Geography of Alaska (4 Cr.) Alaska Field Study Spring Semester / May Term, 2013
NCE317A / ENV490A The Cultural and Environmental Geography of Alaska (4 cr.) Alaska Field Study Spring Semester / May Term, 2013 Instructor Dr. David Block, Associate Professor Emeritus, Environmental Science & Geography 262-524-9111 (home) Office Hour: Maxon 303, Wed 3-4pm Course Description The purpose of this academic field study experience is to explore the environmental resources and cultural heritage of America’s final frontier – Alaska! Preparatory classes ground students in an understanding of Alaska’s history, physical landscape, Native American heritage, and current natural resource base. The environmental and economic impacts of such activities as commercial fishing, logging, mining, and tourism serve as a central theme for the course. The two week May Term itinerary includes cultural activities in Sitka, Fairbanks and Anchorage involving Tlingit, Athabascan, and other Alaskan Native groups, plus environmental field investigations of Kenai Fiords National Park, Prince William Sound, the historic Yukon mining region, and Mendenhall Glacier. NCEP Program Goals 1. Knowledge: Students will understand the historic, cultural, economic and political forces shaping contemporary society and articulate their own place in the world; understand the connections between power, privilege and acquisition of knowledge both locally and globally; understand how language frames our thinking and perspectives; and/or understand the interconnection and interdependence of global systems. 2. Attitudes: Students will develop cultural self-awareness; develop appreciation for and interest in learning about other cultures; recognize the value of seeing the world through the eyes of others; and/or recognize the value of active citizenship and individual responsibility both within and beyond U.S. borders.
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