Plenary sitting

9.2.2015 B8-0177/2015


pursuant to Rule 133 of the Rules of Procedure

on promotion of and respect for the Francophonie within the European institutions

Dominique Bilde, Sophie Montel, Philippe Loiseau, , Jean-Marie Le Pen, , , Mireille D'Ornano,

RE\1050772EN.doc PE549.970v01-00

EN United in diversity EN


Motion for a resolution of the European Parliament on promotion of and respect for the Francophonie within the European institutions

The European Parliament,

– having regard to Regulation No 1 of 15 April 1958 determining the languages to be used by the European Economic Community1,

– having regard to Article 3 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU),

– having regard to Rule 133 of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas the European Union now counts 24 official and working languages for its 28 Member States;

B. whereas the past two years have seen a trend towards a reduction in the number of texts drafted in French, particularly in the Commission;

C. whereas, according to Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), 274 million people throughout the world are French-speakers, representing an increase of 7 % since 2010;

D. whereas 15 EU Member States are members of the OIF: six are full members, one is an associate member, and eight are observers;

E. whereas French is the second most widely spoken language in Europe;

1. Calls on the Commission to display the greatest possible respect for multilingualism;

2. Calls on the Commission to affirm the predominant role of French within the European institutions and to translate all documents into French systematically;

3. Instructs its President to forward this declaration, together with the names of the signatories, to the Council, the Commission and the Governments of the Member States.

1 OJ 17, 6.10.1958, p. 385.

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