Township of Regular Council June 27, 2017 – 4:00 PM Soldiers Memorial Hall, On


1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Agenda a) Approval of Agenda THAT the Agenda for the Council Meeting dated June 27, 2017 be approved as circulated (amended).

3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof

4. Approval of Minutes 6 - 11 a) Approval of Minutes THAT the minutes of the regular scheduled Council meeting held on June 13th, 2017 be approved as presented (amended).

5. Mayor's Remarks

6. Deferred Items

7. Staff Reports/Departmental Updates 12 - 13 a) DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/BUILDING 71-2017 May 2017 Construction Report THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive the May 2017 Construction Report dated June 27, 2017 for information. 14 - 22 b) FINANCE 72-2017 Apportionments of Taxes THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac approve the following apportionments of assessment as recommended by MPAC for the years 2016 & 2017 as applicable for the following roll numbers:

10-39-060-010-19810-0000, 10-39-060-010-19815-0000, 10-39-080- 020-12100-0000, 10-39-080-020-12102-0000, 10-39-080-020-12103- 0000, 10-39-080-040-21500-0000 & 10-39-080-040-21503-0000.

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23 c) FINANCE 73-2017 Section 357 / 358 Applications THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac approve the following reduction of Assessments pursuant to the Municipal Act.

Roll Number 10-39-010-010-04000-0000 Scott Estate, Stanton Owen for the period of January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016 as reported by MPAC. Reason – Gross or manifest clerical/factual error - (357)(1)(f)

And further that Council approve an adjustment of taxes to be calculated by the tax department for the related period.

24 - 43 d) FINANCE 74-2017 Accounts Payable Report THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac approve the Accounts Payable reports dated May 19, 31 & June 2, 2017 totalling $413,358.32 as prepared by the Treasurer.

44 - 45 e) FINANCE 75-2017 Arrears/Tax Sale Properties Summary Update THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac accept the Arrears/Tax Sale Properties Summary Update report as prepared by the Treasurer for information purposes only.

46 f) FINANCE 76-2017 Council One-Third Current Tax Exemption THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac accept this analysis report on the One-Third Tax Exemption as prepared by the Treasurer for information purposes only.

47 g) ADMINISTRATION 77-2017 Bordenwood Cemetery WHEREAS Section 101.1 of the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2001, S.O. 2002, c33 states that an application to declare a cemetery abandoned may be made by the owner of the cemetery, the municipality or the Registrar;

AND WHEREAS the Township of Central Frontenac has received written notice of abandonment of the Bordenwood Cemetery (site 00711);

AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac has care and control over numerous abandoned cemeteries within the Municipality;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct staff to

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proceed with the Transfer of the Bordenwood Cemetery to the Township of Central Frontenac.

48 h) ADMINISTRATION 78-2017 Mountain Grove Cemeteries 150th Anniversary Project THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive the Mountain Grove Cemeteries 150th Anniversary Project report for information.

49 - 50 i) ADMINISTRATION 79-2017 Business Report That Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive the Business Report dated June 27, 2017 for information.

51 - 53 j) PLANNING REPORT 1450 Wagarville Road - Drapeau THAT the Township of Central Frontenac proceed to pass By-law 2017- 24 to permit the rezoning of the land from EP-1 to Rural (Drapeau).

54 - 61 k) PLANNING REPORT 2533652 Ont. Inc. - Site Plan Application THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive the planning report from Megan Rueckwald, Community Planner and that the site plan drawings be approved through the execution of a site plan agreement between the applicant and the municipality and that it be registered on title; AND FURTHER, that the Municipal Solicitor be requested to draft a site plan agreement and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into a site plan agreement with the owner.

l) PLANNING REPORT Chip Truck - Open House Results - Joe Gallivan

8. Committee/Other Reports/Minutes 62 - 65 a) Committee/Other Reports/Minutes THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive for information the Canada 150th Committee minutes dated June 12, 2017 and the District #3 Recreation Committee minutes dated May 3rd, 2017

9. Delegations/Presentations 66 - 69 a) RIDEAU VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Sommer Casgrain-Robertson, General Manager THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive the presentation from Sommer Casgrain-Robertson, General Manager of Rideau Valley Conservation Authority regarding 2016 accomplishments for information.

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10. Communications/Correspondence 70 - 72 a) Communications/Correspondence THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive for information the Communications/Correspondence dated June 27, 2017.

11. Public Meetings 73 - 76 a) Rezoning Part of Lots 19 and 20, Concession 10 (Kennebec) - 222629 Inc. THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac accept for information any public comments and the planning report as presented by Megan Rueckwald, Community Planner with the County of Frontenac dated June 27, 2017;

AND Further that staff be directed to prepare the amending by-law to be presented at the next regular meeting of council scheduled for July 11, 2017.

12. By-laws/Agreements 77 - 78 a) 2017-24 Re-zoning By-law (Drapeau) THAT By-law 2017-24 being a by-law to Amend By-law 2011-52 (Drapeau) be read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 27th day of June, 2017

13. Notice of Motions

14. Giving Notice of Motion 79 - 80 a) 1/3 Salary Tax Exempt THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac supports the letter from Cheryl Gallant MP, for Renfrew, Nipissing, Pembroke regarding the Trudeau Liberals removing the tax-exempt portion of remuneration paid to local officials from their 2017 Federal Deficit Budget;

AND FURTHER that this resolution be forwarded to our local MP, Scott Reid to vote against the Federal Government plan to cease granting municipal councillors 1/3 salary tax exempt.

81 b) Amendment to Conservation Act WHEREAS the provincial government has proposed to amend the Conservation Authorities Act;

AND WHEREAS the amendment will require Conservation Authority

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Boards to have a composition of 50% members with scientific backgrounds;

AND WHEREAS the amendment will restrict the ability of municipal councils to appoint board members;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council for the Township of Central Frontenac oppose the amendment to the Conservation Authorities Act.

15. New/Other Business

16. Closed Session

17. Adjournment 82 a) Adjournment THAT By-law 2017-25 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council on the 27th day of June be read a first, second and third time and finally passed, that this being be adjourned until 4:00p.m. Tuesday July 11, 2017 at the Arden Community Center, 5998 Arden Road, Arden ON.

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A regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Central Frontenac was held at the Soldier’s Memorial Hall, Sharbot Lake, on Tuesday June 13, 2017.

Present: Mayor Frances Smith, Deputy Mayor Brent Cameron, Councillors Sherry Whan, Victor Heese, Phillip Smith, Bill MacDonald, Cindy Kelsey, Jamie Riddell, and Tom Dewey.

Staff in attendance: Michael McGovern Deputy Clerk/Treasurer, Shawn Merriman Development Services Manager/Chief Building Official, Brad Thake Public Works Manager.

1. Call to Order

Mayor Frances Smith called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda

Resolution #183-2017

Moved by Bill MacDonald Seconded by Sherry Whan

THAT the Agenda for the Council Meeting dated June 13, 2017 be approved as circulated. CARRIED

3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof

4. Approval of Minutes

Resolution #184-2017

Moved by Sherry Whan Seconded by Tom Dewey

THAT the minutes for the regular scheduled Council Meeting held on May 23rd, 2017 be approved as presented. CARRIED

5. Mayor’s Comments: It is with sadness that I announce that Beryl Garrett passed away, a long time teacher with our local schools in Central Frontenac and also Clark Gaylord a long time resident of Central Frontenac. Our thoughts are with both families at this time. CFDC AGM Meeting is being held on Thursday June 15th, 2017. Property Owners AGM’s are approaching with the first one on July1st at Long Lake, Eagle Lake July 15th, Sharbot Lake July 29th and Kennebec Lake the 12th. Mayor Smith and Lousie Moody have been working with some of the Mental Health Agencies in the community and they are jointly putting together a workshop/forum that is going to be held at the Soldier Memorial Hall on the 26th of June and it’s called “Supporting our Community, Talking about Mental Health”. The Parham Happy Travellers are celebrating their 45th anniversary with Deputy Mayor presenting a plaque on June 21st.

Councillor Tom Dewey, the EOTA will be replacing the decking shortly at the Railway bridge entering Sharbot Lake and railing.

Approval of Minutes Page 6 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a)

6. Staff Reports


Shawn Marriman Development Services Manager Chief Building Official brought forth to council the Development Services/Building report.

64-2017 Public Vendors of Food re: Chip Trucks

Resolution #185-2017

Moved by Tom Dewey Seconded by Jamie Riddell

WHEREAS the Manager of Development Services conducted a request at the Council meeting of May 23, 2017 to bring forward consideration for individual amenity agreements with various members of the community who may wish to commence operations of food vending prior to a Township By-Law being brought forward later this year.

NOW THEREFORE, That Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive the Development Service Managers report on chip trucks for information purposes only and agree to consider a temporary use by-law to be brought forward to the next regular council meeting after comments from the open house on June 24th are received. CARRIED


Bard Thake Public Work Manager brought forth to council the Public Works Waste Management Reports.

65-2017 Public Works Activity Report

Resolution #186-2017

Moved by Sherry Whan Seconded by Bill MacDonald

THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive the Public Works Activity Report dated June 13, 2017 for information. CARRIED

66-2017 Proposed Construction (Dickson Cres. and Gordon Cres.)

Resolution #187-2017

Moved by Bill MacDonald Seconded by Tom Dewey

THAT Council for The Township of Central Frontenac approve the recommendation of the Public Works Manager to defer the proposed construction projects for Dickson Crescent and Gordon Crescent until 2018. CARRIED

Approval of Minutes Page 7 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a)

67-2017 Burke Settlement Bridges B15 & B16

Resolution #188-2017

Moved by Bill MacDonald Seconded by Sherry Whan

WHEREAS, the tenders for the Burke Settlement Road Bridge Rehabilitation (Structures B15 & B16) were received on April 18, 2017 at 1:00 p.m.;

AND WHEREAS, three tenders were received with Crains’ Construction Inc. being the lowest tender;

AND WHEREAS, Greer Galloway Group who are the consultants on the project have reviewed all the tender documents and are recommending to the Public Works Manager to proceed with Crains’ Construction Inc;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council for the Township of Central Frontenac approve the recommendation of the Public Works Manager to award Tender PW 2017-09 Burke Settlement Road Bridge Rehabilitation (Structures B15 & B16) to Crains’ Construction Inc, in the amount of $329,337.25 + applicable taxes. CARRIED

68-2017 Engineering Design of Crow Lake Hamlet

Resolution #189-2017

Moved by Bill MacDonald Seconded by Sherry Whan

WHEREAS, Request for Proposals (RFP’s) for the Engineering Design Services for the Reconstruction of Crow Lake Hamlet RFP-2017-08 were received on May 25, 2017 at 1:00 pm.

AND WHEREAS, three proposals were received;

AND WHEREAS, the Public Works Manager has reviewed all the proposals and has considered all the criteria including prices versus yet to acquire items (extra’s) asked for or a combination of both in the RFP, Greer Galloway is the lowest bid and they have met the criteria;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Council for The Township of Central Frontenac approve the recommendation of the Public Works Manager to award the 2017 RFP-2017-08 for the Engineering Design Services for the Reconstruction of Crow Lake Road in the Hamlet of Crow Lake be awarded to Greer Galloway Consulting Engineers, in the amount of $60,535.00 + applicable taxes. CARRIED

Approval of Minutes Page 8 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a)

69-2017 Arden Pit - Processing of Recyclable Asphalt and Concrete

Resolution #190-2017

Moved by Sherry Whan Seconded by Bill MacDonald

WHEREAS, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry approved the municipality to store recyclable asphalt, concrete, brick, glass and ceramic in the Arden Pit, provided the accumulated material is processed and hauled off site within a reasonable amount of time which is typically within 1 year;

AND WHEREAS, to remain compliant we are required to process or haul the material off site in 2017;

AND WHEREAS, the Public Works Manager requested three quotes on renting a crusher as required by the procurement by-law; and as a result Robinson Excavating and Trucking was the lowest quote;

AND WHEREAS, the Public Works Manager is recommending approval to rent the crusher;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Council for the Township of Central Frontenac approve the recommendation of the Public Works Manager to rent the Jaw Crusher from Robinson Excavating and Trucking in the amount of $14,750.00 + applicable taxes. CARRIED

ADMINISRATION 70-2017 Central Frontenac Senior Housing Committee

Resolution #191-2017

Moved by Phillip Smith Seconded by Brent Cameron

THAT the Council for the Township of Central Frontenac support the direction in which the Seniors Housing Task Force – Central Frontenac is heading. CARRIED


Resolution #192-2017

Moved by Jamie Riddell Seconded by Phillip Smith

THAT the Township of Central Frontenac receive the report for the Central Frontenac Septic Re-inspection Committee regarding follow-up questions for information. CARRIED

Resolution #193-2017

Moved by Phillip Smith Seconded by Victor Heese

THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive for information the District #4 Recreation Committee Minutes dated April 4, 2017 CARRIED

Approval of Minutes Page 9 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a)

9. DELEGATIONS/PRESENTATIONS Gray Merriam & Susan Moore presented to council information regarding Salmon River

Resolution #194-2017

Moved by Victor Heese Seconded by Phillip Smith

THAT council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive the presentation from Gray Merriam and Susan Moore regarding Salmon River for information. CARRIED


Resolution #195-2017

Moved by Phillip Smith Seconded by Victor Heese

THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive for information the Communications/Correspondence dated June 13th, 2017 CARRIED


Mayor Frances Smith opened the public meeting explaining that this meeting is being held under the authority of Section 34 of the Planning Act. Also, this meeting was also advertised in accordance with the requirements of the Act.

The purpose of the meeting is to consider an amendment to the Zoning By-law for the Township of Central Frontenac. The purpose of the amendment is to bring the existing residential use of the lot into better conformity with the Zoning By-law.

The format of the meeting will be as follows: Megan Rueckwald from the County of Frontenac will make a presentation on the proposed amendment.

After the presentation, anyone who wishes to speak in favour of or contrary to the proposed Zoning By-law amendments will be given the opportunity to do so. Before you make a presentation, I would ask that you provide your name and address to the Clerk.

I am required by the Planning Act to advise you that if you do not make an oral presentation this evening or submit written comments before the By-law is adopted you will be entitled to appeal the decision of the council of the Township of Central Frontenac to the Ontario Municipal Board.

Mayor Frances then asked Megan Rueckwald to make her presentation.

No members of the public spoke in favour or against the Drapeau amendment.

Resolution #196-2017

Moved by Brent Cameron Seconded by Phillip Smith

That Council for the Township of Central Frontenac accept for information any public comments and the planning report as presented by Megan Rueckwald, Community Planner with the County of Frontenac dated June 12, 2017; and further that staff be directed to prepare the amending by-law to be presented at the next regular meeting of Council scheduled for June 27, 2017 CARRIED

Approval of Minutes Page 10 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a)


Move Into Closed Session

Resolution #197-2017

Moved by Victor Heese Seconded by Jamie Riddell

THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac move into Closed Session to discuss: i. Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; Municipal Act 239 (2) (b). ii. Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; Municipal Act 239 (2) (b). CARRIED

Rise from Closed Session

Resolution #198-2017

Moved by Phillip Smith Seconded by Victor Heese

THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac rise from Closed Session and that Council provide direction to staff regarding: ii. Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; Municipal Act 239 (2) (b). ii. Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; Municipal Act 239 (2) (b). CARRIED


Resolution #199-2017

Moved by Brent Cameron Seconded by Phillip Smith

THAT By-law 2017-23 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council on the 13th day of June be read a first, second and third time and finally passed, that this meeting be adjourned until 4:00p.m. Tuesday June 27th, 2017 at the Soldiers Memorial Hall, 1107 Garrett Street, Sharbot Lake, ON. CARRIED

Meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.

______Mayor Frances Smith Clerk Administrator Cathy MacMunn

Approval of Minutes Page 11 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a)


Report Number: 71-2017 Date of Meeting: June 27, 2017 From: Shawnn Merriman, Manager Development Services

Re: Construction Details – May, 2017

May-17 May-16 May-15 Construction Value $846,860 $87,818 $269,500 Construction Value, Year to Date $2,036,860 $1,221,118 $2,031,571 Permit Fees $12,086 $1,402 $3,862 Permit Fees, Year to Date $29,194 $17,141 $28,713 Number of Permits in 16 9 10 Total, Year to Date 39 31 34 New Residential Units 2 0 0 New Residential Units, Year to Date 6 3 5 New Seasonal Units 2 0 1 New Seasonal Units, Year to Date 3 1 1 New Com/Inds/Inst Units 0 0 0 New Com/Inds/Inst Units, Year to Date 0 0 0



$1,500,000 May-17 May-16 $1,000,000 May-15


$0 Construction Value Construction Value, Year to Date

DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/BUILDING 71-2017 May 2017 Construction ... Page 12 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a)






20 May-17 May-16 15 May-15 10


0 Number of Permits in Total, Year to Date

DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/BUILDING 71-2017 May 2017 Construction ... Page 13 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #b)



Report Number: 72-2017 Date of Meeting: June 27, 2017 From: J. Michael McGovern, Treasurer

Re: Apportionment of Taxes


THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac approve the following apportionments of assessment as recommended by MPAC for the years 2016 & 2017 as applicable for the following roll numbers:

10-39-060-010-19810-0000, 10-39-060-010-19815-0000, 10-39-080-020- 12100-0000, 10-39-080-020-12102-0000, 10-39-080-020-12103-0000, 10- 39-080-040-21500-0000 & 10-39-080-040-21503-0000.


MPAC was requested to apportion these properties which were legally divided. The Municipal Act requires that at a meeting, Council is to make its decision. The applicant is notified of Council’s decision and may further appeal to the Assessment Review Board. A decision of the Assessment Review Board is final.


D. ATTACHMENTS Apportionment Sheet attached

FINANCE 72-2017 Apportionments of Taxes Page 14 of 82 FINANCE 72-2017 Apportionments of Taxes

FOR TAXATION YEAR: 2016 SEVERANCE/CONSOLIDATION PLAN INFORMATION FORM - MPAC Field Office # / Name 05 KINGSTON Comments: Municipality CENTRAL FRONTENAC TOWNSHIP Plan Description 13R21270 Registration Date (YY/MM/DD) Date Received in LPU (YY/MM/DD) 17/02/28 Date Completed in LPU (YY/MM/DD) 17/02/28 DTS Log # (Plans - Other) 9401217

FROM: ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL ROLL Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103906001019810 3288 LONG LAKE RD 0 79.22 A Starting point RU/R/T $219,015 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $219,015 MCCULLOUGH STEPHEN KENNETH OLDEN CON 4 PT LOT 8 Depth Farm Phase-in RU/R/T $251,000 Mailing Address 0 N Amount $251,000 3288 - LONG LAKE RD Destination RU/R/T $251,000 $251,000

City/Province Postal MOUNTAIN GROVE ON K0H 2E0 2016 Starting Point & Destination Values derived from 2016 PACN

TO: ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL APPOR. Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... REMARKS/SALES Lower Upper Qual Street Name Unit # Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103906001019810 3288 LONG LAKE RD 0 77.96 A Starting point RU/R/T $53,461 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $53,461 MCCULLOUGH STEPHEN KENNETH OLDEN CON 4 PT LOT 8 Depth Farm Phase-in RU/R/T $61,268 Mailing Address 0 N Amount $61,268 3288 - LONG LAKE RD Destination RU/R/T $61,268 $61,268

City/Province Postal MOUNTAIN GROVE ON K0H 2E0

ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL APPOR. Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... REMARKS/SALES Lower Upper Qual Street Name Unit # Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103906001019815 3288 LONG LAKE RD 317.72 1.26 A Starting point RU/R/T Instrument $165,554 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $165,554 Number:FC231347, Sale MCCULLOUGH STEPHEN KENNETH OLDEN CON 4 PT LOT 8 RP 13R21270 PART 1 Depth Phase-in RU/R/T $189,732 Date:2016/11/23, Sale Mailing Address 0 N Amount $189,732 Amount:$2 3288 - LONG LAKE RD Destination RU/R/T $189,732 $189,732

City/Province Postal MOUNTAIN GROVE ON K0H 2E0 Page 15 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #b)

Page 1 FINANCE 72-2017 Apportionments of Taxes

FOR TAXATION YEAR: 2017 SEVERANCE/CONSOLIDATION PLAN INFORMATION FORM - MPAC Field Office # / Name 05 KINGSTON Comments: Municipality CENTRAL FRONTENAC TOWNSHIP Plan Description 13R21270 Registration Date (YY/MM/DD) Date Received in LPU (YY/MM/DD) 17/02/28 Date Completed in LPU (YY/MM/DD) 17/02/28 DTS Log # (Plans - Other) 9401217

FROM: ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL ROLL Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103906001019810 3288 LONG LAKE RD 0 79.22 A Starting point RU/R/T $251,000 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $251,000 MCCULLOUGH STEPHEN KENNETH OLDEN CON 4 PT LOT 8 Depth Farm Phase-in RU/R/T $231,000 Mailing Address 0 N Amount $231,000 3288 - LONG LAKE RD Destination RU/R/T $231,000 $231,000

City/Province Postal MOUNTAIN GROVE ON K0H 2E0

TO: ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL APPOR. Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... REMARKS/SALES Lower Upper Qual Street Name Unit # Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103906001019810 3288 LONG LAKE RD 0 77.96 A Starting point RU/R/T $61,268 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $61,268 MCCULLOUGH STEPHEN KENNETH OLDEN CON 4 PT LOT 8 Depth Farm Phase-in RU/R/T $56,386 Mailing Address 0 N Amount $56,386 3288 - LONG LAKE RD Destination RU/R/T $56,386 $56,386

City/Province Postal MOUNTAIN GROVE ON K0H 2E0

ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL APPOR. Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... REMARKS/SALES Lower Upper Qual Street Name Unit # Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103906001019815 3288 LONG LAKE RD 317.72 1.26 A Starting point RU/R/T Instrument $189,732 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $189,732 Number:FC231347, MCCULLOUGH STEPHEN KENNETH OLDEN CON 4 PT LOT 8 RP 13R21270 PART 1 Depth Phase-in RU/R/T $174,614 Sale Date:2016/11/23, Mailing Address 0 N Amount $174,614 Sale Amount:$2 3288 - LONG LAKE RD Destination RU/R/T $174,614 $174,614

City/Province Postal MOUNTAIN GROVE ON K0H 2E0 Page 16 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #b)

Page 1 FINANCE 72-2017 Apportionments of Taxes

FOR TAXATION YEAR: 2016 SEVERANCE/CONSOLIDATION PLAN INFORMATION FORM - MPAC Field Office # / Name 05 KINGSTON Comments: Municipality CENTRAL FRONTENAC TOWNSHIP 12102 AND 12103 TO BE CONSOLIDATED UNDER DTS # 9449671 Plan Description SKETCH Registration Date (YY/MM/DD) 16/09/01 Date Received in LPU (YY/MM/DD) 16/09/02 Date Completed in LPU (YY/MM/DD) 17/01/19 DTS Log # (Plans - Other) 9370070

FROM: ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL ROLL Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103908002012100 0 249.55 A Starting point VL/R/T $52,000 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $52,000 CRAIN WILLIAM FRANK CON 4 PT LOT 31 Depth Farm Phase-in VL/R/T $81,000 Mailing Address 0 N Amount $81,000 15913 - ROAD 509 Destination VL/R/T $81,000 $81,000

City/Province Postal CLARENDON STATION ON K0H 1J0

TO: ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL APPOR. Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... REMARKS/SALES Lower Upper Qual Street Name Unit # Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103908002012100 509 RD 0 211.48 A Starting point VL/R/T $27,187 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $27,187 CRAIN WILLIAM FRANK OSO CON 4 PT LOT 31 Depth Farm Phase-in VL/R/T $42,349 Mailing Address 0 N Amount $42,349 15913 - ROAD 509 Destination VL/R/T $42,349 $42,349

City/Province Postal CLARENTON ON K0H 1J0

ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL APPOR. Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... REMARKS/SALES Lower Upper Qual Street Name Unit # Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103908002012102 509 RD 0 38.02 A Starting point VL/R/T $24,220 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $24,220 CRAIN WILLIAM FRANK OSO CON 4 PT LOT 31 Depth Phase-in VL/R/T $37,728 Mailing Address 0 N Amount $37,728 - Destination VL/R/T $37,728 $37,728

City/Province Postal CLARENTON ON K0H 1J0

ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL APPOR. Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... REMARKS/SALES Lower Upper Qual Street Name Unit # Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103908002012103 509 RD 46.66 2308.68 SQ FT Starting point VL/R/T $593 1st Owner $593 Page 17 of 82 LEGAL DESCRIPTION CRAIN WILLIAM FRANK OSO CON 4 PT LOT 31 RP 13R1213 PART 4 Depth Phase-in VL/R/T $923 AGENDA ITEM #b) Mailing Address 0 N Amount $923 - Destination VL/R/T $923 $923

City/Province Postal CLARENTON ON K0H 1J0

Page 1 FINANCE 72-2017 Apportionments of Taxes

FOR TAXATION YEAR: 2017 SEVERANCE/CONSOLIDATION PLAN INFORMATION FORM - MPAC Field Office # / Name 05 KINGSTON Comments: Municipality CENTRAL FRONTENAC TOWNSHIP 12102 AND 12103 TO BE CONSOLIDATED UNDER DTS # 9449671 Plan Description SKETCH_01 Registration Date (YY/MM/DD) 16/09/01 Date Received in LPU (YY/MM/DD) 16/09/02 Date Completed in LPU (YY/MM/DD) 17/01/19 DTS Log # (Plans - Other) 9370070

FROM: ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL ROLL Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103908002012100 0 249.55 A Starting point VL/R/T $81,000 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $81,000 CRAIN WILLIAM FRANK CON 4 PT LOT 31 Depth Farm Phase-in VL/R/T $59,000 Mailing Address 0 N Amount $59,000 15913 - ROAD 509 Destination VL/R/T $59,000 $59,000

City/Province Postal CLARENDON STATION ON K0H 1J0

TO: ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL APPOR. Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... REMARKS/SALES Lower Upper Qual Street Name Unit # Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103908002012100 509 RD 0 211.48 A Starting point VL/R/T $42,349 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $42,349 CRAIN WILLIAM FRANK OSO CON 4 PT LOT 31 Depth Farm Phase-in VL/R/T $30,847 Mailing Address 0 N Amount $30,847 15913 - ROAD 509 Destination VL/R/T $30,847 $30,847

City/Province Postal CLARENTON ON K0H 1J0

ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL APPOR. Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... REMARKS/SALES Lower Upper Qual Street Name Unit # Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103908002012102 509 RD 0 38.02 A Starting point VL/R/T $37,728 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $37,728 CRAIN WILLIAM FRANK OSO CON 4 PT LOT 31 Depth Phase-in VL/R/T $27,480 Mailing Address 0 N Amount $27,480 - Destination VL/R/T $27,480 $27,480

City/Province Postal CLARENTON ON K0H 1J0


Page 18 of 82 Lower Upper Qual Street Name Unit # Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103908002012103 509 RD Starting point VL/R/T

46.66 2308.68 SQ FT AGENDA ITEM #b) $923 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $923 CRAIN WILLIAM FRANK OSO CON 4 PT LOT 31 RP 13R1213 PART 4 Depth Phase-in VL/R/T $673 Mailing Address 0 N Amount $673 - Destination VL/R/T $673 $673

City/Province Postal CLARENTON ON K0H 1J0

Page 1 FINANCE 72-2017 Apportionments of Taxes

FOR TAXATION YEAR: 2016 SEVERANCE/CONSOLIDATION PLAN INFORMATION FORM - MPAC Field Office # / Name 05 KINGSTON Comments: Municipality CENTRAL FRONTENAC TOWNSHIP START VALUES FROM PREVIOUS 2017 SCIF: 1039_SKETCH_9370070. Plan Description SKETCH Registration Date (YY/MM/DD) 16/09/01 Date Received in LPU (YY/MM/DD) 16/09/01 Date Completed in LPU (YY/MM/DD) 17/05/31 DTS Log # (Plans - Other) 9449671

FROM: ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL ROLL Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103908002012102 509 RD 0 38.02 A Starting point VL/R/T $24,220 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $24,220 CRAIN WILLIAM FRANK OSO CON 4 PT LOT 31 Depth Farm Phase-in VL/R/T $37,728 Mailing Address 0 N Amount $37,728 - Destination VL/R/T $37,728 $37,728

City/Province Postal CLARENTON ON K0H 1J0

ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL ROLL Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103908002012103 509 RD 46.66 2308.68 SQ FT Starting point VL/R/T $593 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $593 CRAIN WILLIAM FRANK OSO CON 4 PT LOT 31 RP 13R1213 PART 4 Depth Farm Phase-in VL/R/T $923 Mailing Address 0 N Amount $923 - Destination VL/R/T $923 $923

City/Province Postal CLARENTON ON K0H 1J0

TO: ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL APPOR. Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... REMARKS/SALES Lower Upper Qual Street Name Unit # Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103908002012102 509 RD 0 38.07 A Starting point VL/R/T Instrument $24,813 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $24,813 Number:FC226600, Sale CRAIGUE ROBERT SANBORN OSO CON 4 PT LOT 31 AND RP 13R1213 PART 4 Depth Farm Phase-in VL/R/T $38,651 Date:2016/09/01, Sale Mailing Address 0 N Amount $38,651 Amount:$25000 1080 - HOYLE LANE Destination VL/R/T $38,651 $38,651

City/Province Postal MABERLY ON K0H 2B0 Page 19 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #b)

Page 1 FINANCE 72-2017 Apportionments of Taxes

FOR TAXATION YEAR: 2017 SEVERANCE/CONSOLIDATION PLAN INFORMATION FORM - MPAC Field Office # / Name 05 KINGSTON Comments: Municipality CENTRAL FRONTENAC TOWNSHIP START VALUES FROM PREVIOUS 2017 SCIF: 1039_SKETCH_9370070. Plan Description SKETCH Registration Date (YY/MM/DD) 16/09/01 Date Received in LPU (YY/MM/DD) 16/09/01 Date Completed in LPU (YY/MM/DD) 17/05/31 DTS Log # (Plans - Other) 9449671

FROM: ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL ROLL Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103908002012102 509 RD 0 38.02 A Starting point VL/R/T $37,728 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $37,728 CRAIN WILLIAM FRANK OSO CON 4 PT LOT 31 Depth Farm Phase-in VL/R/T $27,480 Mailing Address 0 N Amount $27,480 - Destination VL/R/T $27,480 $27,480

City/Province Postal CLARENTON ON K0H 1J0

ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL ROLL Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103908002012103 509 RD 46.66 2308.68 SQ FT Starting point VL/R/T $923 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $923 CRAIN WILLIAM FRANK OSO CON 4 PT LOT 31 RP 13R1213 PART 4 Depth Farm Phase-in VL/R/T $673 Mailing Address 0 N Amount $673 - Destination VL/R/T $673 $673

City/Province Postal CLARENTON ON K0H 1J0

TO: ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL APPOR. Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... REMARKS/SALES Lower Upper Qual Street Name Unit # Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103908002012102 509 RD 0 38.07 A Starting point VL/R/T Instrument $38,651 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $38,651 Number:FC226600, CRAIGUE ROBERT SANBORN OSO CON 4 PT LOT 31 AND RP 13R1213 PART 4 Depth Farm Phase-in VL/R/T $28,153 Sale Date:2016/09/01, Mailing Address 0 N Amount $28,153 Sale Amount:$25000 1080 - HOYLE LANE Destination VL/R/T $28,153 $28,153

City/Province Postal

Page 20 of 82 MABERLY ON K0H 2B0 AGENDA ITEM #b)

Page 1 FINANCE 72-2017 Apportionments of Taxes

FOR TAXATION YEAR: 2016 SEVERANCE/CONSOLIDATION PLAN INFORMATION FORM - MPAC Field Office # / Name 05 KINGSTON Comments: Municipality CENTRAL FRONTENAC TOWNSHIP 29-May-17 Plan Description CON2 Registration Date (YY/MM/DD) Date Received in LPU (YY/MM/DD) 16/09/02 Date Completed in LPU (YY/MM/DD) 17/05/24 DTS Log # (Plans - Other) 9446460

FROM: ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL ROLL Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103908004021500 CONBOY RD 0 153.46 A Starting point FL/F/T $42,500 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $42,500 CONBOY MELVIN P OSO CON 2 PT LOTS 20 AND 21 Depth Farm Phase-in FL/F/T $44,500 Mailing Address 0 Y Amount $44,500 2379 - BELL LINE RD Destination FL/F/T $44,500 $44,500

City/Province Postal SHARBOT LAKE ON K0H 2P0

TO: ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL APPOR. Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... REMARKS/SALES Lower Upper Qual Street Name Unit # Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103908004021500 CONBOY RD 1962.99 88.46 A Starting point FL/F/T $27,679 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $27,679 CONBOY MELVIN PERCIVAL OSO CON 2 PT LOTS 20 AND 21 Depth Farm Phase-in FL/F/T $28,981 Mailing Address 0 Y Amount $28,981 2379 - BELL LINE RD Destination FL/F/T $28,981 $28,981

City/Province Postal SHARBOT LAKE ON K0H 2P0

ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL APPOR. Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... REMARKS/SALES Lower Upper Qual Street Name Unit # Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103908004021503 CONBOY RD 2761.1 65 A Starting point FL/F/T Instrument $14,821 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $14,821 Number:FC226587, Sale CONBOY CLAYTON ROBERT OSO CON 2 PT LOT 21 N CONBOY RD Depth Phase-in FL/F/T $15,519 Date:2016/09/02, Sale Mailing Address 0 Y Amount $15,519 Amount:$30000 425 - VENDEVALE AVE Destination FL/F/T $15,519 $15,519

City/Province Postal STITTSVILLE ON K2S 0M6 Page 21 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #b)

Page 1 FINANCE 72-2017 Apportionments of Taxes

FOR TAXATION YEAR: 2017 SEVERANCE/CONSOLIDATION PLAN INFORMATION FORM - MPAC Field Office # / Name 05 KINGSTON Comments: Municipality CENTRAL FRONTENAC TOWNSHIP 29-May-17 Plan Description CON2 Registration Date (YY/MM/DD) Date Received in LPU (YY/MM/DD) 16/09/02 Date Completed in LPU (YY/MM/DD) 17/05/24 DTS Log # (Plans - Other) 9446460

FROM: ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL ROLL Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103908004021500 CONBOY RD 0 153.46 A Starting point FL/F/T $44,500 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $44,500 CONBOY MELVIN P OSO CON 2 PT LOTS 20 AND 21 Depth Farm Phase-in FL/F/T $53,375 Mailing Address 0 Y Amount $53,375 2379 - BELL LINE RD Destination FL/F/T $80,000 $80,000

City/Province Postal SHARBOT LAKE ON K0H 2P0

TO: ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL APPOR. Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... REMARKS/SALES Lower Upper Qual Street Name Unit # Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103908004021500 CONBOY RD 1962.99 88.46 A Starting point FL/F/T $28,981 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $28,981 CONBOY MELVIN PERCIVAL OSO CON 2 PT LOTS 20 AND 21 Depth Farm Phase-in FL/F/T $34,761 Mailing Address 0 Y Amount $34,761 2379 - BELL LINE RD Destination FL/F/T $52,100 $52,100

City/Province Postal SHARBOT LAKE ON K0H 2P0

ROLL NUMBER PROPERTY LOCATION ACTUAL TOTAL APPOR. Tax Class 1 Tax Class 2 Tax Class 3 Tax Class 4 ... REMARKS/SALES Lower Upper Qual Street Name Unit # Frontage Area U/M VALUE $ Value $ Value $ Value $ Value ... 103908004021503 CONBOY RD 2761.1 65 A Starting point FL/F/T Instrument $15,519 1st Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION $15,519 Number:FC226587, CONBOY CLAYTON ROBERT OSO CON 2 PT LOT 21 N CONBOY RD Depth Phase-in FL/F/T $18,614 Sale Date:2016/09/02, Mailing Address 0 Y Amount $18,614 Sale Amount:$30000 425 - VENDEVALE AVE Destination FL/F/T $27,900 $27,900

City/Province Postal STITTSVILLE ON K2S 0M6 Page 22 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #b)

Page 1 AGENDA ITEM #c)



Report Number: 73-2017 Date of Meeting: June 27, 2017 From: J. Michael McGovern, Treasurer

Re: Section 357 / 358 Applications


THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac approve the following reduction of Assessments pursuant to the Municipal Act.

Roll Number 10-39-010-010-04000-0000 Scott Estate, Stanton Owen for the period of January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016 as reported by MPAC. Reason – Gross or manifest clerical/factual error - (357)(1)(f)

And further that Council approve an adjustment of taxes to be calculated by the tax department for the related period.


It is the normal practice to approve this adjustment of assessment as recommended by MPAC.

Phase in of Assessment has meant that Assessments for 2012 is required to be restated by MPAC based on the now existing property in order to determine the new Phased in amounts. Additional reports have been implemented by MPAC to determine this information.


Tax adjustments will be charged back to the County and School Board and to Township write offs.


Reports from MPAC at meeting

FINANCE 73-2017 Section 357 / 358 Applications Page 23 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #d)



Report Number: 74-2017 Date of Meeting: June 27, 2017 From: J. Michael McGovern, Treasurer

Re: Accounts Payable Report


THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac approve the Accounts Payable reports dated May 19, 31 & June 2, 2017 totalling $413,358.32 as prepared by the Treasurer.


Details of invoices are available from the Treasurer at the office. Please call in advance of the meeting for any information.


The cash position of the municipality allows for the payment of these invoices.


Cheque Distribution Reports

FINANCE 74-2017 Accounts Payable Report Page 24 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #d)


TOTAL REQUIREMENTS $413,358.32 to be approved by Council A/P Cash Requirements Date May 19, 2017 $218,212.49 May 31, 2017 $5,235.46 June 2, 2017 $189,910.37

DISTRIBUTION Total 413,358.32 General Government 35,338.05 Council 299.87 General Administration 29,089.66 Technology 21,087.12 911 Civic Addressing - Central Frontenac Fire 19,425.39 Jepp - Emergency Measures - Conservation Authorities - Policing 105,898.00 Fenceviewers - Animal Control - Livestock Losses 542.89 Building Department 2,451.51 Facilities Coordinator/Septic program 2,153.73 By-law Enforcement 187.16 Roads Department 86,028.17 Streetlighting 3,168.91 Waste Disposal 11,103.44 Cemeteries 6,931.93 Helipad - Medical Centre - Recreation 62,967.62 Other Cultural 1,312.01 Planning 2,914.69 Economic Development/Festival - Municipal Drain - GST/HST 22,458.17

FINANCE 74-2017 Accounts Payable Report Page 25 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #d)

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Report Number: 75-2017 Date of Meeting: June 27, 2017 From: J. Michael McGovern, Treasurer

Re: Arrears/Tax Sale Properties Summary Update


THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac accept the Arrears/Tax Sale Properties Summary Update report as prepared by the Treasurer for information purposes only.


The municipality is authorized under sections 371 to 389 of the municipal act to commence the tax sale process on any properties that fall into 4th year in arrears (Current tax bill plus 3 years in arrears).

An update to the municipal act through “Bill 68 Modernizing the Municipal Act” now allows the municipality to proceed after the property falls into the 3rd year in arrears. i.e. a property that does not pay their 2017 taxes can have tax sale proceedings started in the year 2020 vs the year 2021 under the previous rules. The Frontenac Treasurers will work on an action plan to let property tax owners know about the new rules before proceeding with tax sale one year earlier than was allowed in the past.

Currently in tax sale at different stages represents properties that we have commenced the tax sale process on.

Current payment arrangements made represents the fact that sufficient payments are being made to remove the property from tax sale in a timely fashion.

Properties to be investigated before commencing tax sale represent properties that have problems with them that need to be investigated to see the viability of conducting a tax sale.

In 2016 we had 68 properties in tax sale position representing $827,902 in outstanding property tax receivables. We currently have 58 properties in tax sale position representing $612,142 in outstanding property tax receivables, which is a decrease of 10 properties and $215,760 in outstanding property tax receivables from 2016.

FINANCE 75-2017 Arrears/Tax Sale Properties Summary Update Page 44 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #e)


Outstanding # of % of Total Arrears Update/Tax Sale Properties Summary Property Tax Properties A/R($1,527,510) Receivables

Currently in tax sale at different stages 24 $ 278,628 18% Current Payment arrangements made 29 $ 181,260 12% Properties to be investigated before commencing tax sale 5 $ 152,254 10% Total # of properties in tax sale position (Total o/s A/R) 58 $ 612,142 40%

As of August 27, 2016 68 $ 827,902 44%

Difference -10 -$ 215,760



FINANCE 75-2017 Arrears/Tax Sale Properties Summary Update Page 45 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #f)



Report Number: 76-2017 Date of Meeting: June 27, 2017 From: J. Michael McGovern, Treasurer

Re: Council One-Third Current Tax Exemption


THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac accept this analysis report on the One-Third Tax Exemption as prepared by the Treasurer for information purposes only.


The one-third tax exemption was “introduced in 1947 under the federal Income Tax Act, the purpose of the one-third tax-free expense allowances was to provide, an allowance for expenses incidental to the discharge of the person’s duties as an elected officer.” income-tax-exemptions-thanks-federal-government-actions/ June 16, 2017

Excerpt below from page 208 of the 2017 Federal Budget.


An increase of $15,480.74 would be required for council to obtain the same net pay if the one-third tax exemption is removed and then becomes taxable.



FINANCE 76-2017 Council One-Third Current Tax Exemption Page 46 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #g)



Report Number: 77-2017 Date of Meeting: May 23, 2017 From: Cathy MacMunn, Clerk Administrator Prepared by: Donna Longmire, Administrative Assistant

Re: Bordenwood Cemetery


WHEREAS Section 101.1 of the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2001, S.O. 2002, c33 states that an application to declare a cemetery abandoned may be made by the owner of the cemetery, the municipality or the Registrar;

AND WHEREAS the Township of Central Frontenac has received written notice of abandonment of the Bordenwood Cemetery (site 00711);

AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac has care and control over numerous abandoned cemeteries within the Municipality;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct staff to proceed with the Transfer of the Bordenwood Cemetery to the Township of Central Frontenac.


Notification was received from Denis Scott and Reg Peterson, that the Bordenwood Cemetery be gifted to the Township.

A cemetery can be declared abandoned if it is unable to be maintained by its current cemetery board. An application/letter declaring that a cemetery is being abandoned is registered to the appropriate land registry office/local municipality within whose geographic boundaries the land of the cemetery is located.

The Township of Central Frontenac becomes the owner of the Bordenwood Cemetery with all rights and obligations in respect of the cemetery and the assets, trust funds and trust accounts related to it that the previous owner or operator had.

Bordenwood Cemetery is located at the intersection of Bordenwood Road and Richardson Road, former Township of Kennebec.


Yearly maintenance costs


ADMINISTRATION 77-2017 Bordenwood Cemetery Page 47 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #h)



Report Number: 78-2017 Date of Meeting: May 23, 2017 From: Cathy MacMunn, Clerk Administrator Prepared by: Donna Longmire, Administrative Assistant

Re: Mountain Grove Cemeteries 150th Anniversary Project


THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive the Mountain Grove Cemeteries 150th Anniversary Project report for information.


February 14, 2017, John Purdon appeared before council regarding the purchase of 3 benches. The funding of this project was coming from Mountain Grove Cemeteries Reserve fund. The following is the resolution that was passed:

“THAT Council for the Township of Central Frontenac receive the request from John Purdon for a bench in each of the three (3) Mountain Grove Cemeteries for information;

AND FURTHER, that Council approve the purchase and installation of a granite or marble bench to be placed in each of the three (3) Mountain Grove cemeteries;

AND FURTHER, that the money for the benches come from the Mountain Grove Cemetery Reserve;

AND FURTHER, that Council direct staff to work with John Purdon on the actual location of the benches in each of the cemeteries, with an installation date prior to July 9, 2017”

Bids received: Campbell Monument Kingston Monuments Milestone Monuments $7,401 plus HST $8,682 plus HST More than $9,855 plus HST

On June 12, 2017 the location of the benches were determined, with installation of foundation and benches on June 15th, 2017 completed by Campbell Monument.

1. Olden Pioneer Cemetery (or Old Mountain Grove Cemetery), located on the NW corner, 2. Mountain Grove (New) Cemetery, located on the SE corner 3. St. John’s Anglican Cemetery, located on the SW corner.


D. ATTACHMENTS Bench Photo’s

ADMINISTRATION 78-2017 Mountain Grove Cemeteries 150th Anniv... Page 48 of 82 ADMINISTRATION 79-2017 Business Report

Business/Project Summary 27-Jun-17 Item Date In Status Completion COUNCIL Target Date Department heads will be reviewing the Evaluation Criteria twice a year and Strategic Plan Apr-16 Sep-17 will bring a report to council updating the status of the Strategic Actions. Terry Gervais did a presentation to all Councils at a joint meeting on May In Field Communications/Gap Study/Options Mar-14 Sep-17 31st. Next steps will be determined and brought forth. Committee is made up of County and Twp representatives includingTay Big Data for Small Places/ Trail Hub Dec-16 01-Sep-17 Valley.. Exploring options to look at developing Sharbot Lake as a hub Committee was established in December 2015. Committee is looking at what Re-Use Centre Nov-15 is required to house the centre at the Olden Waste Site. No further 01-Sep-17 information from the Committee on implementation. Initial meeting with the County Task Force and next steps for the committee. C F Seniors Housing Task Force Committee Feb-17 Ongoing Updates will be provided as this moves forward CORPORATE SUPPORT Administration Will complete a terms of reference. We now have 3 community members Community Policing Committee Jan-17 Sep-17 along with two council members. Now just to confirm a date for a meeting. Trailer Fees By-law Aug-13 Report brought to council August 13; Council direction given to proceed On hold Former Hinchinbrooke and Sharbot Lake Public Decision on what each of the schools will be used for. Discussion on Nov-15 Sep-17 Schools demolition may take place later in 2017 Develop Signage strategy for Township. The Economic Development Oct-13 Sep-17 Committee is working with the County on signage. Township Signage Strategy Council recommended forming a subcommittee to determine which direction Apr-16 Sep-17 Council wants to head in regarding a signage by-law. Fees and Charges By-law Mar-17 Review of planning fees Sep-17 A report to come forth to council on whether to stop train whistling in Crow Train Whistle CrowLake 01-Jan-17 Completed Lake. Decision not to proceed. FINANCE Procurement By-Law Review Jul-12 By-law is currently being updated and reviewed. 17-Sep Asset Management Oct-12 Updating of Asset Management Plan On going Page 49 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #i) ADMINISTRATION 79-2017 Business Report

DEVELOPMENT SERVICES & BUILDING SERVICES Authorize draft by-law for septic pumpers and haulers; authorize draft Septic Re-Inspection Committee reporting format; authorize communications plan; investigate all potential Sep-17 associated costs and implementation Mandated to investigate financial incentives to help with Septic installations Septic Finance Committtee Mar-17 Sep-17 for property owners needing help

Brushing in Oconto will be completed in fall 2017 by Public Works. Parham is Cemetery Improvements Sep-17 Sep-17 proceeding

Handed over to municipality. Working on paperwork for compliance with Bordenwood Cemetery May-16 Sep-17 Bereavement Authority of Ontario including mapping. Cemetery Master Plan Jan-14 Review all cemeteries and develop a maintenance, capital and funding plan 2018 project (GIS Department) is assisting with the implementation of Cemetery Software Update May-16 Fall 2017 Diamond/Stone Orchard cemetary module. Currently in progress. County Planner is now looking at an open house for the Official Plan end of Official Plan - 5 Year Review Oct-13 01-Sep-17 July first of August. Council have authorized offering the plan to the entire municipality. Frontenac Community Improvement Plan Mar-16 County planners are working on bringing forth a report to Council regarding 17-Sep-17 the plan. County Planner to provide an update Currently under construction. Lighting and fencing not completed in November Mountain Grove Ball Park Fall 2009 01-Jun-17 due to weather.

PUBLIC WORKS and WASTE MGT. SERVICES Roads/Bridges Beaver Management Practices Apr-13 PWM has been communicating with Issac Hale, will meet in the fall Sep-17 Being surveyed and dissected. Proposed work plan to be completed for 2018 Crow Lake Road/Hamlet Jun-17 Apr-18 construction yeart. Tender has been sent out with deadline of July 11th. Job to be completed Elm Tree Road Jun-17 Sep-17 Summer of 2017 Burke Settlement Bridges Jun-17 Contract has been awarded with an anticipated start date of July 20th Sep-17 Roads Need Study Jun-17 In progress Dec-17 4 km southern boundary is being resurfaced this spring along with the Arden Road Jul-17 completion of the 1.4 km will be completed in July Waste Mgt.

Page 50 of 82 Joint Waste Project Jun-17 Collaboration with the County and other Frontenac Municipalities On going

Blue Box Program Jun-17 PW Manager reviewing blue box program/diversion options Sep-17 AGENDA ITEM #i) FIRE and RESCUE SERVICE Fire Services Review May-16 Gervais Consulting was hired to do a review of the Fire Services. Phase 1 has been completed moving forward with the reccommendations . Chief Robinson will be working on Phase 2 with some assistance from Terry Oct-17 Gervais Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Prevention Plan coming forth to Council. Due PTSD Prevention Plan 17-Feb Completed date to the Ministry is April 23 2017 AGENDA ITEM #j)

Planning Report

To: Mayor and Members of Council

From: Megan Rueckwald Community Planner County of Frontenac

Re: Application for Zoning By-law Amendment Part of Lot 25, Concession 5, Geographic Township of Hichinbrooke 1450 Wagarville Road, Central Frontenac File No. Z-01-17

Recommendation: Pass By-law 2017-24 to permit the rezoning.

Date Prepared: June 21st, 2017 Date of Meeting: June 27th, 2017

Proposal An application has been submitted for a Zoning-By-law amendment for Part of Lot 25, Concession 5, geographic Township of Hichinbrooke to re-zone the northern portion of the property from Environmental Protection-1 (EP-1) to Rural in order to correct inaccurate identification of EP-1 (Organic Soils) and zone the entire property as Rural.

Background The subject property is situated along the north side of Wagarville Road in Central Frontenac. The subject property is 0.74 hectares (1.8 acres) in area with approximately 67m (220 ft) of frontage along the Wagarville Road. The lot is approximately 122 metres (400 ft) in depth. The lot is undeveloped.

Appendix A includes the location of the property, along with the proposed zoning.

All surrounding properties are zoned Rural and EP-1 and are a mix of cleared land for agriculture and wooded area. No waterbodies are directly abutting the subject property.

The proposed Zoning By-law amendment is to rezone the rear portion of the lot from EP-1 to Rural to correct inaccurate identification of rural soils. The permitted uses in the Environmental Protection zone include conservation use, forestry use, and natural heritage features and areas. Rural zoning in the Township’s Zoning By-law permits agricultural and related uses as well as

PLANNING REPORT 1450 Wagarville Road - Drapeau Page 51 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #j)

multiple types of dwellings and other uses suitable for rural lands. In this application, the proponent is seeking to rezone the lands all to Rural.

The purpose and effect of the Zoning By-law amendment is to:  Rezone the rear portion of the lot from EP-1 to Rural to correct inaccurate identification of organic soils.

Provincial Policy Statement (2014) The 2014 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) provides direction on matters of Provincial interest related to land use planning and development. It promotes efficient land use and development patterns that support strong, liveable and healthy communities, protect the environment and public health and safety, and facilitate economic growth. The PPS requires that decisions affecting land use planning matters “shall be consistent” with the policies of the PPS.

Section 1.0 of the PPS addresses building strong healthy communities with policies in place for managing and directing land use to achieve efficient and resilient development and land use patterns. The intention of many of the policies in this section are to support sustainable development that promotes a mix of uses, avoids environmental or public health and safety concerns and minimizes land consumption, while maximizing existing infrastructure.

Official Plan The subject property is designated as Rural and Organic Soils in the Township of Central Frontenac Official Plan.

Section 3.6 Rural Area of the Official Plan speaks to the type of development intended for rural areas within the Township of Central Frontenac. It is the intent of the Plan to provide a supply of land for rural residential and recreational oriented uses. Rural residential uses are permitted in the plan.

Section 8.2 Organic Soils and Steep or Unstable Slopes provides policy direction for organic soils identified in the land use schedules. Organic soils are described as those soils normally formed in water saturated environments. The policy states that these soils may not contain sufficient strength to support a building or structure. Organic soils shall be considered as a constraint to development and no development shall be permitted.


The subject property is currently zoned as Rural and EP-1 in the Township of Central Frontenac Zoning By-law. The EP-1 zones prohibits development due to the instability and insufficient strength of the soil to supports buildings or structures. In this case, the applicant has identified that the zoning is inaccurate and the soils are in fact not organic. No developments shall be permitted unless the lands are rezoned to a zone appropriate for the proposed use.

Rideau Valley Conservation Authority provided a letter dated February 2017 as well as more recent email correspondence that they have no concerns with the rezoning. The letter stated that, “our office has no concerns with development and would support a rezoning if the Township persists with the indication that the lot created by 2015 consent does not appear to have organic soils/wetland area.”

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Correspondence from Rideau Valley Conservation Authority was sent to the Township regarding development on the lot and the inaccurate zoning prior to the application being reviewed. RVCA commented that the zoning, “may be a bit inaccurate or shown at a scale that is somewhat misleading. Google street view … suggest the location as being open field, not indicating organic soils on the lot itself.”

Further correspondence with the Conservation Authority and the Township detailed that RVCA supports the rezoning to recognize that Mr. Drapeau’s lot is not encumbered by organic soils. The email stated that, “air photos and Google street view, as well as Health Unit clearance, as I understand it to be, appear to confirm that there are no concerns on the lot created in 2015.”

It is the intention of County Planning staff to conduct a site visit on June 22, 2017 to confirm the site conditions as was suggested at the Council Meeting held June 13, 2017. Any information contrary to what is presented in this report will be provided to Council as soon as possible following the site visit.

Conclusion / Recommendation

As of the writing of this report, no issues have been identified as part of the circulation process.

It is recommended that Township Council pass By-law 2017-24 to permit the rezoning of the lands from EP-1 to Rural.


Prepared by: Reviewed by: Megan Rueckwald Joe Gallivan Community Planner Director of Planning and Economic County of Frontenac Development County of Frontenac

PLANNING REPORT 1450 Wagarville Road - Drapeau Page 53 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #k)

Planning Report

To: Mayor and Members of Council

From: Megan Rueckwald Community Planner County of Frontenac

Re: Application for Site Plan Control Part of Lot 16, Concession 2 24601 Highway 7, Sharbot Lake, Central Frontenac File No. SP-01-17 (2533652 Ontario Inc.)

Recommendation: Endorsement of Site Plan Application and Preparation by the Solicitor

Date Prepared: June 22nd, 2017 Date of Meeting: June 27th, 2017

Introduction The purpose of this report is to provide Council with information regarding an application for Site Plan Control under Section 41 of the Planning Act for Part of 16, Concession 2, Oso Township, known as 24601 Highway 7, Sharbot Lake. With Council’s directive, the Municipal Solicitor will be requested to draft a site plan agreement and the Mayor and Clerk be authorised to enter into a site plan agreement with 2533652 Ontario Inc..

Proposal An application has been submitted for Site Plan Control at 24601 Highway 7 in order to renovate the existing structure and construct a new gasoline bar facility covered with an overhead canopy as well as parking. The existing building will be converted from a restaurant and residential unit to a restaurant and convenience store. This will involve significant site alteration. As a condition of approval, 2533652 Ontario Inc. will be required to enter into a site plan agreement. Attached to this report is an aerial map created by the County GIS department showing the site plan as well as SP-1 submitted by the applicant.

Background The subject property is located along the south side of Highway 7 in Central Frontenac, near the junction of Highway 7 and County Road 38. The subject property is 1.03 acres in area and has approximately 46 metres of frontage along Highway 7. The lot is currently developed and contains a vacant building previously used as a restaurant with a residential unit along the back.

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The neighbouring properties along Highway 7 are zoned Business District (BD) and the property to the rear is part of a residential subdivision and is zoned General Residential (R1).

The subject property is designated as Business District in the Township of Central Frontenac Official Plan. The Business District zone permits the uses of a gasoline bar as well as all permitted uses in the General Commercial (C) zone which permits a restaurant. Section 4.3 of the By-law sets out specific requirements for an auto service station, gasoline bar, and car washing establishment.

The application was also subject to a minor variance for the reduction in parking. The owner agrees to comply with the zoning requirements and to standards no less than the minor variance granted for relief to a reduction in the number of parking spaces required.


The application has been circulated to the Building Department, Central Frontenac Fire Services, Public Works, Planning Consultant, Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority, KFL&A Public Health, and the Ministry of Transportation. The following comments were received with regards to the plans submitted in January, 2017 and, where necessary, additional comments on the changes to the revised plan submitted in April, 2017.

Central Frontenac Fire Services – January 13, 2017 Reviewed the proposed plans and have no concerns with the proposal.

Public Works Department – January 13, 2017 Public Works has no concerns that need to be addressed but advised the business that recycling is a Provincial interest and there is no evidence of recycling storage identified in the site plan.

Planning The application sought relief from the Zoning By-law for a reduction in required parking spaces. Minor variance was approved by the Committee of Adjustment on Thursday June 8, 2017. All other provisions in the by-law and no additional planning applications are required.

Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority – March 7, 2017 MVCA has no objection to the subject application in principle. Completion of an EIA was recommended to assess potential impacts of the proposal on the watercourse. The Director of Planning and Economic Development advised the applicant that this would not be required as no alterations to lands abutting the watercourse located to the west side of the property were proposed. MVCA also advised the applicant to consult the Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2000 for additional design requirements for gas station runoff and discharging stormwater runoff to the watercourse identified.

KFL&A Public Health The applicant has worked with KFL&A to determine the required septic system capacity for the proposed development. KFL&A Public Health provided a copy of the approved permit as confirmation that Public Health had no concerns regarding the application.

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Ministry of Transportation – Ongoing Consultation The applicant has worked with the Ministry of Transportation and first was in correspondence with the MTO in 2015. The property is within the Ministry’s permit control area and therefore MTO approvals and permits are required prior to any construction and/or demolition of any buildings and/or structures and prior to the issuance of any municipal building permits and or approvals as per section 8. (2) (a) of the Building Code.

MTO has stated in June, 2017 that they are not prepared to issue permits until all conditions are met for the detail design and a legal agreement is signed. In correspondence with MTO, the following were listed as a requirement/condition of this development:  a left hand turn lane design is required to be designed to the satisfaction of the Ministry including legal agreement between MTO and the proponent;  an Environmental Screening Report, geotechnical report, Design Sections, and other reports/documentation that is part of the design for the highway road works to facilitate the development. MTO has indicated that they are reviewing the first submission of the detailed design package submitted for this development and will be providing technical comments that the Township will be circulated on.

Recommended Conditions The list of recommended conditions is intended to reflect comments received and outstanding conditions to be addressed. None of the circulated agencies object to the application for site plan approval, however, MTO is not prepared to issue permits at this time.

It is recommended that the conditions listed below for site plan approval be forwarded to the Municipal Solicitor to be incorporated into the site plan agreement. Please be advised that the Township Solicitor will formalize the wording of the conditions, ensure they may be legally requested as part of the agreement, and revise any conditions in the draft stage should additional information be brought forward.

The agreement specifically applies to the construction of a gasoline bar and reconstruction of the existing building to convert the building into a restaurant and convenience store on lands described as Part of Lot 17, Concession 2 (Oso), Reference Plan No. 13R-5722, 24601 Highway 7, Sharbot Lake, Ontario. The lot is 0.4166 ha.

Site Plan Approval Details


The Township of Central Frontenac shall require 2533652 Ontario Inc. to file a letter of credit or other financial security that the Township may use in the event 2533652 Ontario Inc. defaults or fails to perform conditions as set out in the site plan control agreement. In the absence of a letter of credit/financial security, Council has the authority under Section 67(1) of the Planning Act to take legal action against 2533652 Ontario Inc. for failure to comply with the terms of site plan agreement.

General The site is to be developed in accordance with the following site plan drawings, general notes, and specifications, and any additional applications set out in the site plan control agreement: 1. A-202 Existing Building Elevations 2. GP-1 Grading Plan

PLANNING REPORT 2533652 Ont. Inc. - Site Plan Application Page 56 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #k)

3. GP-2 Servicing Plan 4. GP-3 Notes and Details 5. GP-4 Pre-Development Drainage Plan 6. GP-5 Post-Development Drainage Plan 7. LP-1 Proposed Landscape Plan 8. LP-2 Landscape Details 9. SP-1 Proposed Site Plan 10. PSY-1 Proposed Pylon Sign Elevations & Details 11. CA-2 Proposed Canopy Elevations

 Prior to the commencement of any construction, the Owner shall obtain all necessary permits and approvals required by any other agency or authority having jurisdiction (e.g., Ministry of Transportation).  If any portion of the Works or facilities will be located on a public street or highway or any lands owned by the Municipality or any other public authority, the Owner shall, as a condition of this Agreement, keep in force until such works or facilities have been approved by the Township a comprehensive plan of public liability and property damage insurance acceptable to the Municipality that provides insurance coverage in respect of any one occurrence to the limit of at least five million dollars ($5,000,000) exclusive of interest and costs, against loss or damage resulting from bodily injury to, or death of one or more persons and loss of or damage to property. The policy shall name the Municipality as a named insured.  Township to be indemnified from legal actions during construction and demolition.  Upon completion of all works and facilities, and in any event no later than 6 months from the date of substantial completion of the project, the Owner shall submit 2 copies of “as-built” site plan drawings to the Township.  Township staff, its servants and contractors, and the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority shall be provided a licence to enter the Owner’s Lands during normal operating hours for the purpose of inspecting the works and facilities, including performing any necessary tests and to perform any work arising from or the result of any default by the Owner.  Legal, engineering, landscape, architectural, planning and administrative costs incurred by the Township to process the Site Plan Agreement shall be paid by the Owner.  The Owner shall pay legal cost of registration of agreement against title.

Minor revisions to the drawings may be required:  To ensure that MTO will provide the necessary permits to complete the work.  If the Township Solicitor identifies an error or omission on the drawings.


 The Owner agrees to comply with the zoning requirements and to standards no less than the minor variances granted for a relief to a reduction in the number of required parking spaces.

Parking and Loading Spaces  Owner agrees to provide a total of 16 parking spaces consisting of 15 standard parking spaces and one barrier-free parking spaces in the dimensions and locations shown on

PLANNING REPORT 2533652 Ont. Inc. - Site Plan Application Page 57 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #k)

Drawing SP-1. The required signs (including “No Parking and Fire Route” signs) and painted directional arrows shall be provided as shown on Drawing SP-1 as well.

Stormwater Management  Stormwater shall be managed according to the Storm Water Management Study Report provided.

Landscaping  Landscaping is to comply with the Drawing LP-1 Proposed Landscape Plan and LP-2 Landscape Details.  Sod shall be nursery sod of good quality, free of weeds, disease, and insects and of good colour and density. Sod shall be laid in accordance with nursery specifications and shall be maintained.

Habitat Protection and Conservation  Proper fencing and erosion control using best management practices shall be used during construction and demolition.  Spill kits shall be readily available for all machinery used for excavations and construction.

Sewage Disposal System  The Owner shall construct and maintain a Class 4 sewage system to meet requirements of permit number OS-1-17 approved by KFL&A Public Health.  The Owner shall install the system in accordance with the Building Code.  It is recommended to keep a clearance distance of 5 m (16 ft) from the Type A Dispersal Bed to the concrete curb.  The Owner shall install a grease trap.

Gasoline and Propane Storage and Dispense  Installation and maintenance of all underground tanks and associated systems (including dispensing systems and pump) as well as propane storage and dispensing systems to comply with TSSA standards.

Demolition  The Owner shall ensure the demolition site is properly secured with fencing during demolition activities to prevent unauthorized access.  No blasting shall be permitted.  Building and contaminated materials are to be properly disposed of in a licensed landfill site with the appropriate requirements.

Approvals  Provisions for the design and installation of stormwater management facilities and conservation and protection measures (including the creek that passes through the rear of the property) shall be subject to the approval of the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority and shall not be deemed to limit the Conservation Authority from exercising its authority under the Conservation Authorities Act.  Provision for the design and installation of Fire Protection measures shall be subject to the approval of the Township of Central Frontenac Fire Chief.

PLANNING REPORT 2533652 Ont. Inc. - Site Plan Application Page 58 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #k)

 Provisions for the design and installation of a left hand turn lane in addition to any further requirements identified by MTO (including reports required and agreements as part of highway road works to facilitate the development) shall be subject to approval from MTO. The property is within MTO’s permit control area therefore approval and permits are required prior to any construction and/or demolition of any building and/or structure or the issuance of any municipal building permits or approvals. A legal agreement between the proponent and MTO is also required.

Conclusion / Recommendation

It is recommended that Township Council:

1. That the site plan drawings be approved through the execution of a site plan agreement between the applicant and the municipality and registered on title; 2. Endorse the conditions as outlined in the report from all commenting agencies in the site plan agreement along with the standard provisions; 3. Request the Municipal Solicitor to draft a site plan agreement; and 4. Authorize that the Mayor and Clerk enter into a site plan agreement with the owner.


Prepared by: Reviewed by: Megan Rueckwald Joe Gallivan Community Planner Director of Planning and Economic County of Frontenac Development County of Frontenac

PLANNING REPORT 2533652 Ont. Inc. - Site Plan Application Page 59 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #k)

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PLANNING REPORT 2533652 Ont. Inc. - Site Plan Application Page 60 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #k)


Inset Map: Highway 7 ± C e n t r a l F r o n t e n a c

Curb Parking Space 0 5 10 20 Building Metres Subject Property

Produced May 30, 2017 by County of Frontenac with data supplied under license by members of the OGDE and ESRI. The County of Frontenac disclaims all responsibility for errors, omissions or inaccuracies in this publication. Inlcudes Material © 2014 of the Queen's Printer for Ontario. All Rights Reserved.

PLANNING REPORT 2533652 Ont. Inc. - Site Plan Application Page 61 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a)

Canada 150 Committee- Central Frontenac

12th June 2017 7:00 start Simonet Building Sharbot Lake

Present: Bill Bowick, Victor Heese, Dave Willis, Wanda Harrison, Louise Moody, Linda West, Lorne Hiltz, Lesley Merrigan, Rosemarie Bowick,

Absent: Christine Henderson, Ray Fletcher, Mary Howes, Marcie Asselstine, Betty Babcock, Gian Kaillon,

Minutes from the 10th April meeting were read. Minutes approval was moved by Rosemarie and 2nd by Wanda. Carried

Marcel Giroux prepared a report and provided us with an update to the Soiree with Sir. John A. MacDonald. Tickets will go on sale on the 30th June 2017. Marcel gave us an update on the purchase of the property along the K & P Railway and it looks like all is satisfied and the trail will proceed as planned.

The REC Committee and 150 Committee with jointly host the Giving Thanks Dinner in September.

Lesley reported that the Canada Day activities are booked. Each day it is like a moving target but she has it well in hand. Discussions of positions of the flags decision to have the large Canada flag at the back wall of the bandstand and the Canada 150 flag to the left of the stage and the native flag to the right. Leslie has everything in hand...Good Job. Gian is working and planning for the vendors tables. The 150 info table will be positioned to the side of the main stage.

There will be a kid’s stage this year in front of the medical centre. Many great kids’ activities are scheduled. Louise committed to bring small tables and chairs and a fencing area from the child care centre.

Gian will have cake and cupcakes there will be a 150 photo op.

Schedule for the committee for 1 July is required. Linda and Rosemarie will prepare a list that will be on the float and a schedule to man the 150 info table. We also agreed to hand out candies for the Lions. They are away at a special event.

New event to be added on the 26th August we have funding to have an event from the Trans Canada Trail and SLPOA ($1500) We are in the planning stages but a multi use activities will happen from all directions perhaps a bbq and refreshment will be in order.

Budget report was presented by Bill. We have $2800 after expenses, about $1000 of this came from $50 sponsorship donations.

The book signing has been cancelled apparently the author has health problems and has cancelled all his engagements.

Committee/Other Reports/Minutes Page 62 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a)

The Sacred Fire event needs to be confirmed...Marcie please confirm with Chief Doreen. It would be good to hear stories. We have $350 in the budget to assist in this event.

The Parham Fair is a go. Sharon Shepperd is the new Chair of the Fair board. We have budgeted $500 for prizes from the Canada 150 Committee.

Linda will try to list sponsors on the next issue of the brochure.

Canada Song Practice at the OSO Beach on the 25th June 1:00pm for the video participants. If you wish to be there you are welcome.

Wanda reported on the Arden activities. The website has all the changes. There will be two tree plantings to replace the original tree that was planted in 1984 in the Heritage Garden.

Leslie gave a report on the day of the pig. There were things that were done well and things that they can do better next year. All in all it was a great success.

We approved the purchase of Canada coloring books $20 or $25. Leslie to provide receipt moved by Wanda and seconded by Victor. Carried

Approval of 2 Canada 150 Flags $40 for John Purdon moved by Rosemarie seconded by Wanda. Carried

We approved the purchase of 2000 Canada 150 buttons for handout on Canada Day moved by Victor approved by Linda. Carried

Approval of payment for two sets of placemats 1000 regular and 1000 to be focused on the firemen for the Pancake breakfast 1 July “Support your local Fire Department”. Moved by Leslie and seconded by Victor. Carried

Wanda requested 200 placemats and 100 buttons. Leslie requested 200 placemats for the Lions Breakfast which included 50 for the 49’ers.

Meeting adjourned 9:15 pm

Next Meeting

BBQ 12th July 2017 Chez Bowick 11:00am to 1:00pm

Addendum to the meeting:

In an electronic survey conducted on June 16th, it was moved by Linda and seconded by Rosemarie that committee funds be used to pay for 300 brochures printed on 10th May and an additional 300 to be printed for Canada Day. Each brochure printing will cost about $110. This motion was carried but will be confirmed by a motion at the 12th July meeting.

Committee/Other Reports/Minutes Page 63 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a)

Minutes of District 3 Recreation Meeting

Meeting Date: May 3"’ 2017 Location: Community Centre, Sharbot Lake

Meeting Time: 7:00pm District 3 Recreation Committee Attendees: LeslieMerrigan Chair Rudy Hollywood Vice Chair Anne Howes Member Kevin Merrigan Member Joan Hollywood Member BillBowick Chair of the 150 Committee. Gian Kiallon Mike Proctor Steve Gould Dave Willis Sherry Whan Regrets: Robyn Gould

ReviewPrevious MinutesfromApril 7"’ OLDBUSINESS

New Yeafs Eve dance Action 10-1‘ items: Bill Bow/‘ckto followup on pricing

Next Point night

10-2. Monies raised: Action items : N/A Event success:

Rec Committee Flyer Action Item: Gian to 10-5. /allow up

Grant for Beauti?cation 10-8. Grant for Beautification was tabled.

Page 1 of2 File 3.9

Committee/Other Reports/Minutes Page 64 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a)

Ice Rink Design- next steps - Received design fromDavid Bovill Well installation:

Septic bids/installation: 1012. Follow up: Town Hall Date:


July 1" Parade

11.3.1 John provide to action items for committee Action:

Community Sign Infoonly 115 Date oflnstall:

Day ofthe Fig

123 volunteers: Action Item:

Camera at the township office

132 Letter to council: Action Item:

Letter to North Frontenac Telephone: 14 1 Canada Day Events: Continue to discuss under 11.3.1

Ompah 144 Four Wheeler Run NEW BUSINESS

Next Meeting to be held on ...... at Community LivingBoardroom at 7:00 pm.

Distribution Cc: Allattendees

Prepared By: Robyn Gould Secretary

Reviewed By: LeslieMerrigan Chair

Page 2 of 2 File 1.8

Committee/Other Reports/Minutes Page 65 of 82 RIDEAU VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Sommer Casgrain-Roberts...

RVCA Presentation Central Frontenac Council – June 27, 2017 Page 66 of 82 2017 AGENDA ITEM #a) RIDEAU VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Sommer Casgrain-Roberts...

Highlights from 2016

• Watershed Monitoring & Reporting

• Protecting People & Property from Natural Hazards

• Sustainable Development Page 67 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a)

• Watershed Restoration & Enhancement

• Conservation Lands & Education RIDEAU VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Sommer Casgrain-Roberts...

Looking Ahead to 2017

New Strategic Plan:

1. Develop and share watershed knowledge that advances decision making and leads to on-the- ground action

2. Protect, restore and enhance watershed health and safeguard people and property from natural hazards Page 68 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a) 3. Increase watershed awareness and appreciation and inspire action in others

4. Operate a sustainable, well-managed, service- driven organization fueled by engaged employees RIDEAU VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Sommer Casgrain-Roberts...

Thank You!

Thank you for 50 years of conservation partnership. We look forward to another 50! Page 69 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a) AGENDA ITEM #a)

Correspondence/Information, June 27, 2017

Receive and File

1. New Tecumseth – Ontario Carbon Tax

Communications/Correspondence Page 70 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a)

Communications/Correspondence Page 71 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a)

Communications/Correspondence Page 72 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a)

Planning Report

To: Mayor and Members of Council

From: Megan Rueckwald Community Planner County of Frontenac

Re: Application for Zoning By-law Amendment Part of Lots 19 and 20, Concession 10, Geographic Township of Kennebec File No. Z-02-17

Recommendation: Receive Public Comments

Date Prepared: June 21st, 2017 Date of Meeting: June 27th, 2017

Recommendation It is recommended that Council hold a formal Public Meeting as required under the Planning Act in order to receive citizen comments on a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment for the property located at Part of Lots 19 and 20, Concession 10, Geographic Township of Kennebec.

Proposal An application has been submitted for a Zoning By-law Amendment for Part of Lots 19 and 20, Concession 10, Geographic Township of Kennebec to re-zone a portion of the subject lands from Rural (R) to Waterfront Residential (RW) in order to permit waterfront residential uses on three new waterfront lots. The newly created lots were created through applications B-01- 17-KE and B-02-17-KE. The result will be that all three lots are entirely zoned Waterfront Residential (RW).

Background The subject properties are located along Highway 7 and have water frontage along Kennebec Lake. The lots are located immediately adjacent to the east of the Kennebec Shores subdivision. The first parcel has approximately 145 metres of frontage along Kennebec Lake and is approximately 3.4 hectares in size. Lot 2 has approximately 140 metres of frontage along Kennebec Lake and is approximately 5.4 hectares in size. Lot 3 (the retained in the previous severance applications) is approximately 20 hectares in size with 312 metres of frontage along the lake.

Rezoning Part of Lots 19 and 20, Concession 10 (Kennebec) - ... Page 73 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a)

Surrounding properties are zoned Waterfront Residential (RW) and Rural (R) and are a mix of developed and vacant land along the water and Highway 7. The proposed Zoning By-law amendment is to rezone a portion of the subject lands from Rural (R) to Waterfront Residential (RW) to reflect the proposed uses of the land. The proposed amendments are a condition of consent application B-01-17-KE and B-02-17-KE and will result in all three lots being entirely zoned Waterfront Residential (RW).

The purpose and effect of the Zoning By-law amendment is to:  Rezone a portion of the subject lands from Rural (R) to Waterfront Residential (RW) to entirely zone the subject lands as RW to fulfill conditions of the consent applications B-01-17-KE and B-02-17-KE.

Provincial Policy Statement (2014) The 2014 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) provides direction on matters of Provincial interest related to land use planning and development. It promotes efficient land use and development patterns that support strong, liveable and healthy communities, protect the environment and public health and safety, and facilitate economic growth. The PPS requires that decisions affecting land use planning matters “shall be consistent” with the policies of the PPS.

Section 1.0 of the PPS addresses building strong healthy communities with policies in place for managing and directing land use to achieve efficient and resilient development and land use patterns. The intention of many of the policies in this section are to support sustainable development that promotes a mix of uses, avoids environmental or public health and safety concerns and minimizes land consumption, while maximizing existing infrastructure.

Official Plan The subject property is designated as Rural Area in the Township of Central Frontenac Official Plan Land Use Schedule. Section 3.6.1 of the Plan states that the Plan provides for a supply of land for rural residential uses and makes provisions for other rural uses typically found in the area. The Plan also recognizes that a major focus of rural development will be on lake front residential development on the many lakes and waterbodies within the Township.

Section 3.6.3 of the Official Plan provides policies that generally apply to all lands within the first 300m of the shoreline of waterbodies. Although not shown on the Land Use Schedule, these policies indicate that development must be consistent with planning principles for the protection and enhancement of waterbodies. Permitted uses within the Waterfront District Designation include seasonal and permanent residential and recreational commercial uses such as campgrounds, recreational vehicle parks, marinas, tourist lodges, golf courses and restaurants.

The proposed zoning by-law amendments conform to the Township Official Plan.


The subject property is currently zoned Rural and Waterfront Residential in the Township of Central Frontenac Zoning By-law. Both zones permit a wide variety of uses. The Rural zone permits a mix of agricultural uses as well as commercial activities and residential dwellings. The permitted uses are listed in Section 5.16 in the Zoning By-law.

The proposed zoning amendment will rezone the lands completely to Waterfront Residential. Section 5.6 of the Township Zoning By-law provides the permitted uses in the Waterfront

Rezoning Part of Lots 19 and 20, Concession 10 (Kennebec) - ... Page 74 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a)

Residential zone. The uses include dwellings, parks, shoreline structures, group homes amongst others.

The proposed zoning by-bylaw amendment conforms to the Township’s Zoning By-law.


As of the date of this writing, no comments have been received from the public.

Conclusion / Recommendation

As of the writing of this report, no issues have been identified as part of the circulation process.

It is recommended that Township Council:

1. Receive public comments at the public meeting; and

2. Direct staff to prepare a draft Zoning By-law for consideration at the next Council meeting as well as a planning report to address public comments that may come forth at the meeting and to provide a planning recommendation to Council.


Prepared by: Reviewed by: Megan Rueckwald Joe Gallivan Community Planner Director of Planning and Economic County of Frontenac Development County of Frontenac

Rezoning Part of Lots 19 and 20, Concession 10 (Kennebec) - ... Page 75 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a)


Inset Map:

ley Rd s Rd al ebri r V B a ke ± B C e n t r a l F r o n t e n a c

Harrington Ln

Sources: Esri, HERE, y Wa DeLorme, Intermap, ry go increment P Corp., GEBCO, G re USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, Kennebec Lake GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL,

Pleasant Hill Ln

y 7 wa gh Hi

Nordic Rd

Rezone from Rural (R) to Waterfront Residential (RW) 0 75 150 300

Subject Property Metres H ughes R Parcel Fabric Highway 7 d

Produced June 5th, 2017 by the County of Frontenac with data supplied under license by members of the OGDE and ESRI. The County of Frontenac disclaims all responsibility for errors, omissions or inaccuracies in this publication. Inlcudes Material © 2014 of the Queen's Printer for Ontario. All Rights Reserved.

Rezoning Part of Lots 19 and 20, Concession 10 (Kennebec) - ... Page 76 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a)


BY-LAW NO. 2017-24


WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Section 34 of the Planning Act, RSO 1990, the Council of a Municipality may enact by-laws regulating the use of lands and the erection of buildings and structures thereon,

AND WHEREAS By-law No. 2011-52 regulates the use of land and the location, use and erection of buildings and structures within the Township of Central Frontenac;

NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac enacts as follows:

1. That Schedule ‘A5’ to By-law No. 2011-52 is amended by changing the zoning of certain lands legally described as Part of Lot 25, Concession 4, Geographic Region of Hinchinbrooke, Township of Central Frontenac, shown on Schedule ‘A’ to this by-law, from Environmental Protection-1 (EP-1) to Rural (R) zone.

2. That all other provisions of this By-law 2011-52 shall continue to apply.

Read a first and second time this 27th day of June, 2017.

Read a third time and adopted this 27th day of June, 2017.

______Mayor, Frances Smith Clerk Administrator, Cathy MacMunn

Central Frontenac By-law No. 2017-24 Re-zoning By-law (Drapeau) June 27, 2017

2017-24 Re-zoning By-law (Drapeau) Page 77 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a)

Township of Central Frontenac

Schedule ‘A’ to By-law 2017-24

______Mayor, Frances Smith Clerk Administrator, Cathy MacMunn

Central Frontenac By-law No. 2017-24 Re-zoning By-law (Drapeau) June 27, 2017

2017-24 Re-zoning By-law (Drapeau) Page 78 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a)

1/3 Salary Tax Exempt Page 79 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a)

1/3 Salary Tax Exempt Page 80 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #b)

The Corporation of the Municipality of Brockton

,,///. .· / ·:. .:· Number: /17 "714- //,/. Session: May 23, 2017 f I / Moved By: / [A Seconded By: 16 C) 3xsO """"'-~~~' ~vb k). e Conservation Authorities Act

Whereas the provincial gov rnment has proposed to amend the Conservation Authorities Act. f !l Whereas the amendmentwill require Conservation Authority Boards to have a composition of 50% members with scientific backgrounds.

Whereas the amendment will restrict the ability of municipal councils to appoint board members.

Be it resolved that the municipality of Brockton oppose the amendment to the Conservation Authorities Act.

Member of Council . Yea Nay Adams, Steve Bell, Bill Carried Gieruszak, Dan Inglis, David Leifso, Dean Defeated Oberle, Chris Peabody, Chris Totals

Amendment to Conservation Act Page 81 of 82 AGENDA ITEM #a)


BY-LAW #2017-25


The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac enacts as follows:

1. The action of the Council at its Regular Council meeting held on the 25th of day of June, 2017 in respect of each report, motion, resolution or other action passed and taken by the Council at its meeting, is hereby adopted, ratified and confirmed.

2. The Mayor and the proper officers of the Corporation are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the said action, to obtain approvals where required, and, except where otherwise provided, to execute all documents necessary in that behalf in accordance with the by-laws of Council relating thereto.

READ THREE TIMES AND PASSED this 13th day of June, 2017.

______Mayor, Frances Smith Clerk Administrator, Cathy MacMunn

Central Frontenac By-law No. 2017-25 Confirming By-law June 27, 2017

Adjournment Page 82 of 82