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Managing Director’s 2013 has been another challenging year for the View business yet we have still managed to deliver the financial results we anticipated. We remain committed to our Health and Safety Strategy, which Through 2013 we have maintained our continues to improve our performance towards our revenue performance with the water frameworks for Anglian Water, target of zero injuries, and we are seeing the Northumbrian Water, Severn Trent Water, benefits of our Cost and Efficiency Strategy as United Utilities and Yorkshire Water. We are in a privileged position with these people around the company become more customers and we should always engaged. These combined have put us in a strong remember how important they are to the business. Working with them provides us position as we continue with the bidding for AMP6 with some fantastic work to be involved in contracts in the water industry. that is not only challenging but has variety and gives us an ability to share our experiences across the frameworks. To do this we will need to make importance of you – our people – work incremental improvements, ensure we are together and are critical to the aspirations When we are at our best we create a team familiar with our systems and processes of the company and all of our futures that is not only interdependent but cares and embrace the opportunity audits together. about each other, the customer, the provide to drive real improvement. environment and the work they are In 2013 we were able to deliver over 2,500 undertaking. This has been exemplified Our safety performance has again training outputs, with 1,200 of these on many sites but especially at both remained stable with improved reporting outputs delivered through in-house Strongford and the Covenham to Boston from everyone both in the office and on training. We continue our commitment to pipeline. On these sites it has been clear site, and from our suppliers. I was very develop our people through programmes to me we have had great engagement pleased to see a significant drop in the such as our apprenticeships and the civil from everyone, including suppliers and number of serious near misses but there engineering development scheme, which subcontractors, supporting a happy was a slight increase in reportable injuries is now in its second year. environment with people enjoying their to our people, with three in total. This goes 2013 saw the company pick up a number work. as a timely reminder that we cannot of awards and accolades from across become complacent and everyone needs Outside the water market we continue to the industry. The ICE, CECA, Yorkshire to maintain their commitment to working enjoy success particularly with the Water, Northumbrian Water and Business towards our vision of creating a workplace Authority, National Grid and schemes with in the Community all recognised our with zero injuries. Procter & Gamble in London. Our work achievements – just reward for everyone’s with the Environment Agency on a national Our environmental reporting saw another efforts. Many of these successes are Water and Environmental Management large increase in 2013, which was very featured in the upcoming pages of the framework is starting to deliver revenue encouraging and demonstrates improved Review. growth and opportunity. awareness. We all need to face up to the I would like to thank everyone for their challenge of how we reduce our impact As we look to the future we need to ensure involvement and hard work delivering the on the environment, which will be a key we understand the that all our results we have seen. I hope you enjoy the measure for all our stakeholders. customers face, and rise to the challenges Review and it makes you feel proud to be together with them and their other In November last year we held the part of the company. partners. With the great people we have I company seminar at Doncaster. I thought Paul Bentley am confident that we will meet these that it was a fantastic event with a number Managing Director challenges by continually looking for of key messages for us all to think about. clever, innovative, more efficient and cost The seminar gave us the chance to reflect effective ways of working in all areas of on how cost and efficiency, health and our business. safety, procedural compliance and the

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Commercial Energy Environment 2013 Highways Turnover Others Property Development Utilities Waste Water and Wastewater

2013 was a year of consolidation and progress. Consolidation through Financial strong delivery on our key frameworks in water and wastewater, building upon our hard earned reputation for Review collaboration and on time outputs.

Progress through the addition of JN Bentley was once again in the fortunate The year saw the commencement of the further long term framework position of being able to be selective in its AMP6 procurement process for the arrangements, in particular, with the bidding efforts as a result of enjoying a majority of the UK water sector. It is Environment Agency on a national relatively full order book for the whole year. particularly pleasing to report that JN Water and Environment Management Whilst there are tentative signs of Bentley has, through its subsidiary, Mott framework, which is already starting to improvement, the construction sector MacDonald Bentley (MMB), secured further deliver revenue growth and remains under some strain with insolvency long term arrangements with both opportunity. In order to facilitate the levels remaining above the long run Yorkshire Water and Severn Trent Water. delivery of this work, we have formed a average. We remain committed to We remain well placed for further new joint venture, JBA Bentley, with sustainable relationships with our clients, framework awards with other major UK leading specialist environmental suppliers and subcontractors. water companies too. consultancy Jeremy Benn Associates. I have been fortunate to visit a number of The balance sheet remains strong with no In the fourth year of our water company our sites during the year and have been reliance upon external funding. The AMP5 frameworks, we saw consistent consistently impressed with the levels of company continues to invest in the activity levels with all of our principal water commitment and teamwork shown by our infrastructure of its businesses; these company partners. In Yorkshire Water, we site teams, exemplified by their desire to investments included additions to (and completed large schemes at Rivelin and do the best job that they can. I would like to renewals of) the plant and equipment fleet, Bramley, and within the Severn Trent Water personally thank the teams at Rushmoor, along with a further investment in e5 Major Projects Programme a number of Strongford, Worksop, Oswestry and commercial vehicles, including a number large schemes are nearing completion. In Blackburn for their collective efforts. of bespoke welfare vans, which increase the Anglian Water region we completed a our flexibility and reduce costs and We anticipate that the year-end accounts 60km pipeline, and we also enjoyed a environmental impact by reducing the for 2013 (once verified) will record a strong year with Northumbrian Water, need for welfare cabins on some sites. turnover of £119 million, which is a broadly delivering works both in the North East and We are currently evaluating replacements similar level of activity to that recorded in the South East, the latter via our framework to our core business IT systems to further 2012. Monthly turnover in 2013 was very with Essex & Suffolk Water. future proof our delivery capability. We consistent, at around £10 million, and this expect the delivery phase to commence in During the second half of the year, we were consistency helped with planning, the second half of 2014. awarded a contract with United Utilities to programming and labour and staff enhance security at their treatment works, utilisation, the benefits of which will be Our Cost & Efficiency Strategy delivered setting up co-located offices in Skelmersdale seen in the direct margin performance in some significant savings in the year and to facilitate this new work, which will be a the year. Looking forward into 2014, we contributed to awareness throughout the significant volume driver in 2014. expect turnover levels to be slightly higher, company. It remains our core belief that at around £125 million, with the addition of safety and efficiency are mutual objectives, Outside of the water industry we continue work via the Environment Agency both being fundamental to the sustainable to enjoy a small number of successful framework and some recently-won larger future of the company and the long-term relationships, particularly with the Coal schemes. job security of our people. Authority, National Grid and Procter & Gamble. Andrew Davies Finance Director

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The nature of our work as a civil engineering and construction company means that we enter new environments and communities every day. We recognise that we have a responsibility to contribute positively to the people and places we work with.

In 2013 we defined our purpose as • Our Customers and Community Engineering is at the core of the Engineering Sustainable Outcomes, by safely delivering best value, service that we provide to our using four categories or ‘strands’ to innovative, sustainable and customers. help explain this. We engineer enhancing the communities in which sustainable outcomes for: we work. We continue to use our A Sustainable Outcome for us is one Cost and Efficiency Strategy to that is sustainable economically, • Our Shareholder by delivering promote initiatives across the environmentally and with respect to our shareholder value with sustainable business – working to the principle relationships with the shareholder, returns in order to secure the long- that everything we do adds value. We employees, customers and community. term viability of the company. encourage staff to add value to the Being sustainable always means communities in which we work by • Our People by creating a fun striving to improve. Effort is important, giving skills, time and expertise. workplace where people have a but results are what matter to all our voice, are safe, reach their potential, • Our Environment by using our stakeholders. That is why our purpose prosper and where rewards are expertise to be respectful to our places the focus on Outcomes. shared. We are committed to our planet and its resources. Our vision Health and Safety Strategy and our is to achieve zero environmental vision of achieving zero injuries and incidents and legal breaches. instances of work related ill health. Company Purpose

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Management Structure On January 1, 2013, changes to strengthen the company’s Group and Operational Boards took effect. These are represented in the organisation chart below. The changes mean that our organisational structure better reflects the geographical diversity of the company’s operations and means we are well placed to continue developing in 2014 and beyond.

Group Board

Martin Bentley Philip Bentley Rich Field Paul Bentley Andrew Davies John Ridings Resources Development Chairman (NED) Managing Director Finance Director NED Director Director

Operational Board

John Steve Tetlow Andrew Davies Martin Bentley Jamie Fitton David Bentley Richard Risdon Alastair Binns Greenwood Bidding and Financial Resources Operations Commercial Operations Commercial Engineering Strategy Director Director Director Director Director Director and QES Director Director

Accounts Ops Operations Managers Resourcing QES Bidding Jon Bester Marcus Foster Angus Ridge Neil Harrison Jonny Fitton Roberto Ian Bester Michael Colin Nichol Ian Austin Terry Sadler Magagnin Ball Michael Davies

Commercial Managers HR/Training/ Subcontract Engineering Estimating Comms/CR Buying Ashley Parker Paul Ellis Richard Greenwood Dan Sutcliffe Graham Jessop Judith Jeffery Boyd Webster Phil Cundill Paul Hearn David Sawyer

Information Plant, Fleet Technology and Facilities Max Carr Kevin Young North Operations South Operations

Buying Dean Holmes

In summer 2013, we wished Jon Cain all the best as he left his post as a Director at JN Bentley after nineteen years with the company. Jon was instrumental in the formation of MMB – our successful joint venture with Mott MacDonald Bentley – and drove with passion our health and safety vision to achieve zero injuries and zero instances of work- related ill health. Jon is now training for a career in the Anglican priesthood.

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2013 at a Glance

March: A number of our projects are successful in regional Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) and Civil Engineering Contractors Association (CECA) awards: a scheme at Rivelin Water January: A special breakfast is held at Doncaster Racecourse to thank all Treatment Works wins of our 2012 Be Recognised winners. The Grafham Resilience Reverse Flow the prestigious ICE Team is named ‘Team Winner’, with Contracts Manager, Damian Ireland Centenary Award, and a named ‘Individual Winner.’ Read more on Be Recognised on page 23. flood relief scheme at Manor Vale wins the A project begins in Coach Sreet Car Park, close to our Skipton Head Office, CECA Linda Grant constructing a new screened overflow chamber to facilitate the flow of excess Health and Safety storm sewerage into a new storm detention tank. Award.

February: Members of our site team visit Bramley Primary School ahead of works constructing a new service reservoir in the town. This project is pioneering our use of BIM (Building Information Modelling). Read more on BIM on page 20.

April: JN Bentley’s hard work in developing the engineers of the future is the winner of a prestigious ‘Big Tick’ at the Business in the Community (BITC) Responsible Business Awards. The scheme also makes the BITC’s national shortlist. Read more on employee development on pages 21-22.

May: The ICE in Wales recognises our project to double the capacity of Llanfyllin Sewage Treatment Works by presenting us with the ‘Roy Edwards Special Award for Innovation’.

BITC award us a top ‘Platinum’ rating for our continued work improving environmental management, as part of their annual Environment Index. Read more on JN Bentley’s environmental performance on pages 28-29.

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July: Mott MacDonald Bentley (MMB – a joint venture between JN Bentley and global June: Our new consultant Mott MacDonald) is awarded a joint venture company five-year framework extension with Yorkshire formed with Water, further extending our relationship with environmental this long-standing client. consultants Jeremy Benn Associates – Our site teams working near Scarborough on JBA Bentley – is the east coast rescue awarded a place on a stranded family who the Environment had become cut off Agency’s national from the . Their Water and courageous efforts Environmental were recognised both Management (WEM) internally, by the client framework. and by the coastguard.

August: Our team working at Ogden Reservoir in Yorkshire salvage a plaque dating back to 1854, carefully reinstating it close to the entrance to the reservoir for visitors to the popular site to see.

October: JN Bentley takes delivery of a Komatsu Hybrid Excavator and revolutionary ‘green’ Toshiba printer, adding credentials to the company’s drive to minimise its environmental impact. The excavator has lower fuel consumption, lower CO2 emissions and a quieter engine than traditional excavators. The printer uses erasable toner to reduce paper consumption by 80%.

Our team in the Midlands present the British Heart Foundation with a cheque for £3,600 – just one of many examples of the charitable nature of our people. Read more on page 27. September: The restoration of a stepped cascade at the Bramham Park Estate is completed. The scheme involved the careful restoration of the existing cascade and the installation of a water supply. Read more on page 19.

Public open days at the company’s owned-and- operated hydroelectric in the Yorkshire Dales prove as popular as ever, attracting over 250 visitors.

November: At the CECA awards in the North East, JN Bentley wins December: both the Health and Safety and Environmental Company of the Year awards. Following a successful This is the fifth time in seven years JN Bentley has won Health and Safety first five-years working Company of the Year, and we continue to strive to achieve our vision of together, MMB is “ZERO injuries and ZERO instances of work related ill health” through awarded a five-year positive engagement and continued investment in the health and safety framework extension training of our workforce with Severn Trent Water At the annual Excellence Awards, hosted by Yorkshire Water, awards are delivering non- clinched in four out of the eight categories. Read more on our on-going infrastructure works in relationships with Yorkshire Water on pages 10-11. the west of their operating region. Read Every JN Bentley employee – plus guests from our joint venture partners and a number of subcontractors more on our works with and clients – attends the annual company seminar at Doncaster Racecourse. A series of presentations Severn Trent Water on and activities help to communicate examples of best practice, key developments around JN Bentley, and pages 12-13. celebrate recent achievements.

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At the heart of JN Bentley – as a civil engineering and construction company – are our operations, which span a number of different clients across a variety of different regions in the UK. Works with the Coal Authority have We work hard to develop lasting relationships with taken us across the UK. Read more on these clients, delivering projects collaboratively and page 18. in a spirit of openness and honesty.

It is important that JN Bentley maintains its drive to work innovatively and finds increasingly efficient solutions to traditional engineering problems. We always look to work in a way that makes customer operations safer, more efficient and more sustainable – delivering outcomes ‘right first time’ – on programme and within budget.

To keep the workplace safe we are committed to A new JV has been established to deliver our Health and Safety Strategy and our vision a major framework with the Environment of achieving zero injuries and zero instances of Agency. Read more on page 14. work related ill health, working in accordance with our policies, standards and responsibilities.

We use our Cost and Efficiency Strategy to promote initiatives that create a culture where our people are passionate about saving costs and increasing our efficiency – working to the principal Contractor alliancing that everything we do adds value. has aided the design- and-construction of In 2013 we have maintained a strong base of three major schemes at long-standing clients, and the changes made to Rushmoor, Strongford our management structure now better reflects the and Worksop. Read geographical diversity in our operations, and more on page 12. enables us to better meet the needs of our clients.

The following pages take a look back at our operations on site in 2013.

We have delivered a number of schemes with long-standing client Procter & Gamble in 2013. Read more on page 17.

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Our operations have been recognised for exceptional safety and environmental performance. Read more on page 15.

We’ve constructed a number of reservoirs in some very scenic Yorkshire locations. Read more on page 10.


We’ve completed a 61km water Head Office Tadcaster pipeline through Skipton Lincolnshire. Read Leeds more on page 14.


Peterborough Shifnal


A variety of works with Essex & Suffolk Water have helped us become better established in the South East. Read more on page 16.

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Yorkshire Water 2013 saw great progress made on a number of key projects with Yorkshire Water, delivered through our JV subsidiary company Mott MacDonald Bentley (MMB). Maintaining a focus on innovation to drive improvements in safety and efficiency, we carried out 3D printing has regularly work under four ‘streams’ – reservoirs, made the news in 2013 sewerage networks, other and we have been using the technology at Sutton installations, and large schemes. to provide our site team with a hands-on model In July, MMB was delighted to lengthen its collaborative working used in morning relationship with Yorkshire Water through to 2020 when we were briefings and planning awarded a five-year framework extension. The contract will run sessions. throughout the AMP6 regulatory period, taking the partnership between MMB and Yorkshire Water past the 20 year mark.

Investing in service reservoirs Seeing the bigger Working in scenic locations picture at Sutton In AMP5 we have worked tirelessly to Delivering work at Yorkshire Water’s maximise off-site construction using By maintaining a view of the ‘bigger impounding reservoir sites takes us to standard ‘products’ that can then be picture’, MMB helped to save £8 million some spectacular – and often remote – pieced together on site. We have worked on an upgrade of a waste water locations across the region, including closely with our supply chain to develop treatment works at Sutton. Leighton and Gorple Upper the products that make construction Reservoirs where we have been more time and cost effective, and yield a Initial plans deemed a substantial upgrading existing spillways. higher-quality of finish. upgrade of the existing works necessary to improve river water quality. We On both sites we conducted thorough Off-site construction, together with the challenged this, proposing that the same tests to prove the viability of innovative, use of BIM, helped us to build seven outcome could be achieved with a much cost-effective solutions that meant the pre-cast service reservoirs for Yorkshire reduced scope of works if consent schemes could be completed quicker, Water in 2013, the largest of which was a requirements at better-performing works without compromising on safety. The £3.8 million structure at Bramley, near upstream were changed. The Regulator results are impressive too – as the photo Leeds. Bramley used hundreds of looked at the evidence and agreed to of the masonry spillway at Leighton prefabricated standard components, the changes, meaning that the shows (on page 11). including walls and internal beams. significant savings could be achieved.

Innovation, innovation, innovation MMB has a strong history of innovating to drive best quality and value, none more so than our commitment to the use of BIM (Building Information Modelling). 2013 has been an exciting year for BIM and MMB as its use becomes ‘business as usual.’ Read more about BIM on page 20.

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Our team working near Malton made a grisly discovery when they unearthed an ancient skeleton in a sewer trench on site. Thought to date back to Roman Britain, the bones were removed to enable them to be examined by experts… but not before we had welcomed down a group of history students from the local college to learn about the findings from the archaeologist on site.

Rewards for sewerage MMB rewarded for Excellence

In York, our sewerage team was We were lucky enough to contribute to contracted to replace the Clifton Rising wins in four of the eight categories at the Main, a 1.3km sewer passing through Yorkshire Water Excellence Awards. environmentally-sensitive land parallel to Focusing heavily on teams working the River Ouse. By engaging early with collaboratively to deliver projects, MMB local stakeholders and statutory bodies, was recognised for: making innovations impacts were minimised and ecological in health and safety; realising significant challenges overcome. Read more on savings on reservoir works; delivering page 29. excellent customer service; and for establishing a successful engagement At Manor Vale, near the market town of programme with the community in Kirkbymoorside, we were tasked with Bradford. constructing a new underground storm water storage tank and sewerage MMB has surveyed hundreds of Working closely with the client, we pipework in narrow residential streets. Yorkshire Water sites for ‘Working at . engaged with the community in Height’ so that solutions can be Bramley by visiting the local school The Yorkshire and Humber branch of implemented to mitigate risks. Rather and supporting the not-for-profit CECA recognised our first-class safety than using standard paper-based Bramley Baths. record on the scheme – and the 24 surveys, our teams have completed letters of praise received – by presenting surveys directly onto tablet devices, Contracts Manager Steve Hutchinson us with the Linda Grant Health and preventing the need for further data entry delivered a safety presentation and Safety Award. back in the office, eliminating ‘copying’ pupils’ entries into a health and errors and significantly reducing the safety poster competition were amount of time per survey. Photos taken particularly impressive. We attached by the tablet are even automatically the winning poster to our fencing embedded into the surveys! on site.

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Severn Trent Water 2013 was our busiest year yet with Severn Trent Water. Through MMB we delivered £50 million worth of work across the Midlands and Wales on a variety of schemes, ranging from constructing new service reservoirs to upgrading sewage treatment works and assisting the client with the adoption of private drains and sewers.

When we secured our first contract with e5: Rushmoor, Strongford We are constructing a new activated Severn Trent Water in 2009 our aim was to and Worksop sludge plant (ASP) and replacing existing develop a long-term relationship with the ASP blowers to ensure new phosphorous client, as we have done previously with the The e5 (efficiency 5) Major Projects consent levels are met at Strongford likes of Yorkshire Water. We were therefore Programme is a joint venture formed STW, the main sewage treatment works delighted to secure a five-year framework between four framework contractors serving Stoke-on-Trent. extension in late-2013, which will see MMB and Severn Trent Water to deliver eleven Our scheme at Worksop STW involves deliver non-infrastructure works with major waste water non-infrastructure the construction of a sludge processing Severn Trent Water throughout the AMP6 projects in the region. Collaborative facility with access roads and canal and period. working and innovation are at the core river crossings. You can see the work of delivery to maximise efficiencies being carried out in the impressive photo

Our aim was always to build that benefit the client and alliance on the cover of the Review. a successful long term partners alike.

relationship with Severn Trent, and this extension recognises MMB is delivering three of the nine e5 Making strides with BIM > the efforts of our team. schemes, totalling in-excess of £45 “ “ million: Our team in the Midlands is using BIM in The AMP6 challenge is an the construction of a new service At Rushmoor Sewage Treatment exciting one that MMB is reservoir at Oswestry. Impressive 3D Works (STW), Shropshire’s strategic looking forward to meeting as modelling has aided construction at centre for sludge digestion, dewatering we play our part in delivering Minworth Sewage Treatment Works and cake storage, we are expanding and too, where three new CHP (combined essential investment across upgrading the existing sewage treatment heat and power) units will improve the the region. works to cater for demand. efficient generation of renewable energy Richard Risdon, JN Bentley for our client. Read more on page 20. Operations Director

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Hitting our deadlines The scheme also demonstrated the customers’ land, in highways and in benefits of joining with another confined spaces, dealing with electrical We have made excellent progress framework partner, enabling the works equipment of a poor standard. constructing a new water treatment plant to be completed by the compliance to improve nitrate levels near Lilleshall, date in true collaborative style. Developing innovations, such as a meeting a challenging deadline to ensure tablet computer app to undertake the new structure was water-tight. Our Private drains and surveys and a new telemetry panel to team was commended by the sewers: assisting replace outdated electrical control Considerate Constructors Scheme after equipment, has made delivery more they assisted archaeologists who were our client efficient, and ensured that impact on carrying out a dig on site (the site is Severn Trent Water’s customers has The Private Drains and Sewers partially located over an English Heritage- been kept to a minimum. (PDaS) legislation will transfer the protected Roman military installation). ownership of all private pumping Feedback from customers has been We were tasked by the client to deliver a stations that serve two or more very favourable, and contributed to nitrate blending scheme at Cosford. properties to local water companies MMB securing a further £3 million of Spread across four remote sites, MMB in 2016, who will then be responsible for PDaS work for delivery in 2014. installed deep pipework, a static mixer their maintenance and upkeep. and various valves and connections to MMB was initially tasked with delivering enable high nitrate water to be blended, a pilot scheme, studying and delivering negating the need for a new nitrate civil engineering improvements at 55 removal facility. sites, in areas of restricted access, on

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Anglian Water 2013 brought to a close the construction of the Covenham to Boston Pipeline, a 61km polyethylene pipeline running across Lincolnshire. The pipeline will supply a forecasted population in excess of 100,000, and is capable of transferring over 15 million litres of water from Covenham Water Treatment Works to Miningsby Reservoir in central Lincolnshire, and then on to the town of Boston.

Modifications have also been completed to The development of a scheme required to allow a further 11.4 million litres to be provide resilience to Grafham Water The Environment Agency transferred through existing infrastructure. Treatment Works, which supplies 250,000 homes, continued in 2013. The project is JBA Bentley is a joint venture Collaborative team working between all due to commence on site in 2014 with between JN Bentley and parties on the scheme led to a 57% modifications and enhancements made to environmental and water reduction in embodied carbon and a 30% the existing distribution system. engineering consultancy Jeremy capital cost saving. This contributed to the project team achieving a ‘CEEQUAL Both projects are being delivered as part of Benn Associates (JBA). Interim Award’ for design and construction, Anglian Water’s Special Projects framework. In 2013, the JBA Bentley achieving an ‘Excellent’ score of 95.4%. The six partners appointed to the framework subsidiary was successful in deliver large, one-off capital investment securing a place on the CEEQUAL is an independent, evidence- projects in an environment that harbours based sustainability scheme for civil collaborative working and ideas sharing. Environment Agency’s Water engineering projects, recognising and and Environmental Management certifying high environmental and social (WEM) Framework. performance from design through to construction. This framework will last for four years, with the potential for a further two year extension.

The framework covers a wide range of environmental and flood management services including environmental work, modelling, mapping, emergency planning, feasibility, detailed design and construction. To date we have been awarded a number of early contractor involvement (ECI) contracts and been engaged in emergency works following December 2013's storm surge on the east coast of the UK.

The site team worked exceptionally hard to complete the scheme in 2013, reinstating the Our first design and construct highly productive and scheme with the Agency, profitable arable land improving culverts at three sites through which the pipeline runs at a rate of in the North West, will begin on over 500m every day. site in 2014.

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Northumbrian Water We first partnered with Northumbrian Water back in 2001 and have since become firmly established in the North East. In 2013 we delivered schemes with Northumbrian Water on both clean and waste water sites, as well as water and sewer networks, from our offices situated in Durham – enjoying many successes along the way.

Beating the clock at Knitsley “Spot on” schemes Award with Northumbrian Water, in the Environmental Sustainability category. The The sewage treatment works at Knitsley One focus for our works with Northumbrian project was described as “spot on!” by the required refurbishment to ensure it continued Water is an abandonment programme client’s Project Manager, Simon Cossar. to meet regulatory compliance levels. In where we reduce the risk and liability to order to address the operational NWL on abandoned sites. In some Making improvements requirements, we upgraded a number of circumstances sites are decommissioned across the region elements of the existing works, including and left in a condition which elevates their Complementing larger schemes, such as three 23m diameter biological filters. development potential, making them more the project at Knitsley, are a series of sub- attractive sale propositions. Benefitting from close collaboration with the programmes that we deliver with Northumbrian client and their operational staff – together After being tasked with the design of the Water. These regularly involve visiting a large with good teamwork – the project was abandonment at Throckley for example, number of sites and surveying assets before completed early and ahead of budget Northumbrian Water approved our plans providing solutions that will improve the site, and gave us the go ahead to deliver the making them safer or more efficient. The team was named our ‘Be Recognised’ works on site. winner for October 2013. Read more on We work closely with Northumbrian Water’s page 23. A similar scheme at Mitford, where we had to Operatives during this type of work, and manage the safe removal of four tonnes of our experience has helped us streamline asbestos, won a Going the Extra Mile (GEM) the process.

Award successes serve to reinforce and recognise the good work our teams are doing and give our people chance to celebrate their hard work. The North East secured another impressive haul in 2013. Together with the GEM Award won at Mitford, our Water Pumping Station Delivery Team was runner-up in the Team of the Year category, where communication was highlighted by the client as being particularly effective. We celebrated double success in the CECA North East Awards, scooping both the Health and Safety and Environmental Company of the Year prizes. This is the fifth time in seven years JN Bentley has won Health and Safety Company of the Year, but we recognise that there is still work to be done as we drive towards our target of zero injuries. You can read more on both health and safety and environmental stewardship later in the Review.

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JN Bentley's regional coverage continues to diversify, as the works being delivered for these clients exemplify. Water and Utilities In 2013, JN Bentley moved into new premises in Skelmersdale, Lancashire, to service contract delivery in the west In Blackburn, the of the country. existing CSO roof had to be cut into 75 This included a sections, each weighing no more sewerage scheme than 10 tonnes, to for United Utilities allow it to be in Blackburn. removed safely.

To improve the quality of water being East region, have worked on a variety of Our first project with D r Cymru Welsh discharged from an existing combined construction and engineering schemes, Water began in 2013 afterŵ joint venture sewer overflow (CSO) chamber, we including programmes to improve safety subsidiary MMB won a place on their significantly increased the capacity of the and security on Essex & Suffolk Water’s select list of hydroelectric plant chamber by adding an additional assets; electrical upgrades and construction partners. A project to install channel, and replaced existing screens. replacements; highways reinstatement; a turbine on the inlet at Ystradfellte Confronted with a particularly tight site, pumping station refurbishments; and Water Treatment Works in South bound by residential properties, a flowmeter installations Wales will be complete in 2014. psychiatric hospital and a river, our team Construction on site has continued with deployed a carefully planned delivery Near Colchester, we were tasked National Grid, under their Minor Civils sequence to ensure the works were with replacing a band screen and Framework. A programme of works completed without incident. upgrading a river intake structure constructing boundary walls, fencing, to meet requirements of the Eels We were also successful in securing a security and safety works on National Regulations 2009. Working through contract with United Utilities carrying out Grid property took us to sites across the the summer when river levels were security enhancement to their treatment country in 2013. their lowest, the project brought works. Here we have been designing, together a range of disciplines, installing and commissioning electronic including deep excavations, crane and physical security at a range of sites lifts, coffer dam construction and across the client’s operating region in mechanical, electrical and civil the north west of the UK. engineering. In 2013 we continued to work with The new band screen ensures that Essex & Suffolk Water, co-locating on when water is extracted from the the same site in Hanningfield, near river to serve the nearby water Chelmsford. treatment works, eels are safely filtered out and returned to the Our team, made up primarily of JN watercourse. Bentley people recruited from the South

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Commercial and Industrial Building and Highways

JN Bentley has maintained its presence First, we constructed a new 76-space After completing foundations and piling in the commercial and industrial car park and express way before works, each section of the structure was building sector through a long-standing beginning an eye-catching project built in a secure compound, before relationship with ‘blue chip’ client constructing a 300m-long elevated being delivered 5km and lifted into place Procter & Gamble (P&G). enclosure that has been erected 5m off on site. The scheme is set for completion the ground to allow trucks to park below. in early 2014. 2013 was a productive year for the partnership on P&G’s site in London – Once completed, two conveyors will be A highways framework with Cumbria a busy 24/7 ‘live’ operational site. installed within the enclosure to transport County Council yielded its first scheme pallets of finished products across the in 2013 when we replaced a coastal site. defence wall with rock armour to form permanent defence against erosion.

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The Coal Authority 2013 was a busy year for our teams working with the Coal Authority on their ‘ENVision II’ framework. Both parties are reaping the benefits of building a long-term collaborative relationship as teams and their knowledge move from one scheme to the next, ensuring continuous improvement.

Covering a wide geographical area, At Ellington, the mine water treatment At Carrshield in Northern England, adit from South Wales to Scotland, the Lake scheme constructed is similar to that at repairs at Barneycraig and trial District to the East Coast, JN Bentley Saltburn, although it also included the stabilisation works at West Allen yielded provides the Coal Authority with Early construction of a 400m rising main praise from the client, local villagers, and Contractor Involvement (ECI) and design running from the existing mine shaft to the ‘North Pennines Area Of Outstanding and construction services centred on the new works. Now complete, this phase Beauty Partnership’, who said that they mine water treatment schemes and of works will also be put into operation for “found the contractors friendly, polite and sludge drying beds at both coal and a testing period to confirm the size of the considerate and that the site was kept metal mining sites. final scheme to be constructed. clean and tidy, despite difficult weather and site conditions.” Mine water treatment schemes Preparatory works to install drainage at Craig Yr Aber saw us venture into South We assisted the Coal Authority at Mine water treatment schemes deal Wales with The Coal Authority for the first Polkemmet in Scotland when a mine with mine water contaminated with iron time on a major scheme. The new water treatment scheme had to be ochre and other mined metals. Lined drainage we installed will enable a full made operational at very short notice. settlement lagoons, reed beds, sludge mine water treatment scheme to be built The team pulled together and their drying beds and pre-cast concrete on site in 2014. channels, outlets and inlets are used to combined efforts delivered a result that

treat the water before it is allowed to Non-coal works – a new path exceeded our client’s expectations. re-join natural watercourses. We began working at a number of non-

At Saltburn and Ellington, former coal mines with the Authority in 2013 too. I would like to mines situated in Yorkshire and A pilot scheme at the incredibly scenic congratulate the project Northumberland, we have utilised the Crag in the Lake District will treat team…there has been same team to deliver both projects, flows running into nearly becks and the some great team “ providing continuity for both our site downstream Bassenthwaite Lake by working across teams and our client. Following the reducing metal loadings in the flow. “organisations and completion of the works at Saltburn, the Drainage was installed in early 2013 and scheme was commissioned and we look Phase 2, the construction of vertical flow internal teams. Well forward to returning in the Spring of 2014 ponds and a wetland, will get underway done. I don’t know how to double the size of the scheme. in 2014. you have achieved it in the time scale.

Tracey Davies, Coal Authority Head of Environment

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Bramham Park JN Bentley has a history of working at some very prestigious locations, including Fountains Abbey, Blenheim Palace and Studley Royal. 2013 continued this tradition when JN Bentley completed its second scheme at the Bramham Park Estate in West Yorkshire.

The Bramham Park Estate is home to a Upon completion of the scheme, owner large Grade 1 listed landscape on the Nick Lane paid tribute to Mark Dolphin English Heritage register of parks and and his team when he commented, gardens, and every year hosts the “Thank you so much for all of famous Horse Trials and Leeds Music your hard work over this year Festival. on the cascade and indeed last year on the T-pond too. Your In 2013 we worked with architects and team has been an absolute skilled stone masons to sympathetically pleasure to work with restore a stepped-cascade into the throughout both of these parterre pond, which is situated right in projects.” front of the main house.

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BIM (Building Information Modelling) Driven by the Government and aided by developments in computing, BIM is a development in the construction industry that provides a more efficient way of designing, constructing and maintaining assets. BIM is all about people using a coordinated approach for developing, managing and sharing information throughout the whole lifecycle of a project, from initial concept through to operation. It offers the potential for substantial efficiencies in the flow of information between different project stages and stakeholders.

We have embraced BIM and have established a BIM Working Group to capture and share best practice as it is developed. As a company we have developed expertise in 3D modelling over a number of years – a key enabler of BIM. 2013 was an exciting time as we utilised the new technology, techniques and processes on a range of schemes across our operating regions. Here are a few highlights.

Bramley Service Reservoir Oswestry Service Reservoir Cambois Sewage Treatment Works Refurbishment The team behind the Bramley scheme MMB has made great progress on a tight aimed to run a ‘paperless’ site from day site at Oswestry constructing a 4Ml service 3D modelling has enabled operatives on one, fully embracing BIM. reservoir. BIM has enabled the Site site to visualise the sequencing of the Manager to explain the scheme to the construction process, particularly Tasked with constructing a new service Operatives using a dynamic 3D model important at Cambois because the inlet reservoir with a capacity of 16Ml of water, rather than numerous detailed drawings. works will remain in operation throughout as well as demolishing two existing It has also helped us engage key client our works. The model has also highlighted reservoirs in poor condition, the project stakeholders, ensuring they were involved potential pipework clashes at the design has demonstrated how easily information in the design process and therefore feel stage and enabled the design team to from the BIM model can be used on site, ownership for the finished product. model different temporary and permanent and has made information exchange access solutions which would have been between site and office much more Covenham to Boston Pipeline tricky to visualise in 2D given the organic efficient. shape of the inlet works structure. Using BIM on this 61km cross-country Staff on site have used tablet computers pipeline improved safety by employing Our scheme at Rivelin Water and, despite not quite having shifted to a clash detection features and provided the Treatment Works, designing, 100% ‘paperless’ site yet, Bramley has still client with a detailed as-built model of the constructing and commissioning six become something of a flagship scheme system. manganese contactor filters housed when it comes to embedding BIM into our within a timber-clad building, utilised culture. The model was used for direct collaboration between not only partners BIM and was awarded the prestigious but suppliers too. ICE Yorkshire and Humber Centenary Award in 2013.

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Our People £1.4m invested in At JN Bentley we are committed to creating training a fun workplace, where people have a voice, are safe, reach their potential, prosper, and where rewards are shared. 2013 has seen us focus on a broad spectrum of activities 248 for ‘Our People’ through initiatives aimed at Working at improved communication, health, safety and Height courses wellbeing, training and development and completed employee recognition. Developing the Engineers 28,000 of the Future hours spent on training As a company we recognise the importance of building and maintaining a happy and skilled workforce to ensure we are able to readily resource courses schemes with talented people who can deliver works of a high quality.

During 2013 we invested over £1.4 million in training; this constitutes over 28,000 hours spent on training courses throughout the year. We utilise our own ConstructionSkills-accredited Training Centre at Over 200 Head Office in Skipton to deliver a significant quantity of this training, Confined from our apprenticeships to QCFs to CITB Site Safety Plus courses. In fact Space Entry 2013 saw the introduction of five new in-house training courses delivered courses held through our own facilities.

Nearly 350 15 200 Health and new employees enrolled on CSCS Cards Safety Tests our Engineering Development applied for completed Programme

16 27 employees working employees towards a variety of Further and working towards Higher Education qualifications professional chartership with a variety of professional bodies such as the Institution of All 9 of our construction Civil Engineers apprentices successfully (ICE) and the ‘graduated’ and achieved their Institution of Diploma in Construction Engineering and Technology (IET).

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22 Annual Review 2013 Review Annual

months for consultation. for months


and represents all employees, meeting every few every meeting employees, all represents and

management. in shaping some of the company’s decisions company’s the of some shaping in


accountancy and supply chain supply and accountancy elected employees the opportunity to be involved be to opportunity the employees elected

construction management, construction and suggestions in 2013. The forum gives forum The 2013. in suggestions and

in disciplines such as civil engineering, civil as such disciplines in continued to provide us with valuable feedback valuable with us provide to continued

and higher education qualifications education higher and Our employee consultation forum ‘Be Heard’ ‘Be forum consultation employee Our

further working towards a variety of of variety a towards working

schemes, however. 27 employees are employees 27 however. schemes,

CR Manager CR restricted to the development the to restricted

Training, Communications & & Communications Training, civil engineers, mechanical and and mechanical engineers, civil Professional development isn’t development Professional

Judith Jeffery, JN Bentley HR, Bentley JN Jeffery, Judith construction sites or in the office, as as office, the in or sites construction

be launched in 2014. 2014. in launched be months working full-time on one of our of one on full-time working months

summer. Engineers and Quantity Surveyors will Surveyors Quantity and Engineers employees will spend up to fifteen fifteen to up spend will employees

courses for Mechanical and Electrical and Mechanical for courses when they graduate next graduate they when second year at university, the new the university, at year second

business. Equivalent development Equivalent business.

following the completion of their of completion the following to work for us permanently us for work to

great network of people around the around people of network great Having all opted for a ‘year in industry’ in ‘year a for opted all Having

whom will hopefully return hopefully will whom

also benefit day-in, day-out from a from day-out day-in, benefit also

studying at universities across the UK. the across universities at studying

placement in 2012/13, all of all 2012/13, in placement

Mentor and Supervising Engineer, and Engineer, Supervising and Mentor students comprises young people young comprises

worked with JN Bentley on Bentley JN with worked

Trainee engineers are assigned a assigned are engineers Trainee placement The current crop of of crop current The

of nineteen) students who “students nineteen) of “

to be gained at the same time. same the at gained be to

sponsoring ten (of a total a (of ten sponsoring

enabling a professional qualification professional a enabling

The company is currently is company The (ICE) development objectives, development (ICE)

future graduate employees. graduate future the Institution of Civil Engineers’ Civil of Institution the

programme goes hand-in-hand with hand-in-hand goes programme of our placements into placements our of

professional development, the development, professional We aim to turn at least 25% least at turn to aim We

As well as encouraging continual encouraging as well As

employees upon graduation. graduation. upon employees

knowledge and understanding too. too. understanding and knowledge

welcomed back as permanent as back welcomed

participants gain a breadth of breadth a gain participants

through their final year in university and university in year final their through

around the business so that so business the around

sponsored during their time with us are are us with time their during

gain experience in various roles various in experience gain

undergraduate placement students. students. placement undergraduate

demonstrate exceptional performance exceptional demonstrate

training. There are opportunities to opportunities are There training.

welcomed our annual intake of intake annual our welcomed

Those placement students who students placement Those

development through experience and experience through development

careers the sector encompasses, we encompasses, sector the careers

and supports employee career employee supports and

engineering and the many other many the and engineering

plant control, HR, and training). and HR, control, plant

the programme lasts up to five years five to up lasts programme the

to open their eyes to the world of world the to eyes their open to

(including communications, buying, communications, (including

becoming professional Site Managers, Site professional becoming

secondary education, where we look we where education, secondary

and a range of business-related roles business-related of range a and

engineers on their journey to journey their on engineers

our links with pupils in primary and primary in pupils with links our

electrical engineers, quantity surveyors quantity engineers, electrical

progress in 2013. Open to all to Open 2013. in progress

than ever before in 2013. As well as well As 2013. in before ever than

Development Scheme Development continued to continued

supported more students more supported We have have We

Civil Engineering Civil Our own own Our

recognised standard. standard. recognised

involved with. with. involved

ensure the scheme is of a nationally- a of is scheme the ensure

initiative that JN Bentley is Bentley JN that initiative

We link closely with Craven College to College Craven with closely link We

Scholarship Scheme Scholarship , another ,

as at the Training Centre in Skipton. in Centre Training the at as

ConstructionSkills Inspire ConstructionSkills

across our operating regions as well as regions operating our across

Linton, first joined us through the through us joined first Linton,

apprentices spend time on sites on time spend apprentices

2014, Emily Oram and Harry and Oram Emily 2014,

bricklaying and concreting, our concreting, and bricklaying

Two students set to return in return to set students Two

To develop skills such as joinery, as such skills develop To

culture of JN Bentley too. Bentley JN of culture

the construction sector and ensure they develop to reach their potential. their reach to develop they ensure and sector construction the competencies specific to the work and work the to specific competencies

commit to investing in training our people to help address the skills gaps in gaps skills the address help to people our training in investing to commit obtained additional experience and experience additional obtained

to help maintain a stream of talented young people into the business, and business, the into people young talented of stream a maintain help to professional qualifications but have but qualifications professional

The judges were impressed with how we engage with schools and universities and schools with engage we how with impressed were judges The have not only been working towards working been only not have

which means that the apprentices the that means which

Awards, held at the Royal Albert Hall in central London. central in Hall Albert Royal the at held Awards, scheme is designed 100% in-house 100% designed is scheme

prestigious Business in the Community (BITC) Responsible Business Responsible (BITC) Community the in Business prestigious Diploma in Construction in 2013. The 2013. in Construction in Diploma

made it onto the national shortlist of just five in the in five just of shortlist national the onto it made the company in 2012, achieved their achieved 2012, in company the

In June we were presented with a ‘Big Tick’ award and award Tick’ ‘Big a with presented were we June In apprentices, who were welcomed into welcomed were who apprentices,

being launched in 2010. All nine of our of nine All 2010. in launched being

and skills and

more than doubled its intake since first since intake its doubled than more

its approach to workplace talent workplace to approach its apprenticeship scheme apprenticeship Our Our has

‘Big Tick’ ‘Big a wins Bentley JN for

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> Individual winner: Jon Lutman

Team runners-up: Kevin Wiseman

< and Barry Young

< < Individual Team winners: runner-up: Wheatcroft Matt Burgin Outfall

Recognising and Rewarding Our Employees

Our ‘Be Recognised’ reward scheme 2013 Individual Winner 2013 Team Winner continues to recognise individuals and teams from across the company for ‘living’ Jon Lutman won a prize to the Our site team working on the the JN Bentley values. In 2013, Managers value of £2,500 for his willingness to Wheatcroft Outfall near Scarborough and Directors made nominations each challenge proposed methodology won a prize of £750 for putting their month for employees, suppliers and to reduce the cost of temporary health and safety training into practice subcontractors who have works on one of our construction to carry-out the rescue of a family sites. stranded by the tide. The team was • delivered first-class schemes for our praised by the client and the clients, In doing this the level of safety coastguard for their quick thinking and • helped create a happy and safe improved, the design and proactive approach to dealing with this workplace for our people, construction process was potentially dangerous situation. simplified, and costs were reduced. Runners-up Kevin Wiseman and • added value and left a positive legacy for Runner-up Matt Burgin received a Barry Young received a prize of £750 – and built relationships with – our prize to the value of £750. to spend on a team reward. customers and community, and • used their expertise to be respectful to 2013 Be Recognised Winners our environment. Individual Winners Team Winners Over 100 nominations were made in 2013, with every nominee receiving Paul Towers (Foreman) Covenham to Boston Team a thank you letter from Managing Matt Burgin (Site Manager) Rushmoor Site Team Director Paul Bentley for their hard work and efforts. All monthly Christina Gwynn (QS) HR & Training Team individual and team winners were Harry Linton (QS) DG5 and Other Causes Site Team then presented with a prize to the value of £75. Chris Hyde (Project Leader) Strongford Site Team Jon Lutman (Plant Operative) Polkemmet Site Team At November’s company seminar we took the monthly winners and gave all Graeme Carruthers (Contracts Manager) Ogden Site Team employees the opportunity to vote for their Wayne Hadley (Foreman) Wheatcroft Site Team overall individual and team winners for the first time. Employee voting is a theme we Jack Couley (QS) ORCA Enabling Works Site Team will continue in 2014: all employees will Gavin Corban (Engineer) Kevin Wiseman and Barry Young now be able to directly nominate and then vote for their winners each month. Knitsley STW Site Team

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“Our health and safety vision is to achieve ZERO injuries and ZERO instances of work-related ill health.” Health and Safety 2013 was another exceptional year in the development of a world class health and at JN Bentley. Reporting has risen for the tenth consecutive year and we have had more people across the business reporting than ever before – including the greatest ever proportion from site workers and subcontractors.

The number of serious ‘near misses’ Year Hours Worked Near Misses Medical RIDDOR reduced to its lowest ever level, and our Injuries Treatment/Lost Reportable Unsafe Acts High Time Injuries Reportable Injury Frequency Rate (AFR – Unsafe Potential (<3 days) the industry standard measure of health Conditions and safety performance) of 0.14 is excellent for construction. For four years 2009 1,849,346 2,047 123 126 25 8 in a row we have maintained an AFR that 2010 1,868,473 2,287 101 83 16 2 ranks better than London’s 2012 Olympic build – a project enormous in scale and 2011 2,030,180 3,140 92 73 17 0 heralded for its exemplary health and 2012 2,237,691 4,550 75 98 91 safety performance. 2013 2,120,650 7,475 23 94 83 Despite this, we know that we haven’t cracked it yet and we will not be complacent. We suffered fourteen Additionally, new style E-S-O Events It is always pleasing when external bodies medical treatment or lost time injuries, (Engineering Sustainable Outcomes) recognise outstanding safety three of which were reportable to the were attended by nearly one quarter of performance. In 2013, CECA North East HSE. We won’t relent on our efforts; in the entire workforce. These sessions are named us Health and Safety Company 2014 we will work to keep the workforce attended by a Director who fields of the Year for the fifth time in seven engaged and get everyone actively employee questions. years, which is testament to our drive to involved and taking personal continually improve. responsibility for health and safety. Our Safety and Environment Steering Group is tasked with developing and The Manor Vale Flood Relief Scheme won Our QES Team spent a significant amount leading different initiatives. The group the CECA Yorkshire and Humber of time on site in 2013, providing support delivered on a number of objectives in Linda Grant Health and Safety Award and guidance to our teams in the field. 2013 including Leadership Training for all and our innovative use of tablets Over 400 QES inspections were first-line supervisors and improved computers and positive approach to conducted, supported by Contracts engagement with subcontractors and collaborating with the client, partners and Managers. Peer-to-peer safety suppliers, something evidenced through subcontractors was recognised by monitoring, in the form of Behavioural increased levels of reporting from our Yorkshire Water when we were presented Discussions, improved too: over 6,000 supply chain. Environmental reporting with the Innovation in Health and unsafe acts were challenged and, most increased significantly too. Read more on Safety Award. reassuringly, over 8,000 positive pages 28-29. behaviours reinforced.

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Our Community Skills, Time and Expertise As a civil engineering and construction company, our work takes us into new environments and communities every day. The business and the people we employ have a responsibility to contribute positively to the people and places we work with. We are committed to maintaining good relationships with our local communities and aim to leave behind a positive legacy once works are complete.

We support and add value to our local mentored pupils studying for their A number of our employees have been communities through the provision of our A-levels in Engineering. JN Bentley involved in the Engineering Education skills, time and expertise. We volunteers also supported the school Scheme (EES), supporting students establish partnerships with local schools, during their ‘Water Week’ – an initiative studying STEM subjects at A-level. Our opening up opportunities for that promotes water conservation and mentors work with students to develop professional development and the work of the WaterAid charity. their skills in project management, team mentoring roles; provide all employees working, problem solving and with an annual volunteering allowance; The school provided valuable support communication. and support the efforts of employees for our entry into the Business in the outside work by matching their Community Responsible Business The scheme promotes careers in fundraising efforts. Awards, where JN Bentley made the engineering, and provides personal national shortlist for its commitment to development for our staff as well as developing the engineers of the future. support and ‘real life’ project experience Partnerships for the students. with Schools “The engineers our girls have worked In 2013 we partnered with St Leonard’s with have been instrumental in Catholic School in Durham, and Thomas We have linked with a variety of schools inspiring some of our students to go Telford and Wednesford High Schools in across our operating regions in 2013. into the field of engineering. This has the Midlands. We have maintained our tie with got to be good news for engineering engineering specialist school, Skipton and the country as a whole.” Girls’ High School, where civil engineers Rod Dyson, Gemma Pickles and Gohir Rashid Assistant Head Teacher, SGHS

Linton Falls Hydroelectric Power Station JN Bentley refurbished a derelict Dacre Braithwaite Primary School and Heritage’s Heritage Open Days. The hydroelectric power station in the Embasy Primary School visiting the three days saw over 250 members of Yorkshire Dales National Park in 2011, power station. the public pass through the doors of bringing the site ‘back to life’ as a fully- the power station, all keen to see the operational power station. Now, as We hosted public open days at the site internal workings of the structure and owners and operators of the site, we too, coinciding with the Festival of view the technology close-up. regularly open its doors to local British Archaeology and English schools, providing the opportunity for educational visits. The guided school tours allow students to learn about renewable energy, the technology involved in , environmental considerations and the history of the power station and the local area.

School visits were held in March and May with pupils from Gargrave School,

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Bentley in the Community Many of our employees regularly provide including the installation of proper The natural willow panels will help to their skills, time and expertise to support a wheelchair access and a fresh coat of prevent wave generated erosion of the variety of community projects, enabling paint. Many materials were donated by river banks, providing environmental them to ‘give a bit back’ and build positive local businesses to support the project. sustainability to the environment. relationships with local stakeholders. Employees from our North East office Employees from Head Office in Skipton Volunteers from our Shifnal office – which continued their partnership with got involved at Sandylands Sports is co-located with client Severn Trent Northumbrian Water and the ‘Just an Centre – a registered charity and facility Water and fellow contract partners Hour’ programme by working on a project used by many of the staff – to support a Enterprise and AECOM Hyder – joined to transform an old priest house into maintenance day. The team spent time forces to renovate a local youth club. The respite for carers. Volunteers Gemma carrying out general refurbishment One Supply Chain West Community Plaskett and Dave Ridley also joined the activities to give the popular centre a new Group and an army of volunteers from the client and other construction partners to lease of life. office came together to provide the help build natural erosion barriers at the building with much needed repairs, RSPB’s St Aidan’s Nature Reserve.

On site: Moor praise for our team in Bradford Bradford Moor is a particularly densely their property. Following initial research to The project was registered with the populated area of Bradford, comprising identify key stakeholders, we held a drop- Considerate Constructors Scheme 2,500 homes and 10,000 residents. It in session, attended neighbourhood (CCS), and scored an impressive 35 suffers regularly from flooding incidents – forums and worked with schools, out of 40. which is why we were called in to carry out community centres, mosques, councils repairs to alleviate this risk in the future. and local businesses. Communications The CCS monitor praised the team’s were also issued in Urdu, including a slot approach to community engagement, It was crucial our team built a good on the local radio station, which helped us acknowledging the “major logistics

rapport with the local people because our engage with the multi-cultural community. operations carried out well before any of works required us to have access onto the works began.”

On site: Coastal heroes Our site team delivering repairs to a long chest deep into the lagoon themselves. Those cut off attempted to sea outfall on the East Coast were Already equipped with life jackets for reach safety and“ would have involved in the heroic rescue of a working on site, the team created a chain been likely to get into stranded family of four. to guide the family safely back to shore one-by-one. difficulties unless your team The team responded to calls for help intervened before the arrival from the family who had become The team have since received praise “of the coastguard team or marooned at sea whilst in the bay. The from our client and the HM Coastguard, lifeboat. It was brave action team immediately put in a 999 call, but and have been recognised internally by after carefully assessing the conditions, the company in our Be Recognised to take. put their health and safety training into awards. Read more on page 23. Mike Bill, Coastal Safety Manager practice and made the decision to wade for the East of England

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Giving and Fundraising

We have continued to promote our ‘Be Fundraisers’ company matching initiative throughout the year – this scheme allows employees to request up to £100 to match their fundraising for taking part in a variety of activities.

Name Activity Charity Jon Bester, Emma Jackson Keighley ‘BigK’ 10k Sue Ryder, Manorlands Hospice and Gemma Pickles Jonny Fitton Leeds Half Marathon Sue Ryder, Manorlands Hospice Nick Rhymes Coast2Coast and London to Cancer Research Paris Cycle Rides John Hughes 24hr sponsored ‘Batathon’ Cumbria Women’s Cricket Club Ronnie Bray Blackpool Marathon Sue Ryder, Manorlands Hospice Alastair Binns 105km Cycle Ride Yorkshire Cancer Research John Greenwood 100km Trail Race Yorkshire Air Ambulance Rob Dunn Yorkshire Marathon Sue Ryder, Manorlands Hospice Jonathan Mitson and Lee Galloway Coast2Coast Cycle Ride Butterwick Hospice Richard Grayshon, Jamie Boswell, Great North Run WaterAid Peter Brodie and Colin Watts Mike Lewis Charity Cycle British Heart Foundation Trudie Thomas Charity Cycle British Heart Foundation Gavin Ellis and Dean Hart Parachute Jump British Heart Foundation Tony Laverick Charity Acoustic Night Cancer Research Nathan Hutchison Coast2Coast Cycle Ride Airedale NHS Foundation Trust Phil Holden, Neil Armstrong Leeds 10k Corporate Challenge Martin House Children’s Hospice and Matt Athersmith Phil Holden Leeds Half Marathon Brain Tumour Research and Support Across Yorkshire Richard Rollison Coast2Coast Cycle Ride The Children’s Air Ambulance Luke Waterhouse 100mile London Cycle Ride Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research Daniel Oliver Movember Bradford Cancer Support

We continue to support the WaterAid with employees and helps us to reduce money to the likes of Save the charity, through a variety of sponsored electronic waste too. We will continue Children, the Butterwick Hospice and events. During 2013 we donated over to work hard to support the charity in the Stroke Association. The One £32,000 to the charity and supported 2014. Supply Chain West Community ‘Water Week’ at the local Skipton Girls’ Group, based in Shifnal, held a variety High School, which promotes water Charity and community groups across of fundraising events – including a conservation and WaterAid’s activities. the business have helped to raise charity ball – to raise money for worthy We have raised an additional £2,772 thousands of pounds in 2013. Skipton causes, including their ‘charity of the for WaterAid through our company has focused its fundraising efforts on year’, the British Heart Foundation. In laptop renewal scheme where we the local Sue Ryder Manorlands the summer the group presented the provide employees with the opportunity Hospice and, through events such as a British Heart Foundation with a cheque to buy back their old laptop for a summer coffee morning, raised £4,000. for over £3,500, taking their total raised reduced price. This incentive is popular Durham have been busy too, donating since 2009 to in-excess of £23,000.

Activity 2013 (£) Charitable Donations (including philanthropic Company Donations (WaterAid) £32,650 giving, sponsorship of events, gifts in kind etc.) Company Donations (Other) £1,913 Employee Donations (WaterAid) £2,772 Employee Donations (Other) £4,687 Fundraising Employee Fundraising £3,448 Company Matching £2,587

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As engineers, our operations have a direct impact on the environment so it is important that we use our expertise to minimise this impact and be respectful to our planet and its resources.

We monitor carbon emissions and procure This improvement demonstrates an ever- (this still remains lower than levels in 2011, sustainably, considering factors such as improving awareness of environmental however). supplier locality when making purchases. issues on site and around our offices, and We follow the waste hierarchy when provides us with valuable data that we use The reason for the increase is due largely to disposing of materials and divert as much to prevent incidents from occurring in the a significant increase in the use of gas oil, waste as possible from landfill. We continue future. which itself is dictated by work mix – gas oil to communicate to employees the powers a lot of our machinery on site. importance of environmental management Efforts to source the latest, most efficient JN Bentley achieved the top and promote the importance of plant (including a hybrid excavator) will help ‘platinum’ status in the 2013 environmental incident reporting – which will to improve performance going forward. Business in the Community be vital in us achieving our vision. ‘Environment Index’, scoring 97%. The company car fleet remains one of the Key environmental issues are reviewed on a ‘greenest’ in the UK, with increasingly strict The score places us alongside the very regular basis by our in-house Quality, minimum expectations for fuel consumption. top performing companies in the UK, Environment and Safety (QES) Team and and marks four consecutive years of 2013 saw the second full year of operation discussed at monthly Board meetings too. improvement in the survey. The Index of the Linton Hydroelectric Station, our itself helps us to evaluate our owned-and-operated power station situated Pollution Prevention performance, identify areas for in the Yorkshire Dales National Park. The improvement, and benchmark progress power station returned a generation figure In 2013 we doubled the number of both internally and against our peers. close to the theoretical maximum, effectively environmental incidents corrected and then We were also named Environmental offsetting 78% of procured grid electricity in reported by employees and subcontractors Company of the Year 2013 by the 2013. Using our expertise to promote the – to 1,207 (from 563 in 2012). Not only has North East branch of CECA. use of renewable energies is an effective the number of reports improved, the way for us to offset the impacts associated breadth, quality and accuracy of reporting with our activities. Read about our open has improved too, with more reports than Fuel and Energy Use days and educational visits to Linton Falls ever originating from Operatives on site. on page 25. Tonnes of CO2e per £100,000 turnover increased from 5.28 in 2012 to 6.50 in 2013

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Our Carbon Calculations

Description Quantity: Conversion Factor CO2e (Tonnes): kgCO2/Unit 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Gas Oil (Litres) 3,254,268 2,535,083 1,374,923 1,632,811 1,325,883 1,765,482 2.762 8,988 7,002 3,798 4,510 3,662 4,876 Natural Gas (m3) 20,256 26,994 6,163 4,667 24,044 33,415 2.009 41 54 12 10 48 67 Diesel (Litres) 804,944 783,876 786,730 757,006 927,094 978,936 2.639 2,124 2,069 2,076 1,998 2,447 2,583 Petrol (Litres) 47,260 82,900 96,652 92,988 51,084 46,148 2.304 109 191 223 214 118 106 Electricity (kWh) 322,859 302,232 588,488 593,095 545,317 319,968 0.541 175 164 318 321 295 173 Linton Hydro N/A N/A N/A N/A -424,354 -251,998 0.541 N/A N/A N/A N/A -230 -136 (Assumed)

Total Tonnes CO2e (Absolute) 11,437 9,480 6,427 7,053 6,340 7,669

Tonnes CO2e per £100,000 Turnover 12.03 11.02 7.82 6.72 5.28 6.50

Annual CO2e Reduction (%) vs Turnover N/A 8.4 29.0 14.1 21.4 -18.4

Total CO2e Reduction (%) vs 2008 vs Turnover N/A 8.4 35.0 44.1 56.1 45.9

Our carbon calculation uses the methodology and conversion factors set out by the Carbon Trust. As well as consumption of gas oil on our construction sites and natural gas to heat our main offices, Scope 2 also measures emissions associated with the petrol and diesel used in our fleet vehicles (cars and vans) as well as any private vehicles used for business. All employees with a car (or car allowance) have a fuel card for business and private mileage. Strictly, emissions from private mileage should be excluded from our calculation and those from commuting should be included in Scope 3, however we do not have a process in place to separate business, commuting and private miles. We have therefore chosen to include all fuel in Scope 1 of our carbon footprint calculation. Indirect emissions in Scope 2 of the carbon calculation represent our electricity consumption.

Our vision is to achieve zero environmental incidents and legal breaches. To achieve this, our management of the environment is proactive and goes beyond programmes of mandatory compliance.

In 2013 we completed the construction of a new fish pass near Leeds, which allows a variety of species to bypass Rodley Weir Waste Management by connecting the upper and lower reaches of the River Aire.

JN Bentley’s aim is to maintain a The fish pass has a naturalised appearance, similar to that of an diversion rate of waste from landfill upland stream, achieved through the use of precast concrete in-excess of 90%. modular wall system that has a look of natural stone. Working closely with client Yorkshire Water and a variety of We achieved this again in 2013. stakeholders, including Rodley Nature Reserve, we were able to The key waste measure for enhance biodiversity on site by creating a number of ephemeral rain- JN Bentley relates to skip waste fed ponds. These created a new habitat for wildlife and are in keeping because this is largely independent with the nature reserve’s existing wetland areas. This also of work mix and therefore a good meant excavated spoil didn’t have to be removed from site. indicator of our real waste Replacing a rising main at Clifton in York posed a number of performance. We present our data challenges to our team designing and constructing the works. in ‘cubic metres of skip capacity The site was located on environmentally-sensitive land adjacent to purchased’, which is more directly the River Ouse so it was vital to minimise our impact. The site related to the cost we pay – after all, footprint was reduced through the use of directional drilling, and sending part-full skips away is close relationships were formed with bodies such as the Friends wasteful in itself! of Rawcliffe Meadow, a group of local volunteers; City of York When normalised against the Council; the EA; and Natural England. These relationships number of operational sites we ran enabled a number of opportunities for ecological improvements to be realised, including the formation of Tansy beetle habitats and last year, we recorded a decrease in the construction of additional cells within the EA flood basin to skip waste generated when encourage the development of emerging and indigenous species. compared with 2012, from 23.1m3 of waste, to 22.4m3. Both schemes have since been shortlisted for a number of industry awards.

In 2013 Managing Director Paul Bentley joined an Infrastructure Working Group established by the Green Construction Board. The Working Group is focusing its efforts on carbon reduction, drawing on case studies from within its membership to demonstrate that pursuing carbon reduction generates cash savings. In November, a joint initiative to reduce carbon in infrastructure – devised with the aid of the Green Construction Board – was signed by JN Bentley, together with other industry leaders and the UK government. Read more at www.greenconstructionboard.org.

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Looking Ahead

As recent five-year framework extensions with both Yorkshire Water and Severn Trent Water suggest, a significant proportion of our immediate future revenue will be delivered by contracts in the water industry. As AMP5 draws to a close, some preparatory AMP6 (2015-2020) works with these clients will begin in 2014. We expect revenue generated through contracts with Northumbrian Water and Essex & Suffolk Water to improve too.

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2014 will also see the conclusion of the Environmental Management (WEM) Our Steering Groups will continue to formal AMP6 bidding process with a framework, our new JV company JBA operate with delegated authority from number of potential clients with whom Bentley will establish itself by increasing the Board with the aim of driving the we would like to develop successful its delivery with this new client. improvements that ourselves and our long term relationships, including clients demand. Recent broadening of Anglian Water, United Utilities and We will maintain relationships with Steering Group membership will widen D r Cymru Welsh Water. These bids Procter & Gamble and National Grid, both capability and capacity and engage buildŵ on foundations laid in recent years and explore new opportunities with local more people around the business. Each through successful projects such as the authorities across our operating regions Group has identified five key themes for Covenham to Boston pipeline, which too. improvement in 2014. was completed in 2013. With all of our clients, it is important that Existing frameworks and recent 2014 sees bidding commence for the we understand the pressures they face. contract extensions mean we have a next phase of design-and-construct We must work with them and their other good base on which to begin the works with the Coal Authority too. partners in true collaborative spirit to year. The conclusion of a number of overcome their challenges. We will do bidding processes in 2014 brings Having joined the Environment this using innovative, clever techniques with it the potential to secure further Agency’s supply chain in 2013, after that are safe, cost effective and opportunities for the future too. winning a place on their Water and sustainable.

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JN Bentley Ltd Registered Office: Keighley Road, Skipton, BD23 2QR T 01756 799425 F 01756 798068 E [email protected] W www.jnbentley.co.uk

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