New Jobs, New Futures A consortium proposal for the Hampshire and Isle of Wight sub-region Contents Summary of proposal Section A 1.1 The lead partner Page 3 1.2 Partners Page 4 1.3 Responsibilities Page 5 1.4 Contact details Page 5 2.1 (+ 2.2, 2.3) Minimum requirements Page 6 2.4 Benefit to the local community Page 6 2.5 The costs Page 7 Appendix I - The consortium Page 9 Section B 1. Hampshire County Council Page 12 2. Portsmouth, PUSH and Isle of Wight Page 22 3. Groundwork Community Task Force Page 34 4. Southampton City Council Partnership Page 43 5. VT Training Page 50 6. Community Empowerment Ltd – Central Support Page 54 7. The City Growth Business Group Page 60 web: 2 email:
[email protected] Future Jobs Fund Bid Document Summary of proposal ‘New Jobs, New Futures’ This innovative consortium proposal covers the Hampshire and Isle of Wight sub- region, led by Hampshire County Council, and supported by North Hampshire Economic Board. Partners include Portsmouth City Council on behalf of Urban South Hampshire (PUSH1) and the Isle of Wight, and third sector organisations. A recognised priority economic need within the area is long term unemployed young people (18-24), and consequently this bid identifies 900 jobs covering a variety of disciplines. New employees will receive a range of benefits including personal development, vocational training, mentoring, job search and support to progress into permanent employment. The total grant requested is £5,850,000. Section A: Information on the bidders This section, and the section on minimum criteria, should be completed by the local authority or other lead partner.