
Volume 009 | September 1, 2019 Hidden Ponderings your monthly gardening newsletter from Hidden Ponds Nursery

Welcome September!

"But now in September the garden has cooled, and with it my possessiveness. The sun warms my back instead of beating on my head ... The harvest has dwindled, and I have grown apart from the intense midsummer relationship that brought it on."

Robert Finch

September is bringing in cooler days and cooler nights. Even the plants are noticing the change in weather. It is hurricane season in the Lowcountry, so get ready to protect your plants from possible stormy weather. You may have to bring them in under cover. ​The new season also brings new plants both flowering and otherwise. We will be planting stock, snapdragons and other sweet flowers in our cutting garden for you to enjoy throughout the season! We are stocking our nursery daily with perfect plants for the season, so come visit us at Hidden Ponds Nursery and see what we have for the fall selection.

House Plants Galore! ! !

Do we have houseplants for you at Hidden Ponds. Not only do houseplants freshen your air and general atmosphere in your , they make great warming gifts for your family and friends and a great dorm pleaser for that new college student in your family. We will have a wide assortment of sizes, shapes and colors - particularly sizes as we look to stock a larger variety of sizes. We have many lovely pots and dishes to pot your plants and keep your home carefree! Houseplants can be easy to care for and make a very nice addition to any . At Hidden Ponds we can help you select the right plants, containers, soil and fertilizer so that your plants thrive and reward you with much happiness.

Houseplants are typically native to tropical environments so creating that same type of environment in your home will be great for your plants. Keep them out of drafts, give them sunlight, rotate (unless they are shade plants of course) and maintain a temperature of above 55° Fahrenheit. Plants need good water, light, food and soil: Watering: Typically, houseplants do not like to have "wet feet" meaning they like to be a little damp, but not soaking. Depending on the humidity of your home, you probably want to water 2 to 3 times a week, lightly watering until the water comes through the pot into the dish in which your pot sits. You can pick up the plant to see if it is very heavy which would indicate too much water. In the winter or colder weather you will want to water less. It is always a good idea to rely on your gut feeling, listen to what your plant is trying to tell you. There are many theories on watering houseplants and a lot will depend on the climate in our home. Read up on the care and handling of your plant variety for best results. Light: Plants love light just as humans do. So do keep your plants in a place where they will get plenty of light. If it is a particularly sunny spot, rotate your plant so the entire plant will get sun. Food: Even though a plant carries out photosynthesis, it can use some help with fertilizer during the growing season. A water soluble fertilizer applied every 2-3 weeks during the spring will keep your plant healthy and happy. Soil: It is always a good idea to repot your houseplants once you get them home from the nursery just so you know that the potting media you are using is giving your plants a good home. A good potting soil is a great start. Potting soil is a loose mixture that will give the roots of your plants room to grow and breath which is what you want.

With houseplants, the more the better! Several plants will work together to create their own micro climate in your home and keep moisture in the air. We will have care and handling instructions on each houseplant we carry on our website at Hidden Ponds. Below are a few articles you can get started with on how to be a rock star with you houseplants!

Ideas on Plant Care Care for House Plants Simple Steps for House Plant Care

Things to do in the garden now that the weather is cooling down

Of course it is still hot in our neck of the woods but as September roars in and the weather starts to cool off, there are things that you can do to prepare for our fall growing season. It is a good time to plant your fall vegetable garden, along with fall annuals and perennials. Think about amending your soil, add some organic compost to give it a little nutritional boost. Do a little pruning of summer flowering shrubs, cleaning up your gardens and getting rid of any spent flowers and dead limbs. Now is a good time to plant, trees and shrubs will have the fall and winter to set roots and be busting to grow when spring arrives. Sit back, reflect on how you enjoyed your summer yard - It's never too soon to start thinking and planning about what you want to do next spring! Clean up your summer garden September to do list More things to do in Sept!

Replenish your garden soil.

Prune your summer flowering shrubs. Fertilize the lawn.

News from the Cutting Garden

Zinnia's are still blooming, bees and butterflies abound in our cutting garden. Our greens are doing nicely. Cone flowers, marigolds and even our Gerber daisies are still blooming. All will make lovely bouquets and arrangements in the fall. We will be planting stock, snapdragons and a few other cool weather bloomers later in the months so do stop by and see what you can cut for your very own bouquet! A rrangements with Fresh Cut Flowers

The very talented Margaret Grant will lead this . You will not want to miss seeing her create extraordinarily beautiful arrangements. She will share her knowledge of vase and fixed arrangements. We will be using flowers from our cutting garden along with flowers that are readily available from local supermarkets. Come and see how we will also use everyday greens cut from the property to give the arrangements a bit of splash.

W orkshop: Arrangements with Fresh Cut Flowers Saturday Sept. 14th, 2019 10:30 - 11:30 am Hidden Ponds Nursery 4863 Hwy 17 North Awendaw, SC 29429 P.S. Rain date will be announced on Facebook and email if necessary.

September Dates to Remember

Third week in Sept. National Indoor Plant Week Sept. 2nd Labor Day Sept. 8th Grandparents Day Sept. 16th Mexican Independence Day Sept. 29th Rosh Hashanah

Fun Holidays in September We offer Landscape Design Consultation. Just call for an appointment!e

"Ah September! You are the doorway to the season that awakens my soul..."

Peggy Toney Horton

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