Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Magister Humaniora (.Hum) in English Language Studies


Emanuella Christine Natalia Mau







Emanuella Christine Natalia Mau

Student Number : 106 332 010

Approved by

Dr. Albertus Budi Susanto, S.J. Yogyakarta, August 14, 2012





Emanuella Christine Natalia Mau Student Number: 106332010

Defended before the Thesis Committee and Declared Acceptable


Chairperson : Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko,M.A. ______

Secretary : Dr. Novita Dewi, M.S, M.A.(Hons) ______

Member :1. Dr. Albertus Budi Susanto, S.J. ______

______2. Dr. Mutiara Andalas, S.J ______

Yogyakarta, August 14, 2012 The Graduate Program Director

Prof. Dr. Augustinus Supratiknya




This is to certify that all ideas, phrases, sentences, unless otherwise stated, are the ideas, phrases, and sentences of the thesis writer. The writer understands the full consequences including degree cancellation if she took somebody else’s ideas, phrases, or sentences without proper references.

Yogyakarta, August 14, 2012

Emanuella Christine Natalia Mau





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : Emanuella Christine Natalia Mau

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Emanuella Christine Natalia Mau



ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am grateful to the Lord Jesus that has given more than enough time to finish this thesis. I am thankful to Father Budi, my thesis advisor and navigator, whose ideas, perspective, spirit and passion have drawn me closer toward analyzing the subject thoroughly and objectively. My gratitude also goes to Maam

Novi whose spirit and passion has made this research possible to be done. I am also thankful to my husband, John, who has made this study and research possible, we have done it, dear! My love for my daughter, Aiko, Mama, Papa,

Seli, Zico, who has given their time in taking care of Aiko during the rough time,

I love you guys. Mbak Indri, Pak Yusak, my mentors whom always pray for me, you are angels, Domby Community, that always support me. Many thanks to Mbak

Susanna who shares many opinions and guidelines on my thesis, without you I would be answering my own questions bluntly. I am also thankful for my friends for their supports and prayers.

I also thank Bapak Akhlis Suryapati, Bapak Narto Erawan and Bapak

Lianto Luseno for their thoughts, contributions, efforts and passion on this research. I thank The Lembaga Sensor Film Nasional members and chairpersons for their help and contributions. This thesis is done for my gratitude on culture and countries. I believe that in the future the output of such research will bring benefits toward the language and cultural appreciation. This thesis is dedicated to those who would like to see more that what it seems.






CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY1 1. Personal Interest ...... 2 2. Sociological Background ...... 7 a. The Violence of Technology ...... 7 b. Marginalization of women in movies ...... 9 3. Point of Discussion ...... 10 a. The Gadgets ...... 10 b. The Girls ...... 11 B. URGENCY OF THE STUDY ...... 12 C. RESEARCH QUESTIONS ...... 15 D. METHODOLOGY ...... 15 E. LIMITATION OF THE STUDY ...... 16

CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW A. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ...... 18 B. REVIEW OF RELATED CONCEPT ...... 27 1. The Gadgets ...... 27 2. The Girls ...... 29 C. REVIEW OF RELATED METHOD ...... 31 1. Feminism ...... 31 2. Postcolonial ...... 34 3. Technology ...... 36 4. Semiotic ...... 38



CHAPTER III : TOYING WITH ’S GADGETS AND GIRLS A. THE GIRLS AND THE MARGINALIZATION 1. Characterization and Concept of Beauty ...... 43 2. Women as the subject of Feminism ...... 53 3. The Problem of Gender Awareness in Indonesia ...... 58 B.THE DOUBLE MEANING WORD INTERPRETATION AND THE OFFICE TENSION 1. Language and Power: Double Interpretation of Dialogues ...... 61 a. The Undercover Romance ...... 61 b. Woman at Work ...... 74 2. Bond’s Gadgets ...... 87 a. The Commodity of Bond’s gadgets as a womanizer tool ...... 87 b. Gadgets as personal identification of James Bond ..... 91 1) Cars ...... 91 2) ...... 94 3) Cellular Phone ...... 97 c. Women categorized as gadgets and things ...... 98

CHAPTER IV: GLOBALIZING JAMES BOND A. THE ORIENT COUNTRIES POSITION IN THE OCCIDENT COUNTRIES MOVIES ...... 107 1. The Orientalizing of Third World Countries through movie scripts and dialogues ...... 107 2. The under-represented Third World countries in the selected movie scenes ...... 115


BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 131 APPENDICES ...... 133




Figure 1 A Scene of ...... 112

Figure 2 A Scene of Tomorrow Never Dies ...... 114

Figure 3 A Scene of Tomorrow Never Dies ...... 115

Figure 4 A Scene of Tomorrow Never Dies ...... 116

Figure 5 A Scene of Day Another Day ...... 117

Figure 6 A Scene of Day Another Day ...... 118

Figure 7 A Scene of Goldeneye ...... 119

Figure 8 A Scene of ...... 119


Table 1 List of Protagonist Characters ...... 50

Table 2 List of Antagonist Characters ...... 51

Table 3 English-English Translation of the word ‘figure’… ...... 64

Table 4 English-Indonesia Translation of the word ‘figure’ ...... 66

Table 5 English-English Translation of the word ‘lecture’, ‘gang’ and ‘dress rehearsal’ ...... 70

Table 6 The Division of Gadgets…………………………… ...... 89

Table 7 List of Cars………………………………………… ...... 92

Table 8 List of …………………………………… ...... 94

Table 9 Comparison of specific watches…………………...... 95

Table 10 List of Cellular Phones………………………….… ...... 97




James Bond has been a fetish to Hollywood movie goers in Indonesia. The fact that it has been one of the Box Offices movies has made it worth to be analyzed. James Bond has shown how human technology and ideology can be delivered into codified symbols. In order to reveal them a thorough feminist based research will be needed. I believe that such critical reading based on feminist research will help to develop the thinking of important aspects that we tend to take for granted. Hollywood type movies and their technology have important roles to shape our life and culture and to some parts of the world it has become the culture itself. James Bond has described a patriarchal world from the personification of the outfits and the technologies that the movies show. Therefore, it is necessary to see the position of women inside the movies. This is to observe whether the patriarchal world has positioned women equally or not. Moreover, gender awareness is quite a weak movement particularly in Indonesian Hollywood movie goers. Considering that the educated movie goers in Indonesia supposed to be the agent of change, they are the one that should possess ideas on Gender Awareness toward movies. They suppose to be aware of the cultural domination. Based on the analysis of Hollywood movies, it has become a necessity to do this research in order to create survivors toward unnoticed cultural domination that is done by Hollywood through their technology. In order to evoke the gender awareness in Indonesia, it is necessary to do this research. This is a qualitative research by using close reading methodology. Feminist reading strategy enriches with Postcolonial and Semiotic theory will be used together in order to answer the questions as follows: 1. In what ways do James Bond’ movies describe the deceptive gadgets and the marginalization of women? 2. In what ways do the deception and the marginalization of women highlight the cultural gap between the Orient and the Occident?

This thesis will read and analysis the problem formulation under the theory of othering and sovereignty of orientalism. The result will be read under the ambiguity of feminist reading. The findings of this research show eight aspects that marginalized women. It also shows the under-represented Oriental countries which highlights the cultural gap between the Orient and the Occident. Close reading on girls and gadgets hopefully will make the Indonesian Hollywood movie goers to be survivors of the cultural domination. I also hope it will create critical movie readers as to empower the Indonesian scholars to be more gender aware while watching movies.




James Bond telah menjadi pujaan pecinta film-film Hollywood di Indonesia. Kenyataan bahwa James Bond sendiri telah menjadi sebuah film yang mampu menembus jajaran film Box Office dunia. Hal ini menjadikan James Bond suatu film yang layak untuk dikaji lebih lanjut. James Bond telah menunjukkan bagaimana teknologi dan ideologi manusia dapat dilebur dalam bentuk kode symbol. Sebuah studi yang berdasar pada pemikiran kritis dan berwacana pada riset feminis diharapkan akan dapat menolong untuk mengembangkan pemikiran atas beberapa aspek penting yang kadang kala kita terima sebagai suatu hal yang biasa saja. Film-film Hollywood dan teknologinya telah menyumbangkan peran penting dalam membentuk kehidupan dan budaya kita bahkan di beberapa belahan dunia hal ini telah menjadi budaya tersendiri. James Bond mendeskripsikan sebuah dunia patriarkhal yang berasal dari penjelmaan semua perlengkapan dan teknologi yang melekat pada pencitraannya. Oleh sebab itu, penting bagi kita untuk melihat posisi perempuan di dalam film tersebut.Hal ini diperlukan agar kita dapat menelaah apakah perempuan sudah mendapatkan proporsi yang tepat dalam dunia patriarkhal. Terlebih lagi, gerakan sadar jender lemah di Indonesia. Dengan mengindahkan fakta bahwa para penonton Hollywood film di Indonesia yang merupakan kaum terdidik seharusnya lebih memiliki kesadaran mengenai kemungkinan penjajahan kebudayaan lewat film-film tersebut. Mereka setidaknya dapat menjadi agen dari sebuah perubahan dalam kaitannya dengan kesadaran jender ini. Thesis ini adalah sebuah riset kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan studi jender, yaitu feminis dan diperkaya oleh studi paska kolonial beserta teori semiotik. Teori dan pendekatan di atas akan digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan sebagai berikut:

1. Dengan cara bagaimanakah Film James Bond mendeskripsikan alat- alat tipuan dan memarjinalisasikan posisi perempuan ? 2. Dengan cara bagaimanakah tipuan dan pemarjinalisasian posisi perempuan tersebut menggarisbawahi kesenjangan budaya antara Timur dan Barat?

Dalam menjawab pertanyaan no.2, saya akan menggunakan teori ‘othering’ dan ‘sovereignty’ untuk memunculkan kesenjangan budaya yang dimaksud. Tesis ini menemukan delapan hal yang memarjinalkan perempuan. Tesis ini juga menemukan bahwa Negara-negara Oriental tidak dipresentasikan secara proporsional sehingga menimbulkan kesenjangan budaya antara Timur dan Barat. Saya berharap studi pendekatan terhadap perempuan dan alat-alat pencitraan James Bond tersebut akan mampu membuat para penonton film Hollywood di Indonesia menjadi para penonton yang bertahan terhadap penjajahan budaya dan sifat konsumtif. Saya juga berharap agar mereka tidak menjadi korban melainkan menjadi orang-orang yang mampu bertahan terhadap hal ini. Saya juga berharap bahwa studi ini akan dapat membantu, terutama bagi para pengajar dan pengguna Bahasa Inggris untuk menciptakan penonton yang sadar jender.





A. Background of The Study

After watching Skyfall trailer, the upcoming James Bond‘s movie production, I feel quite restless. There is restlessness in my mind which can be described into choices whether to be anxious or to feel annoyed with it. The trailer contains plenty of harsh and impropriate scenes to watch. I wonder whether these types of scenes have assisted these movies into its popular position. Bond‘s movies are very popular. They are shown in the middle class cinema such as XXI or 21 where a person has to pay for twenty five thousand rupiah on weekdays to fifty thousand rupiah on weekends. These movies are generally shown in the middle class society theater where the audience understands English very well.

Those who watch the movies are the Indonesian Hollywood movie goers. This society is able to understand English and the newest technology quite well. Yet, those Indonesian Hollywood movie goers who suppose to understand the ideology behind the movies seem uninterrupted by the harsh and impropriate scenes. For them, the sexier the movie, the more popular it can be. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with the issue of how a movie is potentially able to hold such destructive ideology, especially those which are shown world wide.

This part is written in order to show the relevancies of the subjects observed, literature, media, and technology and women representation in media; in particularly movies. Therefore, this part is divided into three : the personal interest, the sociological background, and the point of discussion. The personal interest mainly explains about personal reasons of observation. The second part



discusses the object observed and the sociological background which shows the relevancies between the personal reasons and necessity in observing the subject matter. The third part discusses the points which are analyzed and discussed in the movies. The three parts above will be discussed under the critical reading on women marginalization.

1. Personal Interest

The most significant collision and collusion of postcolonial and feminist theory occurs around the contentious figure of the „third-world woman‟. Suleri and Gandhi1 have reminded us that women tend to be in the position of double colonization. It means that women tend to be forgotten in the discussion of race, gender and politics. This problem can be viewed proportionally by using postcolonial and feminist readings. As we read the incisive and direct opinion of

Leela Gandhi, it is quite an immense thought that should also occur among the

Indonesian academician. This marginalization issue is quite a matter in Indonesia.

Generally speaking, patriarchal culture has provided an opportunity for men to be more educated.

Women are still proven to be on the oppressed sides under education problems since the numbers are defeated twice from educated men. They are marginalized not only by the patriarchal tradition but also by the illegibility of their own destiny. The double pressure being a ‗third-world‘ woman is burdening me as a lecturer in private university institution. This burden has made me agree and share the same thought as Gandhi and Suleri. It is sad and ungrateful if I

1 Leela Gandhi, Postcolonial Theory_A Critical Introduction (LIVRO). (Crows Nest NSW- Australia: Allen & Unwin, 1998)81-98


should put it that way but that is an honest feeling that emerges as I watch

„Tomorrow Never Dies‟, one out of four new adaptations from Ian Flemming‟s tremendous novel :James Bond.

I was 22 years old when I saw „The World is Not Enough‟ (1999) for the first time. I watched it during the break of my community service in 2000, at a friend‘s house. Because of tiredness, I fell asleep during the movie so that I never watched the end of the movie. Since then, James Bond becomes a mystery man, the feeling of unfinished business with him as the center always haunts my mind.

This fancy and fantasy character created by Ian Flemming and live in movie

(1966) by the appearance of „Dr. No‟ has postulated many ideas. One of the ideas has confirmed the womanizer character as the world‘s biggest patriarchal pledge.

As time proven, James Bond has set records of best selling movie since its first launching. The data also records these serials as one of the box office movies according to www.boxofficemojo.com2 version. The data collection present the record on the next page :

2 See Appendix p.1-5


JAMES BOND'S BOX OFFICE MOVIES . US Gross in World Wide Date Title Million Gross Budget 12/22/1964 GOLDFINGER 51.100.000 124.900.000 3.000.000 12/29/1965 THUNDERBALL 63.600.000 141.200.000 9.000.000 6/27/1973 LIVE AND LET DIE 35.400.000 161.800.000 7.000.000 THE SPY WHO 7/13/1977 LOVED ME 46.800.000 185.400.000 14.000.000 6/29/1979 MOONRAKER 70.300.000 20.300.000 31.000.000 THE LIVING DAY 7/31/1987 LIGHTS 51.185.000 191.200.000 40.000.000 11/17/1995 GOLDENEYE 106.429.941 356.429.941 60.000.000 TOMORROW NEVER 12/19/1997 DIE 125.304.276 339.504.276 110.000.000 THE WORLD IS NOT 11/19/1999 ENOUGH 126.930.660 361.730.660 135.000.000 11/22/2002 160.942.139 431.942.139 142.000.000 TOTAL 837.992.016 2.314.407.016 551.000.000

Source: : published by in association with American Institute for Economic Research Cost of Living calculator

for The James Bond Legacy: 40 Years of 007 Movies, by John Cork & Bruce Scivally (2002)

The above data are only a gross estimation of the movies income. It can be analyzed through the data that with quite tremendous budget James Bond‘s movie series are capable of earning spectacular income. The four productions starred by

Pierce Brosnan during the year of 1995-2002 have shown quite numbers of high income. On the one hand, there are some inclinations that the girls and gadgets inclusion might have caused the high rate income. Therefore, girls and gadgets are two dominant factors that need to be discussed further in the sense of assisting

James Bond to be popular.

As it is discussed above, girls are one of the important movie elements that need to be discussed. This is due to the inclusion of various race, ethnics, and culture that exist in James Bond movie productions. James Bond has included


American, European, Asian, Afro-American woman, as antagonists or protagonists characters. It is necessary to reveal the inclusion background of such women. The significant of those characters in the movie cannot be neglected since those women become trendsetter on every appearance in the big screen. Every item that they use and wear is publicly discussed in the fashion magazine which becoming the commodity offering and worldwide standard of the movies success.

On the other hand, the successful James Bond movie standard is also being determined by the commodity axis of the gadgets promoted in the movies.

Various items launched in the movies are also consumed in the virtual world, complete with the payment procedures3. Technology has become one of the attractive powers in dragging Indonesian movie goers to watch spectacular

Hollywood type of movies technology which perform in English. As the tragedy happens in the Batman Premier, Aurora, Colorado, A.S4, recently, I feel the necessity to reveal the issue of inserting gadget in movies.

It is expected that an ideal bridge that could wrap the thesis writing into one.

I expect the findings of this research to be understood widely not just by scholars but also by movie goers. This thesis aims to make them aware of the danger concealed as they start to be aware of any ideologies in the movies they watch.

One of the bridges that may connect these elements is the use of English. Through

English, we can see elements which are probably hidden in Bahasa Indonesia; such as the sexist language and/or the double meaning words that cannot be translated into Bahasa Indonesia so obviously, but indeed disgracing women.

3 See Appendix p.6-13 4 See Appendix p.18-19


The use of English will also help me to explain further in gender analysis as to see the importance of women for James Bond‘s movies career. Women are described very alluring in the series. I am interested to analyze this, to see the function of the description in order to have a balance proportion perspective towards women. On the other hand, analyzing spy gadgets and other tools that inherent in this Ian Flemming novels and movies are important factors that may not be neglected. Spy gadgets are cultivated and harvested during the Cold War era. The existence of spies and their legitimacy have shocked the world. Trust has become a big issue for the world, because it relates every nation; but after the

Second World War trust is against the nation. As the nations suddenly aware of the legitimated spy, they are also craving to have one. This is like putting ink into fresh water. Therefore, a novel of a handsome killer who owns luxurious life and happens to be a spy suddenly becomes very popular commodity. James Bond‘s novels and movies help the world to reason the strain within not only United

States and Union of Soviet Socialist Republic; but also within nations.

Gadgets commodity contains thick tendency of technology wars within countries. For example in For Your Eyes Only (1981), Bond is depicted to be in the middle of Biathlon Championship. He is chased in Italy where the mobs are trying to kill him vehemently. He is trying very hard to escape but the “Olin mark

VI” ski has marked him successfully so that he is (again) hunted. At the end although the ski is broken, the technology has saved Bond. The mobs that chase him by using motor-skies are defeated by a single ski. This shows that Bond technology is more advanced than those of the mobs. The ski is then can be found in the e-market.


Another example of the movie commodity is the selling of penfold heart ball. , one of the world multimillionaires has been beaten by

James Bond in the Gold Court by using a special design of penfold heart ball golf ball, (Goldfinger-1967). The golf ball is specified to have an infra red inside, so that it is easier to redirect the ball into the 18 holes. It is clearly that the golf ball and the ski have been modified to be more complicated, advanced, stylish, and economic based on European technology which is later on sold in the virtual market.

In order to drive further from the assumption above, it is necessary to evaluate James Bond himself. James Bond is the male character that has stunned the worldwide audience and become the center of the story which is manifested by it first appearance in the big screen. The excitements begin when Sir James

Bond is introduced to the movies by the actors (Sir , Roger Moore,

Pierce Brosnan, etc). The smile, the cool image and the Walther Colt PPK, a hand gun that is very familiar to the British Secret Service, MI6, has helped to characterize the image of James Bond, a British Secret Service, that has licensed to kill and is equipped with the dress to kill. The writer, Ian Flemming, has found the contented image for characterization of his handsome killer to be analyzed in order to reveal the ideology of the movie.

2. Sociological Background a. The Violence of Technologies

Technologies are getting more and more complicated. It has produced many gadgets that can help capturing many events and broadcast it into other parts of the worlds. The internet era is also doing the same favor of leaving human to put


up with the effect of this, as war and shootings able to be broadcasted alive.

People grow more and more fiercely every day, all that we have to stand with is questioning our morality and values. In order to do that, previously we need to seek for morality, norm, and value in every aspect of life. Culture and its productions as the reflection of life have to consider this thought. As we look in the mirror of what happen in Aurora, Colorado, United States, we can see that movie impacts deeply into one‘s soul. The person who committed the shooting is not coming from uneducated background. He is a student of neurology, medicine institute, who has painted his hair green before the shooting. This act is mentioned to follow „The Joker‟, Batman‘s enemy. The shooting itself is conducted during the Batman Premier: The Dark Night Rises5.

Looking back to Indonesia‘s legitimate institutes, Lembaga Sensor Film

Indonesia and the Komisi Perundangan Penyiaran Indonesia are the institutions which are responsible for giving healthy movies to society. Unfortunately, through an interview with Akhlis Suryapati., S.H6; it can be concluded that this part of role does not function well in the society as it is expected by the academic practitioners. The Lembaga Sensor Film Indonesia has the authority and rules on cutting film but they do not cut the expressions that they think should not affect any movie goers especially those who come from uneducated background. Words of swearing such as fuck and shit is not cut based on the assumption that only those who are well-educated would understand those expressions. By this assumption, they have underestimated the Indonesian‘s education and the capability of children imitation. Thus, a big question mark needs to be written

5 See Appendix p.18-19 6 Akhlis Suryapati is the head of Piala Vidia Committee, a member of the Lembaga Sensor Film Indonesia which also doing sensors for James Bond.


above our heads. This concern has indulged me in writing the thesis, whether or not these movies promote violence and marginalization of women leading to the imbalanced power within the west and the rest. b. Marginalization of Women in Movies

Women have come a long way to gain their role in movies. The role of women in the big screen has started with Aubrey Moonson in the nude scene up until the leading role in La Femme Nikita. As the contour speaks, plenty cinematographies are promoting sex and sex roles for women these days.

Lembaga Sensor Film Indonesia does not make any strong policies on that since they are afraid of killing Indonesia‘s movies productivities. The women role in the cinematography‘s production these days are full of improper scenes where women are asked to play filthy roles who are capable of killing others and killing herself or doing rites in traditional culture. Those are roles that are not empowering the societies, especially women themselves. Due to this concern, I write this thesis.

The Moodley research on Postcolonial and Gender of movies in India7 has proven the necessities of analyzing such movies. The ideals that lay behind the scenes, the revealing of the motor mind which lies in codes and acts on the screen need to be discussed further. James Bond has gained lots of audience worldwide; I do not possess the data of the Indonesian watchers on these movies, however I have the data which show at least one movie played for two weeks in one theater alone in


7 See Appendix p.20-21 8 See Appendix p.22-23


3. The Point of Discussion a. The Gadgets

The reason I choose James Bond to be the entry point on uncovering technological violence as the extension of patriarchal culture after the cold post war era is written as below in two sections. The first part discusses about gadgets and the second part discusses the girls. I start with the specific elements in the movies that help imaging James Bond and his chores; they are the gadgets and the girls. It will be more understandable for those who are unfamiliar with the movies, to start with a simple illustration of dialogues within James Bond and , as follows:

Q: It's activated by nerve impulses from the wrist muscles. James Bond: Like this? [The dart pierces a painting on M's wall] M: Oh, thank you, 007! Q: Be careful, will you? Ten darts: five blue-tipped, five red-tipped - cyanide coating, causing death in thirty seconds. James Bond: Very novel, Q. Must get them in the stores for Christmas." (Moonraker : 1979)

James Bond‘s world has never been desolated if it is related to gadgets. Q, the specialized experts for gadgets has always been asked to equip him with the newest technology to be used. Starting in Dr. No(1966), for the first debut of

James Bond until the latest episode, Quantum of Solace, James Bond is always depicted to be very skillful (although sometimes is only following the hunch of his instinct) in using the gadgets.

Why gadgets? Deceptive gadgets and its technologies in particular have played significant roles in movies commodity. The readers are always apt to see newest invention of spy gadgets. The above reason has made an indication that


gadgets could be the entry points of nurturing and nourishing patriarchal culture as well as violence. b. The Girls

James Bond is very controversial regarding to the relationship within man and woman. Since he is a secret agent, he is not allowed to have any relationship with woman in order to keep his identity as a secret. This has caused him to have no respect for having a real and mutual understanding within a man and a woman.

Mostly is engaged to the duty that he has to bear. The first woman that appears to be his ‘girl‘ is Honey Child Rider. Honey Rider is depicted to be a girl that has lost both parents. His father is a marine biologist that after visiting an island in

Jamaica is never found again. She has never had a proper education. To her,

James Bond, is very sophisticated. She knows nothing on technology for she is only collecting rare sea-shells to be sold. Although she is European by race, she still could not understand what is being built in the forbidden island. She mentions the secret weapon that is built in the island as dragon. This has proven her inability to speak about the matter. In the reality, the actress to play Honey Child

Rider has to be dubbed by another voice talent artist because her accent is considered too strong.

On the other series of James Bond, You Only Live Twice. James Bond is intentionally killed by a Chinese woman agent after doing ‗sport‘ because he has to go into an undercover mission. His mission is to straightening Union of Soviet

Socialist Republic suspicion over United States of America regarding their missing astronauts and spaceships. There are many girls involved in this movie production. All girls are Asians who portrays to be exotic and wild. In this film,


James Bond has to follow the lead of his investigation to Japan. Starting in the beginning of the Episode, the view of Japan and the girls are clearly depicted. In the opening credit, the nude Japanese women are posing under Japanese skeleton umbrella.

Based on the two descriptions above, I feel the necessity to analyze the important roles and the proportion of women; especially in the movies; in particularly on the production where Pierce Brosnan personifies James Bond.

These four productions bear different gist since the four movies: Goldeneye

(1995), The World is Not Enough (1997), Tomorrow Never Dies (2000) and Die

Another Day (2002) are launched after the cold war. Those productions are different from the prior productions since they start to include internet. This new style creates different characters of villains and James Bond as well as its commodity. It is also launched after the end of Cold War era which makes it more interesting since the technology war within United States and of Soviet

Socialist Republic has no longer exists. The Gender Studies by the help of

Postcolonial theory have provided a room to analyze these four productions as to see whether it creates correct proportion on women roles or it has caused feminism to back draw itself.

B. Urgency of The Study

The development of culture is very fast. This is also captured by Adorno and Horkheimer as they wrote the essay on culture industry which talked about the vision of a society that has lost the capacity on nourishing freedom and individuality. According to Adorno and Horkheimer this has caused the development of art production into industrial stage which caused the lost of


artisanal stage9 of an art production. They argue that for them, the modern culture industry produces safe, standardize products geared to the larger demands of the capitalist economy10.In relation to the quotation above, I see the development of gadgets and its importance toward the culture industry of Indonesia. It is also said in the essay that even the aesthetic activities of political opposites are one in their enthusiastic obedience to the rhythm of the iron system. This means that by the entrance of the capitalism, art has been consumed so that it can no longer depend on the genius various artists to produce the product of art as in the artisanal stage.

Furthermore, Adorno & Horkheimer said that the culture industry has become so successful that „art‟ and „life‟ are no longer wholly separable. This is alive as the television and film industry begins to mirror the reality and vice versa.

Adorno and Horkheimer also argue on the birth of consumerism that will initiate the misleading of technology. They have predicted that the rising of the misleading technology will create open violence. The technology of culture industry that is influenced by capitalism will produce mass productions not just on art but also on technology such as automobiles, bombs, and furthermore movies.

Movies, films and television productions are only different at the most superficial level. It means that on the outside of the productions they may inherit the same structures but in the part of ideology they may possess different purposes. This purposes that we should reveal as in order to have a correct proportion on art and

9 Artisanal stage is the state where society is creating art without any tendency to make it as a mass production therefore art is dedicated only for art. Adorno, Th and M.Horkheimer. The Culture Industry: enlightment as mass deception' in The Cultural Studies (1997)29-30 10 Adorno, Th and M.Horkheimer. The Culture Industry: enlightment as mass deception' in The Cultural Studies (1997)29-30


technology. This is necessary to be discussed since they also argue that whoever controls the media also capable of controlling cultures, minds and the world.

To have borrow the word from Marxist perspective, we can see that culture exists in the supra structure of the society. It is said that culture has no importance in determining exploitation of works by the inferior structures (as quoted from

Marxist perspective seminar by Father Benny Hari Juliawan, S.J, 2011). This research is also keen on proofing relation between exploitation and cultural production, through the function of women and gadgets in the movies.

The relation between culture industry and films are tight. Therefore in order to see and analyze the films industries and the effects toward the social life in

Indonesia, I would contribute the findings into comparative references as to see the development of cultural industry and the reality that happens in Indonesia upon the influence of high technology gadgets that are shown in the James Bonds‘ films.

It is important to keep the tract on the development of cultural industry and its effect as to know the value of the meaning, the significance, interpretation upon the gadgets that are used in the various series of James Bond. The findings will then answer to the urgency of moral development whether the gadgets and the women function in the movies show any relation toward the nourishing and nurturing violence, patriarchal ideologies on women, or showing that basically feminism is degrading.


C. Research Questions

Therefore, based on the discussion above, I have formulated the research questions as follows:

1. In what ways do James Bond’ movies describe the deceptive gadgets

and the marginalization of women?

2. In what ways do the deception and the marginalization of women

highlight the cultural gap between the Orient and the Occident?

Based on the questions above I would like to discuss also the methodology of research, gathering the data that are used to answer the formulated problems.

D. Methodology

In order to answer the two questions that are formulated above, I choose the data gathering based on classifying, analyzing the characters, action of the girls, and the reaction as well as relation within the main character and the supportive characters. The analysis will also cover on the gadgets and the symbols that are shown in the movies selected. This research uses close reading strategy under

Gender Studies, Feminism in particular. The approach will be combined with

Postcolonial theory of Othering and Sovereignity in enriching the discussion on girls and gadgets. The theory of technology and language will be used under the interpretation of Gender Studies. It will also reveal the codify symbols appear in the movies that are necessary to highlight the cultural gaps within the Occident and the Orient. The first reading strategy will underline the research while the last strategy will be applied in order to see the functions and meaning of gadgets and girls in the movies.


The study will start by classifying and analyzing the protagonist and antagonist female supportive characters then it will be continued to the double meaning words of language that are addressed toward them along with the make believe office situation in the movies that put women under oppression. It will also discuss on the familiar gadgets that are used by James Bond. I classify the gadgets into military, luxurious and co modify gadgets, then discuss and analyze the gadgets under the study of gender and semiotic.

I choose Gender Studies reading strategy because I want to see the exploitation that might be found on women and technology related to nation.

Therefore, the methodology will suit the context field that needs to be examined.

Based on the discussion above, I believe that the reading strategies will be able to answers the research formulation problems correctly.

E. Limitation of The Study

This thesis will mainly analyze the series of James Bond, especially on the four movies productions that are starred by Pierce Brosnan. Those productions are

Goldeneye (1995), The World is Not Enough (1997), Tomorrow Never Dies

(1999) and Die Another Day (2002). These four movies will be analyzed under the Feminism approach by implementing it on girls and gadgets in the movies selected. I also will enrich the discussion by using othering and sovereignty theory borrowed from Postcolonial Studies. These theories are also applied in analyzing codified symbols that are selected by using the semiotic theory in media. Along with the analysis, I also use the linguistic theory in order to reveal the double meaning word that is addressed to female supportive characters in the movies selected.


This thesis will also put the movies under the explanation through windows of pragmatics and cognitive theory which will enhance the conclusion and understanding toward the set of semiotic symbols. Nevertheless, it is also going to discuss the possibility of movie aspects and techniques as to help the readers comprehend the analysis given. As for the contribution toward the English

Language Study, I will also look at the translation of James Bond and some theory of linguistics that reveal the double meaning words which exist in the movies. In running it, I will use the evidence through interviewing Bapak Narto Erawan who translates the edition of James Bond from 1966-1968 and Bapak Akhlis Suryapati who censors James Bonds movies in Indonesia from the Lembaga Sensor Film

Indonesia. I also will use the interview with Bapak Lianto Luseno who is a film practitioners and film lecturer in Institute Kesenian Jakarta. The interview will mainly use on gathering knowledge about movies technology, ideology and professional opinions about the selected movies. The proof will be used in accordance to strengthen my argument on women marginalization through gadgets and semiotics symbols that might not be translated or being cut by the

Lembaga Sensor Film Indonesia. In order to get a good and balance evidence, I will also include film elements and techniques such as shooting angles, lighting, music, opening scene credit, official soundtracks of the movies in order to ensure the validity of the thesis analysis.




M: You don't like me, Bond. You don't like my methods. You think I'm an accountant, a bean counter more interested in my numbers than your instincts. James Bond: The thought had occurred to me. M: Good, because I think you're a sexist, misogynist dinosaur. A relic of the Cold War, whose boyish charms, though wasted on me, obviously appealed to that young woman I sent out to evaluate you. James Bond: Point taken. 11

The above dialogues have proven that there are some tensions within M and

James Bond as they meet face to face. Those dialogues are the bridging gap within the changing of the late M character (personified by male actor) into the new one (personified by female actress). In order to see clearly the proportion of women inside these movies, one needs to analyze based on the clarity of literature, concept and method. Therefore, this chapter is divided into three parts.

They are namely review of related literature, review of related concept and review of related method. The first part discusses the research previously done on James

Bonds. The second part discusses the related concepts that are used to analyze the movies and the third part discusses the methodology to be applied in analyzing the movies.

A. Review of Related Literature

In order to have an initial review on James Bond, it is best to start our discussion by following the Michelle Adams‘ discussion. She has started to discuss the importance of analyzing movies in the twentieth century. She argues that movies are inseparable aspect from the reality of live. It can be assumed from

11 One of the dialogues in Goldeneye scenes, Act.Pierce Brosnan, Famke Jansenn, Izabella Scrocupco Prod. Albert E.Brocolli,Dist.United Artist (MGM) 18


her opinion that the advance technology‘s development has allowed us to capture product of our own culture and later it begins to live inseparably from the daily lives. Movies have become necessary to be analyzed since it provides us with surreal reality, an imitation of reality and vice versa. Her opinion is reflected in her essay called: Bond Girls: Gender, Technology and Film. She also argues that

In the current digital age, film has increasingly portrayed technological advancement in our lives as normative.12 Therefore, movies such as James Bond which shows technologies are very adaptive and close to human culture.

Why American? The study has to start from the Hollywood type of movies because it is the centre of worldwide movies cinema. It is as important as discussing tragedy in Greek. We all know that this type of drama has been the foundation of play for ages. The standard has gone the same for Hollywood toward non-Hollywood movies. It shows as discussed below, Elsaesser and

Buckland said:

Hollywood film in particular is the American art par excellence, like tragedy is the art of Greeks, the pyramids are associated with the civilization of Egypt, and the great cathedrals with the Holy Roman Empire. In this respect, the twentieth century was the American century, and its cinema-its film genres, stars, and stories-most consistently enchanted a public, an international public.13

As we discuss about the importance of the discussion on movies and its industries, it is also necessary to show how it affects the world and the audience.

Movies study has moved from entertainment into a more serious matter. It has included not only culture but also politics. Therefore, it is significant also to

12 Adams, Michelle. "Bond Girls: Gender, Technology and Film." (n.d.) 01. 13 Buckland, Thomas Elsaesser and Warren. Studying Contemporary American Film. (Madison Avenue, New York: Arnold, 2002)04.


discuss on movies that politically loaded. Spy Genre‘s movies are one of those which are fully loaded with politic.

This genre has affected vast audience and become the role model of the society since the beginning of Cold War. Thus, Spy Genre‘s movie has become the film where it violates the law, spy had become ‗so happening‘ in the era of

Cold War where every nation is trying to be the best nation in the world through claiming sovereignty in their technology. The spy agents are considered to possess ability beyond ordinary people. Their ability in operating various gadgets has affected human standard on gender and technology. Although the same argumentation has been stated by Adams, it summarizes that the strongest point still lies on the patriarchal world. This opinion is also justified in Adams‘ discussion as transform gender through the advanced technology. This tendency is shown in Bonds‘ movies production during 1995-2002.

Gender Studies namely feminism reading strategy has created a room for women to speak about themselves. Women in James Bond are determined by the standardized products and technology that they have to match. They have become one of the significant elements that are offered by the movies as particular sensation that detects the markets. Adams also said that the judgment on Bond‟ girls are also an attempt to dilute women into liking their position in the movies.

This is due to the mass media, mostly the fashion media which „christened‟ Bond girls‘ as pack and parcel with Bond. Although so, Adams has set up the limitation of her study as below:

In this context, Bond‘s relationships with his various female co-stars, his relationships with his male and female nemeses, and the manner in which both of these types of interactions relate to technology and the power which its ownership can bestow are extremely enlightening as to the gender


ideologies that exist in contemporary society. , technological domination, and gender interact to reveal the matrices of domination that exist between men and women, men and men, and women and women. Competition and opposition between Bond and his rivals to achieve ownership or dominion of technology and of each other reveal more than a struggle of good and evil; rather, these connect gender roles and relations to the technological innovations of post digital-divide Western civilization.14

Adam chooses to discuss the issue of post digital-divide of Western civilization upon the society. She does not count women in particular or Asian

Women specifically. Therefore, this thesis will take up the issues that she has not discussed before such as the marginalization of women, especially Asian by race through technology and representation in the movies selected.

Her studies then enlighten me to look forward for a research on the same genres movies and see the function of gadgets and girls. The thesis aims to see the intertwined of gadgets and girls in nurturing technological violence, marginalization of women, and the under- represented East countries in movies.

These aspects are important factors to be discussed as Adams have not discussed it in her studies. Therefore, in order to highlight the importance of this discussion,

I also include the outlines given by Bordwell15 where he explains of how the cognitive theory is conducted for analyzing film by using narrative theory from the structuralists.

Structuralists according to Bordwell have placed spectators as the point of view in completing the narration of the film. The theory also points that spectators are not free rational agents; they complete the film narration by intersubjective norms, principles and convention guiding. It is known that when spectators watch

14 Adams, Michelle. "Bond Girls: Gender, Technology and Film." (n.d.)03 . 15 Bordwell, David. Narration in the Fiction Film. (: Methuen & Co.Ltd, 1985)29-61


a film, they do not just absorb the data but instead they process the narration by using schemata16. The schemata itself is activated by cues in the film. In accordance to that, Bordwell17 suggests that the best cues are the missing gaps of data in the film. It means that when we see the data in the film and find the missing interpretation of it, then we begin to be able to see back face of the film which will help us getting the complete narration. The basic data is collected through many ways such as counting the scenes, select them, group them and construct them accordingly. Data is also possible to be gathered through finding the gap that exists within each scene after they are taken, or to analyze the camera angles, shots, music and lighting. This Bordwell literature will be used interchangeably in this thesis as to collect, classify and deconstruct the meaning of codified symbol that exists in the movies under the perspective of the Gender


Based on the discussion above, I find the representation on minority groups of women has not yet discussed. Adams essay does not include the analysis of different races as important parts of the movies. Although Bond includes different races in the movies; there is an indication only to confirm the masculinity of the patriarchal world. This assumption is proven in the sexism analysis that has been conducted by Ajay Gehlawat in his essay: Cultural Imperialism and James

Bond‟s Penis. Gehlawat says that even Roger Moore gets in difficulty after he stars . James Bond needs to act with (personified by

Honor Blackman); this is considered as an acknowledgement toward lesbian and

16 Norms and principles in the mind that organize the incomplete data into coherent mental representations 17 As discuss in Buckland, Thomas Elsaesser and Warren. Studying Contemporary American Film.( Madison Avenue, New York: Arnold, 2002)13-7.


gay community. Gehlawat also notes down that the same problem re-occurs in

Live and Let Die which Moore takes up the leading role accompanies by a female supportive actress (Gloria Hendry as Rosie Carver) that is Negroid by race. In

Live and Let Die also, James Bond has proven his patriarchal domination by changing Pussy Galore sex orientation‘s from bisexual into heterosexual.

According to the narrative theory, there is a missing data on the importance of Pussy Galore‘s sex orientation change. The film emphasizes on her sexual orientation change but neglect her ability in helping Bond‘s to succeed his missions. This is definitely need a reposition defend toward women position in the movies. In order to complete the schemata, it is important then to discuss the involvement of women from different races in the movies, namely Bond‘s series that involved Asian women.

Adams has addressed this problem by interpreting relation between Bond‘s girls and James Bond as the extra-marital and non-committal relationship.

According to Adams the movies have shown lots of problem within Bond and his

„cultural fantasies‟ along with the „dreamy-like quality‟. Adams evaluates Bond as a dreamy character which only exists in realm and cultural fantasies but never is in reality. Therefore, it is important to clarify the concept of girls and gadgets which are not touched by Adams in the essay.

Still Adams does not discuss the important roles of women who play in the movies as the agents of narratology, a character that helps James Bond to build up his characters and images that he possesses now. In other words, to Bond, women are toys, therefore, in order to re-posit the assumption, it is necessary to be dealing with the same movies which Adams discusses as to see the difference or the


likeness between the posits assumptions on women of Adams and this thesis. Yet

Adams and Gehlawat does not discuss any importance urgency to speak of James

Bond based on gender studies, postcolonial and semiotic perspectives. I see this opportunity as the entrance upon the problems that might be the gist of anarchy and vandalism that we need to be aware of.

The underlying principles symbolic world that James Bond and his girls‘ lives need to be untangled under the gender studies and enrich by postcolonial as well as the semiotic perspective. The analysis of this thesis will use feminism reading strategy and enrich by othering and sovereignty theory from postcolonial paradigms along with semiotic analysis in order to uncover the ambience of the schemata models. Semiotic is the field where Buckland in his book of Semiotic in

Media has explained to underline the set of human experiences and put them under the set of codes that can help them to understand the experience18. Semiotic has become the important part where humans apply the understanding of codes and put them into meaningful set in order to read between the pragmatics and translation of movies.

Furthermore, the cultural gaps, shown through the immature relationship between women and men display in Gehlawat essay, have lead to the assumptions where women are seated imbalance toward men. Thus, the reposition of women, especially the Asian Women involved in the movie series needs to be spoken and analyzed further through the eyes of feminist approach. The numbers of roles given to the Asian Women and Other races in the movie series have also

18Buckland, Warren. Semiotic in Media.(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000)06 .


portrayed the cultural gaps. This is an important issue as Adams writes about the flat characters of James Bond:

James Bond‘s image has remained consistent throughout the franchise‘s 40- year film history; ―[h]e never ages, he never gets seriously injured, he never stops boozing or chasing skirt, he never settles for anything less than the best cars, clothes, accommodation and weapons, and he never takes time off from saving the world from.19

Thus, based on Adams essay, women are constructed to be the dynamic characters in the movies. It is seen from the various numbers of women and cultures that are included in the movie productions and how they are contrasting the masculine and feminine portrayal in the movie itself. Therefore, the inclusion of women is very important because it gives colors to the movies.

In the other view, Gehlawat prefers to see the gadgets that Bond uses as a practice of cultural imperialism. In his essay, he has used the semiotic analyzes in order to unfold this practice through the gadgets that are shown in the movie series. I will then set my opinion against Gehlawat analysis which says that the girls in the Bond‘s movies are also spectators that enjoys Bond and the free cares of his sex lives as an entertainment for them.

In contrast to Gehlawat‘s opinion, I would like to discuss an example of a scene from one of James Bond‘s series. We can see in Dr. No that James Bond and the audience are the one who enjoy female body scenery. This happens as

Honey Child Rider (Ursula Andress) appears from the ocean with bikinis and shots from below-up to the angle of her face. This scene is recurrence in Die

Another Day by the appearance of from the sea. The media has called this act as a tribute to Ursula Andress which then set a woman directly facing another woman in the re-appearance of James Bond. This fact concludes that the women‘s

19 Adams, Michelle."Bond Girls: Gender, Technology and Film." (n.d.)05.


position is still in the same place for James Bond. This marginalization will be discussed in chapter three and four of this thesis. Gehlawat has only analyzed this by using the structuralist perspective but does not discuss them under postcolonial and feminist reading strategy.

The other opinion comes from a South Korean academician, Professor

Chung, which has argued on the marginalization of other countries in James

Bond‘s movie production. She posits how Korea bears the Orientalism mark in

Die Another Day. She uses the postcolonial approach in order to uncover the schemata of the film. She mentions the incapability of Hollywood to even picture the Korean names and situation correctly. Although she is mentioning the marginalization of Asian culture in Hollywood‘s cinema, she still does not speak of the Asian Women Role‘s in the movies. Furthermore, Die Another Day represents Korea and other parts of Asian countries but it misses the Asian

Women. There is not any Asian Women leading role in Die Another Day. The only Asian Woman spotted is the one that tortures James Bond. This has made

James Bond and Jinx look as tourist going sightseeing in Korea.

The correlation of using Asian sceneries as the setting of the movies has indulged the research to find the motives in the movies. This is possible to be done by revealing the codes and symbols that they use in media and also by looking at the dialogues that they put in the script as well as in the movies itself.

These will be discussed in chapter three and four.


B. Review of Related Concept

1. The Gadgets

Q: It's activated by nerve impulses from the wrist muscles. James Bond: Like this? [The dart pierces a painting on M's wall] M: Oh, thank you, 007! Q: It's activated by nerve impulses from the wrist muscles. James Bond: Like this? [The dart pierces a painting on M's wall] M: Oh, thank you, 007! 20

There is a theoretical concept that needs to be explained further as we step into the new paradigm of James Bond‟s series. One of the most important elements is the gadgets that appear in the movies. Bond has survived in the world of spy. As spies, secret agents cannot fail. In order that they will gain success, secret agents need to own some emergency help in case they should be in the critical situation. This also happens to James Bond. Starts from the first production Dr. No up to the latest production Quantum of Solace, James Bond has introduced plenty gadgets. From his wristwatch that can be used as mirror breakers in Die Another Day21, a remote control of his car22, a deadly poisonous dart23, even a text message receiver24 to those most sophisticated gadgets as the card reader in Quantum of Solace. Those gadgets have brought us to the world of imagination and beyond thinking of the world‘s conspiracy. Thus, gadgets have

20 Moonraker(1972), opening scenes 21Die Another Day, James Bond meets a very critical situation where Jinx is threatened to die because of hypothermia, he breaks the front window of his car by his wristwatch and collect Jinx body after smashing the icy room where Jinx is held. 22 Die Another Day, James Bond‘s car is using remote control and able to do camouflage by using the censor to capture the surrounding then it will re-project according to the surrounding. The result is that the car become invisible 23 Moonraker, The gadgets are the ten darts. They are located in James Bond wrist in order to kill people if James Bond should meet critical situation that threatened the government. The tips of the darts are covered with cyanides. 24 The Spy Who Loved Me, James Bond is in the situation where he is in a private meeting with a women and he is called back to MI6 headquarters by using his watch which shows messages.


become important element in the series as they assist Bond to be the famous escape artist of all times.

James Bond‘s Gadgets are also sold in the market. This proofs that society acknowledge him as the real characters. The importance of gadgets in narrating the structures of James Bond is then questioned in the next chapter. The definition of gadgets in this thesis are the tools that help him to identify his status, ideology and prestige which shows domination of Western culture and imbalance power within male character and female supportive characters. This will lead to a discussion on his luxurious and military gadgets, automobiles, cellular phones and wristwatch.

Gadgets, as it is defined above, are important elements that show the standard of success for James Bond‘s movies. New gadgets as the Omega wristwatch, Nokia N-series or BMW limited edition have always been the fan‘s chaser after the movies premier. The film sponsors are able to put their product to be aired worldwide and then summon the world‘s market by constructing the real gadgets through the virtual world. The booming of James Bond‘s Omega watch to the Nokia‘s complex technology, until the Olin Mark skies and the BMW limited edition car, has proven that gadgets are regarded more than just elements in James

Bond movies. Gadgets have signified ideologies, status and prestige of the

Westerners; therefore in order to create awareness toward the Indonesian audience, it is important to discuss the gadgets in the proper situation that they might represent.

Gadgets can be concluded and affirmed to function only in the hands of skillful James Bond which brings the dim light function on other characters. It is


important to observe further on the use of gadgets in the movies as to determine the exploitation toward female supportive actresses that may be done while not receiving the same purposes of using the gadgets. Has the use of gadgets then eliminate the Asian; namely women; to be the rest of the culture or affirmed the

Western world to be dominant?

2. The Girls

I will look at the importance of the Asian women that has been included in the scenes. I will have a close reading with some series of James Bond that include Asian women as the supportive female character. The series will be read under the study of feminist reading which is enriched by the postcolonial and semiotic theory.

The concern of observing different races of female supportive characters in

James Bond‘s movies production is also shared by Adams in the criticism of You

Only Live Twice. In this movie production, the inclusion of Japanese women is visible. The inclusion has lead to several undeveloped missing cues. For example, the questions on roles of Asian women in the movies, why they are not getting the same proportion roles as those of the Western actresses. The constant changing of the Asian female characters in the movies has developed loose knot of female characters as the co-stars. Another question is the importance of each role that is developed by each woman in the movie production. It seems to be a standard that determine whether they are worthy to be included as James Bond‘s girls or not.

The question arises because their inclusion is not identified in the talk show called: Bond Girls are Forever.


In dealing with the women inclusion; which mostly is Westerners; Bonds‘ has created boundaries to his co-stars. It seems that James Bond is more comfortable to conquer the world with the Westerners female supportive actresses. This is in line to Said‘s argument25 about white men who rules the world in brotherhood/sisterhood. Westerners create the theory of ‗othering‘ in order to dominate other race by creating the gaps and translating the gaps into media. Thus, the use of English as a communication tool takes up a huge part.

There is a polemic raised after a different race that is included in James Bond movie production. Gloria Hendry who plays as Rosie Carver, a double agent which takes James Bond to Kananga Island in Live and Let Die, is not discussed further in the Bond Girls are Forever. She is considered infamous because being accused of getting the movie into society criticism. James Bond himself

(personified Roger Moore) is getting very hot critics from the society and

Hollywood audience for involving the colored skin to be a female supportive actress.

The several movies which released after the founding of the Non-

Alignments movements, begins to include Asian. The stripping of the scenes becomes very important when it is connected by the political movement under the certain time span. The real motive of such inclusion can only be seen by deciphering the codes that are written in symbols, acts, and film techniques in

James Bond. For example, how the Asian women appearance in You Only Live

Twice, has been depicted very different from the real Asian workers. The Japanese

25 Said, Edward. Orientalism. (New York: Vintage Books a Division of Random House Inc.,) 2003.56-8


women are pictured half naked in the sea, looking for the seaweeds. What is the importance of this scene? Why do the producers need to perform the scene? It needs further research and discussion.

Therefore, the girls are going to be analyzed based on the characterization and double meaning conversations that happens in the movies. The first part of analysis will discuss the appearances and shooting angles of the girls which make them the objects of sex exploitation and be in content women. The second part will be discussed under English linguistic theories which aim for uncovering the undercover romance and office tensions shown in the movies. The findings will answer the problem formulated above.

C. Review of Related Method

1. Feminism

We have chosen each other and the edge of each other‘s battles the wars is the same if we lose someday women‘s blood will congeal upon a dead planet if we win there is no telling we seek beyond history for a new and more possible meeting26

The above poem has described the importance of recognizing women in the patriarchal worlds. The patriarchal world has turned women into the phase where they are acted and portrayed more masculine then the men themselves. This can be tracked down through the recent movies and television series where Xena,

Lara Croft and La Femme Nikita dominate the world of men as they become men

26 Rivkin, Julie and Michael Ryan . Literary Theory: An Anthology. (Blackwell Publishing, 1998)860.


fantasies. Women are apt to look more masculine in order to exist in the world.

This is also discussed in the Action Chicks articles as follows:

The petite actress Zhang Ziyi in Ang Lee‘s new movie ―Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon‖ slays several men twice her size while drinking a cup of tea. In ―Charlie‘s Angels,‖ Drew Barrymore manages to pulverize her captors with her feet bound to a chair. And then there‘s ―The Matrix‘s‖ Carrie-Anne Moss, who, even in a skintight bodysuit, manages to flip her enemy like a flimsy omelet. Across the country female moviegoers no longer dream of being saved by Jean-Claude Van Damme but of kicking and chopping the bad guys till they cry for mercy27

As the world realizes that women need a better recognition and position rather than become the object of male fantasy, film and movies industries have positioned them differently. Women are asked to compete one and another by showing more muscle rather than to be competing fairly based on the best professional act in the scenes. This new phenomenon of muscular chicks in

Hollywood has set a new standard upon women and their body shape. The actresses have to look masculine and be as skillful and intellectual as the actors. In some of the movie production such as in Tomb Raider the character of Lara Croft

(Angelina Jolie) is looking more muscular than the male characters. It is contradictory toward some earlier Hollywood production of movies and television such as Remington Steele and X-Files where the role of Mrs. Steele28 and Agent

Scully29 is considered as out of date. The Hollywood as well as the Asian cultural productions these days are following the lead of Zhang Zi Yi, Michelle Yeoh,

Madonna, Carrie-Ann Moss, , Famke Jansenns, and many others

27 As discuss in Innes, Sherrie A. Action Chicks: New Images of Tough Woman in Popular Culture. (New York and Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan TM, 2004)01 28 Remington Steele: a detective series that portrays a clever detective woman who use the man as the head of the detective bureau in order to gain costumers. 29 The X-Files television series portrays an intelligent CIA female agent who deals with unsolved cases.


whose promoting male‘s fantasy of muscular women as an indication of modern women. Women muscularity is a big issue because they are promoted as the world icons. The icons represents symbols of modern women which strikes to feminism.

Women are not dull, dumb and plain as before in fact they are becoming intellectual and skillful as well as muscular.

Muscularity is a symbol that has been taken by men for years. Furthermore, those icons which are being watched by audiences are dictated mostly by capitalism that comes from producers and worldwide market. Movie industry has gone out of their rights and out of morality reasons or questions in producing movies because they are exploiting women in order to collect capital. Women, needs to be able to stand within the world without losing their sanity or integrity. I do not mean that women need to be more feminine but I am provoking the ideas of masculinity that has invaded women per person. Race and class exist in the world, not only in the patriarchal world but also occurs in the women world and the refusal to ever acknowledge them will bring yet another victory toward the patriarchal world itself.

Judith Butler and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak30 speak about the problem in the word of representation. It is also notified that the problem has created a gap within feminism. The question of who represents whom or what is being re- presented by these icons is a major issue in the leading feminism world. The fact that the problem has existed twelve years ago is going to be the anchor to

30 Both of the scholar is acknowledging the problem of the word ’representation’ which holds ambiguous meaning as ‘speak for’ or ‗re-presents’ which then become counter discursive studies toward feminism itself.


determine whether the study of feminism is advancing or failing. The opinion is shared by Audre Lorde that there certainly differences exist between race, age and sex …But it is not those differences between us that are separating us. It is rather our refusal to recognize those differences, and to examine the distortions which result from our misnaming them and their effects upon human behavior and expectation.‟ In coherent with the ideas it is important to view women based on their appearance and action in the movies as to redefine women‘s position and roles in James Bond selected series. Therefore, I believe that to read James Bond movies under the perspective of feminism will enlighten and give proportional answers to my thesis questions.

2. Postcolonial

A second qualification is that ideas, cultures, and histories cannot seriously be understood or studied without their force, or more precisely their configurations of power, also being studied . To believe that the Orient was created –or, as I call it, ―Orientalized‖- and to believe that such things happen simply as the necessity of the imagination, is to be disingenuous.31

The citation belongs to tremendous essay of Edward Said on Orientalism. It has never occurred to me that the effects of Postcolonial reading will be very strong during the analysis of James Bond. James Bond has made twenty four movie productions which include different women of age, race, culture and sexual orientation. Postcolonial32 reading with the ideas of othering can clearly put these issues in proportions.

31 Edward Said has explained that the imbalance power stance within the Occident and Orient where all orients have to follow the occident‘s‘ ideology, thought, styles, and culture. Othering has become one of his important thought where scholars could see the gap between the Occident and Orient clearly as the Occident minimizes the Orient through their standard ideologies. Said, Edward. Orientalism. (New York: Vintage Books a Division of Random House Inc.) 2003. 56-60.


Culture has been the primeval field along with history and ideology.

Capitalism has made it worst by offering the cultural domination in the package of business. This commodity of entertainments has set humans for being traded and dominated toward one another. The tendency to win a worldwide market and doing a monopoly is air and deep rooted on every entertainment business and even nations. One of the useful tools is to use sexuality over the business, this strategy has made women cornered and marginalize even harder than before.

Women then have to struggle as to pose for be in content33 toward the big and silver screen. Women have to survive in the eyes of patriarchal worlds, through the gaze of the opposite sex by using their sensuality. This issue will be discussed under Said‘s sovereignty‘s perspectives.

This thesis is going to show the revelation of women marginalization through movies under Gender Studies, in particularly Feminism, by enriching the discussion using the Postcolonial reading, on the ideas of othering. The applied reading strategy will give a rich research in order to re-define women posits and the relation within the main character and supportive female character as it reveals the imbalance power relation within the west and the east. Through feminine eyes this research will be able to reveal the ideologies lies in the Hollywood movies, in particularly James Bond‘s movies.

33 The movie and television production‘s term for women who pose as stock characters in order to promote an advertised item.


3. Technology

A technological rationale is a rational of domination itself. It is the coercive nature of the society alienated from itself. Automobiles, bombs, and movies keep the whole thing together until their leveling element shows its strength in the very wrong which it furthered.34

It has been the concerned of Adorno and Horkheimer when they observe the rising of the culture industry. They are aware that in the advanced stage, technology could become destructive. It is also able to create immoral society.

Technology when combines with capitalism has raised a new culture and ideology where people are ruled by their own creation. These days, it is very rarely that we see people talk and having a social time .with their neighbors. We do not see the

Indonesian youngsters gather and play cards or talking over coffee table in their own house verandah. All of these entertainment acts have been standardized. They are now gathering in the coffee shop, café, mall, etc no longer in the verandah.

Along with the standardized entertainment, people are in need to wear standard clothing. It has happened in the generation of 1920‘s where the

Indonesian youth have become fashionably aware of their standard clothing style.

Mrazek argues35 that Indonesian Political leaders in 1920‘s dress in the fashionable ways, wearing dinner jackets, ties, shoes, etc., unfortunately it is all in the western standard. For the political leaders such as Soekarno, Hatta and Sjahrir proper way of clothing has been their identity in being a student as well as the other Indonesian Political leaders. Clothing has provided new concept of seeing

34 Adorno, Th and M.Horkheimer. The Culture Industry: enlightment as mass deception' in The Cultural Studies Reader.S.During (ed.) (London and New York. 1997) 31

35 Mrazek, Rudolf. Engineers of Happy Land. (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2002)129- 59.


life. For example; Mrazek has mentioned that Soekarno tries to ask his organization (Partindo) member into wearing the same identical western way of proper clothing. This act leads him into an issue of nationality. Soekarno changes his political view by asking all the Partindo leaders to wear swadeshi36 clothing styles during their meetings in the organization. This political view result into

Soekarno exiles to Bouven Digul for an indefinite time. Soekarno is also the person who promotes free Indonesia icon by wearing skullcap (peci) for a clothing identity.

Clothing certainly is a big issue. Clothing shows a person‘s identity, status and ideologies. In James Bond‘s movies clothing has symbolized many things. It also shows different ideologies and even different treatment toward women. It also shows culture and ethnic identity. Therefore, as Mrazek argues with the appearance of the represented dolls toward the late colonial37 standard way of proper clothing, it is best also to discuss the antagonist and protagonist female supportive actresses‘ clothing technology inside the movies, in order to reveal the imbalance power domination within the female characters. The discussion is important as to peel the ideologies behind the clothing technology because clothing is also a way of representing a person.

Another problem that we should discuss in standardized technology is the gadgets. To get a good example of imbalance power in technology, it is best to discuss on a situation that happens in Indonesia during the late colonial era. Indies

Radio has become an important factor during the late colonial era. It has become a

36 Swadeshi: a short of homemade style clothing, made and sew at home, native local style : saroeng, kabaja etc. 37 Mrazek, Rudolf. Engineers of Happy Land. (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2002)129- 59.


prestige symbol of Indonesian.38The technology differences of Indies Radio and the Western Radio has created a gap within the two types of radios. The quality of the hardware such as antennas, amplifiers, receivers, until the comforts of the buildings and the broadcasted program itself has shown different technology within the West and the Indies. This leads into the assumption that whatever

Indies thought as a prestige is just an under grade, secondhand entertainment for the Westerners. Therefore, the discussion upon the gadgets will be limited only to those that show differences within the West and the East ideologies. It will discuss only on the gadgets that shows identity, status and prestige in the modern world, such as luxurious and military gadgets, automobiles, cellular phone, and wristwatch.

4. Semiotic

James Bond has become the best series of spies‘ genre in the twentieth century. As we also see that these movies are able to penetrate the world Box office, although his rank is always on 10-2039, it has gathered at least 10.000 people to watch the movies in America only. According to Kolker40, film plays a significant role in human life. The potential possibility of re-watching movies has created a copy cat culture. It becomes dangerously necessary to have a close reading over movies where ideologies are contained and codified in it.

It is important to read this movie as it is constantly giving the ideas and symbols that are taken from reality. I also quote important essay from Jean

Baudrillard on Simulacra. In his essay, Baudrillard proposes four steps which

38 Mrazek, Rudolf. Engineers of Happy Land. (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2002)162- 191. 39 See appendix 1 40 Kolker, Robert. Film, Form, and Culture. (McGraw Hill, 2002)1-16.


explain the stepping of reality into simulacrum and ends up into simulacra which have no significance of the reality; instead it promotes hyper reality, as follows:

a. It is the reflection of a basic reality b. It masks and perverts a basic reality c. It masks the absence of a basic reality d. It bears no relation to any reality whatever: it is its own pure simulacrum 41 It is important to know the process of when a reality became a hyper reality.

The paradigm that we need to follow is the re-make of James Bond where the ideologies are re-written plenty of times. In the process of re-written it, it has lost the gist of the thought, the earlier ideologies. Therefore it might create hyper reality which consists purely of capitalism. In the process of the art mass production, as Adorno and Horkheimer has discussed above, it reveals culture industry society on the entertainment business.

The phase above has clearly explained how a reality turns into a set of hyper reality, which then can be applied in the existence of camera and digital technology. As it is applied into analyzing James Bond for proto models, phase one James Bond is reflecting a reality, a society full of conspiracy that lives under the existence of Cold War. In the second step, it turns into a mask which perverts reality. The third steps, James Bond movies and ideology still promote a reality that happens with the absence of the Cold War ideology. It then turns into a fiesta of women, exoticism, gadgets and advertisements. At last, it gains no more reality and becomes only the simulacra, a space which reviews only for the sake of the

41 Baudrillard, Jean. "The Devil of Simulacra." (n.d.).Simulacra is the repeating over of an ideas. A copy of a copy which creates deviation from the first ideology so that in the end it will consist of a pervertive ideologies.


Occident‘s standard. In this repeated hyper reality, James Bond consist the absentee on moral values which gives birth of non-existence values at all. James

Bond has become a very dangerous entertainment which in the complexity has wrapped pleasures, technology and vandalisms into one very luxurious and prestige movies promoting non-other than our human domination ego taking pleasure of killing our own morality.

Why Semiotic? By combining semiotic, cognitive theory and pragmatic meanings, it gains the possibility to see the nature of the movie42 Thus; it is then a very good answer in slicing codified James Bond‘s movies, scenes by scenes to see the nature of this movie ideology. Semiotic perspective will help the selecting and grouping of codes that are found in the movies. This set of codes then put under the pragmatics and cognitive understanding together with the perspective of semiotic nature of symbols. Ideology of the movies could be discussed under these perspectives in order to reveal the real ideologies of the movies which then will be used to answer the thesis questions.

Muybridge and Marey43 have discussed the possibility of surreal worlds that can be produced and duplicates reality. This is the basic and logic of understanding and analyzing films. Every frame, every cut, every montage editing that are taken speaks differently and indifferently towards one and another so that they fold their own reality inside the film. Then, in order to understand a spy genre movie such as James Bond, one should know and understand the way a movie is made. Film has taken many techniques that should be regarded as attempts to create reality upon surreal reality. The findings of this research under

42 Buckland, Warren. Semiotic in Media. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000)1-5. 43 Kolker, Robert. Film, Form, and Culture. (McGraw Hill, 2002)14.


semiotic symbols approach then will be concluded through the feminist and postcolonial approach as to get the maximal approach upon the answer to the questions.

The changes of technical language from the romantic language inside the novels into the technical language in order to compact the movie productions have also occurred as a problem. These changes created different senses, different atmospheres and contains different ideologies. As Mrazek has suggested in his brilliant book44that language plays important part in revealing ideologies, it is necessary to summon up the language that has been used in the movies, English in particular. The reason lies on the bridging of ideology and language. We know that the transform of one language to another cannot always be done smoothly.

There is always unexplained gap out of limited dictions of one language to another or grammatical incoherence from one to another. English has been a lingua franca to the world; it is used to transfer ideologies and knowledge from one nation to the other. According to Mrazek human tends to treat things as persons and vice versa. Therefore, it is necessary to reveal the ideologies that are hidden inside the language of the movies, particularly the Hollywood type of movies, such as James Bond. This will be analyzed further in the next chapter as it discusses selected dialogues and the scripts that are included or excluded out of movie productions in James Bond.

44Mrazek, Rudolf. Engineers of Happy Land. (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2002)28-9




James Bond has become a big phenomenon since it starts the first début in

1970. In correlation to the success that the movies have gained, girls and gadgets have seized the most attention. In order to see the nature of ideology that supports these famous movies, the third chapter will analyze the inclusion of girls and gadgets. This chapter is divided into three parts.

The first part will discuss the girls and the marginalization. It also will mainly discuss the character appearances of female supportive actresses, the alikeness and the differences amongst them. The alikeness and the differences will be discussed as the evidence of the women marginalization in movies, in particularly between the Orient and the Occident. The second part will discuss on double meaning words interpretation and the office situation tension between male and female characters that show women marginalization in James Bond‘s selected series. The third part of the chapter will discuss the view upon semiotic symbols that personify James Bonds and commodity of the gadgets. This part discusses the movie concealed advertisement which helps to describe the cultural domination and consumerism of the Occident to the Orient countries.

The definition of Occident in this thesis is all the supportive female actresses that are not appeared as Asian in the movies. This paradigm will influence the sensual scenes that are chosen to analyze and discuss in this part.

The sensual scenes are discussed under the Orient and Occident paradigm. These sensual scenes are classified according to the scenes that explain about the marginalization of women in the movies. Both of the categories are analyzed



under the perspectives of semiotic. They are going to be viewed under the meaning on the nature of symbols.

A. The Girls and The Marginalization

1. Characterization and Concept of Beauty

My work has always been undertaken with the aim to expand and enhance a field of possibilities for bodily life. My earlier emphasis on denaturalization was not so much an opposition to nature as it was an opposition to the invocation of nature as a way of setting necessary limits on gendered life. To conceive of bodies differently seems to me part of the conceptual and philosophical struggle that feminism involves, and it can relate to questions of survival as well. The abjection of certain kinds of bodies, their inarmssibility to codes of inteligibility, does make itself known in policy and politics, and to live as such a body in the world is to live in the shadowy regions of ontology. 45

Women are always engaged to nature. It is natural for women to possess feminine characters and outfits. Butler has discussed this46 by deconstructing

Wittig explanation about sex and gender. Those words translate into different understanding. According to Butler, sex is something that is inherited from our ontology while being feminine is the character that could be possessed by any person. In other words, a feminine character could emerge on those who are not born as female sexes, or vice versa. Therefore, denaturalization of gender is quite a heavy task. Butler has put some definition in approaching the matters, including achieving equality in Politics through the use of language representation.

A new problem emerges as the women in James Bond‘s movies are given different roles than those of the previous times. They are no longer weak and petite as the character of Honey Child Rider, Domino Derval, Paula Caplan or

Kissy Suzuki and . The new members of James Bond‘s girl possess strong

45 Irene Costera Meijer and Baukje Prins. "How Body Comes into Matter." Signs (1998)275-86. 46 Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. (New York: Routledge, 1999)3-10


characters, tricky minds and knowledge. They are no longer considered to be meek and weak as portrayed in the previous series. The previous roles of James

Bond‘s girls which can be defined as petite and weak are erased totally as the fourth productions of new James Bond‘s series launched.

Those roles are considered to project new feminine wave which shows ‗girl power‘ on media. This ‗girl power‘ assumes to have the chance on getting the denaturalization from the audience. The inclusion of new roles are leading the audience to think that James Bond also acknowledge the similar feminine wave and take them into his world. This assumption is reversed as we read the sample of serious attempt toward the male existence domination on Professional

Wrestling show. The only female character to emerge as a professional wrestler,

Chyna, attempts to be treated equally in male domination world. The result is a character that leads out from the context of a woman‘s norm. She changes all feminine appearance into male perceptions. All comments for her are in the boundaries between men and women where she likely falls into the dichotomy of men or women. Due to her bizarreness, she falls directly into the definition of

‗thing‘ strengthened by the commentators‘ announcement toward her as a

‗monster‘. Her character finds a way out to the attempt of striking male domination. This gives a clear definition on ‗unruly‘ character that is discussed by


The unruly woman is one who, through various means, rebels against her ―proper place‖ and ―unsettles one of the most fundamental of social distinctions—that between male and female,‖ through excess and outrageousness. The most apparent qualities of the unruly woman include her large size, her masculine or androgynous appearance, and her domination of, or attempted domination of men. Rowe argues that the unruly woman is a ―prototype of woman as subject‖ who is transgressive because she ―lays claim to her own desire.‖ The unruly woman makes a spectacle of herself,


claiming the power that comes from visibility in the public realm. However, at the same time that she is a powerful figure she is often reviled.47

In the definition of ‗unruly‘ characters there are ways to treat the denaturalization of women. Although this character is reviled by the audience, it is the character that succeeds in threatening the male domination. In some episodes, this character is also cheered for the bravery and intellectual acts on stage. In the end, she is considered to acquire equal position as male wrestlers.

By reading the posit above, it is clearly that the ‗Bond‘s Girl‘ have not been given the correct portion to attempt the masculine world of technology. Bond‘s girls are given different roles such as computer programmer, double agents, spy agents, fencing athlete but none did ever possesses or portrays ‗unruly‘ characters as possessed by Chyna. The fact they are all cluttered into the beauty pageants packages ready to sell the goods in the movie. Their characters are explains as the analysis goes on this chapter.

It is important to discuss the thesis analysis that is argued by Laura Mulvey in analyzing films tudy. Laura Mulvey states some feminist film thesis which is also going to be applied in this discussion. They are: the role model thesis and the disturbance thesis. The role model thesis discuss on the positive and negative stereotype of women while the disturbance thesis explains on why women assume as a trouble in the system, the assumptions above is generating the core dynamics from the male center narrative trajectory48. These feminists analysis of movies will be interpreted as a discussion upon the female supportive characters. In

47 Innes, Sherrie A. Action Chicks: New Images of Tough Woman in Popular Culture.(New York and Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan TM, 2004)182

48 Laura Mulvey as summarized this topic in Buckland, Thomas Elsaesser and Warren. Studying Contemporary American Film.(Madison Avenue, New York: Arnold, 2002)254.


discussing the feminist analysis and the female supportive characters, it is also important to discuss the other roles that have been done by the Bond girls during these years. Characters are to be explained not only by the actions or sentences that they say during the movies but also can be seen through their appearance, as

Abrams defined it:

Characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work,who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the persons say and their distinctive ways of saying it—the dialogue from what they do—the action.49

Movies are motion pictures which create their own language; it develops the literature ideologies and styles into a motion. Movie is a motion picture that possesses their own interpretation. Therefore it is possible to be read as a text.

Characters in the movies are read almost the same as the characters in the literatures; only that the characters are alive and vivid because readers may see them. The characters in the movies are able to be predicted through their appearances, not only through their acts. The girls in James Bond‘s movies are not immune from this. The girls all bear the same stereotyping; from the girls that are depicted as protagonist to those that are depicted as antagonist. They are all wearing the same outfit; thus: sexy and alluring.

It is best to begin with the discussion of the protagonist with the character names‘: Natalya Simonova, , Paris Carver, Christmas Jones and Jinx.

They are played by (in order): Izabella Scorupco, Michelle Yeoh, Teri Hatcher,

Denise Richards, and Halle Berry. These girls have the task to help bond in finishing his assignment. Each of them are talented in their own ways; for

49 Abrams, M.H. A Glossary of Literary Terms. (Boston: Earl McPeek, 1999)32-3.


example : Natalya Simonova in Goldeneye is a clever assistant programmer which later save the world by disarming the dangerous weapon: the electric pulse shock ,

Wai Lin in „Tomorrow Never Dies‟ is a Chinese secret agent whom helping James in stopping the 3rd World War. Christmas Jones is a Nuclear Experts which helps

007 in stopping the Nuclear War and Jinx is a Top Most America agent which help Bond in confronting North Korea while Paris Carver is Bond‘s ex-girl friend which gives her live for giving Bond‘s secret information on his husband‘s evil intention to the world. It is clear that the roles of these girls have been adapted through the role of women in the real world nowadays. They are talented and very brave in their own ways.

Contradictory facts are not considered as important things in characterizing the girls. Although adapted from the roles of the real world, Hollywood movies are still projecting the female fantasies toward the audience. This means that women roles are not considered serious enough to handle the spy genre‘s movie.

We are able to take sample from the protagonist characters in the following discussion. Natalya Simonova has darker skin when she plays in the film, this does not fit her description to be an underground assistant programmer. She possesses a dark tone color that might be owned when a person is working under the sun especially to play as a Russian. Another contradictory fact is found on Dr.

Christmas Jones who works underground. She works underground in the dessert but maintain to have fair skin tone.

The other contradiction of the characterization is the stereotyping of

Chinese Secret Agents. The stereotyping does not fit the real world. Wai Lin is depicted as a secret agent who possessed everything: the strength, the intelligent


and the technology. Wai Lin is depicted as having the same skill as James Bond, which can kill men twice her body size; effortless. She possesses the strength as men; both in the skill of a gun fighting and a master of escape. The contradictive part is that her figure is slim and tall, even can be categorized as petite.

Another protagonist character to be discussed is Jinx. Jinx expresses a very good talented secret agent, but she also has a too proportional body that makes her look is more suitable to work in modeling field rather than being a secret agent.

She is portrayed as a secret agent that is carefree and loved to look sexy. In some frames, she is shot wearing two pieces swimming suits and even escape by exposing her sexy body in front of her chaser. Jinx‘s chasers forget that they have to catch her because they are looking at her almost nude body. This chance is being used by Jinx to escape immediately by jumping off a steep cliff into the ocean where a boat is awaited her.

The antagonist characters have become the most interesting part of the movies. These girls seduce Bond to be off duty. They try to lure Bond into losing his mind by their sensuality. They are as follows: in The World is

Not Enough, in Goldeneye, and Miranda Frost in Die Another

Day. Elektra King is one of the antagonist characters. She is depicted as a daughter of a very powerful and wealthy entrepreneur: King. King owns almost all oil companies over the world. Elektra is told to be kidnapped by a terrorist syndicate. During her kidnapping, she is fallen in love into her kidnapper. This syndrome is acknowledged by James Bond as a Stockholm Syndrome. It turns out that she is a very manipulative woman. She begins to use her capability of manipulation to James Bond and M to help her in conquering the oil‘s world. She


tries to blow her own industry with the help of the terrorist leader in order get his father‘s inheritance. Bond kills her in the end.

Xenia Onatopp is a Russian agent who works for , agent 006 who is also ex Bond‘s partner. Alec possesses Polack blood. He hates British

Government because of the treachery that the government does in the Second

World War toward the Russian Military. Xenia possesses the ability of killing mercilessly. Her favorite move is to kill a person while doing sex; breaking their backbones by using her thighs. She has tried her strategy towards Bond, but it fails, and in the end she dies in Bond‘s hand, pinned on a tree.

Miranda Frost is a British Secret Service Agent who falls in love with

Colonel Tan Sun-Moon. This has made her betrayed her country and nation. She tries to kill James Bond‘s twice, in the North Korean Military Base and in Iceland during the exhibition of Icarus by revealing Bond‟s cover. She does that after sleeping with Bond and by doing so, she disarms him.

After discussing a quite detail on the female supportive actresses, it occurs that none of the women appears in their full characters. They are not told to have a background or a complex development of the characters for examples to have shown their thoughts or feelings, etc. They are acted as flat characters that do not change since the beginning of the movie until the end of the movie.

Although the roles are different within the protagonists and the antagonists, there are some similarities existed. They possess the same appearances. The looks, the clothes, the figures even the nails. All the female characters in the movies have polished their nails beautifully whether the nails are long or short. They are also wearing tight clothes that show specific parts of the body; such as their inner


thighs, breast curve and bottom. All the female characters in James Bond‘s production receive the same treatment during the movie production; except Wai

Lin. This unequal treatment will be discussed in the next chapter. All the female supportive actresses are also characterized on the same look; base on the origin and the Caucasian race. I will put the girls and their origin in a table so that it reveals the alikeness and differences of the girls‘ characterization; base on their race and origin.

Table 1

The protagonist female supportive characters of James Bond‘s movies in the

production within the year of 1996-2002 personified by Pierce Brosnan

Character in Name of

the Movie Movies Actress Origin Race

Natalya Izabella

Simonova Goldeneye Scrocupco Polandia Caucasian


Christmas The World is Denise

Jones Not Enough Richards California Caucasian


Paris Carver Never Dies Teri Hatcher USA Caucasian

Tomorrow Michelle

Wai Lin Never Dies Yeoh Malaysia Asian

Die Another Caucasian+

Jinx Day Halle Berry USA Negroid



Table 2

The antagonist female supportive characters of James Bond‘s movies in the

production within the year of 1996-2002 personified by Pierce Brosnan

Character in Name of Movies Origin Race the Movie Actress

Xenia Famke Amsterdam- Goldeneye Caucasian Onatopp Jansenns Netherlands

The World is Sophie French- Elektra King Caucasian Not Enough Marceau Suburb

Miranda Die Another Rosamund Bristol- Caucasian Frost Day Pike England


Based on the table above, the domination of women amongst other is clearly shown. White race is dominating the roles of James Bond‘s girl. The four movies production only includes one Asian woman which happens to have a very good conduct of grammar and British accent. Michelle Yeoh is receiving and education from the Royal Academy in Britain.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the characterization of women in James

Bond has based on the beauty image of Caucasian race: high cheek bones, full lips, big eyes, white skin, slim and tall body. Those who do not fit into the image will likely exist in the world of James Bond. Since James Bond is made into a motion picture production, these ideas are even easier to be read stronger by movie goers; which are mostly youngsters. The ideology of beauty has created a


secluded group of women which are then divided on their appearance rather than their characters. Women begin to ask their quality to be acknowledge by the world, whether they are slim or not, wealthy enough, having high cheek bones or fuller lips. Just as much as the Indonesian Youngsters that is crazy on the ideas of

„white beauty‟. Women start to seek for ways to control their beauty, to re- generate their birthmarks (:face), by putting whitening cream, painting the hair and even doing plastic surgery.

Women are seduced in such a way by the patriarchal world and consumerism. They are offered a chance by patriarchal world to create domination amongst themselves instead having domination in the patriarchal world. This idea is then well-known in the media language as the women on set or the ‗be in content‘ women. The assumption above creates a broken character in the movies.

There are reasons toward the full imaging and broken characterization of women in the movie productions. The point as Lianto Suseno says :‘pemanis saja, pengantar untuk penjualan barang‘.

These Bond girls are the super quality women that suppose to possess the same talent as James Bond himself. This has forced the directors to find different women as they produce the different James Bond‘s movies for different era, different audience, different market and most presumably, different goods to be sold. It should be women whom do this job because it is assumed that women are more flexible than men to offer a product. It can be seen toward the comparison of female models to the male models. This phenomenon are able to be seen in the way these characters are presented and discussed in the fashion magazine, for example: Famke Janssens hair cut and color; as Xenia Onnatop has set the trend at


least on her origin country in Amsterdam-Netherlands to cut and color the hair like her in 199550. Thus; co modification has a way to put the women cornered to sell their product and find their market. This imaging is meant to present unreal women as the agent of commodity; downgrade women and make themselves trying harder to follow the concept of beauty, in order to be accepted in the patriarchal world.

It is proven from the table above and the scenes that are followed in the discussion, that none of the characters possesses or given as a serious attempt toward the masculine world of James Bond. The muscular bodies that are shown by the women in the movies (Jinx (Halle Berry) and Amanda Frost (Rosamund

Pike)), are still wrapped in sexual arousing dress as bikinis and tight outfits. They are also shot as object gazed by James Bond and the audience. These proof that the characters are only stock characters for smoothing the personification of James


2. Women as The Subject of Feminism

Chyna‘s talent was a clip of her pumping iron in the gym.During this clip, she was filmed in the way that men usually are, as a figure in a landscape. The camera angles were low and showed her whole body, emphasizing her physical power and strength. The clip ended with Chyna flicking sweat into the camera and sneering directly at the viewer. This kind of direct address has been seen as a break from the representation of women as passive objects of the male gaze and as a way for women to assert visual power.51

50 Data about Bondgirl fashion in makeup/_99A2iRfSm7zudZoNd09OhPqVCKr7SOr.html, 5_01_archive.html, Instyle and Glamour magazine on &source=univ&sa=X&ei=HByyT5DqHNHIrQentoWTBA&ved=0CGoQsAQ&biw=1365&bih=8 57#hl=en&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=bondgirl+fashion+magazine&oq=b taken on 25 July 2012, at 20.45 WIB 51 Innes, Sherrie A. Action Chicks: New Images of Tough Woman in Popular Culture. (New York and Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan TM, 2004)190


The ‗unruly‘ character of Chyna, has put her to be the subject of the camera.

She is no longer to be the object of the camera. The way that she puts herself into a character whose possesses the strength and different outlook as a normal code for woman has given her an equality toward men. This reaction is amended by the way the camera shots her angle. The other women who also join the same competition have been treated by the camera and the audience differently.

During the swimsuit competition, Sunny, Sable, and Marlena paraded around in provocative, thong-backed swimsuits and high heels. Camera angles changed repeatedly, focusing on individual body parts, a technique that sexualizes and objectifies women. The commentators made appreciative and salacious comments about the women‘s specific body parts.52

It is better to seek out the explanation of Judith Butler about how women have become the subject of feminism itself in order to understand women as the subject of feminism. Judith Butler has explained this clearly as she writes that the situation of gender equivalent that made women to be the subject of feminism itself. Butler said that there is an ambiguous meaning on the term of representation. Representation is considered to be an operative term in the political subjects also speaks as the same term for normative function of a language. Both of the terms bear the same meaning as either to reveal or distort what is assumed to be true about the category of women. Therefore, „the very subject of women is no longer understood in stable and abiding terms.‟53 The word, representation of women in any field can be assumed as the characterization and feature of women for the whole. It can also determine the

52 Innes, Sherrie A. Action Chicks: New Images of Tough Woman in Popular Culture. (New York and Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan TM, 2004)190 53Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. (New York: Routledge, 1999)3-5 Explains that femism holds a discursive study over its own terms because the term of representation holds ambiguous meaning. Representation possible to be thought as somebody who speaks for others or a re-presenting of one's idea.


women culture which is described as non-independent culture. The women culture is described as always dependent toward the men independent culture. The representation of women is also determining the color of women quality and even toward the term women itself. Thus, representation is a very important and meaningful word as much as the application toward the normative word of women themselves.

Furthermore, in the explanation, Butler also analyses important roles of women as being the subject of feminism. She argues that the word representation as described follows:

The domains of political and linguistic ―representation‖ set out with in advance the criterion by which subjects themselves are formed, with the result that representation is extended only to what can be acknowledged as a subject. In other words, the qualifications for being a subject must first be met before representation can be extended54.

As Butler has argued in her book feminism needs to re-evaluate the terms before it goes further into another study discourse. It should posit the unambiguous terms for the word ‗representation‘. According to Butler and

Foucault55 the meaning of representation could mean the re-presenting ideas and or ideologies but in the same time also means ‗speaking for‘. In the problematic dilemma such this, Foucault points out that politics has abused both of the terms to be legally used. According to Foucault also, it has lead the world into misused of power and language. This thought is shared by Butler when she explains that women are the par-excellence victims of both language abuses.

54 Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. (New York: Routledge, 1999)4. 55 As quoted in Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. (New York: Routledge, 1999)4


Based on the explanation, the image of women represents through language and features then regulates the word women itself. The problematic parts will come on the judging of how much feminist is needed into categorizing women.

Feminism is regulated by the its word and emancipation. Women are not aware of what they become when they are regulated by male domination axis. This is clearly seen in the roles that are given for the women in James Bond‘s series. For example; Wai Lin, is depicted to be a female agent that can fight better than men.

She can kick and throw men twice her size; she even can ride the ‗male‘ motorbike as good as if not better than James Bond. M, James Bond‘s new boss in latest series is described to be a woman without feeling and her judgment is stern on her works. She has learned her lesson when she lets her feeling to interrupt.

She is manipulated when confronts Elektra King. This results into the captive of


The representation of women as M has interfere the nowadays cinema productions. The re-birth of Charlie Angels, Xena, La Femme Nikita and Long

Kiss Good Night has proven that women are changing their image. They do not want to be the object but they want to be the subject. The aim of feminist is trying to have an independent culture of women. Thus, these phenomena have not yet uttered in Indonesia nevertheless to spell in within the society. The ambiguity that starts to grow is that this type of feminism has become problematic for itself.

Women change their image away from their nature of gentle and supple to become fierce, ferocious and stern. This image is reappearing continuously on TV and Cinema. It makes the representation of women become half men. This cannot be avoided nor denied. The fact is that in order to prove a woman existence in the


world of male domination‘s; women have to change their nature to become men or at least their spare.

We are able to observe the differences of women roles throughout the years when we have seen the James Bond latest series during the 90s (starred by Pierce

Brosnan). Women roles in James Bond‘s earlier series (starred by Sean Connery and Roger Moore) have become the object of affection. The women roles in those series only to suit and make James Bond look superior. This can be seen in the way each woman act in James Bond‘s series during the 60s-90s. The James

Bond‘s female supportive actresses such as Honey Rider (Ursula Andress), Pussy

Galore (Honor Blackman), Plenty O‘Toole (Lana Wood), or even Solitaire (Jane

Seymour), etc have revealed it. Their looks names, and characters are made to show that Bond has defeated plenty characters of women by names. These have lead into a discussion on how women are imaged as conquered areas of races by

James Bond. It will be discussed further on the next chapter.

The contour of women characters can be seen as we compare the character of Honey Rider to Natalya Simonova. The comparison has shown a big gap that reflects how women have moved away from the object of men into the subject as a comparison of men. Honey Child Rider represents woman that is meek, weak, unknowledgeable and very dependable to James Bond. On three decades production after that Natalya Simonova and Dr. Christmas Jones are depicted as a clever, brave, straightforward and good hearted woman. This kind of image is blurred when Jinx and Wai Lin plays the role of a female agent. Both of the latter women have the equal strength and tricky mind as the copycat of James Bond himself. Then by looking at the comparison, we can see that during the


emancipation, the representation and image of a woman on screen, women have become alike to men. Step by step force themselves to be better than men, regardless their nature.

In the end, Chyna character that makes ways for other women to challenge the patriarchal world, still have to admit the voice majority of natural codes for women. She underwent a plastic surgery in order to have her breast implanted to satisfy and identify her gender. This has two ways of end: one end justifies her as female; the other end weakens her threat to the patriarchal world. This is considered as a retracted feminism through muscular appearances of women, because somehow, women are still put in the brackets of those weak lines on ontology.

Chyna‘s breast implants were the first step in her move from being a supporting player in the WWF to a headliner. Thoroughly gendered as female by her second year in the WWF, her gender became the central ―problem‖ of her character. Despite finally being acknowledged as a ―real‖ woman, Chyna did not adhere to proper feminine behavior but continued to confront men.56

3. The Problem of Gender Awareness in Indonesia

Gender awareness is a new term for Indonesia as we look at our National

Cinemas. The Indonesia national cinema productions have decreased after the twelve years of New Order failure. Although the preferences of cinematography productions in Indonesia have become much more significance in numbers, it fails to reflect the gender awareness in it. As the cinema apparent death in New Order

Era and the booming of imported movies through VCD and DVD in those years, the phenomenon itself creates a new type of movie goers. Movie goers type that

56 Innes, Sherrie A. Action Chicks: New Images of Tough Woman in Popular Culture. (New York and Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan TM, 2004)193


adore and keeping on watching movies of marginalized women. Apart from the political strategy that is applied by Suharto in those days, National Cinema has produced movies that are either copycatting the best seller imported movies or created sensual national movies.

The problems of gender awareness in Indonesia have emerged when the society make a room for it after the falling of new order. The new order failure has given a chance toward the reformation era to raise a concern of gender awareness.

Censorship practices have been codified by the Government to strengthen the ideas that are not congruent toward the Indonesia ideology. Krishna Sen has written about the impossibility of New Order era to have raised this issue because the room to promote is sealed by the government as follows:

The 1977 Censorship Guideline states,‘ As a consequence of our involvement in international communication, we cannot isolate ourselves from the influence of foreign culture entering Indonesia through film [among other means], be they foreign or national films containing foreign ingredients . This has both positive and negative elements‘. There is no further banning of ideologies of ‗colonialism, imperialism, fascism‘ and all forms of Communism, which in Indonesia political discourse are often seen as foreign57

The codified rules from the government have controlled the film production to be in line with the ‗Pancasila‘ ideologies. Sen also mentions that the lack of dimension in the codified rules has provided no room to raise the problems in various Indonesian societies, therefore movies are not allowed to mirror the difference ethnics‘ problems, race and other social problems, including the gender awareness. Women have been used and exploited in such away to be the tools of movies marketing without any supervision from a legitimate institute. It is far

57 Sen, Krishna and David T.Hill. Media, Culture and Politics in Indonesia. (Jakarta : PT Equinox Publishing Indonesia, 2007)141.


from the discussion to have a legitimate institute as to represent women and feminism. Indonesia that is raised with the patriarchal culture is likely to recognize equal gender rights. Java culture for instance, women has been put into a situation which they are in the position to acknowledge men as masters. The philosophy of: ‗swarga nunut, neraka katut‘ for women toward their husband has created an assumption that women are not in apt to inherited heaven. This will happen to them if they could not aim for the best of their husband life. Therefore, every wife needs to make and put their husband forward, aside from themselves.

Thus, in the reality the gender awareness in Indonesia has a long agenda to go. Movies, as one of a culture productions need to speak for the Indonesia society which one of the elements is women. Women in Indonesia have come forward to be one of the social and cultural powers in Indonesia. Movies are supposed to acknowledge the real portrays of Indonesian women condition. The real Indonesian women are those who work for their families on streets. They also need to be described as to have a balance proportion of Indonesia society.

Therefore, Indonesian need to have gender awareness in order to be more open minded toward the closed patriarchal culture.

Another issue that should be taken care of is the censorships and the efforts to preserve the Eastern culture. Indonesian movie goers need to be aware of movies that they watch. They need to possess the eyes of gender awareness for the foreign movies that promotes patriarchal culture, such as: James Bond. This is the main issue that should be studied thoroughly. The movies goers of Indonesia should change themselves into an intellectual reader that apt for gender equilibrium within sex, violence, and a healthy entertainment that is presented in


the movies. It is not an easy job but the impossibility of such task is able to be reached if the movie goers of Indonesia have the awareness of such issues.

There is plenty of government interference that can be planted or executed in order to nourish healthy entertainment movies. The problem lies on the willingness of Indonesia government whether to take Indonesian movies to be the infrastructure of Indonesia‘s economic or not. Movie industry in United States

(Hollywood) has become third best United Nations income aspect through the interference of their government. Hollywood gets supports from their government when their movies are banned in other countries. If such things happen, United

States Government has put the affairs under the Culture and Industry Department.

This awkward condition of Indonesia‘s movies industry to be in the state of nearly death and comatose industry is acknowledged by their practitioners‘.58 Indonesia‘s movies industry needs to untangle all the problems that lay ahead.

B. The Double Meaning Word Interpretation and The Office Tension

1. Language and Power: Double Interpretation of Dialogues

a. The Undercover Romance

INT. PENTHOUSE BANK OFFICE - GENEVA - DAY JAMES BOND, dressed impeccably as ever, is being FRISKED by three THUGS in Armani suits. They remove A GUN from inside his jacket, a well-concealed knife, a metal case, laying them on the desk that separates Bond and... extremely well-groomed gentleman. Behind him, three floor-to-ceiling windows lead out to a rooftop garden. LACHAISE Not the usual Swiss procedure, Mr. Bond, but you understand, a man in my position.. BOND Which is neutral, no doubt. Lachaise takes the joke a little tight-lipped. Gestures for

58 See the dialogue and interview transcript with movie practitioners Lianto Luseno appendix p.7


Bond to sit. A GIRL ENTERS, a gorgeous Swiss bombshell in a pin-striped suit. She pushes a cart. On it are a BRIEFCASE and a box of EXPENSIVE CIGARS, which she offers to Lachaise and Bond. LACHAISE It wasn‘t easy, but I retrieved the money. No doubt Sir Robert will be pleased to see it again. The efficient Cigar Girl brings the briefcase to Bond, setting it in his lap and opening it up...inside is a good deal of CASH in pound sterling. LACHAISE In the current exchange rate, minus the fees, of course, and certain unforeseeable expenses. Here is the receipt... The CIGAR GIRL offers Bond a RECEIPT... CIGAR GIRL Would you like to check my figures? BOND Perhaps later.59

James Bond is well known as also as a clever linguist. This skill has enabled him to seduce lots of girls. The intentions of the dialogues are usually hidden in double meaning conversations and words. The example has been provided above, to see the matter clearly. The Cigar Girls does not even own a name in the character, but outside the screen this girl has a quite famous reputation for her ability to escape Bond. It is very rarely that neither girls nor villains could escape him. The Cigar Girl has managed to escape James Bond from the seduction and the killing. The Cigar Girl even murders the man who almost reveals the identity of those who employs them to kill James Bond in Geneva. On the matter of sex alluring the conversation does lead to the action as follows:

LACHAISE In the current exchange rate, minus the fees, of course, and certain

59 Taken from the dialogues of first scenes in The World is Not Enough


unforeseeable expenses. Here is the receipt... The CIGAR GIRL offers Bond a RECEIPT... CIGAR GIRL Would you like to check my figures? BOND Perhaps later.60

The dialogue shows that Bond has violated the discourse of conversation which is needed for a conversation to continue. As Fromkin, Blair and Collins say:

Often what we said is not literally what we mean. When we ask at the dinner table if someone ‗can pass the salt‘ we are not querying their ability to do so, we are requesting that they do so. If I say ‗you‘re standing on my foot‘ I am not making idle conversation, I am asking you to stand somewhere else.61

Clearly that in the situational context, there are some dialogues that could possess different meaning. We need ground rules that are necessary to keep the conversation continuous. According to Fromkin, Blair and Collins, Bond has violated several maxims of conversations due to his reaction toward the Cigar

Girl. The two main maxims that he has violated are the maxims that rules relevancy and manner in speaking. Maxim of relevance rules that a person in the situational context must obtain their relevancy in a conversation62. The reaction which is shown by Bond in the discourse are not relevant to the matter that is presented by the Cigar Girls. The other maxim that Bond violates is the one that rule the manner of conversation which says that a person needs to be brief and

60 Taken from the dialogues of first scenes in The World is Not Enough 61 Victoria Fromkin, David Blair, Peter Collins. An Introduction to Language. (London : Harcourt Publishers International, 2000) 187 62 Read Victoria Fromkin, David Blair, Peter Collins. An Introduction to Language. (London : Harcourt Publishers International, 2000)187


orderly; avoid ambiguity and obscurity63. Bond‘s respond has violated both rules.

His respond has created ambiguity that leads to unequal position within man and woman in the office. This respond has proven that Cigar Girl is put in the marginal position toward Bond. The explanation above has shown that Bond flirts with the Cigar Girls when the Cigar Girls asked him to check the figures of numbers in the calculation that she holds. Bond deliberately takes that offer as a seduction toward him and answers the questions as he checks the girls‘ body figures. According to the lexical meaning in the dictionary64 below, we are able to know the meaning of the word figure and figures; both words are meant as follows:

Table 3

The free translation of the word ‘figure’ in English-English version

Pronunciation:/ˈfɪgə/ Noun 1a number, especially one which forms part of official statistics or relates to the financial performance of a company:the trade figuresby 1998, this figure had risen to 14 million a numerical symbol, especially any of the ten in Arabic notation:the figure 7 one of a specified number of digits making up a larger number, used to give a rough idea of the order of magnitude:[in combination]:a six-figure sum of money an amount of money:a figure of two thousand pounds (figures) arithmetical calculations:she has no head for figures 2a person‘s bodily shape, especially that of a woman and when

63 63 Read Victoria Fromkin, David Blair, Peter Collins. An Introduction to Language. (London : Harcourt Publishers International, 2000)187 64 Also search in Webster, Oxford and Cambridge Dictionary that is search online in the html:, retrieved on 25 June 2012, at 20.15 WIB


considered to be attractive:she had always been so proud of her figure a person seen indistinctly or from a distance:a dark figure emerged from the shadows a representation of a human or animal form in drawing or sculpture:starkly painted figures 3a person of a particular kind, especially one who is important or distinctive in some way:Williams became something of a cult figure 4a shape which is defined by one or more lines in two dimensions (such as a circle or a triangle), or one or more surfaces in three dimensions (such as a sphere or a cuboid), either considered mathematically in geometry or used as a decorative design:a red ground with white and blue geometrical figures a diagram or illustrative drawing, especially in a book or magazine:figure 1 shows an ignition circuit (in skating) a movement or series of movements following a prescribed pattern and often beginning and ending at the same point. a pattern formed by the movements of a group of people, for example in country dancing, as part of a longer dance or display. archaic the external form or shape of something. 5 Music a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed. 6 Logic the form of a syllogism, classified according to the position of the middle term. Verb [no object] 1have a significant part or role in a situation or process:the issue of nuclear policy figured prominently in the talkshuman rights do not figure high on their agenda 2 [with object] North American calculate or work out (an amount or value) arithmetically:my accountant figured my tax wrong 3 [with clause] informal, chiefly North American think, consider, or expect to be the case:I figured that I didn‟t have much of a chance[with object]:for years, teachers had figured him for a dullard


(of a recent event or newly discovered fact) be perfectly understandable and only to be expected:well, she supposed that figured 4 [with object] represent in a diagram or picture:varieties of this Cape genus are figured from drawings made there (usually as adjective figured) embellish (something) with a pattern:the floors were covered with figured linoleum

The word figure and figures when translated into Bahasa Indonesia hold the meaning as follows:

Table 4

The free translation of the word ‘figure’ in English-Indonesia version

Figures angka-angka

Figure kb. bentuk badan. bilangan, angka. jumlah, bilangan. tokoh. gambar. harga. -figures j. ilmu hitung. --kkt. menghitung, menjumlahkan. 2membayangkan. --kki. berhitung. Inf.: kira. terdapat, tertera. -figured ks. bergambar.65

It is shown that the word figure and figures have two meanings, in the origin of the words itself or even translated into Bahasa Indonesia. In order to understand which one that is meant by the dialogues within James Bond and Cigar Girl, we need to also look at the visuals of the dialogues as discussed below:

In the screen set when the Cigar Girl enters, she is being shot from James

Bond‘s shoulder point of view as she opens the cabinet and squat to take out the

65 Taken from Webster, Oxford and Cambridge Dictionary that is search online in the html: retrieved on 25 June 2012, at 20.15 WIB


cigarette. When she does it, the camera shot show her inner thigh. The camera also shot at her figures, from Bond‘s point of view to show the slender figure.

Then, when she bows in front of Bond, the camera shot her curve, still from

Bond‘s point of view. The shot has determined that the girl has been the object of

Bond‘s gaze. Therefore, his tone and gaze reflected sensually toward her. This act has justified that he seduces and allures women. The readers of this movie then are able to interpret the scene as a romance undercover. The scene creates an additional meaning toward the dialogue context. It is not pointing out to the first meaning of figure rather it points out to the second and other meaning. The other meaning of the word figure emerges because the visuals and the dialogues are congruent to build the meaning of the dialogues as the sexual seducing from

James Bond toward the Cigar Girl.

Another example might also be taken from the changing of Jenny Wu into a

Danish Professor in the Tomorrow Never Dies. Below is the after sex conversation within James Bond and Jenny Wu that performs likewise on the screen. The conversation as taken in the script as follows:

Afterglow: Empty champagne bottle. Rumpled sheets on a sleeper sofa. Bond is in bed with a smart, IRONIC, (and, yes, stunning,) 30-ish Chinese woman, JENNY WU. (NOTE: The Chinese here is Mandarin, spelled phonetically.)

BOND (running a finger across her lips) ... And what do you call these? JENNY WU Ja-shwa tsway. These are lips. BOND Indeed they are. (kisses them, lightly) Deadly little things. She laughs. His hand goes beneath the sheets.


BOND And what do you call these? The Gang of Two? JENNY WU (smacking his hand, laughing:) Stop it! BOND I was just getting to the interesting part! JENNY WU We've already done the interesting part. Do you forget? BOND Remind me. He moves to roll on top of her, but she pushes him off, teasing: JENNY WU Sakwa! BOND Is that Mandarin, or Cantonese? JENNY WU Mandarin. You jerk. (tousling his hair) I'm late. I have to get dressed. She hops off the bed, leaving frame. Bond settles back on the headboard, ready to enjoy the view... When his CELL PHONE RINGS. BOND (lightly) Hello (catching himself) Hello. INT. M'S ANTEROOM - MI-6. MONEYPENNY, at her desk. MONEYPENNY Hello, James. I hope I'm interrupting something important. INT. OFFICE - (INTERCUT AS NECESSARY) (Jenny has a leg on the bed, pulling on a full Victoria's Secret outfit: Nylons, garter/suspenders, bustier, etc.) BOND Not at all, Moneypenny. I was just brushing up on a little Chinese. (In the background, Jenny insists "I am not little.") MONEYPENNY I'm sure she is, James. But I'm afraid you'll have to 'kiss off' the rest of your lessons this afternoon. BOND (mock chagrin) Moneypenny... Here I was, finally getting a feel for a new tongue


MONEYPENNY Four o'clock. M will meet you in the conference room. Bond watches with amusement as Jenny Wu slips a Graduation-type gown over the lingerie. No dress. INT. HALLWAY - OUTSIDE JENNY'S OFFICE - OXFORD Bond and Jenny Wu emerge from the office. (She's still in the gown.) They pass a flock of young students: STUDENT Good afternoon, Professor Wu. JENNY WU Good afternoon. (then to Bond) Are you sure you can't stay for the lecture? BOND I can't. But I did enjoy the dress rehearsal. She gives him a wry glance, opens a door to a lecture hall. JENNY WU Tsi tien, Mr. Bond. BOND Tsi tien, Professor Wu. She exits; Bond walks off, passing underneath a WALL MOUNTED TV SET.

As we have discussed above, here the clarification of James Bond‘s attitude toward woman is also being justified by Money Penny, as she admits Bond as always a cunning linguist. It shows that Bond is an expert in making ambiguous meaning that violates both main maxims in the conversation. It could both be aimed to answer specific questions about his sex life and preferences. It is written in the script that Bond sees the stripping scene of Jenny Wu that later on results as what he said as a dress rehearsal. The dress rehearsal, the gang of two and the lecture are the sample of Bond‘s ambiguous double meaning words. Based on the code exchange during the conversation of James Bond and Jenny Wu, we are able to draw the conclusion as follows: the dress rehearsal means Jenny Wu‘s


stripping action, lecture means another episode of making love within Jenny Wu and Bond, and the gang of two they are Jenny Wu‘s breast.

The words that are used to express the romance that happens within

Professor Wu and James Bond such as: the gang of two, dress rehearsal, brushing of a little Chinese, and lecture are able to be look up in the dictionaries66 as follows:

Table 5

The free translation of the word ‘gang’, ‘brush’ and ‘lecture’ in English-English version

gang1 Pronunciation:/gaŋ/ Noun 1an organized group of criminals:a gang of bank robbers[as modifier]:gang warfare a group of young people involved in petty crime or violence:three men were attacked by a gang of youthsa street gang informal a group of people, especially young people, who regularly associate together. an organized group of people doing manual work:a government road gang 2a set of switches, sockets, or other electrical or mechanical devices grouped together:the machine had a gang of cutter chains on a swivelling head[as modifier, in combination]:a three-gang switch Verb 1 [no object] (gang together) (of a number of people) form a group or gang:three banks ganged together to form a „virtual bank‟ (gang up) join together in order to intimidate or oppose someone:they ganged up on me and nicked my pocket money 2 [with object] arrange (electrical devices or machines) together to work in

66The data are taken from English_dictionary.html_oxford retrieved on 25 June 2012, at 20.15 WIB


coordination:adjacent faders can be ganged for common manipulation brush1 Pronunciation:/brʌʃ/ Noun 1an implement with a handle and a block of bristles, hair, or wire, used especially for cleaning, applying a liquid or powder to a surface, or arranging the hair:a shaving brush an act of sweeping, applying, or arranging with a brush or with one‘s hand:he gave the seat a brush 2a light and fleeting touch:the lightest brush of his lips against her cheek a brief encounter with someone or something unpleasant or notable:a brush with deathmy first brush with fame 2 [no object] touch lightly and gently:stems of grass brush against her legstheir fingers brushed as she took the glass from him [with object] push (something) away with a quick movement of the hand:she brushed a wisp of hair away from her face67

67As define by Oxford in:, retrieved on 25 June 2012, at 20.15 WIB


lecture68 Found in thesaurus: address, speech, reproval, rebuke, reproof, reprehension, reprimand, in struction, pedagogy, teaching, instruct, learn, teach, pick apart, knock, criticise, criticize lecture v. deliver a discourse before an audience (especially one that is instructive); reprimand tediously, reprove formally n. discourse given before an audience (especially one that is instructive); tedious reprimand, formal reproof

Lecture A lecture is an oral presentation intended to present information or teach people about a particular subject, for example by a university or college teacher. Lectures are used to convey critical information, history, background, theories and equations. A politician's speech, a minister's sermon, or even a businessman's sales presentation may be similar in form to a lecture. Usually the lecturer will stand at the front of the room and recite information relevant to the lecture's content. lecture

Noun 1. a speech that is open to the public; "he attended a lecture on telecommunications" (synonym) public lecture, talk (hypernym) address, speech (derivation) talk 2. a lengthy rebuke; "a good lecture was my father's idea of discipline"; "the teacher gave him a talking to" (synonym) speech, talking to (hypernym) rebuke, reproof, reproval, reprehension, reprimand (hyponym) sermon, preaching (derivation) call on the carpet, rebuke, rag, trounce, reproof, reprimand, jaw, dress down, call down, scold, chide, berate, bawl out, remonstrate, chew out, chew up, have words, lambaste, lambast 3. teaching by giving a discourse on some subject (typically to a class) (synonym) lecturing (hypernym) teaching, instruction, pedagogy (hyponym) talk (part-holonym) course, course of study, course of instruction, class (part-meronym) lecture demonstration (derivation) talk

68 , retrieved on 25 June 2012, at 20.15 WIB


Verb 1. deliver a lecture or talk; "She will talk at Rutgers next week"; "Did you ever lecture at Harvard?" (synonym) talk (hypernym) teach, learn, instruct (hyponym) preach, prophesy (derivation) lecturing 2. censure severely or angrily; "The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car"; "The deputy ragged the Prime Minister"; "The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup" (synonym) call on the carpet, rebuke, rag, trounce, reproof, reprimand, jaw, dress down, call down, scold, chide, berate, bawl out, remonstrate, chew out, chew up, have words, lambaste, lambast (hypernym) knock, criticize, criticise, pick apart (hyponym) chastise, castigate, objurgate, chasten, correct (derivation) speech, talking to

1lec·ture noun \ˈlek-chər, -shər\ Definition of LECTURE 1: a discourse given before an audience. 69

It is seen clearly that from the lexical meaning of idioms those words have meant nothing from any of Bond‘s words toward Jenny Wu in the dialogue. The dictionaries have strengthened the argument that what Bond meant by dress rehearsal is the stripping act of Jenny Wu in front of him before she teaches her students. Therefore, the dialogues show strong tendency toward the intimate moments that they have before the lecture and in covering the act between them, they use codes.

69, retrieved on 25 June 2012, at 20.15 WIB


b. Women at Work

It has been argued that women are not fit in the military basis and or other services that need physical contact and strategy. Women are assumed not to understand the conflict that may happen during the constraint situation that needs immediate decision. Nonetheless, women need to deal with their feelings in making such decision. The decision may against the nature of women itself. The assumption that women is on the men trajectory patriarchal world, is repeating currently on James Bond‘s movies. This part is written in order to reveal such assumptions.

The first scene from Tomorrow Never Dies shows the rivalry between M and Admiral Roebuck; as follows:

Watching this display is M, TANNER, and a handful of MILITARY BRASS, including a RUSSIAN GENERAL, BUKHARIN, and BRITISH ADMIRAL ROEBUCK, an aging sea-lion with no love for M, or MI-6. M deals with the humorless Admiral by, well, humoring him: M ... What were you saying, Admiral? Something about this 'not being a job for a wine-sniffing, skirt-chasing playboy spy?' ADMIRAL ROEBUCK - I'll be sure to acknowledge 007's 'assistance' in my report to the Prime Minister. But this is, still, a naval operation. M What do they say in Russia, General Bukharin? (asks questions in flawless Russian) The general chuckles. Translates: GENERAL BUKHARIN 'In a joint operation, someone's nose always gets put out of joint.' M turns to Admiral Roebuck: M I'm interested in success, Admiral.


Not who gets credit.70

The conversation above is taken from the first scenes where Bond is going to get the assignment to investigate Elliot Carver, a media mogul who owns the world‘s biggest broadcasting business. From the dialogue above, we are able to infer that Admiral Roebuck and M is having a constraint of situation about James

Bond. The fact that James Bond is a womanizer considered to be seen as a lack on his profession. In the Admiral‘s eyes, such character is seen as a weakness. It is a strong reason to reject his involvement in the operation. It needs to be noted down that the Admiral and James Bond has both done a service for England. The judgment whether Bond is suitable for the job or not then lies in the hand of M, who happens to be a woman. In the other hand, Admiral Roebuck is questioning

M‘s motive of getting James Bond to be involved in the matter. He presumed that it is better to be done in the Navy like operation which includes less flirty situation. He thinks that M does the judgment based on her feeling by only considering the proven fact that James Bond is a womanizer. But on the other side, he also inserts a hint of thought that the operation will succeed brilliantly which will get M the complement from their supervisors: the government.

Reading from the dialogue only, it is able to be concluded that there is an atmosphere of rivalry between the Admiral and M. The rivalry atmosphere is shown through exchanging the cold remarks within both parties in some scenes later. Admiral and M stand head to head in close up frame from M‘s point of view. They were stood head to head facing each other while throwing harsh

70 Taken from Tomorrow Never Dies. Act.Pierce Brosnan, Michelle Yeoh, Prod. Albert E. Broccoli. Dist. United Artist (MGM)


remark toward one and another. The mirror like shots from the camera which is taken from M‘s behind shows that M is on the winning situation. One of the scenes possesses the dialogues as follows:

Admiral : ‗With all do respect M, sometimes I don‘t think you have the balls for this job.‖ M : ―Perhaps, but the advantages is I don‘t have to think with them all the time.‖

The remarks are hot, it goes for both parties, and it clearly shows the rivalry atmosphere that they have been through. The dialogues are in condition as to wait whether James Bond and Wai Lin succeed in their mission or not. M chooses to wait for James Bond‘s report while the Admiral chooses to send his troops to destroy the ship that is owned by Elliot Parker, the villain in the movie. Although both goes for the hot breaks, M does not give away her emotion, in fact the

Admiral has shown his emotion ferociously.

BOND (lightly) Hello (catching himself) Hello. INT. M'S ANTEROOM - MI-6. MONEYPENNY, at her desk. MONEYPENNY Hello, James. I hope I'm interrupting something important. INT. OFFICE - (INTERCUT AS NECESSARY) (Jenny has a leg on the bed, pulling on a full Victoria's Secret outfit: Nylons, garter/suspenders, bustier, etc.) BOND Not at all, Moneypenny. I was just brushing up on a little Chinese. (In the background, Jenny insists "I am not little.") MONEYPENNY I'm sure she is, James. But I'm afraid you'll have to 'kiss off' the rest of your lessons this afternoon. BOND (mock chagrin)


Moneypenny... Here I was, finally getting a feel for a new tongue MONEYPENNY Four o'clock. M will meet you in the conference room. Bond watches with amusement as Jenny Wu slips a Graduation-type gown over the lingerie. No dress. BOND 4:30. It may take me a little longer to wrap things up here. MONEYPENNY Four o'clock. Don't be late. BOND (hanging up:) Tsi tien, Chien-penny. ON MONEYPENNY: MONEYPENNY Ah, James. You always were a cunning linguist... Au revoir, mon cher. Moneypenny hangs up, looks up, and blanches: M is standing there.71

Obviously, Money Penny and James Bond have known each other very well that they know the codes of hiding secrets between them. The conversation above has shown that they are having a close relationship. They are in the condition where Money Penny understands every word Bond‘s said is a code toward an intimacy of Bond and another woman. It is proven from the way they exchanges each words; as follows:

MONEYPENNY Hello, James. I hope I'm interrupting something important. BOND Not at all, Moneypenny. I was just brushing up on a little Chinese.

Money Penny is familiar with the code so she continues as follows:

MONEYPENNY I'm sure she is, James. But I'm afraid you'll have to 'kiss off' the

71 Taken from Tomorrow Never Dies. Act. Pierce Brosnan, Michelle Yeoh, Prod. Albert E. Broccoli. Dist. United Artist (MGM)


rest of your lessons this afternoon. BOND (mock chagrin) Moneypenny... Here I was, finally getting a feel for a new tongue

And finally, she stoops as follows:

MONEYPENNY Four o'clock. Don't be late. BOND (hanging up:) Tsi tien, Chien-penny. ON MONEYPENNY: MONEYPENNY Ah, James. You always were a cunning linguist... Au revoir, mon cher.

Money Penny does not show her feeling; she knows that James Bond is a cunning linguist. It means that she understands whatever he says is codified. It is not meant as the real lexical meaning. It always is meant something else, a woman. Another verbal proves that she knows more on James Bond rather than

Bond‘s on her. It is described as follows:

INT. HALLWAY OUTSIDE OF CONFERENCE ROOM - CONTINUOUS Where Bond encounters MONEYPENNY, also walking to M's office. BOND Moneypenny! We've got to stop meeting like this. They may be on to us. MONEYPENNY Hello, James. Enjoy your meeting? BOND In the darkest moments, it's what I live for. Especially since I've heard how much you like to watch... On the hidden camera. Moneypenny cuts Bond a look - and, in the background, sees Dominique leave the conference room, and walk down the hall, away from them. MONEYPENNY By the way, James: Ordinarily I would never ask, but... Weren't you and that Colonel once stranded on a raft for two weeks in the Sargasso Sea?


BOND Moneypenny! How indiscreet! Have you ever known me to kiss and tell? They've come to a security door. She punches in a code MONEYPENNY Actually, I've never known you to do either... But BOND We all want what we can't have? MONEYPENNY Not all of us, 007.

It is clearly infers that Money Penny knows more secrets on Bond. She also knows that Bond casually dates Dominique, her colleagues in the Secret Service

Laboratory. Bond gladly follows her thought by retorting on her habits in watching his intimacy on camera.

The door opens. They go into: INT. M'S ANTEROOM (MONEYPENNY'S AREA) - CONTINUOUS BOND What - no lust for adventure? MONEYPENNY No, 007. It's just that I've learned from personal experience - that when we get what we want (beat) Somehow the reality is never as... Satisfying as the fantasy. Bond scowls. Moneypenny smiles wryly, points to the inner door: MONEYPENNY Don't keep M waiting.72 INT. M'S OFFICE - DAY M is behind her desk; MINISTER PETER JOHNSTONE sits across - a high- handed Teflon-coated politician, with the survival instincts of plutonium. They've been arguing. M Come in, 007. You know the Minister? BOND Of course. (nods to) Minister Johnstone.

72 Dialogues are taken from Tomorrow Never Dies Act.Pierce Brosnan, Michelle Yeoh, Prod. Albert E. Broccoli. Dist. United Artist (MGM)


MINISTER JOHNSTONE 007. Bond sits in an armchair. M presses a button, and a video/bio of ELIOT HARMSWAY appears on the wall behind her. Mid-50's, regal. M Tell me, 007, what do you know about Elliot Harmsway? BOND (quipping) Only what I read in the newspapers. MINISTER JOHNSTONE (disdainfully) His newspapers? BOND (glancing sideways) Occasionally, yes. (directly to M) British media mogul. Born in ; controls newspapers, TV, radio, cable, satellites; books, magazines, movies, computer software. Theme parks. M (holding up a copy of:) Along with Tomorrow - the first world-wide newspaper. Circulation 27 million. Daily. BOND 'Able to topple governments with a single story' - as he says in his press. JOHNSTONE (hurrumph) Exactly. Bond looks at Johnstone quizzically. Then a very tight-lipped M. He senses he's about to enter a minefield: BOND ... What's Harmsway done? M It seems, 007, we've received a tip MINISTER JOHNSTONE A rumor - from an anonymous source M that Sir Elliot may be involved with Stamper and Yung, and the missing Uranium. MINISTER JOHNSTONE Hearsay. Idle chatter from a source you can't identify - who insists on talking only to 007. Nothing but loose talk and innuendo.


M That may be the case at present, Minister Johnstone... But our own sources suspect that Mr. Harmsway used his considerable Russian media holdings to elect Valentin Zukofsky President of the Ukraine - in trade for the uranium. (M has punched a button, and Valentin's video bio has appeared.) MINISTER JOHNSTONE More scurrilous, unsubstantiated gossip. BOND Perhaps. But it does explain how an ex-KGB agent turned illegal-arms dealer is suddenly portrayed as a long-time friend of the people. (beat) If you believe what you read in the papers. MINISTER JOHNSTONE (annoyed) Need I remind the two of you that Elliot Harmsway -Sir Elliot Harmsway is directly descended from the Earl of Aberdeen? That his Scottish ancestors practically invented Hong Kong - and out of sheer gratitude, Queen Victoria herself named the port "Aberdeen Harbor" in their honor? M (long pause, then:) ... No more than I need remind you, Minister, that merely being a member of the lucky sperm club - does not preclude one from a life of criminal activity. Johnstone is reeling. M continues, to Bond, with aplomb: M The reason I invited the Minister here, 007, was to reassure him that this investigation will be handled with the utmost discretion. BOND Of course. M Which is also why I've withheld this information from NATO and our allies. BOND (nods, then, recalling)


... Didn't we once investigate Harmsway? M Yes. 1988. He was furious at the British plan to return Hong Kong, and supposedly started his own negotiations with the Chinese Government. The inquiry went nowhere - but it did earn MI-6 a rather powerful enemy MINISTER JOHNSTONE Not to mention the chaos it caused at Whitehall when his newspapers began screaming for the recall of the sitting government M (a beat, then:) I'm sending you to Venice, 007. You're to check out the source, determine whether Elliot Harmsway is involved with the enriched uranium, and, if so, stop him. BOND How will I meet the informant? She hands Bond a CARNIVAL MASK: M You're to wear this mask at the Venice Carnival, and wait to be contacted. BOND I understand. MINISTER JOHNSTONE (standing, to leave) There is one last thing, 007: Elliot Harmsway is vital to the economic interests of this nation. He's also a major contributor to the party. I expect him to be given every consideration. BOND Political considerations? MINISTER JOHNSTONE To the best of my recollection, Mr. Bond, I suggested no such thing. (beat, at the door) In fact, I was never here. And he exits. M, frowning, hits a button on her intercom: M Would you send in the new man from equipment branch? MONEYPENNY (O.S.) Right away.


BOND .... I hate to ask, but... Did you ever think you'd miss Communism? M We serve the interests of the British people, 007. No matter who we may be foolish enough to elect. Bond is silent, chastised. M looks away, then looks back: M But if Elliot Harmsway is involved with that uranium, I want him prosecuted to the ends of the earth.

BOND Hopefully, it won't get that far. 73

There are some important points that can be read from the conversation above. M, is deciding to put Bond‘s on the mission regardless who is his subjects and who sends him. Bond on the other hand shows his resentment toward the subject and the person who assigns him. M is on the contrary shows her deep and wise thoughts; it is showing different reaction toward the nature of woman which tend to be more emotional than men. Another deep and objective thought of M is shown in Die Another Day. In Die Another Day James Bond is investigated on the assumption of leaking the nation‘s secrets to the North Korean during his kept in their Military Base. „M‟ although tries to save Bond, in the same time also suspicious on him. In order to prove her assumptions, she makes a condition where Bond is not possible to escape but in the same time he will be able to restore his name. He is put in the condition where The British Secret Service considers him as a cast away agent. M on the other hand, knows him very well to give him a chance for restoring his name by letting him doing a work under the

73 Dialogues are taken from Tomorrow Never Dies Act.Pierce Brosnan, Michelle Yeoh, Prod. Albert E. Broccoli. Dist. United Artist (MGM)


British Secret Service under some constraints conditions. The other example of situation that may occurs for women who works in the patriarchal world is as follows:

personal choice of car, a silver Astor Martin DB5, license plate BMT 216A. The DB5 swerves around a tight corner at 90 mph. Fade up title... ―Nine Years Later‖ Bond, of course, is behind the wheel and a young woman sits beside him, visibly agitated. Her name is Caroline, but it doesn‘t come up in the text. Caroline: James, is it really necessary to drive quite so fast?! Bond: More often than you‘d think. A red Ferrari comes into view in the rear mirror. Caroline: I enjoy a spirited ride as much as the next girl... James flashes an intoxicating the Ferrari pulls up beside him. There‘s a beautiful brunette behind the wheel. James loves this... Caroline: Who‘s that? Bond: The next girl. The Ferrari passes him and plays a little road rash...nearly crashing into an oncoming tractor, spinning out of the way. James is loving every minute. Caroline is now really pissed off... Caroline: James, stop this! Stop it! I know what you‘re doing... Bond: Really? What‘s that, dear? Caroline: You‘re just trying to show off the size of your...your... Bond: Engine? Caroline: Ego. Bond: Here we are having a pleasant drive in the country and you‘ve got to bring psychology into it. Caroline: Well, I was just sent out here to evaluate you. Bond: Let‘s try and put that behind us, shall we? The DB5 and Ferrari are still doin‘ 90 around a corner when a pack of cyclists are pedaling up a hill. 007 let‘s the car pass him... Bond: Ladies first. Caroline seems to be praying. The red Ferrari brushes past the first biker, knocking him down and the rest fall over in succession. Caroline‘s had enough. Caroline: James, I want you to stop this car! Bond: Really? Caroline: STOP THIS CAR AT ONCE!! James pulls the brake and the car screeches to a halt. He puts his arm around her. Bond: As you can see, I have no problem with female authority.


She flips open a box with two glasses and a bottle of Bollinger champagne in it. She looks pleased for once. Caroline: James, you‘re incorrigible. What am I going to do with you? He moves in closer.... Bond: Let‘s toast your evaluation, shall we? They kiss... Bond: A very...throurogh...evaluation. She giggles, they kiss and we pan up on the skyline of Monte Carlo.74

Caroline is a Psychologist who is assigned by the British Secret Service to evaluate James Bond‘s mental health. The last assignment has killed Bond‘s partner, Alec Trevelyan, or coded as 006. Caroline suppose to report any restrain anger or emotional obscurity that may endanger 007 capability as a secret agent.

The evaluation is needed because Alec Trevelyan is known as one of Bond‘s best friend; which makes M worried that Bond might become subjective on solving his next mission. Bond next mission is to capture General Ouroumov who has killed

Alec Trevelyan, in the early scenes of Goldeneye. Bond gets the easier way to get out of the evaluation like he always does by seducing the psychologist.

It is able to be concluded that woman is put under some constraints when they choose to define themselves in the patriarchal world. They have to use all the sources that they possess in order to prove their ability to be visible toward the patriarchal world. M has to keep herself in the state of suspicious toward every person including her own top agent, as it is explained above. She has to against her own nature as a woman to give away her feelings, even her humanities75 in order to exist as the head of the British Secret Service Agents. Caroline also has to

74 Dialogues are taken from Goldeneye. Act.Pierce Brosnan, Izabella Scrocupco, Prod. Albert E. Broccoli. Dist. United Artist (MGM)

75 Also sees Die Another Day Act.Pierce Brosnan, Halle Berry, Prod. . Dist. United Artist (MGM)


surrender to James Bond‘s seduction in order to get job and pleasure to be done perfectly.

There are also some problems that may occur in this type of field work. One of them is the rivalry within M and Admiral Roebuck is one of the problems that often occur in the work. The other problems could be described in the dialogue within Money Penny and James Bond. They are secretly interested in each other but also know the rules that colleagues are not supposed to build any intimacy toward one another. Being M‘s secretary for years, Money Penny is trained to keep each agent‘s secret. She can only hope for platonic love from Bond. In

Bond‘s part, he also knows the danger of getting too close to Money Penny. Bond knows that Money Penny knows plenty of his secrets and probably many more secrets that he does not know.

Sexual harassment also happens toward women who choose to work in the patriarchal world. At least there are two examples that can be mentioned taken form the scenes of James Bond‘s movies. In Goldeneye, Natalya Simonova will have to take her co-worker‘s attitude that creates her sexy anime as a password code. Caroline will have re-evaluated her judgment toward James Bond‘s

Psychology after she is seduced to make love to Bond. M, herself, was thrown with a harsh words by the Admiral. Based on the observation above, it is able to be concluded that women need to work harder if they are to stand in the patriarchal world or in the field of work that is dominated by men.


2. Bond’s Gadgets a. The Commodity of Bond’s Gadgets as A Womanizer Tools

Featured in Tomorrow Never Dies. The BMW 750iL (the stretched version, noted by the "L" in 750iL) is a 4-door, as opposed to the sexier 2-doored Z3. But the 750iL has a combination of conservative good looks and performance that's comparable to any of its predecessors. Few large sedans are as well- proportioned as the BMW 7-series or manage to be both restrained and alluring. The sporty handling of the BMW brand ensures that this car is as lithe as it is imposing.76

The handsome face, fashionable shoes and suits, accompanied by the beautiful girls and great cars are images of James Bond. It is being sent through every pleasuring graphic design in order to create the world of James Bond. The caption above is only one of the advertisements that are being posted inside the

Bond Lifestyle website. The commercial advertisements are not only proposing cars but also the other outfit such as the dress, the guns, the watches, the shoes, suits, razors and perfumes, all are offered, to be consumed.

The other examples from the gadgets that are offered inside this commercial advertisement are the watches and the communication tools. The wrist watches are one of the significant gadgets that appeared in most of the film. Running through the wrist watches that James Bond‘s wear in the movies, it can be assumed that there is an association within James Bond and Omega watch brand for instance. The wrist watch has appeared in the various movies of James Bond series. It also holds important parts to be a James Bond‘s helper when the thing gets rough. In Die Another Day, the watch helps him escaping death by adding

76 The advertisement is retrieved from 25 July 2012. at 20.15 WIB


another function of the watch. The watch is functioned also as a detonator of C4 bombs.

Several Nokia N-series and Sony Ericsson C902 cybershot77, both are the well-known brand of communication tools which shows up in the movies.

Preferences of brands and gadgets are the main idea that plays important roles inside movies. It is obvious that gadgets are the important parts of symbolizing

Bond. Bond as symbol of a playboy-nice-killer holds the reputation larger than his gadgets. While we need to understand that the reputations are built of real-made and made-real things. It has become an important analysis for us to discuss every symbol that has helped Bond to be as famous as he is now as well as to analyze them under semiotic theory. This discussion is important in order to put those symbols as western ideologies for symbolizing modernization and prestige that are offered through the movies.

Some of the important gadgets has been selected and grouped into two variants. This is done to abridge the analysis. The gadgets are then being group into the luxurious gadgets and the military gadgets. These gadgets are shown in the tabulation as follows:

77 Die Another Day and Quantum of Solace


Table 6

The division of gadgets in James Bond‘s movies productions during the year

of 1995-2002, personified by Pierce Brosnan:

Military Gadgets Luxurious Gadgets Walther P99 (gun) Omega 2541.80, omega seamaster limited edition (watches) Walther PPK (pistol) Digital camera monocular (camera) ASP 9 mm (pistol) Parker Jotter (pen) Shoulder Holster (pistol holder) Norelco Spectra 8894XL James Bond Edition Electric Razor (shaver) Alpine 7817R (car, printer and communication tools) Ski-Doo MXZ (snowmobile limited edition) Aston Martin Vanquish V12 (car) BMW Z3, BMW 750il, BMW Z8, 1957 Ford Fairlane, 2003 limited edition 007 Ford, Thunderbird (cars) BMW cruiser R 1200 C (motorcycle) Persol 2672, Calvin Klein 2007 and Blue tinted black frame sunglasses (anonymous brand) (glasses) Samsonite Xylem business case (suitcase) Source:, 25 June 2012, at 20.15 WIB

The tabulation above is based only on the selected movie productions of

James Bond‘s series. Accordingly, it will eliminate the existence of other gadgets that are also appeared in the other James Bond‘s movies. The reasons to have seen this table only based on the fourth series personified by Pierce Brosnan is because there are lot of differences in the gadgets usage during the era of Brosnan,

Connery, and Moore. Since Pierce Brosnan as James Bond represents the gadgets‘ modernization after the launching of the internet. One of such actions can be seen in Die Another Day scene which shows colonel Zao uses his cell phone to take


photo of undercover James Bond. Zao sends it via internet toward the data base in order to know the person‘s background. This scene will not take place during the era of Sir Sean Connery or Roger Moore, although both has tremendous act and succeeded in playing the character.

The commodity of the gadgets in the virtual worlds has created their own market. The image makes James Bond‘s looks more luxurious, powerful and prestigious by using these gadgets. He has offered the virtual world to take up advantages by using it. The gadgets have defined Bond‘s creativity and mind that translucently appear through the gadgets. Those gadgets are sold freely in the virtual world. James Bond‘s image by Pierce Brosnan is more fluent and closer to the image of womanizer. This image is already created as he plays the character of a detective and a movie star in Remington Steele. The previous role has similar indication as his role in James Bond which is a womanizer and a secret agent.

This makes Pierce Brosnan becomes the best seller of the goods that appears in the movies.

James Bond always changes his preferences of women in every movie. His image and personality is never fully described. His describing will change the open character into a close character. This has to be avoided by the directors because if it is happened, it will mark the end of James Bond. James Bond is a character that suits all women wants: tough, handsome, gentle, but also unpredictable. To be presented as such characters, one should keep the characters open ended, so that it will bring more speculation in the next movies to come. In that way, the sequels and the sponsors of the movies will keep on coming to the


movie production. This has made the movies as the biggest and widest screen of style commodity in the world.

It can be pin pointed that the gadgets put on the table above symbolize the helper and western modernization via James Bond characterization. It is to put the modern gadgets of the west as the best gadgets. By looking at the amounts of the luxurious gadgets that are introduced in the movies, it can be told that James Bond is created as a perfect character of women idols, handsome, rich, clever, and caring to women. His ability to operate such complex gadgets for example:

BMW‘s car that uses remote control and women voice which Q demonstrates achingly compare to Bond‘s demonstration in Goldeneye; has proven a simple example of how gadgets can be used to penetrate both women and men, to create an image of high intelligence possessing in Bond‘s brain. b. Gadgets as Personal Identification of James Bond

1) Cars

Aston Martin Lagonda Limited Banbury Road Gaydon Warwick CV35 0DB England

Telephone:+44 (0)1926 644644 Facsimile: +44 (0)1926 6447

The above address is the place where we can actually contact the automobile vendors in England. It shows that cars in James Bond‘s movies are able to be bought. Aston Martin has described their product as strong, fast and


powerful car.78It is the type that James Bond loves to ride even when he is assigned to various countries all over the world. In order to show how stylish

James Bond is, I will put several models of Aston Martin cars into a table as follows:

Table 7

The contour list of automobiles that characterized James Bond personality

through the years, personified by , Pierce Brosnan and Roger


Cars Specification

au009 Aston Martin DBS James Bond drives a grey Aston Martin DBS in the 007 film Casino Royale. InQuantum of Solace, Bond drives (or better 'wrecks') another DBS, this time in dark grey. au002 Aston Martin Vanquish V12 "Now pay attention Bond... this is your Aston Martin!" After a brief flirtation with another manufacturer, the film industry's most enduring partnership - James Bond and Aston Martin are reunited in the 20th 007 film Die Another Day. The Aston Martin plays a significant role in the film. At the start of the film James Bond is introduced to the Aston Martin just as he was in Goldfinger au012 Aston Martin V8 Vantage Series III Featured in (1987). Advances in engine

78 Taken from the website, retrieved on 25 July 2012


technology helped evolve the look of the Aston Martin V8, which is the version showcased in this 1987 Bond film. Fuel injection replaced carburetion when the series debuted in 1986. The new technology was more compact, freeing the car designers to make changes they couldn't make before. au012 Aston Martin V8 Vantage Series III Featured in The Living Daylights (1987). Advances in engine technology helped evolve the look of the Aston Martin V8, which is the version showcased in this 1987 Bond film. Fuel injection replaced carburetion when the series debuted in 1986. The new technology was more compact, freeing the car designers to make changes they couldn't make before. au003 Aston Martin DB5 In 1963, James Bond, then played by Sean Connery was introduced to his silver Aston Martin DB5 in the 1964 film Goldfinger. And despite Aston Martin models being present in Thunderball, Tomorrow Never Dies, Goldeneye and Casino Royale, none of them created quite the stir of Goldfinger.

By looking at the comments and specification of the cars above, we are able to observe that each car has their own specialties. They are designed to be worn and marketed by James Bond. Instead of Aston Martin, James Bond also used

BMW, for example the BMW 750iL limited edition is designed for James Bond.

This limited edition is being well-known as one of the car with high selling.


A car for James Bond is described as an old friend. In most of his movies, cars have been one of the most advertised. It is a custom for James Bond to break the car after using it. Although so, this act is considered to be an honor for the vendor, to advertise the car for James Bond. The actors are supposed to fit with the characters of the cars and vice versa. The movies are conditioned to personify the car into the character, therefore in order to taste more England, Aston Martin brand is chosen rather than the other brand.

2) Watch

James Bond has used various types of watch during his productions.

Therefore, it is quite significant to point out all the wrist watch that has been involved in the productions as follows:

Table 8

The list of watches which characterized James Bond personality through the

years since the first production (1960) unto the recent movie (2008)

Dr. No (1962) Submariner

From Russia With Love (1963) Rolex Submariner

Goldfinger (1964) Rolex Submariner

Rolex Submariner Thunderball (1965) Breitling Top Time

You Only Live Twice (1967) Rolex Submariner

On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969) Rolex Submariner 5513 / Rolex Chronograph 6238

Diamonds Are Forever (1971) Rolex Submariner

Live And Let Die (1973) Pulsar LED / Rolex Submariner 5513

The Man With The Golden Gun (1974) Rolex Submariner 5513

The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) Seiko 0674 LC

Moonraker (1979) Seiko M354 Memory-Bank Calendar

Seiko H357 Duo Display For Your Eyes Only (1981) Seiko 7549-7009 Octopussy (1983) Seiko TV Watch / G757 Sports 100

A View To A Kill (1985) Seiko

The Living Daylights (1987) Rolex Submariner 16800/168000

Licence To Kill (1989) Rolex Submariner 16800/168000

GoldenEye (1995) Omega Seamaster 2541.80

Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) Omega Seamaster

The World Is Not Enough (1999) Omega Seamaster

Die Another Day (2002) Omega Seamaster

Casino Royale (2006) Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean


Omega Seamaster Diver 300M

Quantum of Solace (2008) Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean 600M

Bond 23 ?


By looking at the table, we are able to observe that during the first production, Rolex are quite intimate in defining James Bond. It can also be noted down that James Bond‘s wrist watch brand is changed during the production of

The Spy Who Loved Me until the . On the other hand, all the movie productions that are personified by Pierce Brosnan use Omega Seamaster


In order to clarify the sense of prestigious, I have put the pictures of several wristwatches that he wears into a table, as follows:

Table 9

The sample list of watches‘ specification that that characterized James Bond

personality through the years

Rolex Seiko Omega Seamaster

ga001 ga013 Rolex Submariner

Omega Seamaster Rolex and James Bond have a ga017 James Bond Limited Edition strong connection. Before Seiko M354 Memory- Omega Seamaster James Bond Omega started supplying the Bank Calendar Limited Edition watch, watches for 007, Bond used The Seiko M354 Memory- featuring the classic gun barrel a Rolex Submariner in Bank Calendar was used by emblem. This James Bond several movies: Dr. No, From Bond in the 1979 edition was one of the first Russia With love, Goldfinger, movieMoonraker. The watch 007 watches to feature Thunderball, On Her Majesty's is equipped with explosives Omega's new Co-Axial Secret Service, Live and Let and a remote detonator, which Escapement. Die, The Man with the Golden Bond uses to escape from the

Gun, License to Kill, The Moonraker launch platform. Living Daylights.



Common people wear watch in order to know time. Therefore, watch is very attached to a person. It does not only speak about time but it also speaks about schedules, time management, strength and punctuality. A person‘s identification is also can be seen by the outfit. It is called personification. Personification of James

Bond is defined by his outfit. One of the outfits is the watch. It is showing that he is punctual not only to save the world but also to kill his enemy. The watch also speaks about his strength and identity. He is a Commander of British Navy.

Therefore, the movie production chooses the watch that clarifies his job, such as

Omega Seamaster. Omega means ‗the last‘, it is usually a symbol used for God.

God is symbolizes by alva and omega. The symbol simply means as ‗the past, the present and the future‘. This symbol then can be interpreted as the indefinite and ultimate power in the sea. It shows strength and power in enduring the nature. It is then being strengthened by the James Bond‘s movie signature in the watch limited edition.

Rolex shows style and luxury. It shows that James Bond is a dandy person while at the same time, he is a killer. It also can be interpreted that James Bond kills the person with his style. Rolex designs are luxurious compares to the other designs. Compare to Seiko that is also used for several series, it shows a lot of differences. Seiko is well-known for the technologies. It is a multifunction watch.

Even though Seiko is fit into the image of James Bond, it loses the sense of luxury. James Bond‘s point is on the look, the image on the camera which people will suddenly observe the design first and the function second.


3) Cellular Phones

Phones are also one of the factors that are considered to be crucial for James

Bond. His cellular phones are multifunction. He often uses his cellular phone as remote control. This is shown in Tomorrow Never Dies. In order to show the sense of stylish I will put some of the cellular phones into a table, as follows:

Table 10

The cellular phones that characterized James Bond personality

Types Specification

The Sony Ericsson T68i in white and blue was used by Jinx (Halle Berry) in Die Another Day photo © Bond Lifestyle The Sony Ericsson T68i (the white and blue version) was used by Jinx (Hale Berry) in Die Another Day and can briefly be seen, right before she uses the phone as a bomb.

The Nokia N-gage series

that is used in Tomorrow Never

Dies. It is used by James Bond

for a remote control over his

BMW 750 iL limited edition.

photo © Bond Lifestyle


Again, appearances are important in this movie production. In order to make a great impression, people need to consider on the way they clothed and all the things that they use. To know whether a person is a multimillionaire or merely a peasant, people can see and judge from the appearances. James Bond wears the most expensive clothes and designs including phones. Nokia N-series are one of


those early phone designs that hybridized from computer. It is small, dandy, clever and fun. It bears all the concept of the cell phone nowadays. All the cell phones nowadays are designed to be a gadget. Cell phones are exceeding their functions. It becomes a technology that replace dog as a best men‘s friends and even a close-friend. In another way, this technology is covering our life and in a way isolated human socialization, diminishing it into a cell.

It can be inferred from the discussion above that the three things define

James Bond‘s existence. Those symbols manifest the personification of James

Bond. Commodity in this way is very dangerous for our consumptive society. It brings the Occident ideology of famous, prestigious, powerful and domination.

The insertion of such ideas into advertisement has dragged our intelligent into undefined culture. It shows that we amen the ideas of such standard. It means to be intelligent, powerful, dominate and dandy amongst other persons or to show our existence, one should look like a James Bond.

3) Women Categorized as Gadgets and Things

Melis Inceer in her undergraduate paper has explained the importance of studying opening credits of the movies and also its soundtrack79. To speak about the soundtracks of James Bond, it means to drag the Hollywood talented singers such as Madonna, Paul McCartney, Duran Duran, or Carly Simon. Opening credits and the soundtracks are usually merged with the James Bond‘s theme songs. It becomes a very own attractive part as well as building up anxiety feelings toward the movies. All of the elements on the new Bond‘s movies will be

79 Inceer, Melis. "An Analysis of the Opening Credit Sequence in Film."College Undergraduate Research Electronic Journal (2007): 1-53.


described in the opening scene; the gadgets, the girls, and the new technology are described there. Therefore, opening credits cannot be neglected as the part of this thesis analysis.

Inceer in her research states that an opening credit has a function not only as a synopsis for the movies but also entitles to determine the success of the movies.

The opening credit has become a very important tool especially for sequenced movies. Based on the journal above there is a need to discuss on how women are also being manipulated and marginalized in the official video clips. This part will discuss on how the pictures and scenes from the video clip of Tomorrow Never

Dies, The World is Not Enough, and Die Another Day has shown these tendency.

Therefore the scenes are going to be discussed based on the plot of the story that may occur in the video clip or the scenes that are taken to describe women in the movies.

As it is also discussed by Inceer that plenty of the opening credits have involved famous artist to boost the market of the movies, it also goes for the soundtrack of Die Another Day. The soundtrack is sung by Madonna, it has become one of the most attractive opening credit and soundtrack from all the movie production. Although she is not included inside the Official Video Clip of the movies, her voice has boosted the movie markets. It has made the Official

Video Clip worth to discuss. In all the opening of James Bond movie production, women are as always portrayed dancing in nude. The opening credit of Die

Another Day also use this mark. Since the beginning, women are defined into two things: fire and ice. Those who defined as ice are those who described to deal matters without feelings. The set of the pictures are in the dungeon where the


North Korean detains James Bond. During his time in prison James Bond has been beaten and torture. One of the torturers is a woman. She is described as expressionless person. This is shown in her face close up shot. Her face shows confrontation within her and James Bond, who is tied up hopelessly, while holding a scorpion to stung him. Suddenly her face and body changed into ice like woman in nude.

The same techniques to show women categorization is also appearing when the women changes figures from ice into fire and vice versa to help Bond gained his sanity while being tortured. Every time, Bond is tortured, a woman would stand in ice or firelike figures. According to the conversation that Bond has with

Money Penny in earlier series in Tomorrow Never Dies, James Bond‘s uses his memories and experiences with plenty of women in order to stay alive. It is very much characterizes patriarchal world where women is categorized only into two dimensional figures.

Another technique has been used with Garbage Band in order to show the connectivity between the video clip and the movie. Garbage has minimized woman into pieces and robots. In the beginning of the video, there are plenty of a robot parts. The parts of the body is still in assembly, wired, and tested for human reflections. Parts of the bodies are everywhere and when they are put together it becomes a deadly machine. The robotic woman is described to be very powerful, her punch can break glasses and her kiss can kill a man. The connectivity between the video clip and the movies are made out of symbols and lyrics from the video clip. The World is Not Enough has generated a new philosophy that comes from

Elektra King: “What‟s the point of living if you can‟t feel the life?”


The other video clip involves Sheryl Crow which sung one of the famous lyrics: „Is not fun dear, you won it all, martinis, girls and guns‟. Based on the constructions of the sentence, it is clear that the commas are used for a parallelism as to separate nouns in the sentences. Girls (not women) are positioned to hold the same function as martinis and guns. Both of the nouns are indicating ecstasy.

When a person gets drunk, they do not think of other things and gets out of controls. It happens also when a person holds and use guns to kill, he/she will not think of other things than to kill, out of control. They same also apply for women in possession of men. They are out of control. This is connected to the plot of

Tomorrow Never Dies which speaks of Elliot Carver, a media mogul that is out of control for guns and martinis. In comparison to James Bond, he is not losing control when having the three of them. It shows that James Bond considers women as a thing, a noun that is needed to be conquered and possessed, in order not to lose his control. Therefore, it is necessary for James Bond movies to keep changing the women in every movie production just to show the womanizer character of James Bond while in the same time diminishing the women characters.

It is best to describe this understanding by using Foucault point of view, which considers that the body has its own history. Therefore a different respect toward a body is another different perceptive toward sex, language and power.80In turn for the theory, As Butler and Wittig81 explained, there is a distant within sex

80 Buckland, Warren and Thomas Elsaesser . Studying Contemporary American Film. (Madison Avenue, New York: Arnold, 2002)262-64 81 Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. (New York: Routledge, 1999)22-44


and gender that women are apt to be gained not born with. Both scholars consider that sex is what male and female born while gender needs to be acquired. Women need to acquire the gender by the resetting of binary codes within male/female.

Language for Wittig and Foucault is just another material to show the force and discourse of power. Based on their explanation it can be inferred that women in the movies are just a tool, this is described clearly when the women is made out of robot. It has not got any feelings and nature of a woman. It is made out of one and turn into a killing machine. None of the scientist that invented the robotic woman is female. Another point that proves woman disqualification is when the robotic woman killed the real woman. It is by nature symbolized that in order to take the world, to conquer the world, women need to transform themselves into a robot.

Advanced and spectacular technologies have positioned women into the edge of a patriarchal culture. Women will have to surrender their nature in order to be equally treated by the society. James Bond has shown the women‘s difficulties to be represented proportionally in the patriarchal world. According to the findings, women have been constructed to believe the ideas of male fantasy through the

James Bond‘s personification image of an ideal woman. The findings have also discovered the misleading aspects of technology which marginalized women from their actual capabilities into toys and gadgets. These acts serve the purposed of helping James Bond to achieve his popularity, modal and power. In other words, women have been limited to confront one and another in order to perform interesting show for James Bond‘s money making machine.




Now all Asia's land Moans in emptiness. Xerxes led forth, oh oh! Xerxes destroyed, woe woe! Xerxes' plans have all miscarried In ships of the sea. Why did Darius then Bring no harm to his men When he led them into battle, That beloved leader of men from Susa?"82

It is an ode from The Bacchae drama when finally Asia is defeated by the

West. It is a reminder from the East where Asia is very powerful, once, in the old times. It is a reminder that there are times when The Persians and other Kingdoms have conquered half the world. The point is that the ode is written in English. To write this in English is the same as announcing the defeat throughout those who understands the language. It is a power of humiliation and as well as admission toward such defeats.

The Cartesian Map of the world has exacerbated the gap between the east and the west. This divisional of worlds have disengaged connection between their alienated nation in previous times into alienating other world. Cartesian map is a discursive strategy by the West to own back their victory over Asia. This is sharpened by the problem that happens when the rational mind of the West is taken as the standard of other world. The result is that phenomenon which is unable to be explained by the rational mind of West standard, needs to be considered as a threat. Therefore in order to minimize the threat, the East is under- represented, unexplained thoroughly through the media and even given a status.83

82 Said, Edward. Orientalism. (New York: Vintage Books a Division of Random House Inc. 2003)57 83 Said, Edward. Orientalism. (New York: Vintage Books a Division of Random House Inc. 2003)57



According to Said ‗Sovereignty‘ is not the only way to rule the world. This means that whoever gets ‗Sovereignty‘ is not entitled to rule the world. Although there are countries that try to access ‗Sovereignty‘ by the loan of capital and or other means toward the needing countries, motives are always the questions.

‗Sovereignty‘ can be achieved through media and other technologies. Those who possess the advanced technologies can be considered to have the ‗Sovereignty‘ to rule the world. Therefore, it is very important to read the re-presentation of East world in the media, in particularly famous movies as James Bond.

As Union of Soviet Socialist Republics collapse, Asia‘s commerce developed very fast. Recently China has announced that United States of America is bankrupt in correlation of United States inability to pay the debts to China. This has set West countries to address Asia as another power that may threat their beings. As Bullbeck address the definition of world as follows:

The term 'third world' originally signified a 'third force' of non-aligned nations which would wedge themselves between the Gold War opposition of first world 'democracy' and second world 'communism' (Longley 1992:20). The second world has been variously defined as the , in which case it has now disappeared, or the communist countries, in which case it is reduced to a clutch of countries like Cuba, China,Burma, Vietnam and North Korea, countries which are often assimilated into the third world. On the whole, it would appear that women's status has deteriorated in post-USSR countries. 84

It is clear from the definition that Asia is considered as having no power in the existence of Soviet Union, after the fall, Asia is considered to possess the loss power of second world; communist world. This is depicted clearly by the

84 Bulbeck, Chilla. Re-orienting Western Feminisms. (Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1998)34-5


representation of communism symbol that exists in Tomorrow Never Dies and Die

Another Day. As Bulbeck continues the division of world, we are able to follow the thought and question the motives as follow:

The third world is a category produced and reproduced by capitalist imperialism, referred to in the oppositions between industrialised north and developing south, or core and periphery. Powerful global agencies like the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund make distinctions between the first and third worlds which determine global economic policies. The political projects of institutions such as the Central Intelligence Agency and alliances between governments are also shaped by the identification of third world nations.85

The division of Asia is even reflected on the loan lending of the West countries. It is also become the standard of Central Intelligence Agency and alliances in dividing and defining third world countries. Thus, the paradigm has standardized and laid in the every Hollywood movie through its technologies and women. It is seen as we analyzed the figures below.

This part is written in order to posit the reader awareness on the developing countries position toward foreign movies. Movies industry has become worldwide income when it is managed correctly. Movies can be one of the weapons to win world‘s capitals, economics and culture. Therefore, it is necessary to globalize the

James Bond‘s ideas and ideologies that are transferred through the English language. This needs to be done especially in those countries where English exists as the second language. James Bond‘s ideas and technologies need to be globalized in order to give a correct proportion into the perspective of gadgets and girls that has standardized the movies.

85 Bulbeck, Chilla. Re-orienting Western Feminisms. (Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1998)34-5


It is also important to pay a close up look toward movies‘ ideologies. The advance technology of transportation has made movies distribution dominates various countries at the same time. Thus, movies have become important aspects to analyze because it abilities to carry ideologies. Movies have connected the world whether to neither define the Orient nor define The Occident. Edward Said has put forward the importance of analyzing cultural products as to find the essence of it. Said at least has given three reviews upon Kippling‘s work. The first is that white men have been given ‗a star‘ that they have not chosen but being chosen for. The second one says that they aim for the glory of their own race and their doing it in unity. The third one is that all whites are fighting for freedom, for their family and children. Looking from the three comments we are able to acknowledge how the ontological, the birth marks that the whites are given for granted has become a very powerful ideas to ever dominate other races. The air of

Western arrogance is sniffled through the thin air. It has given the very own reason of why scholars should acknowledge the cultural productions as it is able to carry such arrogance without notice86.

As Said analysis, we need to be aware of those ideology or concepts that are misunderstood for the benefit of oneself. It is wise to think against the grain as to percolate our mind for the essence of a cultural product; in particularly: movies. It has come to our knowledge that a culture production is a result from a thought; it can be in the form of poems, novels, novelettes, and movies. Therefore, it is important that this thesis discuss the awareness of readers toward some elements

86 Said, Edward. Orientalism. (New York: Vintage Books a Division of Random House Inc. 2003)49-92


in the movies that shows oriental marginalization as to educate us as better movie readers toward movies and cultural production.

A. The Orient Countries Position in The Occident Countries Movies

1. The Orientalizing of Third World Countries through Movies Scripts and


In order to analyze the movies, it is important to read the movie scripts.

Some of the movie scripts are copied as follows:

CAPTAIN CHEONG In the Strait of Malacca, when a boat is even five minutes late, one begins to worry, Mr. Bond. BOND I know. Pirates from Sumatra want the cargo; smugglers from Thailand and Burma want the ships. CAPTAIN CHEONG Sometimes kill the crew; other times (points to his eye) Torture them.87

As it is written above, some of the words might describe the misleading concepts toward Indonesia. There are some words that put nationality senses upward against other nations. Such sense appears because of the misleading written parts concepts and analysis. Although James Bond‘s movies are based on the setting of 1950‘s, the gadgets and all other supportive materials of the movies and the script are based on the future imagination of the producers, scriptwriters and the directors. So, the technology inside the movies resembles those that might be found nowadays.88 It means that whatever happens in the movies,

87 Taken from Tomorrow Never Dies. Act.Pierce Brosnan, Michelle Yeoh, Prod. Albert E. Broccoli. Dist. United Artist (MGM) 88 Appendix p.8


whatever dialogues and conversations that may be spoken, are concreted outside the movies. Movies items such as suits, cars, shoes, perfumes and even eye glasses are sold online89. Thus, the dialogues that touch on Sumatra can evoke such misunderstanding concepts which will lead to insults Indonesia.

Furthermore, it is well known that Sumatra Island has been the place for one of the separation movements in Indonesia. The Acehnese has long wanted to be a

Moslem country, apart from the Republic of Indonesia. The pointing out of

Indonesia image toward the world in the term of ‗pirate‘ in Sumatra Island, who possesses the capability of torturing people, has really put Indonesia into a marginal country. It sounds that Indonesia is a country that is not able to work out the security of their inter-island. Moreover, James Bond has been watched by plenty of people throughout the world, it is likely that the assumption has got into lots of everybody around the world, who has watched James Bond. The term

‘pirate’ according to the Oxford dictionary is as follows:

Pirate Pronunciation:/ˈpʌɪrət/ noun  a person who attacks and robs ships at sea:[as modifier]:a pirate ship  a person who appropriates or reproduces the work of another for profit without permission, usually in contravention of patent or copyright:[as modifier]:pirate recordings  a person or organization that broadcasts radio or television programmes without official authorization:[as modifier]:a pirate radio station verb [with object]  1 (often as adjective pirated) use or reproduce (another‘s work) for profit without permission, usually in contravention of patent or copyright:pirated tapes of Hollywood blockbusters  2 dated rob or plunder (a ship):one of the ferry launches had been pirated while still in the harbour90

89 Appendix p.1 90 The data are retrieved from on25 June 2012, at 20.15 WIB


By looking at the term only, it is written that the pirate in Sumatra has become the object of the offense toward any ships that may pass by. It is contradictory toward the sayings that Indonesians are friendly. Moreover,

Indonesians are not only assumed to be the subject of assaults but also accuse as barbaric people because their contentment in torturing people. All of the assumption is contradictory toward the reality of Indonesia. The ability of putting

Indonesia into a marginal country based on movies description is unseen by the audience due to the failure of Lembaga Sensor Film Indonesia in generating ideas of forbidding movies in Indonesia. The Lembaga Sensor Film Indonesia and government policy of such dialogues are not regulated yet. Although it is a movie, based on imagination, it is still considered as a cultural product. To have asserted such remark into worldwide distribution of a movie; has destroyed

Indonesia‘s image of a safe country.

Continuing the results of such conversation, we can also follow the dialogues below:

MINISTER JOHNSTONE (incredulous) One-third of the British gold reserves?!? (beat) What kind of idiot loses (looks to the treasury officer) What is it? The equivalent of ten billion US dollars??? TREASURY OFFICIAL (sheepishly) Give or take. Depending on today's currency rates MINISTER JOHNSTONE (ignoring him)


What the hell was the gold doing on that boat? ADMIRAL ROEBUCK We were bringing it back from Hong Kong. Under orders from the Treasury. TREASURY OFFICIAL During the cold war, we stored a third in America, and another third in Hong Kong - in case of a nuclear attack. And with the turn-over of Hong Kong to the Chinese

It is well-known that Hongkong has been the British colony for 27 years.

Hongkong has become British colony for a long time so that they have started to think it as a possession. Therefore, they store the gold in Hongkong. When

Hongkong is returned to China, this policy raises some difficulties to the British

Navy. The British Navy cannot claim the gold. Another conversation that happens to lead the readers toward an assumption that Hongkong is a part of British is as follows:

BOND I have to get these to London. Do you know this Captain Cheong? WADE Spends his nights at the Kuala Lumpur yacht club. BOND Can you arrange a meeting? WADE Hell. The CIA built that club. EXT. KUALA LUMPUR YACHT CLUB - NIGHT Palm trees, torch lights, and Rolls Royces. INT. KUALA LUMPUR YACHT CLUB - NIGHT A local band plays on the verandah. We find Wade at a POKER TABLE with five local Malay Chinese. He CUTS THE CARDS, exuberantly: WADE Okay gentlemen. The name of the game is 7-card Cambodian stud. Everything


is wild! 91

It can be inferred from the dialogues that United States and British is sharing their colonies. The script says that Hong Kong is colonized by the British but United States Army is able to build a club house in Hong Kong. It is understood as a normal thing for the western to have owned the east. Another indication that the movies generate Western Emporium is by mentioning one indication that Wai Lin is included inside the story. It is contradictory toward the first script to be written. The first script talks about a woman who has become the hero in the story, her name is Sidney Winch. By that it can be told that the story has been changed in some parts. The plot of the story is also changed. While the first script is describing the attempt of the British to claim the gold on the boat; which is owned by the niece of Elliot Harmsway (: Elliot Carver in the movie), the second script tells about GPS‘ criminalization. Sidney Winch‘s part is then divided into two. Some of the part is given to Wai Lin while the rest is given to

Paris Carver. Paris is a new character, a supportive character as well as Wai Lin.

Sidney Winch‘s part is quite dominant and crucial, it even dominates James Bond himself. As to show that James Bond cannot be dominated, the character is then split into two. Paris Carver appears as the wife of Elliot Carver and ex-lover of

James Bond; which ends dead, killed by her husband who knows that she betrays him. Wai Lin, who was just an additional character in the script, is put into a dominant supportive character. She has become the obsession of Bond. To link it with ideologies behind the changing of the character; we all know, China resists

91 Taken from Tomorrow Never Dies. Act.Pierce Brosnan, Michelle Yeoh, Prod. Albert E. Broccoli. Dist. United Artist (MGM)


all the United States products and movies. Recently China just signs 19 imported

Hollywood movies. It is not a significant numbers compares to Indonesia. Korea also does the same thing. China and Korea have become the countries that resist

United States movies and technologies. Both countries above are able to produce mass products of the same technology with lower prices. This technique is re-used to reverse the condition of technology in their own countries as to become the king of technology and movie productions in their own countries. The Korean also possesses the same ability of developing their technology. Lately, Korean also markets their culture worldwide. They use their Culture to dominate the world. Korean Music, which has their own public and award, has drawn the

Asians toward their music. One of the countries that are imparted by their culture is Indonesia. Indonesians are going on Korean‘s culture and losing their identity by the molding of boy bands, girl bands, music industry, Korean Drama and

Movies, clothing styles and furthermore hairstyles, and so on and so forth.

Indonesian Hairdressers and Master stylist have gone to the Asian axis; that is


Therefore, it has become an important business to conquer the Eastern countries since they are getting advanced nowadays. Thus, the ideologies and thought which hidden in every movies which comes into Indonesia needs to be put on awareness box. This phenomenon has put the West to margin the East‘s technology, especially after the collapse of United Soviet Socialists Republic.

United States has lost their enemies of marginalization. United States has been too long used to the atmosphere of rivalry therefore it is important for them to find another marginal concept in order to prove that their technologies are better.


These efforts are needed for them as they need to support their country from the world capital. This can be seen in Golden Eye and The World is Not Enough where Russia‘s agents and ex-KGB has become James Bond‘s friends and informant. Therefore, United States is putting forward the sense of rivalry through their marginalization toward the communist ideologies because they cannot breakthrough the technology and movies industry of the both Asian Countries. In the sequence of the next James Bond, it gives a hint of communist taste to against for. Hollywood makes the movies images toward the audiences as a ‗Knight in

Shining Armor‘ that aims for the betterment of the world by eliminating communism as their new ‗enemies‘.

One of the marginalization scenes appears in Die Another Day. It is in the scene where James Bond and Jinx will have to pursue Colonel Tan Sun Moon in

North Korean Military Base; as follows:

Robinson : They have gone out of radar Wade : Relax Robinson if our radar cannot see those blades North Korean sure can‘t

It is clearly stating the West arrogance as the discourse of every technology.

It is possible that Korea could have beaten their spies‘ technology. It is very contradictive form the fact that Korean has gained the award by winning the best cultivating techniques from World Health Organization; which proofs their ability in conquering world‘s technologies.

The above facts have led us into another discussion of the movie script that shows hybridity theories as the above discussion. Hybridity is a result of a two face coin which cannot be hindered. In the long run of colonization, the colonized party will tend to be the colonizer himself. This theory is taken farther from the


source to be put inside the movie in James Bond. It is said that Colonel Tan Soon

Moon, having a bad temperament so that he has to consult a psychiatric. The

Psychiatric is beaten to death as he tried to give the Colonel an advice. In the last part he changed his DNA and become a western person, one that he hates the most. Colonel Tan Sun Moon says to James Bond that ―I have learned all the western discourse in Oxford by taken the major of „western hypocrisy”. The line is very strong, indeed in the same time he occupies the luxurious European cars.

Another important contradictory characterization of the Colonel is that he kills his father. The researcher has found the overtly situation of characterization on

Colonel Tan Sun Moon. Being working for the Korean in four years, it has occurred to the mind that the Korean is very respectful toward their elder. Thus, the characterization has put Korean to be the under culture and ruined representation of Asian Countries. It represents exactly, Edward Said‘s definition of Orientalism below:

So that we will acknowledge their power and feel pity about ourselves a collective notion of identifying ―us‖. Europeans as against all ‗those‘ non- Europeans, and indeed it can be argued that the major component in Europe Culture is precisely what made the culture hegemonic and both in and outside Europe: the idea of Europe identity as a superior cultures.92

As Said also explains in his essay, the superiority of cultures has amended the western to have distinctive filtering toward our culture, a reason for them to define ‗us‘ as Easterners and ‗them‘ as Westerners. Said explains as follows:

Orientalism, a way of coming to terms with the Orient that is based on the Orient‘s special place in European Western Experience. The Orient‘s is not only adjacent to Europe; it is also the place of Europe‘s greatest and richest

92 Said, Edward. Orientalism. (New York: Vintage Books a Division of Random House Inc. 2003) 392-113


and oldest colonies, the source of its civilization and languages, its cultural contestant, and of its deepest and most re-curing images of the other93

Said also mention the important point of judging and defining the culture of a country should be best done by also studying their philosophical background and other elements that may be intact with their culture which helps them to grow as the culture seen right now. This is important since history helps to mold culture. Or in another way as the west also become very proud of their ontology, the east should be studied in the same way. Other factors that may influence the story such as the elements of plot and character changing will be discussed as the wrap up from the whole discussion in Chapter Five.

2. The Under-Represented Third World Countries in The Selected Movie


This part is written in order to show difference treatment on scenes and actions within the west and the rest. Thus; it is important for us to get close into the subject researched and the elements that make the subject. A movie sequence is contained of shots and shots are made into scene. Then, it has become an obligation to look at the essence of the sequence from scene to scene. The comparison lies on the chosen settings, lighting, shots and music. As we are to see the comparison within scenes, it is better to start discussing the act, the lighting, and the color that is used inside the scene.

93 Said, Edward. Orientalism. (New York: Vintage Books a Division of Random House Inc. 2003) 92-113


Fig.1: A chasing scenes of Wai Lin and James Bond in the harbor Area of Malaysia taken from Tomorrow Never Dies. Act.Pierce Brosnan and

Michelle Yeoh.Prod. Albert E.Broccoli. Dist..United Artist (MGM)

On the scene94, James Bond and Wai Lin is on the run while being chase by

Elliot Carver‘s men. They are handcuffed together and running by BMW motorcycle. Wai Lin will have to suit the running by holding on to James Bond‘s position. Earlier on the run, she has proposed to ride the motorcycle with James

Bond at her back. Wai Lin has given James Bond two main reasons on why she has to ride the motorcycle instead of James Bond. The first reason is that the chasing happens in China, a place where she is familiar with the culture while

James Bond is not. The second reason is that she is used to ride motorcycle while

James is used to ride a car. Both of the reasons are rejected by James Bond, he insists on riding the motorcycle and Wai Lin will have to suit the run. The paternal inclination toward Wai Lin is not only seen through the rejections on the ideas of women running the run but also inserts into the scenes itself. In order to view the impact of communism, James Bond is shot riding wearing blue shirt on the white motorcycle with Wai Lin is in red sitting in intimate position. Navy

94 See figure 1


Blue is coded for trustworthiness, grace; to some people it is consider being the color of God Himself. Red, is the well-known color for blood, daring and lately is being adopted as the color of communist (red star). White motorcycle ridden by

James Bond is equal to the Knight of White Horse that is also mention in

Revelation Chapter of the Bible. This White Knight in the Bible will come at last to save those who agrees on the His principals. This is clearly patterning the arrogance of the west for saying that they will save the world society from communism by mating them.

Wai Lin has never got any comfortable position with James Bond. There is not any sex scene or any scenes that indicate they have made love. It is very different toward the other James Bond sequels that are starred by Pierce Brosnan.

There is only one scene that indicates they have made love. It is on the ship after they have finished their assignment unarming the ship and Global Positioning

System. To strengthen the mind assumption of communism making bad impact toward the Chinese, the couple is shot having the run in the slump area of a harbor. The area is not given enough lighting and given a wide shot from the low and high angle. The shot have convinced the readers that all areas cover in the scenes are slump. Some of the shot is also shown how bumpy the road is by the uncomfortable sighing of Wai Lin at James Bond‘s back during the ride. One of the scenes is also showing the moral degradation of the society when Wai Lin and

James Bond unluckily breaks one of the roofs in the harbor and find a woman who is having sex which seems uninterrupted by the act. These kinds of shooting technique are usually done when cinematography needs to deal with communism.

As the other movies that transpose the close political view of communism


countries, they will shot a lot of settings on the abandon warehouse, harbor, empty old houses and snow as the symbols of isolation. Those symbols are likely seen also in Tomorrow Never Dies.

Fig. 2 A bed scenes of James Bond and the Danish professor, in Tomorrow Never Dies. Act.Pierce Brosnan.Prod.Albert E.Broccoli.Dist.United Artist (MGM)

This is different from the various scenes95. This scene is taken from also from Tomorrow Never Dies. The scene has been replaced and modified from the first script. The act in the first script is about James Bond who is making love toward a Chinese Professor but then it is changed into a Danish Professor. In the scene, James Bond is summoned from his social life and assigned to investigate the media mogul, Elliot Carver. There is not any indication that the woman in the scene is in pain. The sighing that may come out from her is the pleasure that she gains from James Bond. Unlike Wai Lin, the woman does not have to bear any trademark of either racism or philosophical and ideology that she might be into except to be a Danish. The setting of the place is also very cozy and isolated from

95 See figure 2


the world. The set creates the effects of isolation by pulling on the curtain behind the couple, in the radiant lighting and khaki colors domination. The elements of the scene create a cozy image and isolation.

Fig 3: An intimacy scene between the James Bond and Wai Lin, showering in the public fasility after the chase. It is taken from Tomorrow Never Dies. Act.Pierce Brosnan and Michelle Yeoh.Prod. Albert E.Broccoli. Dist..United Artist (MGM)

This scene96 is still taken from Tomorrow Never Dies where Wai Lin and

James Bond will have to take a bath together in the public place in the slump area.

They cannot be separated because of the handcuff in their hands; therefore they will have to take a bath together after the chase. Although Wai Lin manages to escape afterward, she still has to face the public and the audience of doing a very private thing in public place. There is not any isolation as those done toward the other women who have become the supporting characters. The readers are able to see the different treatment within those women who gets the privilege of sleeping with James Bond in a cozy area.

96 See figure 3


Fig. 4: Paris Carver, James Bond‘s ex-girlfriend, comes to James Bond‘s hotel suits. She comes and sleeps over James‘ place before getting killed in the next days. It is taken from Tomorrow Never Dies Act.Pierce Brosnan and Teri Hatcher. Prod. Albert E.Broccoli. Dist.United Artist (MGM)

In this scene97, Teri Hatcher plays as a supporting character for James Bond, replacing the character of Sidney Winch in the first script. Looking from the close up, the camera takes the angle from James Bond‘s shoulder. It shows that James is also looking at her face and expression. The lighting comes from their right side to shine on parts of Paris‘ body that James Bond also looks into it. The setting takes place in hotel room where James Bond sits on his bed holding a glass of liquor in his hand. It is clear that he is not in a hurry, in his lazy time and enjoying his moment. The setting is also proven that they are in a reputable hotel for the furniture and the wall decorations are extravagant.

97 See figure 4


Fig.5: Amanda Frost, a double agent for MI 6 and Colonel Tan Sun Moon, sleep with James Bond in order to disarm him and cover her betrayal over England. The scene is taken from Die Another Day. Act.Pierce Brosnan and Rosamund Pike.Prod. Barbara Broccoli. Dist..United Artist (MGM)

Miranda Frost is a solitary agent that finally acts to her own account and join the villain98. She also has to sleep with James Bond in order to maintain her undercover agent‘s status clear from the suspicion of M. Again, in the scene, ice is used to show isolation. They are in the middle of Icarus Launching Event that is sponsored by Gustav Graves, a temperamental millionaire. When it is compared,

Miranda, Wai Lin, and Jinx hold the same position; undercover agents that works with James Bond. The difference lays on the scenes where they have to acts. If

Wai Lin acts in the uncomfortable relationship and on public watch without any isolation, Jinx and Miranda get the very good chance to stay in cozy situation with

James Bond. Miranda and Bond get the chance to make love on an icy bed that is build solely for Icarus Launching Event, very luxurious.

98 See figure 5


I am also tagging the picture of Giacinta Johnson (Jinx) in order to compare the comfortable zone that she is in with James Bond. Earlier in the scene the place is being shot wide range. The shot shows that the cottage that they are in is located in the middle of nowhere. The isolation is pictured very clear and vivid99.

This shows Xenia Onnatop100 in action. She is sent to kill James Bond. She is described as very violent and enjoys killing the same as she enjoys having sex. In the scene below, she is depicted to have the privilege of getting close to James

Bond in a pool of a hotel. It can be tell that the hotel is a private and luxurious club hotel by the shape of the building and the interior design of the pool.

Fig.6: The scenes is taken from Die Another Day when James Bond and Jinx have finished the confronts to Colonel Tan Sun Moon. Act.Pierce Brosnan and Halle Berry.Prod. Barbara Broccoli. Dist..United Artist (MGM)

99 See figure 6 100 See figure 7


Fig.7: Natalya Simonova and James Bond in Havana during the chasing of Alec Trevelyan taken from Goldeneye. Act.Pierce Brosnan and Izabella Scrocupco. Prod. Albert E.Broccoli. Dist..United Artist (MGM)

Figure 8: Electra King and James Bond during the captive of James Bond in The World is Not Enough..Act.Pierce Brosnan and Sophie Marceau. Prod. Albert E.Broccoli. Dist..United Artist (MGM)

Natalya Simonova101 also enjoys a private moment with James Bond in

Havana. They are in the middle of chasing Alec Trevelyan, the villain in Golden

Eye. Natalya is also enjoying a private cottage in the seclusion of Havana coastal area with James Bond. The other villain that is also lucky to enjoy the private

101 See figure 8


moment with James Bond without having to get bumped or showing intimacy in public is Elektra King from The World is Not Enough102.

Analyzing from all the taken scenes above, I am eager to show the comparison of acting scene and shot that marginalize both women and eastern part, the one considered as Oriental. While the villains and the good girls have the privilege to act and be intimate with James Bond, Wai Lin as an agent will have to share James Bond intimacy with the public. There is a sensing building thought that she is not equal to James Bond and because she is the only Asian girls to be ever included in the four series; it manages to build up the image that she is not included to share the bed because of her ontology. She has not got the chance to be intimate with him in comfortable zone. She is also complained in that she is not having the chance of wearing the branded clothes that are usually given to the main leading actress. Definitely,

Politic issues are described through coded color and different angles of shots. It is a very smooth way of continuing orientalism paradigm of the west without having to put it into verbal thoughts. Difference shots and angle shows different understanding. This different understanding makes different paradigm. This is an important awareness that we should have thought before we see a movie.

102 See figure 9




Summarizing and summoning all facts, data and analytical thinking, these interpretive paragraphs will help the readers to understand the importance of the research as an attempt to evoke the gender awareness in the mind of scholars who may have become Indonesian Hollywood movie goers. The research will help to strengthen the awareness of women marginalization and creates critical audience in watching movies. Thus in the society that uses English, it is prior for the scholars as the agents of change to ever understand the necessity of doing movies research on gender; James Bond is only an entry toward such issues. Although it can be inferred that there are problems with appropriate translations toward the movies discussed and the inability of Lembaga Sensor Film Indonesia to generate ideas of cutting scenes, this research will limit the issue on the marginalization of women in the movies and the movies elements that contribute to mold such a thought. Therefore, based on the previous chapter this part is written in order to answer the first question of (1) In what ways do James Bond‘ movies describe the deceptive gadgets and the marginalization of women?

A. The Marginalization of Women in The Movies

The findings of this research show that women are one of the dominant factors which help the film to be marketed. Anyhow in promoting the movies, women have been degraded from human into things. This assumption arises from the marginalization of women shown in the movies. The data presents that women have been marginalized in some view points. Women marginalization is shown in the eight aspects interpret from the data gathering and analysis. The first aspect is



the misleading concept of beauty. The beauty concept that is promoted during the movies has been leading into the interpretation on the western type of beauty concept. It has been discussed earlier that James Bond always constructs ideas on ideal representation of women. The fact shows that James Bond only presents one

Asian woman out of 8 Western Women.

The second aspect to discuss is the retracted representation of modern world women. Women are difficult to be represented equally because the problem lies on the model of representation. The word of representation itself has led into a very subjective and troublesome meaning. This problem leads into a greater problem that influences the way women should be represented in all field including in the movies. The third aspect is the gender awareness problem in

Indonesia. Indonesia has not come into the time where women is appreciated and represented into daily life characters. These problems due to the strong patriarchal culture of the society and the government ignorance on Indonesia film development.

The fourth aspect is the interpretive problems. There are some words and dialogues in the movies that cannot be interpreted correctly. These problems lead into the uncovered sex lines and problematical dialogues. It cannot be interpreted correctly due to the lack of knowledge and functional norm in Indonesia society which are constructed by the failure of Lembaga Sensor Film Nasional in implementing cutting scenes rules. These scenes explicitly show the non- committal and frivolous sex live of James Bond which marginalized women. The signs and dialogues of such scenes hold ambiguous meaning which likely to lead the audience into a moral and cognitive degradation.


The fifth aspect is the discussion of the women in the working environment.

Women suffer the scornful and byword words from their male competitors in the office. Considering some changes that are made in the movies and by looking at the contour of women roles in James Bond‘s movies, it is likely that although the movies are taking different representation of women, it still marginalized women in some ways. The movies describe clearly on the different appreciation of women, women need to aside her sensitivity and changed into the logical perspective of male in order to fit in to the working environment, in particularly the fields that are marked as masculine. Women also have to work hard in order to be equally treated in the patriarchal world that they will have to rival their own gender.

The sixth aspect is the commodity of Bond‘s gadgets. Bond‘s gadgets have lured women into his world. He uses his charms and gadgets in order to filled his characters so that the movies will gained its weight and able to be marketed. This is proven by the commodity sales of Bond‘s gadgets in the internet and fashion magazines. The advertisement in the movies has brought the Occident ideas of existence into the Orients.

The seventh aspect is the technology development of radio, television and movies. There are differences between the technologies of radio, television and movies. In the potent late-colonial time where Indonesia has been working their freedom through Indies radio, nowadays the television and movies have replaced the function. The strength of the potent-late colonial has been diminished by those ideologies that are transmitted through modern audio-virtual media such as radio, television, internet, etc. In his brilliant book Engineering Happy Land, Mrazek


has reminded his reader that there the sound and the voice are not separated anymore. The sound and the voice has become one in the cinematography world.

This can make the words and deed loosen the tights. Thus, it may carry the ideologies unseen into creating such „dreamy like quality of cultural fantasies‟ like James Bond into a real character in life. This is in accordance to the writing in the Soeloeh Indonesia Moeda103 where the writer has predicted the diminishing of

Occident power toward the Orients by the present of television. The last aspect to discuss is the categorization of women as things. Women are treated as things that need to be owned and conquered. Women are likely to have the full characters inside the story because they are not the main concern. The main concern is the marketing of Bond‘s movies and gadgets therefore it is not important for women to get the equal representation as Bond.

In order to answer the second question (2) In what ways do the deception and the marginalization of women highlight the cultural gap between the Orient and the Occident? I summarized from chapter four as follows:

B. The Under-Represented Orient

The first aspect that shows Orient countries to be under-represented is the marginalization of such countries through scenarios. Asian is not given the correct proportion of language description in the movies. There are plenty of language descriptions that are not true and deconstruct the view about Asian in particularly

Indonesia. This is considered as great loss to Indonesia. Indonesia is represented as a savage land without law and culture. Lembaga Sensor Film should pay more

103 Mrazek, Rudolf. Engineers of Happy Land. (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2002)191


attention toward the interpretation of a movie rather than focusing only on one dimension of cutting policy.

The second aspect of the finding is the marginalization of Third World countries through scenes. There are lots of the scenes that marginalized Asian countries. It starts from the use of language and characters in the movies up to the scenes that represents Asia itself. China and Korea are the two countries that bear the marks because of the inability of U.S Theater to penetrate their markets.

Therefore, the movies use symbols in order not to verbally diminish the ideas of communism to downgrade those countries.

This research and the findings are contributed in the sense of creating critical audience on analyzing movies. As to describe the importance of the finding, the researcher encloses the movie duration of „Quantum of Solace‟ so that the readers will be able to describe the movies disseminating. The movie

„Quantum of Solace‟ starts playing in Indonesia from November 5th, 2008 until at least 22nd November 2008, in Cinema 21104. The researcher assumes that if one show is watch by 40 persons and if there are 3 theaters in the place which plays

James Bond, it means James Bond at least being watch by 120 people in one show time. To take this further, we can also time the 120 people into the sum of Cinema

21 in Jakarta only, the results come at plenty numbers of people.

The problems of using English as the second language initiate the gap between interpretive meaning and ideologies. Mracek has reminded his readers also that the spectacular technologies types of Hollywood movies can lead us to loosen the ties within sounds and words or moreover between words and deeds.

104 See Appendix on lama tayang James Bond.


The Indonesian Hollywood movie goers who are expected to be aware toward such issues should be able to analyze such problematical situation.

The findings in chapter three and four have shown eight aspects which answered the research questions. Women are marginalized in the way they are constructed to believe the misleading category of beauty and the ability to be male competitors in technology. Women are also positioned as toys and gadgets in order to perform interesting show of money making. These aspects are interpreted through the various scenes which are discussed and analyzed.

Thus, the research and the findings are very crucial toward creating critical thought of Indonesian movie goers which make them able to read movies in analytical frame. The research has been done in proportion with the aims on evoking the awareness of Indonesian movie goers into a critical audience while watching movies in order to prevent the moral and cognitive degradation on the audience.



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