Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Section Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies History of Heat Pumps Swiss Contributions and International Milestones Martin Zogg Process and Energy Engineering CH-3414 Oberburg, Switzerland
[email protected] May 2008 Introduction 2 Preface This report emerged from the desire of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy for a comprehensive history of the heat pump development focussing on the Swiss pioneers’ substantial contri- butions and to present it at the 9th International Energy Agency Heat Pump Conference on May 20-22, 2008 in Zurich. As regards the Swiss activities, many personal interviews were ar- ranged. The report is based on the best knowledge of the author; but there is no claim for com- pleteness and infallibility. The author’s sincere thanks go to the following people for their generous information, support and advice: Karin Äbi, Marco Andreoli, Peter Bailer, Heinz Baumann, Franz Beyeler, Pierre Binggeli, Rudolf Bolliger, Otto Bosshart, Carlo Brugnoli, Georg Dubacher, Fredy Eberhard, Max Ehrbar, Hans-Rudolf Fankhauser, Daniel Favrat, Peter Fluri, Pirmin Frei, Rolf Frischknecht, Herbert Giger, Martin Graf, Heinz Grimm, Gerald C. Groff, Emil Grüninger, Hans Grüter, Gün- ther Reiner, Daniel Gut, Karl-Heinz Handl, Franz Hansen, Filip Hauptmann, Hans-Peter Hemmi, Fredy Hoyer, Peter Hubacher, Hans Huber, Max Hutter, Beda Huwyler, Dieter Im- boden, Walter Janach, Bruno Jordi, Daniel Kalberer, Bruno Kemm, Christine Klinger,