www.customtone.com John Frusciante (Red Hot Chili Peppers) Californication Tour Rig

Original Guitar Used: Pre-CBS Fender® Strat® Variax Setting: Spank - Various Tuning: Various

Brit J

®! Boss®! Electro-! MXR®! Ibanez®! Boss ® DS-2! Harmonix ! Phase 90! WH-10! CE-1 ! Marshall® model 1967! Marshall® model 2555! Big Muff®! Marshall® 412 cab! Marshall® 412 cab! This informa,on is provided for educa,onal purposes only and does not imply endorsement or approval from any person or en,ty. All product names used hereon are trademarks of their respec,ve owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Line 6. Fender and Strat are registered trademarks of Fender Musical Instruments Corp. Boss is a registered trademarks of Roland Corp. Electro-Harmonix and Big Muff are registered trademarks of New Sensor Corp. MXR is a registered trademark of Dunlop Manufacturing, Inc. Ibanez is a registered trademark of Hoshino Gakki Co. Ltd. Marshall is a registered trademark of Marshall Amplifica,on Plc. www.customtone.com John Frusciante (Red Hot Chili Peppers)

Original Guitar: Gretsch® White Falcon Variax Setting: R-Billy 1 Tuning: Standard: E-A-D-G-B-E


Boss®! Fender® Showman®! DS-1! (2) Marshall® 412 Cabs!

This informa,on is provided for educa,onal purposes only and does not imply endorsement or approval from any person or en,ty. All product names used hereon are trademarks of their respec,ve owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Line 6. Gretsch is a registered trademark of Fred W. Gretsch Enterprises, Ltd. Boss is a registered trademark of Roland Corp. Fender & Showman are registered trademarks of Fender Musical Instruments Corp. Marshall is a registered trademark of Marshall Amplifica,on Plc..