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192 Comments GAZA AID CONVOY June 03, 2010 chedet.co.cc 1. The Israelis claim that the activists on the M.V. Mavi Marmara had attacked their commandos with guns, iron rods, scissors and pointed sticks. 2. The last time Free Gaza sent a small boat to take relief supplies to Gaza, Israeli commandos boarded it and towed it to Ashdod. 3. The activists must know that the same thing might happen to them. But it is ridiculous to suggest that the civilian activists planned to fight against the well-armed and well-trained Israelis. 4. Claiming that the activists attacked the commandos first is equally ridiculous. The forces ranged against them were powerful and enormous, capable of sinking their boats. The Israelis have been known to ram supply boats with their armoured naval vessels. What is clear is that the Israeli's were the ones to attack first by dropping their commandos from the helicopter. 5. The Israelis claim that the activists seized the pistols belonging to the commandos. Again this is ridiculous. These are trained soldiers, wearing protective armour and most certainly skilled in unarmed combat. It is most unlikely that raw activists can disarm and seize the guns of the black-suited commandos. 6. In any case, shooting with live bullets against a group of civilians probably armed with wooden sticks is unjustified. The hazy pictures shown by the Israel propagandist of rods being used may not be iron rods at all. They could be wooden sticks as the pictures are dark silhouettes which cannot be identified as activists or soldiers. 7. Our Malaysian reporter who has been released and is in Jordan tells of wooden sticks and water jets from fire-hoseswhich were used by the activists. His story is much more credible. But knowing the Israelis, they will continue to lie about their criminal acts even if they are seen to be committing them by the whole world. 8. Incidentally, the Rachel Corrie is named after a brave 23 year old American girl who stood in front of a bulldozer which was about to destroy a Palestinian house. The Israeli operator of the bulldozer simply ran over her and killed her. This is the standard behaviour of Israelis. The much condemned Chinese faced with the same situation, stopped his tank. 9. It is no surprise that the Israeli commandos would readily kill unarmed civilians. This is the degree of their arrogance. Their sufferings during the holocaust has not made them better humans. They are worse than the Nazis. 192 Comments Assallammualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarokatuh.. Semoga mendapat izin dan perkenan Tun.. Tun..what is so difficult to manages is this kind of gentleman who is refines in his attitude an application.The danger in this kind of approach is so appealing to masses of the people and the people of the masses.I really hope his conduct is more like our "Cultured Prof Azmi"..Nevertheless..here goes.. [[That was your question. But I already explained to you that Prophet Ibrahim was the first person to do Salat.]] You were wrong Encik Abdul Aziz.The first person who performs solah is Prophet Adam a.s.The subuh prayer's. [[You just said that Quran is not specific. When God stated clearly, that it is fully detailed.]] Again.You were wrong.Here is something for your dear perusal. AN Nur [32] Dan kahwinkanlah orang-orang bujang (lelaki dan perempuan) dari kalangan kamu, dan orang-orang yang soleh dari hamba-hamba kamu, lelaki dan perempuan. Jika mereka miskin, Allah akan memberikan kekayaan kepada mereka dari limpah kurniaNya kerana Allah Maha Luas (rahmatNya dan limpah kurniaNya), lagi Maha Mengetahui. How does Allah explains marriage in Quran explicitly? And how does Muslim get's married? According to Rasullulah s.a.w decree or according to iKOS?? Ikut Kepala Otak Sendiri?? [[I am very sincere with you brother Wajaperak to make you understand and be as polite as I can. But I know it is very hard to explain because you do not read the Koran. If you read, God will guide you because He is the teacher of the Koran]] Ha..ha..How to respond to this..bro?..I read Quran daily almost 30 words per day..But the very essence of Al Quran is not read like when read "mathematic".You cannot read mathematic..You have to understand the arimethic in part of the equation..More so AL Quran.. [[Can you imagine if the whole Muslim population and anyone out there would read Quran and study it, how powerful would it be? How much blessing will God give upon us? You ever asked that yourself?]] They did..are doing and ever will do..But the outcome is not what most "layman" care to imagine.Most saw achievement in something they can show..In Islam the supreme and divine knowledge is in something that you can Reproduce. [[When Abraham implored God in 14:40, he did not ask for wealth or health; the gift he implored for was: "Please God, make me one who observes the contact prayers (Salat)." The religious duties instituted by God are in fact a great gift from Him. They constitute the nourishment required for the growth and development of our Souls. Without such nourishment, we cannot survive the immense energy associated with God's physical presence on the Day of Judgment. Belief in God does not by itself guarantee our redemption; we must also norish our souls (6:158, 10:90-92). Additionally, 15:99 states that observing the religious duties instituted by God is our means of attaining certainty: "Worship your Lord in order to attain certainty."]] Abdul Aziz..I truly feels for you..My question is simple.And I will repeat it as simply as it is.. How..and how do you performs solah?.. Methodologically how from the command from Al Quran?..How?? [[The proof that Salat was already established through Abraham is found in 8:35, 9:54, 16:123, & 21:73.]] Again..you found the path in the middle..It was started from Nabi Adam a.s.Jibril's taught and showed Adam a.s how to do it explicitly.. [[God's law is God's law. You cannot play around with it. That is why I cannot rely on Hadith because it does not provide me authentic proof that whatever they wrote come from Muhammad. Muhammad;s duty was only to deliver the message which is the Koran. But not to explain the Koran. Because God says He is the teacher of the Koran. If Muhammad were to explain the Koran, then of course people are no longer worshiping God but instead worshiping Muhammad]] If I says your argument is childish you will surely angry at me..But look at the way you put forward your argument..Explains the way how muslim's consumated their marriages where you and I and everbody else "sprung" from this covenant. [[Hadith was written 200 years after Muhammad died. So how can you guarantee me that whatever is written in Hadith is true and correct? Can you prove that?]] You were wrong here Abdul Aziz.Hadith were not written.They were documented.Please see the different and the distinguish aspect Properly.Ask yourself truly.How were you borned? In Hospital? At home?..SVD? Caesarean? Forceps?..Who documented them? What is the narration in the case notes?..From the attendant? The nurse? The Doctor?..Who is the figure's of the authorities?..What malparctice take place or guaranteed not take place? Under whose jurisdiction this is allowed to happened? Under what Convention? And you truly believes you birth certificates saying and claiming that you are somebody,son of somebody..Why?..Why do you believe's this world "dictation"..rule,law's and regulation?..Why?..But at the same moment you queries Hadith that is more authentic than any of this world Instituition? DONT YOU GET IT??? [[I hope I asnwer your question. But you must also show me prove of my question from previous post]] You sure do that shows how much shallow is your argument. It is well established principle of Malaysian Criminal Law that the general burden of proof lays throughout the trial on the prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt the guilt of the accused for the offence with which he is charged.There is no similar burden placed on the accused to prove his or her innocence. Mine in accord. Tun like alway's someone will wonder what this all got anything to do with GAZA AID CONVOY the title of posting? Beat the hell of me too..:) Terima kasih Tun By azizAuthor Profile Page on June 21, 2010 6:48 PM A;kum Tun, Please allow me to reply to brother Wajaperak. By wajaperakAuthor Profile Page on June 19, 2010 1:26 PM Assallammualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarokatuh.. Semoga mendapat izin dan perkenan Tun.. Tun..may you allow the space and time to indulge me Encik Abdul Aziz. He will run out of steam soon..very soon. So..Encik Abdul Aziz..just answer's my very simplest question. Macam mana cara anda sembahyang? How do you perform daily prayer's? On what medium the command,rule's and regulation came to you? Al Quran does not state it as specific. How do you do it? Where is the documentation and how do you obtain it? Humour me. That was your question. But I already explained to you that Prophet Ibrahim was the first person to do Salat. Even before Muhammad was born. In this case, God protect the Salat according to His will. He does it the way He wanted it.
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