Brunner's-TV, 358 East 100 FEET of Painted Snow Fence, Desirable Heated 1948 Chevrolet Sedan Ter Street

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Brunner's-TV, 358 East 100 FEET of Painted Snow Fence, Desirable Heated 1948 Chevrolet Sedan Ter Street ^ESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1951 ATtraR* Dally Not Proio Roa ' ThoWhi . ram aft at «t V. 8,'W o mandf^Bt^r lEttBnins l|Bralb F4r thft Wft* BiOhlg Hartford; Parker Soren, 110 Oom- Otoodgr ttmm tog. Manchaatar tobaceo growara Pvt. Richard Bftrany, huaband Oght nrift a r OrlMli may caat tha|r halleta In th* rafnr- ot th* formar Rally A. Oilman of Honorary Chairman Ski (^lub Holding la invited (o attend and watch a ttock road: Michael Winter*, 88 10,412 andum ot prte* aupports and aere- Wall* atraat, haa computed hla 16- demonstration of skiing tech­ Wells atreet; Samuel Felice, 144 HALE'S HwreOfty. N* eOftagwl ag* control on Friday, Dae. 7, at weak baalc training coura* with Second Meeting niques. Those Interested In enter­ Highland atreet. the 5th Infantry Diviaioh at the ing the races should JlhAne Rich-- Admitted today: James Quiah. Word hM l>»«i r«ertv*d f t th» the Eaat Hartford Town Hall ManeheUer-^A City of Vilhgo Charm from • a. m. to 8 p. m. Indiantown Oap Military Reierva- ard Willi*. Glastonbury; Frederick Dutton. Headquarters Mrth of ft ton, Dmiflaa Hftrry. on tlon. The club'* first weekend outing Jr., 76 Bower* street. Sat. * to Mr. and Mi*. Robert The aecond monthl.v meeting of Mambava-of th* Ladiaa Aid So­ the Manchester Ski Club will take will take place the weekend of Discharged yesterday: David R Vug«> of LftnalnE. Jan. 11. Membera planning to go ru R (ClftaaUM AdvartMag *• Fftf* 38) MANCHESTER, CONNw WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1951 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE FIVE CENTS Iiftv* ft four-j(*«r-oW dabfhter. ciety of the Concordia Laitheran 8gt. Kannath M. Falthwaather place Wedneaday night, Dec. 12. at Wiley. 91 Chestnut street; Mary VOL. LXXI, NO. M Church are reminded to bring b of 88 Walker atreet wae among 8 o'clock, at th# Lodge in Center should bring a $5 deposit to the Cheney, 70 Hartford road; Rich­ ■Cftrblyn OrftC*. Mi*. Bugel U U>» Spring* Park. After a short bual- Dec. 12 meeting. (bnnor U jcIUo AKftrd> daufhter of grab bag gift to the Chriitma* the 4.777 combat vetarana from ard Soucy, Somers; baby boy Cur­ party to be held tonight at 7:80 at the Orient w’ho reached San Fran- nea* meeting conducted by Presi­ tin, 21.8 Center atreet; Stephen |lr*. Pftul Afftrd of *4 laurel r||*eo y8etef day Aboard a tranaport dent Gordon Filbig, there will be a ■treet th* church. Barningham. 28 Cornell street. Dr. Gibson, Lawyers (Confer which docked at Fort Maeon. En- five minute talk and Inatructlon . HospilaUNoles Discharged today: Mr*. Mar>- ■Dispute Fix The Alplna Society will hold a llellng In the regular army In Krp- on first aid by Karl Kehler, fol­ Kryaiak and son, 90 Diirant street; Oeorre S. KconomaWe. * native lember, 1946, Rgt. Fairweather lowed by Richard Willi* who will Oiriatmaa party tomorrow night A d m ltt^ yesterday: Louis George Herxog. Rockville; Mrs. of Ufypf ««• of preaent a etu- at 7 o'clock at the Italian-Ameri- waa In Korea at the outbreak of diaciiaa ski equipment and care. Fliiabeth Pongrat*. 219 Oak dent at ODlumbla Unlverelty. will hoatllitlea there. He waa asiigned Again there will be another in­ Miller, 28 Whitney drive: Robert Evidence in Volcano V Deaths Over 500 ean Chib on Eldridge atreet. Each teresting aki movie in color. Keefe. 21 Salter* road; Sharon street: Margaret Hlrth. Rockville; be tbe neet epeaker at the meet- member ia aaked to bring a prea­ lo the lOftth Finance Disburalng Mra. Rose Rvangeliata and son, 8.8 Inr of the Rotary Club at 7:S0 to­ Unit which la attached to Eighth At a special meeting of the Eldredge. 30 Westfield atreet; Mra. ent for the grab bag. Mary McDonald, 82 Spruce atreet; Oreen Manor- road; John f^eaeik, night at the Country Qub. He Army Headquarter*. hoard of director* of the aki club, 138 Broad street. leaa eecured by Carl P\iray, chair­ plana were made for a field day Mra. Florence ObuchowskI, 70 Tax Frauds man of the International commit­ 171# Holy Angela Mnthera Cir­ Wells atreet: Mra. Freda Haien, Birth today: A son to Mr. and cle will meet tomorrow night at TTie Willing Worker* group ot to be held In January at Mt. Nebo. Mra. George Hatxenhuhler, 199 tee. the South Methodlat W8CS will when an opportunity will be given ] West Wlllinglon; Patricia Donlon, Washington, Doc. 5—(A V - 8 o'clock at the home of Mr*. Clif­ to all claaaea of aki racers-to corn- 28 Flovyer street; Paul Lombardo, Hollister atreet. ford Rautenberg, 127 Hemlock meet in the ladle*' parlor of the Ranges, Refrigerator* The Democratie chairman of The D.U.V.C.W. will hold a atreet. church tomorrow afternoon at 2 a House committee looking meeting; tonight at 8 o'clock at 27 o'clock. Th# bualneaa meeting will be followed by a Chrlatmaa party Washers and Al! into charges of An attempted Allies Continue Red Quiz Maple Btreet. Announcement ia made of a Di­ $600,000 “tax fix shake- vine Circle lo be held at 'the and member* are aeked In bring a Other Appliances Lithuanian Social Club on Gol- .70-cent gift tor the grab-bag. Hoa- down” declared today there is . — . * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -— -------------------------- -------------------------------------------- -- way atreet Thuraday evening at teaae* will be Mra. Carrie Ander- no evidence that high govern aon, Mra. Marion Barrett and Mr*. the JW eiiA M eoii 8 o'clock. The apeakera will be Lftura Clark. ment officials were involved. William Brainard of tbia town William V. DeHan, chairman of aUMMMftTCft CMH* But Rep., King (D., Cftlif) and Madame Harriet Golden Get Answer 3/s^r. Stepinac Released Fear Lava, the Manchester Democratic Town acoMad T. Lamar Caudle, ousted 1 ^ ^ Freeman of New Haven. All are Th# W'omen'a l..eague of the Committee and a central commit­ (ormar aaaiatant Attorney Gen welcome. Second Congregational Church, oral, in ft atfttemant for Caudle'* which i* holding Ita . all-group teeman from Hartford County, is aaaoeifttion with Frank N athan- On Meaning Ash Cover The Wealey group of the South meeting tomorrow evening, ex­ honorary chairman of the annual tend* a cordial Inflation to the one of two men named by Chicft' Under Titovs Condition Methodlat CTuirch will meet to­ Democratic Christmas party, go lawyer Abraham Teitelbaum morrow evening at «;.70 for a pot public to attend the mualrale by which ia arhediiled to he held at small* aKsInat him, he condemned Com- Organist Warren D. Wood end the as having sought 8600,000 from Belgrade, YugoRlnvia, Dec.< i*'*' f*''* year* m a lurk aiipper. A talk on riiriatmaa the American Legion Home F ri­ him to "take care" of hi* tax Of ‘Neutral’ mimlem and pointed an accusing 10 Villages I j decoratlona by Mlaa Marjorie Ste- High School Round Table Singer*, day evening at 8 o’clock. The (/P) _ c o m m u n i.x t Y u g o -, iMliunt h opM avary in the sanctuary about 8:15. tioublM. finger *1. the roiirl, saying the phena of Vernon and a Chrlatmaa program will include a Chrlatmaa DOUBLE alavia today gave------ '*Msgr. — Former .trchhlahop Rep. Byrne* (R.. W ill, another ay from 8 A. M. uatil 4 party will b* enjoyed. Membera are grab hag. dancing by Rosalie olic't^iurcT'""*Msnila. Dec. 5-(/P)-The membera ot the House Ways and Muiifian,----------- . Korea. Dec. 1 ___Alojzijcj- .j- ___Stepinar•.................. hi.* condi-- ........ 88ie offlnal *t*temenl re- I! reminded to provide a .'SO-cent gift Orford Parish Chapter, DAR. Chapdelalne and singing bv Mar­ Caargea against Dr. OaaaM F. CUbaon (mater) a( Daahury, were . M. will meet Thuraday afternoon at Meana subcommittee, said King (IP)— Allied negotiators aoked'tjonal freedom, making it (erred to htm a* the "(ormei The Tiio regime often had said' Philippine Newa Service to- for exchange. The committee In- garet Falkowaki. Tony O'Bright DOUBLE dropped tills afternoon In connection with a manalanghter count In it would gladly release Magr night said mors than 600 rome In anytime Wedneaday cludea Mra. F,dlth MicCliiggage. 2;.70 at the home of Mra. Maurice will play hla marimba for danc­ was apeaking only for himself In the death af 74-yaar-eM RHaabeth Ayres, who left lilm $100,000 In questions for two hours and clear he could not with gov- Arrhbixhop.’ ii said Truatenitaer, 22 Phelp* road. A «|eclaring there waa no direct evl' a half at an Alice-in-Wonder­ Alojxije Slepinar. former Arch­ Stepinac If he would leave the bodies had been recovered and hoy the Mclgtoeh or Green­ Mra. Bernice Hilliard. Mra. Doro­ ing. All Democrat* are Invited dtnee of high government of- her will. Olhson waa aeeuaed of hastening her death by administer­ ernment approval resume ni* bishop of the Catholic CTiiirrh In country, never lo take the Arch- ing Apple* we feature In .1 lb. thy Miiea and Mra. Winnie Dexter. program of Chrialma* mualc, with to attend. ing dangeroim dfim** without "providing the safeguard which ahonld land Bort of Korean truce ses- from th* ash-fitrewn elopes Mr*, .lime Yeoman* Park aa gucat fleial* being involved. Bymee said duties «s Roman Crftholic Yiigotlavla, has been conditionally hlahop'a poet In Yugoslavia. There bftC* a t 48c a hag. I-nwer price* aeeompany theen." lie Is shown with hla lawyers Dnrid OoMaMn aion toda.v—and Rot the an­ Primate of YYiRoslavia. released. haa been Increasing preaaiir* In the of Hibok Hibok volcano on |>rev*ll on fre»h rrl*p Green anioiat.
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