VOLUME 79, NO. 7 ERIK LEIDAL IN A BOX OCTOBER 4,1991 Events set Hanszen freshman hospitalized in alcohol incident freshman reported hazy memory. guardian's consent to treat the mi- Rice. for music by Rodney Gibbs According to roommates, the fresh- nor. The father was eventually In the past, the University has man returned to the party and con- reached and arrived at the hospital at not intervened in parties held be- A Hanszen College freshman sumed ten additional shots. the same time as Waldman. hind close doors to enforce alcohol school's was taken to Park Plaza hospital As the freshman's condition After approximately two hours in policy regulations. Whether clas- Tuesday, September 24, after worsened, the roommates unsuc- thehospital,thefreshmanwenthome sified as a public or private party, drinking sixteen shots of straight cessfully attempted to induce vomit- with the father. alcohol policy violations are evi- big debut tequila at Hanszen's traditional Te- ing. A party co-host, a trained drunk- dent quila Night' room party. The sitter, and friends subsequently came Reactions to the Party "There's little doubt this is a by Michelle Price freshman, released to family later to the freshman's room after hearing violation in [the alcohol policy]," that night, registered a blood alco- about the intoxication level After de- Waldman and the father both ex- said Stebbings. hol level of 0.25 and a blood-oxygen liberation and at the advice of the pressed disbelief at the occurrence Waldman said that Tequila Rice University President George percentage of 82% Legal intoxica- drunk sitter, the friends and room- of such an event Night' crossed the line from a pri- Rupp, Shepherd School Dean tion is 0.1 blood alcohol level and mates notified the campus police and Waldman stated, "It's pathetic that vate to apublic party at the moment Michael Hammond, and a represen- brain damage may begin at a blood- left for the emergency room. [Hanszen has] so few traditions, yet the campus police were notified, tative for architect Ricardo Bofill an- oxygen ratio below 80%. The party, En route to a car in the Hanszen they call [Tequila Night'] a tradi- and when college leaders willingly nounced a schedule of dedication a Hanszen tradition, is held annu- hosted it and kept watch over it ceremonies for Alice Pratt Brown ally by upperclassmen immediately 'One serious misconception is that the alcohol Burnett added, "If a party is an- Hall beginning today. An opening following the third of the 'Big Three' nounced publicly, it becomes a week celebration is planned from round of exams for freshmen. policy stops at the door to the student's room. public party-* All freshmen were October 4 to October 10, culminat- The father said the freshman invited to Tequila Night' during ing in a program of works performed could have slipped into a coma dinner announcements that by Da Camera. without treatment. "I told [the We don't say what goes on in your own room isevening . The dedication ceremony is freshman] to be careful with tequila scheduled for 3:00 p.m., October 4 because ifll slip up on you." The your own business. We do say we will not enterOther implications followed by a reception and tours of father also reported prior knowl- the building. The Rice Chorale and edge of the freshman's intention to your room.' The direct involvement of col- the Shepherd School Symphony Or- attend the party. lege leaders at the eventrepresents chestra conducted by Larry Rachleff The incident once again calls —Ronald Stebbings the most severe blow against the will preform for the general public on attention to the campus alcohol existing alcohol policy, several Monday, October 7. On Tuesday the policy. parking lot the group asked a patrol- tion." university officials said. Rice Chorale and the Shepherd Sing- "There is, I regret to say, a large ling campus police officer to drive The legitimacy of this event as a "I'm very concerned that it ers will present a program featuring level of ignorance in regard to the the intoxicated freshman to the hos- firm tradition is emphasized by its wasnt arandomgroup [who hosted alcohol policy," said Vice President pital. According to the Mends, the inclusion in the 1991 Hanszen Ori- the party]," said Waldman. "But it 'The first rehearsal with of Student Affairs Ronald Stebbings. officer instructed them to lay the entation Handbook which states, "life opez, was unavailable for comment. 2 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4. 1991 THE RICE THRESHER 8 1 B B Careless Hanszen party hazardous to students, VOUlVESOTOkAUWrr, THERE'S K CERJNN fluKM alcohol policy TO h*sNt*crry -jmg CH1LPUK£'

After a year of careful considerations, joint efforts between stu- dents and administrators, and negotiations with the campus police, already we are jeopardizing our alcohol policy. While the Hanszen "Tequila Night" a week ago Tuesday may not directly affect the Rice alcohol policy, it is representative of the all-too- prevalent irresponsible attitude on the Rice campus about drinking. Reckless parties endanger the policy indirectly, but more impor- tantly, they endanger the students that attend them. Rice's alcohol policy is a fragile thing. New attitudes and regula- tions like the Drug-Free-Workplace Act reflect a society that is progressively less tolerant of drug and alcohol abuse. Even the impression that Rice allows or condones underage drinking may force the administration to abandon its liberal stance and leave us with a dry campus. Because Tequila Night" was an advertised, unregistered party with underage drinking, it may be considered a violation of the Rice alcohol policy. If we do not abide by the policy, then we are at serious risk of losing the liberties that we, as Rice students, take for granted. Rice is a wet campus for many reasons, one of which is student UN safety. If the campus were to become dry, as it is during O-week, there would be many more off-campus parties. If students are going to drink, especially in excess, we'd prefer they crawl back to their college rooms from the pub on campus than try to drive drunk, risking t heir own and others' lives. In addition, the alcohol policy guidelines—bartenders, ID checks, the presence of food and sodas, "drunk-sitters," security measures— Tolerance and agreements to disagree provide a degree of safety. A more restrictive policy will only increase irresponsible drinking as more students participate in off-campus be intolerance toward conservatives." alcoholic events without these precautions. University efforts can be by Mark Bennett According to Clay, the standard better spent upholding a mutually agreeable policy involving the at Rice should be such that an indi- With its legendary apathy, the Measured vidual "maintains ethical standards current guidelines. Rice campus should have acquired a of civility while not being afraid to The Hanszen party did not follow these measures—and someone mood of tolerance—grudging at the state an opinion. A student who calls was hospitalized because of it. It could have been much worse. A first- least Yet in the yearly Campanile another a right-wing fascist even if time drinker consuming a reported 16 shots of tequila in less than an photo of GALOR (Gays and Lesbians [in doing so] he shows ignorance, hour easily could have died. Of Rice) there are often members should not be prosecuted—although The rules of the policy themselves are simple: if you have a party pictured with their faces covered and he could find a cleverer and more outside of a closed college room, then it must be registered with the their names unlisted. Some mem of PC, shelters conservative who tactful means of cutting him to the university and follow some straightforward guidelines. Underage bers do show their faces and list are unwilling to accept TO- quick." Sachitano concurs; in an en- their names; it is not club policy that sexuals and willing to discriminate counter with someone who, while drinking is a matter of state law regardless of location. tolerant of homosexuality, consid- It is very easy, but unfair, to lay blame on the few hosts at the party. makes others conceal their ident- in their official capacities. A senior ities but anxiety about "coming out of administrator offered Sachitano fi- ered it wrong or sinful, he would How many people stood by and watched this student consume the the closet" Why, on such an apa- nancial aid and, on learning that agree to disagree. potentially lethal dose of alcohol? thetic campus, should some students Sachitano was gay, considered with- Sachitano says the campus is a lot We benefit from the liberties provided in the policy and must offer be afraid of reveal-ing their sexual drawing the aid. He finally, after more tolerant than he had thought responsibility in return. Let's not lose this responsibility and privilege. orientation? consultation, let the offer stand. "I before he came out and than it is Register your party or keep your party private and use common sense. According to Stephen Sachitano, think he was worried about more perceived to be. "The Rice student Preventing violations is in everyone's best interest. No one wants to president of GALOR, conservative serious consequences if he — very body, while conservative, is open- see an obituary column in the Thresher for drunk driving or irre- forces on campus are "numerous obviously — changed his mind be- minded and non-confrontational." sponsible drinking deaths—or, for that matter, the policy itself. and scary." There is a perception cause I was gay." Neither Sachitano nor West has ever among gay students thinking about Although he is a Christian who had a problem with violence or coming out that the campus is ex- finds no conflict between his reli- intolerance. There was none of the tremely intolerant, that their friends gion and his lifestyle, Sachitano ostracism or persecution Sachitano and neighbors will turn away from sees the evangelical Christian groups expected from his friends and ac- and ostracize them. Many of them, on campus — the Baptist Student quaintances. They agree that the says Sachitano, think that they don't Union, Campus Crusade for Christ, major obstacles to coming out are, in know any gays. He estimates that and their ilk — as the only serious the words of the Rice staff member, "80% of people on campus think threats to tolerance, mostly because "parents, parents, parents, parents, they've never met anyone gay, but they have (or appear to have) "nu- parents, and friends." Rice, a small, Harlan Howe, Ann Zitterkopf selective institution stocked with Editors-in-chief everyone on campus quite assuredly merical superiority." The members knows someone who's gay." of these groups are more likely than open-minded and intelligent stu- A gay Rice staff member calls others to react violently to encoun- dents, is "a hotbed of tolerance" com Chad Carson David Mansfield pared with the country as a whole. Managing Editor Business Manager the level of tolerance within the ters with gays; they think they don't hedges "mediocre" although, he es- know any gays, that there are none The perception of intolerance — timates "15% of Rice students are in their families, their churches, as harmful to discourse as true intol- NEWS SPORTS gay." Even our enlightened adminis- their religious groups. erance — still exists on campus. In- Amy Keener Editor Peter Howley Editor tration , in many ways the schutzstaffel John Clay, editor of the Rice Sen- tolerance of gays is attributable Jill Salomon Assistant Editor Eric Anderson, Randy Block, tinel, sees things differently. He won- chiefly to ignorance or denial of the Kraettli Epperson, Rodney Gibbs, Terzah Ewing, Lynanne Foster, ders why students, while tolerant of substantial proportion of gay Rice Eric Carmichael, Michelle Price, Erin Gainer, Tom Harris, Joey students. The PCwallahs cannot im- Beth Bromley, Jonathan Briggs, Eric Olivier, James Young most religious and irreligious ex- Hahn, Robin Hazard, Michelle LSAT pression , are so intolerant of the CCC. prove the situation by forcing a "cor- IJCROUX, Mark Schoenhals, Henry OPINION Since his freshman year C87-'88), he rect" pluralism on everyone; drasti- Mahncke, Sam Cole, Erik Leidal Darrell Speck Editor says, the campus has become less cally different viewpoints can and Mark Bennett Columnist GM AT tolerant, especially of traditional must coexist peacefully at Rice. Ev- ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT views. Clay tells of an administrator, eryone has friends, classmates, and Ijeezie Kim Editor FEATURES proud of her political "correctness," fellow crusaders who are gay and Shala Phillips Assistant Editor Shaila Dewan Editor MC AT who explained that pluralistic views friends, classmates, and fellow lib- Ross Grady Columnist eral activists who think that homo- Jeremy Hart, Stan Hsue, Jesse Jou, are acceptable, but there is to be no PRODUCTION tolerance for more absolute views, sexuality is wrong. These people are Patricia I jn Josh Denk Production Manager GRE not pedophiles or crossburners or Jeremy Hart, Marc Hirsh, John no matter how tolerant the possess- PHOTOGRAPHY McCoy, Kevin Mistry, Jennifer ors of these views. suicidal schizophrenics or Chris Sonneborn Editor Tackman Clay feels that while "most stu- gaybashers. They are liked, and Eric Hahn Assistant Editor dents don't want to rock the boat, no trusted, and admired in the commu- John Havranik, Barbara Solon nity. Only when this is realized and BUSINESS Simply the best matter what their opinions are," the Shane Speciale Ads Manager conservative viewpoint is in the mi- accepted by all will there be room for BACKPAGE Chris Cowles Assist. Bus. Manager nority here at Rice. After all, "Dukakis free and open discussion on both Heidi Huettner Editor George Nickas Ads Production test prep available. sides of the issue. M. Wasz Cartoonist Hector Avila, John Schwartz carried this precinct, which is mostly Circulation students." As an example of intoler- Phone: 527-4801 © COPYRIGHT 1991 anceofconservativeopinions, he tells 688-5500 of mindless ad hominem attacks on Make Rice The Rice Thresher, the official student newspaper at Rice University since 1916, Is Earl Ryan, last year's Sentinel pub- published each Rrlday during the school year, except during examination periods and lisher. "People would come up to Recycling happy holidays, by the students of Rice University. Editorial and business offices are located on THE the second floor of the Ley Student Center, P.O. Box 1892, Houston, Texas, 77251. him and call him fascist" because of Place this Thresher in Advertising Information available on request. Mail subscription rate per semester: PRINCETON his conservative viewpoint. Cory $15.00 domestic, $30.00 international via first class mail. Nonsubscrlption rate: first a recycling bin when copy free, second copy $1.00. Letters to the editor must be received by 5 p.m. on the REVIEW West, vice president of GALOR, has Monday prior to publication. Unsigned editorials represent the majority opinion of the We Score More! not had trouble with intolerance to- you are finished. Thresher Editorial Staff. All other pieces represent the opinion of the author. Obviously. ward gays, but says there "may well THE RICE THRESHER FRIDAY. OCTOBER 4, 1991 3 Not apathetic To the editors, Apathetic? Because we chose not to oblige Mr. Bennett in his admitted ruse? I disagree. Owen Kelly WITHIN WEEKS, THIS PLACB IS Graduate Student, ...AND GOOD NEWS! BUSH IS I WANT GOING TOBBA MOB SCENE! SEND ME BACK IN THE SAPPLEi THIS auB BETTER Electrical and Computer PILOTS! WH/ZZOS! GROUND ANOTHER THE JETS ARB IN THE PUT ON A MAKE Engineering AIR! HAPPY PAYS CREWS! 6-2'e! L06HEAQ5! RE CASE OF HOLP UIAKTIM&, THAT CHtVAS... \ ARB HERB ON, LIEF WORKERS! REFUGEES' BURN FOOTING! TEN AGAIN! AHMAP VICTIMS! CASE'S... Letters / /


Hanszen to

GOTTA PREPARE FOR TO KEEP THE LOCALS HAVE YOU SWEPT IT start caring HURRY UP WITH THOSE THE BEST-CASE SCE THE FROM STIFFING US ON THE for BOMBS ? I WANT KEGS, HONEY/ WE GOT To the editors, NARIO, HONEY! HAVE FIRE THE COVER CHARGE! PEOPLE TO FEEL THEY A MILLION THINGS TO On Tuesday, October 1st, Han- YOU NA!LEV THE FIRE POORS, ANP WHAT ABOUT ROOM' CAN UNH//NP HERE' QO BEFORE THE NEW ? POORS SHUT YET? SIR? THE MEN'S ROOM? SIR szen College held a rare all-college GROUNP FORCES meeting at 10:00 p.m. in Hanszen HIT TOWN! \ / Commons. Without the presence of any administrators, professors, or University officials, the members of Hanszen met and discussed — with considerable frankness—the role of alcohol in College life, and its effect upon us. The subject was not the alcohol policy, nor was it the prospect o f a dry campus, but rather the actual, day-to-day effect of drinking on the College. As must now be widely known, recent events at Hanszen College A FEW MONTHS AGO, PEOPLE HAP BUT! KNEW! I AHEAD have led us to question how well we OF COURSE, MY HE'S A can exist at a college — indeed, call HEAR THAT, HONEY? GIVEN UP ON THIS PART OF KNEW THE PO&S OF OF THE THOSE ARE SCREAMIN THE WORLP. EVERYONE TOLP WAR, ONCE UNLEASHED,CURVE ACCOUNTANT SUIT, SIR. ourselves a college—without taking EAGLES,TOOLIN'UP ME I WAS CRAZY TO INVEST IWULV RETURN A6AIN ASAL LAUGHEP' YOU'REA a necessary measure of responsibil- NORTH AT MACH 2,5! IN KUWAIT'S POST-WAR ANP AGAIN TO TrllS WAYS, LAUGHBP! VISIONARY. ity and caring for our members. It ' ECONOMY I BLIGHTEP REGION' SIR / was this general concern which led to the extraordinary meeting, and we believe that considerable good will come of it The tone of the meeting was not, "How drunk did so-and-so get," nor was it a matter of, "How can we have parties and not get caught" Rather, it was simply the College addressing what it perceived to be a danger not only to its individuals but to the fabric of the College itself. As a result of this self-evaluation, we hope to establish (or re-affirm) a new code of conduct BOSS, I'M W WHAT UN THE SORRY, BOSS. t— BOSS, TRY TO WHOCARBS? A MINUTE ? AFRAIPI'M 1 MIPPLEOFMY MY WORK IS KEEP IN MIND YOU'RE STILL in Hanszen life: responsibility first PONE HERE. I ANP WHAT I'M ONLY A LEAVING MB and foremost for ourselves, but also GIVING YOU I BUSY SEASON? NOTREALLY, NOTICE. A NO MAY, BUTTBO! HAVEVMOVE AMISUP- HALLUO- SHORT- for those around us. If we are a col- BUTTS. WHAT ^ ON POSEPTOPO NATION. HANPBP! lege, an independent, self-reliant IS IT? FOR A BAR group of individuals, then it is our 7BNP&,HUH? responsibility to watch out for each YOU'RE CJHP other. Rather than looking to the past, PUNG MYBUS- or treating the symptoms, Hanszen INESS HERE! College has decided to move on to a frame of mind where you are not simply responsible for yourself. That's it But if Rice is more than a collection of individuals, thenperhaps this will work at other colleges as well. Which is a better choice of I'I treatment for alcohol abuse at Rice, simply removing—or attempting to YEAH, WELL, NORMALLY remove — alcohol from the campus, YOU YEAH, HONEY, HE SAP HE THEY WORK or taking the extra step of watching BELLOWEP, YOU'RE GOING TO HE PIP? HAP TO MOVE THAT'S NOT A PROBLEM. OF UM... FOR PEANUTS SIR? HAVE TO PULL WHAT ON, THAT HE ALL THE PEOPLE I'VE HIREP WHY? ALSO, YOUPON'T out for one another? Hanszen Col- POUBLEPUTY THROUGH THE YEARS, I'P lege has made its decision. FOR? WAS ONLYA POINT. GET SEXUAL TONIGHT. BUTTS HALLUCJNA- SAY 407° WERE H6MENT5 HARASSMENT GAVE NOTICE. TION ANYWAY. OFMY IMAGINATION! SUITS Chris Odell FRANKLY, I PREFER'EM! Hanszen *93

Ron Chapman President, Hanszen College

The 7ftr«A«rprovidesan open forum for expression of ideas on all issues and we invite our read- ers to participate in this discus- sion by writing letters to the editor. However THAT'S INCREPIBLE, SOME OF THEM TURNED INTO YEARS? SIR, DENIAL AL- • Letters must be signed and SIR! 4Ctfo OF ALL PEWSIONS, ANP I HAP TOLBT YOU... YOU WAYS WAS SIR, A\RB TIME TV dated and it must include the YOUR EMPLOYEES THEM GO. BUT OTHERS HAVE PONT MEAN YOUR STRONG YOU TRYING WAKE UP writer's phone number, address, HAVE BEEN HALLU- BEEN WITH ME FOR YEARS ! THAT I...I'M... SUIT, HONBY. TO UNDER- ANP SMELL college, and class. CINATIONS? ] MINE MY THE SCOTCH, SELF-ESTEEM ' HONEY' •The Thresher reserves the AGAIN? right to edit letters for length and clarity. • Letters must be received by 5:00 p.m» Monday to be included in that week's issue. Address letters to Letters to the Editor, The Rice Thresher, Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251, or bring them to the Thresher office. 9. 4 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1991 THE RICE THRESHER Pub alcohol license to be available for use for college parties

Willy's) are Sanbom, Director of Stu- Craig Strain. as explained in the agreement, in the campus police to the individual caus- by Jonathan Briggs dent Activities Sarah Nelson Three main options exist if a col- event of violations, the college may ing a violation. An individual can still Crawford, Pub bookkeeper Wanda lege decides to use the license; if no be fined and the license may even be be punished without the college be- After a year of not lending out the Jackson, the Pub manager, and one violations occur, the most favorable suspended. ing responsible," said Ballengee. Pub's alcohol license, V&W Permits ofValhalla's managers, who this year conditions will result as no damage "A college can avoid being fined if Sanborn hopes the colleges will has agreed to let the colleges use the are (respectively) Brad Shisler and will be done to the license. However, the host brings the attention of the be able to continue to use the license license at large parties where an ad- during the entire year, however, if mission fee is charged. more than two violations occur, the "We began with a proposal last entire campus will suffer the license's year and have since made many As many of you know, last year the colleges were tive that the alcohol policy and Texas laws be fol- suspension. changes, fine tu ning it to what we can unable to use the Pub's alcohol license. This caused lowed BY ALL STUDENTS! Without the coopera- "The colleges, students, and so- both agree on," said Todd Ballengee, the colleges to spend a lot of money to secure outside tion of the whole university, we will lose this privilege cials have all acted very responsibly. SA Internal Vice-Presidentand chair licenses and created many other problems as well. I that we have fought so hard to obtain. Please take We've seen a dramatic increase in of the alcohol committee. "This year am pleased to announce that after an entire year of the time to read the contract and familiarize yourself the awareness of the alcohol policy we finally had a breakthrough after meetings, compromises, and negotiations, we, the with the alcohol policy so that we do not jeopardize Student Association, have finally reached an agree- as well as state laws which have had three meetings of trying to work our continued use of the license. a great impact in our decision to allow things out" ment with V&W Permits to allow the students to use Todd B. Ballengee the Pub's alcohol license. The following is the con- the colleges to use the license. All "The main reason we've decided SA Internal Vice FVesident along we were worried that we would tract which will be used for parties that charge for Chairman, SA Committee on Alcohol to let colleges use the license is be- admission where alcohol will be served. It is impera- lose the license, but these fears have cause the SA decided to do some- been allayed," he said. thing about it We've been waiting While only larger college parties for a year for this propo sal to be made V&W Corporation/Residential College usually find the need to use the li- after the SA came to us and asked Alcohol License Agreement cense, Crawford said that the colleges what it would take for the colleges to are not all choosing to use it use the license again," said Bob V&W Corporation (known hereafter as to the Pub. If paying this fee is eliminated as a "NOD is going off campus," she Sanborn, Director of Career Services. "V&W") hereby agrees to allow the use of the possibility by TABC the College promises to pay, in explained, "because they want tc Willy's License will be the license Willy's Pub (known hereafter as "the Pub") alcohol addition to the $250 fine, any loss of revenue (deter- serve mixed drinks and Willy's li- license at College mined by averages from previous weeks) and costs cense is only for beer and wine." (known hereafter as the College) for incurred because of the suspension. If the College Ballengee, who served as Beer- event on is found in violation of the Rice Alcohol Policy or 'The colleges, students, Bike Chairman this past spring, be- (agreed date). Texas law by a university official, the Campus Police lieves the availability of the license The College agrees to pay two hundred and fifty or TABC then the College will be unable to use the and socials have all will add convenience to the planning dollars ($250) directly to the Pub and the thirty Pub license for the remainder of that academic year. dollars ($30) picnic license fee to TABC. Said college If, after a violation occurs in one of the residential and budgeting for large parties. acted very responsibly. also agrees to purchase all the alcohol for the afore- colleges, another college is found in violation , the "It will allow colleges to throw big mentioned event from the Pub. The College acknowl- license will be unavailable to any of the colleges for parties and not destroy their budgets We've seen a dramatic edges its responsibility to uphold Texas law and the the remainder of that academic year. To ensure that for the rest of the year," he said. Rice Alcohol Policy in spirit as well as letter. The the severity of the punishments will not discourage "Beer-Bike had problems with using increase in the College hereby pledges to do its utmost to see that that Campus Police from prosecuting individuals, an outside license; everyone else these laws and rules are obeyed. Additionally, the the officer may distinguish between a violation by an who went off-campus for licenses had awareness of the alcohol College agrees to use visible means to designate individual and a violation by the College. If the officer problems. The fee outweighs all the patrons of legal drinking age during theeventthrough is notified of an individual violator by the host or other problems, as well as being lower policy.' the use of wrist bands. other responsible party, the officer can prosecute the than most establishments would Additional security measures to be used by the individual without detriment to the College. If the charge if you went off-campus." College (as agreed upon by the College and V&W): College feels as though it was unjustly found in "We worked well with Todd—he — Boh Sanbom Should a violation occur, through notice by TABC, a violation of the Rice Alcohol Policy or Texas law the made sure something happened. Campus Police report or a university official, the College may appeal the violation directly to V&W When it got to us, we reached an lent out for parties, and the Pub will College promises to pay the Pub two hundred and Permits. agreement that we thought would charge a $250 fee along with a $30 fifty dollars ($250.00) and reimburse the Pub for any This contract is irrevocable, once signed by one best represent the students as well as "picnic fee" which is necessary to fines in excess of this amount that might be levied by authorized member of V&W and the authorized Willy's Pub," Sanborn said. obtain if the license is used off the TABC. In the case of a suspension of the Pub license, College social coordinator, president, and master. "Students have worked very hard premises of the establishment the offending College will be required to pay the to put this together and we appreci- The changes are the result of the necessary fee for use of a license during the time of College: ate their diligence in working through university's inability to hold an alco- suspension (this fee is $200.00 per day or higher). Name: this," added Crawford. "We look hol license, V&W Corporation was Should the College be required to pay this fee, the Date: forward to working with them and formed last year which placed a group Pub would be able to remain open, and the College, Social Coordinator expect the students to adhere to the of people in charge of overseeing the although still responsible for the $250 fine mentioned Member, V&W Corporation alcohol policy and, of course, to Texas licen^. The permanent members of above, will not be required to pay additional penalties President: state law." V&W ("V" for Valhalla and "W" for Paying for the license SA examines conservation on campus

Initial/Set-Up consumption. "Not only are we try- ity costs come out of the unrestricted •$250 — Use or license by Eric Carmichael ing to point out to Facilities and Engi- income fund, of which tuition is 20 •$30 — TABC Paperwork neering areas that need attention, percent The Student Association, in an but we're trying to curb students' and "We're doing this to increase attempt to slow the rate of tuition faculty's bad habits as well," said Sara awareness on campus that even increases and room and board fees, Baack, co-chair of the conservation though we dont pay utility costs di- began an energy and water conser- subcommittee. rectly, we definitely pay them in the No Violations TABC Violation vation drive. For now, students who see waste long run," Leidal said. or report from "This will send a message to the on campus are encouraged to call the There are several reasons for the Campus Police Board of Governors that we are se- SA office, or tell their co liege senators, recent rise in costs. Rice now pur- or University rious about keeping tuition low- that or bring their concerns to the tuition chases water from the City of Hous- Official we're notgoingto justcomplain.we're committee meeting 9:00 Wednesday, ton instead of drawing from private (No license going to help them out," said Erik October 9 at Sid College private din- wells, and electricity and gas rates ing room. have also increased. suspension) Leidal, co-chair of the conservation subcommittee of the SA tuition Leidal said utility expenditures The addition of the Biosciences/ •$250 fine committee. that are connected with the colleges Bioengineering building and the or Rice's utility costs for Fiscal Year are recovered through room and Shepherd School building have also •TABC fine 1991-92 are projected to be $4.9 mil- board fees; increases in general util- increased power and water usage. (whichever is lion, up from only $4.0 million in higher) achieved by the meaningful inter- FY90-91. "If we can't do something play of sounds and silences," he said. by the end of the year to bring utility Shepherd "The principal goal of our facility is to expenses down, I think we're going FROM PAGE 1 provide individual spaces in which to be looking at a big increase in classes before finally moving into a the acoustical quality is ideal for the TABC Violation tuition," said Leidal. more public and ceremonial arena. assigned musical purpose, with un- (suspended license) Facilities and Engineering works The first stage of Alice Pratt Brown wanted noise from surrounding to identify inefficient uses of power Hall in comparison with musical de- spaces kept to a minimum. I believe and water, but Leidal said it is unre- velopment is the east wing. It houses that Alice Pratt Brown Hall achieves alistic to expect them to know about individual practice rooms and pri- that goal." Pay fee to keep If TABC will not everything. "They cant be expected vate teaching studios. The name of the Shepherd school to walk up every floor at Sid," he said. The central core contains the originates from Houston banker and Pub open let the Pub use As a result the SA is working to classrooms where, according to millionaire Benjamin A Shepherd. (using license during the license during involve students in the process. Rupp, "students learn the entire his- Sallie Shepherd Perkins, suspension) suspension Within the next few weeks, the SA tory of western music—not only granddaughter of Benjamin A. Shep- •$250 fine •$250 fine will post "gripe sheets," for students music of our time." Finally, the west herd, first endowed the Shepherd or or to identify lights left on unnecessar- wing contains the grand foyer, Stude school in 1950 with a $350,000 dona- •TABC fine •TABC fine ily, thermostats set too low, or other Concert Hall, Duncan Recital Hall, tion. She later contributed an addi- (whichever is (whichever is problems. The SAalso plans to set up Wortham OperaTheatre, the organ/ tional $5 million. higher) higher) a 24 hour telephone number for stu- choral hall, and the Maurice and Admission to most concerts is PLUS dents to call with conservation sug- Winifred B. Hirsch orchestra re- free, but require reservations made •$200/day (to keep PLUS gestions. The SA will relay students' •Lost revenue at Pub hearsal hall. on a first come first served basis. Call Pub open) complaints and ideas to facilities and Hammond said of the building, "I 527-4933 for more information. And (during suspension) engineering. PLUS still walk through it saying There when inside of the concert hall, keep •Any costs incurred Plans also include an information can't be another interesting space.' in mind this word of advice from campaign stressing the amount of Then I open a door to a rehearsal hall George Rupp about the acoustics: because of money spent annually on utilities, suspension and see one. "You have to be very careful about offering suggestions to reduce utility "Music is the acoustical art, whispering. We can hear everything!" THE RICE THRESHER FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1991 5 New plan provides students with choice seats at President's lectures

student activities. sentatives of the Rice Program Coun- Leidal and I got together to talk over student courtyard) as opposed to the by Robin Hazard Journalist Roger Rosenblatt is cil. The ratio of tickets going to the this problem and to try to propose a west entrance, which will be used by scheduled to speak October 16 for undergraduate and graduate students solution. This is just a committee to the general public. The Student Activities office an- the first lecture of the series. has not been set A total of hree hun- get something going...to work out Students will be asked to provide nounced a new plan to distribute Rosenblatt is a regular columnist dred tickets will be held for Rice stu- the details," Crawford said. both the student tickets, which are a advanced student tickets at the and editor-at-large for Life. dents. "Leidal was involved in writing different color from general admis- President's Lectures Series in re- Rosenblatt has also worked with The The issue of saving tickets for stu- the proposal from the SA last year," sion tickets, and Rice I.D.s.The doors sponse to complaints of inadequate New Republic, The Washington Post, dents arose last year as a result of explained Crawford. student seating. The trial system sets and U.S. News and World Report, student letters published in the According to Crawford, the three aside a substantial proportion of where he was the editor. He has Thresher and of a Student Association hundred reserved student tickets tickets for students. written three published books and memorandum distributed to univer- represent a "substantial number" of We know that this is "We know that this is just a trial has one in production. His lecture sity officials. total seating capacity. The hall will run. Although we dont foresee any, will deal with the topic of free speech. "At President Rupp's request, Ron seat up to 1185 if Sammy's is also just a trial run. Although there may be some problems," said Each college will receive at least Sass [head of the President's leture opened for seating The Grand Hall Sarah Nelson Crawford, director of 25 tickets for distribution by repre- series committee], Marty Vest, Erik itself seats 625 people. we don't foresee any, Tickets will be distributed to the colleges next week for students to pick up from the RPC representa- there may be some tives. The Graduate Student Asso- ciation will handle tickets for grad problems. students and will distribute tickets at Valhalla. — Sarah Nelson Leftover tickets for reserved seats Dr. Seuss vigil...wil l remain available at the office Crawford outside the Grand Hall. Students may by Eric Hdhn pick up tickets prior to the lecture even if their individual college has will open at seven o'clock for the distributed its share of tickets. If all eight o'clock lecture, and seating will of the student reserved tickets are be first come, first served. Further- Students gathered claimed, students may use general more , the seats will not be guaranteed public ticketing. after 7:45 p.m. Additionally,the proposed system Students with suggestions for fu- around Willy's provides for a separate entrance for ture speakers are encouraged to students to the Grand Hall through contact college senators. statue, dad in a Dr. the east door (from the Cloisters and Seuss-stgle hat, Sunday night Four professor candidates holding candles vie for Reli Rayzor chair and reading from tion between the committee and the by Beth Bromley candidate in the selection of speech The Cat in the Hat content "They may mention it to me Two candidates for the Rayzor and ask me what I think and if I think in honor of the late Chair of Religious Studies delivered something of it 1 may tell them. But speeches this week in the final phase that's it." Normally, They just give Theodore Oeiset, of a selection process to fill the seat me the title so that I can advertise." vacated last year by Professor The first two lectures were held a.h.a. Emeritus Niels Nielsen. A total of last Monday September 30 and four final candidates will present Thursday October 3. The first, by Dr. Seuss. lectures. candidate William C. Placher, was Drawing from the responses re- titled "Christian Theology and ceived to the job description written Genuine Pluralism." Placher is Pro- early last spring, the Selection Com fessor of Philosophy and Religion at mittee has narrowed the field to four Wabash College. Dr. John C. candidates. At this point in the selec- Approximately thirty students Sharoff was the main organiza- of Dr. Seuss. Maraldo, Professor of Philosophy tion process, "it is customary [for the gathered Sunday at 11:00 p.m. for tional force behind the gathering. "The Lorax was one of my first and Religion at the University of candidates] to deliver speeches on a a candlelight vigil honoring the "Dr. Seuss really influenced ev- books. It really appealed to me. North Florida, delivered the second topic which the candidate has found late Theodore Geisel, known to eryone," said Sharoff. "Also, we Now, with Seuss and Jim Henson lecture. Maraldo's topic was "Reli- millions around the wprld as Dr. haven't read Dr. Seuss in awhile, gone, all the symbols of my child- gion and Relativism: A Repraisal." Seuss. Geisel died in his home and it was kinda fun," Sharoff felt hood are gone. It's really cool to Drawing from the The third candidate, Dr. Nancy last week at the age of 87. that Geisel's death was a significant see Rice students doing this, K. Frankeberry from Dartmouth The crowd amassed around event for everyone. though, something that's not alco- College, is scheduled to speak on Willy's statue, which was adorned "No one wants to grow up, but hol or Beer Bike related. I don't responses received to Thursday, October 10 at 4:00 p.m. with a red-and-white-striped top when the symbols of your childhood believe in Rice apathy anymore," The final candidate Dr. Edith hat reminiscent of The Cat in the die, it makes you feel like you are Hinger said. the job description Wysehogrod, professor of Philoso- Hat. The vigil began with the growing up. That's something no "There's one quote that kind of phy at Queens College of the Univer- lighting of the candles and agroup one wants to admit," Sharoff said. sums it all up for"me," said Sharoff, written early last sity of New York will speak on reading of excerpts from A Fox in "YouVegotto wonder, though. With "It's from One Fish, Two Fish, Red Thursday October 31 at 4:00 p.m. All Socks. From there, students went Jim Henson dead and Dr. Seuss Fish, Blue Fish. Today is gone, spring, the Selection lectures are held in Sewall Hall, room on to read and act out several of gone, what will the kids of the future Today was fun. Tomorrow is an- 307. Dr. Seuss' classics such as have? I mean, the books will still be other one. Every day, From here Committee has Klein, selection committee chair- Sneetches, led by Brown fifth year around, but I dont think G.I.Joe can to there, Funny things are every- man, stressed that "all four are really Bowie Hinger, and The Cat in the even come close," Sharoff said. where.'" quite well respected in their fields Hat, led by Will Rice junior Peter Hinger agreed with Sharoffs Erik Leidal did not attend the narrowed the field to around the country, and that's why Sharoff. views, and also held fond memories vigil. we've invited them" four candidates. Kelber expects the Department to make the final decision by Thanksgiving. interesting," according to Ann Klein, Drafting the job description last associate professor of religious year to fill the vacancy stirred up hard to believe," studies and chairman of the selec- controversy within regarding the di- tion committee. rection of the department Said-the Cat in the Hat, Following the speeches, the reli- Until now, the selection 'Dr. Seuss would just leave, gious studu ies department as a who le committe has been non-committal will make the final decision. Werner in its criteria for the chair. In the Vfoukl just leave us like that Kelber, professor of religious studies January 25 issue of the Thresher, and chairman of the department, feels Klein reported, "We wrote the job "V&l, maybe he left," that the speeches are necessary to description as broadly as possible. I said to the cat, give the Department further experi- We would welcome a person with ence with the candidates. "We had expertise in comparative studies." W 'But hell never be gjxie, four good people and we didn't want Whether or not this excludes schol- I'm certain of that/" to make a decision on paper," he ars with expertise in traditional says. "We wanted to see all of them." western thought is a matter of con- tolonjl&oneWd The topic of the speech is chosen troversy within the department Rice by the candidate, though it is typical religious studies professor James Has a book and a heart, that he speak on his area of specialty; Sellers expressed an opposing view like the Cat in the Hat, according to Kelber, "We encourage in an editorial which appeared in The them to do that" Klein adds that this Wall Street Journal: "it now appears He'll /aw depart.r does not always mean that the speech to be viewed as undesirable to teach will cover previously published theology in a religious studies de- works: "Some ofthem talk about work partment" they have already done; some might Klein clarified that the broad job talk about work that they're in the description is not exclusionary in middle of now." this manner This [broad job dt> The candidate may speak with scription ] does not mean that we are u Klein about the topic, though she not interested in western religious emphasizes that there is no negotia- thought I want to stress that" 6 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1991 THE RICE THRESHER RSVP gives students opportunity to help Houston community

Crisis Work individuals who are blind or visually garden plots around Houston. Tune: Rice O.U.T.Reach—tutors 2:30. Limit 60. impaired; these programs include 9-12 & 1-4. Limit 40. Jackson Middle School students on vocational and living skills training, the Rice campus on one afternoon a M.D. Anderson Cancer Cen- CASA JUAN DIEGO—temporary residence that offers Central Ameri- social services and counseling, job Loaves and Fishes Soup week in the Wiess commons. Jack- ter—volunteers provide a wide spec- can refugees food, shelter, counsel- placement, etc. Kitchen—soup kitchen located on son is located on Houston's East End. trum of services to cancer patients. ing, travel arrangements, medical Activity One: Brief introduction the east side of downtown that serves Activity: Jackson and Rice stu- Activity: Dress in Halloween cos- treatment, and employment services. and slide show on legal blindness, 450 lunches daily to homeless Hous- dents will make Halloween masks tumes and pass out candy to young tonians. RSVP teaches English language in- discussion with blind volunteers, role and door decorations for patients at patients. Time: 10-1. Limit 10. struction for residents on Sundays. playing and sighted guide training. Activity: Serve meals. Time: 11:30- Texas Children's Hospital. Tune 9- Time: 9-12:30. No limit 1:30. Limit 10. Activity: Painting, yardwork, and 12. No limit environment Activity Two: Refurbishing of the general upkeep work. Time: 10-2. Lighthouse including: planting flow- S.E.A.R.C.H.—a total resource Children's Museum—provides *Trees for Houston, Tree limit 20. ers in the flower bed; painting exte- center for homeless people. A day children ages 3-12 the opportunity to Planting—trees make a significant rior doors with bright colors; sweep- shelter, S.E.ARC.H. offers meals, learn about the world around them difference in the quality of city life, YMCA REFUGEE ASSISTANCE ing and striping the industrial area laundry, showers, child care, emer- with a variety of hands-on exhibits. helping to cool and clean the air and PROGRAM—YMCA International with tactile paint; and striping Activity One: Pumpkin aesthetically enhancing surround- Services strives to ease the resettle- the parking lot Time: 9-3. decorating with the children. ings. TFH is dedicated to fostering ment of new refugees and immi- Two shifts: 10-11 & 11-12. orderly planting of trees along both grants through job placement, ESL limit 45. Limit 10 per shift residential and commercial streets. classes, and counseling among other Activity Two: Face paint- Activity: Plant approximately 15 services. Houston School for Deaf Children —nonprofit day ing with kids. Time: 1-3. trees on San Jacinto, plus weed Activity: Briefintroductiontothe school established in 1947 of- Limit 5. whacking, pruning and trash pick- agency, then sorting with refugee fering classes to more than 70 up. Time: 9-12:30. Limit 35. youth, donations of clothes, furni- students with a teaching and Juvenile Court Volun- ture, toys, etc. phis general clean-up. support staff of over 20. teers—provides positive role Time: 9-3. Limit 10. Rice Recycling and Recovery— Activity: Orientation and models and tutoring for collects glass, aluminum cans, news- tour of facilities. Time: 102. youths aged 10-17 who must paper, computer and copier paper STAR OF HOPE—a transitional liv- limit 30. stay in the Juvenile Deten- from the eight colleges and locations ing center for families that takes tion Center. Participants around campus where students people from shelters and returns must be 21 years old. generate recyclable materials. them into society within a year. Only Relief Hssistance requirement is that participants are Activity. Orientation & in- Activity: Sorting recyclables, drug free. Unlike shelters, families St. Paul's Church Food troduction to the juvenile jus- building and painting bins, and tak- are kept together. Pantry—distributes sack tice system. Tour of the juve- ing sorted materials to recycling lunches and groceries to the nile detention center. Time: centers. Two shifts: 9-12 & 1-4. Limit Activity: Tour and description of hungry at St Paul's Method- 9:30-12. Limit 20. 20 per shift program, then family literacy. ist Church. Clients are inter- Reading with children and presen- viewed to determine need. tation of new books, then gardening Health Hnlmals and general upkeep work. Time: 10- Activity. Sorting and box- 3:30. Limit 25. ing food. Time: 102. Limit Omega House—a resi- * Pet Patrol—matches a volun- 15. dential hospice for homeless, teer with a person unable to care for terminal-phase AIDS pa- his/her pet due to a debilitating ill- MAGNIFICAT HOUSES, INC.—A Houston Food Bank— tients, offers only palliative ness such as AIDS. Walking, bathing, cluster of halfway houses providing medical care designed to in- vet visits, and general pet care are transitional living and twelve step food distribution center for the main volunteer responsibilities. counseling for families and indi- viduals. Activity: Training session for new volunteers. Time: 1012. No limit Activity: Participants will orga- nize and play games with children * SPCA—Houston's largest and ages 1-11, read aloud from children's oldest private an&nal welfare organi- books, sort and distribute clothing, Outreach Day 1991zation. 40,000 animals are sheltered do painting and repair work at two each year, and others receive help new facilities, and help prepare the through the Injured Animal Rescue noonday meal. Time: 10-1:30. Limit large volume food donations that gency financial aid, job training and crease the patient's comfort and well- Service, Cruelty Investigations and 40. distributes food to local programs for counseling, education, and medical being. Advocacy programs. the needy. care. Activity: Tour of the center and Activity: Volunteer training ses- Mental Disabilities Activity: Sorting and boxing food. Activity: Overview of facilities and overview of volunteer responsibili- sion. Time: 10-1. Limit 8. Time: 8-12:30. Limit 40. tour. Time: 10-11:30. Limit 15. ties. Tune: 9-11. Limit 10. Center for the Retarded, Inc.— Education provides direct service programs to Home Repair for the Elderly— Human Resources Develop- Texas Children's Hospital— mentally retarded persons residing Private Sector Initiatives, Inc. orga- ment Foundation—operated in part provides a full range of basic and * Rice Adult Literacy Program/ in Harris County. nizes volunteers to paint and repair by Rice Professor Joe Hightower, specialized services to children, ado- ESL, Classroom Tutoring— Activity: Play softball and bingo homes owned by low-income elderly HRDF provides free housing to lescents and young adults. 500,000 Houstonians (nearly 30 mil- with residents. Includes overview of people in Houston. In six years they medically indigent families who come Activity: Make Halloween deco- lion adults in the U.S.) cannot read the agency. Time: 1:30-4. Limit 15. have repaired over 700 homes. Since to Houston for treatment in the rations with patients and decorate well enough to pass high school. Find 1987, Rice volunteers have repaired Medical Center. the lobby. Time: 9:30-2. Limit 30. out how you can combat illiteracy Menta] Health & Mental Re- 14 homes. Activity: Mow lawn, prune trees, through a variety ofprograms offered tardation Authority—provides an Activity: Painting and repairing trim hedges, clean gutters, and bake Hermann Hospital—Hermann by the RSVP Literacy Office. array of evaluative treatment and two homes. Tune: 8-12. limit 70. bread for . Time: 9-2. was the first hospital in the Texas Activity: Introduction to and dis- supportive services for mentally ill Limit' 12. Medical Center, established in 1925. cussion of illiteracy plus orientation and mentally retarded persons in Interfaith Hunger Coalition, Activity: Dress in Halloween cos- for English as a Second Language Harris County. Community Gardens—the Coali- Vouth tumes, visit with the children, and instruction. The group will then tu- Activity: Rollerskating and a tion addresses hunger and hunger- make masks with pediatrics patients. tor ESL students in the afternoon. movie with adult and teenage partici- related issues through direct service, Operation Success—acts as a Time: 9:30-12. Limit 15. Time: 9:30-3:30. Limit 10. pants. Time: 9-5. Limit 10. education and advocacy. Community model of social, athletic and academic Gardens assist neighborhoods, con- excellence for Jack Yates High Rice CPR Task Force—pro- * Denotes new Outreach Day ac- gregations, or civic groups to develop School. Students tutor, advise and vides American Heart Association tivity for 1991. Physical Disabilities garden projects that provide fresh coordinate. certified Adult CPR training on cam vegetables for their own use and food Activity: Bring students to Rice pus by certified instructors from Rice. lighthouse of Houston—of- pantries. for variety of activities. Time: 1-4. Activity: CPRTraining. Time: 10- fers a full range of programs to serve Activity. Work in one of three Limit 20.

Clinical Psychologists New programs expand opportunities Physical Therapists Physician and showing them how they can tivity coordinators will ask partici- by Eric Carmichael contribute. In the past, popular pants to spend about 15 minutes Assistants projects have included running dem- talking about how they felt the project *Hi Plan a future that soars. The Rice Student Volunteer Pro- onstrations at the Children's Mu- went Take your science-related degree gram will hold its annual Outreach seum, preparing and serving food at "We want to make sure that stu- into the Air Force, and become an Day on Saturday, October 19. All the Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen, dents know they're not the only ones officer in the Biomedical Sciences interested students, faculty, and staff and repairing homes for the elderly. who enjoyed themselves. Hopefully Corps. You'll learn more, you'll grow are invited to participate. Changes this year include the they'll be more encouraged to con- The event, coordinated by Han- faster-you'll work with other dedi- addition of several programs. Among tinue volunteering if they know szen junior Bobby Kapur, isdesigned the new volunteer groups repre- cated professionals in a quality envi- they're not isolated in their experi- to give participants a taste of com sented are Trees for Houston, Pet ence," said Kapur. ronment where your contributions munity service. "Often people are Patrol, The Society for the Preven- Tom Chojnacki, a senior at Wiess, are needed. .. •hesitant to become involved in com tion of Cruelty to Animals, and Star of took part in last year's Outreach Day, In short, you'll gain more of every- munity service, because they think Hope. working on the Habitat for Humanity thing that matters most to you. You they're the only ones interested. Another addition is a series of project which builds housing for low- Outreach Day lets people realize and the Air Force. Launch now-call lectures to be held in the week before income people."I strongly encourage they're not alone," said Kapur. Outreach Day. The speakers, who people to [participate]. Until you do IJSAF HEALTH PROFESSIONS Students can spend the day taking are yet to be arranged, will discuss it you don't realize how much need TOLL FREE part in any of 30 different volunteer their volunteer experiences, and try there is, or how rewarding it ca?i be." 1-800-423-1JSAF activities, both on- and off-campus. "to put volunteering into a broader Students can sign up through Some projects are hands-on experi- context—to show that service does Friday, October 11 at the RSVPtables, ences, while others are orientations, not exist in a vacuum," according to which are located outside Fondren acquainting participants with a vol- RSVP Director Lucy Martin. Library, in the RMC, and in each unteer group's day-to day activities, Also, after each project ends, ac- college commons. THE RICE THRESHER FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1991 7 College newspaper receives bad press SA Business The Student Association Senate met Monday evening, September 30, University of California at Davis "fresh and challenging—full of sur- University of Notre Dame 1991, at Wiess College. The following items were discussed: prises." The station will continue "to Last Spring at the University of challenge people's taste, add flavor, The Smoking Task Force at the Who's Who Nomination Forms will soon be available. Any junior, California at Davis, Michael Anton and expand it" but with a more di- University of Notre Dame is investi- senior, or graduate student may be nominated. If you are interested in founded The Davis Republic "to ex- verse sound. gating the possibility of a smoke-free obtaining a nomination form, stop by the Office of Student Activities. pose the hypocrisies and incompat- Broadcasting at 14,500 watts and campus. They foresee three options ibilities embedded within the phi- with new "free-form programming for reducing the amount of smoke in Homecoming Election Petitions will be available in the SA Office at losophies advanced by the campus and specialty shows," the station their first target, the residential halls. 8 a.m. Tuesday morning. Anyone or anything may run for Homecom- left" Funded exclusively by advertis- hopes the changes will make it "more The first option would allow ing King or Queen as long as he, she or it turns in a petition in order to ing, the paper had a distribution of professional" smoking only in private rooms. The be placed on the ballot The top placing human female will be Rice's 5,000 for the first issue. Source: The Vanderbilt Hustler second would create lounges where representative to the Cotton Bowl at the end of the year. Unlike other papers on campus— smoking would be prohibited, pro- the California Aggie and the Third University of California at Berkeley viding a smoke-free recreation area The Student Directory has undergone last minute changes which World Forum—The Republic was not to students who wish to avoid smoke. have halted printing. It should arrive within the next two to three recognized by the student govern- The ethnic group with the largest The final option would be the total weeks. ment Since The Republic could not percentage of entering freshmen at elimination of smoking in the dorms. be distributed on campus without the University of California at Berke- However, Melissa Mong, a Task The Presidential Lecture Series will begin on October 16 with its student government ties, Mr. Anton ley is, for the first time in the Force member, admits that this might first speaker, Roger Rosenblatt, editor-at-large of UFE magazine. He appealed to the student government University's history, no longer whites encounter some student opposition. will speak in the RMC Grand Hall at 8 p.m. For information regarding for approval. Most council members One dorm has beaten the Task tickets, contact your Rice Program Council Representative. expressed "strong reservations" Force at its own game by conducting about recognizing the self-support- a referendum in which "over 70% of Commencement Speaker Surveys should be filled out by seniors. ing right-wing Republic, although the [the residents] stated a preference If you have not received a survey, contact your college senator. most costly item on the student gov- for no smoking,' according to the ernment budget is the $45,000 allot- dorm rector. Voter Registration Cards are in the hands of your college senators. ted to the alledgedly 'left-wing* Third "In my opinion, the ultimate goal If you would like to vote in Rice's precinct (#361), obtain a card from World Forum. is a smoke-free campus, but that's your senator and register to vote. list your permanent address as 6100 The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in not realistic right now, so we have to S. Main, Houston, TX, 77005. Healy v. James (1972) that student THE HEDGES ease into it," says Mong. The Task governments may not restrict access Force is now awaiting the results of The next meeting will be Monday evening, October 7, at 10:00 p.m. at to some publications while extend- an informal student poll to determine Will Rice College. All interested parties are welcome to attend. ing privileges to others. Fearing a but Asian-Americans, who comprise its course of action. lawsuit and bad publicity if they de- 34% of the incoming class. European- Source: The Observer —Compiled by Jonathan Briggs nied the paper campus distribution Americans comprise 30%, Latin- rights, the council chose not to act at Americans 20%, and African-Ameri- all, instead deferring decision-mak- cans 8%. Safety committee discusses concerns ing on the issue to the UCDavis L Ling-Chi Wang of the ethnic administration. studies department says the change members voiced their concerns about son, Hanszen fifth year Mike Sand fort Student Karl Chrisman noted the is due merely to changing demo- by Eric Carmichael specific areas with lighting problems, and Wiess junior Brian Smith. Only council's action was "odd," since the graphics. Fewer European-Ameri- such as the Shepherd School, Virgin's four colleges are represented directly council always insisted in the past cans are enrolling in high school and The Committee on Campus Secu- Walk, and the north side of Hanszen. at any one time, but the colleges that "the students should make all fewer of those are applying to UC rity, made up of students and univer- Students also voiced concerns rotate, allowing each college repre- decisions." The Republic has printed Berkeley. sity officials, met to review safety about the safety around the women's sentation every other year. One posi- editorials questioning the rationale Increased competition from Asian- concerns in its first meeting of the locker room in the gym, and the cam- tion for a representative from the of affirmative action policies and other Americans and other minorities, he year held Thursday, September 26. pus police reported increased patrol- GSA has yet to be filled. race—based programs. Conse- argues, has caused European- Discussion centered on outdoor ing of parking lots on the perimeter. Faculty and staff on the commit- quently, if the administration decides Americans to apply to UC schools campus lighting. Furthermore, security phones will tee include Sid Richardson Residen- to allow The Republic on campus, the with less competitive admission pro- According to its charter, the be installed in all the elevators in the tial Associate Danielle McWilliams, student council will be able to con- cesses than Berkeley. committee is charged "to review all colleges by the beginning of the Susan Wittenberg, Director of Facili- spring semester. demn the administration as blatantly Ron Kim, a Korean-American stu- aspects of campus security and to ties and Engineering Bill Mack, Chiel racist dent, sees the change as a result not make recommendations for appro- Jones Master Walter Isle echoed of Campus Police Mary Voswinkel, Meanwhile, the businesses which of European-Americans' lack of ef- priate initiatives, procedures, and Wittenberg's earlier statement. The and Committee Chair Walter Isle. advertised in The Republic have been fort but as "a basic acknowledgement policies." input I get doesn't suggest that people Isle said the committee typically harassed and threatened with boy- of Asian-Americans'merit" "There's definitely some concern feel particularly insecure," he said. "I meets two or three times a year, but cotts; many have withdrawn their He adds that the prevalence of from the students {about safety] but don't think the administration is ig- has no set schedule of meetings. advertisements to save their busi- Asian-Americans "should have really not a sense of panic or emergency," noring the students...If people are "When I gather enough stuff to call a nesses. started back in 1984," when Berke- said Susan Wittenberg, Sid Richani- careful, it's a relatively safe campus, meeting, I call a meeting." Source: Campus Report ley limited their college enrollment son College co-master. "Undiscussed given its location. 1 think it's much Isle said the next meeting of the by increasing the importance of ex- at every Sid cabinet meeting, but so safer than five years ago." committee would probably be in late Vanderbilt University tra-curricular activities and decreas- far students haven't expressed un- Five undergraduates sit on the October or early November. ing the importance of high school usual dissatisfaction." committee: SA Safety Committee Students who are concerned Frustrated with an alternative records and SAT scores in its admis- Facilities and Engineering pre- Chair Lyle Williams and four college about campus security should attend music scene they describe as "a sort sion process. sented an update on all the campus safety representatives: Jones junior the meeting or talk to a committee of annexed pop market—absorbing Source: The Daily Califbrnian lighting projects, and committee Nina Fine, Lovett senior Brian Jack- member. bands that won't fit into Top 40 mu- sic", the directors of Vanderbilt's stu- dent-run radio station, WRVU (91.1 Parents' weekend activities draw increased attendance FM), decided to expand the station's programming. Their new program- campus now and to offer [parents] a reception garnered a 36 percent in- ties imposed on violators of the Honor ming will include "blues, jazz, 'classic' by Michelle LeRoux sense of where Rice is going," wrote crease in attendance over last year. Code. rock, reggae, avante garde," as well George Rupp in his welcome to par- Parents did not shy away from Parents heard speeches on the as the "'progressive' rock" which has Parents' Weekend this year saw ents. asking Rupp tough questions in the College System, by Charlie Geer, the been the staple of their programming the highest level of participation to During the weekend, parents at- panel session. Parents posed specific Honor System, by Wendy Burk; Ca- for the last several years. date. The rise in attendance may be tended a wine and cheese reception, questions regarding merit based reer Services, by Andrea Young; Mi- Like other college radio stations attributed in part to the fact that sat in on classes, and posed question scholarships. Other topics of interest nority Student Life, by Tee Parker; around the country, WRVU has been grandparents were included in the to apanel of students and administra- included campus security, the chal- RSVP, by Kathy Williams; and Rice accused of catering to a small group invitations this year, accordingto Erik tors. Saturday morning, parents and lenge of understanding foreign pro- Traditions, by Carolyn Strohm. Ri- of students and is "unpopular with a Leidal, chairman of the Parent's siblings enthusiastically cheered in- fessors, volunteer opportunities and chard J. Stoll, professor of political large percentage of Vanderbilt stu- Weekend Committee. tramural sports teams. the alcohol policy. Parents struggled science, gave a faculty address. dents." This may be a result of the Parents Weekend is designed to Reservations for the wine and to understand Beer Bike and were Then it was off to the Rice v. Iowa station's stated goal of sounding "acquaint [parents] with life on cheese reception totaled 1,369. The surprised when told the harsh penal- State football game!



Waldman was working in Anderson protest Hall. Hanszen Education as a Reaction I FROM PAGE 1 Pressure to Drink filmed by the British Broadcasting the current alcohol policy is followed The freshman's father said, Who's Who at Rice Company. The BBC spent two days in order to avoid future policy restric- The hosts of the party were not "We'rereally allalittleguilty. I should The Office of Student Activities is on campus doing a piece on the tions. Burnett, Stebbings, masters, pressuring anyone to drink, said the have coached [the freshman] better. now accepting nominations for out- buckyballs that will air as part of resident associates, presidents, so- freshman. According to the co-host, I'm angry at the system for not hav- standing Rice students to appear in BBC's "Horizons" series. cial coordinators, chief justices, Uni- "Few people drank a lot. Some ing a more sane approach to dealing the 1991-1992 edition of Who's Who According to Smalley, the piece versity Court justices, presidents of danced. Some didnt drink at all." with the tensions of college and social Among Students in American Uni- has been purchased by "Nova" and the Student Association and the Rice The host added that no one was life. Why didn't someone do some- versities and Colleges. Any personwil l probably appear on public tele- Program Council and representatives forced to take shots. "They were told, thing? It looks like...friends would assiciated with Rice University may vision sometime in the spring. from Student Affairs were invited to 'If you want a shot, you take it'" have said, 'You're drinking too submit nominations for this presti- attend. Hanszen's president, masters However, two of the freshman's much.'" gious recognition. Homecoming and social coordinators all attended friends who attended the event but The freshman, the freshman's fa- To be eligible for nomination, a the meeting. did not drink had a different perspec- ther, Stebbings, Burnett, Crawford, student must be a junior, senior, or petitions due Stebbings, Burnett and Wiess tive. According to one friend who and Waldman all agree that alcohol graduate student The Student Asso- Refrigerators, snakes and even master George Pharr spoke to the was alarmed by one party-goer con- awareness education must increase ciation Awards Committee will make men can run for Rice Homecoming group encouraging them to act re- suming 18 shots in 12 minutes, the in the future. Last year's exiting col- selections based on scholarship and Queen in this year's election, Elec- sponsibly and aggressively against co-host admitted to pouring all 18 of lege presidents informed Stebbings on participation and leadership in tion Chair Patrick Good said. "We policy violations. However, Burnett those shots for that freshman. In ad- that this year's presidents planned to academic and extracurricular activi- are going back to the Rice tradition of observed, "shortly after our big dition, the co-host allegedly became initiate an educational program in ties. students choosing whom or what they meeting, we had a major violation." very defensive, denying responsibil- each college; however, these plans Nomination forms may be picked actually want as Homecoming According to Burnett and ity to act as the drinker's "mother," were never executed. "We experi- up from the Office of Student Activi- Queen." Crawford, Tequila Night' will spark according to the freshman's friend. enced a breakdown in our efforts to ties, RMC Cloisters, and should be The undergraduate female Queen debate over the effectiveness of the Another friend,who accompanied provide an educational seminar for returned to the office by Wednesday, candidate with the most votes will existing policy, but will not mandate the freshman to the party on the our freshman," said Stebbings. This October 16. represent Rice at the Cotton Bowl a reaction in itself. "At the end of each second visit allegedly witnessed both breakdown will not occur next year." Students who are nominated will January 1,1992. The undergraduate semester and again at the end of the the host and co-host serving shots Earlier this fall, the University did then be mailed a form requesting male King candidate with the most year, all of us involved with the policy and asking freshmen if they wanted distribute information concerning the more detailed information. The votes will be her escort and its enforcement will meet and to participate in the contest The effects of alcohol use and abuse to Awards Committee will utilize the Transportation and lodging are discuss what happened. This one friend stated that the freshmen did each undergraduate and graduate's information provided by this form provided by the athletic department, event will not be enough to necessi- not serve themselves and that hosts mailbox. However, future education and the nomination form to assist in Student Association President Mitra tate the university's creating a dry did not exert pressure. The only will be "more imaginative and more making their selections. Miller said. campus," said Burnett pressure came from other freshmen instructive," said Stebbings. Interested students can pick up a Acknowledging that the alcohol who were drinking, according to this The hospitalized freshman sup- Smalley and the petition from the Student Organiza- policy is under constant review, some source. ports education. Having never drunk tion Office beginning October 8. The still find no solace in the A scoreboard displayed on top of before, the freshman said the incident amazing buckyball petition, complete with 25 Rice stu- administration's promise to merely the bar reading Tonight's leaders," may not have occurred if there was Professor Richard Smalley of Rice dent signatures, must be returned to consider the issue at the next review. according to the co-host kept track more alcohol education. The fresh- has been at the center of the scien- the office by 3 p.m. on October 18 for The freshman's father, who re- of how many shots the heaviest man does not feel misled or abused tific media's attention on account of nomination. ceived calls from several concerned drinkers had consumed. by the hosts of the party, but did the recent discovery of a hollow, "You can gather signatures on a administrators following the incident Friends of the hospitalized fresh- assert "it could be handled better in soccer-ball-shaped molecule con- candidate's behalf, then have the expressed appreciation of the atten- man criticized the scoreboard for the future." taining 60 carbon atoms by a Rice candidate confirm the nomination. tion, but he felt a measure of disbelief. promoting a competitive spirit among The freshman's father agreed that research team headed by Smalley. But the candidate must sign the peti- "All [the callers from Rice seemed] the drinkers, rather than a social one. education may have prevented the This buckminsterfullerene mol- tion for it to be valid," Good said. to indicate [the alcohol policy] was Many drinkers, captured by the spirit incident The freshman's "ignorance ecule, called a "buckyball," has ap- Campaigning can begin Oct 22. building up to this, and they regret of the game, lost track of their own of never having been around it and peared in numerous newspapers and Candidates must observe a $25 limit something like this had to happen [to consumption rates. not being street-wise about it" is the scientific magazines, and was most on campaign costs, including donated the freshman]. My response to this "In the sense of decorum, you result of the lack of education on all recently featured in last week's issue items. is "Why did they let this happen?" don't feed alcohol and keep records: levels, said the father. of Scientific American in a cover ar- Elections are October 29 in the Waldman shared this frustration. 11, 12, 13, 14, etc.," said Waldman. The hosts of the party and the ticle written by Smalley and fellow college commons during lunch and Despite being Hanszen master for "You don't have college leaders college president called a college- Rice chemistry professor Robert Curl. dinner. Absentee voting is October four years, he said he was not aware keeping these records." wide meeting October 2 to discuss Smalley's buckball "will also be 24,25 and 28 from 9 a.m to 3 p.m. in of Tequila Nights' in the past On the The co-host said a second tab was what Hanszen should do to prevent the star of a 50-minute television piece the Student Organizations Office. night of the dinner announcement, kept on all drinkers in order to ensure future disasters. The Tequila Night' freshmen did not exceed their limit incident was not discussed. Rather, However, the co-host added thatsince the discu ssion leaders asked students no one person ran the bar for any to look out for each other. The dis- substantial length of time, the tab cussion leaders repeated several The 1991-92 President's Lecture Series was forgotten. As a result, unless a times that no one was to "point fin- drinker was one of "Tonight's lead- gers" at the culprit (s) of the Tequila ers," no one knew exactly how much Night' incident They continued by he or she had consumed. saying the future was to be exam Nonetheless, some students were ined—not the past An open discus- Roger Rosenblatt turned away due to bartenders' fears sion followed. of excessive drinking. The co-host "We wanted to get people more and friends of the freshmen all recall aware and worried about [alcohol some students being turned away abuse]," said the host "[The Te- after four to six shots. The freshman quila Night' incident] proved to us Editor-at-Large, Life Magazine remembered seeing one woman that all the smoke about alcohol be- turned away at four, but she was ing a dangerous subject is not just allowed to continue to eight after smoke." Free Speech is Nonsense RPC Business

Dr. Rosenblatt received his Ph.D. in English and American literature from Harvard The Rice Program Council met Sunday night September 29,1991 in University, where he taught literature and creative writing from 1968 to 1973, prior to his the Baker outer commons. The following business was discussed. career in journalism. Rosenblatt was a Fulbright Scholar in Dublin, Ireland, in 1965. From A theme for Esperanza was decided upon by the formals committee. 1973 to 1975 he was Director of Education at the National Endowment for the Humanities. The dance, which will take place at Inova in Greenway Plaza on Among Rosenblatt's many journalistic honors are two George Polk Awards, awards from the November 2, will take place under the theme "Glass Menagerie." Overseas Press Club and the American Bar Association, a citation from Washington Students are encouraged to submit an entry to their RPC representative Magazine as Best Columnist in Washington, and the George Foster Peabody Award for essays for the Eperanza theme poster contest by October 13. The winner will receive two complemetary tickets to the dance. on the MacNeiVLehrer Newshour, to which Rosenblatt has been a regular contributor since 1983. A campus tailgating party is being considered by the Socials Com- Rosenblatt's books are: Black Fiction, Witness: The World Since Hiroshima, and mittee. The party would take place before all home games in the Children of War, published in seven languages and winner of the Robert F. Kennedy Book stadium parking lot Prize. In 1992, Random House will publish his book on abortion in America, as well as a Electric i will be performing at the pub on October 30. collection of his writings. Timbuk3,who will be performing in Hamman Hall on October 11, will be sponsored in part by the RPC. Money will be donated to subsidize Wednesday, October 16, 1991 the price of tickets for students. Student reserve tickets for the PSresidental Lecture Series will be 8:00 p.m. printed by the RPC. Anyone interested in attaining a ticket should contact his or her RPC representative. Rice University Memorial Center Grand Hall A campus-wide raffle will be sponsored by the RPC. Prizes are asyet undetermined. Tickets will probably be sold during home football games and the raffle will take place sometime before the end of the Admission: No Charge semester. Rice students admitted by ticket beginning at 7:00 p.m. No seating guaranteed for students Beer Bike chair position is open. Anyone seeking this office should contact Stan Hsue at 630-8111 or Conley Wake at 630-8180. after 7:45 p.m. Seating then open to general public. Seating is limited for general public. Tickets at the door. First come, first served. No photos The RPC will hold their next meeting Wednesday, October 9 at 10:00 during the lecture please. This lecture is sponsored by Rice University as part of the p.m. in the Lovett lower commons. Anyone interested should attend. President's Lecture Series for 1991-92. —iCompiled by JiU Salomon 1-

THE RICE THRESHER FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1991 9 Stars and wit shine in Players' Twelfth Night Malvolio, was truly marvelous. BY STAN HSUE He took the part of the steward and transformed it into a showstopping performance of dyspepsia through his fantastic expression and timing. Sarah R Lice Players' outstanding Mitchell as the maid gained the production of Twelfth Night or, spotlight whenever on stage. Her What You Will, directed by Neil sharp, cutting delivery of lines Havens, supports the claim of and stage presence was always a Shakespeare to being one of the joy to watch. great comedic dramatists of the A silent star of the show is the English language. The Players' professional quality of the set, crisp performance elicits a good designed by Don Russell, that deal of humor from Shakespeare's simulates the porch of an Italian play, wit that seems fresh enough villa lined by colonades of that one might not expect it from columns and arches. The music a playwright who lived centuries added well into the spirit of the ago. show, and the lighting, designed Although the story is compli- by Jason West, was effective in cated, the Players did a good job setting the proper mood for the in keeping the story clear and production and shifting the understandable. Viola (Jeanne location of the action on the Farrar) lands shipwrecked on the stationary set. coast of Illyria, thinking her Although the play seems brother is dead. She disguises mostly aimed for entertainment, herself as a young man and enters it raises interesting issues. the service of the Duke Orsino Although we laugh at the (Eric Garland), to help him win character, Malvolio, the treat- the hand of the Countess Olivia ment of him seems unnecessarily (Alison Cohen). The countess, cruel, and the play ends before we however, falls in love with the know his fate. The play deals disguised Viola, who in turn, with the nature of love and becomes enamored with the attraction. The ease with which Duke. the Countess can transfer her Sir Tobias Belch (Chepe Lockett) and Feste (Oren Hayon) listen as Maria (Sarah Mitchell) teases Sir Andrew Aguecheek (Peter Sharoff). To create more problems are love from Viola to Sebastian the entire household of the tency of fine acting. The actors the comic ironies of her situation. natural playing the "drunken makes the audience realize the Countess. Olivia's uncle, Sir and actresses managed to make Eric Garland as the Duke has a rogue" who is always causing power of pure physical attraction. Tobias Belch (Chepe Lockett), the the somewhat unfamiliar lines good monologue that opens the mischief. Likewise, the Duke's fickle maid, Maria (Sarah Mitchell), and accessible to the audience. They play. Garland's Orsino, ineffec- Peter Sharoff does a fine switch of favours from the the servant, Fabian (David Lewis), also managed to give the play a tual and clueless, added to the comic turn as Sir Andrew Countess to Viola seems rather proceed to complicate events, and feeling of "Englishness" humor of the production. Aguecheek. His awkward quick and easy. The couples at make fools of Sir Andrew without adopting obvious, Alison Cohen, as the dour and stupidity always makes its the end of the play are in relation- Aguecheek (Peter Sharoff) and the overwrought English accents. melancholy Olivia plays her role presence on stage. ships based on very shaky steward, Malvolio (Colin Bown). Credit must go to Neil Havens with the right balance of sourness Oren Hayon is consistently foundations. However, the acting Hovering through all of the for drawing out the humor of and sensitivity. She portrays the entertaining as Feste. His is fine enough to let this stretch action is Feste, the clown (Oren the situation, while never Countess' falling for Viola with extremely expressive face, and his seem very credible. Hayon). letting the acting become too pathos and believability. Terry graceful physical acting made The Players' production is a The play becomes one of slapstick The scenes build Hurley, whose wig looks a little him seem a natural as the clown. must for everyone, especially misunderstandings and mistaken quickly without dragging into ludicrous, brings across his His singing is also a welcome those who think that identities when Sebastian (Terry the short, hilarious final scene. confusion with good comic sense. addition to the production. As the Shakespeare is tedious and Hurley), Viola's brother shows up Jeanne Farrar has a rather The one scene that bothered me fool, he seemed the most clever antiquated. The Players bring out with his friend Antonio (David difficult, reversed "Tootsie" role involved the reunion between character of the play. His om- the beauty and the wit of the Maas). After a series of amusing playing the young heroine who, Viola and her brother, which nipotence is stressed in the lines in a way that assures me revelations and discoveries, disguised as a man, falls in love seemed rather stilted and very last scene of the play where that Shakespeare is meant to be Three's Company style, the play with her boss. In the first scenes I unlikely. he seems to direct the other performed, not just read. concludes with everyone pretty felt she was a bit flat. I could not The real stars of the produc- characters on and off the stage. Twelfth Night's last perfor- much paired off and happy (well, understand her reasons for tion, however, are those that Special congratulations should mances are this Friday and almost everyone). dressing as a man in the first make up the colorful household go to Colin Bown and Sarah Saturday night at 8:00 p.m. in The most impressive aspect of place. However, as the play of Olivia. Chepe Lockett as Sir Mitchell. Colin Bown, as the Hamman Hall. Call for reserva- this production was the consis- progressed, she brought out well Tobias Belch seems extremely choleric, malcontented tions at 527-4040. Commitments mix Motown WWSMSrM and Dublin for a film with soul Deco (Andrew Strong), drunk- are the blacks of Europe. And BY HARLAN HOWE enly singing at a wedding and the Dubliners are the blacks of sees real talent in him. Deco's Ireland. And the Northern •# THE COMMITMENTS voice soon becomes the Dubliners are the blacks of gravelly trademark of the Dublin. So say it once, 'I'm DIRECTED BY ALAN PARKER band, but his ego drives black, and I'm proud.'" everybody nuts. The Commitments is a film Jimmy calls in a few girls with dual viewpoints. Director he knows to be backup singers. Alan Parker acquaints us with I. think that one of the best Despite a horrid first rehearsal, a Dublin that is in the midst of possible movie experiences that the "Commitment-ettes" slowly "urban decay." It is hard to you can have is to have a friend become a well-matched and believe that this is the present- drag you to a film you would stable sound, occasionally taking day in a Western European have otherwise overlooked and to over lead vocals. country. At one point, Jimmy and love it. The piano player (Michael his drummer walk down a That's what happened to me Aherne) is a med student who rubble-strewn alley, while with The Commitments. To be wears glasses, which Jimmy tries children no more than six years honest, the premise worried me. to make him stop wearing. ("But old raze the alley, lighting a Dublin and Motown are a I'm blind without them," he bonfire and breaking windows, X dubious mixture. complains. "So was Ray and even the audience barely But my fears were soon Charles," sez Jimmy.) notices. dissolved as the humor and The spiritual leader and The band members are all energy of this movie absorbed teacher for the group is trumpeter from this environment and spend me. The kick-ass music and Irish Joey "The Lips" Fegan (Johnny all of their spare time tearing at wit in combination bounced me Murphy) who claims not only to each other over everything from through the whole movie. have played with everybody from sexual habits to their own gk Jimmy Rabbitte (Robert the Beatles to Wilson Pickett, but evolving careers. . .. >. Arkins) is a man with a vision. also to have been sent by God. It But somehow, the band all Robert Arkins swings as Jimmy in Alan Parker's new film The Commitments. He wants to bring soul to the is Joey who picks the name, "The comes together when they hit the Irish music scene. Dublin Soul. Commitments," and his con- stage. The conflict backstage is face put-downs are a riot— during the filming itself, and it "Fuckin' deadly." tacts, if you believe him, may converted into their playing, even though they come from retains its potency and style So Jimmy recruits a band with break the band out of the back- which becomes truly inspired. As the darker side of the band, better than any lip-synching. his friends, Outspan and Derek ground and accelerate them to this happens, we see another side they demonstrate the lighter Particularly memorable were (Glen Hansard and Ken stardom. of Dublin— the pubs and stages side of the Dublin mentality, a the Commitments' versions of McCluskey). He holds auditions Somehow, this curious of the Dublin music scene. The side that shines through the "Mustang Sally," "Show in his family's house, and so collection of musicians becomes music brings out the best in bleakness of the city. Me," "Try a Little Tender- many people arrive that the a band and starts playing in local everything, from the band I was particularly im- ness" and "In the Midnight family can't get up the stairs. (I pubs, steadily improving and itself to a Dublin church pressed with the music, which Hour." sincerely regret that "Elvis was a gaining energy in their perfor- illuminated by a church organ reintroduced me to a style of Overall, The Commitments Cajun" did not make it on the mances. Jimmy sits them down rendition of "A Whiter Shade music that I had forsaken. The is a very entertaining movie. soundtrack.) in front of a tape of James of Pale." cast performs their own Go see it and expect some fun He finds the lead singer, Brown and explains, "The Irish The one-liners and in-yoiar- music, which was recorded Don't be a tosser. 10 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1991 THE RICE THRESHER Best bets off campus Simon rocks the Woodlands covered seating, were busy "Kodachrome," and a jazzy BY STAN HSUE keeping from sinking into the rendition of "Bridge over Readings squelching grass and trying not to Troubled Waters," that was Sunday, October 5, Diverse Works will sponsor a reading by Diane let the torrents of rain reach our introduced by a piano solo. Middlebrook, author of the controversial biography of Anne bones. He might have enjoyed The driving force of the Sexton. The reading will be held at 8 p.m. Admission is free. For the thunderstorm; we lived it. concert came from the Brazilian more information, call 223-8346. Paul Simon, the same as ever, rhythm-packed recent release E1 . Paul Simon, the beloved led an energy-packed concert. He Rhythm of the Saints. The spicy, American singer/hero, the started about half an hour late highly charged pieces, including Film rhythmic imperialist, that little with a continuous 90 minute set the tour title, "Born at the Right man with the funny haircut on that was a mix of his more recent Time," featured long stretches of The Museum of Fine Arts will present Local Hero, a film made in your parent's , played at albums, including Graceland and impressive instrumentals. Houston, Sunday, October 6, at 7 p.m. Admission is $3 for the Woodlands Pavilion to a sold- Rhythm of the Saints, and his old A spectacular lighting show students, members, and seniors. General admission is $4- For ignore out crowd September 24. classics. set the mood throughout the information about this or other films showing at the Museum this His concert was a moving He started with an energy entire concert. weekend, call 639-7515. experience not only for those charged rendition of "The However, the showstoppers who grew up listening to his Obvious Child," featuring his came from his Graceland. music but also for those who fantastic "drum corps" that He sang the album title, and with Music grew up listening to their parents comprised 5 drummers—the a climactic performance of "You Saturday, October 5, die Axiom will host the Mentors, the listening to his music. I don't audience favorite was Mingo, Can Call Me Al," Simon brought impotent sea snakes, and Trailor Trash. For more information, call think anyone in the ten thousand who resembles Animal on the the audience to their soggy feet. 225-3343. plus audience was disappointed. Muppet show. In fact, it worked so well, he The reviewer in the Chronicle The show jumped from decade played it twice in a row. By then said he enjoyed the weather "pre- to decade. His old classics were the audience, young and old, Venus in Furs is scheduled to be at Fitzgerald's Saturday, October 5, show" at the Paul Simon concert, greeted with familiar applause were up and dancing in their at 9 p.m. Admission is $8.50, but $10.50 for minors. Call 862-3838 September 24. He must have from the audience, while his various styles. for more information. meant the spectacular lightning newer hits won the audience over By the time he played "Dia- that circled the sky for a half an with their inspiring, body shaking monds on the Soles of her Shoes" hour before the show. rhythms. the entire audience was bouncing Festival Those of us who don't have He played most of his old and singing along to the tune. The Renaissance Festival is here! The Festival is open weekends cushy journalism jobs, those of us songs with new variations, Paul was unpretentious as from October 5 through November 17 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Don't who don't get complimentary including a guitar-driven SEE SIMON, PAGE 12 miss it! For more information, call 1-800-458-3435. Theatre Chili Peppers abandon funky The Ensemble's production of The Taming of the Shew opens this weekend and will continue through October 27. Shows will run thrash in Thursday through Saturday at 8 p.m. with a Sunday matinee at 5 and "The Greeting Song." Some p.m. For reservations or other information, please call 520-0055. BY JEREMY HART of the songs, like "" and the title tune, are very rap-influenced, while "Breaking Lectures the Girl" reminds me of Jethro The Rice Design Alliance will present the second lecture in its Tull or Simon and Garfunkel's series October 9 at 8 p.m. in the Brown Auditorium of the Museum FLUNKY . That's my verdict on "Scarborough Faire" (no, I'm not of Fine Arts. Robert Bray and Michael Schaible, co-principals of BloodXUN Sugar Sex Magik, the new kidding). The Chilis even do an Bray-Schaible, Inc., New York, an interior design firm, are sched- album by the Red Hot Chili awesome cover of Robert uled to speak. Student tickets are $3. RDA and MFA members Peppers. I took this one home, Album Review Johnson's "They're Red Hot." tickets are $6. All others are $7. Call 524-6297 for more informa- put it in the CD player, and said For you speed fanatics, I'd recommend "The Greeting Song" tion. "whoa!" Hot Chili Peppers are, they're COMPILED BY SHALA PHILLIPS First of all, for those of you four guys from L.A. who have as probably the fastest song on who don't know who the Red been at the forefront of the the album. "punk-" scene since their As you can tell, this album formation in the early eighties. covers a huge range of musical Lead singer , ground, while still staying funky guitarist , as hell. drummer , and Blood Sugar Sex Magik is bassist make some of the great. There are only a couple of most innovative music to ever be songs you can really slam-dance blasted over the airwaves. to, but the Pepper's trademark Blood Sugar Sex Magik is the sound is still there. The Chili Chilis' sixth album so far, Peppers' music always relaxes me preceded by Red Hot Chili and makes me want to move at Take 5 Minutes, save 5% Peppers (released in 1983), the same time. The whole album (1985), The Mofo sounds very live (it was recorded Uplift Party Plan (1987), the EP in a haunted house the Chilis First, call your airline and make reservations. Abbey Road (1988), and their most recent album, Mother's The Chili Peppers KLM: 800-777-5553 Milk (1989). With their explosive energy alway relax me British Airways: 800-392-1043 and wild live shows, these boys and make me Delta: 448-3000 have established themselves as one of the raddest bands around. want to move at United: 800-241-6522 But die-hard Chili Pepper fans out Northwest: 800-225-2525 there, be warned: in the words of the same time. Anthony Kiedis, "Nothing is American: 650-1116 anything like what we'd done lived in while making the album), TWA: 222-7273 previously." and there are seventeen tracks, If you pick this CD up more than usual for most bands. US Air: 800-428-4322 expecting the kind of funky Flea describes the album as thrash they've played in the past, "basically a live record or two Pan Am: 800-221-1111 you may want to put it back live records...for the price of one." Continental: 821-2100 down, because you're not going The only real complaint I've to get much of that. got with the album is that Flea's Singapore: 800-742-3333 By this I don't mean that the bass didn't seem to get as much Japan: 800-525-3663 album sucks—I think it's great. attention as it deserved. Flea is But the music on Blood Sugar one of the best bassists in the Sex Magik is slow and funky, a business and a vital part of the Then call Travel Trends and we'll give you 5% off! combination that may not appeal Chili Peppers' music, and I was A minimum order of $500.00 is required to obtain this discount. to everybody. disappointed when I couldn't It is a good combination, even hear him in some of the We are a full service agency but we also allow this special discount though, and I totally agree with songs. Anthony when he says, "Funk On another note, some Chili for your assistance. can be as simple as one note or as Pepper fans may be surprised by Last year, TravelTrends saved over $50,000.00 for Rice University complicated as a barrage of fifty the inside pictures: the guys are notes in three seconds." On this actually wearing clothes in a few and its people. album they went for the "one- of them! I couldn't even recog- We are two blocks from the Rice Campus. note" method, and funk is what nize them, at first. they've got—maximum One last warning for anybody funkitude. The songs on this out there with "delicate sensibili- album are just as good as any- ties." This album isn't stickered il^o^md thing I've heard from the Chilis because of language (though in the past, but the sound is very that's there, too), but more different. because of the sexual content of Some of my personal favorites some of the lyrics. If 2 Live Crew Jhrnbh spm 11005 (get ready, there are quite a few) makes you sick, you might want are "The Power of Equality," to skip over "Sir Psycho Sexy." "," "I Could Listen to the rest of the 529-2505 Have Lied," "The Righteous and album, though. You might be the Wicked," "Give It Away," surprised. THE RICE THRESHER FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1991 H Freddy is finally fried in 5-D At Rice this week

BY PATRICIA LIN Theater Twelfth Night, a Rice Players production, closes this weekend. The FREDDY'S DEAD last performances will be Friday, October 4 and Saturday, October 5 DIRECTED BY RACHEL TALALAY at 8 p.m. in Hamman Hall. Call 527-4040. Catch it before it's gone. One, two, Freddy's coming for you, Three, four, better shut the door, Sid One Acts continue this weekend. Performances are scheduled Five, six, grab your crucifix, for tonight at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday, October 5 at 3 p.m. For ticket Seven, eight, better stay up late, information, call 668-3597. Nine, ten, never sleep again. Film The Rice Media Center continues its Screwball Comedy series with The Major and The Minor Friday, October 4 at 7:30 p.m. The S licing, stabbing, choking, comedy will be followed by a screening of Brother Rat at 9:20 p.m. cutting, impaling, hanging, Call 527-4853 for details. drowning, ripping, smashing, slashing, throwing from belltowers. It is the end of Freddy, Exhibit the end of an era. Too bad he The Sewall Art Gallery's Creative Partners exhibit will close could not have died more October 12. You'd better hurry if you want to check out those red convincingly. shoes... Although Freddy's Dead: The COMPILED BYSHALA PHILLIPS Final Nightmare topped the box Dreamstalker Freddy Kreuger (Robert Englund) prepares to do battle in Freddy's Dead. office charts by raking in $13 thought it up and out of the poor million the weekend it opened, I actor who plays the role of the suspect the main draw was the kid who gets to be killed in the well-advertised three-dimen- Nintendo game. necessary Roughness sional finale. Even more disappointing are This cleverly renamed the gory, stomach-turning scenes Nightmare on Elm Street Part VI which are such an integral part of struggles with trite theme has papa Freddy searching for his horror movies like Elm Street. long lost child, and his long lost They are not funny anymore; form of his Journalism professor movie villain that I wanted to child desperately trying to kill instead, they are disgusting, gut- BY JESSE JOU (Harley Jane Kozak),who just shake this man. My great aunt papa. wrenching displays of child happened to have an enormous Jane could have destroyed this What a minute, you say; molestation, masochism, cruelty NECESSARY ROUGHNESS crush on him when she was a guy, and she's a nun. Freddy has a child? to animals, wife abuse and DIRECTED BY STAN DROGOTI high school cheerleader, and an Cameos abound in this film, Freddy, the child murderer discrimination of the handi- insidious rival in the form of the including appearances by Bubba who tied teenagers to bedposts capped. Dean of Education (Larry Miller), Smith and Dick Butkus (who, like with tongues, suffocated them In fact, the only good scenes whose favorite pastime is siamese twins, always come in a when they were in the throes of are the opening scene (a satire of I. entered Necessary Roughness flunking athletes. pair) and Rob Schneider, who slips asthma attacks, sleepwalked The Wizard of Oz and Airplane); with a bit of trepidation. Not Credit should be given to the into his "The Richmeister. The them out tower windows the cameo appearances by being a big fan of football, would I actors in this film for dedication, Richenator. The Richenator marionette-style, slammed their Roseanne Barr, her husband Tom understand the action of the above and beyond the call of doing that football thing" routine heads into television screens, Arnold, and ; and movie? Would the plot sail over duty, to a script that certainly which has garnered him so much drowned them in their waterbeds, the beginning and end of the 3-D my head in an inundation of does not match their talent. praise on . overdosed them on heroine, and finale. plays and passes? Would this Bakula plays Blake with enough Necessary Roughness has turned them into giant cock- Nevertheless, the end of movie only reaffirm my inad- boyish charm to make the trouble deciding just what exactly roaches stuck in roach motels, Freddy does manage to drag itself equacies as a male? I emerged Marquise de Merteuil swoon, it wants to be. Is it a parody of the has a kid who managed to grow up to par with the previous from the movie thinking, "Dear Kozak is effectively sweet and "loser makes good" genre, a satire up? special-effects-ridden Freddy's- God, why did they even bother?" nurturing in her soul mate role, of the system, a Unfortunately, yes. death scenes. In fact, if you must Set in the fictional Texas State but the real scene stealer is the rip-off of Major League, or just a Freddy's Dead features all the see this movie in order to say that University, the movie tells the under-used Sinbad, whose asides farce? In fact, as we were emerg- famous story twists and parodies you saw it, Freddy's last mo- tale of Paul Blake (Scott Bakulaj, are so comic that they almost ing from the darkened theater characteristic of past Elm Street ments may make the expense a high school football star who (but not quite) make the movie that bright Friday afternoon, my flicks. This time, though, director somewhat bearable. returns to college at age 34 to worth the price of admission. dear friend Michelle Price raised Rachel Talalay and writer Then again, it was the same satisfy some primal need within The weakest performance by her hands to the heavens and Michael DeLuca flubbed. There with all five other parts of his psyche to be a great football far is by Larry Miller, whose cried out in supplication, "Where are too many knock-offs of earlier Nightmare on Elm Street-, that's player. Along the way, we meet Dean Elias is so laughable a SEE NECESSARY, PAGE 12 scenes, and even the props why I always waited for the the assorted characters of his (besides the famous house) look video. Don't ask me why I saw motley team, which include the terribly familiar. this one at a theater, let alone a lovely Kathy Ireland and the The Freddy Nintendo game, General Cinemas theater where "way-cool" Jason Bateman. one of Fred's new torture devices, they don't even give student There's even a love interest What Our Students makes a fool out of whoever discounts. thrown in for dear old Paul in the Cafe Lili refreshes Houston Do The Night Before the msaktak every day—Bejjani The LSAT BY ANN ZITTERKOPF said she just makes whatever sounds good. The blackboard menu doesn't Dining include all of the entrees, so be sure to ask if there is anything special that day. Bejjani said that D"on' t let the small size or if potato salad is on the menu, it new appearance of Lebanese could be any one of the five restaurant Cafe Lili mislead you. different types she makes. Owner Lili Bejjani is an experi- For people who want to try a enced and accomplished cook— variety of items or have little she even catered a party at Rice per half dozen) also had a milder experience with Lebanese food, just over a month ago. flavor than the standard fare at Cafe Lili has a sampler plate The atmosphere of Cafe Lili is many other Lebanese or Greek ($5.95). This plate includes somewhat like a deli—you order restaurants. However, this humos, fried kibbie (ground beef, at the counter, then sit and wait prevents the subtle seasonings in onions and cracked wheat deep for your food. the rice and ground beef from fried), tabouli, a meat pie, a The proprietors are very being overwhelmed by lemon or spinach pie, and a pureed egg- friendly. Bejjani even read one of garlic. plant version of humos. my friend's coffee grounds. The tabouli ($1.95) is wonder- In addition to baklava ($.95), On the day of the LSAT, you want to be well rested, When I first went to Cafe Lili, ful. This salad is a tangy concoc- Cafe Lili features coconut cookies prepared and confident. it had been open a mere twelve tion of cracked wheat, parsley, ($.95) that taste much better than 1 days. The menu wasn't quite set. tomatoes, onions and lemon any macaroons I've ever had and Stanley H. Kaplan Prep " for the LSAT will give you The hours weren't definite. Now, juice. The vegetables were crisp butter cookies that are simply the preparation you will need to score your best: live almost a month later, the and fresh. delicious. instruction, practice testing, a home study pack, pro\ n test- restaurant is running smoothly, Cafe Lili also offers miniature If you don't want to order a la taking strategies, our Test Your Best " guarantee and loads although Bejjani still daily individual fried meat ($.75) and carte or want a more traditional ol confidence. prepares entrees not on the spinach pies ($.65). They aren't meal, Cafe Lili serves a variety of C all us today We make the LSAT easy to take. menu. greasy, but don't have the chicken, beef or vegetarian pita The serving portions are large distinctive flavors of the other bread sandwiches, each for and filling—and very reasonably entrees. around $3, and kabobs (from $6 £ STANLEY H. KAPLAN priced. The off-the-menu item I tried to $9). The kabobs come with & Take Kaplan Or Take Your Chances My favorite item is the humos was the msaktak, fried eggplant pita bread and humos or a ($ 1.95), a puree of chick peas and with onions and garlic, which is Mediterranean salad. Dec. 7 LSAT exam classes to begin 10/8. tahini (crushed sesame seeds), served cold. Although I am not Cafe Lili is located at 5757 Tues., 6 p.m. at 7555 Bellaire Blvd. served with pita bread. While usually an eggplant fan, this was Westheimer, Suite 112, and is Call 988-4700 most other humos I've had have a curious and good. (However, it open seven days a week. stronger garlic and lemon flavor, does not have the firmest Call to confirm the hours Propane! ICM Win IVM .irt tt.uk nuirks ot M.inlt\ H k.ipl.wi ldiu.ituui.il C'onirr I ul this was still delicious. consistency.) before you go. The phone number The stuffed grape leaves ($2.25 Don't expect to be able to try for Cafe Lili is 952-6969. 12 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1991 THE RICE THRESHER Love and youth rediscover a Paradise lost inopportune moment. to entertain the visitor. Fortu- BY SHALA PHILLIPS In all of the movie hype, nately for Willard, Billie serves as Paradise is described as "the entertainment until the Reeds PARADISE story of a young boy named feel comfortable functioning with DIRECTED BY MARY AGNES Willard whose presence as a guest the boy around. Individually they DONOGHUE in the home of Lily and Ben Reed bond with Willard and, through becomes a healing catalyst for the him, form a tenuous bond with pair who are grieving over an each other. enormous personal loss." Not Imagery in this movie cannot W[illar,d Young (Elijah only is this a lousy sentence, it's be ignored. The very title writhes Wood) would rather go to Africa. inaccurate. with it. Rain bathes the scene in It would make a better essay Paradise does record the which Lily and Ben are ulti- when he goes back to school in rebirth of a marriage, true, but mately reconciled. A brief September. So much for that. He that's only one layer. More photographic sketch reinforces ends up on a Greyhound bus next importantly, the story chronicles the Edenic image of Paradise to his very expectant mother the flowering of a child. Willard through a restful sequence in traveling rapidly to some town blossoms from a painfully which the camera captures with one of those names that insecure brainchild into a loving images of a shy deer, various screams country—Paradise. young boy. In the process he colorful swallows, and a frog. An Willard is not looking forward initiates the healing of a splin- interesting note: although to this mother-enforced vacation. tered marriage. Paradise has the obligatory The fact that the first person he When Willard arrives in swimming hole and lush vegeta- talks to in Paradise tells him Paradise, the Reeds' marriage tion, no snakes are ever captured horror stories about the Reeds seems to be more of a contractual on film. The closest we come to (the family he will be staying arrangement between strangers. them are the worms that Willard Billie (Thora Birch) instructs Willard (Elijah Wood) on some of life's more intriguing facts. with while in the town) doesn't Ben Reed (Don Johnson) comes and Billie toss carelessly onto the academ complaining that a children could act at least as well help all that much. He's not all home on occasion to eat or sleep, hats of various elderly mourners. character seemed a tad as a few of the adults in the that impressed with the Reed but feels no compunction about The acting itself was well- airheaded?). Actually I have two movie. I suppose it's true that place when he sees it either. picking up some random girl in a done in general. The casting complaints. I found myself children are getting more Rustic houses in the midst of bar. Nor does Lily (Melanie director did a fine job of placing wishing that Lily would have sophisticated all the time. overgrown gardens don't neces- Griffith) berate him for it. She Don Johnson into the role of the taken more control of her life, The ending of the movie was sarily appeal to Willard's finer can't stand to be touched by him. truculent Ben Reed. I was rather than just letting Ben take fairly sappy. But then again, I senses. His first day in Paradise Such a happy home environment surprised that Johnson could care of things. Perhaps, however, would have been angry if it has one bright spot—Billie (Thora they will provide for Willard for portray the more sensitive side of these foibles were required by the hadn't been. If Paradise hadn't Birch), an essentially fatherless the summer. This must be Reed's character as well as his character, and she just captured ended perfectly, I would have se tomboy. Paradise. aloofness. them exceptionally well. sued Touchstone for blasphemy as | The pair form a friendship that While Willard is not unwel- Melanie Griffith played her In case you haven't guessed ranking right up there with Sal revitalizes the otherwise predict- come, the couple certainly character well. My one complaint already, the children, portrayed changing the ending on Pretty !x:J able plot. They are so unabash- doesn't know quite what to do is that at times she seemed a bit, by Elijah Wood and Thora Birch Woman. Paradise is just one of sh[ edly children. (Although Billie with the boy. Ben Reed specifi- well, flaky. Too sweet, maybe— stole the show for me. I was those movies that have to be to [ said a few words I didn't know cally tells Lily not to expect him airheaded, even (What? An amazed that two such young fairly heavy on the syrup. 33| when I was nine and spewed a few sentence structures I cer- The audience tended to the season,...well, you can probably tainly didn't expect out of a Simon older side, people who drive Necessary guess the rest. country tomboy's mouth.) FROM PAGE 10 Volvos and shop at Foleys. FROM PAGE 11 And that was the biggest Billie livens the shy Willard. ever. He spent much of the time However, when the first strains was the farce? The farce!" problem with this movie. It was Pii kJJi She educates him cheerfully, crediting his extremely talented to "The Boxer" were heard I Unfortunately, in trying to predictable. The moment Bakula Jo right from the first moments of international band that is so sensed in them a pure sense of balance itself between all these laid eyes on Kozak, I knew they their friendship. important in songs from his more joy; people revere his songs. forces tugging it in opposing were destined to do the horizon- nil Billie: "Want to see my sister recent albums. I could tell that Simon's songs directions, Necessary Roughness tal tango. The moment I grasped to naked?" For his encore, however, he have such meaning to these manages only to convey the the rudiments of the plot, I knew si<| The carefully indifferent went back to the oldies. Couples people—they are songs that have feeling of dramedy in an episode how the movie would end. All of Willard: "Why not? I've got started to hold hands, and lines become a part of their human of Eight is Enough. this is not to say that the movie nothing better to do." formed swaying back and forth experience. Under the tutelage of Coach was not funny— not at all; there Later she directs him in when he played "Mrs. Robinson," I just wonder if in twenty Generro and his stalwart sidekick are some genuinely hilarious pranks such as worm-bombing a "The Boxer," "America," and years our generation will also (played by Hector Elizondo and scenes, but these fTe so few and funeral, petty theft of a neighbor's "The Sound of Silence." grow teary-eyed when a balding Robert Loggia, respectively), Paul far between that having to sit boat, and sneaking up on her It was really very reunion of Color Me Badd begins and his crew slowly rebuild the through the filler plot in the sister and her boyfriend in what Woodstockian, especially the to croon "I Wanna Sex You Up." much-maligned TSU Armadillos, meanwhile is not worth the could best be described as an mud. and in the last game of the effort.

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a long two weeks mentally. We played | by Joey Olivier better in game two and I would have liked to have had another chance to The Rice football team, hoping to correct some of the mistakes." rebound from one of its most heart- Rice should be familiar with the breaking defeats in recent history, is Longhorns and their , Tailback Trevor Cobb jinks to avoid a tackle against Iowa State. He totalled 240 yards on 42 carries. preparing to battle the University of Peter Gardere, who completed 19 of . Kickoff is sched- 29 passes for 241 yards last year in a uled for 1:00 this Saturday afternoon 26-10 Texas victory at Rice Stadium. at Memorial Stadium in Austin. The Texas defense will play seven Iowa State snatches win away from Rice Head coach Fred Goldsmith feels men against the run with man-to-man trol allowed Rice to tie the game at ten pleased with his players' perfor- the upcoming game will be a good coverage on the receivers. One Long- by Eric Anderson points each. mances, especially on offense. For the remedy for the team's low spirits. horn to watch on defense is left end Following halftime, the game be- second straight game, Cobb rushed "When you suffer a devastating defeat Shane Dronett. Goldsmith praised Another victory and a 3-0 record came more balanced. Both teams for over 200 yards and played the and are left rock-bottom emotionally, Dronett highly. seemed imminent for the Rice Owls scored touchdowns and had compa- instrumental role in Rice's offense. if there's one thing that will get you "There isn't a better defensive end as three minutes remained in last rable statistics in the third quarter. Cobb, ajunior, rushed for240yards out of a state of emotional depression, around than Shane Dronett He wore Saturday's game. Both time and a ten In the fourth quarter, Rice exploded and two touchdowns on 42 carries, it's to hear The Eyes ofTexas' and get us out like a yard dog last year. We point lead were on Rice's side; noth ing for a touchdown and a field goal within caught four passes for 39 yards, and ready to play the Ijonghorns. gave himconfidence to last all season." short of a miracle could deliver a win the first six minutes. And then, after a returned one kickoff for 16 yards, giv- "To every school that plays Texas Goldsmith feels that playing to the Iowa State Cyclones. Or so the seemingly unproductive second half, ing him 295 all-purpose yards. in the Southwest Conference, that is against an 02 Texas squad is a disad- 33,900 present thought Iowa State staged its comeback and Cobb also set a Rice record for the biggest game of the year." vantage. "They're going to pretend As all Rice fens in attendance now snatched victory from Rice's hands. most carries in a game with 42. He has In order to win this weekend, that we're Auburn and Mississippi know, a miracle, or at least a spec- As could well be expected, there a season total of 649 yards rushing on Goldsmith feels the team needs to State all balled up in one. I'd much tacular comeback, did occur. With was a somber atmosphere in the Rice 103 carries, and his 216.2 yards per protect the quarterback, improve the prefer them to be undefeated and 2:54 left in the game, freshman tailback locker room after the game. Coach game average leads the nation. pass rush (which is missing injured looking ahead to Oklahoma.'" Byron Coston'sun timely fumble gave Fred Goldsmith admitted "making a Also impressive was quarterback Corey Seymour), and score early and On the other hand, McWilliams Iowa State the ball and a final chance. big mistake" by replacing starting Greg Willig, who completed twelve of often, which he feels to be quite a feels the record has no bearing on the In the ensuing two and a half min- tailback Trevor Cobb with Coston. 23 attempts for 139 yards and rushed challenge. game and praised the Owls. utes, Iowa State drove 72 yards for a But" [in that situation] 99 times out of for 60 yards and a touchdown. "I don't think we can win with "Rice is playing very well. Coach touchdown, made a two-point conver- 100, substituting doesn't hurt Unfor- Both Cobb and Willig were disap- thirteen points like Mississippi State Goldsmith and his staff should be sion, executed a flawless onside kick, tunately, this was just that one time." pointed with the loss, but were positive did, or with fourteen like Auburn did; complimented. Their team is playing and kicked a field goal to take the lead Goldsmith also gave much credit about the offense's productivity and I think we need to do better than that good, sound football; they're playing with 32 seconds remaining. to the Iowa State team. Their refusal to set their sights on next week. We need to score at least three with enthusiasm and a lot of mental Control ofthegamechanged hands give up and their resiliency impressed "It feels good to have such a good touchdowns to have a chance, and our toughness." a few times: the first quarter saw the him:" [ a lesser team J could have given game," Cobb remarked, then added, offensive coaches haven't figured out Texas, the defending SWC cham- Cyclones grind out a touchdown and up there, but Iowa State didn't The "The first thing 111 think about are my how to do that yet" pion, has won eight straight confer- Seld goal with 23 plays in ten and a half kicker kicked the perfect onside kick, mistakes. I think I can work harder." Texas is hosting Rice after two ence games and holds a twenty-five minutes, while Rice's defense had and I have to give him credit." Similarly, Willig noted that "this losses and two weeks of preparation game winning streak against Rice. difficulties getting started. And as for quarterback Chris was a wild loss, but we don't have the for the game. Longhorn head coach During the seventy-seven-year-old The second quarter spelled relief Pedersen: "We did everything we same type of attitude on this team, that David McWilliams feels that this break series, the Owls trail 56-20-1. In Aus- for the Owls. Nine first downs, one could on defense;butwhen we blitzed we'll find a way to lose. We have very has been both good and bad. "It was a tin, the Longhorns lead 32-8. The last touchdown,afieldgoal, 178totalyards, he got away or threw it away." good senior leadership and we know good week for healing injuries and time the Owls were victorious in Aus- and almost eleven minutes of ball con- Goldsmith had many reasonsto be what winning is all about now." getting ready for the game, but it was tin was 1965. Willy's Winners Tennis gets first taste of season Women hampered by injuries atA&M tournament last weekend Rice at Texas Texas is favored by 15 and a half points. What are the boys Two more freshmen Jackie Brown as ateam. The Nederveld/Brown team in Vegas thinking? Texas has only scored 16 points in its first by Lynanne Foster and Tracey Gilmore, made their de- placed third in the consolation bracket two games. Can you say "futile'? If Rice can contain UTs buts in "D" singles. Brown won the by defeating A&M 'snumber two team option, Bevo's gonna be upset Coach David McWflliams Rice women's tennis coach Paul flight, 6-2,6-2, over Becky Duncan of in three sets. better be able to run a 4.2 forty to get out of Memorial Blanken ship was "extremely pleased" Sam Houston State, a school that also In the "B" doubles flight, the Stadium unscathed. Owls triumph, 16-13. with the team's performance at the had a few players participating in the Strassner/Veloso combination — the Texas A&M Four-Way Tournament tournament Gilmore finished third in same pair who had played for the "C" last weekend. Competing schools in- the consolation bracket singles championship — did not lose Michigan at Iowa cluded Rice, Texas A&M, Arkansas, Unfortunately, the Mack/Daniels a set until they captured the title 7-5,6- Michigan faces its third straight top 10 team in this battle, and Southwestern Louisiana. doubles team had to default in the 1 over Arkansas. which will probably determine the Big 10 champion. Al- At least one Rice player was seeded quarterfinals due to Mack's injury. Capri and Gilmore made a big though Michigan must travel to Des Moines to play the best in each of the four singles flights, and But Blankenship praised their 64,6-2 comeback to win third place in the the top two were picked to win "A" win over A&M, saying he was "really flight Blankenship praised assistant Hawkeye team since Iowa's 1988 Rose Bowl squad, some- singles. However, both players were impressed" with how good they looked SEE WOMEN'S TENNIS, PAGE 14 how the Maize 'n' Blue will find a way to prevail. "Hail to the hampered by injuries. Victors Valiant," 21-17. Senior Katie Nederveld lost to Ar- Campbell wins Urst singles at Notre Dame kansas'Jan neke Goros in the finals 6- Baylor at Houston 0,6-3. Blankenship said that Nederveld Campbell, who competed in the top was forced to serve at only two-thirds by Randy Block singles bracket Campbell struggled Although Houston's offense will be able to score points speed because of stomach problems, in his first three matches, going three against the Bears, Baylor will be able to score more. Like a which proved costly since the serve is The Rice men's tennis season got sets in each; but he caught fire in the hot knife through butter, Bears 31-21. Watch for 2 Klinger "one of her key shots." off to a good start last weekend at the semifinals against his Notre Dame interceptions. Goros reached the finals because Tom Fallon Invitational at Notre Dame opponent who was erased in straight Rachelle Mack, a Rice senior, had to in South Bend, Indiana. The sixteen sets. Clemson at Georgia retire due to a groin pull. Mack had teams at the tournament included In the finals, he faced another won the first set 6-2 and was leading Kentucky, Wisconsin, Indiana, Fighting Irish player, Chuck Coleman, Possessing the nation's best defense, Clemson should be the match when the injury occurred. Michigan, and host Notre Dame. Six who was making his third straight able to neutralize the Dawgs' crowd Between the Hedges. In "B" singles, Abby Daniels Rice players attended the tourney, led appearance in the tournament finale. Offense should be lacking in this hard-hitting rivalry. Tigers reached the finals before losing to by number one singles star Steve Coleman, who lost both previous 17-13. Melinda Mones, also of Arkansas, 64, Campbell. times, was denied again as Campbell 6-0. Junior Renee Capri placed third in Pat Brown, the assistant tennis dismissed him in another straight sets the consolation bracket by beating coach, felt that the players were im- performance. Texas Christian at Arkansas Beth Richardson of Arkansas, 6-2,64. pressive in overcoming a definite dis- Campbell was ranked 25th in col- Seeing Arkansas in this condition evokes sympathy. What The "C" singles finals pitted two advantage. "The courts at Notre Dame lege tennis prior to last weekend, and Rice players against each other when were slow, so it affected our play at Brown is certain that "with this win. happened? Perhaps they should jump to the SWAC rather Antonette Veloso defeated sophomore first But overall we did well, and I'm hell definitely move up." than the SEC. TCU 28-14. Blair Strassner in a one and one half pleased with the results." Another impressive performance hour match, 6-2,6-1. Veloso is a fresh- —Tom Harris Rice's weekend was highlighted was turned in by Matt Berry and Willy man from Vinton, Virginia. by a great performance from SEE MENS TENNIS. PAGE 1 4 14 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4,1991 THE RICE THRESHER

Lads fight back against A&M, *• tie Sam Houston State fectly placed curving ball over the by James Young A&M wall, and into the upper right hand corner of the goaL The Rice men's club soccer team Halftime found Rice down 3-1 after faced rival Texas A&M on Saturday the Aggies scored on their own free and a much-improved Sam Houston kick. The Lads were far from defeated, - State team on Sunday during a tough however, and took the field ready to weekend at home. play in the second halt Although the On Saturday, spiritwas the word of Lads attacked furiously, the A&M the day. Coach Mike Henshaw spoke defense held strong. to the Lads before their game, asking Then, the referee ejected Kinsey "What is spirit?" He defined it as for aggressive play, causing the an- "confidence in yourself to know that gered Lads to spring into action. Dave you can win." McMath, with his mammoth throw- No one knew how important those in , assisted Rice's first goal of the half, words actually were until the a Randy Westbrook header into the afternoon's contest began. Rice lower left corner. The Rice players quickly fell behind 1-0 when some screamed, "spirit!" confusion in Rice's defense allowed Though no one truly knew just an Aggie goaL Soon after, A&M scored what that meant, Texas A&M soon again as Rice struggled to mark up learned. A corner kick for Rice allowed •' < defensively. John Pontefract to cross the ball to Rice finally scored in the first half Westbrook who again headed the ball on a free kick just inside the penalty into the net with authority. Rice had box when Adam Kinsey kicked a per- tied the game at 3-3 while being forced to play one man down. Soon after the third goal, McMath launched another rocket throw-in to Women's the mouth of the goal where Westbrook was waiting to knock it past the keeper for his third goal of the Melissa Wilczak and Danielle Edmonds practice at the Rice pool, while Amy Ferranti swims in the next lane. game. Rice finished the game off with soccer John Long's cross to Pontefract, who guided the ball into the net making the final score 5-3 Rice. Swimmers anticipate Conference Relays drops to 1-3 The insightful comment from the Aggie sideline was "next time we just worlds, but hopefully IH be pleasantly This change has given the swim- by Terzah Ewing wont even kick the ball out of bound s" fay Erin Gainer surprised at the results," she said. mers only four weeks to train for this in hopes of stifling the dangerous Wingenroth cites the depth of this opening meet and Wingenroth notes The Rice wo men's club soccer team throw-ins from McMath. Today's Southwest Conference year's squad as its primary asset. that as a result the swimmers will not lost 3-0 last Saturday to Stephen F. Sunday found Rice still thinking of Relay Meet presents the Rice swim- "Other teams may recruit heavily and be in as good a shape as anticipated. Austin at Rice. With this defeat, the Saturday instead of the Sam Houston ming team with its first competitive have one or two especially fast indi- In order to compensate for this team's record falls to 1-3. game. The Lads tied an improving opportunity of the season, culminating viduals who make the team," she said. limitation, they have concentrated on Though the score was tied at zero Sam Houston squad with a score of 0- four weeks of intensive training. "We have several solid individuals in aerobic and speed conditioning. at the half, the Owls could not maintain 0. Solid defensive performances by At last year's SWC Relays, the each event who we can be sure will "We've started earlier than usual on a strong level of play. Their opponents Ken Dean coupled with excellent women's squad beat Texas Christian consistently place welL" the sprints and speed work this year scored two quick goals on corner kicks control in midfield by Adam Lewis and tied with the University of Hous- Traditionally, the SWC Relay Meet because the season's getting under- and the final goal with only a few allowed Rice to dominate the play, but ton. Coach Kris Wingenroth looks to is held at the end of October. In prepa- way so early." minutes left in the game. unfortunately the Ladswereunableto repeat or improve on their record this ration forthe OlympicTrials in March, Last Saturday's exhibition meet "We just lost it mentally in the finish with a goal. time around. "I'm eager to see how we however, the conference has sched- gave the swimmers their first taste of second half," said team captain Donna On the whole, the weekend was swim," she said. " The University of uled all regular season meets about a competition. The team was divided Matthews. gratifying and exciting for the Rice Texas and SMU are in their own month earlier than usuaL into two squads which vied for stand- The team is hoping to make up for Lads. The team would like to give ing in today's relays. "Although we the loss this weekend on the road. special thanks to the Rice Rally Club were just swimming against each Saturday they travel to Georgetown, for coming out and showing their Men's tennis other, it was really competitive be- Texas to take on Southwestern; Sun- support cause the results determined where day they meetTexasA&'M in College James Young is a member of the Rice FROM PAGE 13 we're placed in the SWC Relays," Brown said that the premiere event Station. club soccer team. Dann, who advanced to the semifinals sprinter Carla Kneipp said. of their doubles division before nar- for the men's team this season will be The meet also gave Wingenroth a rowly losing to Wisconsin. Berry also the American West Challenge Cup chance to examine the team outside Women's tennis played his way into the finals of the held at Rice from November 15 to 17. of practice. "Our weakness has gener- singles "C" flight before losing to Notre The nation's top players will battle the FROM PAGE 13 ally been the absence of many blue- Dame's Andy Zurcher. Owls in pursuit of NCAA champion- chip athletes," she said. "[However,] coach Liz Hollas, saying she "really competition is the largest collegiate The Owls will showcase their tal- ship berths in what Campbell calls "a this year's freshmen are looking very did agoodjob" helping the team come contest in the state, with a 128 player ents once again this weekend at the huge tournament the biggest ever at versatile and I think well make up for around and win. The turning point draw and 64 doubles teams. Pine Wood Invitational in Beaumont Rice." this with lots of depth." came in the second set when Rice was Blankenship is optimistic about the and also at the Woodland Hills in Los After the strong showing at Notre Important dates in the near future down 2-1. The final score of the match trip because of last week's perfor- Angeles. At the Los Angeles tourna- Dame, Brown is optimistic about the include the first home meet on Octo- was 0-6, 7-5,6-2. mance. Mack will sit out this tourna- ment Campbell and two others will team this year.The guys got off to a ber 18 versus-the University of Hous- This weekend the team travels to ment but should be ready the follow- face some of the best players in the good start, and hopefully we'll keep ton and an invitational tournament the Austin, where Texas hosts the FTCA ing week when Rice goes to Rhode country, including most of the top ten the momentum going." weekend before Thanksgiving at the Regional Qualifiers Tournament The Island for inter-regional competition. ranked players. University of Texas. "Beating the University of Hous- ton would be a great start because it's a conference victory and it's at home," Intramural Announcements Wingenroth said. * Who's Who? Intramural entry deadlines for Good Question! Friday, October 4th: It's time once again to decide • Men's basketball College Who's Who at Rice U. • Men's soccer and y«n can help! • Certs/Trident Coed 4 on 4 sand volleyball tournament Students

Nominations are now being taken for the names of Rice students and young people to appear in the 1991-92 Edition of Who's Who Among Students In American Universities and Colleges. Basketball officials meeting will be held Wednesday, October 9 at 4:30 p.m in Gym classroom A upstairs. Please note that ANYONE associated with the university $750lwk. Full-time can submit nominations! Call Lisa at285-5398 if interested. $375/wk. Part-time To be eligible for nomination, a student must be a Junior, Senior, or Grad Student. Selection will be based Intramural entry deadlines for on scholarship and on participation and leadership In academic and extracurricular actiultles. Friday, October 11th: selling health care • Free throw contest (men's and women's) products. We provide Nomination forms can be picked up from • Three point shooting contest (men's and women's) training. Looking for the Office of Student Activities In the RMC Cloisters. goal-oriented self- Melonball has been rescheduled for Sunday, October 27. starters. Call Mr. Spano Free pizza and drinks will be provided by Mr. Gatti's and for interview. All Nominations MUST be returned bv Dr. Pepper. Wednesday. October 16! O For more information, call Lisa at 285-5398. 621-7538 THE RICE THRESHER FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1991 15

•is •




Information Technology Management Consulting

We Cordially Invite You To Attend Our Reception To Learn About Career Opportunities In Information Technology Management Consulting Meet Ernst & Young Representatives Tuesday, October 8th, at 7:30pm in The Farnsworth Room, Rice University

If there's a secret to being the world's leading integrated Explore the many opportunities available in our services firm, it's this: continue to recruit high- Information Technology Management Consulting Group performance, self-motivated professionals and nurture when you attend our presentation in the Farnsworth them in an environment that stimulates growth and Room, on Tuesday, October 8th at 7:30pm. Students of creative thinking. all levels and (degree disciplines are invited to attend. Informal atttVe — refreshments will be served. At Ernst & Young, you'll have the opportunity to apply your skills in a variety of settings. You will enjoy early If you'd rather lead than follow, your chance responsibility and advancement based on your could be waiting for you now. At Ernst & Young, performance. The Leader's Choice™. We are an equal opportunity employer. Our firm has distinguished itself with a strong commit- ment to provide clients with the highest level of quality service. We employ over 23,000 people in over 100 cities in the United States and over 68,000 people in over 120 countries worldwide. =U ERNST &YOUNG 16 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1991 THE RICE THRESHER

TFUf'C The agony of defeat would not have 1 IlJELr been as great last weekend if we were a division III school misclass "The purpose of that second one was Overheard at Tulane: Dr. Widrig, in HART 205: to make me look like a geek...I said "Come on, dog, give it to me now!" "I've gotten an extension on my all those words—just not sequen- pointer here. Isn't that great'" Surprise, surprise—we're 2-1. tially." Overheard at Rice: and: —Robin Foreman, Diff Eq, in "Tulane may cost an arm and a leg, "How do you think George Washing- reference to Misclass last week but Rice costs you a much more valu- ton would look nude?" • Witt Rice party, south of the border. able piece of anatomy!" • Hanszen movie, Amityvffle Horror. Freshman female: Shitload o' misclass from MASC 335: "You gave me rugburn on my face!" #1: "A man is just like a bus—they "Uniqueness is land of useless with- - VotteybaH vs. North Texas, 7 p.m. both stop before you can get off." out existence." Oct. 5 • Football at UT, 1 p.m. h Austin. To solve this equation, you've got to #2: "But you're a guy—why are you and: • Rugby at UT. useyour tools. Igaveyouyourtools." saying that?" "Up & down & back & forth & in & ...but I'd like to retain the privilege of doing what! like. —George Kamberov, MATH 101 #1: "I'm into equal opportunity hu- out..." mor." and: • Men's Lacrosse vs. Houston, 11 am. At Sid pool table: "It's easy to look at a DC circuit • Men's Soccer vs. University of St Thomas, 2 p.m. "It's time for another one of those Heard on KLOL radio: That's why no one ever does." interesting positions." "It's sunny and sixt...70 minus 1 de- Logic of the SE. Tuesday, > Chorale and Shepard Singers Concert, 8 p.m, Stude Concert grees in the Montrose area today." Oct. $ Hall at the Sheparrf School. Top Ten most overheard comments Un-PC Aggie jokes: ...So do yourself and everyone else a favor... of the eightparticipants in Biosphere On the way to logic class: Q: "How can you tell when an Aggie's > Vofleybatt vs. Texas Tech, 7 p.m. 2, after just one week: "We're getting ready for fifty minutes been making chocolate chip cook- Oct# • Reel Insight: Postcards From the Edge, 7 p.m., Kyle Morrow 10. Anyone for a game of Monopoly? of pure orgasm Do you want to ies?" Room at Fondien. 9. IH see your ten, and raise you ten come?" A "By the M&M shells on the floor." > Career Services Dressfor Success , 7 p.m. more. and: 8. I thought you said YOU were Top ten reasons why sex is better Q: "Why was the Aggie fired from the quality control job at the M&M fac- bringing the beer! than architecture: • Wiess Fall Production thru the 13th. 7. No, I DONT want to watch Star tory?" Oct. 10 - Career Services Improving Your Tim .m. Wars again. 10. You don't get criticized by strang- A "He kept throwing out the ones ...butbe mare of the blood's alcohol content 6. Anybody know what time it is? ers. with W's on them" 5. The damn thing costs $40 million, 9. The view. and they can't spring for cable? 8. Meredith doesn't whistle during 4. My kingdom for some toilet paper! sex. Sign up for outreach day or you will 3. Go fish. 7. Fire alarm doesn't always go off 2.1 still can't believe it-four minutes during sex become poor & needy classifieds to go in the game, they're up by ten, 5. Widrig doesn't give you lessons on PART TIME HELP all-day Saturday & EARN $ 10 $ 15 PER HOUR as a tutor. Iowa State's out of timeouts... sex. HELP WANTED Monday needed. Kahn's Deli, 2429 Flexible schedule. All academic sub- 1. To hell with regulations, I'm call- 4. In architecture the lighter thing Rice Blvd. 529-2891. jects are needed as well as SAT and ing Domino's! should go on top. RICE AREA OFFICE NEEDS PERSON other standardized test preparation well-versed in Macintosh, namely PART TIME LEGAL SECRETARY, no instruction. Call Houston Scholastic 3. You don't have to listen to Killdozer Ftlemaker Pro by Claris to help with legal experience necessary, downtown, Services 666-9800 or Jon Holverson The 60's were the acid-test for a during sex. minor software development and data- free parking, typing, phones, able to 666-6300. classless society." 2. Only one person criticizes you af- base organization. Contact Whitney or work mornings. Ed Davis 665-1616. ter sex. Mary at 529-5858. —Overheard in SOCI301. CLERICAL POSniONS AVAILABLE, FOR SALE/RENT 1. Let's face it—it justbetter. WRITER: GRADUATE STUDENT w/ part time-lull time. Hours flexible. Across GARAGE APT. AVAILABLE NOV 1 in Note: Letterman has a new top 10 excellent writing skills wanted to help from Rice U, Hermann Prof. Bldg, 6410 exchange for light housekeeping & book out. A love poem: write book. Generous ptnL for the cor- Fannin *100, Houston, IX. 790-0540. babysitting Close to campus. Females rect person. Reply w/ background info, Marge. only. published examples, & resume to P.O. 524-8846. Q: "What's the primary difference I love you. Box 460565, Houston, 77056. CHILDCARE/HELP WANTED-next 3 between men & women?" But you don't love me. months. Driver and companion to chil- MISCELLANEOUS A: "Men can aim an orgasm." In fact, you love someone else. FITNESS-MINDED PERSON needed for dren. Must have references, good driv- part-time retail sales. Flexible hours. ing record. We provide car. Hours: IChOO RAISE $500...$ 100...$1500 So I'm going to Bonner to write Fleet Feet Sports. Call Jim or Julie at a.m.-6:30 p.m. M-F. This is primarily a FOOLPROOF FUNDRAISING FOR A hard pill for the Longhorns to swal- Matlab programs instead. 520-6353 or come by—2408A Rice "quality time" job, working with a full- YOUR FRATERNITY, SORORITY, OR low. Ha Ha! She's probably screwing an Blvd. time housekeeper. List special qualifi- ANY OTHER CAMPUS ORGANIZA- RU 486—UT 0 Academ! cations-languages, education, etc. Re- TION. ABSOLUTELY NO INVEST- HELP WANTED. AUTRY HOUSE, 524- spond in writing to Mrs. Unger, P.O. MENT REQUIRED! ACT NOW FOR 3169. Box 2463, Room 4702, Houston, TX THE CHANCETO WIN A CARIBBEAN At Valhalla: Parent during Parents' Weekend: *food service 11 a.m.-2 p.m.* 77252-2463. Begin immediately and CRUISE AND FABULOUS PRIZES! "For 80 cents we'll sell you a bagel "You know you're at Rice when you *free lunch* work to December 16. Salary: $250/ dog & take the weiner out" see a dad with a pocket protector." •pay* week. Call 1-800-950-8472, ext. 50.

Blind Mice by M. Wasz Road trip to Austin and make fun of Bevo n & n R.S.V.P. OUTREACH DAY IS COMING INTRAMURAL ENTRY DEADUNES for Oct. 19! Sign up thru the 11th in front Friday, Oct. 4: of Fondren 9-3, or in front of Sammy's • Men's basketball If// S A/or ft BAD LIFE & at %e college# during lunch. Over 30^ ? • Men's soccer {FOR US . projects ito "Choose from—1/4 of the • Cerfs Trident Co-ed 4 on 4 sand OPEN ONE SLIT AND CLOSE THAT ft NO OPEN student body participates annually! volleyball tournament.. IT BEHAVES LIKE ft ANOTHlRj IT STILL For more info, call Lisa at 285-5398. PARTICLE... BEHAVES LIKE ft PARTICLE-THE HANSZEN MUSICALneedsa cellist and a player. Minimum time BASKETBALL OFFICIALS MEETING committment but lots of fun. Call Jocelyn Wed. Oct 9, 4:30 p.m.—gym class L?(\ at 630-8275. room "A" (upstairs). Please call Lisa if interested. BEATTHE CLOCK! IMPROVINGTIME MANAGEMENT. Get yourself on a INTRAMURAL ENTRY DEADIJN^S for schedule! Career Services and counsel- Friday, Oct. 11: ing Services co-spnsor this very timely • Free throw contest (men's & women's) OR FOR workshop on Thure, Oct. 10, 4 p.m. in • 3 pt shootout contest (men's & CATS the Career Services Conference Room, women's) BUT OPEN 00 JH AM IT1 DON'T TH/FJK I'LL EVER 2nd floor RMC. For more info, call Lisa at 285-5398. BEHAVES LIKE A WIVE Jk/DERSTAHD ELiCTRO/VS. 3 MELONHALL has been rescheduled for Sunday, Oct 27. Free pizza & drinks LSAT • GMAT provided by Mr. Gatti's & Dr. Pepper. Call Lisa at 285-5398. CAREERS IN THE ARTS AND NON GRE•MCAT PROFITS: Learn about options after graduation from speakers Ken Dye, Di- Getting lost in the rector of the Rice Bands and Carol Shattuck of the United Way. 7 p.m., land of silly tests? Sewall 303. HIGH FESTIVE EUCHARIST will be celebrAted at St Bede's Chapel, Autry FAIRFAX House at 5 p.m. this ^Sunday. A free supper will follow. Alttfe welcome. CAN YOU TELL YOUR SALAD FORK FROM YOUR DESSERT FORK? Busi- ness and Meal Etiquette Workshop, Mon, Oct. 28 in the Farnsworth Pavil- ion, RMC. Sign up in advance in the Career Services Office. The cost for the full course meal is $8 and can be de- Call us for help- we've been ducted from your meal plan. there, and it's not pretty. THE RICE LATTER-DAY SAINT stu dent assoc. meets Thursdays at 5:15 in 688-5500 SH 207. Everyone is welcome. Call HEALTHY MALES WANTED AS SEMEN DONORS: Brett for info, at 630-8844. THE Fairfax Cryobank needs healthy young men as semen donors: Excellent PRINCETON HEALTH EDUCATION OFFICE needs creative, independent workstudy stu- compensation; Help Infertile Couples; Confidentiality Ensured; Ages REVIEW dent tb work w/ college health reps, on We Score More! projects. Must be familiar with Macs. 1.8 to 35; Located in the Texas Medical Center. Call 799-9937 $5+/hr. For info call 285-5194.