead In In 1951, his senior year at dinghy standings at tho Key­ Bowmen On Trip To Open 0:30 Wceknltes made up of about 27 ski clubs MHS, injuries sidelined him, 5:30 Sun - Holidays port Yacht' Club Sunday by Today - T om orrow - S atu rd a y Nov* 15-10-17 South Jersey Pines but he cut his time' down in located throughout the state. sweeping threo races in Pen­ Continuous Saturday — Starting 1:45 P.M. running tho century when ho N ov. 10-17 Including Monmouth nnd Mid­ guin Class events. Bob Ko- Indian Hill Bowmen, return­ was ln the armed services fond ran second except in ono ing from a recent trip to dlesex Counties, will hold Its for three years before enter­ race wheve his brother Jack, South Jersey, -reported no W it] JACK PALANCE - EDDI& ALBERT annual ski Jamboree ln tlio ing Tuskegee. Danny's bro­ sailing George Parcels boat, deer kills to closo the bow Arlnory, Pleasant Vnlley Wny ther, i)oc, who now works ln THE bested him. Bcvnnrd Delaney, and arrow hunting season. the Bny Drug, Koyport, also between Iloutc 10 and Nortli- winner the week before, was Club members going on the still has a strong Interest ln , JUIDIE fleld Ave., West Orange, to­ a consistent third, South Jersey ' trek included tra c k . . / MURPHY m o rro w a t 0 p.m . Tho races were marked by Mel Hopla, Joe Truex. Tony -im wtnii.nitiwin keen dispute over tho applica­ Koppcnburger, John Marvel. Dancing nnd ski movies will MIKE SM1SKO, Perth M .IM W ft'imtoui KM( \ll tion of North American Yacht Erie and K.i. Pedersen, Joe It m &rchet w ith the handful of obeit be shown, Sovornl ski shops Amboy High's all-stato Plus “Animal World” Racing Union rules to dinghy Geraldi, Hoblo Johnson, Joe w m ciuiRt J*OiUY from New Jorsey nnd New pitcher, has been signed as great battle racing, especially as thoy ap­ Sllvostrl, Doug Ward, Gene Sun-M on-T ues N ov. 18-19-20 THIESS’ROlAND’SCOn Yqrk will havo exhibits ot tho a bonus plnycr by the New pictures! latest Innovations ln equip­ ply ta luffing and sea' room Johnson and mil Leonard. nt the marks. York Giants and assigned Ranr Birbira ment, and refreshments will to the SC. Cloud, Minn., club William Holden Pltis Selected Short Subjects CALHOUN RUSH Two weeks of racing re­ bo avallaklo. Lions Move Ahead of the Class C Northern main before the concluding Toward The Sunday - M onday • T uesday N ov. IB-19-20 League next season. Smisko Fa a « T T O 1050 event the T u rk e y Bow) Keyport Lions club bowling Continuous Sunday •— Starting 1:45 P.M. was the pitcher who put an Unknown event at Red Bank on Deo, team ln tlio Monmouth Coun. I - Dig Features - 2 end to the lohgest winning HtmKO#6 1-2. Any one of four c o n test­ ty Lions Lcaguo Increased its In Color m m DeWALT Streak of a high school ants is still in a position to first place lead Monday by baseball t o a m ln theso h MIGHTY SUN • MON • 1UIS. come in first ln the fall Key­ sweeping threo games from Radial Arm Wed - Thurs N o r t l - t t ADVENTURE! «ltl.|l«lnlll 0» TMMCIMI port scries. E uto n to y m while All nn tie parts. Matawan had woh 35 strnight games over a per­ Robert Mltchum A calm sea and steady Hlghlnntls, ln second pltce, ■ M l iod of threo years when In day even though near freez­ had only a 2 1 advantage. C*Scope URStiAIlISS SAWS ing temperatures prevailed they ran up against Perth Amboy liist year ln the And GLHRl RQLWfi offshore. Football Schedule C olor , i scml-flnai round of the Trl- T hTahT *239 Saturday • 2 p.m. County 'Tournament. Smlsko Shore Conference lied Dank CftUmllc at North squared off on the mound $16 A Month HTANDINCJR ’ field. 1 • Wednesday • Thursday Nov. 21.21 OIVIBION •Sayrevllle at numson. against Hal Deitz, Maroon Contlnuou* (Thanksgiving Day) Starting 1:45 I’.M. Will Aoccpt Trades W t. T PH Anbury Park at Wond)>rid|c. and Steel hurler wfio had Gala Holiday I’rogram . . Freehold o ' 1 » Ttunkictvlnt not been beaten in three Leonardo 1 i 18 li a.m. -wjH uMmrerniwmm r g m “CIu-Om-cM Ncplune * l 2 A Kvyport at Matmvnn. years. Smlsko himself hail ' 9 m * Wirlwtl *TA ^■gMCE 7-2000 lied hank 3 0 0 l- the smart and safe use of the Into Matawan territory for a Jim Redmond, former Mnta bring the total amount of ordinate activities in each of forward pass by the Petreans fourth first down, at the 44. wan High center, did not home m o r t g a g o lontis out­ the countlos, against Matawan's clumsy ef­ Kearstan was around end on break Into lho game for Atco sta n d in g up to . 108,21)9,000, forts at tossing the ball, that spinner to eight yards. Over 400.000 A m c rlo a n y until "ITCS liwt two mlnutos, On n state level, Mr, Cull­ made the difference. The Hus­ Greiztf was piled up at the have been lilt by polio slnfo Herb Dietrich, former Key- man reported tho slate's 408 kies m 1 g h t have won the center.of the line, but Coyle 1038, Now, fur lhe (lest time This tackle of Dave Jones In Che fourth quarter of the Mata\van*Sl. Peter's game at port. High p\nycr who is one Associations now .have assets game had they never taken found au opening at the left In h isto ry , a n effec tiv e voc- MHS field Saturday wag the decisive play of the game insofar as the Maroon and Steel j of the,.scoring aces of the In e x c ess o f . I I ,100,000,000 with to the air. side bn a delayed buck that olno is av a ila b le , Htnn, i>ro- took hlm^to the Maroon and werq concerned. The Maroon and Steel speedster had Just taken a pitehout and was cutting team, also saw limited action savings o f $1,030,000,000 hold Both teams showed a ca­ tectlng youra"If loduy. Steel 23 on the fifth first down across the field when a desperation tackle pulled Him down from behind. One more step for Atco, hy 1,038,m a Individuals, OI tlie pacity for moving vthe ball on of the march. Kearstan was ahead and he would have been off for the.touehdownjto tie the score. Mel Vreeland (No, 3G) The box scorc: latter figure, lio added, 40,40,1 .-the ground from the start. St. was ready to block dowtyfleld, If Jones got away. \ \ CQ smeared for a three-yard loss (IS) are v e s I d e n t s of Monmouth i . Peter's first thruBt was mark­ on a handoff. Kearsta;i then a F P ts C ounly. ed by a futile use of the for­ came out around end on a re­ and the ball'went over to St. Cardinal and Blue, but he License Revocations D eN ard o , f 4 0 « Plastic ward pass, then a punt to the verse tbat caught Matawan P e te r ’s. then was thrown back on the Announced By Gnssert Dlctilch, f - 2 Heads Exempts Matawan 30. An early Mata­ flat-footed and lt was a Pet­ This deepest M&tawan pene­ 36 when a pitehout from Crlfes Tomnselloj-f 3 wan pass sailed 'wildly away,- f rean first, down at the Maroon tration was wiped out quickly misfired. A short punt gave Among 7B license revoca­ B lncknul, c 1 Wallace Laurscn, a former Storm but on a .second MHS running and Steel eight. Crlss plunged by the Petreans. Crlss worked Matawan possessionin th e Freiburg, e 1 chief of the Malawan Fire Do play, Dave Smith pulled his tions under the point system to the four. A lateral, Murphy th e b all o u t to th e 21 fo r a dying minutes of the game on Redmond, o 0 partmcnt, w a s eluded presl Windows way off tackle for 12 yards, tho St. Peter's 33. A Smith to announced today by Frederick to Hughie Dunlap, wd's too first down. The Maroon and Munlts, g dent of the Monmouth County only to fumble and lose the slow. It cost the Cardinal and Steel contained the visitors Jonos pitehout gained MHS a J, Ohssert, Jr., Director of Iiunlcr,1 g : 1 Exempt Firem en’s Association ball at the Maroon and Steel Blue three yards. Kearstan running game at that point, first down at the Fetiean 18 Motor Vehicles ore: George Duckenfleld, i a at a recent meeting of llio or- 40. : , as tlie final whistle sounded. bucked to the four. On fourth but a spot pass from Grelza H . W ilson, 31. of R oute 8, Old P a rris h , g ■ - I : uanUatlon at Hrcvent Park 45c St. Peter's had a first down to Keefe brought them within St. Peter’s supporters in the down with four to go, .Murphy Bridge, Involved In a fatal Flrehomo, Leonardo, Wnu'st Tor Kftrlr Wliuluw In two plays , on the bull-like Inches of a new first down at crow d of 1000 then swarmed Jump-passed to Jackie Keefe. a c c id e n t o n Juno 3. 1950, In u Wnlllng, a former chief of X 6» rushes of Bob Kearstan, but the/31, However, they would onto the field to carry off St. Peter’s left end, for the Atlantic Township, ln whlcli ■N. J . D ry DooK 1431 Koyport Fire Department, was an offside penalty * killed It; not gamble and punted to tho their coach and captain and an touchdown. The kick, for the Josephine Mills, Farmlngdnle, o f r u t chosen first vloo-presldoiiti Ju­ The Petreans came right M ata w an 32. tear down the goal ptfftts' in point was missed. was killed. Division Investiga­ R. Arrostronj.f 5 lius Ilnmmorsfnhr, s o o o u d KE 7-2000 V^back on & spln'about play by celebration of' the completion Following the klckoff, Jones A b ad la te r a l p a ss oq the tion revealed evidence of fall­ Hart, f- : J yloo-lirosldont; Ashley W, *N^rt K ris s an d h ad th e ir fir s t of an undefeated season, . came around on a reverse, for opening play of the last quar­ ing to yield to vehicle In 'W Maiiolnt,' c ■ • •-1 Tl OTifl, : vocprdlltg• secretary! dow n &t th e M a ta w a n 29. Jo e l St. PeUr's (II) - a Matawan first down at the ter forced Matawan to kick End* — Keefe, Davis. terscctlon and. falling to stop Joe Jlosne, g 6 Frod Faorstor, fliiunolnl nccru- Mlckalyo swooped ln to re­ Guards — Connoly, Ruiso, Marzel* H u sk ies 30. H e fu m b led on from their 33, St> Peter's put at a stop sign. Ills license Jim Jlosno, g .3 tary; William Ooluklni, mci- cover & Petrean fumble at the lo. the next try but recovered aa th e ball ln p la y on th e ir 23. ' Tackles — Boffic, Pcllicharo. has been revoked for nn In­ S. Arhistrong, g 1 gonnt-nt-armn, and Fred Zeller, 32 to blunt this first threat. MHS hopes rose when Kear- man. Mazewskl; liefferman. the half ended. Centers — Shea, Hensperger, definite period. tr u s to o ,: stan fumbled oq a running The Marooa and Steel start­ Smith carried the ball out Racks — KearBtnn. Grclca. Murphy. A lso F ra n k J , O’N eil. 43, 71 ed to move. Smith was held play,.but the team from New Van Llow, Coyle, Malouf, Crlss. to the Huskies 28 on . the sec 80 Seaw ood D r.. K ey p o rt, w ho Score by liftlvcs: 1 to” two on & center rush, but Brunswick safely recovered Matawan (0) 1 ond half klckoff. The Maroon Ends — Welstead. Deltr, Peterson, crossed a white lfne nnd hid N. J. Dry Daok 18 and punted back to the Ma­ Stevens, Germnnn, Scully. Furyls Peeler was around the a n d Steel ra m m e d .■'/ th re e three speeding tickets. Ills li­ Atco Tlio ■ 40 roon and Steel 29. Tackles — Gregory, Armour. right side (of-~the--line* on a times, between left guard and Guards — • Vreeland, • Mickaylo, cense has been revoked (or reverse to‘.the Maroon and Final- disaster struck tlie Parist, • , center, Smith hitting on the Center — O'Neil!. . 49 d a y s. J a m e s E m e rso n , HO, Not t single -cans of con­ Steel 44 for- a ' first down. third try for a first down at Huskies fthen they again tried Backs — Peeler, Mandeville, Jones, Texas Rd., Morganville. for firmed paralytic poll o h a s S m 1 1 h 'speared . through to the MHS 39. Peeler got to the to pass. Crlss intercepted in Smith, Edmond. failure to keep to the light been roported In..any; Individ­ ;.... Score by Perlofls ...... midfield,; but then'St. Peter's M u taw ah 45 ~ ori V r rev erse7 midfield and carried back to SI. Peter’s 0 fl 0 6-12 two cureless driving undnwo ual pitiiected by-all- lhr-e # slowed lt, up. Smith, who punt* Jones wag piled up, but then the MHS 41. Kearstan came Matawan 0 0 0 O— 0 speeding tickets, hnd his li­ shots of Salk vaccine, accord­ ed excellently all afternoon Touchdowns — Keefe, Kesratan. he swung wide on & reverse around end on the handoff Officials — Peterson, Andreas, Bral- cense revoked for six months ing to Dr. Thomas M. Rivers, forSMfitawan; dropped a kick to scoQt for a first down at play for eight yards and Mur­ do, Millard. moil lo tl director, National on the St. Peter’s eight-yard phy speared through for a Statistics the Petrean 37. Smith bolted M St. P S a lk uqIIo vaccine today Is Foundntlon for Infantile Paral­ line. Three rushs took the for three yards and Jones fir s t , dow n a t th e H u s k ie s '28. First downs 11 10 ln plentiful supply throughout ysis, ...... P e tre a n s to th e 16 th e n G ene Matawaa piled up two rushes, Yards gained rushing (HI 224 crossed the field on a reverse Yards lost ruahinf 7.1 20 the United Stales. Call your Murphy punted to the Cardl- for seven more and a third but Murphy then came circl­ Forward passes fl 4 family doclor or local health "Help Wanted-'1 »ds In this . nal and Blue 42,* ing left end on a spinner and Paesei completed O 3 MHS first down, this time at Yards gained passing . 0 13 cllnlo for protection against p a p e r te ll you ab o u t Uie*Boot< I This Matawan chance sput- St. Peter’s 27. he was away for a touchdown ■Passes -Intercepted 0 paralytlo polio now, , lobs open -- - to sew up the St. Peter s win. Av. distance, punl* 41 30 _ tered out-on a badly thrown On two tries at ; the; line Yards, runbacka.of kicks as ft ; lateral. The Maroon and Steel Smith worked hia way,/inside; At ter that, l£e game, which yumbies . ^ 3 Lost ball, fumble* . 1 J 3 galned«;a* flrsfet’down with the the 20. tte was piled /up the1 -had .been_crlsply • and -cleanly, Yards lost, penalllea Iff so help of a recovery of & fum- next two times, but not be­ played, became a roughhouse The "Stow-Away" Stairs ~ble~by_ M el" Vreeland. -Smith fore'hB~had~hainmered-out-a for—a—while,—with—tho—rofs Farm-City_Weelc lilt to the 38, Peeler sWung f ir s t dow n a t th e 17. S m ith marking off 15-yard penalties. around.end, only to fumble plunged to the 14. Jones was A 37-yard (prossfield ru n by Starts Tomorrow . Easy To Install when tackled, but Vreeland piled up at the line of ­ Smith brought Matawan into Farm-City Weei opens to­ The "Stow-Away” li saved the ball for MHS at tho mage. MHS then ruined their St. Peter’s territory at the 37, morrow. and New Jersey rur­ ftirnlnhed oomplote, Includ* 34. Jones and Paul Mande­ 63-yard drive by taking to lhe but right away the Maroon al and urban groups are Ins stalra, hand rail with ville speared the line for a air, a badly thrown pass cost­ and Steel tried passing. Again aupporK oelMni. panel and first down "at the' Cardinal ing them a precious down. and again there was an easy ready with a series of local trim and all iirceMnrj You Could Buy Fuel 1 observances. In many com­ and Blue 30. Smith was toss­ Jones got to the 11 on fourth interception* for St. Peter’s. h a rd w a re . . . . \. munities, service clubs will ed for a loss on an attempted down on a reverse, but there Kearstan hammered out a have farmers as their dinner TIIE HTAIllH AUK COM' From Stultz Blindfolded! - reverse. A forwa'rd pass'was vere still four yards needed first down in midfield for the or luncheon guests, and there l>l,KTKI Y AHKICMULKII will be talks and discussions READY TO INHTALL Dump your limiting prolilrtii right Inlo our laps,. Thai’s wlint around the theme of the de­ The oflilng panel Im hlug- wo'ro hero for, lluylijg fuel from Btults Is no "pig ln.» aoko" pendence of town and coun­ ed to Ha assembled trim jljiiroliBue, When you aro on our Automatic Delivery (lit jou're try Interests on each other. , to nlntpllfy Its Insinuation. nisxnreil — -, . ... It Is fllilpped wUhotit paint Similar observances are.plan­ • I’leun, lilgh'grailn fuel oil uniform. littMly h*»t ned In other states and Can­ or atain, No jamba or Htoiu Makes Thai Extra“ ore requirrd. ■ Doicreiv ilny delivery - roll never neert look at your ad a . ■ i. ■ Bayshore Mixed League Keahs Ladies Mon. Night League Co-chairmen of New JcrBcy All hardware, including rncliuinr. • participation ln F a r m-Clty Room Very brackets, uprlnfft, bnlatieeti, - N ov. 11 Nov, l l % . a Wo liavo an udoqunto furl supply on hanil at all limes, W eek a rc R ubscII 8tanton, as­ Sav-On Drugs (I) P e te 's , In c. (2) * 543 669 940 •to.i are furnlalied cad­ 694 678 686 so ciate edlljO r, Extension Serv- Oall KK 1-2104 today, 'Auk to hr pul on u’ur Aliloiliallc IM lvm Newberry’s (2) 6B3 715 757 .G entile’s M ark et (1) .. 581 587 609 mium. plaled or otherwise Jje of the Collegt of Agricul­ Ye Cottage Inn (0) m s ^proofed. H it. ' . 657 625 731- K e a n sb u rg N ew s (2) 547 670 670 ture, Rutgers University, New Bayshore Hardware (3) 691 675 757 M iddletow n P h a rm a c y *1) 573 044 006 Screw hole* are apoltcd Brunswick, and Chester J. to' (naurn proper appllaa* E.t.hli.heJ ltn Uutllty — W eiilit — Hervln# Larry’s Barber Shop (1) 671 602 726 H . W asscrm an 'S T ’Son <1> 500 637 585 Tyson, Jr.. state director of Rapolla’s M arket (2) 651 746 740 Matawan-Keyport Rec. (2) 579 5D3 060 tlon of liardwarr, the Farmers Homo Adminis­ Downes Pontiac (2) 710*764 657 K ey p o rt C le an ers (1) 528 584 557 tration, Trenton. Martin & Brown (1) 640 589 67 0 ; Jtlc h a rd 'a Hollyw ood >*586 686 048 Mr. Tyson Is vice-chairman Louis Stultz, Jr., Inc. C. £. Bahrenburg <0) 611 678 647 Scott Funeral Home <1) 560 All 563 of agriculture and* conserva­ N o w O n i y $ 2 4 . 9 5 Broad St. Cleaners (3) 664 728 653 Oil, BIIBNINU KOilll'MICNT ANI» NKIIVII’K M a rq u e t's P h a rm a c y (2) 538 612 645 tion for Klwanls International \ • SUndinf* FIlKI, OIL — KUIIOHKNU - COAL S l a n d l n r s In N ew Jersey. Nationally, I’OULTUy. 1)00 AND M ll.l, KMCIIH T e a m WL T e am W L Klwanls Is spear-headlng the Bayshore Hardware 17 7 H. Washerman & Son 20 10 observance, as lt did last Downes Pontiac 15 9 Broad St. 7-2104 Scott Funeral Home . 20 10 year, when FarinClty Week 213 h»mKE Keyporl Newberry's . , - 14, 10 18 12 14 10. Richard’s Hollywood won a distinguished servlco . C. E. Bahvchburef 1 IB , 15 Matawan Lumber Co. Larry's Barber Shop 12 . Middletown Pharmacy a w a rd from the Freedoms 12 15 12 12 Pete’s, Inc. . 15 Ye Cottage Inn 16 Foundation, The Friendlu Lumber Vanl Broad St. Cleaners 11 13 .Keansburg News 14 13 17 Arrangements for participa­ Sav-On Drugs ------10 14 Keyport Cleaners Marquet’s Pharmacy - ~ 13 17 tion In several communities Telephone 'MA 1-4500 4501 Rapolla's Market 10 14 hayc been made by county Martin 8c Brown 5 19 Gentile’s Market 12 18 Matawan-Keyport Req, 11 19 agricultural agents ln co-oper- SUTPH1N AVE, MATAWAN sors League Individual High- Game atlon with Kiwanlatu and oth Rose Recht \ 232 er town groups and farm or '• / N ov. I Team High Oyne , ganlzatlons. Canary Yellow Birds <2) 752 736 651 - K ey p o rt C leanera ' .720 ’ New Jersey Klwanlans are Blue Mottle Rollers <1) . 637 625 755 - Individual Hiah Series extending the w«ct Into De­ MJng Green Ringers <1> 594 675 727 “ R o te R e c h t 502 cember, and Mr. Tyson Is ar< Dusty Aqua River Boys (2) 667 776 659 Team High Serifes ranging a Klwanls exhibit for th e Mid-Atlantic Farm and SUndlnfs H. L. -Scott 2072 Home Show in Convention T e a m W L . Ming Green Rinsers 13 11 Matawan-Keyport Merchants League Hall. Atlantlo City, Dec. \ i. Canary Yellow Birds 13 11 • Blue Mottle Rollers 8 16 Rtaridlnts ^ M ore.than 40,000,000 Amerl T eam WL cans . already have received Salk vacclnt. Are you pro Matawan-Keyport Rtc. J9<£ 7?i ght Leauge te c te d ? Join the growing Crate's Beverases 18 9 number of people who will be 9 N ov. 4 Burlew's Restaurant ; 18 safe from polio ln ’57. Marquet Pharmacy (0) 626 517 616 S & D Super Market ‘ 17 10 Jack's Hardware <3> . 647 671 617 Cllffwood Inn 17 10 151? 612 Donald’s Contractors WM OFFICE and PLANT Ulrichsen's Boat Works »I) 670 615 Frank's Barber Shop * 15 12 FREE BOWLING Cliff's Seafood <2) 633 677 648 Frank’s Charcoal Pit !4!‘i 12 «,£ « In Mulunuii Of Tin; H St S Jersey 6eo Skiffs (3) 645 670 643 Old Mill Dairy 14 • 13 Conover Lumber Co. <0). 634 567 555 Cliffwood Fioid Club 14 13 INSTRUCTIONS Hollywood Service <2) 647 597 717 Keyport Lumber 14 13 Hendrick’s Dairy (1) 630 643 640 O K S a le s & Service 13 *4 13% DAILY Rapolla's Market 13 14 Cottage Lounge '3) 624 748 617 12 15 b f 588 Beach Tavern . LaZare's Shoes <0) 600 5B4 Ali-Bro*. Woodworking Co. 12 * 15 JIM CROVER M utual Contracting Co., Inc. Tourine’* Bar it G rill 597 605 639 Jag’s Sport Goods * 11 16 Kulas Boat Works (0) 561 636 623 Cliffwood Amoco j 11 16 I ruiiHit Kauly Mix C«)iic.n*t<; ...... " flUndlnft Schanck's Oil 9 18 KEYPORT RECREATION T e a m * WL Cliffwood Fire Cornpiny 0 21 Hollywood Service 17 10 Hoffman's Liquor iStorc 6 21 Tourlne’a Bar U O rill 17 10 Off Atlantic Ave. — Next To Matawan Station Cliff’s Seafood 17 10 Mon. Co. Woman's Majorr LeaguLeague AMERICAN LEGION Ulrichsen's Boal Works 16 11 -■ ' . ■ . . . Cottage Lounge 16 11 N av, 7 BUILDING Scrvico 1*1 i i k Q u a l i t y - II Ar 6 Jersey Sea Skiffs 16 11/ " Mataw.n-Keyport Jlrc, (1) 481449 4M J K u l a s Boat Work*£ >«' l i 12 Jollnedilnehllla 1 4S3 alpaca linings—* High School Band. Passalo for iome with matching pocketbooks, others with leather collars. Many with mouton Woodman of lhe World's local Camps have given the past 10 years has been a processed lamb collars. Ideal for those sold days ahead. • Wonderfully warm and ' , ■ 19,637 United-States Flags to schools, churches, leading component of the Her- ~ libraries, Scout troops and other organisations ald-Nows band festival. - attractive. Use our convenient Lay-A-WpyPlan, • ...... sines 1946. That's the equivalent of two Flags Everyone knows “The Cow . - ■ lor each of the nation's more than 9,500 Jumped Over the Moon." libraries (Including branches). , You'll know why when the Westwood High School Band Tha Society contributes these Flags to prom ote1 plays rhymthlo beats, In the WESTINGHOUSE OPEN HANDLE- good citizenship and remind fellow Americans fairyland theme, the mighty "'Ti,' '.p ’o f 'o u r country's vTBof.hentcma. Woodmanr ty'Hanwtx Dvmpty" who sat on also perform many other civic and patriotic, the wall will be featured. The services for“~cT-bStier Amorlcd-r Bpantptt-JEUgh Schopl. Band will try to make “Humpty Dump- ty” itflli’ A'm ajor attraction for LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES the youngsters will be "Cinder­ John Armitage, Jr. ella” preceded by the Butler George L. Wells High School Band, Butler's sel­ • DIst. Mgr. ■ Field .------ection will revolve around the Buyshore Realty Bid*. Liberty Street maglo and gaelty of the story- HOW State Highway No. 3S Matawan__ land princess. Cllffwood - Pkone Ma 1-2637 Phone: Matawan 1-005S-W Bernards High. School Band ONLY will herald In the "Parade of tho Ginny Doll,” a Junior spec­ tacular wltb 21 of the loveliest The easiest, most efficient all-purpose Iron anyone can buy. Just flip th* dial Uttle lasses, ons from each and choose between steam or dry, 15 specially-placed vents p u r mart steam § A M k t WOODMEN & W 0M D county ln New Jersey, each over a wider area. Weighs only 4 lbs. filled/ and holds 6Vi ounces of water, I w i c S K ? 11,11HSU**HCE SOCIETY seated on her own hay float. •nough for 30 minute! of better Ironing. The open handle design keeps your . . X v ^ y y y H.*»OWk*l ITOSNrMmSlfMt hand and wrist relaxed for easy comfortable use. Saves dollars In pressing bills. County Agents Study A wonderful buy! .. . f y c t w ' f * Omokd I, Nebreske . City Extension Work How can the Extension Serv­ ice ln Agriculture and Home E co n o m ic s do an effeo tlv e ed* ucatlonal job In cities and HUNTING for a BARGAIN? towns? Richard O. Rice, Mon­ PEARL-WICK FREE LAMP WITH EVERY DINETTE mouth County agent, Is among HAMILTON BEACH county agricultural agents who DURING THIS SALE .... have been appointed by t h e National Association of County Agricultural Agents, to a com­ mittee headed by Robert R. HAMPERS DROP W lndeler, Passalo C ounty CHROME agricultural agent, to study LEAF this question. Stef I- ribbed Durow tave ONLY Mr, Wlndoler, president of Fibre with thousand* © ! Now Jersey county ag o n ts TABLES group, presented a resolution MIXERS alr yontB. Baked enam el at the recent national conven; flniih, m etal fram e In- "SUBURBAN" ; tlon of agents calling attention Wlor 10" x t9" x 25". to the growing demand of ur­ Comei In w hite with M E DINETTE 19.75 ban residents /or- t h e same ‘ ' nek'. |33.50 . USUALLY $6.95 kind of. educational and advis­ block lid; rote, blue, r. CARPET SETS In Chrome v ory service that farmers have enjoyed for more than ~ *31.95 13 95 Wrought Iron years. The resolution pointed Table and Chairs Or Black Tubular out that tho law creating the USUALLY $49.9S WEST BEND ELECTRIC Chrome 4t Wrought Iron Extonslon S e r v 1 o e 'provides SWEEPER for tho 'dissemination of Infor­ (J1UALLY HOW mation to “tho people of tlie WITH TIMER ONLY $ 3 3 .9 5 with th« COMB-0-MATIC 7P c. Douglas DINETTE SET United Slates/' nnd not 'rural *99.50 people only. Miracle Brush • 38x72 Table, 6 Chairs, I Arm — Other Set* an low an $39.50 CORN POPPER Tlie Extenston Service oper­ A beautiful food mixer -with gleaming chrome finish with ates under a co operatlvo re­ two 18" and 8" stainless steel bo^ls. Features the new lationship of federal, state and ONLY Ideal f o r popping Custom Made Speolal Sale .Price county governments, and ls ad $ Magic Boaters, Bawl Control, Mlxgulde, One-hand Opera­ N o w ministered at the College o l oom In the Living 3 7 7 Breqkfast Nooks 119.” Agriculture, nutgers Unlvors- tion, end easy portability, A wonderful gift for years of Room or Den' while ity, Now Bnuwwick. *3.97 looking ot TV. Complete With Formica Table good use. ' USUALLY $7.50 USUALLY $5.95 CHAIRS RECOVERED 5 PC. FORMICA SET with Musland and Duran with all Formica Chairs . ' I < ■ ■ _____ . • , This ii a terrific value. These Heat and Buck Roller Skates $129.00 smooth handling sweepers com* $4.95 R e t . $169.00 Ice Skates In a beautiful aqua color-with an VENETIAN BLINDS U ? TO 64'' LONG *2.” M et-L-Top Ironing Table aluminum colored wood handle. Rubber bumper protects furniture. ALL SIZES ,Weld