July 1987 • Issue 79 ~R~I".:" R Mdst Any Other Animal Td the Left 'Of a Chicken and Meaning An'other
BULK RATE u. S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 2419 Kansas City, MO ITCH FREE! RONNIE SPECTOR REGINA BELLE UNFINISHED BUSINESS ALL BY MYSELF UnfInished ~~ On A Rooftop oangerous (With Bangles' Susanna HofIs) WhoCan= r~ Money) ~ Hear the BEST NEW BIATSat . MODERN MUSIC MONDAYS SURFACE [!!] FROM CBS RECORDS 2 KC Pitch • JULY f~.·";".·.-:... · ~'t!. -~ the loose ! KC pITCH! On ~ f; well, GQd help Us all. JACK CASHILL So hQW do yQU make sure that you d'On't fall I~r.·· ..':. prey to this, the smarmiest 'Of all epidemics? Irony Deficieny In "crisis!' When a baby seal bites the dust - Dr F'Or starters, yQU can practice saying one thing ~ir .July 1987 • Issue 79 ~r~I".:" r mDst any other animal tD the left 'Of a chicken and meaning an'Other. It's a good exercise t'O i~~~ ~4' ~: ~~~~}~i~~~~~~~ ~. ~ li':~ ~,t..... .lr' -ti'~-t1",•. ~~j"\J - fDlks in Lawrence cQnsider it an "'Outrage!' loosen up YDur soul. As a secDnd step you Mid-America ".<4, 4128 Broadway ~~ When bible-thumpers dDn't like the slant 'Of a might imagine a 10,000,000 strong chorus of ~ Kansas City, Missouri 64111 ,;t ob Geldof has not yet set a con m'Ovie they haven't seen, they just sort 'Of turn dusty, dessicated, sw'Olien-bellied, fly-covered ~.. ~ (816) 561-1580 f~~~ cert date on our behalf, but rumor purple and denounce it as "blasphemY.' When Ethiopians sitting on your shoulder. Then the ~~ Publisher Hal Brody ~ has it that he soon will. The pro a middle manager can't get a job he wants, he next time the water level is SQ low that you have ~'1 Executive Editor Donna TrusseD ~~ blem is that severe.
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