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ENDRI BJIR SHTATOR 2016.Indd ISSNISSN 2410-759X 2410-759X BalkanBalkan Journal Journal of Interdisciplinary of Interdisciplinary Research Research Vol. 2 No. 2 1 Acces onlineonline at at www.iipccl.org www.iipccl.org IIPCCLIIPCCL Publishing, Publishing, Tirana-Albania Tirana-Albania September,May, 20162016 No silver bullet in international development Fabio Daneri University of New York Tirana Abstract Development economics has started to propose solutions to the problem of development INTENATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR PRIVATE th in underdeveloped countries sinceCOMMERCIAL the 17 AND century. COMPETITION Over LAW time, various solutions have been (IIPCCL) proposed by many diff erent development researchers and economists. Most of these solutions have the common IIPCCLcharacteristic PUBLISHING, of looking for TIRANA-ALBANIA a so-called “silver bullet” to the problem of development, that is to say a single solution to be applied to all underdeveloped countries, which over time might be freedom, foreign aid, good governance or other single approach. The purpose of this paper is to argue that, being development generally intended as a sort of “adequate level of production of goods and services by public and private subjects in a given country”, the solution to the problem of development cannot be a single one, given that the basic theory of production in economics in based on 4 factors of production (entrepreneurship, labor, capital and land), so that the level and quality of these 4 factors and all the sub- factors infl uencing them (such as the climate in the case of land or the culture in the case of entrepreneurship) will be the real responsible for the development process in a country. Keywords:Balkan International Journal development, of Interdisciplinary development economics, factors of Research production, foreign aid, freedom. ISSN 2410-759X (print) Introduction ISSN 2411-9725 (online) The search for a solution to the problem of underdevelopment continues as usual, probably with even more a ention from the public opinion. If the fi rst theories concerning development economics can be traced back to 17 th century, with the emerging theories of mercantilism, the subject has continued to a ract the interest of academics and researchers, up to today’s theories on neoclassical economics and Amartya Sen’s works on development issues. Recently, the academic debate has acquired an even higher public relevance. The United Nations haveVol startedVol. 2, No. to2, draw No.2 - Septemberpeople’s 1 May a ention 2016 2016 through the Sustainable Development Goals and the general debate on developing countries. Star professors such as Jeff rey Sachs and William Easterly have published books, mainly aimed at the general public, such as “The end of poverty: economic possibilities for our time” by Jeff rey Sachs and “The elusive quest for growth: economists’ adventures and misadventures in the Tropics” by William Easterly. The public debate has been additionally enhanced by the involvement in the development fi eld of new important and emerging philanthropists, such as for example Bill Gates, with the activities implemented through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has called the a ention of both donors and media due to the public position held by Mr. Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda. What do these approaches have in common? Is there any tendency that we may consider as relevant in the recent debate? Actually, there is one point that isTirana, of great Albania relevance, 2016 especially in recent approaches for the underdevelopment 1 ISSNISSN 2410-759X2410-759X BalkanBalkan Journal Journal of Interdisciplinary of Interdisciplinary Research Research Vol.Vol. 2 2 No.No. 21 AccesAcces online atat www.iipccl.orgwww.iipccl.org IIPCCLIIPCCL Publishing, Publishing, Tirana-Albania Tirana-Albania September,May, 2016 VolVol. 2, No.2, No. 2 - September1 May 2016 2016 2 ISSNISSN 2410-759X2410-759X BalkanBalkan Journal Journal of Interdisciplinary of Interdisciplinary Research Research Vol.Vol. 2 2 No.No. 12 AccesAcces online atat www.iipccl.orgwww.iipccl.org IIPCCLIIPCCL Publishing, Publishing, Tirana-Albania Tirana-Albania September,May, 2016 Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research VolVol 2, 2,No. No. 2 - 1 September - May 2016 2016 ISSN 2410-759X (print) ISSN 2411-9725 (online) About the Journal Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research is an international peer- reviewed journal published three times a year by International Institute for Private, Commercial and Competition Law. The need for different approaches in science, such as in business, economics, law, social sciences and other fields is a must in the whole field of scientific research. Academics, Professors, Researchers, Students and the whole world is in a new era of communication, which causes fast changes and gives birth to scientific and cultural debates. Our Journal is interested in promoting the exchange of idea, and to bring together researchers and academics from all over the countries. In this sense, we welcome papers not only in the above cited fields, but also in other fields of scientific research. Welcome to BJIR , which is open for the academic world, universities, research institutions, PhD students, academic and non-academic researchers. Aiming at scientific excellence and quality, this journal will promote the best inputs in scientific- and academic research, on the prospective of local, international, global developments in business, economics, law, social-, but also natural sciences. All manuscripts will be double blind peer reviewed by the members of the editorial board who are noted experts in the appropriate subject area. Editor in Chief , Prof. assoc. Dr. PhD (Uni Graz) Endri Papajorgji Tirana Business University (Albania) 33 ISSNISSN 2410-759X2410-759X BalkanBalkan Journal Journal of Interdisciplinary of Interdisciplinary Research Research Vol.Vol. 2 2 No.No. 21 AccesAcces online atat www.iipccl.orgwww.iipccl.org IIPCCLIIPCCL Publishing, Publishing, Tirana-Albania Tirana-Albania September,May, 2016 Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Editor in Chief, Prof.assoc. Dr. PhD (Uni Graz) Endri Papajorgji Tirana Business University International Editorial Board Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wolfbauer Prof. Dr. Ilia Kristo Montanuniversitaet Leoben (Austria) University of Tirana (Albania) Prof. Dr. Rajmonda Duka Prof. Dr. Azem Hajdari University of Tirana (Albania) University of Pristina (Kosovo) Prof. Dr. Horst-Dieter Westerhoff Prof. Dr. Abdylmenaf Bexheti Universität Duisburg-Essen (Germany) University of SEEU (Macedonia) Dr. Afërdita Berisha-Shaqiri Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud University of Pristina (Kosovo) University of East Anglia, London (UK) Dr. Mladen Andrlic Prof. Dr. Lindita Milo-Lati Croatian Diplomatic Academy (Croatia) University of Tirana (Albania) Prof. Ass. Dr. Naim Baftiu Dr. Hans-Achim Roll University of Prizren (Kosovo) Rechtsanwalt (Germany) Prof. Dr. Iraj Hashi Prof. Ass. Dr. Evis Kushi Staffordshire University (UK) University of Elbasan (Albania) Prof. Dr. Nabil Ayad Prof. Dr. Mimoza Karagjozi (Kore) University of East Anglia, London (UK) University of Tirana (Albania) Dr. Eda Bezhani Prof. Em. Heinz Dieter Wenzel University of Durres (Albania) University of Bamberg (Germany) Prof. Ass. Dr. Arsena Gjipali PhD (Argosy University) Gerti Dajçi University of Tirana (Albania) Tirana Business University (Albania) Prof. Dr. Bektash Mema Dr. Sasha Dukoski University of Gjirokastra (Albania) University of Bitola (Macedonia) 4 ISSN 2410-759X Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Vol. 2 No. 1 ISSN 2410-759X Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Vol. 2 No. 2 Acces online at www.iipccl.org IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania May, 2016 Acces online at www.iipccl.org IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania September, 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Informimi i të miturit si aspekt procedurial dhe sigurimi i mbrojtjes të tyre kur janë viktimë e trafikimit, shfrytëzimit ose abuzimit seksual ........................8 Editor in Chief, Prof.assoc. Dr. PhD (Uni Graz) Endri Papajorgji Adriatik Llalla Tirana Business University International Editorial Board Reinsurance as a technique for risk management of insurance companies in Macedonia .................................................................................................................17 Stevcho Mecheski Slagjana Topuzoska Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wolfbauer Prof. Dr. Ilia Kristo Montanuniversitaet Leoben (Austria) University of Tirana (Albania) Rëndësia e rajonit të Lindjes së Mesme dhe ndikimi i tij global .......................23 Ayman Gad El ashkar Prof. Dr. Rajmonda Duka Prof. Dr. Azem Hajdari University of Tirana (Albania) University of Pristina (Kosovo) How did the Lisbon Treaty simplify the “jungle” of comitology? ....................35 Xheni Ndreka Prof. Dr. Horst-Dieter Westerhoff Prof. Dr. Abdylmenaf Bexheti Universität Duisburg-Essen (Germany) University of SEEU (Macedonia) Parajsat fiskale ..............................................................................................................45 Andi Meçja Dr. Afërdita Berisha-Shaqiri Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud Ilindena Sotirofski University of Pristina (Kosovo) University of East Anglia, London (UK) Marketing activities for tourism development of thermal baths in Kosovo ....51 Dr. Mladen Andrlic Prof. Dr. Lindita Milo-Lati Stevcho Mecheski Croatian Diplomatic Academy (Croatia) University of Tirana (Albania) Hysen Sogojeva Dr. Hans-Achim Roll Prof. Ass. Dr. Naim Baftiu The management of geosites in Durres ...................................................................72
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