Crtmtp Crtpotr VOL
Crtmtp Crtpotr VOL. XCIX NO. 13 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE SINCE 1904 JANUARY 30,2001 Perry Promises Budget Fix A Quiet Day for Zack Perry is Elected SGA Vice President of Financing The SGA Elections those who did show up to vote, BY DAVIS ALBOHM BY SABRINA DUNLAP News Writer News Writer many offered write-ins on the ballots but there were no over- whelming write-ins for any The SGA recently initiated Continuing a proud tradition, one person, leaving the candi- plans to alleviate the funding the Student Government Asso- dates without competition. crisis that it faces. Last Thurs- ciation elections held semi-an- The previous Vice President day, Zack Perry '03 was elected nual 'non-elections' in the lobby of Finance, who was im- to the position of Vice President of Mather Hall on January 24. peached this past fall, was tem- of Finance, and has significant Unlike previous second se- porarily filled by Shawn Lee plans to reorganize the alloca- mester elections, this year more in accordance with SGA poli- tion of funds involving SGA. slots than normally expected cies. However, Lee did not The current problems are needed to be filled due to the choose to run for election, in- based around the fact that allo- loss of seven of its members stead passing the torch to cated funds to student groups from last semester. The SGA tra- Zachary A. Perry '03, who also on campus are not properly ditionally holds elections each ran uncontested. overseen, and therefore money term to fill positions left by stu- is not spent fairly, evenly, or ef- dents who choose to study ficiently among student groups, abroad.
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