Sample file THE ULTIMATE ' ™ MARTIAL ARTIST Author:Steven S. Long

Editor/Developer: Bruce Harlick Special Thanks To: To Bruce, Steve, George, and Ray, forgiving Cover Illustration: Stom Cook me this book to work on; to Aaron, forhis gracious assistanceand Cover Art Colors & Graphics: Heroic Age Colors willingness to answer questions; and to all the HERO System players and GMs whose interest ingaming martial arts made this Interior Illustration: Storn Cook, Greg Smith, Pat Zircher, book not only desirable, but necessary. Dan Smith Weapon Illustrations: Bryce Nakagawa, Steve Peterson Dedication: I would like to dedicate thisbook to Andy "Ghost Project-SpecificContributions: Eye" Mathews, master of gaming martialarts, creator of Couch Pagemaking & Layout: Blackhawk Typesetting Potato Kung Fu, selector of reallybad martial arts movies, and Art Direction: Jessica Ney-Grimm true friend. Graphic Design: Karl Wu, Kurt Fischer Additional Contributions: I owe a great deal of thanks to the Project Ombudsman & System Conversions: followingpeople, who answered my questionsabout martialarts Steve Peterson styles, provided me with informationor research material, gave Editorial Contributions: George MacDonald, Ray Greer, me ideas forthings that needed to go in this book, debated with Steve Peterson, , Maggi Perkins, me about the best way to do various things in the HERO System, Dean Shomshak, Aaron Allston allowed me to create my own versions of something they first ProofReading: Maggi Perkins thought up, or helped with play testing: Aaron Allston, Chris Paste-up& Layout: Nick Morawitz, Ed Mawyer, Derek Avellone, Scott Bennie, Tim Binford, Garrett Chamaw, Cliff Carbonneau,Kathryn Beggerly Christiansen,the commentators fromthe Red October BBS and SampleAmerica file Online, Earl Cooley III, Storn Cook, John Cooper, Kim ICE Sales Manager: Deane Begiebing; Staff- Cooper, Amy Crittenden, Mike Dean, Sean Fannon, Morgan Managing Editor: Coleman Charlton; Flo, Thom Foster, John Grigni, Scott "ClassicAnimes" Jamison, President: Peter Fenlon; CEO: Bruce Neidlinger; Greg Kerner, Eric Livengood, John Losey, Andy Mathews, Dave Editing, Development, & Production Staff: Mattingly, Riley McLaughlin,Rob "UnderworldAnimes" Miles, John Curtis, Bruce Harli ck, Nick Morawitz, Jessica M. Greg Morero, Bryce Nakagawa, James Pinkerton, Marcus Ney-Grimm; Pritchett, Bob Quinlan, Scott Sigler, Greg Smith, GeoffSpeare, Sales, Customer Service, & Operations Staff: Steve Stone, David West, Eric Wylie, Doug Young, and, most Heike Kubasch, David Platnick; especially, Greg "Devil's Advocate" Lloyd and Jeff"I have a Shipping Staff:David Morris, Daniel Williams license fromJapan" Mueller. Note: Some of the text in this book originally appeared in Ninja Hero by Aaron Allston. This text has been revised and ex­ panded. Most of the material in Ninja Hero does not appear in this volume.

'" The Ultimate Martial Artist is Hero Games' trademark forits superhero roleplaying game using the Hero system. "' Champion�and Champions, The Super Roleplaying Game are Hero Games trademarks for its superhero roleplaying game using the Hero System. "' Hero System is Hero Games' trademark forits roleplaying system. The Ultimate Martial Artist© 1994 Hero Games. All rights reserved. Champions Copyright© 1981, 1984, 1989 Hero Games. All rights reserved. Hero System Copyright© 1984, 1989 Hero Games. All rights reserved. Other trademarks are property of their respective holders. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying (exceptCharacter Sheets for personal use only), recording, or computerization, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing fromthe Publisher: , Inc., P.O. Box 1605, Charlottesville, VA 22902. Printed in U.S.A., First Printing 1994 STOCK#: 510 Produced & Distributed by Iron Crown Enterprises, Inc., a licensed manufacturerof Hero Games. ISBN 1-55806-215-7 Table of Contents Introduction...... 5 Wrestling, Professional ...... 72 Yu-Sool ...... 73 Chapter One: Addendum: OtherStyles ...... 74 MartialArts Styles And Maneuvers FictionalStyles ...... 75 The Way of theHero ...... 8 Bronze Serpent Swordfi.ghting...... 75 StyleDescriptions ...... 8 Dancing Spider ...... 76 ManeuversDecriptions ...... 8 Drunken Clown Kung Fu ...... 77 Maneuvers And Weapons ...... 11 Ghost Eye Techniques ...... 78 ModifyingAnd BuildingStyles ...... 12 Ghost Palm Techniques ... , ...... 78 LearningMartial Arts ...... 12 Glorious Lotus Kung Fu ...... 78 LearningNew AndMultiple Styles ...... 14 Golden Demon Kung Fu ...... 79 Belts And Ranks ...... 16 Golden Serpent Kung Fu ...... 80 Real-WorldStyles ...... 17 The Paths of the Seven GhostSisters ...... 80 Jutsu vs.Do; Internalvs. External ...... 17 ResplendentDragon Kung Fu ...... 81 Aikido ...... 17 Sapphire Phoenix ...... 83 An Ch'i ...... 18 Silken Blade Kung Fu ...... 84 Arnis/ Kali / Escrima ...... 19 Shining JadeKung Fu ...... 85 Bando (Thaing) ...... 22 Splendid Fist ...... , ...... 85 Bersilat ...... 23 Takijutsu...... 86 Bojutsu I Jojutsu ...... 24 Thunder Dragon Kung Fu ...... 86 Boxing,Ancient ...... 24 The Way of theServants of Boxing, Modern ...... 25 the Emperor Ch'in ...... 87 Capoeira ...... 26 TheWay of the Silver Shield ...... 88 Commando Training ...... 27 TheWay Of TheTwo Brothers ...... 88 Dirty Infighting/ Fisticuffs Zen Riflery ...... 89 / CinematicBrawling ...... 2 7 Advanced Ninjutsu ...... 90 Fencing ...... 28 Variant Styles OfTaijutsu ...... 92 Hapkido...... 30 KorogiTaijutsu ...... 92 Hisardut ...... 31 Mist Viper Taijutsu ...... 92 Hsing-I ...... 31 Silent Path Taijutsu ...... 93 Hwarang-Do ...... 33 The Way Of TheNight Dragon ...... 93 Jailhouse Rock ...... 34 NinjaSpecial Abilities ...... 94 Jeet KuneDo ...... 34 Ninja Magic ...... 95 Jujutsu ...... 35 Ninja Gadgets And Equipment ...... 97 Kalaripayit ...... Sample file 3 7 Ninja From OtherLands ...... 99 Karate ...... 38 MartialArts & OtherGenres ...... 100 Kenjutsu ...... 41 Cyberpunk/ Near Future Martial Arts ...... 100 KukSool Won ...... 42 FantasyMartial Arts ...... 100 Kung Fu (WuShu) ...... 43 Horror MartialArts ...... 101 Kuntao ...... 49 Pulp Era Martial Arts ...... 102 Kyujutsu ...... 49 Science Fiction I Far Future MartialArts ...... 102 Lua ...... 50 Superhero Martial Arts ...... 104 Naginatajutsu/ Sojutsu ...... 52 Wild West MartialArts ...... 104 Ninjutsu ...... 52 DesigningNew Styles ...... 105 Pakua ...... 55 Style Conception...... 105 Pankration ...... 56 ChoosingManeuvers ...... 106 Pentjak-Silat...... 57 MongooseStyle ...... 117 QwanKi Do ...... 62 Ranged MartialArts ...... 118 Re-Efi Areh-Ehsee...... 62 MixingHand-To-Hand And Saijutsu ...... 63 Ranged Maneuvers ...... 120 Savate ...... 64 Maneuvers And Hit Locations...... 120 Shurikenjutsu ...... 64 DesigningMartial Arts Styles ...... 121 Sumo Wrestling ...... 65 The Complete Mongoose Style ...... 123 TaeKwonDo ...... 66 ExtraDC ...... 124 TaiCh'i Ch'uan...... 66 Weapons ...... 127 Tang SooDo ...... 68 OtherWays To BuildMartial Arts ...... 127 Thai Kick-Boxing...... 69 The One-ManeuverMartial Art ...... 128 ' 2 . ThanVo Dao ...... 70 Power Advantages For Martial Arts ...' Vovinam Viet Vo Dao ...... 70 Maneuvers ...... 128 # Wrestling ...... 71 FOREWORD Table of Contents Chapter Two: Lightsleep...... 146 Character Creation LightningReflexes ...... 146 Luck...... 146 CharacterArchetypes ...... 132 Simulate Death...... 146 TheAlien Martial Artist ...... 132 Powers...... 146 TheAmerican From The Orient ...... 132 Aid...... 146 TheAvenger ...... 132 Armor...... 149 TheBrick Martial Artist ...... 132 . Clinging...... 149 TheFulfiller Of Prophecy ...... 132 DamageReduction ...... 150 TheHonorable Ninja...... 133 DamageResistance ...... 150 TheIrritable Student...... 133 Desolidification...... 151 TheKickboxing Champion ...... 133 Dispel...... 151 TheKickboxing Cop ...... 133 D.rain...... 151 TheKid ...... 133 ENDReserve ...... 153 TheKnight-Errant ...... 133 EnergyBlast ...... 153 TheMaster ...... 133 Enhanced Senses...... 153 TheModem-Day Samurai / Ninja...... 134 ExtraLimbs ...... 155 The NaiveHero/Heroine ...... 134 ForceWall ...... 155 ThePhi losopher...... 134 Feints...... 155 TheRonin ...... 134 . Glidmg...... 155 TheSamurai ...... 134 Hand-To-Hand Attack(HA) ...... 156 The Serious Student...... 134 KillingAttack, Ranged...... 156 The Sidekick...... 134 KnockbackResistance ...... 156 The Super-Soldier...... 134 . LackOf Weakness ...... 156 The nwillin gF1 ghter ...... 135 u MentalDefense ...... 156 TheVigilante Martial Artist ...... 135 Missile DeflectionAnd Reflection ...... 156 TheWarrior-Monl<...... 135 Power Defense...... 157 Last NoteOn The Stereotypes...... 135 Stances...... 157 Specialties...... 135 Superleap...... 158 TheCareer Path Of TheMartial Artist ...... 136 Telekinesis...... 158 Building Characters ...... 136 Transfer...... 158 s...... 136 Skill Transform...... 158 The CareerPath In Other Genres ...... 136 Tunneling...... 158 Acrobatics...... 137 Power Advantages...... 159 AtiC n g...... 138 Power AdvantagesAnd Breakfall...... 138 Sample file Hand-To-Hand Attacks...... 159 Combat SkillLevels ...... 138 AreaOf Effect ...... 159 Knowledge Skill:Anal Style...... 140 yze Autofire...... 160 Knowledge Skill: ChineseHealing ...... 141 Damage Shield...... 160 Knowledge Skill:Indian Healing ...... 141 Indirect...... 161 Knowledge Skill:Korean Healing ...... 141 InvisiblePower Effects ...... 161 Knowledge Skill: TheMartial World ...... 141 . Tngger...... 161 Knowledge Skill:Mon ...... 141 Variable Advantage...... 161 Knowledge Skill: SpecificMartial Art ...... 142 Limitations...... 161 Language: Ninja Clan Codes& Symbols.. 143 ActivationRoll ...... 161 Professional Skill:Instructor ...... 143 Extra rme T' ...... 161 Science: SpecificMartial Art ...... 143 Gestures...... 162 SleightOf Hand ...... 143 ReducedPenetration ...... 162 WeaponFamiliarity ...... 143 Requires A SkillRoll ...... 162 WeaponFamiliarity: OffHand ...... 143 PowerFrameworks ...... 162 Perquisites...... 144 Disadvantages...... 163 Contact...... 144 Age...... 163 Favors...... 144 DependentNPC ...... 164 Followers...... 144 DistinctiveFeatures: Style Disadvantage.. 164 FringeBenefits ...... 144 Hunted...... 165 Talents...... 145 Obligation...... 166 Ambidexterity...... 145 PsychologicalLimitation ...... 166 Combat Sense...... 145 PublicIdentity ...... 167 Danger Sense...... 145 Reputation...... 167 DefenseManeuver ...... 145 Rivalry...... 167 Fast Draw...... 145 Vulnerability...... 167 FindWeakness ...... 146 FOREWORD Table of Contents Chapter Three: Wounds ...... 199 Combat Targeting Injured Areas ...... 199 TwistingThe Blade ...... 199 RoleplayingCombat ...... 170 Zero-GravityAnd Martial Arts ...... 200 CombatManeuvers ...... 171 MartialArt Weapons...... 201 Bind...... 171 Notes And Key ...... 207 Block ...... 171 Master List Of Weapons ...... 208 Choke Hold...... 172 Weapon Familiarity Chart ...... 224 Covered...... 172 Concealed And InobviousWeapons ...... 225 D'isann ...... 172 Armor ...... 226 Flying Kick ...... 173 Full-Contact Karate Armor...... 226 Grab ...... 173 Kendo Armor...... 226 Grab Weapon...... 176 Leather Hand-Wrappings ...... 226 Haymaker ...... 176 Rawhide Hand-Wrappings...... 226 Joint Locks And Related Maneuvers ...... 176 Samurai Armor ...... 227 KillingThrow ...... 177 CreatingWeapons And Armor ...... 227 MartialEscape ...... 177 Powers Used In Weapon AndArmor Move By/Move Through...... 177 Creation...... 227 Nerve Strike...... 178 OCV Bonuses And Penalties...... 227 Partial Maneuvers...... 179 STRMinima (Heroic Campaigns)...... 228 Pulling A Punch ...... 180 The. "Independent" Limitation...... 228 Root ...... 180 Hand-To-HandVersus KillingDamage .. 228 Shove...... 180 Armor Creation...... 228 Standard Maneuvers ...... 180 New Limitations...... 229 Sweep ...... 181 TheFocus Limitation...... 231 Takeaway ...... 181 Poisons In Heroic Campaigns...... 231 Throw ...... 182 YengtaoMartial Arts Weapons...... 231 Special Cases & Options ...... 185 Blinded Characters AndMartial Arts ...... 185 Chapter Four: Bound CharactersAnd MartialArts ...... 185 Sourcebook Casual STR Versus Barriers...... 186 Secret Societies...... 234 Concealed Weapons And Gadgets ...... 186 CharacteristicsOf Secret Societies...... 234 Coup De Grace ...... 186 Goals And Motivations...... 234 CriticalHits ...... 187 Secretiveness...... 235 Disabling Attacks ...... 187 Sample file Atmosphere...... 235 Standard Impairing AndDisabling Rules 187 Ritual Practices...... 235 The Disable Element ...... 187 Sample Secret Societies...... 235 Disabling Rules For Normal and NND TheBrotherhood Of The Dragon's Fang. 235 Attacks ...... 188 TheCult Of TheRed Banner ...... 235 Disabling Nerve Strike...... 189 The Dai Nippon Tetsukaminari Society .. 236 Disguising Damage ...... 189 The Green Fists ...... 236 e g...... 189 H alin TheMasters Of Death...... 237 Hindering Circµmstances AndMartial Arts . 190 TheMasters Of The Jade Palace Of Hit Locations...... 192 Heaven ...... 237 Reducing Damage...... 192 TheOnes Who Pass Through The Dragon's Increasing Damage...... 192 Flame Unbanned...... 237 Attacks On Disadvantaged Characters..... 193 Yengtao Temple...... 238 IgnoringOpponents ...... 193 TheHistory OfYengtao Temple...... 238 Interposing...... 193 Yengtao Abilities: General Notes ...... 239 Knockback And MartialArts ...... 194 SharedYengtao Techniques...... 239 Increasing Knockback...... 194 UniqueYengtao Techniques...... 241 Decreasing Knockback...... 194 UsingYengtao Temple Pushback ...... 194 InYour Campaign...... 243 Mystery Damage ...... 195 Bibliography ...... 244 Sequence Attacks ...... 195 STR Minima On Weapons ...... 197 Appendices: Weapon Lengths...... 197 Conversions For Other Game Systems Weapon Ranges ...... 197 OCV Penalties...... 197 Level-Based Systems ...... 246 Shields And Longer Weapons...... 198 GURPS...... 248 Weapon LengthsAnd Enclosed Space ..... 198 Shadowrun ...... 250 FOREWORD Storyteller ...... 252 I - • --, , �...... ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,...... ,.,.,.,.,.,.·.· .·.,..·.·...... ·. ·..····. ..- ... _ ...... :. ...· .·-:..·...·..···. ···'.·<,•!' .--...,! ...... -:,;,;;:·...., .. .. , .- ··'- e\S,SBi§:Y'Y . · ,,,,_:=::::... Introduction �····

Welcome to TheUltimate MartialArtist, or UMA forshort, the firstbook in Hero Games's "Ultimate" line of books exploringdifferent comic-book arche­ How To Use This Book types. TheUltimate Martial Artistis a complete guide to Unlike the other books in the "Ultimate" series, creating and using martial artists in any genre of UMAhas a prior history ( of sorts) upon which to roleplayingcampai gn, using theHERO System rules. build: Aaron Allston's genre book Ninja Hero, the You'll findover 100 differentmartial arts styles and HERO System book on martial arts-oriented cam­ variations, new rulesfor martial arts combat, rules for paigns. While the two books have much in common, creating martial arts styles, over 100 martial arts as the reader shall soon see, their focus is slightly weapons and much more. different: Ninja Hero concentrated primarily on Players should use this book as a reference for straightmartial arts campaigns, whereas UMAlooks creatingmartial arts characters. Reading throughthe mainly at creating martial arts in genres other than entirebook is recommended, because you'll findlots just "martialarts." of great ideas forcharacters in here. Any "real-world" style of martial arts you have heard of is probably listed in thisbook somewhere.

Sample file

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