
175 Williams Road 518-283-6110 518-283-3938 (Fax) Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9 am-3 pm Closed on Fridays Website:

Staff: Pastor: The Very Rev. Anthony Ligato –ext. 202 [email protected]

Parochial Vicar Rev. Zachariah Chichester-ext. 202 Parish Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 9 am-3 pm...we are closed on Fridays, unless there is a funeral. [email protected]

Rev. James M. Mackey-ext. 203 LOCAL CATHOLIC COMMUNITY MASS SCHEDULE Assisting Priest Weekend Schedule St. the : Sat 5:15 pm, Sun 7:30 and 10:15 am Theresa Reid-ext. 212 Signed Mass for the Hearing Impaired on the last Saturday of each month. Administrative Assistant to the Sacred Heart: Sat 4 pm, Sun 8:30 and 10:30 am Pastor and Business Administrator St. : Sat 4 pm, Sun 9 and 11:30 am [email protected]

Weekday Schedule Bob Sweeney-ext. 203 St. Michael the Archangel: Mon-Thurs at 12:10 pm Director of Pastoral Care Sacred Heart: Mon-Fri: 9:00 am [email protected] St. Jude the Apostle: Mon-Fri: 8 am

Barbara Berger-ext. 204 Keep informed about what is happening at St. Michael’s: Youth & Faith Formation Parish Website: [email protected] Parish Facebook Page:

Barbara McMahon-ext. 201 Download the Parish Phone App on your Smart Phone - iPhone users go to the App Store and android users Parish Secretary go to Google Play. Search for MY Parish App. Download this App to your phone, & then search for St. [email protected] Michael the Archangel Troy Parish Instagram page: Rizzo-ext. 213 Twitter: Parish Music Director [email protected] SACRAMENTS • Peggy Cross-ext. 205 Baptism - Parents seeking Baptism for their child need to make an appointment with the Parish Accountant Deacon to begin the preparation process for the sacrament. [email protected] Reconciliation - This sacrament of healing is available prior to the Vigil Mass and following the Vigil Mass or by appointment. Paul Burns –ext.206 Marriage - The couple should call the Pastor at least eight months in advance Data Entry Administrator of the desired marriage date to begin the preparation process for the sacrament. [email protected]

Br. Ronald Davis, FSD-ext. 207 HOSPITAL /HOME VISITS • Head Sacristan and Cantor Parish members who are admitted to the hospital are encouraged to designate St. Michael's as their home parish. It is also helpful if a family member contacts the parish office to let us know Trustees: of a hospitalization. Members of the parish who are homebound or who have been admitted to a Nursing/Rehabilitation facility and want to receive the Eucharist should call the parish office to Robert Larkin request a visit and the Eucharist. [email protected] PRAYER CHAIN •Please call the parish office to activate the “Prayer Chain” for your special intentions and Ellen Hotz needs, or to become a member of this important ministry. [email protected]

FAITH FORMATION • Ministry Chairs Our parish is committed to supporting parish members in lifelong Faith Formation through our Phyllis Flynn Mescia Faith Formation process called “Whole Parish Catechesis.” We help to form the faith of the Pastoral Council President children in our parish in partnership with their parents. Persons who desire to become a member [email protected] of the Catholic Faith, should call the parish office and request an appointment with the Pastor to learn about the RCIA process. Veronica Ciccarelli Women’s Guild President [email protected]

Men’s Club President NEW PARISHIONERS [email protected] We welcome all of our visitors and want you to know that we are blessed to have you

Ginny Amsden RN MS-Parish Nurse here to worship with us. To become a registered member of St. Michael's parish, please [email protected] call the Pastor for an appointment. We will be happy to have you as a member of our par- ish family. Michael's is a friendly and caring community. Your presence among us would be a blessing for us. Welcome! St. Michael the Archangel, Troy, New York - Divine Mercy Sunday Beloved . All this left him unsettled. knowing From Fr. Anthony Ligato his unsettled heart greets him the following week with the same salutation as he greeted the Apostles the previous week, God’s Mercy is the wellspring of Joy, Serenity and peace “Peace be with you.” With Jesus’ offering peace for the third time in this passage we are given the understanding of how Dear Sisters and Brothers in , important it is for each of us to impart Christ’s grace, mercy and peace upon the world. he mystery of God’s mercy, is never more so contemplated and called upon than in times of testing and pain for all humanity. We These are unsettling times for us all as we continue to feel the T are certainly in one of those historic times of universal testing effects of the Corona Virus Pandemic, and these effects on our and pain for all humanity. God’s Divine Mercy is seen in the acts of daily lives will be with us for the foreseeable future. With stay courage and mercy provided by the doctors, nurses, pharmacy workers, at home orders, reduced work hours, layoffs, financial strug- first responders, police and firefighters. who are on the front lines gles, school closings, non-essential businesses closed, our fighting the Corona Virus by saving the lives of countless people. God’s churches closed to Sunday and weekday masses and other Divine Mercy is seen in the dedicated service of those who work in gro- worship services and ministry activities, families not being able cery stores and delivery drivers who make sure product gets to market. to be together for celebrations and many of those upcoming God’s Divine Mercy is seen in the faces of each of you who provide celebrations such as First Communions, Confirmations, Wed- support by bringing food for our food pantries, shopping for your elder- dings graduations, and even funeral masses all postponed. ly family members and neighbors keeping them safe from the virus. These are unsettling times that cry for Christ’s peace and mer- Francis back in 2015, when he announced the Jubilee year for cy. Let us remember the words that Jesus spoke that first night Mercy as a wellspring of joy, serenity and peace, went on to say in when he appeared to his disciples, “Peace be with you, as the “Misericordiae Vultus”, that salvation depends on God’s mercy, for Father has sent me, so I send you.” mercy reveals the very mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. The Pope says mercy is the ultimate and supreme act by which God comes to meet Where is he sending us? He is sending us spiritually to reach us. Mercy is the fundamental law that dwells in the heart of every per- out to one another, to use social media for the good that it has son who looks sincerely into the eyes of his brothers and sisters on the the potential to become and we already know it’s potential for path of life. Mercy is the bridge that connects God and man, opening doing good through our live streaming of masses and being our hearts to the hope of being loved forever despite our sinfulness. able to have face time with family and friends which enables us to provide the Lord’ mercy to a world that is crying out to God When Jesus Christ enters through the locked doors of the upper room help. We don’t need to remain in our safe locked upper rooms, where the disciples were staying the evening of the first night of the we can virtually reach out to one another as we have done at week, he greets the disciples with the salutation; “Peace be with St. Jude the Apostle and St. Michael the Archangel You” (:19) He offers his peace to disciples who are unsettled in Church by calling all our parishioners, by phoning them to see spirit due to everything they had just witnessed and experienced with if they need help and support and to pray with them. These are Jesus’ suffering, death and now His acts of Divine Mercy on the part of our parish- resurrection. Our Lord knows how un- ioners who have given of themselves to our par- settled they were and so he shows them ish communities what those disciples who were His hands and His side. “The disciples locked that upper room ultimately did. Take the rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus example of St. the Apostle who ulti- said to them again, Peace be with you, mately assented to faith and gave witness to the As the Father has sent me, so I send truth that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the you.” (John 20:22-23) When Jesus of- dead. He and all the Apostles and Disciples fers them peace for the second time it is reached out to their neighbors and strangers to imparted to them so that they may im- provide help to all who were in need Christ’s part it to others. Jesus is commissioning grace, mercy and peace. Let us greet one another the Apostles to go forth and impart the with the salutation of Christ’s merciful love, by Father’s peace and mercy upon the en- saying, “Peace be with you”. We don’t need to tire world. “And when he had said this, shake hands or offer a hug or a kiss of peace, he breathed on them and said to them, these words are powerful on their own for they “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them and come from Jesus Christ himself. These four little words have whose sins you retain are retained.” (John: 20:24) Through Jesus’ im- changed the world and they continue to change the world if we parting the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, He gives them the authority allow these words to be uttered from our lips. The breath of the to offer His peace and mercy to all people of good will. Holy Spirit gave the Apostle the courage to leave the locked doors of the upper room behind, let us open our hearts and Now Thomas was not among the Apostles and other disciples on that share the Peace of Christ with others, for these unsettling times evening of the first day of the week, so he did not see the resurrected call for God’ Divine Mercy. Lord for himself. Have you ever wondered where Thomas was that evening? After all, the others were all locked in that upper room fearing for their lives. They thought since their master was killed that they Blessed and Joyous Easter, would be next and that it would only be a matter of time. From my read- ing of the of John Chapter 20, Thomas was not a cowering man, Fr. Anthony Ligato rather he seems brash and out spoken, “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands and put my finger into the nail marks and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” (John 20:26-27) Those are not the words of fearful man, after all Thomas was out in the streets not behind locked doors. Thomas was unsettled, he was trying to understand what it all meant, and he was out and about seeking the truth what must have happened. He had the testimony of Mary Magdala, Peter and John the Second Sunday of easter –divine mercy sunday his past Sunday we celebrated His Resurrection, and open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those for 8 days, from Easter Sunday until this Sunday, we souls who approach the fount of My mercy. The soul T have continually celebrated Easter. The Second Sun- that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion day of Easter, marks the conclusion of the Easter Octave. shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punish- Traditionally this whole octave is a celebration of God's ment. On that day all the divine floodgates through mercy. which graces flow are opened. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet. My mercy Our Lord appeared to Sister Faustina in Poland in the 1930s is so great that no mind, be it of man or of , will be and desired that the whole world turn to His Divine Mercy. able to fathom it throughout all eternity. Everything that About 70 years later, in the year exists has come forth from the very 2000, on this same Sunday, Pope depths of My most tender mercy. Eve- Saint John Paul II canonized ry soul in its relation to Me will con- Faustina, and declared the Second template My love and mercy through- Sunday of Easter to also be called out eternity. The Feast of Mercy Divine Mercy Sunday. A year lat- emerged from My very depths of ten- er he spoke of the importance of derness. It is My desire that it be sol- this day: emnly celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. Mankind will not have “Indeed the message [St. Faustina] peace until it turns to the Fount of My brought is the appropriate and in- Mercy. (699) cisive answer that God wanted to offer to the questions and expecta- tions of human beings in our time, Peace depends on opening our hearts to marked by terrible tragedies. Jesus receive God's Mercy. And what is mercy said to Sr. Faustina one day: but the limitless out-pouring of God's “Humanity will not have peace until it turns with trust to love for you and for me in all our sinfulness, hurts, pains Divine Mercy” (Diary, 300). Divine Mercy! This is the and suffering. Easter gift that the Church receives from the risen Christ and offers to humanity at the dawn of the third millenni- We need to ask for His Mercy. We need to ask to made um.... clean and to be healed. This is the first and proper response to this ocean of mercy. At the same time we need to be mer- “Today the Lord also shows us His glorious wounds and His ciful to others right? Jesus also told St. Faustina, “I demand heart, an inexhaustible source of light and truth, of love and from you deeds of mercy which are to arise out of love forgiveness.... St. Faustina saw coming from this Heart that for Me. You are to show mercy to your neighbors always was overflowing with generous love, two rays of light which and everywhere. You must not shrink from this or try to illuminated the world. “The two rays”, according to what absolve yourself from it.”(742) Jesus Himself told her, “Represent the blood and the wa- ter” (Diary, 299). The blood recalls the sacrifice of Golgo- Finally, we must strive to completely trust in Jesus and His tha, and the mystery of the Eucharist; the water, according merciful love. The more we trust, the more we are able to to the rich symbolism of the Evangelist St. John, makes us receive. The more we trust, the more we are able to recog- think of Baptism and the Gift of the Holy Spirit (cf. Jn 3:5; nize the mercy He is already giving us. 4:14). St. Thomas in today's Gospel believed because he saw Jesus “Through the mystery of this wounded heart, the restorative in His glorified body and touched His wounds. Only then tide of God’s merciful love continues to spread over the men could he trust that Jesus was truly risen from the dead. For and women of our time. Here alone can those who long for you and I, who have not seen Jesus in the flesh he said: true and lasting happiness find its secret.” Blessed are they who have not seen Me but believe! Today and everyday, let us immerse ourselves in the mercy of God! Let us cry out, “Jesus, I trust in you!”. The secret to peace and happiness is drawing close to the fount of Mercy! This continual teaching of Divine Mercy Yours in Christ, receives a new emphasis with JP II's declaration. Fr. Zachariah Today, I wanted to give you a small taste of the beautiful message that Jesus conveyed to St. Faustina. This passage comes from #699 in Sr. Faustina's Diary: Divine Mercy in My Soul. Jesus said to her: My daughter, tell the whole world about My inconceiva- ble mercy. I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are April 19, 2020 MASS SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK: MASS INTENTIONS AND MASS CARDS

St. Michael’s Live Streaming Masses St. Michael the Archangel and St. Jude the Apostle April 18-19, 2020 Church continue to take mass intentions for the Sunday Masses and the Weekday Masses. If you would like to Jack Pruel (birthday) - Wife, Rosemary & Family have a Mass intention said or if you would like a Mass Helen Roberts (birthday) - Sister Rose Card sent to someone with the intention for Mass, please Nicholas Casale, Jr.(birthday)-wife, Carmella & family phone or e-mail the Parish Office and we will schedule Jude Schnellbacher (birthday)-family the Mass Intention for you. The offering for a Mass in- Evelyn & William O’Connor - Timothy O’Connor tention is $10.00, you can simply mail your intention to Ann M. Lombardo (1st Anniversary) - Brenda & Declan the parish office where you have requested the intention. Jack Ryan (24th Anniversary) - Wife, Mary Rose Thomas J. Monahan—Martin & Patricia Monahan All Mass intentions will be included in the bulletins as Jude Schnellbacher (birthday) - family announced Masses and included in scheduled live streamed Masses. We have been including all Mass inten- MONDAY, April 20, 2020 tions in the live streamed Masses and announcing them in

the Parish Bulletins as we have rescheduled those inten- James McGrath - Pat McMahon & Joan Giordano tions which were originally scheduled for Masses that TUESDAY, April 21, 2020 were canceled due to the Virus stay at home order prior to live streaming of Sunday and Dailey Masses. For all those who have died from the coronavirus Beginning April 18-19 we will have two Sunday WEDNESDAY, April 22, 2020 Masses Live Streamed: Live Streaming of Masses at St. Michael the Arch- For the doctors, nurses, scientist, police officers, first angel and St. Jude the Apostle Churches via Face- responders, Mail personnel, grocery store employees, book pages: Priests, Ministers, , and all who continue to  Saturday 4:00 PM Vigil Mass Lived Streamed work during the Coronavirus pandemic  Sunday 10:00 AM Mass Live Streamed  Daily Masses Live Streamed Monday-Friday at 8:00 THURSDAY, April 23, 2020 AM  Monday-Wednesday Lived Streamed at 12:10 PM No live steaming Mass We will alternate each week Masses at each Parish: FRIDAY, April 24, 2020 Schedule for the Week of April 18-19 Office Closed  April 18th: 4:00 PM Vigil Mass at St. Michael the Arch- angel Church St. Michael’s Live Streaming Masses for April 25-26, 2020  April 19th: 10:00AM Mass at St. Jude the Apostle Church

Jack Prue (birthday) - wife, Rosemary and family Tabernacle Votive Candle in Memory of a Loved one John M. Smith (27th Anniversary) - Family Harry Hovey, Sr. - Son, Harry & Esther Hovey If you would like to have the Tabernacle Votive Candle Colleen Mantello—Nancy Coonrad lighted for one week in Memory of a loved one or for an- James (Bud) McGrath - Janet I. Rainey other intention, please call the parish office or e-mail the Jack Berry - wife, Virginia & family parish office. The announced intention will be included Terri Prendergast –Chris Urban each week in the bulletin. The offering for the Tabernacle James (Bud) McGrath –Pat, George Durivage & family Votive Candle is $10.00, you can mail your offering to Diana —Ruth Quinion the parish office.

Second Sunday of Easter LIFE LONG at the same time to be calm and not to panic.

FAITH FORMATION Above all, let us not forget the importance of PRAYER. Our Catho- Please contact Barbara Berger in the Faith Formation lic faith is very practical: we know well how it can help us navigate Office with any questions about the information on this page. through tough and anxious times. We know too how important it can be to help our children and young people pray and to pay with them, especially in the disruptive and worrying situation they are experi- encing at the moment. We want to pray for others: for those who LIFELONG FAITH FORMATI CLASSES have died or are sick with the virus and for their families and friends, Parents – for all those who care for them, for medical professionals, for scien- Blessed and guided by the Holy Spirit we continue our approach to tists working for a vaccine, and for all those who are afraid during our Life Long Faith Formation Catholic studies for our children with this time of uncertainty. our parents as primary educators. Parents have been active partici- pants in Faith Formation classes, learning and growing with their Here are a few easy and practical suggestions for prayers at home in children, gaining the confidence to instruct and discuss faith beliefs this difficult time: with their children. confident that parents will apply what they have learned to help instruct their children in the ways of the and their love of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Modeling  As an individual or as a family, since we cannot get to Mass, take for them LIVING our faith in the world today. a little time to read through the Scripture readings of the day. Various Continue to be catechists – one who learns as they teach!!!! publications, apps or websites can give you these. Then spend a few Remember to do all things prayerfully! minutes reflecting upon them with some questions in mind: What is Begin each day and end each day with the Sign of the Cross. the message in the reading? Do I live up to the message? What reso-

lution can I make to live the message better? All 2nd graders preparing for the Sacrament of First Eucharist should Then offer some prayers and petitions. If you are praying as a fam- have their pamphlets, and Family poster at home. Please continue ily, perhaps go around the family group, so that each person can say a with 1,2 and 3. We will try to have a meeting via internet to see how prayer about what is on their mind or in their heart. Articulating and everyone is doing with home studies. Watch your email for directions speaking out aloud our concerns and joys is a great way of praying! to link in. Finish by praying the Our Father or the Hail Mary together.

Confirmatndi and sponsors will continue to receive research topics and questions for faith sharing . Text, email or call me with any ques-  Perhaps you know someone who lives alone (for example, an el- tions. derly neighbor or friend). Why not phone them just to chat and to check that they are OK. You might even pray with them or promise

We recognize at this time that many parents are juggling work , either to remember them in your prayers. Perhaps they need help with get- at home or on site, or are worried about their jobs AND keeping up ting groceries or medicines. Remember that prayer & charity go to- with family needs, AND now trying to help with school work (saying gether! special prayers for those parents with 3or 4 children!) AND helping with  If you have an area you can use in your home, you could set up Faith Formation!!!!!! It’s a formula for overload! some sort of prayer space. We are very visual and we pray with our

Please do what you can in discussion and research/lessons, but for bodies, so designating a special place in the home can be very helpful now, it’s most important to live a life as a follower of God and his end- when it comes to praying. less love and grace, and be like Jesus’ example of love and care for others. If you can’t get all the lessons in - don’t stress!!.  Do not forget all the various Catholic devotions that we have: the Together we have laid a strong foundation of faith for your children. rosary, Stations of the Cross, Divine Mercy chaplet and all sorts of Reinforce that – pray, be kind, be patient, and be full of God’s grace prayers. If you do not have the books at home, these are easily ac- and love confident that we will get through this challenging time to- cessed online or through a number of Catholic prayer apps. gether!

APRIL 2020  You might want to explore saying what is called “The Divine Office” or the prayer of the Church. This is recited by many religious MASSES LIVE STREAMED and ordained every day, as well as by many lay people. The Divine Sundays - 10 AM Mass from St. Michael via FACEBOOK Office is offered up for the whole Church and for the world, but it is Daily Masses M-W, 12:10 pm also a wonderful treasury of prayers, psalms, Scripture readings etc.

You can access the daily office online or via various apps such as iBreviary and DivineOffice. (RCDA) SERVICE PROJECTS- TEMPORARILY ON HOLD Meal Ministry, Birthday Bags, and Project :DAWN

PET PRAYER CHAIN& FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS Are ON GOING! Please call Barbara Berger to activate or to join the prayer chain at 518-225-4343. Thank you for your dona- tion! SOME SIMPLE SUGGESTIONS FOR PRAYER DURING THIS TIME OF ANXIETY It is true for everyone, but certainly so for people of faith, that it is important to take all necessary precautions, observe govern- mental directives and to take the medical situation seriously, but