Workers' Control Douglas Gageby Conor Lynch John Martin Pat Walsh page 26 page 6 page 14 IRISH POLITICAL REVIEW January 2007 Vol.22, No.12 ISSN 0790-7672 and Northern Star incorporating Workers' Weekly Vol.21 No.1 ISSN 954-5891

The Haughey Settlement ? Blackwash: As far as democracy is concerned, is a No-man's-land between two Moriarty Presumes states. The two states threw it into chaos in 1969, and Provisional Republicanism emerged from the chaos. The two states have ever since had the object of tidying away After the great age of the Enlighten- the North, sealing it up, and forgetting about it until the next time. ment the Germans brought forth a mouse. . It may be that they are about to succeed. The signs are that Sinn Fein is about to sign That was Friedrich Nietzsche's contempt- up for a pig-in-a-poke in the matter of policing; and that the DUP is about to accept as uous comment on Martin Luther and the democracy an arrangement which it understands very well not to be democracy. Protestant Reformation. And we hear that A subordinate layer of local government, conducted under the supervision of the state Dermot "the Kaiser" Desmond has said authority, with its power of decision crippled by peculiar arrangements designed to the same about the shackle the majority, is not something which would be recognised as democracy by the following the millions it has spent on political strata of the British or Irish states if applied to their own affairs. But both have investigating and agreed to call it democracy if it can be cobbled together in the Six Counties. . The North might be democratically governed as part of the British state or of the Irish The media reports have given the most state, but it cannot be democratically governed on its own, because of all that is implied painstaking details about the money that by the fact that it is not a state, never has been, and is incapable of being. Haughey received and, courtesy of We advocated that it should be democratised into the British state. For twenty years Moriarty, have even calculated the value we campaigned actively for that object. But the democracy of the British state was of those receipts in today's money, or at unalterably opposed to the project. And the Unionists, while repeating parrot-like that least Moriarty's version of today's money. they were British, were unalterably opposed to it too, on the ground of a suspicion of the British state which might be described either as neurotic or apolitical. We learn that Haughey received €11.6 million. Moriarty implies that in "today's The only alternative is democratisation within the politics of the Republic. And the terms" this amounts to €45 million. But only difficulty there is getting the 6 Counties within the Republic. Once in, they would how does he arrive at that figure? Moriarty not be excluded from the democracy of the Republic, as for 85 years they have been from says that the midpoint of the period covered the democracy of the British state. by Tribunal was 1988 and he uses this as The Republic would have no reason to exclude the North from its democratic life, as his base year. However, if the consumer Britain has done. price index is used the value of €11.6 The reason Britain excluded it was that its purpose in creating Northern Ireland was million should be multiplied by 1.7 to to retain some purchase on the part of Ireland that was escaping from it. If the Six give a figure of €19.7 million so where Counties had not been structurally excluded from British politics at the time of Partition, does the €45 million come from? continued on page 2 continued on page 4

The Killing Of Saddam The trial of Saddam Hussein for genocide was cut short so that he could be hanged. He was hanged for "crimes against humanity". These crimes against humanity were the execution of 140 people following an assassination attempt. A hundred and forty killings would be a low figure for a week under the 'democracy' which has replaced the 'tyranny'. Sir Jeremy Greenstock was British Ambassador to the UN in 2003, and he helped to peddle the lie that France had said it would veto a second resolution on Iraq regardless of circumstances. (What France said was that it would not support a resolution authorising invasion until the team of UN Weapons Inspectors completed their inspection and made a report.) continued on page 3 from IRISH NEWS more than voting) for four generations. C O N T E N T S What is called 'progress' is not spun Page out of the head as pure reason. It is Settlement ? Editorial 1 something that happens to people who are immersed in the dense atmosphere The Haughey Blackwash: Moriarty Presumes. Editorial 1 generated by the actual processes of The Killing Of Saddam. Editorial 1 democratic government. And it has much more to do with the fashions and cliches The Non-Person Of The Year. Tim O'Sullivan (Reader's Letter) 3 and shibboleths of that process, than with reason. Ireland's Greatest Editor. John Martin 6 And it is something that cannot happen Is The Irish Times View Of Irish History Becoming The National Record? in the arid routines of communal politics Eamon Dyas 10 in Northern Ireland, which have never generated a general atmosphere encompas- A Meeting On Lebanon. Conor Lynch (report) 13 sing both communities. Shorts from the Long Fellow (The Discreet Charm Of The Bourgeoisie; From Borat To Boring; Carter On Palestine; Yegor Gaidar; Chump Of The Year; Brits Out! 13 * Frank Aiken And The Question Of Reprisals. Pat Walsh 14 Reg Empey's leadership of the Unionist Budget 2007. John Martin 17 Party has been largely unnoticed. Perhaps that Party was wrecked beyond repair by My Re-Education In Irish History. Desmond Fennell 18 Trimble and isn't worth noticing. But Empey has been acknowledging realities Collusion. Niall Meehan (letter, with the cuts made by the Irish Times) 19 in a way we have not noticed before in any The Title Deeds Of Assassination. Manus O'Riordan (To Be Or IRB, part 5) 21 leading Unionist, except Brian Faulkner thirty years ago. He acknowledges, for Reflections On The Campaign For Workers' Control In Britain. Conor Lynch example, that Unionist politicians have Part One: Introduction; Part Two: Institute For Workers' Control 26 had an ongoing relationship with 'men of violence'. It was not an open relationship, Labour Comment, edited by Pat Maloney: like that between Sinn Fein and the IRA, Cowen Calls The Shots— and its existence could be denied, but it The Budget, Stamp Duty, And Mortgage Relief was not less real for that. Back Page If Empey had been in Trimble's place eight years ago, and had adopted that by the establishment of the strange from without, and we stand by that approach, how different things might have Constitutional entity called Northern assessment. But an element of genuine been. Ireland, the strong possibility is that they antagonism appears to have set in. would have settled down within the party- (Trimble was undoubtedly a very bad * politics of Britain. party leader.) Donaldson took some trouble to look We have always said that Provisional Vincent Browne said in a recent issue at the other side. Not a lot, but some. And Republicanism was a specific product of of The Village that the trouble in the North he is at ease on television, which the undemocratic system of Government lay in the fact that the Catholic community Trimble never was. And he even flirted called Northern Ireland. If it makes a deal refused to accept the state. The actual with the project of democratisation within on policing now, the case will be proved trouble was that the state did not present British politics, though he drew back from conclusively,. itself in a political form to the Catholic it. And, having drawn back from it, all he A has not been achieved, community, and it was not there for them can be is a communal Protestant politician, but the whole atmosphere of life in the to accept or reject. though with an unusually wide range of Catholic community has been improved debating skills. out of all recognition since the early The Catholics did not carry on voting seventies. And the change has not come Nationalist, generation after generation, BBC Radio 4 ran a little series around about through 'constitutional nationalism', in preference to voting Labour or Tory. Christmas on he theme of: If you could but through war. The Labour and Tory Parties did not solicit repeal any existing law, which one would their votes. The Catholics voted for their it be. One candidate was the 1688 Act Of We opposed the war, though not in the own community, because the alternative Settlement, which makes it unlawful for sense of supporting the 'security forces'. was to vote for the Protestant community. the monarch to be a Catholic or to marry We tried to direct all he energy unleashed The entities called political parties were one. There was a brief debate on the by the 1969 pogrom into the project of mere expressions of community. And so question on 29th December. Somebody democratisation within the existing state. it remains. called Dalyrimple spoke for the But we did not go along with the proposition that it should be repealed. 'constitutional nationalist' view that the Jeffrey Donaldson is a refugee from Donaldson spoke against. He said the only right of the Catholic community in Trimbleism to Paisleyism. During the liberty of the Protestant state, won in this No-man's-land was a duty of years of his opposition to Trimble in the 1688, would crumble if the Roman obedience. A natural right to make war Unionist Party he was generally depicted Catholics weren't kept out. Dalyrimple was inherent in the circumstances. in the media as being on an ego trip. We jeered that the BBC had to go to Ulster to The 'Northern Ireland State' was never never agreed with that. We thought there find somebody to support the Act. anything but the Ulster Volunteer Force was an element of role-playing in their But the reason such a person could be authorised by Westminster into a police conflict and that they had the common found, even in Ulster, was that Ulster has force. We offer the following letter from purpose of ending the Good Friday been excluded from the processes of The Village (mid-Dec) as a reflection on Agreement, one from within and the other British democracy (which consist of much that fact. 2 Vincent Browne writes (29 Nov): "The problem of Northern Ireland · Biteback · Biteback· Biteback· Biteback· Biteback· Biteback· Biteback· Biteback since 1922 has been that a sizeable minority have not accepted the police force, had not accepted the state". LETTERS TO THE EDITOR What was the "Northern Ireland state" (a widely-used term)? It was a police force, and little else. In every other respect the state was The Non-Person Of The Year the British state. The Northern Catholics were the Time Magazine failed to report they held an online poll for "Person of only people in a state that was the Year" and then ignored the results when they turned out not to their called a democracy for whom the editors' liking. state was reduced to a police force. The way people 'accept a state' is by participating in its political Time's Person of the Year "is the person or persons who most affected institutions. There were no political the news and our lives, for good or for ill, and embodied what was institutions, of either the British state important about the year". proper, or its reduced Northern Ireland form, in which Northern It turned out Hugo Chavez won their poll by a landslide at 35%. Second Catholics might participate. The was Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at 21%. Then came Nancy state was a hostile police force and Pelosi at 12%, The YouTube Guys 11%, George Bush 8%, Al Gore 8%, nothing else, except a kind of make- Condoleezza Rice 5% and Kim Jong Il 2%. believe politics that would not be accepted for an instant by the For some reason, the magazine's December 25 cover story omitted these electorates of either Britain of the results, so their readers never learned who won their honor and rightfully Republic. And that is why a basic re-ordering of police affairs remains should have been named Time's Person of the Year. An oversight, likely, a precondition of Catholic partici- in the holiday rush, so it's only fitting the winner be announced here: pation in the new scheme. What is Venezuelan President Hugo is Time Magazine's 2006 Person of the Year. real is the police, not the make- believe of politics. Tim O'Sullivan Jack Lane

bigger the better. And this is a real Kurds still exist, and are governing The Killing Of whopper. themselves and others. Saddam continued Iraq is in meltdown because its And the exterminated Tutsis are apparatus of state was systematically governing the Hutus. But none of the Sir Jeremy was interviewed on BBC destroyed by the US/UK invasion force people we exterminated—and right- Radio 4 on 30 December, the day Saddam (with marginal Irish assistance), and the thinking Irish of the present generation was hanged. Asked if he thought the trial religious communities in Iraq were incited are identifying with Anglo-Saxondom— was fair, he replied that Saddam's guilt against each other. There was media talk ended up governing us. When we do it, we was so clear that people were not going to of civil war within weeks of the invasion; do it right. quibble over how the verdict was arrived it was said that the Shia had been kept at. And that, of course, is the rationale of down by the Sunni under the tyranny and Lynch Law. should have their day, and general looting Sir Jeremy, who was Ambassador in and destruction was approved of as a sign Iraq for a while under the Occupation, was of liberty. asked if he thought Iraq was a democracy. Political philosophers over many EMPIRE He said that certain desirable things, such centuries were of the opinion that as law and order and civil institutions, democracy, free action by the populace, "Every single empire in its official were missing, "but not the fact of inevitably led to chaos. The US/UK discourse has said that it is not like all invasion force (authorised after the event democracy itself". the others, that its circumstances are So "democracy itself" can exist without by the UN) seemed determined to prove it. special, that it has a mission to law and order or civil institutions, in a situation of general mayhem. The farce of Saddam's trial was an enlighten, civilize, bring order and Ameranglian, not an Iraqi, affair. He was democracy, and that it uses force BBC television reporter, Matt Frei, only handed over to fundamentalist only as a last resort. And, sadder still, reporting from Washington on the same Muslims for killing the day before he was there always is a chorus of willing day, said: killed. This was done during the genocide intellectuals to say calming words "American soldiers on the ground in trial, and so that the genocide trial could about benign or altruistic empires:" Baghdad are having to deal with the not continue. And so the Kurds had to be inheritance of Saddam Hussein, and that cheated out of 'justice' before American Edward W. Said - "Orientalism is a country in meltdown". complicity in the alleged genocide became 25 Years Later," Hitler said he learned propaganda an issue. It was a genocide committed in website, 4 August 2003. methods from England. The public should defence of our civilisation—one of many. be treated as children and told lies, the And not one of the greatest. After all the 3 Moriarty has in investigating this.

The three possible favours that were investigated relate to: The Haughey Blackwash: 1) Glen Ding Wood continued 2) The sale of passports 3) The Dunne Family Trust Moriarty has an 'innovative' approach (Village, 21-27 December 2006). Regarding Glen Ding Wood Moriarty to what €11.6 million means in today's According to The Irish Times (20.12.06) found no evidence of corruption relating terms. He calculates it on the basis of the Moriarty has strong views on the to Haughey. ratio between the €11.6 million and the performance of Allied Irish Banks: 's salary in 1988. The ratio in "Mr Justice Moriarty says the bank Regarding the alleged sale of passports, mid-1988 was 171. He then multiplies took no action to curb Mr Haughey's Moriarty claims that there was a payment mounting debt in the 1970s, exhibited a that figure of 171 by today's Taoiseach's of £50,000 from the late Mahmoud Fustok. salary and voila! He arrives at the €45 marked deference to him and was disinclined to address or control his This money was supposed to have been million figure. But of course the Taoi- excesses as a banking customer." paid for a horse. Moriarty claims that this seach's salary has risen well above the rate sum did not represent a payment to Mr of inflation since Haughey's time and All very interesting, but what business Haughey for a horse. But, according to indeed has risen well above the average is it of Moriarty? It wasn't Haughey who Village (21-27 December 2006), Moriarty rate of increase of salaries in general saved AIB from bankruptcy. That was also concludes that, if it did, the non- making his arithmetic practically meaning- Garret FitzGerald who, after retiring from existent horse (Shergar, perhaps) wasn't less. So why does Moriarty engage in politics, had a substantial loan written off worth that amount. such dubious calculations? by the bank. When the matter became According to The Irish Times The media has been far more coy in known about, the loan was subsequently (20.12.06), the Haughey family claim that calculating the costs of Moriarty. The repaid by his millionaire son Mark. "all of the evidence available to the tribunal truth is that nobody really knows. Here is supports the evidence that a sale involving what the Sunday Independent says in its Moriarty also has views about a horse took place between the late Mr editorial of 24th December 2006: Mahmoud Fustok and Abbeville Stud". "The cost so far of this part of the what might have been. "The tribunal heard evidence in inquiry is €25m. But as 66 different The question regarding the horse parties were granted legal representation relation to three possible favours to —who will now be seeking their costs— donors by Mr Haughey, and found involves tens of thousands but the most the taxpayers' burden is set to soar." against him in relation to two. But in a serious allegation is that Haughey very damaging finding it said that this attempted to reduce the Dunne Family's Presumably "this part of the inquiry" did not mean that other acts and decisions tax liability following the receipt of IR£2 means the part of the inquiry specifically of Mr Haughey's over the course of his million from the Dunnes between 1987 career were “not devoid of infirmity” and 1993. relating to Haughey. Liam Collins on the (The Irish Times, 20.12.06). same page of the newspaper has a different The possible tax liability of the Dunne estimate of the costs: So, after all the millions spent by the family became an affair of State in the "But it is something of a mystery as to Tribunal, the question of possible favours 1980s because of the amount involved in why it took nine years and over €60m arises in three cases. But Moriarty and the that era of high public debt. The tax liability (and rising) for Judge Moriarty to give media have not confined themselves to arose from the setting up of a Trust in his verdict on the lifestyle of the flawed 1964, which was due to expire in March Taoiseach." these three cases. A large proportion of the coverage related to the money raised 1985. Subsequent to the setting up of the We have already had the McCracken for Brian Lenihan's liver transplant. The Trust the tax laws changed, which resulted Tribunal on Haughey and Lowry and fund raising was initiated by Haughey and in a possible liability which would not before that there was the Buchanan the claim of Moriarty is that some of the otherwise have occurred. Tribunal, so what has the Moriarty money was diverted for Haughey's benefit. It appears that it was by no means clear Tribunal added to the sum of our No one claims that anything that Haughey as to whether a liability was in fact due knowledge? If the media reports are did resulted in anything less than the best because the legislation was introduced anything to go by the answer must be zero. treatment for Lenihan. The Lenihan family after the setting up of the Trust. However, Since McCracken, it was well regard the matter as closed. Both Brian the initial estimate from the Revenue established that Haughey received large Lenihan and Charles Haughey are dead. Commissioners was £38.8 million, which sums of money from wealthy benefactors. Conor Lenihan said that, if any private represented a sizeable proportion of the There are plenty of precedents for this in individual feels aggrieved at the way the value of the Trust of £120 million. It was history such as Winston Churchill and money was spent, that is a matter for that thought at the time that the only way that Benjamin Disraeli. The real question is: person to pursue in whatever way he sees the Dunnes could pay this back was did the benefactors receive specific favours fit. The Haughey family believes that not through raising the money publicly (i.e. in return for that money? The Moriarty all the money spent on sending Lenihan diluting the family ownership of the inquiry seems to have conducted and his wife to the United States, and Dunnes Business) or selling off a portion exhaustive investigations and has an Lenihan's treatment, was formally of the business. In short, the matter had opinion on everything. For example the accounted for as expenses, and therefore very serious implications for the largest Revenue's dealings with Haughey were the costs of the undertaking were not fully Irish-owned Retail chain in a business "unimpressive" . Nevertheless, "…the recorded. The dispute, in so far as there is which was beginning to see incursions tribunal is satisfied that Revenue neither a dispute, amounts to tens of thousands from foreign owned Supermarkets. sought to nor did in fact extend untowardly among private individuals. Again the Haughey asked the then head of the favourable treatment to Mr Haughey" question must be asked as to what business Revenue Commissioners, Seamus 4 Pairceir, to meet Ben Dunne. According of the Moriarty Tribunal are unfounded This was written by Colm Keena, and to The Irish Times (22.12.06): on the basis of the evidence. It also made no doubt endorsed by Editor Geraldine "…the chairman of the Moriarty the following pertinent points: Kennedy, the heroes of the Ahern tribunal, Mr Justice Moriarty, found that "…the family stated that at no stage 'revelations' stolen from the Mahon there was a real and tangible benefit for was Mr Haughey ever made aware before Tribunal. Was this legal pretext used to him, in that it provided Dunne with an he died of the proposed findings of the curry favour with the Tribunal establish- option that had not previously been tribunal and never was it communicated available to him." ment in view of possible forthcoming to him by the tribunal that adverse prosecutions, or was the Desmond opinions were to be made against him. But Colm Keena in the same report " “If he had been made so aware in statement really libellous? This magazine seems to indicate that the 2001 (when his dealings with the determined to try to find out. Finance Minister did exactly the same: Tribunal ended), it would have given We tried to trace Mr. Desmond's full "An early contact in the matter was him an opportunity of dealing with each statement on the Internet, but were unable between trustee Frank Bowen and Dukes. of those allegations and of answering to find the full text, though it appears that The meeting was organised by the late them or tendering such evidence as might it was read out on radio. Hugh Coveney TD and Mr Dunne be useful for the tribunal to consider”, it submitted" (The Irish Times, 20.12.06). attended. Dukes expressed the view that The Irish Times article did include the group could fund the tax bill. After Desmond's statement that— the meeting he told Bowen that Pairceir So what has it all been about? Ben would be in contact, and that how the Dunne thinks he knows the answer. In a "I am thrilled at the nine years and millions of euros the tribunal spent to matter was handled was a matter for the Sunday Independent interview with Jody Revenue and not for him as Minister." verify the information, which I issued in Corcoran (24.12.06), he contrasts the press statements in January 1998," Nevertheless, the future Fine Gael treatment of his evidence with that of leader offered Dunne the "real and tangible Peter Sutherland whose involvement arose Here are the additional pieces of benefit" of a meeting with the head of the as part of inquiries into possible payments Desmond's statement which we found and Revenue Commissioners before Haughey to public office holders from the Ansbacher which were too strong for the Irish Times was involved. accounts. First, here is what Moriarty says to publish: about Dunne's evidence: "He then criticised the Moriarty legal "While it is accepted that Mr Dunne team for the length of time they had Following Haughey's suggestion that taken and said the inquiry should have Pairceir meet Dunne (a meeting which was a courteous witness, and one who regularly attended public sittings when been completed at “a fraction of the Pairceir told the Tribunal he intended to requested to do so, the tribunal cannot cost”. have anyway) there was some serious accept what has been conveyed to it, in He said it was “ironic” that last week’s "horse trading" (in the metaphorical sense submissions and medical reports report drew an analogy between the as distinct from the metaphysical sense furnished on his behalf, to the effect that payments he made to Haughey and the mentioned earlier). several instances of further payments on taoiseach’s salary, “when each of the tribunal counsel earn annually almost Pairceir made an offer to reduce the his part discovered by the tribunal had eluded his memory." three times Bertie Ahern’s salary”. liability to £23.6 million and then further “If the current taoiseach wants a reduced the liability to £16 million. Why And now here is what Moriarty says change of career, a better paying job and did Pairceir do this? Practically all the apparently no accountability, I suggest about Sutherland's evidence: he applies for a cushy job at the Moriarty media coverage suggests that the reason "Even after careful consideration of was the corrupt influence of Haughey. In tribunal.” (S.Times, 24.12.06) the evidence and such documents as "Mr Desmond said the tribunal legal Colm Keena's article, for example the were to hand including such documents team had been paid over €19 million and opening paragraph says: that were found and produced after the spent nine years to audit two individuals, "Former taoiseach's intervention with evidence was heard… the understand- adding that if he had employed them, he the Revenue led to an offer to cut Dunnes ably imperfect recollections of Mr would have fired them after a year." Stores tax bill by £22.8m, the tribunal Sutherland… and the limited (RTE News 20.12.06) found, writes Colm Keena, Public Affairs documentation leave elements of confu- Correspondent" (The Irish Times, sion and uncertainty over the matter, We leave it to readers to judge for 22.12.06). and inhibit the degree of confidence themselves the motives of Mr. Keena and with which findings can be made." But, as far as it can be discerned from Ms Kennedy in withholding this the media coverage, the Tribunal did not Could the different treatment be information from their readers. say that Haughey influenced the explained by the snobbishness of old negotiations between Pairceir and Dunne. money against those who are associated There is another perfectly logical explan- with trade? EMPIRE 2 ation for the behaviour of Pairceir. As the negotiations developed, it became very If it is a choice between the squeaks of "To plunder, to slaughter, to steal, clear that the legal foundation for the tax Moriarty and the deeds of the former these things they misname empire; liability was very shaky. Pairceir knew Taoiseach, the Irish Political Review finds and where they make a wilderness, this and not only did Pairceir know this in favour of Haughey. they call it peace" but so did Ben Dunne. And that is why Publius Cornelius Tacitus - 55- Dunne rejected the offer to reduce the tax PS Dermot Desmond issued a statement bill to £16 million. And it turns out that on the Moriarty Report. The Irish Times 117. Roman historian. Dunne was right to reject Pairceir's offer reported this fact and gave a snippet from because when the case went before the it, with the comment: "Sovereignty over any foreign land Appeal Commissioners the Dunnes won, is insecure." and the bill was dropped. "Elements of Mr Desmond's strongly- Lucius Annaeus Seneca : 4 BC- worded statement are not being reported 65. Roman philosopher and It is difficult to disagree with the in The Irish Times on legal advice…" ( playwright Haughey family's view that the findings 21.12.06). 5 not have felt it necessary to seek help from Downing Street. But can Mansergh be so confident that other Irish Times Editors, Ireland’s Greatest Editor who were appointed by the Irish Times Trust, which was set up by McDowell, Bright Brilliant Days: Douglas Gageby JM) first approached him it was to were impervious to McDowell’s influence. and The Irish Times is a valuable become editorial director of The Irish contribution to understanding the man as Times for the purpose of rescuing the Of all the Editors of The Irish Times, well as the newspaper. It is a collection of company’s audacious new tabloid, the corresponding to the forty years of essays by people who knew the most Sunday Review, which needed more McDowell’s tenure, Gageby would have successful Editor in the history of The readers and advertisers. Gageby said no, been the least amenable to influence from Irish Times. In the last half century he was but astutely added that if they wanted to McDowell. McDowell did not have a boss- come back and ask him to become a full one of the two most influential people subordinate relationship with Gageby. board director, and if the board was truly Gageby was joint Managing Director of who shaped the newspaper’s destiny: the ‘national’ in its interests (meaning not other person was Major Thomas west-British) as Hetherington claimed, The Irish Times before McDowell joined McDowell. Gageby achieved his influence then he would listen. Hetherington was the paper in 1962 (as Managing Director through sheer talent, McDowell by back to him within the year” (page 4). replacing the other Managing Director bureaucratic manoeuvring and a little help George Hetherington) and therefore was from his friends. Not much is known The second reference to the “white not McDowell’s appointee in 1963 when about either person, but this book at least nigger” letter is in Martin Mansergh’s he first became Editor of the newspaper. helps fill in some gaps regarding Gageby. contribution, which is even more curious: Subsequent to Gageby’s departure in 1974 “A meal has been made by a left- McDowell had assumed extraordinary The major (pun unintended) weakness wing school of thought of an offer of powers following the setting up of The in the book is the invisibility of McDowell. assistance by Irish Times chairman and Irish Times Trust Ltd. However, when In my view Gageby and indeed the shareholder Major T. B. McDowell to Gageby was appointed Editor in 1977 for newspaper itself cannot be written about the British ambassador in 1969 (only his second stint, the company was in such revealed in 1999), where he complained in isolation from McDowell. And yet the financial trouble that Gageby was, in effect, that his editor had gone native. Douglas the appointee of the Bank. British Army Major is hardly written about Gageby more than once expressed utter at all. Apart from a reprint of The Times of contempt for British Intelligence, and London obituary, there are only two there is not the slightest evidence that he But can any Editor of a national references to the “white nigger” letter in was deflected from his editorial line by newspaper claim to be impervious to the which the British Ambassador, Andrew any intervention by McDowell” (page influences around him? Indeed, it could Gilchrist, wrote in 1969 that McDowell 162). be said that a great Editor like Gageby wished to place the newspaper under should be sensitive to such influences. For British State influence and indicated that Well, no one could accuse the Irish example, Paul Tansey in his contribution McDowell referred to Gageby as “a media of making a “meal” of this says that in the early eighties Gageby renegade or white nigger” on Northern extraordinary letter. And what sense can resisted attempts by some of his leader matters. be made of the comment that the letter was writers to advocate a vote against “only revealed in 1999”? Haughey’s Fianna Fail before the February The first reference is from the Editor 1981 election. However after five drafts Andrew Whittaker’s opening essay. He It was only after the letter appeared in he relented and agreed to “a lukewarm has the following curious speculation as the Irish Political Review of January 2003 endorsement of the Fine Gael-Labour to what Gageby’s reaction to the letter that the Sunday Independent published coalition, criticising their economic would have been: details of it and then only in its first edition ineptitude but praising their honest effort” “I don’t know what Gageby, then in (Sunday Independent, 26/1/03). The Irish (page 138). his second retirement, thought of his old Times, which had ignored the letter despite friend after that, but I bet he stood by being made aware of it, (see letter to Gageby tolerated Kevin Myers even him, for Gageby was a man at ease in his Geraldine Kennedy dated 10/01/03 in the though he was using “The Irishman’s world. His good humour kept him so, November 2006 Irish Political Review) Diary”, which was supposed to be a social insulating him from the intensities and felt it necessary to respond to the Sunday column, as a political platform. jealousies that distracted those around Independent report with a denial from him, for whom there was no man so awe Major McDowell (The Irish Times, 27/1/ But even if it could be proved that inspiring as their calm and cheerful 03). Gageby resisted all influence from captain steering into a rising storm” (page McDowell, despite not being aware of 10). Certainly, the letter was made who or what was behind the latter, does “available” in December 1999, among Martin Mansergh not think it was a scandal What rubbish! There is absolutely no thousands of other documents by the that such influence was exercised? evidence whatsoever that Gageby would British Public Records Office. But in what have reacted with equanimity if he had sense can it be said to have been Whatever about Gageby, Mansergh, it known that his Chief Executive was talking “revealed”? Is Mansergh confirming the seems, has not always been so blasé about to a foreign government in an attempt to rumours that it was discovered in British Intelligence. According to the book undermine him. Indeed Whittaker himself December 1999 and was widely known on Charles Haughey, The Boss, by Joe indicates in the same essay that Gageby about among a media and academic Joyce and Peter Murtagh, Mansergh: felt quite strongly about whether The Irish coterie, which decided to cover it up? “…firmly believed that since 1979 , Times was a national newspaper or not MI6, British Intelligence, had been and found it necessary to obtain assurances And what point is Mansergh trying to plotting the political destruction of on the matter before accepting the senior make when he says that Gageby would Charles J. Haughey” (The Boss, page position of Joint Managing Director in have resisted interference from 267, 1986 edition). 1959: McDowell? The contents of the “white “When Hetherington (the Managing nigger” letter confirm this. If Gageby had Unlike Mansergh I can’t claim to know Director of The Irish Times in 1959— not resisted McDowell, the latter would what Gageby thought of British Intel- 6 ligence but there is no doubt that he was independence Doyle says: wrote about old-time republicans proud of the achievements of Irish “We are rebuked for not doing enough overcoming their prejudices and coming Independence. Every essay in this book, for public buildings after Independence. down from the hills to campaign for him whether critical or sympathetic, confirms The critics don’t mention that our in his Antrim constituency. In all my life this assessment. One of the most interesting inheritance included the worst slums in I have never heard anything resembling essays is from Colonel Doyle, a lifelong Europe. The state’s priorities lay, not in confirmation of this. I regard it as fantasy” (page 26). friend of Gageby’s, who wrote on military neo-colonial dreams of architectural perfection but in the green fields of matters for The Irish Times and also served Marino, Donnycarney, Cabra, This view of Downey confirms my in the army with Gageby in the 1940s. Ballyfermot, Raheny, Finglas, etc” (page own impression of 1960s Irish Times 41). editorials that I have recently read. In There must have been a great sense of particular, some of the 1969 editorials national pride that following the outbreak The interest that Gageby had in military show The Irish Times floundering in its of the Second World War Irish men joined matters and his pride in the institutions of attempts to understand what was the Irish rather than British army in contrast the State is confirmed by other contributors happening in the North. to the First World War. Doyle records that to the book. Regarding military matters when de Valera and Cosgrave issued a Wesley Boyd says that Gageby had no Of course, it was not Gageby’s united appeal for new recruits into the doubts as to who was the greatest military misapprehensions of Ulster Unionism that army the manpower doubled from the pre- leader in the Second World War: Marshall offended Major McDowell. It was much war level. Generations of Dubliners who Georgi Zhukov (of course). more likely that it was his enthusiastic had fought for the British army were now support for the Northern Ireland Civil in the Irish army. Olivia O’Leary says that he hated Irish Rights Association that drove the Major Times journalists to refer to our army as to Downing Street. Reflecting on how history has recorded the “Irish Army”. It was “The Army”. certain matters Doyle makes the valid John Horgan in his contribution indicates But, of course, in mitigation of Gageby, point that: that Gageby was not pleased at an article it should be said that he was no different “The significance of the land annuities Horgan wrote questioning the need for a from the mainstream of Southern and the importance of the ‘economic standing army. His article was published Nationalism. Indeed, Downey in his essay war’ seem unduly diminished” (page a week after it was submitted and only seems to acknowledge this: 36). then opposite another much longer piece “There is a marvellous paradox here. from one of his military buddies castigating The confusions, contradictions and He goes on to give the astonishing Horgan’s outrageous proposal (page 62). departures from reality mirrored the gut statistic that in the 1930s the Irish were feelings of many readers, perhaps most paying to Britain in land annuities about Although most of the essays are readers, and buttressed their love of The “…£4 million a year out of a national sympathetic to Gageby there are three Irish Times” (page 27). purchasing power of about £30 million” contributions, which if they praise Gageby Downey goes on to criticise The Irish (page 36). at all seem to be written merely to bury Times coverage of the Ulster Workers’ him. According to Doyle the small farmers, Strike and in my view his criticism is who had suffered most from the economic By far the most interesting of the three valid. (Gageby’s flawed understanding of war, continued to support de Valera’s is written by James Downey, who was one Ulster Unionism is confirmed by other policy of withholding land annuity of the candidates to succeed Gageby as contributors such as Wesley Boyd and payments. A final settlement was reached Editor in 1986. In my view he accurately Mary Maher). when Ireland agreed to pay £10 million to describes the political dilemma that the Britain in 1938 and we also obtained Protestant Directors of The Irish Times Downey then indulges in a personalised control of the “Treaty ports”. had to overcome in appointing Gageby: tirade against Gageby’s management style. “If the Freemasons on The Irish Times I have no wish to comment on this except Doyle makes an interesting digression board knew all that, they must have to say that Downey’s views are into a discussion of the Second World agonised when they made him first, joint contradicted by other contributors to the War and gives the impression that his managing director and then editor” (page book such as Olivia O’Leary, Maeve views were identical to those of Gageby’s. 23). Binchy and others. Also, his success as He makes the point that nothing effective Editor is indisputable whatever about his was done to help Poland, despite There is one criticism of Gageby that alleged methods as Downey himself guarantees from Britain and France. He Downey makes which I agree with and admits: also points out (as has Pat Muldowney in that relates to Northern Ireland. Gageby “For all his flaws and all his the Irish Political Review) that the Poles was a great Editor, but he wasn’t perfect. eccentricities and all his refusal to were the first to break into the German entertain wise counsel and all his capacity ‘Enigma’ enciphering system and praises In particular Downey has some harsh to be grotesquely and flatly wrong, was the Polish contribution to the Battle of words to say on Gageby and his journalistic he Ireland’s greatest editor? I say yes. friend John Healy’s coverage of Captain There are probably at most three other Britain. The Polish 203 squadron shot Terence O’Neill’s politics in the 1960s: contenders for the title, only one a down the highest number of German planes contemporary; there will be no more” in that battle. He also demolishes the view “Infinitely more serious was that the paper failed in its duty to the readers by (page 29). that Polish troops were responsible for the substituting dream for fact in Healy’s allied defeat at Arnhem: coverage, and by the editorial treatment Downey is most interesting on “By the 50th anniversary in 1994 the of the 1969 Stormont election which put Gageby’s coverage of the Arms Trial of military historians had cleared their an end to Terence O’Neill’s premiership 1970. At first he seems to castigate him for minds: ‘A shameful act by British and signalled the coming victory of the going against the conventional wisdom: commanders,’ was Martin Middle- extreme unionists. Gageby and Healy “Gageby’s reaction to the arms brook’s summary in his excellent convinced themselves that O’Neill importation crisis of 1970 was Arnhem 1994" (page 37). would wipe out his opponents, and remarkable. Anyone who at a credited him with wholly imaginary generation’s distance looks up editorials Reflecting on the achievements of political skills. Most weirdly, Healy he wrote at the time might expect them 7 to have concentrated on constitutional got the Bank of Ireland to bankroll it and black stuff. proprieties and the stability of the state. set up the Irish Times Trust, and left the Instead, the tone is one of ‘Aha! It’s all former owners (themselves) in charge Alec Newman walked in and remarked coming out now’” (page 29). of running the whole operation. And both sympathetically and wistfully: they were sainted by the Irish “'Be thankful, Donal,’ said the Editor, But then Downey seems to admit that establishment for it because they ‘that you can still get sick. The time will the conventional wisdom is flawed and prevented the dross, like Tony O’Reilly, come when you will no longer be able to that maybe Gageby was right all along: Hughie McLaughlin et al, from getting throw up.’ “The realities of that murky affair their filthy paws on it. I have been in awe supply him with some justification. We of their skills for years” (page 74). The point of this story is to show the still do not know for certain the full truth The above quotation is an amalgam of relative low status of the Editor of The of the parts played by Jack Lynch as Irish Times at that time. He had to share Taoiseach and James Gibbons as defence half-truths and inaccuracies, the purpose of which seems to be to imply that there the same toilets with the other Irish Times minister. I intend to examine the subject employees whereas the Editor of the more thoroughly in my memoirs. For was something unseemly in Gageby’s Sunday Independent, Hector Legge, had the moment, let me just say that the involvement with the Trust. And why is received wisdom that both Lynch and he so coy about naming this source more his own private lavatory key. The successor Gibbons behaved impeccably is than 30 years after the event in question to Newman, Alan Montgomery, seems to have had no hesitation in leaving the untenable. took place? The above quote is preceded “Gageby regarded Lynch with such with a comment that Gageby had “made a Editor’s job for a PR position in Guiness’s. contempt that he blackballed him from a personal fortune” amounting to “tens of club of which he was a member. (He was O’Donovan had been working for The eventually persuaded to relent.) He was millions” . Gageby is the only person named in connection with the Trust. Irish Times for seven years when Alec infuriated by the scapegoating of the Newman was sacked whereas Arnold had chief of military intelligence, Colonel just joined. Arnold was a sub Editor while Michael Hefferon” (page 29). He actually received £325,000. If it is assumed that he received his shares for for all but a few months of the seven years In my view Gageby was right and his free as part of a management bonus preceding Newman’s sacking O’Donovan had worked in the Editor’s office and contempt for Lynch will be vindicated. scheme—which I doubt—that means that he made a large sum of money, but therefore would have been much closer to The other two critical essays on Gageby considerably less than the “tens of Newman. And yet Arnold appears to know why and who sacked Newman whereas are more revealing of the writers millions” claimed by Arnold even at themselves than of Gageby. today’s prices. A factor of 12 at most (see O’Donovan is unsure. historical inflation statistics. O’Donovan’s version of events Bruce Arnold (OBE) criticises Gageby will give an idea of today’s value of 1974 for failing to recognise his talent. He also money in euros (i.e. less than 4 million contradicts Arnold’s on one key point. He feels that Gageby should have continued euros in the case of Gageby). says that it was the board of Directors who the Southern Unionist traditions of the sacked Newman. Following the fateful meeting Newman came out with the Arnotts, who before Gageby arrived were Arnold follows the quote from the proceeding to run the newspaper into the unnamed source with the following memorable line: “The bastards have got ground. sentence of his own: me”. Note: bastards (plural) rather than bastard (singular). “It is, to me, inconceivable that earlier I suppose the question of whether Irish Times directors like the Arnotts Gageby was a member of the Board, Arnold is a talented writer or not is a would have done the same”. matter of taste. Here is the concluding but the Chairman of the Board was Frank paragraph of Arnold’s essay, which in my What a pompous piece of sly innuendo! Lowe, a prominent Freemason. view is incoherent drivel: “Behind the cultivated stance, the The other curious feature of Arnold’s O’Donovan suggests a number of patrician accent accompanied by the essay is that he holds Gageby directly reasons for the sacking such as Newman’s deprecating, faintly mocking laugh, the responsible for the sacking of Alec addiction to alcohol and his disorganised sense of ‘civilised man’ adjudicating Newman as Editor in 1961: modus operandi. However, he does not upon the society to which he never “Alec was put under editorial pressure rule out editorial reasons. seemed really to belong, I never thought by Douglas Gageby. Gageby sought a there was much there. I still feel the significant change in one of the paper’s Bruce Williamson who temporarily same about him. And the lightness of leaders. At first Alec Newman agreed, resigned in protest at Newman’s sacking weight became, both under him and but during the course of the evening felt and subsequently had no difficulty afterwards, something of a hallmark of that this threatened his editorial working for Gageby admitted years later the paper he no doubt influenced and independence and changed his mind, that Newman was a good no. 2 but not a changed, to its commercial value, it bank reinstating his original copy. He was great editor (see The Life And Times Of rolled security, but not necessarily any removed as editor and Bruce Williamson more than that” (page 75). left with him, in sympathy. This Douglas Gageby by Gene Kerrigan, happened not long after I joined the Magill , December 1979). However, it I think Gageby was right both on paper” (page 69). could be said that he was an interesting aesthetic and political grounds to sideline editor. Although a Protestant, his first Arnold. The reason why I say this is curious is marriage was to a Catholic woman and that another essay in the book entitled when she died he married another Catholic. There are two curious elements in “The sacking of Alec Newman” by Donal Arnold’s essay. The first is a reference to O’Donovan makes no mention of this. There is a myth being perpetuated by the Irish Times Trust. He has a quote from This essay starts in dramatic fashion with current Irish Times writers that since the “a former colleague” in The Irish Times O’Donovan vomiting into The Irish Times Treaty the newspaper was somehow a who described it “bluntly in the following reporters’ lavatory. This was not a dissenting liberal voice in a conservative terms” : considered response to one of Bruce Catholic society. Nothing could be further “The owners of the ordinary shares in Arnold’s articles that had slipped through, from the truth. It consistently supported the paper asset-stripped The Irish Times, but an over enthusiastic imbibing of the the most Catholic party in the State: 8 Cumann na nGaedheal and then Fine Gael, the newspaper through the Trust? he said. It would collapse The Irish whose first President was the Blueshirt Possibly—and perhaps that is why he Times’s credit. Suppliers, such as those Eoin O’Duffy. The reason for its support allowed the constant expression of Lefty of newsprint, would demand cash up for these parties was that they were less sentiments in the news and comment front before delivering. Also it would likely to loosen the imperial connection pages. How could a newspaper which raise problems with preferential after the Treaty. tolerated such socialist thoughts possibly creditors. It would cost a lot of money. be at its heart and soul corrupt” (page Then there would be the problem of who 124). to put in as receiver. ‘However, it might However, there was a definite change be used as a threat,’ he said” (page 177). in line under Newman. O’Donovan in his The facts of the matter are that Gageby essay suggests that the coverage by The This is a complete reversal of roles. In was not responsible for setting up the such a situation the last thing you would Irish Times of the Fethard-on-Sea boycott Trust. Gageby was never a member of the expect a businessman to do in such a of local Protestant businesses in 1957 was Trust and therefore could never have had significant. I agree. The interesting aspect situation is to raise the spectre of any influence never mind control of it. “receivership” with all its attendant of the dispute was that IRA veterans of the The loan was paid back to the bank after problems. You would expect, as Morrison war of independence opposed the boycott, eleven years and not twenty as Myers as did Eamon de Valera who was warmly eventually suggests, that the creditor—in states. And the person most responsible this case the bank—would threaten a congratulated by The Irish Times. for clearing the loan was Gageby himself company with receivership. There is no who was called back by the banks There is a real sense of engagement in doubt that the Bank eventually did this, following the disastrous tenure of Fergus which explains Gageby’s return as Editor the coverage by the newspaper of this Pyle. controversy, which in my view is missing in 1977. from its coverage of the earlier “Mother So much for the upholder of “truth”! According to Whittaker the meeting and Child” controversy under Smyllie’s lasted an hour and forty minutes. In the editorship. Under Newman’s editorship The only one of the five owners who course of the meeting Morrison had to there was also a growing if cautious support retained a controlling influence in the express scepticism re: Whittaker’s for Fianna Fail. newspaper after the setting up of the Trust attempted “coup d’etat”: was Major Thomas McDowell, whose “Morrison listened, made a note, If Newman was sacked for editorial legacy is still honoured by The Irish Times replied that the problem with making policy reasons in my view we will have to changes was ‘the Major’s contract’. He with the title “President for Life of The meant the nature of the trust, which gave look elsewhere than to Gageby for the Irish Times Group”. cause. McDowell dominance of trust and board. ‘We may not be able to remove him’, he All of this has already been dealt with said. He spoke with finality, even Whatever about my reservations in detail by the Irish Political Review but resignation” (page 177). concerning Arnold’s views on Gageby, the dominance of McDowell is confirmed Let us dwell on the above paragraph his essay is by no means the worst in the in the most extraordinary essay in the and remember that McDowell is the person book. That honour must go to Kevin book, which is written by Andrew Myers’s effort. whom Myers and Arnold don’t see fit to Whittaker. mention in their discussion of the Trust. He is also the person whose influence Myers begins his By That Sin Fell The Whittaker’s essay begins with this Martin Mansergh dismisses. Angels essay (yes, that’s the essay’s title) stunning paragraph: with the following plaintiff and weasel “On Wednesday 23 March 1977 I But how did The Irish Times—or more words: walked from The Irish Times to the to the point the Bank—allow itself to “There were many differences office of Ian Morrison, managing director arrive at this situation? It put £1.6 million between Douglas Gageby and me: age, of the Bank of Ireland, and asked him to into the pockets of the five owners and politics, accent to start with. But the remove the editor of the newspaper, then allowed the terms of the Trust to put greatest difference was that whereas I Fergus Pyle, and to reduce Major Tom McDowell in a dominant and unassailable disliked but respected him, he disliked McDowell from chairman and chief me and felt no respect for me whatsoever. executive to non-executive chairman. position. Here is what Whittaker says: He did not tell me why he felt like this. The changes were needed to secure the “I asked why the bank had financed It was just thus. What follows will, alas, finances of the newspaper and its the Irish Times Trust in 1974. He replied not please his family, and I regret this, journalism, I said” (page 171). that McDowell ‘is a good advocate.’ McDowell had put the trust plan to Bill because I am in particular a great admirer The remarkable thing about this is that of his daughter Susan, who I hope one Finlay, a senior counsel who was then day to see as chief justice. However, my Whittaker was a middle-ranking executive governor of the bank. The bank knew it job is to tell the truth, not to make myself at the time and was doing this on his own was ‘not a normal business investment’ popular” (page 119). initiative. As astonishing as this, is the but had not expected things ‘to go so fact that Morrison seemed to take all this badly wrong so fast,’ said Morrison” “What follows” is in fact a sentimental, quite seriously. (page 176). subjective, nasty little tirade, which is Vincent Brown on his radio I think to say that it was “not a normal riddled with factual inaccuracies. programme (14.12.06) asked Whittaker business investment” is to put it mildly. about this. He explained it to Brown and Bruce Arnold’s unnamed source says it Frankly, it is not worth wasting too the other amazed participants as if it was was asset stripping, but asset stripping at much time on Myers but the following the most natural thing in the world. Nell least has an economic logic even if it can poisonous paragraph needs to be dealt McCafferty thought that he was “quite the have damaging social consequences. The with: revolutionary”. financial arrangement for the Trust defies “So I admired him for his patriotism. all business categories and logic. But he was still a crook, as the creation Even more incredible was the idea of the Irish Times Trust suggested. Did suggested by Whittaker of putting The Elsewhere, Morrison is quoted as Gageby feel guilt that he had encumbered Irish Times into receivership. saying that the bank “wanted The Irish the company with debts that took 20 “Morrison disliked my simple idea Times to be there as ‘at least one voice of years to pay off, in order to buy his that the bank appoint a receiver to The sanity’, even though the paper was not shares, while he remained in control of Irish Times. ‘It would be the last resort,’ controlled by the bank”. 9 I hadn’t realised that the inhabitants of Abbey Street and Burgh Quay were complete lunatics! But even if this were true, we still return to the problem of why Is The Irish Times View Of Irish History the bank thought that putting money in the Becoming the National Record? pockets of the five owners—as distinct from the company itself—would help The On the 28th June last, Dick Roche, On the surface the “Times of Our Lives” Irish Times. TD, Minister for the Environment, is a laudable and worthwhile project as it It is very clear to me that someone Heritage and Local Government signed a opens access to the back file of an important wanted to put McDowell in a dominant contract with The Irish Times Ltd. Under newspaper for study and research position and that was the overriding the terms of this contract his department purposes. As Minister Roche emphasized, consideration. A second consequence of agreed to contribute half a million Euros it will enable schools and public libraries the Trust was that Gageby was taken out to a joint fund to digitise the back-file of to glean information on family and of the picture. After the setting up of the The Irish Times covering the period 1859 property history and thereby prove a useful Trust he remained as director of The Irish to 2004. The project was to be called tool in this type of research. However, Times Ltd which was subordinate to the “Times of Our Lives” and The Irish Times there are other considerations that, in the Trust, but resigned a year later. Ltd. also contributed half a million Euros context of the current climate of revisionist towards the overall cost of one million encroachment into the world of education, One of the people, who was involved Euros. The project is due to be completed must make this particular project in the setting up the Trust was Lord Arnold in early 2008. somewhat disquieting. Goodman. It would be very understandable if the bank was impressed less with At the time of the announcement Dick Unfortunately we have the ‘problem’ McDowell advocacy skills than the people Roche is quoted as saying that the project of history and the role of historical accounts who were backing him. Goodman has would “bring history to life” and that— in any nation’s sense of its own identity. been variously described as being “Harold “as the paper of national record, The History generally has become rather out Wilson’s Mr Fixit” and “The most Irish Times archive is a rich resource. of fashion and we are constantly urged, if powerful man in Britain”. When the project is complete… we will not exactly, to forget the past at lest not to There are many other fine essays in be able to search for any location, for dwell upon it. Modern Ireland needs to example our place of birth, or where we this collection. I particularly enjoyed move on. The problem with history is that live, and all articles about it will be it keeps intruding and without it there is no Conor O’Clery’s in which he describes listed. We can then select an article, read dinner with Charles J. Haughey, Gageby reference point with which to understand it and print it.” the present. Because we need an historical and P.J. Mara. Haughey and Gageby spent He further claimed that— the whole evening discussing trees. At the context to help us understand the present “Times of our Lives, which will be and because individuals need to make end, Mara took O’Clery aside and asked: available free of charge to the public and “what in the name of jaysus were we to students in Irish Public Libraries and some sense of their experiences in the doing there?” in schools through the Ask About Ireland present, if a nation, or any community, website, will bring to the public and to does not sustain its own history, the gap Whittaker has also reproduced in this school children, online access and will be filled by someone else’s account book some fascinating articles by Gageby indexes of the entire archive of The Irish of that history. History is not genetic, it is on post war Germany, which he wrote for Times from 1859 to 2004.” not embedded in the DNA of any people, the Irish Press. it is a cultural thing, and, unlike genetics, There is also a very interesting abridged Maeve Donovan, Managing Director it cannot simply be left to get on with it on version of an interview with Gageby, of The Irish Times Ltd., described the its own in the confident belief that it will which John Bowman did for RTE. project as an example of the extraordinary always be there as a reference point. Even potential of computer technology to serve folk history diminishes with time unless In the course of the interview Gageby the needs of education and research. there is a means by which it is sustained says some kind things about Vivion de and handed down through the generations. Valera who was the head of the Irish Press Another “stakeholder” in the Project Group and a Major in the Irish Army. He is the Library Council of Ireland, An The question that needs to be asked is has less to say about the British Major Comhairle Leabharlanna, and the Assistant whether the Government should be co- with whom he had a longer association. Director of that body, Annette Kelly, funding a project that essentially provides claimed that the digitised back-file an alien view of Irish history. In certain Gageby recounts an interesting represented the “most important source circumstances this could be acceptable. exchange, which he had with Vivion de of content in relation to the history of Providing for instance that there was a Valera who asked a question that many Ireland for schools and the general counter-balancing project which ensured people must have been wondering about: public”. a more authentic account of the past for “Doug are you with us? Or did we researchers, schools and public libraries. merely hire your sword” (Page 152). The “Times of our Lives” Project is an There’s enough alternative sources out For all the errors, omissions and initiative of the larger Changing Libraries there on which half a million euros could questions that are begged rather than project for public libraries which was usefully be spent. The problem is that the answered, this book provides a wonderful launched by the same minister in Autumn “Times of our Lives” project ensures a service and all those involved in producing 2005 with a fund of two million Euros. virtual monopoly, in the context of online it should be congratulated. According to the Department of the access, for the unionist view of Irish Environment, Heritage and Local history. In my opinion it clears up any doubts Government, the Changing Libraries which there may have been about Gageby. Project was established to “provide access But it is worse than that. In the light of He was a great editor and most of all, to to a variety of important national content Minister Roche’s description of the Irish answer de Valera’s question . . . sources for use by the public over the Times as “the paper of national record” internet free of charge in public libraries” and the Assistant Director of the Library He was without doubt with us! (Departmental press release, 28 June Council’s claim that the back-file of the John Martin 2006). paper represented the “most important 10 source of content in relation to the history the first real test of its new identity in become THE newspaper of record some- of Ireland for schools and the general 1969, the shadowy influence of Major thing else was required. Essentially this public” it can only be concluded that it is T.B. McDowell (director and later something else was a gradually won a widely held view in Government that the chairman of the paper) came to the fore reputation for political insight of sufficient Irish Times account of Irish history has when he described Gageby as a “white calibre to ensure that the Establishment now become the accepted national nigger” in the context of the Northern felt compelled to read and take account of interpretation of our past. Not only is a Ireland Civil Rights campaign in its position on any given issue. It laid the Government department providing funds discussions with Sir Andrew Gilchrist, foundation for this role when it became to ensure a monopoly of online access to British Ambassador to Dublin, and offered the first newspaper to break free from a unionist view of Irish history but such a to put the paper at the disposal of the direct Government bribery and subsidy in view is being described by a Government British government. The sectarian nature the early 19th century. It was also the first Minister as one that represents the national of the management of the paper is also newspaper to establish its own corps of record. evidenced by the fact that in 1986 Conor foreign correspondents. This ensured that Brady became the first Roman Catholic it was not dependent on the Government HOBBIES, POLITICS AND THE IRISH TIMES. editor of the paper. In fact many Irish supply of news and enabled it to rely upon What are we to make of Dick Roche’s Times staff believed that Douglas Gageby, its own independent sources for foreign description of The Irish Times as, “the Conor Brady’s predecessor, was only news. So efficient was its foreign news paper of national record”? If Minister favoured over Donal Foley in 1963 because network that in several instances it got Roche believes this he should say so boldly the latter was a Roman Catholic (see Oram. news back to London before the Govern- and justify the expenditure on such terms. p324). By 1986 of course the term Roman ment’s own sources. This is not to say that This, at least, would provoke a healthy Catholic ceased to have the relevance it it was, or sought to be, outside the British debate about the nature of Irish history had a couple of decades earlier. Roman Establishment. Even during its most and the role of The Irish Times in that Catholicism in 1986 was already in decline radical years leading up to the 1832 Reform history. However, in good modern and presumably by then The Irish Times Act and its exposure of the debacle of the populist-speak he conceals his national Ltd., felt it safe to appoint a non-Protestant Crimean war (when it contributed to the record description by concentrating on to the editorship. downfall of the Aberdeen Government) it the importance of The Irish Times back- remained true to the values of the file as an aid to personal research, thus By the mid-1980s the re-positioning Establishment. Its view of itself was that “we will be able to search for any location, of the paper as a liberal organ was although it was conservative (with a small for example our place of birth, or where complete. The process was made possible “c”) it was not the mouthpiece of either we live, and all articles about it will be by the fusion of two distinct elements— Tory or Whig and reserved the right to listed. We can then select an article, read the residual British Unionist traditions of criticize either in the event of one Party it and print it”. All very well and good but the paper combined with the emergence acting in a way detrimental to essential surely Minister Roche does not believe of a cadre of disenchanted doctrinaire British interests. that this is the only potential use for such journalists of the left, who, in their an on-line resource. One must be enthusiasm to take on the influence of AN IRISH NEWSPAPER OF RECORD? suspicious that the entire political context Catholicism in Irish society and acting on It’s patently obvious that, given the is left out of the equation. In other words, the absolute premise that Irish Roman particular circumstances in which the Irish we are being asked to ignore the political Catholic values were bad and British sense of political identity evolved and the nature of such a project and instead to look values good, took their cue not from the way the Irish nation struggled to find at the genealogical and house-history democratic traditions of Irish radicalism expression through an independent state, potential of the resource. but from a distinctly British world outlook such a thing as a newspaper of national It is a fact that The Irish Times was the and began to question the validity of the record in the British sense would be willing partner in the attempts by British whole struggle for Irish independence. difficult to conceive. The British Imperialism to counter the development The paper was well-placed to become the newspaper of record emerged in a specific of during the 19th century natural outlet for such journalists and thus environment and one of the characteristics and to destroy the emerging Irish state in became one of the leading vehicles in the of that environment was a long period of the early 20th century by performing the attempt over the past 20 years to revise the political stability when the development role of Dublin Castle mouthpiece during interpretation of Irish history, a revision of society was unhindered by outside the War of Independence. After independ- that emerged not from within the Irish forces. Another was the emergence of an ence, under John Healy’s editorship it body politic but in keeping with a distinctly Establishment which could act independ- remained staunchly unionist and remained British word view. It is this medium that is ently of Government and bring pressure so until he died when he was replaced by now given the mantle of the newspaper of on the State in a way that did not create R.M. Smyllie in 1934. Smyllie then national record by a Government Minister. political chaos (the event which came “tucked and turned by small degrees to closest to destroying this “harmony” was bring the paper more into line with the THE OTHER NEWSPAPER OF RECORD the Irish crisis surrounding the Curragh political realities of the day” (Hugh Oram, The description of “newspaper of Mutiny but the fallout from this was The Newspaper Book: a history of record” was first applied to The Times (of deflected by the First World War). The newspapers in Ireland, 1649-1983). In London) which began publication in the Times, since its foundation in 1785 to other words, it had to be dragged into a late 18th century when the concept of the around the 1960s can claim to have gradual acceptance of the Irish state as a official gazette and the newspaper had not represented something substantial in Brit- political reality. Even so, it was not until become entirely differentiated. A formal ish society and continued to reflect contem- 1963 when Douglas Gageby assumed the definition of such a newspaper dictated porary events in a way that enabled its editorship that it began to engage seriously that it should include a parliamentary readership to comprehend these events in with Irish society. In the course of his report; law reports; obituaries of the great the context of an historic continuum. Since editorship Gageby repositioned the paper and the good; university, service and the 1960s it continued to reflect British as a liberal voice in opposition to Roman ecclesiastical appointments; the Court society but that society began to lose its Catholic conservatism in the 1970s. Circular; and wills etc. However, many way in the world with the emergence of However, such was the covertly Protestant newspapers of the period included most of the European Union (it has in the past Unionist instincts of the paper that during these elements and for The Times to couple of decades began to re-orientate 11 itself with a role once more in shaping the Brothers in Ballyfermot. It ended in Mount and organising the records of that paper. world—more recently in tandem with the Street Tech. Throughout that education This includes minutes, inter-personal and U.S. in the “crusade for democracy” but our exposure to Irish history ended with departmental memos, as well as corres- by now the influence of newspapers were the outbreak of the Civil War. Any pondence with the editors from outside in decline generally and the idea of a questions on why our teaching of Irish individuals and agencies. This material newspaper of record ceased to have any history did not progress beyond the Civil goes back to the mid-19th century and, meaning). War were met with the response that it with the exception of those documents was too recent (this in the early 1960s!) that are less than 30 years old, is made Thus, the concept of a newspaper of The rent in the body politic in the aftermath available to outside researchers. The paper national record is something that emerged of the civil war obviously had implications also publishes an ongoing official history in particular British conditions. This is not for any attempt to make sense of the link of itself which has reached volume 7 and to say that such a newspaper could not between the present and the past. There brings the story up to 2002. That’s the have emerged in the Irish context but it was no contemporary newspaper with the kind of self-confidence that any newspaper would have been more problematical. The standing to make sense of the development. seeking the mantle of a newspaper of closest approximation to such a thing, that The Freeman’s Journal was already in record needs to display. What similar I can think of, might have been the Free- decline and when the Irish Independent facilities does The Irish Times offer man’s Journal if it had continued into took it over in 1924 it possibly eradicated researchers? With regards an official independence and began to reflect the the only newspaper with the potential to history of that paper, as far as I am aware, changed circumstances of that independ- overcome the shift into independence in a one was commissioned but it was ence. Such a newspaper need not have way that might have allowed it to embrace, scuppered by The Irish Times management been a republican newspaper as long as it and eventually make sense of, the full before it could see the light of day. The reflected the substance of Irish society in political experience of the civil war. Irish Times is a shadowy institution that its evolution through its nationalist and consistently acts in a way damaging to the republican phases. No matter that the The civil war created a split in Irish Irish body politic (the most recent attempt Freeman’s Journal during the formative politics that continued for generations. If to bring down the Taoiseach through the period of modern Irish politics was the one side or the other had gained a compre- illegal use of a leaked document at a paper of the Nationalist Party or that it hensive victory it might have been possible critical stage in the run-up to the St. supported Parnell and then became anti- to repair the implications of that split Andrew’s Talks is a case in point.) All of Parnellite, or that it supported Redmond’s fairly quickly and politics could have this makes it impossible to comprehend recruitment campaign and then developed along normal right-left lines. Minister Roche’s financial generosity and campaigned against conscription in 1918 But because the civil war resulted in a political endorsement of The Irish Times. as the Nationalist Party changed tack in virtual stand-off, in order to ensure the the face of the growing influence of Sinn sustainability of a democratic system, it Another question that Mr. Roche needs Fein. The point is, that during this period was necessary for each side in some to be asked relates to the more mundane it was a genuine expression of a substantial measure to take account of the sensibilities issue of the commercial arrangements of section of opinion within the Irish body of the other (by the way, it is a testimony the partnership with The Irish Times Ltd. politic. Because a newspaper of national to the democratic instincts of Irish Although The Irish Times Ltd., agreed to record needs to provide a continuum it republicanism that both sides, with the foot half the costs of digitising the back- does not mean that it is required to follow exception of some elements, saw this as file of the paper and agree that access a consistent political line from the past to the only possible way to organise national should be provided free to schools and the present (The Times of London for politics). Of course as long as the particip- public libraries in Ireland, what happens instance first supported appeasement ants were alive it was impossible to avoid the undoubtedly large revenue stream that during the Second World War and then knowledge of the issues surrounding the will accrue from selling it to those markets adopted a contradictory position - it also civil war but this knowledge only sustained outside Irish schools and libraries? For supported British entry into the Common the fissure and as time went on in order not instance the institutions of higher Market and later opposed the implications to rake the embers the issues were education both here and abroad (the U.S. of that decision). What it does need to do discretely laid to rest and, in the process, market is a particularly significant one for is to reflect something substantial in the the political continuum dissolved. Thus this kind of product). At present The Irish body politic of society and give expression by the time my generation began their Times online archive back-file only goes to the changes experienced by that society education it had become a no-go area. back to 1996 and it charges 79 Euros for in a way that enables its readership to an annual subscription, 14 Euros for a make a sensible link from the present to QUESTIONS FOR MINISTER ROCHE monthly subscription, and 7 Euros for a the past. To describe the one newspaper that, weekly subscription. The revenue coming more than any other stood outside the in from the full on-line backfile will expand WHY IT NEVER HAPPENED Irish body politic and acted as the enemy enormously and there is no indication in The Civil War was probably the main of the evolving Irish identity and one that any of the press releases or reports on the obstacle to the emergence of an Irish opposed the emerging state—and indeed project as to the ultimate beneficiary. Will newspaper of national record. The abiding for some time afterwards behaved in a it be divided between the State and The damage caused by that civil upheaval was way that continued to harp for the return Irish Times Ltd., or will The Irish Times the fissure it created in the body politic. of the supplanted British State, to describe Ltd., pocket the lot? The political sensibilities generated in the such a newspaper as the Irish newspaper wake of that upheaval disrupted the of national record is ludicrous. Mr. Roche I was involved in a minor consultative political continuum and proved too much needs to be asked on what basis can The capacity in the early days of the plans by for any newspaper to negotiate. An Irish Times be construed as an historical Gale Publishing to digitise The Times of example of the impact of this fissure is the source which will inform and educate London. This has proved to be a very way Irish history was taught at least in the students and researchers on the history useful tool but at the time it did open the schools in my part of Dublin. My formal and nature of modern Irish society? possibility of historians receiving a education began in Blackpitts National somewhat one-sided view of the past—a School (off Clanbrassil Street) and then The Times of London sustains an danger acknowledged by some academics the Dominican Nuns and the De La Salle archive which is responsible for collecting at the time and since. Nonetheless, it was 12 seen by Gale Publishing as a product of Boyd responded: “Oh. The Irish interest to many institutions of higher Times?” learning and therefore offered great Au contraire! commercial potential. The costs involved Shorts in this type of digitising project have fallen from FROM BORAT TO BORING significantly over the past 5 years and A brief glance of the Gageby book there is little doubt that the digital back- the Long Fellow indicates that the second worst essay is file of The Irish Times represents an written by Bruce Arnold. Arnold is attractive commercial investment—all the incapable of being either the best or the more so now that the Irish Government THE DISCREET CHARM worst at anything he does. He will always has paid for half the cost and provided The OF THE BOURGEOISIE be mediocre. Irish Times Ltd. with the imprimatur of The present writer’s career as a The worst essay is written by Kevin the Irish newspaper of national record. social(ist) diarist began at the book launch Myers. Some of my Fianna Fail friends Eamon Dyas of Bright Brilliant Days: Douglas Gageby have expressed disappointment that Bertie And The Irish Times; a collection of essays Ahern spoke at the launch of Myers’s on the most successful Irish Times editor recent book. But at least Myers knows his Report in its history. place in the world. Here is Myers in a A Meeting On Lebanon Amidst the atmosphere of moral recent article on Ahern: I attended a strange sort of meeting in rectitude and political correctness I fell in “He is unquestionably the most on 13th December organised by the among some low life elements from the popular and successful Taoiseach in the Belfast Anti-War Movement. David Morrison PR industry with whom I felt very much at history of the state. He truly is a gave a short talk describing who was who, remarkable man. Perhaps the most home. They were able to tell me that the distinguishing feature about him is a what was what, and what was happening in person who was supposed to launch the Lebanon to a mostly uninspirable audience. sense of inviolate decency….Bertie’s This was followed by a long film shot on event, Geraldine Kennedy, was not going secret is probably that he is actually a Lebanon by a visiting group associated with to attend because (allegedly) of a great man…He has the greatness the Reytheon occupation in Derry. Even if it despicable contribution to the book by gene…” etc. etc. (Irish Independent, was a bit too long, I found it quite informative— Kevin Myers. The Gageby family had 13.12.06). especially when the Lebanese were speaking. also (allegedly) boycotted the event for Maybe we should all lighten up. I was But I got the impression that the people who the same reason. thinking of going to see the film Borat went to the Lebanon were not much wiser after until someone explained the plot. It’s about the event—though some of them were quite But not to worry there were plenty of emotional. interesting people there. The very a man from a strange land who arrives in Then a man who’d been there gave a talk charming and attractive Olivia O’Leary a country that he doesn’t understand and which consisted of telling people that told me that her husband Paul Tansey commits one egregious faux pas after nationalism was not the answer to imperialism. wrote leaders for Gageby in the early another. But why see Borat when you can During questions and discussion I asked eighties. Most of the leader writers at that read Myers in the Irish Independent? what else there was apart from nationalism. I The same could almost be said of Bruce imagined that he might have said Islam, and a time were anti-Haughey and they wanted good discussion might have ensued. But he to advocate a vote against Fianna Fail Arnold. But Bruce is not Borat. He’s just just said something incoherent about the before one of the elections in that unstable boring, boring, boring. workers and, pause, the peasants. The fact that era. Gageby resisted this pressure at first, he was here able to speak means he had the wit but O’Leary, who seems to be very anti- CARTER ON PALESTINE not to have called anyone in South Lebanon a Haughey herself, told me that he eventually Nobody could accuse ex-US President peasant while he was there! relented. She gave this as an edifying Jimmy Carter of being boring. This is how he describes his recent book Palestine: Nobody asked or said anything about what example of Gageby’s ability to listen. David Morrison had said or indeed about the The very intellectual Martin Mansergh Peace Not Apartheid: politics of Lebanon at all. And the Reytheon was also at the event but left early so I “The book describes the abominable occupation, the reason I thought for the whole didn’t get an opportunity to thank him for oppression and persecution in the meeting, was not mentioned. Though a friend his heroic efforts in bringing the Irish occupied Palestinian territories, with a of the Derry speaker backed him up against Political Review to a new audience. rigid system of required passes and strict nationalism in the context of Ireland and warned segregation between Palestine’s citizens that nationalists always sell out. Paddy Prendiville, the Editor of the and Jewish settlers in the West Bank. An Phoenix stopped for a few words. Kevin enormous imprisonment wall is now Responding to clips from the film showing Myers wasn’t there, nor did I see Gageby’s under construction, snaking through a young mother saying the deaths of her children successor Conor Brady. Could the latter what is left of Palestine, to encompass in Quana in the recent war made them martyrs, have been part of the alleged boycott? more and more land for Israeli settlers. and an animated little speech from a girl of In the absence of Kennedy, it was left In many ways, this is more oppressive about ten, one woman in the audience abhorred than what blacks lived under in South the use of children in war, and denounced the to Editor of the book Andrew Whittaker to give an urbane and witty speech, part of Africa during apartheid. I have made it Lebanese for not providing shelters in the way clear that the motivation is not racism that the Israelis did. She was joined by a which was taken up by an explanation as Serbian woman who denounced Milosovicz to why Kennedy was unable to attend. She but the desire of a minority of Israelis to confiscate and colonise choice sites in for keeping his armies in civilian areas and was recovering from a hip operation and anyone else who did the same. Palestine, and then to forcefully suppress had attended another book launch earlier any objections from the displaced Nobody showed the least interest in politics that day, but a second book launch would generally, or Lebanese politics in particular citizens” (Los Angeles Times, 10.12.06). except for one seriously baffled Palestinian. I have been too much for her. The little have been to Belfast Anti-War affairs which soldier! I could see that my PR pals were YEGOR GAIDAR were interesting and purposeful. This could weeping with emotion. Another person who couldn’t be have been the same if there had been people On the way out I met the debonair accused of being boring is Yegor Gaidar. there who were interested or had a purpose, Wesley Boyd who has a mischievous glint The recent spate of poisoning of though it was well attended. Perhaps holding it in his eyes and a very strange sense of in Queen’s University was not a good idea. I Russian nationals has given rise to a couldn’t find out who or what the “workers and humour. Andrew Whittaker introduced number of conspiracy theories. It is peasants” fellow was. me as someone who writes for “an extreme therefore interesting to read what one of Conor Lynch left wing publication”. the alleged victims had to say. Although 13 the cause of his collapse in this country is have to pay far more for it. That’s fair? healthier people). Once the Government disputed, Gaidar claims it was indeed as a Market forces? Competition? Who are decided on a policy of community rating result of poisoning. In the Financial Times they codding?” said the Taoiseach. and “risk equalisation” to prevent cherry- he also had an interesting opinion as to picking, the viability of competition was who was responsible: Even Mary Harney has accepted that always in doubt. “I rejected the idea of complicity of the Irish people want community rating. BUPA has made vast profits in the the Russian leadership almost The announced departure of BUPA is Irish market and now that it is due to immediately. After the death of excellent news. Health insurance is compensate VHI for bearing the cost of its Alexander Litvinenko on November 23 unsuitable for competition. The greater older and less healthy client base it looks in London, another violent death of a the number of people in one Health like its going to cut and run. famous Russian on the following day is insurance company the less will be the The inevitable tendency towards a the last thing that the Russian authorities average costs because of economies of monopoly health insurance company would want. In case of an explosion or scale and minimal marketing costs. The skirmish in Moscow, one would think should be seen by the great socialist Bertie about radical nationalistic thugs first of only way a rival company can compete is Ahern as a stepping stone towards the all. But Dublin? Poisoning? This is by offering a different ‘product”’ (i.e. introduction of full compulsory social obviously not their style. cheaper insurance for younger and insurance. Most likely that means that some obvious or hidden adversaries of the Rus- sian authorities stand behind the scenes of this event, those who are interested in further radical deterioration of relations between Russia and the west” (Financial Frank Aiken And The Question Of Reprisals Times, 7.7.12). The RTE programme, Hidden History, wrote, “Last Tuesday I saw one of the greatest acts of good authority of this CHUMP OF THE YEAR was about Frank Aiken’s complicity in a Congratulations to Mark FitzGerald, reprisal in South Armagh in 1921/22. generation.” The controls at RTE had the son of Garret, who was considered RTE’s website describes the content of evidently returned to the right hands. among the top ten entrepreneurs by the programme thus: Business Plus Magazine (December, “On the 17th June 1922, a party of For Harris, Frank Aiken represents, 2006). Business Plus tells us that the IRA men left Aiken’s Headquarters in like Tom Barry, a nationalist icon to Dundalk and headed for the small success of his company Sherry FitzGerald discredit. Aiken was a founding-member townland of Altnaveigh, just outside of Fianna Fáil, elected to Dáil Eireann in estate agents was “fuelled by a home run Newry. In the early hours of the morning, on the internet”. Sherry FitzGerald, which 1923 until 1973. He served as Minister for they rounded up the Protestant Defence from 1932 to 1939, was Minister owned 23.5% of the property web site inhabitants and began a killing spree was the main beneficiary of that lasted over an hour. Six civilians for Co-Ordination of Defensive Measures its sale to The Irish Times. were shot dead, including an elderly during the Emergency, Minister for Business Plus was very impressed with woman.” Finance after the war and Minister for FitzGerald’s selling skills. “Neither youth nor age was spared, External Affairs from 1951 to 1954 and had a net worth of 6.3 million euros at the and some of the killings took place in the 1957 to 1969. He was Tánaiste from 1965 end of 2005 and made an operating profit presence of their families,” recalled until 1969. He is an even better target than Patrick Casey, deputy commander of of a mere 1.7 million in that year at the Barry in many respects—being a member the IRA’s Newry Brigade, in a statement of the nationalist establishment. And height of the property market. And yet it given to Irish military authorities. was sold to The Irish Times for a cool 50 Harris would like to follow up the job that “Recently released—and Hart did on Barry with more of the same, million! reconstructed in the documentary—the If FitzGerald is one of the entrepreneurs testimony of Casey and others shows this time on Aiken. of the year, who is the chump of the year? that the attack at Altnaveigh was sanctioned by Aiken himself. But Harris forgets the response there ““Nothing could justify such a killing was to Hart’s accusations about Barry. BRITS OUT! of unarmed people and I was surprised Hart did Ireland a favour in raising the Bertie Ahern is certainly not a chump at the time that Frank Aiken had planned Kilmichael issue by drawing attention to as no doubt Kevin Myers will confirm. and authorised this”, Casey wrote. the process of revisionist attrition that was His refusal to bend to pressure from the “New evidence unearthed in the being conducted against the national health insurance company BUPA proves documentary also places Aiken just a culture. it. He also put the European Commission few miles from Altnaveigh on the night in its place. When asked about a letter the of the attack, and helps to explain his motive. A few days before, a friend’s Harris has been very silent on affairs in Commission sent to the Minister for Iraq of late and has, it seems, halted his Health, Ahern responded by saying: “The wife had been sexually assaulted by loyalist ‘B Specials’. propagandist work for his neo- Commission are always writing letters.” ““I swore that if I could take it out on conservative crusaders and the Labour (The Irish Times, 16.12.06). the skins of the men who did it I would Imperialists in Downing Street. There is At an EU summit in Brussels he do it”, Aiken revealed in 1929. He only bad news out of Iraq these days that explained the situation in his own personally led a diversionary ambush of no amount of media wizardry can conjure inimitable style: a patrol of Specials near Altnaveigh on away. And so Harris has returned to the the night of the killings: “We shot a few “I’ll look after the people who need democratic crusade nearer home to deal of them. I am sorry we did not get them looking after. If insurance is all about with the barbarians within the gates. all”.” going out and getting 100 people who Harris was, of course, an adviser to are unlikely to get sick for the next 10 Eoghan Harris seized on the Ahmed Chalabi, who was supposed to be years so they make greater profits, that’s installed as democratic leader in Iraq with great, that’s marvellous. And I am meant programme to push the Peter Hart agenda in the Sunday Independent on 17th a new functional state. But the peoples of to be impressed by that argument? Iraq are now in conflict with each other “And then you get 100 people who December. In a piece entitled, “At the are like myself and half-crocked and we very Hart of our sectarian history”. Harris because the state has been systematically 14 destroyed by the democratic vanguard only be described as the Ulster-Irish of stability being removed—namely god. and Chalabi has been exposed as a charla- War of 1922, have been duplicated So although he had little time for god tan and a cad. during the present conflict. The Dublin himself he tried to make sure the masses In the ruins of the state that the forces government continues to participate in had a Supreme Being to keep their feet of democracy destroyed reprisal killings collusion with the IRA at a number of firmly on the ground. And Robespierre are going on at a rate of dozens a day as levels, and Republican murder gangs was a favourite of the Belfast United Irish are still engaged in sectarian Iraq has returned to a state of nature. This assassination and ethnic cleansing of the paper the Northern Star, if I recall is the achievement of the forces of protestant population along the border. correctly. democracy and order that Harris has been This was brutally repeated in the 1970s championing. In an Iraq reduced to its with a series of massacres including If these “basic myths of modern Irish fundamentals there have been large scale Kingsmills, Darkley and Tullyvallen republicans” had been removed, if Hart killings of Shiites by Sunnis through …There is a history of hurt in the South and Harris succeeded in their endeavours bombing, and also mass kidnappings and Armagh area that goes well beyond the to obliterate Irish national culture, what executions of Sunnis by Shiites connected present troubles. The protestant and framework do they think the Northern to the Ameranglian “security forces”, as unionist people of this area can trace Catholics would operate within when they well as high profile cases of rape and their origins back for centuries and their were provoked into activity by the process bond with the land and faith in God has murder committed by US forces against given them an amazing resilience. They of communal attrition they were subject Iraqi men, women and children. are the same stock that went on to to? We suggest it would be a kind of Iraq has been democratised into chaos colonise and shape the United States of armed Hibernianism that would produce a where reprisal is the main medium of America, with their survival instinct and lot more Altnaveighs and Kingsmills that politics. But Harris is not talking about rugged individuality.” republicanism did. that—what his boys have achieved—he is only talking about what happened 80 years This novel version of history and its Harris pronounces: “the truth we have ago in South Armagh. peculiar concept of democracy will to face is that every generation of the probably find its way into Harris in the IRA—with the exception of the Dublin Harris writes: Sunday Independent one day. Maybe the directed fifties campaign—engaged in “On June 1922 Aiken’s men South is not ready for it yet. But one sectarian slaughter.” descended on the defenceless village of wonders how this Godly people came Now, isn’t it strange that if the IRA Altnaveigh in South Armagh, pulled about their land in South Armagh and how was motivated primarily by sectarianism, innocent Protestants from their beds and they “went on to colonise and shape the produced by their own extreme national- shot six of them, including a woman, for United States of America.” Did they ism, they should be least sectarian when the murder of two Catholics. It was the ethnically cleanse the potential ethnical they were most Catholic and nationalist? single biggest atrocity in South Armagh cleansers by any chance? until the night of the Kingsmill massacre I submitted a PhD on the Republican of January 1976, when the Provisional That is the ultimate result of the type of movement, done in Queen’s University, IRA pulled 10 Protestant workmen from work that Hart and Harris is engaged in— to the External Examiner in 1988. The a van and shot them dead.” where whole sections of human history External Examiner, an associate and friend are removed and replaced with incidents of Harris, John A. Murphy, argued against He praised Steve Carson for making that turn history on its head. my view that the people who conducted the programme and “recreating the little Harris continues, the “Dublin directed fifties campaign” holocaust in Altnaveigh”. In these days of “he (Carson) did some service to those were merely the most vigorous idealists of rogue states promoting holocaust denial, of us in the Reform Group who have their society. Murphy preferred to see what could be better than a little “holocaust been trying to put southern attacks on them as irrelevant cranks and pathological recreating”? And, of course, holocaust Protestants in 1921/2 on the public monsters, unconnected to their society. status is all about special status—status agenda. Hart’s book hit hard at the most Now everyone should know that the basic myths of modern Irish republicans that entitles the victims to become the —that unlike the lowlife loyalists of the Border-campaigning IRA of the fifties— perpetrators in their turn without fear of North, our noble IRA did not kill for people like Sean South, Dave O’Connell reproach. sectarian reasons.” and Ruari O’Bradaigh—were Republicans and Catholics of the deepest hue. They Talking of special status: let us visit And yet, if the IRA was used to killing said their Decades of the Rosaries after the Fair (Families Acting For Innocent for sectarian reasons and was motivated operations and came from a society that Relatives) Website and ‘The history of as such, why was Patrick Casey, deputy had reached the zenith of its Republican hurt’ from a South Armagh loyalist commander of the IRA’s Newry Brigade, and Catholic mission. And they gave up viewpoint: surprised by the incident? their lives, in one way or another, to its “The Altnaveigh Massacre…was the great unfinished business—recapturing the first and one of the clearest examples of Some of what Harris calls “the most fourth green field. ethnic cleansing in our area. It came basic myths of modern Irish republicans” And yet this—the most Catholic- about after the , which are the very things that restricted the Provo nationalist and Republican—was the only was accepted by the overwhelming war to a higher plane than the mire that “generation of the IRA” who were not majority of people in Northern Ireland. “engaged in sectarian slaughter”! However anti- democratic elements Protestant paramilitaries descended into decided to oppose partition and erase the during the conflict. These “basic myths” border by force of arms. To this end the were the things that kept many innocents This seems to suggest that ‘sectarian- IRA, with the support of Michael Collins alive in the Protestant community when it ism’ and “sectarian slaughter” has another and the Dublin Government attacked was often a matter of chance if you survived progenitor, rather than Irish Republican- the fledgling Northern State in an attempt elsewhere. ism, as such. Could it be found in the to destroy it and to force the majority Sometimes “basic myths” are an political innovation called Northern population into a United Ireland against historical imperative of good order. That Ireland by any chance? its will. In what was to be repeated is what Robespierre realised during the decades later the republican movement height of the Revolution in France. He History is meaningless outside of took up the gun when its political context. The thematic approach beloved aspirations were frustrated by saw that the reckless anti-clericalism of democracy. Many facets of what can the revolutionaries was leading to a pillar of Hart removes the historical context and 15 makes any notion palatable, notions that at the height of its successes, it was local conflicts with Protestant would be absurd within their actual ultimately incapable of breaking the paramilitaries—whereas fomenting such historical chain of causation. Kingsmills resistance of this community to a united always was an objective of the British is a prime example. Ireland. The republican movement seems state, so that the conflict in Northern to have taken on board these considerations Ireland could be characterised in the way The South Armagh Brigade of the IRA and is working at another way. Britain wanted it to be. That was because wanted to fight a military campaign purely However, we never engaged in demon- Britain desired attention to be taken away against British forces. Their only ising republicanism or caricaturing it. We from its fundamental misgovernment in requirement of the local Protestants was realised that there was a deeper logic to it Northern Ireland. And we notice that Tony that they did not aid the enemy. Problems than anything else it confronted, that it Blair is trying the same today with regard occurred in the mid-seventies when British offered a functional solution to the problem to Iran and Iraq. forces, incapable of operating themselves of Northern Ireland, and it kept the conflict, in South Armagh, enlisted loyalists from which was communal in its essential char- The political set-up of Northern the north of the county, from the Portadown acter, at a higher level of idealism, at least Ireland, which was constructed in 1920 by district, to do their dirty work and further on the nationalist side. The alternative to the Government of Lloyd George, south as well. it would have been a kind of armed Hibern- Churchill, Bonar Law, Austen Chamber- ianism that might have been a mirror lain and Birkenhead (“all the talents”), The South Armagh Brigade had a image of the paramilitary actions of had all the makings of sectarian war simple rule of thumb with regard to Ulsterism. although it was designed to encourage and sectarian killing in its area. Respond twice facilitate sectarian conflict within a as hard to keep it out of South Armagh. The Provos, by and large, conducted a controlled medium—the Protestant Maybe they learnt this from the time of purposeful and disciplined war in a community policing the Catholics. Frank Aiken. situation where sectarian slaughter may They saw loyalists killing in the north well have been the more instinctive Peadar O’Donnell called the Northern of the County and in Tyrone and in 1975- activity. IRA a “battalion of armed catholics”, but 6 saw them extending their campaign into what else could they be in the situation? the south of the County of Armagh. During 1989-93 a situation developed Already, before partition, Joe Devlin had Loyalists became open to this because the in East Tyrone with regard to the question moulded Belfast into a hub of Hibernian- British Labour Government in the Rees of reprisals. Loyalists were killing Sinn ism in order to secure Imperial Home period was putting out hints of Fein Councillors and then turning their Rule. And Redmondism lasted a lot longer disengagement and encouraging Ulster attention to the family members of in the North because it was cut off from nationalism. Loyalists began to take more Republicans without the IRA making any the national development that the twenty- interest in their borders and the response. Sections of the East Tyrone six counties underwent through Sinn Fein, independent minded croppies of South Brigade were keen to reply in the manner the Treaty War and the De Valera era. Armagh. of South Armagh to this campaign. There Hibernian nationalism of the AOH variety On the day before the Kingsmills was an incident at Coagh when two elderly was very much the substance of Northern shootings loyalists, with connections to Protestant men were shot with a senior nationalism in the half century after the security forces, came to the south of UVF man. partition. So, in 1969, when the security the County and murdered four members forces went berserk against Derry and of the Reavey family and three members But the IRA leadership prevented West Belfast, everything was making for of the O’Dowd family. How often do reprisals by ordering that all operations be the sort of thing that is now happening in writers when selectively introducing sanctioned at a high level—Brigade and Iraq. Kingsmills into a diatribe mention this above. It is no secret that the desire to context? (An earlier reprisal at Tullyvallen shoot two DUP for every Sinn Feiner the But, in the moment of crisis, the Orange Hall is also removed from its loyalists killed was mooted. It is a fact that Northern Catholics, left to swill in the context of the murder by loyalists in UDR the IRA had the capability of enormous Stormont sludge, abandoned by Dublin uniforms of two GAA fans returning from carnage if it put its mind to it. But the under British pressure, were taken in hand Dublin.) leadership ensured that the targeting of by the Provos. Some of the Provo Kingsmills was a measured response certain individuals was focussed—that leadership were the people who had taken to stop this kind of activity. The Republican large bombs that might have blasted half part in the fifties campaign and some were Action Force claimed it but it was well a housing estate away along with the young northerners who eventually took known that the Provos did it. intended target were not used. All this over. But both were informed by the made the East Tyrone Brigade’s job a lot idealism of “the most basic myths of This publication does not, and never harder. Many more risky operations had modern Irish republicans”. did, condone this type of activity. In to be mounted against intended targets previous years in the Workers Weekly and and information had to be provided up the In 1970-2 the Provos trained hundreds the Northern Star we did everything to chain of command, where suspected of people who could have become sectarian deter people from engaging in conflict by British agents lay. It is believed in some killers into a disciplined fighting force, explaining the conditions that brought quarters that some Volunteers paid with clear in its ideals and steadfast in its refusal about this kind of thing and doing their lives for this restraint. And in the end to become diverted into communal something to alter them. But neither did the operational capability of East Tyrone conflict. These “armed Catholics” fought we publish meaningless condemnations was seriously damaged by the failure of a clean war, and would have fought a of individual acts that arose within the its units to respond to the loyalist campaign cleaner one if it had not been for the communal war of attrition that the because of the restrictions placed upon British policy of Ulsterisation. The conditions of life in Northern Ireland them by the republican leadership. This is Altnaveighs, Kingsmills, and Darkleys, encourage. still a bone of contention today amongst were the exceptions rather than the rule. We pointed out that the republican some folk. (In the loyalist campaign the killing of campaign would not succeed because it ‘enemy’ civilians—i.e. Taigs—was the was based on delusions about the The Provos did not want to be diverted rule rather than the exception.) Protestants of the north-east and that, even from their objectives by being drawn into 16 The thirty-five year war was a product of the establishment of a pseudo-state in 1920/1 to serve Imperial purposes of leverage over the part of the country that had to be let go but which had now to be Budget 2007 controlled until it could be brought back The 2007 Budget was ’s It was very difficult to see any to the fold. third and like his second Budget there Progressive Democrat influence on this were no surprises. His first Budget Budget. The top rate of income tax was Henry Harrison (British Empire following McCreevy’s departure represen- reduced from 42% to 41%. It was both Military Cross) hit the nail on the head in ted a change in a more socially conscious Fianna Fail and Progressive Democrat 1939 in his book Ulster And The British direction and that orientation continued in policy to reduce it to 40%, “economic Empire: this Budget. There was also a continuation circumstances permitting”, so the “Ulster was established with separate of trends which have not been noticed reduction to 41% can hardly be claimed to institutions in an area partitioned off much outside the pages of the Irish be a Progressive Democrat concession. from the parent Ireland, for Imperial and Political review. There was very little And even this reduction in the top rate was not for local reasons, and it was evidence of Progressive Democrat in part counteracted by an increase in the subsequently subsidised at the cost of the British taxpayer for the purpose of influence. The emphasis seems to have health levy from 2% to 2.5% on income inducing and enabling it to continue thus been to avoid any banana skins in over 100,000 euros per annum. to serve British Imperial policy... The anticipation of the next election. It was Irish nation, a living organism, was risk averse and it is difficult to blame the In the lead-up to this Budget Michael carved up to retard its growth and to minister in the absence of a credible McDowell campaigned for the abolition impede its progress. And this mutilation opposition. of stamp duty for first time buyers. He was was so devised, with its creation of a given almost hysterical support in the new minority grievance, as to ensure the It would be difficult to say that this weeks leading up to the Budget by the perpetuation of the sectional and Budget was an attempt to buy the election, Sunday Independent. The Budget made sectarian rancours which it should be the although that didn’t prevent The Irish no change in stamp duty. So McDowell first duty of all honest Statesmanship to assuage. The conditions necessarily Times from trying. Its editorial (7.12.06) has caused uncertainty in the property created local irritation. And the fears claimed that the Government could be market without achieving his political haunting the privileged minority lest the accused of “incaution” because its current objective. victimised minority might seek effective spending will increase by 11% rather than redress, forthwith produced the the 8% in the Budget. Nevertheless, for all There is no doubt that a reduction in repressive system of such draconian the “incaution”, the Budget anticipates a stamp duty would stimulate an already severity as to swell that irritation into a Government surplus of 1.2%. inflated property market. The money given chronic and expiable resentment. If the back to the taxpayer would just go into the policy of Partition in Ireland had been Cowen increased the tax credits pockets of property sellers. Fianna Fail honestly intended, as a measure of comfortably above the inflation level of has shown itself yet again to be the most minority protection, the Partition area would have been much smaller, and the 2.6% anticipated for 2007. The individual responsible party in the state. privileged minority ensconced in its new and married persons’ tax credits increased domain would have had fewer causes by nearly 8% to 1760 and 3520 euros One of the strangest articles on the for fear and much less embarrassment in respectively and the employee tax credit Budget was written by Marc Coleman. the administration of its self increased by over 18% to 1760. The His article is entitled “Failure to reform government.” (pp40-1.) employee tax credit is only available to stamp duty could do lasting damage to individuals who are in employment. This property market” (The Irish Times, Altnaveigh and similar incidents were credit was half the single person’s credit 7.12.06). In fact most of the article has the first products of the British Imperial about six years ago, it is now equal to it: a nothing to do with the property market. policy of 1920-1. Irish Republicanism has reflection of the Government’s policy of Most of the piece is a level headed analysis always tried to rise above them and remove encouraging people to enter the labour of how Cowen is perceived compared to them at source. But the Imperial impulse market. This policy is also reflected in the McCreevy. He makes the point that the is intent on creating similar situations changes in the tax bands introduced by increase in spending under McCreevy wherever it goes and forever long it lasts. Charlie McCreevy a few years ago and before the last election was less than continued by Cowen. Cowen. He also points out that Cowen in It has its own “holocaust deniers”, of his Budget has “undid some of his course. Following the Murphy Case in the predecessor’s penchant for stealth Pat Walsh early eighties the Haughey-led taxation” by increasing income tax credits Government doubled the tax allowances and thresholds above the rate of inflation. and tax bands for married people. This Editorial Note: policy has been reversed by increasing the Other reasonable points made are that relative importance of the employee tax social welfare expenditure will increase There is a debate on the credit and by increasing the individual by 10% in this Budget, which Coleman Aiken issue on the GAA person’s tax band by a greater percentage thinks is “admirable” and that “by giving website, which is far from than the married persons’ band. In the emphasis to increasing contributory and salutary. Why not join in? The 2007 Budget Cowen increased both the non-contributory pensions, Cowen has address is— single and married tax bands by 2000 wisely targeted this disproportionately on euros: an increase of 6.25% for the single the elderly, people who suffer band (to 34,000) and 4.88% for the married disproportionately in times of rising db/default.asp?a=topic band (to 43,000). The ratio between the inflation.” display&tid=290761

Is he saying that banks will lend at cheaper rates if the loan is 100% towards the value of the house as distinct from a My Re-education In Irish History proportion being paid to the Government in stamp duty? If he is saying this what is I have been reading Charles Gavan it to be intelligible and true. Both of these the basis for the argument: that banks are Duffy: Conversations With Carlyle, illuminations have been proceeding for lending not on the ability of the borrower reprinted by Athol Books with an many years. to repay the loan, but on the resale value of Introduction by Brendan Clifford. I was the house in the event of a loan default. aware that Duffy was one of the founders, In his Introduction Brendan Clifford The next paragraph in my view is and also editor, of the Young Ireland had already added a light. He writes there: completely inconsistent with his previous newspaper The Nation. But I have never “The Young Ireland movement expressed points: read that newspaper, only seen it open at the political, social and cultural ideals of “Instead of reforming this tax, the a distance in the National Library when the middle class of nationalist Ireland as Government will increase mortgage someone else was reading it. So this was it emerged from under O’Connell’s wing”. interest relief for first-time buyers. Apart my first acquaintance with Duffy the So, I registered, nationalist Ireland in the from ignoring second-timers who had to writer. He is a very good writer and, as that 1840s had a ‘bourgeois nationalism’ of trade up for family or job change reasons, alone, deserves more prominence than he professional and commercial people such this approach also ignores a hard reality has enjoyed in our historical record. But as could be found throughout Europe at of property markets—seasoned hunters what has struck me most forcibly is the that time. From primary school onwards, that they are, estate agents can spot a kind of Irishman, from the middle and I had been led to regard Young Ireland first time buyer five miles away, and are latter part of the nineteenth century, that adept at using ghost bidding to eliminate simply as a movement of ideas. They were any benefits that the Government seeks comes across in this book. Observing and ideas conceived by young intellectuals in to endow” noting that has added yet another bit to my Dublin, and essentially by Thomas Davis re-education in Irish history since the who tragically died young. They amounted So property inflation as a result of eighteenth century and to my understand- to the first appearance in Ireland of a mortgage interest relief is a problem but ing of how that history must be written for coherent cultural nationalism, as distinct 18 from the political kind, and as such were a forerunner to the more powerful, Gaelic- · Biteback · Biteback· Biteback· Biteback· Biteback· Biteback· Biteback· Biteback centred cultural nationalism of the Revolution. But all that in disembodied Report form, without social anchorage; without the social anchorage which Brendan Collusion provided with his ‘middle class of national- ist Ireland’, and the Europe-wide The following letter by Niall Meehan was published in the Irish Times in mid-December, intelligibility which derives from that. All but with a section deleted. The omission is indicated below that as just ideas—and another case of On RTE Radio’s Morning Ireland on November 30th Sean Ardagh TD mentioned Ireland doing its unique, unconnected thing British refusal of co-operation as a reason for not holding a public enquiry into in a socio-historical void. “widespread collusion between British security forces and terrorists [that] was behind That sentence of Brendan’s prepared many, if not all, of a number of atrocities on both sides of the Border that resulted in 18 me for Gavan Duffy, gave him context, as deaths in the mid-1970s” (Irish Times November 30th). he reveals himself in his account of his But an official tribunal might usefully also enquire into why the Gardai or the association with the Presbyterian Scot, government were not “more vigorous in their attempts to identify and bring to justice the Thomas Carlyle, a leading writer and perpetrators”? Fianna Fail dismissed the then Garda Commissioner, Edmund Garvey, thinker of Victorian Britain. Duffy, Ulster on its return to office in 1977. The reasons have never been properly explained. A sworn Catholic, son of a well-to-do merchant, public enquiry might discover if the decision had any bearing on the issue of collusion, formed intellectually by a mainly Ulster or if it there was another reason, such as the Garda ‘Heavy Gang’, or simply incompetence. Presbyterian schooling that finished in the Some former members of the British security forces might cooperate. Colin Wallace Royal Academical Institution in Belfast. and Fred Holroyd have spoken freely on collusion. Holroyd met then Garda Commissioner Duffy, journalist, author and tough- Edmund Garvey in 1975, with other British forces personnel. John Weir, a former RUC- minded nationalist, for whom nationalism means pride of race and an open-ended UVF member, also appears willing to talk. Retired RUC detective Johnston Brown, who effort to do for the Irish nation what seems wrote ‘Into the Dark’, detailing his own impeccable record in the RUC, might have possible now. A gentleman and clubbable relevant information to impart. Others with information (as yet unknown) are likely to in the then understanding of those terms, appear once an official enquiry, with all the required safeguards, is set up. A precedent extremely well-read in English literature, has been set with an enquiry into alleged Garda collusion in the killing of RUC officers. a member of the UK Parliament in the Why not one for Irish citizens killed as a result of alleged collusion by British military interest of Irish tenant rights, he becomes and police officers? for some years an effective public official The alternative offered is a Dail debate. But the Irish government and parliament is of the British Empire in Australia, is a factor. Those outside parliament with personal information are not in a position to knighted for those services, and retires to contribute to such a debate. One might be forgiven for getting the impression that there the South of France. Thus far—it is not the is an attempt to limit enquiry. entire life—Duffy in this book. It made me interested in checking out [DELETED section:] the leading Young Irelanders socially, so Your correspondent is correct to note that “in Ireland the reaction of both media and to speak. Four of them shared with Duffy government is muted to say the least” (December 2nd). That is because a mindset that their Catholicism, a wealthy background operated then persists today. The health service, the economy, education, is fair game for and a top-class education. All of them, bouts of “apoplexy”, but attitudes to British policy touching on local culpability are Catholics or Protestants, whatever their generally taboo. The British-unionist bombings of Dublin and Monaghan in 1974 material starting-point, in Dublin in the provided a useful service in this regard, according to the then British Ambassador, who 1840s wore top hats, felt at home in the observed at the time: “the predictable attempt by the IRA to pin the blame on the British grounds of Trinity College, or chatting (British agents, the SAS, etc) has made no headway at all’’… It is only now that the South with lawyer friends in the Four Courts has experienced violence that they are reacting in the way that the North has sought for so long.” He later told the Northern Ireland Office: “it would be… a psychological Perhaps those of you who have suffered mistake for us to rub this point in . . . I think the Irish have taken the point’’. from a maleducation in modern Irish history similar to mine will already see on that: Ireland under the British had a social milieu that had come to power in what I am getting at. About forty years ago merchant fleet as well as a very big and Ireland since Independence. In the writing I had a disturbing flash when the wife of flourishing fishing fleet, which faded away of Irish history, he felt, their role had been an artist friend of mine in Dublin—they after Independence.) neglected. He would like to take time off were living in modest circumstances in I knew that O’Connell was a remnant from publishing to investigate them. We the Dublin mountains—told me that her of the Gaelic gentry, but somehow ‘smug- agreed, for a start, that without Edmund grandfather had been a ship-owner in gling on the Kerry coast’ was my received Rice, Nano Nagle and Theobald Mathew, Drogheda. That meant that at the end of idea of the O’Connells at home. A visit to who had sprung from that social milieu, it the nineteenth century there were Catholic their manorial house in Derrynane sur- would be difficult to imagine subsequent ship-owners in Ireland and that the prised me. Seeing a photo of Art Ó Laoire’s Irish history. commercial set-up in Drogheda then was house—he of the famous lament —that, That conversation came back to me much like that in a similar Norwegian too, opened my eyes. And I recall, from forcibly a couple of years ago when I was port. Oh, I had of course heard about the fifteen years ago, my friend Fergal Tobin, attending a ’98 commemorative sympos- prosperous Catholic merchants in in the publisher, telling me that he was ium in Gorey, Co. Wexford. We made an Penal times, men who became ‘merchant intrigued by the role played in Irish history excursion to John Redmond’s house at princes’ by provisioning ships setting out since the eighteenth century by the Carnsore Point which stands in extensive across the Atlantic. But that was Cork, Catholic commercial bourgeoisie and grounds. The present mistress of the house and everyone was agreed that Cork was a landed gentry of South Leinster and East showed us around it, explaining portraits place apart, not Ireland. Drogheda, for me Munster. He believed that they had been a of well-dressed ladies and gentlemen from a Dubliner, was real, and suggested other bearing force of much of our history since olden times which hung on the walls. Not similar ports around the country. (I checked Penal times and were in large part the only who the persons in the portraits were, 19 but their relationships with each other and ness, brought us, too, into comfortable easy for them to do that. Those historians incidents in their lives. It was a glimpse of circumstances. I was the first in my family who were Irish nationalists had missed the a network of well-to-do Catholic families on either side to attend a Jesuit school boat by not having done the necessary of the Southeast who, from the 1700s or—the decisive breakthrough, though revision before them; simply in the onwards, had connections in England and helped by a scholarship—a university. interests of truth and of giving their nation France and who were themselves familiar When I ventured out into Europe and a true view of its past. In that last respect, with those countries. the wider world, I drew on that experience whatever about their republican national- as a child and youth to provide myself ism, they were lacking in patriotism. I received my grounding in Irish history with a self-understanding. It was a personal As you will have gathered, my personal in Irish in O’Connell’s Christian Brothers’ myth which, projected back ancestrally, correction of the history of modern Ireland School in Dublin. Essentially, it was a strengthened my already mythical view of that I received has been a casual, occasional view of Irish history which showed armed Irish history. I see it spelt out in the preface and merely mental affair. Largely it has Irishmen since Brian Boru resisting foreign to my first book, Mainly In Wonder, an been a matter of noting elements missing incursion or occupation, sometimes account of travels in Europe and the Far from the republican nationalist story and winning, sometimes losing, and finally East. I wrote there, introducing myself: of imagining how their inclusion would winning when the heroes of 1916 ushered "By Irish standards I am a city man. modify that story, change its pattern, alter in, by their executions, the victorious War its system of highlights. How that true of Independence. From the Flight of the But in the world I set out to see I was quickly made to understand that I was history would look as a whole, I have no Earls until that happy outcome, the Irish, essentially a peasant and came of a nation coherent idea. I only know three principles deprived of their natural leaders, suffered of peasants.| it would observe. oppression of all kinds, while still, repeatedly, rebelling. The Irish of those Further on, it is "We of the Irish Centrally, it would tell without bias— centuries were na Gaeil or successors of Catholic peasantry" and shortly after: using various collective narratives as the Gaeil; Catholics with the occasional "When we began to rise in the histories do—the story of all those departed patriotic Protestant. They were poor nineteenth century our cultural heritage men and women who considered them- peasants oppressed by alien landlords; was almost nil. We had no house-styles, selves members of the Irish nation. It even when they lived in towns, no furniture, no native costumes that did would give prominence to, and treat with cosmhuintir, proletariat. That there were more than clothe, no really native dances, regard, those individuals and groups who people in Ireland, apart from the landlords, no theatre, no distinctive ways of enhanced or tried to enhance the human who lived well was occasionally indicated; preparing food, no churches, no elaborate quality, or wealth or amenity, of Irish life, there were, for example, those unspeakable etiquette. We came naked into the or of a substantial section of it. And it traitors, the ‘Castle Catholics’. I remember modern world." would provide the modern Irish story with that when Catholic Irish of such ‘other In fairness, I do say in that preface that the intelligibility that derives from context kinds’ were referred to, my history teachers “the Irish Catholic peasantry” is the conveyed. The relevant context might be described them as galánta in the pejorative “largest by far of the groups that make up the British Empire or the USA, contempor- sense of ‘posh, stuck-up’—rather than in Ireland”. But in view of the fact that I say ary England, Scotland, Wales or the word’s other sense of ‘elegant, stylish’. nothing about those other “groups”, I am Continental Europe, or colonised and semi- Of course, later in a Dublin Jesuit in effect making the well-worn identific- colonised Africa and Asia. I think that school and at UCD, I continued to be ation of the Irish Catholic peasantry with Brendan Clifford would be well capable instructed in Irish history. But what I was the Irish; or at least the Irish essentially. of writing the history that is required. taught in those years—I find it difficult to Desmond Fennell remember what I was taught in those The version of Irish history that I have Athol Books is publishing Desmond years—did not decisively affect the spent my life correcting—correcting right Fennell's About Behaving Normally In dramatic vision of my people’s history I up to this book by Gavan Duffy that I have Abnormal Circumstances early in 2007 had acquired in those first years. In part, been reading—is the this was because it did not have an nationalist version equivalent dramatic quality. But there was which was dominant also the fact that something close to what for most of the last I had imbibed in primary school was being century. More precise- promulgated all around me by doctrinaire ly, it is the republican Irish nationalism, and I gave ear to that. I nationalist version. gave willing ear to it, I now recognise, Obviously, it was a because that amplified public version of sitting duck for the my childhood indoctrination accorded ideological revision- pretty well with my personal history. ists when they set about demolishing it. My maternal grandfather, who became Their ideological for me, emotionally, my essential ancestor, inspiration was anti- had grown up speaking Irish in a glen in nationalist and, in the Sperrin Mountains. From that extreme cases, anti- background, like so many of his race national in the sense before and after him, he moved to an that they felt distaste English-speaking city, Belfast, where, for the idea of an Irish being Catholic, he was a second-class nation subsisting citizen. I was born there in his comfortable through the centuries house. But he was never wealthy, and into the present. But when my parents—my father was a not only have they told Sligoman—brought me to Dublin, it was some truths that were a struggle there until my father, first with not in our history a little shop, then with a wholesale busi- books; it was all too 20 TO BE OR IRB? Part 5 forming a decisive majority on the Supreme Council, if not among the general body of Brothers. Yet there would also be an initiative from among some of the IRB's anti-Treatyites to do the utmost to The Title Deeds Of Assassination prevent Civil War, emanating from the Cork leadership of Seán O'Hegarty, Florrie In his 2005 biography, Mick—The Real At Devoy's insistence, all Clan leaders O'Donoghue, and Tom Hales. Without at Michael Collins, Peter Hart provides a since his own demotion from the Clan all calling into question the fact that the executive in August 1881 were put on relatively reasonable account of the role free will of the majority of Irish people of assassination as conceived of by Collins 'trial' and, therefore, Alec Sullivan (INB) was forced by his old friends to take had been for the Republic, they also during the War of Independence—when recognised that what Liam Mellows had the IRA had to take on Britain's political part… Alec Sullivan was censured, retrospectively, for his refusal to analysed as the fear of that same majority police force in Ireland who were seeking cooperate with the IRB during 1882, but had nonetheless also to be taken into to destroy not only the Army of Dáil he was found 'not guilty' of any offence… account as a formidable fact. O'Hegarty's Éireann, but the Dáil itself and the will of Philip Cronin, a Cork-born doctor in own opposition to the Treaty did not the people to support their Republic: Chicago and a leader of the UB, was prevent him from recognising that it was "Collins stressed the utility of force: present at the 'trial'… All records "admitted by all sides that the majority of the minimum necessary to achieve the regarding this 'trial' were supposed to be the people of Ireland are willing to accept objective in a politically acceptable or destroyed, but Cronin stated he would productive way… This raises the also turn his findings into a UB circular, the Treaty", whether through fear or very political question of the limits of which he did…Cronin was also a very otherwise. (For a detailed presentation of violence. Who wasn't killed? The answer bitter rival of Alec Sullivan in Chicago his position, see the forthcoming Aubane is: politicians. No Unionist, Irish Party municipal politics and he threatened to Historical Society publication The Life or British politicians were assassinated reveal to the public… that Sullivan had And Times Of Seán O'Hegarty by Kevin in 1921-21 (1922-3 was another story). been a member of the Clan. To do so Girvin.) The only outright political assassination could serve no purpose whatsoever other carried out in this period was that of than to destroy Sullivan's influence in Peter Hart narrates—with numerous Frank Brooke, the 69 year-old chairman American politics. Cronin may well not asides—how the year 1922 began to of the Dublin and South-Eastern Railway have intended acting upon this threat, unfold: Company and a well-known Unionist, but several Chicago Clansmen took it on 30 July 1920…The only concrete into their heads that Cronin must be one "Three successive IRB Conferences reason put forward for his being on the of the four British secret agents (that the had been secretly summoned to Parnell Squad hit list was that he had suggested already exposed agent) Le Caron had Square in January, March and April, bringing in army engineers to run the talked about in London, and, with Collin, Harry Boland and Liam trains when the drivers went on strike in consequently, he was murdered on 4 Lynch all seeking a peaceful solution to 1920 … The men who did the deed say May 1889. This had two major the army split, but good will was not only they had no idea why he was consequences… It was proven that enough… Collins assuring everyone of fingered, they just followed orders from prominent Irish-American members of his republican intentions while Lynch the Intelligence Department… Collins the Chicago police force were and Boland urged him to be true to his may have prevented as many killings as responsible for the murder and were uncompromising nature (as they saw it) he ordered. He would never admit members of the Clan… The second major and return to his roots. At the heated mistakes, however: they were always consequence of the Cronin murder was final meeting in April… he (Collins) someone else's fault or swept under the that because John Devoy (who lived in cleverly adopted Florence O'Donoghue's rug. As with many other deaths in this Chicago from 1886-92) was Cronin's suggestion that a committee be struck period, the killing of Frank Brooke right-hand man and best friend in the between the two sides to review the remains a mystery." (pp220-223) local UB, he was convinced every day (post-Treaty) Constitution when it finally for at least three years that he too might appeared. Because the IRB 'could not Hart testifies to the purposeful role of be assassinated at any moment. As announce its existence' (not that it was secretary of the UB, Devoy begin issuing fooling anyone), this committee called assassination as practised by Collins in itself an IRA officers group. Its public his role as IRA Director of Intelligence. circulars stating that a prominent UB official (Cronin) had been assassinated statement, issued on 1 May, was a major What he cannot come to terms with, political coup for Collins, as it called for however, is the fact that in his role as at the behest of the INB… One other consequence… was that Devoy started army reunification and an agreed President of the Supreme Council of the accusing Alec Sullivan publicly of government accepting the Treaty's IRB Collins was also heir to another desiring to kill him… Sullivan wrote to popular support in order to maximise tradition of assassination that was no less Davitt that he feared being killed by one national strength. This was the essence targeted—a return to political of Devoy's admirers." (pp184-7) of Collin's position, now backed not assassination, including the elimination only by Mulcahy and O'Duffy, but also by Seán O'Hegarty, Florence of individuals within the IRB itself who Confused? To appreciate the IRB O'Donoghue, Tom Hales, Dan Breen were perceived to pose a threat to whatever culture surrounding the Cronin murder in and Humphrey Murphy, major figures direction the Brotherhood's Supreme more readable semi-fictional form, see in the 1st Southern Division, the back- Council had determined on. In his 2005 the 1992 novel The Devil's Card by journ- bone of the anti-Treaty IRA. Lynch was book, The IRB, Owen McGee also tells alist Mary Maher, which draws not only not convinced, but was outmanoeuvred the story of the IRB's US sister on previous historical research but—far (as usual). On 3 May, O'Hegarty… organisation, Clan na Gael, and its internal more important—also on the private addressed the Dáil and more or less factional 'trials' and punishments: documents of her own heavily-involved appealed to the opposition to accept "A 'trial' of the Clan leadership took Chicago-Irish family. their minority position and join a government of all the talents to prevent place in New York in September 1888, Such IRB culture would once again at which delegates from both wings of civil war. This had an immediate impact the Clan (the Irish National Brotherhood come to the fore in Ireland itself in the on party politics, and the next day a joint v. John Devoy's United Brotherhood) immediate post-Treaty environment. The Dáil committee was formed to discuss were present to speak, but only (Supreme IRA was split on this issue, with the anti- the so-called army proposals, beginning Council Secretary) John O'Connor was Treatyites in the majority. The IRB was the process leading to the Collins-de allowed to speak on behalf of the IRB. also split—but with the pro-Treatyites Valera pact." (Mick, pp385-6) 21 Tim Pat Coogan had similarly narrated: more refreshingly qualifies such spin: "The seeds of fratricidal strife were "One last major effort at securing peace "Collins had stated repeatedly that well and truly sown when Churchill between the fighting men was made under the Pact's goal of 'stability' and the wrote to Michael Collins: 'If I refrain the auspices of the IRB… This is the last electorate's desire for 'peace' meant that from congratulation it is only because I time the IRB played a major role in the the new government would finally have do not wish to embarrass you. The developing crisis" (Michael Collins, to impose law and order, and he was able Archives of the Four Courts may be scattered but the title deeds of Ireland pp318-9). to argue that his party had a mandate now to do so. However successful, this are safe'." (p174) new spin on the pact and the election On this score Hart and Coogan are at results conveniently ignored the majority Herein lies Hart's greatest weakness one. But they are wrong in respect of that backing for nationalist solidarity and when writing of the origins of the Free final conclusion. While it would be the opposition to civil war—but neither the State: Its legitimacy did not require a last time that the IRB would play a major British government nor his cabinet democratic mandate but the title deeds positive role, its reversion to a more colleagues would allow any further granted to it by Britain must not be seen to traditional IRB role of assassination was tolerance of IRA activity" (p398). be sullied by any accusation of assassinat- central to events as they subsequently For Commonwealth man the Free State ion, although artillery bombardment, unfolded. The Free State, and the Civil did not require a democratic mandate, having been prescribed by that same War it would wage, were both founded since its legitimacy derived from quite a Britain as essential for meeting Treaty and grounded in such assassinations. different source: obligations, is deemed appropriate. Yet "In legal fact, he (Collins) was not what more unconscionable action could This is an issue that both Peter Hart taking power in any revolutionary way: Collins have engaged in than to initiate a and his thesis supervisor for his IRA And it was being granted by the (British) Civil War in obedience to a Lloyd George/ Its Enemies, TCD's Professor David government he had sworn to overthrow". Churchill command that directly emanated Fitzpatrick, each dodge in their own way. (p356) from a British Government that was falsely Their point of unity is that both Fitzpatrick accusing the Four Courts IRA of an and Hart each deny the legitimacy of the In September 2005 I attended a History assassination for which Collins himself 1919 Republic, while subsequently Conference in UCD on de Valera, where had been personally responsible? proceeding to assert the legitimacy of the Hart was down to speak. Given his track 1922 Free State. It would, however, be a record on Tom Barry, I expected that I If the Wilson assassination provided mistake to treat their positions as identical. would have to confront similar character the pretext for Collins starting one war in By distorting the context of a remark by assassination of Dev. I was pleasantly the South, it must also be viewed as an Gerry Boland (whose own Republican surprised to be proved wrong on that score. outcome of a war already being waged by perspective had remained thoroughly But when I took the floor to actually take him in the North. In The Irish Counter- hostile to the continued existence of the Hart's side regarding some point he had Revolution John M. Regan has written: IRB, notwithstanding his brother Harry's made about Dev and, being open to the "The key to Collins' involvement in a leading role on the Supreme Council, and belief that Hart might actually be genuinely coercive Northern policy up to the who was in fact targeting the process of trying to re-assess some of his own past outbreak of civil war in the South in June candidate selection within Sinn Féin that positions, I naively asked: Would he now was not the destabilisation of the had been largely organised by Harry), be prepared to re-consider that Collins Northern regime but the neutralisation Fitzpatrick says of the 1918 General had in fact been responsible for the of the Northern IRA… The May Election, that this "undermined Sinn Féin's assassination of Sir Henry Wilson? More offensive in Northern Ireland was claim to a democratic mandate" (Harry fool me. The only answer I got was an exclusively financed, armed and Boland's Irish Revolution, p112). Hart enigmatic smile, without a single word sanctioned by treatyite GHQ through Chief-of-Staff Eoin O'Duffy (also IRB ignores such nonsense when he, on the uttered. When Mick was published a month Treasurer –MO'R) with (IRB President) contrary, writes: later I could now read: Collins' full knowledge. With access to "The events of 1918… destroyed "On the 22nd June, unconnected with considerable resources unavailable to (British) government credibility for most any of these (other) events, two members the anti-treatyites, Collins had begun to Irish Catholics... As 1918 became 1919 of the now defunct London IRA shot develop a dependency culture between the movement was moving on. The and killed Sir Henry Wilson at his own the Northern IRA and GHQ from early general election had been won, the Dáil door… Since he (Collins) showed no 1922. On 24 February Mulcahy, as Dáil was founded." (pp206-9) other signs of madness or bloodlust to Minister of Defence, instructed O'Duffy give us an irrational explanation, we can to pay sixty Belfast Volunteers £3 per Hart does not question the Republic's acquit him of the charge. In any case, week to protect Catholics during rioting. democratic mandate, but he does question Collins's guilt was not at issue in June Collins, as Minister of Finance, sanction- its legitimacy on very different grounds: 1922. After an emergency cabinet ed the payment a week later. In May "Whatever its moral or democratic meeting on the day of the assassination, GHQ, growing in self-confidence, took legitimacy, the Dáil had no legal standing Lloyd George sent Collins a telegram responsibility for sending four hundred and was never recognised by any foreign demanding he take action against the rifles of British origin in to Northern government" (Irish Times, 23rd June, Four Courts (IRA executive), as he had Ireland, with the serial numbers chiselled evidence to prove their guilt (no such off by officers under the command of 1998, quoted in the Aubane Historical 'evidence' was every subsequently Society pamphlet Kilmichael: The False Joe Sweeney of the pro-treaty 1st offered—MO'R)… Both Lloyd George Northern Division in Donegal." (pp62- Surrender, p.11). in private and Churchill in public 63) Presumably recognition of the Irish declared they would consider the Treaty Republic by the Government of Soviet broken if nothing else were done." In his Eoin O'Duffy biography Fearghal Russia does not count for British Common- (pp396-7) McGarry has also written: wealth man. As soon as Brother Eoin O'Duffy had "O'Duffy… not merely shared But Fitzpatrick and Hart reverse secured the necessary British artillery from positions in the arguments that they each Collin's belligerent attitude but was a General Macready, Collins duly attacked radicalising influence. O'Duffy had made advance for the legitimacy of the Free the Four Courts on 28th June and the Civil it clear that failure to hit the north would State. Fitzpatrick writes of "the popular War commenced. As Tom Geraghty has undermine pro-treaty support along the mandate for a Free State which emerged observed in his 2004 history, The Dublin's border… He had assured his men that in defiance of that Pact" (p269), but Hart Fire Brigade: support for the treaty did not constitute 22 acceptance of partition. Indeed, his loyalists. The home of (1916 President assassins with the Irish Republicans willingness to sanction violence of the IRB Supreme Council) Denis Army and which further reveal the reassured republicans like Tom McCullough's mother on the Grosvenor existence of a definite conspiracy against Carragher: 'It seems that Collins, O'Duffy Road was burned, although McCullough the peace and order of this country. The and the IRB intended to have a go at the himself was a at that time in the USA on ambiguous position of the Irish North as soon as we had enough arms.' a mission for Dáil Éireann… Leo Rea of Republican Army can no longer be … A GHQ-sanctioned offensive in west Leeson Street was shot dead by loyalists ignored by the British Government. Still Ulster, which killed six policemen and in Merrion Street; another Catholic was less can Mr. Rory O'Connor be permitted Specials in March, merely provoked shot dead in the York Street area by the to remain with his followers and his further retaliation against Belfast military during 'disturbances; in Unity arsenal in open rebellion in the heart of Catholics, including the notorious killing Street Joseph Hurson, a young Catholic, Dublin in possession of the courts of of five members of the McMahon was shot dead by a loyalist sniper firing justice, organising and sending out from household… At a meeting of northern from Hanover Street and his brother was this centre enterprises of murder not divisional officers on 5 May, O'Duffy also shot in the same incident. Two only in the area of your Government but agreed to set a date for a northern Protestants also died of violence on that also in the Six Northern Counties and in offensive which GHQ would arm, day. Mary Semple died of wounds she Great Britain. His Majesty's Government finance and organise. The offensive, had received in earlier 'disturbances' and cannot consent to a continuation of this which began on 19 May, was directed by William Kirkwood of Marlborough state of things and they feel entitled to O'Duffy with the knowledge of Collins Place, a manager of Hughes and ask you formally to bring it to an end but not the Cabinet. It was an unmitigated Dickson's Mill, was shot dead in Division forthwith… I am to inform you that they disaster… The hitherto effective Belfast Street in an obvious act of reprisal." regard the continued toleration of this IRA lost the support of a Catholic (p259) rebellious defiance of the principles of population unwilling to endure further the Treaty as incompatible with its reprisals for no apparent purpose. The On the same day the B Specials also faithful execution. They feel, now that failed offensive left the IRA a broken shot dead three unarmed Catholic youths you are supported by the declared will of force in the north. Its defeated Volunteers in Cushendall. the Irish people in favour of the Treaty, drifted south to the Curragh over the they have a right to expect that the summer, where many sat out the Civil David Fitzpatrick's narrative of the necessary action will be taken by your War as non-combatant members of the Government without delay." (pp373-4) Free State army." (pp100-102) Civil War unfolds as follows: "Harry Boland's Civil War began one Collins accordingly did as he was told. Among the Belfast Free State Army day early, when he was held up by an Yet, as we have already seen, it was he officers was Jimmy McDermott, although armoured car (of Free State soldiers) on the eve of the attack on Rory O'Connor's himself who had been behind the he did not sit out the Civil War but was (anti-Treaty) garrison in the Four "enterprises in the Six Northern Counties" wounded in action outside Macroom, Co. Courts… 'We were ordered to put up our for which the British Government Cork in November 1922. His grandson hands which we did not do'. The events exclusively indicted O'Connor, while and namesake Jimmy McDermott has which followed on June 28 1922 were Collins's hero-worshipping biographer, written a very informative history, (also) recorded in Harry's diary: 'Beggars' Tim Pat Coogan, had no doubt that Collins Northern Divisions The Old IRA And The Bush (the Free State Army HQ) open had also been responsible for ordering the Belfast Pogroms 1920-22. McDermott attack on 4 Courts, with artillery, assassination of Wilson: sums up the immediate civilian conse- machine and rifle. Join up at Plaza Hotel "The Wilson shooting was in fact quences of the May offensive: "Altogether and am sent south for reinforcements'. discussed by Collins on at least one twelve Catholics were murdered that Before departing, he is said to have other occasion that day, 23 June. One of called at Vaughan's Hotel for his laundry, weekend and two Protestants" (p230). his generals, Joseph Sweeney, remarked only to meet an old friend (Collins) on that he looked 'very pleased. The last Among the civilian dead was Jimmy Snr.'s that same mission: 'Collins, as usual, father, Frank McDermott. time I had seen him look so pleased was was in tears'. The long-delayed assault when a District Inspector was shot to his on the occupied law courts, following an order in Wexford'. Sweeney asked The McDermott family have never ultimatum issued under British pressure 'Where do we stand on the shooting?' had the slightest hesitation in regarding by the Provisional Government, and Collins replied, 'it was two of ours Sir Henry Wilson as a legitimate target in shattered the dream of a Coalition that did it'." (p376) such a conflict: ministry back by a unified Army and "On 20 March Sir Henry Wilson Brotherhood." (p306) Not even Peter Hart would dream of submitted his report on future security to Some historical narrative! If, as we supporting Lloyd George's charge that the northern government. He urged a shall see in Part 6, the IRB assassin of Rory O'Connor was behind the Wilson further expansion of all sections of the Boland remains unnamed in Fitzpatrick's assassination, and presumably Fitzpatrick Ulster Special Constabulary and… the wouldn't do so either. But one must establishment of a specifically military text, he does at least appear in the index territorial army style section of the 'C' for the page in question. But absolutely reasonably infer from Fitzpatrick's total Specials. This in practice would mean nowhere in Fitzpatrick's magnum opus— silence regarding Wilson that he also finds attempt to subsume (the covert Unionist whether in text, footnote or index—does Hart's exoneration of Collins as embarras- semi-legal grouping) the Imperial the name of Sir Henry Wilson ever singly unconvincing. Hart's detailed Guards into the 'C' force, in effect appear—not even once! Yet, as Tim Pat apologia for Collins on that score is to be legitimising a sectarian paramilitary Coogan had long ago narrated, Wilson found in his 2003 book The IRA At War force. A historian searching for reasons was central to the "British pressure" that 1916-1923. This book is in fact a series of why Michael Collins gave the order for Fitzpatrick glides and slides so glibly over. essays from different periods. Chapter Sir Henry Wilson to be assassinated As British Prime Minister Lloyd George 8—"Michael Collins and the Assas- would not have to look much further sination of Sir Henry Wilson" (pp194- than this proposal." (p191) wrote to Free State Prime Minister (or Chairman of the Provisional Government) 220)—was in fact first published as early But there was an immediate price to be Michael Collins: as 1992 and is effectively undermined by paid in Belfast: "I am desired by his Majesty's the earlier Chapter 6—"The IRA in Britain" "On 23 June, following the news that Government to inform you that (pp141-177)—first published at the later Sir Henry Wilson had been shot, the documents have been found upon the date of 2000. That chapter does, in fact, Grosvenor Road and intervening streets murderers of Field Marshal Sir Henry assign a centrality of importance to the as far as Albert Street were attacked by Wilson which clearly connect the IRB: 23 "There were perhaps a thousand men Hart further adds that "the diehard IRA As we can see, the Hartian sneer was enrolled in British IRA units in the crucial executive denied the accusation immed- already a well-honed phenomenon by twelve months between July 1920 and iately and its denial has stuck" (p201). 1992. But let's look at some of these July 1921… 'Operations' as such were But on the same page he reports that "the "facts". When precisely, before June 1922, still the preserve of the Irish Republican Special Branch's murder investigation is Collins supposed to have given up his Brotherhood, the conspiratorial heart of concluded that the killers acted on their position as Director of Intelligence? Hart the republican movement in Britain as in Ireland. The history of 'the Organisation' own", and Hart then makes that British does not say, nor does he ever repeat this —as the IRB was known to its conclusion his own. Determined to acquit claim in his 2005 biography. Could it be members—like that of the Volunteers, Collins of any culpability on that score he that he had muddled his dates? For it is in was a succession of ups and downs. presents Dunne and O'Sullivan as loose the biography that we also read of how— Dubbed 'Fenians' in their Victorian cannon Lone Rangers: in the aftermath of the commencement of heyday, the membership in Lancashire "It was, in fact, a season of assas- the Civil War—it was in fact only in July alone numbered in the thousands. By sinations all across Europe. Just two that Collins formally ceded his Director of 1914 these men were long gone: England days after Wilson's death, for example, Intelligence role to one of his subordinates. as a whole claimed only 117 paying IRB Walter Rathenau, the German minister "The army was now the keystone to members, and Scotland 256 (as opposed for foreign affairs, was shot to death in state power. On 1 July, Collins announ- to 1,660 in Ireland) … A residue of Berlin. His killers considered him a threat ced that Mulcahy had assumed command middle-aged and elderly brethren to German nationalism and declared 'We of the army in Beggar's Bush barracks reduced the active element even further, die for our ideals! Others will follows and that he—Collins—would take his so that the departure to Dublin in 1916 of us!'—sentiments which could just as place as Minister for Defence—in many dynamic young men who were well have been uttered by Wilson's addition to being (government) chairman also Volunteers (not least, Collins assassins." (p215) and Minister of Finance. On the 12th himself—MO'R) left most circles "For two young Irish idealists to take (was it not 'the Glorious'?—MO'R)… moribund. These same qualities paradox- matters into their own hands and shoot a Collins announced the creation of the ically made the British IRB more hated foe was not a particularly unusual post of Commander-in-Chief for himself, valuable to the revolutionary cause in political act in the summer of 1922." leaving Mulcahy to occupy the dual role the years the followed. Its leadership in (p220) of Minister of Defence and army Chief Ireland was still determined upon of Staff. They, along with O'Duffy… rebellion and sought weapons. These So, when it suits him, the IRB is now would form a War Council to run the were available in Britain, and could be deemed to have no organisational campaign. As usual Collins brought his smuggled out by the Organisation's coherence or meaning whatsoever. This posse of pals and IRB brothers with experienced old hands, along routes used Chapter—with such sub-headings as him… Joe McGrath became Director of since the 1860s. … Michael Collins, Intelligence." (pp400-401) once a London Irishman but now a rev- "Evidence", "Cross-Examination" and "Verdict"—sets up pro- and anti-Treatyite erse émigré building a revolutionary It is in fact his attempt to pin down career in Dublin, knew these men and witnesses against each other, disregarding was perfectly positioned to put the pieces the fact that contradictions between some when exactly it was that Collins himself back together and keep the money, aspects of evidence and others cannot be had originally become Director of Intel- information and arms moving… The abstracted from the political motivation ligence that now poses the real dating ever-growing demand for guns, underlying a lot of that same conflicting problem for Hart: ammunition, and explosives, and the evidence. But Hart runs up against a real "Collins entered 1919 as Director of infusion of young blood into the problem when it comes to the evidence of Organisation and Adjutant General, still republican government, led the IRB to Collins's Intelligence Officer, patching together the Volunteer recruit new members from among the organisation… Some time after this, growing ranks of the Volunteers… The Commandant Joe Dolan, who is on the however, he also assumed the director- Organisation controlled them all from one hand accused of inaccurately ascribing ship of Intelligence (sometimes referred the start. Enthusiastic novices may have some official job-titles for the dates in to as Information). The exact date of this provided the initiative to start companies, question, and on the other is criticised for is uncertain—perhaps as late as July but it was often established IRB men being far too precise as to those same 1919. His self-appointment reveals his who ended up in charge. Uninitiated dates: fast-growing power: no one else in the officers and activists were then almost "The only public statements by a GHQ or the Dáil government could have always inducted into the Brotherhood. subordinate of Collins relating to the simply announced such a thing— As many as half of the reliable Volunteers matter have come from Joe Dolan. In Mulcahy (Chief-of-Staff since March in London thereby became Organisation 1953 he stated that Collins, in his capacity 1918—MO'R) recalls general surprise men. Insofar as London was concerned, as Director of Intelligence, gave the among the staff, but no demur." (p203) IRB and IRA were interchangeable order to kill Wilson to Sam Maguire— "Dick Mulcahy as Chief of Staff was terms… In London (the key players) described as 'O/C Britain'—who turned entirely amenable to his (Collins's) plans were Seán McGrath, Reginald Dunne, the matter over to Dunne. The operation and ideas and many of the other directors Denis Kelleher, and Sam Maguire, often was meant as a reprisal for Wilson's were part of his circle of friends." (p260) depicted as Michael Collins's political alleged encouragement of Protestant godfather." (pp144-7) violence in Northern Ireland. In 1960, in Over in London, the IRA Intelligence a letter to Rex Taylor (another Collins Officer Sam Maguire was technically When we come to Hart's later chapter biographer—MO'R), Dolan added that subordinate to his O/C Reggie Dunne, in (but earlier-dated essay) on the Wilson the order was given 'about a fortnight the same way as Collins was nominally assassination, we find that he does indeed before Wilson was removed from the the subordinate of Chief-of-Staff Mulcahy. treat the Lloyd George charge against the scene'. Dolan is gratifyingly precise in But the IRB chain of command in London anti-Treaty IRA Executive as not having identifying the date and chain of was in fact even more all-embracing than any substance at all: command, although his letters do contain some factual errors. For example, Collins elsewhere, as Hart acknowledged in "This argument was used primarily was no longer Director of Intelligence in another part of his Wilson Chapter: as a lever to force the Provisional June 1922, and Rory O'Connor, not "Dunne and O'Sullivan emerged as Government into taking action against Maguire, was 'O/C Britain'… 'Dunne leaders among those early expatriate the anti-Treaty 'Irregulars'. Once the Civil was the O/C IRA, Maguire i/c IRB. He enthusiasts when they wrote to Michael War had begun it was quietly dropped had been appointed Intelligence and Collins (in his capacity as adjutant- and did not figure in the murder trial." Arms Officer' (of the IRA, said Seán general of the Volunteers) in mid-1919 (p195) McGrath)." (p205) to suggest the formation of a Republican 24 'division' as a fifth column in Britain. account continued as follows in the Sunday army agents in Glasgow, Liverpool, and The leaders in Dublin and London Press of 27th September 1953: other cities in Britain reported on decided that it would be better to control "Sam Maguire put me in touch with republican activities… Their reports on these 'young wild chaps' then have them Seán Golden, afterwards a Commandant their former comrades reflect the act on their own, so the first official IRA in the National Army. Seán Golden was combination of familiarity and animosity companies were established in London a Senior Intelligence Officer at that (see O'Hegarty to Seán Golden, one of in October 1919. Dunne and O'Sullivan period in London. Seán Golden and the army's principal agents in Britain, 16 were eventually sworn into (the Maguire- myself traversed the route from the prison December 1922). The main problem for led—MO'R) IRB (which still dominated to the Courthouse to pick a likely spot the Irish government was not to uncover the movement in Britain—Hart) in late for the rescue, which we did… I returned republican activity in Britain but to find 1920. Dunne was soon elevated to the to Dublin and put in a favourable report a way of dealing with it, since it occurred command of the London IRA, a position to Michael Collins as to carrying out the beyond their jurisdiction… Diarmuid he was to occupy until his death. job. The report was that six men picked O'Hegarty visited Scotland Yard in O'Sullivan remained an ordinary from the Intelligence department squad March 1923, and shortly afterwards Volunteer, albeit a highly dedicated one. active service unit, with the help of the British police arrested over one hundred He was one of the few in London willing London Volunteers, could carry out the suspects and shipped them to Ireland, to carry out IRA 'executions'." (p198) jobs. The Civil War then broke out, all where they were interned (see Colonel were engaged elsewhere, the London Carter of Scotland Yard to O'Hegarty, For Hart to feign incredulity seven Volunteers were split, and two men died. 17 April 1923)." (pp19-22) pages later at Dolan's suggestion that an It was intended that Dunne would take IRB chain of command would run from charge of a Battalion in the National And a year earlier, of course, Harry Collins to Dunne via Maguire is itself Army and O'Sullivan be posted to Army Boland had been—to borrow from CIA incredible. But then Hart is equally numb Military Intelligence if successful in their terminology—"terminated with extreme as to the human factor that gives such escape. Sir Henry Wilson was executed prejudice" at the hands of an IRB Centre added credence to Dolan's evidence. Dolan by Collins's order, carried out by Collins's who also doubled as a Free State Army men, and rescuers would have been Intelligence Officer. was only attempting to set the record Collins's men." (p153) straight. Far from blaming Collins for the Manus O'Riordan Wilson assassination, he wanted Collins Walsh also details how IRA/IRB dual (to be continued) to receive full credit for it. member Florrie O'Donoghue had, in a Hart throws around conflicting "wit- "mind you, I've said nothing" manner, Venezuela and the ness statements" as if they are of equal conceded both the "dual control" problem value. But surely character judgement (that elsewhere he persistently denied had Bolivarian Revolution should also be employed. Joe Dolan would continued to pose a problem in Cork Notes from a visit 27 November be the last person to hold Collins between IRA leader MacCurtain and IRB – 6th December 2006 responsible for a killing of which he might leader O'Hegarty) and the IRB chain of be innocent. Not only was he fighting command that was behind the Wilson “the United States of North Ameriis side-by-side with Collins as the latter met assassination. As an editor's footnote in his death at Béal na Bláth, Dolan was also the Sunday Press of 11th October 1953 no destined by providence to plague the that self-same close brother-in-arms with less obliquely summed up: people of the Americas with hunger and whom Collins shared his bed on the last "Maj. O'Donoughue neither made nor misery in the name of freedom.” two nights of his life. (Meda Ryan, The implied any criticism of Dunne or Simon Bolivar, 1825 Day Michael Collins Was Shot, 1989). O'Sullivan. Neither did he say they acted without orders. He simply said, 'they “We will not rest until we break the Oxford Professor Rory Foster prefers were not acting on the instructions of the chains that oppress our people, the chains the professional "history" of Peter Hart to Army Executive'." (pp155-6) of hunger, misery and colonialism. This what he sneers at as "local historians". country will be free, or we will die trying And yet it is only in Margaret Walsh's But what of Seán Golden, London to free it.” Hugo Chavez, 1994 biography Sam Maguire—published Quartermaster of the pre-split IRA? With "locally" in Ballineen, West Cork in the commencement of the Civil War Report of 2003—that we find a proper exposition of Golden had another role to play as a Collins Mark Langhammer on the Joe Dolan's account. Readers may recall man. Walsh reprints the charge made by Chavez-led Bolivarian that in Part 2 I wrote of the surprising Billy Ahern, who was to become London presence of my Fine Gael-supporting O/C of the Anti-Treatyite IRA, that Golden Revolution. was— neighbour Mrs. Brophy (neé Golden) at December’s Venezuelan presidential the IRA reburial of Dunne and O'Sullivan "working with the yard (Scotland Yard—MO'R) after the attack on the ( election sawnthe incumbent President, in 1967, and how she later explained to my Hugo Chavez re-elected by a long distance. mother that it was in her own Golden Four) Courts. He gave away all of the IRA in London, for they were arrested Chavez won 62.89% of the vote ahead of family home in London that Reggie Dunne later." (p148) his main rival, Manuel Rosales. The poll had spent the eve of the Wilson assas- represents a stunning blow to the US sination. Dolan sheds more light on Seán Undoubtedly a hostile and embittered backed opposition . . . Golden, London IRA Quartermaster and comment. And yet, in his 1999 book, IRB stalwart. Both Maguire and Dunne, Defending Ireland—The Irish State And READ THE FULL REPORT in apart from acting on Collins's orders re Its Enemies Since 1922, Eunan O'Halpin Labour & Trade Union Review Wilson, had also supported his "Stepping has revealed from State papers: January 2007 Stone" line on the Treaty, as had Golden. Margaret Walsh quotes at length from Joe "In October 1922 McGrath left army Price £1.50 or 2 Euros from Dolan's letter in the 1953 Sunday Press intelligence to become director-general 2 Newington Green Mansions of the CID. He was replaced on a controversy (p153) in a manner that Hart temporary basis by Diarmuid O'Hegarty, Green Lanes, London, N16 avoided doing. Collins had initially the secretary to the provisional examined the possibility of rescuing government (and member of the IRB Dunne and O'Sullivan and sent Dolan Supreme Council—MO'R)… From the across to London to plan same. Dolan's early days of the civil war (Free State) 25 legislation, and was not averse to such On the 40th anniversary of the Bullock Report on Workers' Control, things as strike breaking and jailing. Irish Political Review starts an important new series It was in this period and by these means that Bevin laid the foundations for Reflections On The Campaign For the reforms which were formally enacted by himself and Clement Attlee between Workers' Control In Britain 1945 and 1951.

Irish socialist development was bound Part One up with the revolutions that brought the INTRODUCTION state into existence. It was given substance When God was making Ireland He education is woefully deficient, the English and direction by the revolutionary, James proclaimed a land that was green and political elite has been strategically Connolly. His Irish Citizen Army was fertile, populated by a cheerful, outgoing, incoherent. The legacy is still there and forged during the Dublin lockout of 1913 carefree people, speaking a language of still informs English politics. It is just that and was the driving force behind the poetry. After much more in this vein, He it is no longer understood very well. And nationalist rebellion in 1916, where he was interrupted by the Angel Gabriel, is today put into practice with great was the overall military commander. who was taking notes, protesting at all this incompetence. In the period leading up to the rebellion favouritism. "But", says God, "I haven't he embraced German socialism and took described their neighbours yet". Ireland emerged into the 20th century Germany's side in the Great War after it For a thousand years Ireland has had as a society of farmers, petty bourgeoisie was attacked by Britain. These two to exist with one eye over its shoulder. It and rural and urban workers, developed as positions are reflected in the 1916 has had no responsibility for England's a nation through the land agitations, Proclamation—the founding document of reformations, Civil Wars, or foreign industrial struggles and the political and the Irish Republic. adventures, but has had to suffer the military campaigns for national Arthur Henderson, the British Labour consequences of all of them. Cromwell's independence. representative in the British Cabinet, problems were not its problems until he Such different histories also made for doesn't seem to have had any problem made them so. It is still a good idea to keep differences in the development of the trade approving Connolly's execution after the an eye on the neighbours. union and socialist movements in each rebellion. He acted as a British Imperialist Ireland has survived campaigns of country. British socialism emerged from and socialism and internationalism didn't extermination and of incorporation to Liberalism in its Social Imperialist phase, come into it. develop along very different lines to the religious aspect of which was a kind of After the General Election victory for Britain. Darwinian Nonconformism. The only Sinn Fein in 1918, The First Dail drew up While the English state preceded and serious internationalists produced (by a social and economic programme drafted produced the English nation, which then whatever series of accidents) within that mostly by Connolly's trade union rewrote Britain in its own image, the Irish tendency were Ernie Bevin and Jack Jones. successor, William O'Brien. This was a nation and state were together produced The Labour Party had at its core the socialist programme in principle and in out of our necessary struggle against the famous Clause 4 of its constitution. This practice. It was also an achievable neighbours. was a utopian clause that few really programme, much of which was England completely destroyed its own believed could be achieved, and many implemented over the years and the rest of society as it industrialised. The rural believed shouldn't be achieved. But it was it is routinely referred to in the politics of society was smashed to bits and sent into a goal to strive for, and in the striving the present day. the towns to work or it was made to work socialist measures could be put in place. The first Minister of Labour was also as virtual, and often as real slaves, digging Outside (and sometimes inside) the a leader in the Irish Citizen Army, Countess coal or minerals or stone out of the Labour Party were Marxists who looked Markievicz. Both Sinn Fein and its countryside. What other societies produce to a Soviet victory in the Cold War as the offshoot Fianna Fail have held to socialist for their own daily needs; food, clothing means of achieving socialism. And as principles to a greater or lesser degree etc., were obtained for the English through soon as it was clear that this was not going down the years. Today each seems to be conquests abroad. to happen they retired from the fray or trying to out-socialist the other—which went over to the other side. And there reflects a socialist culture in the country of The English state today is as clear as were, and are, the Trotskyists who have some kind—i.e. there must be votes in it. ever of its God Given, Historically no clear idea of what they want and so (The Irish Labour Party seems to have Determined, Dialectically Necessary, don't have to deliver. lost its way under the leadership of unstable sometime Religious, now Scientifically- social elements in the 70s, and hasn't been proven mission to rule the world. And the The main socialist achievements in helped by being led by lapsed Soviet English people of today are as easy to Britain were not achieved by a revolution admirers in more recent times.) convince of the righteousness of that or by any coherent demand or agitation in mission as ever they were. the working class. They, the Welfare State, The Irish working class movement, But In 1914 English historians stopped The National Health Service, the political and trade union, has been bound writing objective factually-based histories Nationalisations, etc., were imposed by a up with the State from the formation of the (which confirmed what everyone knew, dictatorship. latter, as it was intimately involved with that England was the culmination of During the Second World War, while that formation. It is at ease with the State. recorded history and intended by God etc. the Prime Minister was concerning himself It does not feel it to be unnatural to form to rule the world as it was at any moment with military matters, Britain was being pacts with the state—to be one of the about to do) and started writing propaganda run by one man, Ernest Bevin. Every Social Partners, to help form economic to suit the immediate aims of the moment. aspect of the economy and of people's and social policy, to have wage English historical writing, as Brendan daily lives was controlled by Bevin. He agreements, to sit on State boards, to sit on Clifford has demonstrated in this magazine used exhortation for the most part in the the board of the Central Bank. and elsewhere, never recovered from that. hope that socialism would catch on, but he From that point, because its historical relied ultimately on extensive coercive The British Labour Movement is not 26 and has never been so easy about its relationship with its state. Whatever eccentric, even revolutionary, things may at times have been said in the heat of PART TWO propaganda, the British Labour movement has normally taken the common English view that the state is, at the end of the day, Institute For Workers' Control above the hurly burly, an arbiter, the voice The Institute for Workers' Control was The aim of the IWC was: of the nation (not quite reproducing the founded in 1964 by Ken Coates. Coates " assist in the formation of argot of the upper fifth remove here, but had left the Communist Party after 1956 Workers' Control groups dedicated to who can these days?). It is from this, for and joined the Labour Party. He was later the development of democratic lack of a better word, 'patriotic' view of the expelled from the Labour Party and estab- consciousness, to the winning of support state that a corporatism-by-name was so lished a base for himself in the Bertrand for Workers' Control in all the existing feared by both left and right. All alike Russell Peace Foundation. Russell was organisations of labour, to the feared the British state would be sullied Honorary President of the IWC until his challenging of undemocratic actions and cease to be able to act impartially for wherever they may occur, and to the death in 1970. extension of democratic control over the nation. That’s one of those things (Bertrand Russell had originally been which no one ever thinks through or says industry and the economy itself, by an advocate of nuclear war on the Soviet assisting the unification of Workers' out loud, because it can't be spoken of or Union, but became a peace advocate after Control groups into a national force in thought about. They just know it. It’s what the USSR acquired the bomb in 1949. the socialist movement. These aims are being English is about. Being English you Coates later returned to the Labour Party based on the conviction expressed in the just know such things. and became an MEP.) declaration (of the 6th National The premises and resources of the Conference on Workers' Control) that Neither Bevin nor Jones was English foundation provided the base and the 'democratic controls can only be in that unthinking patriotic kind of way. network of contacts for establishing the defended if they are systematically Being internationally-minded, they could extended throughout the unions, the IWC. Coates, so far as I could gather, held political movement of Labour, and actually see the English state and speak of no office in the IWC. But he was its and think about it. They could therefore national and local governments, as well undisputed leader. His principal assistants as into education and every form of engage strategically with it and propose were Michael Barrat-Brown and Tony industry and work'." ways of making use of it (which practically Topham, neither of whom held office no one else since August 1914 has been either. That kind of control, once estab- When I first came into contact with the able to do; Heath may be the only other lished, was invulnerable, and therefore IWC (ten years after its formation) I could exception). the most secure kind. discover only one such local group. If Coates wrote much of the IWC's others existed they were not obvious, nor These things need to be understood if literature and edited anthologies on work- did they become obvious later. That one sense is to be made of the rejection by the ers' control. One didn't think of the IWC group was the South East London Workers' British working class and its leaders of the without thinking of Ken Coates. He was Control Group, organised by John offer to give them an equal share in the rarely absent from meetings and rallies Jennings, a tireless and practical organiser running of the British economy thirty years but seldom took part officially. My for industrial democracy during my time ago. This Rejection led directly to Margaret memory of him is of a kind of satesman- in the IWC. Thatcher and to the Blairisation of the cum-prophet who was deferred to at crucial Otherwise there seemed to be no effort Labour Party. moments. put into organising a definite structure of local or industry groups which could form Having been involved intimately in I remember two large conferences in a concrete base for activism in the IWC. the agitation to bring about workers' particular where the business of the day control in British industry in the 70s, and was over and the IWC Chairman, Bill The Institute seemed to operate on the knowing a fair bit about British labour Jones, called on Coates to sum up in "a few basis of contacts everywhere. These con- history, it seems, on reflection, that defeat words". Coates wandered about the back tacts would organise parties of their was always the most likely outcome. of the hall shaking his head and making constituents or associates to be delegated Perhaps it was necessary for Harold Wilson noises to the effect that any intervention to attend Conferences, where they would and Jack Jones to simply announce that by him would be superfluous—an be urged to spread the word. But should a the workers' control measures were going intrusion even. Jones would then seek concrete demand or campaign be in the to happen and to get on with it. But encouragement from the floor of the offing, there was no established organis- hindsight is a wonderful thing and even meeting for a Coates speech. This would ation to go straight into action at a local then it may not have worked out. rapidly build up into widespread chanting level. for Coates to speak. After five minutes or One example should illustrate this. In the coming months an account of so of this, Coates would make his way Every Conference had a delegation from those times and the agitation will appear through the noisy scene to the rostrum to the Kent Area of the National Union of in this journal along with interesting deliver a fiery and polished speech which Mineworkers. The IWC had two main relevant documents giving the positions got the audience into a state of great contacts in Kent—Jack Dunn, the Area of the British Government, the unions, the excitement. Secretary, and Terry Harrison, President employers, and politicians. We will start I found myself somewhat embarrassed of the largest pit, Betteshanger. These two with the body that one would expect to be by this kind of thing, but thought it couldn't men would always arrive with a group of at the heart of the agitation—the Institute do any harm to get the troops worked up a Kent miners. But this group rarely for Workers' Control. bit. Unlike speakers like Tony Benn, Jack consisted of the same individuals. The trip "When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake Jones or Brian Nicholson—or even to was financed in Kent by the NUM's of convincing those who do not know it, some degree Neil Kinnock or Michael Educational Trip for Members. This in Meacher—I could never remember a but for the sake of defending those that itself was very useful but never led, nor single word that Coates said. But the theatre was it encouraged by the Institute to lead, do." William Blake was most memorable indeed. to the formation of any permanent body in 27 Page 27a 03/01/2007 12:50

the Kent coalfield which agitated for workers´control.

In June 1974 members of the IWC in North London, led principally by Nina Fishman and Steve Boddington, decided to set up the North London Workers´Control Group. Boddington, like John Jennings, was one of the editors of the IWC´s bulletin, "Workers´Control". He had for a long time been the Communist Party´s leading economist, writing textbooks under the name of John Eaton. In 1974 he was in the Labour Party and widely known throughout the labour movement.

It appeared to me that he had his own group of followers or admirers in the IWC and was prepared to use this circle to develop our local group and even other local groups. He was also cultivating Nina Fishman and other members of the British and Irish Communist Organisation, and was showing off these young activists for workers´control to his associates in the IWC.

Nina Fishman, aan American, had been responsible over the previous two or three years for changing BICO from being a largely Leninist organisation to absorbing the British empirical apprach to politics more than any other group on the left. She had replaced ideas of Communist party building with a position of aggressive reform with workers´control at its centre, and with an eye very much to the radical reformism of the Bevin/Attlee Labout Party. She got the B&ICO, as a first logical step, to affiliate to the IWC. Nina also had a lot of contacts in the unions - especially the dockers and the miners, and was involved in the organisation of the successful 1972 miners´strike.

I always had assumed that a whole other discussion took place at the centre of the IWC involving people like Coates, Topham, Boddington, Barrat-Brown, Fleet, Newton, etc., to which the rest of us - even thos on the IWC National Council - were noy privy. I also assumed that there was political or personal factionalising in this group and that the North London Group and the B&ICO were considered by Boddington as troops on his side. This is the way of the world and bothered me not at all so long as the main business of organising for workers´control was in hand by these leaders.

Page 1 of 1 But the B&ICO in particular did not "We have promised no such behave like anybody's troops. Not only TAX continued legislation," Mr McDowell said. "[Mr did its (very few) activists in the IWC not Rabbitte] will have the opportunity, on line up with Boddington on all occasions the occasion of the Finance Bill next but were as likely as not to engage publicly elderly and disabled home-owners trading year, to table his amendments relating to in fairly violent disputes about workers' down should be given the same status as increases in capital gains tax." control among themselves. Quite an first-time buyers. Any such amendments would be unmanageable lot! Labour favours reforms for first-time comfortably defeated by the Government, After a year or so Boddington largely buyers and those on low or modest which is against increasing the tax. cut his ties with both the B&ICO and the incomes. Earlier this year, referring to the role NLWCG (most of whom had nothing to The party is examining how a Euro property speculators played in increasing do with the B&ICO). 100,000 stamp duty allowance might work house prices, Mr Noel Ahern, Junior along similar lines to a tax credit but is Minister Responsible for Housing had This rift was driven home to me person- cautious about the possible impact of any said: ally at an IWC Conference in Sheffield in measure on house prices. "There is something wrong if the 1976 when, along with the main activist in prices keep going up. Some form of The PDs who sparked the present taxation would help, as output alone the North London Group, Joe Keenan, we debate with Michael McDowell's claim does not seem to keep prices down. were refused admission by Boddington to that the State no longer needs the Euro 2.7 "There are people buying houses and the Conference because we couldn't afford billion revenue from Stamp Duty. They apartments off the plans and never taking the entrance fee of two pounds. Both of us say they are willing to look at all options, the keys but selling on the contract. I were unemployed at the time and had including abolition. personally would like to see those people hitch-hiked from London. The party is, however, most likely to taxed out of existence." endorse a new tiered system of stamp Ken Fleet,the IWC Secretary, event- duty. THE FUTURE? ually managed to get us in, but could not The Green Party is looking at limited And the possibility of genuine reform prevail on anyone to put us up for the reforms providing exemptions for first- and a progressive property tax in the one weekend—at least not without paying time buyers and for families who move EU state which alone exempts property another fee of nine pounds. We spent the to accommodation suitable for providing from its duties as distinct from its weekend sleeping in a field—joined in care for a relative who might otherwise inalienable rights; which in the last decade solidarity by another London Group need State-provided care. has invested Euro 8 billion alone in member, Madawc Williams. property abroad? Sinn Fein is against changes in the But to return to the story! The first existing regime as it believes any Bertie Ahern: Conference of the North London Group reductions will only drive up prices. It "It Has To Be points out that only 2pc, or Euro 70m, of was held on the 1st June, 1974. It was Indirect Taxation Now" stamp duty revenue comes from first- decided that the initial function of the "'I agreed with local charges but you'll group would be educational, that it would time buyers. not get rates back again. The game is meet once a week in a school and take the GOVERNMENT HAS NO over on that one. It has to be indirect taxation now,' he says." (Bertie Ahern, form of an Adult Education class. PLANS TO TACKLE Taoiseach and Peacemaker, p.24, 1998). PROPERTY SPECULATORS "The tragedy is that he was Under this guise leading figures in Tánaiste Michael McDowell told the disappointed and defeated as much by industrial relations could be invited along Dáil on 26.10.2006, that the Government those he helped as those he opposed. His and the subject of workers' control debated had no plans to tackle property speculators. words 'if the Irish have a weakness next with them. But he suggested Labour leader Pat to drink, it is moral cowardice' ring as These "classes" took place between Rabbitte, who had raised the issue, could true today as they did at the end of the October 1974 and June 1975 and were propose increases to capital gains tax if he last century." addressed by, among others: Jack Dunn, wished. MICHAEL D. HIGGINS, T.D. in a General Secretary of the Kent NUM; Jim Capital gains tax is charged on profits tribute to Michael Davitt (1846-1906), Mortimer, head of the conciliation service, from the sale of assets. founder of the Land League. ACAS; Stuart Holland, later a Labour MP; Bert Ramelson, Industrial Organiser These classes were indeed very of the Communist Party; the West German educational and proved a source of know- Look Up Labour Attache; and the industrialist, ledge and inspiration for those of us who Adrian Cadbury. Athol Books got involved in the workers' control agitation around the work of the Bullock The inaugural Conference was very on the Internet Committee a year or so later. well attended and the immediate purpose But the hope that the attendance of spelled out: people from outside North London and "There won't be any textbooks, just the fact of the new organisation itself hard experience to learn from. The point would inspire the spread of local groups, of the class is to bring people together was not to be fulfilled. Example was not who are interested in finding out just enough. There had to be a positive will at what the pros and cons of industrial the centre to organise, and that was absent. You will find plenty to read; democracy are and how important it is (The North London Group did later try to you can look over for all of our futures that the workers take on the role of a new centre and do the should be able to take over running the Catalogue, job itself. This proved largely impossible.) industry. The class will hear peoples' and Conor Lynch ideas from many sources—and have a order publications chance to question and discuss these TO BE CONTINUED ideas freely." 28 COLEMAN'S REACTION TO The Euro 50m sale, 80% of which was TAX continued COWEN'S BUDGET: an upfront cash payment, will net windfall "The arguments forwarded yesterday gains for each of the main shareholders. This year the Government will collect by Brian Cowen to justify the absence of When AIB took a stake in the company in at least Euro 7.4bn in taxes on the property any change in stamp duty thresholds 2001, it was valued at around 10mn. hold no water. sector—17% of all tax collected. Auctioneers Sherry FitzGerald will The report by Davy economist Rossa "His objection to such a change— that stamp duty cuts would be be the biggest beneficiary of the sale, White entitled "Irish property: netting up to Euro 11.75m from the sale of Government finances exposed to a incorporated in price rises and benefit the seller—is nonsense. Of course, such its 23.5% stake. Douglas Newman Good correction" argues that the reduction or cuts would lead to house price increases, and the Gunne Group will each receive up abolition of Stamp Duty is risky. but buyers would still benefit. to Euro 9.4m. (11.10.2006). "Rather than paying stamp duty to the AIB, which now holds an 18.7% stake, "One of the incumbent Government Government with no reform, the price will get up to Euro 9.3m. parties (Progressive Democrats) recently increment arising from reform is retained mooted that the reduction or abolition of in housing equity and cashed in on when Advertisers spent a total of Euro 269m stamp duty is a possible measure for the the house is sold. in the 18 newspapers represented by forthcoming Budget in December. We "And unlike stamp duty, that price National Newspapers of Ireland in the wonder if this party is aware of where all increment is easily and more cheaply first nine months of 2006. the bonus tax revenue is coming from. funded by mortgage finance. "In our view, the total abolition of "Instead of reforming this tax, the Irish newspapers have remained silent stamp duty would be a misguided policy. Government will increase mortgage on manipulative practices in the Stamp duty receipts from property interest relief for first-time buyers. Apart auctioneering business because of an rocketed from Euro 0.3bn in 1997 to from ignoring second-timers who had to "unhealthy relationship" between them Euro 2bn last year. Since 2003, receipts trade up for family or job change reasons, and the industry's "big five", Labour leader from this source have tripled. Three this approach also ignores a hard reality years ago, property-related stamp duty of property markets—seasoned hunters Pat Rabbitte argued last night. receipts made up 3.4% of total tax that they are, estate agents can spot a Speaking at a public debate on revenue; this year they will account for first-time buyer five miles away, and are homelessness at , 6.1% of the total. adept at using ghost bidding to eliminate Mr. Rabbitte said it was an "absolute "Had the policy been enacted this any benefits that the Government seeks disgrace" that the Government had year, the Department of Finance would to endow. permitted a "runaway housing market". have foregone Euro 2.7bn in revenue. "But most of all, the failure to "We saw how the market… is being Stamp duty on residential property alone countenance reform of stamp duty leaves further manipulated by sheer greed on a amounts to about half that total," he one of the most inequitable and Prime Time programme recently," he argues. dangerous taxes in the world on our said. Mr White believes that each 1% in the statute books. "You haven't read very much about volume of property is worth over Euro "That failure also puts it up to the PDs that in the newspapers, and I believe that 100m in revenue. to pursue the issue at the next election, or the reason for that is that there is an face the jeers of Labour and Fine Gael. unhealthy relationship between the big "For example, a 10% increase on And here may be the most significant average in both price and volume (of five in the auctioneering business and impact of the Budget. the main newspapers in this country. houses, lands and commercial property) "Whether one is for or against reform would be worth Euro 1.85bn extra in tax "They've made a fortune from it in of stamp duty, a lengthy election debate the last decade or more, and they keep receipts in 2007 compared with 2006. on the issue could prolong uncertainty in "If price and volume both dropped quiet, and it's not something to be proud the property market, a market that drives of." (Irish Times, 14.12.2006). 10%, receipts would decline Euro 1.7bn one-quarter of our economy and funds year-on-year," he contends. one- quarter of Government revenue. Will we go a step further? Despite the "Based on the tax profile for January- "If that scenario comes to pass, there September, we think the property bonus headlines, endless column inches, attacks could be a lot more redemption to come on the Government, etc. the Media amounts to about Euro 1.25bn year-to- this time next December." (The Irish date. It could be Euro 2bn for the full Times, Marc Coleman, 7.12.2006). establishment themselves have a vested year," he said. interest in retaining the 'speculator's However, Mr White says that the huge NEWSPAPER LINK TO paradise' that exists at the moment. growth in revenue from a cyclical sector AUCTIONEERS 'UNHEALTHY'! Since returning to Ireland in 1979, the such as construction has been used in A very astute, and overdue comment present writer has never yet seen one recent years partly to finance a binge in in relation to the media relationship with positive, progressive or democratic public sector employment. the property manipulators was made measure arising from any campaign "This is superficially fine while tax recently by the leader of the Labour Party. emanating from the Dublin media—such revenue continues to gush; the structural The printed media were in the forefront of is the usefulness of the press to Irish problem only becomes noticeable when society. property-related receipts dry up," he said. the Stamp Duty 'reform' campaign. No doubt, they figure that abolition of aspects ****************************************************************************** of the charge would help rekindle the THE OPPOSITION When Charlie McCreevy hiked barmy days, when the news section of the PARTIES AND STAMP DUTY government spending by 17 per cent in "Irish Independent" made up 28 pages and The main parties have now outlined 2001, we shrugged our shoulders. When their broad position on stamp duty Fianna he established SSIAs, the most lavish the property sections made up 48 pages or more. "The Irish Times" was a massive Fail is opposed to cuts in the Budget but and inflationary exercise in electoral will examine reforms aimed at first-time bribery in recent fiscal memory, we beneficiary in the same way. patted him on the back. When he gave In fact, The Irish Times marked an buyers in its election manifesto. tax reliefs to property investors at a even deeper involvement in the property Fine Gael wants the threshold for first- time when construction was already market with the confirmation in October, time buyers, above which stamp duty must booming, we winked. Now prudence 2006, of the Euro 50 million purchase of be paid, to be raised from Euro 317,000 and responsibility is all the rage. (Irish Ireland's largest property website, raised to Euro 450,000. The party says Times, 7.12.2006). ****************************************************************************** continued on page 28 29 TAX continued the revenue it gets from stamp duty. An Some first-time buyers might be taken unwillingness to countenance meaning- in by this 'blather'! Not many. Essentially, ful reform has left the public sector with what Coleman is really advocating is that house prices had already risen above an insatiable appetite for spending democratic governments have no right to this level eight months before that rate increases." (my emphasis, throughout, tax property in any shape or form. was set. Average house prices have risen ibid.) He doesn't want Stamp Duty, he wants to the point where an ever larger number ****************************************************************************** to water down VAT but you will never of buyers will be pushed into higher read his advocacy of a genuine tax on brackets of stamp duty. STAMP DUTY property. "Another issue is whether owner- The floor space of an exempt property, occupiers deserve to pay the same rate must not exceed 125 square metres (1,346 "REFORM OF STAMP as applied to property investors. DUTY RISKY" "After differentiating the rates in square feet). All new properties that meet this requirement, are exempt. "Reform of stamp duty in tomorrow's 2001, the Government brought rates Budget (December 6, 2006) would be applying to investors back down to rates - New Properties larger than 125 sq. dangerous, a leading economist has paid by owner-occupiers. metres: warned. "Ostensibly done to prop up the rental - The duty is payable on the greater of "With the predicted and indeed market, the move denied owner- (a) the site cost or welcome 'soft landing' in the residential occupiers one of the few things working property sector, interference with stamp in their favour in a market where (b) 25% of the total cost (site cost + building costs) duty at this point could have a detrimental investors held most of the cards. In the effect on market forces by falsely United Kingdom, a rate of 1 per cent For example: If such a property is stimulating the market in the short term, applies to all property purchases. In the worth Euro 1,000,000 and the site value is leading to a harder landing in the medium Republic, three rates apply—3 per cent, Euro 350,000, stamp duty is payable on term," said Goodbody Stockbrokers 6 per cent and 9 per cent. Euro 350,000 at the rate applicable to that chief economist Dermot O'Leary. "Reforming the tax so that higher "Increasing mortgage interest relief rates would only apply to that portion of figure, i.e. 4.5% (Euro 15,750) for first- time buyers, or 6% (Euro 21,000) for for first-time buyers would not have this the house price above the threshold impact and would deliver tax relief to would stabilise the relationship between others. prices and revenues, not to mention make the tax more equitable. Residential Property First Time Other Owner Investors: New and "Finally, all eyes are on what impact any reform will have on the market. All Consideration Buyer Occupier Second hand Properties other things being equal, an increase in Up to Euro 127,000 Exempt Exempt Exempt the threshold will tend to increase the Euro 127,001– Euro 190,500 Exempt 3.0% 3.0% price paid to the seller, probably by less Euro 190,501– Euro 254,000 Exempt 4.0% 4.0% than but close to the amount of reduction Euro 254,001– Euro 317,500 Exempt 5.0% 5.0% in stamp duty. Euro 317,501– Euro 381,000 3.0% 6.0% 6.0% "In net terms, the Government would be the loser and the house seller the Euro 381,001 – Euro 635,000 6.0% 7.5% 7.5% gainer. Over Euro 635,001 9.0% 9.0% 9.0% "While remaining a passive and neutral conduit in that transfer at the ********************************************************** those in the market for property who are time of purchase, the house buyer would most in need of a helping hand." nonetheless gain in two respects. Firstly, "For first-time buyers, the lowest rate "Mr O'Leary also cautioned against the amount previously surrendered in of duty, 3 per cent, applies to any house cuts in income tax. The predicted cut in stamp duty—but now paid to the buyer valued at between Euro 317,501 and the top rate of tax by 1 percentage point in the form of a higher price—would at Euro 381,000. Above the latter threshold, to 41 per cent was “not needed” when least be retained in the form of housing the rate escalates to 6 per cent. Moreover, the economy is in an expansionary mode, equity. Secondly, whereas stamp duty that 6 per cent applies to the full value of he said. Further tax-reducing measures forces many to eat into their personal the house, rather than just the portion may be necessary in the years ahead to savings, the higher price resulting from above the threshold. Houses above Euro compete with the threat from newer its abolition or reduction can be financed 635,000 incur a 9 per cent rate. members of the EU, but the timing needs using mortgage finance, at a far lower "The rates themselves are far above to be managed, according to Mr O'Leary. opportunity cost and over a longer time those in any other country. Average "Tax receipts have tripled in the past span. (Marc Coleman, Economics house prices here have now reached 10 years, from 15 billion to 45 billion, Editor, Irish Times, 4.12.2006). Euro 400,000, over 10 times the average and there have been big changes in the industrial wage. The first paradox here revenue mix. is that an average house is now beyond REACTIONARY ARGUMENT "VAT receipts are now the biggest the purchasing power of an average revenue earners for the Exchequer, with "Even if, as is likely, a reduction in income earner. But even if it were not, stamp duty leads to price increases, this income tax receipts now accounting for that average purchaser would fork out 27 per cent of the total. Unsurprisingly, can only benefit both buyers and sellers. some Euro 24,000 in stamp duty to the Sure, instead of paying stamp duty, the property market is now a significant Government simply for having to buy a revenue gatherer for the Government, buyers will end up paying a higher price house, several times what they pay in for the house. But whereas the stamp accounting for 17 per cent of total income tax each year. revenues. Therefore as the property duty goes to the Government, buyers "To date, most speculation about will at least retain any price increment market slows over the coming years, reform has focused on the possibility of revenue from this source will wane." arising from its reform in the form of increasing the exemption applied to first- housing equity. And whereas banks will "Housing construction will peak at time buyers. Last Thursday, (30.11. 92,000 this year, dropping to 88,000 lend up to 100 per cent of a house price, 2006), the Labour Party argued that relief they are less willing to lend buyers the next year and 77,000 in 2008, said Mr should also extend to those trading up to O'Leary." (The Irish Times, 05.12.06) amount they need to cover their stamp purchase modest homes. duty liability." (Marc Coleman, "…the call for reform now spreads STATE 'OVER-RELIANT' Economics Editor, Irish Times, from the right to the left." (Marc ON STAMP DUTY 5.12.2006). Coleman, Economics Editor, The Irish "The fact is, the Government needs Times 5.12.06). continued on page 29 30 we needed was a waiver scheme. I from the rapid growth of the tax itself. TAX continued remember at the time there were a lot of Stamp duty now accounts for 9 per cent old people—Garda widows and retired of total tax revenue and rising, up from teachers—who had huge houses but no 3 per cent in 1998, when revenues began "Almost uniquely amongst developed money and they were being screwed for escalating at the start of the housing countries, Ireland has no property tax rates. All we needed to do was bring in boom. which home owners must pay every a good waiver scheme for the people "Stamp duty's odd rate structure year. who hadn't got the bread. Instead, we significantly magnifies the relationship "In most other countries such property abolished rates and here we are, 20 years between the rate of house price growth taxes are used to fund local government, on, and Dublin Corporation have to do on the one hand and the rate of revenue as domestic rates used to do in this everything on a shoe-string because they growth on the other. In the first 10 months country before they were abolished in can't have a local charge." (Bertie Ahern: of this year, house prices rose by 10 per 1978. Taoiseach & Peacemaker by Whelan cent on average. By contrast, stamp duty "Since then we have had a mish-mash and Masterson (Blackwater Press, 1998). revenues rose by 39 per cent over the of refuse charges, the residential property same period, which strongly suggests tax and various ad hoc charges. that even a modest fall in house prices "With no proper local property tax, Professor Diarmaid Ferriter, the histor- could significantly dent revenues from stamp duty has come, willy-nilly, to fill ian who teaches at Dublin City University, this source. the role of a surrogate. presents a programme series for RTE "Despite this, both the Minister for "None of this was thought out and, called "What If . . . .?". It's about as useful Finance and his department have been not entirely surprisingly, we have ended as the Horoscope column in The Sun reluctant reformers. A cash cow for the up with the worst of all worlds." (Dan newspaper. The one "What If . . . .?" in exchequer, stamp duty could rake in up White, Evening Herald, 21.9.2006). politics has to be: What if Jack Lynch to Euro 4 billion in revenue next year. hadn't abolished Domestic Rates? Simple, Coincidentally, this is also the amount PROGRESSIVE PROPERTY TAX people could afford to buy a reasonable by which the Government intends to THE nub of this whole debate on increase State spending next year. property centres on the absence of a house today and Ireland wouldn't be a haven for property speculators, pouring "The first question is who should pay progressive property tax. In any state stamp duty and why. The unspoken truth resembling a modern democracy, tax on billions into property for naked greed is that stamp duty is tolerated by our property is a central principle, you can without a single social or community political classes as an alternative to only tax wages and salaries to a certain consideration —"Many of them are young, property tax. Not having any initial limit—then the duties as against the rights first time buyers who, if the truth were property to begin with, a policy of of property are called upon. This applies, told, can afford neither the property nor exempting first-time buyers seems not just in democratic states, it damn near the stamp duty" (Irish Independent, immediately justified. In a strongly rising 19.9.2006). market, owner-occupiers trading up have applies in all types of non-democratic not only property but equity from what states. ********************************************************** they have sold. Jack Lynch's decision to abolish "But stamp duty taxes them not on the "IF Justice Minister, Michael domestic rates following the 1977 Fianna basis of that equity gain, but rather on McDowell, is really worried about the Fail election victory was singularly the the price of the property they are pur- burden of stamp duty on first-time chasing. If the duty exceeds the equity, most reckless and irresponsible financial buyers, why does he not simply suggest then the incidence of stamp duty in that decision ever taken by an Irish political it be a tax paid by the builder/speculator? particular case will violate a core prin- leader. "Of course, I'm being facetious. ciple of good taxation by exceeding 100 With his current demand for the "As a well-known economist recently per cent of the taxable value or gain. removal of Stamp Duty, which is a bizarre explained, stamp duty is actually a tax "Another problem with levying stamp on the transaction and it doesn't matter a form of Property Tax, McDowell is duty on owner-occupiers is the way it damn who is writing the cheque. Like emulating the father figure of the penalises growing families and mobile any tax on a transaction it is, in reality, a Progressive Democrats, Jack Lynch. workers. Requiring owner-occupiers to tax on the seller's profit. pay a tax simply because their family "If you took Euro 10,000 off the stamp "Hegel remarks somewhere that all great, has grown and they need a bigger duty on a Euro 400,000 house, the law of world-historical facts and personages residence seems perverse. Similarly, for supply and demand would cause the occur, as it were, twice. He has forgotten to those who have to sell their old home house price to drift towards Euro 410,000 add: the first time as tragedy, the second as and buy a new one in another part of the with the builder/speculator pocketing farce." country in order to take up employment the Euro 10,000 that might otherwise (Karl Marx, 1852). there, stamp duty discriminates against have gone to building roads and those who lose their jobs. It also Indeed, it was this 'progressive' wing hospitals." (Tim O'Halloran, Dublin 11, Letter to contradicts the Government's policy of of the Lynch administration, which encouraging labour mobility. advocated the removal of domestic rates, Irish Examiner, 21.9.2006). "For those owner-occupiers wishing foremost amongst them Seamus Brennan ********************************************************** to trade down, stamp duty acts as a and Martin O'Donoghue. disincentive to sell. A five-bedroom THE PDS, THE MEDIA, house where all the birds have flown the AHERN:— THE AUCTIONEERS nest may stay occupied by one or two elderly relatives, while large families "Abolishing Rates AND THE PROPERTY SPECULATORS Amongst the brashest exponents of desperately seek accommodation. Was Totally Wrong" "Even assuming the tax is a valid one, "In retrospect, Ahern believes that the 'reform' of Stamp Duty is Marc Coleman, Economics Editor of the Irish it is hard to see that stamp duty—an the 1977 Manifesto was economic make- alternative to property tax—should apply believe. Other economic commentators Times, his is the voice of Property Ireland to houses with average prices. In this are not as kind in their analysis, claiming Inc. and well worth reading. respect, stamp duty thresholds have lost the manifesto led to a huge national debt "Reforming stamp duty, if it happens, all credibility. that dominated economic and political will require all the skills of a bomb- "Even after the 2005 budget, first- life for the following decade and took a disposal expert. The risk of an explosion time buyers were still subject to a rate of further decade to get under control. in the property market, not to mention 3 per cent on the purchase of a house "The car tax thing was a nonsense and the election, is considerable. worth Euro 317,501 or more. But average abolishing rates was totally wrong. All "The source of the danger comes continued on page 30 31 VOLUME 25 No. 1 CORK ISSN 0790-1712

"TANAISTE Michael McDowell put himself on a collision course with his Fianna Fail partners last night when he insisted the Government could do without the Euro 2.6bn in stamp duty it will rake in this year." (Irish Independent, 19.9.2006). Cowen Calls The Shots!

MINISTER for Finance, Brian Cowen MORTGAGE RELIEF that the State would pay the bill because of rejected demands by his Tanaiste, Mr. Under Mr. Cowen's plan, presented on a shortage of accommodation. McDowell, leader of the P.D.s for house December 6th, 2006, a single person would Last month Mr. Seamus Brennan, stamp duty 'reform' in his 2007 Budget, be able to claim mortgage interest relief of Minister for Social Affairs, said a further though extra mortgage interest relief is to up to Euro 8,000 at the 20 per cent tax rate, review of the cap, which has been be offered to first-time buyers. while couples would enjoy a Euro 16,000 examined twice by officials, would take Mr. Cowen argued that stamp duty threshold—double the existing figures. place before the end of this year. changes now would fuel house prices just The Progressive Democrats as there are signals that they are tapering emphasised that the party leader, Michael "BRILLIANT BARRISTER" off. McDowell, had never sought changes in "TANAISTE Michael McDowell put Politically, this was the most positive stamp duty during the lifetime of this himself on a collision course with his aspect of the 2007 Budget. Agin a horde of administration. Fianna Fail partners last night when he Auctioneers, Accountants and Advertisers, insisted the Government could do Focus Ireland, the voluntary group without the Euro 2.6bn in stamp duty it Cowen stood his ground—on this occasion which works for the elimination of there was no way the 'tail was going to will rake in this year. homelessness, has urged the Government "That's the point we want to get across. wag the dog', however, this was only the to spend Euro 2 billion on 10,000 local The Government doesn't need this battle : the war will continue until the authority houses and to increase the cap massive flow of stamp duty from house 2007 General Election. on rent supplement. purchases." (Irish Independent, State spending on rent supplements 19.9.2006). One auctioneer source stated that have increased dramatically in recent McDowell should have given a little years, rising from Euro 151 million in STAMP DUTY: THE ORIGINS thought to the issue before he opened his 2000 to almost Euro 370 million in 2005, STAMP Duty on property transactions 'gob', but the 'brilliant barrister' couldn't while the numbers in receipt of the payment was introduced in the 1970s in order to tax resist the opportunity of a cheap bit of have jumped from 42,700 to over 60,000. the wealthy purchasers of estates and grand politicking at the expense of those who The supplement was capped in 2002 mansions around Ireland. strive to gain a foothold on the housing amid Government fears that private sector In the intervening years, Governments ladder. In one sweep, he was going to landlords were increasing rents in the belief fiddled with it, but, alarmingly, this tax shape the entire Budget and bring Fianna was never brought into line with inflation Fail to heel, not-to-mind, setting the or the consumer price index, thus making Subscribers to the magazine are regularly Election agenda for the Opposition. As offered special rates on other publications every ordinary second-hand-home sale Des O'Malley would say: "The leadership liable. must have gone to Michael's head." Irish Political Review is published by The media claimed that his September the IPR Group: write to— **************************************************** 18th, 2006 remarks after being elected PD 14 New Comen Court, North Strand, "The tax is a major bugbear and would leader, led to a downturn in the market : Dublin 3, or make a clever and very popular option in wrong. The market was already sagging, PO Box 339, Belfast BT12 4GQ or the election manifesto of any party. especially the upper-end : that's the Dublin PO Box 6589, London, N7 6SG, or Above all, its abolition or reduction 4 end. would encourage people to trade up or Labour Comment, The property predators backed down more frequently. C/O Shandon St. P.O., Cork City. "But it will also increase property McDowell in the hope that a 'reform' of Subscription by Post: prices in the second-hand market further. Stamp Duty might give the market a final An increase of more than 20pc so far this spurt. 12 issues: £17.50, UK; Euro 25, Ireland; Euro 30, Europe. year in this sector is the recorded average There are enough housing units in this in Dublin and removing the stamp duty state at the moment, sufficient even, to Electronic Subscription: could encourage greedy vendors to house London's homeless, never mind Euro 15 / £12 for 12 issues increase the selling price, at least in the catering for our own housing needs. But (or Euro 1.30 / £1.10 per issue) short term." (Irish Independent, 19.9.2006). the housing market in Ireland is not about You can also order both postal and social need, it is unambiguously about electronic subscriptions from: **************************************************** profit. continued on page 31