Journalof the InternationalPalm Society Vol. 8(4) December2004 THE INTERNATIONATPALM SOCIETY,INC. The International Palm Society PalmS (formerlyPRINCIPES) Journalof The InternationalPalm Society Founder:Denl Smi[h An illustrated,peer-reviewed quarteriy devoted to ThelnternaLional Palm Society is a nonpro[itcorporation informationabout palms and publishedin March, engagedin thestudv ol palms.The society is inter- June, Septemberand Decemberby The lnternationalPalm nationalin scopewith worldwidemembership, and the Society,810East 1Oth St., P.O. Box 1897, Lawrence, formatronof regionalor localchapters affiliated with the Kansas66044'8897, USA. internationalsociely is encouraged. Please address all inquiriesregarding membership or inlormalionabout Editors: Dransfield,Herbarium, Royal Botanic the societyto The InternationalPalm Society Inc., P.O. John Cardens,Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AF.United Box 1692,Lawrence, Kansas 66044,8897, USA. e-mail Kingdom,e-mail j.dransfield@rbgl<, tel.44-20-
[email protected],tax 785-84 3-1 27 4. 8332-52) 5, Fax 44-20-8332-527B. OFFICERS: ScottZona, Fairchild Tropical Carden, 1 1935 Olcl Cutler Road,Coral Gables (Miami), Florida 33156, USA, e-mail President: PaulCraft, l6745WestEpson Drive.
[email protected],tel. 1 -305-667-1 65.1 ext. Loxahatchee,Florida 33470 USA, e-mail 3419,Fax 1 -305-665-8032.
[email protected],tel.l-561 -5 l4-1837. AssociateEditor: NatalieUhl, 228 PlantScience, Vice-Presidents:Bo-Coran Lundkvist, PO Box 2071, CornellUniversity, lthaca, New York14853, USA, e-mail Pahoa,Hawaii 96778 USA, e-mail nwul,tel. 1-607 -257 -0885.
[email protected],lel.I -808-965-0081. LelandLai, 21480 Colina Drive, Topanga, Calilornia Supplement Editor: JimCain, 12418 Stafford Springs, 9A290USA, e-mail
[email protected], tel.