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Film Jahr Studio Regisseur Schauspieler A Chinese ; Leslie ; Ching Siu-Tung Ghost Story 1 1987 Cinema City Film Joey ; (Tsui Hark) [倩女幽魂] Productions Sil-Metropole The Romance Organisation; Zhang Duofu; of Book and 1987 Yeung Tse Kong Da Shichang; Sword [书剑恩 Movie Enterprise; Liu Jia; 仇录] Film Studio Yellow River Sil-Metropole Chang Hsin- Yu Chenghui; Fighter [黄河 1988 Organization; Yen Ji Chunhua; 大侠] Xi’an Film Studio Zhang Zi’en Jin Demao

A Terra-Cotta Art & Talent ; Warrior [古今 1989 Group; Ching Siu-Tung ; 大战秦俑情] CFCC Yu Rongguang The Swords- Gao Wei; man in Double 1990 Xi’an Film Studio Mana; Flag Town [双 Chang Jiang 旗镇刀客] Golden Princess Film Production King Hu; Ltd.; Tsui Hark; Samuel Hui; The Swords- Film Workshop; Ching Siu- ; man [笑傲江 1990 Long Shong Pic- Tung; ; 湖] tures; Raymod Lee; Sharla Cheung Newport Enter- Ann Hui tainment A Chinese Golden Princess Ching Siu- ; 1990 Ghost Story 2 Film Production Tung; ;

© Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH 2017 G. Song, Der Wuxia-Film und die aktuelle Gesellschaft Chinas, DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-17800-0 372 Filmographie

[倩女幽魂 2] Ltd.; (Tsui Hark) ; Film Workshop Jacky Cheung; Wu Ma Tony Leung Chiu- Golden Princess Wai; A Chinese Ching Siu- Film Production Joey Wong Cho- Ghost Story 3 1991 Tung; Ltd.; Yee; [倩女幽魂 3] (Tsui Hark) Film Workshop Jacky Cheung Hok- Yau Film Workshop; Lianjie; Long Sheng Pic- Ching Siu- Ching- The Swords- tures; Tung; Hsia; man 2 [笑傲江 1992 Golden Princess ; 湖 2] Film Production (Tsui Hark) Chi-Lam; Ltd. Michelle Reis Film Workshop; Brigitte Lin; New Dragon Seasonal Film Raymond Lee Tony Leung Ka-Fai; Gate Inn [新龙 1992 Corporation; Wai-Man 门客栈] Xiaoxiang Film (Tsui Hark) Man-Yuk; Studio Donnie Yen Ji-Dan King of Beg- Win’s Movie Pro- Stephen ; gars [武状元苏 1992 ductions Ltd.; Sharla Cheung; 乞儿] CFCC Ng Man-Tat ; 2 Win’s Movie Pro- Brigitte Lin; [鹿鼎记 2 神龙 1992 ductions Ltd. Chingmy Yau; 教] Michelle Reis

Once Upon A Jet Li; Time in China Film Workshop; Rosamund Kwan; 2 [黄飞鸿之 1992 Golden Harvest; Tsui Hark Siu- 二:男儿当自 Paragon Films Ltd. Chung; 强] Donnie Yen

Filmographie 373

Adam Cheng Siu- Painted Skin New Treasurer Chow; [画皮之阴阳法 1993 Films; King Hu Joey Wong; 王] Beijing Film Studio Paka Hill Produc- tions; Michelle ; The Heroic Kei- 1993 China Entertain- Maggie Cheung; Trio [东方三侠] Fung ment Films Pro- duction Once Upon A Jet Li; Film Workshop; Time in China Rosamund Kwan; 1993 Golden Harvest; Tsui Hark 3 [黄飞鸿之 Max Mok Siu- Beijing Film Studio 三:狮王争霸] Chung

The Tai-Chi Eastern Produc- Jet Li; Master [太极张 1993 tions; Yuen Woo-Ping ; 三丰] CFCC Chin Siu-Ho Jet Li; The Legend of Eastern Produc- ; Fong Sai-Yuk 1993 tions; Kwai Michelle Reis; [方世玉] Beijing Film Studio Zhao Wenzhuo Jet Li; The Legend of Eastern Produc- Josephine Siao; Corey Yuen Fong Sai-Yuk 1993 tions; Michelle Reis; Kwai 2 [方世玉续集] Beijing Film Studio Adam Cheng; Amy Kwok Film Workshop; Maggie Cheung; Seasonal Film Green Snake Joey Wong; 1993 Corporation; Tsui Hark [青蛇] Zhao Wenzhuo; Shanghai Film Wu Hsing-Kuo Studio DLO Films Pro- Willie Chi Ti- Burning Para- 1994 duction; ansheng; dise in Hell [新 Ling-Tung Star Entrainment; Wong Kam-Kong;

374 Filmographie

火烧红莲寺] Shanghai Film Carman Lee Yeuk- Studio Tung Eastern Produc- Jet Li; The New tions; Ji Chunhua; Legend of 1994 Upland Films Wong Jing Mo Tse; Shaolin [新少 Corporate Ltd.; Chingmy Yau Suk- 林五祖] Beijing Film Studio Zing Brigitte Lin; Long Shong Pic- Max Mok Siu- Fire Dragon 1994 tures; Yuen Woo-Ping Chung; [火云传奇] CFCC Kwan- Yue Brigitte Lin; Maggie Cheung; Jet Tone Produc- Leslie Cheung; tion; Tony Leung Chiu- Block 2 Pictures; 1994 Wong Kar-Wai Wai; [东邪西毒] Scholar Films Jacky Cheung; Company; Tony Leung Ka-Fai; Beijing Film Studio ; Joey Wong Film Workshop; Golden Harvest Zhao Wenzhuo; Company; The Blade [刀] 1995 Tsui Hark Xiong Xin Xin; Paragon Films; Sonny Song Tianshan Film Studio CFCC; Crouching Chow Yun-Fat; Columbia Pictures; Tiger, Hidden Michelle Yeoh; 2000 EDKO Films; Dragon [卧虎 Good Machine 藏龙] International Shaolin Soc- 2001 Star Overseas; Stephen Chow Stephen Chow;

Filmographie 375

cer [少林足球] Universe Enter- ; tainment; Ng Man-Tat; Zhujiang Film Studio; CFCC Jet Li; Beijing New Pic- Tony Leung Chiu- ture Film Co.; Wai; Hero [英雄] 2002 CFCC; Zhang Yimou Maggie Cheung; Elite Group Enter- Zhang Ziyi; prises Donnie Yen Columbia Pictures; Warriors of ; Heaven and ; 2002 Media; He Ping Earth [天地英 ; Xi’an Film Studio; 雄] Zhao Wei CFCC Beijing New Pic- House of ture Film Co.; Zhang Ziyi; Flying Dag- CFCC; 2004 Zhang Yimou ; gers [十面埋 EDKO Film; 伏] Elite Group Enter- prises Star Overseas; Beijing Film Stu- dio; Stephen Chow; Kung Fu 2004 Huayi Brothers Stephen Chow Shengyi; Hustle [功夫] Taihe Film Invest- Leung Siu-Lung ment; China Film Group 21 Century ; The Promise Shengkai Film; Jang Dong-Gun; 2005 [无极] Capgen Invest- ; ment Group;

376 Filmographie

China Film Group Beijing Ciwen ; Digital Oriental Donnie Yen; Film & TV Produc- ; 2005 tion Co.; Tsui Hark [七剑] ; Boram Entertain- Kim So-Yeon; ment Inc.; Liu Chia-Liang Film Workshop Beijing Film Stu- dio; CFCC; Jet Li; Fearless [霍元 China Film Group; 2006 Ronny Yu ; 甲] Hero China Inter- Nakamura Shido national; Wide River In- vestments Media Asia Films; China Film Group; Jet Li; Morgan & Chan Andy Lau; 2007 [投名状] Films; Takeshi Kaneshiro; Beijing Polybona Films Ningxia Film Stu- dio; ; Shanghai Film Painted Skin 1 Gordon Chan; Donnie Yen; 2008 Group; [画皮 1] Andy Chin Zhao Wei; Mediacorp Raintree Pictures; Golden Sun Films Mandarin Films Donnie Yen; 1 [叶问 Distribution Co.; ; 2008 1] CFCC; Fan Siu-Wong; Shanghai Film ;

Filmographie 377

Group; Hiroyuki Ikeuchi Time Antaeus Media Group Donnie Yen; ; Bodyguards Beijing Polybona Tony Leung Ka-Fei; and Assas- Films; Leon Lai; 2009 sins [十月围 Cinema Popular; (Peter Chan) Wang Xueqi; 城] We Pictures Hu Jun; ; Detective Dee Andy Lau; and the Mys- Huayi Brothers Tony Leung Ka-Fai; tery of the Media; 2010 Tsui Hark Carina Lau; Phantom CFCC; Chao; Flame [狄仁杰 Film Workshop 之通天帝国] Zhao Wenzhuo; EDKO Films; Zhou Xun; Focus Features; 2010 Yuen Woo-Ping ; [苏乞儿] Shanghai Film Michelle Yeoh; Group David Carradine 21 Century Shengkai Film; ; Shanghai Film Wang Xueqi; Sacrifice [赵氏 2010 Group; Chen Kaige Fan Bingbing; 孤儿] Stellar Zhao Wenzhuo; Megamedia; TIK Films Beijing Galloping Michelle Yeoh; Reign of As- Horse Films Co.; Su Chao-Pin Jung Woo-Sung; 2010 sassins [剑雨] Media Asia Films; () Wang Xueqi; Lumiere Motion

378 Filmographie

Picture Company Shanghai Film Studios; Donnie Yen; [锦 Mediacorp Zhao Wei; 2010 Daniel Lee 衣卫] Raintree Pictures; ; Visualizer Film Tsz-Shan Productions Film Stu- dio; Donnie Yen; [叶问 Mandarin Films; Sammo Hung; 2010 Wilson Yip 2] Beijing ShengShi Huang Xiaoming; HuaRui Film In- Lynn Hung vestment Co. Legend of the Media Asia Films; Donnie Yen; Fist: The Enlight Pictures; ; Return of 2010 Shanghai Film Anthony Wong; [精 Media Asia; 武风云:陈真] Beijing Polybona Jet Li; Flying Swords Films; Zhou Xun; of Dragon 2011 CFCC; Tsui Hark Chen Kun; Gate [龙门飞 Film Workshop; Gwei Lun Mei; 甲] SMG Pictures Li Yuchun The Sorcerer Jet Li; and the White Juli Entertainment 2011 Ching Siu-Tung Huang Shengyi; Snake [白蛇传 Media 说] We Pictures; Stellar Mega Donnie Yen; Films; Takeshi Kaneshiro; Dragon [武侠] 2011 Peter Chan JSBC Eudemonia Tang Wie; Blue Ocean TV & Wang Yu Movie Group;

Filmographie 379

Yunnan Film Group; Dingsheng Cultur- al Industry Invest- ment Emperor Motion Pictures; China Film Group; Huayi Brothers Andy Lau; Media Co.; Nicholas Tse; Shaolin [新少 2011 Beijing Silver Benny Chan ; 林寺] Moon Productions Fan Bingbing; Ltd.; Shaolin Temple Culture Communi- cation Asia Bright In- vestment; Beijing Forbidden City Film Co.; A Chinese ; CHS Media; Ghost Story ; 2011 Golden Sun Cen- Wilson Yip 2011 [倩女幽魂 Yu Shaoqun; tury Multimedia; 2011] Kara Hui Lan Tien Motion Pictures; TIK Culture Devel- opment We Pictures; Stellar Mega Huang Xiaoming; The Guillo- Films; Andrew Lau ; 2012 tines [血滴子] Dingsheng Cultur- (Peter Chan) Purba Rgyal; al Industry Invest- Li Yuchun ment;

380 Filmographie

Media Asia Films; Starling Road Productions; Polyface Enter- tainment Enlight Pictures; ; Radio & TV Liu Yifei; The Four 1 [四 Gordon Chan; 2012 Station; Collin Chou; 大名捕 1] Janet Chun Elite Group Enter- ; prises Anthony Wong Ningxia Film Stu- Zhao Wei; dio; Chen Kun; Huayi Brothers Painted Skin 2 Zhou Xun; 2012 Media; [画皮 2] ; Dinglongda Inter- ; national Media; Fei Xiang Kylin Films Huayi Brothers & Yuan Xiaochao; Zero Taihe Film Invest- ; [太极 1 从零开 2012 ment; Tony Leung Ka-Fai; 始] Diversion Pictures Shu Qi Young Detec- ; Film Workshop; tive Dee: Rise Feng Shaofeng; Huayi Brothers of the Sea 2013 Tsui Hark ; Media; Dragon [狄仁 Angelababy; Pixeltree Studio 杰之神都龙王] Kim Bum Deng Chao; Enlight Pictures; Liu Yifei; The Four 2 [四 Hong Kong Pic- Gordon Chan; 2013 Collin Chou; 大名捕 2] tures International Janet Chun Ronald Cheng; Ltd. Anthony Wong The Sil-Metropole Tony Leung Chiu- 2013 Wong Kar-Wai Grandmaster Organization; Wai;

Filmographie 381

[一代宗师] Bona International Zhang Ziyi; Film Group; ; Jet Tone Films; Song Hye-Kyo Block 2 Pictures