
' 1Video Goes Audio McCune Proves Mettle The ·county (J:'dilorlul-ur ffi•IYh(l it'a lntci•Jratlve Ingham I writhJ«r n1 IHHrltllhiuu - by Nolt~nn fimwn,J Inglunn's JlPp, ,John Mr·Cnno, Winner of Michigan Press General Excellence Award Mason, Michigan, Thursday, March 11, 1954 Ninety·Fifth Year, No. 10 4 Sections 28 Pages ~cr vin~: ills fir Hl l<'t'm 111 tlru hcntBe, IHIH provPrl lrimscl f under· 1 ,lllf' hc.tvresl fire any IC!glslatnr llave You Mel? hr11; drawn liriH year'. State Marshal Mr. und Mrs, Willinm '1', Attndtl'rl oVI'l' lhc rurliu nnrl Hoys, 2'11 State strC!et'? He 'I'V, hy rlnily 111'\VS[JIIIJI'I' e•clilorial lonchcR the sixth grade at School Merger Facts Are ·oue Friday wrltcr·s nnrl by rcporiPJ s who Nudges Mason Lansin~ Everett; she Is the tw!Hlcrl tlrr• fa~·IH, J\lr{'UIIP h.ts 1 .rrlverttHing mnmrgcr Ill MIJis horne up manful!~· Suhlt>l'll'rl to sloJ c in Lansrng. They lmve E'. COLUNB/17 .Sr. teru•ful plem; hy sr·arPrl f'ollr.agncs On Fire Ruins 1c:;lclcd In Mason for G months. Publi( Invited in Jlw legislattu·o nnrl hy polllical Roys Is a nntlvc of Ellwood, il:'llril'l'H !11 hoi h part if's, J\IC'C'unc Somebody will have to 111 wcstcm Pennsylv:rnlu, his has stood firm. AIHIH<'rl hy llqlllll' either build up m· tear clown wife of Muslmgon, It was In To Learn About Jobhylsts and hy mlsll'rl IPII'gr,rm what's left of the Legion Me­ MuRiwgon they mel. Ilc went I 'senriC!r·s anri leiiPJ' wr·llr•r s, lng· I modal building. 'rhe p1·csent there In attend Musi<cgon hnm's scr·orrri'rllstr•kt t'PprPsPnla· ,Jtmior eollege. Mr·s. Roys tnrw I condition, with the ltlll'Oofed I Reorganization JJ\'P lloiS ff'llldJJIPri IIIH[illllliPrl, Vet nu EarleJ was gracluatcrl I wnlls standing, is a public I Fm :l lwnrs TUI"orl.ry nlghl In fmm Michigan Slate h1 1916, I menace and 1.hJ·eat, Slate Fil·e I In the Mason school mull· 11 rtram.rllr• rlC'h.tll' on the floor of mn JOitng in mdlo and speech. I t ite hOIIKf', 1\1['( 'II Ill', II' II iJ able Marshal Arnold Rcnne1· in­ After· 11 yeur at Musltc~on, '" I tol'ium F1·iday night at 8 hf'IJl, HliiVC'cl oil thP srnotlrl'tlng of fot·mcd Mason Fire Chief Lee !toys cnlererl MIC'11igan Slate, I \ I \, o'clock the proposed Hchool iris bill ill .r t'llllllllll li'P I 00111 ![p gt.crluatlng In 1!1:12. lie ts now Austin. \ \ met·gct• will be discussed. H<'OI'Ill'rl tlrl' .trll'ii'C' of c·om· Austin rmtlfir•rl Commrutrlc•t• rlnlng gmdunlc work there on \ prornlsPts Ill' lltsisiPrl 011 " rlt!· Ius maste1 's <ic•grcc, \ I TIH' mcrger was tlr.<;t prnposPtl Lcslte Palmer of llw Lc•gton posl I C'lslorl. Tlrl' fnrr·p of Ius .rr·gu. I>Piwecn high sl'lwnl nncl hy the Al.r!Ptlon sci tool st tttiV <'Oill· c•very ltornr•. llrs hill rlocH not han ot the fii'C! mnrsltal's C"omplalnl. I lllC'IltS a11rJ lftoHI' jli'I'HI'JIIPrJ hy collt•gr! !toys wns an cnliHtcd mlttr•c and .rpjn·ovPd hy the Ill' interfere wtth lolcr:nsting or The Legion lnmleJ', at'eonllng to Jtep. Lours('. C'r.rmton of Lapei'J man In lhP navy, Hmvlng in AIJ!Ierlon 'l'ownslllp llnil sf'itnnl IPit'VIewlng nny sports cl'ent or Auslln, rcpiiPrl lll.rl all LPglon anrl H1•p. '1' ••fr•IIPrson lloxlr. of llw Pa11fte, l!e Is a momhcr of honrrl. Under tlw propos.rl, older· any ollrer kind of l'ntcrlntnmcnt r·ighls to lhc property IHrvc• l1ccn St. Louis rntrll'rl llu• npprrslt ion surrendered to lhe C'ity t'nurwtl, I he Lansing TeaPher·s P!uh and • pupils from l'lcrncnlary i(t.rdes In llowarrl l•'ilwlr nt Lansing's '•I krl l1y Hrp. I loWiil'rl IL'l'a11 oil of Mayor Clairmonl Everltl was at Mlchtgan Slalc was a mcm· K Alalcrlon Ke•lwols would iw WIJM Jeri Jile att.rl'lt agalnsl Me· Mt Cif'me•IJ•r. informC£1 of llw il<'ntif'J' rcr'Jllll· her of Pill Epsilon Kappa, the lrttnspnrlerl In Mason Or11• sdwol, 011 Wl•rlru;s,J,cJ Ill(' McCune• htll !'tllw's bill wllh hmzcn misreprc· mf!nrlaliun Thursday, lie salrl ill' plly:;Jro,tl r•<iucation honorary the Bultrlll, prefer·s annexntion In Wl'lll lfl 1111• [llrlllldry t'llllllllllll'e scnlnltons McCrmt• dcmHnclcrl, will place I he mallet· IJcfrn·e I he Siner• c•omlng In Mason tlw Williamston. 'l'hr.re are .rhout li in lite scn.rll' ,;llJlJllllir•t"l l1.rrl r.x iillrl \ViiS given, a spot on W.JII\1 crntnr•rl Monday ntgill. Hnyscs h<tvo at tcmiC!d tlw families wll h C'luldt·cn r•nrolll'd In pt p•,sr•d 1111' lrnpc• II Wllllid hP II' lo tcfule llll' "bullrollns" w,hlcb The Legion posl owm•d I lw l'reshyterlan church. PoN.O I he (~cnnnn school who also pre· fr.rrPd to lht• sr.JI,tll' Jrquot mm· J•'trwh, .r VIC c pt rscclcn~ of t II<' llltilrling hul Jc.lscrl the J;rnrl, fer nnnexallntl lo Wllllumston, a mrll<'f' Ltf'ttlc•nant (;()Vf'l'llllr ('Jar· st.rttnn, had fl.rsilcd o•1to 'J'V willl'h was given In I he f'it,l' ~0 survey has shnwn. rtH,. A. Hl'trl, IHlWI'Vf'r, rnsrslf'rl scn•cns. ,\'Cars or more ago for park J>Ul' Also hclng c onsrtlcr·ecl 111 Lhr. till' hill'''"' a lr•g.rl m.riii'I'. Sen Jo:cltlnrs lnr aclverlisin,:: man· poses, The Legwnnanes voiPrl Jo distric-t r·cm·g.rnlwtinn plans arc Council Studies '{' alor Ilatt\ llrlli<•, Easl L.ltlsrng, :rgpr•sr of daily newspapers, W~l'· give their lnlcr·cst 111 lhc lnui<i nnncxntlon of the Wilson and is dwirmi1n 11f tlw sl'Jllltc judi ril'd sid< 11Ver l11ss of liquor ad· ing In any nrganlzal ion which lfnwley rllslt'l<'ts Thr. Wilson clary t•ommiltcP. ver listng, l'!'led nul ove1· a lhreat would make the restored lnnldtng ----~------------------------------~~ sdtonl WiiS rlesiJoycd hy flrr. 20 Grader Offers i;j~.: TlrP liquor rniPrests, atrll'ri hy l<1 ptess frl'cdmn. tonverucntly nvailahlc for communtty- USL! C fl711PUI Sr. !<J'l yenrs tlgn Strwc IIH•n nil tltc• some of lhc leklllStcrs .rnrl •.omP ffllg~lllng tlmt the only f1ccdom 11\f're have hccn no talwrs. -----------------------------. t;; pupils have been transporl!•rl to rlarly ncwspapr.r·s, hnve now of the press rs I he rii(ht of the Esltmates In 1cslolc the hutld· From 4 Firms MnRon. '!'he Ltpper :l grades of the tumcrl tl)('ll' nt·e• on IIH• sc:n.rll'. peopiP to know the truth, even if mg to the s,lmC! conrh lion 11 was !Inwlcy ·"'ilnol arc nnw attcnlling­ WHAT HAS DEIGN CROP LAND in a rods of frontage on Maple. Mn;. Margat·ct hoping In stitlt• lire hill 111 e•om advcrtrsing 1evcnue l,c lost. The,\' in he fore the firC! run mound Mason C'lasscs A ~purl ttl enroll· F o u 1' manufactut·ers or residential area will be the site for a new millet• 'J'Jrp Jllthlre ts slrll herng ,1Jso f11ri(ol th:tl rwlthcr TV nor $50,000. sales agents want 1o sell a Jordan owns the stl'ip scpamtlng the site mcnl 111 the JJ.rwlcy rlislrlct has Irrrl to ahmrl lhr• lllll\'t•,Jons of the liquor rndustry is free. Usc of the building for a cily stt·eet grader to Mason. Theil· Nazarene church and on part of the 8-acre from Maple. If Steele street is extended it rcsullcrl tn a !Trsrs t hPr c 1 hall and fire stat ron, for ,c c·rvtc lite IHII. wluli1 SI'C'l<s only lo 'Lit il Unlike rwwspapcrs, TV is II· prices range from parcel an cast side elementary school may Wllsnn l•'tn•or·s ;lh•a·~:-r•r auditorium and Ior S<'lwol pur· $3,100 to will divide the propetiy, three-quattcrs lying cliamalic advr•tlisrng and rlocs not c·ensrd, has lo he licensed. So Is On an lnfnrm.rl voJP Tue~cJ.rv $8,858 including a trade-in of be et·ected. The 8 acres bought ft·om Mr. and west of Steele extended and about one­ b;rn any l1111ri nf enlcrl.rinnwnt or· the liquor mduslr,\'. Distillers ami poses has been consider·ccJ, hut nlghl, fnllowrng a discussiOn "f no actlon of any ktncl has been the present gt·adm·. Mrs. Jesse Burgess extends between Maple spot!~; tclcmsl wlralt 'lt'l brcwPrs must procure licemes. quarter east of the extension. There's also 1he merger prnposnl, Wil~on ciP•'· taken. Mc·Cune• h.rcl the c•our ;rgp to so must whulcsalcrs and rclalJ. The council took the bids Mon· and Columbia. It lies at the cast end of tors f,lvnr<'!d the plnn 0 The One suggestion is thai tile clay nigh I. The decision w111 not frontage enough on Columbia west of lhe :Jo IllllllrlllcP .r measun• lil.rl TV ers The liquor contr·oJ comntis· mr.ctlng was held al ti1P home n{ school take over tile properly and be announced unlil next Monday Sycamore street and on the east joins the street extension to give acccs~ to the site.
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