2 February 18, 2019 DOMESTIC NEWS

FM Qureshi Promises to Fully Cooperate in Investigation Iran Summons Pakistani The idolaters have Kayhan Group of Ambassador Over Terror Attack no right to visit the mosques of Allah while bearing witness to unbe- Editorial Dept. Tel.: 33911561, 33110251-9 lief against themselves, Ext.: 2334, 2336, 2337 these it is whose doings are null, and in the fire Advertising Dept.: 33110251-9 Ext. 2336 shall they abide. Subscription Ext.: 2322 The Holy Qur’an (9.17) Facsimile: 33114228 & 33111120 Website: www.kayhan.ir/en E-mail: [email protected] PRAYER TIMINGS P.O. Box: 11365/9631 Noon (Zohr) 12:18 Address: Martyr Shah Cheraghi Street, Ferdowsi Avenue, Evening(Maghreb) 18:07 Tehran – Islamic Republic of Iran Dawn(Fajr)“ Tomorrow” 05:24 Sunrise “Tomorrow” 06:48 In the Name of the Most High level of cooperation” between the Viewpoint neighboring countries. Pakistan condemned Wednes- day’s attack and its foreign min- ister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, spoke with his Iranian counterpart, Impending Doom of the Muhammad Javad Zarif, by phone on Sunday to assure him that Paki- stan would fully cooperate in the Treasonous Arab Regimes Iranians gather around the coffins of IRGC members martyred in a terrorist car bombing, during the investigation, according to two By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer funerals in Isfahan, February 16, 2019. government officials who spoke TEHRAN (Dispatches) -- Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps tion Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khame- on condition of anonymity as they Terrified of their impending doom and horrified at the failure foreign ministry on Sunday sum- (IRGC) travelling on a bus in the nei has said the perpetrators of were not authorized to brief media. of the world’s most macabre terrorists to dent the power of the moned the Pakistani ambassador af- southeastern province of Sistan Wednesday’s attack are linked to Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani Resistance Front, leaders and senior officials of the rootless ter Tehran said Islamabad harbored and Baluchistan, which straddles “the spying agencies of some re- meanwhile vowed “revenge for Arab regimes which do not represent the people they rule, have a terrorist group behind a deadly the border with Pakistan. gional and trans-regional coun- the blood of these martyrs,” in re- suicide attack on security forces last The attack was claimed by the Al- tries”. marks broadcast Sunday on state become open traitors to the Arab Muslim nation, by overtly dal- week. Qaeda-linked outfit Jaish ul-Adl. Parliament Speaker Ali Lari- TV. “They cannot escape God’s lying with ringleaders of the illegal Zionist regime in spitting “The Islamic Republic of Iran ex- IRGC commander Major General jani said Sunday the attack was and Iranian people’s vengeance,” venom at the Islamic Republic of Iran. pects Pakistan’s government and Muhammad Ali Jafari on Saturday “planned and carried out from Rouhani said. The recent meeting in Warsaw ripped off the fig leaf, mak- army to seriously confront ... the blamed Pakistan’s army and Inter- inside Pakistan,” which he said Foreign Ministry spokesman terrorist groups active on its bor- Services Intelligence agency for should answer for it. Bahram Qasemi said Iran “explic- ing the treasonous Arab leaders stand naked in the mirror of der with Iran,” the foreign ministry sheltering the Takfiri terrorists. “The Pakistani government itly conveyed” to the Pakistani history along with the racist child-killer Benjamin Netanyahu. said in a statement. “The government of Pakistan should be accountable for this act ambassador that Tehran expects The blundering US administration of Donald Trump had ar- An Iranian official at the ministry must pay the price of harboring involving the group orchestrating Islamabad and its military “to ranged the two-day gathering in the Polish capital, to allow called on Pakistan to quickly take these terrorist groups and this price and conducting the operation from make a serious and decisive ac- the necessary steps for the identi- will undoubtedly be very high,” their territory,” Larijani said during tion” against the Jaish ul-Adl and the Zionists and the to share the same podium, the same fication and arrest of the attack’s Jafari told mourners gathered at a session of parliament. its base inside its territory, Mehr thoughts, the same fears, the same table, the same meals, the perpetrators. funerals for the dead in the city of Larijani said Pakistan “cannot act news agency reported. same hotel, and the same what not, so that the Palestinian The terrorist bombing on Wednes- Isfahan. irresponsibly”, adding that “such Qasemi also said that the foreign cause could be openly ditched and a new front formed against day martyred 27 members of Iran’s Leader of the Islamic Revolu- behavior will severely damage the (Continued on Page 7) the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Arab public is obviously angry at the betrayal of Islam Nasrallah: U.S., Israel Aware of Iran War Consequences and national pride as was evident by demonstrations through- out Yemen, where people despite the Saudi-UAE war that has BEIRUT (Dispatches) -- Hezbollah Secretary Nasrallah said the U.S. and the occupying re- against Yemen was a plot hatched by Washing- split the tribes and the country, unanimously denounced the General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has said a recent gime of Israel will fail to undermine Iran which ton and Tel Aviv, but being carried out by the conspiracy. U.S. conference in Warsaw was an attempt in vain has been thriving over the past four decades Riyadh and Abu Dhabi regimes. to smother the Palestinian cause and isolate Iran. since the Islamic Revolution against all the The Hezbollah chief also hit out at former U.S. Khaled al-Yamani, the self-styled foreign minister of the Sau- “The Warsaw conference (held on February odds. president Barack Obama and former secretary di-UAE backed fugitive Mansour Hadi, went out of his way to 13-14) did not give us a scare at all. Its primary “Having failed in their projects, of state Hillary Clinton for the creation of the appease Netanyahu by giving his own microphone to the Zion- goals were to isolate Iran, mobilize support for the U.S. and Israel orchestrated the Warsaw Daesh terrorist group, saying the current “hyp- ist mass murderer, whose microphone apparently didn’t work. normalization of ties with Israel and pull the conference in the hope of playing out another ocrite” U.S. President Donald Trump is now plug on the Palestinian cause, given the fact that scenario. Such conferences will have no effect seeking to declare victory over the terror outfit. A statement issued by the popular Ansarallah Movement in no Palestinian delegate was among the attend- on Iran as it continues to get stronger at all lev- “This is while Americans created Al-Qaeda denunciation of these developments, said: “Al-Yamani’s act of ees,” he said. els.” themselves and then claimed to have eliminated sitting next to Netanyahu reflects the national treachery and Nasrallah said the Tel Aviv regime’s ties with Nasrallah also said, “Washington and Tel Aviv it. They emboldened Saddam Hussein and sup- moral bankruptcy of the Saudi-led regime.” both the United Arab Emirates and Oman were are well aware of the fact that a military con- plied him with various weapons of mass de- no more clandestine, adding a key aim of the frontation with Iran would not be an easy task struction, and one day got rid of him over alle- Condemnation also came from other prominent voices in the Poland event was to publicize Saudi Arabia’s to accomplish.” gations that he had developed such munitions,” West - region. Award-winning Egyptian jour- ties with the occupying regime of Israel. “Millions of Iranian men, women and children Nasrallah said. nalist and documentary filmmaker, Assaad Taha, tweeted: “By “Bahraini Foreign Minister Khalid bin Ahmed took to the streets on the 40th anniversary of the Nasrallah said the anti-Israel resistance front is God, these people (the Arab friends of Israel) are not from us Al Khalifah sat close to (Zionist PM Benjamin) 1979 Islamic Revolution to send a strong mes- the party that defeated Daesh, emphasizing that Netanyahu in the Warsaw conference because sage to the U.S. and Israel that they are support- U.S. statesmen are jumping on the bandwagon at all.” the Bahraini regime is part of the U.S.-Israeli ing their establishment,” he said. in a bid to claim the victory. Thanks God, with the mask of hypocrisy removed, Saudi Ara- equation in the region,” he said. Nasrallah said the ongoing military aggression (Continued on Page 7) bia, the UAE, Bahrain, , Bahrain, Jordan, Oman and other client regimes, have already earned the hatred of the Arab-Muslim people, because of such acts of treachery. Spiegel: MKO Practicing Brutal Daesh Tactics Netanyahu couldn’t hide his joy at ensnaring the Arab re- BERLIN (Dispatches) -- Members cell phones, clocks, or calendars, olution, about 12,000 have fallen mour Hersh reported in 2012 that of the terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Or- the report said, adding some of victim to MKO’s acts of terror. a number of MKO members had gimes in the American made trap, when he said: “It was a his- ganization (MKO) are learning how them are active in construction In 2012, the U.S. State Depart- been secretly trained by the United toric turning point. In a room of some 60 foreign ministers to inflict horrific bodily injuries at work while some others sit behind ment removed the MKO from its States Joint Special Operations and representatives of dozen of governments, an Israeli prime a camp in , ’s Der computers to post fake news about list of designated terrorist organi- Command (JSOC) at the Depart- minister and the foreign ministers of leading Arab countries Spiegel weekly has revealed. Iran on Twitter and Facebook or zations under intense lobbying by ment of Energy’s Nevada National The published in- enlist new members via Telegram. groups associated to Saudi Arabia Security Site, a secretive training stood together and spoke with unusual force, clarity and unity terviews with 15 former MKO The MKO is listed as a terrorist and other regimes adversarial to facility northwest of Las Vegas, in against the common threat of the Iran.” elements who said the cult-like organization by much of the inter- Iran. a program that began in 2005 and Does Iran threaten the Arab people? No. group practices “cutting throats national community. Its members A few years ago, MKO members purportedly ended “sometime be- Is Israel a friend of the Arab people? Again No. with knives, breaking hands, tear- fled Iran in 1986 for Iraq, where were relocated from their Camp fore President Obama took office.” Can the US and the Zionists join together to save the tottering ing eyes, tearing the corners of they received support from former Ashraf in Iraq’s Diyala province Hersh also cited an NBC report mouths” three times a week. dictator Saddam Hussein. to Camp Hurriyet, a former U.S. — itself citing “two senior Obama rule of the British created rulers? No, yet again. It said 2,000 members of the ter- The notorious outfit has carried military base in Baghdad, and were Administration officials” — that Then why are the region’s unrepresentative Arab rulers sell- ror group are living in the camp, out numerous attacks against Ira- later sent to Albania. said MKO “units... financed and ing their souls to the Satan, when they could have saved them- which is situated 35 kilometers nian civilians and government of- Former members have revealed trained by Mossad, the Israeli se- selves by heeding the friendly advice of Iran by avoiding mis- from the Albanian capital Tirana, ficials for several decades. MKO’s scandalous sources of cret service” had been involved in and is 50 times the size of a soc- Out of the nearly 17,000 Iranians money, almost exclusively coming the assassination of four Iranian nu- chief and allowing liberties and democratic rule to the masses cer field. killed in terrorist assaults since the from Saudi Arabia. clear scientists and an attempted at- they rule. They do not have access to victory of Iran’s 1979 Islamic Rev- U.S. investigative journalist Sey- tack on another one after 2007.