ST. MICHAEL the ARCHANGEL SEPTEMBER 29 PRAYER to ST. MICHAEL the ARCHANGEL St. Michael the Archangel, Defend Us in Battle. B
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1023 McHenry Avenue Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 (815) 459-3033 Find us on the Internet @ Like us on Facebook @ ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL SEPTEMBER 29 Very Rev. Fr. Brian D.M.J. Grady, TOC, VF~ Pastor Rev. Fr. Colin Easton~ Parochial Vicar Mr. Kenneth Giacone Dr. Richard Marcantonio Saturday: 4:00 pm Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, and 11:15 am Monday thru Saturday: 8:45 AM Tuesday: 6:00- 6:45 PM Saturday: 9:15- 10:00 AM 3:00- 3:45 PM (or by appointment) Monday thru Saturday: 8:15 AM (in the Chapel) Monday thru Saturday: 9:15 AM (in the Chapel) Monday thru Friday: 8:00 AM- 7:00 PM Saturday: 8:00 AM- 12:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM PRAYER TO ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL (in the church) St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Tuesday: 8:00 AM Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. Thursday: 6:45 PM May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do Thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, 2nd Weekend of the Month at all Masses by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. 4th Weekend of the Month at all Masses Please drop off any articles to be blessed at the Parish Office on Tuesdays during office hours. Blessed articles will be available for pickup the following Wednesday morning. ST ELIZABETH ANN SETON , CRYSTAL LAKE PARISH SCHEDULE AND MASS INTENTIONS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3- (CONTINUED) FOR THE WEEK AHEAD 9:30 AM Jesus’ Lovely Ladies Bible Study Bailey Bible Study SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 29– THE TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN 6:30 PM Youth Ministry Edge Night ORDINARY TIME 6:45 PM Liturgy of the Hours- Evening Prayer *OLIVE WOOD RELIGIOUS ART SALE AFTER ALL MASSES * 7:00 PM KofC Business Meeting 8:00 AM Mass (Marcie Girolamo ~ Sisters in Christ LOTW Praying Parents’ Ministry Group Salesian Meeting Adoration until 12PM 7:15 PM Vino & Veritas 9:30 AM Mass (The People of St. EAS) ‘God Is’ Retreat Team Meeting FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4- ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI 10:45 AM RCIA *FIRST FRIDAY* 8:00 AM Adoration until 7PM 11:15 AM Mass (+Deceased KofC ~ Gloria Kessler ) 8:15 AM Rosary 6:30 PM Youth Ministry Life Night 8:45 AM Mass (Andy & Pat Voloch ~ +Msgr. Michael Kurz) MONDAY SEPTEMBER 30– ST JEROME, PRIEST AND 9:15 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH 6:30 PM Maranatha Leaders’ Meeting 8:00 AM Adoration until 7PM SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5- BLESSED FRANCIS XAVIER SEELOS 8:15 AM Rosary *FIRST SATURDAY* 8:45 AM Mass (+Holy Souls in Purgatory) 6:00 AM That Man is You 9:15 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet 7:00 AM KofC Blood Drive 7:00 PM Maranatha Charismatic Group 8:00 AM Adoration until 12 PM That Man is You 8:15 AM Rosary TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1– ST. THERESE OF THE CHILD JESUS; 8:45 AM Mass (Fr. Jeremy Trowbridge ~ Fr. Zachary Edgar) VIRGIN & DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH 9:15 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet 8:00 AM Adoration until 7PM Confessions Liturgy of the Hours– Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Prayer Shawl Ministry 8:15 AM Rosary 10:00 AM Blessing of Pets 8:45 AM Mass (+Mary Akawo ~ St. Joseph Lay Carmelite 3:00 PM Confessions Community 4:00 PM Mass (+Mary Vlcek ~ +Mary Komis) 9:15 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet 5:00 PM Oktoberfest 9:20 AM Marian Movement of Priests’ Cenacle 1:00 PM Holy Hour of Reparation 4:30 PM Religious Education Classes Begin 6:00 PM Confessions KofC Octoberfest Meeting I Angela P. Zinkus & Luke T. Romin 6:30 PM Family Religious Education Begins WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2- THE HOLY GUARDIAN ANGELS 8:00 AM Adoration until 7PM EADINGS FOR ASS 8:15 AM Rosary R M 8:45 AM Mass (Living & +Deceased Members of the Kumorek FOR THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 + Family ~Living & Deceased Members of the Breuss Family) SUNDAY: AM 8:4-7/ 1 TM 2:1-8/ LK 16:1-13 9:15 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet 9:30 AM Rosary Makers MONDAY: ZEC 8:1-8/ LK 9:46-50 4:30 PM Religious Education Classes Begin TUESDAY: ZEC 8:20-23/ LK 9:51-56 6:30 PM Divorce Healing Meeting Baptismal Prep Class WEDNESDAY: NEH 2:1-8/ MT 18:1-5, 10 7:00 PM ACA Meeting THURSDAY: NEH 8:1-4A, 5-6, 7B-12/ LK 10:1-12 Choir Practice Kreul Bible Study Group FRIDAY: BAR 1:15-22/ LK 10:13-16 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3 SATURDAY: BAR 4:5-12, 27-29/ LK 10:17-24 8:00 AM Adoration until 7PM SUNDAY: HAB 1:2-3; 2:2-4/ 2 TM 1:6-8, 13-14/ LK 17:5-10 8:15 AM Rosary 8:45 AM Mass (+Robert Guillet ~ +Paul Piekarczyk) Please keep the sick, the needs of our parish 9:15 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet community, and the Church in your daily prayers. 2 SEPTEMBER 29 , 2 0 1 9 FROM THE DESK OF THE PASTOR personnel in the parish. It is not a change in persons, but rather in the focus of duties and mission. Marcie “All who believe in Christ should Girolamo, my current Administrative Assistant to the feel, as an integral part of their Clergy, will remain in her role with most of those faith, an apostolic concern to pass current duties ... but will now be taking on an added on to others its light and joy. This position, and one that I have felt for several years now concern must become, as it were, a hunger and thirst to would greatly benefit the parish. However, the timing make the Lord known, given the vastness of the non- was just never quite right ... until now. As we know the Christian world.” – St. John Paul II Lord in His Providence moves the pieces of the puzzle and, when the time is right- He lets us know! “The Church always evangelizes and has never interrupted the path of evangelization. She celebrates Marcie will be taking on the role of our parish Director the Eucharistic mystery every day, administers the of Evangelization. This is an exciting new position that Sacraments, proclaims the word of life — the Word of will be a great benefit for our parish. In a very real God, and commits herself to the causes of justice and sense, Marcie has already been doing a good deal of charity. And this evangelization bears fruit: It gives this work in the parish for many years by bringing in light and joy, it gives the path of life to many people; speakers, helping teach RCIA and Adult Confirmation many others live, often unknowingly, of the light and classes as well as assisting the priests with ideas for the warmth that radiate from this permanent talks and classes. However, I now want her to focus her evangelization.” – Pope Benedict XVI energy and ideas (which she has a lot of) on helping me make some changes in the way we do certain things “An evangelizing community is filled with joy; it knows here at the parish in order to help re-energize programs how to rejoice always. It celebrates every small victory, that we already have in place and also to bring new every step forward in the work of evangelization. ideas in. She will be attending workshops and Evangelization with joy becomes beauty in the liturgy, networking with other Directors of Evangelization in as part of our daily concern to spread goodness. The parishes within and even outside of the Diocese. Some Church evangelizes and is herself evangelized through areas that Marcie will be looking at is how to come up the beauty of the liturgy, which is both a celebration of with creative ways to enrich our parish through the task of evangelization and the source of her continuing adult education programs and how to help renewed self-giving.” – Pope Francis to reach those who are not attending Mass weekly. She Before His Ascension, Our Lord sent His Apostles out will be looking at ways to help get those who are in to the world, commanding them: “Go therefore and coming to Mass on Sunday (but not doing anything make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the else) more involved and helping to strengthen the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy numbers of volunteers in our parish ministries... and to Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have simply to be an overall PR person for the parish. commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the This new position is already in effect as of this week. close of the age” (Mt 28:19-20). As a parish family and Thanks also to all of my other staff members who have as His disciples, Christ desires that we assist Him in the been so supportive and flexible in helping with these work of evangelization- the sharing of the Good News shifts and who are always willing to go the extra mile with all that we meet- and like the disciples, to bring covering things that are above and beyond their job others to Him. descriptions. Our parish family is truly blessed with a I write to you today about an exciting change in hard working and caring staff! 3 S E P T E M B E R 29, 2 0 1 9 THIS IS MY HOME— RESERVED PARKING FOR THIS IS MY HOME OUR PARISH FAMILY OF THE MONTH THE GIFT OF MY TREASURE As a way to express our gratitude and say "thank you" to those who support our parish home, we randomly draw a new winner Sunday September 22 $13,457.00 monthly for a prime parking spot! If you are one of the many who support our parish financially, you will have a chance to win a Our 3% tithe this week will go to the St John Bosco reserved parking spot in the front row of the lot for a month.