JdO:«3'JTH CO; ai3I03X ;A L FRSEUIOW. N.J. * ■ . s r r t i ' - 2450 COPIES This Week i • r o ^ N s i i n ’s o r I llO|.!td)BI., MADISON ONE SECTION MAHI.UOItO, m a t a w a n ........ ,. AN** — 7" 16 PAGES ^SXVawan nouour.u 88tli YEAR — 19th WEEK Member National Association Mcmbor ’ New Jersey Press Association MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1956 Monmouth Cmml.v AuiodaHutk Single Copy Ten Cents Corodl Moves To Reserve Available N .Y. U. GLEE CLUB TO PRESENT CONCERT SATURDAY Holmdel Adopts Full-Acre Lot Sizes , Credit For Municipality's Own Needs To Check Developers, Consider Master Plaij Borough Debt Increased To $158,200 To Committee Sets Nov. 26 For Public Hearing Oil Extend Water Main, Build Tank, Fix Streets Zoning Ordinance Amendment, Creating Chang* — M ayo r 3 p a' f f o rd ~:1Vr -’----:— r , - ■ v"'- fichancfc, Matawan, ' averred Holmdel Township's Flan- at the council meeting Tues­ nlng .Dom'd clampod down on Madison Board To developers Tuesday night by day the' municipal govern­ Donations Needed ment would reserve by ordi­ voting lo recommend to th# lorowhlp oommlttco the Im­ nance the right to use Its For Blood Bank Get Its $15,000 own credit for Its own pur­ mediate upgrading of all r.oncs- In the township, bu^ , poses. He noted there was ap­ Old Bridgo Gardens Zone C, to fulLscre minimum plication made, by the Mata­ First Aid Squad........ lot'■allies, Zone C Is roselved wan Township Board of Edu­ Fund To Be Delivered Issues Plea' For Help for the Be)l l.abs and Is not cation to overbond the -Joint involved In residential conoid* . borouirh-township.. school dls-. Roy Matthews, tfYesldent of Mnyov Waller Jurmnn coil, e n t lo n , of the nine-man trict to build schools. If the firm e d UiIh in o i' n 1 n g lho the Matawan Township First board iiendrd hy Wllllnm B, state grants this application, Mndlson Township committee Aid and Rescue Squad, has an­ Iln rd ln g , only D an ie l S. 15Iy, it will take away air power would turn over to the school townahlp clerk, nnd Francis to bond for municipal ! im­ nounced, that the blood bank b o ard M onday n ig h t tlio $15. Walling opposed the upgrad­ provement for years to come; sponsored by the squad Is hard 000 co lleoted If n fo rm n l re ing. P rio r to Ibis unt Ion, ZoiiO tlie mayor pointed out. He be­ pressed to keep up with de­ quest for tile funds woro made. Tlio mnyoi- said llio E h ad 100 by -iso foot lola. „ lieved, therefore. It was, in­ mands in recent weeks. Don­ cumbent upon the municipal governing body would do this T h o township conmiltloa ■ ors may give blood at Mon­ government to be TSreEanded wllh llie midcmtniidliig llmt quickly approved on first In tho matter. .. ■ ■ mouth Memorial Hospital on tlio funds, 'pul lu Ita climgo rending the amendment to tho by tho dovelopcrs of Old zoning ordluaiioa giving elfeo^ ' Two ordinances were lnfro- Saturday from 11 a.m . to 1 p.m. Urldgo Ourdens und or, an lo tho recommendation of th« duced to this effect. Bath are and this blood Is given free to ngrceniont with Uie townuhlp p la n n in g b o n n 1. A publlo due for final action at the any resident of M atawan Town­ ship upon request of a physi­ oommlltoe to contribute I'JRO lienrlnR will bo hold Nov. ail Nov. 27 meejting, whioh Is nt 0 p.m. _ _. i pertain to- be In odvaaae of cian , , • ’ .... per hutlse sold towards now schools, did not oomo umlnr , any school election to secure Mr. Matthews, states that It Tlio municipal hall "at Crsw. tlie Hnnie category nn tax Voters' approval of the. over-i is doubtful if the squad could ford's Corner was packed at money, Tho township commit, ' bonding, One'ordinance would have c on t I n u e d furnishing tho Joint mealing of tho plan- teo Is prohibited from turning bond the borough for $84,000 blood had it not been for.the nlng board and township com* over to tho school board.any to build a 500,000 gallon ' re- whole-hearted s.u pport re­ mllloo. The adherents o l u p ­ money oollocted through,taxa­ serve^tank at the new Mld- ceived from m e m b e rs of grading and keeping ■ th* tion uiilll the voter* have ap­ . diesex Sd. water plant and Guadalcanal Post 4247, Veter­ to w n sh ip rural had tholr proved the purpose for whioli run a 10-lnch water main 4800 ans of Foreign Wars, Cllff­ ahuma spurred all lho. moro feetnlong Ravine Dr. to wood. The squad president re­ the soliobl board has dealg- by no less than six dovolop- Mftii. St. The second would minds residents that these nnlod tlio funds, , ors,' all armed with big rolls ' bond* the borough by no .000 veterans Jalready have given Appearing under sponsorship of the Matawan Grammar For Its only appearance In the vicinity, the olub lias planned The money now Is > depos­ of bluein’lnlM. s e e k in g , ip p ro v - to Improve certain streets. so much for their country, Sohoel Parent-Teacher Association, the New York University a varied program to please tlio more serious student of niuslo ited in tho genoral funds' of al of plans for- new subdivi­ ' • Tho net effect of these ordl- yet they have donated about Glee Club will give a concert at the Matawan III ah Sohool on as well as bring enjoyment to the amateur. The Matawan P-TA the township In tlio Farmers sions. Only two gained any Is privileged In bringing such professional entertainment Into acceptance at all, and llielrg , nances will raise the out­ 80 p e r c e n t of th e blood to Saturday at t p.m. The all-male chorus, under the dlreollon Morohni\ts National Bank, this area. Mrs. William J. McGraw is oononrt chairman wltli Mntawan. It would l?o releas­ was only approval of skotolt standing debt of the borough the bank. of Alfred M. Greenfield, will render an unusually Interesting! Mrs. Iloiner Ocrlufsen and Mrs. William Smltli, Jr., In charge of ed by the sumo pioooduro p la n s. - fro m $64,300 to $158,200, a c ­ Squad members stress that group of Welsh songs ln native tongue, spirituals and a numbelr tlokets. Anyone desiring tickets plonso call Ma 1-Z512-J or they undor which the scliool bonrd cording to the supplemental lt is imperative that the peo­ of seml-popular tunes. may be purchased at the door. _• Not ICiioiirIi lloadblooks d e b t statement filed. The ple of Matawan Township calls on tlio township cimimlt- Wllllnm Mulheron, a spouta* $158.200 amount Is near , the support the..* blood bank on too to deliver funds, when tor, found these roadblocks to — borough's ultimate borrowing Saturday if its life-saving Early Copy, Please Holiday Store Hours hooded, for othor school pur development still not enough, capacity. Little’ will remain service Is to be continued. Woman Is Fatally Preliminary Plans poses, tlio mayor staled. llo waiilod lo know what had „ Duo to Thanksgiving Dar* Plans for the ruletldo soa< for sohool purposes, if the or- Transportation will be arrang­ Tho $15,000 reprosents llio hucoino of a domand lie had Thursday, Nov, 22, It wlU be son wero dlsouased Tuosday dinancea are approved^ Mata- ed for donors, If requested by contribution for lho first 00 m a d e 10 m o n th s uru llia l a, Injured By Auto necessary to print The Mata* Of Holmdel School nlglil hy tlio Mntawan Mer­ wan Township has made a calling M a ta w a n 1-1810 or hounes sold ln Old Urldgo plumbing code ordinance bt wan Journal on Wednesday* chants Association, mooting similar move. The school 1-231B. D o n o rs m a y go d ire c t­ Oardons, the mayor slated. introduced lo onlotoe a stand- Thus th e deadline for dl*v ln tlie American Legion llall, board’s case at Trenton will ly to the hospital blood bapk Mrs. Margaret Merrill . Hold Conference T h o ro aro 104 h o u ses to ho aid of good workmanship on play advertising copy will bo, M ain St. resolve itself solely to -an is­ and Inform the receptionist built, The money Is paid on lliose represonlltiB Uiomsolve* Killed Monday Night M onday a t 12 o 'o lo ck n o o i^ With Architect , TenlSjrok Ronson and Ran­ sue of the use of the board's they wish to donate their this, banln by the dovelupor Hi' aa plumbers, lie aoouaed th« classified advertising* 5 p*ni* dolph Harris, eo>cbalrmen ol own borrowing power plus blood to the blood bank spon­ Mrs. M argaret Merrill, 80, P r e lim in a r y p la n a fo r a 12- stead of his oreollng a.school township committee bt fatting. ' whatever extension the State of 274 Main St., Matawan. Monday, and new* copy jjcim ' elementary soliool, de- Ute Christmas events com­ unit and presenting 11 to the to protoot the township, hous*- sored by the Matawan Town­ day, 12'o'clock.
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