
Oxymoron definition and examples pdf

Continue Oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two seemingly contradictory and contradictory elements are compared. In the literature, oxymore, also known as oxymorons, often reveals a paradox. The word oxymoron itself is an oxymoron. It comes from the ancient Greek word oxumoron, a compound of the words oxus, which means sharp or kin and driction, which means blunt or stupid. So it means something like a wise stupidity. Oxymore often pairs words such as the combination of a new classic or a big sip, or a noun verb combination such as silent whistles. Oxymore can also be found in phrases or sentences that have a juxtaposition of contradictory concepts. The difference between an oxymoron and the paradox of oxymoron and paradox is very similar concepts, and the definition of an oxymoron states that sometimes they can represent a paradox. The difference is that the paradox is often used in literature to give unexpected ideas, while oxymoron does not necessarily lead to any idea. Paradoxes usually defy intuition in that they combine seemingly contradictory concepts to hint at a deeper truth. Oxymore, on the other hand, is often easy to understand meaning even while the terms involved are usually used to mean opposite things. Common examples of Oxymoron there are many examples of oxymoron that have become common phrases, such as: controlled chaos kill with the kindness of old news a small giant original instance even chances of an elevated subway there are also many known quotes that contain oxymorons, such as: I always avoid prophecy in advance, because it is a much better prophecy after the event has already occurred. - Winston Churchill Is a step forward, although there has been no progress. - President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt was nothing. Stolen. I had an honest thief. - Donald Trump We must believe in free will. We don't have a choice. - Isaac B. Singer I am a deeply superficial person. - Andy Warhol Other languages have promoted oxymore in English, such as the Chinese concept of yin-yang. The famous black and white round symbol, express yin-yang, shows a drop of white in black and side and, conversely, a little black in the white side. This means that even opposites contain a little each other. Thus, the yin-yang symbol is also a visual representation of the oxymoron. The Italian word pianoforte is also an oxymoron, in what the piano means quite and the forte means loudly. It was the original name of the instrument, which later became a piano (short for the original word). The meaning of oxymoron in literature Authors have used oxymore throughout the history of literature for many reasons. Sometimes an oxymoron can draw attention to the dual nature of an object or concept - something, for example, can be sweet and sad sad (Shakespeare famously wrote that partings are such sweet sorrows). This makes the reader think more deeply about the many meanings of experience. Oxymora can also simply present the concept in a new light to emphasize the author's work. Author Oscar Wilde used a lot of oxymores for comedic effect, and many of these statements entered the popular consciousness, like his statement I can resist anything but temptation. Examples of Oxymoron in literature Example #1 Alas, that love, whose gaze is muted until now, must, without eyes, see the paths to his will! Where are we going to have lunch? What fight was there? However, tell me no because I've heard it all. There's a lot to do with hate, but more with love. Why then, O fights love, Oh loving hatred, O nothing first created! About heavy lightness, serious vanity, deformed chaos of well-seeming forms! Feather lead, bright smoke, cold fire, poor health, still waking sleep, that's not what it is! This love feel like I am, that I don't feel love in it. Shakespeare used many examples of oxymoron in his works, and his famous tragic play contains several oxymors. Only in this one short passage there are many back-to-back oxymors. For example, examples of oxymoron are loving hatred, heavy lightness, lead pen, bright smoke, cold fire and ill health. Same slightly longer lines: Nothing from nothing, Missapen chaos is well of seeming forms, and this love feel like I feel that I don't feel love in it. An interesting function of these many oxymore is to illustrate the difficult dualities of love and the extremes that a person can feel when in love. The theme of Romeo and Juliet is, of course, that tragic love and very relationship of two oxymoron lovers, as Juliet says: My only love arose from my only hatred! An example of #2 down close blackout bands they sang their way to the siding shed, and lined up on a train with darkly gay faces. Their breasts are stuck all white with a wreath and spray like men are dead. In this poem by Wilfred Owen, soldiers prepare for war. They try to put on a good face as the public sends them, but they know that they are heading into uncertainty and terror. Thus, their faces are darkly gay - an oxymoron, but certainly understandable given the circumstances. An example of #3 as far as faith is concerned, I can believe in anything, provided it's absolutely incredible. (Oscar Wilde's Dorian Gray picture) Oscar Wilde, as mentioned above, liked to use oxymore in his works for comedic effect. In this case, the oxymoron is created by matching believe and incredible. The word incredible etymologically comes from a negative credible which Believable. So Wilde basically wrote that his character would believe everything you can't believe in. It adds to the feeling of character having something wild imagination and being uninterested in everything that is too simple. An example #4 all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. (George Orwell's Animal Farm) In George Orwell's famous satire Animal Farm, the animals kick out human owners and try to run the farm themselves. At first, Chief Napoleon creates seven commandments for them, the most important of which is All animals are equal. However, over time, the commandments begin to change, just as Napoleon's behavior towards other animals begins to change. In the end he changes this key commandment to the quote above: All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Of course, this new commandment is one of the many examples of oxymoron in the new system of leadership. Some animals being more equal than others are not actually possible, according to the first half of the statement. Orwell used this quote precisely to emphasize the hypocrisy of the Russian Revolution. He wrote to Animal Farm to criticize the form of communism adopted in Russian language after the revolution, showing that there really is no real equality in the new system. Test your knowledge of Oxymoron 1. Which of the following statements is the best definition of oxymoron? A. Absolutely meaningless pairing words that make no sense when used together. B. A figure of speech in which seemingly contradictory terms are compared. C. A silly phrase that is cliched and banal. The answer to the question #1 Show is the right answer. A is not correct, since oxymore does make sense and can be understood as meaning. 2. Which of the following statements is an example of an oxymoron? A. Deliberate error B. Rotten Banana C. Stupid idiot Answer to the question #2 Show'lt;/qgt; The answer: A is the right answer. The mistake, by definition, is that a person does not want to do, while intentional is the opposite. However, one can imagine how this situation might arise, for example, if a spender makes an accounting error in order to confuse the flow of funds. 3. Which of the following words, following the word partial, create an oxymoron? A. Silence B. Success of K. Ceasefire D. All of the above answer to the question #3 Show'lt;/gt; Answer: D is the correct answer, as all of these concepts mean completeness to them. For example, there is either no ceasefire or no cease-fire; he's either silent or he's not. However, it is easy to imagine situations for all these oxymores, such as a project that has been successful in some respects and not in others. 4. Which of the following lines from Shakespeare's Sonnet 72 an example of an oxymoron? A. There is nothing worthy in me to prove B. Unless you come up with some virtuous lie S. My name will be buried, where my body is answered to #4 show' Although it may sound like, a no-oxymoron is not what you can call your little brother when he's bugging you. Rather, oxymoron is a cool literary device that you can use in your creative writing. We'll go through what an oxymoron is, and then we'll show you four oxymoron examples from pop culture and literature. We'll also provide you with an extensive list of oxymorons so you can get a better feel for what oxymorons look and sound like. What is Oxymoron? Oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two seemingly contradictory or opposing ideas to create a certain rhetorical or poetic effect and reveal a deeper truth. Typically, ideas will come as two separate words side by side. The most common type of oxymoron is an adjective followed by a noun. One of the oxymoron example is the deaf silence that describes silence, which is so overwhelming it almost feels deafening, or very loud, just as the actual sound will be. Oxymorons are often used in everyday conversation and in the breadth of writing, such as literature, poetry and songwriting. You may have heard of another literary device called a paradox that is similar but not identical to an oxymoron. Although oxymoron is a combination of two contradictory/opposite words in one sentence, the paradox is an entire phrase/sentence that seems contradictory, but, in further investigation, may be true or plausible. One of the most famous examples of paradox is the sentence: This statement is false. If this allegation is really false as it says, then it will actually make it true. But if the statement is true, then it may not be false, despite what he claims to be! Now, don't let your brain start to get sick just yet - in the next, we'll look at examples of oxymoron in sentences from literature and pop culture. 4 Oxymoron Examples and Analysis Now that we've gone through that oxymoron, let's take a closer look at four known examples of oxymoron in sentences to better understand how this literary device actually works. Note: All bold accent in the following quotes is my own. Oxymoron Example 1 Goodnight, Goodnight! Having shown such sweet grief that I will say good night until tomorrow. - , Romeo and Juliet This famous quote from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet contains no less An oxymoron. In this scene, Juliet utters the phrase sweet sorrow to describe the feeling she has when she needs to say goodbye to Romeo. While the adjective Sweet evokes dizzying, romantic emotions, the word sadness evokes to mind much less much more depressing aspect of having to say goodbye to someone you wouldn't want to leave. So, as the oxymoron suggests, this scene is happy because Juliet and Romeo are in love, but it's also sad because they have to say goodbye and can't stay together all night. Oxymoron Example 2 I went through with a nod to the headOr polite meaningless words, or lingered for a while and saidPolite meaningless words, and thought before I didNe mocking story or gibeTo please companionAround fire in the club, Being sure that they and IBut lived where the motley wear: Everything changed completely: Terrible beauty is born. - William Butler Yeats, Easter 1916 This passage from the famous poem by the Irish poet William Butler Yeats Easter 1916 has a prominent oxymoron of terrible beauty that repeats again at the end of the poem. The main theme of this poem is the 1916 Easter Rising in Dublin, an event during which numerous Irish nationalists rebelled against the British government in Ireland. Violent manifestation eventually led to thousands of deaths and injuries. Despite the terrible things that have happened and many lives lost, Yeats uses the term beauty to draw attention to the positive ideals of independence that have gained ground as a result of this event: this desire for self-government is what spurred the Irish War of Independence just a few years later. In this sense, the uprising was both terrible (in that it led to death) and beautiful (in their romantic aspirations for independence). The following example of the oxymoron is about the tragic love affair between the queen Guinevere and Sir Lancelot. Oxymoron Example 3 And peradventure if he had seen her firstShe might have made this and another world In a different world for a sick person; But now the shackles of old love are constrained by him, his honor is rooted in the dishonor of standing, and the faith of the infidel has kept him falsely true. - Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Lancelot and Elaine in the idylls of King Et stroph, from Lord Tennyson's retelling of the tale of King Arthur, uses several oxymorons for poetic effect and as a way to emphasize the riddle in which Lancelot, the most faithful knight and friend of Arthur, finds himself. Oxymorons here point to Lancelot's contradictory existence with regard to his relationship with both Guinevere and King Arthur: Lancelot is a faithful and honorable lover of Guinevere, but also a infidel and dishonest knight of King Arthur, Guinevere's husband, whom he essentially betrays by having a love affair with the queen. Oxymoron Sample 4 'Because all the meLoves are all of youLoves love your curves and all your edgesAll your perfect flawsGive everything so I give everything to you Your end and my beginnings Your way when I lose I win - John Legend, All of you You are my end and my beginningsRew, I Lose I Win - John Legend, All Of These lines come from the 2013 hit song All of Me, recorded by John Legend. The lyrics of this powerful piano ballad use several oxymorons. With the first oxymoron, the perfect flaws, the speaker makes clear what his lover's flaws are ultimately, making her the perfect partner for him. The other two oxymorons emphasize the fact that no matter how sad or defeated the speaker is, there will always be a silver lining that he is with the love of his life. A list of 50 Oxymorons you can use below, we provide you with an extensive list of oxymorons. These 50 oxymoron examples are listed in alphabetical order and are categorized (i.e. the type of oxymoron combination of words). Feel free to look through this extensive list of oxymoron examples if you need an oxymoron for something you're writing, or if you just want to learn some of the most common ones. One Word - Connection-Word Oxymorons Bittersweet Frenemy (Friend - Enemy) Love-Hate Adjective - Noun Bigger/ Big Half Controlled Chaos Crash Landing Brutal Kindness Deafening Silence Determined By Chance Deliberate Error Even Chances Accurate Score Fine Mess Stupid Mess Friendly Fire Friendly Enemy Hateful Love Heavy Honest Living Dead Loud Whisper Loving Hate Old News Open Secret Sweet Suffering Sweet Suffering Sweet Sorrow The Terrible Beauty True lies True Myth Impartial Opinion Virtue Of Lies Wakeful Sleep Walking Dead Working Holiday /Vacation Adverb - Adverb One Together Terribly Well Definitely Undecided True True Absolutely Imperfect Completely ImperfectLy Funny StrangeLy Familiar StrangeLy Horrible beyond oxymorons and paradoxes? Then check out our in-depth guide to the 31 literary devices you need to know. Oxymorons are an excellent, thought-provoking tool for use in writing, but they are certainly not the only device you have to work with. Learn all about effective images and what impersonation is with our expert guides. Preparing for the AP literature test? Then you will need to know what to expect on the day of the exam, including what questions you will be asked and how much time you will have. Have. oxymoron definition and examples in literature

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