' 1Video Goes Audio McCune Proves Mettle The ·county (J:'dilorlul-ur ffi•IYh(l it'a lntci•Jratlve Ingham I writhJ«r n1 IHHrltllhiuu - by Nolt~nn fimwn,J Inglunn's JlPp, ,John Mr·Cnno, Winner of Michigan Press General Excellence Award Mason, Michigan, Thursday, March 11, 1954 Ninety·Fifth Year, No. 10 4 Sections 28 Pages ~cr vin~: ills fir Hl l<'t'm 111 tlru hcntBe, IHIH provPrl lrimscl f under· 1 ,lllf' hc.tvresl fire any IC!glslatnr llave You Mel? hr11; drawn liriH year'. State Marshal Mr. und Mrs, Willinm '1', Attndtl'rl oVI'l' lhc rurliu nnrl Hoys, 2'11 State strC!et'? He 'I'V, hy rlnily 111'\VS[JIIIJI'I' e•clilorial lonchcR the sixth grade at School Merger Facts Are ·oue Friday wrltcr·s nnrl by rcporiPJ s who Nudges Mason Lansin~ Everett; she Is the tw!Hlcrl tlrr• fa~·IH, J\lr{'UIIP h.ts 1 .rrlverttHing mnmrgcr Ill MIJis horne up manful!~· Suhlt>l'll'rl to sloJ c in Lansrng. They lmve E'. COLUNB/17 .Sr. teru•ful plem; hy sr·arPrl f'ollr.agncs On Fire Ruins 1c:;lclcd In Mason for G months. Publi( Invited in Jlw legislattu·o nnrl hy polllical Roys Is a nntlvc of Ellwood, il:'llril'l'H !11 hoi h part if's, J\IC'C'unc Somebody will have to 111 wcstcm Pennsylv:rnlu, his has stood firm. AIHIH<'rl hy llqlllll' either build up m· tear clown wife of Muslmgon, It was In To Learn About Jobhylsts and hy mlsll'rl IPII'gr,rm what's left of the Legion Me­ MuRiwgon they mel. Ilc went I 'senriC!r·s anri leiiPJ' wr·llr•r s, lng· I modal building. 'rhe p1·csent there In attend MusiPiwecn high sl'lwnl nncl hy the Al.r!Ptlon sci tool st tttiV <'Oill· c•very ltornr•. llrs hill rlocH not han ot the fii'C! mnrsltal's C"omplalnl. I lllC'IltS a11rJ lftoHI' jli'I'HI'JIIPrJ hy collt•gr! !toys wns an cnliHtcd mlttr•c and .rpjn·ovPd hy the Ill' interfere wtth lolcr:nsting or The Legion lnmleJ', at'eonllng to Jtep. Lours('. C'r.rmton of Lapei'J man In lhP navy, Hmvlng in AIJ!Ierlon 'l'ownslllp llnil sf'itnnl IPit'VIewlng nny sports cl'ent or Auslln, rcpiiPrl lll.rl all LPglon anrl H1•p. '1' ••fr•IIPrson lloxlr. of llw Pa11fte, l!e Is a momhcr of honrrl. Under tlw propos.rl, older· any ollrer kind of l'ntcrlntnmcnt r·ighls to lhc property IHrvc• l1ccn St. Louis rntrll'rl llu• npprrslt ion surrendered to lhe C'ity t'nurwtl, I he Lansing TeaPher·s P!uh and • pupils from l'lcrncnlary i(t.rdes In llowarrl l•'ilwlr nt Lansing's '•I krl l1y Hrp. I loWiil'rl IL'l'a11 oil of Mayor Clairmonl Everltl was at Mlchtgan Slalc was a mcm· K Alalcrlon Ke•lwols would iw WIJM Jeri Jile att.rl'lt agalnsl Me· Mt Cif'me•IJ•r. informC£1 of llw il<'ntif'J' rcr'Jllll· her of Pill Epsilon Kappa, the lrttnspnrlerl In Mason Or11• sdwol, 011 Wl•rlru;s,J,cJ Ill(' McCune• htll !'tllw's bill wllh hmzcn misreprc· mf!nrlaliun Thursday, lie salrl ill' plly:;Jro,tl r•Ul' Also hclng c onsrtlcr·ecl 111 Lhr. till' hill'''"' a lr•g.rl m.riii'I'. Sen Jo:cltlnrs lnr aclverlisin,:: man· poses, The Legwnnanes voiPrl Jo distric-t r·cm·g.rnlwtinn plans arc Council Studies '{' alor Ilatt\ llrlli<•, Easl L.ltlsrng, :rgpr•sr of daily newspapers, W~l'· give their lnlcr·cst 111 lhc lnuiod rreognize the righc of thC!' legis· IWeC!n the Mason board, the AlaiP· 2 sixth gradC! classes \\ere held Eqttipment Co. grader in action,/ secure that so there may eventually be 45 owns the Brickyard pl'operty. taste J.>IL•rc to control liquor advcrtls· and the Eurlc Equipment Co. may rlon board and the Alnlednn WilPtlwr or not lire Me Ct•m• ing. They dirln'l trot up and dowil in the Legion burldmg. bring rts grader to Mason Thurs· sclwol study eommit tee. The sec· hill illouse Brll 297J ever· he r·.rprlol corridois because the Me· 'd d day or Friday for a dcmonstra· School Wants Share of East S1 e Lan nml was between the lloanb of comes law, til!' author got .l<'ltnn Cunc btll ts unconstitutional. t ion, the mayor said. Mnson, Alaicdon, Wilson anti Wiltle ltquor· lohb) t:-<1' r.cved nnd •1 hc·Y ran thmr legs off because A heavy i(radcr will do the flaw ley. ranted, and som.e newspHpcr I! 1~. Legion Members work of the present light grader, Mnson sehoul board members, editors lot• .rdvcrtrstng rn Jn.rt:crsl j Yes, John McCune of East Lan· 1he mayor cxplamcd, and in add! Mason Superintendent .James II. ]PapC'd to lhP at t.cck Wtl II pieces sltlg, Ingham's second district Will Decide on t ion it will malte 1t possible for Nazarenes Buy 8 A.cres for Church V.rmlf'J' Ven, County Superlntcn· .rhout freedom of specell anrl tile representative. proved his mettle. crly employees to do much of the rlent Alton .T. Stroud and Wesley thnMI of cc•ls<~tshtr, TY tycor~n.s rre acquitted himself with honor wotlt now let out to pnvatc con· Mason Church of the Nazarene tor, but at the offictal church t vide facrlitics for· double the Beadle, consult.rnt from the Htall' rc acted mot·c tn ltccprng wlln anti courage! in a melee 'where Merger of Posts tractors. has bought 8 acres of land on the mcetrng held Sunday the mcm· number of \\'Orshlpcrs and Sun· department of public Instruction, east side of town, extending be· bers favored the Burgess prop· day school pupils as the present their rcsponsibilrlir•s most of his opponents a11d a few The city purchas.ed a Huber arc expected to he pmscnt Frul.ry Members of Browne·Cavender tween Maple and Columbia and crty. j building, he added. Thcy, or some of I hem, recog· of his collc.lf::ucs showed hltle of night. post of the American Legion nC!Xt gradC!r m 1952. It is proposed that nizcd that then· muse was crther. rt be t urnC!d in on the 11ew grader. lying west of the Brickyard Worlt will be started just as Two years ago the .Mason Thursday night wtll decide on a The Frrday nrght mcellng, said harmed, nol lrclpcrl, by tire s.rv· Ingham counly's second district The brdders and their bids were: ponds. soon as possible on the new build· school study committee rccom· merger with the Holt Legion school offrcmls, rs to present ancl age attae•ks .ri(.unsl one man who ts ably represented in tile state Mtller Equipment Co., Grand On part of that land the Naz- lllf(. the pastor declared. George mcnclccl that the school districl discuss !acts and prohahtlllics, to post. The announcement wa•; sought to induce beer pcrldlcrs to legislature. Haptds, $5,851; Marcns Equip· arcnes plan to erect a new ISchrieber, a Pasadena, Call· buy the Burgl!ss propcHy for fu­ explore the advantages and dh;• made hy Leslie Palmer, com· usc bet tcr taste. Those TV people ---C...... -,-- ment Co., New Hudson, $7,500; church. fornin, architect specralrzing in Lure needs A representative ol advantages of the proposer! mer­ JII tile top jlCi~ltiOilS aho WC!f' manclcr of the Mason post, Thurs· Cyril J. Burke Inc., Detroit, The Janel bought by the church church construction, is drawing !he sta!e department of public day morning. Tlw mC!eltng will ger anrl to provide people with quwl< lo rew~ni~c· tlrnt r\11111) JlCO· . $8,818; and the Earle Equipment is the same slt.c for which the the plans. It wrll be of modern, tnstrut'IIon gave hts approval to tn fo1 ma lion they wrll nC!ed In pic, anrl not all of them ICC· News Index be held In the Knights of Pytluas Co , Dctrort, $3,100 The bid Mason hoarcl of educalton had fu.nclional archrtecturc, prohably the srtc, declaring. t~1a1 It offered decide on the merger proposal. It tolalers, 1 espnl tlw sudsy corn· lwll. Want ads, P,q::es G, 7 ami 8, prices arc m addition to the heen clicltcrlng for a year. In fact, Wjthout a hase!11cnt, tile pastor the greatest ~ossrbrllttcs of any will he up to the people, not the mer l'r

' ' ·~"~.... CONGRATULATIONS! To Ingham County 4-H_ embers

4-H Club Week • 1 March 6-14 In Lin~ with 4-H Thinking • • • We who know 4-H boys and girls look to America's future with confidence, for we know-that here are more than 2,000,000 young people whose daily lives uphold the highest ideals of character and good citizenship. We I • I . . ' .· . This Ad Is Spons.ored .By ~he Expressed Good Wishes of Friends of 4-H

PRICE BROTHERS, Auctioneer~; congratulate all 4-H club members for their adherence . '. . .. ,.. PIIILP 1\IOTOR SAI.ES MASON ELEVATOR llll.'I'ON 1\ND 'ICICHARDS RUICI\: MICKELSON-BAKER I.UMBER CO. SCHMID'l."S DEPAR'l.~IEN'l.' STOI~E to the principles that have made our ~ountry strong. Phone 9521 ImY CHRISTENSJ;JN FORD SAU~S DURELJJS FOOD~ MARKET BAI.DERSON ELEVATOR I" .. -·, Disitic! lngltillll cMids County New~ fs L'liwlllllll flnitrtul'l Adw1lui•·11 l iugii Mil lit I IIIJci~, \\'ell I oLii'• JH I'H, Lc•CIJII' ,Jnhn~tmt , Plnns nn• llnriPI'WIIY ftll' th'• )!PI',Y fnl' 1:1111 Hlflllf'S nt l•'nntn Jtn~ Holt Community News Items M1·. nn!l Mm. RoiH•rt SPrlf:r'· llllllltnl illlslwltwll IHIIlCJIIPI ld on Mr11, Dcm1 Mr. nnd Mr·s. GPrnld Ml'f\Pssoy Stocls J'lnnniJCI spr•nt lhn wr:wk r>nrl wllh lltPlr Mrs. Helen Beeman _I Grade Schools Have parenls, Mr· and Mrs ErnPst Me•· pollwk, "' a1tlnH ,,, 7 :on p m New sholvr.s hnve hcon In· Officers Pidced During thP WPPJ' nf Mm·ch 1 '• , , llnlh .cnrl f'l1i(f•l' will hr. furnJ;;JJerl stnllorl In tim llhrnry, I ' Kr.ssc•y. Mr. anrl Mrs. n.tylrml flllnr·icil' lrc•iltiiWIIIH will he• gl\'1'11 Theu PTA Meetmgs McKr.shcy and Mr. anrl Mrs. Cltlz<'IIS Oonuuilt~c lo ~Jpc•t Tlh• puhllc• I;; lnvllerl, 'f'liose at Arllulr Rmltli nncl fnmlly cnllerl In se!'nllli, II fl h and r>lgh I h lending nrc lo t.iiH• n dish tn pnss At Tuesday Meet Garth MroKcJ~sr.y and l.tmlly W<'i'P A meeting of the Siof'idJridgP on llw Put McDnnnlrlh nf Holt, grnrJPrs. Muslro BnosiPrs will mPr>l Tlw 3 !foil nlcrncnlui'Y llchools School Announces Cnmmunily A~rkulluml scltonls .cncl l;lhlr. ;;on•kP.. 'l'lic> speal;cr Sunday. Mnnrluy PVPnlng, M.crr·h tfi, .cl IJH• hPI.J llwlr· P. T. A. mentlngs Mon· Sumlny vlsilnrs nl llw Mcl\esMey Offll:'crs Plr:><'ll•rl fot' tltr. NP.igh· home. citizens committee> hns hcen I •11111111 IJr• llllllOLIIH'Drl dH yet, hut Mrs. Lc>one Fl'lton vlsiiPrl hri1 cl.t,Y l'Vcnlng, llnrhnorl Sr•rHcl L1•ndrrs nssocln· sdwot. On 'f'liPSrJ,ty, llw sPnior cnllerl for 'l'hursclny night, Mnrcl,l 11 piogl'.cm Is lwln[:( plnnnerl. rlm1ghtcr, Mnrgnret, nnrl fnmlly supper Will tw h<'ld. All ]lo!r'PiliH Mr. nnrl Mrs. Fmnlc Cln rlc or Honor Students lion 'I'LIPS.J.cy nflrplwn~ arc oiHttPrl In all<'illl nnrl rliS<'Liss Plf'! lion of ofllr-nrs wllh Mrs Plensnnl lnlw S[Jr.nt Sunday ,vllh Ml's. \VIIIInm T. 'l'lll'lnr .cs r•IJ,iii· lhclr motlwr, Mrs. LPnnr• .Tohn· Strwlnfhlun HIPs l•ml son spent Sunday with Iii·: IJw sc•nlnr I rip to NPW Ynt k. Sc•n St.cicll'y Warner (•Jr.clecl ns pres!· 1111111, Mrs. l'r•nnPih. llnrw ns as· lllllllll'ed Its honor mil for till! ~:toclniors 1111 tile honor roll lll'l' Louis 1\lngsmll ArdliiPPILII'III I'PsldPnl, rllc•rl 'J'IIlllsrla,v c•wnlng. '.c~, lr>aux, fatlwr vice-president; Mrs. r.r In Jaw nncl wlfr> wc•nt In Ji'ort F1rm will meet wltlt tlw cnmmll· 'l'lw assor•latlnn now hns l!i Shl•rirlrl M,try Lou Brocsamlc, Pnt Coch· In llcnlon rr.u kn·. i[p Is survive>;! ;.;Jmr.t• Lehman anrl Mnx Cnol fll· nnal plans wc>rr• m.cr!P fm· llw .cn Mr. anrl M1·s ,Jnml"; Jc•nnlngs [ltr•,Jrlent; Mrs. rtonnlrl Sage, sec·· to tile necessary lnllldlnr.: pr·n· h,l' lice• widow, Htttli; Ius mother, lr•ndl'r:l lhe Sixth Dlstr·lr·t Amcrl· hill'!' n•ILII'nPrl fmm a :; II'Pl'tlir,l'; Mrs. 'vV L. Bnrton, trr.as· lherc Snturrlay morning 'l'lwy r·.cn, H?V C'ral!, l~vclyn l•'lnC'II, 1111111 f~mlly i\lgltl for the fllrl Hny FIHnshui·gh, .Tulia May Ford, gram. Mrs H. \V. Bl'athmn of Stc)('J.;. cnn Lc!(lllll mcellng nt Lansing vnc•.ctlon lrip In Flrn 1rJ;c 11ncl li~'I'; Mrs. Carl ,-roltm.on, his· returnPcl homr> 'rltllrsdny. Sc ouls, illllll'llir•s 1111!1 famlllc•s, Bill Fouly, Snlly IInrlley, H1fr1 hr'lrlge; .c ml 2 sis Icrs, J\1 rs fliJJ 101·t S11nrlay a ftrrnr.nn Willdt will IH• lu•lrl TuPsrJ,cy, Loc1isi.c1HI In fo'lorirl.c lltr•v VISit Pel tortan: nnrl Mrs. I• rank J.nn!ICI'S, Nl'ill of Stol'i\IJI'iclgP, nnrl Mi s. Shnr·on Slnntlcld spr.nf Snnrln~· Ihe> Morr•y B[ali s, tnl'lli<'r rr•sl paillanwntarhcn. !Inrrling, Pal Ilcchl, Huth Me· 1\lnn·lt Iii, 111 7 p.m. 111 lhC' town Hal 1ll1 \Voorlhurst 11[ .J.cl'kson. 1.Iternonn 1111rl night wllh Belly dPnls of 'lloll, now of %c•phy1·· Till' i:l'nup agreed In purchnsr> Munith Arllntr, .Tim McCloud, Troy Mar· Ita II. shall, .Toy Matsen, Boh Risner, Stock bri dge Boy Scouts llurl.'l \VIIS In l'.dv.cry ('['IJWIPry, 1\lnllr.nl for lhe oCflcc, Mr·. nncl Mrs, F'rnnk ll1•dwr nnrl \Vmston Tisch. Hold Court of Honor rl.cy C'lllll[l fiJI' l;Jrl Srottls 11'111 IH• l~lla ShPI'motn 111 ,Jnc·kson, Sun­ or1u;g-P grow of lh•• Allr>n AI· '1'. A mcm!Jers .Junior ilonor stuclr.nls nre Rial sh11ll'l1. I foil l1as Ill Girl Sc·outs J~llloll r. vlsltr•d rr•lo~tti'<'S 111 J),•Jt·oil lnst rial' bcrts, !loll rr•sirlunls, 'd\V IIH• formPrl a nomlnaling committe£' week. Ashmore, Grnce Bailey, .Jean 'I., 11111 1a,y lllg· 1l t I'llI o"OI'Oll'' 1 s n nr 1 On 1\Jonrlay Ill!' vill.c:'l' c>)e<•tlnn Mrs. rrenr> Cobb, Arl hlil' Rny nnrl llrownlt>s. w.cs ilPid. S<'I'C:'III l'·fil c• hallnls · WrtiPI' sla~sinn J'i,1y" w.cs 11lsn appninterl, Mrs. Ray M1•. and Mrs r'lydc Tlawkins After a pol Ill'\ r 11111r.r a lc>nc c•r Luella were Sundny rllnnr.r Beforr> r·nmlng honw, IIH•,r ,,; !( f'l;uJ,, Mrs. Leo TTow,Jld nnrl !Iurdelbrinlr, C.crolinP ,Johnson, · 1 1 AshmorP; trusll'r>s fur 11111 \'Pill'", 'I'IH• 1'111 k nnrl Silnpmm in furnhhlng TPIJC•slunPnls fo1 ili'P vm,cllflnlng 111 Flol'irln. Smulmasler W llnm .~Immons. fnmil~· of \Vatr>rloo, JPnns wiH'I'f' 1111'\' vbllr•d ihe Miss Lul.t IVay of Wnynf' Slnle Lind.c Lnnlis, Dennis McVay, Don · 1 1 1 1 r 1 Hohcn \Vnmlm.tn; and .cssr>ssnr, Prl last nftctnrHIII. Mr:. anrl MI s w.itic>r· Yc>rke ,IIJrJ Mr nml M1·s. Orson Gnnls, Mr. clr.~ 'J'hut·sda~· fll.sl rliVISI!III l'lllrng ,.ct IIIP r.lls llll'f'l IVllh l\1is. Coi'IIf'lia VnnriPr'l frc.m Nf'IJraska nnrl 1~ Rttrdymg Brool c·cHH!u. lt•rville, Mr. and nnd Mrs. Van llarr 1111t1 l\!1 s A•la lr·u I l'rllll~·sl, he• lei 'II _l;n;'ll'ln hrgl1 Vc•PI ~~'crlnPsdny, 1\l.crl'll , nl foi' 11 cior lnt-.JIP of l'lnld !'l'c~wlh ('ook, David Cook, Paul Keske•, Tlwmas Bul'llpus. 1\lllnl'l' func•ral hlllll" Sullrl.cy at Mt·s. Burr Pol tcr :cnd rillllf.(hler nf 17 Tlarlndrrlthr. sixllt / Si.clc> ('(JIIPg~. C'.crol Salt crier> and Judy Will· Cor nisll, Thomas Pnlls, 'l'lwnws Ill lit rcmr>tc•n•. llr.v ..r. fo:. ;\fixon E. D. Fl'llnl;lin ot M.csnn .cnd Mr. 1 M1 ~ Dnrnlhy Rollison of De· ll'st monllt nt Ann A1ilor·. rlislricl mPclmg Lansing J.cst . 11.'0< :'· '1' m,ect· 111'~1 111 ~~ ~1ulwn~ ~· lroit, Mr. ami Mrs. Fmni< llel'hcr. more. Burnpus, Fred Mills, Lmwll 11f Mllnilh nlllf'ialc•cl. nne! M1s Raymond Hcynolds. wcc>k. Tlw cwxl IJusirll'ss llli'I'IIIIJ' 1n1,. h) ·l.c11s were .cpprO\ed rtw Mr. nnrl Mrs, Wcllfol'll Call. Mrs. FrcshmC'n who eamcrl gonrl Crandell otllcl David Wyekolt'. Kennel h Hunl'iman lllld chil· Mr. 111111 !\Its .E. H. Wt ight of of llw Auxlltlll'\' will he lwlcl c:I'!Jupag-rc•crl thai the recent car­ grack-; \\'ere .!f'otn Arkley, Doug Following the prr•sent:Jtlon, ., Mr. and Mrs. Tom Conlon and rlren of Chclse.t visited his par· C:h.crlollc II'C'I'r• SLntrloty glll'sl<: nf Apnl G H o'c•lock .It the Jiult llll'al pi'OPPt>ds would go lownrcl .John Gm•flelcl, Mrs Hl'!Pn Jump, 111 Mrs. Kall' Hall'lcy anrll\11s. John Bm !'In, Pnlge Boos, Willie Br,m· l'olorerl movie film wns shown ol Htn Ch.1rlie, 1\Pr,, nvcl'lliglcl Pills, 1\lc· anrl Mrs. !Job Brown, lliP \V.ciiPt' Balzcrs. 1 town ""II r upbo.mls 111 the school. Graf callrrl at llw hom!' of Mr ham, Zit,, Broims, Bob Lantis, the jamhorcr. th.ct was lwlrl 111 g\ll"ls at lhc lionw o[ Hev 111111 St·., Sunrlnt, Kenneth VanNodwr; .T ,(['kle Ra ncl( has rr.mvcrecl Marvrnn Mu~olf, Gary Smith aml I:1gl1t. S.cturd.cy morn111g, Mn;. Lnnslng r.tllcrl I he rtlch:ll'll f111hcr viec< pn•s1r!ent. Iromc1 011 Thr> 0 E S. f'llllnly mPt'llng enough "" lw r·an 1\'ork in hi~ Jerry Smith. Urmlhm·~· lnfnnl Dies JJ,•ni~li anrl Iter motlwr, Mrs. Asbmores Sunday. I f11pkin,;; mollil'l' vir•c president, VOGU~ Will Ill' held at [loll Tucsrla}, slorc, Willi lhr. aid of his wheel In the elghfll grarle, Frances Roger BrariiJury, infnnl son nf Fr•r•ss, anrl Mrs. Conlun went nn Tflf' Gir•i:-: Glee club nttenrlcd Mardt IG, at R o'<'inl'i1 wciJt l\!;1. M1 s. 1\l.crshall JTnrlig; lr.ncher clwn·. Bcr·kwilh, .Jean Burgess, Honnld Mr. nml Mr·s. T. \Vii limn Drall· to :':I Mar·.\ 's Lak~ 1 amp In at· "Okl.tl:.m:.J" in Del t'Oit l;cst Sat· IN '54 son 0 E. .S . .cssisling Til!• llnll l'lf'e·pt esiclenl, Chi ore Mol'l'is; Callr•rs at I lw Harold Han Carle, Connie Dyscr·t, Hosemarie bury a[ Lansing, rlierl l\lonrla\ tr nd a spu·itual lif~ rclreat ron· urclay. ell.cpler is plnlllllllg a swie~ slr•:ck oecr.•laiy, Pli~llts Brown; ;mel lwmr ovc1 the werk enrl were Mr. l'lal'l<, Carol IInnnewalrl Dick morning. Surviving lnrn me l!w cit rtccl IJy I he Mellwrlist chu1d1 , Tlw Della Alphas hdrl their rl1nncr 1~ilh 11 baza111' for l\Lcrd1 lll'd''lll'l'l', Mrh. Drn·spy Dodson. nnd llfr';, ITarolr:l Coddington Mrs. Hultcnlncher, Vivian Libcrski, parents, !he gJ,Jndp:Jrcnts, l\lc 'lnr. lc.Hicrs of I he rr•trea1 wew I M Tlw \ '30 al llw 'J'empll' pri/.e for tlw most pnrent s R W Alter·. TIvcncng. The Jll esent WPnt to l\lr s. Sulton's Mr. and Mrs . .Tohn Faughl, all of Schultz. Barbara Scott, Helen Stockht idr:c and Mr and Mr~ ltdk, Va., Dr l'vlet'rlll Abbey 11! vice-presiclt>nl, ·Dnl'fl !!all, C'flll· Gl.Jri) s Spauld111g of Lansing r11om and to Mrs. Anderson's Stanfield and Patty Trapp were William Br.Idhury, Sr, ol Lau· Ann Arhoi', anrl Glenn ducted lhe meeting rvf'd ll![I'eslt· 17 nl !110 hom!' of Gr•J'aldiiiP of his family's and !\Irs Lloyd Ash of Cement 2arnerl them places on the hor.or Sunfield. Services were c•onrluclr•,J \V11mon'h l'luh mrct1ng at I he mcnts 111 keeping wllh Sl. l•:ill'OJlC'flll llifl Smith, with Htttlt Smith as I'O· Cily, Mrh C. W. Rnnt:k a11CI roll were Diane Baldwllc, Belly from lhc Milner Iunei'al home •n honw of lwr clauglller·, Mr·s. Patrick's Day lwstcss, Her topic· will he "\Vp g-randd1cughtcr. Connie>, of Slocl<· Coring, Bob Carley, K.ctherme Stocllvrs In KPcp Fit l!ri.Jg-e, and J\IPI'I'y R:tnck of Cr.Jfl. Syrcta Dixon, Dick IIut· p, m. with huri.cl in Oaldawn clay. puinlerl by ll1e townsltipiJoarri. :cs .. ' to Lll'f' Wilh." Holt Church Circles Ypsilanl1. son, Sue !\err, Ruth Larson, Pllt /cemetery, Stocklll'ld;:'t'. Rev. J. P. ~Trs. l\fyrtn Ramsdell has been ju~tice of the pcacp In fill \il· Sund.ty guPsls of the l\Inrshnll The cond1t con of 1\lrs. Lhln Long, John Mason, Lorraine\ Nixon of ML1111t1I of11l'intcd. entert,llninr~ her Rister s, Clara 1 caney. Coolidge fr anrl dnlclrenl "Our Spnnish Speaking Neigh· Sunday c,Jllcrs a I 1h0 hom!' o ~ niP Hose, Connie Sober and Doug John Willmore undenvenl sur· Crcrlc I Mrrc.us SUIU! raMPL~S cl . uf SlwpheHI. IJnrs in the Soulhwest" will be tllC Mr. nnd Mrs. John Garhclri ami Wilson. gery nt the Foote hospital, .Jack· Tw~nty-two otllenclerl n get-to· E!'d D'B~ili O»ilil tli Mr ami Mr·· Ed11 111 Murray lilC'nw ol !he \V, S. C. S circles Mrs. Helen Jump were MI'. and son, last Wcclne~rlny c~nd returned gnllwr of the Ashmore f,11nily SIZES 7-7 Y2-8ALL TYPES ~,\, \ and f'illlriicn ~pcnl tlw WPPk enn o[ tile [foil Brothcriloor:J Temple Mrs. Arlhur Havens of Jack'on Local people in the southern home Sunday, , ~-unrlny evening at the Cecil IIurJ.I GOODYEAR WELTS- VALUES TO 111 Indianapolis, lnrliana, nt the Mrtllnrii~I church during March. 1 'i Our StaNu s(Ales arc Ml'. and Mrs. J. G Mr. nnel M1·s Stu.art Armstron,; I !;:ns IH>~1e. Lurwh and Vlsitmg $10-WHILE THEY LAST $595 linisltin~ Jlroces'i homr. of Mt· and Mrs. !'nul Sims T1lemhers of ll1e Eva Circle Will McEwmg nnd famtly, Mr. and E[lent Sunclay cverung at the Ken· were en toyed. ' STURDY OXFORDS _ V'AtUES TO mal,es dothcs loot~ Mrs r1anl< Bl'lstow of FII!'ll· mel't wilh Mrs. Lydta Milllusler l\Ir·s. Bob Wasson and Mr. and ncth Stanfield home Mr. anrl Mrs. Floyd Hmcldey :11\(J I ~eJ ilke llC\/ • , Northwest Stockdridge . $3 $4 burg spent the 1\Prk end Willi Wcrlnesrlay, March 17, nl 7:45 p. :~I 1 o cxtr:t CO!'ot! Dt!icovcr iili·e.. Guc•rrlon Ushr·1· l\Trs. W G. Reeves. Dr and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Olancl Sinnfteld attcnclcrl the fLIIlct·ar of her sistr.t·· $B.OO. NOW omy 98 • 98 fnr > nur~elt lh~ ;oy of ha\ lilA' her IIIC'I'P nnd famil\' 111 !foil tlw m. The I..tllinn Circle will he their G. D. Culver arc at Hot Springs, of Munith, spent Sunday wilh iP·Ir.w, !\Irs. Lula Siegrist at J HALl, SHOES '\011/ Llotht~ - \\oolcns, cottons, 1 ,dl,s ltllt.:n~ or s}nthei!C'i-tlry clc.:an~d 1\lclvin Basores. · guests Mr~. Dnm !Ior•kcng and The monthly meet mg of W S Arkansas. their son, Kennelh, nncl family. G1·ass Lnkc, Tuesclny aflernoor; :l!hl hllhhcd \lith St<~•Xu, the mica~l1: V1ekic Balzer, daughter nf :l-It· i\frs. l~rnest Iliic will sl.!rve ns 1•ro~t~~ lh:~t rc~totc:'i \tt:l) tcKtde od!'o C S. will he held nt the lwll nC'xl guion Un[Jirls n 111o\ld tlmm~ dry ck:uunfi Call 11~ now and Mrs W,11ter Balzer, <'ele- co-ltoslesses. Jean J{nowleH and Thursda:, with lhc nort11 • com 11111 !1 t lh tilH }Utlr dn.·-!'.c:. athl ;Ill jour bmterl her lOth birthdn,l' nnnivcr- 1\!rs Millhisler will have charge dn.lll'~ that hhc mw lool. and lo\eliuc~s. mittcc serv1ng the dinner. sary Friday allernoon \1 ilh i': of I he pr·ogrnm and worship. SEE US TODAY! PHONE OR DROP IN Mr. and !\Irs. Fay Townsend girls nnd boys as gur>sts. Ethel Helml· meet 1111h Mar·ion Scllr:•ck Char­ lnncl and Jo Ann TownRcnd spent loll r. .JacJ,son and Betty D11er Sunday aftcrnnon wcth Ro:1rr I till you drive ..... ami 13m bara Lantis. 1-.-. 1vcll 1111\r> ch.crge oi the program and worshtp. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Campbell ~ visit-ed: Mr. f\lld . Mrs Wnltet· Uridal Showc1· is GivPn Koch' of Dexter. Sunday. Mrs Marien Rasher gave a Mr and Mrs. Larn' Reeder arc bricl<~l shower Werlnesr:lay eve­ the pnrcnts or a dat;ghlcr. ning fot hr.r· Yistcr, Beverly Bee!\ Mrs. Lester Barth's mollwr. of Okr.mos. Gam us were pia~ eel Mrs. E!Jzahcl h Grostcfon. i>­ anr:l thr hostess served refresh· home from her vncaUon in Flor­ mcnts. Guests came from Stock· Ida. lmrlgr•, Mason, Oi,cmos, Lansing Rosalyn Bo~·ce spent Snturclny <~nci Jloll. with Diane Townsend nnd Joan Townsend visited 1hem Sat urrlay iii,.,, AndPrson T\nl ~rlnins a flernoon. JioJI Little club met Tucselny Mt·. and Ml s Lloyd ITasscncnhl eveninr: With iills Bruce Ander­ of East Lansmg spent Satlii'Clay son. The g1·oup wa:; cntertmnccl with Mr. and Mrs Lon] Town· by ,1 floris! from Barnes Avenue send. F'lnrists 111 Lansin1:. A baby gift Lester Barth anrl family visited wns prcsenlecl to Mr~. Ron Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cosgrny Pe,trce hy the grottp. Sundny. Kenneth K1mball nnd familv of Dr. nnd Mr.,, Mnrvin Logue Gllletts lake mlled on Mr. nnrl nnrl fatmly, formerly of Lansing, Mrs Dale SW1tzenberg anrl \Vii· hnve mowd into the former Hob­ liam Fouty Sunrlny aflcmoon Super "88" Holiday CoupiJ A Genoral Mo,ou Volut• ert Driver ltome at 2L47 Auburn. Ethel Plmml spent Tuesdn~· Jonn Cornelius helcl n "Jusl nirrht '~it h Palsy Hegge. Because" party al her home len. Mrs. Glen Fox and Mrs. Clnrl' day evening, wllh 17 girls and Fox arc VIsiting their siste1·s .11 1 9;i3 FORD Custom 8-cylindeJ• Tudor. Fern mist g;r1•cn. boys present. After clanc111g she Marshall. Newest new car in vicw-nnd n dt·cnm to drive, toll! lvol',\' fop. FOI'domatic, radio, heahw, tinted )!;lass serve,J rf'frcshments. Thnt's the spcctnculat• Oldsmobile Super "88" for 195·1 and many other extras. Only - $1,595.00. The Slanley Warners are tak· lt•s a New -the cat• with n new forwm·d ilnir everywhere! In ]!);jl FOHD Custom 8-cylindcr Fordor. GI'PPIJbriar ing care of lheit· ll·months-old its sweepingly curved, panoramic windshield. Dramatic, nephew from Saginaw wlule his Alaiedon Center gi'Nm. A rt>alnict• one-owner car. Full !ll'icc- $895. parents arc in Florida for this lUrs. l~lmcr C. Brown low-level, "look OVCJ'" silhouette. Dashing sweep-cut 195-1 Pl. Yl\IOUTH Sedan with factory installed cquill­ month. SENSATION dom·s ami fenders. But uutil you dl'ive this future· nwnt. Ukc m•w insidt• and out - ~8!)5, Mrs. Van DeLashmutt has tick­ Mr. nncl Mts. Ernest Lnrncr styled "88", you'll novet• know how complclcly new it 1939 Ji'OHD 'ructor. Rlacl•. Uadio anti beater. Runs good. ets for the Miclugan Flower and were guests nt dinner Sundny at on the road! is. Only nl'iclc tells you how solirlly it holds the roncll the home of Mr. and Mrs Hnrry Full print• - $95. Garden r.xhibil!on to be held in How nimbly it reacts! How promptly it obeys! l~H9 S'I'UDEBAI\ER 4-!loor. Beautiful· green finish. ln Del roll at !he slate fairgrounds, Rummins nncl familv. The occa­ March 27 through April 4. sion was the birthdny anniv~r­ How engcrly its new 185.1Jorsepowcr "Rocket" t•xcellcnt condition, factory installe1l equi)mwnt, in­ Engine responds! Take that rid&-tbnt chuting famous ove1·drive. Full price - $495. sarv of Mrs Rummins. NASAl.. CONQI!ITION AGIOCIATID WITH Mr. and Mrs. Rov Knopf spent revealing "Rocket" ride-tomorrow nt the latest! ' ]!)38 G. Ill. C. dumn tl·uck in fair condition. Good hoist. . Full (lrice - $95. the week end in Kalamazoo visit· . HtAsLOi N'"u··s ... ing Mr. and Mrs. Manton Oescl1 get·. Mr. nnd Mrs. Elmer Brown called on M1'. and Mrs. Ivnn Roy Christensen j Larner and D'nle of Miller Road Sunday. l'our ld lratlltlonal wPclrllng rn11sir• , l'l~e. n~wt.:'Wer~s, greetPcl their 1-Iolm(•:;, NiliiC,\' Smith, Palril'ln at the Sllmson hospital, Eaton 1 orlng her· son, Billy, on his 1llh lnr• lhf' rlllptials. Stu• was ;dsull: u.~t.s ·~t .• t .. le!Cpt~on In . tl.lC Arlnms, Nnncy Bruy, Robcrla hlrthduy annlversar>'· Twenty Rapids. nl·r·omp;misl [or· Mrs. Do rot 11 v c.lilll ch p.lllot ~ .tCtr.t the I. etC· l{il'c, Dnr·IPIH' Brown nnrl .lnnet gueols at len dell. nr alwim of J.; nslng, r·oit.sin ,;f mon,V. ,royee 1.\nhres of Holt, colr· 13UIIt~ll. S~verul sel~etions wet'C MAN MAHI\S H:iTII YfGAH 1 i\flcr tile rtlnner 1hey nllplaycd 111n ill'irlr•, who Silllj.( st!VI'I'iil scJc(·. sin nf lhf' ill'lcle, presided at the MISS EFFIE BENNI~TT l'CIHlel'l'tl by tlw group. Sr~otl Godley, who malccs his gnme~ . 1; 1,Jis. r:ursl r·eglsler. Hostes~r.!; for the nflllt'noon . , 1101111! wll h his rtaughh•r·. Mrs. Dilly received many .ln.\'<'1' 1\;ilrr·r•s, si.-.tl'r nf the Wrdr~ing c;il"'· lee err.am. pnnch Mr. nnd Mrs. Peter Benne! I of wen~ Mrs. Cat'lyle Wnllz, Mrs. * ,,, .:. nlt•e grfls. · [3c,rnlee Wlwr1ler of Dansvlllr!, lr:'irlr•, sr•n·prl as 111111,,,1' •irl. Boil· nnd colfPe wr.rr. served !Jy Dom· Mason announce the cngngernenl !Icnry Ward, l\lrs. Mmy 'J'rcs· c•elehmte. Sea vol ior.ls and the program ehair· The Alaierlon Center cxlenslon Scouts Win Awards Flowers For All Occasions and mountain views from the man .rs Mrs. Ed Cnmpbell. ~~lLtb will hold a halelhi master nncl nwarr\s master, pre· Mrs. Bernard Pli1klw was chair· 1 Cent Sale Bring the Family Out for Lewis, Wnsl1ington, spcnl Tues· Mr. and Mrs. Fran!.; Wieland "icling. Wolf badges were Pl'l'· man oJ the program. James II. rlay evening with Mr. Brown's will be hosts to the Lansing·Dclhi senlecl to .Jell' Millarrl, Jimmy Vander Ven Jell til() dcvolinii~L Chops • Fish • Chicken mother. Mrs. Bessie Walters. Fa:m Burcmr community gro11p Phillips, Gary Newcombe, Denni•1 Tile girls sexlqt from thc·l'v!(.lsnn Sx7 Enlargement school sang. .Albart Tumer of Holt, Mr. and Frulay, March 12, nl 8 p. m., ftt Alrlerman, Tommy \Voorlard, Steaks Mrs. Charles Wiley, Mrs. William their home in Holt. "Inwranee- Brian .Jacobs, plus one gold nncl The dinner was sacrificial in .Tohnson, Mrs. Den Felton ami Olrl and New," will be the trtpic 2 silver nrrnw points; Dennis Me· that gt1esls went without tlwir 49c Each l for SOc 3 Milt•;; South of J,t•sliP on liS-127 Mr. nne! Mrs. Elwin Wiley, Helen of discussion. Donald, plus a gnlrl arrow point; dessert. contributing tile cost lo the "One Great Hour of Sharing" .. anrl Don of Mason at tended fu· ~~ !": * Hoger Prit;r.cL plus one gold and neral services for Mrs. Cnrl Plan!' Mrs. Bessie Moon and daughter one silver arrow point; anr! funcl. 1 at Carson City Wednesday after· Hazel visiterl Mrs. Mildred North Duane Evans, plus a gold anow ~------I 25c Trade-in on a noon. and Lizzie Moon of the Groven point. burg district Sunclav aftnrnoon .Tet'l'\' Jonno \V'IC' jlrm·c11t I 'tl I Artemis Guests at rlinner Sunday at the J ~ • ~·' ', '·' cc WI 1 and accompanied them to tl1n I' r'< IJcnr· 'l\1'"1' 1 " I 1 1 New Eversharp Ball Point Pen home of Mr. and Mrs. Frnncis ' ' ' ' ··• r .. m new Y· 'l'ailtli't'tl Cletus Striclding open hottse. 'lW"1'clnc]~ lt.Oll" "t'n L'11'l'Y Bl 1 Hulj il'ilinll'nt. Jo'ir.cller and Alan were her piir· '· « ' o " ' ' oor • I Ml'. and Mrs. Augu'st Hoppe of Bob Forche, Tom Heathmiut and DOLLAR Only $1.49 en s, Mr. am1 Mrs. R . D. Davis. The· occasion honored the sixth Lansing visited Mr. and Mrs Joe Milll'r.· Larry and Bob also SLIPS birthday anniversary of Alan. Rw;ocll Birkett Sunday. received :1·golcl nrrow point. Dr·. and Mrs. George Clinton, Mr. and Mrs .•Tohn Genco and Richard Simmons and Larry BROWNIE HAWKEYE FLASH KIT · A son, Ton.Y, had as Sunday nitCJ' SJ,npa1'cl t•ncer·,,n,j tflnt't• b 1 t DAY TJ1nc 1a nn 1111d David spent from '" ' ' ~ • o Jra Thursday till Sunday visiting his n~on g_uests, Mr. and Mrs. Halph awarrls and lhe new wchclocs arc \ $2.19 1 . 11 1 · t · C.Jscarrlla nnd l\1r. and Mrs Bill Bullen, .Toe Miller nnr.l Ron· 25c Down - 25c Week ll? 1CI' nne SIS 1aw, Mr. a!1d , Chnrles Cascarilla and family n.ll I Sn,vder. Or1e·,"ear [lin>' 1vnr·e M ~1'-ln· nit~ rs. C. Paul Clmton, and iamrly of Lansir . • ·' ·> " SPECIAL o( Hamilton, Ohio. While there ' · lg. _ presented to Mark Whitney :1ml Mr. and Mrs. Clinton entertained 1\lr. and Mrs. ,,ange Schmirlt Tommy Burgess. • at a clinnar honoring David on his wer;t h~ pl~ne Saturday to A movie on cub scoLrting was Imllortcd 1-DAY See Our birthday anniversary o t 1 e r Hochester' Minnesota, to vrs;t also shown. ~uests 'were Mr. and 'Mrs. ~reel M:·s .. Harley Van.Sici;Je in Mnyo Plans were discussed [or a FILM Camera Miller and daughter, Mary Jo. Chm~. Mrs. Brll . Carver ,of bnzaar to be hclrl April 23, after - · Lnnsmg, Mrs. Vnn Srcklc's sister Devi.led Egg ~r. and Mr~. Alfred .Tuclcl o( accomp.aniecl the Schmiclts. Sun' wllicll refreshments wer·c served Lineup }tp~·. $fl.Ufi ~lhro1~ entcrtam7d Mr. and Mrs. clay morning the Vnn Sickle cllil by second gr~.cle,,~·o~.m mothero. SERVICE :~ $ Jluy :-lt•<~dHI Server ~he Cohn for dmner Sundav nt clren, Sally and Gnry, went by TWO mn'l'I-IDAYS HONORE.D l~cllogg Cenler. Mrs. .Tuclcl Lela plane with their fnther to Roelle< '' • • Ucg. $1.H5 Mu~t;l. wns formerly a teacher ter. '!'hey returned to Mason witit Mrs. Jacl~: Griffin entcrlnined Phone 5411 $4,89 at Mason high school. the Schmiclts and Mrs., Carver 1<1 children at a party l10noring. . Mr. ~net Mrs. Harlan Collnr Sunday night. ller daughters, I

ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Bemant, 1' ·.Drug Store MI~LS S·TORE' l~RANI{ GUERRIERO Hardware Mnkc pl1mR fnl' the flHh ltliJlJlOI' P1·lduy d t d Wed d ,. night, Mnrch lD, ut Muoonlc tcnnrlc OVCI' an re urne nes ay to .Ann ,______l~hmlc 2·3llil .,;J Dnrt hnnk, · 1owl Arbor. . ' Mns.ou

• ·'· ,. 1 Parties Sunday 1-Jonor " G M R" o· "" el·vice~'ll")lt s I I R . In T~nton Rnplrls ~rhools, The The Main Drag Lansing roup rs. ICe leS ~hur)c~ ~lyrle/r~dr;i~nnnlhlrcl c100 s eceiVe ;;;~' 1 ;~/::~lC~!\';~vcli~'(;.~~~.:·. I~ wllhln Oy The Ad Staff t fl H 't I c•lctH~, who hnH hcr.n :;tullnnr.rl T!IIX 'l'ho Aullllllrs contc•r• sc•hnnlcll:;· presen · s ag 1n OSpl a Aft er nhourrl the uss l!Pc•tnr, h. Hl'illlcl· Sales Ul Spl'lt trill will get $l,:JJ.I. The Cletus Sf·ricklings Hay l'Prltln~ of Perltln:; lllll'd· I L s· k lllccl lo lc•nw ,IIJIJ.ill Aplll I for Dl~il'ill lil'haoiH ~:elllnl{ It·:;~ \I'd I'll \VCIH in Detr•nll llfl illlsincsH 0 ry ong IC Jlw Slntr.:-;. Ill~ wifl' j,; IIH· ffii!IH'l' C'rlllllly 'l'n•aMil'l!l' Lfllll'Pnc·u It hun ~I,{)()() !ll'll no I IIHlerl, Qno l!llllrlrPrl si·.:ll· Lm;Jic cllccl early '['llliiSrilly 11101'11· \VPdnescldy HflertlflOII for• C'.unp Tilll!Hrlny. 'J'Iw l'ia>c((:; lo sdllloll Prayer ervlce SrnHidy lo c·rnJglittlliiiiP !liP C<'l,wrn 1 1 1 1SHU· 1 slle. A son, Forrest, wnH Jdllcd and 1\!rs. II W. Hoy l'l'el'ntly rP·r linn·; Inn hond of lllu~·c•r and to ltll<'llwly cii'I'OI'IIIP, $12.!H;i l'lnrrc:lr. . •. Cloil'C'IH l' Lr•r llnldwin at'J',Jngr•r! and indirect lighting. 1 Lnnbing, wllh the M,tHon post member of llll' F'clt PlalnH Melh·r VfW p PI sc·lwnl at Dansvclle will rpr•eive I vl1r Dcu·lt.tttc•, 1\lrs r:Jtnn Twor•lt Kr.tnz fill d Slllpl'isl' girt lor l'olCh hon· Jclfcrsrlll Food Mari. gifts 'J'Iu• Arhnr lind as guests nncl I .tells McrchancltHC lias been Ink· llCHJIUICnls wete hy Uw theW. C. I. U. amount of $:Ja.HOG. Other Dellti Davis :rs ,u•ollli(S, ' \II•II 10 llll ' In I,.JCIS () fen'111'1 ophccrl 1C whereIolii O!Cotelfolks c•anSlc.r.~ lllld Vl'illl .Jt!WCll • Mrs.' LJJ,ril Il·tl't· Is J·ollll, I ,,,<"JI~-." ' If, ""I ·ti I, $l~r·-J··',Jf '• I day. 1\'Pre Mr,, Fonlllayhue. uC I h p f. 1111 • ' /I hi' Soillilwc•sl r:ll'illlf!l' IJ.rnrl of ~~ 'lr'['f;l'lllng to Don D~nsmoi'C HUll ami hll~ J~athryn Ev,urs Te ep one ro nt I J\lrtsl>ll'H VPIPI'ilnS o( Jo'oiclgn Mrrpic C:r·ovl', $:!0 :n:l. Iill' MiiHOil !'JdZill'l'IH' ( illll'r'il, Mrs. , ... ··-~·. ,. , ,• Alhum 11lt11 tPnd<•rl'rl srvr•r·nJ •,c.l '' . . , ·, te1ne.~cutetl ilrowne-Cuvenclcr·, I Wms pu~lwrllnomrmrle off!f'l'l'H In J\IPriclmn township TlaH!Pil l•:dw.nrl llrnldc• o[ till' PresiJy. IIOW Clllt!SIIi\:'1: ,,CiLN< L !Prlrons, tullowl'd h~· gcrn!p :-ang· l~y ~llci(f.l~~ lo ~t, c,Jty street de· AliXJIJ·<·omm;uHier. I for scbmok 53 2:30· Stoner· $12, Church \\1 onwn, affiltaiPri with \\'tlll.tm \\'.rllrtrc• Plllr>rcci l'orrl Aseltine is hack on the Mr~.flag tu the memlletslnjldr~playc(l 'l'hc unit earning~;· f r u· rterm str>r· chaJllam surgc•on ""''· <'

40 word<; for· i'iOr.; r:wh ,,,ldilionnl wor·d is lr. r.xtr·a; clnssitit•il llisJ•Iay, 71lf\ nn irwh, \VI!drwsdtty uftnrnnon TRACTORS-Mofrnc! zn, .1-plnw I ALWAYS F'IH.ST wllh nil llinds dl\adlirw on i•lussilil'ds. Used lfarm Equip.. :-;!ze, used 2 wecl1s, live pow£>t', I of Knsco nnc! Rowrmn seeds, 12x.18 tlrr.s, $1 ,flCiO; Case DC, a. Hny nnd st r·nw, sail I'm• wat£'J' ment Values plow size, motor jusJ. overlmu!Pc}, softeners, Bnby ehlci(S, rltWI(IJn~~ star·Jer nnr! llghlH, $ri2!i; Case HC, 1 nnr! IUJ'Iwy f!oulls. Pl1ill!ps r,r, .Tohn Deere corn slwllet• 2·plow slw, uverhaulerl JasJ yeat•, I r.:asollne nnrl otl. Als.o holt led gns. o I P(JHEBRED DUROC·,T 8 R S E Y MinrH'apo!ls-Moline eom slwller $225. Lloyd Hammond, phone ITomlinson F£>ec} Siorr., ITo! I, I Livestock "'.!llt.s for· ,sale, well-ill'C•d, due Jo Gehl I·"w II£ C'J. 1opper Dimondale 3217, !lw2 phone <1·2881. 1-lolt. 7wtf fnrt'IIW In Mareb anrl April. Gil- User! wrlrlers ------~------1 · -- • ·· ·- · • ·· · ...... - · hrrt f·~lrlrc!d, J mllr! .~outh of FARM AND WOHI\ Sl-IOES Bar-r·TUN8 CLOVER SEED for sale. BrrJO!(OPid, Route "· Charlolte. Dairy tlennrrs nnr! supplies gn!ns, 2:1',1 discount--All slzPs Clt•nn, rcl'!eanerl nml tesJed, S21l Usc Proved Datry Bulls rlwnr 2(ioi\V:l Char•lntle. tlwJf Power talw-off mnnum sprcmcleJ•, and priees. We have large, per hushel. Austin CavmHnt~h, Art!Cic!ally from 1 1 11 $ flfi section of out• slwe c.lepartnwntl phone •1011 8w.lp COWS-En lire lwnl of '10 cows Grnss seeders wllh power take clcvoled to odds anrl ends of all · · · .. ·- · · -· Lc~l!e,;·-·· --·-- · ---;----- · ·- ·· Michigan with base, Now on D. II. r. A. off anrl elcclrlc "nor! nrst-qual!ty work shoes. I-TAY AND SfHAW- l'!rsJ cut- I Rer'ol'ds ;rvailable. Goorl hutJer·fat Power scoop, $37.~0 ~rlwre may he ~nly 2 • 3 of a I ling alfalfa hay, and wheat j Artificial Breeders 01 !.nVl'!'HI-(e, Scllinl-( In Delt·oil milt'· Mnnurc Sprcnclers ,,ize Jcfl in this Jot number, m· 1 slr~;i; Wl_ll,rlcl_lvcr. Glenn .. ?esler- kPI. Wnller Bruhn, Plains marl, pair of anolher, or maybe 5 en· I.e. - ·". ~lies south of Mason ~n nrsl plaee west of Tulllr. Sw3pJHcat. HotiSet'S, nlllrar:Jors G pn!rs of Hnother. Tlw lots llllve Eden lo.tci. Phone 26812, 3\\1[. Inghnm-Mnson Local .. ··- · ·· . 1 Manure Loaders ciwnr.:ec! or· for some reason there DAL·E·D· S'rRA-W f~J;: ~~;J;;:-r~-:--0~ .Out In calls by noon r.JL'l'S--Ten hrcr! Dttroc~ g!lls. Ezce-Fiow fertilizer sprenrler · .1rc nnly n few lcfl. To close IIUll Cheney, , s. College road, 2 i Congratulations 127 , ' Also" gr~n1p of ope~ fnll ~ills. 1 Hydraulic dlilin saw l11ls slock, anrl while they Jasl miles west and nne mile south of I CharJes Brown ~~II nt'c! cllphl~ '".r;grster·: 1111•. E: IAII!s-Ghalmers B 'l'ractor we will give 2R~; rliseount. Alii Mason. :iwlf Insem!nator I· og!l! 1& Son, " nulr..~ nm of New Firestone 'rires nre guarnnlercl with ll1e famous 1------·------.-... Phone Mason ~1!176 j Mn>:o! on, OkC':..m~~ l1nnd, phnnP 1Lincoln Farm Wc!lders and sup- PX gllllt'anteC!, All fir~ I qua!IJ~n . 1 .---- .. _ . ______Lans111g I',D 7· i11a. 8wlf I plies tw rings---all sizes, PX Mart rn., We Ilnve llw, Fo!lnwtng I . To 4-H IIOG HAISERS---Full hloocl, vnc- · ·- · · ·· -··-- -·· --:-·-- · -- Chore-Boy• M!llsl' £' 281(,1, Jw Jl · lOw ~-~-~-~~:___:~_--~-~so~~ ___ w_:_P 1 otll' pric·c>~ hdorc lHil'ing, I · --.-:·-- · ··-, ·I-I···---,-.--· _ ------l'v!A'·IM0 'J·I CLO\''·,'R SE•.JcD So A.'Laxton I ' GTLT.O-Dur·oc nne ·amps m·e, ------1 " 1 ' -- JR!i8 Tomlinson Road THE FARMERS ·BANK 1;-. D Franklin & Son rluP first of Apr_il. Gerald O,tl(· TRACTOR - Massey-Harris 101 mixture, tested sc£>d, $H per Phone _ n · '· ' ' . le\', 1•!20 Sio£'1\lmdge road, tractor, plows nnd cu!tivnlor, in bu. Alsn June rlovcr seed, teslerl 2 29 WG Oldr.st llunl• in Ingham County 1 ~~ 6 OnP mile west ot Mason m'ilc lioUih of White Oak hall on exc·ellenl condition, Riehard seed, 99.88•,; pure, $19 pet• bu. M. ------. ______l\fembeJ· F~ D. I. C. 2 9 2 7901 Ha~·- 5 Ff~det·ul Resl'l'\'r Syslrm ' I PhotiC iYI:Json ·fi7 :l Ol' ' 'I M-36. Come before noon. Phone hoe, phone 2:iri91 l'vla::mn. !il wlf H. Lynn, 1228 Ives mad, Jlhone IWILL TRADE WIH'iit straw, wire· used Auto Parts I Ingham County News March II, 1954 Page 6 Swl, Stockbrid"C 3FH. JOwl --····------·-·------Mt!son 5262. 8wtf lied, fnt• llrst or second ruttin". All f 1 f ------GUEI1NSE\'s=.'Cnlves, l1~1ls, lwif-, COW-G-ye~r-~icl-r!;~~~ei~,-c~:;~.h r-rAY==3oor,~-;e~-?r~e;!oncl~~;;i;,r, i ~~~~~~ ';,1 [~~: ~';:;1 ~Ji~\ ~~~~N,~~, makesSee o Us· ears and to Savec toose rom ----- crs, cows. Large selection. We 1 scy ('ow Jor sale, Jo freshen lTsed Fa-1'111 alfalfa,_ wtre tJCd, GOO hales of rond. 1 1 w We need more old, burner] or @ use only high pmduetion proven ~oon, Bangs tesiP(I. Also 2 first· l\1achinel'Y first cutlmg nlfnlfn nnrl GOO bnles ____ ·---·-·--·- . ______10 1 wrecked cars u~ . sires nne! merit clams. Michignna £'Hif heifers illlC! quantily of sec- of alfalfa-clover. Honwr Li1un- CLOVER IIAY for sale. Good , Pick-up Service f Fmm•• """ US.l27, Iloll., ... ""." ''"""'" '"""'· J. "·. Co" Wio·e·lle Rolm· '"'"· "" """'"' mml, ''""' '"""''· '"'"' 11•1. Ahmot 30 Keith Auto Parts I User Cars _ .. __ ··--···----. _--~~~~[ I i" .'~lle_s IIDJ ~h of Dnnsv1ile.~""'"· 0~1 Massey-Harris PTO Combine Mason 26932. 10wtf tons, Will ~eli in I on lots only, Open evenings 6 to !J; All clay ---·--- , . I\\ llir.tmstnn I oad. Phone D<~ns- M· 1ssey-I·l'lrris ScJJ-Propellcc! -----·-··----·------~Also about 200 huslwl of Clinton Saturday jl!l.i.31 FORD Cuslomline Ford or, SEND FOR I· REE InformatiOn ville 20G!. 10w2~ ' ; • • ~ • ' • BALED WHEAT STRAW-Any oats nl ROe bushel. R11y Mil(e}onis, 4623 Elliott Road V-8, sleri(, only 12,000 miles. I . J , • , on Dnane-clcsignecl pole frnme000 - · · ... · - .. ----·- ·-- -·· Combm,_ nmount by llw IJJ!e OJ' ton. Can ;, .. IOfi llayncs roar!, n mile weRt Phone Mason 2-0374 . ID:i:l NASH Stutesman '2 riCJor.j Sl RING SALI-: . O.UdiC '<'· So" ooH h ll> I lo " . ll ""' PI""" · de 1i "'"· Howo n1 R. S m" h, p ho m•l mul ·l: mi1 e "',U I< or Fl JOh hm· P.. 1 w Lf • 'l'h o Iocm ,. o wowo• lo "' " Iocl< · 10 10 FORD ·J • • J\1a· covers. 1 wood IJoxes In exce en I c•onr l· <•i~o sc>vcntl Holsl£>in c·m•·s anr! !1 HAC I 0 R ,..MOV\1 LR - ,'Joht~ Clover: i · Annis road. 10wlp son 4!JOO. ilwlf 19.)t CHEVROLET St?01'1 Coup~.! lion, Two .to choosr I;·om, 1 G\1hrecl 11Pifcrs. W. C. C:unn, S. Demr No. · • 7-foot ttactcnf F C A l , r.. M 11 1 $l!l 1 ·------·-·------· ------··-----· OnC'-owne.t•, locally owned.jl!l-18 l'.":ton -lln ]'1),'111, !·!fill, jlllOJle Holt·] mnwc_r. nearly ne\.\',_ 8-foot double • l\l. Mamma 1 '""l"'s':"'"""""'''$1," Ill!. sTRAw- Wire haled wheat Clean illSifiC' and Olll, thorough·! and CIIEV~OLETNew pam I. Wtlic~h 1 1 13 ~. nc el son 1111111101 1 -,! CIH1~SIS, •.· ~ , . t)w2[) 111ts<,tngnoc I I con1t1on.I t AI so J o1nI s0118 J am · wr>el .·.... 5901 ·' J.IL s1aw.·t · Will clel'v 1 eJ.""nt· "•' ·1 M"!l1 s, 1y reconcllamer,r· · 1 £'omornJef t 1 I t ll\£>1 J'l'-l'IIC<. I I .oo.'· These cltlwn. Burrtll Dtwer, 1295 Elliott- 1 10wl ------l!l51 CHEVROLET 4-door, Low axle, 82:ix20 10-ply tires, Ex- ·gilts wr!re sired hy resr.rve, rond, 18 miles east of Mason off - -· Alfalfa:d' . $'> HAY-Clover am! Ttmothy· lmy. mileage, already to go. ,I ccllent s 1wpe, 2 ~o 1 rilampinn Ham p shirr hoar, Howell nne! Mason ronrl. Phone 1ATTENTION FARMERS-Move Cana Ifill Grunm ...... - ··' Jll. 400 hales of each. Call nfter 1 ll!lriO C!IEVROLET J-donr. Two- f 19-17 FORD 1 ,~-lnP. Pial form. h011ghJ al Mi•·iligan Sinte college. Fnwlcrville 243F:J. flw2p that snow the easy way. Bull- Cerlified nnng£>r ...... S23·50 bu. on Sniurdn)'S . .Juslin Brady, .1!H ton[' finf.ol inside anrl out. 1 Runs real goorl.1 Eat•! Nic·hols, c•ornct· of Nichols ... ·------·------dozer blades, bolh angle and Clark road, Dnnsvi!Je, phonr• I Power Glide.1 jl9-Jfi CHEVROLET. Cah nnrl £'hns- nnd Ononcliif(:J roads, phone Mn- HOlV\eli'te11 straight. Dave nne! Darn Diehl, MiRcellancous Seeds: Dansville 3921. 10wJ 19·1!1 PONTIAC ronvertihle, l1y-J sis, Heavy rluty -tires. Huns :son 2·:12:i2. 9wtf j Dansville, phone 2172 or 2631 BT·roltinc! ...... 50 rw1· · ------·------.... clr·anwtic\ new tnp, new paint. I good. A hargaln. 110 ~i(· 111 ...... -··· ··-· ... · -- CJ ' S Dansville. 51wti .ac ...... / ,. ]JPr CLOVER SEI~D-Rec!eancrl .Tune A summer car. Buy at wintPr's jl!l-17 CHEVROLET 1.!-lon pickup. COW- Fn'sh !Iolslein cow Jm· 1a1n aWS ------Timothy ...... $fl hti. clover seed. Grove1· Akers, price! Jfl.JO INTEHNATIONAL1 plat- . salr. Nellic> Sel~ul'fer, G!lO East r Power to fit the jolJ MANURE LOADERS, both new phone 9805 Mason. lOw! 1917 CHEVROLET Coupe, Ill:lrl\, form, 12' . . Covert I'Oarl, Leslw. 10wl 3 sizes and used. End-of-the-year bar- Mason Elevatol' Co. ·--·-·------·· a handy c·ar·. Will carry Jots of ·r!l3!l crmvHOLET l'o·ton Call ·- ---- 4 · ·· ·· --- · 1-- ---··1 1 --~----' .'l.!i h. p. - 'J h. p.- 5,:5 h. p, gains. Dave and Dom Diehl, Phone 3341 HAY-Aboul 21JO bnles of rope Iear go. nver Engine. 1 1 1 COW--- ·.1'Par-nl\llcl H'1 b2·~;i C ' 1fllringj A rlemonstrntion will prove the Dansville, phone 2172 or 2o31 JOwl tied baled alfalfa !my, third f!EHE'S TRUCKS THAT WILL SEVERAL 19-10 pic;mps. 1 vneciniilc•cl,er r•ow, cue Gnnrl 'are DH!A ,,, arecord. wm Homelile Dansville. '5 Wt f cutting. St1ilable for rnbbit ha.v. Th S ·1 f S f' Jr'·",A!'E.. ' l\10N'"-'.Y"' on SA\'E R· CJ • t Gct·a!cl Diamond, :nn s. Diamond ------HAY-l~irst-cutting nlfalfn anrl Joe Cribley, 18!l5 Ewers road, e ea 0 ' a ety I i\-!ONI~Y FOR YOU. 1 :-.oy 1l'IS ·ensen "mml. Phone l\lason 2.:181:3. ]0\ Silsby Implement Co. Fal'lTI Tools hromc, mixecl, Also scr.oncl-cul- Stocl\lll'iclge, phone Dansville i l!l52 CHEVROLET \1"-ton pickup. Your Friendly Ford Denier ' 'lJ4 W St t PI 5111 lmg- nl al n, gone 1 qua 11ty, anr1 1 E\ l "10 · f r - 2882. 10w2p Tested USPd Cars Dark green, heater. Btty this Two Lorn !ion~ -····--··-- - · a c wne · ' J 1 R B F 1 1_0_1 ------·------· ---- ·----· - and save wenr ami tear on your 210 State Street, Mason ~ V ,,~-- ewes or· sa e, ( uc .Tohn Deere G trnclor wilhout Zimmer road, Whealne!d town · " 1 ,. - J " " '' ,c, 10 f 1 1 t lOwl une clover wy. · · 'ros ·, c ' HAY- Alfalla-brome hnv, about 1!1".10 PO~I'riAC 2-cloot·, ll"rlr,~Jll.~- ell!' nr lro'II.!Cl', J IJJ1cJne Ma."·on 9!i11 1Rlamb in April. Lewis Shaw, 1 1 1 starteJ' 01• lights shi(J. w p sl r 1 1 never tic. l10-l!l DODGE 1-ton slnke, healer Main Street, Leslie · 'J',-' ' ~ ' ' ~ ' ·,vl PLo\.vs:.::.:i·r;-;Genius 2-bottom,~ ;; ;-!j;~;IUWeH-i nell Jllows John Deere 1!l37 B tractor 6 5 500L1Jnlet~' n~ -t1Bcc, ~ ,, 689("1 1 JJolJ'n t·o·tcl Jlhcmn l\1-tson10 we·.1 oca ton a 1 8- 0 ray roue,1 lfl. 53 OLD"'MOBILE 88 Sutler, 4· and radio. Pxtm set of rac:\s, 123Pi e LP.'"lt'e .~>6•11 - · • on rubber, good condition. Also John Deere I-I traclor HAY-75 bales of nlfalfa nnrl 11111 " ,, 4% miles north of Dnnsville, doOJ·, radio, heater, hydramalic, j dual wher.Js, overload springs. Boll! O(Jetl · ------1 All 3 tractors nrc reconclitioned 150 Normnn Smalley, phone Wil· For n helter user!, ear go lo Me· i1!l-19 CHEVROLET '12-foot stake, Evenings Loc.·,~tt''Till g.,,c· Sat. 'Till r, E\VES .. '" ,~,.~ ,;.,,~, ,.;,., 2to P'"""'"' "'""· J5.J"'h· lo """'' J """ hoy, "''"'"m"'" hy "'""''" OOBF11. 11lw1p C>m Old,mblle IJC"IJ Deybmolo 7" hydt·'""" hoi" .. -- - - ~ .. ~ --·-·01 ~-- -· :i y£>nrs nld, •o start lambing condition. K D, Frnnklin2 & 3Son, 01 A A H 1 tt & C 3031hay, wire tied. Jesse Campbell, ------,------1953 DEMONSTRATORS 12,(]80 miles. You fnrms can ITIRES~3 5:iflx17 tires, tubes anrl .Apt·ii 12. Alsn 2 yearling rnms.. 1175 Sills rom!, phone -679 ' · o • OW e. T 0. Stillson road, Stockbridge, BALED HA~, r·~r s~le. _ciaytot1 See this nml compare these beau· :.ave a lot oi work wili1 this. wheels, one is· ne;1rly new, E. D. Bmw,, 821l ~"W '""'· 2·7001 Moooo. Swlf New Ph'"o ,,., M'"'" Phooo .Stockbelddom·.extrns. "'"" tru8k.AI R. CJ I t PICIr lOwlp ------·-·---- Headquarters and ready to go. Mason - -··-- ·-- ··-- .... GTLTS----2 Ynrl, M"'"· ·------0-:;---s- - Y------1!151 .John Deere M Traclor south of Mason on us.127, Phone leading hyb~·icls have. won 8 out Igain a more fnvorahle considera- Me Cai'l Oldsl'nobi'le ______1Uwl~ OWERYTHING· In plumbing fix- . SADDLE I lldE. - ""' AA< · SPECIAL 26 18 2 ol10 elm" '" 0,820 ymld llom "" """ lmdo·l". toreo, '" pl=blog '"' · rllc horses, one small, nne gen- •100 x 8 tire, tulle and wheel for Leslie ' · You too cnn get· that extraeh~k•. yield DeSOTO V-S, -door, Excel- 1 CHEVROLET - 1951 2-cloor rle- 1heet metal.~t"IM Do your own Install- --~V ~ 1953 4 tie enough for children, and an whr.elhnrrows nt $11.9n FORD TRACTOR - IYO ""· Cm• h'" mol • h" I"· "~· stoto "''t """""· ..;"_•U AI" wo"l lo h"Y ombrok" eoll<. 11 ' 28 "'""'' Cl"i"" $411.00 d'"g, $050. Ph""o LoMiog ED. RYkm. 1541 Shoowood rood, top. EYOol'" Ph"" 00"• LUMBER-25<100 h"'Nl foot ol 7 12 12 '""'· '"""'" ook Leslie,111 phone 2'!36 Leslie after· Coupe. Rensonable and depcncl- Sam Tomlinson phone Holt · lOwlp11 For s·ale or!~I will trade for 2x6 12 Lansing Tractor & ---- 3363 p. • JOwl ELECTRIC BROODER, 500-ehick HAY-100 bales of second culting able transportation Gum"tn 2-7280 Mason or anything of equnl valu;,>. ------1 E'~ QUIIJn.· 1en t Company , 15o 1 1 n t tt' • · ' · c • -:.,vl ---Va l tle·-- SIJecia· • 1s ft. · size. $10. Aethen Witt, 5'1:! cover, . , Ja es trs · cu mg teed Dave rind Dorn Diehl, Dnnsvi!le, IJEIFER - Go·ode · ".'" hoileo,11 282S E'"l GNmd Rie" mil" '"' of M'"'"'" Col,m. ""'"• 300 hoi"' O•ot OOilio, •1· 1954 • PLYMOUTH, llei'O hoi"' '~"d ""tliog D e m o "' I " lo l'. Two.JOM - 1!J.l0>'01!D . 9w2 Also well-hred Holstein heifer, Phone Lansing 2-217510wtf 10wlp alfalfa, good rabbit hay. Harold lleauly, Top consideration on TRUCK-Sll1debaiiC'r pickup,. o/t- 1946 PLYMOUTH jlnsture brecl, now springing, nn£1 Brool00. One used Alhs-Chnlmcrs 2478. 10w1 2241 Swan roitd, phone Dansville 1952 PLYMOUTH.' 4-door. Two- Good Will Used Cars No Trade-Ins Accepter! at These Rtar~r;~e;a~b eAp.ril 1. W. L: ,Tew- "M" ga,soline trn:J·or. 12" shoes, 2012. 10wlp tone, veny clean, many trouble- Prices 10w2 01 9492 10 1 tt pi e Mason . w p Gat' V\ oocj hydrauiJc straight CHAIN SAW - Homellt~. nlso frc>e miles in this one. 1953 PONTIAC~Deluxe sedan, · · H · h' ld G d " • ' ' do,, .,• .,. Foe '"""'""· 000· . "''"'m'" h'"' HAY AND fiTRAW-300 1952 PLYMOUTH Soh"'"'"· Ra· 2·diwe, hydmmolie; '""" ""' Hilton lind,Richards . 0 . 00 tnct H. T. Kranz, Route 3 Wil- saw,ho~' large size, cheapel~IJ·Ie for cash. wheat straw 25c per bnle.""'~of Also diu, heatet·, sharp in and out. radio·,. · B o l 1 ouse s PONIES nnd Shetland1 pony, C. F 1 Ali f W Ill b. I d I I '1' II I lllC { liamston, phone 561M. 10w2p 'ran< en, corner o a ne a e cover 1ay.. , ~~ m es sout1 Must be seen to be appreciated. 1950 PONTIAC-Deluxe sedan 4- G. Owen, phone 577 Mason. 1 1 L b d C II S l d f D 'II 18"~ S ODGE B d AUCTION 0 d t I I am nm roa . a um ny. an east o · ansv1 e at -·l , 1947 D • 4-door,. o· y, mo- door, hydrmnat'ic; heatm·, white w. Maple,,.phone Mason 2-6141 - non agn owns 1 P -.,..:...--'------~---l_o_w_ lO'ORD TOOLS - Moooled HI. l~Ylp 0.00'", PhoM 2013 Do,.,llle. '"' '"" tire• good ooodltl""·. . w•tl ""'· · hotl, .Sot"l'd'Y· M"eh 1~ 7 p. HOLSTEIN-Registeredcow for sale, 3 years Holsteinold, due mower,- 16-ft. weeder and d 11 1 1 AI t · 10w1 · 1947 OLDS Hydrnmalic. Ready to .1946 OLDS 2;door. 78. Hyclrama- MOTOR AND TRANSMISSION m. Tools, appliances, lamps, ln- . . heavy-duty fteld.Ctllt!vator. Ric- SOIL GRINDER-Large-size peat ---- really run. tie, heater alld rird!o: of 1934 Ford truck. Also 4 bles and othet• artlclr!s.large and March 17. Dam wns high-JJrodtic- R. 1 llt 1 4801 S tl C d b 1 J I Mar Farm, % mile west and :1)., moss an so gr nc er. mos HAY-Alfalfa nne! clovet· mixcdj All these cars guaranteed for 30 1941 CHEVROLET...::...sedan 2- 700x20 10-p!y tires. Pnul Wolf, small, too numerous to mention. mile south of Leslie on Hull road, new. c e ·s, ou 1 e ar, loose nnd a eel. P lone Lansing dnys door. Heater and radio, Route 1, Williamston, 1300 Z!m- Come,, join the fun, where you !ng 0Cnnadian 0 $show4 co\~1· 1 Brelldfto Coil oOJy ,doy ''''1Jl Sotoedoy. Un,.log.. !lwtl ED 20529. . lllwl · . 1946 PLYMOU'l'H'--Ciob ooopo, m" eood, pho~ 608·F·22 Wll· .boy "' '""' pri", l~Yl "'" I PM · 50'"' "'' '" "' Ph o"' L"llo 200• 1 Ow! Hoot" ""' "'""· • !hi motm t, . lOw! p less without cnlf. Call any day FORD-FERGUSON TRACTOR, STRAW-100 bales whent strnw, l M. S l RUG-9x12_,.rug, in good .. c.ondi· except Snturc!ay. Ric-Mat• Farm, .SAW-New 3.5 h. p. Homel!te with newly-rebuilt motor, in string-tied. Also have 4 10-gnl. Ing 1atn otor a es ·Howai·d ~.0.11ttoac CI-IEVROLET-1953, 1-door se- 't!on. Also oak rocker and some % mile \vest and % mile south chain saw. Silsby Implement good shape, ready to run, Fred 111il11 cans and 2 strainers. MrR. I · dan .. Radio ancl' heater, price othet· furn!ture .. Mrs. R. Seaman, o!Lool~. Ph'"' Lo•llo 2006, C.., 214 W. Stoto•. Ph'"' M•"'" J, '"""'"· "'""' !; lllo>o«. Plfo"' !""'" Holm.,, 1581 E. TomII"''"· .. . Cloocl ~l'iHJol tho city, wortllnhntll $25,000, Has 20f1'" Pnrk Hl!!'l'l, Milson. Phono Want Ads dol hPs 111 n li'IISDiliihlo Jlllc•p, I living room wl th rtrcp)ncr., rlln· 2·H'Hi I Moif 011. IOwl p 17·hwh HCA VIPior Consolr Mrs NPIKon HJIIWJJ, !ill ~o111h 'l'ltAILEH-Lighl 2.w);;oi 1r~llo~·~ lng I'Oorn, l nlorw esllrnnled worth lng. :!'\ yc•ats PXJIPI'IPnr·"· Leon J. Fellows G111ul conrllllon. Mrs. Paul Hlch· 17-ln Mnjcslfro Console wilh AGENCY Fort ITANDYMAN Ill', JliHJil~ ~~~2_LI'slle_:__ ~ $40,000, Prlct' for ull, $31),000 ' Adams [r~lectJ'l'c Sl10]) I I I 1 o " mrl~, plwnl' 28:i04 Mnoon. 1!lwlp :l·sprr I l ! t d 12'{,-Jn 'r~>IP·Tonc Tnhle ED 77~'i I. Jllw fl liglils, hot w.tlc•r·, oil lwal, lnrge hnth $13,500. Terms. , .. , . , . ll .. , u 'l tcr as o the finest quality, Re· 1w ~!It .n 1 lllill'r and sWJVPI dPsl< 1'11nlr In MrJr!cl •· '17 "01 g,mtgl'. Soulh of M.1son. Phone '11 >w or -1111 ' .JJJsvr • nW-Jl rrtulng ana ri!Jlflh'ing furniture (JjiQ 'I,; ",one! r·orHIIIron. Phone 2012 Dnns· · •P " E\ RT'l"'" RlTlBON" f MASON-Lovely 6·room home 1 1 11 1 • ' I . . 'ville, 22•11 Swnn I'Oilci, D.tn~vlllr.. M 1'YP1 ~ Vf t ·,~,~1 rlr lie nnrl stnnclarcl~ or Mason •l!lOO Swlf \VItll l"l'"r." b llvln"·!lln'rrh 1g J'rJom ' L t U and rer.overlngF olrl to 1look Jlltc ) , \H l 10\vl 1 n a son Sfl e, II. I 0 j I ' • bedroom down, :;: bedrooms llll, e s new. 'reo esllmntcs, p cl rPIIt•nl t'oJuiiiJon, $12 endJ, Mrs. 120 W. Ash si7.c•s, nought, solei, opener! and On large anrl small far•rns rn the roundlngs. Price $13,500 wllh Over· :~o yP,Jl's "~Jlf'l'il'nre ______l6Wtl !'liON!: !il~2 Sicin<'y SIJ.JII'er, plllli1P 2lli.'ll Ma· 10w1 rcpnhea•;tc>I'Il !Jail ol Tngh,un counly. terms, 01' cush, or mlghl tnl<.n Prompt Rf'J'\'ir•r .trill salislar·lion TR8fo: TlliMI\IINr: llltrl ll'llllll'l~. !lwlf son. 10w1 ·---· -- chest~, steel cJcsll~, filing cflllllwls I cheaper house or farm ns pnt t guat',Jntoccl. ttPasona!Jie i'IHJil<' llr I·IO~I' 1 - 111 . MOTOROLA TV-Complete with anrl .Jusl-rlte clwlrs and sloob. K i n.o· Real Estate payment. . J11 IJ;\ 'i IllA y \Vi\NTI-:n. w. ll. Gnnna· \V IISIIING MAC! liN!~, 9fall' all the 72 UIIF l'ilnnJwls IN SET, Ia hie -· guurqntee Lhal·l·f yotl I Y. igan. Locntcd \'I mile south of S. Mll'hlgan Ave. wllh $L,2;l0, down ami $.1.'3 JlC'I' 1 2 2wtf Jlflirs. Heasona!JIP o1 lc•s. ZPii•sJ - - - - - r·~'l"l'[o; 1 -~ncl 41 Mc~tor· 117 I l'll,drK, <'! Jnm£' lrim. Paul Wolf, Ilia you will sre the , clcmesl, Pennsylvflnia m!Prsl'rlion on us. llowetl, Mii'!Jigun month lnc·!wling 6'1<• lnlt•rcsl. AllliJPas West ll.JJJH's1 roar! Mn· WfAN'I'P.D-Mor!! ciJfc>Iw,nVsi,Illwavy JliiJlle' I. Williamston, 1:mo %11!1· shnrpe;;t prctur.c, the ilr sl long 127 Ol' 1 mile north of IIoll. Phone !J2.1 Ilow!'ll 1son. !'hone :J :Jfi2S :\11, , or1. \\'ll 1 ryrrs fiJI! ~pr ngl'ts, p c' nH'l' l'llflci, phone (jfj~.I~·22 WI!· Idlslance re~eplwn with the Mo· Phone Holt 4·.'1211. 2:lwtf Have e~:;h buyers rnr· ]JOlt~CS In I 1 7 'up, w. X. 1 Strnrlmnn1 Poultry1 1 1 liarnslon. 10w p, tornlr< hulll·lll booster. If\~<· mn· _ ----~~f Mason, $GOOO lo $12,01l0. Photographs EAVES'I'ROUGIIING-Frec estl-1 Fo~rm, 1121l s E0 0 1111use 1n ason. G , sheet melnl work. Call UIIO·i ------Michigan Cllrnate condllloned has espeda!ly rrood recr11lion on If you want to lmy or SPII rr.al •<'P<'roJ 1 1 1Jolograp 11 Y 4''121. w. Jleynol·'s, Ilolt. , Wi\NTEn- Any krnrl or live· " c•PIIPnl location. Will sell or trade '·y "Jl[J li'!Jl!Jl<'J 1 nr1ly u VIII>'. Come In and sec Jl. Tlw,y're - - . ,- . - • rm large!', olclr•r typp home 111 Ma· CR!ule, !'OnlaPI A. 0, GrPcnough, u " ' 1 15, wtf ~Inc1 k. 1\l•.o l!'ttr l11ng of live- Bottled G~s prll'erl o\S low ns $179.95 (slightly ROAD GRII VIoL, . b,Jrnyatrl fill, Ison 01 111 vic·rnily o[ Lansing By hrolzing. l'toiJHis Slu•.s!'J', Mn· 7wlf ------_____ :lll Soulh Ba1 nr.s ____ --·- ___ \I' \N' "' ----- servlr.c, Including plciUl'e luhe. 90davs .SOil r;J,JVl'l Co, JllHJIJI' •110•1 Mrl· '17wtf 1 1 1'.-.1! l\!.JJJ rloi11ng lo col· sr.rvlrc. Jewell Television, !i51 !on !lwHptf TI . ______. _ , . ""I 11 1 111111g 1 ·I'' ny w.o Whl'pr) Fal Ag·etlCY Sl!lo:EPSI!Jo:ARTNG.0 Mrlv1n 1r·J~"· l\1 1 1 1 I'll IN 1 1 1 1 Maple, phone Mason "'')11, Werle· - - - -~ "I'TT"'''• f:OlJN"fRY ' "xn Iru " l 'rcc , ' • DIGGING FOOTINGS-Inslnllmg Siol'khr.~ lllWI'I'IllllJJ, lfigl' PhonP 1170 22iW211\,ttle illoldFow. Woilll, l J'iric 1 Ill \\'Ill IJ' niT Ilvet• anywhew. 2wlf HADELLE: USI·~Jl::i: A11yonl' in home• 011 hlnciWJp rourl, new 40 ACRES near Mason w1th n ~ewers liling ami hullrlmg ii'I'Villc• Hw'lfl thl\llll~ htJIJJ•, fl'lllll H lo rJ::IO. ------Jli'Cri or anv ILHII'III' JI('JIJS hniiJroom, Oil lw.tt, 2 lwdroorns, good 7·room horne, •I hcdrnoms, . ' I'IJoJH' :rill ~!.tson. lflwlp 313:> Okemos road, Olws will pay GuarnnlcPd - A·1 Shape of FEll'!', fi·room hung,J!ow, hath· harn. 29 acres tillnhle Price Atwtroucer I Hit• Ill)' ( "llll'' or IIJP I•'Phi llll!Y 11 12 $!i Dhow,N .JJG SA\\' StJJHli'O jig :-;,J\V for room, e!!'C'lJ'J(' pump, oil heat, $10,750. Williamston, Mlchll,,m - - Hang·eS~le-- 0 Rcntly to Sr>rvo You 'ISSill' ul the lngho~m CuJJnly • mont s )lay s,tlP lll' 11 ,uiP. Oswm l!ainr'>, prir c• $:J.OOO, 1erms. 40 ACRES of JlflRitt"e. Phc::e C'ollcet !!27-\V Any D.ty oJ the Week Nt'l' '· 1OWl p r!J~~~~;~:;~·ll~~ICJ;;iwlg~~~ ~~~1~~~ ~~ 1.17 in Mol.orolu Console, A·1 shnpP, 701 E Hoi fro 1oacl l{oulc• 2. ll!.t· ANOT!II•;H. '!·ROOM With 2 hc Livestock Trucld ng lrti({•JJ 1\J.n r 11 l.i, Jill I, for· llw nr•w "lls ranges. $.. I Src us 111 onr.c rooms, 3-piecr. balh, moclPI'Il CLEAN[NCi b j $ri down nncl 12 moniiJs. to pny kitchen One.car garngc. Prll'c To IJetroil Packing I!ouse and 'r flil,.,·t ion ol J:.n IJ.tgr> 111 lhr> city PAINTING TN OHDI.;R TO CUT OUR IN· . . I If you me in lhl' mnt·kct for a $6,900 Wilh lcrrns. Yards of 1\I.tson fnJ fllll') r>aJ fmm April VJ•:N'l'ORY and order in new 16·m.~olorolfl ,C;onsol~ •. new Jl~c- p It d R bb't !Jntt~e or r.mn rnll G!l ACRES, VACANT, NORTH IIOUSI•;I!OLD HEPIITRS Mondays and Ttwfidays I !, J:Yil CJI) l'otJJJdl George 1\cJ. I!J:i·J models, WP will discount llJJ( tulle,] )Coli' gu.unnlcc, Je· OF MASON. Good hulltling ou ry 3n a I s LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE Insured Service lln,•g, r lt•J I,, 10wl t!JC•st• :JllPiinnces al comllllonecl, A·\shnpP ~ ~ ~Jtr.. Blacl\lop road. Pr·rce, HAULING 20 0'! $12.> CTTICI\S-- We arc oltCI'IIlg While Cal'l Jewett $(i.500 with $1,000 down. For efficienl, COlllti'OUS srorvice Eli Mire & Son IVANTI.;D '1'0 lltrY r.1r1 r ocl\er ;o $10 clown and 12 monlhs lo pny Hock 1'] 11 c·J;s lhJs \Coil 111 arlr!J 20 ACRES, NJo~AR MASON, lfi by men who wnnt YOU!~ !Jusi To Bnttlc Creak Wctlnrsdnys pups oJ o~ny snwll lireed n[ •• lakr nrlv:lnlnge oi I his nffrr now! 21 .lll Molorola Table Morlel, rt•·! lion lo our New !Irui1pshaes. We II !i02 Center street acres tillable, new well189 1eell ness call ' Phone Hall 15•11<1 JolljlfliP•:, Ill I!Jp !Jllc>r. I'<'IISIJilable, conclilwncd, guarantccrl lWill have somr ~or.ketcl f'illl'i'~' I Phone Mason 4401 deep, ~Ox60 hip roof barn, ''" I-I p .. 1 1""(' L1ns,n:.: 1:n 112:JJ 111w1 r F. c. AncleJ·son & $100 wlmh WC' oil'(' o[i('!'Jng \'I'I'V l'Pa 3wl of wheat. Price, $3,500 with' omc '-Gpau 1wlr1 --- - WANTED TO BUY- Veni ralves . Sol1 :Sri clown and 12 monlhs lo pny sonahlt'. Clirull's DcldmaJ'IPr, IIJ I , , , • , ,. $800 down. THIS IS A VERY Phone M.Json 2 706L I s I ~ ~ WJ!I pay Delrorl pr.ccs fot veal N. Okemos Joarl, Easl !.anslllg REAL ES'l'ArL WANTED-Pil· GOOD BUY. 40wt[ D~nsville Phone 2363 17-in MajeR lie Table Model, A·l Phone Lansin~-: ED·TiD!J~ JQw3p V:Jte pm ly mtcrcslecl in 2 or 3 BEAUTIFUL :l-ROOM HOME, :J ------Bert's Garage / hrour:ht hc1 c> WJIIiout morning fce1 w. Maple Phone 5;;11 5wtf very mncle1 n home, 2 barns, 2 ~·' 1 .J 8 ~ ason equipment. We Lpeclalize 111 the ": I poull ry Sef> Lawrence Hyatt, br oli'Y lo~blc> ami oak Joclling 9w2 ------·- silo~. all bt11lrhngs 111 excellenl 1 . 01' Proclur·ers Co oprrnll\'e l1a•; a 110., II '1! I I E t n 'd famous Red Cornet fire control 1 1 1 · 1 ;) .1 s tee , ~n on apr s, C'IHJiJ', all fo1· $21). Mrs. Hubert ------·---- PULLf~TS \Nhtlr Rnrk pullet~.' condition and reccnlly paintc,l Whipp FaLm ~gency, ~ 1164 ~ystems which give 24·hour per ;~~ ~;: r~c ~~:~ n~~~ il~~;~str~ ;c~n ~ phone Eaton H.ap~s ,1~521. 28wt! li.IITi~"ll, riO.> S. BnrncH, phone TV FOR SALE, ronsolc wiiiJ 12· ;, mnJJIIJs old Also h.wl' Barns IHWl' walor al every stan· nns ng day protection for a lifetrme serv· 1 2·fi77:1 Mason JOwl Inch screen. C. \'. Post, 727 s Srwinger anrl Ilmlnol puppies lor c•hion. m1lkmg machine, and milk ______1_0~~ beller market for <'ggs mil or scr IV ANTE;!) 'i'O TRADE, oven·UR Icc. Fne stuwys are free ancl we !~reel Ruling Leslie ~21l:l, Arlliur clef'tric rnnge for gas range. · ------IT ~nsi'11g street fl•"sorJ 10\1'1]1 s.tiP Phone J F-12 ~tod, or wJJtP Do~nell crandr.ll, rhn1ng room c•hau·s, le,\lher bot· IPROMPT TV SERVICE-I SCI'\'· ~'lfl11 10wl Phone Mason 2-28-13. Please makQ I $'1 I t Pt snn -· · I S 0 Mason 2·6921. 7wlf New Constl'uction an ell •1.3~ PJoiitil' sf reel, Charlolle2wtf .. oms, · - eae 1 wne ice all mal1es. RCA, Motorola,, - • ec wner ------·-- calls heiore lJ n. m. or after 3 ~"ansmg 551i47.------~~lw2 El,llerson, GE, Spnrlon. ('chnirnl, . CHICKS -- Limilecl numher nf walt Neal P.M. 33wtf l' 1 WANTJ·;J) ldmls DuMont, Muntz and Zenllh. lien· • Wh1le Hnd\ l'hicks fol' sale, Abel Repai ~~~;-:;-~;~~~.-All Frnmc Sicl'l -· OJ' liT.tsnJJJ'Y! at M:lll,el prices paid ry L. Fries, 127 N Lansing St, Dunn ~11.1111. Custom lwld1ing I•:fllnn llapids alllnne~ Mason. Just west o[ Mickelson· ChJcl;s r11r. llrtlclwcl e>vcrv Mon Day~ c,111 Evr.nings call Real Estate New Phone Numbel' c•oJJsll'llf'led I nl !Jonw Ito\' D. Donald, Aure- Philgas lius Ccnler, 1i1wne Amei11Js 3203. Brtlwr Lumber yard. Plwm• Mn· c!:w Snow'~ I!.1lelwry, •IIRfl 1~.1sl 7H8t 7<11)1 69·ACRE FARM ncar East Lnn· 'AS LOW liS·-- $1.li0- PER SQ. 2wt[ Bottled Gas son 3201. lOwlf DP!hJ, Jroll. phnne IToll ."15•11 10w2 sing. All under plow, ext rn 2~G301 ------JOwL£ · good buildings, fl·roorn house, F'l' ON ·Ill' x lllfl' WANTP.D l\lnrl;,-[ ] ;,;-e-. In I BUILDING~ ;~,-;;).- 1 3Gx60 hip·rnof hlll'n, olher 20·1b Self-Serve Cylinders James 'rlwl'lm1·n •,Jock ;\J,iJ li'lll'iWJp' n[ IIVC· goorl basement fuel oil fur· buildrngs. $18,000. Terms Gnmgcs - 'l'nol S!JPJ lOIVIfjiN MASON-3·bedroom hunga· termg do~e; palclung a specral In 2110 rHJ~s. Willi sind\ anrl users road. 10w1 P lone -· '''~-·------· low, gas heal, full hascrnenl, I.'J', R o h er t ..::.. B urns, 3811 A urc 1 INSTALLATI DNS lnnh. IVJJI rurn1sh labor on 1/.'J I ·------· - ITOUSI!:--'I·roorn house, parlly rental income nf betlrr 1hnn !Puhs roa!l, . Lu: 15~1 1 ~" • Routc t~ basis nr wnuld IHry rarm nn con· CONVE1fi.SION~ !POTATOES-Chippewa, $1.50 per fu1 nishcd Also two 2·roorn $100 per month. $9,1)00 one 1"ansmg 2·,) 1 08· 1 IV W. C. Chm·Iancl BOTILED GAS APPLIANCES bushel. D1y wood, $3.50 per Plione ]loll •I fillfl1 II'r pohc~ m1tlcls hew I he slntc 01 21663 M 1son or mqutre at 111 21 another non political but highly g 1111zatlon takes the sc "llggcs W Syc 1mo1e 10w1p !(ILBURN-We wish to lhanl< all r ur friends for the IO\ ely grfts eon trover.! 11 bill-one th 1t w 1s twns to plan 11s own st mrl h 1serl WANTED-W 1shlngs tml Iron and we want to gl\ e spccttl 2'> reported out after most members on the np 111r ns of the m 1rot it y lngs Neatly fl111sherl by ex thanl the teacher tool< the whether 1t IS wise to allow nn) affects llOil membets loo he Shoe Stole M 1son Phone Leslie r pupils lo VISit Kemler s sugar subjects except finnncml matters ca ISC f lmCIS WllhiM Ill Oll{llll bu~h '!:he~ 3543 7wt[ arc usmg this as a to be tal, Amerlcn, showed a film on the dally life o,l plus oversight fees of $24. HI! 111111 Mr. Lamson moved to their one Jnst night for tlw Jllli'Jinsr! of Str11' !'ipanr.:lr:nl Bmlllcr anrl F'lags the youngstr.rs at. the home at. a plearlrd guilty to t'eeclving :;tolcu. home on the corner of Aurelius raising money fell' tlw seventh of Mnnv Lands. 'l'hls Inlier one J'ecenl meeting of the Mason p l'O)ll!l'l y. and Barnes rnnds In Aurelius and clgh. tit grade trip. '!'here was wns n real Hlirprlse feature. AH VF'W post, He I}XJIIatned to those I Center. The Lamsons were Rlcluml Allen fliPs, ·1s, Dan.~· a very good lur·nuut. thl'y came out. with "there are present lhntlt was a VFW mcm· mm;· rlcrl Oetober 15,. l!ll:i. ville was ordered to 11ay cosls or Louie Bearup wnH 1111! auct Jon· I fll11:s of eve1·y hUe" each pupil her's greatest insurance, know· $50 plus oversight fees of $24. He em·. He mmlr! n fine one wltl1 a unfurled n flag of another• eoun· lpg thut his widow and children Mrs. Lamson wnsa membm· of pleaded guilty to participating in fast Jingo tlwt was hnlh flinny lry. Wr:-;. vVnrren Lusl< !cache~ would have a wondr.rlul place t.o the Mason Prcsbyterlml ell urch.J thr. theft of 5 hogs fmm Hall on and effective. HalT~' Wnrlcll paid music' in the sctwol anrl she had live, If somethlnt: happened to Surviving her nre the husband, 1 November lf.i. the highest price of nny of the loaned these flags. him. William; a rlnughter, Mrs.• Tessie l~our Diinsvllll' and Mnson 26 boxes. And It wns to cnt with Slw nl.'o tencfles 11 rhythm Sgt. .Tohn Taylor of the Marine Taylor; one son, C. S. Kyser; 2 youths, ] 5 and Hi yPars of age, his wife. Some of tlw men snlcl If hand for the little folks. And how recruiting office showed 2 Jilms, grandchildren, 2 great-grandchll· were talwn into .Juvenile court for they hnrl lwown lw w11s n[lcr i we rlld cn,loy thnt. 'rJwy plnyed "Korean Freedom Village" and rlt·cn, nnd 4 brothers, Earl Ewing participating In the thcfl.';, ' Mary's box lhal they would have ~111111' lively selr!r:llons. I don't "The Return from the Reser· 11nd Albert Ewing of Lansing, Cady's harclwar() will celebrate Its grand open· up our· store. We lwve used all modem display Hall lost 5 hogs November 15 hnd more fun with him. Tlwy're l\now floW Sally's Chrlslmns voir." Harry Ewing of Painesville, Ohio, lng 'J'hUl'sday, Friday and Saturday of this wee!;, tables anrl shelves and we made a pol11t to pro· and 6 on Fehrunry 2, In 2 raids going to watch fut• him next drum wouJH! up In the )Janrl hut Clyde Smith, com m n n de 1', and .Jess Ewing of 'l'oledo. In ,January, Don Cady, owner· of the stoi'C, moved vide wide aisles," on his fm111. The owner was ab· tjme. it rlld nnrl It sounder) pretty goorl slated there were !!3 members Funeral servi.ccs were eo1.1·1 his business from the to. cat Jon on Jeffers.on s.treet To help nhserve I he opening, Cady plans to sent on hot h occasions. Previous· ··Pete houghl Jrr.ne Mieullm's I along with the rhythm slicks, and guests present. He also ductcd from the .Tewett funeral to the former Dart & Cady hLzildlng on Ash street.' give free Hawaiian-grown nrchlds to every wnm· ly o!ficm·s recoverer! $205 of the liox. He said he lwei a vrry good lriangll' nnrl other k~~p-timer~-to· stated there were 11 guests •who home 'l'uesclay afternoon with "\.Ye'vc got one of 1he most modern and com· an whn attends, In arldition there will be door $222 received from the snlr. of the lunch with Jots to cat. T lind seen music . .Timmy Nemc1k man1pu· signed as members for 1!!54. Rev. Paul Arnold, pastor of t~1e plctc hai'Ciwares In Michigan," Cady sale! as he was prizes and miscellaneous gifts. hogs stolen Fehrunry 2. ]lcr box so she thought 1 lippcriiialrrl the e.l'mlwls an() It sounded Refreshments were se_rved rlur· Mason Presbyterian church, o!fl· . . · . . ., elating. Burial was In Greenwomi mnlnng r~luns for the offlcml openmg. ]·lard· Shown above is a pkturc of a cr,rner of the him off but r dicln't. lie said he like a real band. Mrs. Miller's. lng the showing of the films. 'rile wheel chair to the Auxiliary, to cemetery, Aurelius. ware designers ~ere In Mason 111st. year to set store. a ~Ic.·ltcd It for size.. Jt wns " hlg hust.mncl player( t.he piano anrl he' party was held In the McCurn be loaned out. Forest Cherry, Richard Mang· IJOX. She hurl ncVI'r been to a box put~ lots of [lt:'p mto anytili.ng he Olclsmohlle building. The familY of Eva Amlrew10 ler, Louie Bode and Ferl. JacJ.; social bcfare so I hope she had a does. . 1 also presented u gifl of money to and Rives Ewing were pnllhem·· ifoqd time. Tiley )lnrl I he (lag staff fastener! the unll, which will he used to 'Icy .Pave· m nt' s crs. ·,Elizabeth was ahlr. to go too. to lite eellmg and ran it up at the. e Prisoner of War.: Tells Experiences huy an allaehment fut' the chair. Glenn Davis ale with hr.l'. She hPginnlng of the evening. They ( ( . Both gifts were accepted hy Mri;. h PUmGED TO Harold Hilt.gen. of Theinsville, showed articles made by ham pl<.'.l'ed din net• music. Ralph Arthur Jewett, hospital chair· looked so goocl anrl I'Jijoycrl SCP.· ~tad lhe lla,g salut.e. Allogethcr ause ras es FRATI~RNITY pris-~ ing everyone. I don't loww when zt was an 'z:'1PrCRSIVc perform· 'l'homas A. Chrlstensen, son of IWisconsin, . was Ill Mason last oners to lal1e their minds off Adams led group singing. 'J'hc man. ~·vc seen hr.r lookin1~ so \\'ell. She I a nee. Mrs. M.lller said they hadn't Slippery surfaces caused 2 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Christensen of/ Thursday .n.lght to.relate some o.f their privations. Aurelius Farmerettes enter· As commander of Browne· had her ~andwiclws :111d other put too much time 011 Jt, 'l'hey traffic tangles at Leslie Saturday Milson, has been pledged to hi:;. cxp~nences ,1.n a. German Hiltgen appeared a~ the prin· tal ned. Norman Wever gave the Cavender post, Leslie Palmer .in· 111 things fixed fni' hr.1· on one side were WPII tr;:uncd anyway. evening. I\:appa Sigma at the University of (lltsonet of war camp .World cipal speaker at the 35th birth· invoeation and I he benediction. traduced Hlltgcn 10 the guests. ,of the box and without :mj' sail. I thin!; these lillie lH'oductions In u crash al the north village Michigan. He was one of 272j War II. Hlltgen and Leslie P~l· day anniversary banquet held by On behalf of I he Auxiliary, Present for the occasion were students presented pledge pins by mer of Mason wcr~ fello:v PI'IS· the Legion Auxiliary at Mason. Mrs. June Surateaux, American· Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crnl1es ami 'Sully kept worrying over what arc good for school youngsters. limits on US·127 at 5:30 Gwen· 1 the 43 fraternities during th~ 1' ~ners and 'close frwnds . n Stu- It was staged In the Knight~ o[ ism chairmau, presented 12 Mr. anrl Mrs. Ward Vicary, .Jr., anyont! would eat if he! got her Tt gives them a chance to present Idolyn Robinson of .Jackson suf· 1 box. Elizabeth winlwd a~ me anal' their point in a c!ear voice in ferecl a fractured pelvis and pain· February 14-March rushing per· l,lg Luft No. • at Barth, Gcr·l Pythias hall, with the Auxiliary copies of Clarence Manion's "The of Leslie. Mrs. Crakes is sixth said maybe he'd want Ins money front .of an audience. It's a ful cuts and bruises. According iod at Ann Arbor. many. providing the dinner. Key In Peaee," to the Mason district ml!mbership ehairmnn for hacl1. revelation to .the parents too a~ to sheriff's officers, tile woman's After the war Hiltgen went on Mrs. Fern Slagh presided as sehoul library. 1\II·s. U. 13, Shoe· fhc Auxiliary. Mrs. Vlcary is a As long as I he Jll'oc•N•rls went, they see t11en· youngsters l::tke car was struclt and overturned By living more in the home, tour with an army unit to tell mistress of ceremomes. Mrs. mal\er. librarian, c:ave a speech member of the sixth district ex· to the seven.tll anrl eighth grncl· part. Pity the school that doesn't by the car driven by Leslie lhc modern family could come about prison camp life. He had Wayne Miller, Auxiliary pres!· of ac~eptance. eculive hoard. crs, Mrs. Milici' thought they have at, least on~ program a year. Woodworth, 70, Rives Junction. much nearer living within their many pictures taken in German dent, welcomed the guests. Mrs. In memory of her mot.IJer.. Miss Mrs. Olive Brown had ctuu.·ge ought to g.et up I he Heres one Point that eonfuses Robinson came out of the crash income. prisoner of war camps and Ethel Nichols and Dallas Lang· Martha l\lary Hamilton presented of the dinner. progra~. 1 Ami they ciJrl. They w;crl a pa In·j some fol11s. 0~1 ;-vhicl~ song do with facial cuts and bruises. ?tic them~ m; 1t was neat· W;u;h· ~ou ~land, ns 1t JS bemg ~ung? Officers reported that Wood· mgt on's b1~·thcln~·. My, hut It was I rh~ Star Spang ted Banner 1s ?ttr worth was making u left turn, an Interesting mw. 8veryone was natwnal .·anthem, not Amer1ca. while headed south on the trunk· tal11lng afterwards nbout how It's too had in a Way because line • much they had learned. 'The older, America is much easier to sing At 10:30 Saturday night 3 cars figured in an accident 21/:, miles north of Leslie on US·127. According to Deputy Dona lrl Haynes' report to the sheriff, AI· fred L. Wilson, 24, Detroit, slowed down ori a slippery stretch of pavement, slowed almost to· a ·stop.· Nan .. Crispell of: Leslie, rlriv· OUT AHEAD WITH THAT lng behind Wilson, was unable to BIGGER, LOWER LOOK. CheY• .'. stop. before hitting Wilson's car: relet is the only low-priced car , , A third car, driven hy Doris W. to give you Body by Fisher with Marel<, 30, Olhone GH0·1·21-ll and had undergone several oper· ations. Mr. and Mrs. Plan!' ami their children moved to Carson City from Mason 19 years ago. At Ma· What you want most son and at Carson City the hus· band was Consumers Power local manager. The family resided on West 1\Iaple street in Mason. At Carson City Mrs. Plank was a past matron of the 0. E. S. She Chevrolet 9UT AHEAD WITH ZIPPY, was a member of the Carson THRIFTY POWERGLIDE. It's the City Woman's club and of the An~ automatic transmission in tho Women's ~ellowship club of the gives you firs-i~~! lc:w-price field and the most im· ICongregational church. proved end odvantedl Optional· 'l'he husband, 2 daughters, Ruth .:>.1 oil models ct extra cost, and Helen, and a son, LeRoy sur· vlve. Funeral services were held (that's the reoson Wednesday afternoon in Carson City with burial there. Rev. Ward more people war.t Clopp of the Congregational ..• a.nd buy church officiated. · Chevrolets than any other car) 4~H Clubs Plan OUT AHEAD WITH AUTO. Safety· Meeting MAl'IC POWER CONTROLS. Ingham's annual 4-H safely Chevrolet is the first low-priced meeting will he held Thursday, car to bring you all the latest March 18. at Michigan State col· automatic power features ancl lege. The event will begin at 7:15 tontrols cs e11tra·cost options, at the Fairchild theatre on Farm Lane. A plaque will be given by Lan· sing General Motors dealers to the top 4·H club for safety. En·· Chevrolet keeps coming up ahead of ather tertalnment will he provided by low-priced cars with the new things and good things . the Ol' nnrl Mr. nml Dansville nt H n'cloclc us ~o;e~m;:;ww ran apl S eetlngs nnrl Fr·anl\ Colill of Wllllumslon Mr·s. Hnlplt RlioPmnlwr of lllv<'H pnretits nIgh I vllinge offlclnls for the coming 11 Dnniol proHidcnt: visited Mrs. Avery Sunrlny. .Tunr!llnn miiPtl "n Mr, nnrl l\Tr:;, Mrs; Helen Young - Phone 3931 ll'hen they will rcnr: .limning~. Jcour glt·is [rom the Dunsvilla al lr.n:;t 2 yonrs, 12) Completer! Mr. unrl Mrs. \veurlt•ll SIJrnm Haberl Curry, clcrl~; Arthur Dow­ ll~lsh Sunrl;~y. ·~·J:r· '"' 1 't~~~:~n l~tlll· Jl In y hosi· to .F. H. A, nltendml the slntc con· 2 yPnr·s of hr\mcmnl\lng, 131 HrJ)tl nnrl fun11Jy of Jnl'i!Ron were Snl· orPd I hr. hit thrl.t> nnnl\f 1. !II'J nr Wnlrlo II. Hos· ling, treasurer; Howard Merln· venllon nt Grand Rapids Ins! dHtpler rlegrcl! fol' I yPnl', (1) urrlay v!sllorR of Mt·s. Frnnf'es Kmmeth BitHh, • A H ld Hndul iHr•f'llnr:- IH Held (!:!tier, "A Mun clorf, trustee for 011e year: Luw- 'l'hur£clny nnd lcridny, 'l'hey were !Ins thought through pcrsonul; Nchelttng. M1·. and Ml'H. Andrew Hev. nnd Mrs, SnnHlf'l SPI:wrt Serv1ces re e Mmn!Jr.rs of lilt! BoosleJ' cluh of Mogle with n · 1on Guuss, Dewey Craft anrl Mnry Lou Bohnet, Rohortu Mul· r:eals and 1:; followin.;: plnn lo PnlmeJ' of Lnnslng vlsltcrl Mrs. of .TnH[WI' wr.rr• Ol'r~l'lllghl wwsts ' • lwlrl their· snci

  • '· so!·. For Edd y Wa lk er tiny. MrH. Wayne 'J'nylor nntl Mrs. A well·lmown nttc,Hlerl wer•e Mrs. Belva Church 'lwmnmaldng activities and lw~ Mrs. Edgm· Scrlpter, Mlnn Mill' Mr. and Mrs. lm Ballry we1·o. l~loyd Mitchell headed Ill!' mm- gospel Illustrator of nnrl Mrs. Ethei'Bolmcl. shown rleflnite Improvement, and Amold nnd Mrs. Bun Ji'ru· gtlf'sls nt dlrntnt' Sunrla.v of M1·. Punernl sm·vlces were lwlrl· mll!ec In charge nf the m1m1. pie Hostetler will show by mngianl Werll1esdny afternoon 111. 2 o'clor!k HU[Jper, whlr•IJ wns sr.r·vecl al The Dansville chapter pre- lfll Contributed to r:hhpter nnd chey of Columhln City, Indiana, and Mrs. Charles f!Pn<·lt of Lnn· r!Pmonslrntlons, Biblical truths sontcd n sl'ir!r 11f Wilmot Bohnet. lcrrd ill!' !able. eS IVa a Ur ay tlcl~ets I !he Sh~11iand B. ~ Mcmhors of the Dansville Dale Lininger and Roy Evcrell; Mrs. Wnve Granger is the s(at!! evening was spent playmg nnrl family were Sunday VIsitors GatnC's 1\'as an all<'t'nnon \'lsJIOJ' Dr. F. A. Lenrh·ttm nffleialee! at Afler the dinner a poem ric· :'chnol band attendee! the district and stage crew, Ron Bellcrly, advisor for the organization. hearts. 1 uf Mr. rind Mrs. Ernest Hoslwr al till' Dalton hrnm·. the service:; with hurial in Fulr· plcting lhe events pertaining 1a hand and orchostm festival nt Bill Bravenrler and Lynwood Delegate~ worked in groupr; to Mrs. Kathleen Swan will en· of IIolt. ~11·. nnd 1\Tt·s. Lr•nnarrl llf'iH'il \'lew r:r.mctcry. 1heir wcclrling years was rea;! by Miehigan Slate college Salunlay. Nlm~. learn how to develop a bC'tter tcrtain the members at the next Mr·. and Mrs. Donalrl Sites nnrl and family anrl I\Trll'in llP;Ir'h ilnrl Pallhonrers were Fred Holland the wnrll1y malmn, Mrs. h.nlh· While the senior band did not "Sing for Your S~ppcr" wfll understancllng of themselves. meeting. family of Perry, Mrs. L. D. f'illlrlrrn Df Willi~:l:t~; Lee Beam. ganizatlons. . ~ lJJlt'vnr·s·t'ly of MI'chJ'gaJl, Leo11· · k finish the "Bricl1s ilnd Tvy" by I!lay with Mr. and Mrs. Hohr.rt Bear·h. · BLtnco nnrl visiting were the ch· ard" MarellaL - of Western Michigan Mr. and Mrs. James Wright A.'ers on how to wor in groups. the enrl of this wc~k nml 1mve Smith. i (C.'onluHI<'<· 1 on I'ar.:r• .'l) vcJ·sions of the evening. L . I f II f L I I M Speciul consultants fort 1Je group. llln 111."1.•·, .•·.etJI lo tlw compan•·.'·l College of Education and eWJs am am Y o ans n.\!' am r. J 1 d 1 D 1 Bl k n L " J ------. Mr. nnrl Mrs. Ford Hnyhoe of Potier of Michigan Slate college. and M rs. E ugone G auss anr 1 snn nc u er oug asW'll' ac a,It! ev.f BeJo'·r.. ··, .c·JJoulrl·' t n~ ]J,"Ci'" ' for rt· 1 ems 1 dt~l Mason, Mr. and Mrs ..l«C'k Yarger William Stansell,· hand inst.ruc- • were guests a t d"rnner •S unr 1 ay o f GrandDon Caray Rapids, nm 1 !ElmDr. ' mElmer 1 u IJutlnn h:!forc ~:clwol clo~es in of East Lansing and Mrs. Rosa tor at Dansville, accompanied the their• parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luw- Knowles, Michigan State collegr, May. MU1'UAL INVESTMENT l>'U.VDS Washbli!T\ of Ma~on were OLll·of· group. ton Gnus~, in honor of the birth· and Susan Burson, Michigan ~prin~time town guesls present for the OC· day anmversary of Eugene State Normal college, Ypsilnnli. Mr. and Mrs. David Woorls nnd, casion, M;', am! Mrs. Ted Heins nnd Gauss, Sr.. Tho program included a pag· fnmii.l' vlsilcrl Mi;·s Hazel Woods: ~;fNUJJ;i MUTUAL son of Mason won~ Sunday din· Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Glover Clint "Where We Have Berm, and George Seymour of Fowler·[ Hnnslers Plan SUJIIIPI' ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vern und Gavin were Sunday dinner Where We Are Now nncl Where ville Sunday. I ~tteJI&J'J SELECTIVE FUND Plans have hr•pn completed lor Gray. guests of the latter's puren\s, Mr. We Are Going in F. H. A.," hy Mr.. and Mrs. Philip Anlold 1111! public :;upper sponsored hy Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leach of and Mrs. Earl Osborne, in honor chapter delegates largely dircct~d ami Dnvid wore guests at dinner ~ttmi&J'J STOCK FU~O the BoosleJ' c:lub. The date haF Ann Arbor were sundny visitors of the birthday anniversary of by Mrs. Mnrion 'l'owsley of I Monday evening of Mr. and Mrs. FACE-AMOUNT C/IR'l'lfo'IC..IT/i cmm.tN1' been sel fnr Thursday evening, ~f Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Greenough. ,Gilbert Glover. Perry and Mrs. Charlotte Will' Robert Thompson, .Jr. Mnrch 18. Serving will begin at Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Perkins of Mr. and Mrs. Waller Crusoe of of 1\ferrill. Mr. and Mrs. Jedson Felton !i:30 nt !he church. The menu Lansing anrl Mrs. Lulu LoclVESTOCIS STOCK FUND ·Jrcn of Williamston were after· sarles of Louise Showers, Diane ,\•ere in charge of the meeting, 0 INVESTOilS SELEC'I'IYE FUND nt the Methodist church. AI thcRr Is in the St. Lawrence hospital 0 INI'ESTOHS SYN. 01·' AM. take advantage of the services there will he discussion 'Joan guesls at the Baker home. Townsend, Loa! Townsend one .vllh Joyce Richardson of Chesa· in Lansing, Saturday evening. I NAME------good weather ahead. Take on "Our Christian Fail h am' Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scripter Gary Brickman. Mr. and Mrs ling, as president. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Risch ami advantage, too, of the Experir•nce." The book "I Be 1m! fumily of Aurelius visited Clarence Foster of Sprlngpor Delegates running for office Belly Lou were Sunday dinner ADDRESS'------lic\'e" IJy Nevin Harnar will also 'he former's parents, Mr. and were . a1ternoon visitors at the tad tc meet the following qunlifl· guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arclue Uelpful advice we can give \!Irs. Edgar Scripter, Saturday Showers llome. a1ions: 11 l Active m~mber for CITY-~~---.,..,-ZONE_STATE:------be used for study nne! discussion evening. 'rrumm~ of Lnnsing. ' I you. Let's discuss your Rev. Charles Gross will be in Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tompkins ,llllans soon. ell argo. md family of Hurt und Mr. and Mrs. Louis St id and family of Mr. nnrl Mrs. Lawton Gnus£ called on M1·. and Mrs. Howard Mason were Sunday dinner THORBURN Gauss of Stockbriclge Saturday '5uest!l of Mr. ancl Mrs. David evening. DiP.hl. Lumber & Coal Co. Mr. anrl Mrs. John Burnett oJ Mr. and Mt·s. A. B. Braman and 208 N. !Unson St. LidlRing visited Mr. anlun o~n1i ner gur·~ts nf their pllrcnls, Mnrtillnll. 'J.'Iw ococaslon honortir.l NtWS ""''I Dansville rind Mr·s, llnymonrl Dowoy, Nobie Hoad fnmlly f~nnduy, . ferris District' Mr' illlrl MI'H, l~rlgnr !':!•t•iptnr, In tho fifilh werlrllng nnnlvcrliiH'Y nf Huhnnl l'n(lllfl n;v Mrs, William J3t•nrlhtnTy, ,JI'., llh·H, J.om Olnrw honor of 1/w hlrthdny nnnl\'1'1'· Ml', nnrl Mt':i, Gllnl'ge Mllelicll, Pnplls whot>rrnwrl "II" lnHJWII· Mr. nnr/ Mrs. Iii ,Jenning~ nnd IHIV11 hr,en Hpnnd/ng snvrrnl rlnys fumily viHilerl l'vll', nnrl Mt'H, Lorm1 Mr. nnrl Mrs. 'l'hnmns Mltchr.ll Hill'\' of Mrs. l~rlgur Sl:rlpler, M1•, anrl Mr·s. nlehurd WIIHnn In[[ lnst Wl!rl< WPI'o Huth Ann !'lhnrnn Tlurlig ~pent ::>altll'flny Mt•, IIIHI Mr~. ,lntnes Zeli~ nnrl wil II ller parenlu, Mr. nnd Mrs. Cru·ils~t nnd famli>'• Snnrln>'· und fnmlly of ,fncit' vlsltod Mr. nnd Mrs. Her! Willtnlccr nnrl fmnll)• Sumlir~· vi.o;ltm·s ai the Clint Mr. nnrl Mrs. Mnlll'kr. Monron Mr. nnrl Mr·s. Herbert Colby of M M C'l W t nnblrloux, Dnle Foreman nntl Cnrl nnrl Hosellnrl Bnwen visit· and family nf Wr•IJIH'rville visiU•rl i\lll,rlfl mllr•rl 011 Mr. nnd 1\Trs. r. llllf1 rs. 'en em1 P.rlliH Pm11 c:rlffl's, Sunday, Puller llomr. WOJ'£! Amlc Fieg11er 11 eel thr. Frcrl Rll'h family !'lalnrrlay l . . (' I 'I I SLIJlfl• •r.rlill Jtonnle wero wee I< end gLJeHIS nl ' M1·. nnrl Mr~;. Enrl Mend nnd nnr/ children nnrl MnxlnP. Bursloy tlw !Iiiier's pnri'IIIH, Mr. flflf I Mr:;. ,:1\l~f'I.ICQ .II.. s' 'dj' r·l .... g. Mrs. Plrli'Pnce !I!ILJCh o( Del roil. I GPne Dif'IZ Is sof.tbnll C'flplnllll s0 uth L eroy evening Willie the childmn al· f1.r111J1y visil!:d Mrs. !"loyd Weeks, o( Lnnsing nnrl Mr. 1111rl Mt•s, A. C. Br•rgr.r, Sunrlny. Ml. J~orPI111111 rs e•o captain lendml the lmslwtball gnmn at Mr. nne! Mrs. Enrl llmman nnr! ""n Erlwn1·rl n! Flint Wr1·e Sun. rs. ntH' 1 Paves 'r ( uy or n Mn;, iHPI'lnn Wee Tinny Anrlcl'son of Enton Rapids, I · · Laingsburg, Mr. nncl Mrs. Lawrence Weel1s • ·• : '" '. ' r' ' ' • rl ' ·.. 1·1 1" visit II' Iill lwr liOn, Erwin Gny· Folll'l h grnrlr.rs l'C'r'f'llil,\' mnr!P I lltHI 1\lr. and Mrs. Les Werl Rn. "n "Its. · ·•· 01. 1 . ::; t· A , c llf 'I r•onvo sr•erw in tiH• '·'IIHII>ox G·1ry Sllowermnn eniCI'Ialnnrl Mrs. H. A. Groslefnn nf .Tark thr evening !11 llclp Mrs. .renn I\irs. Cor·n Anway Wl!l't~ Saltll'dny l\"uorP 1 {' dt • nn •1 llrl, .n · ' · · ·I • • 1 • • ' fnmll.Y Snnrlay. ;;on is spending a few rht~'s with r!vening rlln1wr gn1•sts of Mr. nnd . Mr:;,nrl Mro. A. 13. llrammr nnrJ Mt·. nnrl Mrs. Hoscoa llrnnlrll l•;ar ll'~:llng wn·; .1<>111' Jnst 1Wr•lcl 1hr; V:l~ll.own ;J·II Tl'IH'ior dni> Bob Hhines nnrl fnmily spenl Arrowsmith r•elehrnlc IJct• birth· 1 her daughter, Mt•s, IInrley Bond!, Srmday wit il Mr. nnd Mrs. Murt In rlny anniversary ..Tc!an is n sister· Mt•s. Etlwl Dlalwly of Lnnsin~(. fmnlly wl!re gur.sts a! dlnlll!t' 11'1'1'1' gue~.ls at dinner 'l'hui'Sdlt.V Then• was no sPiwol WP.lnPs· \V~~i~lc scl,lr ~~! \ , Rl,, nllfl Mr. and Mrs. Clarr. Bartlg and Mrs. Arthur nrooleef'a Hrm:l\r Wf'n• ::lr'k la:'t hom~ of her son, Merion Hlce, the week end wilh Mr. aral Mr.,, spr:nl Sunday with tile Inlier's lnnslls 0111 last WPek nnrl is now W. D. Byrum. ::tr•pnwll1et•, Mm. Hugh JJurslr.y The hahy \VIIS hol'll Thursday, Mr·s. Dnvirl 01•erhnll of Ln,l~evlew. Holt WCI'f' Wcrlncsdny visitors of WI'C[(, Mrs. Hoher·t Oesterle was tal p11renls of n son, Edward Frit;.: Holland sprnl . SiuH!ay to be rnur:l; improvPd. nlng, Mnrl'h 12. ' !vir·. and Mr·s. l•'rnnk Rl'ripter anrl 1111d son of WciJ~Jrrvrilc were Alien, horn Fl'hl'llnry 2fi. I with Loyd nnrl Lnl'al Austin. · Kenneth Tiler~ altC'nrlrrl llw Sunday r.vcning Tune 11 eon George Ekins, nnd family of Mrs. Elmer Otis nlleluiPrl t.hr. guests of Mr. nnrl Mrs. Clare family or Webbt•rvliiP, Mrs ..fol1n gtH·~;Is nt rlrnrJcr· ~u n rlny o[ Mr. 1\·lrs, ,Tess ll11f'llln11n lii!s l1ccn Mr·. mid Mrs, Tll~n Catlin ll:lll a c·rH nty 'I·TI rnller skating pm·tv llowcll, nne! Wlilinm Olney and 0 1 Pxtenslnn group lear!Pr~ meol· Dni'J'oW were Mr. and Mrs. llnmlrl Daniels 11nd rlnughl(!rs of llPnr·i· and Mrs. ,Jerlson l•c 1 1 ,n. eonflrwrl lo hor t1erl by .•;id(JJCs~ hlrthrlay rlinnnr fot· Mr:;, C'ntlin's at L:r;mlng Thnrsday nlglll. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clare Phillips IIIHI lng Tuesday at llle G. A. ll. hall Pcnrsall and Mr. and Mrs. Hoh· etta, Mr·. anrl Mrs. Wilbur 1\ooJis l\Jr. nnri.,MI's, .rnr:k '"11 J.:el' and ill'' pnslwcPI<. Mr·. nnr:limnn, who father, ·.Jolrn IIPriJslrrf't nf Gr·atHl Mr. ami M1•s. Hugh Or•slcrll' Mil< e. in Le~llc. . m•l Dnrrow of Leslie. nf Perry, Mt·. anrl Mrs. E11rl Sally of l·.nst Lnnslng nnd Mt·. has lwpn sie•l' Cor severnlmnnths, Lcri"c. Mrs. J!PriJ~;it· ·r·l wa:·; 11l:;o l'allcrl on relnlives In Lansing Mr~.:. Hoy Lnnt;: will cnlerlain r;nrllle nnrl family nf Dimondnlc and 1\lrs. I•'Joyd Mltcllell nml Mr. rrmnins in n serinu:; t'onrlllion. llwt;, Sunrl;w. 1 Sunrla\' nflcrnnon. Mr. IIIHI Mrs. llussell Tnyior The Bell system operales a lite Lnmpllglrlers ext r.n ~.Ion anrl family vlsiled Mr. nnrl Mr:;, IIJHI M1·. nnrl Nlrs. Philip Scriplr!r nnrl 1\Irs. Ucorgr• !Vlltehell hari Mr. and Mrs. Lyk Kleinsmith Mr. nnrl Mr:;, Merrill 1\r•tf'lnlm P:rl1:ir:in Monroe and Mnry Lou little m•ct· four-fifth:; of U. S. group nt her home Thursday CV('· llnrolrl Palmet• of Lnnsing Sntur· telephones, says the Hl53 Year­ ______.:._ _ _:______of Webberville WP.I'C Suruiay el'r· nmt Hnl'l'y Mor•gnn .~fiC'nl Sunrl:1y Bohne! anri Ann Ocslcdc ;;ttend· nin)! at 7:30. rlny evening. boo!\ o( the Ameriran Pen piPs Ingham County News March 11, 1954 Page 3 nlng gllcsts of lvlr. 1111ri Ml'"· E11r! aflornnon and Cl'l'ning al tile Guy I r:ri lire• F. IT. A. cnnvenlinn hPirinl Miss Erma Down has been sll'k Encydopedla. But independent. lire past week. • Hisr·h. 1 MC'nrl lwmr. I Grnml Hnpirls 'l'hursrlay, Con f1 den cc is sensilive-it r!flmprmlc~ serve over t wo·l hirds Mr. anrl i\lrs. Rulph Ch:unbr!r· Mrs. Hny Cilmphcll, Vl11la anrl 1\>!rs. LaLII'ettn Dc\Vater~ nnd Mr. niH I l\1 rs. Kendell Howe never raturns If it. has hern of the geogmphil'al nrPn of tlte !Vln;, sllll spent Sunday and Mn111iay wilh In in ::rlfl f;_rmily a11: 1hc lnst clay· on which un­ A I'!' Om· Proof of SPr\'ice dill' afternoon. children, Ml·. nnd Mrs. C:larcncr' of Mr~·. Mina Nemer Tuesday nfl· nnr.l fnm1ly, registered persons may rcg·istPt' in or·dct· to be Pligible to ~lr. ami Mrs. Frank Hablitzci Enne~;s anrl ;;on;; n[ Ear~IP and rrnoon. Mr. nnd 1\Irs . .Tohn Preston nmi vote at said specin.l election. visited Mr. nnri Mrs. Doyt Miller Georgia PUl'c:-11. Mr:;, ·J..:C'bler's [ Tile J"ecleration of Aicls will be famil:,- visitcrl M!·· m~cl Mrs. Jad\ Application fot· rc.g;istration should be made to the of Eaton napids Sunday after- brntlu•r-in-l:nv nnrl sister al~o at· held at Parl

    thel\1r. Jam~ anfl 1lrs.Birney Pnui home Rowe Sunciay. and ning. ------tl 1:~~~~~~~~~~~a~n;c~.·~l;it~~;y~~nt~~~n;ri~ll~l~;~~r~v;~;·i~tc;d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ M ..,.• .....,1161 ""''! #HSWCI" p A.a:nes were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. nncl Mrs. v\'lllnrd Droscha anrl fnmily. Hubbard News ' 1954 Mnrgie Feighner spenl WPrlnes­ ,Jurly GnrclnPr and Alyee Gnble I day night wlt h Agnes Howe. Mrs. P11ul H.cdmnn, Mrs. PiriiJ Borlrie, 1\It·s. Floyd Darling, 1\lrs.l Put ZING Ricl111rd Lyon ancl Nnncy, M1·s. 3 Wheatfield Jack Griffin, Mrs. Leon Graves PONTIAC i\lrs. I~rma Johnson nml Mrs. F'loyrl Launstein visited ~~ 5-PASSENGER SEDAN at school l11t1t week. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Wolf eallecl Mrs. Floyd LmtnsiC'in called on · 1 on Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Frost Mrs. Anna Crowl Snlmila~· after·J Car .122·1J.VCII ~J 1il~l~LIIifufilE In Your Sunday evening. nonn. Miss Neva .Johnson of Mt. 1 Mr. nnci Mr~. Hichnrri Lyon nncl Pleasant sprmt the week encl wit11 · fnmily caller) on i\Ir. and Mrs. her family ami called on Mr. and Herbert Fox, Jr., anrl Ar11lrett of Mrs. Lawrence Cmtis Smurclny Grnnri Lcclgo, Sunrl11y a[ternoon. afternoon. DrLvid Sturman hnn retmned to or Spring $2280.oo Mr. and Mrs. Jlussell Cole and school after a week's sickness. Lee, Mr,;. Jean Hotchldss at)d ViclCE S!~ERING WHEEL The Community Farm Burenu Those attending arc to lake their Or ·$50 Credit ·on New or Used Cars e DIRECTION SIGNALS nnrl 2 other groups will be guests own table service and a house­ or the WilsQn group Thursday hold hint. CHROME BUMPER GUARDS, FRONT AND REAR e evening, Mai·ch 18, at 8:30 p. m. Shirley Earl went: to Detroit • CHROME TRUNK GUARD nt Vevny town hall. The spealrnP of lwr son, Myron, ,Jr., nt Thursday evening at a slorl< shower honoring her sisler·ln· !~loyd Cliffe of !\>!Iller• Road, Lnn· Recent Newlyweds Cnmllrit! Bmwn of Lanslnt~. MrH. Dansville on I•'rirlny, March ·12. law, Mrs. Robert Ware, sing, Mr. unci Mrs. Cleave Sldnam ,Jnnws Arrnst.mng, Mrs, Dnle llul· .. Mrs. Corwin llllS spent pt'rtf'limlly of Lansln>: and Mr. and Mr::;, Jay Mr. anrl Mrs. Terry Silsby, who len, Marie Lyons, Mary Diamond, · ;-all of lu•t· fl[l Y<'nrs In tin• lmmr•rli· 'fllfl guests played games with Collier of Laingsburg. were married Fchnrnry 15, Wl'n! S1w Ber·gcon, Mrs. Tr!ITY Clari<, n prize going to both the winner guests 111 11 rc•r.cptinn lwlrlln their nil! vidnily (,f Jngharn tnwnshi!l 'r11e hostesses server! n deeo· .Jr., and !Ielen Wliey, ali or Ma·j anrl Daw;villc. and the guest of honor, after honm· Sat.urdny evening at. tho son. II(\ which Mrs. Ware opened her rntcd cake, ,iello, sandwiches and Vevay town hall. Mr. and Mrs. T:w dauglllPI' of Lulw and Hnr· many gifts. Tl1e presents had coffee to the gt•oup. Rnlph SilHby, parents of tlw Miss Colhy SI!I'VCd salari, mf· ,, , rll'l \VltlppiP·Asroflllw, ]lose wns bl'rm placed in a burgundy· nnd • • • hrldegl'Dorn, were hosts for the fee, tea and cheese crncl\crs for l'(!fi'CHilll!CnlH. I ·· horn In a hollsl' no ioll~l'l' slanrl· pcuch·covcred bassinet. affair, Miss Sower·;; spent the wr~cl\ in.r: <>11 J·:asl ('olurnl>in road In '!'he hostess, assisted hy. Helen · The gur.sts of honor, the hrlrle's " lnrrlllllll. Sil<' wm: llllllTir•d i\ugust IMrs. Snyder Is MISS ROSE MARIE BRADY mn!her, Rev. Myrlle Dutcher·; end tt~ lhc Colby homo, Wiley, served shrimp snind, gar· :11 ljl * Hi, 1:-<:"l, to 1'11\'1'"11 .r. Corwin, lie lousl and coffee us refresh· anrl Verla Glover, the hl'idP· pn Mr. and Mrs ..Tctstln Brariy of groom's aunt, receiver! tho who!;(' rr•nl :; · II'Prr• 11111ong II II! mcnts. 1 ··· <':trly pioiH·r•rs of lnglwrn town· /Honored Friday Dansville announce the engage·[ guests. Mr·s. Hu~sell Whipple pre· Those attending were Mrs. ship. Mr. Corwin dir~rl sc!vet·al rnent of llwir daughter, Rose sided at the gnest register·. College Selects Max Kelley of Lansing, Mrs. Les· ,)'eitl':-1 ilg'C1. I !\Irs. Elton Signs nntl Mr·s. Clnt'· Marie, to Rr1ymond Goodenough. Sixty relntlves anrl fr·icnds were lie Gober of Ilolt. and Mrs. Don· encc Fry ont.crlaineri at a stnrl' He Is lhc son of Mrs. Ida Goode· present from Lansing, Holt, ,Jacl<· NIAN A I'GC''"T S Mrs. Charles Snyder, lhc former The CDLlple b planrun!( an· and Masnrl. Ann Marl.inemt, rlail".hlPI' nC is :tel ivc' tl rnong llPr frh.~!His nnd hard, Mrs. Wlllinm A. Dnrt, Mrs. MI. '"" · ., "" t,, Donna Hunt. Atr•'i I II' ' l'c•lativl'.,, rPt;tins lwr f;l('llllir.s to 1\.ll\S, ROSE CORWIN 1 I ' wee c mg. Refrcshrnenls nf wcrl:llng enkt\ Mt•. unrl Mrs. L('OIHll'rl Jl!urlinP.iiU, T1o!Jert Colby, Mrs., Joseph Du· Mr. and Mrs. Lnuls Eggers of Gucsls pl11yccl gnrnes rhrring Miss Brudy Is employed ns a lee cream, tea nnrl cnffer• wen• Mason, has been elcPterl prcslrlr!nl 11 !·iiii'J>I'i.•:in:~ rl€'grr•c•, anrl enjoys with sizahic families of their Mont, Mrs. Robert Leonard and hPr d>ilrlt'<'ll :tnd own. 221. W. MI \l'~lotn ..wdl ill' _!1.'.'":'·' 1 ~'":I '!'1 11• son!; nrc Ol~ud of ,Jackson, marrlnge of I heir dnugilter, Mar· Mollec of Lansing and Mr::;. Hi ell· the Howell Products Co, Roy Glover, Mrs, G. H. Ji'ostet· gnn Sinte en! lege. I he h.JPP.I or ~.dston I rrli<~Y: .she DP.II of DLII'and, a nil Myron, Jr. of Inn Aileen Er:r.:ers, to .Tames T. arc! Brown: "' " ''' ami Mrs. Melvin Utter assisted The main furwtion of tile .iudi· '_I'll! nl~<~ ''"''''1\'P rnnny grePtrng.'i I Dansvillr•. Till' drwin l1as :1 sons :mrlr' "T:tnd<'liilrlt'Pil nnrl a number oi • h In Band Contest Miss EJ::~~Pt's i:; a lf'Wi grnriuatr. Hunt, Rita nne Mollee, Mrs. Ellen 1 Mr. and Mrs. Max L. Sowprs of and Mr. nnd Mrs. lllthert Jlilrri· re~ulatinns. r>11C' rl:>u.t~ltlc•r. all m;:nwrl, c:t1'111 :;rl':tl·granrlc:liilr.lren. of Muson high scilonl nnd a tn~O Brown and Merle Wright of Lan· Far·mingtnn ealletl on Mr. und ·'on visit(•d L. II. HarTison's aunt, Mi.-;s Martineau, a mrmhcr· of Mason's school band eanwd n gmdJJatl! of the Stnle University sing and Mrs. Ella Hunt, Mrs. Mrs. Gordon C. Edmonds Sunday Mrs. Lela Kl!!ly, at. Jacl\son Sun· the junior d:1ss, will laiH• office iP l • Cl b scmnrl rllvlslon rating in the dis· of Iowa's College of Nursing, snyder's mother; Mrs. Bim afternoon, .Janet Sow~rs, wlm dny, Ispring term. Tvvo Birthdays .•.l.!JX enSil,,0.1.l·A·IIit.U S trict: hand and orehe~tra conlr!sl and is now on tire staff at. tllC Frunltlin, Mrs. H.ic!wrrl Brown spent the week end wrth Mary ------­ l., 111 11 "' ilelcl Saturday al. Eastern high University hospital in Ann Arbor. and Mrs. Don Densmore, all ui Colby, rctumcd home with her MPml>et·s of the Learn·A·Bit ex· school in Lansing. Mr. Gilligan is a grar!Ltate of Mason. parents. Ingham County News /\re Observed ten:;ion gmttp of Haslrll held n The mntest wns sponsored by Loyola University in Chicago nnd * "' * Guests al dinner Sunday of Mr. March 11, 1954 Page 4 rr):(lllill' meeting l:tsl Tuesday cvr>· the Michigan Slate Band and did grarluutc~ work at. tile Univcr· and Mrs. Charles Zanger anrl M1·. 1111d ~Irs . .fof' Drciln PiliP!'· ning at llw !JOrnr of Mrl'i. Frank Orcilcsl.ra association. sily of Miehigan. He is now Clll· Show' er Honors family were Mr. ami Mrs. Alfred l:titll•d l'rirl~ty r•vr•lllnr~ al. a party Iloyl Df Lake Lansing. Roll call Lansing Eastern won a division pioyed by Wyatt company in De· Ross, Mr. ancl Mrs. Dale Harp· ltonorint.: 111:• ""''11 tH! hiri!Hiuy an· wus answered by telling "An Ac· 1 rating for Class A senior high St. Patrick's Day Dinner niw:·:::ll',\' 11f fiH'il' l'ifln, :IIIP,Y, troit. ha.m and c.laughters and Mr. ami' cidr•nt '!'hal lfuppened to Me." school bands. 11hi"l1 irfl·f! 111. :tllllil'r•rsnr'v of :t Tile lt•sson 011 "Safr•ty 111 the Tn Class B. lirst. division rul· of Coldwater, anri Mr. and Mrs. r·olll'iill, llria'11 llt•rlforrl ,;f Lan·1 !Io·n.lc;': wa~. pr:~·~(:J~Iccl h~; Mr:~· ings went to Grnnd Ledge, Chnt'· Fol·mer ResJ'dent Mrs. Evelyn s.mith was gues.t Guriin Kirlq>at.rick and Miss sing, \':: 1s also ' •• John Jlni'VI'\', ho~;tes:; srrvrrl rdrrshmcnls. Holl placed in the first division; .o ~ ,, " '" Sunday of Mr. am! Mrs. F. B. Jllr. :tnrl ~.Irs. J\Jonis JJr•rlfrwrl :n;rl Tile ll!•Xt meeting will ht! held BP.llc!vue, Olivet. and Williamston, Mr~. E. T. Acl:1ms nf Kan~;as 'T S . 1 .1 Woneh. Afternoon callers were .SUNDAY, MARC~I 21 division· 2; Oimmos, division 3; City, I\an~;:1s, was installed Ja:;t "rs. · mill WI I become I he Mrs. Mary Clark and daughter, .l:tni<'t', lllrs. ~11'1':1 Dt•ar·on anri M:m·h IG at. tlu~ home rJf Mrs. bride of Clifford Eddy Friday, Barbara, of Okemos . Adults - $1.25 Childt•t•n - 75e 1\Ji::s Ch:trlottr• ~~ars, all of Lan·[ Lu[·illc lluhf at. .10 a. m. Stockbridge, division '1; and week as the fln:t prc~irlent of the March 12. Dansville, unclassified. Kansas City, Kansas, Deanery of Sct·ving 12 to •l sin;~. , ''' Muson Nu. 1 * G I . 1 . Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Walcott Tn Class D, Webberville anrl tlw Archclior:l'san ~ounci! of the ames were P aycd wrll pnzes spent Lhe week end in Detroit at (':II;<' anri i<'<' c'l'r~:tm w 1 ~n·j .:llcmhc~rs of tire Mason No. l Dimondale both placed in divi· being won by Mrs. Norman Car· tile home of Mr. and Mr~. Wil· sr•JYr•d f1·on1 :111 nltml'tivclv·tlt•e. extt>nsion group met :11. tire Ve· National Counci) of Catholic sion 2. \Nomen, ri;::an,, Mrs. Bc.rt Sh~ffcr, Mrs. iiam Pappineau. lr·d laid<~. Tlw IH)[H>rerl guests I""Y tnwn hall Fl'ir.lay with Mrs. East Lansing won a lirst rlivi· .Tack Shafft!r, Vrvran Shaffer and rr•r·, •ivctl m:lll\' nice ~iJts. J-:uh~· I lolloway aet 111f~ as hos I l'SS. This Wits the first meeting nf Mrs. Phyllis Mead. The prizes , . Mrs. C. A. Davis :mel Mrs. Mi!la, i1 * * ·· Fiv0 n1embcrs and a guest Hl­ ~inn rating in Class B senior high the Deanery with repn•senlalivcs school orchestra group and in were presented to the guest of ~rrnmerman of ]•;den and Mrss tendrrl. A Jll>tlucl< din.ncr was frnm every vnr·ish t3;)l in the honor. 1 Sarah Jennings nf Aurelius were Clnss C ;junior high school banrl !-iel'VPd Hl. !lOUil, Diocese. Thr! meeting wns held in guests at dinner Sunday of J\Ir. com pet ilion, Charlotte earned a the hall nf lhe cnthcrlrai, St. Other guests were Mrs. Paul unci Mrs Cl ·1 . D· , . f 0 Surprise Party TllC! ic::son topic• was "Safety first division rating. Eddy, Mrs. Arlh ur Goble, Mrs. ch a · mr es d\ rs o non· in the IInmc," anrl each mem· Peter's of 1\ansas Cily, Kansas. Helen Goble, Mrs. Leonard Lcm· 'g · her nnswerecl roll call by tcllinr.; * * * Mrs. Adams is lhc daugincr oT on, Mrs. Donald Cairns, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. WilliGrn Schuring Honors Birthday of an :ter:idr•JJI in her nwn home Mrs. Mnrgarct Burgess of !1lason. Donald Horstman and Mrs. Helen nne! 2 nephews, Kenneth ami .J:cnPI Fi••rll<'l' l'.'its gill'S! of lion· which might have been pre· Minier. Dale Schuring, all of Portage, wnterl. Arcidcnt check lists were Rebekah Coterie or !•~rL [;,~· f•\\~nlng at a sur'pi·i;.;c 'fhc hostesses served refrf'Sh· spent the week cncl with her par· then rlis!ribute\1. i>irtlid:;y party ~!\'C•n 111 tlw home ments o[ sandwiches, a relish ents, J'vlr. ami Mrs. James H. of l\ir.s. l·:rwin Duriir.iori" l•'l~'ldwr, Phyllis V. Dangler Monday evening. Snyder made with gumdrops ami CIJr•nc•.l", :11:11'.\' Ll:u·t lf't I, Kat hi ern ill the l10tn0' of 1\!rs. Ion Phillips Mrs. Merwin Evl!rit t enter·· pipe cleaners and tied with pink day of Mr·. and Mrs. F. A. Balder· on M;u·ch 20> fot· e~ lesson on Mrs. Maynard Dietz servecl as H::·dc 1\iat'\' Emens, Diana tainccl Saturday eveninr: at a ribbons upon which was printed son. "Cleaning Rugs and Upholstery." co· hostess. DuC'h:IIIC', i\far:; i•'ieriler 11nd Bnr· Following the regular business storl; shower !wnorinp; Mrs. r~oy Pinky and Cliff. Mr. nml Mrs. R01Jert Dallarri * * ~~ b;mt lrr•l;>nrl. mcctinr, the evening was spent West nf Wcbh::or\'illr.. The gift:; The hride·clect received many and Ronnie altenrled 1hc hand .liitwl rr'l'Pived m:111y nice gifts. were placed in an ovcr~ized nice gifts. and orr:heslra festival at Easl· .;: 1,: : playing cards. First prize went to Past Chiefs Arrange Mrs. Mabel Wells ancl Mrs. C. R. di~per. . * * * ern high school in Lansing Satur·l D!·. I l:onl!cl ,J. Dillon iirlrlrcssrd Beebe! received the consolation Guests playPd garncs with :lay morning. !liP J\!i1f'l'k;IIJ Instliute o[ .Uan!.;w White Elephant Sale prize. Mrs. Beebe also received 2 prizes going tn tllf' gucst·of·honor. Poston Home News· Mr. and Mrs. Art imr Bunker of I in:~ .:II 1:1<' :o:lnu:d tlinm•r rnectir!g The Pnst Chiefs club of Pythian other prizes. after which she orcncrl her ma11y Hastings called on Mrs. Edna ;1,1 111;• C ·~mn:H:c;re P<·r.ry hotel In Sistt•r:; is planning a Wl1itc Ele· The hostesses served refresh· gifts. The hostc!;s served srnali Mr. and Mrs. Lnrry Campbell Barkway Sunday. I "''''•"· t Inn,. ;kt!Th fl. · I phant. s;de for tile next meeting ments of sarrdwiches, tea and cof· sanrlwicllcs, calps gmndfnther, Walter Wood, on his F1:•>ll: II:::.! rtH>'.'~.I t.o.J\ainmn·i wl1ich will !Jc helrl Monday night fee. family of Lansing spent. Sunday ;:oo !:•,o.;l vo~•:•k rml. Ill' IS en,qagcd Marc:h l'J, at the home o[ Mrs. for the wblc decorations. 79Lh birthday anniversary last with Mr. and l'vlrs. Clarence L. Those attending were Muriel Wcdncsrlay. A birthday cake was in tlte insuJ.tn::• h11sinc.;s tliere. 1 Crn•ltnn Hunter, :3Gt) Nort11 Of.:e· Jacobs and Iamily. also pr'esentcd to Mr. Wood. 1\Jr. ::nr( ?,.Irs. '1'. ,J. Tlolt7. nr·1 mns street. Members nrc to tnl\r. Hart of Lansing, Thelma Kranz, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Niswon· Surprise Party Wilma Townsend, Mrs. Marvin M,r. and Mt·s .. Joe Mor:rman and l'ivl'rl I11·!;H' ia~t c1aturclay aftr.r White Elephant gift~ to be gcr were Sunday dinner guests of Lott, Mrs. Alben Cook, Mr;;, I~a~ny ~nrl Michael 01 Lansing tr:J\'z·li11·: ~>lr111!; tlw East Coast, auctioncri off. Fetes 7-Year-Oid Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Rice and and 1-'loliri:>. 'J'Ili\Y \'isited in Mrs. Hunter ancl Mrs. Pearl Wcndnll Parker ·mrl ~1rs. George VISited h1s mother, Mrs. Cleveland family, Mrs. Theodore Heins enter· Murthum. IPoston, Snturclay afternoon. \',':tsh!n~ton, D. C.. ~nrl spent Harrlenburg will he co·hostesscs Mr. nnd Mrs. Donnie! Stoneham freslt as al.l outdoors, .•1 tainecl last Thursday afternoon "' ,,, ,,, Mr. flncl Mrs. John Newman of nnd family of Lansing called at !;('l'c•ral rl:1~·~ nt Dradcnton, I•'lor· J11r the meeting. There will be a at a surprise party honoring her ida. potluck dinner at G:3D. :Mrs. Hil~' Butle1.1 entcrtahwd I Lansing caller; on her father, the home o[ Mr. and Mrs. Clare Wood hue son, Larry, on his seventh birth· Mrs. Robert Seyfarth, Mrs. Cass Marsh, Sa!unlny. Raymond Sunday afternoon. day anniversary. Barbara Hail Lawrence Burr,es~ ami 1\trs. Mr. nnd Mrs. 'vVnll.acc Norman Miss Erma Down of Leslie, who for a lovely· assisted Mrs. Heins. !·Ian·y VnnKurcn Tuesday morn· and Barhara of Lansrng called on is employed at the Dart National Ii ft, Guests were Colieen and Anna ing. Wallet.' Wood Sunday. Bank, is sick at her home. Heins, Lee Snook, Pllilip While, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hazelton .~am~l Carmony spent Monday an enchanting gift Lar·:y Hcin and l{cnneth King. visited Mr. ami Mrs. Dean Hazel· wr!rl Ius daughter, Mrs. Vern RCii SALE' The chiiclrcn played games anrl ton at Onondaga Sunday. Conrad of La.,~si,~g .• each one received a favor, after Mrs. Norman Cnsh ancl cllilr.lren Office Closed I . Porfum S. B. IS. in "Fabergelte" 2.50 which Mrs. Heins and Barbara of Cincinnati, Oh!o, spent last Mr. ami Mrs. Guy Strickland served refreshments of ice cream, week will! Mr. and Mrs. J. E. and Ferris Strickland, Sr., were iUomlay, Cologne 2. 3.50 s. cupcaltes topped willl a candle, Skelton and ehilrlren. g"lll'sts flt dinner Sunday of Mrs. and caramel apples. Mr. ami Mrs. Frances Hyde uf Helen Pague of Lansing. !\larch l;) 11!1n:~~mbl~ of "Fabergctte" purse opplicotor. fill~d wiih pe~fume, Larry received many nice gifts. Mt. Pleasant visiter! t11eir son·in· Mr.· and Mrs. Louis Tatar :md * * w law and rlauglller, Mr. and .Tim Livonia spent the week Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Brnwn Mr~.~ o~ oift boxed with matching cologne, 3.50 the set Phil Sirrine, nnd family, Monday end With Mr. and Mrs. Le~ter and family of Big Pine Island and Tuesday. Perrine anrl .family, luiw and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown spent Sunday with theil· 1\'lr. :mel Mrs. Donald Scofield Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Abel ar· Dr.· lollng, Bmi11 rovlowH wnm rilll'ing thr• mru·ninti service noel Shipment of nt JonHt 27,000,000 fnr· lhPm l11r•ally or In nllwr, given h.v Ml's. Lnule Slid ii!HI 111 oilier nwctlng:; thmughout the Wllll:uw.lnn \'/p•,ff',\'1111 .'lr•IIHIII· •'ill' II n11•nlh ill <"Iilii r II, pot!w I• I Ill of foorl, ulolhing, vllnrnins, el<', rounlri<'s ln<'illrtlng the U, S. A. Mrs. Hussell rtohhlnH. day, l~h Jt,.,,J,·~·, Ill\' l'o~ll <'<>1'1'•'.\', olitJIH'I "' IJoH:n; di'dr·~ ot•eond Is I he goal He! for l!lfl•l hy mnjor Commorll!y I' o 1 I" c• I Inns of 1 [>aNini' C'h11rr 11 : 1'11<1111 10·1111 .t. 1\'r•riJH'Hiil,\ in llm_nf':;, I Prntcstnnt and !~astern Orthodox ('J"tOI',' llw Chrlsllnn H11ml Ovt'l'l ltov. Hndr! will speal( hy rrcom· Ill.; \VIll'Silip 'lf'rVI<'I', II ::Ill d. Ill.; - tllf'lHiution and lnvltntlou of the l'hllrc!ws In America. IHen:; l'rngr am nf C'hun·h \Vnl'lrl I • (I h Pulpit crJmrnlt lr•p of 1he church ~'llllng pcnplr•'s rn.•,•lin:r. 7::10 I'· t':lllinl'lsL ,, Jill'tilllllisl, Jlf'\' ~ In excess of 11,000,000 lh o[ Sr'l'Vil'(' In Wil!l'h mnny flll'ln~I'H II..(UiSing lUre ,UJ, 7::1.) J:j•ad IICorinlhians 4:l-'l, to meel minimum needs nf those nrlrl to fill' J'('/i(llll'C'('S for 0\'CJ',,,.,s p ans Lecture local congl't'gatiou. 11 In rllstresR In Korea, India, the rr.J!Pf nnrl r~r·rtnsii'IIC'IIon, Dr, WllfllmJ>,IIlu st. li.IIJH·•·illl•'sl.ll n. rn.; Ynltlh Fr•llnl··,siJip, il1 · One dny on a winding highwny, a bus was running at l!c has served 11s pustor of tho I•:llihc·uplll, N"rnL1rr 1-:Jrr.~Jr•, "'' "~'·1 1 !' 1 ' i:J'rlllfl, ;, p. rn.; hPnlor· group, sueh a mte of speed that most of the passengers wm·e afmld, Near East and olhcr areas in Wynn l•'nlrlleld ~:wl. l10 Is cxcc11· Asia, tiVP drr·ec•tor of Churdt World 'l'lw prnr•til'ill IJO!Pntlallties nf Hollin llnptl!:t <'in1reh for 7 ycur~ fif'l'\'ic"' "'ul l'illll'''" ~~ luHil, II :IIIII h fl. m. C:lwh· practice, Weclne~· Tlley feared for thcit· Jives. One passenger a boy at the back ancl lws becu a Iemier• of youth a. m; lire I ··""' Ill ill .sllirrlnys, I rlay, 7 p. m, of ll!c bus, Jny fast asleep. ' Upwards of l3,0I)O,OOO lim wli:"J S~rvl_cr. ,, , applleri Chrlstmnl!y will he the f(I'OllfiS, , r J •• be sent to l~uropenn nrr.ns of rlus progrnm of -7,IIOO,rmo Ill theme nf a Cht·lstlan Sl'ieru·c !Pr'· folll'dl :-1li!HI.i\'',, I f11ll 1.111 li.JIISI -- "I 1 •'ll' 1 1 · ,, J• J 11 1 j 'l Hev, aut! Mrs, HorlcliliiVe n son, '1'1 II I ''11 !• l,' 1· II " II' "'I Wllllnmslon Nul.lll'I~IW Tiev, 1 le lllls of Los AngC'Ics, Cnllfnr· nil denomlnntlons' programs 'n· Sci'VJcc and Lutlwl'lln World J{p nla, In ,J. \V. Sr:o:lon lllgh School versify, and a rlaul~htct·, Vlrglnlu, :lla:.;cm l'lq·r,•:, or lh" :il''t::r·•·u,.,l ic-r., ll:oo a.m.; pmyer mPcli.IIJ( lhcJ' is the dl'iveJ', IIo knows tim~ I am with him, and he a Junlnl' In high sdwol at Addl· ],, , "l . . . ~·, r' ,. \VPriJw:.;rlny, :-l.fJO p. m.; Lnrilh loves me." eluding Lutheran Wcnlrl Helie•[, lief to receive and slrlp as llltl<'h Aurlllorlnm, \Vcsl Mlt·hlgnn Ave· Ld\ !\ lltlldll, jld' 101. I' Ill Ill M' ( . 'J'J • • more than 80'f), of Ihe SC'IH'dllif'd 11 f the slrrr I< of govcr lllllf'nl , •• nu" at I\11'J'hcrHon, In LanHing, at :;on, Michlgnn, sc•hool 111 o'r l1wl · p, 11!11n1· ,, ·rv 1 ',s 11111 • 11 '~' ·'r"·wl,l' 1~•·,,t lurs- The fmtil of that ht.Ue boy in his fathct· drove away all 1 111 l'clicl ~illpments 111e cilrmal'l\ctl pills cnmnwrlille:; /Is IIJP goVPrn· R:l:; fl. m,, 'l'hursrlay, Moil'<'ll 11. Serving on tlw Pulpit commit· !coP, II o'<'ioc·k; t~. y l'. !-\. Sl'l \'· rid,\ Ill tlu• IIICJlilli oil 7:JIIJI, In.,,,; J'oar and OVercame aJi 1\'0l'l'y, IC'f' Hobert Shil'Inllll, Paul for• usc In rcfug~e urc•:,s, partlc·u· tnf'nl ma lm~ a va ilahiP WII h !l':lnH· Nll'llills' lcwa I :1 flJ1P.ill'a IH'f' is"IJP :rn• ll'l', (i; l!i o'l'lrlll,, "'"'': :lllrl jll'ilbc•. oiiiiHJllllC'l'a, Cenlt·al Europp, port:rtinn p;rld to lhf' pori nf entry 1111! spnn~nwrl hy nwmlJPI's of Hlr·lmrds, Ml's, Ivan llelncr!lman, J;v;IIJg<'li~IH ,,j,•.•,.,r.:r· ·;·:1r1 l,',dl· \nr , ~.--; ~~ ll bny hnd in hi;; fathot·. Victorious living depends upon faith Hong Kong and the NP/11' oVPI'sPas. C'IHirC"h of CIJrlsl, Sc·lenlht IY!rs. Hobert !3allarcl nnrl Miss 11 11 1 1 11 f·~o~st. Fh·~t .Julia 1 lulme!i, r•J•mc•c·lilll:\\'rdiH'·ri:,,l 1\l'IIin,;.",t/ 1,, ',~,:~1 '' ~,·. ~' ;'.' Y'.'." ; .,'' n ,'tin'tho mot•ciful Father, II;" loving Fathct· of ail people of A large por11on nl the Eurnpc•· In iicldltlnn In lire HllppiiPH frll' Lansing, whn haVP lnvllocl 1ilf' ~.'ll' "•'''·'·1 1 .r1. 1 1o,1 1o~nnc1,1 t' 1 ·• l't' A spP<'ial huslnc>ss mr.etlng of nn relief will nlli l'<'fllgPes In r·:urnpf' and Asia, more ll1an puiJ!Ir• ln attend wllhnul r•lwr1rf' r ·· ' pwdoJ· Wni"';Iilp ~o••rvir·Ps, IO:OO n CVC'I'Y r:.tc·p~ na 1011, a_nc sncta. conr t ton. . IIH• dllirl'h lrns lic<'n c•nlletl iot• Ccntrcli Elll'Ofle w1Je1e lile sitw1- $R,fiOO,rtOIJ Will liP nr<'<'ssary In Tltc IPPturcr's sulijcr·l will hr: . . 1 . . 111 'Iilii 7 · 'lO p m · <'Inn r·li sdwnl I ChJ!dltlw t l'Ust 111 tho mo. sure less Jove of God helps us \VPcllll'sday, 1\lnJ'r•li 17, al 8 p. m., \Yrlimin•,f• 11 < r :111'1' 3Ir•lho•!••,t, . 01', " ·. '' .. , , , ·,. , ' to possess a great and viclol'ious faith. 11on Is mnst neule in GP!'nwny, l'l:i·l to pr·or·c•:.s ii!HI ship tlwm "Tiw LovP anci Logic of Christian Ilorar·c• .1,11111',, p.JSiol' \V"r•,lllp 11: a m., pto~,;cl SLI\ 1PC'/ l'l'·\\'Jo'l~ In tal\f' ,, vol,. on tile mutter nf Austria and Tricsle. Othet• Elll'O· and to s11st.rin ntlwr Ol'l'rsca;; Sc 1rncc He,iling." :IPI'I'if'<' !l:'lll, Ill· f'i 1ur<'IJ ,, lwul \V<'dnPsrla,\', R:OO p. m. , '· • PXII'Jtcllllg n c·all In H<'V. Jlocld to . ' 111 · ' ' · Gi'lH'IUII'i Falht>l', 'rhuli IIIHJII't'st l1rnt wr• lll'r• r·n•a1m·•·~ JHJSSl'Ssl'd renn areas in whicll large num· wnrk nnd PI'OIPcls of ilw ciPnom. TTl• has been aC'IIvP In eoluc·atlnn ill'eomc pastot· o[ the eilurrh, I 0 ',Jfl n. · · · · • ' • '1'1 ' I 'II II I I of 11 l!nlt :'\iqzarr•r~t•, TIPv, \Villwm hr ll'nn;, llr•IJI us '" •111'11 .u 1:•r• 111 r· 11 1 lu• fu1h so lhul WI' c n hers refugees <11'<1 In need of lnalions1 J':l!'t'il'cl on Pithl'l' hnth as a tendwt· as Wl'll ;rs of \\'illialllslon ,\I,•J.JIII'Il11 !.ui'H :· l~r·ll••\', i"''l'"'· :-:111111:1,\ sc•liool. 11! 11111 lJC'I'Ollll' vir•lims of' um· l•'lll'S, lll'lp n•, lhul 11'1' "hi' uol faill1lt•s~, tonrl, clnthlng, 111edir'Jnc~, farming I 1111 ot1gl1 inriPpcrHIPnt l'li'o!ls l'Pprrsronlativc of a puhlislw•· nf 1 mntctlals and other r·cconstrur:· tlw c·illln·lw., m· in l11inl pro· lr•xlhooks fol' collf'gC's anr! uniVPI w, trt~..! \\'<" 1 r; 11111 r1 1; 11 ,. 1. !'.•\ 1 1.111: IJHIIIIinl( wo•·•.liip, II ;r. 111, hill IJI'fit•ving." In ('lu·isl's IIILIIW. Anwn. l'nJI f\•l(•jllin, jlol' loll'. ~;11111/ I~ I;\/ Y ~~ S,, {)• li p, Ill,; C'\'l'niiW THOUGHT FOR THE DAY lion cqLtipment include Greece,' gr:un•; llli'OUgh ('hurc!J World ~.!lies. During \Vo!'lrl War r hr l"rance, Belgium, Turkey and Sr·rvir'l'. rc<•elverl tho Croix ric Cuerre Ior Of'' P " l ' '. '·" ~'~''" :'t R fl. 111. · . ". '·,, , . ' 111. 1\!l'mbershlp training classes, rt':!Ht.nnk's n!Jl~~~e jar E~ypl p. m. It will fenlure special monthly. g;,jlll.l);j,ji f' llll'll<'d over lo liw E::;ypt 1:111 CO IIll· nms ,,•s 'al I .:m :ll~rl 111;'!11 ''· m. T.ilr!lr:s ll,qJII'.' llni' sf'!HJOI; It a.m., preach-~ p. m. 0 r ,. Curaway, pastor; George l\lur 1 nc ex· \lllg 'aro 11 ' s p,a .. ' tlu:v arc' G wef'ks old. Then in Ow. direction of ~L ,f"IH!". ('a{!Jn!l( '~ • ·~:on, I ~ l n ;,, m ; :->unri:Jv '<'illHll and Bihlc 111g ~en• ice; 7:30 p. m., Ynung 1 1 · df'CS llO\\' SC!l'\'( S 'l' 'l 1H'OO( 1 t' • Mrs. Robert J 1 thum, choir dtrector; Mrs. L. G., ' ' .' • '· : flm·ks of 15 Iiley ntt• given to '1,.'\V, h, 1'"J;J. ( 'JJ:Il (••, 1..1 :d 111 r, JJ•'' r•!;r·.•:. ll:'l'l; r;.,·nl'!• dlHimi•ll''ll\',• PPoplcs. service wit.h Leora Nell lfol'( I'I~J'I•r•l'IICJOII~, 1 'l't'nlplr•_ Caraway org·mlst Sunchy wor- 1loL.se 101 ' 1111 1'.1' c 1m· 1\s sPnt In: I· . Leonard. Mrs. 1111' \',tiJ '-iiJr! ,,I dJI' I .J ITA l\1.,;" 'l \.,; ' ' · · • ' · E , • t 1 , 1,. for .. , S neue 1y ,Jrmcrs. I ' r~!;• ,~, IJ,• Ji:I!J •,•!nr!o~~. :l:'lil-'i p. m.; minrsil'' and !':lmle~· Cook 1n charge fnl· ,, 'r•tllrJrll'"',~I nnv. \Vil".'Otl•""~ II'. T•'tl· sh1p, lll a. m., guest minister, ~g.1 1' 'J \,J d no~zoo Cllllll 1Y • un- George Parsons c•l al 1111• ,.,,11"'1 '" ltd, .1.'!1•' 1\'r•rltll"d:,:. ' 111 <1 l-'rirl.t\', ll p, 111 • ln\l'c•d by a lllPSsage by lhc pas· nanl, pastor. Churl'h school at ~: Rev. Clarence Rodd, Hollin, Mi<'il· rl";'' sdwc~l:,, 1 l'>I!SSiO:\'Ai~1' WILL SPJ•::\1\ will piny the or· ""' diiCl f'h"ll.\' tor. l'rayer mccling Wcllncs(hty ll:Ofl wilh worship sPrvice al igan; 11:15 a.m., Sunday school rhc:, cil_Jc·k prn_Jl'r'l / 011 ';'~cd, '11 Rev. ,JIJhn AsPitine, m!Ssionmy gan rlut•lng the ~iUIHi.t,l '""lllliW. \\'iilhllll',lon ('l:I·is!j:lll ,.;l'ir•m•p evening, 7::30 at l'hurch.l110:00. A nursery will he provided vi Dr. with !'lasses for all ages;. G::J~ p. ~IW~ ,hel,fPI' p.ro.':'' I..; 11 ~. 1 ~r~ .1'11! 1 from nort hcrn Algeria, will h;, s e r c· c. '',. ;,d \', 1·:; ~- I'ntm:ln. C'IHII'c·li to cnre for all small children. m., Youth Fcllowsl11p With Ilin· ·:urrd.t~ school' sr nl .- hrlfus 10 Ihe sjwai\C'l' al fliP morning sc1 V· f"ISe/ihach's SCI'• lloll Pr' .~hyfpr i:1 1, Suntl.l\', 11 :Of) a. rn ; Ec!1•n UnitPd Bn•fhl'('ll, Jf(~rhcrt TllP touw for the~ Inorning scrv- mon will he "A 1 lm· and senior groups meelmg; (,pJ many, llw f<,llrl\'."l~lg Y~"ill', I I Iicf' at the Okcrnn.,; B.tpli~t l'hurd1 Smilh, p:t•·•"i '''r•rirw"l,•o,•1 '\"l'niPJ' Jnr•eling Ol': K. ('llC'tl,\', paslor Sunday lid10oi, ir-e will be "God's Guaranlee." 7:30p.m., worship, sponsored hy r;":tf;' 111 J:Jpan, 111 I!Jl2, I!J goatslll11s S11nciay, l\larC'h J 1. The l'an·nt'H First Voealion-!Iome· 1 1 1 1 1 ill .1. mal.;tng." al 1'1 " ., ,..d . : , , , ,,. t t<' fir• I Ill t h1nl \Vr•rl1•e.;r~n.v of Ill rn.; won.hip ~er'l'ic•P, II a .):00, Suh-TcPn Fellowship for all the Senior Youth Fol!owsl11p and l>~ '~"tc' /lul'lling to tlwiJ' mislilflllill'\' work Will IJ,• l:r·!d .tl : 1.. ,. , 1 ,.. lliJlli '· 1•,Jill/' IJu .tl II :or,,;, m. m.; I'VPnlng scr·vir·e, l:i f'· m. Youth f'rilyel' Cell in the Upner the dose of tlw ;,crvic•e undc•r the lrlrn~; ~: Detroit. The serv1ee will indude 'SLinrlay s1 lwuls ',JisC'd $1 ,ti0~.21 !.1 1111 Aflll'a r•arly this sttmmer. I Ciwn· prar·lir·r• is Tuesd.Ill. 10:1:; :1. m.; scnnon top.c·, "A 1Sanfonl anrl conlnct Mrs. Amos - j c]ounrl 1\linrl." Churc·h sciH>ol. 11 1 Parker aboul you!' art work. A I nn.•s ·l P.Jilr•d ~!•·· llll'C·n, Louis .1. m.: Youlh l"<'llowsilip, ~ p. m. snck lunch will follow the fellow- la!t•J·-f':ly l,:i,! l'l::rr.·h 1·'·r·.o:n;., l•.:•,:rn. •;,r.1,::~· sr•IJo•JI. 1\Tnnrla\, ~ p. m, cl\nir praclice ~hlp l~nur. Don't forget to take ~x·!; !·:. ~:i,·!t>"·~n, ! tr·• "'' I'fI Ill ·' n •..."'' J:,:up SC'l'\''''''· II a ..\I IIJC p:rr~onage. March 17, \V. 1 sandwiches . m.; Cht'hli:lll J nrJcavor, 7 P m. s. Federation at Parkers .. , ,· . 11 1 .111 ·, ' •. :,,, i s. c. ,,.. "' ~ rH '' ' url '.J.} I ! .. :n·~r·ii':lir• ~CI'vic"e, S Jl. m. Clu••r Corners. March lfl at 1:30 p. m.. Slockhrirl·~·· ISapiisl, James E. h!.l. \\'I-:!.1 U~il•: 1 pr. ~ lwc• i•, IJr•ld r~\'C'!"{ \Vc,lncsci:Jy pln•,tir s varicly party 111 tllC Mill· Lnmbard, pas! or. 10:30, morning J!,Jy !'hllr·•·so 1, i ;,s1"r "I r .l'J p. n,., Wllh pmyer meet· ville hall for• the benefit of the worship; ll :.30, Bible sC'hnol; 2:30, _____=:==:-:--:::-~===== 1 i•11: at :-J Jl. Ill~-- huilding fnnd. Krummrey fa1 m '.ervicc; 7:131 .TLmior and Sr•nlfJI' Baplist. Youth HOW <'!litis':•:.\:; sCl!·::w :: I I :;:u:::,:·:tlg,. Jio·ilioc!ist, F'rank i Pellowsh!'Jl ,"Jirl AriLill "'"lloii'Sllt'p, :\'ni·lhwr•sl S!cH'khridg-t' Cum. " ,. L I nmnifJ•, IF1 1 llc•ni:'!l. p .. ·lm· IO::~o a. m .. Carron Foltz, pastor. suil,]ect, "Faililln God's Purpose." " HIIli;.r; Woi:-!l,ip;. ~lel'P1on ~iu1:: \\'or~J~ip ~el'VH'L\ !1: 1:5 a.m.; !-iCl'· 8 p. n1., evening service. Thurs~ ;.•c r, ..1<"•11, I lm• '' fliP Mar~. mon lopil', "A Sounrl Mind." day, 2 p. m., the missionary so· God's l.aw Camtb II: 'd ·'· Ill, •:':'~''<'li sC"IH•o~ .. l:.lO Church ;,c!Jool, 10:15 a.m. cif'ly will meet in the parsonage, '' 1.1 ..l. 11llrH J•,•do\\'ship; IJ:.l!l p., ___ 1\lrs. Titus is 1n cnarge of the Acci clc:~ ts m., l\Jcthofilst Yn11lh Fellowship. I • C f [Jl'D"I'illn. The1e will be miss!On· VanlnWll :\!c• 1hot;<;, 1 1 ill' on n l'rle Tl 1 7 .. 11 ,. ' ., ' -.--.. • , I Follz pa,qol', Churc·h HCI10ol ' 11·y s 1 s .. lti!RC ny, p, m., lC I "•!. •-:~;:,,•., <"•l•lrl'ol, Jlcv. C. ,.' ' orehc~.rra Will praC"tJce unrler 1he 1 10 1 111 lamr · l'.1 ·rw•. JI:ISIC 1'. Sunrla~ : ~ _n. :; .w;m;lliJl sm:v 1,1,'e, Idirection nf Ml'. Nyc in the par· B'!tl on ;, "Ill' Cli:tl ll'l II! 1'0, flllli li'CW 1IJI ll'illl l)lf'. g'lllllr!, Per.sonnl :nu:s: llr•su rt'l!r!llon nfter diSIJOolng of Holt, Evert~! I. 1 ' · ' · · · " • b ...... ,. in".' Dexlcl' nml Si1UIIt Lynn. 1 fio ,~ 11 1 1 !Iff all{! St[lclcllt'lclrrn, 1 1:1·12. St. Mnry hoUIJrr>rl haclc 1o F'lunslllii'Y, g ...... 0 0 0 " Hr•m\ITecllnn qu nte\ '"'' r, spe er 1w ', erc.nr.e, East Lnnslng won IIH dmnce 2D, Mnson 17; fmr. throws ml~sc!rl: Tll 11 11 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 HCHUtTPctlnn !J, Mnsnn J4, n. I'lg I3ltl".";., 1\'1111 Ill!' 11\le l1y I lend 3:1·2!l Ell the end nt tlw lwlf, '~ ~ ill tl IIH· ------111 In lhtl 11flna1H 1 Saturdny• 1 Jnt nI''" g 1l·t yEn!il Lll f __,flllSr· <'t•ttl ng "'trJIZr,n for tlw ru~rlonnls. for 28 po 1!ills. The 'l,'rn. nns 1w r they trier\ some r Igc, r Iown fnt· fou I;: 1110~ I o r II If' II mr;o . .,.Don 1cy, f f .: ...... :...... I Powr. 1I, ...... 0 •I •I Jn lis flrst hid fot' u ren,lonal tlllP. through the tnurnnmenl. In tl.H! Personal fouls: St. Mary ltl, Wnyne Miller Sales, Chrlslensen's llliHSfiC!Irl, Man·J1nll nncl .J"nwell. Foq~ Barton 111111 Krn Slnlnid< ~ 11 11 m''' '• ...... '1 01 s 1e' 1 g ...... 1 I :J Olhet• teams ill tlir.' Class C St. Mary mniPst lw eolieclc>rl .13 Stoddlrlrlge 7. F'rer. IIH'DWS Sales nnrl Mason llomc AJlpllanc:c Grnnrl LPdge Is one nf the slrnnt:: wr.l'l! holli e.)ec•tecl from the gume .~c 1 ware 1 H, e .... :...... ' 1 :2:2 llr' 1 1 ' 'lc•i"'L r t Jritll··,t 111'1! C i1Pdnnln, 11oinl~. Against Boys Vneallonnl missed: St. Mary 7, Stocllhrldgc won 2 olll of :3 pnlnts J'mm MaHon \ertms In tlin 1ourno.r. Mnrslwll with ;, fottls. Cnrtm·, ~ ...... 1 1\ltiS''Ill !•'(,' 12 ;)(j ' '" . I I f 17 I I II I 16. Call Co,, Mc•C,'ll'll Olci.",'lllrl Jl,'IITI· 1 1 1 M 1 II 1 11 11 Llnenlnhol, g ...... O ' 1 Luke v Jew, Lalngshtll'g ancl w wu~ gonr nr nne Je m c cc ·' ami Tilrer• IUverH arr? n so m ec a son was 1e 1 nc a 1C wny. Suhslituliuns Wilr:ox, f ...... J F'l 'I'P Muskegon Clll•lstlnn: . .Ill in llw Dan~ville mwounlr!I'. Sl, lHtu·y FG liT Tr hllrg Shoppe. Chrlsten~r!n's Snlr>s IIJl nmong tlw host. Tile Bulldogs gave ground In the Cl l\J f ( 'J I fl If tlw Big BtuPs gel h.Y St. I I-I'.1 1\lcu·y FG F'l' '1'1' Coulle1·, f ...... 2 0 '' rolled high game nnd series wllil iYI'ison's lose In East Lnnslng llrst period when IliP Trojans ,1nc!r;y, g ...... 1 I ,;,':''Ill1 101 ' ' ...... - :l (j 0 McNamnra. f ...... !i 2 12 787 and 21!J1. '· · · · " · · · · · · · .rw11, e ...... · 'll'l'aur• 11, r· ...... 1. :I Chnrles llwy will mt>r!l Laings· 1MrNanHII'II, f ...... 2 n 4 Coleman, e ...... !i a 13 Incllvirlt·,rr] 111"11 "amr.".' flllrl also r·nllerl Oil Ml'; anrl Mrs. Law· Weber, g ...... 1 Scofield, g ...... o hurg .l~rirlay Hight. MII.SI(('gOII ('oullet•, f ...... I 0 ~ h h 0 T'tlwv·tc [ () Stolz g " Clll 4 4 12 o· . r· I I ·lsltun \"Ill 1'1111' on IIH• wlnnPI' c Jncll'lll (' 11 1 2~ Keast, g ' ...... snr•ie.··0 \'mr•n. rncnJ·r]ec] by .Jert'.Y renee Jlalwr Sundny. IStrlct It e 'p' ' ·,...... 1 • ..., 't' '11 .. ,.. , ...... H 1~ of lite. Cnlcrlonln, ' • Lalwvlc:w. game 1\easl,() '" ' g ' ...... 1. fl 2' Vng I• g ...... 'f) ?~ 20 G!'lffln,~ '":lOG·517·, " " llelh Mlllarrl, ('.nro I c,ra ,. \'1' s'!Inc! " I'."'11~11 " l'rl11··' '' nyne,I( ...... ll oil1 lSI f II UIIH 0 Huhstllutlons s 11111 1 ·1 [temr on Me Pntw, r• ...... 0 ·un...... Friday night, ;l!so. Vogl, g ...... (j f) 12 s I0 A ] n 180·487; Marllou Cairns, 1tlfHGO; ,, ay ' J • I f I Mahr.t·, g ...... 1 Howlr.ll, I ...... 2 l All lhmugl1 I he• Ea~lc>l'll In lit'· Suhslllutluus prrglll!O ...... '' · · " Jcnn Klelke, 160·4'1G; ,Jonn J3en· . Mt·. nnrl Mr.;. Vnughn .1nco JS o Goes to Comets .. -~ 2 li ney Halph Colem:111 was Ihe in· Sp;tgnuulo, f ...... :1 1 7 Eglwrt ...... O 0 0 nell, 1!ifH39; Helen Lyon~ IR!i· L<111sing visited his unde, .Tanws Ill 11 ·li 11 ifi :1.~ 0 0 0 r:livldual star. Evr!I',V St. 1\'lnry vk·l Bur-lwl, ...... I fl 2 Hnmor.y ...... •127; Millie Pritwl, 152-,12:3; Eileen Kirby, ancl Mrs. Kirhy Sunday. Grnnrl Ledge rollr.c1 In an iHnsou Fr, g ...... 0 0 0 Balcer ...... Brydc, 1G0·4flG; Judy ITcalhmnn, [lill'r.nt~·. Mr. anrl Mr~:. James Kir· Cnmc!IH (!nlcrecl the louriH'Y Ill! WleraC'IJ, c ...... •1 1 f1 22, Mas•ul H; Free! IIIT'nWfi )Joints. In llu• 1m till's ;dong llw J•:gllf•rl, f ...... 0 0 0 2f! 5 162·40il; Hell'n Wiley, 407; Donna by, Saturday afternoon. the favorites and dirl nothing in Stolz, g ...... f) 10 2Simi;:scrl: East Lansing n, Mason way the lanl1y pivot 11111n pldwrl Baiwr, r ...... 0 0 0 1. 7l Carl, 405 ; ancl Bnrhara Wllllnms, The Millville Farm Bureall t!w 2 ganws they player! tn ells· Scoflnld, g a 7 :1:1. 1.1 poi!) I;·, J•:\'Pn·ll and ? "G r FG, FT T 1• lGS. tnfer>M.Img w1 11 Mile lwc1r1 at theCI'lomr! pule that role. ! ~8p 1 ~tgainis1·t 27 Evc~rdt .. po nls aga1nst oil. _ - ,, Content, ...... 7 • 7 21 f o. r. nne 1 ~·s. 1Jar 1 l'S .nuss Tn the llJll!lllng ganw Tlnu·sriny ------Hause. f ...... 1 0 2 Temn stanrlings m·e as n11 ows: Thursrlny evontng. night the Comets poLIIHIPri nul :1 11 Ingham County News March II, 1954 Page 6 Brokaw, e ...... 2 3 7 Tenm 'YV L J\'lr. anrl Mrs. Asn Proctor 7!i·~7 win nvrr Charlollr!. E<11on Look, g ...... •I fi 13l Wayne Miller Sales ...... 'i•l 2fi c:allerl on Jlowani Wilson 111 a Rnplrls tool• on LcstiP Friday Rider, g ...... 8 Ferris Company ...... '13 2fi Lnnsing hospital Sunday. ni.ght anrl edger! t111• Blaeldwwl1s l'rochH'I' lllm·p ~lillc at !.1·~.~ Cost with a llunlwr Rilo ~ n Substitutions Christensrn'~l Snles ., ...... '12% 2G% The LnriiPs Air! ml'eting was ;}•1·24 lo move on tn the final~. Wilson ...... 2 1 Jim's Markel ...... '12 27 helrl at liu' Millville hall 'I'Ul'S· In tllf! finals Saturday night the Guiln ...... 0 1 Mason .Home Appliance• •11 2fl 1 rl~1y. Cflmr.t~; didn't even havr to work Lewis ...... 0 0 McCarn Olds ...... :Jfi ;{;{ ThMe who reer.ived "A" in up a sweat in Drdr!l' to hr.al En· ~2ulnn ...... 0 0 Mlils Store ...... :n% 37 1,.~ SJH•IIing wr.re Huth Ann Cooper, ton Hapicls (i!J-28. Coach Ben Vermelti ...... 0 2 Hamburg Shop ...... 26':!: '12 1·;' Glenn WirPman, Kenneth Hrnlly, Siel'!'a let 12 rnPn get into tiH! Mnson Cah Co ...... 24% 'i·l~·" 1Margarcl Phelps, l~llcm Foltz, act nnd ·11 of llwm came thmugh 20 20 GO Scluniclt's Dept. Storr! .... ''' fi!i Sanrlrn Nollingham, Mary Ann in tile scoring column. Gail Sl!ne·l ON St. Mary ...... 12 21 20 18--71 Nnllingllam, Bethel West, Mmy m11ker paced tile Comets with :121 Everett ...... 13 16 H 17-60 Youn~.:· lUl•n'~ I,c•n,t;IIC! Wassnn, Clolml Proctor, Mcrvm pDinls during his limited aclion. JCID)Jl 1'1U COIJN'rY I~ARM SERVICE CO. Pr.rsonal fouls: St. Mary 23; f Whiz Kills nncl Davis Clollling Pugh. Kirk Cllrlis, Nancy Not· Jn the Cluirlo!tc tus;·Jc> it was Parts I.JI.Lllj ~ HII Stoll J{oall, J,ansinl-( Everett 20. Free throws mis~cd: 1won~ points from Hoy Christen· lingllam, Carolyn Baker, Tom .Jerr·y Hussell's tum to 1nlce 1hr. AND ~ llliii'S IICJI'lh lllltl I: lllilt• I'IISl of ('IIJiilni City Airport. St. Mary H, Everett 14. sc>n Forrl Sales anrl Tlwr~Jurn Nottingham, Amnld Wircmnn .scoring ]earl. He hooped 22 points. Lumber & Con! Co., while Court and Brr!mla 'YVe::;t. .John Br.lly anrl Russell encl1 col· St. l\flll"Y FG FT TP Cafe nnd Mnsnn Dniry were fi)llil· M1·s . .Tessie Cllrlis nn1l Carol !Pelccl '17 oints to give the Com­ 1 11 • I Coullcr, f ...... 0 0 0 ling pnints with 2 each. , Ctirlis werr• ·dinner gt;r.sls of cis a good r!ouhlc punl'h at guard. labor McNamara, f ...... 5 0 10 High howlcr·s for the 111gl!t Howarrl Oakley ami f11mtly Sun· Grilllll Lcilgc> moves on to AI· Coleman, c ...... 9 10 28 were Claude Foslrl', :i23; Bud rlay. Ilion for thr. i·egionnls. Tlw Com· Kenst, g ...... 0 3 :3 Swinehnrl, 52.1; David Woodman. Mt•. anrll\Trs. Wayne Bal Warfle ami llult J~G 1"1' 'rl' 1 Court: Cafe ...... 20 Hnlt were dinner guests of Mr. Drverly Fox helped .Janet Coopt!!' Merrinlt. f ...... 1 1 3 nov Chrislen1n Fnrcl Sales .... 20 nnd Mrs. DeLaney Cooper a!ld cclebrall! her 1Gih IJirthdny .:111· Rodncl\et·, r ...... 4 2 10 Dnvis Clothing ...... 21 fnmily Sun:!ny. niwr~~my at a G o'dork dinner Armour. c ...... 0 0 0 Mason Dairy ...... 1:1 Wesley Galli is st~ying .wit_h 'J'IIIIrl'day cvcning, Man·h •1. Phillips, g ...... 3 3 9 Thorburn Lttmher & Coni ...... 13 Arlo Wasson and family unttl Ius Roller sl\alirig at lite Paloma1· Thomas, g ...... 7 2 16 mother ~N~ well. , . wa~ the rlivr.r.~ion of the eve· Al RICE CHEVROLET Substitutions 1\lnson :\IPrchunl's Lm1g·no Beth Star,wy, GeraldiiW Um~er· ning . .Tnncl was tile recipienl of 447 S. Jcffi'I'SO!l Phonp 2-80fil [TuttleAlberts ...... 12 10 2 5 andMiek~snn-Baker the Rancll Hollse Lumb2r each won C~l~\v~o;n~d~,~A;I~1;oa~~p~,~~;c~to;t~\~M~nX;1~n;e~s;o;m;c~n;ic;~~g~i;ft;s~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·I ~ points in their gn!ncs with Me· 18 f) 45 Cai'Tl Olclsmohilc an.l Tom's Fond St. Mary ...... 12 18 13 14-57 Marlcct. Howlett Jmplemenl nne) PARTS~ Holl ...... 8 15 11 11-'15 Robinson Motor Snles did txi'l ' ' Pcrfonal fouls: St. Mary 17, complete their mntclws. Holt 16, Free throws missed: st: High games ami sl'ries \Vere PARTS! "Wouldn't 11e.tt wee/c .---·--·-·~~·/ : .-- • "••' I ;:._ . ' l'hnnl Nnlt\S 11 rs1 · 1 ·11111c 1 1mow 1or 1go, · 'l'he HlverH!cln oehool teneherR nenlrlce Wr.st nnrl Zelw of Eaton .grams on tho lnlrNislnn Hr'rPen wliw to the ''nlrl ~onk" IlLII lhr.j ' ol' In fillY way Jurnlsll clgttrelf; to Dnmrwrnllc· pnrtlc:!s nrc! vlrtunlly Jo'llOS'I' UPDIKE, Jclontlenl. 'l'hoy wnnt n cllviHicm, Slot:ilhrldgo hnw a!l!HJUIIC'I!cl ·the following nupldH WI!I'C Sumlny visitors of todny nrc "Life! Is Worth ,I~Ivlnr:" [llrjurn· lniPn!sls do hnvo In got 11 Soma lime ago n Hpr:•Pial spr•rrt parsons li!Hlrr 21. 'I'ho Jnw nlso Mrs. Mne Spring unci Mr. nnrl hy Blslwp Sheen, nnrl "lids Is Ill llypr. Amm·Jcnn ship wont on the forhlrl.~ (ll'l'snn;; unrlc:r 21 to honor !'OIIH, · !•'or lire pl'lmnry 1 1 roorn, Ml'S, r•;rhw Moon! reports Mrs, Don Burr anrl family. Your Life," wil.h Hnlph Erlwnl'rls. I new Cl'rlll of cuslomel'H our c 'lrrwlcs nl'f Korea. Last W!!C!Ic l'r.nr- snwlw dgnrcls, nncl millers 11 n Ingham County News tlw fnllowlm: perfect nttentlnnce Burton Bnldwin nnd Iumlly and '!'he fii'HI i~ ,;igh psyelwlogy of r' rlrenl just liS nit!' ehureili!H must. I ~on wrote thnl the ycssol C!Dlllcl mlsr:lemeltll(JJ' fell' nny ar:lull to March 11, 1954 Page 7 rr!r•nrrl:;: !1olmrt Cmwln, Halph Shnmn Palmer vislled 111. the humnn hr.hnvlnr; tho se.·cnn.cl. high havc!.nnow cmp of Stmclay sr.lwol he rc.p aire.ci for H.on .'icrren .. 1 · glanr .t wr .. wou r Hlng c_t . . , . · , . , will be, nml should be, m avery 10 o1 I though 1lw imp1·ovenwnts ttl'C! ton Baldwin, David Bigford, help are aslwd attend the arc! F'liwh, vlcC·Jll'rsidr!nl. of clown to ou1 twme about once stramul thlml..,h ·• lw) hole, politil''li c·lmp·tign lhls ycm· 'l'he C:1ml Clarl' :1nd Nanc·y J(enrny. m~eli~g on. Werlnesrlay,. March 1 WJIM·TV, is .worried •;hnul .the ~·cur .Jrtl' n vm:~tlinn. ThP hny lwei know lhnl I he .facts m·c,as .r. have Ameri~an' poo,plo witi 'til~·!;. un· Wl'Y small and rclat iwly un­ 2,1. All boys nnd lhoir parents loss of atlverlislng lo Ills ~;tallon, the lim!! of his life. r;:1:en when gi;en. them: I c.an r~nly guc~~ why erring instinct for c:on1 tllutlonal impm·tant. l\lrs. Jlc!len Lynch amtoLincc~ lh 11 1 ar inlerestrcl in Boy Srouls r Jwllcve. I flr~t knew 111m, DiCit was n Penrson w.1nts tis to sutiCIHier gm•f:'rnmcnt will not lei 8 lhe issue tile• following ~r:lwlnstlr! honor • 1 cch Sr~uts are nslwd to Hcp. MrCunr~ fer:ls thnl it is Jnalural actor. He wore long our sccrr.ts ahotll 111? best and Idir., mil for 1he ,junior high room: ~~r.l ,:\ tiw riiverslcle school the nctual dmmn of a m, .Joann Buxton and 1 M F' 1 B 1111 ·11 nf · ----- ·--·--··-·----· lllw 11 gu·J. SchrJIIl c!Hldt•on munists nl Detroit will tJrnrlur·r• 'llld independents of similar .Tolin Wireman; and eigillil grade, Mr. nm 1 rs. 'rer: 1ht nrmv ·mel will leave Germany reHsc•d him ahout his girlish a now ;.rop of leaders to ln]{c the 'I rmrly lo 'll'llion· Stone roac announce ew 1J ~lrtllll ' ' ' · · · · • 1 1 · 1"' • 11 11· tl 1 .. · · '· · · · ~iewc· ·' ' ' rle~otccl ' · 110 11 1 Carol Baldwin, Beme>ll Duke, of a son Frctlerlclc Herbert at next month. ?he, ·Mr.· n.ncl Mr~. Esllwr Amhs of Leslie and 2 Richard Jarvrs and f of Leslie had charge of po11uek dinner. tiJC' rl'fJ'C'.'ihmrnls. Tho white·cov· ------Prell lnhle was l'c•ntered with an arrangement of spring nawers. Grovenburg Snnclwil'hcs, potato chips and pic·I\IP;; \\'C're served buffet style liirs. ·noward North willi Mrs. Wardowsiti and Mrs. Jlelty Hhinf's of Onon!!cts to be .Howard. Pontiac granted a 30-d'ay le,nve ·rrom the 1840 I I 11 dllll'f!lniJ aelmln~lon to tho Ollrl. ' ' .B 00 k . ~a l t£ · r>r.m, In ~J:\:ar. to help defrAy thn North Aurelius r~~tlt .of upl,cepl Ancl one even Wayne Provides i\mmlmllo N ullmn : H•Nro """" "1 11•11 Momnrl•l ll~r•ry, COI\VCI'IH his nncestrnl horne into Maoon, orr Mondoy !hrnl'"" S•tt•rdqv, ll club, So (he "splendor !nils'' (IAIHt Wellii'H llllmH) At Peak Freshness ••• Bursting with ' ' a,oo lo ~13 ., fuoodoy "'"' Frldoy nnono, from lllll ""slln wnlJa, l>tt•· llle Six Scholarships 11130 Ia I :uOJ Tuooday n11d Thureday c,.. ~ " ' Mrt~, Pell!t nnrl chllrlrcn nnrl avonlnro, 11~0 Ia 0•001 Soturdaya to,oo mystery and good illlmot• mnlw r1 Mr. nnd MrH. Hlnhnrcl Bcnnelt to Ja,oo noon, delightful story, complete Wltl1 In Nurse Course t~nlled ut lilo Kllputrlult home Sat­ . Now Is Ute lime fell' a r,oml yo11ng romunco, Six competitive ~cholnrshlps urduy evening, boolt to taltc ,vout• mind off tho CHESS DELAHANTY, by Jes- nrc wnllnhle to Mlchlgun real· 1 Mr. rmere Ul as Is to cstlng• younrr person, with, at $850 each, are now being offeree. Lnm;Jng visiting the latter's sis· vegetables are the best buys in town-for hard-to-cop; ·1 15 y 0 till" sotl It (u 11lso tl1e story ,. 'rJ1n "' 0 ,">0 "OV'!rs cost of tuition ler, Mrs. Stimnr, honoring her · 1 " · · ·' • · times, a sut1Jrlslng ou.tloolt on " ""' c " Flavor at hard-to-beat prkes! of the conflict between the and fcc !or 8 .semesters. The hlrlhcluy anniversary. "Anglos" and the "Mexicans" In life. alumnae scholarships arc open Mrs. Ida Kempf of Lansing nnd New Mexico territory soon after Other new adult fiction Which to all Michigan residents, hut the Miss Annabelle Nelson were co· ·Its acqulsllon hy the United you will not want to miss, ln· ,Joy scholarships are limited to hostesses at l.he 28th wcclrling an­ 'States. Lincoln McKeever was an elude the following: applicants from the greater De­ niversary party for I he Inlier's :idonllstle lawyet• who wus rlc- All One ::;ummer, by Elizabeth trait metropolitan area !Wayne, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard CALIFORNIA NAVEL, SIZE 200-220-WONDERFUL '!ermined that real justice should l~nlr. . Macomb and Onlclnnd counties). Nelson, Saturday evening. Pro­ EATING 'prevail, even though tile man India Allan, by Elizabeth Wayne's basic degree program gt•esslve pcrlro was played with whom he was defending in a Colter, In nursing Is the only one in honot•s going lo Mrs, Lillian • murder tl'lal refuser! lo nld his I The Lady of Arlington, by Har- Mlciligan and one of few In the Rnthhun. Mrs. Flossie Furtney, DOZ. defense In any way, preferring to nett Knne, United States which is fully ac­ Hussell Smith nne! Rnlpil Fmi.· he martyred so t'hat the seamy In Miss Armstrong's Room, hy cr[!(llterl hy the National Nursing nPy, Sr. Mt·. nnd Mrs. Nelson re­ ORANCES 39c side of the Anglo dominance of Ellzabelh Corhett. Accrediting service as preparing ceived many nice gifts. U.S. NO. I, SIZE "A" JUMBO FLORIDA, SIZE 24 his people might be mom clearly Ahother Man's Shoes, by Betsy Its graduates for positions In Mrs. Ruby Nelson, Mrs. Esther exposed. There Is also a romnnce, Beaton. both institutional and public Holmes nncl Annabelle Nelson at­ between the lawyet· for the de- The Tudor Hose, by Margaret health nursing. The 1!1!-month tended the 25th wedding annlver· Idaho Poi€d@es Pascal Celery STALl< 'i9c !cnso and a br.aullful woman on Barnes. program lends to a bachelor of sary of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Peters the other side of the case. Mnrlt of the Hunter, by Gene science degree In nursing, of Lansing Sunday. Pep~ers GARDEN FRESH, FLORIDA 6 FOR 29C Oranges THE S 0 U '!'HE RNERS, hy Caesar. Margaret F. Heyse, associate Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nelson, SWEET AND JUICY, FLORIDA 8 s~~ 49c Edna Lee, Is a good new novel by A Place to Stand, by Ann professor of nursing, Is in charge Mr. nnc! Mrs. Elmer Kempf of 1-LD. Carrots TENDER FING~R SIZE CELLO BAG 10c the author of THE WEB OF· Bridge, . of the scholarship program. AI· Lansing, Annabelle Nelson, Mrs. FROZEN FOODS Esther Jones, Winifred Pratt and DAYS anrl ALL THAT HEAVEN I ')"he Fastest Hound' Dog in the though Wayne's program In­ Cabbage i::RtS~ ri.ND SOLIC\ Mary Lou Brush called on Mr. LB. 6c 8-0Z. ALLOWS. It: is the story of a Stille oC Maine, by John Gould. chides preparation for career Tuna Pies CHICKEN OF SEA 3 PKGS. 1~ 00 girl who lived In Georgia during The B!ac.k Curl, by Constance In. the direct care of patients,11 It and Mrs. Lewis Rathbun Satur­ Broc~~di GARDEN FRESH suNcH 23c to.oz. c· the ,early years of this century, Little. is designed primarily for those day evening. Strawberries BIRDSEYE, SLICED AND SUGARED PKG, 29 arid of her Cinderella-like life as rAffalr at Lover's Leap, by Hob· interested In careers In teaching, End~ve BLEACHED HEARTs FOR a· poor orphan girl, ancl ns tho eri- Dean. . supervision or administration, 2 29C Peas . 6 to.oz. 97c dimgillcr-ln-law of a ruthless cot· · ~---- LIBBY'S PKGS. ton mill owner. You will find it a , . she said. · Canaan School YeUow On~ons MICHIGAN-u.s. No., 50 a~G 69c pleasant romance in which most High school seniors and stu- l~lghlh Grade DRIED FRUITS AND NUTS . H,OUSel . CRISP AND SOLID, JUMBO 46's .. 2· FOR 35C 1 things come out right In the end, · dents In good standing from jun- bttuce IT'S NATIONAL PEANUT WEEKI and· a slight exposition of the iurs. ltrometh Dolmr lor or senior colleges arc eligible Lonnie Brady is back in I " b dl " f th · · · · · . . to apply for the scholarships. school after a 2-wceks absence Avocados THE ARISTOCRAT OF SALADS EACH 25c Spanish Peanuts I-LB. 35C condition of t Je no o cs o e , I.>rof. ..Pf ·There Is no restriction us to age, REGALO, SALTED ··BAG South at that. time. c 11 <::<;~ls(r.ulJ1II ti t .H~m.tmgloll I dla a hocnuse of an operation for ap­ 14-0Z, 0 pendicitis. Tomatoes· . RED RIPE TUBE 6-oz. TH·E. SPLENDOR FALLS, by ege, . · un · ng on, n ' n ' sex, color, race, or creed. 29c Cashews REGAL0-12-0Z. ~9c . PKG • 25c I will he at th.e Housel church on A llcatlon forms and rc· Miss Pratt visllcd both rooms 8 Norah Burlw, is an Interest ng Sunclny, March, 14, for morning u· e~t~ f~r further informaiion Gra~efruit FLORIDA, SEEDLESS LB. lnst Tuesday. She told an in tercst­ 8 o~ G 49C Raisins SUN MAID, SEEDLES~ 2 PKG, 35c novel about some, of the new and evening service at 11 a. m. q... II he dirncted to Dean Kath· lng story and left new hooks for poor in England-the nrlstoerntlc and. 8 p m. This. is the annual .suou c . ~ . families whose Incomes have W. M. A. thanks offering. Prof. arine Favtllc, Wayne Umve.rs 1ty all. shrunlwn and taxes risen until Colstrum recently ·returned from C~llege of Nursing, Detrolt 2, The third gmrlc is starting they can scarcely maintain their Serra Leon, Africa. He will have Mtchlgan. work on their health books. ancient mansions. Finally, they pictures to show of his mission ----- Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Pulver open the houses to the public, work. D I spent Sumlay evening with Mr. 5' IPER RIGHT-BEST BLADE CUTS The Housel W. M. A. will meet OUg aS nnd Mrs. Maynard Brownlee of Ingham County News Friday, March 12, at the home of Rcxine GlyJin Lansing. Mrs. Kenneth Evans for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foster M h 11 1954 P 8 visiter] Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Bnlrl· LB. arc I age Them will be clectlOJl of offir.crs. Bob Schlack spent Sunday wilh win of Detl'flit· Sunday. The Cross-Road Farmers 4·H his uncle and aunt, Mr. ancl Mrs. Cannan sehool wns closed last Chuck Roast club will meet at the Housel Ivan La'mkc, and family, Mr. and 39c Wednesday on account of the We school Friday evening, March 19, Mrs. Archie Taylor, also of Lan· SUPER RIGHT-OVEN READY SUPER RIGHT TRIMMED .. know instead of Thursday, March 18. sing, were afternoon callers. snow storm. The annual 4-I·I safety meeting Bob's parents have bougilt tile Thr. fourti) grnrl~r~ are work­ ing on their worlrl mnps, our stuff! 1 will be held in East Lansing at former Carrie Riggs farm from Leg 0' Lamb LB. LB. the Fairchild tilcatre on Thurs­ Those who enrnrrl A's in spell· 75c Porterhouse Steaks 89c day, March 18. the Pau!sens. . ing Friday were Keith Burgess. SUPER RIGHT, . Mt·. and Mrs. Bob PriCe anrl1 Hnymond Silvester, Lois Snec­ Fran kf Urt ers SKINLESS, ALL MEAl u. LOIN, LB. 99c Mr. and Mrs. Leon Causic and 1 39c Lamb Chops RIB, LB. 89c SHOULDER· U. 67C family and W:ilma Pulver of Mn· family of Dansville called on her berger, Edward Foster, Bert Sr.v­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Glynn, fartl , Betty Brenner, Lyle Me­ Stew Beef son were Sunday dinner gue~ts 1 I LEAN-BONEtESS u. ,59c Lamb Breast FINE FOR BRAISING u. 191 of. Mr. and Mrs. Mer! VanDorn Sunday. K"!nsic, Ray Will ancl Arlie Cau­ near Parma. : Mrs. Harold Glynn spent last dill. Boiling Beef MEATY PLATE Ll. 17c STOCK UP YOUR FREEZER AT THIS LOW COST ·. . I Mrs. Clifford .Ward has been Monday with her mother. Mrs. Cannan Mothers club met at SUPER RIGHT, FOUR FI~~ERMEN Steaks SIRLOIN, ROUND OR SWISS .sh Stl"cks 1o-oz. .,.. NOTHING is more jmpor­ stele at her liomc. Rex Gorton. Mt·. and Mrs. C. F. the sel10ol Monday evening. Each Ll. 75c Fl HI:AT N EAT . PKG. 'hlG Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Balwr !loss of Detroit were also visitors member took ho~c balwd goods tant to you than the proper and Jean wera guests at dinner there. or other articles which were Halibut Steaks cHoicE sLicEs LB. 39c Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Phil There was no school Wednes- auctioned off to the highest hid­ protection of your home, Hayhoo of Mason: ·day because of the snow storm. der. Mrs. Robert Seyfarth acted 7 Salmon Steaks FANCY QUALITY LB. 63c car, fumiture and other as auctioneer. The sale netted Junior Baby Foods GERBER's 2 rx~:· 29c $52.45. Ocean Perch Fillets CAP'N. JOHN's tKL:: 39c property. Columbia Road Aurelius Center Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Helms, and Mrs. Gerald Pulver ancl lllt·s. w. c. Norris . 0J>al 1~. Sodclmalm· Mr. GIANT &De PILLSBURY-REG. 37c VARIETIES Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Pulver ancl Ivory Snow GRANULATED SOAP PKG. .. . I .Expert insurance help is Mr. ancl Mrs. Raymond Holmes · Aurelius extension dub met family spent Sat urclay evening were home from Fort Knox, Ky., Tllllrsclay at the klwn hall. After together and later attended a 3 PKGS. 89c vital bef01·e and aftet· trou­ Sunday. . · .. a. potluci( dinner, Mrs. Fern Long dance at Holt. GIANT Cake Mixes Mrs. Sylvia Wilson, who spent gave a lesson on "Cleaning Up­ . Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bur­ American Family Flakes PKG. 69c/ ble stl'ikes. And that's out· tho winter in Pheonix, Arizona, holstery and Rugs." gess ami family visited Mr. and ari·ivcd hotne l~riday. . SWANEE ROLLs business. Bring your pro- , The Hi Happy Sewing club Mrs. Lee Carl Saturday evening. Paper Towels . 2 29c ..j\ir. nnd .1y[rs; Fred Millville re­ will meet Friday at 4 p. m. at the . tection problems to us! turned home Friday after spend· town hall. Crisco Shortening 3 c~N 89c ing a month ln. Flqrldn. Orange Jui~e FLo~toA 2 ~~Js 55c Tile 4-H roller skating party .. Mrs. EsthEir ·:Holmes called on 4bc-oAzN. Mrs. Will Nod·ts sunday. was Thursday night ·at the Palo· GIANT Grape f fUI'i JUICe· . At.P FANC'( GRADE 'A" 19c . The, follo\vlrig pupils receiv~d mar rink in East Lansing . Duz GRANULATED SOAP PKG. 69c 46 ~'A" in. spelling, Jast ·weelt: Don· ~Mrs. James Smallwood of De­ Tomato Juice /ONA c~~ 19c aid Pritice, : Cuj:'tls. Baker, Gary Witt callccl on Mrs. Lucy Grill'in 7 Dart DeRosia, Jel'ry Lee, .Joe Ledesma, and Mrs. C. Sedelmaicr Saturday A\ J I GRANULATED DETERGENT LGE. Sultana A~ricots wHoLe, uNPEELED ' C:~~ 19c Carol Elfei't, Barbara Peters, afternoon. u.Xy~O , REDEEM YOUR IOc COUPONS PKG. 29c 17 Libby's Peas GARDEN swm c~~ 19c Insurance Agency Billy Rich, Phillis DeRosia, Sarah Shirley Roberts, Lois Eifert, Ledesma, Patty DeRosia, Mary Elaine Frederick and Barbara CL~ANSING I-LB. G B830$ LORD MOlT-FRENCH STYLE I w2c-oAzN. 19c -Phones: l"doson 9051 Lou Brush, John Prince, Ray­ Stroud were the representatives reen monel Crippen and Sandra Lee. Spic. and Span POWDER PKG. 25c 15 Lnnsing 6J.UA-91151 from tills district to attend the ooLE's uNswEETENED C:~ . 100 Ash Street 1\lason · Larry Lett.imore returnee! to F'. H. A. state convention at Sliced Pineapple 19c school Monday aflet• a week's ab- Grand Rapids last Thursday and ------~ sence. GIANT Strawberry Preservu ANN PAGE 2 JL~R 59c I Friday. Tide GRANULATED DETERGENT PKG. 69c ~erS HOLLAND AMERICAN 1-LB. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Howe nncl SUgar Wa ~ ASSORTED PKG. 290 ·Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knockson were Sunday visitors of Mr. and GIANT Krispy Crackers suNsHINE '&~x 25c Mrs. Ed Daft. Dreft G:\ANULATED DETERGENT PKG. 69c Sunday callers of Mrs. Myra PURE VEGETABLE-ALL PURPOSE Lee were Ellis Rider ancl Mrs. Lucy Griffin. 20 s.oz. Busr~xo ~~~~·19c T~~E PKG. Mr. and Mrs. Earl .Jones and Borax 17c dexo Shortening 3 cL~N 73c: family and Mr. and Mrs. George New Low Price Hatfleld and son visited Mr. and 125-FT. Mrs. Howard Bouts in Fowler­ Waxtex WAX PAPER ROLL BENCH CURED vllle Sunday. 25c The Three R' s of· Alva Howe, Mrs. Ada Smith and Mrs. Maude Marriott visited 17V2 ~oz. Sharp Cheddar Cheese LB. 59c Pharmacy Education ... in the Pope neighborhood Sun­ Joy Giant FOR DISHWASHING PKG. 69c day. Mrs. Goldien .Bolson of .CARPE~TERS Chel·o·Bit AMERICAN cHEEse FooD 2 L6~F 79c Springport, who has been a house REG. ... have been described as Reruion,·.Resource, guest of Mrs. Ada Smith, J'e­ TOILET SOAP : Pinconnhig Cheese coLBY LB. 65c fulness, and Responsibility .. There must be turned to her home last Satui'clny. ) Sweetheart 3 CAKES 25c l'eason fol' every medicine prescribed." The Darrel Lenon ·is' visiting his· Swiss Cheese NATURAL Ls. 69c profession of pharmacy has long been noted sister, Mrs. Charley Sedelmaler, for resom·cefulness in ,devising new and this week.' Sweetheart BATH soAP-DELuxE 2 CAKES 23c Colby Cheese LONGHORN sTYLe LB. 55c necessat·y drugs and medicines. Callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bateman the" past 'Week JANE PARKER were Claude Parish of Mason, "~ • · . .. GRANULATED. DETERGENT . LGE. The responsibility .and reliability of your Mrs. Mary Shopbel! and Mrs. .~~~eer. . REDEEM YOUR IOc COUPONS PKG. 29c Phat•macist'is a quality of which you !ire ccr-' Howard Brown of jj:aton Rapids Spanish Bar Cake. EACH 29c tain. · and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Slcutt and Billie Gac, Lansing. · 3-0Z. Mr. and Mrs. John Lenon and Slu-\Vhite Flakes sLuiNG · 2 PKGS. 19c Coffee Cake JANE PARKER-APPLe RAISIN. EACH 29c Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dixon and JANE PARKER-LARGE a•· · . EAg:l Rlclde [!can of Lans.lng called on ·Rhubarb Pie· 39c Mr. and Mrs. Charley Sedelmaier. . QT. .•te Bread· . JAN~ PARKER~ ,2o.oz ..17c Sunday. Salad .Dressing· . SHEDD'S BOT • 43c Wh YOUR BEST BREAD BUY LOAF •: JANE PARKER . PKs. STALKS USE NITROGEN Peanut ·Cookies .·· 25c QT. .. Farmers who plant oats on ~eanui Butter SHEDD'S BOT •.-69c land where corn had been plclted 'Pruerlp&n I-OZ. ·All p~icet In thia od effectin through bt.,. Morch .1 J . the previous year, may get less French: Dressing .. . SHEDD'S GL • 23c Ltallt, Michigan ' oats than If they had harvested . iiNCI USf · . corn silage, M. S. C. farm crops ~:::a--...... men suggest. . Reason: Corn stallts ·ue up. · nitrogen when Keyko ··~argarille ~ · they're plowed down. ;: soLrD PRfNr· ····. ~- puARTii~ .: 29c ,. ----·~-- ·-...... ·~·· . . . 1.1.:-.30 ~- ·...... : .~ .. :.. ,.... ,.;, ··~~~· ...... ,.~" ' .

    March II, 1954 The Ingham County News Part 3 0 0 1 .Consumers Power Expects Good Year Doctor'"''''·G.,,,, ..a"i'''ns:"'"''"tH''e'' ~·..n·,~ ··, ~--~.' Drama Films Scheduled at Fox. Theatre MSC to Award A prerllctlon that l!l~·t will lw, Jllll'lanl mllestorw In the lndu~· the report point~; out Lhal Hlii2 Action rttms highlight the "anotlJCI' YPIIJ' of e.~paruiln>: hnsi· trial hi!;tory of ClLtlslatu Michl· anl'lllngs of the g1ts department weel<'s program at the Ji'ox .- Degrees to 316 . ness activity" IH mmh1 hy .Jnst in ''1111." were deprc!Hsed hceausc of 1111 In· thrcntre stnrllng with a t hrlll· Q M h 17 H. Whiling, dlirlrmlln or IIIII crP.nsc of almost !iO'!r· In I lte Jlrlc~ pncl: 11 (rr·ohalllr~ slownr 1 l'i'PasPd f)'.; I ili'OLtglt I'OmpiPiion wem oncrs of the Cnsilah," filmed -In gan StiLle college. ward until 10 months Inter. coltJ!· by 'l'echnlcoior at the I•' ox pace In huslrress g<>nrorHIIy." or IIH! third unit of lite .Justin R. A lotnl nf 223 ttnclcrgrnrilllrle wrote the 2 Consrrnwrs offiC"ers. j \Vhltln.l: plant at Erie. At the theatre. ThP. stormy love-arlven· lure stars Gloria Gmhnme, Cesar and [)3 nclvnnccrl degrees will be Mnlllni( of tiw l'l'fHH'I to tiH•j yr•Hr 1'11~1, llw elr;~trle system hac( Romem and Tu1·tum Bey, awnrdcd In the B I'· m. rem.mnny ';•.' Opcrnt· Mi"ltt'."'arl" " Br..ll IJ,'t.",, ,•·nctat·ccl''" JICT'· s·'.e ee1 et or · Jon. oa·. r·. c>r :11, lfl:l3, were $3.1 G a street pro!(rnm Sunday. aet ive pract Icc. the north o! the scenm-y and ani· ... in tlw form of pre·packagcd, became president o! Almn college tahilshment of tlw .1 plants at ~Iran! as ('()mparcd with $2.6!1 in Mason dc!caterl Grand Lf'dge Some 2,500 doclnt•s of mcdleine mal life. Never before has such a Hav~ you -La lien inventory nf procPssed and ready·tO·eat foods? in January, 195l. For 13 year!!. he ~fonta;;ue will rrpre~ont "an im· 'I!J:i2. r·;xplaining tltls increase, 61·57 to end the re!(ular baslwt· attended· lire annual 3·dny instl· nature film been .pi"Csented. yollr food buying pracllccs l'l!· lt might br interesting In usc' hnrl been pastor or the Hnmllton, ...;_------• hall ~ea.'ion. Cliarlolle won 11te lute, which fcature1l lectures on 3·Day Treat; . • cenlly? paper 111HI pencil to rlele\·mine Ohio, Prcsbytcrlnn. church. · conference title. Haslett lt;Hi a latest. merllcal advances nnd the "Forbidden," t.he Universai·In· · If you review Yi>llt' buying how mudt of your food ·rtollar Advancer! rtr.grccs will he perfect rceord of H victories 1o medical asper:t~ of sur.h currerit. ~ernatlonal romantic melodrama prac:ticcs, ,\'nil may llnrl ways tu you tnil,V he spenrlin!(. for litis Inwarderl lo N. R. Dunn, Webber· win the trophy in the Ingham subjects as polio vuccinnllon,.a\. scheduled {or' 'rucllday, Wednes· lnwrove your foorl buying habits, type of service. You'll want to ville, M. M. in music aclucatlon; County leagul!. cohoiiRm, diabetes, lung cancer day and Thursday at the Fox suggests Mary L. MolT or lhi• compare the value of t.he~c serv· and Roy H. Fay, Webberville, Ph. 10 l'l'llt'N A,;-o-1!11•1 and heart disorders. Top mccllcal theatre, co-stars Tony Curtis, Jo· Michigan Stale C'ollege foods ;lrHI lees in reiatlnn to your other I D., in ehcmi~try . .Ttld!(e Archie D. MeDnnnlci o[ tenchers from Michi!(an and 8 anne Dru and Lyle Bctt!(er in a null·itlon ciepartment. lwrnernlilting rlulies. Under!(raduate de!(J'ecs will r;o the Enton·Bara·y drcuit has ruler! other states tool< part. story set again;;t the sinister Ilcre arc :1 points yo 11 mi>:ilt ;\rut thirrl, have you lear·nerl to/to .Tnmes Robert Driver, Holt, B. that \he Millers of Eaton flapids The institute, held a• 1ltc background of the Island of Mn· consider: looit t'l'itienlly 111 tile quality and S. In pollee administration; John can not clam up water in 1hc Sheraton·Cadlllac hoI r.l, wns cno. . J•'irst, arc yott httyin~-: all of tiH~ qunntily of foods rrurcilasccl in a Loweil Harris, Holt, B. A. in Grand at Smithville so that. the sponsored by 1he Michigan suite Tony Is sent by syndicate lead· nutrients that yotll' family slwuld rcnrly·lo·cnt form'! sociology nnd anthropology; Rus- lcvcl above the clam exceeds 1he Medical Society, in cooperaliim ers in the stntes to bring Miss have? Rerncmhcr that the hasie On suC'Ir an over·ailappraisal of sell D. Haynes, Haslett, B. A. In· Pl'P.~ent level. Dr. L. C. Iquatll on t.hr. project unless I hoy can Iourth lm·gest non·government supply of nltmg·1~n pitts n hahuw•• of nt.hPr ~nil plant foocls is nvailable, ''orn con· employer, anrl one out of every prove they C"an't get help throLrgh latins ns high us 2% mor1J Jll'ntl!lll. If we enn illl'l'llllse Ulll III'Otoin content 111< well 11~ 100 workers in the slate is a Bell the reliC![ agone,\'. bushels per ltc't'e then we eer·t.nlnly lli'C 1111 Ute right tracl1 to lower fl!'oduetlon cost• The Knights of Pyt hias lrrrlr.:c employee.. About 9,100 new tele· nne! more net profit for yoai. · has t•ctained Its llOstof[ir:c lease. phone ,iobs ltaye been adder! ·ill Fot• 10 years I he new lease runs, tile past 8 years, the comp11ny at a recluetion of $25 per month s:~irl, witil'it represents an ·in· frorn the last 10·Yf!

    Sycamore crecll: Sunday and that L.l night· an ice .jam was formed in e' Clear Stu· dl'o Michigan. Farm Nitrogen· Service. NEXT \VEEI{:-SJIARI{ RIVIm ln 'l'cl'lmicolor with BAN· the deep cut In the north part of . \ · l)l'l'S. OF CORSICA; ,Joel iUncCI'tlll·Ywmnc - DeCnrlo In town, causing the water to bacl< 1; Photographers Anderson & Sons l?oriucrly F. C. • Phone nausvllle ~868 BORDER RIVmt In 1'l~llhllicolm·; Ann Shcrhlan-Gienn F01:d up and tfood the lowlands. Mon. / 008·1Jl4 llollister Bldg, PP'OIN'l'lUII~NT IN IIONllURAS In Technicolol', Coming ,da;y 'morning water stood ·a foot I Lansing ·. There Is a Custom Operator in Your Area Ready to Answer'· Your Questions and'Ne~~~"··· 'l'ltAILER. · deep .Ill the boiler room of tne Phone Lanslns (.ana : I ' ' ' . ele.ctrlc light . and ·waterworlts .....------' ______..-_ ...... lil••••••••• ... ••••lllll ·-~.;.....;_ :<-:--~---'":'------...:..---:-----~~....;.--;...... ;;..-..,..;·...;.r 1 , ' .Editorial Page Saturday Evening Post Articles" Reveal Laxity Ingham County News March 11, 1954 Page 2 f ,Our .Pre"'Marital Discussion Educationa·l Sy-stem ls -Under .Attack Some people have likened the proposed morgm· of the Jly V1~r·rwn ,J, Hrown nnrl wrangling llV£!1" the answr.t•," Mason and i\lnieclon ::whoa) disll'icls to n mmTlage, te~tlng lnhnrnlor~· Is one of the A I hlnl chaplet• In I his ~cries so snyH the eminent educntor. most hnportant rleprrrtments In ·Mnybe that'~ 1he way to look at if:, in this case with of lll'lidcs on modern -cducallon Ail summed up on one lhumh­ cvr.rv industrlul concern, How qulci now 70,000 short of lcach0rs. Down by the· r\ goorl teacher oltghl· therefnrc be discussed at the public meeting held in the Mason school to find a .iob ~.n;:whr:re. They need auditorium Fl'iday night This meeting hns been called for 1 :vtl fear. In ,1tldil ion to that HlC a thomugh discussion so that people will be informed. lniiiitJCss or profession of teaching SYCAMOR'E is the only on·) I u•n lhi11k of This [Jt"O[Joscd merget· with Alaiedon is not something which is not competitive. A rloc­ new and unique. Stockbr·idge hns worked out a merger in- Alway,q give the house number, lor cannot make ton many mis· everything else, Of course, some volving schools in Jour counties. Holt nne! Williamston have not the color, when you complain lal,cs Jest he he out. of patients. to the police that a neighbor is of those tilin~s are not found in A lawyer cnnnot fumble too been me~·ging. districts ac.ljnc~nt to then; .. Okemos and Has: beating his wife. That breaks up this county, ·bul they would be on many cases without. Joss of pres- let_t have ope!Ht~cl consol!clatecl scho?ls lor ma~y years. Om the fight quicker and also spares the map if they were here. 1 igc and clients. A newspaper net.ghbor Dnnsvtllc has an outstnnclmg consolidated system., from embarrassment men whose must serve its public or it loses Leslie, too, is talking about reorganization. family names are colors, like In clrm11i11g out n cmphoard 1he othe1· day we came ac•·m•s H of becomes l9s Reorganization has been considered and discussed as an White, Brown, Green and Gray. oubscrihe~.blc as an aclver·tising medium,v~ua- ~---~------~ these lllii[IS, hi·ought till In dn1c academic thcot·y at I\'Inson for 20 years at least. Now the Last Friday night while his then loses its advertisers, them In '1940. 'I' hey will he lll"t!sen1 ed folds. A merchant must meet time is nearing fot· a decision. wife was at a storl~ shower ancl to t.he fi1·st H hnys und girls nf competition in selling as welt ns The time is het·e for n full discussion. That time is Fri- thc·refore out of his reach, Rich­ school age who• ujliJly, ir said in the selection of merchandise to 1 day night and the place is at the school. Parents and tax- I arcl Brown was baby-sitting with aJlplicanl.s Cllll n11d cln 11111111! and be sold. A school teacher, once Paying l h '}to payers will Jearn about the school situation. School offi- 5 lit tic Dt·owns at 215 Enst Ash. locat.e all IIi low11shi]1s. graduated from college with a cials will leam the views of the [Jllblic. It's n meeting few Thc;e c~mc. a hammering on the There is no reason why Mich· cliplomn in his hancl, never meets of us can nffot'cl to miss. doo~, A~ Brown opened ~he door igan people should rant so about competition or competitive tests ti101c stood before h1m the the price of coffee or te again. Dart National Bank Time Certificates rugg~rl form of Policeman Harold 1 cocoa, ;vhich are s~ 1 re to f~lio~~ To prove his charge of teacher j Waving Christian Banners Larkms. In _one hand Larltins' co!Tec up Jn price. Chicory grows fright, Dr. Hutchins recites the ciulchccl a gra_nt flashlight. The anywhere in the stale where plight of a substitute teacher in In their three years in mission work in Japan Mr. ol her w~s perilously close to his sugar beets will, and that makes a Los Angclco school during Bill and trusty_ s1x-sh?oter. He already a good drink. In fact, it is usetl Interest Paid Each 6 Months, If Desired Mr11. Rupert Dunton nntumlly gained some opinions. of Rights •.vcck. She was sup­ had Jus foot 111 the door opening. r~gularly by many people, usual· posed to discuss the bill of rights One of them is that Christians are not aggressive enough, with her elementary pupils but that they don't wave enough banners. "Wbnt's going on berc, anri ly. as a blend with coffee, some­ Interest from Date of Deposit where's your wife ancl why have times straight. As a blend it can dared not for fear of being mis· Japanese young people are attracted to Shintoism by the you beat her?" Larkins nsk~cl all reduce the. amount of coffee t;y undci·stond, Instead she saved revival of Japanese nationalism and by the numerous festi­ in one breath. from 3 to 15 1/t·. Many people are herself fmm discharge by rend· vals staged at Shinto shrines. Cht·istinnity doesn't offer convinced it actually impmves ing the story of Aladdin's Lamp, All dellosits insured up to $10,000.00 by Fctlcml Deposit Insurance Corporation sucb calm·. nl'{)wn coulcln't PI"Otluce his the taste. so the article states. I have no ll'il'e, ol' course, Ue denied strlk· There's much more to Christianity, of eourse, than stag­ way of. knowing, but my guess is 1'------~--~------::------­ in;; h('r, und hccuuse th,~ husband Michigan leads the world in a ing festivals and waving banners, and the Duntons are lmre no wound.~ Larldns conceded that teacher kept away f1:om the hers of boards of education. They., being actuarily solvent. I could stopper! in the r.. cl.' nr disdnsur·e the production of chicory. Most or bill of rights because s!1e did not evidently had not been invited. not believe it possitllc that suffi· that tile tcadters' I'Piircnwnl fund quick to say so. Yet not only abroad but here at home, are thnrn had berm no fig-ht. lie it. is grown around Saginaw, Bay too many people who confuse gloom with piety, who fail to 1'11IIiocd buelt t.o t:he sheriO''s olflcc !mow enough about It or the One thing was agreed to and cient improvement hacl been ts now nimosl $1SG,Clilii,OOIJ rlnllnrs City nnd the Thumb area. '!'hal's historic background to clare to that was the matter of higher I made in the past 10 years to in the rrd. link Cht•istianity with joy and m·dor. and then de)lar·tetl fast. lnsk'lld ol' because the E. B. Muller chicory trust what slle knew to ~ class salaries for teachers and an' in- Iwarrant such generous inc·t·er.scs r am encouraged thai so much Chl"istianity should make people hap[Jy. Real Christian­ Brown's house on llast A'lh, the processing plant is at Port Huron. of youngsters. TI1en agam sl:e Icrease in teachers pensions. The 1 in pensions as were proposed. ~o Iinterest in puiJtic sc•honi cdtll'11· ity does make them joyous. · It fills them with love and rejlorterl scene ol' bat.Ue wus ut. 11 Chicory is a root. H looks like a brown house on West Ash. may have felt as I do, tllat chrl· last time I !mew anything about, I inquired and found an actuarial lion h· now bring t:li\Cil hv tiwsr charity and optimism, nne! that's the way it should be. small beet. The roots arc dried in dren in qw elementary grades the Michigan teachers' retirement·~ sLirvey had just been completed. I who should <'are lite pan.'nts anci Christianity meaning to life. Christianity overcomes a ,kiln, then roasted and ground gives What clo you use Ia relit've like coffee. are not mnture enough nor have fund it was between $80,000,000 It has since been made public. the IExpayers. At least we havr des[Jair. It offers mankind hope. It gives man courage. hoarseness? they lJad enough of United States and $90,000,000 dollars short of 'rile bill increasing pensions was somctl1ing lo argue ai,nul. history, plus tile required back· In daily living, in mission work abroad, in church work Mrs. Elmer Juclerjolm, fifth If you don't liltc chicory, try ground of English history to nt home, Christians of all faiths and creeds need to wave grade teacher at the Ccclar Street sassafras or catnip tea. understand what those amend· more banners, need to take greater joy in living and working. school, was hoarse nne clay last ments really mean or to say the • We all need to wave more banners. That waving will not only week. She mentioned it, asking There may llave been a frost least, what they meant to the attract others, it will create enthusiasm in om·selves. The the pupils to excuse the condition in Brazil but it came after tile people back in 1789. of her voice. present crop· was harve.stecl. ~he Now quicldy, the others. world never stood in greater need of enthusiastic Christians. real answer to the soarmg coffee . · . "My mother was hoarse this price is the Brazilian price prop 1 Frrst: tller.e was the meetmg morning," said one boy, "but she plan, which does for coffee what/ h~Id at Lansmg a week or so ag~ New Practices Add to Profits cured herself." the U. S. does for butter. So why w:th U:e governor. The S~ib.J,ect, not make a trade? We'll empty c1o the schools need. Noth· "How did she do it?" inquired 1 ~\ ha~ Fm·m expet·ts sent to faraway lands under Point Four the teacher. our warehouses of surplus butter IJng 1t a~pears .that some more to teach natives to raise more ct·ops say that the greatest by sending it to Brazil. They'll Imo?t!·~ Will n?t Ctirc. ~ho attend· "She tli·unl< 2 glasses of empty their co!Tee warehouses, eel ts mterestmg. Heaclmg the lls.t obstacle is custom. Since Biblical times in some lands the whislty," t.he hoy re11lied. New Standard sending it to the United StntCjl 1 was the governor and the supe!· f?-rmers have foll~wecl the same methods. They fight adop- ' ' I intenclent of public 'instruction. tion of new practtces. ' "Yet to be invented," remarld mind, the sight of thOse 2 in all .. c:~ntl,lge of ''chronic knockers." Here is a gas that buretor. Icc shuts off fuel dur· mtrn beating·. their gtul~s anc~ mak; ing idling. Your engine dies, E1t1wl na ••cant! clnoo mntter nt pooto!ltcc, Mn•on, Mlchlgnn, un~o1• Act can.Kive,you that wonderful feel at the wheel of .pf .Mnreh 3, 1870 lug no sound seem~·fiUUiy," DI!::IcER additive prevents ~.•u.w ·car._power"-whatevei: the age of your car. During tile war when Ingham stalling due to carburetor ice.· SUBSCRIPTIQN -RATES county was fresh out. of highway · Qno yonr In Innhnm nntl · Dlsnlny n:lve~•tlolnrt rntoo on nn• nlljolnlng counties ...... $2.r.O ullcutlon, Utu~lnC!BH locniR nnd l'cnd· ~ maps, the Ingham County -News (Pnyablo In Advance) lnrr notleco on .flr•t nn~ loon! rmgoo, bought a supply of state highway Clno yonr outaldo Ing~nm nn~ 2r.c n line, ·No rending o<· buslnooo · adjoining counUoo ...... 3.00 ' ndvorllolng lcao thnn fiOc; Cur, Williamston lltll.! \H ~~ i\li' 1'1\,IPt IIH' lm ebberville Grace Smith Are Awarded to lllfl ~liP l't IV! I 11! \Villld\llHIOl\ Mrs, Myrl Gr11ham - Phone 66-F-2 J)J 11\rl Mt s l'ir IIIII rl W1lllnnmlon !'Inn• J)ulhtt JlJ• s I wo Senior Girls \' PI HIP! I l rl.l!w >I d.rtl['li 11•1 'T'Iw Tnrlnpcnrloni hnschnll lonm Wllllnmslnn Cit tmhr 1 ,f will twirl .1 pnnr•.1l

    Jmj S SflllllSIH!'cJ ,L I ,mrJy HU]C J'rJ wcrf' set vcd at rllj I hey m.ulc $3 00 'l'hc six Ih Woman's Club Has .utd elghllt g~nde Hitls will hnvc OIIP I'!Jd11y ~.iteriawy Prognum 'lite MnlltPrs club mel lasl 1\fon Derby Neighborhood rltl' lttghl 11 the school They M1 s i\!.tl gliPlllt• Voilll.tt \olr•rl lo buy some nlltlcllc t'fJUIJlmf'nl fot the ~hllcltcn in r lurl1ng- ,1 h.tslwlh.tll, 2 hnsl

    hPt .tusr. Reeves District IH1 s Wayne Gr•c1 of lit<' f !11• Plont <'I Sunrln> school cltss hclrl .tn I! ish slew supper 11 tlw home of M1 nn111 ~ Dml,t !ugh school h.tml contest held 111 N IIIC V Ci I 1111 ~II <1 ~ Lms1nr• Stltnda) .llletnoon IIIHIIncr Dn!otPs <11td Mts f lmemc Dulton spent SIU.ttl Br 1111 II Its! \\ ednesri.tl Wtlh Mt .md Catol Burmet, Mts \V.tyne Geer nnd fnmrly D:n11l 11 1wlwts 1nmm~ Rose ilUI\, Br rnatrl M ttllnll, Bonnie Scrlelm.ttct .md .Joint I I t\\ k111s BPer and ,lie s,t!es 1nct cased m 1!J'i3 dcsp1lc lhc f.tcl !hat there Wetc IeWel btewet ICs opCI!ltillj:( lh.tn Ill lfl11, .rccoHhng to the ArnPttc,m Peoples Encyclopcdl,l l 'l'i l Yeat book

    .------~ 1ST DAYS WINNER 2ND DAYS WINNER 3RD DAYS WINNER 4TH DAY'S WINNER '' FIRST WINNERS! Dodge 40th Anniversary All-America Mrs Arthur Jones Contest Rrchmond Heights, M!SSOU(I ENTER AS OFTEN AS YOU LIKE- THERE'S STILL TIME! L------~

    Holstein Assor.iatio1u IN I IH'~l~r. ~~~q~~;l~~~u~~e~~olstcr tl '1 Btcecleis n soct,•tron hr.lrl 1 s meelmg S.lllltcill c\cntJW tl IIH I \'Volvmmc S tics l'.rvrlll>ll liTem ''""'" 1 hers I::umltcs 11 Cl c ..;ucsts Drll n "'In" 1 Drchl of D~n·1 rile slto11ed siHh 1 o[ hrs lllp \\cstl•,md to allcmltllC 2 eks oy with Double PaY! -11 r "" •" Na I Rose Bowl game Patlrculu 11 J tnlcrestrng 11ctc thr. shots ol lll' 1 111111 ' "'" 1 Rose Bowl Jldlade llonls 111 Iull 40 Grand Pro:zes., It A Grand Prize a Day for 40 Days! .!.! Em;t r nn color -" L1 L Inn hctlJI "']IIIC, II Jtn S[lC!l[ summct 111 N1gct11 ,\frtc.l as 1 fot ctgn exchange student, slt

    Mts Eel Potlcl lidS lal,en lo PLUS two weeks' use of an Spar row annex m L,msmg rt tria> lllghl elegant new '54 • Dod go Royal V 8 Four Doer Scdon DO·DGE What a Car! What a Vacation! What a Contest! The crowning touch to any vacatwn Tins rs your chance to vacation at the Thera's a contest every day! A grand "I wndo over n 50% down pnymem ,_an elegant new '54 Dodge! Wher­ places you've always dreamed about. pme every day! A winner every day! on a lntc-modcl cnr. I wna told it ever you go m your Dodge, you go Now York, , Flonda­ The Dodge 40th Anmversary All· would coat me $257 60 to msure the 'in Iuxmy and style ••• tlmll to anywhere tn the U.S A. Dodge pays America Contest celebrates 40 great onr and finance tho bnlancc of flashmgpe1 formance,en]oygas-saving $700 00. Lucli.v for mo I'd tnllwd to for all meals, transportatwn, hotels. yeats of DQclge dependabrhty. There's a Stnte li'nrm agent first, because I economy! Dodge set 196 ofhcml AAA In adchtron, you get double 1JOW pmf strll time to enter! See your friendly Wled the Bnnk Plan mstcnd and !records , • , topped all "eights" for two weeks, plus $500 fun money Dodge dealer for contest rules and pnid nn insurance nnd fir:nncing in the Mobilgas Economy Run! ••• and the use of a new '51 Dodge! an oftimal entry blank. Enter today! charge of only $140.74. I Bnved tl16.86." (Ont of many actual casea.)l ' ncy 'J hclmzt A Lyont~ VM Rnhr1 I L T~yont' Many PeotJie A~~umo Petition undet Act lll Puhllc AcLK of Plus $10,000 in Cash Prizes ••• 25 Prizes a Day! lHSO Joseph LnHl). ntto1nc} Finance Rates Aro Standard Lnw John Pntt1dp;o VK THEY ARE NO!~ T1 n~Jlnthl on tho cnsu Chmch nltoJnC~flt It's Fun! It's Easy! Enter Now at Your Dodge Dealer's! In lc PcLILwn of \Vtltf't P InnllcJ - YaurFrlandly Dod go Plymouth Dculor Bring• You-DannyThomosln "Make Room For Daddy 'ABC TV • Bart Pooksln Bre,okTI!o Bani 'ABC TV • Modolllon Thoolro CDS TV • Roy - f01 llc~n~e to OJ)Otnlc n motm vohlclc. Roam, NBC·Ridlo1 Slrrlua Anda1 Hon nnd C1u 1, ntto1 ncYA I Nchmn J llnnlmm VA DnviAon Cham .. len! Corp01 nllon IL Mn1 ylnnd COIJ)Or Ja Total dally circulation of clmly lion rrcK)II\HS on the CI\HC Slglut, Andel newspapers in the Umted States ~on nnd Cru1 nttm nays Chnolcs F' Lnko vs Mulunt llcnont Philp Motor Sales was 53,950,615, the 1953 Yearboolc 1-lcnlth n.nd Accident 1\BAoclnllon n of the Ammlcan Peoples Encyclo·, NcbtnHkaL n~Koclntlon AslmmtHdt Jot­ d m JcnldnK nnd l""z ctl C. Newman nt· peclla reports. to1 ncys, J,M~AJ, NO'l'IOUI U;;OAJ, NOTIOI!l lnghm11 County News March II, 1954 Page 4 OUR DEMOCRACY- u;;OAJ, NOTIOF..R ORDER FOR I'UHLICATION FINAl ACCOUNT AND PETEilMINATION OF IIEIRS JIY llUM-March I o I 051 Legal Notices f:lL1 '' nf Mlcnh;nn J ho I rulu to CoUll 1 th Cr ty or Jnf.(hnrn At II, K~HHl nr lllll Uumt 1 ell 011

    1952 under Jts expanded Techmcal Assistance Aclmmistration program the Yearbook for 1953 of the Amen can Peoples Encyclopecha ports Power steermg produced

    Wars are started that want peace at price I Awards Provided I Pu~ Nlill< Bad< on Family Table· 4-H Achievement I Wilh eof'f'r.e Jll'if'PH 11)1 :100 1/i in tho (lU:>t eight Yll!ll'S, ~~ s• ( • lllilli: pt•ndl!t't'I'S' Ol'b~illliZallon•; Hl'!! pointing nul thnt hoU~U· rJJ y rg om pa~ues WiWH can ~ll\'1! lli011CY 1 f'cecJ 1helL• i'ntnilie:-; !Jell Ct' nnd help I ll\11 wilh 0110 or I ho :;cl'ious farm pl'oblcms hy Hllbslitutlng I '1'11!1 HI11IP l'itlli n!'i'ic•c• lms :H' milk f'ot• ('Ol'i'!'!! at one 01' lwo or lhe family nwal:-;, 1 <'PJl!rrl ·I n:•.lional ·III award 111'"· Coffee is hr•c•omlng nlmo:-;1 a:; mueh of n national habit 111 ~:rams for parlll'ipnllnll "' 111 '' • in t hi!i r•mtnt ry w; ll'll is in E1w,lancl. 'I'ho (Wt' enplla rise in ber·s 111 t!J:'il !Ill! Nallonal ('om·l1 1 • ' r•oJJSllrilpl on IHJH hccn phenomenal. 1\nd when dumc na· rn l ll<•t• on llovs illl< 1 G 1r 1s !'1 1111 . . \VIlrl( hiiH illlllflllrll'l'rJ,· 'f'h1• t tlt'e plays an tlll(JIPasant lt'JC'k on Soul h Amct'lcan coffee gt·owet'H, It. iil't'iously a feels llw budge of almosl evc1·y. ltrnm~ nre gdrdc!l, I' I. .. 11 chiPV<'Ill<'lll. Jlllllill'Y ,11111 tml'I 1;1·,1 a of in2; mm·e of ils pm·ishaiJie pl'Ocluels than we are consuming. whkli nwm·dH lww ill'en dJnttgcrl., Of cow·so If one consiclet•s the nut l'itional values of Tn tlir> .J.rr l'!otlilng Pl'ngram, ·I tlw two bevemr~cs, milk has alwnys lll'en the chcnpel'. 1fot'lllr>!'IY r''"' I 1:olrl filil•rl nwd:.h t !tal is one thing that luu; held dnwn the con· or hrlnol' will II' jlrllvir!J·d for iill111[1lion or mille. Styh! emphaHis ll(l(]lt lite willow,Y sil· l"lilllli'I'S In qu,llllying- t'llllnlies !Jy lhe nwarrls doJH>I', t'oat,; .~. houelte lws m·ouscd a l'l'sistance (ol' var,l'ing clegt•ee:;) against ADDED DUTY-'l'hls snowplow had some extrocurrlculnr rlulles re<'crrLIJ wnen u pus~errl!<'l fill Clark, Inc•, A' In I lie• pa·;t, IIJL'IIlliY high enlol'ie foods. nne! n truclt loaded wlth lumber colllrlerl on a lllr,hwu:v near Manton, Mlr·h The sl~hl or n snow· :l'lr>d lot• 11 ,~. llH overconw hy the use ol lat-lt•ec' OJ' iiktmnwd nlllit. AI· Ilona! nw:IJ'(is will <':11'11 rr't'ell';• t11p ( lpprdl ion It> ill<' I ~r,; <'til in lncldPnlally, llw avcf':lgP prir'<' lo the N:llionnl .J:II ('ltil> Con·-·------ll.tiry t>ri• <' flipp<>rls on April I o[ hogs in Chicngo las! month il1 Cl1i<':1go f111' stnlt• win· · Is hulld:ng up. Dairy sialI11iSIH JID\V IS Wili'IIH'r the :JI ','r higher· !han a y<'ar ago ami ln the 4-TI tr:~c·lor lllecn found r~r.1_m. whic·!J iii'C! J'I8fl Ill pe;: <'ilJllla, c·omparcd vcr·y c[fcclive in c·onlrollln~ 110 ,;. Alhs-Chalmc:rs, rPillilln I ill' :;anw i ", :. ·, :l I<> ~ ... , ,11 I",,. :« 1.'. I 'o1 <' ,1<'1 If I h" 1\'c•;lllwr hlll'l'illl'.-; ;lO-Jlay wit 11 7:H lh in I!J~O. em;,, a >:t:vPre di~ease 011 p:IC'Imr:c /as las! yC'ar-·1 ;:old·flli<'d rrwd:lls 1 11 1 ,•. :. , j~ 1>1 ,,, , 1 rorr•t'il'l lor. J\Jarch pans olll, :\noliH'I' ;ongie of_IIJC propn~ccl il"t'ii, 1 Jlc Hlll'e lo haVC! plenly of 1101111~', :111 Hii·l'~(ll'nsl' ll'lp lo ~~. ffi'ln6!!t\n"' ~e-_d jl__ ffupp~y llll",'h(• lll\t' filii JnOISlUI'e Will get dmry SliJlJllll'l [H'ICC reclllclinn of Iarm stnrage for ln31 wheal I he Nalillllill I-ll (lull ('on[:n•:;~. fl9·~fJ ll :l'!Jili>' I!. r ·~ lgl iJJ a huill IIJI a ltil. Haitlrall fm• tlw wl1icl1 iH wonyinr; f<' !Je almVl' dais Is, lww mud1 oJ' lliP price arivanlngc ;,f farm·slored CCC lo r·ollnly, stale and national J Phon<• 2-1·1:~1 1-, ,, •: •lli· , , flillil:;•·tlt's 1~ .. rnor111:li lol' mllt'll ol II~P coLJnlry ~:upr<>rl t'lll will ht• p:tssPri c!n to loans. winners, respcdively. ------! 1 1111 .. 1 . , 1 1, 11111 !:~HI \<.oullil itwluding- lllc• gn•al pl:uns. \\'li?l'<' . Ge!wrall)'•. ofFJcials \'I Sllll'lll'; l'itliSIIlg I I" I.! I , '1 •1 I ~ 1''· I 1Jl' ill t'll Jt''l'llt , VC pn~Ps p;IJ(I hy clea crs. ' 11<11'111:11 0\'Cr tIll' IH>J'Iiwrn hal [ or ~- I ------. ill<' c·otJnlr~·. easl nf ilw ('[)f1li· Far·mcrs c:-tn unclcrplnnl their ., ..,,'""'""'::n::=n•= • lll'lli:d riividc. and Califotnin. 1fl:1! <'<>I'll i!C'rPHgt' allolJW'IliH hy , Suhnorm:I'~' won'! lm arlvc:rc,ely a f. 'l'.llnfall 11ill IJ(: aiJntll-normal. ft•t•lr>rl hy su•·ll :ll'tinn. USDi\ policy IS ll1nl a c·ut, evr.n llp to I I Co~Jt!PmPn unln:Hi<'cl a lol l O',i, can lw 1n•alctl ns living- liP I I 1'11\V'-. ;:nrl lu'ilt'l'~l in ,JnnttatY. Jn- to I he maximum allotment Sot' I spcctcel cattle bulc:herecl during flw farm. Ill<' mont 11 showed more cows and 1 hl'irPrs slnu~hiPJ'f'tl than in any CCC is nnw selling 1!l4R ;mel [ .J.mu;n_l' sinc·c lfll~. SlmlgiliPl' of 1!lin crop eom I which il has bad , mws jumper! 2.i'; ahnvr• .Janu· in Hlm·age from prr.vious price ary, l!l.i:J, hr>ircr, :Jn•:.Cowsand supporl progr:unsl at !lw eurrPnl Sec Us For All lhc Fad$ hl'ilers l'llmprisr.cl <17.8•,; of all Joan rate or ll1e local mnrlwt I caltlc ~Jaughtc•rccl in January. prit•e, whic'hevrr· happens tn. he J llle higlw.-;1. Ac·cnrding· to Wal­ [ Mic·higan p ou II r y m C' n np· l:ree's Farmer, tile way CCC can '1'<'1'111'. if tlt•sir·•·rl I p;m•ntly ate illlpcful aboul llw do I his is Lo classify I ile corn as <>lillnok 1•11' good pric·ps lhiH 1'0111· no longf'l' ('onsiflcrcrl good slut·· ' ing Lill and winler. CommerC'inl ahle com. i\elually, says lhe hnil'hPries ht'l'l' in llw stale p;1pcr. the corn iH 111 line shape. lunwd out 22': more cilid\s in .Tanllary 1han tlwy did a year ago Till' Chicag-o CDl'll·lmg ral io in 1 nnr! twic'l1 n~ many i!;~ lhP :l·ycar February wa~ t!JC higltc~l on ree-, ------·~10m :1:.n .Tillltlill'\' avrrage. Na- ot·cl for lhe monlh: lG.!i; liwt ... , U. S. l'OI'UJ,A'l'lON ~~istory of 4·H I TIH• Iota! dvilian populnlion of :lie lJJlllccl S!alcs al the hPgill· Your Of.~~R Started in 1900 ning of t l1e year was appmxi·/ malciy 1:ifl,OOO,OOO, :iw Yearbook Jngh:tm rounl~' 4-H cluhs wllicil for· 'l!l:i:J o[ the Amcr.ican Pcople'H / wu~y t~ke ·i!ds ml®'tnr &\~~(crmmiek <•f'lebr;Jt0 nalional ·l·II club week, EncyC'Ioperlia rcpurls. Populaliun ~ M;rrd1 (i· 1 1. c·;m trace theit· an­ in this country incrc:tsed at an 1 cestor' hac·k to I he early 1Dilll's. avcrng-c monthly ralr. of 220,000 · manure spre~der b@me"~~~ ?viil'hir~an's lirsr agr!eultL1ral in 19.i2. dubs 1\'l're nrgflnizcrl as boys' corn growing il s ~ o c· i a I i o n s Come in and sec this new McCormick No. 200 spt·caclcr that throUt!11 the rfforls of Con:::-ress­ hauls up t•;, 75 bushels of manure. Inspect its reinforced con­ man .J:11nes C. l'IJ;\vere t•a ITicrices f." ""Picrnents Y< • curve on US·127 north of Leslie, • ' very J>iecc r~, ~:J.V':' been ant! stale agriettllttml colleges by BUCK BAit 0 Hloucd, the Smitl\·Lcver :.Jet. From this small beginning, I It's Slltin~ house cldaninr, at Tn£1mm c•onnty alone has 1300 the Buck Bar, too, Jovcrything Forage Blower - $125 m;•~m hers WI til 200 leaders, a nell goe.< foJr only a dollar. Look at thcs~ typical cx.unplcs> Michigan's membership- roster I totals nearly GO,OOO members. Roof Ventilators $j00 ABA Il\Il'R~VES smn'ICJ~ I 40jo Michigan i\rliricial Breeders I Leaf Brooms ·SJOG went on n stepped-up service I Land Bank program throL\ghout the state I l\!areh 1, acconling to Charles Dmters :suoo Brown, in'seminator for the lng­ LOANS ham·Mason group. Dairymen can now be supplied 5 or G lime~ a [ Odds & Ends ~ $100 week under the new system. The loml group is headed by W. L. 1 National .Jewell, president. Howard Coy is I secretary. Brcerling service for Farm Loan Holsteins, Guernseys, Jerseys, Angus and Bmwn Swiss is avail· able, Drown said. Association 415 S. Codmm FORES'l' J,ANfJ l'honc~ 1880 There are 622,000,000 acres o[ Chul'lotlc forest land in the United States, the 1!153 Yearbook of the Ameri· can Peoples Encyclopedia reports. Fieltl Office Implement Co. 1:18 W. Ash llinl'ion Silsby ,Qf this total, 461,000,000 acres is 'considered to bear conimet'cinlly Phorw valuuble timber. I I

    hnlntwcrl rnl!ons will J'll'!!Vr.nt G d H I t • :'lltn wa~ mlllI'IC'rt 1tnv1• ton, 1\lll:;ons lli!Hs Ormsliy Coi:Jn- • I Lllfll'l't' Cr1111tt:.' l't'I'SH ol l(iJorl ll'l'ri. turc or Jr1;fy grr.rn h;1y, while Inoherl Hi tines It'd tlw Ingitalll· Amnng 1he clincus~ion!'l planned IJy tho Cmf:munity Chest dwllwrl IIJI ::nnw illg jlt'rHitll'llon tllfl Jl, 72:-t lit"' fat 111111 17,1J:i7 !11 :: A hll'k of snit I·; IJIII' of tlwl !Is a n•sttlt tlwy oftl'n procitll'ejvllnmln 1•nn lw supplier! hy South Dairy Jlrnl fmpt'IJVPment ll':t>: ~ r~ foll;s is one on "Small Chc.>st. Pt•oblcms," I plan 1o aUcnd. l'C!C'orris. of mill;, Silt' tnill11•rl 2 limPs r•ornnHHH•sl r•nusl's nt "hirldl'n v;p,tl; oiTs(ll ing I hat soon cliP, wlwal gPt'm (trorh~r·ts. Most of the assoeiatlon for fo'Pbt'U!li'Y· 'l'iw 22 Tlw owners, r•ows unci slalistil's rlall~· for :l:lH rln~·s. · · hungr.r" In l.trm H!lim.tl::. :-iw·h j with I his IPtHietwy (lHilmhly lw- c•rrenl grains uw rwh in ll I'Dm· c•ows pr•oriuc·eri nn nl'!!rn>~~' rJ( '17 Thny tc•ll ahonl. a rl'l.lll'Ju•d srrvict~ man in Stocl(­ nre: Donald !I. \VIIIIanw, Ma,1on, a rlr~flc•wrH·y c·nn lower 1n1H1 J!l.'o· lng most ofii'IJ nolil'l'ri In llw pic•): vllnmlns, willie C'Od liver oil lh nf hultcrfat and '1,36H lh of hridgr who liun)!;ht a pail· ol' army sho<•s for his Hr,wm·rl Borton, LunslnJ(, Wll· Posl'il AlfHifariail' Hng !lpp!P • .,, • rlti!•tlnn, rlt•r!l'r:tHI' rate of 1~:1111, c·nsc of sows. \VItl'n ewes :IJ'(! and oth1•r· tlsll oils nrP excellent mljl1. lnw 11111 Susana Sit· llesH, £i2!i lh P;tuir<, il77 Ill of fal 1111d 19,07·1 lh nnrl evf'n rrsuit in rlPntlt in I'X· l'onslrlrrc!rl most r•nscH o( prcg- smlt'!'PS of vit:11nin D when It's Tlterc were !l:i lwr·rls In tile Inr~· rmmgt•t· hmtlwr al lwnw. Wlwn Uw hrotiH\1' tril'd of hultcrfat and Ul,7:t:l ill of mill<. of mille Sl11• was millwd ~ tlttli'H lrPme c•as!'s. tt:IIH'Y r'.'sPasP mn fH' tr·nc·prJ lmr•k /rwedl'ri. Jwm Srntlh Dnlry IIerrl Improv!'· tu pnt. llw shoNl on, Jw discov1•rt•d that both shot'S Sill' wns mlllwd !l t lnws dally dally for :mu days. 111 1 111 A Inc•!, of lit!' srHallc•ri "lrar•P" I'" a 1 '1< of pnll<'ill In r tllcms. Maylw vo11 won't need In feorl mont nssodallnn whiC'il nvcragt~rl w:•r:~ ck~;igll!~i! to nt t.lw ll'f'j, foot. rlurlng ll11• :JG:i-llay Ir!st. \V. C. Wriglrt, \\'illi111nslon, 0.,;. mlnc.-.ti~ Is :uwiiH•t· l'airl,v r·om· all 1.\'Jll'c; of llvl'slrll'l<, a lirulty rJII'fPrr•nll\; to pt't•venl "hidden n\'t!l' :10 lh of lntttrrfat in FciJt'll· Mrs. llPrnic-P Ei fP!'I & Snns, hornrlall' Milrir·pri T.of'iillll' ."','~s,, httl. II ~-~~-" :. ~ f.r 1, 1rJ unlc•s:; your rcgttlat• feeds t'C!glstcrcd !Ioistcins, '1'1 lh fat, Hoping wit ho11t plnnnln1: Is raiJ,,c lnerrl1ng lt~H1hl1 .. .'1nrl J<'innlly, n lnd< of cC'rlnln vita· fll'P ckfldenl. If :tnlmal is gr.l· 11:11 lh mill<; Carlton Elclt'Prl, 17 Lomlnc Bessie Ormsby DPan, :1:!!~ ahottt m; futllr• '" 1\'altlng tor a 0111 SPt'IIIS odd, tlor•sn'l it, that foil's who can't ltl'­ lh nf fat nne! '12,13:J lh of mille wcn! 11 111. G· ·tl 13. 1 , If lht>rt• is OJJI' tinw niet'r in Ingham comaty than '"' J•(J•j•1 11 1'' Jc•tt•• •Jt•c•]'\V]il1\'0lll'1 .I •"~~ Jill I, ull 1 tnWnO!, cohalt r'illl lnl!'t'f<'t'r• wit it rlir.:Ps· jii·oll:tlily ·In hnliy pigs, Inn. f•:n- '.~ • : :: J. c:. r. .'. • ·.. 118 l'['gistrrcrl anrl graclr• Ilnl- autumn, it's SJII'in~tinw. I t.oolt Ill~' first pt•twiPW of 1lvr JIT'IJ!'PssPs so nil sp••f'il's 11f \Pt'ills nnrl I'Piatr•rl rJi .. c•sllvP dis· l~tctln.rtl.rn. III 11 [ltoh.tbl} s,tvc . · o 'lO" 11 f 1 10~11 11 111 · h , 1 '' I v t •lltn' vou wlnt stetn .• , ·" I n • •) 1 m '· nnlmals rail In rl11 11'1'11 wiliiP ap· PW d\1';;., ~ t'hecosl ; fiGaiC' McMieh:wl, 19 gt':lll'l~· lllliWOJilhy. A In a l;wl; 11f vilnmins lwlnngin~: yn~,1 . 1 1 r 1 ,1 ' 11 ~. s'.\. ·' 1 :,,. 1.. f:lelns, 3flil lh fut, 1138 lh milk; llw Suullwm '!'om. Wt' dt'II\'C' south tha·ough Leslit•, 1 10 1 1 1111 'I ,,.,, drfil'iOtH'.I' nf tnill(llr'siutn is l'l'<'llf.:· to tltf' 1: I'(IJ11jliPX. a :,; gun te.t l .. I Har. D, Collar, '17 grndr T·ffJI· Uum c·a~t to Fih·hlJHI').\' and Stocldn·itl~e and flwn .... nlzed Its " l'lttt::r• of r·nn\·nlsi'itumin ]) is oflrn sJJg(~C'slr~d as Ji. • H s I lh fnl, fl77 lh milk; Elwood ... , I liS c•nn r·:JLI.SC' \':rl'iiiiiS ](itJ•I.' IJ[. 'l l'(lllSf' or I ir-kl'l.s. 'I'!Jrrc• is nlso ~~nnuaK og a e Hcaume, 1fl regls\Prr.d awl r;radtt fields and in the bams bristling with reprrit'CCl machinoJ·y botH' IJ'nllilil'c:. i'"''"i: anitn:Ji·; ·" "I,;p 11 nsilile for a favnrnhlr: position today as nncl grade Hnlstrlns, .17.8 lb fat, surf't•r from hr it ill' liot!l'.' llt:tl 1\ll' lm•t•ditw ll'nllhlr•.s in l'lll'irnts nf hngs, IJC'I'Ill'ding to Dic·k Bailey,l[)fll lb milk; Don Waldron ancl H. Hc•J't' i~; a lH't':>~fii'JJin:: of lltr' ,,,,. , :tnimnl•· Cmrnly nv,rkJtilural agent. Pork R E:nrl, 12 regislrrrcl :md grnclc 111111 Phm on lots of min 1o talw the phwe of lal.t~ snows. lHJJJPs that <':JLJ"'" liti'JJJ !11 1\':tr]: \\'lilt tltl':'" prlssibiP r!Pfi!'icJtl'irs pri1·Ps thmughout the J't'lll' C'an Hnl~:tcins, 37.·1 lb fat, fl!JR Ill milk; ~I into :tillliii'Jll:tl slt:rp<':'. ,.1, 1.,1_,!nizl'ri, slrll'l\llH'n will proh· not lwlp but be most fav11r:till!' to I Lloyd .T. Curti:;, 17 I'Pgistcred and Lool< fot· sunnr days ami wurm nights. S(Jrin~ is Sow~ :lllri rlldr•r 'lll'iJJr• th:il ":'•· 11;1\· hi' intl•rrstr:d in lmnwi111" nny PtTif'ient Jli'Od!ll'Cl', _he de- '"l'adc GJtcrnsr.ys nnrl gradr~ JTol- 1 dPfinitPly in tiw aic·. But not only that, my almanae r!ow11" will! par:d,l~t·rl ltiJJd rptar· ·.vlt;11 111 proviril' in ordrt· In pl'r· f'iarcri. C'un·ent marillll' !tip .ioittl:. c~l yirld nf alfnlfa was !I ial'k of prolt•in is :ti>ll :1 'tHiivirlu:tl n•qJJirPrnPJJI~ vary pigs. I registr:rr.rl and grade Holsteins, You'll like this new Allis-Chalmers tractor-mounted harrow. M D ( nhtainccl when Clinton o111s Wf'l'l.' It's clnso-cnuplcd ••. handier .•. gels in the corners.,, close l'n!llnlOIJ f'illlsr nf "hi,lrir·n 111111· ·:ri'.JII•: in IIH• ~a me ill'l'ri Ill' []or:!;, . An . avnilahle supply of hrc.cii35.G !II rat, R11 lh !nil!<: L. n. 'Are oest rops usf'ri ns the ntn·se crop anrl cut to tho end~ ... docs oxccllont work. gr.r·." It's wc•ll litiiJII'JJ llt:tl fr•m:d1· IIHI tlw~: r·:t11'1 he satisfied hy gtlts Is not on !Janel, sD It !~ !Iarm; & E. \V. Lttchfielrl. 2·1 1 :it :t inr-hes for gmin. Doll! onls Hydraulic control lift~ tho on tire elise otT the ground .•. easy nnim:lls wr•n't :;;•in Jli'IIJlr'rl~· r11: -:imp I_,. tnixin;: :onlt at HI nrincrals dilTicull for fnrmers wanting- to rPgi!;fcrwl nnrl gmrle Ilolstf'inR, PIJA,.. i :111 1! tarty were nbrntt cqt;ally to turn or transport. Nurse ·All.alfa 1 mill\ 11'1'11 llnlr•.':s lllr')' g1·1 a il1d ·1s :1 smiill piil'l of IIH! g-rain raise mom spring rigs In clo so, a:i.l lb fat, flG3 lh milk; Gerald lJ u · !.II D I ~n .;s '.tc. or( w Jet 1'111. at t.. l~ee llroc-rolling BAL-PAK hcnrings me luhricnlcrl for life - HIH'f'ci !'fllinn, llltl 1111'.\''rr• nfll't. r:tlion Bnilcy Pxplainecl. Dinmoml, 2~ rcgislcreri nml grade me les .tnc. 111C s taw tcmov: For A/Us-Chalmers CA, WD rrnd WD-45 Trac!ors. 8i:c.<: 511:!. GY:!, 7 and 8-foot. Smooth or cu/(lll!ay b/ad<'s ill cmy com­ si>~ncrl IJ~· ·10 of 1\!if'iJigan's lead· grade nnrl re•(istercrl Guernscyf·, mcnt oJ alialfa 111 a IIrltl expcrt- vcry tl!Jsnti.~fnetor·~· when snclan bination. inf( pmciJred hreeclcrs will :;PII :12.1 _lh fat, :-\::11 lh mill'; LaVern mcnt has J'cccntly been eom- 1gnu.,;, millet, ~oy beans anriiJuel\­ this year. Brecl gilts from the 8 Elclrccl, 3fl registered and gr~cle plctctl by Roher\ Briggs ancl c.~ wi!Cal were ttsccl as a nur·sc c:t·o 1J ENJOY pnpulat' hrerrls arc eonsignr.cl. Holsteins, .':l2.0 lh l:il. 7~-1 Ill mrlk; rT, If . of , . . rand cut !or grain. lho National Farm . 0 II D. s . \" I ' ,.. llri'JSOJI, 11 I!' "II'1 1 1i":ll! I In llrr• '1\'o]\·:•r·illl' l':ll'l•hr:•ll Livl'sln!']; SniPs Pavilion on YorkshtrP, Durnc and I!amr· II 1\'1"'' of \\'illinm~tnn Cit' l;t! mil1•s t'!tsl of All bred gtlts wtll he .JUdged at Holstcms, :31..1 11J f.Jt, ,,Gfl 11~ mt!L, menl. Better quality roughage can re· Eti~;t L~1nsin.~·, ;\lh·hi:~·:1n. 10::10 a. m. nml grottped accord· Hobert 11. Sturman. l:l regtstr.r~'ri In the experiment, usinf( vnri-[ cluee eosls of producing milk in ing to merit. A champion and Holsteins, 30.R lh fnl. 778 )h 11111!' :. nus, nurse. cl·op.s, se1•cral varil'tics Michigan by 20 tn 25',), asserts an reserve f'il:tmpion will he seicctccll H~lph & La,rk Amhs, . I~ reg1::· of ~':Is anrl barley were us~cl ln I M. S. C. agricultlll'al economist, Plummer Machinery Co. 11 o'doc:l• A. l\t from r.ach breed. . tercel and gtarlc Holsterns, 30.6 In addtllon to many other gr;JFs'!'s c. R. Hoglunrl. . Micl1igan farmers arc cncour- fnl, 8·12 Ill mille 1 419 N. Cc•dar LansinJ.; ngerl to ntlt•nrl lhis educational High cnws ami their ·owner.-:! ~!fit""'l'iii~'"*'M'it.NiB~!M:iMK~*¥ This sail' ll'ill l't•nhtrl' m:my oatstun1lin~ animals indml· .&IWfMjl"jiiMSNfWtJ«AAU£MWfM1fitjR!~~ '• in~ two llmw;ltll•r·.-. oJ' l'ahsf lluh•y, hoth frmn !l:m~hll•rs nl' show and if interested in plll'· were: :i ~·cars­ I>unlot:·g·i!r l'l'im1• ~iiuisfl'l' antl both thl!' slwrtl~· al'fl'r sale• {o chasing hrr.cl gills of thC'it' favor- Mat 11re dass over lie hreerl, to remain fm· lhe Carlton Elrlrcrl, registerer! Hoi· ~l:u·ti~~ ~lilc•s!orw. consignment sale whidr begins at steins, 103.2 lh fnt, 1780 lb mill<; Fmm N. ,J. B. i'llillr•t' of Ohin, nn own dang-hl!'r ol" Snw­ 1:110 p. m. Friday. Marcil 5. and Hobert Hhines, g;·adf' Hoi· rl'i~n. a donhl1• g-r:BIIlllaHghll'l' of SrJvcrPi~·n, u gt·nn!lson or steins, 77.3 lb fat, 2iJ90.lb mill;. Sovm·t•i:,·n and a l'l'l'Y t•il'h!y ht•t•tl Cut•nulimt bull, ready fell' Smm CORN SI•:LECTION i Under 5 ycnrs-.J. H. ancl H. D.: s(•rvkP. ~ Michigan farmers shoulcl select I Chamberlain. registered Hoi· 'l'his sale• will also I'Patur·p lil!' !'Olll]lic'~l' mllldn:r, h!•t•d ol' early J11atut·ing corn hrhricls. · ~:Ieins, G9.2 Ill fnt, 1820 lh milk; Gt•<>l'l.fl' !!Pihi~·. ,,i:tsun. l'llil'irignn. :\ liPnl l'nnsi~:lc•ntly """'' Past performances of the i1ybricls IGerald Diamond, gmdc HolsiPins, •ltlll Ill :'al, ,in•;l t'inishi•tl ll'ilh I l,O:i-1 lh mill<, -!HB.-1-lh fat with can be fnuncl in Extension !"older G7.2 lh fnt, 1G80 Ill mill<; anrl L. indivirhml J'l':'onh· 11p lo il-\1 Ill fat :mtl l!J,!J(iO lh mill• on 2x F-G7, available at county ex len-. B. Harris & E. W. Litchficlrl. nnd nrdinury f:tt'llll'l' t•:H'I', sion offices. Igrade Holstein, G7.2 lb fat, lG-!0 An own tlang'l!l!'l' nf t111• Gr·antl Clunnpinn row :11 l\lit•hil-:'llll lb milk: · Under 4 vcars-H. .J. Sturman, Hint!' B. & \\'. ~amw :lllrl thP !'Ill\' thai was us llllll'h tnlli!'d registered i·Iolsteins. 82 .. 1 lh fnt. uhnut :tl !lu• Chim~.o ll:liry Sho11; ns :my unimnl them, --- l.Ua have a • 1830 lh milk; nnd Garth Brown· WP ll'ili hii\'1• as nt:llly outslmHling· t'Ol\'s lltHI lu•ii'Pt'S in com~l&io 5foc:k of : Icc, gracle Holsteins, 82.0 lb fat, Ha\'i!lp; J'tmtc•d my farm, ·1 will si~IJ at public auction at the place Jocatrd 'l% miles southwest of Stoclthrid~e (his sale• r po!nts out that the lonr~er grow· .John Deere 1 Hi-inch Plow PatJec Silo Filler antl J>iJltl ing scnson in the South mal\cs 1 !l:"i2 New llolland 1\iodel 77 llay Baler, ,just lilte new bullfrogs mnture two or l!Jrcc J..imc Sttreader in t/;o llo1r J~i~N D~E~E J;O, Series TwogPiow lmctot'S 1.\'IcCormici'·De(~ring 13-llisk Grain Dt•ill and Fm·ti· Side llclivery Ralw vears sooner than they rio in lizer Attaehnwnt, good condition When you inspect the advanced-type 3- It is an easier hitch to hook up to, thanks climates like Michigan. Hay J.ouder ' Blaeldmwlt Corn Plante•· and point hitch on the new John Deere "40" to the turnbuckle design which enables you It starts with a tndpolc, can­ Fertilizet• Attaclmumt F'ced Grinder McCormicl\-Dc~ering 5-foot 1\lowct• ' Series Tractors, you'll quickly see why' it to shorten or lengthen the top link with a t ions Shick, nncl it tnl:es nbout 3 ·Buzz Saw offers you advantages over other 3-point turn of the hand, Best of all, there is the new years to turn a newly,Jmtchecl 7-foot Double Dis!• . _. Cement .1\lixer and l\lotor hitches. First of all, it's a stronger hitch, with John Deere Load-and-Depth Control which tadpole into just a smnll bullfrog, Int:cmational Tmctor Cultiv:ttot• Pump Jacl• every part built with rugged durability. for works with the 3-point hitch and the Touch·o· 'l'hcn, it may take 2 or more ad· 2 4-section Stlringtooth Harrows Shallow Well Pum11 long service. It's a fully-adaptable h1tch malic system to give you the kind of working ditionnl years lo grow the frogs Spilu~tooth Jlarrow 500-Chicl\ Eleetl'ic Brooclet' that will take a full line of new John Deere accuracy you have always wanted for your big enough for nttraclivc "sad­ Double Cllltipacltct' Jlog Fountain dles" or froglcgs on rC!stauranl Quik-Tatch "pickup" tools as well as any plow disk harrow, and other field implements. 2 I~ubber-tirccl Wagons with Flat Racl•s Quantity of Small Articles standard 3-point tools made for other tractors. w~·n be glad to demonstrate, any time. menus, Now, If you are not dis· courngccl by the M. S. C. game rnanu'gement mnn's report-and Terms - Cash Day of Sale ~ot Responsible ·for Accidents still want to raise! bullfrogs, he A. A. Howlett & Co. hi:Js one marC! reminder: A permit must be obtained New Phone 2-3631 '136 E, Ash [rom the Michignn department of const:!rvation in Lnnslng before n person cnn cntt:!r the commt:!rcial frog "ranching" business. !\lONEY IN '.rim FINISJI MRS. JOHN, CAMPBELL, Prop·. Well finished beef cattle will' pay. blgget· profits this year· thnn . ,.. ," .Earl Dunsmor~~ ·Clerk · Joy ·o·avis, Cashier unfinished animals, M. S:· C •. ant- . ,• mal husbandmen Indicate. lll•••lllli•••••lll•••••••••••••••ill•••-.•1!11••1111!1••••••••••••11 I County Agent Ou~ines Program coming HI uluh momhE!l'R should go In lho Wllllnnmlon T~lwnnls F.lnlnc1 hns llflrl snmo 'rllffieul· llll'llCt] In nntl nwnrrls nt'f' mntlr IllY rrspnn.'dlrllliy for Its ('f}iltncl snmr> ·I·If dull nwmhcr In rllll!H!I' fop having a blue rlhlwn tlr>s, Sill• hrts lnnl'nnrl, howovm·, In nil momlwrs who havo com· mcnt. I am tlwrnfom wllll tlwlt• cmmnunlty 01' ono of llw oxltlhlt nt llw slnto nl1nw. how In rln things lwtlrn• nnrl tt lllr•l••rl their ,lnhs. dovntrl my r.ffnl'ls for• the nrlllltle;Jrlors who willlw (,(larlto "I toni< this prn.JC!r!l ilPr'nLIHn T haH !wen nn r.n.lnynhlo oxperlnnr•n. Wt• have said llllio nhnut tho [JIJnlflnt of lllf'~f! things whlt:h tnll ·them wlwn llw H( dub will nm gnlng to I)(! n fal'lner·. T want BPslr!Ps l11n •I·H prnjcr.ts that HI r.h1h Jrmrlot• who hns gnno IJCIII!Vt'.'' 4.. H Program· Is All· This - and More he stnrtlng Its prngrnm for l"fl rnlse IIH! bust quality rmrn anrl snmr• nf llw nwmhr!I'H have men· alnng durlnr:t the• stllllllwr wllh swnmnr nnrl where tho m2etlng lmow how tn st!leol nnrl how to llorwd In !heir· stm·lnH, then• m·o this grnup nf yr,ung pr•opl!!. 'l'lw lly JH, H, Avr•J'Y 1 waH n hlg' job for members of nrn to lcnr.h young people the will hr!, If n young JlPI'son cnn· r·ulsn r•rJrll which will lw of lire! mnny oliH'I' netlvlli·:>H fnl' 'I·H duh lrmrif.!l' Is thn pnrson who has rll· f:mnrty •I·II Cluh Ag-f'nl; lnglmm county, lntesl nnrl he~t. ngriculturul nnrl not Jrwnte n 4-H eluh member or• most vnltiO tn me in fending nnrl mrmlmrs, inciurllng llw WE!PI< ul reeled tlw IWiivltli!H for tho Finished Cattle N:illonal •Hi Clltb Wr.r.it Mnrch In Michigan tJ.J-1 club murnlwrs home Cl'ClllOmles pmctJcc{H' nnrJ Jonrl£!1', he may call the COUnty for SOiling," IIJI£! CCIIIIHY camp, learning 10 young fnl]{s during lhP llll'f'illl>(H, tlw nner ami more slr::J lflmnt exlonfion offlcr. nt Mason, On tlw other lwnd duh swim, lenrnlng to Jive with other hus helped with tlw uctlvitiPH, lhu fl to 13 IH lhe tlmr! for pr•ople in· tool< Plfl'e of li,O:l2 rlnlry anlmnls, H·I I ,805 beef nnlmals, J ,!187 sheep, things of r·urnl lifo. Younger Jnemhers arc en· membnrs hnve to slnrl 111 llw hn· ymmr:t pcoplt!, ttw Joys nf llw trips to r·nmp nnd trips to thf.! tc•rcslr!rl In oJ.!T duh wnrl< In set Give Best Return 2,2,1!! HWine, nnrl 111 ,12!! ehiclwns Equnlly n~ vnlunble ns the couruged to tnlw 0110 pro.Jeei not ginning nnrl lent•n how to do grmtt otll·rlnnrs, mtltlre anrl· the fair. '!'he lr.nrler·. gains his or· hPr' r:trrHIH, In talw a ionk at tile eom· nnrl turlwys, They prPpnrcrl 270.­ sltllls nnd prncllcnl knowledge rw· ton clifflcull nnrl then ns they llrlngs when lhey :1r'e rather r'l!al cxperlmwo or camping. reward In the sntlsfnctlnn or Rf'e· Mkillgnn Pnltlc fcr.rlers flnri It an arivanta~:c In put a Jng ,Y!!Hr, Now Jet's tnlw 11 lonl< at •121 dishes of foorl, preserver! 1~8,. qulred through 4-II club worlt is grow oldet• Lo enlarge lhls pro· young, lleru Is quite lUI Interest· Then there Is liw county f:ilr lng tlwsn young folks deVl'inp fln!Hil on tlH!II' rccdm· cattle whHI •l·ll dub work Is anrl Its ob· GOG quurts of food, marie 26,738 Lire eommdcslrlp of worl:l just pnst. fngltam county :rnd ttntlnisilPri c:iltlc In tiro .J.I I r;lnb mmnhors rllrln'l have over 2,000 anes of vegetablr.s, conlncls. Yotmg people who arc Anhm Hyrlc nf the Alnir>rlnn Dunn community. the rlinlng room, lournlng to pie inlr>restr:orl In tlw nelil'ltlr•s of mtwh time fnr lo:r[lng In '1053. dtth mPmhers flnrl their Jives nn· Lumberjnclts started out with one Elnlnc snys of her· nrst· )'cnr In show pro,lrets nnrltn win wllhout the r•ommunity, seen 111rm hr!· [(l'if ell!. Erwh 'l·l·l mPmber en res for· an rlclwr.l by enclenrlng frlei,)rlsltlps brerl ewe as his nrsl pro.fccl. and fonds: hrngging and lose wllhmrl whln· rome .lunlnr·Jcarlers anrl assisting Th:rt Is pnlnll•rl ottl hy The• I ,:lOO 'I·H duh members Individual pro,leel In which he with othe1· young people. In ;, lwei n smnll flndt nf regis· "I enJoyed my nrst yenr in .J.T·T ing are some of the lmportnnl with tho pmr:mnr of llw dtth anrl A. llrawuimn, :r fllll'irlgan or she is most Interested. Tlwy 10 3 cnrnplclr•rl :t lnlal of 2,1!12 prn.l· The 4-lf progrnrn of dubs In tered and grndc Hampshire cooking. My 4-H murrins WPI'C things of thiH event. Of course Inter· to grow inln ~·rnmg men and r•rlllr!gr• nnimnl ltnsiHIIHirnan. r·nise llvestoclt, crops, maim elolh· r•els for IIH' \'C~:rr·. Foltmvin1~ Is a the munly were direclcrl hy 201 sheep. Stanley Fay of tiro Happy lacklnr~ a lillie salt and lr:r•l tun· lire r>xpr•rienel's of showing other women with J'esponslhle posltiom; urges tit<' fnr•dlng o[ plenty lng anrl fli'C!JW!'e Jnorls. Thr.y lisl o[ 1111' 'prn,i<~t·t~; mmpielr!d: Jocnl leaders during 1!153, These Hustler,; ciuh nt Stnd\hrlrlgc nels In them. 'l'lwn I round out foii\H what tlrry huve done In >HI In llwh· clrnEen nelrls nf work. pi'r.ason thC' vmmg' c Inl gar(I en vnludd at ..$4512 ' .. 1. me :;winP, :1:1; I lower gardrm nnd llrr HT club pledge, "I pledge 1 pin1~ ill'lllllld 1'11r t Itt.! llC!sl buy folks cnrr,Y Jlro,jects which' .fit Franklin Lyon starlr!rl 111 w 1L1 1 lher·e, too. with eommnn mnwledgC', to par· reason; I lwlii'Vr! in the training l:rnrJ~;I'n(ling, 1:.7; vegetable gar· My Hrmd to clearer tl1inklng, My prrriPin supplrnwnl or slmll into the home or cnn he worked onC' riair·y animal nnrl at llw r.Josr "AI onl' of our cooidng mcr.l· tlcipnlr In songs and games. At of my hr.art fm· tl!C! nol1il~nr.ss II r!Pn :rllfl r·rHnrnPrcial garden, 17fl; Henrl tn greater loyally, My ings we marie egg nog. 11 lnslr.ri llwsr~ meeting-s the youngsters will giVI' me to be idml, sympn· quality. For inst;trlf'<', he prrlalor!', 17; small grains, surh H1tnds In larger RCl'VIco anrl My out in n shop; '!'hr. main projects o( 8 yenrs of dHiry worlt, Frank· terTihlc, ~o we put coeoa into it. mnlw plans for activities o[ the llwlir~ anrl true; I believe In the oltl, mtloltS<~C'rl nwal is at an ns wlteal anrl oats, ·t!i; IIIHI rorn, Healtil to betler Jiving, for my nrc elolhing nnrl lI'S. 2 omelet thnl was a llltlo burner.!. summe1· months to visit projects, uhlllty It will gil'o nw to h(! lwlp· 'l'al

    completeThe ~m~ lh<.'ll' m~ectprogram mem~~with tlr~ 1 Wlwatfieldstory~Oa~haW~oor~thc club. who wns one nf l~•••••••••••a•••••••••••••••••••••••~•mmomDggm~u~~~~ Vieather Forecast for 30 Days spring achievement day which the outstanding garden dub ",,fill! ll'ii h IIIISI~llHCIII:thlr! t!~mJlt~rahll:es" wi II he held in I 05•1 at Ihe Ma~on members. school on March 25 to 27. At this Herr's Barshn's, story: achievement day all projects will "This is my third year In vege· Why nol; slart thost~ chicl\s a he rlisplayerl hy tJ.I·I cluh mcm· table gardening. The reason I month c•m·lier ihan usual arul p;d bers and given a rating hy lead· lil Eden Elevator out the program of the club and corn. We didn't lil h. [1. Gasoline 1\lotor ·.:' club member ami carries more it J.awn Mowm• , 2 Sets Bloclt_ and Taclde ,. . . , , . , - projects than the avernge. 4 150-ft..'Lengths of 'Y:!·in.l\lanila Rope Rubber-1m•d Wheel Ballow Here is another story by Cnrl 3 Lttdder Jacl1s 3 .50-ft. Garden lloses Mortar Box 'Minnis of the Vanlown club. I S~ecl Carl. in telling about his corn Gat•den Sprayer ami Garden Equipment S.caffold, ,Jaclrs and Planlts for 200-ft. Uuildiu.~ club project, brings out: some in· New 36-ft. Extension Ladder • Miscellaneous Lumber (Whitewood, Wah1ut, Cherry teresting points. 1£i-ft. Hoolt Ladring and they 2 8ets Saw Horses Stoclt Trailer Other l\liscellancous Tools ZERO'S T-20 Vacuum Refrigerated direct-caw-to-tank milking system. ZERO'S pacl>ed the ground down hard. tnnlrs nrc built to last. Stainless steel and steel construction. Shaped liken cylin­ As a rcsul t In plowing it I wore der with rounded ends. Has no heavy hinged lids to lift up and hold. Stands only out 2 sets of plow points and had 39 inches from ·£Joor to top, Bt·ushes with long clumsy hnndlos nrc not needed when nlenning, A short man cnn reach all inside pat'ts with hand, Write today to"work it over more than usuul Terms - Cash Day of ·Sa_le ·Not Responsible for· Accide~ts for.frce blue prints. Give size of your herd. before planting. "Through this project I have lenrnecl that we have to ,be wide a waite. when opemtlng. tools, es· pecially planters. I. hail the ex· PAUL d CARRIE ·K' ILBU RN. 0 ~~rl~~c ~~~dtl~~ p~:~~~e~~.p~:~~~~ ...·· ~an l . ' .· : . ·, . : .. : . ·. . • . . wners Herb. A. M'iller. Sa.les Co. the worlt of the project I have . : · · ·· ,' ... •.. , · : · . i · . · · .. · • ·1 · . · · , 1tad some . good tlmes,.i I was · h d (I k Phone 20 chosen. to go to 4·H .club .week .. ; Ri.c. ~r. .·· ~yrum;' .. er ' .. , .wJtere ; I , met .. maiw ;~\ew·e4,}-I · · ·. . r .· ·· . . . 1::;t;:;,::;~~7:":7-;:-:;::-::~:::;7."~:-:;~;:::~-::-;:~=~~~~~~~~~~~----:-:-:--:- ~.rle11ds,. Al~o 1 ,I »'.~.~·:·.~elected to ••••••••••••illliillliilllliillllliillliiiiili•lilllill•lllillllill••illl•llllilll•llil••••llllillllliil••••lil lim I lltiJ lJPin~-: 1 h rlmllll ~lwuld hn ~olocilng cmly mu luling hYllllds ~t tblell In Hepnt ute lllliJH 01 If Barry Dairymen thn t yield liS lllllch Ill lllQI I! thn II they hn1c to HIHno 1 common Best Hybrid Seed pen tlwy HIH Lllcl h s lllchlonerl the lntc vmletloH I he C.t!ly COil! Learn How to Ill tlcrl af1a1 hPirlf' "fi tnlllt till Provides Farmers USLhtliy mlllllleH bcfo!O (IOH( 1111LI li!O ~llcltlng LUge nil liCt; mutme corn mnltcs better ll\e Control Mastitis J'cerllnr~ r nun!~ Cows fori ra storlt f~ed Ami Ho~slltlll} points lions good fo1 milk pJOrluctlon With Insurance Over In llat ry county out chy mntuw corn docsnt shmurl be In lop henlth frll such Hpoll In stornge A hlghr.r p1lco Is clulrymcm 1111rl ng filuclcnts at llllinns will be buill of good qunl pnlrl fm dry mnttuc wrn whkh tended n dlnlc to lenrn how to lty roughage high In vitamins cont1 ol mtstltls in their lwrds cnn be hnrveHterl In the full hP. liHI enm gy giving gt nlns fore had wr.nthm ~;r.tR In rhnt mcnns n fn1 mm Cllll frectuentlv seer! whcnt nfter harvc,tlng nn eru ly hybtld cm n New hybrids .tl n contlmmlly being developed he notes, and they should be ttlcrl hv fatmm s when the variety hns heen nne· quutely tested to show It's better Bv pl antlng the best hybrid .t yield lncre.tse of two bushels per acre will mm e t h.m pny fot the r ost of the seer! It n grower plmts coin Iot slltge ll s still impo1 tant to hnve ,1 hybud th 1t yields n high .rrnnunt of grain, Rossrn.tn stresses

    J his life would be one of ron

    Leading Brctldll WUITE ROCI{S H•tc.. nr All li11.111111tr Writo !•~ on• Ortvo In or Plr fa germ litis f!H! calf who~e na tut .ti LOWDEN FARMS . senls nrc not bt olwn by bemg sucked by another c ilf Is liternlly HATCHERY bo1 • Jadcaon 2-4600 sc tied tg

    llavmg sold my f.mn I will sell at 1mbhc auction nt tht• plact• :~ malr~ nurth of Stocl•brH1ge on 1\1-92 to Milner road, cast on ~IJIIler road to the secon1l farm.

    1 P. M. TUESDAY, MARCH 16 1 P. M.

    Phone Price Brothers Phone Mason Auct1oneers Stockbridge 2-8761 Maurice & Bob 17 -F-Ill

    Cattle Household Goods 3 Holstem llciicrs, 12 months old, O[Jen Iron Bl'd, Sprmgs antll\fattresst•s 2 Bed Sprmgs Cht st of Dr,t,ver~ D1 essmg Tablt Small Dresser Hogs Wardrobe Cedar Chest L1brary Table Anti1111e Cl!erry Table 3 Poland Chma Gilts, due to fa1 row 111 A11rd Sohd Walnut l)psl< VICtrola and Records