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Volume 52, Number 1 Winter 2018 Doing Ethnomusicology vs. Being Ethnomusicology Gregory Barz, SEM President come an ethnomusicologist.” I stood back and watched our The title of my first column as SEM President might seem discipline performed and regenerated from one generation overly theoretical at best, detached and irrelevant at worst. to the next as a processual development—one can be Being ethnomusicology (or, by extension, being an ethno- ethnomusicology only by first doing ethnomusicology (see musicologist) is all too frequently conflated with doing eth- Nettl 2005: 197 and 423 for further elaboration on doing nomusicology, engaging in the practice of our profession ethnomusicology). and trade: ethnography, fieldwork, research design, and so on. But conversations that occur outside Some might rightly argue, however, that the normative “doing” spaces at our annual who we are as ethnomusicologists (what SEM meetings—paper panels, round- we represent to other people, other dis- tables, SIGs, Seeger Lecture, Council and ciplines, other institutions) frequently has Board meetings—continue to challenge nothing to do with doing ethnomusicology. me to consider the ways I consume, listen, Owning, espousing, and being what we react, and respond to how others partici- practice has had everything to do, how- pate in the production of ethnomusicologi- ever, with what we value and pass along as cal knowledge. The circulation of ideas that received knowledge in our discipline. I was occurs in the corridors, hotel rooms, eleva- reminded last week
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