

What is the meaning of this song, and its lyrics for me? Well, I think that there is something special in the way that word's from a song can inspire me. It may not be the reason the song lyrics were intended to be interpreted, but they hold special meaning to me. You know that way, when you hear the music and you stop, the memories still vivid in your mind, whether they are happy or sad, the use of words or melody carrying you away to that special place.

In the case of , I could say that the first time that I heard Chasing cars was in the school, at that time I didn't know which was the translation of the song because I wasn't interest in English. However, when I heard it, I felt many things at the same time; one of those things was inspired by the tone of voice of the Snow patrol’s vocalist . "Chasing Cars" is the second single from Snow Patrol's When I heard this song in the voice of Gary, I recognized a fourth , . It story behind, maybe a love story or even an advice given to was recorded in 2005 and him by someone or perhaps a special moment for him to released on 6 June 2006 in the US and 24 July 2006 in remember. But how a singer can transmit so different the UK as the album's second meanings just in simple lyrics of a song? ingle

Sincerely, I don't know, but songs like Chasing cars with rhythms of , folk rock, and a little bit of were so popular during the end of 90's and early 2000 due to its sound, its social context, and its regional roots were innovative for its time; Many of those popular songs in 2000 had similar characteristics with Snow Patrol’ Song, some of them are ''Dani California'' by Red Hot Chilli Papers, ''Lips of an angel'' by Hinder and some other bands like Nickelback, Breaking Benjamin and Goo Goo Dolls.

I think that the beauty of this song lies in that it can mean something completely different to anyone who hears it. To me this song is about finding someone who will not get lost in the world and that person will not forget about you. Someone who will brave the world to be with you. , Someone who you love so much that you can't describe the way you feel about them. You might not have met them yet, but you still can't stop thinking about them. Someone who won`t try to change you but He or she does it.

Always when I hear this song I think about the last scene in the novel by Gabriel Garcia Marques, Love in the Time of Cholera, when the two lovers, older, finally they are given the opportunity to be together after decades of missed opportunities. All they do is simply lie down on the bed together. Come what may! No hurrying. No rush. All this while they are traveling on a steam boat up and down the River Magdalena avoiding the cholera epidemic.

LDN - Lily Allen

The purpose of music is to communicate certain messages, tell a story, illustrate drama, express great power and religion, and preserve cultural traditions. Other Lily Allen specific examples of musical purpose is to heal, enlist or petition spirits for positive outcomes, worship, maintain life-cycle rituals, educate, motivate, work, pass time, feel particular emotions, entertain, express one's identity, protest, control, and unite.

In the case of LDN by Lily Allen, I think that the inspiration of the lyric can come from an infinite number of places from city, I still remember when I heard this song, it was during a travel to Bogota, I was astonished of how big it can be and also I was amazed by the culture that I could find in that place.

Around that time I was studying my first semester in B.A in English so I understood some words of the lyric, but I didn’t make in my mind a clear relation with the name of the song, Soon after I decided to watch the video, there I spotted a Lily Allen who "LDN" (shorthand for showed us the several life styles in the city (London), then I started to comprehend that "London") is a single by Lily the city can seem dirty when you are really paying attention to the people, however Allen which was released in when you aren't paying attention to it all, it may seem like a very diverse, even a the UK on 25 September cultured place.

2006. It was co-written by In my personal opinion the real meaning of LDN is that things aren't always what they Future Cut, and features a seem. She is using London as an . If you walked around the town, you'd think it Colombian porro from the was a happy and cheery place as well as its people. But if you take a closer look and take a deeper second glance, you would country's Caribbean coast. notice that things aren’t as they seem and actually quite the opposite.


The song is a piano-driven ballad which can be left to interpretation like other songs but, I realized that its' meaning had linked with the appreciation of the relationship and how it can be neglect a relationship, because we don't realize how valuable and vital it can be in our life. Once we realize our errors, we wants to go back and to try to fix our mistakes but sometimes it’s a little too late.

When the song begun with a four-chord piano melody and the Coldplay’s vocalist singing, in my mind come a special movie called P.S. I Love you directed by Richard LaGravenese which shows a similar drama in its script. Both are based on love stories with the same end, the death of a loved one.

In the video of ‘‘the scientist'', we can notice the Chris Martin’s participation when he appears as the boyfriend of a girl who backs his way through a horrifying car crash that appears to kill his onscreen girlfriend.

During the development of the video we see the use of the narrative as a vital part to reckon all the story; the video is summarized in: Martin is seen moping among upward-falling leaves and he is reliving a frightening car crash in which he loses control of his vehicle and plunges down a ravine, sending his formerly giggling girlfriend hurtling through the windshield. Of course, in Thraves' version, the woman is sucked back into the car through a shower of glass, the BMW rolls up a hill and the clip ends with the couple smiling and laughing as they cruise in reverse down a country lane.

That sums it up nicely, I think. However, the song's lyrics can be interpreted differently by different people, often reflecting their own situations. It's one of those beautiful songs that can mean whatever you want it to mean - though, personally, I think it's about heartbreak, and a man who was concentrating so intensely looking at the relationship from a logical perspective, trying to figure the girl out instead of just listening to his heart. Which, ultimately, tore the relationship "The Scientist" apart.

The song was released in the United Kingdom as the second single from A Rush of Blood to

the Head and reached number 10 in the UK Charts. It was released in the United States as the third single and reached number 18 on Billboard's Modern Rock Tracks.