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Crtmtp Crtpotr VOL. XCIX NO. 13 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE SINCE 1904 JANUARY 30,2001 Perry Promises Budget Fix A Quiet Day for Zack Perry is Elected SGA Vice President of Financing The SGA Elections those who did show up to vote, BY DAVIS ALBOHM BY SABRINA DUNLAP News Writer News Writer many offered write-ins on the ballots but there were no over- whelming write-ins for any The SGA recently initiated Continuing a proud tradition, one person, leaving the candi- plans to alleviate the funding the Student Government Asso- dates without competition. crisis that it faces. Last Thurs- ciation elections held semi-an- The previous Vice President day, Zack Perry '03 was elected nual 'non-elections' in the lobby of Finance, who was im- to the position of Vice President of Mather Hall on January 24. peached this past fall, was tem- of Finance, and has significant Unlike previous second se- porarily filled by Shawn Lee plans to reorganize the alloca- mester elections, this year more in accordance with SGA poli- tion of funds involving SGA. slots than normally expected cies. However, Lee did not The current problems are needed to be filled due to the choose to run for election, in- based around the fact that allo- loss of seven of its members stead passing the torch to cated funds to student groups from last semester. The SGA tra- Zachary A. Perry '03, who also on campus are not properly ditionally holds elections each ran uncontested. overseen, and therefore money term to fill positions left by stu- is not spent fairly, evenly, or ef- dents who choose to study ficiently among student groups, abroad. commented SGA President J. However, many of the seven Russell Fugett '01. new members will fill positions According to Fugett, since which their predecessor unex- 1992 the Student Services bud- pectedly abandoned. Some of get has quadrupled, while the The New VP of Finance, Zack Perry, hopes to save Budget. these departures were allegedly Student Activities Fund has money, we will get it." group that owed $14,000 from attributed to the procedures only been increased by $30. Fugett indeed stated that past years, a check request that taken by the SGA concerning Also, this is the first year in TCAC has more planned for the SGA granted earlier this the impeachment of Ward quite some time where the SGA spring weekend this year com- year. MacDonald '01. Other former is working on the difficult task pared to last year's festivities.' Perry was elected Thursday members left the SGA for rea- of operating in the black, "TCAC has been nervous con- to the position previously held sons of scheduling problems or whereas past years the organi- cerning the amount of money by Ward MacDpnaA4^3Qft?I zation has completed the ac'a- they will receive this year, but I Vice President' of Finance. Those running for these six demic year in debt. have reassured them that we Perry, although only a sopho- Senator at Large positions were HANNAH CANT As concerns arise on campus will do everything we can to se- more, is entering his fourth se- Andy Kennedy '04, Kara Klenk Casting ballots Wednesday. concerning the fate of Spring cure sufficient funds." mester on the SGA Budget '02, Alain Lopez '04, Melissa In order to run for a position, Weekend, Fugett is convinced Fugett stated that one of the Committee, and has a strong Meza '03, Lysandra Ohrstrom each nominated person must that the weekend is not in jeop- main reasons the SGA is in fi- background in the financial ser- '04, and Jake Schneider '04. All have a petition signed with the ardy, and will occur as sched- nancial trouble is the fact that vices field. of the candidates ran uncon- correct amount of signatures. uled in late April. "I have faith this year student group bills Last summer he worked for tested, leaving no cause for close Running for Vice President of in President Dobelle and the ad- have arisen from past years, and the city of Middletown, Con- calls, or as Christian Sorace '03 Finance required seventy-five ministration. If we need extra must be paid. He cited one see PERRY on page nine commented, "even voting." Of see ELECTION page seven Trinity Admissions Statistics Bode Well For the College as general admission, will con- to increase both at Trinity and time. When all applications He feels it will contribute to BY MARCIE clude. Based on what the Ad- nationwide. At Trinity, the have been received that number "improving Trinity's status, and \ YOSELEVSKY missions Office has seen number of applicants in ED II is is expected to surpass last years increasing the value of a Trin- News Writer through of ED I, next year's larger than in ED I, exceeding remarkable tally. ity diploma." freshman class looks to con- last year's pace by about 10%. The students already granted Larry Dow, 73, Dean of Ad- For 131 high school seniors tinue the upward trend in quali- Though the deadline for appli- admission were selected from a missions and Financial Aid, across the country, college ap- fications such as SAT scores and cation was January 15, those pool of 205. They distinguished notes he has seen an increase in plication anxiety is finally over. community involvement. with extensions will continue themselves from last year's ED I the number of students inter- They have been accepted in At this time, the number of to trickle in for slightly longer. pool in several ways: their SAT ested in Trinity because of com- Trinity College's Class of '05 in applications for the incoming The admissions office proudly average is 5 points higher, a munity service opportunities. the first round of Early Decision class exceeds last year's number announced the number of ap- greater percentage are students Many applicants have written [EDI]. In the next few months of 5340. Furthermore, the num- plications has already crossed of color, and greater geographic essays in which they point to the second round of EDI, as well ber of ED applicants continues the 5000 mark for the second diversity is represented. opportunities for community J. Russell Fugett '01 was ex- involvement as being a key fac- cited "to hear about the greater tor in their choice of Trinity, he multi-cultural and geographi- says. Trinity has done its part cal diversity" of the still form- not only to create these oppor- ing class. "It reflects the work tunities, but also to promote done by President Dobelle and awareness of them. Perspective the Admissions Office," he says. see STATISTICS page seven INSIDE THIS WEEK'S ' "Speedos are Neato" say Commentary on Clinton sports editors in an indepth administration 'pranks' on look at the history of the Georgie W. 's transition speedo seep. 20 team ..seep. 13 An analysis of student News page 6 relationship, or lack ^^ZZZZ^'jO. r thereof, on the Trinity ^rts page J3 LAURA RAND Campus seep. 10 Announcements page J8 The remains of a 19 story building in downtown Hartford. The demolition occurred this Sunday. Sports page 24 PAGE 2 OPINION THE TRINITY TRIPOD -JANUARY 30,2001 Cheating and Crinitp Honor at Trinity How ironic that in the midst case, and either the threat of James E. Cabot'02 Abigail F. Thomas '03 of discussion about a campus checks being stopped or the EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MANAGING EDITOR honor code we witness one of promise of more to come leads the most widespread and pub- to the student being given an- NEWS EDITORS : . OPINION EDITORS lic cases of cheating in recent other chance. Who says : Micah Cogen '03 Kristin Powell '03 Brian Nanos '03 }. Ashe Reardon '02 rehabilitation is dead? Patrick R. Noonan The other factor is much more subtle. One FEATURES EDITOR ARTS EDITORS The Last Hurrah Nathaniel Silver'02 SashaBratt'03 Adrian Kudler'04 of the factors in assess- - ing colleges is the per- memory? Clearly, at an aca- centage of students SPORTS EDITORS ANNOUNCEMENT EDITOR demic institution, cheating matriculated that eventually Coley Dale '03 Shane Early '03 Lissy Wdodhams '03 must be viewed as one of the end up graduating. The largest most serious infractions a stu- cause of students leaving is PHOTOGRAPHY EDITORS PRODUCTION MANAGER dent can commit. For the most transfers or withdrawals; how- Story Bingenheimer '04 Hannah Gant '03 James Nadzieja '04 part the College's punishments ever, if we were to expel more Laura Rand '03 thus far reflect that principle. students, this percentage would However, all too often the ad- rise, and our dream of moving ministration refuses to deal out up in the ranks would become SENIOR EDITORS: Dan Berman '01, Beth Gilligan '01, Patrick Nopnan '01, the most severe punishment harder. Matthew Purnshoiham '01,Renay SrhqUcomb '01, Geoffrey Stevens'01, Stark Townend '01, possible - expulsion. Nevertheless, if we are to .: ••;..- Clvmtnpp, '01,Andrew.'Weiss '01 •. .:•."_"]•:":. : Whether or not this case mer- want to fulfill our mission as an ited an expulsion instead of a educational community, we three-semester suspension is must realize that integrity not for me to decide. However, comes with a price. Moreover, during the course of my Trinity if we take the step of punishing career there have been numer- ?J ; ; ti3W serious wrongdoers, the likeli- BUSINESS MANAGER :i*| - ;""''"'' ' ' * BUDGET DOCTOR ous instances of students pun- hood of that action being re- Lara Harisay'03 Carolyn Rued'03 ished for outrageous and peated become much less. The repugnant behavior only to be entire student body would see , back on campus after a semes- the risk of engaging in such be- ter - if that.