(Red Lodge, Mont.), 1933-03-15

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(Red Lodge, Mont.), 1933-03-15 THE CARBON COUNTY NEWS, RED LODGE, MONTANA WEDNESDAY, MARCH IB, 1933. PAGE SEVEN •9 9 Som Early Paint©rs 5 Scenes said Persons in the Current News 4-4 iâi 8; cWi of the Äm can Indian f in T i Î1 ” :  «-I » ■ Vi •a » ■-* =• i *■ ill I rrj !&:• rw ,v. v f^j 2 * :: '■ *r W' r; •M $ : . I £s 1 511 l W¥ {■; 9- »ft mm? 15 ns "T \Mh U k 772/' n // ' 3 ■3. 7 Î v , ; ÎTl'B ÏS\ %k 1 m\ * V m\;) *r giHffî— 1», «I Indians of the Kiorthem Plains fvjhj by Carl Bodmer ( From yale. University Press ÜV« ^2 afjfà J - "Pageant of America“) P-' I **■13B ftrnj •/> 1—New portrait of Homer S. Cummings of Connecticut whom President Roosevelt named attorney general temporarily. 2—Chief Justice Hughes administering the oath of office to President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Portrait of Georqe Cgtlin 3—Field artillery from Fort Myer in the inagurntion parade passing before the Presidential reviewing stand. , Old Destroyer Is Blown Up for the Movies .> GcorqeCatlin the Famous Explorer, Feastinq With Chief Mah-to-toh-pa of the Manda a Tribe- , From Cat I in’s own Sketch mads, about 103 d m : •m . ï && M •*|lî & m ' ft >-,vy |«p: •* |gj , > M m ■ j ft > J;.: ; I 1 «8 * te- 12 ■4 ; . : :£ / -■X [• •2. ;,Sc « Uki m 'an ;#■ • -c x; m Wt: i . V; ;A;: y ti j : z ■ %y:F ‘ " 'i ■ ■ V-/ V -*' '-v X; VW ' iü , V NZ ’.. Wk/y-' 1 ■ ■ W \'>‘A I John Mix Stanley Somewhere off the coast ol southern California, the gallant Moody, obsolete United States navy destroyer, C161T-1872) has found her last resting place. The Moody, purchased from the government by a motion picture studio, wai T blown in two sections by n charge of dynamite placed In her rusty old “tummy,” simulating the disastrous *A Crow Huntinq Camp» ending of a motion picture scenic battle. The photograph shows the forward half just before it sank. in/ will!am de ta M. Cary ENGLISH SKYSCRAPER « Speaker Rainey Wields the Gavel By ELMO SCOTT WATSON A u JP" iß* ■'x. mm , PW^^FCENT exhibitions of native art— $1,. m fl flft drawings, paintings and other exam- .mm f- ■ ■ pies of handicraft—in various parts ' X- of the country have not only served ■- m^ÊjW to revive the Interest of the people ■ r $-p m » jS&fc : . of the United States in the original ; m Mfi wjl inhabitants of this continent, the >V: 4 'MV v.¥ vju N0 North American Indians, but they < * M «ülwpîÇflj-ÿ yk >; Zv ■: W' _Tvv\jjrA have also served to recall the serv *> X ïf.. « lops of a group of men whose work 1 g - 4. m «» al»' “‘jW ; >• » c* s - deserves a better fate than the par- Bè‘: m m : lpr]\\f tial oblivion which has been theirs, ;*■ ««« » - Jm m 1 pk f - n w,. v oj) These are the early painters of the •■te i 2. mm i?? Indians to whom we are indebted mm : ■ W'm'. vX-'ivXS for most of our pictorial evidence y- ; ' * ■ ■■■ i about thé red man while he was still compara­ mê i? ZAÿ ■ - H mw tively untouched by the so-called “civilizing" In­ ite-:;. U i. texte- / m fluences of the white man. OU P ;::x Foremost among the names of these artists "An Osa^e Scalp Dance1i) ■X % hy John MU Ôfanky-/8«S ■ te Is that of George Catlin and mention of him is I* 'V r ill Is singularly appropriate at this time because ir remainder which arc still preserved In the Smith­ which now hang In the government museum, - < f Jt was just 100 years ago that Catlin had started ’ sonian are valued at not less than $1,000,000, formerly the royal palace, In Honolulu. ! ®n his work of recording the appearance, social which, If anything, Is an undervaluation, con­ ite; Returning to this country in 1850 Stanley ex­ life and customs of the tribes of the trans-Mls- sidering their Importance. Catlin died In 1872 HIM f » i hibited his pictures In various eastern cities Hr * slsslppl West. Catlin was born In Wyoming, at the age of seventy-six. U jl i fi < Pa., In 1790 and In accordance with his father’s and in 1853 he was appointed artist to the ex­ The same fate overtook most of the paintings wishes studied for the profession of law, which pedition sent by the government to explore a !>:»!»] inarm of another famous artist, John Mix Stanley. For 1 » IL he began practicing In Philadelphia. But, be­ route for a Pacific railroad from St. Paul to ' •”! Hi JLS the same fire in the Smithsonian destroyed all ing fond rtf excitement and adventure, he found Puget sound. Before starting on this expedi­ but five of Stanley’s collection of more than 150 It difficult to stick to his business and he de­ tion he deposited his collection of Indian paint­ paintings which represented 10 years of work pH i&rrii voted almost as much time to his avocation of ings In the Smithsonian institution. Various at­ among 43 different tribes on the southwestern V" drawing and painting, In which he was self- tempts were made to have congress purchase the X prairies, In New Mexico, California and Oregon. : taught, as he did to his vocation of law. collection for the nation but nothing came of isüa Stanley was born In Canadalgua, N. Y., In One day in 1830 a party of Indians from the them. The pictures remained the property of '.X 1814 and died In Detroit the same year that saw f % “Far West” who were on their way to a coun­ the artist, so when all of them except five were iLi ■ x] the death of Catlin—1872. At the age of four­ cil with the Great White Father In Washington destroyed in the January, 1865, fire In the Smith­ teen he became an orphan and was apprenticed stopped over in Philadelphia. Catlin saw them sonian, Stanley suffered a great personal loss. to a wagon maker In Naples, N. Y., where he Building operations for the first on the streets and was so delighted with their A list of early painters of the Indians would spent his boyhood. In 1834 he moved to De­ skyscraper in England are expected I fine forms and noble bearing that he determined not be complete without Including In It the name troit and the next year his latent genius be­ to be started soon at South Shore, to give up his law practice and devote his life of Carl Bodmer, a Swiss artist who accompanied gan to show Itself In a series of portraits and Blackpool, where the Sun Ray ho­ to making a collection of paintings of Indians Prince Maximilian of Wled-Neuwled, when that landscapes. In 1838-39 he made his home In tel, a 40-story structure, will be put which would show, after they were gone, how distinguished German scientist made his Journey Chicago and Galena, the famous lead mining up. It will have a height of 611 feet, zui ET X X they looked and how they lived. up the Missouri in 1832-34. Bodmer not only center In Illinois, and at this time he first be­ and an enormous ball. 27 feet 6 The result was his first Journey to the Indian “left posterity a priceless heritage of Indian por­ Henry T. Rainey of Illinois, who was chosen speaker of the house In came Interested In Indians, making trips to Fort Inches In diameter, lighted with or­ country In 1832 and for the next eight years he traits and pictures” but he also, like Gatlin, the Seventy-third congress, opening the special session called by President Snelling, Minn., to paint them. From 1839 to ange rays, will act as a beacon for devoted himself to the work. He traveled many made drawings of forts, fur trading posts, bat­ Roosevelt. 1842 he made his home again In the East and miles around. The photograph shows thousands of miles by canoe and on horseback tle scenes, etc., which are Invaluable historical continued with his painting. a mode of the proposed hotel. among tribes which were still as wild and un­ records. In the picture by Bodmer which Is re­ tamed as they had been In pre-Columbian days His first Important work among the Indians produced above are shown three typical war­ Japan Children Send Things to Army and he found plenty of excitement, difficulty and was done In 1842 when he visited the Indian riors of the plains (from left to right) a Mis­ NEW FRENCH ENVOY country In Arkansas and New Mexlpo and made souri, an Oto and a Ponca. ---- T danger in his work. He made paintings every­ ;-te: ] where. portraits of chiefs and warriors, paint­ many pictures of Indians and Indian scenes. Until a few years ago there was living In New ings of the scenery of the West, of herds of buf­ The next year he was In what Is now Okla­ York city another early painter of the Indian homa, painting among the Cherokees, the Creeks, te 71 : 1Ü falo, of hunting life, of Indian games, cere­ whose work takes rank with that of the artists ■ -■ u monies, social customs—everything that would and the Delawares as well as some of the tribes previously mentioned. He was William De Ls ;.#ÿ , Illustrate the life and country of the wild tribes In Texas. The year 1845 found him again In Montagne Cary, a New Yorker who In 1861 with of the West.
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