Crtmtp Crtpotr VOL. XCIX NO. 13 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE SINCE 1904 JANUARY 30,2001 Perry Promises Budget Fix A Quiet Day for Zack Perry is Elected SGA Vice President of Financing The SGA Elections those who did show up to vote, BY DAVIS ALBOHM BY SABRINA DUNLAP News Writer News Writer many offered write-ins on the ballots but there were no over- whelming write-ins for any The SGA recently initiated Continuing a proud tradition, one person, leaving the candi- plans to alleviate the funding the Student Government Asso- dates without competition. crisis that it faces. Last Thurs- ciation elections held semi-an- The previous Vice President day, Zack Perry '03 was elected nual 'non-elections' in the lobby of Finance, who was im- to the position of Vice President of Mather Hall on January 24. peached this past fall, was tem- of Finance, and has significant Unlike previous second se- porarily filled by Shawn Lee plans to reorganize the alloca- mester elections, this year more in accordance with SGA poli- tion of funds involving SGA. slots than normally expected cies. However, Lee did not The current problems are needed to be filled due to the choose to run for election, in- based around the fact that allo- loss of seven of its members stead passing the torch to cated funds to student groups from last semester. The SGA tra- Zachary A. Perry '03, who also on campus are not properly ditionally holds elections each ran uncontested. overseen, and therefore money term to fill positions left by stu- is not spent fairly, evenly, or ef- dents who choose to study ficiently among student groups, abroad. commented SGA President J. However, many of the seven Russell Fugett '01. new members will fill positions According to Fugett, since which their predecessor unex- 1992 the Student Services bud- pectedly abandoned. Some of get has quadrupled, while the The New VP of Finance, Zack Perry, hopes to save Budget. these departures were allegedly Student Activities Fund has money, we will get it." group that owed $14,000 from attributed to the procedures only been increased by $30. Fugett indeed stated that past years, a check request that taken by the SGA concerning Also, this is the first year in TCAC has more planned for the SGA granted earlier this the impeachment of Ward quite some time where the SGA spring weekend this year com- year. MacDonald '01. Other former is working on the difficult task pared to last year's festivities.' Perry was elected Thursday members left the SGA for rea- of operating in the black, "TCAC has been nervous con- to the position previously held sons of scheduling problems or whereas past years the organi- cerning the amount of money by Ward MacDpnaA4^3Qft?I zation has completed the ac'a- they will receive this year, but I Vice President' of Finance. Those running for these six demic year in debt. have reassured them that we Perry, although only a sopho- Senator at Large positions were HANNAH CANT As concerns arise on campus will do everything we can to se- more, is entering his fourth se- Andy Kennedy '04, Kara Klenk Casting ballots Wednesday. concerning the fate of Spring cure sufficient funds." mester on the SGA Budget '02, Alain Lopez '04, Melissa In order to run for a position, Weekend, Fugett is convinced Fugett stated that one of the Committee, and has a strong Meza '03, Lysandra Ohrstrom each nominated person must that the weekend is not in jeop- main reasons the SGA is in fi- background in the financial ser- '04, and Jake Schneider '04. All have a petition signed with the ardy, and will occur as sched- nancial trouble is the fact that vices field. of the candidates ran uncon- correct amount of signatures. uled in late April. "I have faith this year student group bills Last summer he worked for tested, leaving no cause for close Running for Vice President of in President Dobelle and the ad- have arisen from past years, and the city of Middletown, Con- calls, or as Christian Sorace '03 Finance required seventy-five ministration. If we need extra must be paid. He cited one see PERRY on page nine commented, "even voting." Of see ELECTION page seven Trinity Admissions Statistics Bode Well For the College as general admission, will con- to increase both at Trinity and time. When all applications He feels it will contribute to BY MARCIE clude. Based on what the Ad- nationwide. At Trinity, the have been received that number "improving Trinity's status, and \ YOSELEVSKY missions Office has seen number of applicants in ED II is is expected to surpass last years increasing the value of a Trin- News Writer through of ED I, next year's larger than in ED I, exceeding remarkable tally. ity diploma." freshman class looks to con- last year's pace by about 10%. The students already granted Larry Dow, 73, Dean of Ad- For 131 high school seniors tinue the upward trend in quali- Though the deadline for appli- admission were selected from a missions and Financial Aid, across the country, college ap- fications such as SAT scores and cation was January 15, those pool of 205. They distinguished notes he has seen an increase in plication anxiety is finally over. community involvement. with extensions will continue themselves from last year's ED I the number of students inter- They have been accepted in At this time, the number of to trickle in for slightly longer. pool in several ways: their SAT ested in Trinity because of com- Trinity College's Class of '05 in applications for the incoming The admissions office proudly average is 5 points higher, a munity service opportunities. the first round of Early Decision class exceeds last year's number announced the number of ap- greater percentage are students Many applicants have written [EDI]. In the next few months of 5340. Furthermore, the num- plications has already crossed of color, and greater geographic essays in which they point to the second round of EDI, as well ber of ED applicants continues the 5000 mark for the second diversity is represented. opportunities for community J. Russell Fugett '01 was ex- involvement as being a key fac- cited "to hear about the greater tor in their choice of Trinity, he multi-cultural and geographi- says. Trinity has done its part cal diversity" of the still form- not only to create these oppor- ing class. "It reflects the work tunities, but also to promote done by President Dobelle and awareness of them. Perspective the Admissions Office," he says. see STATISTICS page seven


"Speedos are Neato" say Commentary on Clinton sports editors in an indepth administration 'pranks' on look at the history of the Georgie W. 's transition speedo seep. 20 team ..seep. 13

An analysis of student News page 6 relationship, or lack ^^ZZZZ^'jO. r thereof, on the Trinity ^rts page J3 LAURA RAND Campus seep. 10 Announcements page J8 The remains of a 19 story building in downtown Hartford. The demolition occurred this Sunday. Sports page 24 PAGE 2 OPINION THE TRINITY TRIPOD -JANUARY 30,2001 Cheating and Crinitp Honor at Trinity How ironic that in the midst case, and either the threat of James E. Cabot'02 Abigail F. Thomas '03 of discussion about a campus checks being stopped or the EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MANAGING EDITOR honor code we witness one of promise of more to come leads the most widespread and pub- to the student being given an- NEWS EDITORS : . OPINION EDITORS lic cases of cheating in recent other chance. Who says : Micah Cogen '03 Kristin Powell '03 Brian Nanos '03 }. Ashe Reardon '02 rehabilitation is dead? Patrick R. Noonan The other factor is much more subtle. One FEATURES EDITOR ARTS EDITORS The Last Hurrah Nathaniel Silver'02 SashaBratt'03 Adrian Kudler'04 of the factors in assess- - ing colleges is the per- memory? Clearly, at an aca- centage of students SPORTS EDITORS ANNOUNCEMENT EDITOR demic institution, cheating matriculated that eventually Coley Dale '03 Shane Early '03 Lissy Wdodhams '03 must be viewed as one of the end up graduating. The largest most serious infractions a stu- cause of students leaving is PHOTOGRAPHY EDITORS PRODUCTION MANAGER dent can commit. For the most transfers or withdrawals; how- Story Bingenheimer '04 Hannah Gant '03 James Nadzieja '04 part the College's punishments ever, if we were to expel more Laura Rand '03 thus far reflect that principle. students, this percentage would However, all too often the ad- rise, and our dream of moving ministration refuses to deal out up in the ranks would become SENIOR EDITORS: Dan Berman '01, Beth Gilligan '01, Patrick Nopnan '01, the most severe punishment harder. Matthew Purnshoiham '01,Renay SrhqUcomb '01, Geoffrey Stevens'01, Stark Townend '01, possible - expulsion. Nevertheless, if we are to .: ••;..- Clvmtnpp, '01,Andrew.'Weiss '01 •. .:•."_"]•:":. : Whether or not this case mer- want to fulfill our mission as an ited an expulsion instead of a educational community, we three-semester suspension is must realize that integrity not for me to decide. However, comes with a price. Moreover, during the course of my Trinity if we take the step of punishing career there have been numer- ?J ; ; ti3W serious wrongdoers, the likeli- BUSINESS MANAGER :i*| - ;""''"'' ' ' * BUDGET DOCTOR ous instances of students pun- hood of that action being re- Lara Harisay'03 Carolyn Rued'03 ished for outrageous and peated become much less. The repugnant behavior only to be entire student body would see , back on campus after a semes- the risk of engaging in such be- ter - if that. If the school is truly havior and might refrain. Looking Toward the Future serious about eliminating scan- Instead of nitpicking over al- dals such as these, then we must cohol rules and the housing Admissions statistics are a yearly measure of Trinity's worth in the dis- be willing to expel students code, the administration criminating eyes of the nation's top high school seniors. As such, this year's when appropriate. should focus on the most egre- record-breaking set of statistics sends a strong message to the entire Trin- 1 am not saying that there gious violations of College should be a Stalinesque purge of rules, which continue to go on. ity community. The message is that the College is moving in the right di- the student body, but there are Instances of cheating must be rection. The message is that we have made the right commitments, and certain infractions that erode better policed by faculty mem- tA^hed.fe right riietoric into rea^ , our integrity as a community. bers, a number of whom are In these situations, the perpetra- known. aroufid'trie Car&ptiSfbr; In particular, it is exciting to hear that applicants no longer are driven tor must be permanently re- being oblivious to its occur- away by the perception that the neighborhoods surrounding Trinity are moved. These would include: rence. The student body, espe- dangerous, run-down and devoid of life. Rather, the challenge of contin- selling drugs, possession of hard cially its leaders, must set the drugs, severe instances of cheat- bar much higher in terms of ued outreach and service seems to have struck a chord with many appli- ing or academic dishonesty, what will be socially tolerated. cants. sexual assault, theft/larceny, An honor code could go a This is a moment when all who are involved with the leadership of the etc. long way toward instilling bet- While it is impossible to cre- ter morals and values in the College should congratulate themselves. Only one other NESCAC school ate a catchall list, there-must be student body. In order for it to can boast of a continual increase in admissions numbers over the past ten a line that can never be crossed. work, however, we as students years. The reward is 131 high school seniors who have committed to being In recent months, one student must accept it in both a positive has assaulted a female Campus and negative sense - supporting a part of Trinity's Class of "05. This is the most diverse, talented group in Safety officer, while another led the fundamental ethos as well the College's history, and we have every reason to be proud. police in chase, nearly run- as fearing the repercussions of This is not a moment for complacency, however. Having made great ning someone over. The former violating these most pivotal te- is back on campus while the lat- nets of the college. It would be strides to improve the neighborhood and change the relationship between ter has the option to return next nice to think that the Trinity the neighborhood and Trinity, we should now take a long look at ourselves. year. student body would change First and foremost, we must work toward a community in which academic If I had to guess, I would say over night with the introduc- that there are two reasons for tion of an honor code; that we dishonesty is condemned, and not accepted. this trend against expelling stu- would follow the rules instinc- This is no longer an abstract issue. Currently, the College is faced with a dents: money and statistics. tively and without coercion. major cheating scandal. The way in which this incident is handled will The money factor comes in But as long as human nature re- when a student from an afflu- mains the same, we will need largely determine the environment into which the Class of 2005 is placed ent background is involved in a sticks as well as carrots. next September. If we send a strong message this new class will under- stand faster than any.other what the true values and expectations of this community are. If we send a weak, or mixed, message, we will be guilty of debasing an institution that we have worked so hard to strengthen and While Pillow Talk was unable to watch the Super Bowl on promote. Sunday, it did not miss the season premier of Survivor, which officially marks the beginning of the end... Best of luck to the new White House staff on re-attaching those missing 'W's. The Trinity Tripod is published every Tuesday, excludingyacations, by the students of Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. The Tripod office is located in the basement of Jackson Dormitory. Here's to football players with a Address all correspondences to: The Trinity Tripod, Trinity College #702582, The Super Bowl penchant for murder...or at least 300 SummiiStreet,Hartford,CT 06106-3100. for watching someone else do it Subscribe to The Tripod: $15for 11 issues (1 semester), $28for 22 issues (1 year), $50 for 44 issues (2 years), $90 for 88 issues (4 years). Prospects for a Trinity "I didn't see that the person next Editor-in-Chief Business Office FAX College Honor Code , to me was cheating because I was busy looking at his paper." (860)297-2583 (860)297-2584 (860)297-5161 Letters to TheTrinity Tripod must be received by 5:00 PM on the Friday before publication. Letters should be addressed to the Editor, not a particular individual. No unsigned or anonymous letjt^s will be published. However, names will be withheld at the author's request. The Tripod will not publish any letters deemed by Survivor Remember when they would the editors to be an attack on an individual's character or personality. Otherwise, all opinions expressed put good shows after the Super will be given a forum. Bowl? All letters are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of The Tripod. The editors of The Tripod reserve the right to edit all letters for clarity or brevity. Letters may be submitted via: Trinity College Hockey Team^ U-4-2 • CAMPUS MAIL: BOK 702582 • E-MAIL: [email protected] • CAMPUS NETWORK: General Resources/Docex/Tripod

/• JANUARY 30,2001 - THE TRINITY TRIPOD OPINION PAGE 3 Creating an Honor Code For Trinity Students Students and faculty can work together and foster an atmosphere of academic integrity at Trinity In the wake of the History method to root out cheating." concern on the part of students. clearly states:" the Honor Code apply to sourcing the Internet. class-cheating incident, the Put another way, an Honor The College Affairs Commit- is an understanding of the stu- In the unfortunate event subject of whether or not to Code would serve the purpose tee, which is working on the dents, individually and collec- where a student has violated the implement an Honor Code at of putting both students and Honor Code, has invited all in- tively." Honor Code, Trinity must be —— faculty on the same terested students to attend its Stanford's Honor Code came able to provide an open and fair page when it comes to open meetings. about after a seven-year cam- process whereby the rights of J. Ashe Reardon issues like cheating and But cheating is not the paign effort by the students for both parties are guaranteed. Insights and Affairs plagiarism. only concern expressed by its implementation and has The student or students accused Fulco, who is among students when it comes to been revised several times, most must be treated as innocent un- . a handful of professors Trinity's academics. Among recently in 1977. But what is til proven guilty, made aware of Trinity has received height- heading the charge to adopt an other things, students are most clear about Stanford's all evidence and be provided ac- ened attention. Unfortunately, honor code at Trinity, made ex- concerned about not having Honor Code is the input by the cess to non-partial judicial it seems, there is considerable plicit to me the importance of enough rights, and about students that is necessary to its councilors. misunderstanding on the sub- student input in the imple- academic freedom not being success. For their part, the complain- ject, more specifically on dis- mentation of an Honor Code. guaranteed within the Trin- There are certainly issues ant must be assured that justice cerning a clear purpose for Indeed, there are currently a ity community. of concern that we must ad- will be served according to the enacting an Honor Code. number of students working When I asked Professor Fulco dress carefully before adopt- Honor Code and that it is trans- Is the purpose to simply root together to lay down a set of about these and other concerns ing an Honor Code, the first parent and fair. out cheating by pitting stu- principals that would govern as expressed by the students, she of which is how to walk the Justice cannot be compro- dents against each other and an Honor Code. If the creation said that such issues were cer- fine line between ensuring mised. Unfortunately, without a encouraging them to go on of an Honor Code is perceived tainly legitimate and would be academic integrity on the clear-cut set of principals on the McCarthy-esque rampages in a as a unilateral effort on the part addressed in due course. one hand and on the other, table for all to see, justice has a vein search for the "truth"? Is of the faculty, not only will Honor Codes have been students' rights. tendency to be overlooked. the sole purpose of implement- academic integrity suffer, but adopted by dozens of colleges Here we must make clear the Trinity is going through a ing an Honor Code to thwart students will also feel disen- and universities, both public and point that a successful Honor. time of tremendous change, cheating? And wouldn't it sim- franchised. • : private, as well as by all the Mili- Code should be on whose stated and while our efforts at Urban tary Academies. And, while all purpose is to preempt incidents Renewal and fundraising of these Honor Codes have the of cheating rather than acting have proved a success, our The first step in creating an Honor Code is same general purpose of assur- as a vehicle of prosecution. reputation as an academic in- ing academic integrity, their This is an area of special con- stitution leaves something to to lay down some guiding principals to serve composition- and exact wording • cern-given the endemic use-of.. be desired. - . ;•-.• -- as a foundation for Trinity's acadenjic life. are a reflection of the specific the Internet as a source of infor- An Honor Code would bring values of the institution impler mation'by students. Unfortu- •a sense of both fairness and le- menting it. nately, most students are gitimacy and trust to our com- ply rock what is already per- -11 What seems to be: the most Professor Fulco: imagines a: unawareof the standards that. munity. ceived as an acrimonious rela- important thing to understand "modified Honor Code that tionship between the faculty about an Honor Code is that its would not require turning in and students? . . -.,.,.-. ...,, intended purpose is to set forth other students." This is impor- The first thing that must be commonly agreed upon prin- tant in gaining student support Missing the Point understood about an honor cipals in order to enhance the for those who want to avoid be- code is.its intended purpose, academic experience here at coming known of as snitches. on Trin. Tenure Track which goes well beyond simply Trinity For all—both students Other specifics of an Honor Code will be fleshed OTICa s the avoiding• the- most, recent df y :30.£h. out,of5J onjulhtim&pmf&ssors, process evolves. known cheating incident at Iri bettering academic life at Trinity. Trinity (by making transparent Nonetheless, the first step is to Welcome to this, the third ulty ratio. "The purpose of an honor what is and what is not appro- achieve some common guiding week of the semester, where it's For the sake of space, let me code is to define Trinity as an priate, both in rules for aca- principals that will serve to gov- Survivor time. No, not that please assume I don't need to , academic community," says demic honesty and in the ern an Honor Code at Trinity. spend much time explaining professor of political science As Stanford University's why full-time professors are proceedings when a cheating DA.NBERM.AN Adrienne Fulco, "the Honor incident comes up), we will be honor code, which has been in necessary at a school like Trin- Code is not principally a able to address other issues of existence since the fall of 1921, Controlling the Assumptions ity. As a liberal arts college, we pride ourselves on student con- lousy sleep-inducing show on tact with faculty, reasonably CBS (I'm referring to the Super low class sizes, and faculty par- Bowl, of course), but the annual ticipation in the life of the col- time at Trinity where we begin lege outside of the classroom. to find out which favorite pro- And being a reasonably decent fessor won't be here next year. school, with record applica- For some reason, Trinity has tions for the second straight tremendous difficulty with the year, having a high percentage concept of hiring full-time pro- of faculty members who won't fessors. You know, the professors, be here next year shouldn't be with tenure or tenure-track po- something we have to think sitions whom will spend the about. lion's share of their career at Full-time faculty members Trinity. are more likely to take an inter- The professors who given the est in student life, go to club security will relocate them- meetings, serve as advisors selves and their families to the (official and unofficial), and Greater Hartford area. The ones teach First-Year Seminars. In a we'll keep in touch with and re- college, the faculty is the con- member for their positive im- stant, not the students, admin- pact on our lives. istration or trustees. Students Sadly, Trinity appears ready should not have to worry if and willing to continue with its their favorite professor won't be pathetic low percentage of full- around next year, or have to time faculty. According to the search for another advisor be- September 2000 US News Lib- cause we will be at Trinity eral Arts College rankings, only longer than they will. 84 percent of Trinity's faculty is th And students definitely full-time. That makes us 50 shouldn't have to worry that out of the top 51 liberal arts col- they'll have trouble finishing leges. Only Bard College of New their major because the depart- York is below us, at 79 percent. ment or program can't offer The news gets worse if you certain classes because they're consider US News' "Tier 2" col- either short on professors or the leges. Only three of those entire department went on schools have percentages below sabbatical at the same time. Trinity's, including such'no- What's going on around tables as Birmingham-Southern here? 84 percent isn't just bad ~ College and Mulhenberg Col- : th it's atrocious! Look at some of lege (PA). So Trinity is 77 out of our traditional rivals/measur- the top 81 liberal arts colleges TCAC promotional ploys that never made it when it comes to full-time fac- Continued on page 5 •••• THE TRINITY TRIPOD -JANUARY PAGE 4 OPINION 30,2001 The President of The College Chess Club Reflects on Current State of Trinity College election's elimination round, I like honesty and integrity lege exists for me, 1 mean, since something must be appar- BY WARD know a shoe-in for Chess Club and apathy and apparently lama student and all, should go ently done. MACDONALD President for next year. my head hurts. somewhere else. Wait, hold on... k, still there? President of The Wait, I'm getting in front of For 2 and point FIVE days, Let's fire Fire FIRE them! It Sorry, sometimes I feel like no- Trinity Chess Club myself. the chess club has pushed for takes a village... or maybe a body cares why the Chess Club We have put forth many ini- the Tea-Card. The Tea-Card shanty or hovel or... definitely can't get anything done. The following is satire... just in tiatives and agendas, and some would allow the students, for not a shack... a grouping of tents An honor code must provide case you didn't read the tripod of them have been successful. I the first time, to have an iden- last week think they have because no- tity (ID). But also, you get to have You may remember me from body has complained about the Tea with Dean Card, once every Trinity College needs, in no particular order, such memorable publications Chess Club doing nothing. week. And with the Tea-Card, a Gap on Zion, an honor code and a hot tub as "Violating our own Constitu- It's a good thing they don't you can do your laundry, which filled with JeII-0 on the main quad tion,""The Facts are Irrelevant," know that we are running is a brand new idea that hon- and "Guilty Until Proven Inno- out of money and will need estly nobody has ever heard of cent." During my last three days help to fund our chess club before. Aren't you impressed? as president of the Chess Club, chess-athon spring week- "During this period we to make a village community an academic code of con- 1 have attempted to put forth an end? But, don't worry, we have apparently seen little with tents. duct, but, you know what, agenda and plan for the agenda. have planned ahead, Daryl progress on this initiative. As a result of discussions honor isn't only about aca- Now, I have been told that at- Claiborne promised to bail This is a display of apathy I have had with others, that demic stuff. Therefore, in tempting to put forth an agenda us out when we run short. most likely. The administra- is, discussions I have not had our community we need in- is kinda' like attempting to But it will still be a student tion has not only failed, but with myself... (go away tegrity, loyalty, justicery, think, but let me tell you, trying event, 1 swear! But let's not talk it has also apparently failed, voices... go away!), I have re- strategery, respect, to make this project become alized that there are poten- fairnessicity and bear neces- a reality, for real. tially other issues that need sity. I apparently have said We have also requested that to be addressed. that these things must be To attempt to think for an entire group networked computers be made Least importantly did you apart of my honor code. of people is as hard as putting forth an available to students. That, and know that Daryl Claiborne That statement is my bond. we have asked for all of the runs our elections, issues orders But, in order for our honor agenda. But I digest.. squirrels on campus to be caged to our elected executive officers, code to work, students must and trained for the circus. So I threatens weaker students and embrace it, so it works...just say, how can we ever expect to has me in his pocket. But let's get like, in order for the school not see Tea with Dean Card become to the grass roots of Trinity's to burn down, we need to not to attempt to think for an entire about that, because I say so, and a reality if our simplest requests problems. Trinity College set it on fire, so it doesn't burn group of people is as hard as that's how a presidency works. create little action? needs, in no particular order, down... wait, no, ok yeah. putting forth an agenda. But I This week I intend to fin- The blame falls squarely on a Gap on Zion, an honor All in all, other than the digest... ish what I have started. I the administration for failing to code and a hot tub filled great stuff that has worked, Things aren't so bad, we have know that as president.of follow through on my promises. with Jell-0 on the main the stuff that I left out that quality people in this school the Chess Club I will do ev- Okay, I have been allegedly im- quad. The Gap and the Jell- is, nothing is working. But as that can make a change, that is erything with honesty and plied to have seemingly failed, CD speak'for themselves, but long as we don't give into unless we manipulate our con- integrity, that is, if I end up but what more can we do than cheating occurs too fre- pressure from peers, such as stitution and keep them off the . doing something that 1 can't to keep on requesting? quently on this campus. Mather front desk^ key ballots. That's for the best blame on somebody else. Therefore I request that those It occurred in high school. thieves and inspirational chough. lean makesure that the Oh, I wanted to tell you members of the administration Now, as a second semester vandals, and if you trust me, people that voice my opinion about this great idea that I who lack the integrity and re- senior, in my third day as our education and our run uncontested. After this had. It is to use "y" words sponsibility to see that the col- President of the Chess Club, school will be better for it.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Why an Honor Code Is Just the Beginning Words on a Piece of Paper Won't Correct a Problem That is a "Cultural Epidemic" Trinity College needs an sight into the importance of an Second we need to realisti- dishonesty that we did not a program that will educate us Honor Code. The issue, of aca- Honor Code. cally decide how successful feel was totally wrong. To on why academic dishonesty is demic dishonesty has not been Dean Thomas moderated something like an Honor Code counter this, the school wrong and how it hurts every- adequately addressed, and be- this panel and she also did would be in one in our Trinity Com- cause of this dishonesty has very well at discussing this solving these is- munity. Only then will jgrown and evolved. issue. sues. '. . we able to solve this prob- Currently Administrators, My only complaint with An Honor lem fully. •, the Faculty and students are the discussion was the fact Code would Tfitiity is not the only trying to address this problem, . that no one honestly spoke curtail aca- institution that is facing and their actions show promise. about the actual problems demic dishon- grave problems involv- But these Administrators, Fac- that an Honor Code should esty, but this ing academic dishon- ulty members and students address. list of require- esty. must realize two key points for No one was discussing the ments, laws Instead this issue is this Code to be successful. fact that our campus expe- and philoso- infecting colleges and First we need to honestly rienced a large cheating in- phies would universities nation- admit that Trinity suffers nocent on campus last not be enough wide. Our NESCAC sis- from academic dishonesty. 1 semester. I tried to bring this to stop all ter schools face similar cheating. This dishonesty problems. is because we What will set us apart are facing the is whether we can unite problem as a as a community to elimi- AH Honor Code is good first step, but we cultural epi- nate our personal dishon- need a program that will educate us on how demic. As stu- esty crisis. But for this to academic dishonesty hurts the community dents, we do not happen, we first must be realize that honest with ourselves on many acts of the fact the we have a cheating are grave problem. We need morally wrong. needs a policy that educates an Honor Code, but we cannot had the luxury to take part issue up in discussion, but I Instead, we feel that we are us on why and how these ac- stop there. in a panel discussion in front was only somewhat suc- "helping out a friend" or just "do- tions are hurting the entire Instead we must aggres- of the Board of Trustees in cessful. ing a favor for someone." Trinity Community. sively attack this problem un- New York City last weekend. . If we plan to come together Obviously the students that Administrators, faculty and til the entire Trinity The focus of our panel was as a college and solve this prob- cheat on this campus are not students need to educate every- Community realizes that aca- to present and discuss an lem we must be honest with bad people, but we need to real- one on campus that academic demic dishonesty could Honor Code proposal that what we are dealing with. Ad- ize that what we are doing is dishonesty is something that threaten the very fundamen- came from a student initia- ministrators, Faculty and stu- wrong and harmful to everyone. could actually rip our academic tals on which Trinity College tive committee. Professor dents must candidly admit to Almost all of us have en- community apart. was established. Fulco is the chair of this com- our problems and not hide be- gaged in minor or even sub- An Honor Code is a step in mittee and she gave great in- hind rhetoric. stantial acts of academic the right direction, but we need -Dave Alexander '03 JANUARY 30,2001 - THE TRINITY TRIPOD OPINION PAGE 5 The Mess the Dems Left for the New Prez President George W. Bush's Suprise Gift from former President Clinton's "kindly" Staff

Someone told me that shambles, and put porno- not as if he were the President Executive Office building, It is funny how the Demo- Nostardamas once predicted graphic pictures in the copy of the United States, but as if he we may never know exactly crats spent the entire cam- that in the last year of the sec- machine. were the dumb kid in the 4th how juvenile Clinton's paign criticizing W.'s tax __»» If you know that I am grade class who clowns around. former staff were. plan, and it was the former a 20-year-old with a If the reports coming out of Thanks to the Matt Drudge, Democratic President's staff Brian Nanos slightlyjuvenile sense of the news are true then these among other journalists, we who have ended up costing Affairs of the State humor, then you might people have done something so learned that the 'w's were re- tax payers money replacing not be surprised to learn incredibly juve- missing 'w"s "*™~~~ that I thought these nile that you at the White ond millennium, the village pranks were funny. Very funny. would expect House. idiot would become President. This is precisely why I've de- them to serve a Forget that I do not know if this is really cided that a person like myself few detentions trashing the of- what he predicted. In fact, he would make a horrible public for it. fice of the Vice probably did not predict that official. These reports give us a In fact, I am President was a this would happen, but it just picture of a rowdy junior-high sure the whole disrespectful might have happened anyway. class with a substitute teacher. incident was a act usually only Since I am both a self-de- You wonder if staffers ever familiar one for committed by both W., who punk rock What Clinton's staff seemed to have forgotten was likely bands. is that the White House is not elementary picked on in Or that Re- school fourth grade, publicans who and for Clinton have "playa- who I have little hated" Clinton scribed liberal and a person played "keep away" with the doubt served for eight years who is not dumb, you probably china and made prank calls to more than his are all too won't find it hard to believe that the Prime Minister of Canada, share of deten- happy to giggle I can certainly see the village while Clinton tried to figure out tions. at the pornogra- idiot as the current occupant of who it was who had drawn a 1 have no phy left in the Oval Office. mustache on a bust of Harry doubt you get White House The pranks that have sur- Truman. the idea that if photocopy ma- faced in the weeks since W took Democrats (or at least W. ends up hav- • chines. office, allegedly carried out by Clinton's staff) have to face the ing a successful Presidency we moved from keyboards and Those Democrats who rolled former President Clinton's staff, fact that George W. Bush is the will see him confront Clinton typewriters throughout W.'s their eyes when Republicans seem to indicate that they President of the United States. on some future next episode of new digs. Indeed, it has also been launched attacks on Clinton's would probably agree with me. They need to accept the fact that The Jenny Jones Show: "You reported that Tipper Gore felt so 'moral character' and who rel- Supposedly, they decided to he deserves all the respect that Picked On Me Then, But Look responsible for the trouble that ish chastising W.'s "lack of curi- follow the long- standing tradi- comes with the Office of the At Me Now!" she called Vice-President Dick osity" should remember this: tion of leaving something for Presidency. Unfortunately, because Chaney to say "I'm sorry." Former President Clinton the incoming administration. What Clinton's staff seemed President Bush's staff is tak- You can just see Al Gore's was leaving, the White House Reports are that they took the to have forgotten is that the ing the high road and de- mummy looking over his shoul- ancjT^ was entering it, and as _ letter "w" off of all the White- ••/White House is not elementary clining to sight the specific der urging him to apologize ah3' "ffiey pasSed'each other, it was House keyboards, left the office school. .• infractions that occurred in threatening no dessert if he did President Bush, the village idiot, of the Vice President in Clinton's staff bullied Bush, the White House and Old not. who looked like the mature one. Retaining Professors Continued from page three tics class, Burns (who was not ing sticks: Williams, 97 percent; consulted for this article) has Amherst, 94 percent; Connecti- made the effort to know every cut College, 97 percent! These student's name and hometown, colleges do not simply hire full- despite there being more than /*"" time faculty to keep up with 100 students in the class. the Joneses and top other Counter that with one par- schools, but because they recog- ticular Senior Seminar last se- nize the important role faculty mester where the professor playat a liberal arts college, and (currently on sabbatical) did pay more than lip service to;the not know the names of more idea of student-faculty interac- than a handful of students and tion and development. ;• showed no visible interest in Adjuncts are great for filling what the students were'learn- in gaps in the curriculum when ing, participating, or even at- a tenured professor goes on sab- • tending class. batical (which at Trinity is - A few years ago, Trinity an- about every other semester)," nounced a plan to hire 20 addi- but they are not the answer for tional tenure-track professors a serious liberal arts college, ' over a seven-year span. Full-time faculty members are more likely to take an interest in student life, serve as advisors and teach First-Year Seminar

Rather than simply hiring tal- Since then, students have not ented professors like Clayton been updated on the progress of or Penelope Harper for a short this effort, and certainly have amount of time, Trinity should not seen any palatable result. Of bring in people for keeps. course, that makes this issue People who won't hide in much like others at Trinity - let Hamlin during lunch, appear a problem sit for too long, an- on campus only for their class, nounce a plan (or better yet or treat teaching students as a form a committee) to make burden. people think something's being People like Peter Burns, Pro- done, and then continue doing fessor of Political Science, who what was being done in the first "may be on his last semester at place: nothing. Trinity despite consistent rec- A need as simple as full-time "Apparently they met at a TCAC Gender Bender party.' ognition by students as a pro- professors shouldn't be over- fessor interested in more than looked or underestimated.- filling in time between book Indeed, it will take more than projects. 20 hires to bring our percentage In his 300-level Urban Poli- of full-time faculty into the 90s, PAGE 6 NEWS THE TRINITY TRIPOD -JANUARY 30,2001 Faculty Conference Addressed The Beat SGA Attempts to Improve Faculty-Student Communication

retary of the Faculty. The Con- The Conference also states, BY KRISTIN POWEU ference also notes that the SGA however, that there are no "im- News Editor President is allowed to attend pediments in the faculty rules Watch Where You're Going Faculty meetings, and could to [SGA members] sending pro- This past November J. Russell thus be available to answer posals to individual commit- At approximately 6:30pm on January 28th, two Marriot Fugett '01, President of the SGA, questions regarding this report. tees." The Secretary of the employees bumped into each other during the dinner rush. David Alexander '03, Chair of After last year's Dean of Fac- Faculty would be able to facili- One suffered a cut above his right eye; he was transported to the Academic Affairs Commit- . ulty search, the SGA feels it pru- tate this process if necessary. Hartford Hospital for stitches. The other employee was ap- tee of the SGA, and Alexandria dent to allow student In the past the Secretary of parently unharmed. Lynn '02, a member of the Aca- representation on the search the SGA has found it difficult to demic Affairs Committee, ad- committee-as well as faculty ensure that students elected to dressed the Faculty Conference members. Although there are faculty committees are con- It's Raining».Beer? with five proposals intended to no formal procedures for such a tacted by the chairpersons of better faculty-student relations. search, the Faculty Conference those committees. The Faculty Onjanuary 26th at 3:00am, Campus Safety received a re- After considerable discus- recognizes the importance of Conference recommends that port of broken glass outside of High Rise dormitory. A group sion, the Faculty Conference re- student input, and will thus the SGA work more closely of students on the fourth floor were having a party and ported back to the SGA last make a recommendation to any "with the chair of the commit- throwing their empty beer bottles out of the window. No tee on committees and the Sec- one was injured. retary of the Faculty" to "I hope these initial proposals are just the improve such coordination. surface of the relationship we can have with Finally, the SGA proposed Take Twenty-Five and Call Me the faculty" - Dave Alexander that the Dean of Faculty com- municate his annual agenda to in the Morning the student body, much like the week with responses and sug- future search committees to al- President and the Vice President At 12:00am onjanuary 26th, Campus Safety Officers re- gestions to each of the propos- low for this. "We believe that for Students Services do now. sponded to a call from Frobb dormitory. A female student als. this would be best accom- While the Dean of Faculty was crying a great deal after she had ingested twenty-five The first concern of the SGA plished by the SGA appointing currently does not have an an- aspirin tablets. The student was transported to Hartford was that its agenda was not be- a student search committee, nual agenda that he communi- Hospital where she was kept overnight for observation. She ing properly communicated to who would have an opportu- cates to the Faculty, the Faculty was released the next day and the Dean of Students Office the faculty, and that the best nity to meet each candidate and Conference did ask the Dean to was notified. way to remedy this was to allow to provide written feedback to consider sending outhis annual the SGA President and the the Faculty Committee." report to students in addition to Chair of the Academic Affairs Although faculty commit- the Faculty. "We believe," states Do You Reaily Need Two? Committee to address the Fac- tees have student members who Anselmi, "it is important for stu- ulty at their monthly meetings are elected to these positions by dents to have an understanding Sometime during the night of January 25th, two key- at least once a semester. the SGA, the SGA feels that of the important academic is- boards and a computer were pilfered from the third floor of The Conference suggests that since these students are not nec- sues that are being discussed." Downes Memorial, Campus Safety was notified of the inci- the SGA issue a monthly or bi- essarily members of its organi- While these proposals of the dent when employees reported to the office at 8:55 the next monthly report that could be zation, they cannot represent" SGA should not promote any morning and discovered the items missing from a cubicle. distributed to the Faculty the voice and opinions of that drastic changes on campus, it is Due to this incident and others of its kind, Campus Safety through the Secretary in a organization. The Faculty Con- the hope of the SGA and Fac- intends to install better security in the area and perhaps timely fashion. "We truly be- ference first suggests that the ulty alike that student-faculty putting alarms on the computer equipment. lieve that would be the best way SGA improve its internal struc- dialogue will be facilitated and to ensure ongoing and specific ture so that these student repre- that the two groups will be able communication with the Fac- sentatives can be a mouthpiece to work more closely together in Be Very, Very Quiet ulty,"reports Diha Anselmi, Sec- for the ideas of the SGA. the future.

North Campus will be seeing increased patrols by Cam- Cheating. In a news conference at house for dinner. pus Safety Officers during the week as well as on weekends Scandarstill theHanover police station, This is the first murder in due to recent complaints to both Campus Safety and the Unresolved McLaughlin said the state cur- Hanover in almost a decade, Office of Residential Life. The complaints include drinking rently has no one in custody, and only the second in over 50 and smoking in the hallways, excessive noise, and people Further hearings into the in- and he would not comment on years. McLaughlin assured local using the dorm as a warm haven through which they pass cidence of cheating continued any possible motives for the residents and friends of the from Vernon Street to Allen Place. Campus Safety will con- this Friday with the questioning murders. Zantops present at the confer- tinue to patrol the building until these disruptions to its resi- of yet more students in Founda- McLaughlin also declined ence that the investigation was dents come to an end. Any offenders found by the officers tions of Greek and Roman his- to comment on any details of in "experienced" hands. will be reported to the Dean of Students Office. tory class. the homicides or how the bod- McLaughlin declined to say The Dean of Students office, ies were found for fear of com- whether the Zantops were tar- which hoped the case would be promising the ongoing geted or were victims of ran- Hold Your Breath resolve by the end of the week, investigation, which is being dom.violence. informed the Tripod that the led by the state police's major Courtesy oj'The Dartmouth Onjanuary 25th and 26th Campus Safety made repeated processes was delayed due to crimes unit. visits to Summit Suites East, monitoring the carbon mon- personal health problems sur- McLaughlin said the person Historical oxide warning system. Campus Safety off icials report that rounding the professor in- who found the bodies had a Society Plans because this is a new building, they must pay extra atten- volved. The new deadline is set New Center on tion as they are not well versed in all of its systems. The for the end of this week if all ZionSt. building was not evacuated, and Campus Safety assures stu- goes according to plan. Trinity dents that there is no danger to their health. As the case continues into its Representatives from Frank third week of this semester, Stu- Gehry Associates and Bruce dent patience with the lack of Mau Design of Toronto came to It's Called a Locker for a information wains. Hartford for two intensive days of pre-design workshops orl the Reason Murders at Dartmouth • Connecticut History Center to At 12:30pm onjanuary 28th a student reported his wallet College be built on Zion St. . stolen from Ferris Athletic Center. The student had left his News Briefs The time was dedicated to the wallet in his coat which he left in one of the athletic facili- contractors orienting them- ties as he worked out. The wallet contained approximately News of the murders of two selves with the programs and $30 in cash, a student ID, and bank cards. Dartmouth professors sent "perfectly good reason" to be collections of the Connecticut shock waves through the Col- at the Zantop residence, but Historical Society, investigating lege and the local community would not identify that person. potential collaborations the You Better Watch Out as law enforcement officials The police were alerted of the center could have with Trinity, continued their investigation, deaths by 6:48 p.m., according and better accquanting them- releasing few details about the to the attorney general. selves with the city. • Due to recent excessive parking violations, Campus Safety tragedy. . .. Three independent sources will be towing vehicles beginning this week/There is al- Ron Thomas, Trinity Vice Autopsies performed •yester-. confirmed for The Dartmouth ready a list of 38 cars that have accumulated four or more President and Chief of Staff, re- day by the state's chief medical that the bodies were discovered parking tickets; if these cars are spotted by Campus Safety ports that the team working on examiner on the bodies of. Saturday around 6 p.m. by; Officers, they will be towed. .-...•.•... the project is excited for its fu- Susanne and. Half Zantop; con- Roxana Verona, an associate : Campus Safety also warns students parking in the Sum- ture prospects. firmed homicide as the cause of professor of French and Italian mit Street E Lot, across from FUnston. If cars are found "piggy The pre-design phase is sched- death, New Hampshire^Attor^ languages and: close friend of back" or double parked, these, too, will be towed. . uled to proceed through the end ney General Philip McLaughlin the.deceased. Veroaa.said that .of.May, when the schematic de- said. she had been invited to the sign phase will to begin. JANUARY 30,2001 - THE TRINITY TRIPOD NEWS PAGE 7 Unchallenged SGA Elections Admissions Statistics Contin uedfrom page one election was even taking place, and that signatures, while the Senators required may be why not as many people ran for only fifty. positions." Show Trinity's Strength After their petitions had the correct Still, the majority of students who Continued from page, one cited about an incoming class with such amount of signatures, all nominees were were asked to give their reactions to the students hear about involvement in high board scores," but was "most inter- obligated to meet with J. Russell Fugett, election had little to say except to share community service when they visit the ested in a more engaging class, coming the President of the SGA. The meeting their confusion regarding the fact that it school. from a range of backgrounds, possessing was simply to discuss rules of the elec- is being held midyear and their lack of Community service has, in turn, leadership skills." tion and inquire about what committee knowledge of the candidates. changed the perspective from which The Human Rights Program is an- the candidate would like to be a part of "I knew going in that these elections people view the neighborhood as well. other distinguishing factor on which the if elected to the SGA. would be lackluster," says Dave Where it was "referred to as a liability in Admissions Office has focused. Over This semester's SGA elections were Alexander, '03, a prominent SGA mem- the past, now we are more apt to hear 25,000 high school students in the region unable to capture student interest, a ber. "There was no competition, so there that Trinity is notable in part because of receive mailings regarding the program problem that has plagued the SGA for was no campaigning. It was also really some time now. This was made abun- hard to plan and organize so quickly." referred to as a liability in the past, now we are more dantly by the near zero voter turnout. The fact that the elections had to be apt to hear that Trinity is notable in part because of The number of students running for held within a week of returning toschool positions was also down, as shown by may not have left enough time for people its connection with the city" - Larry Dow

its connection with the city" says Dow. and 5,000 high schools receive material "Not many people knew that an election was even taking People see this as "a place where the op- as well, Dow says. Lectures are publi- portunity for engagement with the city cized, and area high school students are place, and that may be why not as many people ran for is real," he adds. encouraged to attend. positions," ~ Lucy Bennett This may help attract the kind of stu- The availability of financial aid is al- dents Dave Alexander '03 was referring ways a key factor where college admis- to when he commented that he was "ex- sions are concerned. The vast majority the seven nominees who all ran un- to become aware of the election. Though of admissions decisions here at Trin- contested campaigns and are now fill- there were not many candidates, all the ity are made with no regard to a ing the seats of the previous Vice positions did indeed get filled, and as student's financial situation, those President of Finance and the Senators at Trude Goodman '03, the Communica- students with exceptional applica- Large. tions Committee Chair of the SGA notes, tions are accepted regardless of finan- This lack of candidate interest has, in "it will be good to get some new blood in cial factors. the past been attributed to many pos- there." In the remaining smaller pool of sible causes, including what many re- Although SGA President J. Russell applicants who do not have the out; gard as a general apathetic attitude Fugett '01 expressed his discontent with standing qualifications of the others, regarding school politics. the apparent disinterest in these elec- financial status becomes one of many Other students have suggested that tions, he is optimistic for those in the factors examined, according to Dow. low voter turnout is caused by a lacking spring. By the end of February those who awareness of upcoming elections. Lucy "We are working hard in an effort to applied in the ED II phase will have Bennett, a freshman at Trinity com-, piiblicize the spring elections. We.are been notified, and general admission mented, "not many people knew that an expecting a surge of student interest." applicants will receive decisions soon ______^ after. Final statistics on the Class of Bush proposes sue of the journal Nature, they found WWW.TRINCOLL.EDU 2005 will be available in the late plan for higher stark differences. Dean of Admissions Larry Dow. spring. education The most alarming discovery, accord- ing to researchers, is the new genome's (U-WIRE) CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. ability to exchange sections of the ge- — Less than a week into his presidential nome across genera of bacteria such as term, President Bush is getting busy. Salmonella and the plague-causing bac- On Tuesday, Bush sent a package of teria Yersina. Chancellor John Wiley an- fcEEE education proposals to Congress for ap- nounced the discovery at his news proval, including one designed to en- conference Wednesday. courage families to save money for SENIORS • BHflH college. Experts say Bush asked Congress to raise the an- Asricroft vote nual cap on contributions to tax-free delay won't help education-savings accounts that fami- This Is your last semester lies use to pay for college, from $500 to (U-WIRE) AMES, Iowa - The Senate $5,000. Bush also is asking to expand the Judiciary Committee postponed the con- savings plans, which now can be used firmation vote for the Attorney General- of college... only to pay higher education expenses, designate, former Sen. John Ashcroft, so that families can spend money from prompting a mixed reaction from local the accounts on private secondary experts. Th .••.•„•.,. Make the most of it. school tuition. e delay, which pushes back thevote -bit1 Not included in this education pack- • President George W Bush'siriost contro- age was increased.spending on Pell Career Services hopes to make your Grants, which White House aides say can be expected when the president pre- transition to the real world as easy as sents his 2002 fiscal-year budget propos- possible, so help us help you. als to Cbngressin February.j Some University officials,however, are skeptical of the Bush plan. Curry School Please fill out the \ Dean David W'BfeherriaTlsaid he would prefer to see BustirneYease1' support for Spring Survey on Trinity Recruiting.... Pell Grants. ••• ';• • •' • •'•' •;;'' '•• U.Wisconsin . There are nine quick questions that will help Genome unravels E.coli DNA us figure what you need from now until May. versial Cabinet pick from Jan. 24 to Jan. (U-WIRE) MADISON, Wis. - Re- 31, will allow time for Ashcroft to answer searchers from the University of Wis- about 360 written questions sent to him Log onto Trinity Recruiting consin-Madison Genome Center by Democratic senators. announced Wednesday they have com- James Hutter, Iowa State University pletely mapped the genome of a lethal: • associate professor of political science, Click on Trinity Recruiting strain of Escheriehia col*, better known saidthe written questions were a politi- f cal'move-' by 'Democrats' who feel And help us help you, Out of hundreds of- strains'of Ecoli, 'Ashcroft is "asymmetrical arid extreme." this strain, dubbed E.coli O157:H7, is the The questions were "the way they de- 1 most lethal. In 1996 researchers-from the; layed it, more than the reason for delay- Thank You and Enjoy! 1 Genome Center mapped the genomic ing it," Hutter said. Career Services sequence for a benignstrain-E.coli k-12. "To have enough opposition, there Researchers expected to find differ- must be some Republicans opposed," he r T T T T T T v T T T T T T ences between the strains, but essen- said, and as of now, no Republicans have A A A A A A A A A AA A A A J tially a similar genome. Instead, in a come forward to say they will vote study to be published in the Jan. 25 is- against the attorney general nominee. I THE TRINITY TRIPOD JANUARY PACE 8 NEWS - 30,2001 Perry Set to Tackle the Growing Budget Problem continued from page one cent of the Student Activities Fund and present system after money already has Perry's plan involves organizations necticut and his job including managing setting it aside for conferences and semi- been spent, it is hard to turn down a which do not spend all of the money al- city funds. Currently he is interning in nars involving travel. "Scudent groups check request. located to them over the course of a se- Hartford with Solomon Smith Barney. "1 often travel to California and Florida, but For the time being, Perry plans on re- mester. have a real passion for money manage- nobody reviews the funding process to ducing the allocation of new funds un- In this case, the SGA would take back ment. It is a field that excites me and I see if the trip is fully legitimate." Perry til the Spring Weekend money is figured all money not spent under each activity's look forward to working hard for the plans to institute an application process out. He also aims to meet with TCAC budget. Therefore clubs cannot put SGA," said Perry. overseen by the Budget Committee and very soon. In the future he plans to pro- money away for future use, which would Fugett stated" (Perry) is the most vo- Director of Student Activities Darrell vide TCAC with their funds for the year not overseen by the Budget Committee. cal and experienced member of the Bud- Claiborne. in September, instead of making them Perry also has educational initiatives, get Committee and also an economics including meeting with student group major. He is certainly the best person for leaders and educating them about the the job." " [Perry] is the most vocal and experienced member ofPrior Approval System. Perry believes that the biggest concern the Budget Committee and also an economics major. He "The budgeting system is a dinosaur today for him and the Budget Commit- is certainly the best person for the job." - Russell Fugett and there have not been many changes tee is allocating adequate funds for or new ideas surrounding it for a long Spring Weekend. He also wants to in- time. It's time for new ideas and new crease the Student Activities Fund, hope- Perry assesses the current system of wait until February or March for Spring blood involved. The budgeting of SGA fully by doubling it four years from now. spending for activities at Trinity as com- Weekend money allocation. money is serious business involving al- "We know we need to fund everybody, pletely backwards. "Currently, groups Another new proposal that Perry has most half a million dollars. It has been and groups need more money. We need spend money, then afterwards they sub- laid out, which will, in his opinion, save mishandled in the past and we need to to promote student activities on this mit check requests. I want to establish a the SGA money is that every semester getit back on track." campus," stated Perry. Prior Approval System for any check re- the SGA should allocate a specific bud- Perry will begin to discuss aspects of His new plan includes taking five per- quest over $50." Perry stated that in the get for each student group on campus. his plans this week. Human Rights Lecture Series Opens with Emotion Yosuke Yotoriyama Speaks to Trinity About the Rights of Children in the Japanese Education System tion grew among the crowd as most Yotoriyama. The focus of his speech was that now more than 100,000 Japanese BY ANNIE SCRANTON waited anxiously Tor the interesting talk the conditions of schools and learning students refuse to go to school more than News Writer to begin. "I missed most of the series last institutions in Asia, mainly China and fifty days in the school year. In 1994, that semester," says sophomore Liz Bigelow, Japan. In his career, This semester's human rights lecture "and I'm going to really make an effort he has taught both in series began Wednesday, with a chilling this semester to go to some of them." Japan and in the account of child abuse in the east. The At the onset of each lecture, Amnesty United States, mak- underlying theme of this year's-series is International briefly speaks about a ing him a excellent "The Next Generation: Promoting and cause for which they are currently work- candidate for impar- Protecting Children's Rights." ing. This week, through the head of tially judging but This week, the renowned scholar Yo- Trinity's Amnesty International Kerry country's schooling suke Yotoriyam was given the floor at Hood '02, the audience learned of tor- methods In the be- Trinity College. The lecture was held in tured children in Morroco and were ginning of his talk he Terrace Room B of Mather Hall, and asked to sign their names to two already mentioned a New drew in quite a large crowd. drafted letters for the release of one York Times article The main focus of the lecturewas the wrongfully captured sixteen year old boy. where a reporter con- educational systems in,^ A,li,ticipa- The floor then turned to scholar, gratulated the leaps and bounds global- ization has made in Asia, particularly re- ferring to their educa- tional systems and : ;»the diplomacy they have reached. ;'- Still, Yotoriyama LAURA RAND SENIORS inn reminded the audi- Yosuke Yotoriyama speaks at human rights lecture ence that the specific site this reporter mentioned "is just one number was 60,000. Yotoriyama told the case." Yotoriyama went on to say, "many audience that bullying is a daily occur- This Is your last semester think Japan is a model country on 'con- rence in these schools and that in,1994 stitutionalism' and that the educational there were twelve cases linking students -•.. of e ' system in Japan is a winner." While the' ' deaths with bullies. _ School violence is economic achievements of Japanese also on the rise, as there have been 8,000 companies is apparent, many question more cases'reported'in the year 2000 the constitutionality of the means to than in 1994. . : ; ; • Make the most of It. such success. According to Yotoriyama, So, why do people accept this system? "there is a demystified success of under- "To reproduce elites," is the answer standing Japan's educational system." Yotoriyama gave. The teachers in these Career Services hopes to make your Yotoriyama continued by stating nu- schools are continuously coming up transition to the real world as easy as merous cases of corporal punishment in with more and more unreasonable rules, possible, so help us help you. "Learning is the right of children and children should be allowed to have opinions and tell them to their teachers. Please fill out the However, in Japan, The aim f education in Japan is for Spring Survey on Trinity Recruiting.... economic prosperity." - Yosuke Yotoriyam Japanese schools, and explained in hor- because now it is almost like a game be- There are nine quick questions that will help rifying detail the particulars of some in- tween the teachers and the students. dividual incidents. In 1985, a Japanese "Education at lower levels requires free- us figure what you need from now until May. high school girl did poorly in a match for dom," urged Yotoriyama. "Learning is the her particular club, and the teacher over- right of children and children should be seeing the organization beat her con- allowed to have opinions and tell them Log onto Trinity Recruiting tinuously from nine a.m. to nine p.m. to their teachers. However, this is sim- yelling, "You are the captain of the club ply not the case injapan. The aim of edu- and you have failed to fulfill your orga- cation in Japan is for economic Click on Trinity Recruiting nization." The mortified young girl went prosperity," frowned Yotoriyam. home and committed suicide. •Everyone walked away from this lec- And help us help you. Yotoriyama was quoted as saying, "She ture learning something. Tom could have run away, struck him back- Mariadason, '02, felt "it was great having but she was overly frightened by the re- someone whose experience is from Ja- Thank You and Enjoy! lationship." pan, and it was shocking to realize the Career Services This is just one example of the concen- differences in our cultures. "He and trated psychological training that goes many others want to do something to on between Japanese students and their help these children. teachers and coaches. Students' whole To help stop the torturing of young lives become living obedience. The state Japanese students, please contact Profes- of being in schools has become so bad sor Maryam Elahi. JANUARY 30,2001 - THE TRINITY TRIPOD NEWS PAGE 9 Fraternities Assume Responsibility For Judicial Matters

TRINITYTRIPOD ties has been asked to select two Dean of Students office, which the students who will poten- probation. Every student who of its members to compose an 18 Staff Contribution has the final authority on issu- tially serve on the judicial panel attended a rush event filled out student jury pool for the Spring ing sentences. "We have to be will be provided with an orien- a form, which gave the Dean of Semester. Whenever a com- consistent. Clearly my office tation course in which they will Students Office permission to Disciplinary issues involving . plaint arises against one of the has a better history of consis- be taught the fundamentals of access their records. Trinity's Greek letter organiza- nine organizations, a panel During the course of Spring tions will now be heard by the composed of one student from Rush, several students were un- new Inter-Greek Council Judi- each organization, with the ex- "This is definitely a positive. Students come able to join Greek-letter organi- ciary Panel. ception of the organization in- to Trinity to educate themselves. They need zations because of the new rule, Created during the Fall Se- volved in the complaint will be to do that before they take on additional according to Card. "Several per- mester by the IGC, the new sys- selected, according to Assistant sons sought to have it waived," tem will be implemented this Dean of Students Christopher responsibilities" - Adrian Fadrhonc '02 Card added. All were unsuc- spring. A separate agreement Card. cessful. not to accept new "pledges" who In the vast majority of cases tency than [the panel] would the new system card com- "This is definitely a positive. are on academic probation, Card would chair the panel. In have," says Card. mented. Students come to Trinity to edu- which was also reached last fall,. cases involving two or more or- If the Dean of Students Office Putting responsibility for cate themselves. They need to has also been implemented, be- ganizations, representatives does not agree with the recom- disciplinary decisions in the have that house in order before ginning with last week's Spring from each of the organizations mendation of the panel, then it hands of students is a positive they take on additional respon- Rush. would not sit on the panel. Af- sends that recommendation step for the fraternities and sibilities," says Fadrhonc. He Each of the College's nine rec- ter hearing a case, the panel for- back to the panel for further re- sororities, believes Adrian says that his fraternity turned ognized fraternities and sorori- wards a recommendation to the view, according to Card. Each of Fadrhonc '02, who is the no one away this year. president of the Alpha Delta Both Card and Fadrhonc say Phi fraternity. "I am more that this decision should have a comfortable handing cases to positive impact on the faculty, Trinity Mourns Loss of Alumna students because they have a who have voted on at least three better understanding of what different recent occasions to dis- A '99 Graduate Dies in a Car Crash Outside of South Africa goes on. They can rationalize band Trinity's fraternities and with the different organiza- sororities. "The Greeks are reaf- Trinity alumna Kara Hood, who graduated in 1999, died from inju- tions better than, say, Dean firming their commitment to ries sustained in a car crash in Johannesburg, South Africa two weeks Card," says Fadrhonc. strong scholarship," says Card. ago. Hood, who majored in Political Science, was twenty-three. Everyone concerned seem to Phillip Brown, who is the agree that there are no glaring Chair of the Faculty Fraternity Born in Syracuse, Hood was a notable community activist, as well as negatives. "My only concern is Committee, says that it is the a conselor at Camp Stella Maris. At the time oj her death, she was that a dispute between two right decision but that he is not people in different organiza- sure if the faculty know about employeed by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform tions could come in the way of it. "I don't think they do. I'm not Now. making the right decision,"says sure if it's generally known." Fadrhonc. He is particularly supportive Advisor,Professor Clyde McKee, recalls her as "averyfine student with "It is a step in the right direc- of the decision not to take stu- a strong sense of personal ethics." tion. Obviously there will be dents who are on academic pro- some growing pains," adds bation. "I think the faculty feel Those wishing to make donations in Hood's memory are asked to send Card. that a lot of pledging activities their contributions to the Kara Hood Community Caring Foundation, In a separate move, the IGC already hurt students and that has decided that no Greek-let- [the Greeks] should not take stu- in care ofCNYCommunity Foundation, 500 S. Salina Street, Syracuse ter organization may "rush" a denis who are already in NY 13202. student who is on academic' trouble? SftrtJrfi noted.



Wednesday, January, 31,2001 Thursday, February 1,2001 continued. BERKSHIRE CAPITAL CORP. ANALYST LORD,ABBETT & COMPANY -Internal Wholesaler CENTER FOR COASTAL STUDIES - Summer Intern MASS MUTUAL FINANCIAL GROUP - Staffing Assistant CONGRESSIONAL HISPANIC CAUCUS INSTITUTE - The CHCI Summer NORTHFIELD MOUNT HERMON SCHOOL - Summer Teaching Intern Internship Program : ••••. r " i, ^ STUDENT CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION (CSA) - Florida FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD - Research Assistant Everglades Restoration Project HARTFORD AREAS RALLY TOGETHER (HART) - Lead Organizer HESS EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION - Summer Teaching Intern Friday, February, 2, 2001 McKlNSEY & Co. - Strategic Management Consultant ACCENTURE (FKA: ANDERSEN CONSULTING) - Technology Intern MODIS SOLUTIONS - Problem Hot-Line Rep and Student Leadership Conference SCIENCE APPLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION - SAIC CHOATE ROSEMARY HALL - Summer Teaching Intern Summer Intern Program JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY - Summer Reading Instructor WWLP-TV - Sales Account Executive, Broadcast Maintenance PHILLIPS ACADEMY - Internships for Juniors and Seniors Technician/Production Editor/Videographer THE CORO FOUNDATION - Core Fellows Program in Public Affairs UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA - Undergraduate Research Intern Thursday. February, 1,2001 BROOKFIELD ZOO - Summer Intern Monday, February, 5,2001 CAMP WATITOH - Camp Counselors GREEN CORPS - Environmental Field Organizer CORNELL UNIVERSITY - The Avon foundation Summer Research MARKETING-WERKS - Internship Program - Summer Medical Internship TEACH FOR AMERICA - Teach for America National Corp Program HARTFORD AREAS RALLY TOGETHER (HART) - Block Watch THE UNITED STATES GOLF ASSOCIATION- Program Assistant Organizer HARVARD UNIVERSITY - Internship Program Tuesday, February, 6,2001 IBM E-BUSINESS - Database Analyst, Production Support Analyst WOMEN FOR HIRE - Various Jobs INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION OF EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS - I.F. Intern Wednesday, February, 7,2001 JOAN AND SANFORD I. WEILL MEDICAL COLLEGE OF CORNELL EF EDUCATION - Educational Tour Consultant, Regional UNIVERSITY - Internship Managers, ESL Teachers THE JOINT PROGRAM IN SURVEY METHODOLOGY - Survey LINKAGE, INC. - Marketing Specialist, Corporate Sales Executive, Methodology Research Analyst, Project Manager, Administrative Assistant, Program Manager THE TRINITY TRIPOD -JANUARY 30,2001 PAGE 10 FEA TURES Trinity Relationships: Are They Nonexistent? ceived two surveys back, and both people mostly, and our big- BY TAMARRA BENOIT said they were in monogamous relation- gest concerns typi- Features Writer ships, they loved their partners and they cally revolve around preferred committed relationships to getting our assign- I'll be your strength, I'll casual hooking up. , I'd like ments in by the as- Give you hope to take this time to define what hooking signed deadlines and And I will take you in my arms up is. Hooking up is having casual sex making enough time And hold you right where you belong. with someone, which involves no strings for partying on the 'Till the day my life is and no commitment. For the two that weekends. Sorry, if I through took the time to send back the survey, I just weeded out most This I promise you.... thank you. However, I know, and all of of you in about three —N'Sync, "This I Promise You" you know, that those responses do not sentences but it is represent the majority of students at true for many of us. Trinity. So campers, let's try to figure this David Miller, a senior, Pretty good for a boy band cultishly gave me a very intel- adored by teenage girls across the coun- out together. Shall we? 1 had fun asking people why they lectual answer. He try. Their words aresensual, comforting, said, "College life in and "promising." Any woman on earth thought Trinity was so void of serious, monogamous relationships. Some of the general is not condu- with even half a heart would love a man cive to serious rela- to say these words to her. Who wouldn't? responses I received surprised me. One insightful freshman girl told me that tionships. We all have That is how N'Sync markets their appeal. conflicting schedules The words, however, are the ideal words when some girls come here as freshmen One ol Lhc lav nappy couplci.' they have a preconceived idea of what and take long breaks for an ideal relationship; a relationship like spring, summer in which two people love each other college guys are going to be like- wild, sex-crazed, and fun. So, as a result, they and Christmas, not to mention many greatly and where one trusts the other study abroad opportunities. Who can some point. Whether or not you want to fulfill the prior one's needs. Sounds let go of their high school style of dating to experience it now is up to you. andrunwildwhen they come to college. keep a long term relationship going un- good to me, but everyone knows that the der those conditions?" He has a point. Trinity may be a place that is not con- ideal relationship only exists in sappy That is probably true for many freshman ducive for people to have intimate rela- songs and poems by Chaucer. These girls on campus. Think about it. High College life is all of these things. It is a tionships for various reasons. The . days a single person, in the prime of his school was when you really began to fun and wild time, especially when majority of students here enjoy the single or her youth, would be very lucky to find touch on what relationships were like. you're just coming in. It's a place that is life with no strings attached, which is him or herself in a healthy, monogamous You went steady (man, I haven't heard not like the real world because you don't understandable. Why tie yourself down relationship. However, at Trinity, it seems that phrase in a long time), you kissed, have to worry too much about bills and at a young age when there are tons of as though monogamous relationships do you held hands, and you made sure ev- , your life revolves around study. You have people out there to meet on campus not even exist. If you look around you, eryone in your class knew that you were a chance to grow up and experience dif- alone? That would be the logical expla- there aren't a lot of people holding hands dating and who it was. College is so ferent kinds of people all at once and you nation. However, for those of us who en- get to be irresponsible without having to joy monogamous relationships, "College life in general is not conducive to serious pay heavy consequences at times. It's a including myself, having someone spe- blast, but does it hinder us from experi- cial to share everything with is very en- relationships. We have conflicting schedules and take longencing something that will affect our joyable. To have someone to trust with breaks... not to mention many study abroad opportunities"lives greatly once we leave? To many, this your most intimate secrets as well as is not a real concern because life is just your funniest stories is great. There are fine without "the old ball and chain." low times when couples fight, but make- or sneaking smooches with their loved much different from that. There are so However, if you're like me, you want to up time is the best. You get to talk things one, or even looks of endearment. Why many different kinds of people with so experience it now and you want to make through (if you've got the kind of rela- is that? Is Trinity just a cold-hearted many different interests, that staying it work. I'm guessing many of you are not tionship where you are open with each .. like me or you just want to. waituntilyou, other), and come closer as a cqUrJe.y^j$)&f p\ace wfotelove takes a backseat to ev- monogamous to just .one could seem. 1 erything else? U seems as though even kind of hard, especially to a girl just com- are older and more settled down to think end. Nothing is ever perfect but having working out is ranked higher in people's ing out oi high school who doesn't know about something that is so serious. someone to share life with can be a ful- minds than having a relationship. Work- what to expect the minute she arrives at Whatever the case, a serious committed filling experience. However, it only ing it out takes commitment and moti- Trinity. The same might be said about relationship will be a part of your life at see RELATIONSHIPS on pose 11 vation just like a'relationship does, but - guys as well. people here are way more attracted to a . Many of the other answers 1 got were good work out than the latter. So, what pretty mixed. Tom, a sophomore from is going on with Trinity and the "love" the mid-west said, "1 think the focus of scene? 1 put that in quotation marks be- everyone is on other things like classes, cause if anything is going on, it sure isn't sports, parties.... beer.". As funny as that love. last reason sounds, we all know it's true. A few days ago, I mailed surveys to How many parties do you go to on cam- forty randomly selected students on pus where you see couples who hang out WHAT DID YOU THINK OF campus, ten from each class evenly di- with each other all night? Not many. vided into five guys and five girls. I asked Alicia Whilby, a sophomore said, "We're THE SUPERBOWL? them simple questions like, "Are you in not old enough to, appreciate serious re- a committed relationship and, if you are, lationships. We're still growing up." is the relationship more a convenience Does that sound like you, reader? It or is it really meaningful to you?" The sounds like a lot of people here whether BRIAN DEKKER '02 kicker question was the last one. I asked, they admit it or not. There's nothing "Are you more attracted to having com- wrong with that. We're in our prime. We mitted relationships or casual hooking u are mostly 18 to 22 year -olds whose jobs "Surprising." Curious to find out the results, I was very are to take classes and have fun on the disappointed in the responses. 1 only re- weekends. We live off of our parents


"I didn't watch. I only watch when the 49ers play."


"It sucked. The game demonstrated horrible playing on the Giants' part." JANUARY 30,2001 - THE TRINITY TRIPOD FEA TURES PAGE 11

Broken Roads and Buddist Top Ten Reasons to Go Abroad

Monks: Two Weeks in Nepal 10. Drive-by shootings do not qualify as 0 "cultural experiences" that was on a lake, very similar to one that you would find here. There were many t-shirt shops 9. Mtu've had enough of the heat that never and retailers selling fake North works Face equipment. We were also able to get American food and 8. Because that's where all of the professors some of us made a trip to the are local Baskin Robbins. When the trek finally began 7. No responsibilities we had five porters who carried any gear that we did not want to hold. Every night we stayed 6. Two words: Exotic women in different tea houses where we met very interesting trekkers. 5. Don't all roads lead to....?Riiight One trekker, named Peter, stood out in everyone's mind because 4. Something about saying you travelled we kept running into him. We this weekend and not meaning you went to Students and professors take a ireak.' never really figured out where New York or Boston history and culture of the sites he was from, but we think that BY JOHN MANSFIELD it was somewhere on the British that we visited. All the while 3. Did I mention, EXOTIC WOMEN I AND CLAIRE ROSEBUSH the members of our group were Isle. He did however reveal that Features Writers working on their bargaining he was a landscape architect skills with varying success. who raised ornamental fish. 2. Drinking age, or lack thereof Over Christmas break seven After two days of acclimating The food in Nepal was fairly students and two professors we were ready to start the seri- simple but tasty all the same. It 1. You live in Hartford, CT went to Nepal for a trekking ex- ous business of trekking. Before was very basic, consisting pedition. In attendance were beginning the trek, we had to mainly of one dish called Dal Claire Rosebush '02, Sara take a two day van ride though Bat, which is rice and lentils Desmond '03, Kate Wilson '04, the country side. Our van ride that are mixed together. David Pope '03, John Mansfield to Pokhara covered the 90 miles Our group had a wonderful Trin Relationships '01, Steve Gross '03 and Weston which took over 6 hours be- time. While trekking everyone contin uedfrom page 10 ture. It reads: cause the terrain was so rugged. was able to maintain the same Hoard '04 and professors works if the two people really do "With hool herte I gan hir We stopped over night at pace and where to meet at dif- Michael Lestz and Michael care for each other and they are beseche/That she wolde be my Gorkha and saw the Temple ferent points everyone showed Pesenson. The adventure was open with their feelings, good or lady swete." where many of the Royal ances- up exactly on time, unless they the creation of the trip leader, bad. I'm not saying that I am -The Book of Duchess tors had been born. We also had were caught up shopping, mak- Lestz who is well traveled in the guru of relationships, but 1 (1.1224-1225) the chance to be blessed by the ing new friends or hiding in the Nepal and the rest of Asia. happen to enjoy mine because I Guys if you want to impress holy man or Guru who for a bathroom. In the end everyone tell him everything and vise your future girlfriends or your Nepal is a fascinating place small fee gave us the power to do agreed that this was a once-in- versa. Communication is al- current ones, learn to translate because within the country is a anything. a-lifetime experience and we ways key. Chaucer. 1 believe this trans- meeting of Hinduism and Bud- were all very glad we had come When we finally got to lates: dhism with paganism fused in to Nepal. I began with the question, "Is as well. Our adventures allowed Pokara we found a beach town Trinity dating nonexistent?" By "Wholeheartedly I began to us to experience the culture and tru#t/Jha£ she-would be my see how the Nepalese live in the it is. Some serious relationships lady sweet." world's most rugged topogra- do exist on campus, including a Whatever you choose to do phy. number of marriages between with your relationship status, For the first few days of our professor s here and there. But make sure it's a decision that trip we stayed in Katmandu and for the most part, it's pretty you will be happy with, and one saw many of the important minimal. However, I guarantee that will satisfy you and your temples and religious sites. that once we are all out in the partner. It's better to have no re- While we stayed in the city re- real world, that single status lationship at all than to have covering from the jet lag and will change very quickly one that sucks. As for those of getting our bearings, we visited within a few years, because ev- us out there who give a loud, Bhaktapur, a pristine city eryone, whether they admit it or "Boo!" to the whole relationship within Katmandu, which has not, needs a life partner. Even if thing, that's still okay. But just many examples of traditional tha t partner ends up being a pet, remember, life is too short to Nepali architecture. it's still a life partner. spend it wondering in the back Our guides provided very in- So, I will end this article with of your mind whether or not sightful commentary on the Sunrise over Poon Hill. a quote from Chaucer. It seems you would have had more fun suitable for an article of this na- spending it with somebody else. • \9-MAR20 Back in the US, Avi, played by Dennis StockandTwoSmokingBorrehThisnew You'll need your superhero cape this movie stars an eclectic cast of both rela- Farina, upon finding that his 84 karat Follow the script this week in order to diamond has been lifted, beats a path to week, so dust it off and prepare to keep from getting scattered. Don't tive new comers with a sprinkling of compress two weeks worth of per- well-known faces. Included in this cast London to enlist his English counter- jump to decisions, and don't act upon sonal goals into half the time. There's are Benicio Del Toro (also currently star- part, Doug the Head, in its retrieval. The suspicions until after the weekend. ring in Traffic), Brad Pitt and Vinnie two of them seek the help of Bullet Tooth a pressing academic or work-related Gather information instead. Don't let Jones as Bullet Tooth Tony. Among oth- Tony, a tall, terrifying and amusingly issue that you have to wrap up before a romantic relationship grind to a halt ers are assorted characters such as Turk- charming enforcer as well as a familiar the weekend - you'll feel so much either, this will take effort from you ish, Avi, Bricktop, and Gorgeous George. face (Big Chris in Lock, Stock...) in Guy more relieved afterwards. In love, but its worth putting in the time now, Snatch combines wild camera angles, Ritchie films. These plot lines are further behave like the god you are and bask before things go south. witty dialogue and good old-fashioned complicated by Turkish, the under- in others' admiration of your values violence to create a thoroughly engaging ground boxing scout, his quest for a new and morals. ARIES and more than raucous viewing experi- caravan and the employment of a MAR 21 -APR \9 ence. Although this film has been criti- scheming "piker" or gypsy played by the LIBRA /yfr± cized for its gratuitous violence and infamous Pitt. If this isn't confusing This week you'll feel as though you questionable casting, such as Brad Pitt, enough, try weaving into the plot a SE.PT25-OCT22 J-. have to compete for everything (or ev- hero-extraordinaire, in the role of a former KGB agent, a squeaking dog and This week you'll need to use two dis- eryone) you want, so prepare yourself fiercely loyal yet unintelligible gypsy a gigantor boxer named Gorgeous tinctive strategies in order to deal Its not that this is a bad thing, because boxer, this critic feels that these elements George. with the two types of people in your we both know competition is the only play an integral role in the overall ambi- With the many different personalities life. Firstly, among friends and pro- thing that gets you going. It's just that ance of the story. and plot lines, one would assume that fessors, don't be afraid to behave more you've been getting lazy as of late, and The plot of "Snatch," centers around Ritchie's creation comes off as superfi- aggressively than usual in order to get its time to get back into your swing. several varying plot lines, tied together cial and shallow. However, the director things done - all will be forgotten. Act quickly and forcefully in all by an 84 karat diamond that is stolen seems to manage a touch of emotion, Secondly, in romance you'll see in- things until Saturday, it will pay off from diamond merchants in Antwerp at found in the Pitt's mother and the twist creased support from someone, and soon enough. the beginning of the movie. The stolen that turns up in the end. All in all this you'll have to be grateful for it with- diamond is originally destined for New film was a roller-coaster of laughs with out offering your usual constructive TAURUS its quirky British humor and crazy as- • York after a short respite in London. criticism - essentially, just zip it. APR 20-MAY 2O However Del Toro's penchant for gam- sortment of characters which defines a bling and connections with less th an sa- Guy Ritchie film. If you liked Lock, Stock Like Aries, you're week is going to be vory characters leads him to a bookie et al. you'll be sure to get a kick out of JfcJ 5C0RF10 dependant upon whether or not you where three bumbling and hilariously this even wackier story. By the way, if you V^ OCT25-NOV2I can act quickly and forcefully, but haven't checked out the new Crown The- unlike Aries, rash decisions aren't ex- amateur thieves steal the diamond, Un- Spend this week leading by example. knowingly th£- unfortunate three find ; ater, only minutes from school, with its actly your, forte. The key here is to i5'tirtake-6ut" Seatiitg-and wall to wall- People may not necessarily stick to ; .trust yourself,to take only ..the. abso- their resolutions as well as you dof, but unpleasant and vile underworld boss/ screens, this is your perfect chance. lutely necessary time in plannirigancl its not going to do any good to re-ex- then to make your move. Get a sum- plain the obvious. People who don't mer/post-graduation job issue out of realize you're right can simply fail all the way before the weekend and be by themselves. On the romantic prepared to face a perplexing roman- Community Activist of front, you'll feel in need of some reas- tic issue that will resurface late this the Week: surance, but don't worry, it'll come. week. SAGITTARIUS •' GEMINI NOV22-DE.C21 MAY 21.-JON 20 Jeff Green '01 You have exactly five days to make 1 I known whatever it is you have to say Use this week to collect information in before it will all turn to gibberish. all aspects of your life. Face the fac Mercury's about to go retrograde that there are people out there wh starting Saturday and cross know more than you do about almos everyone's communication lines, so everything, and let them give you thei make your point as many ways as you two cents before you make any moves can before then. Also try to distance You'll be changing your mind a lo yourself from boring or grumpy over the next two weeks, so don't losi people - they'll pull you particularly sight of your goals during this time o far down this week. flux.

CAFRICORN CANCER DE.C22-JAN I? ? ^ JUN2I-JLIL22 Get off of your ass this week and take some initiative instead of trying Catch everyone off guard this week b to place responsibility in the hands of taking control of your life and your a others. You've got to convince them titude. If you've been sitting in you to see things your way, instead of wait- shell lately you'll have to come out an ing for people to find out on their own face the world soon enough, so get head start. Don't delay decisions o what you already know. They want A to help, but often they simply don't skirt around issues during the next fe know how. In love, don't take a posi- days. Your intuitive energy is sorel Since his sophomore year, Jeff has been a part of Praxis, a residential-based tive response completely at face value needed by those around you, and yo community service program, which is the "only remaining theme dorm" at - there's more to it than meets the eye. love to feel needed... Trinity. This year he is the Praxis Coordinator, and his responsibilities in- clude making sure Praxis' 26 members stay active and involved in the com- munity through each member's Individual service project and the group AQUARIUS LEO projects that Praxis does on a regular basis. Such events include running a JAN20-FE.& 13 haunted house for Halloween on Vernon St., baking 300 pies to donate to lo- JUL25-AUG22 ' cal families for Thanksgiving and running the annual "Get Naked with Praxis" The name of the game this week is Use your abundant social skills th clothing drive, ' ' \. . . , • ' *? simplification, so don't take on new week to draw together people wh Jeff became involved in community service during his freshman year when projects until after the weekend and have common goals and outlook. he started the Internet Club for Hartford High School students. Since then he tie up loose ends while you can Try Don't let unresolved issues with peopl has been an active volunteer as a member of both the Community Outreach to figure out where you fit into the 1 drift aimlessly onward, but step in am Leadership Team (COLT) and Praxis. Jeff, a Computer Science and Philoso- greater scheme of things and don't get use your charisma to set things righ phy major, plans to remain involved in community service and activism af- upset if changes in a romantic; part- Also be sure to follow your romantii ter graduation and will be working next year in Cambridge, MA for Akamai ner aren't happening as quickly as gut instincts - if you feel the slightes Technologies. you'd like them to. Focus your ener- bit "off" about someone, don't hesitat To nominate someone for Community Activist of the Week, please contact Jon gies away from romance for a while, to let them go. Prosnit, x3339 or Claire Moodie, x3293. and towards finishing up jobs. JANUARY 30,2001 - THE TRINITY TRIPOD ARTS PAGE 13 A Cappella Concert Rocks and Rolls Trinity's World Pipes, Trinitones, Accidentals and After Dark Perform to Enthusiastic Crowd

BY KATE HUTCHINSON turing the energetic talents of Ben Arts Contributor Fordham '03 against a solid background har- If you weren't among the huge crowd mony. As impressive in the Washington Room on Friday as his vocal ability was night, you missed a great show from all Fordham's ability to four of Trinity's a cappella groups: the work the crowd. Every- Pipes, the Trinitones, trie Accidentals, one appreciated this and After Dark. The groups have really number, and there was progressed since years past and even wild laughing and since the beginning of this year. clapping in the room. The Pipes kicked things off with a re- Following this was ally smoking rendition of the Red Hot the lively song "Hello Chili Pepper's "Soul to Squeeze." Under City," which definitely the solo guidance of Stuart Hatch '01, the benefitted from the group brought out a diverse and impres- falsetto of Devin sive percussion and harmony blend. Goodman '01. The cho- Their ability to mix short and long ral backing to this sounds to different rhythms certainly song was simple but showed, although they did on occasion effective. Goodman drown out the soloist, whose voice some- was away from the what dropped in volume during the Accidentals last se- verses. mester, and they made "Soul to Squeeze" was followed by "All a point to express their I Want Is You," arranged by the soloist happiness that he has Greg Rubin '03, whose heartfelt voice returned to the group. _.. JLlL 4 reached out to the crowd. The song Lastly, the Acci- HANNAH GANT moved through several levels of intensity dentals' leader Tim The Trinitones belt it out to an attentive crowd at Hamlin Hall. Trinity's other a aided by a series of crescendos during the O'Brien'01 introduced cappella groups, the Pipes, Accidentals and After Dark also performed. choruses. Toward the end, Paige a new song to their Ambrose '03 added another level of lyric, repertoire, "O Shen-andoah." The ar- with a stunning number called "The song movingata good pace.Itwasa pow- echoing Rubin with a beautiful and sen- rangement was very simple, beginning General," a war song featuring the strong . erful presentation, showing a good group sitive alto voice. in unison, and increasing in complexity talents of Elliot Welburn '03 and Cliff effort on the part of After Dark. The third Pipes selection put soloist only to two-part harmony. O'Brien him- Stevens '03. The song, made popular by Friday night showcased a lot of musi- Molly Waterhouse '02 in the spotlight for self performed the solo on the last verse; the group Dispatch, was shared by these cal talent in a wide variety of styles.. an enthusiastically-received rendition of his voice was strong and pure, but a little sophomores who took their solos to emo- Each song's end was greeted with enth u- "Time After Time."Jillian Cameron '04 drowned out against the background. tional heights. Welburn opened the siastic applause that was definitely joined Waterhouse during the choruses The Accidentals style was consistent number with a sense of loss made evi- earned. It was a treat to se so much tal- in a tight harmony arrangement. and simple, with some good strong dent in the lyrics while Stevens finished ent displayed here at Trinity, but the Though Waterhouse stumbled once, the voices and an excellent range. it with a more high-octane passion. Par- truly great part of the evening was the group made a good recovery and the rest The concert finished with After Dark, ticularly of note was the bass perfor- fact that so many came out not only to of the song went smoothly, showing the another all-male group. Most of the mance of Chris Rorer '03 that kept the support, but to enjoy the singers. Pipes' solid teamwork. members wpr,e. Hawaiian shirts, adding, Their last offering was "Man in the a festive feel to the evening. Mirror" featuring Lauren Di Chiara '02 The group opened with "Gone," and it as the soloist. Di Chiara showed a great was evident immediately that this group alto range, as well as a lot of confidence had the best percussion sound, thanks in in her singing. The one key change dur- part to Matt Williams '04. The two solo- ing the song moved very smoothly, and I ists were.Ian Hoge '01 and Tyler Wolf '03. was highly impressed with the ending, These two looked and sounded more like a difficult blend of clashing chords. The a popular boy band than mere college Pipes certainly proved their range and students. They had a very good 5* ability on this one. chemisrty and played off each other well. I*

The groups have really progressed since years past, and even since the beginning of the year.

After the Pipes came the Trinitones, . The group's arrangements, like the the only all-female group on campus. Accidentals, were simpler than the first They started off with the slow and two groups, but what After Dark lacked slinky "Fever," led by Julia Hill '02. The in complexity, they made up for in feel- Shocked? Get over it group maintained a stellar percussion, a ing. gently tapping cymbal sound, that really After Dark's second song, "Something gave the song an edge. The simple cho- Like That," was about a first love, and reography definitely added to the mood. was injected with a touch of humor by The 'Tones followed up "Fever" with such lines as "she was killing me in that "Runaway," a simple love ballad that was mini-skirt." The soloist was Reed February 12,2000 a standout among their entire perfor- Wilmerding '01, who really put a lot of mance. Natalie Simpson '03 sang a lovely emotion into his singing. This number solo to a perfectly blended background also featured a lot of close harmony from 8:00 pm sound. Joining her on the choruses were the group. the gentle sopranos of Rachel Platten '03 After Dark's third piece, "Semi- and Laurie Skelly '04. . Charmed Life" was a little lackluster in Goodwin Theater The next piece, "Thank you," was the that it seemed little more than an imita- most difficult performed by the tion of the radio song. The soloist, Wolf Trinitones. This piece featured a lot of again, obviously put in a lot of effort varying counter-melodies blended with memorizing all the complicated lyrics, some simpler chords and a very good but he used all the same inflections as pel-formed by Trinity faculty percussion. Platten sang the solo with a the original recording, which took away lot of heart, but she sounded a little from some of the originality in the piece. and students shaky and soft. On the other hand, he showed immense Donations are in support of V-Day Before they concluded, the Tones of- talent in being able to hit such a wide fered an impromtu song to their list. The range. His vocal ability was also a • win- girls sang "Happy Birthday" to ner with the audience who could be seen Accidentals member Adam Guzik '03. lip-singing along with Wolf. Some of the Their last number, "By & By" did not group's members had a hard time reach- feature any soloists, and the group effort ing up to some of the higher notes dur- in close harmony was nice. ing the riffs, and they changed between The Accidentals followed the octaves awkwardly at some points. It was Trinitones, opening with a funny and en- a good piece, but not their strongest. gaging rendition of "Sesame Street" fea- In the end, After Dark finished nicely PAGE 14 ARTS THE TRINITY TRIPOD -JANUARY 30,2001 Sculpture Show Introduces Viewers to a Different Kind of Art Carolyn Webb's Sculptures on Display at Austin Arts "I generally use forms which may embody several BY TIFFANY REED •i Arts Writer layers of referential meaning. I am moved by the dy- namic force of nature that evolves into form and Istrive to achieve the integrity that any living thing embod- When 1 think of sculpture, two images come to mind. ies," Webb says of her method. One is the perfectly chiseled form of Michaelangelo's A piece that stood out to me particularly as I studied "David." The other is a picture of the large white ob- the sculptures, was one entitled "Cain/Abel." The story jects that often adorn the steps to the Life Sciences Cen- of the two Biblical brothers came to mind as I observed ter, which are creations made by the school's sculpture the piece. The work is made of three long, smoothed class. Both of my pre- wooden branches in conceived notions were the shape of a triangle, of large white objects with one tip on the that stood on their own floor. The top piece of and consisted of one wood extends to the left solid piece of material. for several feet and is Check out All About Eve at Cinestudio on I was very surprised, sharpened to a lethal Wednesday through Saturday. This classic then, to see the exhibit of point, somewhat like a features Bette Davis, Anne Baxter and Carolyn Webb's on dis- tool used by farmers. In Marilyn Monroe. It also holds the record for play at the Austin Arts the center of the work is winning the most Oscars ever for one movie. Center's Widener Art a coffin-shaped hollow Take that Titanic! You'll recognize classic Gallery. Webb's pieces piece of wood painted lines like "Hold on, it's going to be a bumpy are long, angular works red. The piece suggests nighd" as this deliciously evil movie takes with smoothed, some- murder with its shots at the larger than life egos of the 1940s times painted wood as pointed weapon and stage. the medium. The size of red center. Also at Cinestudio this week is a festival her sculptures range Webb admitted that "Celebrating Chinese Cinema," featuring five from two feet to some- films from Chinese directors, two of whom the story of Cain and where around eight feet Abel fascinates her. "It's will be present at the screenings. The movies and are often bright in include The Silk Road directed by Wang the first death in the color, which contrasts bible, and it's a murder. Xinjun, Journey to the Western Xia Empire greatly with the stark directed by Lu Wie, Black Mountain Passage It's a profoundly sad white background of the story. The sorrow that directed by Zhou Xiao Wen, Roaring Across gallery. the Horison directed by Chen Guoxing and Cain has to live with My 1919 directed by Huang Jiangzhong. Each Many of the pieces, haunts his further his- film explores various aspects of the Chinese such as one entitled tory. I'm interested in experience, and was made in the past decade. "Phoenician," were sym- an action that takes metrical with two horn- place and its reverbera- like extensions tions." resembling antlers as the Carolyn Webb's ex- focus. Several works hibit is a collection that "Were carved out on the changed "my percep- inside, giving them a hol- tion of what sculpture low, empty look. really is. It is different Webb states that her than anythipg I have works are often inspired ever seen. '. by mythics, and that she Her work is simple is drawn to bilateral and beautiful without symmetry, as well as to any excesses. It strikes With the highly anticipated movie shapes that can be inter- its viewers with a sense Hannibal coming up right around the corner preted as many different of awe that Webb says (Febuary 9th), it might not be a bad idea f OT things. She enjoys the inspires the work itself. the fans of Silence of the Lambs to pick up the "antler" shapes that are "My work is a direct re- Thomas Harris sequel. With rumors that di- prominent in her works sult of my personal rector Ridley Scott and screenwriter David because they can be in- sense of awe and won- terpreted as open arms, der." The exhibit runs Mamet have strayed from the book in their COURTESY AUSTIN ARTS CENTER movie interpretation, it will make for an in- horns, or even a boat, until March 16th at the hence the title of her Carolyn Webb's "Dream of Redemption" is one of the Widener Gallery at teresting comparison. The novel is a rela- sculptures on display in the Widener Gallery. tively quick read and will keep the readers' piece "Phoenecian," Austin Arts Center. skin crawling and their eyes peeled. After a ten year hiatus, Dr. Hannibal Lec- tor is back. FBI Agent Clarice Starling is in the middle of a public relations debacle in which someone must take the fall for a drug bust gone wrong and an officer killed. While she Hey Bantam, fights for her job and reputation, she receives a letter from the deranged doctor. This re- starts the manuhunt that captivated the na- tion a decade back The twists, the turns, and the sheer fright are enough to make this a one night read, but it will haunt you long after. ThGTnfppdl 5 It s bef t eR f OR youxz health than

Peter Jones,apianistandmulti-instrumen- talist plays at Studio 47 on Wednesday, Janu- the food a£ ary 31st. At the Bistro that night arejonathon Chatf ield and Charles Florez playing some excellent jazz. Kevin Brody plays his folk music at the Bistro the next night Mathen. JANUARY 30,2001 - THE TRINITY TRIPOD ARTS PAGE 15 Aerosmith Not "*NSync" With Popular Culture Super Bowl Halftime Show Disappointing for Rock Fans, but not Teenyhoppers BY SASHA BRATT tempt to reclaim past glory. luptuous Ms. Spears, appears. However, Okay, she is not that bad, but does she Arts Editor So anyway, at Halftime, the lights it wasn't the hard rock that I was expect- really fit in any better than Aerosmith? went down and we were treated to a ing. What is that? Is that a sock on I am not so sure. Who books these bunch of hormone-ridden teenyboppers Britney's arm? What is that all about? things and thinks that this is a good Now, those guys in the sports section chasing *NSync up to the stage. This It didn't matter, not with Britney's idea? What? One more musical guest? are not the only ones who get to com- was so well-scripted, uh, that is, ment when something sports-related choreographed. Although it is goes down. That's right, it was the Su- hard for me to say this, while at per Bowl last weekend, for anyone who the same time keep any credibil- may have missed it. But don't worry if ity as a critic, I must say that you did, because you didn't miss much. *NSync performed well. There. So, what is an arts writer doing writing I said it. When the group per- about the "big game"? Glad you asked. I formed, it was one of the few am not here to comment on the game., times when I wasn.t sitting there but on the Halftime show. Ah, the Half-. trying to decipher if anyone was time show, now that is an All-American lip-synching. This was real. It tradition. Forget the All-Star game, fire- was almost reassuring to hear works and Chinese food, all those are sec- them gasping for breath as they ond to the patriotism that one feels when sang and danced, we watch the halftime show So, after the *NSync melody We all watch it, and don't pretend you "Bye, Bye, Bye," we are treated to don't. It is a beautiful thing when a 48 the great Aerosmith. 1 am still year-old father can sit down and watch debating if I was happy to see the same quality entertainment as his 13 the boys, or angry that they sold year-old daughter. out. So, like I said, they broke So, those brilliant people over at out with "I Don't Wanna Make a E*Trade, MTV and CBS brainstormed Rass," oh no, wait, that was the long enough until they finally thought song Kerry Collins was singing. of the brilliant idea of putting *NSync Well, after a little rock 'n roll, and Aerosmith on the same stage. Oh, I we had to go back to making 13 never thought 1 would see the day where year-old girls happy. The last Aerosmith opened for *Nsync. The hu- time I checked, they were a huge Britney Spears and Aerosmith: together at last during manity! demographic for the National Super Bowl XXXV. It has somehow become Super Bowl Football League. The best com- tradition for one-hit wonder bands that mercials are for a certain beer, but half- beautifuL.VOICE, beautiful voice! Thank goodness, one more chance at re- are overly popular to play, and for a time is family hour apparently. Is this So, we've got Britney, *NSync,and demption. Nelly? WHO ARE YOU, washed-up, respectable, classic band to conflict of interests really necessary? Aerosmith. Hmmm, one of these things and what are you doing at the Super sell out. Really, did anyone think that Anyway, next, Aerosmith broke out doesn't belong. Maybe there is still some- Bowl!?! the group that brought us "Love in an into "Walk this Way." What is coming one coming to help save Aerosmith from I'm confused. What happened to Elevator" would come out singing "I next? Run DMC? A mix with the "Su- this pop trap. Does anyone remember marching bands and cheerleaders? It Don't Wanna Miss a Thing" at their big per Bowl Shuffle"? My curiosity was how many drugs Steven Tyler used to doesn't matter; we made it through the Super Bowl performance? Any real fan killing me. Something is it do? Is he really a good influence on the madness. And next year? Can anyone must feel betrayed that Aerosmith would is!,.Britney! Britney Spears! Okay, well, I teenyboppers? say O-Town and The Who at Super Bowl use *Nsync's popularity in a feeble at- am never disappointed when she, the vo- So, who is next? It's Mary J. Blige! XXXVI???

IN t~CW~





INFORMATION SESSION Wednesday, January 31, 2001 • 7:00 pm Trinity College Rittenberg Lounge


fECOWD APPLICATION DEADL/N/E If p£tlLU/\KY 2-6r 200 PAGE 16 ARTS THE TRINITY TRIPOD -JANUARY 30,2001 (About) Ten Questions for Tripod's Artist of the Week Peter Wannemacher Talks About Music, Mountain Dew and Worm Fights

The ritual obviously works for this myself, Ned, and our D& BY ADRIAN KUDUR ! devil-may-care group of Maine-ites. As friends began work- Arts Editor Tutorial College Professor George ing on a tunnel Higgins says, their music ends up sound- through the in Peter Wannemacher '03 has been play- ing "like the Iliad." Ned's backyard. ing in various bands and incarnations of The Tripod sat down to ask some ques- A huge blizzard bands for years. His most recent projects tions of Snowfort's charismatic drum- came that night and are Snowfort, with hometown friend mer, Peter Wannemacher: sophomore, left us with enough Ned Meiners, and Project Pain with Tutorial College member and all-around snow to build what- Meiners and fellow Maine residents An- swell guy. ever we wanted. We drew Packer and Alex Merrill.. ended up construct- Both groups played at the weekly Tu- How long has your band been to^ ing a gigantic for- torial College dinner on January 18th, in gether? tress with numerous which their influences were evident. Snowfort has been together for a little tunnels dug into a They played a Guided by Voices cover under a year now. Snowfort is myself and mound about nine and dedicated a song to Joy Division's Ned. Prior to Snowfort we were both in feet high (we'd piled deceased singer Ian Curtis. Kid City for six years. That band was it earlier that morn- Wannemacher has also received a three kids (the third was Alex of Sad ing). It was the great- grant from the Tutorial College to make Characters) making noise and eventu- est snowfort ever. a seven inch record with the latter group. ally we started playing for actual people The album, which was recorded over the pretty often. Most of the time it was in You toured last Winter Break will be out in March. punk shows in southern Maine. summer. Where did Wannemacher's sound is poppy but After Kid City broke up, we were still you go and can you inventive. At times clangy, at times me- supposed to go on tour. So, last spring tell me a little about lodic, the songs are always funny or break, after a Project PAIN session at my it? heartfelt or both.. house, Ned and I began writing songs We went on tour The group's writing process is indica- and played a show four days later under all along the East tive of the loose nature of the band. The the name Snowfort. Coast with another guys get together, turns on their four- band called Liggie track, and just play. The resulting "mess" Where did your band get its name? Wog. eventually evolves into a song. When we were juniors in high school, We spent three COURTESY OF PETER WANNEMACHER weeks in a small Saab with four Wannemacher makes like a rock star. people and a lot of Unbreakable is a Must stuff. It was amazing, we broke into pri- that I had gotten for a dollar at a yard sale. vate pools in Atlanta, we played for one Oh, and we had a little tape recorder. person in a dorm room in Washington Well, we pressed record and five min- D.C., we got stuck for five hours in White utes of strumming, banging, hitting, gar- See at Cinestudio Plains, and we experienced the insanity gling, yelling and keys hitting walls and and madness that is the Annual floors followed. This was the first Kid The result: Dunn is the sole survivor Zanesville Antique Pottery Festival. City song. BY SASHA BRATT of the train derailment that kills 131 in- Arts Editor At one show in Richmondj Virginia we Eventually we became a little more nocents, and he "does riot have a scratch were playing in a "housethat everyone real arid the line-up became two guitars on" him. had just been evicted from. In honor of and drums for live performances. We'd People probably walked into the the- He returns shortly to his post as a se- their last night in the decrepit building, cover Archers of Loaf, Pavement, and a ater back in November ready to second curity guard at a football stadium, where they threw a gigantic punk and hardcore whole bunch of other bands. guess every zoom, pan and close-up that he is questioned by a stranger who leaves show...Ned and I broke almost all of our Around eleventh grade we began play- writer-director M, Night Shyamalan in- notes on his car asking him if he has ever equipment and then the cops came. ing our own songs live and before we corporated into Unbreakable, his highly been hurt. Dunn tries to brush this in- I also accidentally stole three extra- graduated high school we recorded a anticipated follow-up to last year's criti- terrogation away, until he realizes the large bottles of Mountain Dew and a split seven inch [with another band]. As cal and commercial hit The Sixth Sense. magnitude of the question, and. the ri- Doctor Seuss book while we were in for what things I play: drums, keyboards, This Friday and Saturday, Unbreak- diculousness of his answer. South Carolina. We had worm fights, we guitar, toy piano, harmonica, chord or- able willbe playing at Cinestudio, and I ; The man behind the questions is ate fried ice cream sandwiches, and we gan, xylophone, eggs, banjo and kazoo. hope that people who haven't yet seen Elijah, played mysteriously by Samuel L. drove a lot. Oh, and in Georgia it's really, the movie will ignore the critics and go Jackson. It turns out that it was Elijah really hot, Who would you say are your influ- give this movie a chance. This film gives who was born in the department store, ences? Shyamalan the credibility to elevate him and he is victim to a brittle-bone disease I also understand that you were re- Guided by Voices, New Order, Beat above the status of one-hit wonder. He that leaves him in a wheelchair for the cently in the studio. Could you talk a Happening, Figurine. truly is becoming the Hitchcock of our majority of the movie. . little about that experience? time, a master of his genre. There are three main elements that We record all of our stuff on four-track What are your three favorite bands? Of course, it does not hurt a director make this movie great. The first is the or boombox, mostly four-track, and we That's a really hard one. See Question when he has one of the most bankable quality acting by all. Willis' slow dis- just got done recording a new seven inch Seven, Plus of Montreal, Magnetic Fields actors in in both of his ma- covery of what he is capable of Jackson's record with four songs on it. It's called and My Favorite. jor movies. But the genius behind Bruce curiosity and prodding of Dunn, and "They Will be Millionaires," and it'll be Willis is that he, like no other, can bril- Robin Wright Penn as Dunn's frenetic, out around March. . What are you involved in here at Trin- liantly understate a role. This is not due recently separated wife are all subtle and We've put out one album called "Here ity? to a lack of Pacino-style intensity, but beautiful interpretations of the parts, Comes the Future" and we're on a Color- Musically, I mostly do solo stuff here, rather an understanding that the script The second element is the slow, me- fast compilation record that's coming out such as the Tall Buildings. Last year I was is the most essential character in the thodical pace at which the movie is set. on Valentine's Day. Recording for us of- in Paper Paper with Darcy Roake '03 and story, and Willis does not get in the way This may be a turn-off to some viewers ten turns into us just playing Small Fac- Kyle Brenton '03. We made up songs, put of the camera telling that story. who do not like hanging around, but in tory covers or simply messing around. I out an album on cassette, and broke The movie star ts out with an eerie pro- terms of storytelling, this approach is really like the way the new songs turned some hearts in the process. logue, circa 1962, in which a woman is ideal for this movie about self-discovery. out. 1 also do theater here. I'm presently in giving birth in a department store. The The third is the camera work. It seems Cristina Lundy's senior thesis, and last baby will not stop its incessant crying, almost as if Shyamalan wants to outdo What sort of musical training do you year I was in a bunch of things, includ- and it is learned that his arms and legs himself with each scene, and one by one have? ing A Midsummer Night's Dream. are broken. he does that. This is one of the reasons I If you're talking about real musical call him a modern day Hitchcock, he In the following scene, Willis' charac- training, then the answer is almost none. Do you have a favorite saying or fa- obviously is not classic yet, but he tries ter, David Dunn, is riding the train. This I've taken two classes on music theory, vorite movie? is a brilliantly shot sequence in which new things, and they help his movie, never hurt it. and I've never had a drum lesson or any- My favorite saying is probably "cool we watch Dunn flirt with a female rider. thing. slither," since that's the battle cry of my Our view, through a hand-held camera, Willis deserves an award for his work. I think Ned might have taken guitar sledding team. is stuck going back and forth, peering However, due to the nature of the char- lessons for a little while. For the most As for favorite movie, I have a couple: through the crack in the seat, .We see acter, he will be overlooked, much like part though, we just learned by hitting most importantly is the Funky Seagull Dunn's human characteristics when he he was in The Sixth Sense. stuff a lot. Trilogy, which is a bunch of kids from removes his wedding ring to talk to the As for the end of the movie, this is not other rider. Bar Harbor, Maine making the greatest the greatest of all time. This is not The How long have you been playing, and works of film I have ever had the privi- But through the whole scene, we are Sixth Sense Part II: The Seventh Sense. how many different instruments do you lege of seeing. Other than that: distracted. Not so much by Dunn's awk- This is Un breakable, what I consider an play? Ghostbusters, Rushmore and Drive Me ward, quiet nature, but more with the unflappable movie. This goes back to Kid City. It was fall Crazy. sense-that something is about to go This movie stands alone and delivers of our freshman year in high school, and wrong. And of course, it does. This is all it promises to the audience. Un- myself, Ned, and our friend Alex were all part of Shyamalan's aptitude for Do you have touring plans for this breakable should at least be given the waiting for a ride at my house. Well, we summer? storytelling; even when we know what chance to be seen, and then perhaps see- had a keyboard, a broken guitar, a glass I know we both want to do something is coming, we are not prepared for it. ing will be believing. of water, a set of keys and a snare drum like last year, but I have no idea if we will. SPECIAL!! 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Hamburger, Eggplant, Fresh Garlic, Tomatoes and Ham, HEROES (Hot or Cold) CALZONES . *• with your choice of lettuce, tomato, onions, peppers, olives, mushrooms, Our own handmade pizza dough stuffed with Ricotta. Mozzarella and Parmesan JL mayo, BBG sauce, hot peppers, oil, vinegar, mustard, ketchup. cheeses blended with your choice of filling and a side cup of marinara sauce, W Philiy Cheese Steak , $5.50 Calzone $4.90 JL Philly Cheese Steak w/Bacon , $6.25 each additional filling $ .50 ^ Philiy Cheese-Steak w/Extra Steak $7.45 APPETIZERS if Chicken Parmigiana $5.15 Buffalo Tenders (6) for $5.75 ? , (Eggplant Parmigiana ,-..., $5.15 Buffalo Wings (mild, hot or suicide) , (12) for $6.00 W Meatball Parmigiana : $5.15 Chicken Fingers ,...J.....iL. $6,00 A Ham/Salami, Cheese .:;;::..;....*. ...; $5.40 Mozzarella SScKsZ;ZZ—...:..L.. (7)for $4.7 5 W Ham & Cheese „.,. $5.15 Onion Rings $3.20 JL Turkey & Cheese „,.,..„.. ;,.,....„.. $5.15 French Fries ,. $2.65 K Tuna & Cheese. .„;„.,.....„.,...,...... $5.15 Ch.eeae Fries ;....;...;, ...",...... ,.,...... $3.70 4^ Veggie & Cheese....,.;.::.. .,;,;;.,..,.;.,,..:..».....t,,,.;.,....,...$4,50, : : iFrieti Dough,,.•„,,,„.....,..,;, (8) for $2.50 * Pepperoni &: Cheese i;.ww.i,.^.v,L,..u..,v .:>.....;..,...;,;...... -$5.40 !Breadsticks.:.;.:.i...... :.i;. (8)for$2.50 'if Salami:& Cheesed jGarlicBread.,....,.. ..:..,:...... „,„...*•.,. .$1.85. . Chicken Sandwich & Cheese...... $5.65 .Garlic Bread w/cheese ....:.,...„...... ,„..; $2.40 W Grilled Turkey, fiacon&Cheiese.. ,.. ;...,$6;O0:i • jCbips^^;;;;:..;;;...;..;;::...... :.^.;.^^..,;;...-...... :..; •:...;..:$.5O A BALADS ••; •'•••• ••••• •••• •->• •' " ••:•* BLT& Cheese ...,.....;...;,,..,,...;:i,.<;...>.i „.,..,...... ,„,...,...„ $4,25- Grilled Ham & Cheese ..;...... ;.,.;; ...::,.;:. ...^;:i.:;..,: ^..... $4.90 Ibssed Salad ....:... $4.05 X > > > AntipastoSaiad. , $5.75 ^

•"••' •-^^ iTuna Safad $5,75 if served w/gariic bread w/cheese" •• • •• Extra Dressing $ .50 A DRESSINGS: Ranch, Blue Cheese, Italian, Fat Free Italian . w • Lasagna • Manicotti • Ravioli • Stuffed Shells * DISSERTS - • A $6.30 (with Meat - $1.00 extra) Triple Chocolate. Cake $3.25 W All prices do not Include tax. SODAS (one liter) $1.60.... (two liter) $2.50 Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Iced Tea Coke, Sprite, Grape, Orange


1 Small B^ Mi purchase & |||||«||§!||l|o||g|'||p|o|I||i|^

; mm mm mm i PAGE 18 ANNOUNCEMENTS THE TRINITY TRIPOD -JANUARY 30,2001 Around LECTURES PERFORM Monday, February 5 4:00 PM STUDIO 47 MUSIC: PETER JONES Professor Marisol de la Cadena, Assistant Pianist Peter Jones and Drummer Doug Raneri Professsor of Anthropology from the University perform improvisations and compositions blend- Trinity of North Carolina-Chapel Hill will present a lec- ing jazz, folk, and classical music. Wednesday, ture on "From Silent Racism to Neo-Liberal Multi- January 31 at 7:30 PM. In Seabury Hall, studio 47, Culturalism: Race in Turn of the Century Peru" 3rd floor. Admission is free. in Hamlin Hall. The talk is free and open to the CONNECTICUT TOY SOLDIER public. Monday, February 5 4:15 PM WINTER MUSTER Light my fire The Connecticut toy Soldier Winter Muster will On Saturday night AT was harmlessly The Trinity Center for Collaborative Teaching and Research proudly presents the Trinity Semi- take place on February 4,11 AM - 4 PM (snow date partying at Late Night when met by a star- March 4), at the Ramada Inn. Call 623-9494 for tling sight. One student, who had been nar Series featuring Dr. Barbara Lom, Davidson College, who will be presenting "Wiring the more information. Admission is $5.00, under age simply lighting a cigarette, was merci- 12 free. lessly attacked by a fellow reveler. He Brain: Molecules the Sculpt the Architecture of quickly defended himself, his blazing Developing Neurons." A reception will follow the BIO/AUTO lighter singeing his unwary opponent. talk. Resse Room, Smith House. All are welcome. The Austin Arts Center presents an engaging The angered buddy spoke up that he de- Monday, February 5 7:30 PM and eclectic three-night reperatory of stories by six solo theater performers. Drawing from the served a swipe with the lighter as retri- Dr. Andrew Hodges of University of Oxford will bution for his wound. Lighter in hand he community of professional Trinity artists as well swung, landing a hard blow on his be speaking on "Uncompatibility and Artificial as visiting guests, these interlaced programs are victim's neck. Unfortunately the weapon Intelligence in the Work of Alan Turing and Roger bound together by themes of biography - lucid was a little too hot at the time, leaving a Penrose" in the Resse Room, Smith House. Admis- passages from the lives of compelling characters, nasty mark on the other's neck. Fortu- sion is free, all are welcome. real and imagined, and from the lives of the per- nately, the mark took the shape of a fat Tuesday, February 6 4:00 PM formers themselves. The six solo performances hickey, giving the shocked friend an easy There will be a book signing at UConn Co-op, will feature: Lesley Farlow, Mara Lieberman, alibi. Campus Safety would like to re- 81 Fairfield Road, given by Janet Booth, who will Deborah Lubar, Robbie McCauley, Jeffry Walker, mind the individuals involved that it and Deke Weaver. Running from Thursday, Feb- does not condone lighter jousting and discuss astrology. The event is free. Call 486-5027 for more information. ruary 8 to Saturday, February 10 at 8:00 PM. $10 will fully pursue all accusations of such. general, $6 discounts, free with Trinity ID. Call Furthermore, the Health Office suggests Thursday, February 8 4:00 PM that in such a situation one should look Dr. Peggy Drexler will be presenting her talk Austin Arts at 297-2330 for more information. for the nearest female partner and blame "Parenting: Gay or Straight, Does it Matter?" in SEXUAL PERVERSITY IN the neck "marks" on her. Hamlin Hall, Faculty Club. Sponsored by the CHICAGO Women's Studies Department and the Psychology Justin Ball, '01, directs David Memet's acerbic Department. Admission is free. play of a young foursome sorting out their lives. Is that a girl or.... Tuesday, February 13 6:00 PM Shows are on Thursday, February 8 at 4:15 PM and Following a jaunt at the Hall, AT i. The Women's Center-presents the I AM BEAU- 8:00 PM in Seabury Hall, studio 19. made its way to AD for a startling sight. TIFUL conference. This experimental'workshop OEDIPUS THE KING The basement was a mass of writhing shares concrete tools for uncovering the beauti- men, women and well... everything in be- ful inner self and building a more confident, solid Fromjanuary 11 through February 11 the Hart- tween. Shrieks from around the room base from which tq explore one's unique purpose ford Stage presents Oedipus the King, by brought AT running to the story. At first and value. All are welcqme.From 6:00 PM - 8:30 Sophocles, directed by Jonathan Wilson. Call the glance it was two guys in the corner in in- PM in Hamlin Hall. Includes dinner; Please RSVP Hartford Stage for more info and to order tickets. timate embraces and next to them an .tOX2408,., ,., .-../,.•,:•'•: ..,. ,•. /•./•:<••r-;:'-::';:;;:..'i TWILIGJH; TUESDAYS equally intertwined female couple. How- Wednesday, February 14 8:00 PM On Tuesday, February 13, Nicholas Kynaston, ever closer examination revealed the par- England's most recored Concert orgainst, will per- ticipants to be gender bending, leftovers The Department of Religion presents the Michael P. Getlin Lecture in Religion "The Politics form the Annual Clarence Watters Memorial Re- of TCAC gone awry. While AT did not cital. General Admission is $7 general; $4 seniors find the big story it was looking for, the of Biblical Interpretation," to be given by Dr. John gender bending couples certainly pro- J. Collins, Yale Divinity School in McCook Audi- and students. Trinity College Chapel, 5:30 PM - vided some amusing sideshows. torium. Admission is free. 6:30 PM.

That's Not Baseball Late Friday night, while AT made its way back to a warm bed and some good lov,...anyway, it spotted three inebriated students gallivanting down VernonStreet in full form. AT observed a quick Campus Safety intervention and picked-up on a CINESTUDIO HI flhmHHI (fllLI JIHUAJB few heated phrases. Beers were poured ALL ABOUT EVE Jan 31 - Feb 3; Feb 3 7:30 PM; 2:30 PM out and things looked bleak for our rev- elers. As Campus Safety, thinking he had (1950) Directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz. Screenplay by Mankiewicz, based on the novel by Mary Orr. completed his job, began to drive away Cast; Anne Baxter, Bette Davis, George Sanders, Celeste Holm, Marilyn Monroe. The same year that Sunset the enterprising young drunks removed Boulevard skewered Hollywood, All About Eve brilliantly satirized theegos, tempers and just plain bitchiness a thirty-pack of this campus's best ate and of the Broadway stage. With lines like "Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy night," Bette Davis proceeded to throw the full cans at the gives the performance of a lifetime, playing an aging actress who takes a fan named Eve (Anne Baxter) ; escaping vehicle. The officer intelli- under her wing. However, Eve not only wants her autograph - she wants her job, her fame and her lover to gently chose to forego further interven- boot. In a triumphant return to the screen for Bette Davis, All About Eve won six Academy Awards® includ- tion and made his getaway. As the three ing Best Picture, Best Director and Best Screenplay. A rare chance to see a newly restored 35mm print of a '.; gave chase, more beer flew and all AT true classic, in celebration ofits'SOth Anniversary! 138 min. " •.'••"- j: could hear in the distance were the vague UNBREAKABLE Feb2&3 ' 10:15PM II utterings including "Want a beer?" and possibly even the odd "pickle-sucker!" " (2000) Written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Cast: Bruce Willis, Samuel LJackson, Robin Wright, ' Charlayne Woodard. If you think there's nothing to do in Hartford after dark, drop in on Cinestudio's Late ' Show to see one of the year's most hotly anticipated movies. M. Night Shyamalan had a lot to live up to after The Sixth Sense, and Unbreakable is just as bewitchingly eerie as its predecessor. Bruce Willis, perhaps do- Trinity's Own Jesse? ing penance for his macho roles of the 1980s, plays a melancholy security guard who has a strange knack of One of Trin's own made it to the big- never getting injured or sick. So it's no wonder he is summoned by a comic book dealer (Samuel L.Jackson) time yesterday, as JR Romano '01 was a who got the nickname of Mr. Glass, because of his catastrophic fragility. A masterpiece of minimalism and participant in MTV's "Who Want's to be a suspense! 106 min. VJ?" Indeed his performance was inspired enough to win first place in a stunning CELEBRATING CHINESE CINEMA Feb 4 -7; Feb 4 7:30 PM; 2:30 PM upset victory over a blonde bombshell in Cinestudio is pleased to present CELEBRATING CHINESE CINEMA, a new festival that premieres five a midriff. His friends from campus, in- exciting films direct from China. Two directors will be present at the screenings of their films. Call us for cluding AT, were out in full effect to cast, updated information 860-297-2544. The Silk Road (1997. Director: Wang Xinjun.) During the time of the Xi '. votes for him; in fact they crashed the sys- Han Dynasty (206 B.C.- 25 A.D.), a diplomat named Zhang Qian is charged with the daunting job of intro- : tem for five minutes with ail the activ- during China's advanced civilization to the West. 95 min. Journey to the Western XiaEmpire (Directon&u; ity. JR was on again today, and while it Wie.) A group of soldiers are sent to a small village to abduct 10 boys as a "human blood tax." One mother was too late for press time, we're sure he attempts the impossible to hold onto her young son. 110 min. Black Mountain Passage (1990. Director: Zhou wooed the crowd with his Xiao Wen.) In an isolated village in the mountains of China, a young woman is pressed into service for a Backstreetesque look and unique appeal band of men. Her loyalty to her brutal husband is tested when she falls in love with a more gentle man 99 to the audience of 14-year old girls... Just remember JR, don't be a Mark Chmura: min. Roaring Across the Horizon (1998. Director: Chen Guoxing.) A scientist and a general sacrifice their look but don't touch(down). own interests as they rush to develop China's first nuclear bomb. A fascinating look behind the scenes at China's transformation into a military giant. 120 min. My 1919 (1999. Director: Huang Jianzhong.) A stun- ning recreation of a landmark year in Chinese history, as the world attempts to heals the wounds of World War I at the Peace Conference in Versailles. 100 min. . , -compiled by Christine McCarthy McMorris JANUARY 30,2001 - THE TRINITY TRIPOD ANNOUNCEMENTS PAGE 19 ART AIXBEV. Carolyn Webb Pope Park Wednesday Night Movie Series From Monday, JAnuary 29 through Friday, There will be a public meeting to discuss On Wednesday, January 31, come to McCook March 16, Carolyn Webb will be featured in the improvments and development of Pope Park on Auditorium to watch WhatLiesBeneath at 10:00 Austin Arts Center Widener Gallery. Her famil- Tuesday, February 6 from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM at PM. Admission is free. Sponsored by the office of iar yet mysterious abstract sculputres are made the Pope Park Recereation Center. For more infor- Student SActivities and Campus Centers. from elements of nature. Admission is free, opeN mation contact Juanita Crispin, HART, 523-3449 1:00 PMtO 6:00 PM daily. or Jack Jale, 523-4276. TGIF Party French Club Excursion Come to the TGIF Party with The World in Fri- The French Club would like you to join them Free Ice Skating day, February 1 at the Vernon Social Center from for a visit of the beautiful exhibition of 36 works There will befree ice skating again this year at 10:00 PM to 2:00 AM, Alt. Bev., ID required. Ad- by Gauguin, de Haan, and Paul Serusier are cur- Kingswood Oxford School. Trinity students and mission is free. rently in residence at the Antheneum on employees are allowed to use the rink for free ice Februrary 1. The shuttle will leave Mather at 5:00 skating on Feburary 18 from 12:45 PM to 2:30 PM. OF Skool Party PM and return at7:00 PM. There will be two tours, Trinity ID required for admission and no rentals Come to the 01' Skool Party at the Vernon So- "First Thursday" and "Early Modernism." Admis- are available, so be sure to bring your own. cial Center on Saturday, February 2, from 10:00 sion is free to French students and club members. PM - 2:00 AM. Admission is free. Ale. Bev, ID re- Human Rights Lecture Series 2 quired. The Human Rights Lecture Series will hone in Chapel Happenings on the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Ski in Stowe, Vermont which was adopted by the United Nations Gen- On Saturday, Feberuary 10, take a break from Tuesday, January 30 eral Assembly in 1989. Lectures this year will fo- the city and spend a day in beautiful Vermont. 8:30 PM Quaker Prayer Group cus on "Students, Governments, and You can ski, snow shoe, ice skate, ride horses, Crypt Chapel Corporations: Likely Partners in Promoting Hu- snowmobile and even go to a day spa. The drop Wednesday, January 31 man Rights?," "The Right to Health," and "Chil- of will be at the Mansfield ski area. Cost is $10 for dren and the HIV/AIDS Crisis in Africa." Call the bus to Stowe. Bus will be departing from 12 noon Roman Catholic Mass Maryam Elahi at ext. 2029 for more information Mather at 7:00 AM. There are 45 seats available Crypt Chapel on these lectures. for this trip so get your tickets at the Mather Front 5:00 PM Carillon Lessons Desk. Sponsored by the Spring 2001 Trips and 6:00 PM Change Ringing Lessons Jam Session Attractions Series, OSACC. Thursday, February 1 There will be a Jam Session on Saturday, Feb- 6:30 PM ZEN Meditation ruary 10 from 5:30 PM through 7:30 PM at the Crypt Chapel Wednesday Night Movie Series American Legion Post in Wethersf ield, CT. Music On Wednesday, February 7, beginning at 7:00 Friday, February 2 by Allan Brozak with Dogtown. Workshop at 7:30 PM, Malcolm X and The Best Man will be show- 12:15 PM Muslim Prayers PM. Admission is $7.00, no partner is needed. All ing in McCook Auditorium. Admission is free. Crypt Chapel dances taught, beginners welcome. Call (860) Sponsored by the Office of Student Activites and Saturday, February 3 233-6603. Campus Centers (OSACC). 5:15 PM Service of Praise and '' Warship New England Contra Dance Spring Break in Montreal Sunday, February 4 There will be a New England Contra dance ses- By popular demand, there will be a trip to EVENSONG with sion on Saturday, February 10, from 8:00 PM - Montreal the first weekend of Spring Break. .Sin_gers 11:00 PM at the American Legion Post. Play 5:00 PM dly Eucti arist Service England contra dance'tuneS Dpfei' to Crypt Chapel of all insturments and skill levels. Free. Call (860) 5:30 PM Roman Catholic Mass 232-6603.

WANTED 7, ' Vt' Write for die Tripodi ' Writers needed for all sections

Meetings Tuesdays at 9:30 PM Tripod Office Now PLAYING, ackson Basement

Crown Palace 17 & Odyssey, New park Avenue This schedule is for Friday, January 26 through Saturday, February 3, unless otherwise noted; Movie schedules may have changed since press time. Please call the theatre at 247- Fraternities* Sororities CRWr~RWWN - '.:; •: ':•:• ••.••••••• .'••.•'..• Clubs * Student Groups Earn $1000 - $2000 this semester with the easy Antitrust (PG-13) - , ...• ': •, 3:00PM ,- :/ three hour fundraising Cast Away (PG-13) 12:20 PM, 3:45 PM, 7:00 PM, 9:55 PM event. No sales required. Fundraising dates are Chocolat (PG-13) 1:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 7:20 PM, 9:50 PM filling quickly, so call today! Contact Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (PG-13) 11:55 AM, 2:55 PM, 5:25 PM, 7:55 PM, 10:30 PM at (860) 923-3238, or visit Double Take (PG-13) 12:30 PM, 5:15 PM, 8:00 PM, 10:00 PM The Emperor's New Groove (G) 12:10 PM, 2:35 PM, 4:45 PM Everest (NR) Starts on Wednesday, Jan 31 : Part time positions available Finding Forrester (PG-13) 1:05 PM, 4:20 PM, 7:30 PM, 10:20 PM- flexible hours The Gift (R) 12:15 PM, 2:45 PM, 5:20 PM, 8:15 PM, 10:35 PM working with other Trinity students The Living Sea (NR) Starts on Wednesdayjan 31 Call Jerry Morris Package Miss Congeniality (PG-13) • 7:50 PM, 10:10 PM 246-3595 the Pledge (R) 1:10 PM, 3:50 PM, 7:10 PM, 9:45 PM Rugrats in Paris: The Movie (G) 12:00PM, 2:20 PM, 4:30 PM Save the Last Dance (PG-13) 11:50 AM, 2:25 PM, 5:10 PM, 7:05 PM, 7:45 PM, 9:35 PM, 10:20PM Community Service Snatch (R) 11:40 AM, 2:15 PM, 5:30 PM, 8:10 PM, 10:30 PM Sugar and Spice (PG-13) 12:55 PM, 3:05 PM, 5:05 PM, 7:40 PM, 9:30 PM Thirteen Days (PG-13) 12:35 PM, 4:10 PM, 7:15 PM, 10:05 PM Center For Youth Traffic (R) ' . : 12:50 PM, 3:55 PM, 7:35 PM, 10:35 PM CentetFpr. -Youth is looking-for volunteers to'be- The Wedding Planner (PG-13) 12:05 PM, 12:45 PM, 2:30 PM, 3:15 PM, 4:45 PM, xome ttitorsHn an after-school pipgrarn Monday 5:35 PM, 7:25 PM, 8:05 PM, 9:40 PM thQugh -Thursday; lots "of flexibility. Call Mai at' ^84?fo'!fi" ' ';'' Elm Theater - New Britain Avenue, next to Webster Bank This schedule is for Friday, Jan. 26 through Thursday, Feb. 1, unless otherwise noted. Movie schedules Spring Break in Honda ,' , ' may have changed since press time. Please call the theater to verify times and features. -; • Interested in spending spring break in Florida? Trinity' Habitarfor Humanity is looking for 102 Dalmations 2:00 PM, 4:15 PM interesed students to take a, trip tp Fort L'auderdale Charlie's Angels 7:10 PM, 9:40 PM and build homes for those in need. There are 30 How the Grinch Stole Christmas 2:10 PM, 4:15 PM spots available,'and the total cost is $75. Of you have Proof of Life 7:00 PM,9:40 PM •any questions contact'Davis Albohm at ext. 2930. Checks are due ASAP to Joe Barber in the Office of "Community Service and Civic Engagement,please •make them payable to "Trustees of Trinity College." PAGE 20 SPORTS THE TRINITY TRIPOD - JANUARY 30,2001 Women's Basketball The Speedo Is Neato: A Unique Drops Two More Look at the History of a "Man Bikini"

along the shore line enjoying respect. So why is it that today BY CHRISTIAN the cool sea breeze caressing his we sneer at the Speedo? STERLING bulging paunch, people always Whether it be the term itself or Sports Writer associate the Speedo with all the thought of someone wear- that is wrong with modern de- ing one, this aggression will not Editor's Note: Many of you cency. But the Speedo is so stand. may be wondering why there is simple, what else made from Much like those hypercolor an article devoted to the speedo 100% nylon can evoke such raw shirts of the crazy eighties the in place of the "normal sport" imagery and disdain at the Speedo has gone from cheers to artides.solwiUclarijy. We need same time. jeers. to honor our sports equipment, Instead of castigating such Yet the Speedo is still here and we should pay homage to those raiment why not respect it for rumor has it that it is making a valuble pieces ojapparel which what it is. Only a few other come back, at least with the help us score goals, shoot free commercial products have over thirty age group. So I be- throws, and cause extreme dis- withstood the test of time to lieve it's safe to say that it will comfort for 2 hours at a time in outdo its copyright, Kleenex never fade into existence like

ColeyDale '03: Shane Early'03: It all depends on how lewd and If there is anyone in this country freaky this thing will be. The commer- Editor's Picks that can make the XFL a success its cials for the league have shown fire and Vince McMahon. Lets remember this* a giant cannon, but they haven't prom- is the guy that transformed profes- ised either will be used during Will the new NBC sional wrestling from a circus freak gameplay. The only thing that I have show to a circus freak show that heard is that it will have no fair catches, and WWF-spawned makes a whole lot of money. and that cheerleaders are encouraged to McMahon runs a fortune 500 com- date players. If those are the only dif- football league, The pany. He is a very smart business ferences between the leagues, it will fail, man, who understands his target but if there are lots of hot cheerleader XFL, succeed or fail? audience, and will do whatever it chicks, complete with fire and giant takes to make sure this league is a cannons, this league will be a hit! As success. I'm not saying this thing is my man Sisco said its all about the going to the next great sports league^ thong tha thong thong thong. Fish but with airtime on NBC and sticks are good. McMahon pulling the strings this thing is gonna make money.

-,..»•.•,... .,«*..•—-.»—•••..,.•

CHEESE PIZZA SIDE ORDERS WINGS (Mild, Hot) .... (10) ... $5.25 14" Medium $7.95 16" Large $9.95 MOZZARELLA STICKS (8) . ... S4.95 Additional Toppings: $.50onmed. $1.00 on large CHICKEN FINGERS .. (10) ... $4.95 - anchovies bacon broccoli eggplant GARLIC BREAD (1S ) ... $3.00 garlic hamburger cherry peppers mushrooms FRIES ... S1.99 olives onions' pepperoni peppers CHIPS : .... $.50 ricotta sausage spinach tomatoes • SHEET PAN PIZZA CITY PIZZA SPECIALTIES $15.00 HOUSE SPECIAL .... MED $10.00 LARGE $15.00 Additional toppings $2.00 each Sausage, meatball, pepperoni, mushroom, onions, **4 HOURS NOTICE PLEASED peppers. CHICKEN PESTO .... MED $9.95 .. LARGE $13.25 GRINDERS 498B FARMINCTON AVENUE • HARTFORD Fresh Mozzarella, fresh chicken and sliced tomatoes, basted In pesto sauce.

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Extra Dressing PAGE 22 SPORTS THE TRINITY TRIPOD -JANUARY 30,2001 Two Lacrosse Players Earn Who Do I Have to Kill to Get Super Bowl MVP? he is the defensive player of the All American Awards '£& BY COLEY DALE year, but the guy was almost Mens and Womens Teams both have Pre-Season Winners Sports Editor convicted of killing two people a year ago. So maybe he was USA Division III Pre-Season Ail- was named to the 2001 Colle- Ok, so the Giants lost. My cleared, but for the sake of the BY COLEY DALE American Women's First La- giate Lacrosse USA Division III prediction of 8,000 to -40 was a article and the title, I think he is Sports Editor crosse Team. Mary was a first Pre-Season All-American Men's little off. Trent Dilfer may or pretty mean. team All-New England Divi- Lacrosse Third Team. Last year, may have not wet his pants, but I would also like us all to re- One male and one female!la- sion III as well as Intercollegiate he was first team All-NESCAC, unfortunatley, orphans were member the halftime show, crosse player have been Women's Lacrosse coaces Asso- and All-Snively League. His not made of his children. To all which I thought was pretty awarded pre-season All- ciation Ail-American Selection. contributions have helped lead you Ravens fans out there, the good. The opening shot with American honors. Maryjacobs Another selection from a Trin- his team to two ECAC Division better team didn't win, the Ben Stiller made the show. I of Malvern, PA was named to ity Lacrosse team was Senior II New England Championship worse team just got lucky. The know, Britney was in it, and she the 2001 Collegiate Lacrosse MarkTassieof HopewelLNJ. He Bids. Giants beat the Vikings 41-0, let has never looked better, but lets us never forget this fact. They be honest guys, you have a bet- absolutley smoked them, and ter chance of getting struck by just couldn't get it together in lightning 80 times in one night the game that really counted. than even talking to that gor- Student-Athlete Profile It all started when the geous future mother of my chil- Backstreet Boy's sang the worst dren. And Aerosmith with interpretation of the National N'sync? What on earth was that Anthem I have ever heard. all about, do the network Name: Michael Keohane exectutives really think that Hometown: Belmont, MA Dressed in freaky outfits de- signed to scare little children,', Average Joe 39-year-old wants Class: 2001 to see some guys with funky Major: Political Science they stuttered ..through, thesong like it was their job to screw up, •'•haircuts and gross makeup on As I sit here, after witnessing singing with one of the greatest the worst game I have ever seen rock groups of our time? Mike is the starting point guard for the Trinity in my life,all-1 can.say is this, r Giants fans will look back Men's Basketball team. He was a member of the who.thought that,they would , upon this season withthoughts team that went to the Elite Eight and for the come this far? The hype during of Super Bowl disappointment. This is true, but what do we second straight year he is leading the Bantams in the preseason was all centered cortteiawajy .with? :,The. Giants assists. A Belmont High School graduate. Mike around:.\th"€. "$100 million-* completed a postgraduate year at Worcester areithe NFC East Champions, Redskins-,and.Jhow they were; and that'is a big jump Tip after ' Academy. Wh He at Belmont Mike was ah All- • expe'ctgdtb'win the Super Bowl League point guard. A B-plus student at Trinity, 1 nof makingithe playoffs for.the .withease:•;..-?• ••*,;••"; ;v ,?.••• H'"- iast 3 years. .'.'., •• Mike's accomplishments include winning the No( one except a' lone Terry intramurals Slam Dunk Contest as a freshman/. BradsHaw-hadfai&irrthe%i~' - ' S6tio#'wh'at do we have to ants'. I remember it well, y :; look forward to? TheXFL? lam one else on the Fox NFL_ going to^ watch it, of course, I RLY pregame show predicted com- tnean it,and they do plete dominance and a Super promise to focus on cheerlead- Tripod; "Mike why did have to really organize this year's team. We go ten Bowl appearance by theers more than usual. But no ^puchopsg to come to, v^r. deep dot of games and.we •Rgdskins,, bu$ -Bradshaw .kpew. dftubt,:I wil], b^ dreaming sweat Trinity?'**""''"" "'" -"""""• 'lyanc f what all Giants fans knew, that dreams about the Vince Lomba'rdi Trophy coming to Mike: "TheNESCAC athletically.", . . ,'. thpik that's really gonna this was the year of the'Giant. Giants stadium exactly one offered a great Tripod: "You've played on help us when -we get into the Ray Lewis, do I really need to go over this guy's history? OK, year from today. combination of some strong teams at toiirnament academics and athletics Trinity, most notably the Tripod: "What's the best and Trinity's more fun team that advanced to the thing that's cbine-out of,. than any of the other elite eight. How does this your timeout Ttinity?" Want Tb«Be Part NESCACschool" year's team compare, to Mike: "I've met a lot of Tripod; "How has rigors the elite eight team? great people and there are of being an athlete at Mike; "This year's team a lot of things from the of a Team That's Trin ity shaped your has the potential to be just last four years that I'm college years?" as strong. The elite eight gonna remember for the Mike: "It really adds team had more stars but it rest of my life." Gone to the discilpine to life. You didn't have the depth of NCAA Regional STUDY ABROAD Championships STOCKHOLM UNIVERSITY Each of the Past THE SWEDISH PROGRAM Three Years??? Study abroad in Stockholm, Scandinavian literature, Sweden with. The Swedish European history, public Program at Stockholm policy, politics, health University. •• Instruc- care, nationalism THE BASEBALL TEAM IS tion is in English, in Eastern Europe, LOOKING FOR A MANAGER i Course offerings economics, film, are diverse, for i Live -with a Swedish example: women's family or in a university studies, environmental dormitory. 1 Program If Interested Contact Assistant Coach policy, psychology, excursions within Sweden. Jay Barbarotta at Extension 4043 liifiM^ February 23,2000 Goodwin Lounge, Office of International Programs

If you are unable to attend this meeting, please contact your Study Abroad Advisor or BE PART OF A WINNING TEAM The Swedish Program, Hamilton College, 198 College Hill Road, Clinton, New York 13323 (315) 737-0123 JANUARY 30,2001 - THE TRINITY TRIPOD SPOR TS PACE 23 Intramural f nsfaer Men's Hockey Splits Over the Weekend Contin uedfrom page 24 Bantams was overshadowed by a few when Steve LaBrie '04 scored on a play mental lapses. setup up by Michael Sayre '02 and Mar- Tri nity came out strong for the second tins Lans '02. The LaBrie goal, which night in a row, as Coach Dunham's squad came at 12:13 of the second period, was put fifteen shots on goal in the first pe- followed up by a Brian Fenwick '02 goal riod. Hamilton, though, was up to the from O'Leary and Greason a 118:43 of the task, as their freshman goaltender stoned second. Then with eleven seconds left the Bantams. in the period, O'Leary put the game away. The game was scoreless through the On a play assisted by Sayre and Fenwick, end of the first period and remained that the sophomore forward capped his way until 6:11 of the second period, when three-point night, scoring his second Hamilton opened the games scoring The Bantams out shot Hamilton and committed fewer penalties, but Hamilton was more effective in converting their opportunities and that was the difference in the contest.

power play goal to give Trinity a 5-1 lead. with a shorthanded goal. Trinity, The Bantams were able to tack two though, was able to regroup as Pierandri more goals on to their lead, as a pair of scored his second goal of the weekend on freshmen Tom Pierandri and Kevin a play assisted by Greg Bridgman '01 and Dmochowsky added power play goals Dmochowsky. Then with a five on five late in the third period. These two plays situation in the third period and just over setup by Justin Clarke '01 and Pierandri, eight minutes left in the game, the Con- ),', Jhfe Intramtiyai Insid^ scouystlie.caiiipus each we#t to find respectively, rounded out the nights tinentals were able to beat Faulkner and , the trueXripityatliletes, the warriors of intramuraisports...,'' scoring and gave the Bantams a 7-1 vic- take a 2-1 lead. The Hamilton defense tory. then shut down the Bantam attack and A strong Bantam power play and a ensured Trinity's 2-1 defeat Intramural Insider "Brian before the season sound defensive effort by the Bantams In commenting on the game Head was what difference on Friday night. Coach Dunham said, "We played pretty started you said that you'd be droppiti* atleast Trinity converted on four of seven power welL ...We just weren't able to score twenty points a game. So far you've only scored playsand the Bantams outshot Skidmore enough goals and that's been our prob- 49-22. lem all season long." The Bantams thirteen points in nine games* JVhat Unfortunately, Trinity's hopes for a outshot Hamilton and committed fewer : ; have to say for yourself???" weekend sweep were dashed. As in a penalties, but Hamilton was more effec- game that saw three Bantam goals called tive in converting their opportunities Brian Fabrizio *03: "Hey man, defense wins back, the Hamilton Continentals and that was the difference in the con- championships. I mean not everybody can be a handed the Bantams a 2-1, defeat Satur- test. day afternoon. The loss leaves Trinity's record at 11- role player man. It takes somebody special and 4- hkhlLyy^ k so effective Friday waas unable to conconverv t Southern Maine and Salem State. Both eopWhave always told meljrtp sneffipMg-i on any of their ten power play opportu- games, which are away, will be impor- nities and a strong defensive effort by the tant to the ECAC standings. Bantam Scoreboard

Saturday, January 27: Thursday, January 25:

Men's Basketball v. Bates: W87-84 . Men's Squash v. Amherst: W 9-0 Women's Basketball v. Bates: L 88-72 Men's Ice Hockey % Hamilton: L 2-1 Women's Ice Hockey v. Williams: L 7-0 Men's Squash v. Williams: W 9-0 Wrestling v. King's Point: W 35-18 Wednesday, January 24: Wrestling v. New York Maritime: W 44-12 Men's Swimming and Diving v. Wheaton: W149-100 Women's Ice Hockey v. Amherst: L 6-2 Women's Swimming and Diving v. Wheaton: W 154-149 Wrestling v. Roger Williams: L 26-13

Friday, January 26

Men's Basketball v. Tufts: L 79-77 Tuesday, January 23: Women's Baskebal v. Tufts: L 53-50 Men's Ice Hockey v. Skidmore: W 7-1; , ; Men's Basketball v. Keuka: W 88-64 Men's Indoor Track placed 9th at Wesleyan Invitational Women's Basketball v. Westfield State: L 58-45 Women's Indoor Track placed 7th atWeSleyan Invitational VOL. XCIX NO. 13 PUBLISHED BY THE'STUDENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE SINCE 1904 JANUARY 30,2001 Men's and Women's Swimming Women's Squash and Diving Defeat Wheaton Team Wins Again

says Captain Cory Bernard '01. Though the men's team knew they had a solid chance at a win, this did not prevent them from performing to the best of their abilities. Eric Beigleisen '03 had a great 50-yard backstroke swim and Alex Blanchard '02 shaved seconds in his 100-yard butterfly and then proceeded to shave his legs. Coley Dale won both the 100 and 50 yard freestyles, simply because he's "all growns up." and a magnifi- Reese Lee '03 Swims the Freestyle cent performance was exerted by Senior Brad Albus made Na- tionals in the 3 meter diving p**_ BY JEN STELMACK AND these guys," she said. These motivational words re- competition. The men's team COLEY DALE ally got the girls going. With a all agreed that Brad's Dives were Sports Staff new excited attitude and with "so money." Reese "I don't need no stinkin' goggles" Lee shelled great support from the men, the Amanda Todd '02 follows the ball LAURA RAND Congratulations to the Men's women pulled themselves back out a hum-dinger in the 400IM, and Women's Swimming and into the competition with some, while his partner in crime, resi- Diving Teams for a fantastic excellent performances. Fresh- dent Speedo expert Christian for the rest of the season." Since Sterling won the 1650. KATHRYN YOUNGBERG then, the focus has been on mak- performance at Wheaton Col- man Julia Kaye took first place Sports Writer lege. On Saturday, January 27, in the 100-yard freestyle and ing that training pay off in a Senior Captain Chris Nicho- number of important competi- the Trinity College Men's and Sophomore Laura Centofanti las had a great swim in the 100 Women's Swimming and Div- gained points for the team with There was never a doubt that tions. Two weeks ago the Trinity yard backstroke, but declined defeated no. 2 ranked, previ- ing teams made their way to her great 100-yard freestyle comment as he exited the pool. the Trinity Women's squash Wheaton College. The ride was swim. Senior captain Cory Ber- team is superb, but this season ously undefeated defending na- However, he was heard mum- tional champions, the quiet. The men knew that if nard took first place in the 50- bling something about the has been especially successful they swam well, they_had a good yard butterfly and in.the for the girls. Already, under University of Pennsylvania, a world not understanding his sign that the season Was on up--" chance for a win, yet for the 100-yard Backstroke "FresHman obsession with cheese doodles. coach Wendy Bar'tlett, they women the meet would be ex- Lauren Albrecht and Freshman have seen a succession of victo- ward spiral. This last weekend Chrjs Rorer, who was sidelined the team traveled to Princeton, tremely close. Beth Stoker gained crucial for most of the meet with an ries, accomplishments, and The competition started off points for the team. "owwey in my tummy," swam with a bit of an upset for the Junior Lydia Barret really well in the 200 yd. Medly Relay. "Although the Constable Tournament, an Trinity women after giving up came through when the compe- Both teams went into the individual open competition was not a first place victory to Wheaton tition was tight came with "an meet ready to fight hard and in the 200 yard medley relay. important first place in the 500- grab a win. For the men it was a necessarily a team event, the group joined Though the team came back yard freestyle. Senior captain great accomplishment to add together in support of each other." with some great performances Katie Bryant and Junior Jessica another win to their record and -Claire Austin in the mile freestyle from Harmon really helped the team tor the women it was their first sophomores Catherine in 3 meter diving competition win for the season. Though the O'Donohughe and Sarah with Katie's first place victory men knew winning their meet team growth. The momentum New Jersey for the Constable Hamilton, the women struggled and Jessica right behind her would not be to an extreme de- builds up as the team looks for- Tournament, a competition for. togetbackinto the competition. teammate in second. The Trin- gree of difficulty, they were an ward to championship season the top 16 squash players in the Following the 1-meter diving ity women finished up the meet excellent cheering section for where the hard work will truly country. Three Trinity players, event, the meet was already with a well swum 200-yard the women and helped keep up pay off. competed in this elite circuit, freestyle relay where the second within a few points and Coach - their spirits and excitement. A turning point for training while the rest of the players were and third place points put them Kristen Noone brought the The support between the Men's as well as team bonding was the involved in outside sections. ahead of the competition allow- women together. "The meet is and Women's teams is what al- trip to Amsterdam, Holland Number one player Amina ing the women to win the meet. lowed Trinity to take Wheaton really close, but you have over winter break. Says senior Helal (number two in the US "1 am so excited, we finally won. by storm, and will keep them worked so hard this season. Let's captain Janine Thompson, the and number one in England) get fired up, get behind the The girls have been working so performing well through out trip was "an opportunity for lanes, and cheer. We can take hard and it's finally paid off," the rest of the season. good training that prepared us See SQUASH on page 21 Men's Hockey Cqnqures Sksdmore, but Falls to Hamilton Weekend Splits Leave Bantams'Record at 11-4-2, 8-2-1 in the NESCAC by Jeff Griffin '02, and the goal SHANE EARLY gave Trinity the lead for good. Sports Editor Still in the first period sopho- The Trinity men's hockey more forward Greg O'Leary team entered this past weekend added a power play goal from ranked eleventh in division 111 Brian Fenwick '02 and Matt" hockey. The team was coming Greason '02 to extend the Ban- off a disappointing 10-1 loss at tam lead to 2-0 at the end of the the hands of Babson College first period. and needed a strong perfor- Skidmore was able to cut into mance this weekend to remain Trinity's lead early in the second atop the NESCAC standings. period, as the Thoroughbreds On Friday, Trinity jumped out added a power play goal at 3:53 to an early two goal lead over of the second period. This visiting Skidmore. The Ban- would be all the scoring tams were able to sustain this Skidmore would be able to mus- intensity throughout and ter, as Bantam net minder Geoff cruised to a 7-1 victory. Faulkner '02 held Skidmore Senior Dennis Petrov got the scoreless for the contest's final Bantam attack going with a 36:07. goal at 3:41 of the first period. Trinity got things going again Petrov was assisted on the play See Hockey on page 23 Dustin Kim '03 goes for the draw