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ignite| winter 2010 | design | health | music intro

winterContents 2010

Design Eatery 04 Interview with Zuzanna Licko 18 Cafe Vancouver: Prado 09 Prepping for an Interview 22 David’s Tea

Things Music 10 Objectified 24 Listen Up: 25 Recent Albums Health 13 Weekend Detox 14 Ayurveda: It’s All About You 17 What’s Your Dosha?

22 24 13 10

03 design

be: “Question the obvious.”

RR: And what typeface would it be set in? ZL: That would depend on the context, of course. But for general print reproduction I would pick the last one I’ve finished, as I’m still trying to get better acquainted with the most recent designs. design (1) RR: What is your greatest accomplishment? ZL: That I was able to design functional and desirable typefaces without mastering calligraphy, which I was taught was impossible.

RR: Your greatest regret? ZL: Sometimes I wish my career was more involved with disciplines that generate tangible items, like designing textiles, clothing, or shoes. I find it difficult to find good-looking shoes that are comfortable. I often pick up a comfortable shoe and think, Zuzana if they had just done this or that differently, I’d wear it.

RR: After becoming well known for designing radical fonts, you became interested in more traditional ones. Why? ZL: My interest in reviving the classics (which began in 1995) was sparked by two factors: Licko the sophistication of personal computer technology, and magazine’s shift towards theory and the subsequent need for text faces an interview As one of the first type designers to exploit the potential of the Modernists such as Massimo Vignelli, who referred to the new typography to set large bodies of text. Each Apple Macintosh in its pre-designer days, Zuzana Licko transformed as “garbage.” The debate did little to slow the popularisation of the design gives me the opportunity with a type the pixel from low-resolution imitation to high-style original. Her early Emigre fonts, which by the late 1980s had moved beyond alternative to study details of classic faces that designer Emigre fonts not only revolutionised digital typography but also opened pop cult status into the mainstream (The New York Times, ABC and I’d never fully appreciate or notice up the market for the smaller foundries whose quarter-page ads populate Nike). The graphic design establishment has since recognised Licko and through casual observation or today’s design magazines. She has designed more than two dozen typeface VanderLans with a 1994 Chrysler Award, the 1997 AIGA gold medal and usage. For example, working on my families and oversees the Emigre foundry, which currently offers 300 or the 1998 Charles Nypels Award for Innovation in Typography. Bodoni revival, Filosofia, allowed so typefaces by the likes of Barry Deck, Jonathan Barnbrook, Frank Heine Licko’s intellectual approach to type creation continued to find me to better understand this long- and Rodrigo Cavazos. inspiration in the production qualities of technology. In 1986 she time classic. This kind of scrutiny, Born in Czechoslovakia, Licko (pronounced Litchko) emigrated to the created Citizen, which approximated the smoother bitmap printing of in turn, has given me ideas for faces US with her family as a schoolgirl. She studied architecture, photography the new laser printers. Base-9 and Base-12 originated as screen fonts for that are not strict revivals, such as and computer programming before taking a degree in graphic Emigre’s website in 1995, and then evolved with a companion printer Tarzana and Solex. communications at the University of California at Berkeley. When Rudy “ Sometimes I font. As Emigre began publishing more design theory, Licko developed VanderLans, her partner, launched Emigre, she began to contribute fonts more “classical” fonts; her designs Mrs Eaves and Filosofia were based RR: How do you judge good to the fledgling ‘magazine that ignores boundaries.’ Rather than replicate wish my life was respectively on Baskerville and Bodoni. And with issue 60, Emigre’s typeface design? (on a dot matrix printer) typographic forms already adapted from latest music-oriented incarnation, Licko and VanderLans have found ZL: It depends on the intended calligraphy, lead and photosetting, Licko used public domain software more involved yet another format in which the publication can continue to be a testing usage, and what criteria you define to create bitmap fonts. Emperor, Emigre and Oakland appeared in the ground and type specimen for Emigre typefaces. as being important: longevity magazine and were soon advertised for sale when VanderLans and Licko with disciplines Rhonda Rubinstein spoke to Zuzana Licko about this apparently ideal of usage, intensity of usage, co-founded the Emigre foundry. setup for a type designer and questioned the courteous but curiously influence on other designers, etc. Emigre’s development reflected the evolution of digital technology that generate reticent designer on a variety of other type matters, all (via email) in 9pt It takes the perspective of time to while questioning conventional ideas of legibility and layout. Licko’s Monaco. determine which typefaces remain highly structured typefaces counterbalanced VanderLans’ organic tangible items classics, which become icons, and compositions. The “Emigre aesthetic” lay at the heart of a once- . . . Rhonda Rubinstein: Do you have a maxim? which fade away. Moreover, these controversial battle on the American design scene, pitting them against > Zuzana Licko: I’ve never thought about having a maxim . . . it might perceptions also change, and it > 04 | ignite ” 05 design

is the constant changing of these perceptions that drives our desire for RR: What have been the most ZL: I think Mrs Eaves was a mix of just enough tradition with an new typeface solutions. In addition, new technologies and environments shocking or delightful uses of your updated twist. It’s familiar enough to be friendly, yet different enough to present new problems for the designer to address. The most successful typefaces? be interesting. Due to its relatively wide proportions, as compared with experimental typeface designs are often those that address the possibilities ZL: Billboard use can be the original Baskerville, it’s useful for giving presence to small amounts or limitations of a yet uncharted technology. shocking because you have so little of text such as poetry, or for elegant headlines and for use in print ads. It But we live and make decisions in the moment without the benefit of a time to react as you’re driving makes the reader slow down a bit and contemplate the message. time-lapse perspective. You must have opinions on typeface designs, and by (Was that Base 9 I just saw?). criteria for determining whether you want to pursue a particular design. I often cringe when these huge RR: How did you come to work with VanderLans? For me it’s like the Supreme Court’s definition of pornography: “I know letters are tracked so tightly that ZL: We met at the University of California at Berkeley where I was an it when I see it.” I don’t have a preconceived idea about what constitutes their counters can’t breathe - as undergraduate at the College of Environmental Design and Rudy was a a good typeface design. It can be a font created by LettError’s random tends to be the case on billboards. graduate student in photography. This was in 1982-83. After college we technology, an old classic such as Bodoni, or a new classic such as Matthew This is particularly problematic both did all sorts of design-related odd jobs. There was no direction. Carter’s Verdana. It has to contain some originality, something that with typefaces such as Base 9 and Then, in 1984 the Macintosh was introduced, we bought one, and makes you think, “Hmm, I hadn’t thought about that,” but originality in Citizen that need more breathing everything started to fall into place. We both, each in our own way, really itself is not enough. space than narrower ones. It makes enjoyed this machine. It forced us to question everything we had learnt me wonder how such billboard about design. We both enjoyed that process of exploration, of how far you RR: Your father, a biomathematician who enabled your early designs come about. Perhaps it’s could push the limits. Rudy is more intuitive; I’m more methodical. Yin computer access, was your first client, with the commission of a Greek premeditated: if the goal is to grab and yang. It seemed to click, and still does. alphabet for his personal use. What other people, events and/or things attention, then a jarring use of have influenced you most? type will be more effective than a RR: How do you deal with the challenges of working with your partner ZL: There were at least two important events: meeting Rudy harmonious treatment. when the tradition of design partnerships often means that the woman VanderLans, and meeting the Macintosh computer. The Macintosh was Oddly, some of the most gets less recognition? unveiled at the time I graduated. It was a relatively crude tool back then, pleasing uses have been those that I ZL: Rudy and I are both very detail-oriented and hands-on. This so established designers looked upon it as a cute novelty. But to me it didn’t recognise right away to be my makes it difficult for us to work together. I’m not a great collaborator and seemed as wondrously uncharted as my fledgling design career. It was a typefaces. This sometimes happens neither is he. It’s one reason why I switched my studies from architecture fortunate coincidence; I’m sure that being free of preconceived notions in books where the typography and to graphics. I realised that having to compromise with so many outside regarding typeface design helped me in exploring this new medium to the typeface are so well blended opinions wouldn’t allow me the kind of creative freedom I desired. I’m the fullest. It’s interesting how the gradual sophistication of my type in a traditional sense that the It forced us to question no diplomat! Our Emigre collaboration works because we each control a design abilities has been matched by advances in the Apple Macintosh’s idiosyncrasies (which my typefaces distinct part of the equation. I control my typeface designs, Rudy controls capabilities, so it has continued to be the ideal tool for me. tend to have) are downplayed. “everything we had learnt the magazine, and Emigre is the symbiosis. When I started building Macintosh bitmap fonts in 1984, it was a As for the gender-biased recognition, I don’t know what the purely experimental endeavour. I didn’t have a client for these fonts, RR: You recently re-released about design. We both perception is from the outside, but I feel that I do get as much nor did I plan to start a type foundry. It was Emigre magazine that your original bitmap fonts recognition for my type designs as Rudy is getting for the magazine. opened up these options. Rudy had started it (with two Dutch artists) as a (Emperor, Universal, Oakland and enjoyed the process of A bigger problem for me is that type designers in general are under- showcase for emigre artists. Issue #3 was the turning point for my typeface Emigre) from 1985 as the Lo-Res recognised. For example, it often happens that a graphic designer takes experiments and for the magazine, as it was typeset entirely using my first family. What was it like revisiting exploration. full credit for a logo, even when most of its character came from the low-res fonts. We had a lot of inquiries about the availability of these these typefaces fifteen years later? typeface. Even other designers tend to forget that there is a high level of typefaces that no one had seen before. It was the start of Emigre Fonts. ZL: It was interesting to see creativity in typeface design. So it’s not so much a problem of being a For a while this turned me into a typesetter. Many of the designers how much font and page-layout woman in a man’s world, it’s being a type designer in a world that gives who wanted to use my typefaces did not have a Macintosh, so I was selling technologies have changed, and recent technologies such as” Flash. little recognition to this art form, and I find this disillusioning. typesetting with my fonts. As it turned out, the magazine provided me how font-making software has We also renamed the fonts under with a reason to continue developing these fonts, as well as a means to improved. The reasons for the one family name, which made more RR: You named your Baskerville revival after Sarah Eaves, who became promote them. In turn, these unusual type designs contributed to the re-release were mostly technical, sense within the context of our font Baskerville’s wife and finished printing the volumes he left incomplete on magazine’s unique character, while also providing an efficient means to accommodate new possibilities library. I wouldn’t be surprised if his death. Is the typographic world as male-dominated as it appears from of typesetting. Using the Macintosh not only cut costs but added a level or new restrictions. For example, we have to make additional updates the outside? of design control that otherwise would have been mediated through an when I originally released these after another fifteen years. We’re ZL: The history of type design is rooted in the use of heavy machinery outside typesetting service. fonts, the use of point sizes was already gearing up for OpenType. and lead founding, which have traditionally not been considered limited to a basic set, usually 9, This format (developed by Adobe women’s work. Today, the discipline is available to any artist who RR: Can you describe your working methods? 10, 12, 14, 18 and 24 point. This and Microsoft) makes it possible to embraces computer technology, but it is one of the more technical ZL: While I work primarily on screen, sometimes I begin with rough was quite limiting because each incorporate advanced typographic specialities within visual design. A type designer does benefit from some thumbnail sketches, to give me an idea of the proportions or a detail size group of bitmap designs is features into PostScript and understanding of computer programming - another field that women of a character. Then I try out shapes and serif details directly in the on a different grid structure, TrueType fonts. traditionally seldom enter, though maybe this will change. Certainly, the Fontographer drawing window. The only hand drawing I do is on laser which relates to its resolution; field of type design is more open to women than it ever has been. printouts, to mark areas that need adjustment, or to sketch alternate the number in each Lo-Res font RR: Which is your most forms. Then I eyeball the corrections on screen. At any given time, I have name indicates the number of popular typeface? RR: How is your personal style and personal philosophy (such as your several designs sitting on the back burner. Sometimes I put a design away pixels in its body, or ppem (“pixels ZL: To judge from the volume commitment to recycling) reflected in your work? How do you see the when I hit a stumbling block, and it may take months or even years to per em”). Once the point size of sales and usage, it’s Mrs Eaves, designer’s responsibility in these times? resolve some of these design problems. restriction was lifted, I was able to my Baskerville revival. I see it ZL: To live in harmony with our environment, we will need to treat fine-tune the grid resolutions so everywhere: magazines, book all life and material as precious. There can be no “waste” because there RR: In the 1980s your typefaces were criticised as being either ugly or that the capitals are in alignment covers, even the junk mail with my is no black hole on this planet for its disposal, and storing it ultimately hard to read. How do you look back on those reactions? when the resolutions are scaled to electric bill! degrades the quality of life. The key to getting rid of waste is to rethink the ZL: The establishment’s negative reaction towards new forms and the same size. At the same time, I way we use materials. For example, a container shouldn’t become waste as technologies is natural. So if this work eventually becomes accepted, it’s a added the euro symbol, and made RR: How would you explain its soon as it’s emptied. Next, we need to realise that what we do at home and compliment in hindsight, because it means the work was truly innovative. the font outlines compatible with > success? at work are connected. >

06 | ignite 07 design Prepping

At home I can make the effort to wash an empty container out, then RR: Are there specific type RR: What new Zuzana Licko re-use or recycle it. At work, I can take the effort to design a container designers who you think are doing typeface release can we look forward that is more easily re-usable and recyclable. But neither action will be particularly innovative work? to next? nearly half as effective as when I do both. This is a very simple example, ZL: Too many to list here, and ZL: I’ve had a serif text face but I think you get the idea. too many to overlook, which would in the works for more than a year just get me into a heap of trouble. now, but I’ve had to put it away for for the RR: Does this ethic show up in your work itself, in addition to your But every typeface that we’ve the time being due to the upgrade environment? licensed for the Emigre library is work. Most of the fonts in the ZL: Maybe I should be more specific. I was using “container” as designed by someone who I feel is Emigre library were released prior a metaphor. It could be the choice of disk packaging or the paper we doing very innovative work. I’m to the announcement of the euro choose for a catalogue, or any other carrier of product or information. impressed and amazed by other currency, so we have to go back For example, whenever possible we print the Emigre type catalogs on people’s work all the time. That’s and design this character for every 100 per cent recycled paper, which contains 50 per cent post-consumer how we end up licensing other font. Since this requires fonts to waste, and the paper is processed chlorine free. We print 60,000 of these people’s designs. be regenerated, I’m taking the catalogues each year, so the choice of paper makes a significant difference. opportunity to tweak them and add Interviewmarketing professionals who don’t want to spend much time considering are you ready In addition, we avoid marcoating and other treatments that make the Increasingly, information features. A job interview really how many times a clock’s hand overlaps in a day, brainteaser questions RR: You want print work less recyclable. is being accessed primarily There is a dilemma with my for your own comes down to this: can be problematic. Keep in mind that interviewers who use these are to make an excellent impression, onscreen in websites, kiosks and older designs in that I’m often interview? trying to get a sense for your logic; they want to see how you work through and the company wants to hire an You’ve written that the catalyst for Hypnopaedia patterns was the signage. In addition, the screens tempted to change details that I the problem, not necessarily that you can come up with the right answer. RR: outstanding employee. How both lack of copyright for typeface designs (the patterns were created by the are getting smaller as cell phones, would have treated differently if I What you need to do is demonstrate your problem-solving abilities. Don’t sides determine whether the job is a rotation of a single letterform from the Emigre library). Are you actively watches and control panels carry were designing the typeface today. be shy when you’re figuring out the answer to this kind of question: Take match, however, is always changing. involved in such legal issues? more information. How do you see But, of course, I don’t want to go so a moment or two to consider the problem, and don’t hesitate to think In fact, employers today are We address them in the Emigre catalog and magazine. We do typography evolving to meet this far as to change the character of the out loud as you construct a logical solution. Even if you’re headed down ZL: seeking more compelling ways to our best to stay informed about changing font technologies and to help challenge? design; sometimes it’s difficult to the wrong path, it’s possible to impress the interviewer by showing strong elicit information from prospective establish fair usage standards. It’s something I’d rather not have to The presentation of draw that line. reasoning skills or quick wits. ZL: employees. Instead of being asked spend time on, but it’s a necessity for keeping our business in business. information on digital devices “Story-telling” questions. These are also known as behavioral to describe your greatest strengths, Typefaces are designed by people who rely on sales in order to continue will change profoundly once the What do you think is the questions, and they require candidates to discuss actual on-the-job RR: for example, you might be asked investing in the development of new designs. We try to bring this message resolution of the displays (LCDs most important thing you have experiences. For example, a candidate for a senior design position might to talk about how one particular across in a variety of ways, and the Hypnopaedia design turned out to be or otherwise) quadruples. At that learnt? be asked whether she’s had to deal with a difficult client and to describe attribute helped you do your job a visual example of the basic copyright issue involved. One problem is point, screen displays will be able That nothing is permanent, how she managed the relationship with that person. Other examples of ZL: better. Following are three types that people find it difficult to distinguish between the ornamental design to show just about any design yet there is much value in the this sort of question include having a candidate give an example of when of questions you might encounter of letterforms and the alphabetic characters that they represent. As a that can be printed. With the reincarnation of classics. he had to think on his feet or to describe a time when he willingly went during interviews and how to best result there is no copyright protection for letterform designs, because present display resolutions the by Rhonda Rubinstein {end} the extra mile in his last job. respond to them. they are seen as purely utilitarian. By rotating the letter designs, taking typography and the organisation of There’s no way to anticipate all of the behavioral questions you’ll be Brain “bending” questions. them out of context and turning them into textures, the Hypnopaedia information needs to be very clean asked, but you can prepare by considering key competencies you possess, If you enjoy answering questions patterns allow us to make this distinction and appreciate letter shapes on and efficient in order to maximise how you’ve used them and what you learned from your experiences. that start with, “Train A leaves the another level, abstracted from their function as alphabetic characters. the use of every pixel. I don’t think Let’s get to know the “real” you questions. Employers pose these station at 3 p.m. and is traveling (Although the design of a typeface is not protected by U.S. copyright, we’re making the best use of the inquiries to gain a strong sense of what motivates and interests you. You 60 miles per hour, while Train the font software is covered by copyright, which does greatly protect our current technologies: too often it could be asked to describe the last book you read or movie you saw, for B etc.” you’ll be excited about intellectual property.) seems that the design of the screen instance, or what famous person you would most like to have dinner with. these queries. However, for those RR: What other type designers do you think are doing interesting information was hacked together The good news is that there are no right or wrong answers to these work now? by someone on the product design types of questions. Again, hiring managers are often more interested in ZL: Much of the interesting type design work these days is being done team, almost as an afterthought. how you react when presented with these questions, than your answer. It’s by individuals. This is a testament to PC technology, which has made Professional type designers, good to be honest in your response, but be sure not to offer too much the independent type industry possible by decentralising the design of typographers, graphic designers and Employers today are information. For example, if the last movie you saw was Fahrenheit 9/11, typefaces and production of fonts. This has tremendously increased the information designers are getting “ you might mention that you enjoy documentaries of all kinds. Just avoid choice of typefaces, since it no longer requires a committee of corporate left out of the equation because the seeking more compelling commenting on politics. executives to approve investment in the development of a typeface. manufacturers don’t recognise the While these types of interviews questions are more difficult to However, the next phase of sophistication, OpenType, may once again importance of the visual interface. ways to elicit information prepare for, as a candidate, you get a chance to showcase your previous take the manufacture of type beyond the reach of independent type Try programming your VCR - I’m experience in detail and demonstrate your ability to think on your feet. designers. The complexities of designing huge character sets are extremely sure you’ll think of at least three from prospective employees. By considering how you’ll respond when presented with nontraditional time-consuming, with diminishing returns (as few of the additional visual interface improvement inquiries—and keeping your composure during the interview—you’ll give characters may be used by the average user). suggestions right off the bat! yourself an edge over the competition. by The Creative Group {end}

08 | ignite ” 09 things

(17) (15) (16) the holiday season has (3) (4) arrived 19 (6) ( )

(20) (21) (2) 7 (18) (1) ( ) (5)

(15) Zara Twill Blazer / Gold Buttons $80. (16) Forever 21 Lace Up 14 Don’t get dragged into the Suedette Boots $25. (17) Wreck This ( ) Journal $13. (18) Etsy Dolce Vita Scarf $52. (19) IKEA Gislev Rug $30. (20) “ greys of the colder seasons. CB2 Stainless Steel Snack Bowls $13- Cheer yourself up and 25. (21) Michael Buble: Let it Snow $10. (22) Jayson Home & Garden Cork maybe get some Christmas Journal $15-22. (23) Nood Hanging Objectified Orb Globe $14. (24) 2010 Olympic Red Mittens $10. 25 West Elm Fuzzy 1 Lodge Enamel Apple Pot ( ) 13 ( ) shopping done early. Throw $69. 26 Urbanears $60. 27 ( ) $98. 2 Large Whale Chalkboard ( ) ( ) ( ) (8) OPI Burlesque Collection Sparkle- $99. 3 DCI “I am not a paper (22) ( ) icious $10. 28 Bodum Assam Glass cup...” $15. 4 USB Key $50. 5 ( ) ( ) ( ) Teapot with Infuser $35. 29 VIJ’s Bored to Death: The Complete ” ( ) at Home Cookbook $40. 30 Etsy First Season $39. 6 Urban ( ) ( ) Upcycled Vintage Carrier $60. 31 Outfitters Bottle Opener Ring ( ) 31 Forever 21 Pom Hat $8. $8. (7) DCI Holiday Eco Cup ( ) $15. 8 DWR Midas Collection ( ) 26 $25-60. (9) Nood Stag Trophy ( ) (23) Head $59. (10) Anthropologie Artist’s Imagination Necklace (27) $29. (11) Spring McEntyre 10 in Black Nubuck $40. (12) ( ) (12) Lululemon Travel Mat $38. (13) Mark Hearld Red Cushion Cover (29) $85. 14 American Apparel El ( ) (30) Salvador Lace Tee in Black $45. (24) (9) (28) everything under (11) $100 (25)

10 | ignite 11 health

7:30 a.m. (or earlier) Breakfast of kitchari and lots of hydrating (and toxin-flushing) warm herbal tea, such as ginger, without sweetener. weekend Drink it throughout the day as well. Avoid caffeine, even green tea. 6 a.m.-10 a.m. Yes, even the hours of the day have doshas. This is kapha time, regarded as heavy, slow, and good for memory work. This may be the best time for journaling, taking stock of your life, and noting what things are working for you (relationships, job) and what may need detox to be shaken up. cleanse your According to Ayurvedic philosophy, The afternoons of your detox weekend are about “toxins” from undigested food and life winding down your day. body and experiences build up in the body and mind. You mind don’t have to visit an Ayurvedic practitioner for 10 a.m.-2 p.m. This is pitta time, when the a panchakarma cleanse every time you feel the digestive fire burns brightest. Lunch, taken need to rejuvenate the system. Working with around noon, is the biggest meal. If the Kripalu’s Hilary Garivaltis, we came up with monotony of the food is too much, you can vary a one- to three-day at-home weekend detox it slightly from day to day. Go to ayurveda.com program. The idea is to keep things simple to for vegetable choices and dosha-specific spicing. better tune into yourself. 2 p.m.-6 p.m. At vata time, when the sun is Dawn or before Perform morning shifting and energy is up, the body tends to be ablutions. Think of it as cleansing the five restless. Go outside and take in nature with a senses. In addition to the standard Western long, mindful walk. If you live in a city, go to routine of evacuating the bowels and bladder, the park. washing the face, and brushing teeth, take care to wash the eyes and gently scrape the tongue. Sunset, just like dawn, is a propitious time to sit With a dropper, apply a few drops of sesame oil quietly and take in the (setting) sun. If you have inside the nose. Then rub oil on the whole body a formal meditation practice, such as yoga, now to gird yourself for the rigors of the day. would be the time. Give thanks for the day, not focusing on dissatisfactions or things that need 6:30 a.m - 7 a.m Sit by a window or outside, changing. being present and silent, for up to 30 minutes, and greet the rising sun, connecting with its 6 p.m.-10 p.m. It’s back to heavier kapha time. energy. Set your intentions for the day that’s Have an early dinner, around 6 p.m., and about to unfold. If you have a formal meditation begin the winding-down process. Before bed, practice, now’s the time for it. Bring movement around 9 p.m., rub a little lavender massage to the system by doing some stretching. oil on the soles of the feet and the crown of the head to calm the nervous system. If you’re a 7 a.m. Prime your system with an 8-ounce milk drinker, have a glass of warm milk with a The idea is to keep glass of warm water and lemon juice, which pinch of nutmeg or cinnamon, another natural “ helps flush wastes through the digestive system. relaxant. things simple to Prepare the food you’ll need for the day, the same food for each of your three meals. This At the conclusion of the weekend, think about better tune into is a monodiet with a simplicity that provides a how making these small Ayurvedic changes kind of digestive vacation. The classic monodiet influenced you and which ones you might be yourself. is kitchari (mung dal, rice, and an optional able to incorporate into your daily life. steamed vegetable). You can find recipes at benourished.net. by Whole Living {end}

12 | ignite ” 13 health

it’s all about you

Keeping your Doshas in Check energy is associated with movement, be it can wear out quickly. K. Michael Ferranti, a thoughts passing through the mind or food New York City practitioner and educator who Our doshas shape our identity, but they can through the digestive system. When vata puts its runs Gotham Ayurveda, recommends yoga Ayurveda also be our Achilles’ heel when the dominant stamp on a person, she’s lean, fine-featured, (gentle Hatha is a good choice) or Pilates to energy becomes too strong. For instance, the often tall. She might work for a start-up or go balance those aerobic efforts. pitta personality is naturally drawn to hard work into writing or the arts. But all that nervous and high achievement, but if she gets too caught energy can leave her stuck in high gear, an Sex/Relationships up in that, to the exclusion of her softer (kapha) anxious wheel-spinner. She can be short on “They say in a relationship, one person is the or more reflective (vata) sides, she’s courting follow-through, and “an airhead,” Bhattacharya kite and one is the string,” Bhattacharya notes. a physical and/or emotional breakdown. In says bluntly. “Vata is the kite.” Vata-in-balance can bring Ayurveda, everything is connected. The fiery spontaneity and fun to any relationship. A vata pitta personality may crave spicy foods, which Health out of balance can be a flighty novelty-seeker— then fuel hot emotions. When vata energy is exaggerated, the quick, but Garivaltis says that she may pacify her excess “My students always ask me, ‘Does that mean active mind becomes nervous, agitated, and vata energy by finding a loyal kapha mate to I can never trust my instincts?’” says Hilary prone to insomnia and sometimes headaches. A ground her. “Two vatas together will have a ball Garivaltis, dean of the Ayurveda program at the common first line of defense is addressing diet and then burn out quickly,” she warns. In the What are the Tridoshas? Kripalu Center in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. (eat hearty, warming foods) and lifestyle (get on bedroom, vatas usually want frequent sex—but Ayurveda’s concept of the No, she advises, but we do have to check in to a regular schedule: early to bed, early to rise). if they indulge that craving every time, they’ll Tridoshas is unique to medical gauge the consequences of our diet and lifestyle An Ayurvedic practitioner may then prescribe drain their shallower energy reserves. science. Ayurveda says the body is choices and pacify our out-of-balance dosha a preparation that includes ashwagandha, a made up of tissues (dhatus), waste with its opposite energy. heating herb that can stabilize nervous energy Skin/BodyWork products (malas), and doshas Sound too simplistic? A number of studies, during the day and enhance sleep at night. Too “Oil is vata’s best friend,” says Garivaltis, (loosely translated to Energetic admittedly on a small scale, have shown much dryness in the system leads to incomplete who recommends applying sesame or almond oil Forces). It is the Tridoshas’ job Ayurvedic herbal remedies effective in treating digestion, constipation, and/or excess gas. at least every other day, either in the morning or to assist with the creation of all of chronic conditions like heart disease and Using pepper and ginger in cooking heats up before bed. The heavy oil, generously applied, the various tissues of the body and diabetes. Hari Sharma, M.D., of Ohio State the “digestive fire” that can burn rather weakly locks moisture into vata skin, which has a to remove any unnecessary waste University’s Center for Integrative Medicine, in the cool vata. Dryness often shows up in the tendency to dry out, especially in vata season, products from the body. It is also has found that many of these traditional Indian joints as pain or even osteoarthritis, and can be and a gentle 5 to 10 minute massage with it has a the Tridoshas that influence all herbs are among the most potent antioxidants helped by using anti-inflammatory spices such calming effect on the tightly strung vata nervous movements, all transformations, yet discovered. And, intriguingly, the Ayurveda as ginger and turmeric. system. all sensory functions, and many approach dovetails with two of the most of the other activities in the significant trends in modern Western medicine: Diet/Nutrition What's Your Dosha: Pitta human body and mind. integrative medicine, with its emphasis on In Ayurveda, the key to proper nutrition treating chronic diseases with adjustments to for everyone is eating whole foods—whenever In the body, pitta is the metabolic heat that diet and lifestyle, and genomic medicine, which possible, in season. But each dosha type has transforms food into energy, and in the person, is beginning to tailor treatment to individual to exercise special care with foods that can it’s what animates the strong, medium-built genetic differences. exacerbate her dominant energy, especially striver who lives to solve problems and surmount In India, there’s even an emerging field in the season when that energy runs high. challenges. She’s the competitor who’s climbing of “ayurgenomics,” which yielded a 2008 A vata person who eats dry, cold vata foods the professional ladder in business, medicine, study that was able to separate the three (for instance, cereals and raw vegetables) in or law—smart, engaged, on point. She can also doshas according to sophisticated genetic vata season (late fall/early winter: think cold, become part of the burn-out crowd. When pitta and biochemical markers. Says Bhaswati desiccating winds) is creating a recipe for is too much, she’s a judgmental perfectionist. Bhattacharya, M.D., a clinical assistant imbalance. Instead, go with moist, warming “That’s the surgeon throwing the instruments professor at Weill Cornell Medical College foods like soups and stews, and add a warm piece across the operating room,” Bhattacharya says, who teaches Ayurveda to Western physicians of salmon to a salad. “the domineering parent, the ‘my way or the at her Dinacharya Institute in New York City, highway’ control freak.” “We’re finding that the science validates what Routine/Lifestyle the classical Ayurvedic texts are saying in a more Vatas tend to hit the ground running, Health poetic way.” sometimes in circles. Bhattacharya recommends Inflammation is the common thread in a morning meditation to focus the mind and pitta unwellness. It can derange digestion What's your Dosha: Vata a set routine to bring some discipline into the (heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers), picture. Vatas are drawn to, and built for, high- the skin (rashes), and the hormonal systems In the Ayurvedic tradition, dry, cool vata energy sports like jogging and cycling, but they (thyroid and sex-hormone disorders, including >

14 | ignite 15 health

find your balance infertility). The remedy is straightforward: forgo milk, butter, and ice cream (not to Put out the fire! The first step is attention to What's Your Dosha: Kapha mention chocolate, cheese, and cake). Instead, diet and lifestyle. (Tone down the competitive go with sharp, astringent, and bitter foods that ' Grounded Kaphas are “earth mother” what s your approach.) Moderation is recommended for seem to suck the moisture out of your mouth types with pale skin, big eyes, and lustrous caffeine and alcohol across the board, but pittas and cut through the mucous. Apples, beans, Select the trait under each hair. (They often turn up in more nurturing in particular tend to over-rev on coffee and cauliflower, and cabbage are all good choices. category that most applies to lines of work: counseling, nursing, cooking.) vent aggression when they drink alcohol; they “Swiss chard, berries, and spinach actually detox you. responses correspond Kaphas may be healthy, but they’re almost always (A) would do well to replace both with mint drinks your body,” Ferranti adds. A liberal amount of to Vata, to Pitta, and to carrying at least an extra 5 or 10 pounds. When (B) (C) and coconut water, especially in the “pitta- pepper and sharp tastes help wake up the system, Kapha. When you are finished, out of balance, “even their tenacity is lazy,” genic” summertime. Cooling spices like cumin, Bhattacharya says. calculate your results to discover Bhattacharya says; for example, the kapha who coriander, and fennel can help with overheated your dominant constitution. can’t bear to let go of anything gets bogged down digestion and should be used in cooking. in clutter. Routine/Lifestyle According to Ayurveda, we should all get dosha? up with the sun or before it. For kaphas, this Diet/Nutrition Memory Pitta has the strongest “digestive fire” of Health is especially important—and loathsome. “They Height Nails Sensitivities Think of the body fluids that lubricate the A quick but absent-minded the three doshas but can abuse it by overdoing hate it!” Lad says. Kaphas should fight their A tall or very short A rough, brittle A cold, dryness, wind ( ) human system and drain the wastes from it: ( ) ( ) ( ) B sharp, clear foods that are spicy, oily, or salty. If the digestive sedentary tendencies with yoga (a vigorous B medium B soft, pink B heat, sunlight, fire ( ) lymph, mucous, phlegm. Now, imagine that the ( ) ( ) ( ) C slow but steady system rebels, it’s time to emphasize sweeter, style of Vinyasa) in the morning, Garivaltis usually short and large soft, white cold, damp ( ) channels are blocked, and you’ve got the out-of- (C) (C) (C) cooler fruits and vegetables (raw or cooked), says, and aerobic exercise—jogging or cycling, balance kapha: the tendency to bloat and hold Speech such as melons, carrots, and broccoli. All told, for instance—later in the day. If kaphas start Frame Joints Immune Function on to excess weight (with the cardiovascular risks A fast, frequent the pitta nutritional approach should be low- to become too introverted and housebound, A thin, bony, good muscles A stiff, crack easily A low, variable ( ) that entails) and an often-clogged respiratory ( ) ( ) ( ) B sharp, cutting acid, high-alkaline, and anti-inflammatory, Ferranti says, they should see friends or throw a B moderate, developed B loose B moderate, sensitive to heat ( ) system that’s prone to infection. Ayurveda aims ( ) ( ) ( ) C slow, melodious Ferranti says. party. large, well-built firm, large high ( ) to energize this chilly, sluggish system with diet (C) (C) (C) and 30 to 60 minutes of exercise a day. Because Temperament Weight Circulation Disease Tendency Routine/Lifestyle an overweight, out-of-shape body is prone to so Sex/Relationships A nervous, changeable Garivaltis suggests meditation or relaxing “Kaphas absolutely need intimacy and A low; hard to hold weight A poor, variable A pain, inflammation ( ) many maladies, out-of-balance kaphas may be ( ) ( ) ( ) B motivated exercise in the morning and a routine that’s big cuddling,” Bhattacharya says. Sexually, they B moderate B good B fever, edema ( ) especially good candidates to see a practitioner ( ) ( ) ( ) C content, conservative on restorative sleep and three square meals. (A may be slow to heat up, but once they do, they heavy; hard to lose weight moderate congestion ( ) for recommendations. (C) (C) (C) high-performance engine has to be carefully have deeper reservoirs of energy than either vata Positive Emotions maintained.) The pitta who is feeling grounded or pitta. The dark side of the out-of-balance Skin Luster Appetite Disease Type A adaptability can indulge her yen for high-octane activity. Diet/Nutrition kapha? Not surprisingly, she will hold on too A dull or dusky A variable, nervous A nervous ( ) Almost invariably, kaphas are drawn to what ( ) ( ) ( ) B courage If she’s feeling the wear and tear, says Vasant tightly and smother her mate out of insecurity. B ruddy, lustrous B high, excessive B blood, liver ( ) is not good for them: high-calorie sweet and ( ) ( ) ( ) C love Lad, director of the Ayurvedic Institute in The kapha-vata match is often the best— white or pale moderate but constant mucous, lungs ( ) fatty foods. They, and for that matter, anyone (C) (C) (C) Albuquerque, she should try an activity like nurturance and liveliness in balance. who is feeling heavy and sluggish (especially in Negative Emotions yoga, meditation, or swimming. Skin Texture Thirst Activity kapha season, late winter/early spring), should (A) fear (A) dry, rough, thin (A) low, scanty (A) high, restless Skin/Bodywork (B) anger Oil massage is less important for kaphas, (B) warm, oily (B) high (B) moderate Sex/Relationships (C) attachment At her best, pitta is a passionate romantic. who already have plenty of water and fat in (C) cold, damp, thick (C) moderate (C) low, moves slowly She loves the excitement of surprise flowers their tissue. Once or twice a week is fine. Faith (“They’re cooling,” Lad says) or a closed- Ferranti suggests adding an aromatic oil like Eyes Sweating Endurance (A) variable, erratic curtains weekend getaway. At her out-of- eucalyptus or camphor to a grapeseed base to (A) small, nervous (A) scanty (A) poor, easily exhausted We’re finding (B) strong, determined balance worst, she can be jealous and sexually heat up the massage. Or add some turmeric for (B) piercing, easily inflamed (B) profuse but not enduring (B) moderate but focused (C) steady but slow to change manipulative. “’I want it because I want it,’” “ an anti-inflammatory self-detox treatment, (C) large, white (C) low to start but profuse (C) high Bhattacharya says. “It’s about ‘me,’ not ‘us.’” that the science Bhattacharya says. Kaphas also might try dry- Totals: brushing the entire body with a loofah sponge Hair Stool Sleep validates what (A )vata (B )pitta (C )kapha Skin/Bodywork or body brush. The friction, practitioners say, “(A) dry, thin (A) hard or dry (A) poor, disturbed A 5- to 10-minute massage twice a week with the classical energizes the body by breaking up stagnation in (B) thin, oily (B) soft, loose (B) variable coconut or sunflower oil takes the edge off living the lymphatic system. (C) thick, oily, wavy, lustrous (C) normal (C) excessive la vida pitta, but a scalp and foot massage may Ayurvedic texts When you are finished, be enough. Ferranti suggests adding cooling Teeth Urination Dreams calculate your results to discover essential oils like peppermint to the base oil. For are saying in a (A) crooked, poorly formed (A) scanty (A) frequent, colorful your dominant constitution. irritations, turmeric—either as a cooking spice (B) moderate, bleeding gums (B) profuse, yellow (B) moderate, romantic or in a preparation—can help soothe. more poetic way. by Joseph Hooper {end} (C) large, well-formed (C) moderate, clear (C) infrequent, disturbed by Yoga Journal {end} 16 | ignite ” 17 eatery

Cafe Vancouver Featuring: Prado Cafe

coffee on Amy York is way too young to be doing this stuff... doing it so right. York is the former manager of the JJ Bean on Commercial commercial Drive and 6th Avenue in Vancouver, and was one of the main movers drive and shakers responsible for making that cafe a roaring success in the JJ Bean micro-chain of cafes in Vancouver. And she did this all before her 23rd birthday. She’s an ambitious person too—after working within the JJ structure, she had it in her mind to open her own cafe, and started making plans in the summer of 2004. She left her job, worked on financing and finding a location, and after many months of toil, Prado Cafe was opened in January, 2005. It is located only two blocks from her previous place of employment — at 4th and Commercial Drive (“the Drive”) in Vancouver. This wasn’t originally planned—York initially sought a location in the South Granville area (Granville, between 7th and 16th Ave), then possibly on Main. The opportunity for a good location on Commercial came up, and she their little corner. It’s certainly a jumped on it. better “neighbour” to have than Prado is basically the poster child for minimalism. The are only two convenience stores selling hash and colours evident in the cafe (well, three): white and wood. Steel makes marijuana. But the city has seemed an appearance here and there. There is no art on the walls, no posters, to make Prado target number one. and some (myself included) sometimes feel it is too clinical in there, The steps were one issue. Another but York and staff were going for this minimalist look, and achieved it. is outdoor seating. Up and down They even had the body of the FB70 custom painted white. Scandinavian the drive, many businesses serving minimalism is the go word for this cafe. food or drink have tables and The cafe is on the north east block at 4th and Commercial Drive, chairs outside, all sans license... and gets heaps of sun; the windows do not open garage door style, but but Prado was specifically targeted efficient use of bamboo blinds keep the sun at bay on very sunny days. by the city in not allowing outside The interior of the cafe is small by PNW (US) standards—there are seating. Sometimes, I really have a roughly 8 tables inside, all two seaters. hard time understanding city hall. Initially, the traffic flow was come in the centrally located front door, Anyway, back to the review. I order your drink, and exit via the side door. Steps were built to allow think I’ve covered a lot about the passage via the side door, and it worked well, until the City of Vancouver interior and the person behind Home of some of the decided to get involved. It appears that someone tripped over the small it, now about the coffee and the “ steps on the side of the building, and complained; so while Prado initially people pulling the shots. got approval for the steps, they were forced to remove them by the City. York, when she left JJ, brought best shot pullers in I mention this because I have real problems with the City policing two legit Barista Rock Stars with cafes like this. Commercial Drive has a lot of problems with drug abuse, her... Tina and Matt. Tina was the Vancouver. panhandlers, petty theft, and a lot of aggressive vagrancy. Cafes like runner up at the first Canadian Prado work on making the neighbourhood more friendly and more Barista Championship, and Matt safe— JJ two blocks down did the same thing, and Prado’s doing it at is one of those unsung (except by > ” 18 | ignite 19 eatery

me) superstar Baristi who doesn’t visits to the cafe. Drip coffee comes preheated the cup, pulled from didn’t go this far, but did say that she felt the place could stand a bit of compete, is way too modest about from the big Fetco system that all the Super Jolly, flushed, added “warming up”. It is interesting to note that neither had a complaint about some things and has serious passion the Caffe Artigiano locations in hot water to the cup, pulled the the coffee. for what he produces. He also town are using. shot into the cup. The resulting Situation #3: After SCAA Seattle, Vancouver was flooded with visitors happens to be one of the better In addition, the shop has a tiny Americano was superb. from Australia, Scandinavia and the US. On several occasions, I would latte artists in town. Other staff bakery in the back, and they are The other occasion, the Barista bring in some people to Prado and say “Okay Amy—this is so and so, from JJ have made the move to making all their own baked goods didn’t preheat the cup, and added world champion barista... pull them a shot.” Hard stuff. But York and the York’s cafe as well. — cookies, banana loaves, etc. No water after the shot pull (into the staff were up to the challenge. So, what about the coffee? sandwiches or anything, but lots of 6oz cup), but the resulting drink So much so that Paul Bassett, after trying espressos from around Currently, they are buying from sweet stuff. still got a passing grade. Vancouver, including Artigiano, JJ, Elysian room and others, declared Intelligentsia, but with a catch. So how’s the coffee and service? Situation#2: This is the not— the Prado shot was the best of his trip. Heavy compliments there. York has made the decision to Well, 90% of my visits are not a so— good one. I actually made use Conclusion: It’s hard for me to do this review, because I am on only sell fair trade and/or organic fair comparison because I’m a of two secret shoppers to evaluate friendly terms with York and her staff. It’s hard because it is difficult for coffees and espresso in her shop. known entity in the shop, and the Prado, given my known entity me to get a proper evaluation that unfettered with them pulling me shots Black Cat ain’t that. But Kid O, staff could very well turn it up a status. One is a person who works at while knowing who I am. It’s also hard because I want to give an unbiased from Intelly, is their organic notch for me. In these visits, I can a business on the drive, the other is report.Here’s how I break down Prado cafe—the good, the not so good, espresso blend, and that’s what is honestly say I haven’t had a bad shot just someone who likes coffee, but and the need for improvement. on tap in both one side of the Swift — the espresso pulled is is always doesn’t necessarily know what great The good: Home of some of the best shot pullers in Vancouver. Love grinder, and in their Super Jolly. good or better, and most of the coffee is. the fact they do 100% Fair Trade and/or organic. Passion exists behind And the machines? As time gets an “excellent” rating. They both said the coffee was the bar. They have WiFi. Walking distance from my home. Awesome mentioned, they have a Swift, which But there are three specific excellent. But both had issues with baked goods. Pellegrino (plain, not that flavoured stuff) behind the bar. houses Kid O and a decaf, and a situations I can write about that do the service in the shop. The Drive Awesome milk abilities. Awesome shots. Super Jolly which also houses Kid show what the coffee is like, as well person specifically felt that the The not-so-good: Menu focused on the basics, but all larger sizes. O. The Swift is in place to handle as the service. Two are very good, service was too snooty and cold Smallest size listed is, I believe, 12oz. I’d love to see that as the largest high volume situations or the way one isn’t so much. in the shop, with a lot of attitude size. The place is stark. They close too early: 7:30pm. Service can be a bit too typical 16oz drink requests. Situation #1: Some of the staff behind the bar. The coffee liker snobbish for some visitors’ tastes, especially being a place on the Drive, The Super Jolly is there for people in there (two employees in fact) where people are very friendly in most shops. like me, and for the staff. In fact, didn’t know who I was on a couple Room for Improvement: If my secret shoppers’ reports are true, the staff is given permission to work on of my visits, and I got more of slightly cool reception customers get is not helped by the stark interior. their shot pulls when they want to, the “real experience” that the I’d like to see some art, some interest on the walls. Outdoor seating is a to improve their technique, and average consumer would get. On must for the cafe’s success. I’d like to see the summer hours expanded. the Super Jolly is the go to grinder two occasions, I ordered a “small While I personally don’t have an issue with arrogance behind the bar (as in this case. The Espresso machine Americano”, which is my safe drink “Scandinavian long as it’s backed up), it was an issue with some. is a La Marzocco FB70 four group order. On both occasions, a too— Oh and while the sign board says beans for sale, it’s not very evident automatic, with the gigleur control, big cup was grabbed— not a mistake — you can’t even tell what coffee they use. I’d like to see some bags up on but without PID. The machine per se, because most consumers minimalism is display, and I think doing so would increase their whole bean sales. is well tuned and I have not ever want the bigger is better thing. Overall, this is one of the best places in Vancouver to get a quality espresso. witnessed a shot pulling problem After the cup size was corrected, the go word. with it, in my roughly four dozen > the Barista did everything right— by Mark Prince {end} 20 | ignite ” 21 eatery

David’s Tea

not your The first thing you notice excitement about all the new things that are underway for the still fairly is picked by David, and meets the time together that they are actually when you walk into David’s Tea new company. During the hour that we spent chatting, he gave me the number one standard set by him in the process of stripping down grandmother’s is that this definitely isn’t your lowdown on how David’s Tea was started, how they choose the amazing and his team, described as the the permanent collection from tea shop grandmother’s tea shop: gone blends that they carry, where they’re going to be expanding, and what fun “nose-to-cup-transfer”, where 120-130 different kinds of tea to are the dusty shelves stacked with things are on the horizon.What David had to say about: what one smells is what is actually 85-100, based on whether or not tins with names like “Imperial Loving tea: Even when he was younger and growing up in Ottawa, tasted in the tea as well. At David’s, they are selling, and that he plans English Breakfast” and “Hibiscus David remembered liking tea, limited as his selection was back then you’ll never drink a tea that on bringing in a rotational line- Herbal Blend” in a dimly lit room. to Earl Grey, Orange Pekoe, Chamomile, and Peppermint. Then his smells amazingly fruity, only to be up of seasonal teas, such as Green Instead, the bright light-filled space friend’s mother opened a blended tea store, and he realized there was a disappointed by the mild or non- Coconut and Lychee Black Tea for on Queen West is lined on one side world of tea to be discovered outside of the straightforward teas he had existent taste that so often plagues the spring, with new “collections” with round tins with bright green, grown up drinking. many flavoured teas. released each season, much like the black, yellow and red labels, and How David’s Tea was conceived: David describes himself as a “serial To make sure that the teas fashion world. on the right with cheerful ceramic entrepreneur”, and after graduating McGill University in Montreal, he remain true to their roots and have The : Even though the mugs and funky glassware that best ended up in private equity with his current partner, who is the founder of the best possible flavours, David Queen Street location has been displays the gorgeous colours of the Le Chateau, as well as being his cousin. He decided to take his love of tea even has a “tea guru”, Richard, open less than a year, the popularity he has, it’s impossible to not get just as excited as him about the bright steeped teas as you drink them. to the next level and looked into the tea business, only to find that there who lives in California and whose and success that it experienced future of teas. After all, with their seemingly endless possibilities for When the store opened last fall, was no real field leader. sole purpose is to find the perfect already was enough to convince flavour and the health benefits they tout (lower blood pressure, speed up it initially attracted little attention, “There was no Starbucks of tea, and no one was doing tea in a young, tea blends. Also, unlike most David and his partner that it would metabolisms, and the ever popular “A” word: antioxidant), tea already but since then, David’s has attracted fun way on the main streets of the country. It’s always in a back alley, tea stores that usually only have be worth opening other locations. seems to be tailor-made to become a staple in our ever-more health- a loyal following of both old and tucked away, and it’s always a secondary business. Tea is just so many 2-3 suppliers, David’s Tea has a At the time of this article, there conscious society’s diet, and not just for stuffy old British ladies anymore. new tea drinkers. Although there flavours and tastes, and you engage the senses so much more than coffee.” deep supply chain with about 15 are tentative plans to open at least Don’t know anything about tea? Don’t worry. Take it from me, a are over 100 types of teas that So in 2007, David decided to take the plunge and enter the world of suppliers, and between David and two other Toronto locations, as former Starbucks-junkie: David’s Tea is the place you want to start if are offered both in the store and retail tea. Richard, the two of them travel well as more concrete plans to you’re looking for something to replace your daily cup of joe that won’t online, even the newest of tea- How teas are chosen: When it comes to choosing which blends of to each of their distributors in open a couple of locations in give you the jitters two hours later. The staff there will explain anything drinkers have nothing to worry tea make it to the silver canisters in-store, only one word can be used to California, Germany and Canada Montreal, where their head office is you need to know, and make great recommendations based on what you about when it comes to choosing describe the care that David takes: fanaticism. Each of the over 100 teas > constantly throughout the year to located. David also mentioned the choose to tell them about your lifestyle: the tea that is right for them: check on both old and new blends possibility of stores in Vancouver Need something to help you function through the day? Try Jumpy with staff that are both incredibly of teas, as well as going to Asia four and Ottawa in the near future, with Monkey, a yerba maté tea with whole coffee beans, pieces of white knowledgeable about each tea, and times a year to connect with their all locations being retail spaces, chocolate, and almond slices. genuinely enthusiastic about the suppliers there. and not predominantly one-cup Have a hangover from one too many martinis on cheap martini product, it’s easy to spend well David Segal, the man who The batches of tea, whether experiences like other beverage Wednesday at Hey Lucy’s? No problem:Try any of the rooibos teas, which over an hour in the store smelling, they are commodity teas or small purveyors. are proven hangover cures. Caramel Pear happens to be David’s favourite, tasting, and learning about the “ started it all, is just as young, hand-blended batches, all remain He has big plans for patios, if you want to give it a try. gorgeous, aromatic blends. true to the nose-to-cup-transfer, iced teas, amazing flavours like Whatever your tastes, all I can say is, give David’s a try. I can guarantee David Segal, the man who hip, and enthusiastic as the and despite the work that goes into Coconut-Pineapple and Toasted that somewhere in the 100+ teas, there is at least one that will make you started it all, is just as young, hip finding and choosing each tea, if Almond, as well as higher-end realize just what you’ve been missing out on, and how far tea has come and enthusiastic as the staff that he staff he hires. customers are not responsive to reserve teas that are straight greens from the Earl Greys and herbal peppermint teas of your mother’s tea hires, and on the Thursday when the teas, David culls them from the and whites, and as I listen to David cupboard. we met, he was brimming over with ” line-up. He tells me during our talk about all the big plans that by Hannah Koh {end} 22 | ignite 23 music

the albums you need to hear for yourself

Recent Albums from most of the rest of us. So when this Melbourne rock foursome with stadium-sized ambitions first landed in my inbox last October, it was a modest revelation. Curtis Vodka, Alaska’s remixer extraordinaire, was pushing all the right tech-textural buttons on an epic reworking of “Sweet Disposition”, Listen Up a majestic anthem which, if annoyingly Featuring: Rihanna derivative, had “mainstream hit” written all over it. Listeners who Shazam’d the original after hearing it in ads for Sky Sports TV in the UK—or, stateside, on the trailer and soundtrack to alt-emo romcom (500) Days of Summer— probably know the feeling.

It’s really sassy and flirty {4} Mumford & Sons | Sigh No More “ Mumford & Sons’ Sigh No More and it grabs your attention was welcomed with open arms by many people around the world, topping charts and that’s why I enjoy it. in multiple countries. With great reason too, it is the definition of folk-indie rock and doesn’t stray too much from that. Hopefully, we hear from them again soon and this time they should take a few more Loud is the fifth studio album by world-class megastar Rihanna. The” risks, otherwise I fear they might fall to follow-up to 2009’s “Rated R“, “Loud” sees the Barbados-native return Nicklebacks fate of doom. to the dancier grooves that inspired her early success. While Rihanna was on set filming for the movie Battleship, she {5} Kid Cudi | Man on the Moon 2 : The Legend explained in an interview with Entertainment Tonight, “Loud is, the of Mr Rager word, the name of the album definitely reflects the attitude of it, it’s really His half-sung vocals, alternately sassy and flirty and it grabs your attention and that’s why I enjoy it. It takes surly and vulnerable, weave in and out you through a really really interesting ride.” of the mix, along with distorted guitars, The album’s lead single “Only Girl (In the World)” was released on sweeping strings, twinkling harpsichords, September 10, 2010. The music video for “Only Girl” was directed by ghostly samples, and who knows what else. Anthony Mandler and premiered online last month on October 13, No other major-label rapper in 2010 is 2010. Some have compared the visual style to the photographs of Ryan pushing boundaries in quite the same McGinley. The song has currently peaked at number one on Billboard way. Hot 100 and Canadian Hot 100, Australian Aria Charts and in New Rihanna - Loud Track Listing Album Information Zealand. {1} Katy Perry | Teenage Dream {2} Daft Punk | Tron Legacy Soundtrack of the time with no beats anywhere {6} Kings of Leon | Come Around Sundown 1. “S&M” - 4:04 Released Nov 12, 2010 “What’s My Name?” was released as the second single of the album on Somewhere between the bizarre This is not a killer Daft Punk album to be found. And while it doesn’t Come Around Sundown reveals itself 2. “What’s My Name?” (featuring Drake) - 4:23 Recorded Feb-Aug 2010 October 29, 2010. It reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100, style of Lady Gaga and the threatening that will blow the roof off your next happen too often, there are times to be the first step in a shift toward what 3. “Cheers (Drink to That)” - 4:22 Genre: R&B, Pop, Dance-Pop giving Rihanna her eighth number-one hit on the chart. aggression of Madonna lies the pin- party, but it is an incredible movie when the orchestral sounds are made the Followill brothers so alluring 4. “Fading” - 3:20 Length: 46:38 According to Rihanna, the current plan is to release “S&M” as the up charm of Katy Perry. “She’s a score to a movie that has epic potential married with the electronic, and in the first place. Sure, there are songs 5. “Only Girl (In the World)” - 3:55 Label: Def Jam third single, with plans for an “unexpected” music video. drop dead gorgeous girl,” said Greg written all over it. If you came looking that is when it’s pure bliss. like the oddly placed malt-shop rock of 6. “California King Bed” - 4:12 Producers: Overall the CD sounds pretty decent and will surely please her Thompson, executive vice president for the next big Daft Punk hit, you will “Mary,” but there are also songs like the 7. “Man Down” - 4:27 StarGate, Sandy Vee, The fans who have been waiting patiently for the singer to share her new of marketing and promotion for EMI, most likely be sorely disappointed. But {3} The Temper Trap | Conditions vaguely twangy “Birthday,” which is far 8. “Raining Men” (featuring ) - 3:45 Runners, Polow da Don, experiences with them. You can clearly feel her growth on the album, but “with a truck driver’s mouth,” Add if you listened to the soundtrack for The Temper Trap didn’t come sexier—lyrically—than anything having to 9. “Complicated” - 4:18 Sham, Mel & Mus, Tricky it does not seem that she has found herself as an artist as yet. This is not candyfloss, and the persona of the what it was – a soundtrack – you just out of nowhere. But even in an age do with someone’s sex being on fire. If 10. “Skin” - 5:04 Stewart, Soundz, her best work thus far but truth be told this is not her worst either. self-consciously materialistic pop doll might be surprised at what Daft Punk of instant global communication, you keep an open mind you’re likely to 11. “Love the Way You Lie (Part II)” (featuring Eminem) - 4:56 Alex da Kid by Music Lovers Group {end} is complete. was capable of putting together, most Australia is still pretty far away find a solid mainstream rock album that >

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Colophon sounds much more like a product of continue to be his own biggest fan, he more confident and clearheaded than their musicianship avails itself to images small-stag-trophy-head.aspx php?productid=6451 band that enjoys “goofing off” more will also do what it takes to ensure that he has in years, and it’s left the MC starker scrutiny. These two have always All webpages & images accessed in object 10, Anthropologie Artist’s object 23, Nood Hanging Ord than it does “going to the office.” Time he remains on the JumboTron. With with one of his most complete records been more about energy than depth, December 2010. Imagination Necklace, http://www. Globe, http://www.nooddesign.ca/p- will tell which of the two directions the Kanye West, the trade-off is simply that to date. more about the bobbing head than the anthropologie.com sale section 655-hanging-orb-compact-globe.aspx group takes—whether they chase success in return for him being a bit of an ass stationary keyboard. Let’s hope it stays [cover & pg 12] Flower in Winter object 11, Spring McEntyre object 24, 2010 Olympic Mittens, or continue the search for soul—but sometimes, the public is given music {9} Lil’ Wayne | I Am Not a Human Being that way. - ”I am Waiting” by Rebels Abu on in Black Nubuck, http://www. http://www.dose.ca/style/Retail+Th if Come Around Sundown is any that, as the past decade suggests, is ’s rhymes remain tight Flickr, http://www.flickr.com/photos/ myspringshoes.com/ca-eng/sale/ erapy+Olympic+mittens+relaunch indication, the future of Kings of Leon likely to direct the flow of the medium and production strikes a fair balance {11} Kesha | Animal rebelsabu/4236850318/ women/sale-boots/80155730- ed/3596579/story.html will be just as enjoyable as the band’s for many years to come. Perhaps that’s between trademark southern sounds People might get the idea that mcentyre/93 object 25, West Elm Fuzzy Throw, past has been. what’s feeding his ego… if so, so be it. and deformed, galactic offerings. With she’s manufactured to be this wild [pg 4] Zuzana Licko & husband Rudy object 12, Lululemon Travel Mat, http://www.westelm.com/products/ a more specific theme than expected personality that shakes things up, like Vanderlans pictured at Gallery 16 in http://shop.lululemon.com/The_ fuzzy-throw-r933/?pkey=ggifts-100- {7} Kanye West | My Beautiful Dark {8} Eminem | Recovery of his widely anticipated The Carter Avril was in the time of Britney and San Francisco during the opening show MatTravel/pd/c/630/np/630/p/2153. under Twisted Fantasy What comes with this return is a IV album, I’m Not A Human Being Christina. But if she can keep cranking of Rudy Vanderlans work. http://www. html object 26, Urbanears, http://www. The album dramatically opens with renewed sense of clarity that has freed nevertheless maintains the rapper’s out ball-busting tracks that are as artbusiness.com/1open/121809.html object 13, Mark Hearld urbanears.com/product/plattan-pool a voice soulfully asking “Can we get him of whatever was holding him back appeal, explores his musical creativity feminist as Swift is sweet, then she Red Cushion Cover, http:// object 27, OPI Burlesque much higher?” And for the better part with Relapse. It’s one thing to say that and ushers him back amongst today’s might actually transcend the hype. To [pg 10] goodshapedesign.com/goods.html Collection Sparkle-icious,http:// of the next 70 minutes that question is Eminem is a changed person, and it’s elite stars. do that though, she’s going to have to object 1, Target Lodge Enamel object 14, American Apparel El mp.hairboutique.com/O-P-I- answered: Yes we can. To this point in another for the MC to actually come prove that she can sing and she’s going Apple Pot, http://www.target.com/ Salvador Lace Tee in Black, http:// -Nail-Lacquer-Sparkle-icious- his career, My Beautiful Dark Twisted through with an album that reaffirms {10} Matt & Kim | Sidewalks to have to do it live. In “Hungover”, Lodge-Enamel-Patriot-3-qt-Apple/ store.americanapparel.ca/rsalc300e. Burlesque-Collection--5-fl-oz-15ml/ Fantasy is the best work that Kanye’s the statement. With Recovery he’s done In one sense, Matt & Kim are it sounds like she’s comparing a dp/B00080APCK html?cid=201 P/128175/C/118 done in terms of producing a complete just that. Perhaps it’s Eminem who coming into their own, adding levels broken heart to the emptiness of being object 2, Large Whale Chalkboard, object 28, Bodum Assam Glass recording. He’s showing that he’s should have released an album called of sophistication to their infectious hungover, which is probably how a http://www.kifandkatast.com.au/ [pg 11] Teapot with Infuser, http://www. growing as a composer, a producer, Rebirth and not Lil Wayne, because pop sensibility. But as their personal party girl feels when she finds herself index.php?main_page=product_ object 15, Zara Twill Blazer With bodumusa.com/shop/line.asp?MD=2& and a lyricist. Just as Kanye West will with Recovery Marshall Mathers sounds presence becomes less vivid on record, falling for someone. {end} info&cPath=20_67&products_id=181 Gold Buttons, http://www.zara.com/ GID=7&LID=294&CHK=&SLT=&ms object 3, Decor Craft Inc “I webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product/ca/ cssid=CULVVMFW6TEV9GE1VTBQ7 Am Not a Paper Cup”, http:// en/zara-sales/11016/12687/TWILL%2 HSARE8E97K6 www.dcigift.com/product. BBLAZER%2BWITH%2BGOLD%2B object 29, Vij’s at Home cfm?productID=763&catID=14 BUTTONS Cookbook, http://www.amazon.ca/ object 4, BuyAMT Studio USB object 16, Forever 21 Lace Vijs-At-Home-Warmth-Cooking/ Key, http://buyamt.com/product/ Up Suedette Boots, http://www. dp/1553655729 cl%C3%A9-usb-black forever21.com/product.asp?catalog_ object 30, Etsy Upcycled object 5, Bored to Death: The name=FOREVER21&category_ Carrier, http://www.etsy.com/ Complete First Season on Amazon, name=whatsnew_shoes&product_ listing/60463285/upcycled-vintage- http://www.amazon.com/Bored- id=2084886396&Page=1 american-tourister?ref=v1_other_1 Death-Complete-First-Season/dp/ object 17, Wreck This Journal, object 31, Forever 21 Pom B002OOWKSU http://www.urbanoutfitters.com - Hat, http://www.forever21. object 6, Urban Outfitters Apartment - Book Store com/product.asp?catalog_ Bottle Opener Ring, http://www. object 18, Etsy Dolce Vita Scarf, name=FOREVER21&category_ urbanoutfitters.com/urban/catalog/ http://www.etsy.com/listing/41664378/ name=whatsnew_acc_hats&product_ productdetail.jsp?id=15847924&itemd dolce-vita-scarf?ref=cat2_gallery_35 id=2084959926&Page=1 escription=true&navAction=jump&sear object 19, IKEA Gislev Rug, ch=true&isProduct=true&parentid=SE http://www.ikea.com/ca/en/catalog/ [pg 19] Latte Art taken by Alexander ARCH+RESULTS products/10177885 Ruas on Flickr, http://www.flickr.com/ object 7, Decor Craft object 20, CB2 Stainless Steel photos/coffeeruas/2828072818/ Inc Holiday Eco Cup, http:// Snack Bowls, http://www.cb2.com/ www.dcigift.com/product. family.aspx?c=11023&f=4401 [pg 20] Prado Cafe Vancouver, cfm?productID=1113&catID=14 object 21, Michael Buble: Let Unknown Photographer - Melinda object 8, DWR Midas Collection, It Snow CD, http://www.amazon.ca/ & Neal’s Wedding, http://www. http://www.dwr.com/product/tools- Let-Snow-Ep-Re-Release-07/dp/ weddingmapper.com/plan/vendor/ for-living/gifts-free-shipping/midas- B000VE4DPS/ref=dp_ob_title_music bc/coquitlam/restaurants/prado_ carafe-small.do object 22, Jayson Home & cafe/83492?geocoded=g object 9, Nood Stag Trophy Head, Garden Cork Journals, http://www. http://www.nooddesign.ca/p-1067- jaysonhomeandgarden.com/product. [pg 23] David’s Tea Vancouver on 4th

26 | ignite 27 Street, May Globus from Vancouver is KESHA_ANIMAL_5x5.jpg [pg 24] Rihanna - Loud Album Bully, text copied from http://www. Awesome, http://vancouverisawesome. Review by the Music Lovers Group, culturebully.com/eminem-recovery- com/2009/09/16/davids-tea/ [pg 26] Kanye West interupting Taylor text copied from http://www. album-review Swift’s acceptance speech at the VMA’s, musicloversgroup.com/rihanna-loud- Lil Wayne - I Am Not A Human [pg 24] Rihanna Album Cover http://0.tqn.com/d/randb/1/0/ album-review/ Being | Album Review by Henry Yanney for Loud, http://www.jiwang.ws/ y/O/-/-/KanyeTaylor.jpg (Sept 27, 2010) for Soul Culture, text thread-81059.html [pg 25] copied from http://www.soulculture. articles Pieces of articles were taken in order co.uk/reviews/lil-wayne-i-am-not-a- [pg 25] All webpages & articles accessed in to keep the reviews short. Usually th human-being-album-review/ cover 1, Katy Perry Album November & December 2010. opening or closing paragraph of the Matt & Kim: Sidewalks by Dylan Cover for Teenage Dream, http:// review. Nelson (Nov 5, 2010) for Pop www.misformusic.com/wp-content/ [pg 4] Interview with Zuzana Licko by Music Review: Katy Perry: Teenage Matters, text copied from http://www. uploads/2010/08/Katy-Perry- Rhonda Rubinstein for Eye Magazine Dream by the Kasmin Fernandes, text popmatters.com/pm/review/133117- Teenage-Dream.jpg (2002), now published on Emigre copied from http://www.mid-day.com/ matt-kim-sidewalks/ cover 2, Daft Punk Album Cover Fonts Website, text copied from http:// specials/2010/sep/190910-katy-perry- Album Review: Kesha’s Animal by for Disneys Tron Legacy Official www.emigre.com/Licko1.php teenage-dream-music-review.htm Monica Perry (Jan 7, 2010) for Get Soundtrack, http://landofthefreeish. Daft Punk - Tron Legacy (End Addicted, text copied from http:// com/offtopic/tron-daft-punk-easter- [pg 9] Prepping for the Interview Titles) + Soundtrack Review, text ourjane.blogspot.com/2010/01/ egg-on-tronsoundtrack-com/ by The Creative Group (2007), now copied from http://dailybeatz. album-review-keshas-animal.html cover 3, The Temper Trap Album published on How Design: Ideas at com/2010/11/22/daft-punk-tron- Cover for Conditions, http://ikelk.lt/ Work, text copied from http://www. legacy-end-titles-soundtrack-review/ storage/images/000/010/256/10256/ howdesign.com/article/InverviewPrep/ Album Review, Temper Trap, original_img.jpg Conditions by Marc Hogan (2009), cover 4, Mumford & Sons Album [pg 13] Ayurvedic Weekend Detox text copied from http://pitchfork.com/ Cover for Sigh No More, http://nh7. by Whole Living (June 2010), now reviews/albums/13368-conditions/ in/mumfordandsons/sigh-no-more/ published on their website, text copied Mumford and Sons - Sigh No More cover 5, Kid Cudi Album Cover from http://www.wholeliving.com/ [Album Review] for Music Reviews for Man on the Moon II: The Legend article/weekend-detox for Idiots by Idiots, text copied from of Mr. Rager, http://oi55.tinypic. http://www.musicreviewsforidiots. com/21a9slk.jpg [pg 14] Discover Your Dosha: Ancient com/reviews/mumford-sons-sigh-no- cover 6, Kings of Leon Album Ayurveda Meets Modern Science more-album-review/ Cover for Come Around Sundown, written by Joseph Hooper for Whole Review Roundup: Kid Cudi ‘Man on http://www.popinstereo.com/ Living (June 2010), now published on the Moon II: The Legend of Mr. Rager archives/5990 their website, text copied from http:// for Rap-Up.com, text copied from cover 7, Kanye West Album Cover www.wholeliving.com/article/modern- http://www.rap-up.com/2010/11/09/ for My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, ayurveda?page=1 review-roundup-kid-cudi-man-on- http://coverlandia.net/?cat=3106 the-moon-ii-the-legend-of-mr- cover 8, Eminem Album Cover [pg 17] Discover Your Dosha by The rager/ for Recovery, http://kidkool.info/ Yoga Journal, now published on their Kings of Leon “Come Around kid/eminem-recovery-full-album- website, text copied from http://www. Sundown” Review by Chris DeLine download.kid yogajournal.com/health/498 (Oct 6, 2010) for Culture Bully, text cover 9, Lil’ Wayne Album Cover copied from http://www.culturebully. for I Am Not a Human Being, http:// [pg 18] Review: Prado Cafe, com/kings-of-leon-come-around- www.inklingsnews.com/wp-content/ Vancouver, BC by Mark Prince for sundown-album-review uploads/2010/10/I_am_not_a_human_ Coffee Geek, text copied from http:// Kanye West “My Beautiful Dark being1.jpeg coffeegeek.com/forums/members/ Twisted Fantasy” (Review) by Chris cover 10, Matt & Kim Album coffeereviews/139683 DeLine (Nov 12, 2010) for Culture Cover for Sidewalks, http://rightonpr. Bully, text copied from http://www. com/covers/Matt&Kim_Sidewalks_ [pg 22] Not Just Your Grandmother’s culturebully.com/kanye-west-my- cover.jpg Drink: David’s Tea by Hannah Koh beautiful-dark-twisted-fantasy-album- cover 11, Kesha Album Cover for Bentobox on Alternavox.com, text review for Animal, http://www.muumuse. copied from http://alternavox.net/ Eminem “Recover” Review by Chris com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/ bentobox/davids-tea/comment-page-1/ DeLine ( June 8, 2010) for Culture

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