
NOVATEUR PUBLICATIONS JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN No: 2581 - 4230 VOLUME 7, ISSUE 2, Feb. -2021 OXYMORON AND ITS METHODOLOGICAL-SEMANTIC FEAUTURIES KAMOLIDDINOVA VAZIRA FAZLITDINOVNA Teacher of Foreign Languages Faculty, The Department of Foreign Language in Humanities, BSU, Uzbekistan.

ABSTRACT: moros ≠•°Æ©Æß ò §µ¨¨ ó Ø≤ ò ≥¥µ∞©§ óä /∏π≠Ø≤° The article discusses about are often pairs of words such as the - Ø∏π≠Ø≤ØÆï≥. Their use and meanings in combinations of a òÆ•∑ £¨°≥≥©£ó or a ò¢©ß speech are explained with proverbs. The sip òØ≤ noun-verb ò¥®• silence whistleóä .Ø∑ article deals with the educational ¨•¥ï≥ analysis some of the existed common management teaching process in higher examples: Examples are given from Uzbek and education systems. The article deals with English literature. We will analyzes them turn the education process in higher education by turn and explain the verity of the translation systems. There are given some examples of by poems. usage oxymorons in literature. Examples The phrase original copy is a good are taken from Uzbek and English illustration of an oxymoron. This is a pairing of literature and poetry. The oxymorons is one opposing words that contradict each other. If of the main compact, methodologically something is original, then it is not a copy. In powerful, incomparable power of the turn, if something is a copy, then it is not languages. Oxymorons also help to explain original. Yet, original copy as an oxymoron the contents of a whole large text before commonly and figuratively means that the acknowledging the whole story. So some of content of the copy is original. the writers and poets have taken their titles Here are some examples of oxymoron from the oxymorons. Important features of that may be found in everyday expression: the use of oxymorons in the advertising ñ Only Choice process is their easy remembering. Modern ñ Same Difference Ø∏π≠Ø≤ØÆï≥ ض¥•Æ µ≥•§ in advertising, ñ Friendly Fire because they are a very effective tool for ñ Virtual Reality attention, because of their brightness and ñ Controlled Chaos surprise. ñ Freezer Burn ñ Silent Scream KEYWORDS: oxymoron, methodological- ñ Terribly Good semantic, phenomena, etymologically, ñ Wise Fool stylistic effects of speech, modern ñ Close Distance oxymoron. ñ Stiff Drink

ñ Black Light INTRODUCTION: ñ Clearly Confused OXYMORON is a figure of speech in ñ Genuine Fake which two seemingly opposing and ñ Living History contradictory elements or equivalents are juxtaposed. Oxymoron comes from the Ancient ñ Exact Estimate

Greek word oxumoron, a compound of the ñ Quiet Roar

∑Ø≤§≥ òØ∏µ≥óá ≠•°Æ©Æß ò ≥®°≤∞ óá ó ´••Æ ó °Æ§ ñ Student Teacher

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NOVATEUR PUBLICATIONS JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN No: 2581 - 4230 VOLUME 7, ISSUE 2, Feb. -2021 ñ Passive Aggressive Example #1: (William ñ Smaller Half Shakespeare) ñ Magical Realism Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet ñ Loyal Opponent sorrow, ñ Random Order That I shall say good night till it be morrow. ñ Live Recording In perhaps the most well-known ñ Jumbo Shrimp oxymoron in literature, Juliet describes her ñ Kill With Kindness feelings about Romeo leaving her presence as ò≥∑••¥ ≥Ø≤≤Ø∑äó 3®°´•≥∞•°≤•ï≥ µ≥• ض ñ Small Giant Ø∏π≠Ø≤ØÆ ©Æ§©£°¥•≥ ¥®°¥ *µ¨©•¥ï≥ ò≥Ø≤≤Ø∑ó °Æ§ ñ Original Copy sadness at the thought that Romeo must part

¶≤Ø≠ ®•≤ ©≥ °¨≥Ø ò≥∑••¥ó °Æ§ ∞¨•°≥°Æ¥ä 3®• ¶••¨≥ USAGE OF OXYMORON IN SPEECH OR sadness knowing she must say good night to WRITING: Romeo. However, she lovingly anticipates Here are some examples of oxymoron that may seeing him again which a pleasant feeling is. be found in everyday writing or conversation: Example #2: Don Juan (George Gordon, Lord ñ My sister and I had a friendly fight over Byron) the lipstick. It is an awful topic¢µ¥ î¥ ©≥ ÆØ¥ ñ I think the professor stated My cue for any time to be terrific: his unbiased opinion regarding the &Ø≤ £®•£´•≤ï§ °≥ ©≥ ≥••Æ ص≤ ®µ≠°Æ ¨Ø¥ student response. With good, and bad, and worse, alike prolific ñ You look awfully pretty in that coat. Of melancholy merriment, to quote ñ Sarah ate the whole piece of pie. Too much of one sort would be soporific; ñ The carpenters left the Without, or with, offence to friends or foes, bench completely unfinished. I sketch your world exactly as it goes. ñ The new kittens enjoyed In this poem, Lord Byron uses the oxymoron being Alone together. ò≠•¨°Æ£®Ø¨π ≠•≤≤©≠•Æ¥ó ¥Ø §•≥£≤©¢• ¥®• ñ True fiction is my favorite genre to feelings and connections between sadness and read. joy. This oxymoron is symbolic of the human ñ It is considered a false truth that a £ØƧ©¥©ØÆ °≥ ≤•¶¨•£¥•§ ©Æ ¥®• ∞Ø•¥ï≥ ≠•Æ¥©ØÆ Ø¶ broken mirror means bad luck. òص≤ ®µ≠°Æ ¨Ø¥äó )Æ °§§©¥©ØÆá ¥®©≥ Ø∏π≠Ø≤ØÆ ñ Joe considers himself to be a ¨°§©•≥ï supports and complements the balance of man ∑®•Æ ®•ï≥ °¥ ° £¨µ¢ä Ø∞∞Ø≥©¥©ØÆ≥ ¶•°¥µ≤•§ ©Æ ¥®• ≤•≥¥ ض ¥®• ∞Ø•≠ï≥ ñ Jenny thinks of her garage as structure, such as good and bad, without or an organized mess. with, and friends or foes.

Example #3: Funeral Blues (W.H. Auden) LITERATURE REVIEW: Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, Examples of Oxymoron in Literature: Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone, Oxymoron is an effective literary device. Silence the pianos and with muffled drum Here are some examples of oxymoron phrases Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come. in well-known literary works, along with how In this poem, Auden utilizes the oxymoron they add to interpretation: ò™µ©£π ¢ØÆ•äó /¶ £Øµ≤≥•á ° ¢ØÆ• ©≥ ß•Æ•≤°¨¨π considered dry and the opposite of juicy. However, a bone may seem juicy to a dog that 115 | P a g e

NOVATEUR PUBLICATIONS JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN No: 2581 - 4230 VOLUME 7, ISSUE 2, Feb. -2021 is salivating at the thought of chewing it. Also, be believed. Such kind of meaning force to this oxymoron is ironic in the context of a poem think the reader deeply. in which a funeral is the subjectä 4®• ò™µ©£π Other examples from Uzbek literature. The ¢ØÆ•ó ©≥ ° contrast in its own phrasing, as well ß≤•°¥ 5∫¢•´ ∞Ø•¥≤π -µ´®°≠≠°§ 9µ≥µ¶ î≥ as a contrasting image with the coffin and the works we can face with oxymorons. ©≠∞¨©•§ £Ø≤∞≥•ï≥ ¢ØÆ•≥ ©Æ≥©§•ä He is in a bright world 5 πØ≤µßï §µÆπا° Example #4: The Catcher in the Rye (J.D. No human being Tengi yuq inson Salinger) Dear stranger Qadrdon begona )ï≠ ¥®• ≠Ø≥¥ ¥•≤≤©¶©£ ¨©°≤ πص •∂•≤ ≥°∑ ©Æ πص≤ The evil kind Yovuz mehribon life. One of the examples given is that we analyze Salinger uses an oxymoron in this quote by ¥®• ∞®•ÆØ≠•Æ° ض ò §•°≤ ≥¥≤°Æß•≤ó ã ¥®• ∑Ø≤§≥ Holden Caulfield, the narrator of the novel. The ò §•°≤ ó °Æ§ ò ≥¥≤°Æß•≤ ó °≤• semantically ∞®≤°≥• ò¥•≤≤©¶©£ ¨©°≤ó ∞°©≤≥ ¥∑Ø ∑Ø≤§≥ ¥®°¥ ®°∂• contradictory words, but the fact that these two Ø∞∞Ø≥©Æß £ØÆÆØ¥°¥©ØÆ≥ä ò4•≤≤©¶©£ó ®°≥ ∞Ø≥©¥©∂• words with opposite meanings, one of the connotations, as in wonderful or other definite, gives rise to a new meaning. •∏¥≤°Ø≤§©Æ°≤©¨π ß≤•°¥ä (Ø∑•∂•≤á ò¨©°≤ó ®°≥ Such a phenomenon is of great importance in negative connotations, as in someone who is the placement of words, because when the untruthful or deceptive. Together, these words place of the determiner is replaced by the indicate that Holden takes pride in how adept determiner, a completely opposite meaning he is at lyinga behavior that is generally occurs: the close relationship between associated with indignity. ≥¥≤°Æß•≤≥ ∑®•Æ ∑• ≥°π ò §•°≤ ≥¥≤°Æß•≤óâ ò°¨©•Æ This statement made by Holden reveals the §°≤¨©Æßó ≠•°Æ≥ ° ¨ØÆßá ≤•¨°¥©ØÆ≥®©∞ ¢•¥∑••Æ level of complexity and impact an oxymoron people, even if they are dear. can have as a literary device when it comes to ©Æ¥•≤∞≤•¥°¥©ØÆä 4®≤ص߮ ¥®• ∞®≤°≥• ò¥•≤≤©¶©£ ANALYSIS: ¨©°≤áó (ب§•Æ ©≥ °§≠©¥¥©Æß ¥®°¥ ®• ©≥ ¢Ø¥® ° Famous Oxymorons. Here are some §•£•∞¥©∂• ∞•≤≥ØÆ °Æ§ ¥®°¥ ®•ï≥ •∏¥≤°Ø≤§©Æ°≤©¨π well-known and recognizable examples of this great at being so. Therefore, Salinger cleverly figure of speech: £°¨¨≥ ©Æ¥Ø ±µ•≥¥©ØÆ (ب§•Æï≥ reliability as a Titles narrator through just this figure of speech. If Little Bighorn Battlefield (national (ب§•Æï≥ claim is that he is wonderful at being monument in Montana) an untruthful person, then he casts doubt as to ò4≤µ• ,©•≥ó !≠•≤©£°Æ ¶©¨≠ the truth of his own statement to the reader ò#°¥$Øßó !≠•≤©£°Æ °Æ©≠°¥•§ ¥•¨•∂©≥©ØÆ ≥•≤©•≥ about being a terrific liar as well. ò0≤•¥¥π 5ߨπó ¢ØØ´ ¢π +©≤´•≤ "µ¥¨•≤ ò!≥ ¶Ø≤ ¢•¨©•∂©Æß ¥®©Æß≥ ) £°Æ ¢•¨©•∂• ò"©ß ,©¥¥¨• ,©•≥ó ¢ØØ´ ¢π ,©°Æ• -Ø≤©°≤¥πá °Æ𥮩Æß ∞≤Ø∂©§•§ ¥®°¥ ©¥ ©≥ ±µ©¥• ©Æ£≤•§©¢¨•ó adapted into television series for HBO) ( The Picture of Dorian Grey ) ò1µØ¥•≥ ¶≤Ø≠ ° $•∂ص¥ !¥®•©≥¥ó £Ø≠∞©¨°¥©ØÆ In this case, the oxymoron is created by book of Richard Dawkins quotes) ¥®• ™µ∏¥°∞Ø≥©¥©ØÆ Ø¶ ò ¢•¨©•∂• ó °Æ§ ò©Æ£≤•§©¢¨•óä ò7°´©Æß $≤•°≠ó !≠•≤©£°Æ §Ø£µ≠•Æ¥°≤𠶩¨≠ The wor§ ò©Æ£≤•§©¢¨•ó ≥¥•≠≥ •¥π≠بØß©£°¨¨π ò3¥••¨ -°ßÆب©°≥ó !≠•≤©can stage play by ¶≤Ø≠ ¥®• Æ•ß°¥©∂• ¶Ø≤≠ ض ò £≤•§©¢¨• ò ∑®©£® Robert Harling) ≠•°Æ≥ ò ¢•¨©•∂°¢¨• óä 7©¨§• ®°≥ ∑≤©¥¥•Æ ¥®°¥ Quotes his character will believe anything that cannot ò9ص £°Æï¥ ®°∂• ≠Ø≤• ¥π∞•≥ ض ¶°´• Æ•∑≥ ¥®°Æ ≤•°¨ Æ•∑≥äó %¨ØÆ -µ≥´ 116 | P a g e

NOVATEUR PUBLICATIONS JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN No: 2581 - 4230 VOLUME 7, ISSUE 2, Feb. -2021 òI am ° §••∞¨π ≥µ∞•≤¶©£©°¨ ∞•≤≥ØÆäó !Ƨπ Demonstrate Linguistic Skill: Warhol) 3©Æ£• ≠Ø≥¥ ∞•Ø∞¨• §ØÆï¥ µ≥• Ø∏π≠Ø≤ØÆ ò)ï≠ Æآاπè 7®Ø °≤• πصë !≤• πص  Nobody  very often when speaking, it does take ¥ØØëó Emily Dickinson) linguistic skill to create one that is successful. ò#≤µ•¨ ´©Æ§Æ•≥≥ §≤•∑ ≠• Æ•°≤ °Æ§ ®•¨§ ≠• For example, just pairing any two words that £¨Ø≥•ó )Æ≥©§•/µ¥ ≥ØÆß lyric) °≤• £ØÆ¥≤°§©£¥Ø≤π ∑ØÆï¥ ≠°´• ¶Ø≤ °Æ •¶¶•£¥©∂• ò/≤§©Æ°≤π ≤©£®•≥ £°Æ ¢• ≥¥Ø¨•Æâ ≤•°¨ ≤©£®•≥ oxymoron. The phrase daily night certainly £°ÆÆØ¥äó /≥£°≤ 7©¨§• features contrary wording. However, if there is òå ¥®©≥ ∑°≥ ¶°Æ£π ¥•≤≤©¢¨•äó Dorothy Parker) no figurative or underlying meaning to the ò6©§©° ∑°≥ £Ø≠∞¨©£°¥•§á ¥∑Ø ¶°©≤©•≥ ©Æ ØÆ•á ° ∞®≤°≥•á ©¥ ≥®Øµ¨§Æï¥ ¢• µ≥•§ °≥ ° ∞≤Ø∞•≤ ¨Øπ°¨ ¥≤°©¥Ø≤äó '°©¨ #°≤≥ØÆ ,•∂©Æ• oxymoron. Instead, it takes linguistic skill in Difference Between Oxymoron and Paradox knowing which words, though opposing, will People are often confused by the work together to have an effect on the reader. difference between oxymoron and paradox. One example of a skillful oxymoron Paradox is a literary device in which a is real fake. This figure of speech is clever in statement or group of statements features ¥®°¥ µ¥©¨©∫©Æß ¥®• ∑Ø≤§ ò≤•°¨ó ¥Ø §•≥£≤©¢• initially contrasting ideas. However, with ≥Ø≠•¥®©Æß ¥®°¥ ©≥ ò¶°´•ó °£¥µ°¨¨π ¨•Æ§≥ ° ≥•Æ≥• applied thought, paradoxes make sense. Also, of truth and authenticity to something that is, they often lead the reader to an underlying by nature, untrue and inauthentic. Therefore, truth. One example of a paradox is the the linguistic skill demonstrated in this following conflicting idea. The best way to make oxymoron is a layered. Real fake is a money is to spend money. combination of contradictory terms. However, Oxymoron is also a literary device, but is the terms are also complementary as a pair. £ØÆ≥©§•≤•§ ° ò£ØƧ•Æ≥•§ó ∞°≤°§Ø∏ä 4®©≥ ≠•°Æ≥ that oxymoron is a figure of speech that Enhance Drama: includes just a couple of contradictory words Oxymoron can enhance drama in writing. that are paired together rather than a full This is especially achieved if the word pairing statement of ideas. Oxymoron phrases can be reveals intensity or a great difference in figuratively true, but not literally true. quality. For example, if a character receives a painful smile, this creates a significant Writing Oxymoron dramatic effect. Smiles are rarely associated Overall, as a literary device, oxymoron with pain. Therefore, the reader is left in ¶µÆ£¥©ØÆ≥ °≥ ° ≠•°Æ≥ ض ß•¥¥©Æß ¥®• ≤•°§•≤ï≥ some suspense to wonder what events or attention through the pairing of opposing or feelings would result in such a response contradictory words. Reading these words received by the character. together will often cause a reader to pause and (Ø∑•∂•≤á ©¥ï≥ ©≠∞Ø≤¥°Æ¥ ¥®°¥ ∑≤©¥•≤≥ think about what the writer is trying to convey. §ØÆï¥ Ø∂•≤µ≥• Ø∏π≠Ø≤ØÆ °≥ ° ¨©¥•≤°≤𠧕∂©£•ä 4®•≥• ¶©ßµ≤•≥ ض ≥∞••£® £°Æ •Æ®°Æ£• ° ≤•°§•≤ï≥ Too many uses of oxymoron can be either understanding of a concept, interpretation of a distracting or tedious for the reader. Their phrase, or enjoyment of language. dramatic effect is much more powerful with (•≤• °≤• ©Æ≥¥°Æ£•≥ ©Æ ∑®©£® ©¥ï≥ •¶¶•£¥©∂• sparing use. to use oxymoron in writing: Create Humor Oxymoron can be an excellent tool in creating humor for a reader. For example, if a 117 | P a g e

NOVATEUR PUBLICATIONS JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN No: 2581 - 4230 VOLUME 7, ISSUE 2, Feb. -2021 character is described as a man child, this your absence. Say it would be bad. ( Extract oxymoron calls up a humorous image of a child ¶≤Ø≠ !¢§µ¨¨° +°®®Ø≤ï≥ ò 4®• (•°§¨•≥≥ -°Æó ä that looks like a man or vice-versa. It is also The author portrayed and compact titled the comedic in terms of behavior, both in terms of story as ò4®• (•°§¨•≥≥ -°Æó ¶Ø≤ ¶Øب©≥®á a man acting like a child or a child behaving like thoughtless, ineffective hero. a man. The oxymoron in prose is less popular. As an illustration, we quote from the famous Indicate : novels of 1984 ¢π *ä /¨∂©≤ä ò7°≤ ©≥ peace. Oxymoron can also serve as a means of &≤••§Ø≠ ©≥ ≥¨°∂•≤πä )ßÆØ≤°Æ£• ©≥ ∞Ø∑•≤ó. elevated language when used to express a Where each part of the dystopian motto is a sense of irony. For example, oxymoron phrases combination of inconsistencies that allow the such as marital bliss, military writer to open his or her thoughts in the most intelligence, and business ethics, depending on obvious and memorable way. As well as how they are used as figures of speech, can be examples of such artistic techniques can serve effective literary devices to indicate irony. as popular Latin words. ò0≤•∞°≤• for war if you These word pairings are not inherently ∑°Æ¥ ∞•°£•óä opposite, but their individual concepts can Modern oxymorons. Oxymorons are seem contradictory when combined. often used in advertising, because they are a very effective tool for attention. Usually, they DISCUSSION: work because of their brightness and surprise. Hence, in the illogical connection that So, people know what kind of product they occurs between the determiner and the want to offer under a particular name or determinant, the main focus is on the slogan. Another important features of the use determiner, because the determinant reveals of oxymorons in the advertising process is their the meaning of the determinant. As the result easy remembering. of the relationship between the determiner and In Russian, authors generally use this method the determinant, an unexpected new meaning in a similar manner to enhance the stylistic emerges. This gives the image an emotional effects of speech. In this case, the oxymoron colour. will remain alive or understandable for Oxymorons also help to explain the ≤•°§•≤≥ä &Ø≤ •∏°≠∞¨•≥ã ò 2•≠°©Æ©Æß ¶Ø≤ ° ¨©∂©Æß contents of a whole large text. So some of the ó 4©≤©´¨©´ ±Ø¨§©±¨°≤© ¢π )ä4µ≤ß•ÆØ∂â ò 4®• writers and poets have taken their titles from ®ØÆ•≥¥ ¥®©•¶ ó (°¨Ø¨ Øïßï≤© ¢π &ä $Ø≥¥Ø•∂≥´©πâ the oxymoronsä )Æ£¨µ§©Æßá !¢§µ¨¨° +°®®Ø≤ï≥ ò ò 4®• ≤©£® ¢•ßß©Æß ó ,ä -°≤¥©ÆØ∂â ò The end of 4®• (•°§¨•≥≥ -°Æóá ò4®• 4®Øµ≥°Æ§ 0•Ø∞¨•óá ò ¥®• §•°§ ó ¢π $ä '°¨´Ø∂≥´©πä The De°§ "اπó ¢π '°¶µ≤ 'µ¨π°≠á ò 'ب§•Æ 7°¨¨ó ¢π %≤´©Æ 6Ø®©§Ø∂á /ä-µ´®¥Ø≤ï≥ ò 3¥ØÆ• CONCLUSION: ¶≤Ø≠ ¥®• (•°§ó °Æ§ ≠°Æπ ≠Ø≤•ä In conclusion, the volume of oxymorons )Æ ¥®• ≥¥Ø≤π ض !¢§µ¨¨° +°®®Ø≤ï≥ ò 4®• is one of the most compact, methodologically (•°§¨•≥≥ -°Æóá ¥®• ®•≤Ø©Æ• ض ¥®• ∑Ø≤´ powerful, pictorial means of incomparable &°´®≤©§§©Æ ∑Ø≤´≥ ∑©¥® ®©≥ ¶°¥®•≤ï≥ ∑Ø≤§≥á ÆØ¥ power. This method of non-logical division in his own. language serves to increase the effectiveness - Get a little trash out of the way. After and consistency of the text , to reveal the you entrance, ask first, if its light, say blessing content of the text in short and concise lines ض 'ا ∏°π≤©π°¥ä ) £°Æï¥ ≥¥°π ®Ø≠• ¢•£°µ≥• ض under humorous-satirical paint. 118 | P a g e

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