
Issue 18 June 2009 BULLETIN The Dispersion of Starlight

HIS striking diagram illustrates, in a highly schematic and exagger- Tated form, the use of a simple spectroscope to disperse starlight into its constituent spectrum. Note the prominent absorption lines shown in the stellar spectrum; these lines have proved a powerful and effective tool for determining the chemical composition and physical characteris- tics of the . The cosy domestic setting recalls that many of the early astronomical spectroscopists, at least in the UK, worked in the ‘grand amateur’ tradition (though there is artistic licence in using a spectro- scope through the window of a study rather than attached to a telescope). The early development of astronomical spectroscopy was the subject of last year’s SHA Spring Conference, held at the Institute of , Cambridge in May. A report of this meeting, and much other material, appears inside. The illustration originally appeared in The Outline of Science, volume one, edited by Prof. J. Arthur Thomson, pub- lished by George Newnes Ltd of . No publication date is given, but 1921 seems likely. Right: Frontispiece to The Outline of Science. Editorial Clive Davenhall

elcome to the first issue of somewhat abbreviated form (see T is with the greatest regret that Wthe SHA Bulletin. The pp49-51). The Bulletin will be Iin this issue we must report the Bulletin complements the published twice per year, in the deaths of SHA Treasurer Mr Society’s eNews and together these spring and in the autumn, aug- Kenneth Goward and SHA mem- two publications replace the earlier mented by the occasional ‘special’ ber Dr Mary Brück. We publish an Newsletter. The eNews is pub- issue. In order to emphasise conti- obituary for Dr Brück on p42. A lished monthly and distributed nuity its issue numbers will contin- brief note about Mr Goward entirely electronically. It allows ue the sequence of the Newsletter. appears on p3 and an obituary is in information about the Society, par- We hope that you will find the new preparation for the autumn issue. ticularly its events, to be distrib- arrangements convenient and use- In very different ways both indi- uted to members more rapidly than ful. We are, of course, always viduals made great contributions to was possible hitherto. Most mem- pleased to receive feedback and our Society and our subject. It was bers will already be receiving the suggestions for improvements. a pleasure to have known them. eNews. If you are not and you have They will both be greatly missed. an e-mail account then please con- HREE figures appear above Ave atque vale. tact its Editor, Stuart Williams Tthis editorial. On the left is the (contact details are on the back Titan Mnemosyne, the personifica- page). Less-timely material, which tion of memory and mother of the constituted the bulk of the nine muses. To her right are two of Newsletter, will now appear in the her daughters, Urania the muse of Bulletin. We appreciate that not all astronomy and Clio the muse of members have access to e-mail history. Together they seem to (though most do), so the Bulletin embody much of the spirit of the will continue to carry news of the SHA, whose purpose is to record Society and its events, albeit in a and study the history of astronomy.

Page 2 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Kenneth J. Goward

Clive Davenhall

T is with the greatest regret that we report the Ideath of the Society’s Treasurer, Kenneth Goward, on 26 February 2009. Ken had long- standing heart problems and had been fitted with a pacemaker earlier in the year. Following this pro- cedure he seemed to be making a recovery and his death was sudden and unexpected. Kenneth John Goward, of Tuddenham St Martin, near Ipswich, Suffolk, had been a police officer earlier in life. He had been interested in astronomy and its history for many years, and was a member and officer of Orwell Astronomical Society. Ken was involved with the SHA from the beginning, taking part in the discussions that lead to the Founding. He served as the Society’s first Treasurer and de facto membership secretary, duties which he discharged with exemplary effi- ciency. He contributed enormously to the Society in many ways, far beyond the notional duties of the office that he held. However, it is not just for his efforts on behalf of the SHA that he will be missed, Kenneth John Goward, FRAS (1952-2009). but also for his unfailing sense of humour and good companionship. We extend every sympathy and condolence to his wife Lorraine and children Maggie, Matthew and Daniel. A full obituary will appear in the autumn issue of the Bulletin. Stuart Williams has set up an on- line book of condolence at URL http://www.freewebs.com/sochistastro/apps/guestbook/.

News Compiled by Clive Davenhall

Webb-SHARE c o r r e s p o n d e n c e Eyes’ the former Stretton Rectory between A.C. Ranyard (now The Priory Hotel) welcomed update and the Revd T.W. over forty guests to an unusual Previous reports of this Webb. The next Bulletin meeting of three Victorian Heritage Lottery funded will report several new astronomers, Revd T.W. Webb, project have appeared in discoveries! G.H. With and Revd H.C. Key, and Newsletters 14 (October On 11 November 2008 their families. The arrival from 2007, pp4-5), 16 (July a re-enactment of a ‘ London of special guest Arthur 2008, pp7-8.) and 17 party’ originally held in Ranyard provided additional (October 2008, pp5-6). November 1865 was excitement for the actor volunteers One-third of the 331 Webb- successfully held at the former led by Nick Waller (The Play Ranyard letters have now been home of Revd Henry Cooper and Supply). Prior to the evening per- transcribed by Webb-Share volun- Mrs Ellen Arabella Key. Entitled formance the actors spent the day teers. These letters are part of a ‘Heavens Above thro’ Victorian filming with Matt Biggs and Paul

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 3 Above: Key’s first telescopic drawing of Jupiter, dated 17 April 1837 and made using his 30-inch achromatic. Left: Key’s drawings of Saturn and Jupiter made using a 7.5-inch Newtonian on 18 May 1862.

( D e p a r t m e n t a l of astronomy. Astro-Cymru will Librarian, Institute run for two years and is funded by of Astronomy) a full Heritage Lottery Wales. The aims digital record has of the project are to encourage now been secured. communities across Mid and South Weighing 190 grams Wales to celebrate their astronomi- and measuring 17 cal heritage; to inspire learners of cm × 11 cm this all ages and abilities to engage fragile notebook is with the International Year of providing much new Astronomy 2009 and its legacy Haley (The Share Initiative) and information about Key’s tele- and to further develop the Welsh initial results can be seen on the scopes and observing interests. tradition for science communica- Webb-SHARE Web site: Two example drawings from the tion by increasing opportunities for h t t p : / / w w w. h e a v e n s a b o v enotebook - are reproduced here. learning about heritage. film.co.uk More details of Webb-Share can Activities will include school January 2009 proved an amazing be found on the Web site: workshops, cataloguing resources, month for discoveries about Henry http://www.spacewatch.co.uk or heritage loan boxes, family events, Cooper Key. Email queries sent by contacting SHA member Paul research, exhibitions, heritage out on 1 January to Clive Haley (The Share Initiative): tele- trail, online observatory, transla- Davenhall and Robert Argyle phone 01981 251029, email pahas- tion work and a DVD. A range of resulted in confirmation of the [email protected]. (Contributed by partners have supported the devel- location of Key’s 18-inch silvered- Paul Haley.) opment phase of the project, glass speculum and photocopies of including: the Penllergare Trust, letters he sent to David Gill (with University of Glamorgan, Swansea thanks to Sarah Strong, Archives Astro-Cymru: Astronomical Society, Officer at the Royal Geographical Powysland Museum Society) and Charles Piazzi Smyth Celebrating 400 and Penmaes (with thanks to Karen Moran, years of Welsh School. These Librarian at the Royal Observatory and other Edinburgh). Then Key’s observing Astronomy organisations notebook for the years 1837-73 The Share Initiative is are now being was located in Cambridge, pleased to announce the invited to par- untouched since it was donated by launch of Astro-Cymru, ticipate in the W.H. Steavenson in 1961! With the another education and delivery phase kind assistance of Mark Hurn research initiative in the history which will run for two

Page 4 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 years to December 2010. SHA of DNA were found to match, con- Something rotten member Paul Haley (contact firming the identification. The details above) would be pleased to copy the Calendarium Romanum in the state of hear from anyone interested in Magnum has been in the Library of online research of Welsh Uppsala University since the Denmark? astronomers; you don’t have to Polish-Swedish wars of the seven- live in Wales to be involved! teenth century. (Contributed by Paul Haley.) Following the identification, the Bishop of Frombork, Jacek Jezierski, plans to re-inter the Copernicus’ remains in a tomb worthy of remains identified Copernicus. A team led by Jerzy Gassowski, Further reading head of the Institute of For the DNA matching see, for Archaeology and Anthropology in example: http://www.cathnews. Pultusk, central Poland, believe com/article.aspx?aeid=10295. that they have positively identified the remains of Copernicus. For a report of the original excava- Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543) tion see http://www.archeologia. spent most of his life as a canon of ah.edu.pl/Frombork_eng.html Frombork Cathedral in Poland. He is known to Erik Brahe (1552-1614). have been buried in the cathedral precincts, but In the last issue we reported plans the precise location of to exhume Tycho Brahe (1546- his grave was lost. In 1601) from his grave in Prague 2005 Gassowski’s team (Newsletter 17, October 2008, p7). found remains which, on In a new development another the- the basis of a facial ory has been proposed about how reconstruction and other he died. Earlier analyses of hairs evidence, they believed from his moustache (which is pre- to be those of Copernicus served in the Prague National (see Newsletter 9, Museum) revealed anomalous lev- December 2005, p5). els of mercury, leading to sugges- This identification has tions that he had been poisoned. now been confirmed by Peter Andersen, Professor of DNA evidence. German Studies at the University Dr Marie Allen of the of Strasbourg, has identified a new Rudbeck Laboratory, suspect for the poisoner: Count Genetics and Pathology Erik Brahe, a distant Swedish Department, Uppsala cousin of Tycho. Prof. Andersen University compared found Erik Brahe’s diary in the DNA taken from a tooth Royal Library in Stockholm and he and femur bone of the claims that ‘it contains the details remains with that of two of the attack and, indirectly, the hairs found in a copy of murderer’s confession.’ Johannes Stoeffler’s Erik Brahe was a ne’er do well, Calendarium Romanum Dr Marie Allen presents her results confirm- always short of money and Magnum (1518) which ing the identification of Copernicus’ remains involved in various clandestine Copernicus owned for at a press conference. Above her is a facial activities. Andersen suggests that many years. The two sets reconstruction of the remains. he was working at the instigation

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 5 of King Christian IV of Denmark, who had previously dispossessed Secret of the Tycho of his estates. The source of Silent Planet? Christian’s antipathy is a mystery, C.S. Lewis’ children’s fantasy nov- though he may have suspected els The Chronicles of Narnia have Tycho of having had an illicit been popular since they were first involvement with his mother, published between 1949 and 1954, Queen Sophie. selling over a hundred million In any event, Erik Brahe trav- copies in over forty languages. elled to Prague in 1601 and invei- They were specifically written to gled himself into Tycho’s house- introduce Christian ideas to hold shortly before his death. He is younger readers. thought to have poisoned Tycho at Now the Revd Dr Michael Ward the banquet where the latter initial- believes that he has found an unex- ly fell ill. However, the dose was pected, not to say unlikely, theme not lethal and Tycho began to in the series. He suggests that each recover. A second, larger does was of the seven books is based on one then administered and this proved of the seven planets of Mediaeval fatal. cosmology (the five naked eye The exhumation, planned for planets plus the Sun and ). later this year, may resolve some He presents these ideas in his book of the questions. However, in an Planet Narnia: The Seven Heavens unrelated development the in the Imagination of C.S. Lewis Catholic authorities in Prague are (2008, Oxford Univ. Press) and reported to be unenthusiastic about they were discussed in the BBC allowing it to proceed. The recently-discovered statue of Venus Urania by Giambologna. documentary The Narnia Code broadcast on BBC One on 16 April Further reading statue depicts Venus Urania with (for details of both book and docu- Spiegel International has an inter- the familiar astronomer’s tools, mentary see http://www.narnia- esting article (in English) about including a compass, ruler and code.com/). Peter Andersen’s theory: celestial sphere. It is thought to The BBC seems to have an http://www.spiegel.de/internation- date from 1585-95. ambivalent attitude to C.S. Lewis. al/europe/0,1518,601729,00.html The statue was found in a private A 1962 report, which would even- collection in France by the tually lead to the television series For the Church’s attitude to the Tomasso Brothers, fine art dealers Dr Who, contained thumbnail exhumation see: http://aktualne. based in Leeds. Only two other assessments of various authors centrum.cz/czechnews/clanek.pht casts of the statue are known. One who might contribute to the puta- ml?id=627672 is in the Kunsthistorisches tive series. It deemed Lewis ‘clum- Museum, Vienna, and the other in sy and old-fashioned in his use of the Schönborn Collection in the SF apparatus, there is a sense Statue of Venus Pommersfelden, Germany. The of condescension in his tone, and his special religious preoccupa- Urania discovered newly-discovered example is almost identical to the latter. The tion’s are boring and platitudi- A 14-inch statue of Venus Urania, statue was exhibited at the Moretti nous.’ But it also described Sir an allegory of astronomy, by the Irving Gallery, New York during Arthur Clarke as ‘a modest writer’, Renaissance sculptor the autumn last year. so at least he was in good compa- Giambologna or Jean de Boulogne ny. Brian Aldiss got off more light- (1529-1608), has recently been Further reading ly as ‘not a crank’ (Donald Bull, discovered. Giambologna was the Science Fiction, available at most influential sculptor in late For further details see, for exam- http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/ sixteenth century Europe and his ple: http://www.theartnewspaper. doctorwho/dr6400_4.shtml?doc=6 work was in great demand. The com/article.asp?id=16292 400).

Page 6 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 SHA Spring Conference Madeline Cox

The 2008 SHA Spring Conference focus for photography and AGM was held on 17 May at and spectroscopy. The the Institute of Astronomy (IoA), two instruments were Cambridge and had the theme on one single German William Huggins and the equatorial mounting, Development of Astronomical one instrument coun- Spectroscopy. The Chairman, terbalancing the other Gilbert Satterthwaite, opened the on a long declination meeting by welcoming members axis. The mirrors of and guests. He thanked the IoA for the reflector were hosting the event and also thanked made of speculum Mark Hurn, the IoA Librarian, for metal. Early photo- organising the day. He introduced graphic plates were the conference by reminding the sensitive only to short audience that astronomical spec- wavelengths so photo- troscopy, especially the contribu- graphic work was done tion made by the Hugginses, pro- mainly in the blue and vided much of the initial impetus ultra violet parts of the for the ‘new’ astrophysics which spectrum. Crystal cal- now dominates astronomy. cite was used in the auxiliary optics, and SHA Chairman Gilbert Satterthwaite introduces The opening talk was given by Dr crystal quartz in the the Spring Conference. David Dewhurst, a former member dispersing prisms. of staff of the IoA on My Use of Both were costly and difficult to and was replaced by a counter- Huggins’ Instruments in the Early work. weight. Dr Dewhirst worked only 1950s. In the 1850s William The twin telescopes were not with the 15-inch refractor, having Huggins was in his early thirties. linked optically; indeed they could been appointed Junior Assistant His father had recently died, not be used together. The single Observer in 1950. His first job was enabling William to leave the fam- mounting was merely an economic as part of a team of observers in a ily business and pursue his interest consideration, as the cost of long-term programme of stellar in astronomy. He was comfortably installing and running the observa- photoelectric photometry under the off, and was able to build an obser- tory was already high. direction of Professor Redman. vatory in the garden of his house in As William neared his eightieth The team was working on the Tulse Hill, South London. In 1865 year, he had to give up night work North Polar Sequence and was the Royal Society commissioned a and negotiations took place with linked to observers of the southern 15-inch refractor and an 18-inch the Royal Society to transfer the skies in Pretoria. reflector from the firm of Grubb in instruments to the Cambridge As the dome was needed for the Dublin, and in 1868 placed them Observatory. The dome housing newly acquired Schmidt camera, on long-term loan to Huggins. them at Cambridge was renamed the telescope was demolished in These instruments turned out to be ‘The Huggins dome’, and a bronze the 1950s. The bearings were worn a sound investment, being the plaque commemorating the out after almost 100 years’ use and mainstay of William and his wife Hugginses’ work between 1870 extensive restoration work would Margaret’s research for forty years. and 1908 is still on display at the have been required to bring the The 15-inch refractor (f12 focal Institute today. instrument up to standard. Some length) was used by William and At Cambridge, the Hugginses’ parts of both telescopes still exist; Margaret for visual observation of instruments were used for forty the 15-inch object glass (which is the spectra of bright stars, and the years, though the 18-inch specu- very fine) was kept, and some of 18-inch reflector with Cassegrain lum reflector became out-of-date the old speculum mirrors and spec-

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 7 there, aided, amongst others, by Revd W.R. Dawes. He bought an 8-inch objective glass made by Alvan Clarke in America and mounted by Cooke of York. In 1859 Kirchoff and Bunsen in Germany announced an interpretation of the dark lines in the solar spectrum first seen by Fraunhofer, and Huggins was smitten. He had been looking for a new direction for his work and he at once seized the opportunity to Sir William Huggins and Lady Margaret Huggins. extend this spectro- scopic work to other trographs went to the Whipple Hill in 1910. He came from a non- celestial bodies. In 1862 he attend- Museum for the History of Science conformist family and never ed a meeting of the Pharmaceutical in Cambridge, where they are on attended university, working in the Society where his friend and permanent display. family business until his father neighbour William Alan Miller, In response to a question inquir- died in 1856. He was then able to Professor of Chemistry at King’s ing whether the objective of the sell the business and devote him- College, London, was lecturing on 15-inch refractor was cemented or self full-time to astronomy, his spectral analysis. Miller subse- not, Dr Dewhirst replied that it was major interest and passion in life. quently supplied Huggins with not. Cemented crown and flint He moved to Tulse Hill in South practical and analytical aid in the glass was not practicable for larger London and built chemical aspect of his work, and lenses. He added that Grubbs made a house and the two collaborated together for telescopes of quite a short focal observatory many years. length; the 15-inch was f12, for Huggins was most famous example. for his work on stellar spectroscopy, but The second talk was by Peter he also Hingley and was called The Place d i d of the Hugginses in the Development of Stellar Astrophysics. Mr Hingley opened William Huggins’ by emphasising that both early stellar spectro- Hugginses, William and Margaret, scope (from Heinrich were part of the story, which was Schellen, Spectrum one of shared human endeavour. Analysis in its There was an amazing amateur Application to contribution to the development of Terrestrial astrophysics. Substances, 1872, William Huggins was born in Longmans, Green & London in 1824 and died at Tulse Co: London), p466.

Page 8 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 an amazing range of other things, including the spectral analysis of several comets. Starting in 1863, and working with Dr Miller, he commenced an extensive study of stellar spectra, which resulted in the identification of lines originat- ing in various metals. He was still doing purely visual spectroscopy, using adjustable prisms attached to his spectroscope. In 1864 he start- ed his investigation into the spectra of nebulae, and in 1867 he and Dr Miller were jointly awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society for this work. In 1865 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, and Early spectra by Huggins and Miller. Above: , , refined and developed spectro- Betelgeuse, and the Sun (from Proc. Roy. Soc. 12, 1863, p444) and below scopes that operated at non-visual Aldebaran and Betelgeuse (frontispiece to William Huggins, On the wavelengths. In 1866 he took the Results of Spectrum Analysis Applied to the Heavenly Bodies, 1866, W. first spectrum of a nova, T Ladd: London). Coronae Borealis, and in 1866 viewed solar prominences outside of an eclipse by use of a slit. His chemical analysis of meteors was less successful, as was his attempt to use a thermopile to measure the heat reaching the Earth from the Moon. In 1867 he started measur- ing the motion of stars in the line of sight, encouraged by James Clerk Maxwell, though he was able only to measure the brightest stars with the instrumentation In 1875 William married By the end of the nineteenth cen- available. This work was the first Margaret Lindsay Murray (1848- tury William was getting old and attempt to measure astronomical 1915), a well-educated Dublin he stopped observational work. doppler shifts. The Royal Society woman. The story goes that they The two telescopes were disman- subsequently provided £2000 to met through the Grubbs in Dublin. tled and eventually came to fund equipment which it perma- The two began a famous partner- Cambridge, but were later mostly nently loaned to Huggins, includ- ship that has long been recognised destroyed. Mark Hurn, the ing a larger dome, a 15-inch refrac- as one of the best husband and wife Librarian at the IoA, had recently tor and an 18-inch Cassegrain collaborations in the history of found one of Huggins’ objectives, reflector by Grubb of Dublin. astronomy. Margaret was an expert which was now on display. These instruments were ready for in photography, and their marriage William died in 1910, having use in 1871. Aware of the responsi- gave William’s work a new energy, received many honours, and hav- bility of using this equipment, focus and direction. They worked ing served as President of the William increased his workload in the new field of photographic Royal Society. He was knighted in considerably, although he was spectroscopy and jointly wrote 1897 and was one of the first recip- already in his fifties. The house many papers. They used dry plates ients of the . and observatory were destroyed by rather than the old and cumber- William appears to have been a a flying bomb in 1942. some wet collodion process. somewhat shy and grumpy bache-

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 9 lor until he met Margaret, and their marriage seems to have been a very happy one. She was obvious- ly his muse, with her distinctive short hair, cut it is said to prevent it getting entangled in scientific equipment. Margaret was also pas- sionately interested in the arts; the Arts and Crafts movement of the time emphasised personal creativi- ty, which the pair certainly had. Mr Hingley concluded by noting that he would like the SHA to undertake more commemorative work; the only commemoration of the Hugginses was in Westminster Abbey. No full biography of them has ever been written, though Barbara Becker was hoping to write up her PhD thesis as a full biography, emphasising their joint, collaborative work. Dr Derek Jones gave the final talk of the morning session which was entitled Stellar Spectra. Dr Jones opened his talk by showing the apparatus used by Fraunhofer. The most conspicuous of the solar absorption lines were seen by William Wollaston in 1802. Above: The interior of William Huggins’ observatory. However it was Fraunhofer who noted the presence of a consider- Below: The object glass for William Huggins’ 15-inch refractor on display able number throughout the solar during the meeting. The blank was by Chance Brothers of Birmingham spectrum. Fraunhofer was an opti- and it was figured by Howard Grubb of Dublin, circa 1869. cian rather than an astronomer and was primarily interested in using the lines to calibrate optical instru- ments. He introduced an empirical nomenclature using capital letters. For example, A and B are telluric oxygen lines, C is Hα, and H & K are prominent lines of ionised cal- cium. From the 1860s Father Angelo Secchi SJ (1818-78) pioneered the use of spectroscopy to study the physical characteristics of stars using the techniques of Bunsen and Kirchoff. He classified the spectra of over 4000 stars using a scheme with four distinct types (a rare fifth type was later introduced)

Page 10 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 based on the colour and the pres- familiar Morgan-Keenan system is International Solar Union in 1913. ence of various absorption lines. a direct descendent). Interestingly Russell had done The introduction of Bunsen and Sir Robert Ball was more inter- some early work on trigonometric Kirchoff’s techniques caused a fer- ested in touring as a popular astron- , which contributed to his ment in astronomy, ultimately lead- omy lecturer than observing during development of the HR diagram, ing to the rise of the new astro- his time at Cambridge. The Revd during a visit to Cambridge from physics. Many of its proponents Sheepshanks left a fortune, some of 1902 to 1905. After the talk, Dr were not classical astronomers; which his sister gave to Cambridge Dewhirst commented that measur- Bunsen and Kirchoff were physi- for a new transit circle (1860s). In ing stellar parallaxes was very dif- cists, and Secchi was primarily a the 1890s she gave money for a ficult, but Hertzsprung recognised meteorologist. The spectrum of the new telescope, a coudé, which that all the stars in a given star clus- recurrent nova T Cr Bor had been could be used with photographic ter were at the same distance and so obtained in 1866. The spectrum of plates. Dr Dewhirst commented in a HR plot of stars in the cluster planetary NGC 6543 that the Sheepshanks telescope had the absolute magnitude could be showed unidentified lines which a major defect; the optical flat on substituted by the apparent one. were thought to represent a new the declination axis was made of element, dubbed , but glass, not quartz, and it never real- Following Dr Jones’ talk the meet- which were later shown to be for- ly worked properly. One person ing adjourned for lunch and a tour bidden ionised oxygen lines, not who did master it was Henry Norris of the IoA telescopes. The AGM reproducible in the laboratory. Russell, who measured stellar par- was held immediately after lunch Helium was another element first allaxes with it. Russell’s photo- (see p15) and the remainder of the observed spectroscopically, in the graphic parallaxes were used for afternoon was devoted to the Sun’s chromosphere; ‘coronium’, his first HR diagram. The Keynote Lecture by Dr Ian Elliott found in the Sun’s corona, turned Sheepshanks telescope was housed on The Grubbs of Dublin: out to be highly ionised iron. in a run-off shed. Victorian Entrepreneurs. Dr Elliott The American amateur Professor Redman got rid of all began by expressing his thanks; he astronomer Henry Draper (1837- the old telescopes, to much criti- considered it an honour to be invit- 82) was anther early proponent of cism, and installed a Schmidt cam- ed to talk on the subject. He main- spectroscopy and photography, for era. The Sheepshanks telescope tained that the real expert on the example taking the first photo- was removed in 1957. An Grubbs was Ian Glass, who had graph of the in 1880. Ordnance Survey map of 1903 written a book on them, but unfor- However, he is best known for the showed the dome housing it. tunately he was in South Africa. catalogue of stellar spectra that Recent archaeological excavations There was a huge story to tell and bears his name. Following his early had found no remains on the site. he was only able to pick out the death his widow bequeathed his Dr Jones concluded his talk by highlights. telescopes to Harvard College describing the development of the Thomas Grubb (1800-78) was observatory and endowed a fund to Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram born near Portlaw, County produce the Henry Draper early in the twentieth century. In Waterford, Ireland. His parents, Catalog. This catalogue was com- this plot a measure of intrinsic stel- William and Eleanor, were piled from photographic objective lar brightness (usually the absolute Quakers. It is not known where he prism spectra, which could be a magnitude) is plotted against a obtained his education and acquired at such a rate that a team measure of the surface temperature mechanical knowledge. of women ‘computers’ were (usually either spectral type or In 1826 he married Sarah Parker recruited to analyse them. This colour index). Theories of stellar from Kilkenny. She was not a team included Wilhelmina evolution need to explain the dis- Quaker so Thomas was disowned Fleming, Antonia Maury (Draper’s tinctive features of the plot. The on his wedding day. In 1832 he niece) and Annie Cannon. Together HR diagram was developed inde- established an engineering works with Edward Pickering, Director of pendently by Enjar Hertzsprung at Charlemont Bridge in Dublin, the Harvard Observatory, they (1873-1967) and Henry Russell making machine tools and cast- developed the Harvard spectral (1877-1957), though they did not iron beds for billiard tables. He was classification scheme (of which the meet until the meeting of the interested in astronomy and built

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 11 himself a 9-inch telescope telescope designs. The and small observatory, for telescope was subse- which he charged one quently installed at the shilling admittance fee! Dunsink Observatory. In News of his telescope 1854 he published a reached the Revd Thomas paper on spherical aber- Romney Robinson, ration in microscopes. Director of the Armagh He mentioned using Observatory. Robinson graphical methods to had been appointed determine the aberration Director in 1823 and of lens systems, drawing stayed for fifty-eight diagrams ten times the years. He was a great original size. friend of William Parsons, Thomas was also inter- third Earl of Rosse. He ested in photography; in advised Edward Cooper at 1853 he was making Markree Observatory to stereoscopic photo- have a Grubb mounting graphs on wax paper, made for his 13.5-inch some of which still exist. objective refractor (itself He became a member of made by Robert A the Dublin Photographic Cauchoix of Paris). The Society (later the tube and equatorial mount- Photographic Society of ing were of the German Ireland) and designed type, and constructed of portrait lenses. In 1857 cast-iron, which is he patented an improved believed to be the first photographic lens. time this material was Ian Elliott delivers the Keynote Lecture. From the 1840s there used in a telescope. It is was interest in erecting a also believed to be Grubb’s first Bank of Ireland, responsible for large telescope in the southern commercial venture into telescope printing bank notes, which were hemisphere. Specifically, the making. All those that followed said to be of superior quality to authorities in Victoria, Australia were of a similar design. those from the Bank of ! issued a call for a powerful Grubb had built a 15-inch In 1864 he was elected a Fellow telescope to study the southern Cassegrain, the first large reflector of the Royal Society of London. nebulae. The project took many mounted equatorially, with a clock He suffered from rheumatics for years to come to completion, with drive. His innovation was the use many years, and died in 1878. Dr delay due to, amongst other things, of levers to spread the load over Elliott showed a summary of his the Crimean War. The final result, the mirror. This design was adopt- work on various telescopes, however, was the 48-inch ‘Great ed by the Earl of Rosse for the including the Sheepshanks tube Melbourne Reflector’, completed Great Leviathan, which had and mounting, the West Point in 1868. eighty-one supports. Academy tube and mounting, and Thomas Grubb won the contract The British Association for the the Birr eyepieces. to build this telescope and he took Advancement of Science met in At the 1853 Great Exhibition at his son, Howard (1844-1931) out Dublin in 1835. Grubb joined the Leinster house in Dublin he exhib- of university to complete it. It was Association and was asked to build ited his 12-inch equatorial built at the Grubb’s works at instruments for some Dublin aca- telescope. Bearings were used in Rathmines, Dublin and was a demics. He was elected to the this telescope (this was before ball Cassegrain reflector with a specu- Royal Irish Academy, an extraordi- bearings were invented), and the lum metal mirror. Howard would nary achievement for someone polar axis was lifted to relieve the recall casting the mirror as ‘a bap- with no formal education. In 1840 pressure. This principle was adopt- tism of fire’. He built a steam-driv- he was appointed engineer to the ed in all subsequent Grubb en grinding machine to figure it. A

Page 12 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 as a serious telescope 27-inch refractor and new domes. maker. The cost was £8000. He rebuilt the The rise of astrophysics Rathmines Works, with a 12-sided from the 1870s meant the space inside the building to con- Grubbs had plenty of struct and assemble the telescope. work, including the There were delays with the glass, building of William and first light was not achieved Huggins’ 15-inch refrac- until 1883. Dr Elliott had visited tor commissioned by the Vienna and was pleased to report Royal Society of London. that the refractor was still in good In 1873 he made his first health. A plaque in Grubb’s honour silver on glass mirror, for had been erected there. the Royal Observatory Grubb understood the physics of Edinburgh. He was visit- telescope making; the tube had ed by stiffeners and baffles with holes for

The 48-inch ‘Great Melbourne Reflector’. Above: Under construc- tion in the Grubb works at Rathmines, Dublin and right in situ at the Melbourne Observatory. Note the sliding roof of the build- ing housing the instrument. bed of hoops allowed the bubbles to escape during casting. The first attempt ended in failure when part of the metal ran down between the hoops and broke the chains. The telescope was the last large reflector to have a speculum mir- from Lick Observatory in the the light to come through, and gaps ror; subsequent instruments used USA, who was touring Europe for air to circulate. The right ascen- the new silver-on-glass technique. looking for the best telescope mak- sion axis was on bearings and there This choice was a disaster. The ers for a new, planned observatory was a lifting mechanism to relieve mirror soon tarnished in use. There at Mount Hamilton in California. the pressure. Right ascension and were no facilities to repolish the Newcomb decided Grubb was the declination measurements could be mirror in Australia and no funds to only decent telescope maker in read off by use of a periscope, and transport it to Ireland for refurbish- Europe; ‘a genius who meant busi- there was a clockwork mechanism ment. R.L.J. Ellery, the Director of ness’. Howard put a lot of work to control the rotation of the drive. the Melbourne Observatory, taught into designing instruments for the Astrographic telescopes himself how to repolish it, but he Lick Observatory, but in the event, stemmed from the work of David had no means to check and correct his rising floor was the only ele- Gill at the Cape in the 1880s. the refigured surface. The ment that was used, much to his Successes photographing star telescope never performed well disappointment. fields naturally led to the idea of again and was considered a failure. In 1875 the Viennese mapping the entire sky photo- This episode set back the adoption Observatory in Austria wanted a graphically. Such a programme of large reflectors by twenty years, new, larger observatory, and Grubb would be an enormous undertak- but it did establish Howard Grubb was given the contract to build a ing, and to organise it an interna-

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 13 liquidated in 1925. It was rescued by Charles Parsons, the youngest son of the Third Earl of Rosse, who established the firm of Howard Grubb, Parsons & Co. at Newcastle-upon-Tyne in England. This company made fifty large tel- escopes, including the and William Herschel tel- escopes on La Palma. It traded until 1985, and Grubb telescopes are still working all round the world. The Chairman closed the meeting by thanking Dr Elliott for his excellent talk. Summing up, he Left: Thomas Grubb and right: Sir Howard Grubb. noted that we had learned much during the day not only about the tional congress was held in Paris in Quaker background, Howard start- science of spectroscopy but also April 1887 under the chairmanship ed making gun sights and about the people involved. of Admiral Mouchez, Director of periscopes, taking out a patent for the Paris Observatory. The Carte a submarine periscope in 1901. Further reading du Ciel, as the project became Telescope work was halted alto- known, was a collaborative effort gether during World War I, and Many of the topics discussed at involving eighteen observatories in Howard concentrated on making this meeting are also covered in both hemispheres. periscopes. However Dublin was John Hearnshaw’s The Analysis of The project used standardised seen as a security risk (because of Starlight (1986, Cambridge Univ. astrographic telescopes of a design Irish Sea crossings and political Press). Prof. Hearnshaw has also previously used successfully by instability) and the works were recently published Astronomical the brothers Paul and Prosper moved to St Albans in England. Spectrographs and their History Henry. These astrographs com- However, this move was not fully (2009, Cambridge Univ. Press). prised a 13-inch refractor with an completed by the end of the War. 11-inch guide telescope, built to Grubb supplied instruments, Barbara Becker’s PhD thesis, exacting standards and hence including astrographic plates, for Eclecticism, Opportunism, and the expensive. Grubb supplied seven Eddington’s famous 1919 total Evolution of a New Research of these instruments. Howard solar eclipse expedition which suc- Agenda: William and Margaret would often finish the lenses him- cessfully tested General Relativity Huggins and the Origins of self, testing them with a spherome- by measuring the displacement of Astrophysics (1993) is available at: ter. star images by the Sun’s gravita- https://eee.uci.edu/ clients/bjbeck- There was a total solar eclipse of tional field. er/huggins/index.html the Sun in 1900 and Grubb per- In 1876 Howard was granted an For the Grubbs Ian Glass has writ- suaded the Royal Academy and the honorary master’s degree in engi- ten Victorian Telescope Makers: Royal Dublin Society to mount a neering from Trinity College (he Lives and Letters of Thomas and joint expedition to Plasencia in never graduated), and in 1883 he Howard Grubb (1997, Inst. of Spain. He made an 8-inch coelo- was made a Fellow of the Royal Phys. Publ: Bristol). stat specifically for the eclipse; it is Society. In 1912 he was awarded adjustable in latitude and is beauti- the Boyle medal of the Royal [In thanks for providing the venue fully made. Dublin Society. He retired to and facilities the SHA paid for the Around 1900 the market for tele- Monkstown, south of Dublin, and renovation of a book in the IoA scopes declined and American died there in 1931. Library. Mark Hurn describes the observers were not interested in There was a slump after World result of this exercise on p17 — European instruments. Despite his War I and the firm of Grubb was Ed.]

Page 14 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 AGM Report Madeline Cox

S usual the AGM, the sixth, Awas held as part of the Society’s Spring Conference (see p7). The Chairman formally opened the meeting and reminded the audience that only fully paid up members of the Society were eligi- ble to vote. He then presented a list of apologies for absence. He con- cluded his introduction by reading out a letter in which the Honorary President, Dr Allan Chapman, said how much he valued the work of Officers report to members during the AGM. Left to right: Secretary Kevin the Society and emphasised his Kilburn, Chairman Gilbert Satterthwaite, Treasurer Ken Goward and willingness to continue in office if Head Librarian Madeline Cox. the members so wished. The minutes of the previous The Treasurer, Ken Goward, pre- ed investing more in publicity to AGM (July 2007) were adopted sented his report. The main source increase membership, which was and then the annual reports, which of income was subscriptions; the agreed. had been previously circulated, figure for the year was slightly Madeline Cox presented the were presented by the various offi- down on 2007, as some members Librarians’ report, compiled joint- cers. The Secretary, Kevin had paid in the previous financial ly with Stuart Williams. The main Kilburn, gave his first report, hav- year. It was encouraging to note purchase of the year had been ing taken over from Stuart that annual turnover was now over Thomas Hockey’s long-awaited Williams the previous year. It had £5000, sufficient to apply for char- Biographical Encyclopaedia of been a period of consolidation, the itable status. There had been Astronomers, which had been SHA performing its function of increased expenditure on the added to the reference collection. recording the history of astronomy Library to improve facilities at the Money had been allocated to in the UK, alongside the RAS, the BMI, which would continue in the upgrade facilities at the BMI, and BAA and other bodies. The SHA current year. He asked members to it was planned to produce an inte- had set out to be peripatetic, enclose a stamped addressed enve- grated catalogue and new manual though regular meetings were held lope on all correspondence to help for Library users. There had been in , Cambridge and reduce costs. many donations, as usual, with Birmingham. There was a lot of The investment of the Cox excellent collections from the interest in the Northwest, as had bequest had been delayed pending Norman Lockyer Observatory and been demonstrated by the joint formal application for charitable Dr David Dewhirst. All the donors meeting at Chetham’s Library, status. Funds remained in a healthy were thanked for their generosity. Manchester, in March. He asked state. A new Treasurer was needed The uptake of Library use had members to consider holding with investment knowledge. The been disappointing, given that meetings in their own locality, accounts were accepted by the opening times were now more including Wales and Scotland. members present. flexible and details had been circu- Such events would need to be self- Ken Goward then delivered his lated to members in a special financing, and would aim to attract membership report. Twenty-one newsletter. Recordings of our con- additional members. The SHA had new members had joined during ferences were now available on already been asked to exhibit at an the year and twelve had not CD-ROM, courtesy of Mike Oates, event in Wales during the renewed. Membership, now world- who was thanked for his work, as International Year of Astronomy, wide, stood at one hundred and were all members of the Library 2009. forty six. Stuart Williams suggest- team.

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 15 Members gather prior to the tour of the IoA telescopes.

Roger Jones introduced his duce a 5-year plan for the journal. help finance travel costs of high- Survey Report. Three or four coun- It was possible to produce addition- calibre speakers at conferences. ties had been added during the al copies of back issues if required. Any major project would have year; there were 20 in total. 120 Clive Davenhall was unable to be Alan Cox’s name attached. The were needed to cover the whole present but he had submitted a books which Alan had bequeathed country. Roger asked for contribu- Newsletter report. Peter Grego had had been put into a special collec- tors, if only on a local scale. The taken over the layout from David tion in the Library, with commem- Survey was being reformatted on Rayner. It had not been possible to orative plates. Members were the Web site to include a master list produce the Newsletter quarterly as asked for suggestions, which of names and observatories. originally intended, and there included incorporating Alan’s Mark Hurn reported that the would only be three issues in the name on our letterhead, publishing Society Archive was now quite current year. More news items and a series of monographs, and large but he still welcomed dona- letters were requested from mem- encouraging the work of younger tions. It now included sound bers. historians of astronomy. recordings as well as paper publi- The Chairman said Council had Peter Hingley updated members cations. been considering the best way to on the application for charitable Dr Reg Withey gave his report on use the Alan Cox bequest. There status, which was now back on The Antiquarian Astronomer, were three aspects to consider: track as the Society had reached the which he and Kevin Johnson edit. financial management, commemo- new target of £5000 turnover per The Chairman remarked that he ration of the benefactor, and future annum. He had been advised that had received many favourable projects it might finance. It had the best investment for the Alan comments about it. Reg empha- been agreed to invest the money to Cox bequest were Charibonds, sised that the journal was a team produce an accessible income which paid a good rate of interest. effort and needed the input of while protecting capital from future Tax exemption status was needed members if it was to succeed. More inflation. Council had also agreed and was being sought from the reviewers especially were needed. to award an Alan Cox medal to Inland Revenue. The last issue (number 4) had been major contributors to the history of The final agenda item was the published on time, before astronomy, when suitable candi- election of the 2008-2009 Council. Christmas, and issue 5 was in dates arose. One would be awarded All Council members had agreed to preparation. At the last Council retrospectively to Sir Patrick stand again, and were duly re-elect- meeting it had been agreed to pro- Moore. The bequest would also ed.

Page 16 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Gill’s History restored Mark Hurn

HE SHA AGM and Summer TConference was held at the Institute of Astronomy (IoA), Cambridge in May this year (see p7). The Institute is part of the University of Cambridge and pro- vided the conference venue free of charge. However, in return the SHA offered to make a small dona- tion towards the repair of a book in the IoA Library. The book chosen was Sir David Gill’s A History and Description of the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, published in London by His Majesty’s Stationery Office in 1913. It is a large book (fifteen Sir David Gill’s History and Description of the Cape Observatory before inches high), well-illustrated with and after repair. Note the state of the spine before repair. black and white photographs, maps and diagrams. The IoA Library has two copies. The first was originally received by the Cambridge Observatory and is now held in our Rare Book Room. The second was acquired from the Royal Greenwich Observatory when it closed in 1998. This latter copy was chosen for repair as its cover was badly damaged and the spine broken off. We also thought it appropriate that the SHA should sponsor a history book. The book was repaired by The Cambridge Bookbinding Company [A copy of this book is of Gwydir Street, also available for Cambridge at a cost member’s perusal in of £40. The IoA is the Society’s Sir very grateful to the Robert Ball Library SHA for meeting in Birmingham. the full cost of this See Newsletter repair. The book is no. 10, March now ‘as good as 2006, p21 for new’ and has details of the returned to the donation and shelves with a The frontispiece and title page to Gill’s A an additional bookplate recording the SHA’s History and Description of the Royal photograph. — generosity. Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. Ed.]

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 17 SHA Autumn Conference Madeline Cox and Kevin Kilburn

HE 2008 SHA Autumn the morning session. He began by and philosophical interests mostly TConference was held on noting that Ken Goward and Stuart living in and around Birmingham, Saturday 4 October. As usual, the Williams, both Council Members that thrived in the later eighteenth venue was the Birmingham and and stalwarts of SHA meetings, and early nineteenth centuries. The Midland Institute in central could regrettably not be present. group met in each other’s homes. It Birmingham. The meeting was to took its name from the timing of its have been chaired by Gilbert The first speaker was Andrew meetings, which were arranged for Satterthwaite, but due to an Lound who presented in his inim- the evening of the Monday closest unavoidable medical appointment itable and entertaining way an to a full Moon, in order to facilitate he would not arrive until later in overview of Lunatik Astronomy. members returning home during the day. Consequently SHA The Lunar Society was an informal the hours of darkness. Secretary Kevin Kilburn chaired society of friends with scientific Members of the group jokingly called themselves ‘lunatiks’ and regular attenders were Erasmus Darwin, Benjamin Franklin, the Revd John Michell and John Whitehurst, the . Occasional visitors included James Watt, Joseph Priestly, Josiah Wedgwood, James Kier, William Herschel and even Horatio Nelson. In the later eighteenth century Birmingham was a rapidly devel- oping industrial centre with its own assay office and later its own mint. It was also a ferment for sci- entific (and other) ideas, regularly staging public lectures. For exam- ple, the astronomer James Ferguson gave talks in the city, demonstrating his astronomical instruments and electrical appara- tus. Astronomy was a subject of great popular interest. A century earlier Sir Isaac Newton’s Principia had established universal gravitation as the mechanism underlying planetary motion, and it had been triumphantly vindicat- ed by the return of Halley’s Comet in 1759. Throughout the century increasingly sophisticated mathe- matical treatments of the ‘three body problem’ improved predic- tions of planetary orbits. The Lunar Society discussed all scientific matters: optics, electric- Members of the audience enjoy the presentations. ity, chemistry and physics. Many

Page 18 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Matthew Boulton (1728-1809) and at right Soho House in Handsworth, Birmingham, the home of Matthew Boulton where the Lunar Society often met. members were involved in manu- building an astronomical observa- report of a conference that he had facture and inevitably they consid- tory with telescopes provided by attended the previous week. He ered the prospects of commercial- Jesse Ramsden. Boulton already emphasised that the was giving a ising scientific ideas. Telescope made tubing for Ramsden’s instru- summary of this conference, not and glass making, industrial chem- ments. Mr Lound had discovered presenting his own work. The istry and especially the develop- plans for ‘a little round building’ symposium The Invention of the ment of steam power were regular that may have included transit Dutch Telescope was held to cele- topics. rooms and he conjectured that the brate the four hundredth anniver- Matthew Boulton (1728-1809) design may have been a forerunner sary of the invention of the was a prominent member of the of later circular observatories else- telescope. It took place in Society and it often met at his where. Although it is not known Middelburg, Holland, where the home, Soho House in Handsworth, for sure if he did build an observa- earliest known telescopes were Birmingham. Boulton was a man- tory, there is a circular building in made in 1608. ufacturer, initially of buckles, can- the grounds of Soho House that The origins of the telescope dlesticks and other ornamental could have been used for astrono- remain a mystery. It has been sug- products. He became wealthy from my. Boulton’s astronomical ambi- gested that telescopes were used in his business and had also inherited tions were probably abandoned Elizabethan, Medieval or even a fortune on marriage. He is pri- when he went into business with Classical times, though none of marily known for his partnership Watt. these proposals are corroborated with James Watt from the mid- In response to a question from or widely accepted. They all tend 1770s, when they manufactured Sir , Mr Lound to feature devices with mirrors steam engines. However, Boulton replied that the Lunar Society rather than lenses. The first docu- had a wide range of interests. He apparently showed no interest in mented telescope occurs in collected scientific instruments the Moon, although they often dis- Middelburg, in 1608. It was the and was keen to discuss the new cussed volcanism and geology. work of Hans Lipperhey (1570?- technologies, particularly electrici- 1619), an obscure spectacle maker ty and steam-powered devices. Stuart Williams was to have spo- of humble origins. Within a few Boulton is not usually known for ken next on Walsall Astronomers, months two additional claims his astronomy, but Mr Lound had but unfortunately he could not be appear: another from Middelburg uncovered evidence of his interest present. Dr Clive Davenhall had and one from Alkmaar in North in the subject. He had considered stepped in at short notice with a Holland.

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 19 suitable for use in telescopes. A final topic was the diffusion of knowledge about the telescope (in which the Jesuits played a signifi- cant role) and its acceptance as a useful instrument.

The final speaker before the lunch break was Mr Lee Macdonald whose topic was The (INT), concentrating on its early history. The INT is now a 100-inch telescope at the Roque de los Muchchos Observatory La Palma in the Canary Islands. However, it was originally sited at the then-Royal Greenwich Observatory (RGO) at Herstmonceux, in Sussex, where it had a 98-inch mirror. The INT was originally opened in 1967 after a protracted design and construction costing £1 mil- lion. However, it was never pro- ductive in its original location because of the poor weather and seeing in Sussex compared to the mountaintop locations where such instruments are usually sited. In 1979 it was relocated to La Palma Hans Lipperhey (1570?-1619). and given a new mirror. In 1983 an investigation found that it had gen- In September 1608 Lipperhey was known in the capitals of erated only one-sixth of the scien- travelled to The Hague to petition Europe within months. In July tific papers that a comparable the Stadholder, Prince Mauritis of 1609 Thomas Harriot made the instrument in a better location Orange for a patent. As part of the first astronomical telescopic obser- could expect to generate. application a demonstration was vations, of the Moon. Later the The INT originated in a post-war arranged from the Stadholder’s same year Galileo developed an review conducted by several com- residence, the Mauritis Tower. It improved design of telescope and mittees of the Royal Society into was a success and Delft Church began the series of astronomical the reconstruction of UK science three miles away was clearly seen. observations that lead to the dra- following the cessation of hostili- By chance a peace conference was matic discoveries reported in the ties. One outcome was a recom- underway in The Hague to discuss Sidereus Nuncius (1610). mendation for a large optical a cessation of hostilities in the In addition to the earliest docu- telescope. Since the heyday in the Dutch War of Independence from mented telescopes the conference nineteenth century the UK had the Spanish Crown. Some dele- explored a number of related fallen behind in observational gates from the conference attended themes, including the evidence astronomy, particularly in the the demonstration. They immedi- that telescopes were constructed in availability of large telescopes. ately appreciated the military Elizabethan England, the extent of America dominated this field with applications of the new instrument the spectacle trade, the availability first the 60 and 100-inch instru- and news of it spread like wildfire. of lenses and the circumstance that ments on Mount Wilson and in the The rest is history. The device only the better-quality lenses were immediate post-war period the

Page 20 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 200-inch telescope on Mount Palomar. By contrast, the largest telescope in the UK was the the 36-inch Yapp reflector at Greenwich. One of the principal proponents of a large telescope was Harry Plaskett (1893-1980), Savillian Professor of Astronomy at Oxford. He was the son of John S. Plaskett, who had masterminded the con- struction of the 72-inch telescope at the Dominican Observatory in Victoria, British Columbia and thus he was familiar with the advantages of large reflectors. In March 1945 he wrote to the , reiterating that much of the astronomical equip- ment in the UK was outdated. Plaskett expanded on his theme in his Presidential Address to the RAS in February 1946, and in the following month the RAS appoint- ed a committee to consider the problem. In due course this com- mittee recommended that His Majesty’s Government be request- ed to fund such a facility. The original dome of the INT at Herstmonceux. Regarding the UK’s climate, Plaskett argued that during the prove complex and protracted and Prior to 1965 (when it was taken nineteenth century telescopes was not completed until the late over by the new Science Research owned by Herschel, Andrew 1950s. Council) the RGO was run by the Common and Lord Rosse, of 48, The putative new instrument was Admiralty, who regarded it as a 60 and 72-inches aperture respec- named the Isaac Newton Telescope low-priority anachronism. To min- tively, had been used successfully. and the proposal rushed through imise costs a low-cost mirror was He neglected the fact that these without debate in order to be specified and Pilkington tendered a instruments had not been as pro- announced as part of the celebra- price. However, Spencer Jones ductive as their owners had hoped! tions of Newton’s tercentenary in learned that a 98-inch mirror blank Plaskett suggested a 74-inch 1946 (they was delayed a few was available from Michigan Schmidt telescope that could cap- years because of the war). The University, and they subsequently ture photographs with a relatively Royal Society submitted to the presented it as a gift to the UK. short exposure. Treasury a proposal for a 100-inch However, the blank was later In a separate development, in cassegrain telescope and two ancil- found to be flawed, with some June 1945 it was recommended lary Schmidt cameras. The post- internal cracking. Nevertheless it that the Royal Observatory be war Labour Government was keen was accepted and ground and fig- moved out of London to darker to support science and the project ured by Grubb-Parsons. When the skies. The site chosen was was quickly approved, again with- INT was moved to La Palma the Herstmonceux Castle in East out discussion. Funding for the original mirror was left at Sussex, where the Observatory 100-inch INT was announced in Herstmonceux, where it can be became the Royal Greenwich the summer of 1946 but the seen today. Observatory. This move was to Schmidt cameras were not funded. There were differences of opin-

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 21 ion regarding the design of the including shortages of funds and Jackson and Stephen Rigaud, a telescope. In 1947 a hybrid system infighting over the design. Much Fellow of the Royal Society and was proposed, alternating between of the project had been overseen later Savillian Professor of a Cassegrain configuration and a by Spencer Jones who was an Astronomy. Wrottesley obtained a Schmidt with an 80-inch corrector astrometrist with little experience first class degree in mathematics in plate. The project rapidly became of large telescopes. Moreover at 1819 before going to London to bogged down; the 98-inch mirror the same time he was also super- train and serve as a barrister at was not finished until 1954 and to vising the drawn-out and compli- Lincolns Inn. At around this time, accommodate the proposed (and cated move of the RGO. When the he was involved in the founding of later abandoned) Schmidt option it instrument was conceived an over- the Astronomical Society of was ground to an f4 ratio. In 1954 seas telescope used by astronomers London, later the Royal all finances were postponed by the visiting from the UK was not prac- Astronomical Society. then cash-strapped Government. tical, but by the time it was opened He set up an observatory at Richard Woolley became the development of mass air travel Blackheath from 1829-1831, Astronomer Royal in 1956. He was rapidly making this mode of where he concentrated on the posi- wanted the INT located in the operation the norm. The Sussex- tional astronomy of sixth and sev- southern hemisphere, where he based INT was destined to obso- enth magnitude stars. For this had had experience with big tele- lescence and relocation. research, in 1839, he was awarded scopes at Canberra, but Spencer the Gold Medal of the RAS. In Jones remained adamant that it Following Mr Macdonald’s talk 1841 he became president of the would be located in the UK. The the meeting adjourned for lunch. RAS and was elected a Fellow of duplex system was, however, As usual the Society’s Library was the Royal Society. That same year dropped. Correspondence between open for business during the lunch his father died and he became the Woolley and Grubb-Parsons sug- and coffee breaks. Gilbert second Baron Wrottesley and gests that he wanted to abandon Satterthwaite arrived during lunch returned to the family seat in the flawed 98-inch disc in favour and he chaired the afternoon ses- Staffordshire. He immediately of a better 74-inch mirror destined sion. This session began with a talk erected an observatory there with for Egypt. However, this idea fell by John Armitage on Lord three instruments; a 7 ¾-inch through as the Suez crisis devel- Wrottesley. oped, and to avoid upsetting Lord John Wrottesley (1798- Michigan. 1867), Second Baron There was one last niggle. Wrottesley, left us a legacy Telescope domes are best painted as a Peer of the Realm and white to minimise daytime heat as an intermediary build up, but because of local between the public and objections, acceded to by the government in the Admiralty, when the telescopes interests of the public removed from Greenwich were understanding of sci- installed at Herstmonceux their ence. His seat was at copper-clad domes were left Wrottesley Hall close unpainted and allowed to tarnish to to the A41, not far an acceptable green. However, from Wolverhampton astronomers were adamant that the in South INT dome be painted white and S t a f f o r d s h i r e . this was agreed in 1962. Following a private The INT telescope was eventual- education at home, he ly completed in August 1967 and went to Westminster opened by HM the Queen. It was School in 1810 and after in use for only twelve years before matriculation went up to Christ being removed to La Palma. A Church College, Oxford, in 1816. number of causes had contributed There he acquired his interest in Lord John Wrottesley (1798-1867), to the problems with the telescope, astronomy from Dean Cyril Second Baron Wrottesley.

Page 22 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 refractor fashioned by Dollond, a 3 ¾-inch transit telescope and a tran- sit circle made by Troughton in 1793. Their current whereabouts is unknown. The remains of the Wrottesley Observatory are to be found within a small clump of trees on the edge of the Wrottesley estate. The site would be familiar to those SHA members attending the 2007 Summer Picnic at Pendrell Hall. The brick walls of the observatory are still visible as is the iron ring on which its dome rotated. The massive stone piers of the transit instrument are still present and the computer’s room with its small fireplace is still extant, albeit in a ruined and dilapidated condition. All was constructed by Wrottesley’s own workmen. A memorial window to Joseph Hough, Wrottesley’s observer, who died in 1924 at the age of 86, can be seen at nearby St Peter’s Church. In his latter years Hough still served as curator to the obser- vatory but it deteriorated rapidly after his death. Mr Armitage had been instru- Sir Arnold Wolfendale speaking on Astronomers Royal Through the Ages. mental in the construction of nine- teenth century-style observatories his illustrious forebears, inter- Royal was (1646- housing renovated Victorian tele- spersed with humorous anecdotes 1719), born near Derby. He had no scopes at Pendrell Hall and at the and incidents from his own time as formal qualifications in astronomy Black Country Museum. He Astronomer Royal. He began by but was, however, a perfectionist rounded off by noting that a promi- modestly emphasising that his own and unwilling to publish his obser- nent lunar crater near Petavius was claim was that as President of the vations until they were as accurate named after Lord Wrottesley. RAS in 1981 he instigated the as he could make them. Newton RAS tie, with the Herschel and Halley, however, wanted to Before the next talk Mr Kilburn telescope emblazoned upon it and use his data to test Newton’s theo- recalled that when he was assem- available in three colours! ries of gravitation. In the ensuing bling the programme for the meet- Astronomers and astrologers had bitter dispute some observations ing he had been e-mailed by a new for ages held influential positions were published prematurely, but member of the SHA asking to give in the courts of monarchs through- full publication only occurred after a talk. How does one refuse Sir out Europe and Asia. Knowledge Flamsteed’s death. He had Arnold Wolfendale, fourteenth of star positions was regarded as observed with his own instru- Astronomer Royal? We were all fundamental to navigation in the ments, which his widow sold, so delighted to welcome him. Sir late seventeenth century and in Halley, the second Astronomer Arnold spoke on Astronomers 1675 the Royal Observatory was Royal, had to re-equip the observa- Royal Through the Ages, describ- founded by Charles II to ‘perfect toy. ing some of the achievements of navigation’. The first Astronomer The original reason for the obser-

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 23 vatory, improving navigation, Babylonian times that the Earth finance a series of occasional Alan steadily receded over three cen- has indeed slowed down but that Cox Memorial Lectures. It was turies. Improved timekeepers, the Moon has imposed a stabilising therefore a privilege to introduce firstly contrived by Tompion and effect on the seasons. The Moon the first such Lecture, to be given then by Harrison, steadily eroded moves away from the earth at a by Professor Nick Kanas, from the the need for transit observations of rate of about 4 cm/year and as it University of California, San stars, although these continued recedes total solar eclipses will Francisco. Prof. Kanas specialises down to the mid-twentieth century. eventually become impossible. in space psychology, doing Measurements of the mass of the Richard Woolley (1906-1986) is research with NASA astronauts. Earth by Neville Maskelyne often remembered for dismissing He is also an amateur astronomer (1765-1811), fifth Astronomer space travel as ‘bilge’, but this is and avid collector and expert on Royal were based on known an unfortunate misrepresentation star atlases, and has recently pub- physics and the laws of gravity and of an off-the-cuff remark made lished Star Maps, which was also established the density and hence after a long and tiring flight. the title of his talk. mass of the Earth to within 23% of Sir Francis Graham Smith, thir- Prof. Kanas began by noting the its present value by observing the teenth Astronomer Royal, was the star atlases and charts were highly sideways gravitational attraction of first radio astronomer to hold the collectable items. Nowadays the a plumb bob influenced by a position. When taking over from most expensive plates available to mountainous mass. him, Sir Arnold asked him if there the collector were from Andreas William Herschel (1738-1822) was a Royal Coat of Arms for the Cellarius’s cosmological atlas, was never Astronomer Royal. post. He replied that it was ‘early Harmonia Macrocosmica of 1660, However, his discovery of Uranus days yet’, after three hundred which could sell for $15,000 in 1781 so impressed Maskelyne, years! Sir Arnold approached the apiece. the Royal Society and George III Office of the Queen and it was Covering three millennia and that he was awarded the title Royal granted that a coat of arms could four continents, Prof. Kanas Astronomer and a lifelong pen- be commissioned. The arms were explained how our Earth-centred sion. Herschel, in turn, wished his first publicly unveiled by Sir perspective on the night sky has new planet to be known as Arnold at the centenary meeting of been interpreted in the production Georgium Sidus. Manchester Astronomical Society of constellation charts and star In the nineteenth Century, in 1993. His own research was in maps through the ages. He extend- George Airy (1801-1892) was the the field of cosmic rays and it was ed this theme and developed it in first of a new breed of professional through this that he got into astron- detail with specific references to ‘chief scientist’ and not only held omy. Chinese, Indian and Mediterranean the post of Astronomer Royal but The fifteenth Astronomer Royal, astronomy and astronomical car- took on many other scientific Sir Martin, now Lord, Rees is an tography from the first millennium responsibilities in an advisory role. astrophysicist and president of the BC down to more recent times. He too was interested in measuring Royal Society. Although the Royal Greek astronomy, codified late in the mass of the Earth. In the 1840s Observatory has closed, there is classical antiquity by Ptolemy, pic- he measured the period of a pendu- currently no indication that the tured an Earth-centred universe in lum on the Earth’s surface and also appointment of Astronomer Royal which eccentric circles, differen- at depth, firstly in a tin mine in will be discontinued. tials and epicycles were used to and then underground in explain planetary motion. This a mine in County Durham. In the Following Sir Arnold’s talk there complex and sophisticated scheme 1980s, Sir Arnold unveiled a was a welcome break for coffee. vanished from Western Europe as plaque to commemorate this After proceedings resumed Gilbert the Roman Empire disintegrated, achievement. Airy also showed Satterthwaite explained that when but was preserved and adapted in that the rotation period of the Earth SHA member Alan Cox sadly died the Middle east. It eventually re- was slowing down due to the tidal in August 2006, part of his legacy entered Europe via Islamic Spain. attraction of the Moon. In the mid was left to the SHA to ensure that Later the invention of the print- twentieth century, Harold Spencer our young society was financially ing press and new map projection Jones confirmed from the analysis supported. It was agreed that part methods allowed better representa- of solar eclipses dating back to of the legacy should be used to tion of the celestial sphere,

Page 24 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 although early star maps still fol- using traditional methods, without many more stars and new lowed the traditional ‘external’ the use of telescopic sights. Prof. constellations, leaving it looking view of celestial globes. The first Kanas described how volvelles cluttered. printed star map that included a were used to measure and plot Prof. Kanas spent some time grid system was probably that by positions graphically; the modern describing atlases by Johann the sixteenth century Italian planisphere works on similar prin- Dopplemayr, John Bevis (the astronomer and cleric, Alessandro ciples. unpublished Uranographia Piccolomini. John Flamsteed’s Atlas Coelestis, Britannica or Atlas Celeste), and The ‘golden age’ of astronomical compiled from his star catalogue, others which are perhaps less well cartography, approximately 1600- was published posthumously in known. During the nineteenth cen- 1800 was amply covered and well- 1729. It plotted over 3000 stars tury atlases became more utilitari- illustrated. The first major atlas with respect to the celestial equator an, with the constellation figures was Bayer’s Uranometria of 1603. and became a standard atlas for de-emphasised or absent and lines It was geocentric, with stars plot- nearly a century. A sinusoidal pro- drawn to represent the boundaries ted with respect to the ecliptic and jection was used to give a better between constellations. In 1919 the ecliptic poles. Stars were posi- representation of the sky. A French the first General Assembly of the tioned on a grid and the classical edition by Fortin was published in IAU standardised and reduced the figures of the Ptolemaic 1776 in a smaller, less unwieldy, number of constellations and in constellations were lavishly format. In 1782 Johann Bode also 1930 precisely defined their depicted. The second important produced a version of the boundaries in terms of equatorial atlas was the Firmamentum Flamsteed atlas, the Vorstellung co-ordinates. Twentieth-century Sobiescianum (1690) by Hevelius der Gestirne. However, more astronomical cartography would in Gdansk. He constructed his star famous is his Uranographia of not be complete without mention catalogue from observations made 1801, a much bigger atlas with of Norton’s Star Atlas and those of

Ursa Minor (left) and Ursa Major (right) from Alessandro Piccolomini’s De le Stelle Fisse (1579), the first printed star atlas.

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 25 A chart from John Flamsteed’s Atlas Coelestis (1729).

Becvar and Tirion. The later is now Jenny Uglow has written a general about the telescope in its current plotted by computer and can be account of the society, The Lunar configuration on La Palma. updated with ease. The Millenium Men (2002, Faber, London) and For Lord Wrottesley’s astronomi- Star Atlas was the last non-com- Andrew Lound discusses their cal activities see John Armitage’s puter generated atlas and like sev- astronomical interests in Lunatick paper in The Antiquarian eral star atlases published for the Astronomy (2008, Odyssey DL), a Astronomer (2006, 3, pp5-10). See epoch 2000 would be very collect- copy of which is available in the also Newsletter 14, October 2007, able in future. Society’s Library. There is a pp16-18 and passim. Prof. Kanas’ talk was very well- Wikipedia entry at: http://en. received. Gilbert Satterthwaite wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_Society There are biographies of HM thanked him warmly, remarking Astronomers in Emily that the talk would have been of A report of the symposium The Winterburn’s The Astronomers great interest to Alan Cox. He then Invention of the Dutch Telescope Royal (2005, National Maritime formally closed the meeting with will appear in a future issue. Museum, London). thanks to all the speakers and Proceedings are also in prepara- Nick Kanas’ book on the history of organisers for making it such a tion. celestial cartography, Star Maps memorable event. Little has been published about the (2007, Springer, New York) is Further reading history of the INT. It has a reviewed in Newsletter 17, Wikipedia entry (http://en. October 2007, pp35-36 and a copy Two books on the Lunar Society wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Newton is available in the Society’s have been published recently. _Telescope) but this is mostly Library.

Page 26 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Scriven Bolton and his giant Two-Foot Telescope John Armitage HOMAS Simeon Scriven est standards from the telescopes presumes an aperture of about 24 TBolton (1883-1929) is now that he possessed, which ranged inches, but archival information almost forgotten, but nevertheless from an early acquired instrument suggests that the actual diameter of 1 he was in his day a significant fig- in the form of a 4 /8-inch refractor; the mirror was 26 ½-inches. This 1 ure in Edwardian and early twenti- a 10 /8-inch With-Browning mirror is said by some sources to eth century astronomy. This was reflector which he acquired in have been by Calver, though others particularly so in the are more sceptical on this north of England, where point. It seems that the he was based in the drive of the Newtonian Leeds area. He was was by Calver, so it is always known as quite likely that the mirror Scriven (his mother’s was also, as Calver was maiden name), his first active and making high- two Christian names (the quality mirrors at the time names respectively of concerned. his grandfather and Besides his own instru- father) never being used. ments, Scriven Bolton Scriven was interested also seems to have made in astronomy from an use of the 18-inch reflec- early age and during his tor at the Dumcombe lifetime was a member Observatory of Leeds of a number of astro- University, which begs the nomical societies, question: why did he need including the Leeds to use this 18-inch instru- Astronomical Society, ment when he had the the BAA and the RAS. ‘giant’ 26 ½-inch He published many of telescope at his disposal? the results of his obser- Was the giant telescope’s vations in journals, not performance in some way least in the Journal and compromised? Had the Memoirs of the BAA, mirror been damaged in particularly between some way, or even bro- 1906 and 1917, which ken? seems to have been one Scriven Bolton in 1907, projecting a solar image with Scriven Bolton died on of his most productive what appears to be a small portable transit instrument. Christmas Day, 1929, periods. from complications fol- Scriven Bolton was also a gifted 1905 (the same year that he was lowing a bout of influenza. He artist (see p30), which enabled him elected a Fellow of the RAS); to bequeathed his astronomical to illustrate his observations to his giant ‘two-foot’ Newtonian equipment, including the ‘two- good effect. He also did a good reflector, which he placed in a sub- foot’ telescope, to Leeds deal of commercial illustration stantial observatory in the grounds University, but it seems that at this work and had an influence on of the family home, Waterloo time the giant telescope was with- Chesley Bonnestell. Lodge, at Bramley, Leeds, in 1913. out its mirror, the fate of which is Scriven always sought the high- The term ‘two-foot’ telescope not known.

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 27 Scriven’s mother, Hannah, want- which it is said to have been ready possible that Cooke, Troughton ing to make sure that her son was for silvering in 1936. As this and Simms had a 23 ½-inch blank remembered by a full bequest replacement mirror still does not to hand and that this was conven- which would include a fully opera- have any trace of a surface coating, ient to use. It is not known what tional telescope, responded to this it seems likely this process never the focal ratio of the original mir- deficiency by ordering a replace- took place. The mirror is 3 inches ror was, but I speculate that it was ment mirror from Cooke, thick, has a focal ratio of f6.8, and probably around f6, so the replace- Troughton and Simms. The weighs 151 pounds (see the photo- ment 23 ½-inch mirror ground to replacement mirror is not 26 ½- graph of the mirror today). f6.8 would give a very similar inches in diameter as was the orig- We should now ask why the focal point in the telescope tube to inal, but a nominal 23 ½-inches, replacement mirror was of a differ- the original mirror at f6. The the cost of which was £240 and ent diameter to the original. It is replacement mirror was tested some years ago by Mr Philip Pendred of Huddersfield, who declared it to have a very fine fig- ure, with a wavefront accuracy of around one-twentieth wave. Despite the fine nature of this mirror, Leeds University did not find a use for it and by the 1970s had decided to dispose of it. Initially it was offered to the Leeds Astronomical Society, but this was declined on the grounds of the cost of making it operational. In 1976, however, I was looking out for a large aperture mirror and acquired it from the University, hoping to use it for a project which never materialised. As a result, the mirror was again put into storage in Yorkshire, near Huddersfield, where it remained for quite some time. It was then transferred to Newchapel Observatory in North Staffordshire where it was again placed in storage for a while. In July 2008 the mirror was transport- ed from Newchapel to the Pendrell Hall Observatories where it was placed on display in time for an eclipse event held on 1 August. Before the end of August 2008 the mirror was transported to the Wrottesley Observatory, which is situated in the open-air site of the Black Country Museum at Tipton A view of Scriven with his ‘two-foot’ telescope as originally installed in his Road, Dudley (see Newsletter 16, observatory in Bramley, in 1913 (courtesy Ray Emery and the Oxford July 2008, pp33-34), where it is Museum of the History of Science). currently on display in the transit

Page 28 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 house. The mirror will remain on display there for quite some time, but will eventually be returned to Pendrell Hall, where it will be incorporated in a new telescope. The new telescope is intended to be developed in two distinct phas- es. The first phase will involve construction as a large Newtonian,

A modern photograph of the Scriven Bolton mirror, on display in its original packing case. similar to Scriven’s original, when Acknowledgements it will be renamed ‘The Scriven Bolton Telescope’. The second I wish to acknowledge the assis- phase will involve its conversion tance of and information supplied into Nasmyth-Cassegrain form, by Mr Ray Emery of the Leeds when it will be renamed the ‘James Astronomical Society. The illustra- Nasmyth Telescope’. This will be tions for this article, apart from the particularly appropriate as Pendrell modern photograph of the 23 ½- Hall has historic links with the inch mirror, are from the archives A view of the ‘two-foot’ telescope Nasmyth family. We hope, in the of the Leeds Astronomical Society in its later form, the tube now per- end, to have a telescope of which and are reproduced courtesy of that forated by many holes. Scriven Bolton would be proud. Society. Advertisements

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 29 The Space Art of Scriven Bolton Clive Davenhall

HOMAS Simeon Scriven his main interest and he set up an larly contributing astronomical 1 TBolton (1883-1929), always observatory with a 10 /8-inch drawings and sketches. He also known as Scriven, was an amateur reflector adjacent to the family had material published in The astronomer from Leeds active in home. Around 1911 the family Graphic, The Sphere, Le Journal the early decades of the twentieth moved to Bramley, Leeds, and Astronomique de France and sev- century (see p27). He was also a Scriven established another obser- eral American papers. Some of his talented artist and his astronomical vatory, this time with a 26 ½-inch- drawings were reproduced as book drawings became well-known, es reflector (again see p27 for the illustrations. He won numerous though they are little-remembered history of this instrument). He also awards for his work and was a now. This short article reproduces used the 18-inch reflector at Leeds Fellow of the Royal Society of some of this work. University. Arts. He had links with other astro- Scriven Bolton’s family were Scriven Bolton was a member of nomical artists, such as Chesley originally textile manufacturers several astronomical societies and Bonestell (whose most famous but in the late nineteenth century regularly published his observa- work would come later) and his father bought into a mineral oil tions in a variety of journals. Lucien Rudaux (the French astron- merchant business and Scriven However, he is best known for his omy author and artist). In addition duly followed him into this firm, astronomical drawings. For fifteen to drawing he also painted in pas- which was his main source of years he was a member of staff of tel. income. Astronomy, however, was the Illustrated London News, regu- Scriven Bolton produced a great

The scorched surface of Mercury, which was believed to be locked in synchronous rotation with An explanatory drawing illustrating sunspots. the Sun (from The Wonder Book of Science, 1946).

Page 30 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Above: Saturn on 18 December 1910. This illustration was reproduced in the Leeds Astronomical Society Journal and supplied to the BAA (as was the one of , overleaf). Below, left: The Earth eclipses the Sun above the lunar mountains in this striking view. Below, right: The Pleiades star cluster. In later years Scriven’s astronomical work turned to studies of variable stars, particularly in the Pleiades and Hyades clusters.

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 31 deal of work, of which only a few examples are reproduced here. However, much of it appeared in a wide range of non-astronomical publications and a comprehensive list has never been compiled. If you know of any examples we would be most pleased to hear from you; the Bulletin will publish suitable contributions (email [email protected]; other contact details on the back page). I am grateful to Ray Emery of Leeds Astronomical Society for both much of the information about Scriven Bolton included here and for providing the illustra- tions.

Further reading

The details of Scriven Bolton’s life and work are as fragmented as his art, but the RAS published a brief obituary in the Monthly Notices (1930, 90, p359). Left: Mars on 21 October 1909.


Page 32 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Ancient Georgian Astronomy Madeline Cox

The star of the dawn shines as bright as the moon when together in heaven, But if they part and withdraw from each other they grow paler. The Knight in the Panther’s Skin, Shota Rustaveli (floruit AD 1200).

EORGIA in the South paper explores the astronomical months of the year, the planets, GCaucasus on the eastern shore information in Georgian ethno- individual stars and specific aster- of the Black Sea is an ancient graphic records and literature. At isms, star clusters, the Milky Way, country, settled for over 3000 the request of the authors we give and various kinds of astronomical years. There is much astronomy a brief taste of that work here. instruments. and astronomical lore entwined in Georgian Ethnographic records, For example, the dictionary its long history, of which the above typically compiled during the Sitkvis kona (literally ‘bunch of quotation is a single example. The twentieth century, and literature, words’) compiled by Sulkhan astronomical history of Georgia including dictionaries from various Orbeliani (1658-1725) gives lists has, however, hitherto been little periods, contain useful information of names of months of the year in studied. Prof. Irakli Simonia and about ancient astronomical knowl- various languages. Two sets of his colleagues are attempting to edge systems and beliefs, with spe- Georgian names are included, one rectify this situation. A recent cific reference to timekeeping, the folkloric (and current from the

The ruins of the Nekresi Sun Temple in eastern Georgia, about 150 km from Tbilisi and dating from the second to fourth centuries AD. The eastern face of the temple is oriented to point towards the sunrise at the solstice.

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 33 however, are more difficult to identify. A 1968 monograph by S. Bedukadze records the ‘Astvaglakhoba’, a cult-ceremony performed on New Year’s Eve in the mountainous Khevi region. Three archpriests observe through- out the night, dividing the sky between them. This ceremony is thought to be a remnant of ancient methodical observations. Bedukadze also describes how in the Khevsureti region the seasons were determined by means of a group of stone columns, the so- called ‘Sun nests’ erected on peaks to the east of villages. The motion of the rising Sun, from one nest to another, functioned as a simple calendar. This system of fixing time seems to be very ancient. Similarly, in the Svaneti area, old houses have a small east window known as the lakhvra, which was used as a primitive type of domes- tic sundial. An expedition to the Khevsureti or Svaneti regions to search for ancient sundials could yield much important information. Much work remains to be done in A nineteenth century portrait of Shota Rustaveli based on an old Georgian analysing ethnographic and liter- manuscript. Rustaveli wrote the twelfth century epic poem The Knight in ary sources for astronomical refer- the Panther’s Skin which contains numerous astronomical references ences and Prof. Simonia welcomes (image courtesy Wikimedia Commons). offers of collaboration in this work. fourth to the eighteenth centuries) ploughmen used the appearance of Further reading and the other ancient and literary. certain stars or planets to regulate Some of the folkloric names are the movement of sheep and oxen at This article is based on the paper similar to their western counter- night and at dawn. A star called ‘Ethnographic and Literary parts (marti, aprili, maisi), others ‘Khariparia’ (‘a runaway ox’) fea- Reflections on Ancient Georgian refer to Christian Saints and the tures in the lore recorded and is Astronomical Heritage’ by I. birth of Christ, while others reflect tentatively identified with , Simonia, C. Ruggles and R. agricultural activities appropriate Deneb or Altair. Chagunava, Journal of to the time of year. The literary G. Bochoridze’s study of the Astronomical History and names are more obscure but also Tusheti region of north-east Heritage, 2008, 11(3), pp213-218. seen to refer to agricultural activi- Georgia includes names for some ties. celestial objects. The Milky Way [Anyone interested in working with A history of local manufactures, was known as the ‘Jump of Deer’. Prof. Simonia can contact him by based on material gathered by I. ‘Gutneuli’ and ‘Mravalai’ have email: [email protected]. Javakhishvili in the early twentieth been identified as Ursa Major and Alternatively the Bulletin will pass century, relates how drovers and Minor respectively. The planets, on any messages received — Ed.]

Page 34 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Guided Missives

The Bulletin welcomes letters for publication which can be on any aspect of the SHA, including its activities, projects and organisation, and, more widely, any topic in the history of astronomy — Ed.

Time Gentlemen Please

In the last Newsletter (no. 17, October 2008, p34) you asked for details of any public clocks that still tell local rather than civl time. Google tells me that the Corn Exchange clock in Bristol has an extra red minute hand indicating local time.

Roger Jones, SHA Survey Co-ordinator, Walsall.

Right: The clock on the Corn Exchange, Bristol has a extra minute hand showing local time. Bristol is 2° 35’ West of Greenwich so local time lags ten minutes behind civil time.

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 35 Wigglesworth Observatory

I read with interest the first entry in the ‘Observatory Scrapbook’ series on the Wigglesworth Observatory (Newsletter no. 17, October 2008, p40). I enclose a copy of an inter- nal photograph of this observatory from our archives. The attractive thing about this series is that enables one to highlight an item without needing to take the time to do a full length article.

Peter Hingley, The Librarian, Royal Astronomical Society, Burlington House, London.

Right: An interior view of the short- lived Wigglesworth Observatory located near Scarborough, North Yorkshire, which operated 1885-88. Notice the pictures hanging on the dome wall and the decoration on the lower wall (RAS ADD MS 93/29, courtesy of the Royal Astronomical Society).

Bunk and Bilge Information Requested Following the discussion of the quotations variously The Bulletin is always pleased to receive letters and attributed to Sir and Sir Richard articles for publication. The contact details are given Woolley about space travel being ‘bunk’ or ‘bilge’ on the back page. We would be particularly interest- (Newsletter, no. 17, October 2008, p43-44) I did a lit- ed in information about the following: tle investigating. Google Books (see p44) finds ‘space details of clocks keeping local time (see travel is bunk’ attributed to Spencer Jones quoted in Newsletter 17, October 2008, p34 and Roger The Air Up There: More Great Quotations on Flight by Jones’ letter about the Bristol Corn Exchange Dave English (2003, McGraw-Hill Professional). Also clock on p35), Spencer Jones is quoted ex cathedra in the Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English by Anthony information on the whereabouts of any of Scriven Bolton’s space art (see p30), Cowie and Ronald Mackin (1975). Google finds the quote in seven additional publications. contributions for the Observatory Scrapbook series (see p46) and follow-up letters with Roger Jones, additional details of previous entries (see Peter SHA Survey Co-ordinator, Hingley’s letter above). Walsall.

Page 36 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Book Reviews

Hutchins, Roger, British the amateur astronomers in Britain tional positional astronomy, in par- University Observatories 1772- and Ireland. The works are com- ticular its relationship to the Royal 1939. Hardback, Ashgate plementary in that they provide a Observatory, Greenwich. Publishing Limited, Farnham, well-balanced historical picture of Likewise, the position of the Surrey, 2008, ISBN 978-0-7546- astronomy for the period covered. Astronomer Royal in influencing 350-4, £65, pp560. Roger Hutchins’ work is pub- appointments at these academic lished by Ashgate under the series institutions is examined in detail. title of Science, Technology and ’s power of Culture, 1700-1945. Other topics patronage is described and his include John Herschel’s Cape influence on research strategy is Voyage, Jesse Ramsden the instru- considered. The network of the so- ment maker and the instrument called ‘Greenwich-Cambridge making trade during the Industrial Axis’ Observatories is outlined and Revolution. The book was devel- its influence delineated. To some, oped from the author’s doctoral Airy’s influence may not be new, thesis on the same subject with sig- but its degree and depth will sur- nificant expansion. In addition it prise most readers. He is portrayed provides a thorough and polemic- as a powerful figure in British sci- free account of Neptune’s discov- ence whose sway was tsar-like in ery, an area of much academic dis- matters of job appointment at uni- pute in recent years after the recov- versity observatories. Airy’s ery of missing archival papers. The authority is also noted as an obsta- strategy of the book is to examine cle to changes in the research strat- the whole context of the university egy at the Royal Observatory, observatory, its broader social set- Greenwich and those of the univer- Potential readers of this volume ting and how it related to astrono- sity observatories. should not be put off by the some- my in general, both on the local Later chapters, in this account of what prosaic title as it belies a and international stage. The work British University Observatories, work of academic thoroughness does not set out to provide a examine how these institutions and great significance. Within the detailed technical history of adjusted to the new discipline of history of astronomy it addresses a astronomy in the context of aca- astrophysics. Hutchins describes in topic that has not been coherently demic institutions, but does give great detail how the various obser- tackled until now. Individual insti- ample details on these matters vatories tackled the challenges of tutional histories exist for some when it is relevant to the topic this new discipline within astrono- British University observatories, being addressed. To this end the my. In particular the book exam- but these vary in depth and none chapters are thematic, examining ines the experience of Oxford and tries to present a broader picture of the experiences of Cambridge, Cambridge in funding the new the astronomical community they Durham, Glasgow and Armagh research area and how the interdis- describe. Astronomy historians observatories along with the ciplinary aspect of the new science until now have had to piece togeth- Radcliffe and Dunsink institutions was addressed. It is made clear that er diverse accounts from a wide in Oxford and Dublin. The topics astrophysics needed the expertise bibliography if they hope to get a examined include foundation, their of chemistry and physics rather full picture of how British and operation, research and teaching than just mathematics. In addition, Irish astronomy developed in these duties, and their place in the age of the need for separate laboratory university institutions. The book the ‘Grand Amateur’ during the facilities is explained. This new does for the history of these obser- nineteenth century. Another impor- and extra expense had to be paid if vatories what Allan Chapman tant topic examined in some detail the new research strategy was to be achieved a decade earlier when he is the position of the university followed. When George Ellery described the past importance of observatory with regards to tradi- Hale convinced the streetcar mag-

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 37 nate Tyson Yerkes to pay for the vides a gold mine of detailed The story begins with Ruth 40-inch that accounts, facts and sources in a Belville’s father, John Henry bears his name, Yerkes did not single volume on the history of Belville. He came to Greenwich in realise he was also paying for astronomy. I recommend it as a 1811 at the age of fifteen, with his astrophysics laboratories at the vital addition to any library of the guardian the new Astronomer new American observatory! A history of astronomy, even in these Royal . He soon became valuable feature of this section is times of economic retrenchment. active in the work of the Royal the author’s description of the Kevin Johnson Observatory (RO), and five years international extent of astro- later officially joined the staff. His [This book is available for loan physics. It provides accounts of the mother had fled from revolution- from the Sir Patrick Moore Library work done in French, German and ary France, and because of this for — Ed.] Italian Observatories during the most of his career at this govern- period. This information is now David Rooney, Ruth Belville, The ment establishment he did not use available from a single written Greenwich Time Lady. National his French surname but was known source in English. The concluding Maritime Museum, London, by his forenames, referred to in RO chapter provides a clear account of 2008, ISBN 978-0-948065-972, records as ‘Mr Henry’. In his forty- how the university observatory £12.99, 192pp. five years at the RO he became a developed during the twentieth valued Assistant, undertaking century, into the modern form of major responsibilities. When John research-based institutions with Pond died and was succeeded in which we are now familiar. It 1835 by George Airy, the new describes the rise of the advanced Astronomer Royal recorded the research degree as pioneered in duties then undertaken by him: Germany, along with the use of ‘Mr Henry … manages the obser- shared observing facilities in clear- vations with the Transit, the reduc- er overseas skies. tions of the Transits, the rating of The overall impression of the the Clocks, the comparisons of book is a very well researched and Chronometers belonging to the thorough work with ample cita- Royal Navy, or on trial for pur- tions, bibliography and index. Its chase by the Government, and the encyclopaedic style does not make dropping of the Signal Ball at 1h it a light read as it takes concentra- mean time every day.’ This quota- tion to digest its multifaceted tion is extremely important, as in a details, which are supported by single sentence it illustrates why numerous images both photo- Belville was ideally suited to be graphic and print, along with involved in setting up a system for extensive tables. The quality of the David Rooney’s book tells the making Greenwich Time available reproductions is impressive, as story of a remarkable lady, who to those who needed it. often this is an area compromised occupied a unique place in the his- Observations with the transit by publishers of small print runs. tory of Greenwich Time and its instrument at Greenwich ensured Likewise, the quality of the print- distribution around the world. It the accuracy of its clocks, and the ing, paper and stitch binding is also tells us about other members daily dropping of the Timeball sig- equally high. These high standards of her family who were also nalled correct time to those who do not come cheap and some involved and about the ever- could see it, principally the mas- potential buyers may be put off by changing technological back- ters of ships on the Thames. But the £65 price tag, though a dis- ground to their activities over a many establishments across count is available if purchased century. Written by the Curator of London also needed this informa- online. While the cost may seem Timekeeping at the Royal tion in order to keep their public large, it needs to be set against the Observatory, Greenwich, this is a clocks showing correct time. normal high cost of academic story which cannot fail to appeal to Particularly the numerous clock texts. It should also be viewed as a all with an interest in the history of and in the city standard reference work as it pro- our national observatory. required it to ensure that their

Page 38 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 products reached the required stan- Belville herself, but she continued dards of accuracy. Many of them to receive the support of her cus- regularly sent an apprentice to the tomers and became affectionately Observatory with an accurate known to many as ‘the Greenwich to determine its error against Time Lady’. He tells us too of the the standard clock, but it was soon other work necessarily undertaken recognised that it would be much by the Belville ladies to secure a less inconvenient both for them living, and the ever-changing and for the Observatory if a background of suburban life. chronometer showing correct time The success of this service for could be taken to them. Their con- almost a century, despite these Books noticed tact at the RO was of course John changing circumstances, is quite Madeline Cox and Belville, but he was far too busy to remarkable, but even more so in Clive Davenhall undertake this chore himself; that it was the achievement of a instead he employed a messenger single family. Its success, and the This column lists some recently to carry a corrected chronometer circumstances of its initiation and published books which might be of around the list of subscribers to continuance, is an important aspect interest. Listing here does not pre- this service. The chronometer cho- of the history of the Royal clude a review at a later date, nor sen by Belville for the new service Observatory. The book is well does it necessarily imply endorse- was made by John Arnold in 1794 written and has been extremely ment. Books are now given their and became a legend in its own well researched; Rooney has thirteen digit ISBN. Please note right, known to all as ‘Arnold’; it utilised a vast range of resources, prices may vary according to sup- can still be seen in the Museum of many of them not too easily acces- pliers. the ’ Company. sible. He provides full details of John Belville became ill and died his sources in an appendix, stating Andronik, C.M, Copernicus: in 1856, aged almost sixty-one. in his Introduction that they are not Founder of Modern Astronomy, Towards the end of his life he had however footnoted ‘in the interests (Revised Ed; Great Minds of undertaken the weekly round with of readability’; this will be regret- Science). Enslow, 2009, library the chronometer himself, and after ted by historians, but as he states, binding., ISBN-13: 978- his death his widow Maria Belville the book has also been written for 0766030138, £23.00. took on the role, checking Arnold a wider readership. The volume is against the standard clock at the nicely produced and has some rel- Borrelli, A, Aspects of the RO and carrying it around a list of evant illustrations; these are most- Astrolabe (Sudhoffs Archiv: sixty-seven subscribers. She car- ly used as chapter headings how- Zeitschrift Fuer Wissenschafts- ried out this weekly expedition for ever and would have benefited geschichte). Franz Steiner, 2008, the next thirty-six years, retiring in from reproduction in a larger for- paperback, ISBN-13: 978- 1892 aged eighty-one. She had mat. 3515091299, £39.00. doubtless often been accompanied David Rooney should be congrat- by her daughter Ruth Belville, who ulated on a major achievement, Brush, S.G, History of Modern then assumed the responsibility. which provides us with a detailed Planetary Physics: Volume 1, The Rooney tells an astonishing story and very readable account of an Origin of the Solar System and of how, for almost half a century, aspect of Greenwich history that the Core of the Earth from Ruth Belville provided such an may not be known to many, but LaPlace to Jeffreys: Nebulous accurate and reliable service that which deserves wider circulation Earth: History of Modern many recipients continued to use as it is a story with much human Planetary Physics v. 1. it, despite the growth of new tech- interest as well as historical infor- Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009, nologies such as the telegraph, mation. Highly recommended! paperback, ISBN-13: 978- electrical clock-synchronisation Gilbert Satterthwaite 0521093217, £21.99. services, etc. and inevitable com- mercial rivalry. There were periods [This book is available for loan Brush, S.G, History of Modern when this rivalry led to consider- from the Sir Patrick Moore Library Planetary Physics: Volume 2, The able publicity, not least for Ruth — Ed.] Age of the Earth and the

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 39 Evolution of the Elements from Newtonian System of Astronomy Seargent, D, The Greatest Comets Lyell to Patterson: Transmuted Is Directly Opposed to the of History: Broom Stars and Past. Cambridge Univ. Press, Scriptures. Kessinger reprint, Celestial Scimitars (Astrono- 2008, paperback, ISBN-13: 978- 2009 (original 1833)., hardback, mers’ Universe). Springer, 2009, 0521101462, £15.99. ISBN-13: 978-1104027223, paperback, ISBN-13: 978- £20.00. 0387095127, £19.00. Brush, S.G, History of Modern Planetary Physics: Volume 3, The Lound, A.P.B, Lunatick Subbarayappa, B.V, Tradition of Origin of the Solar System and of Astronomy. Odyssey DL, 2008, Astronomy in India: 4 (History of the Moon from Chamberlain to paperback, ISBN-13: 978- Science, Philosophy & Culture in Apollo: Fruitful Encounters. 0956111104, £9.99. Indian Civilization). Munshiram Cambridge Univ. Press, 2008, Manoharlal Publ, 2008, hard- paperback, ISBN-13: 978- Marchant. J, Decoding the back, ISBN-13: 978-8187586326 0521101448, £23.99. Heavens: A 2000-year-old $(US)45.00. Computer and the Century-long Forbes, G, History of Astronomy. Search to Discover Its Secrets. Da Teerikorpi, P. et al, The Evolving BiblioBazaar reprint, 2008 (orig- Capo Press, 2009, hardback, Universe and the Origin of Life: inal 1909), paperback, ISBN-13: ISBN-13: 978-0306817427, The Search for Our Cosmic 978-0559850967, £12.99. £17.99. Roots. Springer, 2008, hardback, ISBN-13: 978-0387095332, Green, C.M. et al, Project Masood, E, Science and Islam: A £41.50. Vanguard: The NASA History. History. Icon Books, 2009, hard- Dover, 2009, paperback, ISBN- back, ISBN-13: 978-1848310407, Van Brummelen, G, The 13: 978-0486467559, £17.99. £14.99. Mathematics of the Heavens and the Earth: The Early History of Gonzalo, J.A. (ed), The Murdin, P, Full Meridian of Trigonometry. Princeton Univ. Intelligible Universe 2nd ed. Glory: Perilous Adventures in the Press, 2009, hardback, ISBN-13: World Scientific,. 2008, paper- Competition to Measure the 978-0691129730, £23.95. back, ISBN-13: 978-9812794116, Earth. Springer, 2009, hardback, £25.00 (mostly about contempo- ISBN-13: 978-0387755335, rary cosmology; some chapters on £15.99 the Medieval origins of science).

Hearnshaw, J.B, Astronomical Plofker, K, Mathematics in India: Spectrographs and their History. 500 BCE-1800 CE. Princeton Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009, Univ. Press, 2009, hardback, hardback, ISBN-13: 978- ISBN-13: 978-0691120676, 0521882576, £70.00. £28.95.

Jeans, J, Astronomy and Sarma, K.V. et al, Ganita-Yukti- Cosmogony, 2nd ed. Cambridge Bhasa of Jyesthadeva: Rationales Univ. Press reprint, 2009 (origi- in Mathematical Astronomy nal 1929), paperback, ISBN-13: (Sources and Studies in the 978-0521744706, £23.99. History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences). Springer, Jeans, J, The Growth of Physical 2009, hardback, ISBN-13: 978- Science, 2nd ed. Cambridge 1848820722, £130. Univ. Press reprint, 2009 (origi- nal 1947), paperback, ISBN-13: Savoie, D, Sundials, 2nd ed. Volk, K, Manilius and his 978-0521744850, £21.99. (Springer Praxis / Popular Intellectual Background. Oxford Astronomy). Praxis, 2009, Univ. Press, 2009, hardback, Lander, W, David and Goliath: or paperback, ISBN-13: 978- ISBN-13: 978-0199265220, an Attempt to Prove That the 0387098012, £19.99. £65.00.

Page 40 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 ogy, are now common. Frances Press, 2008, ISBN-13: Also noticed Yates was one of the pioneers of this 9780199291083, £70.00, pp480. field, her particular speciality being Clive Davenhall Feeney, Denis, Caesar’s Calendar: magic and the occult in the Ancient Time and the Beginnings Listing here constitutes neither a Renaissance and Early Modern of History (Sather Classical review nor a recommendation, nor times, and they interaction with the Lectures). Paperback, Univ. does preclude future review. religion, art, politics and philosophy California Press, ISBN-13: 978- Information is given in good faith of the period. Nowhere is this con- 0520258013, £13.95, pp392. but cannot be guaranteed. nection closer than in astronomy, which was inextricably joined with Hannah, Robert, Time in Antiquity its irrational sibling astrology. (Sciences of Antiquity Series). Biography of Joseph Working largely alone in post-war Paperback, Routledge, Abingdon, Needham England, Frances Yates produced an 2009, ISBN-13: 978-0415331562, influential body of work, much of £21.99, pp210. Winchester, Simon, Bomb, Book which is still in print. Many years Books about ancient timekeeping and Compass: Joseph Needham ago a friend told me that her PhD must be like omnibuses; there are and the Great Secrets of China. supervisor was wont to affectionate- none for ages and then three come Hardback, Viking, London, 2008, ly refer to Yates as ‘Auntie Frances’. along at once. However, these three ISBN-13: 978-0670913787, £20.00, It is pleasing that Marjorie Jones has volumes have different emphases: pp336. now produced the first full biogra- Clarke’s theme is the Greek articula- phy of this important figure. tion of time and the creation of his- Joseph Needham (1900-95), initially tory, Feeney concentrates on the use a biochemist, became an eminent and understanding of calendars in sinologist whose monumental, Victorian Pastimes Classical Antiquity and Hannah on multi-volume Science and Flanders, Judith, Consuming devices for measuring time. Civilisation in China virtually Passions: Leisure and Pleasure in founded the study of the history of Victorian Britain. Paperback, science and technology in that coun- HarperPerennial, London, 2007, Writing Scientific try. Only the first seventeen volumes ISBN-13: 978-0007172962, £10.99, were published during Needham’s pp400. Biographies lifetime and publication continues. SHA members will be well-aware Söderqvist, Thomas (ed), The Chinese astronomy was well-repre- that the Victorian period saw a great History and Poetics of Scientific sented, particularly in Volume III, expansion in amateur astronomy, Biography (Science, Technology Mathematics and the Sciences of the from the ‘grand amateurs’ to those and Culture, 1700-1945). Heavens and Earth, and was also of more modest means. The reasons Hardback, Ashgate, Aldershot, treated in some of Needham’s other are not difficult to find, and include: 2007, ISBN-13: 978-0754651819, publications outwith the series. improved manufacturing, better £60.00, pp286. Simon Winchester has written the education, increased wealth and first full biography of Needham more free time. Astronomy was, of Biography is not the only way of who, while an outstanding scholar, course, but one of many hobbies that writing about the history of science, was also an unconventional and con- became popular. Flander’s book is but it is a popular one, not least in troversial character. an informative survey of the way the SHA. However, hitherto there that the Victorians (and despite the has been little study of the particu- Biography of Frances title, earlier generations; there is lars of writing scientific biogra- coverage back into the eighteenth phies; the features which differenti- Yates century) spent their leisure time. It ate the biographies of scientists from those of people working in other Jones, Marjorie, Frances Yates could be of interest if you want to fields. Söderqvist’s volume attempts and the Hermetic Tradition. see Victorian amateur astronomy in to address this topic. The contribu- Paperback, Ibis, Paris, 2008, its wider social context. tions range widely in period and sci- ISBN-13: 978-0892541331, £21.00, entific discipline and adopt the pp263. Ancient Calendars approaches and methods of cultural Studies of the history of magic and Clarke, Katherine, Making Time studies and the history, philosophy the occult, and their influence on the for the Past: Local History and the and sociology of science. The text is development of science and technol- Polis. Hardback, Oxford. Univ. also available as an eBook.

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 41 Obituary: Mary Brück

T is with very great regret that Profiles in Prominences, for continued to pursue an academic Iwe report the death of which a PhD was awarded in career. In 1962 she was appoint- astronomer, eminent historian of 1950. ed a part-time lecturer at the astronomy and SHA member Dr Following the award of her University of Edinburgh, later Mary Brück on 11 December doctorate Mary Conway, as she becoming full-time and retiring 2008 at the age of eighty-three then was, took up an appoint- as a Senior Lecturer in 1984. after a short illness. ment at the Dunsink From 1984 to 1987 she was a Máire Teresa Brück née Observatory, Dublin, where she Fellow of the University and Conway (she often used the continued her solar work. While more recently an Honorary Anglicised form of her first at Dunsink she met her future Fellow. Throughout her time at name outside Ireland) was born husband, Prof. Hermann Edinburgh Mary Brück was on 29 May 1925 in Ballivor, Co. Alexander Brück, then Director heavily involved in undergradu- Meath in the Irish Republic. She of the Observatory, and they ate teaching, for which she will was the daughter of Thomas and married in 1951. In 1957 Prof. be fondly remembered by gener- Margaret Conway, the oldest of Brück was appointed ations of students. During this their eight children. She attend- Astronomer Royal for Scotland, period she switched from solar ed St Louis Convent in Regius Professor of Astronomy to stellar research, pursuing a Monaghan. From school she at the University of Edinburgh programme of three-colour pho- attended University College and Director of the Royal tometry, initially largely of Dublin where she studied Observatory Edinburgh (ROE), southern galactic clusters and physics. After graduating she posts which he held until his later becoming an expert in the pursued doctoral research in retirement in 1975, and his fam- Magellanic Clouds. solar physics at the University of ily relocated to Scotland with After retiring in 1975 Prof. Edinburgh, where normal aca- him. Brück took up the study of the demic life was resuming after Although she now had three history of astronomy. Initially the war. This work resulted in children of her own as well as Mary Brück collaborated in this the thesis Studies of H α Line two stepchildren, Mary Brück work, but she was to become an eminent and respected historian of astronomy in her own right. The collaboration led to The Peripatetic Astronomer (1988), the definitive biography of Piazzi Smyth, the second Astronomer Royal for Scotland. In later years Prof. Brück’s health declined and Mary Brück looked after him through his final years until his death in 2000. Mary Brück’s own particular interest was women in astrono- my and much of her work subse- quent to The Peripatetic Astronomer was in this area. However, she also maintained her interest in the history of the Máire (Mary) Teresa Brück (1925-2008). ROE and in its magnificent

Page 42 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Crawford Collection of historic astronomical texts. In 2002 she published Agnes Mary Clerke and the Rise of Astrophysics, a masterly piece of work which is likely to remain the definitive study of its subject. When Miss Clerke’s Popular History of Astronomy during the Nineteenth Century was repub- lished in 2003 it was natural that Mary Brück should provide the Foreword. Her final book, Women in Early British and Irish Astronomy, is to be pub- lished posthumously later in 2009. Each of its chapters con- tain biographical essays on vari- Female members of staff and students outside the ROE in 1984. ous women astronomers. It will Mary Brück is at the right of the back row. stand as her last word on the AA and the Newsletter. She was ly as May 2008 she gave a well- subject. a strong supporter and benefac- received public lecture to the She wrote entries for the tor of the Society, always gener- RAS in London on The Oxford Dictionary of National ous with advice and assistance Fascination of the Heavens Biography and published to members and donating about pioneering women numerous papers and book numerous items to the Library. astronomers. In addition to reviews. She was a member of Her children have kindly made Women in Early British and the Editorial Board of the additional donations from her Irish Astronomy she also had a Journal of Astronomical History estate. paper in press in the AA. Co- and Heritage from its founding. Mary Brück was a Fellow of written with David Gavine, it She never lost sight of her Irish the Royal Astronomical Society documents the Revd Hector roots, writing two chapters for and an Honorary Member of the MacPherson, a populariser of Stars, Shells and Bluebells Irish Astronomical Society. In astronomy in early twentieth (1997) published under the aus- 2001 she was awarded the century Edinburgh. pices of the Irish WITS (Women Lorimer Medal by the In her youth Mary Brück into Technology and Science) Astronomical Society of imbibed the deep Catholic faith initiative and celebrating the Edinburgh for her work in popu- of her parents and it sustained achievements of early women larising astronomy and was and underpinned her throughout pioneers of science in that coun- made an Honorary Member of her life. Always modest and self- try. Its forthcoming companion that Society. The ROE held a effacing, she was unfailingly volume, Lab Coats and Lace, to short workshop in her honour on generous and helpful to col- which she also contributed, is the occasion of her eightieth leagues and students alike. She dedicated to her memory. birthday in 2005. will be greatly missed both by Mary Brück contributed what She remained active until her many friends in the Society became the first paper in the first shortly before the end, regularly and more generally in the histo- issue of the SHA’s journal, The attending meetings and giving ry of astronomy community. She Antiquarian Astronomer (AA). talks. In May 2006 she spoke on is survived by her children She later joined the Society and Agnes Clerke at the Society’s Anne, Catherine and Andrew became a member of the AA’s Spring Conference, held in and her stepchildren Mary and Editorial Board. She continued Cambridge, whose theme was Peter. to contribute material to both the Women in Astronomy. As recent- Clive Davenhall

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 43 The Survey of Astronomical History Roger Jones

have been an avid County guides are anoth- I‘Googler’ since its early er useful source and in days, and more recently Delineations of have relied on Google Somersetshire John Rutter Books Search for hard-to- mentions John H. Smyth find information, especial- Pigott who owned ly in the field of history of Brockley Hall. In the cen- astronomy. Google, in part- tre of the roof he placed an nership with several major octagonal dome, fitted up university libraries, has to as an observatory with one date scanned more than of Dolland’s powerful tele- seven million volumes. scopes. Near Worcester Most interesting are the out lies Thorngrove, once of copyright publications owned by Lucien from the early nineteenth Bonaparte (1775-1840), century, where the entire Napoleon’s younger broth- text can be searched and if er. In Memoirs of required, freely down- The sketch of the ‘Old observatory in New College Napoleon, His Court and loaded as a PDF. Following Lane’ mentioned in James Ingram’s Memorials of Family by Laure Abrantes a recent groundbreaking Oxford (1837) as being used by . we learn that whilst in agreement, copyright England under ‘house books will also be available Sir James South on the Camden arrest’ he purchased to search and download, but at Hill, Kensington Thorngrove and being an acquain- present only in the US. George Bishop Esq in the Regents tance of Herschel, obtained a So what can be found that might Park telescope from him for 50,000 be of interest to the historian of francs, installing it in an observa- astronomy? Let us say that you W. Simms Esq at Carshalton tory and doing a great deal of work have no idea where to look, but A.K. Barclay Esq at Bury Hill, with it. want to know about old observato- near Dorking In Memorials of Oxford (1837) ries. Just type the word ‘observato- S.C. Whitbread Esq at Cardington by James Ingram there are a num- ry’ into the Google Books search near Bedford ber of observatories mentioned and engine. Many hundreds of results the line sketch shows the ‘Old J. Drew Esq at Southampton will be listed, and not all are observatory in New College Lane’ specifically astronomical works. Dr Lee at Hartwell, near purportedly used by Bradley. Let’s take a look at a work by Aylesbury Captain Joseph Huddart is John Weale entitled London The Revd C. Lowndes at Hartwell remembered in a biography written Exhibited in 1852. In it we find a Rectory by his son and published in 1821. chapter on both public and private The Revd J.B. Reade at Stone He was an East India Company observatories in and around the Vicarage, near Aylesbury man and in retirement furnished capital. The observatories at T. Dell Esq at Aylesbury his house in Highbury Terrace with Greenwich, Oxford and an observatory. We also note that R. Snow Esq at Ashurst, near Cambridge are well researched and Capt. Huddart is mentioned in Mickelham, little in this volume adds to what is another list of those who owned already known. Descriptions of the C. May Esq at Ipswich private observatories. This time the private observatories and their The Revd John Slater at Rose Hill book is A Philosophical and instruments however are less well near Oxford Mathematical Dictionary contain- known and include those belong- The Revd W.R. Dawes at ing Memoirs of the Lives and ing to: Wateringbury, near Maidstone Writings of the Most Eminent

Page 44 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Right: Captain Joseph Huddart (1741- 1816). An 1802 engraving by James Stow after a portrait by John Hoppner RA, painted in 1801.

Authors by Charles Hutton (1815). Here is the list:

Blackheath — Stephen Groombridge Blackheath — William Larkins Blenheim — Duke of Marlborough Cambridge — Revd Mr Catton Chislehurst — Revd Francis Wollaston Derby — William Strutt Esq. East Sheen — Revd William Pearson Finsbury Square — Dr Kelly Godwood — The Duke of Richmond Gosport — Dr William Burney Hackney Wick — Colonel Beaufoy Harefield — Count Bruhl Hayes — William Walker Esq. Highbury House — Alexander Aubert Esq. Highbury Terrace — Capt. Huddart Hoddesdon — William Hodgson Esq. Islington — Gavin Lowe Esq. Milford — Hon. Charles Greville Paragon, Southwark — James Strode Butt Esq. Park Lane — Sir Henry Englefield, Bart. Rose Hill, Sussex — John Fuller Esq. Sherburn — Earl of Macclesfield Shuckburgh — Sir George Shuckburgh St Ibbs, Hitchin — Mr Professor Lax Woolwich — Royal Military Academy

A few of the names in both of the above lists are men- tioned in Allan Chapman’s excellent work The Victorian Amateur Astronomer; many however need further research. But initially there is no need to spend hours trav- elling to distant libraries. Google brings the libraries to you… astronomical gems are just a few mouse clicks away. Google Books can be found at URL http://books.google.com/

Finally, my apologies to SHA member Paul Whiting, co- ordinator for Northamptonshire. In the last issue I omitted his name from the county list.

Right: Title page of the biography of Captain Joseph Huddart published in 1821 by his son William.

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 45 Observatory scrapbook Contributing Observatory Scrapbook entries Clive Davenhall We encourage you to contribute The Bessemer House Observatory entries for the Observatory Scrapbook series. The guide- lines are simple. There should be at least one illustration of some historical observatory accompanied by a brief descrip- tion. In this context 'historical’ means ‘in existence before 1945.’ Typically the description will be only a few hundred words long, though more exten- sive pieces are acceptable. Pictures that are themselves pre-1945 are preferred, though The Bessemer House Observatory, modern ones are acceptable, Green Lane, Dulwich, circa 1890. particularly as supplementary illustrations. Photographs, HE Observatory Scrapbook the dome rotating, the whole observ- paintings, engravings, drawings Tseries presents illustrations and ing floor moved with it, under etc. are all acceptable. Less- a brief description of historical hydraulic power. familiar observatories in the UK observatories. This issue we show Bessemer intended to equip the and the Irish Republic are pre- two views of the Bessemer House dome with a 50-inch reflecting ferred, in the spirit of the Observatory in Dulwich, South telescope. The mirror was to be Survey, though major and over- London. This observatory was built manufactured by a process of his seas institutions are also wel- by Sir Henry Bessemer (1813- own devising in which suction was come. You should send contri- 1898), who is mostly remembered applied to a thin, glass spherical mir- butions to the editorial address for his process for manufacturing ror, which was then polished over a on the back page. We hope to steel cheaply. ‘pressure cup’. Bessemer hoped that hear from you. Bessemer’s work made him this process would allow telescope wealthy and in 1863 he bought the mirrors to be produced more cheap- later comment ‘I do not know where house which subsequently bore his ly. He entrusted the manufacture of the 50-inch mirror I made for Sir name in Green Lane, Dulwich. He the mirror to the renowned telescope Henry Bessemer is. He gave me the had the building extended with the maker George Calver, but the power to offer it as a gift to any addition of glass houses, a huge con- process failed spectacularly and the institution or Society who would servatory and the observatory shown mirror was never mounted in a mount it or equip it in an observato- here. The observatory was a sub- telescope. The eventual fate of the ry suitable for it. I tried to find a stantial construction; in addition to mirror is unknown; Calver would place for it, but could not on account of funds.’ The house had several owners after Another view of the Bessemer Bessemer’s death and in 1947 it was House Observatory, from an early demolished to make way for a hous- postcard. Note the misspelling of ing estate. ‘Bessemer’. Further reading The details of the manufacture of the mirror came from a Web page about George Calver written by Ken Goward: http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/ ~ipswich/History/Calver.htm. The quotation by Calver is reproduced by H.P. Hollis, The Observatory, 1914, 37, pp245-252.

Page 46 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Library News Madeline Cox and Stuart Williams

Vorkin, D, The History of Modern First Eight Billion Miles (2007) Purchases Astronomy and Astrophysics and Jones, K.G, The Search for the The following items have been (1982; bibliography); Ronan, C, Nebulae (1975). Clive Davenhall purchased for the Library. Further Their Majesties’ Astronomers contributed Keay, J, The Great details will appear in our integrat- (1967); Bartusiak, M. (ed.), Arc: the Dramatic Tale of How ed catalogue: Airy, G.B, Archives of the Universe (2004) India was Mapped and Everest Gravitation: An Elementary and Jayawardene, S.A, Reference was Named (2000) and Anon. Explanation of the Principal Books for the Historian of Science Wandelroute langs historische Perturbations in the… (1834; 2008 (1982). astronomische plejkes in reprint); Baker, P.S. and Lapidge Middelburg (2008). Finally Mike M. (eds), Byrhtferth’s Enchiridio… Oates donated recordings of the (1995); Holmes, R, The Age of Donations 2007 SHA Autumn conference. Wonder: how the Romantic The following books have been Generation Discovered the Beauty donated. As usual, we thank all our and Terror of Science (2007); donors for their generosity. The BMI news Scientific Instrument Society, SIS following were kindly donated by In terms of content and organisa- Bulletin 1-81 and Index. (2007; 2 their authors or editors: Sadler, tion the SHA’s Library at the CD ROMs); Martinez, V.J, D.H, ed G.A Wilkins, A Personal Birmingham & Midland Institute Historical Development of Modern History of H.M. Nautical Almanac has gone from strength to strength Cosmology (2001); Herrmann, Office (1977/2008); Lemonick, in the past year, during which we D.B, The History of Astronomy M.D, The Georgian Star: How moved the Sir Patrick Moore from Herschel to Hertzsprung William and Caroline Herschel Lending Library to the BMI. Since (1973); Bennett, J.A, Church, State Revolutionized our understanding November 2008, volunteer staff and Astronomy in Ireland (1990); of the Cosmos (Great Discoveries have spent several days working Struve, O, and Zebergs, V, Series; 2009); King, D, Geared to together in the Library to take Astronomy in the 20th Century the Stars: the Evolution of advantage of new shelving. A sig- (1962); MacPike, E.F, Planetariums, Orreries and nificant reorganisation of stock Correspondence and Papers of Astronomical Clocks (1978); and and shelf-checking has resulted in (1932); Cook, A, Lound, A, Lunatick Astronomy a new integrated catalogue, written Edmond Halley (1998); (2008). The National Maritime by Madeline Cox with additional Waterfield. R., A Hundred Years of Museum donated Rooney, D. Ruth data provided by Roger Jones and Astronomy (1938); Whitney, C.A, Belville: the Greenwich Time Lady Stuart Williams. The Discovery of our (2008). Mary Brück donated It was decided earlier this year (1971); Haynes, R, Explorers of Moore, P, The Boy’s Book of Space that to avoid confusion the Sir the Southern Sky (1996); Howse, (1954) and Michael Hoskin con- Patrick Moore Library would be D, Greenwich Time (1980); tributed Morison I, Introduction to renamed the Sir Patrick Moore McKenna-Lawlor, S, Whatever Astronomy and Cosmology (2008). Lending Collection. It is now Shines Should be Observed… Tony Freeth contributed Decoding located on its own dedicated (1998); Meadows, A.J, Early Solar the Antikythera Mechanism shelves and forms a distinct but Physics (1970); Knox. K.C, From (DVD). Peter Hingley donated integrated part of our Sir Robert Newton to Hawking (2003); De Foerstner, A. James Van Allen: the Ball Library. The latter includes all

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 47 of our collections and honours by encourage members to consider Madeline Cox (see under name the ‘Victorian Patrick using the Library if they have the Contacts) if you do not have access Moore’ and his strong connection need, and to read the online to the Internet. with the BMI as a past president. Library Manual and Catalogue The Library staff now feel that which are on the SHA Web site’s Contacts the Sir Robert Ball Library and the Library page, where further infor- service we can provide is as well- mation about the Library services Madeline Cox by email: organised and available as it can is available (please see the link [email protected] or by post: and needs to be under present eco- noted below). 4, Rutland Close, Warsop, nomic circumstances. However, Mansfield, Notts, NG20 0DY. Further details despite publicity to members, there have been no requests for access to The SHA Web site Stuart Williams by email: the Library or research enquiries in (http://www.shastro.org.uk) gives [email protected] recent months, which is, of course, further details of the SHA Library or by post: 26, Matlock Road, a matter for concern. We therefore Service, or send an SAE to Bloxwich, WS3 3QD.

RAS Library News Peter Hingley

Y kind invitation SHA mem- October, 7 November and 5 above). You are advised to confirm Bbers may use the Library of December. There will only be one out-of-hours openings with the the Royal Astronomical Society. member of staff on duty so it will Librarian, Peter Hingley, before The opening hours are 10:00 am - be necessary to ring the bell and undertaking a lengthy journey. 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday. The wait to be admitted; if the delay is address of the RAS is Burlington excessive please telephone (details Below: The RAS Library. House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BQ. Contact Peter Hingley (020 7734 4582, ext. 215; mobile: 07757 133891 or [email protected]).

On-line catalogue: http://ras.heritage4.com Saturday opening The Library opens on the first Saturday of each month, Bank Holidays excepted. For the remainder of 2009 the Library will be open 10:00 to 12:30, 13:30 to 17:00 on the following Saturdays: 4 July, 1 August, 5 September, 3

Page 48 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 SHA News Compiled by Clive Davenhall

cases contact details are on the Withey, and members of his family Treasurer and back page. It will inevitably take a suffering time-consuming health while for the new officers to fully problems. Nonetheless, Dr Withey Membership ‘learn the ropes’ of their new continues to make progress with duties and we thank you for your the issue and and anticipates that it Secretary forbearance with any consequent will be published later in the year. delays. We thank you for your patience. Following the tragic death of Ken Goward (see p3) the Society has had to appoint a replacement The Antiquarian Summer Picnic Treasurer and has also separated the handling of membership mat- Astronomer This year’s SHA Summer Picnic ters into the new post of will take place at the Hanwell Membership Secretary. Stuart Issue five of the Society’s journal, Community Observatory (HCO), Williams has taken over as The Antiquarian Astronomer, was near Banbury, Oxfordshire on Treasurer. Peter Hingley has vol- due to be published around Saturday 4 July. Members are unteered as Membership Secretary Christmas, but continues to be asked to meet at 1 pm, but the and all membership inquiries delayed. The delay is due to both grounds open at 12 noon. should be directed to him. In both the journal’s Editor, Dr Reg. Admission is free of charge.

Hanwell Castle, Oxfordshire, where the 2009 Summer Picnic will be held.

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 49 The Observatory is sited in the inch dialyte, the largest refractor grounds of Hanwell Castle, the ever to have been mounted in the SHA Council remains of a fine early Tudor UK, all of which will be on dis- house just north-west of play on 4 July. meetings in Banbury, three miles from junc- There is also likely to be a dis- tion 11 of the M40 and a similar play of various astronomical 2009 distance from Banbury railway items of antiquarian interest. Council meetings were successful- station. The extensive grounds, Onsite parking up to a maximum ly held on Saturday 21 February at with their lake, Medieval fish- of ten or twelve cars exists, so we Burlington House in London and ponds and leafy walks, provide ask members intending to drive on Saturday 13 June at the BMI, many attractive spots for a picnic to share vehicles as far as possi- Birmingham. The remaining on a fine day and are of consider- ble, with overspill parking just Council meetings during 2009 will able interest in their own right. outside our gates in the village; a be: Saturday 12 September, BMI The Observatory is the perma- location-map and further details and Saturday 5 December, Institute nent home of the McIver Paton will be put up on the HCO Web of Astronomy, Cambridge. 12.5-inch reflector, the main mir- site (http://hanwellobservatory. Meetings usually start at 1:00 pm. ror of which is a 1908 Calver, a org.uk/) about one month before Council meetings are not open due 30-inch reflector due to be com- the event (contributed by to lack of space, but any member missioned for public use this Christopher Taylor, Director may attend by prior arrangement Summer, and the John Wall 30- HCO). with the Secretary.

Forthcoming meetings and events Compiled by Clive Davenhall

HE following meetings and Telescope. A conference jointly Saurday 18 July. AGM and Tevents will be held during the organised by the Scientific Summer Conference. To be held at remainder of 2009. Unless noted Instrument Society and the the , otherwise, booking is necessary National Maritime Museum. To be Greenwich. Details circulated sep- for meetings but not for exhibi- held at the Queen’s House, NMM. arately. A joint meeting with the tions. Except where noted the Registration £100 (or £50 conces- Scientific Instrument Society events are organised by the SHA. sion). See http://www.nmm. (http://www.sis.org.uk/). Contact The details of non-SHA events are ac.uk/researchers/conferences- Gilbert Satterthwaite (email: checked as far as possible but can- and-seminars/thelongview (non- [email protected]). not be guaranteed. Items for inclu- SHA event, but the SHA Summer sion in this list in future issues of Conference, below, is deliberately The National Maritime Museum, the Bulletin are welcome. They timed to immediately follow). Greenwich. should be sent to the editorial address on the back page.

Saturday, 4 July. Summer Picnic. To be held at the Hanwell Community Observatory (HCO), near Banbury, Oxfordshire. Admission free, grounds open at 12 noon. HCO Web site: http://hanwellobservatory.org.uk/. See p49.

Thursday 16 and Friday 17 July. The Long View: 400 Years of the

Page 50 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Monday 10 to Thursday 13 August. Astronomy and SHA Bulletin Civilisation. A SEAC (Société Européene pour L’Astronomie Issue 18, June 2009 dans la Culture) meeting organised Contents as part of the International Year of Astronomy (IYA). To be held in Editorial Budapest, Hungary. See Clive Davenhall 2 http://www.archeoastronomy.org/ Kenneth J. Goward (non-SHA event). Clive Davenhall 3 Sunday 18 to Friday 23 October. News The sixth conference on The Clive Davenhall 3 Inspiration of Astronomical SHA Spring Conference Phenomena. To be held at the Madeline Cox 7 Palazzo Franchetti, Venice, Italy. AGM report See http://www.astro.unipd.it/ Madeline Cox 15 insap6/ (non-SHA event). Gill’s History restored Mark Hurn 17 Sunday 25 to Saturday 31 October. From Alexandria to Al- SHA Autumn Conference Iskandariya, Astronomy and Madeline Cox and Kevin Kilburn 18 Culture in the Ancient Scriven Bolton and his giant two-foot telescope Mediterranean and Beyond. The John Armitage 27 seventeenth annual SEAC confer- The space art of Scriven Bolton ence (and an IYA event), to be held Clive Davenhall 30 at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA), Alexandria, Egypt. See Ancient Georgian astronomy http://www.archeoastronomy.org/ Madeline Cox 33 (non-SHA event). Guided missives 35 Book reviews 37 Saturday 31 October. SHA Books noticed 39 Autumn Conference at the Birmingham and Midlands Also noticed 41 Institute, Birmingham. The theme Obituary: Mary Brück of the meeting will be Astronomers Clive Davenhall 42 Abroad. Details TBC. Anyone The Survey of Astronomical History interested in offering a talk should Roger Jones 44 contact Kevin Kilburn (email: sec- [email protected]; postal Observatory scrapbook details on the back page). Clive Davenhall 46 Library news Saturday 30 January to Monday Madeline Cox and Stuart Williams 47 1 February 2010. Living the RAS Library news Lunar Calendar: Time, Text, Peter Hingley 48 Tradition, to be held at the Bible SHA news Lands Museum, Jerusalem. See Clive Davenhall 49 http://www.archeoastronomy.org/ (non-SHA event). Forthcoming meetings and events Clive Davenhall 50

SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009 Page 51 Subscription SHA Council and Officers reminder Hon President Dr Allan Chapman If you have already renewed your Hon Vice Presidents: subscription of the SHA, please Dr Michael Hoskin ignore his note and thank you for Sir Patrick Moore CBE FRS your prompt support. However, if Chairman you have not renewed, you are Gilbert Satterthwaite FRAS [email protected] reminded that annual subscriptions Secretary were due on 1 January 2009. Your Kevin Kilburn FRAS [email protected] membership will be deemed to have 158 Low Leighton Road, New Mills, High Peak, lapsed by March 2009 in accordance Derbyshire, SK22 4JF with the Society’s constitution. Subscription details were included Acting Temporary Treasurer and Research Librarian with the previous issue and are Stuart Williams FRAS research.librarian@ available from the Society’s Web shastro.org.uk site, but briefly a personal subscrip- 26 Matlock Road, Bloxwich, Walsall, WS3 3QD. tion costs £25.00 per annum. Acting Temporary Membership Secretary Cheques should be made payable to Peter Hingley [email protected] ‘The Society for the History of The Librarian, Royal Astronomical Society, Astronomy’ and sent to Peter Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BQ Hingley at the address opposite. Council Members Jerry Grover FRAS [email protected] Martin Lunn MBE [email protected] Editor, The Antiquarian Astronomer Dr W R Withey* [email protected] 16 Lennox Close, Gosport, PO12 2UJ Assistant Editor, The Antiquarian Astronomer Kevin Johnson* [email protected] Editor, SHA Bulletin (for all correspondence) Clive Davenhall [email protected] 30 Millar Crescent, Morningside, Edinburgh, EH10 5HH Layout Editor, SHA Bulletin Peter Grego FRAS [email protected] Head Librarian Madeline Cox FRAS* [email protected] Contributions to Archivist Mark Hurn FRAS* [email protected] the Bulletin are Survey Co-ordinator welcome Roger Jones* [email protected] Web site Manager David Henderson [email protected] Articles, letters and Bulletin inquiries should be sent to the General communications to the Society should be directed to the Editor, Clive Davenhall at the Secretary in the first instance. address opposite. For electronic con- tributions the email address is: SHA Web site: http://www.shastro.org.uk * - also a Council Member

[email protected] The deadline for the next edition of the SHA Bulletin is Saturday 29 August 2009

Page 52 SHA Bulletin Issue 18 June 2009