Topic Modeling for Noisy Short Texts with Multiple Relations Chiyu Liu, Zheng Liu, Tao Li and Bin Xia Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Big Data Security & Intelligent Processing School of Computer Science, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Nanjing 210023, People’s Republic of China {1016041229, zliu, towerlee,bxia}

Abstract—Understanding contents in social networks by infer- [10] could also server as the aggregation cornerstones. These ring high-quality latent topics from short texts is a significant task pseudo documents by aggregating short texts enrich the word in social analysis, which is challenging because social network co-occurrence, but on the other hand, they not only bring contents are usually extremely short, noisy and full of informal vocabularies. Due to the lack of sufficient word co-occurrence duplicates of short texts containing multiple attributes as well instances, well-known topic modeling methods such as LDA as new co-occurrence instances which do not exist, but also and LSA cannot uncover high-quality topic structures. Existing ignore the relations among these attributes. For example, each research works seek to pool short texts from social networks tweet could contain more than one hashtag, so some hashtags into pseudo documents or utilize the explicit relations among are likely to appear together than other hashtags. The hashtag these short texts such as hashtags in tweets to make classic topic modeling methods work. In this paper, we explore this problem correlations are the bridges of words in different short texts, by proposing a topic model for noisy short texts with multiple and could help to improve the quality of topics. Wang et al. relations called MRTM (Multiple Relational Topic Modeling). [11] proposed a Hashtag Graph based Topic Model (HGTM) MRTM exploits both explicit and implicit relations by intro- for tweets, in which user-contributed hashtags are considered ducing a document-attribute distribution and a two-step random in the generative process of tweets. Experimental results show sampling strategy. Extensive experiments, compared with state- of-the-art topic modeling approaches, demonstrate that MRTM that it is more reliable than the simple pooling strategy. can alleviate the word co-occurrence sparsity and uncover high- It is not difficult to see that there are multiple attributes quality latent topics from noisy short texts. in short texts. Besides the explicit attributes like hashtags or Index Terms—Topic Modeling · Multiple Relations · Short users, there are many other implicit attributes such as various Texts · Social Analysis kinds of entities and temporal attributes. In this paper, we use labels to denote the possible values of attributes. For example, I.INTRODUCTION if the attribute is actors, then the corresponding labels are actor names. Tweets discussing movies could contain entities Topic modeling based on probabilistic graphical models like actors, directors, as well as movie genres, movie released with latent variables for uncovering hidden thematic struc- date, etc. Each of these attributes could be represented by tures is widely used in various applications including content a relational graph, where a vertex is a possible label of the recommendation [1], user profiling [2], trend detection [3], attribute and an edge indicates the co-occurrence relations etc. Short texts, especially ones from social networks, tweets, between two labels, which we will explain in detail in Section feature short length, inordinate structure, and colloquialism. III. These relational graphs of attributes could reveal the As a result, uncovering the potential topics from these short semantic associations between labels. On the other hand, texts is not an easy task [4], [5]. Take the short texts from unnatural co-occurrence words about the background of short popular social networks such as Twitter as an example. Tweets texts are noises, which impact the topic quality. For example, are short, informal, and lack regular patterns, which leads to if the short texts are about some movies, then words like poor performance of the classic topic model Latent Dirichlet movie, film or cinema are not discriminative, while they exist Allocation (LDA) [6], as well as many other LDA-like topic in informal oral presentation [9]. Traditional solutions like TF- models. The underlying reason is that there are not enough IDF can not handle well in short texts. Noisy words are highly word co-occurrence instances due to term sparsity in short related to the domain knowledge of the short texts, and not texts. helpful in understanding the corpus. Pooling tweets or other short texts [7] by aggregating them With above observations, in this paper, we propose a topic into pseudo documents based on their attributes has been model for noisy short texts with multiple relations, called proved to be a promising way to improve the quality of MRTM, which can uncover meaningful topics. The main idea topics found by LDA-like methods. Possible attributes could is to incorporate multiple relations into the generative process be the authors of short texts [8], [9], or time periods. For of short texts to produce high-quality topics measured both tweets from social networks, hashtags [4] or burst scores subjectively and objectively. Gibbs Sampling [12] is adopted * Corresponding author: Zheng Liu to estimate the parameters in MRTM. The main contributions DOI reference number: No.10.18293/SEKE2018-022 of this paper are summarized below. • The proposed MRTM alleviates the sparsity of word co- ignored the correlations between labels. Labeled-LDA is a occurrence in short texts by incorporating multiple rela- strong supervised model that labels have equal impact on short tions into the generative process, resulting in a coherent texts. Wang et al. [11] improved the graphical models in LDA generative topic model. family with hashtag graph based topic model (HGTM). Unlike • MRTM further improves the quality of the uncovered top- pooling based strategy in which tweets are aggregated into ics by removing unnatural word co-occurrence instances pseudo documents, it incorporated a hashtag graph into topic caused by considering weakly-supervised relations. modeling. The key differences between HGTM and MRTM in • Extensive experiments are conducted on real data sets this paper could be explained in terms of both complexity and crawled from Microblog. The experimental results are robustness. HGTM only considers a single explicit relation, carefully analyzed, showing that MRTM can uncover i.e., hashtags, while MRTM incorporates multiple relations coherent topics of higher quality than the start-of-the-art into topic modeling. Moreover, MRTM integrates a new hid- approaches. den variable which makes it more robust than HGTM. Note The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II that multiple relations represented by information networks discusses the related work. Section III describes the proposed have various inherent textual information. Their rich semantics multiple relational topic model in detail, as well as the could enhance the inherent coherence among texts, and as a inference process of its parameters. Section IV presents the result, MRTM could uncover topics with better quality which experimental results and finally, Section V concludes the paper is shown in Section IV. with possible future directions. III.THE PROPOSED APPROACH II.RELATED WORK A. Notations

Classic topic models such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation Let D = {d1, d2, . . . , dm} denote the corpus of short (LDA) [6] suffers term sparsity and noises when applied to texts where corpus and di is a short text. Let W = short texts, resulting in low-quality topics due to insufficient {w1, w2, . . . , wn} denote the vocabulary set of D, where wi word co-occurrence instances. Many researchers studied this is a word. Let C = {c1, c2, . . . , ck} denote the attribute sets problem, where the approaches can be categorized as follows. where ci is an attribute. In the following of this paper, we also Pooling based strategy use c to denote a certain attribute. Pooling short texts by aggregating them into pseudo docu- Take the tweets of movie reviews as an example. Fig. 1 ments based on certain attributes [8], [9], [10] has been proved shows the overall concept of multiple relational graphs. Recall to be a promising way to make LDA-like approaches work. that labels denote values of a certain attribute. A tweet could Zhao et al. [9] analyzed the internal characteristic of short contain hashtags, as well as many other entities, such as title, texts by introducing topic category and background words. actors, released time, etc., as shown in Fig. 1. Then we can c In particular, they found users’ topics are concentrated and construct a relation graph g = (Vc,Ec) for each attribute c, consist of only a few words. Mehrotra et al. [4] analyzed the where Vc is the vertex set in which each vertex represents a extensive experimental results of various pooling attributes and label belong to attribute c, and Ec is the edge set in which found that not all pooling attributes are helpful in capturing each edge represents the relation between two vertices. For c c c c high-quality topics. each attribute c, let L = {l1, l2, . . . , lo} represent the label c c Semantic based strategy set of attribute c. gij is a weighted relation between label li c c Using word semantics as the prior knowledge could benefit and lj vertices in the relation graph g of attribute c. topic modeling for short texts, where the prior knowledge is Let a denote the relation of actors and h denote the pre-trained word embedding based on the large corpus. Li relation of hashtags, respectively. Then we can construct the a et al. [13] proposed a topic model based on the Dirichlet relation graph g = (Va,Ea) of actors and the relation graph h a Multinomial Mixture (DMM), which is able to find more g = (Vh,Eh) of hashtags. In the relation graph g , each semantically related word pairs under the same topic during edge indicates the relation between two actors who are likely h the sampling process. Similarly, Nguyen et al. [14] incorpo- to co-occur in one tweet. In the relation graph g , each edge rated vector representations of words during topic modeling to indicates relations between two hashtags which are likely to improve the word-topic mapping. The vector representations co-occur in one tweet. The weights of the edges in both graphs of words are learned by using a large corpus. are the number of co-occurrence instances of the adjacent vertices in the corpus of short texts. As shown in Fig. 1, usually Relation based strategy there are multiple relation graphs. Recently, many efforts [11], [15], [16] were put on con- straining LDA with semi-structured relations. By integrating this kind of prior knowledge, the generative processes in B. Multiple Relational Topic Modeling K these models for short texts are more reasonable. Rosen et θ1 is the distribution over topics with dirichlet prior param- al. [8] proposed an author-topic model (ATM) for documents eter α. φk is the topic-word distribution with dirichlet prior to include authorship information. Each author is associated parameter β. z represents the topic assignment matrix and zd with a topic distribution. However, it is not appropriate for represents the topic assignment for a short text d. wd is the short texts. Daniel et al. [15] proposed Labeled LDA to word sequence of short text d and wdi represents the word at learn one-to-one mappings between topics and labels, but they position i in d. Then the parameters of MRTM are as follows. actors I am in favor of Morgan Joshua David year 2013 Freeman. An American .... relation extraction black actor aged 77. well, multiple relations I see. he has talent in act. Sandra Annette Bullock .... actor matrix #tail actor story# When he was only 8 years old, Transformers . he has already played ...... 0 1 a chief role in a dram at Chace Crawford 1 1 his school.

hashtag matrix hashtags

Fig. 1: Multi relations extracted from short texts

α β whether we choose the observed attribute label or potential attribute label(s), the label assignment at position i of short text d, y is defined in Eq. 5. Cd g θ φ di CKC C c ydi|Cd, g , r ∼ Bernoulli(η) (5) where η controls the randomness of attribute labels. Large η

ld y z w means more randomness. The overall generative process for MRTM is described η r Nd below. D Fig. 2: The model structure of MRTM 1) for each of the label l in attribute C, l ∈ {1,...,L}, sample θl ∼ Dir(α); 2) for each of the topic k ∈ {1,...,K}, draw words φk ∼ Dir(β); θ |α Dirichlet(α) (1) c ∼ 3) for each of the documents d ∈ {1,...,D}, give all φk|β ∼ Dirichlet(β) (2) document-attribute distribution Cd and all prior knowl- edge gc; zdi ∼ Multinomial(θydi ) (3) 4) for each word wdi ∈ d, i ∈ {1,...,Nd} wdi Multinomial(φz ) (4) ∼ di 5) sample cdi ∼ Multinomial(Cd); Fig. 2 presents the structure of our proposed multiple 6) sample observed attribute label ldi ∼ Uniform(cdi) relation topic model. A unique topic distribution is associated 7) sample potential attribute label related with observed with each label in each attribute. Each topic is represented label in graph gc, yp Multinomial(norm(gcdi )); as a multinomial distribution over words. A short text could ∼ ldi r Bernoulli(η) include two or more attributes, and attributes can serve as 8) sample ∼ ; r y = l bridges between short texts. In order to incorporate multiple 9) if is 0, sample di di; r y = yp relations into our topic model, we first introduce the following 10) else if is 1, sample di ; 11) draw topic z Multinomial(θ ); concepts. di ∼ ydi 12) draw word wdi ∼ Multinomial(φzdi ). Document-attribute distribution Cd. Documents could pre- fer some attributes. For example, users talking about a movie Firstly we sample current label based on Cd. Secondly, we are likely to discuss actors in the movie rather than hashtag sample a value of r from Bernoulli distribution and decide concepts. Vice verse, users might be willing to talk about hash- whether this label is related with current word. If not, we tag concepts than actors. We use document-attribute matrix to sample from highly related labels from the relation graph. model this kind of preference of attributes, and each attribute Through the two-step sampling from line 6 to 10, we can obtain the document-attribute assignment. norm(gcdi ) in line has its unique distribution of topics. ldi 7 is a normalized L-dimension possibility vector, where L is Observed attribute labels ld. Observed attribute labels refer to the labels existing in a short text. As prior knowledge, it is the number of labels in attribute c and each element in the better than the simple pooling strategy [11]. vector is calculated by using the following equation. Potential attribute labels yp. Potential attribute labels refer gcdi cdi ldi,lj p(lj|l ) = (6) to the labels inferred from the whole corpus based on the graph di PL cdi 0 (g ) based attribute relation. Related labels of the observed labels l =1 ldi,ll0 are also be utilized as prior knowledge. This model adds word co-occurrence under graph structure Let l denote the attribute assignment and ld be assignment when latent relationships between short texts are found, and vector of short text d. ydi represents the attribute assignment we filter unnatural word co-occurrence caused by merely for position i in short text d. Different short texts have different aggregating short texts. In our experiment after introducing attribute preference, represented by Cd, the document-attribute actor networks or hash-tag network, we enhance the semantic distribution. By introducing an indicator parameter r to decide information in movie reviews. More exciting is that we can add more relations to this framework in general tasks based IV. EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION on short text topic modeling. In this section, we report our experimental results. The quality of uncovered topics of short texts is evaluated using both subjective and objective metrics. All experiments are C. Model Parameter Inference done on a PC with Intel i5 CPU at 2.3 GHz and 8GB memory, The joint distribution of the latent variables is running Windows 10. All algorithms are implemented in Python. D Y c p(w|θ, φ, r, l,G) = p(wd|θ, φ, r, ld, g ). (7) A. Datasets and Settings d=1 We collected more than 150,000 tweets from Microblog1, Assuming that attribute-topic distribution ld and topic-word which is a Chinese social network site similar to twitter. All distribution φ are independent, we have tweets are in Chinese, and related to Chinese movies released in 2017 in order to narrow down the domain of the potential Nd c Y c topics for analysis. Unlike English, sentences in Chinese do p(wd|θ, φ, r, ld, g ) = p(wdi|θ, φ, r, ld, g ) not contain spaces between words. We applied JieBa2 (an i=1 open-source NLP tool for Chinese) to segment sentences into N C K Yd X X words and remove stop words. = p(w , z = k, y = c| di di di It is worth noting that the relations utilized in the proposed i=1 c=1 k=1 topic model is widely available in short texts in many applica- θ, φ, r, l , gc) d tions. In particular, these attributes, labels, and relations could N C K Yd X X be manually defined, automatically learned, or extracted from = φ θ p wdi kc cydi existing knowledge bases. In the experiments, we extract re- i=1 c=1 k=1 (8) lations by using both knowledge based matching and RegExp c based matching. where pcydi = p(ydi = c|r, ld, g ) represents the assignment possibility of attribute c on attribute-topic distribution ld and potential labels. B. Subjective Quality Evaluation According to the two-step sampling mentioned in Section We report the uncovered topics of each method and evaluate c III-B, the assignment of c is associated with relation graph g . their quality in a subjective view in this section. We conducted Then we have the experiments on tweets about five most popular Chinese c movies released in 2017. The characteristics of the movies and p(ydi =c|r, ld, g )  r the tweets are presented in Table II. For readers not speaking c c Chinese, we translated all the Chinese words into English in = p(ldi = c|ld)p(ydi = c|ldi) × Table II, as well as ones in the following table, where phrases ( L )1−r in italic are movie titles, and phrases with underline are actor X c c c p(ldi = ll0 |Cd)p(ydi = c|ldi = ll0 , g ) names. l0=1 We compared the proposed MRTM with the state-of-the-art (9) topic model for short texts, i.e., HGTM [11], as well as the It is computational infeasible to estimate directly the condi- c classic LDA topic model [6] as a baseline. Recall that HGTM tional probability distribution p(wd|θ, φ, r, ld, g ), like many is the topic model for short texts based on the hashtag graph. other topic modeling approaches, we adopt Gibbs sampling In all models, the topic number K = 150, the latent variable [12] to approximate it as follows. α = 0.5, and β = 0.1. We set η = 0.5 in HGTM as indicated in [11]. The number of iteration times for Gibbs sampling is p(z = k, y = c, r = u| di di di set to be 1000 in all experiments. wdi = v, z−di, y−di, w−di, C, G, α, β, η) Table I shows the top 10 words from top 1 topic uncovered N VK + β N KC + α by each models ranking based on probabilities. The irrelevant ∝ vk,−di · kc,−di · p P VK P KC cydi words found by LDA are marked with label irrelevant in v0 Nv0k,−di + V β k0 Nk0c,−di + Kα (10) parentheses. New words found by HGTM and MRTM are Let N KC be the matrix recording the number of times that in bold. We also summarized the new words of HGTM and a topic is assigned to some attribute. Let N VK be the matrix MRTM in Table III, by categorizing all new words into two recording the number of times that a real word is assigned to groups, major actors and relevant words consistent with movie some topic. After iterative sampling, the final θc and φk are genres. as follows. By careful analysis of the discovered topics together with N KC + α the original tweets, we have the following observations. For θˆ ∝ kc c P N KC + Kα Movie #1 and #2, the topic found by LDA contains many k0 k0c (11) N VK + β 1 φˆ ∝ vk k P VK 2 v0 Nv0k + V β TABLE I: Top 1 topic dicovered by LDA, HGTM and MRTM

Movie #1 Movie #2 Movie #3 Movie #4 Movie #5 film, sacrifice, suspect, Taohua, Sansheng, support, Zhanlang, memory, film, master, new year movie, movie- duo(irrelevant), film, Sanshi, Shili, movie season, happiness, acting skill, plot, season, not good, meng(irrelevant), LDA happiness,summer- interesting, film, good, reversal, interesting, strongest, , superise, not bad, vacation, interesting, summer vacation, murderer, really, more and more, interesting, both(irrelevant), movie season, not bad dream, Chinese Bo film, Yoga, not bad propaganda, acting skill Kung Fu, Yoga, movie season, summer- memory, master, film, suspect, sacrifice, Chinese, Zhanlang, strongest, interesting , vacation, happiness, Huang Bo, like, support, awesome, , film, box- Jackie Chan, HGTM Sansheng, Sanshi, Duan Yi Hong, film, fighting, superise, office, pride, support, Xin, Shili, Taohua, film, expect, eyesight, plot, acting skill, propaganda strike, poke, enjoy brother, excellent, , special effects reversal, murderer laugh, like summer vacation, memory, master, suspect, film, sacrifice, Zhanlang, Wu Jing, Kung Fu, Jackie Chan, Yang Yang, interesting, Huang Bo, awesome, like, superise, patriotic, support, strong, interesting ,Yoga, laugh , MRTM special effects, Sansheng, Duan Yi Hong, acting-skill, love, enjoy, strike, Chinese, film, zhang yi xin, love, Sanshi, Shili, Taohua, murderer, plot, reversal, fear scene, enjoy excellent, indian, funny film, movie season film, killer, except

TABLE II: The characteristics of movies and tweets topics is because the story of the movie took place in India. ID Movie Title Movie Genre # of Tweets Sansheng Sanshi C. Objective Semantic Coherence #1 romance, fantasy 9,932 Shili Taohua In this section, we report the uncovered topics of each The Devotion Of #2 feature, crime 9,215 method and evaluate their quality in an objective view. We em- Suspect X ployed Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI) [17] to measure #3 Wolf Warriors II action, military 19,230 the topic coherence, which has been proved to be an effective #4 Battle of Memories suspense, crime 9,355 measure for topic quality [18]. Given a topic t and its top t t t t #5 Kung-Fu Yoga comedy, adventure 7,375 K words W = (w1, w2, . . . , wK ) (The top K words with highest probabilities.), P (w) denotes the document frequency of word w and P (w , w0) is the probability w and w0 co-occur. TABLE III: Words discovered by HGTM and MRTM l l l l The metric is defined for a specific topic t as

ID Words of leading actor Words related to movie genres t t t t P (wl , wl0 ) #1 Yang Yang special effects PMI(wl , wl0 ) = log( t t ). (12) P (wl )P (wl0 ) #2 - awesome, fear Then the coherence of a top-K models is the summarization #3 Wu Jing pride, strike, poke of the PMI scores of each topic as follows. Larger coherence #4 Huang Bo, Duan Yi Hong killer score shows better topic partition. #5 Zhang Yi Xin Kung Fu, laugh, Indian, funny K i t t t X X P (wi , wj) +  Coherence(t, W ) = log( t t ) (13) P (wi )P (wj) irrelevant words. For Movie #3 ,#4, and #5, the topic contains i=2 j=1 major actors names such as Huang Bo (A Chinese actor) and We filtered the tweet corpus by removing tweets of un- Jackie Chan. In general, it seems that words in LDA’s topics popular movies and split the remaining tweets into two data provide an overview but also bring some unnatural words such sets, MR1 and MR2. MR1 has 2,3452 tweets with the average as ’not bad’ or ’film’(background noise, [9]) which caused by length 6.96, wile MR2 has 7,329 tweets with the average unnatural co-occurrence. length 7.97. We compared MRTM with the classic topic For HGTM and MRTM, in Movie #1, they both found out model Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) [6], the author topic the leading actor ’Yang Yang’ with different rankings. More model (ATM) [8], and the hashtag graph based topic model substantive words have higher probabilities than words in the (HGTM) [11]. movie title, such as Sansheng, Sanshi, Shili, Taohua. In Movie We extract top 10 words for each topic generated by each #2 and #3, both HGTM and MRTM can get rid of irreverent model for computing the coherence. The number of topics is words and find new words . In Movie #4, movie genre related 100, α = 0.3 and β = 0.1. The number of iterations of Gibbs word like ’killer’ is within the top 10-word list, substituting the sampling is 200 which is enough for uncovering topics. We irrelevant word ’really’. In Movie #5, word ’laugh’ shows this conduct all the experiments repeatedly for 5 times and report movie is a comedy. The word ’Indian’ appearing in MRTM’s the mean value of each measure in Table IV. For each topic, TABLE IV: Average PMI and coherence scores of in MR1 and MR2

dataset MR1 MR2 Model K 5 10 15 20 30 5 10 15 20 30 Average PMI -6.3264 -7.9251 -8.3323 -8.6869 -9.1779 -3.8294 -5.6971 -6.9512 -8.0397 -8.9713 LDA [6] Coherence -31.632 -79.251 -124.9845 -173.738 -275.337 -19.147 -56.971 -104.268 -160.794 -269.139 Average PMI -7.8479 -8.9783 -9.6743 -9.5824 -9.546 -6.3908 -7.5662 -8.0043 -8.1444 -8.6616 ATM [8] Coherence -39.2395 -89.783 -145.1145 -191.648 -286.38 -31.954 -75.662 -120.0645 -162.888 -259.848 Average PMI -1.9698 -3.9027 -5.0757 -5.4254 -6.243 -3.0478 -3.6876 -4.2665 -4.8512 -5.1454 HGTM [11] Coherence -9.849 -39.027 -76.1355 -108.508 -187.29 -15.239 -36.876 -63.9975 -97.024 -154.362 Average PMI -2.3854 -2.7416 -3.0652 -3.3337 -3.6853 -2.7831 -3.2135 -3.9521 -4.3683 -4.8573 MRTM Coherence -11.927 -27.416 -45.978 -66.674 -110.559 -13.9155 -32.135 -59.2815 -87.366 -145.719

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