Huntley Chapel, Ministry Center Blessed April 20 from Page 1 Room (Also Used for Religious Close” to Him
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ISSN: 0029-7739 $ 1.00 per copy THE OBSERVER Official Newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Rockford Volume 78 | No. 19 FRIDAY APRIL 26, 2013 Learn How Your Stewardship Dollars Help The Rockford Diocese in This Year’s Report pgs. 15-18 Offi cial Appointments The Rev. Max J. Striedl — to be Pastor of St. Joseph Parish, Appeal Keeps Diocesan ‘Doors of Faith’ Open Lena, Illinois, St. Joseph Parish, Apple River, Illinois and St. Ann BY AMANDA HUDSON and outreach services in sup- theme — God Opens The Door Sara Marquetti, assistant direc- Parish, Warren, Illinois, effective port of the 105 parishes and of Faith: Stewards Respond — tor of the Offi ce of Stewardship immediately. News editor Given at the Chancery, more than 450,000 Catholics of is that it talks about how God Development. April 22, 2013. DIOCESE—The 2013 Di- the Diocese of Rockford, has is active in our lives, encourag- “Our stewardship response ocesan Stewardship Appeal, begun. ing us to spread the Gospel and is not simply about our gifts of Inside which funds many ministries “What I like about this year’s take care of one another,” says Continued on page 5 Fertility Center Blessed, Huntley Celebrated pg. 3 Chapel, Ministry Bishop, Pope Encourage Center Confession pg. 5 Blessed (Observer photos by Amanda Hudson) Bishop David J. Malloy (center near tabernacle) is joined in prayer at the Adoration Chapel of Our Lady of April 20 Perpetual Help at St. Mary Parish in Huntley. Candlelight Vigil Held for Boy Who Died in Blast BY AMANDA HUDSON begin “the permanent, continu- Doing the will of God through pg. 22 News editor ous, ongoing devotion to the all temptations, including “per- Blessed Sacrament” was the haps the biggest temptation” of HUNTLEY—St. Mary pa- focus of his homily. measuring success in human rishioners celebrated a new “In life itself, it’s easy to get ways, can be found in the life of parish center and began per- discouraged,” Bishop Malloy the Apostle Paul, he explained. petual adoration at their parish said, “but that is exactly the op- “How easy it would have been on Saturday evening, April 20. posite of what we (Catholics) for Paul (and the other Apos- Bishop David J. Malloy cel- are. Christ himself gave us an tles) to turn to Christ and say ebrated Mass at 5 p.m. and in- example of … not giving up” in ‘It’s not working’” when their augurated the new Adoration the face of diffi culty. efforts stopped being humanly An Angel Frees the Apostles Chapel of Our Lady of Perpet- Describing the scene when successful, Bishop Malloy said. from Jail ual Help, escorting the Eucha- Jesus taught about “his most “But they persevered.” The Junior Observer, pg. 29 rist to the new chapel. Prayers magnifi cent gift to us that we “The vision of God is so This Issue there were followed by a sol- are celebrating in a special way much wider and so much deep- emn blessing of the parish hall, this weekend,” he noted that it er” than ours, he said, encour- Bishop Malloy ............................. 2 which was fi lled with many of resulted in many leaving Jesus aging all to remind themselves Headliners ..................................... 3 those who had attended Mass. to return to their former way of of God’s greatness as they Diocesan ................................. 4-10 A reception followed. life. “love our Catholic faith (and Around the Diocese The bishop gently teased the “If there was a time to get adore) the Eucharist with per- ................................ 11-14, 19-20 many who fi lled the church at discouraged … that would have severance.” Nation/World ..................... 21-24 this largest parish of the dio- been the moment,” the bishop The bishop borrowed an Media/Arts ................................. 25 cese, noting that it was “always said. Instead, Jesus “simply analogy used by Pope Francis Faith Forum ............................... 26 a joy to come to Huntley again” turns to the Apostles — you recently, that we are all tempt- Viewpoints ................................ 27 A prayer aid for the ceremonies in part because he never wor- might say he turns to us — and ed to be like satellites around For the Record ......................... 28 sits in the ministry center before ries about being there alone. asks” if they, and we, too, will Christ, that “never get too The Junior Observer .............. 29 the services begin. The evening’s gathering to leave. Continued on page 9 2 FRIDAY APRIL 26, 2013 | The Observer During Year of Faith, Read, Reflect, Pray, The Observer (ISSN 0029- And Don’t Let a Broken Marriage Keep You Away 7739), is published weekly, except five times a year by the Diocese of Rockford, BY BISHOP DAVID J. MALLOY 555 Colman Center Dr., P.O. Box 7044, Rockford, IL 61125 n this Year of Faith called Nov. 24 of this year. The Dio- As we all know, the Church be reasons why a valid marriage Phone: 815/399-4300; Fax for by Pope Emeritus cese has scheduled a number of has always valued and protect- never took place. 815/399-6225. Benedict, we are encour- outside speakers to come and ed marriage in keeping with Questions like this require Periodical postage paid at aged to deepen our love talk about various documents the teaching of Jesus. Christ prayer, sensitivity and study by Rockford, Ill., and additional Iand our friendship with Jesus of the Second Vatican Council. raised up to be a sacrament the the Church. mail offices. Christ. As you may recall, Pope They have been well attended natural reality of marriage, a If, however, the marriage is POSTMASTER: send address Benedict asked us to do this by and well received. life-long commitment between not valid, the Church can either changes to The Observer, 555 stressing four crucial elements The next talk will be on June a man and a woman based in help to rectify the marriage or Colman Center Dr., P.O. Box of our faith. 6 as Mr. Joe Wood, a former our complementary nature that assist the couple to obtain the 7044, Rockford, IL 61125 First, he asked us to reread White House Official and cur- is related to the generation and clarity of a declaration that For ADVERTISING information: and study the documents of the rently a professor at The Insti- upbringing of children, the fu- the marriage was not valid. Contact The Observer at the Second Vatican Council so that tute of World Politics, will speak ture of the human race. For many, this can be a great address above or call 815/399- we can “know our faith.” at Marian Central Catholic High Because of the importance of 4300; fax 815/399-6225, spiritual relief and a means of E-mail: rbergman@ In that same line, he asked us School on the document Digni- this sacrament and reality of hu- drawing back to or closer to the to study the Catechism of the tatis humanae dealing with re- man nature, the Church estab- Church and their faith. Catholic Church. ligious freedom. Additionally, a lishes the conditions for what As we can well imagine, each Send NEWS information to The Thirdly, we are encouraged youth gathering will take place constitutes a valid marriage. Observer at the address or fax case in such circumstances is to renew our devotion to prayer in DeKalb on Oct. 6. Mark your It means that we take Christ at number above, or send e-mail and the liturgy, especially calendars! his word. If a marriage is valid unique. Still, the best way to to Observer@rockforddiocese. org. Mass and confession. (That is One of the underlying themes from the moment the man and start is to contact your parish priest to discuss the situation. why parishes in the Diocese of throughout this Year of Faith is woman say, “I do,” it fulfills Subscription rate $28.00 per Rockford put a special empha- not only to strengthen our faith, the conditions of validity “until Alternatively, the Marriage year (48 issues); Canadian sis on confession during Lent of but also for a return to the faith death do us part.” Tribunal can be contacted at and Pan American $29; other the Chancery Office by calling foreign: surface mail $37, air this year.) of any who might be separated But sometimes, for various mail $97; single copies $1. Finally, we are asked to put from the Catholic Church. One reasons, there are defects in 815/399-4300. For many, this our faith into practice by means reason that results in some of the couple’s covenant, their ex- can be the first step to returning The Observer Online digital of our charity and our love for the faithful being separated change of promises with each to the Church. subscriptions are also available. the poor. from the Church is the need to other. Under certain circum- In this Year of Faith, if you There are many activities that address a broken marriage or a stances, a marriage outside of find yourself in this situation, Staff — Publisher: have been undertaken for this marriage that for some reason the Church, or the couple’s in- take the time to pray and then Most Reverend David J. Malloy Year of Faith that will conclude has been contracted outside of adequate understanding of what reach out. The Church wants to on the Feast of Christ the King, the Church. they were committing to might help you any way it can. Associate Publisher: Msgr. Eric Barr From Easter homily at Basilica of I am thinking now of some ad- Editor: Penny Wiegert Saint Paul Outside-the-Walls The Pope vice that St.