Township of Regular Council January 10, 2017 – 4:00 PM Soldiers Memorial Hall, On


1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Agenda a) That the agenda for the Council Meeting dated January 10, 2017 be approved as circulated (amended).

3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof

4. Approval of Minutes 6 - 11 a) That the minutes for the Council Meeting held on December 13th, 2016 be approved as presented (amended)

5. Mayor's Remarks

6. Deferred Items

7. Staff Reports/Departmental Updates 12 - 13 a) BUILDING/DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1-2017 December 2016 Construction Details Report THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive the December 2016 Construction Report dated January 10, 2017 for information.

14 - 15 b) FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES 2-2017 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Request for Proposal THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive the report regarding the Self Contained Breathing Apparatus as presented by the Fire Chief;

AND WHEREAS, a request for proposal was sent out and as a result four proposals were received;

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AND WHEREAS, the Fire Chief is recommending M & L Supply (Scott Air Packs) in the amount of $258, 336.00 plus HST as their equipment scored the highest during the evaluation process;

NOW THEREFORE, Council for the Township of Central Frontenac approve the purchase of new Self Contained Breathing Apparatus in the amount of $258,336.00 plus HST from M & L Supply (Scott Air Packs); and staff be authorized to issue a purchase order in the amount of $258,336.00 plus HST to M & L Supply (Scott Air Packs).

16 - 17 c) PUBLIC WORKS 3-2017 Activity Report That Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive the Public Works Activity Report for January 10, 2017 for information.

18 - 22 d) ADMINISTRATION 4-2017 By-law 2013-08, Schedule "C" Price List THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive for information Schedule “C”, section 1 of By-law 2013-28, being a by-law to Establish the Maintenance, Management, Regulation and Control of the Municipally Owned Cemeteries within the Township of Central Frontenac;

AND FURTHER, that the rates for 2017 have been adjusted accordingly as per the October Consumer Price Index.

23 - 25 e) ADMINISTRATION 5-2017 Road Allowance Closure - Lot 22, between Concession 1 & 2 - OSO District THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac pass the by-law to permanently close and declare surplus part of a highway described as all those parts of the original road allowance between Concession 1 & 2, fronting on Lot 22, Concession 1, being Part 2, plan 13R21087, geographic Township of Oso, now in the Township of Central Frontenac, County of Frontenac, being PIN 36228-0166 (LT) be and are hereby permanently closed.

26 - 31 f) ADMINISTRATION 6-2017 Central Frontenac Community Recreation Centre Committee

WHEREAS Council for the Township of Central Frontenac approved the creation of the Central Frontenac Community Centre Committee in 2012 and that staff create a term of reference for the committee;

AND WHEREAS a terms of reference was never completed and the Committee was not listed as a Committee of Council;

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AND WHEREAS the Committee is requesting council to be re- established as the Central Frontenac Community Recreation Centre Committee as an Ad Hoc committee of Council with representation from council;

AND WHEREAS the Committee is requesting approval from council to move forward and apply for an Trillium Foundation Seed Grant to help with the preparation of a business plan;

NOW THEREFORE, Council for the Township of Central Frontenac approve to re-establish the Central Frontenac Community Centre Committee as an Ad Hoc Committee of Council and that ______, and ______be appointed to the committee for 2017 and 2018; and that Council approve of the Committee moving forward to apply for an Ontario Trillium Foundation Seed Grant.

g) ADMINISTRATION Central Frontenac Senior Housing Committee THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac establish a Central Frontenac Seniors Housing Committee as an Ad Hoc Committee of Council;

AND FURTHER; that it consist of the following members; Pat Fisher, Louise Moody along with councilors Bill MacDonald and Tom Dewey with the Mayor as ex-officio.

h) Community Policing Advisory Committee

8. Committee/Other Reports/Minutes 32 - 37 a) District #3 Recreation Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority

THAT the Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive for information District #3 Recreation Committee Minutes and the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority Low Water Update.

9. Delegations/Presentations 38 - 53 a) Community Services Update THAT the Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive for information the presentation from South and North Frontenac Community Services.

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10. Communications/Correspondence 54 - 69 a) Communications/Correspondence

THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive the correspondence dated January 10th, 2017 for information.

11. Public Meetings

12. By-laws/Agreements 70 - 71 a) By-law 2017-01 Borrowing By-law

THAT By-law 2017-01 being a by-law to authorize borrowing from time to time to meet current expenditures during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2017 be read a first, second and third time and passed this 10th day of January 2016.

72 b) By-law 2017-02 Tax Levy By-law THAT By-law 2017-02 being By-law to provide for an interim Tax Levy and to provide for the payment of taxes and to provide for penalty and interest of 1.25% per month be read a first, second and third time and passed this 10th day of January, 2017

73 - 74 c) By-law 2017-03 Official Plan Amendment Number 02 By-law

THAT By-law 2017-03 being a by-law to Adopt Official Plan Amendment Number 02 to the Official Plan for the Township of Central Frontenac be read a first, second and third time and passed this 10th day of January 2017.

75 d) By-law 2017-04 Committee of Adjustment Appointment THAT By-law 2017-04 being a by-law to appoint a committee of adjustment be read a first, second and third time and passed this 10th day of January, 2016

76 e) By-law 2017-05 Road Allowance By-law THAT By-law 2017-05 being a by-law to permanently close and declare surplus part of a Highway be read a first, second and third time and passed this 10th day of January, 2017.

13. Notice of Motions

14. Giving Notice of Motion

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15. New/Other Business

16. Closed Session

17. Adjournment 77 a) Adjournment

THAT by-law 2017-06 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council on the 10th day of January 2017 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed, that this meeting be adjourned until 4:00p.m. Tuesday January 24th, 2017 at the Soldiers Memorial Hall, Sharbot Lake.

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A regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Central Frontenac was held at the Soldier’s Memorial Hall, Sharbot Lake, on Tuesday December 13, 2016.

Present: Mayor Frances Smith, Deputy Mayor Bill MacDonald, Councillors Sherry Whan, Victor Heese, Jamie Riddell, Phillip Smith, Brent Cameron Cindy Kelsey, and Tom Dewey.

Staff in attendance: Cathy MacMunn Clerk Administrator, Michael McGovern Deputy Clerk/Treasurer, Donna Longmire Executive Assistant, Jeremy Neven Chief Building Official/Development Services Manager, Bill Young Fire Chief and Art Cowdy Deputy Fire Chief.

1. Call to Order Mayor Frances Smith called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda The following item(s) were added to the agenda 1. Finance – Budget Dates 2. Administration – Strategic Planning Date 3. Frontenac Heritage Festival Committee – Committee Appointment 4. Rural Summit Delegation rescheduled to January 2017.

Resolution #364-2016

Moved by Bill MacDonald Seconded by Sherry Whan

That the agenda for the Council Meeting dated December 13th, 2016 be approved as amended. CARRIED

4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof – Councillor Jamie Riddell

5. Approval of Minutes Resolution #365-2016

Moved by Sherry Whan Seconded by Cindy Kelsey

That the minutes for the Council Meeting held on November 22nd, 2016 be approved as presented CARRIED

6. Mayor Frances Smith  Not a lot to report since we met last except a couple of successful openings, that being the Treasure Trunk and the Sharbot Lake Retirement and Retreat Home. Good attendance at both events and so happy to welcome these new or improved businesses to our Community.  On Thursday is the opening of Annette Gray Jackson’s Wellness Centre and I encourage everyone to attend who can. Time is 4 to 6 with the Ribbon cutting at 5 o'clock. Again, not new to our area but newly renovated and improved location with some new services being added.  A very successful Festival of Trees happened last week and over the weekend. Good turn out and lots of beautiful trees, wall hanging, gingerbreads, decorations and baskets on display. Congratulations to all those volunteers that made it happen again.  Reminder the office will be closed from December 23 up to an including January 2, reopening on Tuesday the 3rd 2017. I want to take this opportunity to say Merry Christmas to all of Council and Staff and our reporters who spend a lot of time with us over the year. I hope everyone has a safe and happy time over the holidays.

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Deputy Mayor Bill MacDonald In place of the Mayor, I attended the retirement dinner of two fire fighters from District #3, Lloyd Whan, and Bob Young who have been members for 45 and 47 years respectively.

I also attended the budget meeting for Mississippi Conservation Authority and was one of the judges at the Festival of Trees.

7. Staff Reports

PUBLIC WORKS 135-2016 Clarendon Street Light

Resolution #366-2016

Moved by Tom Dewey Seconded by Sherry Whan

THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac approve the recommendation of the Public Works Manager not to assume responsibility for the ownership, or to operate the street light that is presently on Ian Whillans property located at 2640 Clarendon Road. CARRIED

BUILDING/DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Jeremy Neven Chief Building Official/Development Services Manager brought forth the Building/Development Services report.

136-2016 November 2016 Construction Report

Resolution #367-2016

Moved by Sherry Whan Seconded by Bill MacDonald

That Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive the November 2016 Construction Report dated December 13, 2016 for information. CARRIED

137-2016 Former Hinchinbrooke Public School - Feasibility Study

Mayor Frances Smith on approval of Council asked that we move the presentation from the Central Frontenac Recreation Centre Committee regarding the Feasibility Study up as Jeremy Neven, Chief Building Official/Development Services Manager brought a report forward with a recommendation on former Hinchinbrooke Public School Feasibility Study.

Sue Lesley from the Central Frontenac Community Recreation Centre Committee did a verbal presentation on the former Hinchinbrooke Public School and future grants, and they would be willing to do the leg work on behalf of the Township.

There was a discussion on the creation of the committee and Cathy MacMunn, Clerk Administrator informed council that the Central Frontenac Recreation Centre Committee is not listed as a committee of council.

Resolution #368-2016

Moved by Sherry Whan Seconded by Tom Dewey

THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac accept the former Hinchinbrooke Public School – “Feasibility Study” for information;

AND FURTHER, that Council reserve any decision regarding the future use of the former Hinchinbrooke Public School as a Recreation and Cultural Center until a complete and viable business plan is put forward detailing how capital costs for any and all renovations will be addressed and how ongoing operational costs for the building will be addressed. CARRIED

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Councillor Riddell removed himself from deliberations. Fire Chief Bill Young brought forth the Fire & Emergency Services report.

138-2016 Fire & Emergency Services Activity Report

Resolution #369-2016

Moved by Bill MacDonald Seconded by Sherry Whan

That Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive the Fire & Emergency Services Activity Report dated December 13th, 2016 for information. CARRIED

Councillor Riddell resumed council deliberations.


Michael McGovern Treasurer brought forth the financial reports to council.

139-2016 Accounts Payable Report

Resolution #370-2016

Moved by Cindy Kelsey Seconded by Sherry Whan

THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac approve the Accounts Payable reports dated November 18, 25 & December 1, 2016 totalling $1,047,786.70 as prepared by the Treasurer. CARRIED

140-2016 North Frontenac Food Bank Donation Request

Resolution #371-2016

Moved by Bill MacDonald Seconded by Sherry Whan

THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac approve the recommendation by the Clerk-Administrator and Treasurer to go with Option # 1, being a further donation of $2,500 to the North Frontenac Food Bank which can be accommodated in the 2016 budget. CARRIED

141-2016 Tax Sale Conducted November 24, 2016

Resolution #372-2016

Moved by Sherry Whan Seconded by Bill MacDonald

THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive the report on the Tax Sale that was conducted November 24, 2016 as presented by the Treasurer for information purposes. CARRIED

Budget Dates: 2017 Budget date: February 6, 2017 at 9:30am, District #3 Fire Hall

Strategic Plan: Strategic Planning meeting date: Friday, January 20th, 2016 at 9:30, District #3 Fire Hall

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Clerk Administrator Cathy MacMunn, brought forth the Administration report to council.

142-2016 Updates to Municipal Elections Act and Voting Method for the 2018 Election

Resolution #373-2016

Moved by Victor Heese Seconded by Jamie Riddell

THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive the report from the Clerk Administrator entitled “Updates to the Municipal Elections Act and Voting Method for the 2018 Election” for information;

AND FURTHER that Council not proceed with ranked balloting for the 2018 Election until such time it has been implemented in other municipalities and has received proven results as a method to be considered;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council for the Township of Central Frontenac continue to use internet/telephone voting as an alternative voting method for the 2018 Election, and not to proceed with ranked balloting for the 2018 Election. CARRIED

Clerk Administrator Cathy informed council that the Ontario Stream application for the amendments to the Administration Building, was not approved and council could look at this during budget deliberations.


Resolution #374-2016

Moved by Victor Heese Seconded by Jamie Riddell

That the Township of Central Frontenac receive for information: 1. Canada 150 Committee minutes, December 5th 2016 2. District #1 Recreation Committee minutes, October 17, 2016 3. Frontenac Heritage Festival minutes, November 7, 2016 4. Re-Use Centre Committee minutes, November 28, 2016 5. Septic Re-inspection Committee minutes, November 3, 2016 6. Rideau Valley Conservation Authority minutes, October 27, 2016 CARRIED

Resolution #375-2016

Moved by Jamie Riddell Seconded by Victor Heese

THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac approve the appointment of Councillor Cindy Kelsey as the representative on the Heritage Festival Committee to replace Councillor Tom Dewey;

AND FURTHER that the appointment be effective for the 2016-2018 term of office. CARRIED

9. DELEGATIONS/PRESENTATIONS Donald Lafleur - Crow Lake Train Whistling

Donald Lafleur from Bellview Cottages, brought forth his presentation to stop the Crow Lake Train Whistling at the crossing. Staff are to bring back a report to council regarding the steps involved to have the reduction of the numbers of whistling and ask the lawyer of the legalities of such.

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Resolution #376-2016

Moved by Brent Cameron Seconded by Phillip Smith

That the Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive for information the presentation from Mr. Donald Lafleur. CARRIED Central Frontenac Community Recreation Centre Committee

Resolution #377-2016

Moved by Jamie Riddell Seconded by Victor Heese

That the Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive the presentation from the Central Frontenac Community Recreation Centre Committee for information CARRIED


Resolution #378-2016

Moved by Phillip Smith Seconded by Brent Cameron

That Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive the correspondence dated December 13, 2016 for information. CARRIED

Resolution #379-2016

Moved by Victor Heese Seconded by Jamie Riddell

Whereas municipal governments’ infrastructure is critical to our collective economic health; Whereas stable, predictable and formula-based infrastructure funding allows municipal government to plan and schedule investments in infrastructure; Whereas Ontario municipal governments have asset management plans which set out a municipality’s longer term capital plan which reflects the infrastructure priorities of these asset management plans; and Whereas a federal incrementality rule interferes with municipal long-term infrastructure priorities and diminishes the value of municipal asset planning and management; Now, therefore be it resolved that the Township of Central Frontenac calls on the federal government to provide long-term, predictable, and formula-based funding in its Phase 2 programs for municipal governments; and Be it also resolved that the Township of Central Frontenac calls on the federal government to change incremental requirements in Phase 2 to recognize in Ontario that a municipal government’ asset management plan meets a municipal incremental infrastructure requirement. CARRIED

11. New other business – Council would like to have the removal of the oil tank(s) reviewed in the 2017 budget

12. CLOSED SESSION Move into Closed Session

Resolution #380-2016

Moved by Phillip Smith Seconded by Brent Cameron

That Council for the Township of Central Frontenac move into Closed Session to discuss Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employee; Municipal Act 239 (2) (b). CARRIED

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Rise from Closed Session

Resolution #381-2016

Moved by Brent Cameron Seconded by Phillip Smith

That Council rise from Closed Session and that Council provide direction to staff regarding personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employee Municipal Act 239(2) (b). CARRIED

12. ADJOURNMENT Resolution #382-2016

Moved by Brent Cameron Seconded by Phillip Smith

That by-law 2016-33 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council on the 13th day of December be read a first, second and third time and finally passed, and that this meeting be adjourned until 4:00 p.m. Tuesday January 10th, 2017 at the Soldiers Memorial Hall, Sharbot Lake. CARRIED

Meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m.

______Mayor Frances Smith Clerk Administrator Cathy MacMunn

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Report Number: 1-2017 Date of Meeting: January 10, 2017 From: Jeremy Neven, CBO

Re: Construction Details – Dec 2016

Dec-16 Dec-15 Dec-14 Construction Value $1,112,500 $89,000 $645,000 Construction Value, Year to Date $8,658,259 $7,055,805 $5,309,952 Permit Fees $15,620 $1,228 $8,772 Permit Fees, Year to Date $125,131 $100,127 $69,763 Number of Permits in 5 4 6 Total, Year to Date 121 116 124 New Residential Units 3 0 0 New Residential Units, Year to Date 18 17 11 New Seasonal Units 1 0 0 New Seasonal Units, Year to Date 9 8 3 New Com/Inds/Inst Units 0 0 2 New Com/Inds/Inst Units, Year to Date 1 1 2





$6,000,000 Dec-16 $5,000,000 Dec-15 $4,000,000 Dec-14 $3,000,000



$0 Construction Value Construction Value, Year to Date

BUILDING/DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1-2017 December 2016 Construct... Page 12 of 77 AGENDA ITEM #a)





60 Dec-16 Dec-15 40 Dec-14


0 Number of Permits in Total, Year to Date

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Report Number: 2-2017 Date of Meeting: January 10, 2017 From: Fire Chief Bill Young

Re: Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Request for Proposal


That Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive the report regarding the Self Contained Breathing Apparatus as presented by the Fire Chief;

And further, that a request for proposal was sent out and as a result four proposals were received;

And further, that the Fire Chief is recommending M & L Supply (Scott Air Packs) in the amount of $258, 336.00 plus HST as their equipment scored the highest during the evaluation process;

And further, that Council approve the purchase of new Self Contained Breathing Apparatus in the amount of $258,336.00 plus HST from M & L Supply (Scott Air Packs);

And further, that staff be authorized to issue a purchase order in the amount of $258,336.00 plus HST to M & L Supply (Scott Air Packs).


The Fire Department identified the need to replace its aging Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) as a priority as part of the Fire Master Plan. With many parts no longer available for the present Drager units, maintaining and keeping these SCBA in service has become an issue. In addition, the NFPA standard for SCBA has changed several times since the last purchase, which has resulted in many safety enhancements to all SCBA. Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus is considered the most vital piece of safety equipment used by firefighters.

The RFP Evaluation Process A comprehensive review of the RFPs was conducted using a Scoring Matrix that evaluated the apparatus; cylinder and related equipment; required cleaning and decontamination procedures; training and face piece (mask) fit testing; and price. The qualifications of the supplier and the manufacturer were considered as well as their ability to service, repair and test the equipment.

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Ongoing operational costs were also considered that included an analysis of mandatory service and parts replacement as well as warranty features.

The RFP process involved two steps: 1. Fire Chief Bill young and Captain Jamie Riddell conducted the evaluations of the proposals. 2. Physical evaluations (practical testing) were conducted on “sample SCBA” as provided by each supplier. The SCBA Evaluation was made to best suit each male and female firefighters, diverse body types, size and height.

Both evaluation processes scored the proposal by M&L Supply as the best. In the physical evaluations each evaluator consistently scored the Scott SCBA as the best unit. Also, M&L’s commitment in their bid for total retraining of all firefighter’s with this new unit. A commitment for low cost yearly inspections for the SCBA’s and air tanks (less than $2000.00/year compared to over $8000.00 that was paid to Drager). Over the past several years the market sales for Drager has decreased.

Summary of Proposal Bids

Supplier and SCBA Make/Model Budget Impact (adjusted for HST rebate)

Canadian Safety – Avon / Deltair: $199,900.00 M & L Supply – Scott / Air Pak X3: $258,336.00 Municipal Equipment: $140,572.80 A.J. Stone – MSA / G1: $288,116.00

Strategic Plan Reference Achieve excellence in governance and service delivery


The financing to be determined during the 2017 budget discussions. Options for funding to come from Reserves, Loan, or through normal taxation.


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Report Number: 3-2017 Date of Meeting: January 10, 2017 From: Mike Richardson, Public Works Manager Prepared by: Heather Robinson

Re: Public Works Activity Report/Capital Projects Update


That Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive the Public Works Activity Report for January 10, 2017 for information.

B. Road Maintenance and Operations - Crews and contractors were out continuously over the Holidays plowing and sanding roads - We are receiving the usual complaints about backroads being icy, with all the rain we have had over the holidays it becomes nearly impossible to keep sand on the roads. Crews are doing their best to keep back roads sanded and safe. - Snow removal was planned but with the warmer weather and rain it has been put off, and will commence once the snow begins to build up again in the villages. - Within the next few weeks crews are hoping to get out to patch hardtop in areas needing it. Weather permitting. - Crews plan to work together to hand brush certain areas of Road 38 and other small roads.

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- A reminder has been put on the website and in next week’s Frontenac News regarding parking on the side of the road during winter months, we have had a few issues when plows have not been able to maneuver safety around vehicles and therefore has affected the quality of plowing.

BY-LAW #2004-156

No Person shall park a vehicle on a highway or parts of a highway at any time when such parking may obstruct or interfere with the removal of snow, or the maintenance of the highway by municipal equipment or work crews.

From November 15th in any year until March 31st of the following year, no vehicle shall be parked between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 7:00 a.m. on any highway within the limits of the Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac.


Any person who contravenes this by-law is guilty of an offence and, upon conviction, is subject to a fine as provided in the Provincial Offences Act or the Highway Traffic Act and to any other applicable penalties.

Any vehicle of any owner found in violation of this by-law may be towed to a municipal property or compound at the expense of the owner. All costs shall be received prior to release of such vehicles so removed. The municipality shall not be held liable for any damage or costs which may be incurred by such towing or removal.

- We have also added a reminder on the website and in the Frontenac News from the Highway Traffic Act regarding snow removal and snow being pushed across the road.

“The Highway Traffic Act R.S.O. 1990, C. H.8, S. 181 states: “No person shall deposit snow or ice on a roadway without permission in writing to do so from the Ministry or road authority responsible for maintenance of the road”.”


Household Hazardous Waste Day is Saturday July 15th, 2017.

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Report Number: 4-2017 Date of Meeting: January 10, 2017 From: Donna Longmire, Executive Assistant

Re: By-law 2013-28, Schedule “C” Price List


That Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive for information Schedule “C”, section 1 of By-law 2013-28, being a by-law to Establish the Maintenance, Management, Regulation and Control of the Municipally Owned Cemeteries within the Township of Central Frontenac;

And further, that the rates for 2017 have been adjusted accordingly as per the October Consumer Price Index.


Schedule “C” Price List, By-law 2013-28, being a by-law to establish the maintenance, management, regulation and control of the Municipal owned cemeteries within the Township of Central Frontenac, adjusts yearly fees according to the Consumer Price Index as follows:

Sale of Interment Rights: 2016 General/Plot Care & Maint. HST Total Resident $207.45 $250.00 $59.47 $516.92 Non Resident $311.18 $250.00 $72.95 $634.13 2017 General/Plot Care & Maint. HST Total Resident $211.81 $250.00 $60.03 $521.84 Non Resident $317.71 $250.00 $73.80 $641.51

Interment Fees: 2016: Resident General/Plot HST Total Child – to 5 years $138.01 $17.94 $155.95 Adult $397.28 $51.65 $448.90 Cremated Remains $113.65 $14.77 $128.43 2017: Resident General/Plot HST Total Child – to 5 years $140.91 $18.32 $159.23 Adult $405.63 $52.73 $458.36 Cremated Remains $116.04 $15.09 $131.13

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2016: Non Resident General/Plot HST Total Child – to 5 years $194.16 $25.24 $219.40 Adult $441.51 $57.40 $498.90 Cremated Remains $154.54 $20.09 $174.63 2017: Non Resident General/Plot HST Total Child – to 5 years $198.04 $25.77 $224.01 Adult $450.78 $58.60 $509.38 Cremated Remains $157.78 $20.51 $178.30

Additional (Winter Burials) Interment Fees: Winter Burials, performed at an additional cost: 2016: $103.73 + 13.48 (HST) = $117.21 2017: $105.90 + 13.77 (HST) = $119.67

Disinterment Fees: Disinterment Fee – Cremated Remains 2016: $138.14 + $17.96 (HST) = $156.10 2017: $141.04 + $18.34 (HST) = $159.38


D. ATTACHMENTS By-law 2013-28 Schedule “C” Price List

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BY-LAW 2013-28


1) Prices will be adjusted yearly by the October CPI. And will become effective January 1st each year.

2) Prices are shown for Residents & Non Residents.

3) The following Trusting Provisions are in effect and are shown as the Care & Maintenance Fee: 40% of lot price or $250.00 whichever is greater.


Please refer to the cemetery by-law in its entirety for complete rules & regulations.

1) Each single grave may have a total of 7 interments, this being a combination of caskets & cremations, this being a maximum of 1 casket or vault, 6 cremations OR 7 cremations. See Schedule “F” 2) 2 graves are double the above numbers as 4 graves would be quadrupled the above numbers.

Residents GENERAL CARE & Maint. HST Total

Single Grave $211.81 $250.00 $ 60.03 $521.84


Single Grave $317.71 $250.00 $73.80 $641.51


1) All Casket interments are subject to a licence fee of $15.00 (hst exempt) which will be remitted to the Ministry of Consumer Services. 2) Winter Burials – will be performed at an additional cost of $105.90 + $13.77(HST) = $119.67 per burial. Burial of cremated remains will not be performed during the winter months or at the discretion of the caretaker. 3) Interments will be performed all year.



Child - to 5 years $140.91 $18.32 $159.23 Adult $405.63 $52.73 $458.36 Cremated Remains $116.04 $15.09 $131.13


Child - to 5 years $198.04 $25.77 $224.01 Adult $450.78 $58.60 $509.38 Cremated Remains $157.78 $20.51 $178.30


Disinterment Fee - Cremated Remains $141.04 plus HST $18.34 = $159.38

Disinterment fees for casket burials will be charged at double the applicable interment rates shown above at the Resident rate. If re-interment is to take place within Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac cemeteries the interment rate will be as noted above, also at the Resident rate.

If an interment is to take place within the space immediately following a disinterment making it unnecessary to re-dig the grave the interment fee will be at the rate set out above dependent on whether the deceased was a Resident or a Non Resident.

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CONTRIBUTIONS TO CARE AND MAINTENANCE FUND FOR MARKERS AND MONUMENTS as prescribed by the Funeral, Burial & Cremation Service Act, 2002 & Regulations.


Flat marker under 1,116.13 square centimetres (173 sq. in. ) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 flush with ground

Flat marker over 1,116.13 square centimetres (173 sq. in. ) $ 50.00 $ 6.50 $ 56.50 flush with ground

Pillow marker over 1,116.13 square centimetres (173 sq. in.) on pad above ground, sloped or flat , including base $100.00 $13.00 $113.00

Upright monument up to 1.22 metres (4 ft.) in width and 1.22 metres (4 ft.) in height, including base $100.00 $13.00 $113.00

Upright monument over 1.22 metres (4 ft. in) width and 1.22 metres (4 ft.) in height $200.00 $26.00 $226.00

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Report Number: 5-2017 Date of Meeting: January 10, 2017 From: Cathy MacMunn, Clerk/Planning Coordinator

Re: Road Allowance Closure - Lot 22, between Concession 1 & 2 – Oso District


That council pass the by-law to permanently close and declare surplus part of a highway described as all those parts of the original road allowance between Concession 1 & 2, fronting on Lot 22, Concession 1, being Part 2, plan 13R21087, geographic Township of Oso, now in the Township of Central Frontenac, County of Frontenac, being PIN 36228-0166 (LT) be and are hereby permanently closed.


The report was originally prepared for September 8, 2015 regarding the closing of the road allowance in the former Township of Oso. I have went back and discovered it never came forth to council. The lawyers for the purchasers have been requesting this to be completed as soon as possible therefore, the by-law is coming forth at today’s meeting.

The road allowance described as Lot 22, between Concession 1 & 2 in Oso District was sold to Ethel Dubeau by way of a Quit Claim Deed and registered on title on August 30, 1990 as Instrument No. FR536738 and the by-law closing the road allowance was never registered on title.

Ethel Dubeau sold the property on June 17, 2015 and her solicitor Yuri Tarnowecky is requesting that the Township register a by-law to close the road allowance and release any interest in the property currently held by the municipality.

Therefore, staff recommend that we proceed to pass the necessary by-law to finalize this transaction which was conveyed by Oso Township in 1990 to Ethel Dubeau by way of a Quit Claim Deed.

C. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The municipality will be responsible to pay the costs to have the by-law registered.

D. ATTACHMENTS Letter from Yuri Tarnowecky A copy of the survey and Quit Claim Deed

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2015 December 15 03.27 PM 613 354 59C4—>6132792242 1/5

Ce: ‘ l320l"c 3:37PM Tavnawecky _aw “M4793 F’

Tarnowecky Law Professional Corporation 53: NORRISCOURT, UNIT5 KlNG5TON.ONTARIOK7P2R9 e-mail address: yunt@beHneLea Website: www.larnoweckyIaw,ccm

r~§( TELEPHONE(613) 384-2354 % FACSD/m_E (613) 384-8904 December15,2016 QJOQ/Jr] Township of CentralFrontenac 1084ElizabethStreet P.O. Box 89 SharbotLake, Ontaxio KOHZPU

Dear Sir or Madam:

Re: Dubeau Sale to Langsford 1012BurkeSettlementRoad,SharbotLake (Townshipof Central Frontenac) Closing Date: June 17, 2015 My File No.:2015-211

Please be advisedthat I am the solicitorfor Ethel Dubeau who, effective June 17, 2015, sold the above property to RobertEdwardRossLangsford and JoanneMane Langsford.

Pursuantto theattachedMinutesof a Meeting held on July 11, 1990,Ihereby request that you register a By~Law to close the toad allowancebetweenConcessions1 and 2, in Oso Township and release any interestin the property currentlyheld by the Municipality.

Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

Yoursvery truly,

Yuri T owecky

YT:jas By fax to: 613-279-2422

ADMINISTRATION 5-2017 Road Allowance Closure - Lot 22, betwe... Page 24 of 77 AGENDA ITEM #e)

2016 December15 03:27PM 613 384 ~ 5904—>6132792242 véf ‘5.2G‘6 JIJVPMn Tavmwezxy 2/5 Law N; 4793 P, 2

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ADMINISTRATION 5-2017 Road Allowance Closure - Lot 22, betwe... Page 25 of 77 AGENDA ITEM #f)



Report Number: 6-2017 Date of Meeting: January 10, 2017 From: Cathy MacMunn, Clerk Administrator

Re: Central Frontenac Community Recreation Centre Committee


WHEREAS Council for the Township of Central Frontenac approved the creation of the Central Frontenac Community Centre Committee in 2012 and that staff create a term of reference for the committee;

AND WHEREAS a terms of reference was never completed and the Committee was not listed as a Committee of Council;

AND WHEREAS the Committee is requesting council to be re-established as the Central Frontenac Community Recreation Centre Committee as an Ad Hoc committee of Council with representation from council;

AND WHEREAS the Committee is requesting approval from council to move forward and apply for an Ontario Trillium Foundation Seed Grant to help with the preparation of a business plan;

NOW THEREFORE, Council for the Township of Central Frontenac approve to re-establish the Central Frontenac Community Centre Committee as an Ad Hoc Committee of Council and that ______, and ______be appointed to the committee for 2017 and 2018; and that Council approve of the Committee moving forward to apply for an Ontario Trillium Foundation Seed Grant.


At the December 13, 2016 council meeting there was a discussion on whether or not the Central Frontenac Community Recreation Centre Committee was a committee of council. Staff, have completed a search of the minutes and as a result two resolutions were discovered one dated May 8, 2012 to establish the committee and the other dated; October 9, 2012 to appoint two councillors to the committee.

Now that it has been confirmed that in fact Council did approve the creation of the Central Frontenac Community Recreation Centre as committee of Council along with two members of the previous council sat as representatives.

Therefore, we need to re-establish the committee as an Ad Hoc committee and appoint one or two members of council to the committee for 2017 and 2018. As an Ad Hoc Committee it would be for a specific task or objective and dissolve once the task is completed.

The following are the two resolutions:

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Resolution #199-2012 – May 8, 2012

“That Council for the Township of Central Frontenac approve the creation of a new Committee of Council for the Central Frontenac Community Recreation Centre and that Council directs staff to create a terms of reference for the new committee;

Furthermore that Council support the funding application to the CFDC for a feasibility study and a business plan for a Community Recreation Centre in Central Frontenac prior to the June 1st, 2012 application deadline;

And Furthermore, that Council direct staff to assist the committee with the application process to the Frontenac CFDC.”

Resolution #347-2012 - October 9, 2012

“That Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive the report for information;

Furthermore, that Council appoint Councillor Heather Fox and Councillor William (Bill) Snyder to be on the Recreation Centre Committee and;

Furthermore, that Council would consider purchasing of the school if the feasibility study provides a clear indication that a Recreation Centre would be beneficial and affordable to the residents of the Township.





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From: sue and don Sent: Thursday,January 5, 2077 1:51 PM To: cmacmunn@centra| Attachments: Central Frontenac — CommunityCentre project outline for Seed grantdocx

—---- ForwardedMessage ~---— From: sue and don <|[email protected]>

Informationand Request for the January 10th council meeting from the Central Recreation Centre Committee: Frontenac Community

Current core working group members include: Bob Teal: Co-Chair Sue Leslie: Co-Chair/writer Mary Howes: HinchinbrookeRec committee and Parham Happy Travelers Janet Anderson: Secretary Kurt Halliday:writer

This group has had numerous other members over the years, including BillSynder. council representation from It is also affiliatedwith the Pals of Parham Librarygroup who in addition to those mentioned above includes: Nancy Benn, Jeff and Cindy Goodfellow,Bhawani Fox-Wisteard, Nadarajah, Mary Stinson and Melanie ChristineTeal, Mary and Peter de bassecourtand Sarah Mccullough. had support when This group has needed from Phillip Smith, Brent Cameron and the Mayor. 1. That we be re—established as an ongoing Standing or Ad Hoc committee of representation council with from council on the committee and inclusion in council's Council official list of committees. could also recognize the Pals of Parham library as well.

2. That a motion be passed to approve moving forwardon an OntarioTrilliumFoundationSeed grant application (see the Seed grant overview attached). The completed application willbe presented at the February 7th council meeting for approval.

3. That council approve and sign the completed report to the Community Foundation of Greater Kingston (report to follow). The committee willdeliver the signed copy and attachments of the architects and engineers reports to the foundation

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Central FrontenacCommunityCentre (Hinchinbrooke Public School)

Research and Planning - Outline


This phase begins with an application to Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) “Seed Stream”. The proposed grant willmake available one ha|f—time position for one year. Central Frontenac Township will be the applicant and the employer. Minimal contribution financial to this project willbe required from the Township, consisting staff time, mostly of some of?ce support and possibly space to house the staff person from home. if not working

The staff person will develop a business plan for the second phase — updating and operating HinchinbrookePublic School as a community centre that supports cultural, recreational and other community activities.

The plan willdetail opportunities for ongoing revenue at the site and willbe presented to various stakeholders (following acceptance by Council and the report to OTF) as the first step in partnering by community groups, paying tenants, and planning for other uses such as educational evenings or Christmas or events. The position would supported by the be Committee and would also interact, as required, with Central Frontenac Township staff and elected representatives.

Seed Stream grants exist to support research and development of projects the community. beneficialto Successful outcomes can be used to secure other funding from public and private sources. various

Next steps in the development process would include either an OTF Capital grant to update the site or an OTF “GrowStream” grant (includes capital) to update, further plan and start operation of the site (start-up period in which unanticipated costs and problems are managed, etc.). The report, experience and connections resulting from the ?rst project act as “evidence”as well as preparation for other OTF projects.

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Key features of the application

- The Committeeleads development of the application, the business plan template and the job description. it then assists Township staff in making the application. - Submission deadline: February22, 2017. (Applicant must pre-register.) - Submission will include OTF Seed application and relate to relevant OTF priorities (communitydevelopment, youth development, arts, etc.). o Submission (online) will attach 1) completed items from architects, 2) the final version of this Committees project outline, 3) a draft business plan template and 4) a job description.

Key features of the groect

- Hiring by Township, assisted by Committee. Uses approved job description. Successful candidates have relevant experience and connections. - Suggested project timeframe:September, 2017 to August 2018. - Information and project support for position (“project staff’) provided by Committee. Business plan template finalized with staff person (includes review of best practices from other communities, brainstorming of revenue ideas, realism about costs and risks, etc.) - Committee and staff person start a “snapshot” of the current situation (some of this work is already completed). The snapshot is starting data for the business plan (who does what, who is interested, etc.). - Staff person builds plan business and reports as required to Committee / Township. Business plan emphasizes multi-sided approach to ongoing revenue (user fees, tenancy, fundraising, donations,sponsorship, later funded projects for update / equipment). - Staff person / Committee develop draft items related to partnering, tenancy, use of site, sponsoring, donating, etc.).

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Committee develops online presence (Facebook, Google blog, etc.) for presentation purposes and archiving I dissemination of documents. This presence evolves into web site linked to the township site for mature community centre in later stages. plan Business is reviewed and approved by Committee / Township. Adjustments as required. Final report to OntarioTrilliumFoundation.

Release of hold-back 10% of funds (on acceptance of final report by OTF).

Key elements of the business plan

Probable(not just possible) partners and community uses of the centre. Includes nominal fee (such as public event in large hall - holiday dinner, voting or training). New activities that could be carried out at the community centre (such as movie night, fitness or adult education). Regional organizations not currently operating in this area that might rent and use one or more rooms on a recurring basis (such as groups supporting seniors, youth, entrepreneurship, connectivity, people with disabilities).

- Prepared by the Central Frontenac Culture and Recreation Committee

— This version: January 3, 2017

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Re: WATERSHED CONDITIONS STATEMENT – Low Water Update # 11 – January 5, 2017


January 5, 2017 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY WATERSHED— The Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) is advising residents that the rain and snowfall over the last two weeks has improved the recovery process and the system is continuing to trend towards “normal” historical conditions. This has reduced the severity of the drought from Level II / Moderate to Level I / Minor status across the watershed.

“It’s difficult to discuss drought conditions at this time of year with lakes and rivers frozen over and snow on the ground, but all indicators have the system trending out of the drought situation,” indicated Gord Mountenay, MVCA Water Management Supervisor. “We are still encouraging residents on wells to be cautious of their usage as it is less likely that we will experience any runoff and infiltration into the soils as the winter progresses.”

For residents on wells, information on taking care of and monitoring your well water levels is available on the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change website at and

MVCA continues to advise residents venturing out on rivers and lakes to use extreme caution as water levels and flows are still fluctuating from the rainfall. Please note that MVCA does not monitor ice conditions. Snowmobilers should be aware that there may be exposed rock outcrops that normally would be underwater on lakes and rivers.

We are continuing our efforts to track the impacts and define the severity of the drought conditions within the watershed. MVCA requests that any individuals or businesses within the Mississippi Valley watershed that are experiencing difficulties with their wells please contact the Conservation Authority by calling 613-253-0006 ext. 233 or 243. There is an interactive map on our website where residents can select the general area they are in if they are

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experiencing well issues. There is an opportunity to comment, however no personal information is required.

Daily water levels and flows are available on the MVCA website at levels/ .


Contact: Gord Mountenay, C.E.T. Water Management Supervisor 613-253-0006 ext. 233 [email protected]

Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority 10970 Highway 7, Carleton Place, ON K7C 3P1 |t. 613 253 0006 | f. 613 253 0122 | [email protected] | Join our mailing list

This e-mail originates from the Mississippi Valley Conservation e-mail system. Any distribution, use or copying of this e-mail or the information it contains by other than the intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify me at the telephone number shown above or by return e-mail and delete this communication and any copy immediately. Thank you.

District #3 Recreation Mississippi Valley Conservation Autho... Page 33 of 77 AGENDA ITEM #a)

Minutes of Site Meeting December 6"‘, 2016

Meeting Date: December 6“, 2016 Location: 050 Hall, Sharbot Lake

Meeting Time: 7:00pm District 3 Recreation Committee

https://wv« REC Attendees: Leslie Merrigan Chair Rudy Hollywood Vice Chair Robyn Flam Secretary Dave Willis Member Sherry Whan Member Anne Howes Member John Neven Member Joan Hollywood Member Regrets: Steve Gould, Justin Riddell,Kevin Merrigan

Previous MinutesfromNovember 3rd. 2016 Meeting Accepted as Written

OLD BUSINESS New Year’: Eve dance

Discussions were held on the New Year's Eve dinner and Dance. Lesley has printed ticketsfor the event. Members ofthe recreation committee will sell the tickets.Thedecorating ofthe hallfornew year's eve will be completed by Robyn, Action items : John and a Sherry, budget of$1 00 for items was agreed to, Robyn to pick up. Robyn willpick up Lesley asked who was available for the new year ’snight, Robyn will be available the decorations ?om 1pm to 6:30pm, Anne will be available after6pm, Rudy and Juan will be available till dinner. Dave is unsure at this time. Kevin and Lesley will run the Lesley to up on bar. Lesley has follow obtained the liquor license. Lesley has also arranged to have obtaining the Canada 104- some Door p rizes from Canada 150. Discussions on amount a li uar /50 Phat!’ f 4 V cham12agr! e Blmrd at midnight and keeping the bar open during dinner were held. Thecommittee agreed ‘ that the bar will be open during dinner, champagne will be served at L 1 I0 place ad m :5I) midnight and that Lesley wouldpick up extra alcohol in case we have a larger P turn out. Lesley discussedplacing an ad in the paper. Rec Committee agreed Bub Ruby” M /0110“,up Greer is to be contacted a DD service, for Robyn to followup. and Comma; Bob Greer

Motion NewspaperAd — for by Robyn Gould Secondedby Sherry Whan—All- agree Lesley to place Newspaperad for New Year ’s Eve dinner and Dance

Next Paint night —December4"’

]0_2A As per the Action: discuss next last meeting a paint night as to be held on the 4”’nfDecember, this was cancelled and will be re-scheduledin January meeting

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Rec Committee FIyer Action Item: Sherry Robyn is working on a recreations committee /lyer which will be distributed in Whanfollowup with website January. Sherry Whan was asked to followup with the townships website as when Lesley logged on it was for 2015. Lesley also noted that there is no information i:/’:::ml-an/ 10-5. linkforMountain Grove. TheIdea ofthe recreation flyer willbe to informthe P community ofupcoming events well in advance. Therecreation Committeewill Le?ey mfallvwup also look to post this/Iyer on the Central [I comad Frontenac website. was also noted Wm, Jgf/green for that Je?"green has an activity bookletforthis area and it has beenprepared for boak ofactivitigx?r 201 7. Lesley willfollowup with Je? Green on the activity list. 201 7. Grant for Beautification 10-8‘ Amy" Lesley Smith-Merrigan to followup with CDC~ Contact Person is Anne Prichard in January

Ice Rink Design- next steps —Awaitingdesign fromDavid Bovill

Discussionswere held on the next steps for the rink design. Apower point presentation will be made by the committee. A separate meeting will be held in 10-12. _ _ . . . Action in January January to prepare the power pom! and prepare for a town hall meettng. Davtd Bovill will be submitting the ice pad design sometime in January as he does not have time to complete beforewinter.

December 3 Santa Parade

The Float was completed by John was a huge success. Candies were donated and package by Robyn, 245 packages were handed out. A thank you card 11' I :‘"i"’:iI:lem;1 an you will be written to Jeremy Neven 's Girls for handing out the candy. John Never: Czfsg was thanked by the committee for creating thefloatand taking it the Sharbot lake (R”by" and Parham parades.


Robyn and Lesley drafteda letter and submitted to the township to request space _ at the Sharbot lake garage for recreation committee items. Jeremy Neven Adm" Item: Lesley 11-2 _ . _ , to followup with requested that we confirmstze ofspace required Lesley wtllfollowup with Jeremy Ieremy

Wish List

As discussed at the last meeting a wish list was to be put together to discuss needs Action Item: Discuss and wants the district 3 of committee. Thislist will be competed in January before wish list items at next the next council meeting. meeting

11.3 Joan and Rudy requested that the District 3 committee sponsor theplaquesfor the

February run. Motion by Robyn Seconded by Dave All — Agreed Action Item: Dave to Dave Willisdiscussed the possibility ofa July 1*’parade which will have all the followup on plan for past membersofthe committee, Reeves, mayors and council. parade

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John Nevensked he could " t'f look a?erthe arrangements for the July I parade for Canada I50 as he wouldlike to contact at least 25 businessfor the 2017 Am-0" Rem’.Joh" event. District 3 agreed that there was no issues withJohn ‘srequest and that the up lions club will still do the fzztlegolziit marshalingand as John is a part ofthe Lions club as wellthere should be no concernsor issues. bus,-nessfarJuly In Canadaz 150paradg_

Payment ofDistrict 3 bills —

Leslie was to up on follow the outstanding bills ifan_vfor District 3 committee. It 11.4 was agreed that this item relates to the design and building ofthe ice rink, CLOSED thereforeit will be moved to ltetn 1 /L12 for ongoing discussion.No comments on the casting at this time and there are no outstandingbillknownat this time. CommunitySign

TheLions club is creating a sign board.John and Ron ofthe lions club will design and build the sign. to Action Item: Lesley Lesley provide the sample letter size to the designers so that it to provide sample /its the requirements ofthe District three committee ‘s 115 letters. letters to Lions Club It was also noted that Robyn and Steve have purchased a sign boardfromBlack Lake Store, this sign will be used until the permanent sign isplaced Thissign will be posted this weekend to advertise the upcoming New year ‘sEve Dinner and Dance.


Fitness 150 Challenge

Rudy and Joan announced that the previously planned Fitness 150 challenge has been cancelled as it was too costly to hold the event on line. Rudy noted that participation and the public health websitehave similar tracking events that could be usedfor this.

12.1 Rudy noted that the " “impossible challenge will still go ahead on labour day weekends.Rudy is looking into getting a grant fromthe Rick I-Iansenfundas it is a perfect match this event. for Rudy has discussedthis event with community members including the mayor ofCentral Frontenac. There is a requirement to have letter supporting the event and to have some ofthefundsin order to obtain the grant. Rudy noted that they will be required to submit the application for the grant by March of2017.

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Sunday movieMatinee starting in January

Robyn requested that District 3 hold Sunday movie matineesfor children under the age This 0/12. will be held every second weekend and will go through until the summer at which time it would be moved down to the beach area. The committee will have drinks and popcorn/snacks sold at the matinee and will charge a each nem_ child or set Am.” ' feefor afamiblrate. It was noted that the parents will Rab/V" 12.2 be required to be on site during the movies and that children cannot be dropped o? The cost the mytirf?uf)/ of copy right licensing to show movies is 31600 per year or 3250 1'‘? ex "V0 per movie. Robyn requested pure that the license be purchased for the year as it is hf"Se meme more cost Zyelrefntr effectivethan 5250per movie. The?rst movie will be held on January 22, 2016(tentati've date)

Motion —/Inne Howes Secondedby John Neven All -Agreed Day ofthe Pig

Lesley noted that conversation have beenheld on holdingthe Day ofthe Pig event in Sharbot Lake at Beach, the Lesley was contacted and asked ifDistrict 3 would like to partner on this event. Discussionswere held on what would be required of District 3, where the exact location would be, ifMaplesand thefarmersmarket A5150"1'3"‘: 195/9)’ would be 12.3 a?ected.Lesley explained the details ofthe event and the possible wfollawup 0" ...... requirements District 3, . . . details event of including security, tickets sales etc. As this is a of and licensed event security is the re uiremgms fencing required to be placed Lesley asked 0/‘ ifDistrict 3 dmnvcqf3_ members were interested in doing the event, the members agreed. A motion to partner was put forthby Anne,seconded by John and all were infavour.Lesley up on willfollow furtherdetails ofwhat is required by District 3 and will discuss _furtherin January.

Storage Bin at Ball?eld Am.” new Steve 12.4 The Storage Bin at the ba/l?eldis to be returned to CRS. Arrangements will be made to uG::I:’mb'[:15:;(‘$0 pick up the BinfromDenis Scott and store it at the ball?eld P HI Bzl?eld Heritage Festival

It was noted that the heritagefestivalwill not be held on the same weekendofthe Acml" Item’ RWY” snow drags. The heritage 12.5 festivalwill keepthe original family day weekendand wfullaw"17to See the snow drags will be held the weekendafter.Follow up with the heritage when the next committee and the snow meeting will be held drag committee will be held. Robyn. Steve and Kevin will the snow attend the snow drag committee rneetings. for drags

Next Meetingto be held on January 4”’,2017

Distribution Cc: All attendees

Prepared By: RobynFlaro Secretary Reviewed By: Leslie Merrigan Chair

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Community Services Update Page 38 of 77 Community Services Update

Rural Homelessness 6 years, $650/month plus hydro for heat Page 39 of 77 AGENDA ITEM #a) Community Services Update

Rural Homelessness 23 years, $500/month, no running water Page 40 of 77 AGENDA ITEM #a) Community Services Update

Top 3 Reasons why Rural Residents lose their homes

1. Cannot afford Utilities – includes hydro, oil, wood and propane. 2. Housing is no longer habitable. Page 41 of 77 3. Not sufficient well-paying jobs AGENDA ITEM #a) to keep people employed. Community Services Update

Active Clients in







Page 42 of 77 250 AGENDA ITEM #a)


230 2014 Clients 2015 Clients 2016 (Sep 30) Clients 2016 (Dec 31) Clients Community Services Update

Service Area Comparison



200 183 177

150 144

100 90 76 60

Page 43 of 77 50 39

26 28 AGENDA ITEM #a) 19 11 6 10 9 9 0 South Frontenac Central Frontenac North Frontenac Rural Kingston

2014 2015 2016 (Sep 30) 2016 (Dec 31) AGENDA ITEM #a)

Community Services Update Page 44 of 77 Community Services Update

Current Staffing

The contract with the City of Kingston provides:

Prevention Diversion Worker 1.5 fte Housing Case Manager 0.5 fte Page 45 of 77

AGENDA ITEM #a) Total full time equivalents in Rural Funding Stream (South, Central & North) is 2.0

Community Services Update

Case Study

 Family of 4 – husband & wife, 2 teenagers  Renting  Family income (working in Kingston) $22K  Seeking assistance for Food, rental arrears and propane for heating. Page 46 of 77

 Health issues exist AGENDA ITEM #a)

Community Services Update

Case Study

 Single mother, age 33 with 15 month old child  Owns a trailer but no property  Relies on friends to park the trailer, provide hydro and plumbing

Page 47 of 77  Income is from Ontario Works AGENDA ITEM #a) Community Services Update

Central Frontenac Caseload – as of September 30, 2016 Households with varied income 14 Households on fixed income 62 Rented accommodations 44 Homes owned 32 Ages 20 – 30 7 Ages 31 – 40 5 Ages 41 – 50 19 Page 48 of 77 Ages 51 – 60 19 AGENDA ITEM #a) Ages 61 – 70 17 Ages 71+ 9 Community Services Update

Rural Summit

 Held May 6, 2016 in Sharbot Lake  Attended by over 50 community members and service providers  Goal to capture the current realities of and responses to the issues of poverty

Page 49 of 77 and housing security in the County of Frontenac. AGENDA ITEM #a) Community Services Update

Rural Summit Outcomes

 City Direction #67 – Expand Housing options in rural areas

1. Work with rural landlords 2. Research Best Practices of Shared Housing Page 50 of 77 3. Consider adopting the Places for People AGENDA ITEM #a) model as a Frontenac County strategy 4. Mini Housing Project

Community Services Update

Rural Summit Outcomes

City Directions #68 – Improve Access, 69 – Enhance prevention & 70 – Promote local leadership

1. Develop a Rural Poverty Coalition

Page 51 of 77 2. Information sharing opportunities for AGENDA ITEM #a) Service Providers.

Community Services Update

Rural Youth Homelessness

 Being led by the United Way of KFL&A  First meeting was Nov 8  Attendees include; Sydenham High, Granite Ridge, OPP, politicians, SFCSC, NFCSC, Pathways for Children, Children’s

Page 52 of 77 and Family Services, Youth Diversion, the United Church, Land-o-Lakes Community AGENDA ITEM #a) Services and an Aboriginal rep. AGENDA ITEM #a)

Community Services Update Page 53 of 77 AGENDA ITEM #a)

Correspondence/Information, January 10, 2017

For Council Action: 1. Randy Hillier – comments regarding Planning and Regulations for the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA), identified as “Staff Report #2891/16” dated December 1, 2016

Receive and File

1. Township of Zorra – Resolution – Hydro Rates 2. Frontenac County – Appointment of County of Frontenac Warden and Deputy Warden 3. AMO – 2017-18 Strategic Objectives

Communications/Correspondence Page 54 of 77 AGENDA ITEM #a)

Via email to Shannon Gutoskie, Community Relations Coordinator, MVCA

Comments regarding Planning and Regulations for the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA), identified as “Staff Report #2891/16”, dated December 1, 2016.

The MVCA derives its funding through a mixed funding formula derived from municipal levies and provincial appropriations. Although governance of the MVCA is provided by a municipally appointed board of 15 Directors, its authorities are created and delegated by statutes of the provincial legislature.

As the elected Member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario representing the majority of the municipalities within the MVCA watershed, it is incumbent upon me to express my evaluation of these new policies and their probable effects on my constituents.

In this memorandum, the MVCA is seeking municipal consent to greatly expand its present legal authorities, however the MVCA has not expressed or identified any measurable or quantifiable benefit to the public that this expanded authority would provide. I have a number of significant concerns with any proposal that would impose increasing restrictions for which the benefits are either subjective or assumed. Prior to itemizing my concerns, we must fully understand the region’s economic, employment, and social realities, as there is a very broad diversity and range of factors that differ immensely within the watershed from the city of Ottawa through to the municipalities of Lanark and Frontenac Counties, and Addington Highlands.

Although the city of Ottawa may find some social or environmental benefit to these proposals and be viewed as somewhat benign by the smaller urban areas such as Carleton Place and Perth, they will negatively and disproportionately be injurious to the more rural townships within this watershed.


Communications/Correspondence Page 55 of 77 AGENDA ITEM #a)

A recent Fraser Institute regional analysis of Ontario’s economic and labour market performance illustrates that rural Ontario has underperformed as compared to our urban and suburban counterparts. While other regions of the province have recovered after the recession of 2008, rural Ontario’s economy has remained stagnant as the number of regulations, barriers and restrictions to development in rural areas have increased. The correlation of economic vitality and sustainability to economic development should be self-evident, and has been significantly diminished with often well-meaning, but nevertheless misguided and unnecessarily prohibitive and or costly regulations that prevent sustainable growth and development in our townships.

In addition to the negative impact on economic growth due to excessive and restrictive land use regulations, the cost of electricity, which is substantially more expensive in small town rural Ontario, has also been an aggravating factor in our poor economic development. To illustrate the social cost of our anemic growth, one only needs to look at the recent school closure proposals by the UCDSB and the LDCB. Presently, these two boards are considering the closure of up to 40 elementary and secondary schools in this electoral district alone.

Negative Consequences of this Policy

1. It is abundantly clear that the regulations as proposed and their enforcement would be biased upon ownership. If an imposition on a wetland was required by a municipality, a utility, or the province, there would be a hierarchy of flexibility and cost; however, should the wetland property be privately owned, prohibitions, rigidity and excessive costs and penalties would be imposed. It is wholly contradictory that this policy prevents an individual from developing or improving their lands, dwellings, or businesses in areas adjacent to insignificant wetlands, while at the same time permitting improvements and developments in these same lands if undertaken for the public benefit such as utilities, parks, or for conservation purposes. Economic development and improvements upon private property is arguably more important and necessary as on public lands as it is the mechanism that funds public infrastructure. Furthermore, should an insignificant wetland be in or adjacent to provincial Crown land, this policy does not propose to place any restrictions on these lands.


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2. Unlike provincially significant wetlands, which have been determined using some objective criteria and can be reasonably justified as requiring development restrictions, the new MVCA proposals attempt to impose the same process on all wetlands regardless of their significance to the health of the watershed and instead relevant only to their physical size (0.5 Ha.) 3. Should the MVCA feel that a wetland is in need of protection and preservation, significant or insignificant, it ought to be incumbent upon them to apply to the respective township on a case-by-case basis to have said wetland protected, and should the Township agree, the MVCA must be required to compensate the property owner for any financial loss, as well as loss in use and enjoyment.


1. All property, whether private or publicly owned, be subject to the same development regulations; 2. Develop objective criteria to determine if a wetland requires protection under the municipalities’ planning authorities; and 3. Provide compensation to affected property owners.

This continued expansion of regulations and restrictions turns the concept of ‘sustainable development’ on its ear; it proposes broad developmental restrictions that are unnecessarily over-reaching and antithetical to the very concept of development, sustainable or otherwise. The longer term effect of regulatory restrictions on development in rural Ontario is already being felt. The four school boards represented in my riding of Lanark-Frontenac-Lennox & Addington are undergoing student accommodation reviews, highlighted by proposals to close as many as 40 community schools over the next four or five years; banks are closing up, health care services are being reduced and Service Ontario outlets in rural communities offer but a fraction of the services that are provided in larger centers. All of these problems are endemic to lack of development and growth and would be exasperated under the proposed policies, if adopted by our townships, would grant the MVCA expansive and invasive new authority. Such policy adoption should not be done precipitously, as it exposes property owners and any new development to the capricious rectitude of an unelected body.


Communications/Correspondence Page 57 of 77 AGENDA ITEM #a)

I would encourage the MVCA to withdraw the existing proposals and undertake a comprehensive review of their operations and mandate to develop a plan that permits and facilitates growth while improving our economic and natural environments.


Randy Hillier

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BY-LAW # 2017-01

Being a by-law to authorize borrowing from time to time to meet current expenditures during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2017

WHEREAS pursuant to Section 8 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act;

AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 5(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c25 as amended, a municipal power, including a municipalities capacity, rights, powers and privileges under Section 8, shall be exercised by by-law unless the municipality is specifically authorized to do otherwise;

AND WHEREAS Section 407 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c25 as amended provides authority to borrow from time to time such sums considered necessary to meet, until taxes are collected and other revenues are received, the current expenditures of the Corporation for the year, and

AND WHEREAS the total amount which may be borrowed from all sources at any one time to meet the current expenditures of the Corporation, except with the approval of the Municipal Board, is limited by Section 407 (2) of the Municipal Act.


1) The head of Council and the Treasurer are hereby authorized to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note or bankers’ acceptance during the year 2017 (hereinafter referred to as the current year) such sums as may be necessary to meet, until the taxes are collected and other revenues are received, the current Expenditures of the Corporation and the other amounts that are set Out in Subsection 407 of the Municipal Act.

2) A promissory note of bankers’ acceptance made under Section 1 shall be signed by the head of Council or such other person as is authorized by by-law to sign it and by the Treasurer.

3) The lenders from whom amounts may be borrowed under authority of this by- law shall be the Royal Bank of Canada and such other lender(s) and reserve funds of the municipality as may be determined from time to time by resolution of the Council

4) The total amount which may be borrowed at any one time under this by-law, together with the total of any similar borrowings that have not been repaid, shall not exceed from, January 1st until September 30th of the current year, 50 percent of the total of the estimated revenues of the Corporation as set out in the budget adopted for the year. Such borrowing shall not exceed, from October 1st until December 31st of the current year, 25 percent of the said estimated revenues of the Corporation as set out in the budget adopted for that year. Until the budget is adopted in a year, the limits upon borrowing shall temporarily be calculated using the estimated revenues of the municipality set out in the budget adopted for the previous year. For purposes of this by-law, the estimated revenues of the Corporation shall not include revenues derivable or derived from (a) borrowings or issues of debentures, or (b) a surplus, including arrears of taxes, fees or charge, or (c) a transfer from the capital fund, reserve funds or reserves.

Central Frontenac By-law No. 2017-01 Borrowing By-law January 10, 2017

By-law 2017-01 Borrowing By-law Page 70 of 77 AGENDA ITEM #a)

5) The Treasurer shall, at the time when any amount is borrowed under this by- law, ensure that the lender is or has been furnished with a certified copy of this by-law, a certified copy of the resolution mentioned in Section 3 determining the lender if applicable and a certified copy of the estimates of the Corporation adopted for the current year and also showing the total of any other amounts borrowed from any and all sources under authority of Section 407 of the Municipal Act that have not been repaid.

6) That the Treasurer is hereby authorized to temporarily borrow from the reserve(s)/reserve funds of the Corporation sums as may be necessary to meet the current operating expenditures of the Corporation.

7) This by-law shall come into force on the passing thereof.

READ a first and second time this 10th day of January, 2017.

READ a third time and passed this 10th day of January, 2017.

______Mayor, Frances Smith Clerk Administrator, Cathy MacMunn

Central Frontenac By-law No. 2017-01 Borrowing By-law January 10, 2017

By-law 2017-01 Borrowing By-law Page 71 of 77 AGENDA ITEM #b)


BY-LAW # 2017-02

A By-law to provide for an interim Tax Levy and to provide for the payment of taxes and to provide for penalty and interest of 1.25% per month. WHEREAS Section 317(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c 25, as amended, provides that the Council of a local municipality, before the adoption of the estimates for the Year 2017, may pass a by-law levying amounts on the assessment of property in the local municipality rateable for local municipality purposes; and,

AND WHEREAS Section 317(3)(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c25, as amended, provides that the amount levied on a property shall not exceed the prescribed percentage, or 50 per cent if no percentage is prescribed, of the total amount of taxes for municipal and school purposes levied on the property for the previous year;

AND WHEREAS Section 345 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c25, as amended provides that penalty and interest, not to exceed 1¼ % of the taxes due and unpaid may be charged;


1. That an interim tax levy for all property classes within the Township of Central Frontenac is hereby imposed at a rate of 50% of the 2017 taxes levied.

2. That an interim tax levy be imposed on all capped properties at 50% of the property’s 2017 final adjusted taxes.

3. That the said interim tax levy shall become due and payable in installments as follows: Fifty percent of the interim levy rounded upwards to the next whole dollar shall become due and payable on the 23rd day of February, 2017 and the balance of the interim levy shall become due and payable on the 20th day of April 2017 and nonpayment of the amount on the date stated in accordance with this section shall constitute default.

4. That a penalty of one and one-quarter percent (1.25%) per month shall be imposed on the first day of each month following default of payment.

5. That interest of one and one quarter percent (1.25%) per month shall be imposed on the first day of each month following the end of the year for which the taxes were levied.

6. That penalties and interest added on all taxes of the interim tax levy in default shall become due and payable and shall be collected forthwith as if the same had originally been imposed and formed part of such unpaid interim tax levy.

7. That the collector may mail a written or printed notice specifying the amount of taxes payable, or cause the same to be mailed to the residence or place of business of such person indicated on the last revised assessment roll, unless the taxpayer directs the Treasurer in writing to send the bill to another address.

8. That the taxes are payable in Canadian Funds only to the Township of Central Frontenac Municipal Office, Sharbot Lake, Ontario through telebanking, Internet banking, at any Canadian bank, or by Preauthorized Payment.

9. This by-law shall come into force upon its passing.

READ a first and second time this 10th day of January, 2017.

READ a third time and passed this 10th day of January, 2017.

______Mayor, Frances Smith Clerk Administrator, Cathy MacMunn

Central Frontenac By-law No. 2017-02 2017 Tax Levy January 10, 2017

By-law 2017-02 Tax Levy By-law Page 72 of 77 AGENDA ITEM #c)



Being a By-law to Adopt Official Plan Amendment Number 02 to the Official Plan for the Township of Central Frontenac

WHEREAS Amendment Number 02 to the Official Plan for the Township of Central Frontenac has been supported by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac;

AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Frontenac is the approval authority for Official Plan Amendments for the Township of Central Frontenac under the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended;

AND WHEREAS The Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac has provided a copy of the proposed Amendment Number 02, to the Corporation of the County of Frontenac pursuant to 17(15)(a) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 as amended;

NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, hereby enacts as follows:

1. THAT Amendment Number 02 to the Official Plan of the Township of Central Frontenac, consisting of the attached explanatory text and amending schedule, is hereby adopted.

2. THAT the Clerk be authorized and directed to make application to the Corporation of the County of Frontenac for approval of Official Plan Amendment Number 02 for the Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac.

3. THAT this by-law shall come into force and take effect on the date of the final passing, subject to the provisions of Section 17 and the regulations under the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 as amended.

READ a first and second time this 10th day of January, 2017.

READ a third time and passed this 10th day of January, 2017.


Mayor, Frances Smith Clerk Administrator, Cathy MacMunn

Central Frontenac By-law No. 2017-03 Official Plan Amendment No. 2 January 10, 2017

By-law 2017-03 Official Plan Amendment Number 02 By-law Page 73 of 77 AGENDA ITEM #c)




The attached explanatory text, constituting Amendment Number 02 to the Official Plan of the Township of Central Frontenac was prepared by the Council of the Township of Central Frontenac under the provisions of Sections 17 and 22 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended.

Township of Central Frontenac Official Plan Amendment Number 2 – Township of Central Frontenac December 2016 Page 2 of 2

By-law 2017-03 Official Plan Amendment Number 02 By-law Page 74 of 77 AGENDA ITEM #d)


BY-LAW NO. 2017-04


WHEREAS, Section 44 of the Planning Act, Chapter P13, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, authorizes the Municipal Council to pass a by-law to constitute and appoint a Committee of Adjustment for the Township of Central Frontenac.

AND WHEREAS, the Committee shall be composed of not fewer than three.

THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Township of Central Frontenac enacts as follows:

1. That the Committee of Adjustment shall consist of all elected officials of Council.

2. That the Committee shall elect one of themselves as chair, and when the chair is absent through illness or otherwise, the Committee may appoint another member to act as acting chair.

3. That the Development Services Assistant be the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment, with the Clerk Administrator as the Assistant Secretary-Treasurer. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep on file minutes and records of all applications and the decisions thereon and of all other official business of the Committee.

4. That, in addition to complying with the requirements of the Planning Act, the Committee shall comply with such rules of procedure as are prescribed.

5. That the Committee of Adjustment, upon the application of the owner of any land, building or structure affected by any by-law that is passed under Section 34 or 38 of the Planning Act or a predecessor of such sections, or any person authorized in writing by the owner, may despite any other Act, authorize such minor variance from the provisions of the by-law in respect of the land, building or structure or the use thereof, as in its opinion is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building or structure, if in the opinion of the Committee the general intent and purpose of the by-law and of the Official Plan, are maintained.

7. Pursuant to section 54 (2) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, the authority to grant consent shall be delegated to the Committee of Adjustment.

8. This by-law shall repeal By-law # 2016-03 and become effective upon its passing.

Read a first and second time this 10th day of January, 2017.

Read a third time and passed this 10th day of January, 2017.

______Mayor, Frances Smith Clerk Administrator, Cathy MacMunn

Central Frontenac By-law No. 2017-04 Committee of Adjustment January 10, 2017

By-law 2017-04 Committee of Adjustment Appointment Page 75 of 77 AGENDA ITEM #e)


BY-LAW #2017-05


WHEREAS Section 34 of the Municipal Act, 2001, authorizes Council to pass a by-law permanently closing a public highway;

AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to permanently close and declare surplus certain parts of road allowances as hereinafter accurately described.

AND WHEREAS notice of the proposed by-law to permanently close and declare surplus the said road has been published in the Frontenac News, a weekly newspaper having a general circulation in the Township of Oso for one week.

AND WHEREAS the above mentioned notice informed all who claimed that his or her land would be prejudicially affected by the stopping up, closing and declaring surplus of the said highway to appear before Council at Sharbot Lake, Ontario on July 11, 1990 at 7:30 p.m.

AND WHEREAS Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oso on July 11, 1990, did sit at Sharbot Lake, Ontario and hear any person who might be prejudicially affected by the permanent closing and sale of the said highway;

AND WHEREAS no person claimed to be so prejudicially affected by the permanent closing and declaring surplus of the said highway;

AND WHEREAS Council has determined that all of the foregoing lands are surplus to the municipality's needs.

NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY ENACTED by the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac as follows:

1. That all those parts of the original road allowance between Concessions 1 and 2, fronting on Lot 22, Concession 1, being Part 2, 13R21087, geographic Township of Oso, now in the Township of Central Frontenac, County of Frontenac, being PIN 36228-0166 (LT) be and are hereby permanently closed.

2. That Part 2, 13R-20187 be and are hereby declared surplus to the municipality's needs and if necessary, the municipality’s interest, if any, be conveyed to Robert Edward Ross Langsford and Joanne Marie Langsford as a lot addition to their abutting property, being PIN 36228-0081 (LT) for the sum of $2.00.

3. That the Mayor and the Clerk are hereby authorized to execute such transfers and other documents as may be necessary for such purpose.

4. That a copy of this by-law be registered in the Registry Office;

READ a first and second time this 10th day of January, 2017.

READ a third time and passed this 10th day of January, 2017.

______Frances Smith, Mayor Cathy MacMunn, Clerk Administrator

Central Frontenac By-law No. 2017-05 Road Allowance Closing By-law for Dubeau St Langsford January 10, 2017

By-law 2017-05 Road Allowance By-law Page 76 of 77 AGENDA ITEM #a)


BY-LAW #2017-06


The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac enacts as follows:

1. The action of the Council at its Regular Council meeting held on the 10th of day of January, 2017 in respect of each report, motion, resolution or other action passed and taken by the Council at its meeting, is hereby adopted, ratified and confirmed.

2. The Mayor and the proper officers of the Corporation are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the said action, to obtain approvals where required, and, except where otherwise provided, to execute all documents necessary in that behalf in accordance with the by-laws of Council relating thereto.

READ THREE TIMES AND PASSED this 10th day of January, 2017.

______Mayor, Frances Smith Clerk Administrator, Cathy MacMunn

Central Frontenac By-law No. 2017-06 Confirming By-law January 10, 2017

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