
Rockschool Grade Pieces Patrol ‘

Snow Patrol





‘Chasing Cars’ is the second single from Snow Although it didn’t achieve a number 1 in the UK or Patrol’s 2006 album Eyes Open. It is a based on a the U.S. ‘Chasing Cars’ still receives massive airplay single three-chord progression, but ‘Chasing Cars’ is and can be heard almost constantly in TV shows. A far from simple. The song starts with a sparse picked moving acoustic version of ‘Chasing Cars’ appears on eighth-note line which is augmented by subtle the soundtrack for the US TV show Grey’s Anatomy. keyboard parts. The arrangement uses changes in dynamics to develop the song. The third chorus sees ‘Chasing Cars’ move up another notch adding RECOMMENDED LISTENING drums and several distorted playing different inversions (where the notes of a chord are arranged ’s songs are masterpieces of in a different order) to create an orchestra-like wall of arrangement and see the guitar adopting a supporting guitars. The end of the song sees the song return to role on their songs rather than the dominant riffs its sparse beginnings with the re-stating of the simple and extended guitar solos you might expect to hear picked guitar part. from a rock, blues or metal band. Their other mega- hit is ‘Run’. A single from their third album, 2004’s . It starts with the same understated feel THE BIGGER PICTURE as ‘Chasing Cars’, based primarily on a simple guitar riff before moving to a dramatic, perfectly crafted Snow Patrol’s rise to super-stardom has been chorus. ‘Set Fire To The Third Bar’ from 2006’s Eyes slow and steady with their first top ten hit (‘Run’) Open has an earthy rhythm and some subtle acoustic coming in 2004, six years after the release of their and electric guitar playing. It also features Martha first album. They have grown to become one of the Wainwright on vocals. most successful British indie acts of the last decade and even have the dubious distinction of a reality TV winner, , achieving a UK number 1 with her cover of ‘Run’. Hot Rock Guitar Grade 1 Grade Rock Guitar Hot 5 6 Hot Rock Guitar Grade 1 Chasing Cars [10] A A A B B B T & [7] T & [4] T & # # # # # # # # # D A a B & T œ œ œ 7 0 7 d d 9 # # œ œ œ 9 9 9 # 4 4 q = œ œ œ 0 7 7 104 A œ 7 Indie œ œ œ 9 9 9 œ 9 œ œ œ 0 7 7 œ 7 œ œ œ 9 9 9 œ 9 œ œ œ 7 0 7 œ 7 œ 9 œ œ 9 9 All rights inGermanyAll administered by Universal Music Publ. GmbH. œ 7 © Copyright 2006Universal Music Publishing Limited. All Rights Reserved. International RightsAll Reserved. Copyright Secured. E œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 0 2 2 2 0 0 6 œ 9 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 0 2 2 2 0 9 9 œ 7 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 0 2 2 2 0 0 6 œ 9 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 0 2 2 2 0 9 9 œ 7 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 0 2 2 2 0 0 6 œ 9 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 0 2 2 2 0 9 9 œ 7 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 0 2 2 2 0 0 6 œ 9 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 0 2 2 2 0 9 9 œ 7 Words &Music Lightbody, by Gary Nathan Connolly, œ 9 A œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 0 2 2 2 0 7 6 Tom Simpson, Paul Wilson &Jonathan Quinn œ 7 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 0 2 2 2 0 9 9 œ 9 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 0 2 2 2 0 7 6 œ 7 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 0 2 2 2 0 9 9 œ 9 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 0 2 2 2 0 7 6 œ 7 Snow Patrol œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 0 2 2 2 0 9 9 œ 9 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 0 2 2 2 0 7 6 œ 7 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 0 2 2 2 0 9 9 œ 9 ‘Zephyr Song’

Red Hot Chili Peppers





’ was the second single from Although John Frusicante played on five the 2002 release By The Way. It follows a familiar with the Chili Peppers, they recorded One Hot format to a lot of Chili Peppers’ songs such as Minute with former Jane’s Addiction guitarist ‘Californication’ and ‘By The Way’, where the verses in between are built on a repeated catchy riff while the choruses and Californication. Frusciante left the band in make use of simple strummed open chords to allow 1992 (reportedly struggling with drug addiction) room for Anthony Kiedis’ vocal. before returning in 1998. was a more straight-ahead rock album as Navarro was not comfortable playing . While it contained THE BIGGER PICTURE hits like ‘Aeroplane’ and ‘My Friends’, it is now largely ignored by band, media and fans alike. John Like a lot of bands that have been successful for Frusciante left the band again in 2009. a long time, the Chili Peppers’ sound has gradually evolved. They started life as a wild funk-rock outfit centred around Flea’s hyperactive slap basslines and RECOMMENDED LISTENING Kiedis’s rap-influenced vocals. After the death of their original guitarist, , John Frusciante The Chili Peppers’ discography falls into three (himself a lifelong fan of the band) was drafted in as distinct phases. From their early, frenetic albums The replacement. He introduced a different take on the Uplift Mofo Party Plan contains ‘Backwoods’, ‘Fight Chili Peppers’ funk sound, adding Leo Noncentelli- Like A Brave’ and -influenced ‘Behind influenced single-note lines and more pronounced The Sun’. The first Frusciante period features the variations in dynamics to Mother’s Milk and Blood outstanding Blood Sugar Sex Magik which contains Sugar Sex Magik. The Chili Peppers have continued the funk-rock classic ‘’, dance floor this process of maturation towards a more ‘straight’ favourite ‘Give It Away’ and mega-hit ‘Under The rock sound, with their trademark funk stylings Bridge’. The second, mellower, Frusciante period making less frequent, more controlled appearances in yielded Californication which contains the hits ‘Scar their latest work. Tissue’ and the acoustic gem ‘Road Trippin’. Hot Rock Guitar Grade 1 Grade Rock Guitar Hot 33 34 Hot Rock Guitar Grade 1 Zephyr Song Zephyr [12] A A A B B B T & [9] T & [5] T & A A F œ ˙ œ 3 2 2 m m 7 A B & T œ 1 œ 0 4 4 q = 120 A ˙ 0 œ 1 œ 2 m . 7 Rock œ 1 œ œ 3 3 ˙ 3 J œ 0 . œ 1 œ 1 . G œ 5 œ 0 œ 4 G œ 0 7 G ˙ 0 ˙ ˙ 3 7 . . All Rights Reserved. International RightsAll Reserved. Copyright Secured. œ 0 © Copyright 2002Moebetoblame Music, USA. ˙ 1 . œ 1 E œ 2 m Words &Music by Anthony Kiedis, John Flea, Frusciante &Chad Smith œ 0 E œ 0 œ 2 m Œ œ 3 œ ˙ 0 0 . ˙ 0 . E ˙ 2 # m D œ œ œ œ 0 2 3 2 œ œ œ œ 0 2 3 2 Red HotRed Peppers Chili F œ 3 F œ 3 œ œ œ œ 0 2 3 2 œ œ 2 3 œ 2 œ œ œ œ ˙ 1 œ 1 . ˙ 1 œ œ œ œ 0 2 3 2 . œ 0 œ œ œ œ 0 2 3 2 œ 1 œ œ œ œ 0 2 3 2