
October 2016 ST. NECTARIOS ORTHODOX 405 Marcum Road, Lakeland, Florida 33809 Rev. Fr. Nicholas Wyborski Rev. Fr. Frederick Watson Subdeacon Brown Subdeacon Peter Flynn Phone: Church: (863) 815-1576 Rectory: (863)-853-1054 Cell: (863) 838-9423 E-mail: F r Nicholas. w @ gmail .com Website: www.StNectarios.com

OCTOBER 23 Holy Apostle James, Brother of the Lord

PRAYER ON ENTERING THE CHURCH I will come into Your House in the multitude of Your mercy; and in Your fear I will worship Your Holy Temple. Lead me, O Lord, in Your righteousness because of my enemies make Your way straight before me, that with a clear mind I may glorify You forever, One Divine God worshiped in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. We welcome to our parish all visitors, guests, relatives and friends of parishioners & all those visiting for the first time or have not been with us for some time.. We sincerely hope that the celebration of the Divine Liturgy with us is spiritually rewarding for you and that you will return often to worship with us. Schedule of Services for October 2016 Saturday Vespers: (No vespers on Oct 1 and 8) 5:00 pm Sunday Matins: (No Matins on Oct 2 and 9) 8:30 am Divine Liturgy: 9:30 am Wednesday Moleben/ Study: (Except Oct 5 and 12) 6:00 pm

Sat Oct 1 Feast of the Protection of the Most Holy St. Romanos the Melodist, patron of Diocesan Cantors and Choir Directors Divine Liturgy 9:30 am Sat Oct 22 Demetrios Saturday (Memorial Saturday) Divine Liturgy with Panachida 9:30 am Vespers 5:00 pm Wed Oct 26 Holy and Demetrios the Wonderworker Divine Liturgy 9:30 am Moleben to the Savior 6:00 pm Confessions: Before/After Services or by Appointment

Schedule of Readers for October 2016 Saturday October 1 Natalie Sunday October 2 Arlene Tonjes Sunday October 9 Subdeacon Peter Flynn Sunday October 16 Pañi Wanda Wyborski Saturday October 22 Natalie Pope Sunday October 23 Subdeacon Joseph Brown Sunday October 30 Ellen Flynn

Special Days Birthday Ernest Pido 10/1 Justin Rouse 10/12 Kevin Justice 10/19 Ann Marie Andrejkanic 10/20 Ares Justice 10/21

Nameday: Cantors' Patronal Feast Day 10/1 (St. Romanos, Hymnographer) Patsy (Denise) Justice 10/3 (St. Dionysius the Aeropagite) Maurice Ward 10/6 (St. ) James Katzaras 10/23 (St. James, Brother of the Lord)

May God grant you many Blessed years!!


We offer our grateful thanks to Fr. Frederick Watson who is celebrating the Divine Liturgy on October 2 and 9 while Fr. Nicholas is visiting family and attending the Diocesan Sobor. In case of emergent need during the week of October 2 – 13, Fr. Frederick may be contacted at 610-937- 0889 or you may reach Fr. Nicholas on his cell phone at 863-838-9423. Bible Study will resume on Wednesday October 19 after the Moleben service. Come and join us as we learn more about our Orthodox Faith. Saturday October 1 is the Feast of the PROTECTION (POKROV) OF THE MOST HOLY THEOTOKOS. Divine Liturgy will be celebrated at 9:30 am. Saturday October 22 is St. Demetrios Saturday. Divine Liturgy will be celebrated at 9:30am followed by a panachida. If you would like to submit names of your departed loved ones, please do so beforehand. If you have not approached the Mystery of Confession recently, do not delay any further to repair or enhance your relationship to Christ. A good rule of thumb is to participate in this Sacrament every month or at least every 8 – 12 weeks. This is especially important for those who frequently approach with fear of God, with faith and with love to receive the Body and Blood of Christ Have you thought of a Perpetual Memorial for your departed loved ones? The Perpetual memorial will insure that a Memorial Service will be held on that day every year. Donations for Perpetual Memorials are always being accepted. Suggested donation is $300.00 per date (need not be made all at once) and you may list as many names per date as you wish. If you have any questions, please see Father Nicholas. AmazonSmile.You shop. Amazon gives. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, Amazon donates to your favorite charitable organization (St. Nectarios ) every time you shop, at no additional cost to you. To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to smile.amazon.com from the web browser on your computer or mobile device. On your first visit to AmazonSmile, you need to select St. Nectarios receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. Amazon will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make on AmazonSmile will result in a donation. You will see eligible products marked “Eligible for AmazonSmile donation” on their product detail pages.

Panachidas (Memorial Services). In addition to the general commemorations for the departed made on All Souls Saturdays, it is customary to remember our loved ones on 3rd, 9th and 40th day, and on the yearly anniversary of their falling asleep. If you wish to have a Memorial Service (Panachida) prayed after the Liturgy, let Father Nicholas or Pani Wanda know along with the name(s). Koliva (sweetened boiled wheat) may be prepared and shared with the congregation, if desired. Check with Pani if you need the recipe or we can prepare it for you. (Also see the above item regarding perpetual memorials). Liturgy Commemorations. If you wish to have a relative, friend or loved one (living or departed) remembered during the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, please fill out the Special Intention Form next to the basket of breads as you enter the Chapel and give it to one of the servers or to Father. You may also offer one of the loaves for this purpose as well. A free-will offering may be made if desired. It's Distinguished Diocesan Donor time!!It is once again time for the Annual DDD drive. This program supports the work of the Apostolates of the diocese such as Camp . More details on the DDD program can be found on the diocesan website (acrod.org/ministries/dddprogram) You can donate directly to the program by mail on-line or you can donate through the parish no later than 26 October 2014. Let us continue to support the work of the Diocese! Remember – if you would like to have the Divine Liturgy celebrated on your Birthday, Anniversary, Patronal Feast Day, Names Day, or other special occasion, please contact Father Nicholas to make arrangements. ACRY CORNER...... The next Sr. ACRY meeting, to include election of officers, will take place on Sunday, Oct 23, after Divine Liturgy. Anyone wishing to become a member of the ACRY should contact any member or Fr. Nicholas for additional information.


It is composed of people like me. We make it what it is. It will be friendly, if friendly. It will be filled, if I help fill it. It will do great work, if I work. It will make generous gifts to many causes, if I am a generous giver. It will bring other people into its worship and community, if I bring them. It will be a church of loyalty and love, of fearlessness and faith, And a church with a noble spirit, if I, who make it what it is, am filled with these things. Therefore, with the help of God, I shall dedicate myself to the task of being all the things I want my church to be.

October 23 – Holy Apostle James, Brother of the Lord

Holy Apostle James, the Brother of God was, according to some, a son of Joseph the Betrothed, born of the wife that the latter had before he was betrothed to the Ever-. Hence he was the brother of the Lord, Who was also thought to be the son of Joseph (Matt. 13: 55). But some say that he was a nephew of Joseph, and the son of Joseph's brother , who was also called and Mary his wife, who was the first cousin of the Theotokos. But even according to this genealogy, he was still called, according to the idiom of the Scriptures, the Brother of the Lord because of their kinship.

From his early years James was a , a man especially dedicated to God. The Nazarenes vowed to preserve their virginity, to abstain from wine, to refrain from eating meat, and not to cut their hair. The vow of the Nazarenes symbolized a life of holiness and purity, commanded formerly by the Lord for all Israel. When the Savior began to teach the nation about the Kingdom of God, St James believed in Christ and became His apostle.

He is known as (:4) by the Evangelists to distinguish him from James, the son of , who was called the Great. He became the first of Jerusalem, elevated to this episcopal rank by the Apostles, according to (Eccl. Hist., Book II: 23), and was called Obliah, that is, the Just, because of his great holiness and righteousness.

As Bishop of Jerusalem, St James presided over the Council of Jerusalem and his word was decisive (Acts 15). In his thirty years as bishop, St James converted many of the Jews to . Annoyed by this, the and the Scribes plotted together to kill St James. Having ascended the crest of the Temple on the day of the Passover at the prompting of all, he bore testimony from there concerning his belief in , and he proclaimed with a great voice that Jesus sits at the right hand of the great power of God and shall come again upon the clouds of . On hearing this testimony, many of those present cried, "Hosanna to the Son of ." But the Scribes and Pharisees cried, "So, even the just one hath been led astray," and at the command of Ananias the high priest, the Apostle was cast down headlong from thence, then was stoned, and while he prayed for his slayers, his head was crushed by the wooden club wielded by a certain scribe. St James' martyrdom occurred about 63 A.D.

The holy Apostle James also composed a Divine Liturgy, which formed the basis of the Liturgies of St. Basil the Great and St. . The Church has preserved an Epistle of St James which is one of the books of the .

In 1853, Hierotheus of Alexandria sent to Moscow a portion of the of St James. The Church distinguishes between the holy Apostle James the Brother of God (October 23), and St James the son of Zebedee (April 30) and St James the son of Alphaeus (October 9).

Tropar in the Fourth Tone As the Lord's , O righteous One, you received the , as Martyr, you have unwavering courage, as the Lord's brother, you have forthrightness, as Hierarch, intercession. Intercede with Christ our God, that our souls may be saved. Kondak in the Fourth Tone

O wondrous James, God the , only-begotten of the Father, who dwelt among us in latter days, declared you, the first shepherd and teacher of Jerusalem, and faithful steward of the spiritual mysteries. Wherefore, we all honor you, O Apostle. pouring out on you ever-flowing grace! For the Record Liturgy Attendance | Income Outgo Adults Children Comm| Stewardship $4173.00 Sep 4 24 7 20 | Candles 406.00 (350.00) Sep 11 29 10 33 | School Picnic (Water Slide) 45.00 (225.00) Sep 18 21 6 23 | Sep 25 23 7 25 | Natalie Pope (Loan Payment ) (627.24) | Diocese (Loan payment) (416.60) | Water ( 14.54) | Electric (167.28) | ADT (Security) (55.17) | Brighthouse (Internet) (39.23) | Diocesan Clergy Insurance (255.00) | Winn Dixie (Picnic Lunch) (56.76) | Sam's Club (3 Memberships) (135.00) | Stipend – Fr. Frederick Watson (9/4/16) (200.00) | Priest's Salary - fr. Nicholas (1500.00) | St.ipend Gas (50.00)

Totals: $4624.00 $4092.22)

Glory to God for all things!

To all who have given and continue to give of their time, effort, and resources for the benefit of Nectarios Parish – Thank you for all you do and be assured of God's blessings.

On Stewardship and the Orthodox Life It’s Your Choice, Part I

“I have set before you this day life and good, death and evil. If you obey the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you this day, by loving the LORD your God, by walking in his ways, and by keeping his commandments and his statutes and his ordinances, then you shall live and multiply, and the LORD your God will bless you …” (Deuteronomy 30:15-16 RSV) Human beings seem moved with a foolish desire to get and accumulate earthly possessions – stuff. How often do we hear of millionaires who get themselves into serious trouble for the creation of incredible dishonesty. And that with the only purpose being the amassing even more wealth. The business world pursues its monetary goals with incredible zeal, almost as though such success would be a guarantee of getting to heaven! So many, even those who profess to be Christians, fail to heed the words of Christ Himself: “…lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven…For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (:20-21 RSV).

Christ does not force human beings to deal with each other in a just and fair manner; He does not compel us to love mercy; He does not lean on us to walk humbly with Him. He sets before humanity good and evil and makes plain what will happen when following one way or the other. He simply invites us: “Follow Me.” We are not forced to walk in His footsteps – if we do it is because of our own choice. If we follow behind Christ we see Him ahead of us, leading the way. We see His character; we know Him as Lord; we become aware, by watching Him, how to love, how to serve, how to live life in His way. spoke to the people in the Deuteronomy passage above with clear words from God about how their lives are to be lived. But it was always their own choice. Life or death. Good or evil. Blessings or curses. A simple reading of the history of God’s people in the Old Testament proves Moses right. Those who chose the way of God’s commandments, that is, love God and love your neighbor, were blessed. Those who chose otherwise were cut out from the people of God. It was that simple.

What should happen if the world of business today should suddenly make the welfare and health of the world’s poor (meaning, loving one’s neighbor) its top priority, instead of the accumulation of wealth for personal gain? That choice is there every day, not only for the business world, but for every individual alive. “I have set before you this day life and good, death and evil…”

It’s Your Choice, Part 2

“For the love of money is the root of all evils; it is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced their hearts with many pangs.” (I Timothy 6:10 RSV)

The Bible does not condemn the rich man because he is rich. does not declare the accumulation of wealth to be a sin. The Bible does not say that money is the root of all evils. On the contrary, the Scriptures reveal that it is God who gives the power to get wealth. This ability is a God-given talent – a talent to be used to advance the cause of Christ and His Church. The Bible does not condemn intellect or art – those, as well, come from the talents supplied by the Creator. Likewise, we cannot make ourselves more holy by only wearing sackcloth, or by stripping our homes of all conveniences and comforts. Wealth is a dangerous possession (like any other possession) only when it is placed in competition with the True Treasure: Christ and His Church. It is when the earthly, the stuff that will pass away, takes over the devotion that God alone claims. Then wealth, stuff, becomes a snare.

Are we willing to trade eternal glory with Christ for the glitter and tinsel of earth? Are we willing to trade an everlasting home in heaven for a house that lasts but a few years at best? The choice is ours. Examples of poor choices in the Bible abound: Esau traded his birthright for a meal; Balaam forfeited the favor of God for the rewards of the King of Midian; Judas betrayed Christ for thirty pieces of silver. It is the love of money that is denounced as evil. Money itself is a gift of God, given to be used for His purposes. Biblical examples likewise abound: God blessed , David, , Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah and others with great riches and honor. But they were faithful to God, followed His will, and cared for those around them who were in need.

With wealth comes great responsibility. With wealth comes great temptation. Americans in general are the wealthiest people on earth. Will we take the responsibility that comes with that wealth, and care for the needy of the world? Will we feed and clothe them? Will we work for peace and justice in our world? Or will we be tempted to miserly greed and the self-indulgence so characteristic of the lovers of worldly mammon? It’s your choice.

What Must I Do?

“… (and) he fell down before Paul and , … and said, "Men, what must I do to be saved?" (Acts 16:30 RSV) The Philippi jailer asked Paul and Silas the very question that is almost always present to each of us: “What must I do to be saved?”When Jesus was asked this question by the rich young ruler, His answer was simple: keep the commandments and you will be saved. That young man seemed to think he had fulfilled all of his obligations. He had kept the commandments. But then he walked away – Jesus required one thing further: sell his possessions and follow Him. It is said the young man was “possessed by his possessions.” Yet aren’t we all. Just look at our monthly budgets: mortgage, car payment, insurance, household expenses, school bills, etc. Do we think our possessions possess us? For many households, the end of the month is a clear reminder about all of our stuff. All this before we even think about vacation expenses, that new car, and the cost of electronic media: cable or dish TV, smartphone, ipad, computer – and on it goes.

What must I do? Sell all my possessions and follow Christ? The answer seems to be in the order that we are instructed to carry out His command. Suppose we reverse the order: follow Christ and then sell all possessions? Following Christ is the operative phrase here. Because when we follow Christ, our view of possessions changes. When we follow Christ, we see that our possessions do not nor cannot possess us. Only Christ can possess us, and then we see that the possessions that before were so dear to us, don’t belong to us at all – they belong to Christ! Our Orthodox understanding of stewardship begins with the fact that God made us and all we own. We are His and His alone. All we do here on our short earthly pilgrimage is borrow what we need for the journey. Our needs should be simple. Our possessions should be spare. Backpackers who pack for a long hike don’t bring along anything more than what they need. They survive their journey because they are under the supervision, in most cases, of an experienced backpacker who can tell those readying themselves for the trip what is needed and what is not.

So the question remains, “What must I do to be saved?” What must I do? Follow Christ. Leave unneeded possessions behind. The hike is underway – did you pack what you need, or are you overburdened with what you want?

Michael Pacurar, Co-Founder of POU

I co-founded Pan Orthodox United, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created by young people for young people , because I believe in focusing on the good . I know that every year more and more young people leave Christianity, are filled with and desire, and embark on spiritual or worldly quests to find themselves. I know this, because I am one of those people. I have doubted the existence of God, went months without going to church, and am always struggling for truth. I believe that most people that have left organized religion will one day be curious and contemplate things like their purpose in life, and the possibilities of the afterlife. I believe that we need to be there when they do, to give an Orthodox perspective on life and what happens after. I know that if we come together to provide resources, answer questions, and build relationships, young people will stop leaving and those that have left will start coming back home. I did. For this reason, we recently outlined a new program called Solve 60 . We want to reverse the trend of young people leaving Orthodoxy by raising the level of discussion, education, and involvement. Our plan has a few manageable steps, but it will take everyone working together to make it happen. - P.S. Please remember to share this article.

See Who's On the Pan Orthodox Board!

Michael Pacurar, Co-Founder of POU

I co-founded Pan Orthodox United, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created by young people for young people , because I believe in focusing on the good . I know that every year more and more young people leave Christianity, are filled with doubt and desire, and embark on spiritual or worldly quests to find themselves. I know this, because I am one of those people. I have doubted the existence of God, went months without going to church, and am always struggling for truth. I believe that most people that have left organized religion will one day be curious and contemplate things like their purpose in life, and the possibilities of the afterlife. I believe that we need to be there when they do, to give an Orthodox perspective on life and what happens after. I know that if we come together to provide resources, answer questions, and build relationships, young people will stop leaving and those that have left will start coming back home. I did. For this reason, we recently outlined a new program called Solve 60 . We want to reverse the trend of young people leaving Orthodoxy by raising the level of discussion, education, and involvement. Our plan has a few manageable steps, but it will take everyone working together to make it happen. - Michael P.S. Please remember to share this article.

See Who's On the Pan Orthodox Board!

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