Medical Terminology And Oral Facial 101

Online Course 2015

About the Speaker

Dawn W. Jackson, DrPH, RHIA, CCS-P, FAHIMA

Ms. Jackson is a Professor and Program Director for the Health Services Administration program at Eastern Kentucky University. She obtained her bachelor’s degree from East Carolina University (Greenville, NC) in Health Information Management, her master’s degree from Eastern Kentucky University (Richmond, KY) in Allied Health Education, her doctor of public health degree in Health Services Management from the University of Kentucky (Lexington, KY), and most recently attained Fellowship status with the American Health Information Management Association.

Her areas of expertise include: healthcare reimbursement systems, coding and billing processes, medical law, and health care management. As a certified coding specialist, Ms. Jackson has trained physicians and their staff for over 20 years. Of particular significance, she has been presenting coding courses for the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons for over 18 years.

able of Contents

T Introduction to Word Structure ...... 1 The Language of Medicine ...... 1 Learning Methods ...... 2 Word Components ...... 3 Medical Word Analysis ...... 4 Combining Forms and Suffixes ...... 7 Suffixes Meaning “Pertaining to” ...... 7 Suffixes Meaning “Condition or Process” ...... 8 Illustrative Overview of the ...... 10 Combining Forms Relating to Anatomical Sites ...... 14 Suffixes Relating to the Study of Specialties ...... 25 Combining Forms Relating to Specialties ...... 25 Pleural Endings ...... 29 Common Prefixes ...... 35 Directional Prefixes ...... 35 Miscellaneous Prefixes ...... 37 Diagnosis and Treatment Terms ...... 47 Suffixes Relating to Treatment ...... 47 Miscellaneous Combining Forms ...... 51 Suffixes Relating to Diseases and Conditions ...... 55 Oral and Maxillofacial Terms...... 71 Illustrative Overview of the Cranial Cavity ...... 71 Combining Forms Relating to Orofacial Areas ...... 73 Alphabetic Index to Word Components ...... 87

Introduction to Word Structure


The Language of Medicine Medical terminology is a professional language – the language of medicine. Rich in history, most medical terms stem from the ancient Latin and Greek languages. Generally, terms describing diagnoses and procedures have Greek origins, whereas terms describing the ana- tomical structure of the body have Latin origins.

A Historical Connection

Vein (from Latin vena) Nose (from Latin nasus) (from Latin mandibula)

Biopsy (from Greek bio and opsis) Pulpectomy (from Latin pulpa and Greek tomas)

Given this heritage, medical terminology is often considered a foreign language. And, in many ways, it is. Imagine going to a different country where you are unable to communicate effective- ly. That is how patients feel whenever they come into contact with physicians, nurses, and other healthcare workers.

Learning medical terminology will likely be confusing and frustrating – at least occasionally. However, once you know the most common prefixes, roots, and suffixes, you will be able to combine them in different ways to create numerous medical terms. As you expand your knowledge, you will be able to: • Better understand medical record documentation, • Communicate more effectively with clinicians and patients, and • More easily perform work responsibilities.

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Learning Methods

This course focuses on the prefixes, suffixes, and roots most commonly used in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Beyond this, you will be introduced to roots describing all of the ma- jor anatomical structures of the body. In total, you will learn over 290 word components. To a great extent, you will accomplish this on your own, through a variety of learning methods.

1. The Word Components section provides a list of prefixes, suffixes, or roots that need to be learned. Each list contains definitions and sample words using the word component.

2. The automated Flash Cards found at the course web- site will help you visualize and retain the information you are learning. In addition, many of these flash cards contain pronunciations of the terms. Remember, effec- tive communication depends on written and oral abili-


3. The Exercises found in each chapter of the training manual offer you an opportunity to

apply your knowledge in a variety of ways. The answers to the exercises provide instant

feedback so that you can determine how well you are learning.

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Word Components

Most medical terms can be divided into smaller word components. Understanding these compo- nents is the first step in learning medical terminology. • Root (stem) – The root is the foundation that establishes the basic meaning of the word. For example, in the word hepatic, the root (stem) hepat means liver. • Combining form – A combining form is a root connected to a combining vowel (nor- mally an “o”). This combining vowel links the root to a suffix or to another root. For ex- ample, in the word radiology, the combining form is radi/o. The combining vowel is linking the root to the suffix –logy. • Suffix – A suffix is located at the end of the word that modifies the meaning of the root. For example, in the word appendectomy, the suffix is –ectomy (excision; to remove). The root is append (appendix). The suffix changed the meaning of the root to “excision of the appendix.” • Prefix – A prefix is located at the beginning of the word and modifies the meaning of the root. For example, in the word postprandial, the prefix is post- (after). The root is prand (meal). The prefix changed the meaning of the root to “after meals.”

Combining Vowel Rules

Rule 1: When two vowels come together, the combining vowel is dropped.

Example: Consider the term “Cardiac” (cardi/ac). The combining form of this word is cardi/o and the suffix is –ac. Notice that the combining vowel (“o”) has been dropped because the suffix begins with a vowel.

Rule 2: The combining vowel is kept when connecting two roots.

Example: Consider the term “Adenocarcinoma” (aden/o/carcin/oma). Notice the com- bining vowel (“o”) is kept between the roots “aden” and “carcin”. However, the combing vowel (“o”) is dropped between “carcin” and the suffix –oma, because the suffix begins with a vowel.

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Medical Word Analysis

Medical word analysis is the process of dissecting a medical term and identifying the roots, pre- fix, suffix, and combining vowels. The following are examples of identifying the components of a word.

1. ELECTROCARDIOGRAM (electr/o/cardi/o/gram)

electr/o = combining form (root + combining vowel) meaning electricity/electrical cardi/o = combining form (root + combining vowel) meaning heart -gram = suffix meaning record

Therefore, the word electrocardiogram means “a record of the electrical impulses of the heart.”

2. MAXILLOFACIAL (maxill/o/faci/al)

maxill/o = combining form (root + combining vowel) meaning or upper jaw faci = root meaning face -al = suffix meaning pertaining to

Therefore, the word maxillofacial means “pertaining to the maxilla and face.”

3. RETROGNATHIA (retro/gnath/ia)

retro- = prefix meaning behind or backward gnath = root meaning jaw -ia = suffix meaning condition

Therefore, the word retrognathia means “a condition in which the jaw (lower) is in a backward or recessed position.”

4. THROMBOSIS (thromb/o/sis)

Thromb/o = combining form (root + combining vowel) meaning clot -sis = suffix meaning pertaining to

Therefore, the word thrombosis means “pertaining to a clot.”

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Exercise 1

Divide the following medical terms into components and identify each.

Medical Term Word Components Component Identification

Examples: a. Cerebral cerebr/al cerebr = root -al = suffix b. Pathology path/o/logy path/o = combining form -logy = suffix

1. Enteritis enter/it is ______


2. Cephalic cephal/ic ______


3. Nephrology ______


4. Electroencephalogram ______



5. Pericardial ______


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Answers – Chapter 1

Exercise 1

1. Enter/itis enter = Root -itis = Suffix

2. Cephal/ic cephal = Root -ic = Suffix

3. Nephrology nephr/o = Combining Form -logy = Suffix

4. Electroencephalogram electr/o = Combining Form encephal/o = Combining Form -gram = Suffix

5. Pericardial peri- = Prefix cardi = Root -al = Suffix

Illustration Source

LifeART Collection Images – Copyright ©1989-2001 by Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD

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Combining Forms & Suffixes


This chapter contains common suffixes and combining forms that may be seen or heard in a vari- ety of health care settings. Roots and combining forms unique to oral and maxillofacial surgery are covered in Chapter 5 of the training manual.

Suffixes Meaning “Pertaining to”

Instructions: Review and learn the following suffixes. Pay close attention to the analysis and meaning of each listed word.

Suffix Meaning Word List -ac Pertaining to Cardiac (cardi/ac) – Pertaining to the heart cardi/o = heart

-al Pertaining to Cerebral (cerebr/al) – Pertaining to the cerebrum cerebr/o = cerebrum

-ar Pertaining to Muscular (muscul/ar) – Pertaining to muscles muscul/o = muscles

-ary Pertaining to Urinary (urin/ary) – Pertaining to the or urine urin/o = urine, urinary system

-eal Pertaining to Peritoneal (periton/eal) – Pertaining to the peritoneum (lin- ing of the abdominal cavity) peritone/o = peritoneum

-iac Pertaining to Celiac (cel/iac) – Pertaining to the abdomen celi/o = belly, abdomen

-ic Pertaining to Phobic (phob/ic) – Pertaining to fear -ical phob/o = fear

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Suffix Meaning Word List -ior Pertaining to Posterior (poster/ior) – Pertaining to the back of the body or being behind poster/o = back, behind

-ous Pertaining to Nervous (nerv/ous) – Pertaining to nerv/o = nerves

-tic Pertaining to Arthritic (arthr/i/tic) – Pertaining to a or arthritis arthr/o = joint

Suffixes Meaning “Condition or Process”

Instructions: Review and learn the following suffixes. Pay close attention to the analysis and meaning of each listed word.

Suffix Meaning Word List -ation Process Hydration (hydr/ation) – Process of combining with wa- ter hydr/o = water

-ema Process Empyema (em/py/ema) – Process of having pus within (pus pockets) em- = in py/o = pus

-emia Blood condition Anemia (an/emia) – Deficiency of certain materials in blood an- = without

-ia Condition Pneumonia (pneumon/ia) – Infectious condition of the pneumon/o = lung

-ion Process Incision (in/cis/ion) – Process of cutting into -tion in- = into cis/o = to cut

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Suffix Meaning Word List -ism Process, condition Embolism (em/bol/ism) – Condition involving a moving blood clot em- = in bol/o = to throw

-osis Abnormal condition Keratosis (kerat/o/sis) – Excessive growth of horny or -sis hard tissue of the skin kerat/o = horny, hard

-y Process; condition Atony (a/ton/y) – Condition involving a lack of muscle tone a- = without ton/o = tension

Exercise 2

Identify the suffix in each of the following terms.

Medical Term Suffix Medical Term Suffix

1. Colicky ______6. Leukemia ______

2. Alcoholism ______7. Exostosis ______

3. Neurosis ______8. Cervical ______

4. Peritoneal ______9. Axillary ______

5. Coronary ______10. Lymphatic ______

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Use Stack 1 (Suffixes) and Word List 1 flashcards to reinforce your learning.

Illustrative Overview of the Human Body

Cavities of the Body (Figure 1)

Cranial Cavity

Thoracic Cavity

Spinal Cavity

Abdominal Cavity

Pelvic Cavity

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Major Components of the Digestive System (Figure 2)

Nasal Cavity Salivary Glands Mouth


Liver Stomach


Gallbladder Small Intestine Large Intestine (colon)

Appendix Rectum

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Major Components of the (Figure 3)




Major Components of the Urinary System (Figure 4)




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Structure of the Spine (Figure 5)

Cervical Vertebrae (7)

Thoracic Vertebrae (12)

Lumbar Vertebrae (5)


Layers of the Skin (Figure 6)





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Combining Forms Relating to Anatomical Sites

Instructions: Using the previously covered suffixes (and some new ones), write the definition of the following medical terms.

Anatomical sites shown in the previous illustrations have the corresponding figure number cited. Refer to the figure for visual reinforcement of the combining form and its meaning.

Combining Meaning Word List Form Abdomin/o Abdomen (Figure 1) Abdominal – ______

Body cavity that contains ______all structures between the chest and

Aden/o Gland Adenosis – ______

Organ that secretes a ______substance (i.e., hormone, saliva, breast milk)

Angi/o Blood Vessel Angiospasm – Contracting (spasm) of a blood vessel -spasm = contraction Hollow tubes that transport blood through- out the body

Arter/o Arteriosclerosis – Hardening of an artery Arteri/o -sclerosis = hardening Blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood away from the heart

Arthr/o Joint Arthritic – ______

Location where two or ______more make contact

Axill/o Axilla Axillary – ______

Area under the joint ______where the connects to the shoulder – armpit

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Combining Meaning Word List Form Bronch/o Bronchial – ______Bronchi/o Large air passages con- ______necting each lung to the

Cardi/o Heart (Figure 3) Cardiac – ______

Muscular responsi- ______ble for pumping blood throughout the body

Cephal/o Head Cephalic – ______

Structure that contains the ______brain, eyes, oral cavity, and

Cerebr/o Cerebrum Cerebral – ______

Largest division of the ______brain, divided into left and right hemispheres

Cervic/o Neck (Figure 5) Cervical – ______

Refers to both 1) the neck ______area between the head and shoulders and 2)the neck of the uterus

Chondr/o Cartilage Chondroma – ______Chondri/o Stiff, inflexible connective ______tissue found in many are- -oma = tumor as of the body (i.e., ears, , nose)

Col/o Colon (Figure 2) Colonoscopy – ______Colon/o Last part of digestive sys- ______tem, removes water and -scopy = the process of viewing with a scope salt from solid waste be- fore elimination from the body

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Combining Meaning Word List Form Coron/o Heart (Figure 3) Coronary – ______

See Cardi/o ______

Crani/o (Figure 1) Cranial – ______

Bony structure in the head ______that supports the face and protects the brain

Cutane/o Skin (Figure 6) Subcutaneous – ______

Soft protective covering of ______the body sub- = below, under

Cyst/o Cystic – ______(Figure 4) ______Collects urine from the kidneys before elimination from the body

Derm/o Skin (Figure 6) Dermatosis – ______Dermat/o See Cutane/o ______

Encephal/o Brain Encephalitis – ______

Center of the nervous ______system, located in the -itis = inflammation cranium

Enter/o Intestines (bowel) Enteritis – ______(Figure 2) ______Portion of the digestive system that extends from the stomach to the anus

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Combining Meaning Word List Form Esophag/o (Figure 2) Esophagitis – ______

Muscular tube that car- ______ries food, liquid, and sali- va from mouth to stomach

Gastr/o Stomach (Figure 2) Gastric – ______

Pear-shaped sac located ______that secretes gastric juices to break down food

Hem/o Blood Hematemesis – ______Hemat/o Fluid that carries oxygen ______throughout the body -emesis = vomiting

Hepat/o Liver (Figure 2) Hepatic – ______

Large solid organ that ______aids in digestion and de- toxifies the body of drugs, alcohol, and environmen- tal toxins

Ili/o (hip ) Iliac – ______

Upper portion of the bony ______pelvis

Inguin/o Groin Inguinal – ______

Area where the thigh joins ______the trunk of the body

Laryng/o Larynx (voice box) Laryngeal – ______

Part of the respiratory ______system between the phar- ynx (throat) and trachea that is responsible for speech

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Combining Meaning Word List Form Lumb/o Lower back (Figure 5) Lumbar – ______

Refers to the region be- ______tween the bottom of the and pelvis, composed of 5 vertebrae

Lymph/o Lymph Lymphatic – ______

Thin, yellowish liquid that ______circulates throughout the body through lymphatic vessels

Muc/o Mucous Mucosa - ______Mucos/o Membrane ______Inner lining of some or- gans and cavities

Muscul/o Muscle Muscular – ______

Tissue capable of con- ______tracting in order to cause bodily movement (i.e., heart, leg muscle)

My/o Muscle Myoma – ______

See Muscul/o ______

Nephr/o Kidney (Figure 4) Nephritic – ______

Filters blood of metabolic ______waste, which is then ex- creted as urine

Neur/o Nervous – ______

Cord-like bundles of fiber ______through which sensory stimuli and motor impuls- es from the brain pass

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Combining Meaning Word List Form Ophthalm/o Eye Ophthalmic – ______

Organ of sight and light ______sensitivity

Oste/o Bone Osteoarthritis – ______

Dense, porous, calcified ______connective tissue that comprises the major por- tion of the skeleton

Ot/o Otorrhea –______

Organ of hearing and ______maintaining equilibrium -rrhea = flow, discharge

Pelv/i Hip, pelvic cavity Pelvic – ______Pelv/o (Figure 1) ______Basin-shaped bony struc- ture that rests on the low- er extremities and sup- ports the spinal column

Peritone/o Peritoneum (abdominal Peritoneal – ______wall) ______Serous membrane that lines the walls of the ab- dominal cavity

Pharyng/o (throat) Pharyngitis – ______

Portion of the digestive ______system that extends from the mouth and nose to the larynx

Pneum/o Lung (Figure 3) Pneumonia - ______Pneumon/o Spongy sac-like organs ______that remove carbon diox- ide from the blood and supplies it with oxygen

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Combining Meaning Word List Form Pulmon/o Lung (Figure 3) Pulmonary – ______

See Pneum/o ______

Ren/o Kidney (Figure 4) Renal – ______

See Nephr/o ______

Rhin/o Nose Rhinorrhea – ______

First portion of the res- ______piratory system that con- tains nostrils and organs of smell

Spin/o Spine (Figure 5) Spinal – ______

Spinal column, composed ______of vertebrae

Splen/o Spleen Splenic – ______

Blood reservoir located to ______the left of the stomach

Synovi/o Synovial Membrane Synovectomy – ______

Lubricating fluid, within a ______membrane lining, secreted into joints

Thorac/o Chest (Figure 1) Thoracic – ______

Part of the body located ______between the neck and dia- phragm, containing the and heart

Thyr/o Thyroid Gland Thyroiditis – ______Thyroid/o Two-lobe gland located in ______front of and on both sides of the trachea

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Combining Meaning Word List Form Tonsill/o Tonsil Tonsillar – ______

Small masses of tissue ______embedded in the lateral walls of the opening be- tween the mouth and pharynx

Trache/o Trachea (wind pipe) Tracheal – ______(Figure 3) ______This tube extending from the larynx to the bronchi bringing oxygen to the lungs

Umbilic/o Navel, umbilicus Umbilical – ______

Scar where the umbilical ______cord was attached – belly button

Ur/o Urinary tract, urine Urology – ______(Figure 4) ______Organs and tubes of the -logy = study of body that produce and excrete urine

Uret/o (Figure 4) Ureteral – ______

One of two tubes leading ______from the kidney to the bladder

Urethr/o Urethra (Figure 4) Urethral – ______

Tube carrying urine from ______the bladder to the outside

Vascul/o Vessels Vascular – ______

Ducts that circulate fluids ______(i.e., blood, lymph)

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Combining Meaning Word List Form Vertebr/o (Figure 5) Vertebral – ______

One of 26 pieces of bone ______making up the spinal col- umn

Use Stack 2 (Anatomical Roots) and Word List 2 flashcards to reinforce your learning.

Exercise 3

A. Complete the following sentences by placing the correct term in the blank.

Abdominal Axillary Cephalic Hepatic Laryngeal Musculoskeletal Vertebral Peritoneum Spinal Renovascular

1. The lining of the abdomen is also known as the ______.

2. A alcoholic will often develop a(n) ______disorder.

3. A symptom of appendicitis is right-sided ______pain.

4. People are often paralyzed due to ______trauma.

5. After being hit in the head, the patient complained of ______pain.

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6. After being hoarse for three months, the patient underwent a biopsy that revealed ______cancer.

7. Breast cancer often spreads to the ______lymph nodes.

8. After bending over to pick up a 150 pound box, the patient experienced pain in the lower ______area.

9. ______disease can cause high blood pressure.

10. Orthopedic physicians specialize in the ______sys- tem.

B. Match the combining form to its meaning.

______1. Cerebr/o A. Spleen

______2. Rhin/o B. Groin

______3. Thyr/o C. Thyroid

______4. Inguin/o D. Navel

______5. Lumb/o E. Cerebrum

______6. Splen/o F. Nose

______7. Thorac/o G. Chest

______8. Umbilic/o H. Lower back

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C. The suffix “-itis” means “inflammation of.” Match the following inflammations to the meanings.

______1. Adenitis A. Inflammation of the liver

______2. Gastritis B. Inflammation of the skin

______3. Dermatitis C. Inflammation of the heart

______4. Carditis D. Inflammation of the neck of the uterus

______5. Hepatitis E. Inflammation of a gland

______6. Arthritis F. Inflammation of the brain

______7. Tonsillitis G. Inflammation of a nerve

______8. Osteoarthritis H. Inflammation of the stomach

______9. Synovitis I. Inflammation of the tonsils

______10. Encephalitis J. Inflammation of a joint

______11. Cervicitis K. Inflammation of the intestine

______12. Neuritis L. Inflammation of the kidney

______13. Enteritis M. Inflammation of the synovial membrane

______14. Nephritis N. Inflammation (and breakdown) of the joints

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Suffixes Relating to the Study of Specialties

Instructions: Review and learn the following suffixes.

Suffix Meaning Word List -iatrics Field of study Psychiatry – Study of mental disorders -iatry psych/o = mind

-ian Specialist Pediatrician – Specialist in the treatment of children -ician ped/o = children

-ist Specialist Pathologist – Specialist in the area of diseases -iatrist path/o = disease

-logy Study of Enterology – Study of intestines (intestinal tract) enter/o = intestines

Combining Forms Relating to Specialties

Instructions: Using the previously covered suffixes, write the definition of the following medi- cal terms.

Combining Meaning Word List Form Gynec/o Woman, female Gynecology – Study of women (female reproductive sys- tem)

Obstetr/o Midwife Obstetrics – Pertaining to the surgical branch specializing in the management of pregnancy, labor, and the postpartum period

Onc/o Tumor Oncology – ______


Orth/o Straight Orthopedics – Pertaining to the branch of surgery spe- cializing in correcting (straightening) skeletal deformities

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Combining Meaning Word List Form Path/o Disease Pathology – ______


Ped/o Child, Pediatrics – Branch specializing in the treatment of chil- dren

Psych/o Mind Psychology – Study of mental disorders (mind)

Radi/o X-ray, radiation, ra- Radiology – ______dius (bone in the lower arm) ______

Use Stack 3 (Medical and Surgical Specialties) and Word List 3 flashcards to reinforce your learning.

Exercise 4

A. Complete the following sentences by writing the correct term in the blank.

Cardiologist Dermatologist Gastroenterologist Gynecologist Nephrologist Neurologist Obstetrician Oncologist Ophthalmologist Orthopedic Pathologist Pediatrician Psychiatrist Urologist

1. If a patient were diagnosed as having an infection of the uterus, she should be seen by a(n) ______.

2. If a patient were diagnosed as having coronary heart disease, he should be seen by a(n) ______.

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3. If a patient were diagnosed as having a pinched nerve, he should be seen by a(n) ______.

4. If a patient were diagnosed as being pregnant, she should be seen by a(n) ______.

5. If a patient were diagnosed as having schizophrenia, he should be seen by a(n) ______.

6. If a patient were diagnosed as having a cancer, he should be seen by a(n) ______.

7. If a patient were diagnosed as having renal failure, she should be seen by a(n) ______.

8. If a patient were diagnosed as having cystitis, he should be seen by a(n) ______.

9. If a patient were diagnosed as having glaucoma (a disease of the eye), he should be seen by a(n) ______.

10. If a 4-year-old patient were diagnosed as having the flu, he should be seen by a(n) ______.

11. If a patient were diagnosed as having a skin rash of unknown origin, he should be seen by a(n) ______.

12. If a patient were diagnosed as having a peptic ulcer, he should be seen by a(n) ______.

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13. If a patient were diagnosed as having a fractured arm, she should be seen by a(n) ______.

14. If a patient expires, the autopsy should be done by a(n) ______.

B. Complete the definition of each of the following.

Example: Enter/o/path/y = Pertaining to the diseases of the intestine (or a disease of the intestine)

y = pertaining to path/o = diseases enter/o = intestines

1. Arth/algia ______-algia = pain in/painful

2. Hepat/oma ______-oma = tumor

3. Sub/hepat/ic ______sub- = below

4. Inter/vertebr/al ______inter- = between

5. Hypo/derm/ic ______hypo- = below

6. Cephalo/pelv/ic ______

7. Broncho/spasm ______-spasm = contraction of

8. Retro/periton/eal ______retro- = behind

9. Radi/ation ______

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C. Match the following specialties to their meaning.

_____ 1. Psychiatry A. The study of tumors

_____ 2. Gastroenterology B. The study of the mind

_____ 3. Gynecology C. The study of the heart

_____ 4. Nephrology D. The study of the eyes

_____ 5. Oncology E. The study of nerves

_____ 6. Ophthalmology F. The study of women

_____ 7. Neurology G. The study of skin

_____ 8. Cardiology H. The study of kidneys

_____ 9. Pathology I. The study of diseases

_____ 10. Dermatology J. The study of the stomach and intestines

Plural Endings

When some words become plural, an s is not used to designate that status. The following suffixes show a plural status in alternative manners.

Singular Plural Examples Suffix Suffix -a -ae Singular Vertebra (spinal bone) Plural Vertebrae (multiple vertebra)

-ex, -ix -ices Singular Index (second of ) Plural Indices (second digits of both )

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Singular Plural Examples Suffix Suffix -is -es Singular Anastomosis (a surgical communication, opening) Plural Anastomoses (multiple surgical communications)

-nx -nges Singular Phalanx (bone of or ) Plural Phalanges (bones of or )

-on -a Singular Ganglion (mass of nerve tissue) Plural Ganglia (more than one mass of nerve tissue)

-um -a Singular Bacterium (a micro-organism) Plural Bacteria (multiple micro-organisms)

-us -i Singular Ramus (left or right jaw bone) Plural Rami (both jaw bones)

Exercise 5

Write the plural form for each of the following terms.

1. Thrombus (blood clot) ______

2. Crisis ______

3. Apex (top of an organ or body part) ______

4. Ovum (egg) ______

5. Bursa (sac-like cavity filled with fluid found where friction occurs) ______

6. Prosthesis (artificial replacement of a body part) ______

7. Varix (enlarged, twisted blood vessel) ______

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8. Diverticulum (out pouches or pits usually in the colon) ______

9. Bronchus ______

10. Metastasis (transfer of disease from one body part to another) ______

Answers – Chapter 2 Exercise 2

1. -y 6. -emia 2. -ism 7. -sis 3. -sis 8. -al 4. -eal 9. -ary 5. -ary 10. -ic

Word List Definitions (Pages 14-22)

• Abdominal – Pertaining to the abdomen • Adenosis – Abnormal condition of a gland • Arthritic – Pertaining to a joint (or arthritis) • Axillary – Pertaining to the armpit • Bronchial – Pertaining to the bronchus • Cardiac – Pertaining to the heart • Celiac – Pertaining to the abdomen • Cephalic – Pertaining to the head • Cerebral – Pertaining to the cerebrum • Cervical – Pertaining to the neck • Chondroma – Tumor involving cartilage • Colonoscopy – The process of viewing the colon with a scope • Coronary – Pertaining to the heart • Cranial – Pertaining to the skull • Cystic – Pertaining to the bladder or to a cyst • Dermatosis – Abnormal condition of the skin • Encephalitis – Inflammation of the brain • Enteritis – Inflammation of the intestine • Esophagitis – Inflammation of the esophagus

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 31

• Gastric – Pertaining to the stomach • Hematemesis – Vomiting of blood • Hepatic – Pertaining to the liver • Iliac – Pertaining to the ilium • Inguinal – Pertaining to the groin • Laryngeal – Pertaining to the larynx • Lumbar – Pertaining to the lower back • Lymphatic – Pertaining to lymph • Mucosa – Pertaining to mucous membrane • Muscular – Pertaining to muscle • Myoma – Tumor of the muscle • Nephritic – Pertaining to the kidney • Nervous – Pertaining to nerves • Ophthalmic – Pertaining to the eye • Osteoarthritis – Inflammation of the joint (and bony components) • Otorrhea – Discharge from the ear • Pelvic – Pertaining to the pelvis • Peritoneal – Pertaining to the wall of the abdomen • Pharyngitis – Inflammation of the throat • Pneumonia – A condition of the lung (an infectious condition) • Pulmonary – Pertaining to the lung • Renal –Pertaining to the kidney • Rhinorrhea – Discharge from the nose (runny nose) • Spinal – Pertaining to the spine • Splenic – Pertaining to the spleen • Subcutaneous – Pertaining to below the skin • Synovectomy – Excision of the synovial membrane • Thoracic – Pertaining to the chest • Thyroiditis – Inflammation of the thyroid • Tonsillar – Pertaining to the tonsil • Tracheal – Pertaining to the trachea • Umbilical – Pertaining to the navel (belly button) • Urology – The study of the urinary system • Ureteral – Pertaining to the ureter • Urethral – Pertaining to the urethra • Vascular – Pertaining to little vessels • Vertebral – Pertaining to vertebrae

32 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Exercise 3

A. 1. Peritoneum 6. Laryngeal 2. Hepatic 7. Axillary 3. Abdominal 8. Vertebral 4. Spinal 9. Renovascular 5. Cephalic 10. Musculoskeletal

B. 1. E 5. H 2. F 6. A 3. C 7. G 4. B 8. D

C. 1. E 8. N 2. H 9. M 3. B 10. F 4. C 11. D 5. A 12. G 6. J 13. K 7. I 14. L

Word List Definitions (Page 26)

• Oncology – The study of tumors • Pathology – The study of disease • Radiology – The study of the use of x-rays or other penetrating radiation

Exercise 4

A. 1. Gynecologist 7. Nephrologist 2. Cardiologist 8. Urologist 3. Neurologist 9. Ophthalmologist 4. Obstetrician 10. Pediatrician 5. Psychiatrist 11. Dermatologist 6. Oncologist 12. Gastroenterologist 7. Nephrologist 13. Orthopedic 8. Urologist 14. Pathologist

B. 1. Painful joint 2. Tumor in the liver 3. Pertaining to being below the liver 4. Pertaining to being between vertebrae 5. Pertaining to being below the skin

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 33

6. Pertaining to the head and pelvis (a term used to describe the relationship between the infant’s head and the mother’s pelvis) 7. Contraction or spasms of the bronchus 8. Pertaining to being behind the abdominal wall (peritoneum) 9. Process of using radium

C. 1. B 6. D 2. J 7. E 3. F 8. C 4. H 9. I 5. A 10. G

Exercise 5

1. Thrombi 6. Protheses 2. Crises 7. Varices 3. Apices 8. Diverticula 4. Ova 9. Bronchi 5. Bursae 10. Metastases

Illustration Source

LifeART Collection Images – Copyright ©1989-2001 by Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD

34 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Common Prefixes


Directional Prefixes

Instructions: Using the previously covered suffixes and roots (and some new ones), write the definition of the following medical terms.

Prefix Meaning Word List Ab- Away from Abnormal – Not normal

Ante- Before, forward Antepartum – ______

______-partum = birth, labor

Circum- Around Circumzygomatic – ______

______zygomat/o = zygoma (cheek bone)

E- Out, away Edentulous – ______

______dent/o = teeth -ulous = inclined to

Em- In Empyema – Condition involving pus within (pus pock- ets)

En- In, within Endoscope – ______Endo- ______

Epi- Upon, on, above Epidermis – Pertaining to the outer layer of the skin

Ex- Out, away from Excision – ______Exo- ______

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 35

Prefix Meaning Word List Extra- Outside Extraoral – ______

______or/o = mouth

In- In, not Incision – ______


Inter- Between Intervertebral – ______


Intra- In, within Intravenous – ______

______ven/o =

Para- Near, beside, Paramedic – ______abnormal, away ______

Per- Through Percutaneous – ______


Peri- Around Pericardium – ______


Post- After Postmortem – ______

______mort/o = death

Pre- Before, in front of Precancer – A condition that has the tendency to Pro- become a cancer

Retro- Behind, backward Retroperitoneum – ______


36 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Prefix Meaning Word List Sub- Under, below Sublingual – ______

______lingu/o = tongue

Supra- Above Suprahepatic – ______


Trans- Across, through Transurethral – ______


Use Stack 4 (Directional Prefixes) and Word List 4 flashcards to reinforce your learning.

Miscellaneous Prefixes

Instructions: Using the previously covered suffixes and roots (and some new ones), write the definition of the following medical terms.

Prefix Meaning Word List

A- No, not, none, with- Apnea – ______An- out ______-pnea = breath

Allo- Other, different Allograft – ______


Anti- Against Antiseptic – ______

______-sept/o = infection

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 37

Prefix Meaning Word List Auto- Self Autolysis – The destruction of tissues due to one’s own enzymes

Bi- Two Bilateral – Pertaining to two sides later/o = side

Brady- Slow Bradycardia – ______


Contra- Against, opposite Contraindication – ______


De- Down, lack of, loss Dehydration – ______


Dia- Through, throughout, Diagnosis – ______completely ______-gnosis = knowledge

Dis- Separation, take apart Dissection – ______

______sect/o = to cut

Dys- Painful, difficult Dyspnea – ______


Echo- Sound Echocardiography – ______

______-graphy = process of recording

Hemi- Half Hemifacial – ______


Hyper- Over, excessive, in- Hypertrophy – Increased development, excessive creased size -trophy = development, nourishment

38 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Prefix Meaning Word List Hypo- Under, below, Hypodermic – ______decreased ______

Macro- Large Macrocephalic – ______


Mal- Bad Malnutrition – ______


Micro- Small Microcephalic –______


Neo- New Neonatal – ______

______nat/o = birth

Poly- Many Polyneuritis – ______


Re- Back, again Reattach – To connect or join again

Semi- Half Semicoma – ______


Tachy- Fast Tachycardia – ______


Uni- One Unilateral – ______


© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 39

Use Stack 5 (Miscellaneous Prefixes) and Word List 5 flash- cards to reinforce your learning.

Exercise 6

A. For each of the following, identify the prefix with the opposite meaning.

Prefix Meaning Prefix Meaning


a. Ex- Out, away En- In, within

1. Bi- ______

2. Macro- ______

3. Post- ______

4. Hypo- ______

5. Brady- ______

6. Epi- ______

40 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

B. Match the following prefixes to their meaning.

_____ 1. Auto- A. Through

_____ 2. Dys- B. Many

_____ 3. Neo- C. Around

_____ 4. Macro- D. Without

_____ 5. Hyper- E. In

_____ 6. Ante- F. Self

_____ 7. Sub- G. Against

_____ 8. Contra- H. Difficult

_____ 9. An- I. Upon

_____ 10. Epi- J. Excessive

_____ 11. Circum- K. Before

_____ 12. E- L. Out

_____ 13. Em- M. New

_____ 14. Per- N. Large

_____ 15. Supra- O. Above

_____ 16. Poly- P. Under

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 41

C. Complete the crossword puzzle. The word list can be found on page 44.

Across Down

1. Alternating slow and fast heart rate 2. Excessively functioning thyroid 3. Opposite side 4. Within the cerebrum 5. Type of medication that literally 6. Within the liver means “against life” 7. Poorly healed fracture 8. Painful urination 9. Above the stomach

42 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

D. Identify the prefixes in each of the following and provide the meaning of the word.

Term Prefix Meaning


a. Dysphagia Dys- Painful swallowing -phagia = eating, swallowing

1. Anencephaly ______


2. Antispasmodic ______


3. Endotracheal ______


4. Exocolitis ______


5. Hemigastrectomy ______


6. Intracranial ______


7. Peribronchial ______


© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 43

Term Prefix Meaning

8. Postpartum ______-partum = birth ______

9. Transabdominal ______


10. Polymyositis ______


Word List (Exercise 6C)

Antibiotic Hyperthyroidism Bradytachycardia Intracerebral Contralateral Intrahepatic Dysuria Malunion Epigastric

Answers – Chapter 3

Word List Definitions (Pages 35-37)

• Antepartum – Before birth • Circumzygomatic – Around the cheek bone (zygoma) • Edentulous – Inclined to have no teeth • Endoscope – An instrument used to view inside • Excision – The process of cutting out • Extraoral – Outside the mouth • Incision – The process of cutting into

44 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

• Intervertebral – Pertaining to being between vertebrae • Intravenous – Pertaining to being within a vein • Paramedic – Pertaining to a profession that is close to or similar to medicine • Percutaneous – Pertaining to going through the skin • Pericardium – Pertaining to being around the heart • Postmortum – Pertaining to the period of time after death • Retroperitoneum – Pertaining to being behind the abdominal wall • Sublingual – Pertaining to being under the tongue • Suprahepatic – Pertaining to being above the liver • Transurethral – Pertaining to going through the urethra

Word List Definitions (Pages 37-39)

• Apnea – Without breath • Allograft – The transplant of tissue from one person to a different person • Antiseptic – Pertaining to opposing or inhibiting an infection (infectious organisms) • Bradycardia – Condition involving a slow heart rate • Contraindication – Against indication • Dehydration – The process of having a lack of water • Diagnosis – Complete or thorough knowledge • Dissection – Process of cutting apart • Dyspnea – Painful or difficult breathing • Echocardiography – Process of recording the heart using sound waves (ultrasonagraphy) • Hemifacial – Half (one side) of the face • Hypodermic – Pertaining to being below the skin • Macrocephalic – Pertaining to having an unusually large head • Malnutrition – Process of having bad (or insufficient) nutrients • Microcephalic – Pertaining to having an unusually small head • Neonatal – Pertaining to a new birth • Polyneuritis – Inflammation of many nerves • Semicoma – A partial or mild state of comatose • Tachycardia – Condition involving a fast heart rate • Unilateral – Pertaining to one side

Exercise 6

A. 1. Bi- Two Uni- One 2. Macro- Large Micro- Small 3. Post- After Pre- Before 4. Hypo- Under Hyper- Over 5. Brady- Slow Tachy- Fast 6. Epi- Above Sub- Under

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 45

B. 1. F 9. D 2. H 10. I 3. M 11. C 4. N 12. L 5. J 13. E 6. K 14. A 7. P 15. O 8. G 16. B

C. 1. Bradytachycardia 2. Hyperthyroidism 3. Contralateral 4. Intracerebral 5. Antibiotic 6. Intrahepatic 7. Malunion 8. Dysuria 9. Epigastric

D. 1. Anencephaly An- Condition in which a person has no brain 2. Antispasmodic Anti- Pertaining to stopping spasms 3. Endotracheal Endo- Pertaining to being inside the trachea 4. Exocolitis Exo- Inflammation of the colon’s outer coating 5. Hemigastrectomy Hemi- Excision of half of the stomach 6. Intracranial Intra- Pertaining to being within the skull 7. Peribronchial Peri- Pertaining to being around the bronchus 8. Postpartum Post- The period after giving birth 9. Transabdominal Trans- Pertaining to going across the abdomen 10. Polymyositis Poly- Inflammation of many muscles

46 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Diagnosis & Treatment Terms


Suffixes Relating to Treatment

Instructions: Using the previously covered suffixes and roots (and some new ones), write the definition of the following medical terms.

Suffix Meaning Word List -centesis Surgical puncture to Arthrocentesis – ______remove fluid ______

-crit Separation Hematocrit – ______


-ectomy Excision, remove Splenectomy – Removal of the spleen

-gram Record Pneumogram – Record of lung activity

-graph Instrument for Electrocardiograph – ______recording ______electr/o = electricity, electrical

-graphy Process of Electrocardiography – ______recording ______

-lysis Breakdown, Hemodialysis – Process of separating certain ele- -lytic separation, ments from the blood destruction

-opsy Process of viewing Biopsy – ______

______bi/o = life

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 47

Suffix Meaning Word List -pexy Fixation, put into Gastropexy – ______place ______

-plasty Surgical repair Angioplasty – ______


-rrhaphy Suture Herniorrhaphy – Repair by suture of a hernia

-scope Instrument used to Bronchoscope – ______view ______

-scopy Process of examining Arthroscopy – ______with a scope ______

-stasis Stopping, controlling Hemostasis – ______-static ______

-stomy Artificial opening Tracheostomy – ______


-therapy Treatment Chemotherapy –______

______chem/o = chemical

-tomy Process of cutting Osteotomy – ______


-tripsy Process of crushing Lithotripsy – ______

______lith/o = stone

48 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Use Stack 6 (Treatment Suffixes) and Word List 6 flashcards to reinforce your learning.

Exercise 7

A. Match the suffix to its meaning.

_____ 1. -centesis A. Remove

_____ 2. -gram B. Suture

_____ 3. -plasty C. Cutting

_____ 4. -scope D. Fixation

_____ 5. -ectomy E. Record

_____ 6. -rrhaphy F. Crushing

_____ 7. -tomy G. Surgical repair

_____ 8. -pexy H. Puncture to remove fluid

_____ 9. -tripsy I. Instrument used for viewing

_____ 10. -stomy J. Artificial opening

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 49

B. Complete each sentence with the appropriate term.

Arthrocentesis Angioplasty Biopsy Bronchoscopy Gastrorrhaphy Urinalysis Lithotripsy Rhinoplasty Tracheostomy

1. A patient requests a “nose job”. The correct medical term for this procedure is ______.

2. Suturing of the stomach could also be called ______.

3. As part of his cancer treatment, the patient underwent a procedure to create an artificial opening of his windpipe. He underwent a ______.

4. Often, patients undergo ______before coronary bypass sur- gery.

5. A man has been experiencing kidney stones. He could have these eliminated by ______.

` 6. A woman has been experiencing shortness of breath and coughing up of blood. She underwent a(n) ______with biopsy as a diagnostic tool.

7. A patient had a variety of laboratory work performed as a part of an annual examina- tion. Included in this laboratory work was a(n) ______.

8. A patient experiencing tightness and discomfort in his knee underwent a(n) ______to remove fluid.

9. A patient presents, who had with a lump in the floor of the mouth, underwent a ______to determine the nature of the lump.

50 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Miscellaneous Combining Forms

Instructions: Using the previously covered suffixes and roots (and some new ones), write the definition of the following medical terms.

Combining Meaning Word List Form Algesi/o Suffering, pain Analgesic – ______


Ankyl/o Bent, crooked, stiff, Ankylosis – Condition involving a fixed or fused fixed (joint)

Bacteri/o Bacteria Bacterial – ______


Bi/o Life Biology – ______


Carcin/o Cancer Carcinoma – Cancerous tumor

Cirrh/o Orange-Yellow Cirrhosis – Literally, the term means pertaining to orange-yellow. However, cirrhosis is a chronic con- dition involving the degeneration of liver cells – of- ten giving the person an orange-yellow hue to the skin.

Cis/o To cut Excision – Process of cutting out

Cry/o Cold Cryosurgery – ______


Cyan/o Blue Cyanotic – Pertaining to a bluish discoloration of skin due to a lack of oxygen

Cyt/o Cell Cytology – ______


© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 51

Combining Meaning Word List Form Electr/o Electricity Electromyogram – ______


Erythr/o Red Erythrocyte – ______

______-cyte = cell

Esthesi/o Sensation, feeling Anesthesia – ______Aesthesi/o ______

Fibr/o Relating to fibrous Fibroma – ______tissue ______

Fistul/o Tube, pipe Fistula - ______


Hist/o Tissue Histology – ______Histi/o ______

Hydr/o Water Hydration – Process involving water

Infer/o Below, beneath Inferior – ______


Leth/o Death Lethal – ______


Leuk/o White Leukemia – ______


Lip/o Fat, lipid Lipoma – ______


52 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Combining Meaning Word List Form Lith/o Calculus, stone Nephrolith – ______


Melan/o Black Melanoma - ______


Morph/o Shape, form Morphology – ______


Mort/o Death Mortality – ______


Narc/o Numb, sleep Narcotic – ______


Necr/o Death Necrosis – ______


Norm/o Normal Normocephalic – ______


Pseud/o False Pseudocyst – ______


Purul/o Pus Pyorrhea – ______Py/o ______

Sarc/o Muscular, flesh-like Sarcoma – ______


Scler/o Hard Scleroderma – ______


© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 53

Combining Meaning Word List Form Sect/o To cut Resection – ______


Seps/o Infection Sepsis – ______Sept/o ______

Son/o Sound Sonogram –______


Suppur/o Pus forming Suppurative - ______Suppurat/o ______

Therm/o Heat Thermal – ______


Thromb/o Clot/clotting Thrombosis – ______


Tox/o Poison Toxic – ______Toxic/o ______

Xen/o Strange, foreign Xenograft – ______


Xer/o Dry, dryness Xerostomia – ______

______stom/o = mouth

54 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Use Stack 7 (Miscellaneous Combining Forms) and Word List 7 flashcards to reinforce your learning.

Suffixes Relating to Diseases and Conditions

Instructions: Using the previously covered prefixes, suffixes, and roots (and some new ones), write the definition of the following medical terms.

Combining Meaning Word List Form -algia Pain Arthralgia – ______


-cele Hernia, cyst Mucocele – ______


-crine Secretion Endocrine – ______


-cyte Cell Leukocyte – ______


-dynia Pain Pleurodynia – Pain in the pleural cavity of the chest

- Swelling Lymphedema –______


-emesis Vomiting Hyperemesis – ______


© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 55

Combining Meaning Word List Form -genic Produced by, Carcinogenic – ______producing ______

-gnosis Knowledge Prognosis – ______


-itis Inflammation Otitis – ______


-malacia Softening Encephalomalacia –______


-megaly Enlargement Splenomegaly – ______


-oid Resemblance to Carcinoid – ______


-oma Tumor, mass Osteoma – ______


-paresis Slight paralysis Hemiparesis – ______


-pathy Disease, emotion Arthropathy –______


-penia Deficiency Osteopenia – ______


56 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Combining Meaning Word List Form -pepsia Digestion Dyspepsia – ______


-phagia Swallowing Aphagia – ______


-phasia Speech Dysphasia ______


-plakia A plate or flat plane, Leukoplakia – ______usually on a mucous membrane ______

-plasia Formation Neoplasm – ______-plasm ______

-porosis Porous, less density Osteoporosis – ______


-prandial Meal Postprandial – ______


-ptosis Drooping Glossoptosis – ______


-ptysis Spitting Hemoptysis – ______


-rrhage Bursting forth Hemorrhage – ______-rrhagia ______

-rrhea Flow, discharge Rhinorrhea – ______


© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 57

Combining Meaning Word List Form -sclerosis Hardening Arteriosclerosis – ______


-spasm Involuntary Cardiospasm – ______contraction of muscles ______

-stenosis Tightening, Ureteral Stenosis – ______stricture, narrowing ______

-trophy Development Hypertrophy – ______


-us Thing Thrombus – ______


Use Stack 8 (Suffixes Related to Diseases) and Word List 8 flashcards to reinforce your learning.

58 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Exercise 8

A. Match each suffix to its meaning.

_____ 1. -centesis A. Surgical repair

_____ 2. -logy B. Process of recording

_____ 3. -dynia C. Hardening

_____ 4. -lysis D. Pertaining to

_____ 5. -graphy E. Pain

_____ 6. -al F. Treatment

_____ 7. -emia G. Surgical puncture

_____ 8. -sclerosis H. Secretion

_____ 9. -therapy I. Blood condition

_____ 10. -plasty J. Study of

_____ 11. -edema K. Meal

_____ 12. -ptysis L. Spit

_____ 13. -rrhage M. Bursting forth

_____ 14. -prandial N. Separation

_____ 15. -crine O. Swelling

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 59

B. Complete the following sentences by writing the correct term in the blank.

Cephalocentesis Cervicodynia Colonorrhaphy Craniotomy Cystostomy Cytotoxic Dysentery Hepatomalacia Hypothermic Neurospasms Splenectomy Urolith

1. To cut into the skull is also known as ______.

2. Bloody bowel movements are symptoms of ______.

3. Softening of the liver is also known as ______.

4. A term which means destructive to cells is ______.

5. A surgical puncture of the head is also known as ______.

6. To suture the colon is also known as ______.

7. An artificial opening in the bladder is called a(n) ______.

8. To remove the spleen is also known as ______.

9. A patient who has been experiencing pain on urination and decrease in fluid output may be told he has a(n) ______.

10. A person, experiencing pain in the neck, may refer to his condition as ______.

11. A condition in which there is a low body temperature is known as being ______.

12. Contractions of a nerve are also known as ______.

60 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

C. Match the term to the meaning.

_____ 1. Pyorrhea A. Suture in the intestine

_____ 2. Cardiospasm B. Hardening of the skin

_____ 3. Tracheostenosis C. Cancerous tumor of glandular tissue

_____ 4. Osteonecrosis D. Inflammation of the bladder

_____ 5. Enterorrhaphy E. Narrowing of the trachea

_____ 6. Microlith F. Pus discharge

_____ 7. Adenocarcinoma G. Small calculus

_____ 8. Scleroderma H. Hernia of bladder

_____ 9. Septicemia I. Death of bone

_____ 10. Osteomalacia J. Contractions of the heart

_____ 11. Thrombolysis K. Destruction of a clot

_____ 12. Electroencephalogram L. Record of brain activity

_____ 13. Osteoma M. Tumor of the bone

_____ 14. Cystitis N. Blood infection

_____ 15. Cystocele O. Softening of the bone

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 61

D. Match the term to the meaning. Note: Some terms may be used more than once.

_____ 1. Arthrotic A. Pertaining to a joint

_____ 2. Arthritis B. Puncture of the joint to remove fluid

_____ 3. Arthroscope C. Process of recording (x-raying) a joint

_____ 4. Arthralgia D. Inflammation of a joint

_____ 5. Arthropathy F. Pain in a joint

_____ 6. Arthroscopy G. Removal of a joint

_____ 7. H. Instrument used to view a joint

_____ 8. Arthrotomy I. Record of a joint after x-ray exam

_____ 9. Arthral J. Swelling a joint

_____ 10. Arthrectomy K. Disease of the joints

_____ 11. Arthrocele L. Disease of the joints

_____ 12. Arthrocentesis M. Surgical repair of a joint

_____ 13. Arthrodynia N. Cutting of a joint

_____ 14. Arthrogram O. Process of viewing a joint with a scope

_____ 15. Arthrography

62 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

E. Define each of the terms underlined in the following reports.

Radiology Report

Patient: Johnson, Peter Exam: Chest Technique: Lateral views of the chest

Findings: The examination shows lower lobe peribronchial disease compatible with scarring or bronchitis. Cardiomegaly with mild chronic congestive failure. Low probability for pulmonary embolus.

1. Radiology ______

2. Peribronchial ______

3. Bronchitis ______

4. Cardiomegaly ______

5. Pulmonary ______

Operative Report

Patient: Griffen, Mary

Postoperative Diagnosis: Invasive squamous cell carcinoma of palate

Operation: 1. Excision of carcinoma of palate 2. Direct laryngoscopy

Anesthesia: General via nasal endotracheal intubation

6. Carcinoma ______

7. Excision ______

8. Laryngoscopy ______

9. Anesthesia ______

10. Endotracheal ______

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 63

F. Match the combining form to its meaning.

_____ 1. Cry/o A. Red

_____ 2. Algesi/o B. Black

_____ 3. Infer/o C. Suffering

_____ 4. Fistul/o D. Below

_____ 5. Melan/o E. Cold

_____ 6. Narc/o F. Shape

_____ 7. Erythr/o G. False

_____ 8. Pseudo H. Pus

_____ 9. Morph/o I. Tube

_____ 10. /o J. Sleep

_____ 11. Suppur/o K. Sound

_____ 12. Xen/o L. Dry

_____ 13. Son/o M. Fat

_____ 14. Xer/o N. Foreign

64 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

G. Identify the suffix in each of the following terms and provide the meaning of the word.

Term Suffix Meaning


a. Iliac -ac Pertaining to the ilium

1. Cystoscopy ______

2. Axillary ______

3. Rhinitis ______

4. Neuralgia ______

5. Appendectomy ______

6. Bronchial ______

7. Cystocele ______

8. Cardiomyopathy ______

9. Laryngoscope ______

10. Gastric ______

11. Necrotic ______

12. Cytopenia ______

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 65

Term Suffix Meaning

15. Aphasia ______

16. Chondroplasty ______

17. Electroencephalograph ______

Answers – Chapter 4

Word List Definitions (Pages 47-48)

• Arthocentesis – Puncture of a joint • Hematocrit – To separate blood (laboratory test) • Electrocardiograph – The instrument used to record the electrical activity of the heart • Electrocardiography – The process of using the instrument that records the electrical activity of the heart • Biopsy – Viewing life (or tissue taken from a live being) • Gastropexy – A surgical procedure that involves fixing or putting the stomach back in place • Angioplasty – A surgical repair of a vessel • Bronchoscope – The instrument used to view the inside of the bronchus • Arthroscopy – The process of using a scope to view a joint • Hemostasis – To stop or control blood flow • Tracheostomy – A surgical procedure that creates an artificial opening to the trachea • Chemotherapy – Treatment involving the use of chemicals • Osteotomy – The process of cutting bone • Lithotripsy – A procedure that crushes a stone (normally a kidney stone)

Exercise 7

A. 1. H 6. B 2. E 7. C 3. G 8. D 4. I 9. F 5. A 10. J

66 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

B. 1. Rhinoplasty 2. Gastrorrhaphy 3. Tracheostomy 4. Angioplasty 5. Lithotripsy 6. Bronchoscopy 7. Urinalysis 8. Arthrocentesis 9. Biopsy

Work List Definitions (Pages 51-54)

• Analgesic – Pertaining to a group of drugs that creates a state of no pain (pain killer) • Bacterial – Pertaining to bacteria • Biology – The study of life • Cryosurgery – Surgery involving the application of extreme cold to remove abnormal tissue • Cytology – The study of cells • Electromyogram – A record of the electrical activity of muscles • Erythrocyte – A red blood cell • Anesthesia – A condition or state of having no sensation • Fibroma – A tumor involving fibrous tissue • Fistula – An abnormal condition or state of having a tube connecting two anatomical areas • Histology – The study of tissues • Inferior – Pertaining to something that is below or beneath a point of reference • Lethal – Pertaining to death • Leukemia – A malignant blood condition involving the blood or bone marrow, characterized by an accumulation of white blood cells • Lipoma – A benign tumor composed of fatty tissue • Nephrolith – A kidney stone • Melanoma – A malignant tumor that has a black appearance • Morphology – Literally: the study of shapes or forms (This is a term used to describe a neo- plasm’s form or type. [i.e., carcinoma, fibroma, sarcoma]) • Mortality – Pertaining to death • Narcotic – Pertaining to a class of drug that causes a person to be numb • Necrosis – Abnormal condition in which tissue dies • Normocephalic – Pertaining to having a normal head • Pseudocyst – False cyst (an accumulation of fluid that appears to be a cyst, but it is not) • Pyorrhea – Discharge composed of pus • Sarcoma – Malignant tumor that arises in connective tissue (bone, cartilage, fat cells) • Scleroderma – A chronic autoimmune condition that is characterized by the hardening of the skin • Resection – The process of cutting back • Sepsis – An infection

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 67

• Sonogram – A record (diagnostic image) that is made using sound waves capturing equip- ment • Suppurative – The formation or discharge of pus • Thermal –Pertaining to heat • Thrombosis – A condition involving a blood clot • Toxic- Pertaining to poison • Xenograft - The transplant of tissue from one species to an unlike species • Xerostomia- Dry mouth

Word List Definitions (Page 55-58)

• Arthralgia – Pain in a joint • Mucocele – A cyst or cavity filled with mucous secretion • Endocrine – A body system composed of glands that secrete hormones into the blood stream • Leukocyte – White blood cell • Lymphedema – Swelling or localized fluid retention due to a compromised lymph system • Hyperemesis – Excessive vomiting • Carcinogenic – Pertaining to the production or cause of cancer • Prognosis – A prediction of an outcome made before knowledge of the actual outcome • Otitis – Inflammation of the ear • Encephalomalacia – Softening of the brain • Splenomegaly – Enlargement of the spleen • Carcinoid – Resemblance of a cancer • Osteoma – A tumor that arises in the bone • Hemiparesis – Slight paralysis of half of the body • Arthropathy – A condition or disease of a joint • Osteopenia – Deficiency of bone mass (precursor to osteoporosis) • Dyspepsia – A condition in which there is painful digestion • Aphagia – A condition in which there is an inability to swallow • Dysphasia – A condition in which speech is difficult • Leukoplakia – White patches of the mucous membrane • Neoplasm – Abnormal new mass of tissue • Osteoporosis – Abnormal loss of bony tissue that results in porous bone • Postprandial – After meals • Glossoptosis – Downward displacement (drooping) of the tongue • Hemoptysis – Coughing of blood • Hemorrhage – Excessive discharge of blood • Rhinorrhea – Runny nose • Arteriosclerosis – Hardening or thickening of the arterial walls • Cardiospasm – Spasms (contraction) of the cardiac sphincter (located between the esophagus and stomach) • Ureteral stenosis – Tightening of a ureter • Hypertrophy – Increase in the size of an organ or tissue

68 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

• Thrombus – Stationary blood clot

Exercise 8

A. 1. G 9. F 2. J 10. A 3. E 11. O 4. N 12. L 5. B 13. M 6. D 14. K 7. I 15. H 8. C

B. 1. Craniotomy 7. Cystostomy 2. Dysentery 8. Splenectomy 3. Hepatomalacia 9. Urolith 4. Cytotoxic 10. Cervicodynia 5. Cephalocentesis 11. Hypothermic 6. Colonorrhaphy 12. Neurospasms

C. 1. F 9. N 2. J 10. O 3. E 11. K 4. I 12. L 5. A 13. M 6. G 14. D 7. C 15. H 8. B

D. 1. A 9. A 2. D 10. G 3. H 11. J 4. F 12. B 5. J 13. F 6. O 14. I 7. M 15. C 8. N

E. 1. Study of the use of x-rays and other penetrating radiation 2. Pertaining to around the bronchi 3. Inflammation of the bronchi 4. Enlargement of the heart 5. Pertaining to the lungs 6. Malignant tumor (growth) 7. The process of cutting out

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 69

8. The process of viewing the larynx with a scope 9. Pertaining to no sensation 10. Pertaining to within the trachea

F. 1. E 8. G 2. C 9. F 3. D 10. M 4. I 11. H 5. B 12. N 6. J 13. K 7. A 14. L

G. 1. --scopy Process of viewing the bladder with a scope 2. -ary Pertaining to the axillae (armpits) 3. -itis Inflammation of the nose 4. -algia Nerve pain 5. -ectomy Removal of the appendix 6. -al Pertaining to the bronchi 7. -cele Swelling or herniation of the bladder 8. -pathy Disease of the muscle of the heart 9. -scope Instrument used to view the larynx 10. -ic Pertaining to the stomach 11. -ic Pertaining to death 12. -penia Deficiency of cells 13. -phasia Without speech 14. -plasty Surgical repair of cartilage 13. -graph Instrument used to measure the electrical activity of the brain

70 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Oral and Maxillofacial Terms


The following are word components not previously covered in Chapters 1-4. Note: Several di- gestive system and musculoskeletal system components have already been introduced. You will need to reference these when completing the exercises.

Illustrative Overview of the Cranial Cavity

Structure of the Tooth (Figure 7)

Enamel Crown Dentin Pulp Gum

Bone Cementum Root

Blood vessels and nerves

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 71

Bones of the Face (Anterior View) (Figure 8)

Frontal Bone

Nasal Bone

Zygomatic Bone Maxilla


Bones of the Face (Lateral View) (Figure 9)

Frontal Bone

Lacrimal Bone

Nasal Bone Zygomatic Arch

Maxilla Mandible

72 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Structures of the Mandible (Figure 10)

Condyle Coronoid Process


Body Mental Foramen

Combining Forms Relating to the Orofacial Areas

Instructions: Using the previously covered prefixes and suffixes, write the definition of the fol- lowing medical terms.

Combining Meaning Word List Form Alveol/o Hollow cavity, pit Alveolar – ______

Tooth socket in the jaw ______bone

Amel/o Enamel (Figure 7) Amelogenesis – ______

Hard, thin covering of a ______tooth

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 73

Combining Meaning Word List Form Apic/o Apex, summit, tip Apicoectomy – ______

Terminal end of the root ______of a tooth

Aur/i Ear, hearing Auricular – ______Aur/o Auricul/o ______

Blephar/o Eyelid Blepharoplasty – ______


Brux/o Grind Bruxism – ______


Bucc/o Cheek Buccal – ______


Cement/o Rough stone, Cementoma – ______cementum ______

Chei/o Lip Cheilitis – ______

Upper or lower fleshy ______margin of the mouth

Condyl/o (Figure 10) Condylar – ______

Rounded projection on a ______bone

Dent/o Teeth (Figure 7) Dentoalveolar – ______Dont/o ______

Faci/o Face Cervicofacial – ______


74 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Combining Meaning Word List Form Fren/o Frenulum Frenectomy – ______Frenul/o Band of tissue that holds ______down a body part (i.e., tongue, lip, cheeks)

Front/o Forehead (Figure 8) Frontonasal – ______


Geni/o Chin Genioplasty – ______


Gingiv/o Gums (Figure 7) Gingivitis – ______


Gloss/o Tongue Ankyloglossia – ______


Gnath/o Jaw (Upper or lower) Retrognathia – ______(Figure 8) ______

Labi/o Lip Labial – ______


Lingu/o Tongue; language Sublingual – ______


Mal/o Cheek Malar – ______


Mandibul/o Lower jaw, Mandibular –______mandible (Figure 10) ______

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 75

Combining Meaning Word List Form Maxill/o Upper jaw, maxilla Maxillary – ______(Figure 8) ______

Menisc/o Crescent shaped Meniscus – Pertaining to the crescent shaped cushion found in joints

Nas/i Nose Nasolabial – ______Nas/o ______

Occlus/o Shut, close up Malocclusion – ______

Odont/o Tooth (Figure 7) Odontogenic – ______


Or/o Mouth Oropharynx – ______


Osse/o Bone Osseous – ______


Palat/o Palate Palatonasal – ______

Roof of the mouth ______

Saliv/o Spit Salivary – ______


Sial/o Saliva, salivary gland Sialolith – ______(Figure 2) ______Clear liquid secreted by salivary gland to moisten food and start the diges- tive process

76 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Combining Meaning Word List Form Sinus/o Depression, cavity, or Sinusitis – ______channel (i.e., facial si- nuses) ______

Stom/o Mouth Stomatoplasty – ______Stomat/o ______

Tempor/o Temple, temporal Temporomandibular – ______bone (Figure 9) ______

Zygomat/o Cheek bone (Figure 8) Zygomatic – ______


Use Stack 9 (Oral and Maxillofacial Combining Forms) and Word List 9 flashcards to reinforce your learning.

Exercise 9

A. Provide the medical term for each of the following definitions.

Osteoradionecrosis Buccolabial Orolingual Micromandible Agnathia Ankyloglossia Intermaxillary Orthognathic Microgenia Prognathism Orthodontics Extraoral

1. Pertaining to the cheek and lip – ______.

2. Having an extremely small mandible – ______.

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 77

3. Congenital absence of the upper or lower jaw– ______.

4. Between the bones of the upper jaw – ______.

5. Marked forward projection of the jaw – ______.

6. Death of the bone after radiation exposure – ______.

7. Pertaining to the bones of the jaw – ______.

8. Having an unusually small chin – ______.

9. Pertaining to the mouth and tongue – ______.

10. Pertaining to straight teeth – ______.

11. Tongue-tied – ______.

12. Outside the mouth – ______.

78 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

B. Define each of the terms underlined in the following reports.

Office Note

Patient: Wilson, Mark

This 58-year-old patient presents with an edentulous mandible and partially edentu- lous maxilla due to periodontal disease. He has significant bone loss that results in nerve impingement in the left mandible that causes sharp pain each time he chews when his denture is in place. He also has micrognathia of the mandible.

Plan: Sinus lift, with autograft from iliac crest.

1. Edentulous______

2. Periodontal ______

3. Micrognathia ______

4. Autograft ______

5. Iliac ______

Office Note

Patient: Owens, Linda

The patient presents with a large unsightly hypertrophic scar extending from the corner

of her right eye down to the angle of her mandible. The scar developed after extensive injuries from a motor vehicle accident 14 months ago in which she was thrown through the windshield. Scar contraction and muscle injuries have led to mechanical ptosis of her right eyelids.

The oral and maxillofacial surgery treatment plan includes:

1. Upper and lower lid blepharoplasties 2. Scar revision of 11cm hypertrophic scar on the right side of face by excision

6. Hypertrophic ______

7. Ptosis ______

8. Blepharoplasties ______

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 79

Office Note

Patient: Howard, John

A 47-year-old man diagnosed as having severe obstructive sleep apnea un- derwent a nasopharyngoscopy 4 weeks ago. He presents today for discussion of recommended surgery – reconstruction of the upper airway via maxillary os- teotomies (LeFort I) and mandibular sagittal split with internal fixation and gen- ioglossus muscle advancement.

9. Apnea ______

10. Nasopharyngoscopy ______

11. Osteotomies ______

12. Genioglossus ______

C. Match the following inflammations with their meaning.

______1. Alveolitis A. Inflammation of the tongue

______2. Cheilitis B. Inflammation of the sinuses

______3. Glossitis C. Inflammation of the eyelid

______4. Gingivitis D. Inflammation of a salivary gland

______5. Condylitis E. Inflammation of the throat

______6. Blepharitis F. Inflammation of the gums

______7. Sinusitis G. Inflammation of the ball of the lower jaw

______8. Pharyngitis H. Inflammation of the mouth

______9. Stomatitis I. Inflammation of the alveolus

______10. Sialadenitis J. Inflammation of the lip

80 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

D. Match the medical term to its correct definition.

______1. Macrodontia A. Having no tongue

______2. Leukoplakia B. Inflammation of the pulp

______3. Pulpitis C. Excision of the gum

______4. Periodontist D. Unusually large teeth

______5. Anodontia E. Cutting into the frenum

______6. Aglossia F. Thickened whitish patches

______7. Cheilorrhaphy G. Physician who specializes in the tissue sup- porting the teeth ______8. Gingivectomy H. Excision of the crescent-shaped cushion ______9. Frenotomy found in a joint

______10. Odontoma I. Absence of teeth

______11. Meniscectomy J. Suture of the lip

______12 Periapical K. Neoplasm made of calcified masses of teeth

______13. Palatoplasty L. Cyst or swelling of the mucosa

______14. Macrognathia M. Painful esophagus

______15. Odontogenic N. Unusually large jaw

______16. Esophagodynia O. Pertaining to maxilla and other facial bones

______17. Maxillofacial P. Surgical repair of the palate

______18. Mucocele Q. Arising in tissues that give origin to the teeth

R. Around the apex of the root of the tooth

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 81

E. Complete the crossword puzzle. Word List can be found on page 83.

Across Down

5. Physician that specializes in the 1. Painful tongue treatment of the tooth pulp 2. Inside the mouth 9. Drooping of the eyelid 3. Excision of half of the tongue 10. Puncture of a joint 4. Pertaining to the skull and face 6. Death of the bone 7. Under the lower jaw 8. Excessive sensitivity to stimuli

82 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

F. Match the combining form to its meaning.

______1. Amel/o A. Tongue

______2. Zygom/o B. Bone

______3. Or/o C. Chin

______4. Saliv/o D. Grind

______5. Occlus/o E. Cheek bone

______6. Nas/o F. Mouth

______7. Gloss/o G. Shut

______8. Osse/o H. Nose

______9. Geni/o I. Enamel

______10. Brux/o J. Spit

______11. Tempor/o K. Ear

______12. Aur/o L. Temple

______13. Cement/o M. Forehead

______14. Front/o N. Cheek

______15. Mal/o O. Rough stone

Word List (Exercise 11E)

Arthrocentesis Hemiglossectomy Blepharoptosis Hyperesthesia Craniofacial Intraoral Endodontist Osteonecrosis Glossodynia Submandibular

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 83

Answers – Chapter 5

Word List Definitions (Pages 73-77)

• Alveolar – Pertaining to the tooth sockets • Amelogenesis – The process during which tooth enamel is formed • Apicoectomy – Excision of a tooth’s root tip (apex) • Auricular – Pertaining to the sense of hearing • Blepharoplasty – Surgical repair of the eyelid • Bruxism – Pertaining to grinding • Buccal – Pertaining to the cheek • Cementoma – A tumor composed of tissue resembling cementum • Cheilitis – Inflammation of the lip • Condylar – Pertaining to the condyle • Dentoalveolar – Pertaining to the teeth and tooth sockets • Cervicofacial – Pertaining to the neck and face • Frenectomy – Excision of the frenum • Frontonasal – Pertaining to the frontal and nasal bones • Genioplasty – Surgical repair of the chin • Gingivitis – Inflammation of the gum • Ankyloglossia – Crooked or bent tongue • Retrognathia – Abnormal posterior positioning of the jaw • Labial – Pertaining to the • Sublingual – Below the tongue • Malar – Pertaining to the cheek • Mandibular – Pertaining to the mandible • Maxillary – Pertaining to the maxilla • Nasolabial – Pertaining to the area of the nose and lip • Malocclusion – A condition in which the upper and lower teeth do not fit together in bit- ing or chewing • Odontogenic – Pertaining to the formation or development of teeth • Oropharynx – Pertaining to the area of the mouth and pharynx (throat) • Osseous – Pertaining to bone • Palatonasal – Pertaining to the area of the palate and nasal cavity • Salivary – Pertaining to saliva • Sialolith – Salivary stone • Sinusitis – Inflammation of the sinuses • Stomatoplasty – Surgical repair of the mouth • Temporomandibular – Pertaining to the area of the temporal and mandibular bones • Zygomatic – Pertaining to the zygoma

84 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Exercise 9

A. 1. Buccolabial 7. Orthognathic 2. Micromandible 8. Microgenia 3. Agnathia 9. Orolingual 4. Intermaxillary 10. Orthodontics 5. Prognathism 11. Ankyloglossia 6. Osteoradionecrosis 12. Extraoral

B. 1. Pertaining to having no teeth 2. Pertaining to the area around the tooth 3. Having an extremely small jaw 4. Taken from one site and grafted to a different site in the same person 5. Pertaining to the hip bone 6. Pertaining to an area that has experienced excessive increase in size 7. Drooping 8. Surgical repairs of the eyelids 9. Without breath 10. Process of viewing the nose and the pharynx with a scope 11. Cutting of bone 12. Pertaining to the area of tongue and chin

C. 1. I 6. C 2. J 7. B 3. A 8. E 4. F 9. H 5. G 10. D

D. 1. D 10. K 2. F 11. H 3. B 12. R 4. G 13. P 5. I 14. N 6. A 15. Q 7. J 16. M 8. C 17. O 9. E 18. L

E. 1. Glossodynia 6. Osteonecrosis 2. Intraoral 7. Submandibular 3. Hemiglossectomy 8. Hyperesthesia 4. Craniofacial 9. Blepharoptosis 5. Endodontist 10. Arthocentesis

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 85

F. 1. I 9. C 2. E 10. D 3. F 11. L 4. J 12. K 5. G 13. O 6. H 14. M 7. A 15. N 8. B

Illustration Source

LifeART Collection Images – Copyright ©1989-2001 by Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD

86 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Lecture Guides


The Lecture Guides contained in this chapter accompany the Lessons in Unit 6 of the course.

Lesson 11 - Radiographic Examinations

______Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Review ______

Click to edit Master title style ______Radiographic Examinations ______


______Intraoral ______Radiographic Views ______

Periapical Radiograph ______

• Shows . Tooth in its entirety ______. Periapical tissues around the roots of the teeth • Small rectangular film (1” X 1.5”) • Technique ______. Film inside mouth . Conventional dental x-ray unit ______

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 87

Bitewing Radiograph ______

• Shows . The crowns of both the ______maxillary and mandibular teeth • Technique . Patient bites on a tab that holds the film ______. Conventional dental x-ray unit • Used for detection of caries ______

Occlusal Radiographs ______

• Used to evaluate . Impacted teeth ______. Cysts . Salivary stones . Trauma • Larger film (3” x 2.25”) ______• Exposures . From above for maxilla . From below for mandible ______



Extraoral ______Radiographic Views ______

Panoramic Radiograph ______

• 5” x 12” radiograph • Provides lower face image ______• Used to evaluate . Third molars . Fractures . Disease ______. Orthognathic surgery . Implant surgery ______

88 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Lateral Cephalogram ______

• Used to evaluate ______. Entire facial skeleton and cranial base . Soft tissues of the face • Taken from the side (lateral ______view) ______

Posterior-Anterior Cephalogram ______

• Taken from the posterior aspect (back to front) ______• Used to evaluate . Facial bones, jaws, and skull ______


Conventional CT Scan ______

• Large series of 2-D images . Taken around a single axis ______of rotation (axial cuts) • Data reformatted into images (coronal reformatted images) ______


Cone Beam CT Scan ______

• C-shaped arm makes 360o rotation ______• Captures images from different angles • Discriminates between ______multiple types of structures ______

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 89

Cone Beam CT Scan ______



3-Dimension CT Images ______



Virtual Surgical Planning ______



Lesson 12 – Anesthesia Administration

______Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Review ______

Click to edit Master title style ______Anesthesia Administration ______

90 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Definitions ______

• Anesthetic . Partial or total loss of sensation ______• Analgesic . Reduces pain ______


Oral Administration ______

• Enteral administration . Through the digestive system ______• Formats . Pill . Liquid . Lollipop ______


Oral Administration ______

• Advantages . No intravenous access needed ______. Patient acceptance • Disadvantages . Affects not achieved with one dose . Wait time needed ______. Not predictable ______

Parenteral Administration ______

• Intramuscular • Intravenous ______• Inhalation • Transmucosal ______


© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 91

Intramuscular Administration ______

• Advantages . No intravenous access needed ______. More rapid onset of effect . More reliable absorption • Disadvantages . Not titratable ______. Wait time needed . “Shot” required . Potential long duration of action . Monitoring required ______

Intravenous Administration ______

• Methods . Bolus (bulb) ______. Drip . Needle (push) • Advantages . Titratable ______. Rapid onset . More predictable effects . Emergency situation assistance • Disadvantages . Intravenous access needed ______. Monitoring required

Inhalation Administration ______

• Nasal mask • Full face mask ______• Intubation ______


Inhalation Administration ______

• Advantages . Quick acting ______. Titratable . Good patient acceptance . Quick recovery • Disadvantages ______. Special equipment needed . Not predictable or effective ______

92 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Transmucosal Administration ______

• Route: through the mucosa • Delivery systems ______. Injections . Dissolvable lozenge/pill ______


Depth of Anesthesia ______

• Nitrous oxide analgesia . Pain reduction ______. Euphoria . Dissociation • Local anesthesia . Small part of body affected ______. Consciousness retained ______

Depth of Anesthesia ______

• Minimal sedation . Characteristics ______Appears to be relatively awake Communicates clearly • Moderate conscious sedation . Characteristics ______Appears to be sedated Responds to verbal and tactile stimuli Maintains airway independently ______

Depth of Anesthesia ______

• Deep sedation . Partial or complete loss of ______protective reflexes . Characteristics Possible difficulty maintaining an independent airway Decreased response to tactile or ______verbal stimuli ______

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 93

Depth of Anesthesia ______

• General anesthesia . Partial or complete loss of ______protective reflexes . Characteristics Needs assistance in maintaining airway Does not respond to stimuli ______


Lesson 13 – Craniofacial Anatomy

______Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Review ______

Click to edit Master title style ______Craniofacial Anatomy ______


______Bony Structures ______


Bones of the Cranium ______

Coronal Suture Frontal Bone ______

Lambdoid Suture Sphenoid Bone Ethmoid Bone Temporal Bone ______Occipital Bone Styloid Process Mastoid Process ______

Supraorbital Foramen

94 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

The Facial Skeleton ______

Nasal Bone ______Zygoma Infraobital Foramen Nasal Conchae Maxilla

Mandible ______Mental Foramen

Temporomandibular Structures ______

Articular Eminence Glenoid ______Postglenoid Process Zygomatic Arch Condyle Coronoid Process Sigmoid Notch Maxilla Ramus Mandibular Angle Mandibular Body Mental Protuberance ______

Temporomandibular Structures ______

Articular Eminence ______Postglenoid Process Zygomatic Arch Condyle Coronoid Process Sigmoid Notch Maxilla Ramus Mandibular Angle Mandibular Body ______Mental Protuberance



Sinuses ______


© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 95

Paranasal Sinuses ______

• Air-filled spaces • Types ______. Frontal sinuses . Ethmoid sinuses . Maxillary sinuses . Sphenoid sinus (not shown) ______• Functions . Decrease weight of the bones . Add resonance to voice . Warm and humidify air . Provide a trauma buffer ______



Muscles of Mastication ______


Temporalis Muscle ______

• Fan shaped • Origin ______. Temporal line on the parietal bone • Insertion . Coronoid process of the ______mandible • Function . Elevates and retracts the mandible ______

Masseter Muscle ______

• Origin . Zygomatic arch and the ______maxilla • Insertion . Coronoid process and ramus of the mandible ______• Function . Elevation and retraction of the mandible ______

96 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Lateral Pterygoid Muscle ______

• The superior head . Origin and Insertion ______• The inferior head . Origin and Insertion • Function . Opens the jaw ______. Assists with lateral movements ______

Medial Pterygoid Muscle ______

• Deep head: origin . Medial side of pterygoid plate behind upper teeth ______• Superficial head: origin . Pyramidal process of and maxillary tuberosity • Insertion ______. Medial aspect of the mandibular angle • Function . Elevate the mandible ______. Assists with lateral movement


______Facial and Neck Muscles ______


Facial and Neck Muscles ______Frontalis ______Procerus Occipitofrontalis Orbicularis Oculi Nasalis Levator Labii Zygomaticus ______Stylohyoid Buccinator Levator Scapulae Orbicularis Oris Mentalis Trapezius Depressor Anguli Oris Sternocleidomastoid Scalenes Digastric ______Sternohyoid Omohyoid

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 97


______Blood Supply and ______Nerves of the Face ______

Blood Supply to the Face ______

• External Carotid Artery . Facial Artery ______Angular Artery Lateral Nasal Branch Superior Labial Artery Inferior Labial Artery ______. Superficial Temporal Artery Transverse Facial Artery Frontal Branch Orbital Artery . Internal Maxillary Artery ______. Posterior Auricular Artery

Fifth Cranial Nerve ______

• Trigeminal nerve • Function ______. Sensory Root . Motor Root • Branches . Ophthalmic Nerve ______. Maxillary Nerve . Mandibular Nerve • Semilunar ganglion ______

Trigeminal Branches ______

• V1 – Ophthalmic nerve . Sensory nerve ______Upper, central face • V2 – Maxillary nerve V1 . Sensory nerve Upper jaw region ______• V3 – Mandibular nerve V2 . Sensory nerve Lower jaw region to ears and temples V3 . Motor nerve ______Muscles of mastication

98 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Seventh Cranial Nerve ______

• Facial nerve • Sensory portion ______. Taste from the anterior two- thirds of the tongue • Motor component . Muscles of facial expression ______


Seventh Cranial Nerve Branches ______

______Frontal Branch

Zygomatic Branch

Buccal Branch ______

Marginal Mandibular Branch Cervical Branch ______

Lesson 14 – Oral Anatomy

______Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Review ______

Click to edit Master title style ______Anatomy of the Mouth ______

The Mouth ______

Cupid’s Bow

Philtrum ______

Vermillion Border ______


Vermillion ______

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 99

Dental Arches and Quadrants ______

• Arches (2) . Upper and lower ______• Quadrants (4) . Maxillary (upper) Right and left quadrants . Mandibular (lower) ______Right and left quadrants ______

The ______

• Definition . The natural teeth in the jawbones ______• Primary . First set of 20 primary teeth . Also known as “baby teeth” or “deciduous teeth” • Permanent dentition ______. Second set of 32 secondary teeth . Also known as “adult teeth” • Mixed dentition . Both primary and permanent teeth present ______

Tooth Numbering Systems ______Primary: 20 Teeth ______

Permanent: 32 Teeth ______

Oral Cavity Directions ______

• Anterior • Posterior ______• Medial • Lateral • Mesial ______• Distal ______

100 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Additional Terms ______

• Eruption • Exfoliation ______• Occlusion • Occlusal Surface • Incisal Surface ______


Intraoral Anatomy ______

Linea Alba Gingiva ______Vestibule ______

Intraoral Anatomy ______

Maxillary Buccal Frenum ______

Mandibular Buccal Frenum ______Maxillary Labial Frenum

______Mandibular Labial Frenum

Intraoral Anatomy ______

Palatopharyngeal Arch ______Palatoglossal Arch Uvula

Tongue – Dorsum ______Tongue – Lateral Border ______

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 101

Intraoral Anatomy – Mandible ______


Tongue – Ventral Surface

Mandibular Lingual Frenum ______Floor of Mouth Sublingual Caruncle ______

Intraoral Anatomy – Maxilla ______

______Incisive Papilla Rugae Hard Palate ______

Soft Palate ______

Lesson 15 – Dentoalveolar Diagnoses

______Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Review ______

Click to edit Master title style ______Dentoalveolar Diagnoses ______



Infections ______


102 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Dentoalveolar Infections ______

• Periapical abscess . Pus enclosed in the tissues of ______the jaw bone around the root of the tooth Potential fistula . Accompanying radiolucency ______


Dentoalveolar Infections ______

Mucous Membrane Involvement ______

______Infraorbital Cellulitis


Dentoalveolar Infections ______

Infraorbital and Supramandibular Cellulitis ______


Multispace Cellulitis ______

Dentoalveolar Infections ______• Incision and Drainage ______



© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 103



Common Pathologic ______Lesions ______

Fibroma and Papilloma ______

• Fibroma . Reactive hyperplasia of ______fibrous connective tissue . Trauma or local irritation • Squamous papilloma . Painless ______. Exophytic, cauliflower-like surface . Human papillomavirus ______

Mucocele ______

• Painless mucous-filled sac in the submucosa ______• Bluish in color • Duct is severed or obstructed ______


Leukoplakia ______

• Precancerous • A white patch or plaque ______• Develops on tongue or cheek • Caused by irritation ______


104 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Lichen Planus ______

• Chronic inflammatory disease • Interlacing white striations ______(Wickham striae) • Malignant transformation possible in erosive lichen planus • Allergic or immune reaction ______


Squamous Cell Carcinoma ______

• Red/white lesion of the soft tissues ______• Risk factors – tobacco, alcohol, sunlight, human papillomavirus ______• May be asymptomatic • Metastasis to regional lymph nodes ______

Odontogenic Cysts ______

• Inflammatory cysts . Radicular cyst ______. Paradental cyst



Odontogenic Cysts ______

• Developmental cysts . Dentigerous cyst . Lateral periodontal cyst ______. Odontogenic keratocyst . Glandular odontogenic cyst ______


© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 105

Nonodontogenic Cysts ______

• Median mandibular cyst • Nasopalatine cyst ______• Pseudocyst . Aneurysmal bone cyst . Traumatic bone cyst . Staphne bone defect ______


Odontogenic Jaw Tumors ______

• Derived from the tooth forming tissues ______• Benign or malignant • Common types . Ameloblastoma . Odontoma ______


Nonodontogenic Tumors ______

• Benign tumors . Localized, no metastasis ______. Slow growing . Found in or are composed of a variety of different tissues ______• Malignant tumors . Primary or metastatic ______



Tumor Treatment ______


106 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Incisional Biopsy ______

• Obtain a small portion of the lesion ______• Submitted to laboratory for diagnosis • Treatment based on definitive diagnosis ______


Excisional Biopsy ______

• Entire lesion is removed plus a border of normal ______tissue • Tissue is submitted to the laboratory for definitive ______diagnosis


Curettage ______

• Removal by scraping or scooping ______



Resection ______

• Partial or complete removal of organ or structure ______• Used to remove . Aggressive lesions . Malignant lesions . Osteonecrosis ______• Structural replacements . Mandible Reconstruction plate . Maxilla Obturator prosthesis ______

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 107

Lesson 16 – Dentoalveolar Procedures

______Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Review ______

Dentoalveolar ProceduresClick to edit Master title style ______



Tooth Removal ______


Exodontia – Simple Extraction ______

• Visible tooth (full eruption) ______• Removed by forceps • No incision or suture needed ______


Exodontia – Surgical Extraction ______

• Not easily accessed • Steps ______. Elevation of mucoperiosteal tissue flap . Removal of alveolar bone or sectioning of the tooth or roots . Removal of tooth ______. Suture ______

108 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Impacted Teeth ______

• Failure to emerge fully in expected position • Term applied to third molars (wisdom teeth) ______• Levels of severity . Soft tissue . Partial bony ______. Full bony


Soft Tissue Impaction ______

• Crown covered by gum tissue only ______



Bony Impaction ______

• Partial Bony . Part of tooth covered with bone ______but not entire tooth • Full Bony . Tooth covered completely with bone ______



______Other Dentoalveolar ______Procedures ______

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 109

Operculectomy ______

• Operculum definition . Residual flap of tissue that ______overlies a portion of the tooth • May create a food trap • Also known as “removal of ______pericoronal gingiva”


Surgical Exposure/Bond Bracket ______

• Indications . Delayed eruption of tooth ______. Ectopic positioning of a tooth • Joint effort • Exposure and bonding . Surgical access to the tooth ______. Application of orthodontic appliance • Orthodontist guides eruption and positioning ______

Apicoectomy ______

• Indications . Root disease after previous ______root canal treatment . Retreatment not possible • Purpose . Eradicate infection ______• Technique . Root tip resected . Root filled with material . Create an apical seal ______

Frenectomy ______

• Types . Maxillary labial ______. Mandibular lingual • Techniques . Scalpel . Laser ______


110 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons


______Prosthodontic ______Procedures ______

Removal of Exostosis and Torus ______

• Locations . Buccal exostosis ______. Lingual torus . Palatal torus • Indications . Denture preparation ______. Repeated trauma to the area . Periodontal disease ______

Alveoloplasty ______

• Indication . Elimination of sharp edges after ______tooth extractions . Preparation for dentures • Technique . Creation of mucoperiosteal flap ______. Bone smoothing ______

Removal of Hyperplastic Tissue ______

• Indication . Epulis fissuratum ______. Ill-fitting denture • Treatment . Surgical removal ______


© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 111

Socket Graft ______

• Placed within extraction socket ______. Immediately after extraction • Preserves the dimensions of the alveolar bone ______• Technique . Insertion of graft material . Placement of barrier . Closure ______

Guided Bone Regeneration ______

1 2 • Surgical grafting procedure ______• Barrier membrane 4 directs new growth 3 • Purpose ______. Reconstruction of a 5 site with insufficient bone volume or dimensions ______

Soft Tissue Allograft ______



Subantral Sinus Augmentation ______

• Also known as sinus lift 1 2 • Purpose ______. Increase the volume of maxillary bone before implants 3 • Technique . Creation of access window ______. Lifting of sinus membrane . Insertion of graft material . Closure ______

112 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Autogenous Bone Graft ______

• Autograft definition • Harvest sites . Hip ______. . Chin . Ramus • Purpose ______. Augment area of decreased volume or size ______

Basic Implant Parts ______Crown

Abutment Screw ______Abutment

Implant Body ______

Surgical Guide ______



Pilot Hole Creation ______

• Pilot hole drilled • Alignment pin checks alignment ______



© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 113

Osteotomy ______

• Increasing bit sizes used • Site is widened to the ______final depth, angulation, and shape to receive the final implant ______


Implant Placement ______



Cover Screw Placement ______



Healing Abutment Placement ______



114 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Transfer Abutment ______



Final Restoration ______



One-Day Implant ______

• Also known as immediate load implant • Reduced osseointegration time ______• Candidacy criteria . Adequate bone height . Adequate bone width ______. Adequate bone density ______

Lesson 17 – Maxillofacial Trauma

______Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Review ______

Click to edit Master title style ______Maxillofacial Trauma ______

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 115



Fractures ______


Types of Fractures ______

• Closed • Open (compound) ______• Displaced • Nondisplaced • Comminuted • Greenstick ______


Dentoalveolar Trauma ______

• Fractured teeth • Avulsed teeth ______• Fracture of the supporting alveolar bone • Injury to the dentoalveolar ______soft tissues ______

Le Fort I Fracture ______



116 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Le Fort II Fracture ______



Le Fort III Fracture ______



Orbital Fracture ______

• Cause . Blunt force of a blow ______• Floor of the orbit or the medial wall is normally involved • Serious consequences . Diplopia ______. Movement restriction . Entropion ______

ZMC Fracture ______



© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 117

Frontal Sinus Fractures ______



Nosoorbitoethmoid Fractures ______



Mandibular Fractures ______Coronoid Process Subcondylar

Ramus ______Angle Symphysis Parasymphysis ______Alveolar Process

Panfacial Trauma ______



118 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons



Trauma Repairs ______


Fracture Repairs ______

• Open Reduction . Opening the site of the fracture ______With or without internal fixation • Closed Reduction . No incision required ______. Manipulated by radiographic guidance or feel ______

Closed Reduction With Fixation ______



Open Reduction Internal Fixation ______

Intraosseous Wiring ______


Compression Plate ______

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 119

External Fixation ______



Laceration Repairs ______



Lesson 18 – Temporomandibular Disorders

______Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Review ______

TMDs and TMD TreatmentClick to edit Master title style ______


TMJ Anatomy ______

Glenoid Fossa Articular Eminence ______

Capsule Meniscus Condyle ______


120 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Temporomandibular Disorders ______

• Inflammation of the joint space . Capsulitis ______. Synovitis • Internal derangement . Adhesions . Disk displacement ______With reduction Without reduction . Dislocation ______

Temporomandibular Disorders ______

• Degenerative joint disease . Osteoarthritis ______. Rheumatoid arthritis • Disorders of the masticatory muscles . Myofascial pain syndrome . Myalgia ______. Myositis . Muscle spasm • Ankylosis ______

Arthrocentesis ______

• Puncture of a joint • Nonarthroscopic lysis ______and lavage ______


Arthroscopy ______



© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 121

Arthroplasty ______



Total Joint Reconstruction ______



Lesson 19 – Congenital Anomalies

______Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Review ______

Click to edit Master title style ______Congenital Anomalies ______

Cleft Lip and Palate ______

• Congenital deformity • Effects of cleft lip ______. Inability to form oral seal . Difficulty speaking . Regurgitation of food into nasal cavity • Effects of cleft palate ______. Difficulty speaking • Multiple procedures or services needed • Team effort ______

122 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Cleft Lip ______

• Distinctions . Incomplete vs complete ______. Unilateral vs bilateral • Repaired a few months after birth ______


Cleft Palate ______

• Distinctions . Incomplete vs complete ______. Unilateral vs bilateral • Presence of bifid uvula • Repaired a 6 to 12 months after birth ______


Jaw Relationships ______


Class I Class II Class III ______

Jaw Relationships ______


Apertognathia Vertical Maxillary Excess ______

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 123

Le Fort Procedure ______



Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy ______



Lesson 20 – Cosmetic Procedures

______Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Review ______

Click to edit Master title style ______Cosmetic Procedures ______

Genioplasty ______



124 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Rhinoplasty ______



Otoplasty ______



Blepharoplasty ______



Brow Lift ______



© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 125

Face Lift ______



Face Lift ______Before ______

After ______

Botox Injections ______



Injectable Dermal Fillers ______Before

______After ______

126 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Laser Skin Resurfacing ______



© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 127

128 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Alphabetic Index to Word Components

Component Meaning


a- No, not, without ab- Away from abdomin/o Abdomen abort/o Expulsion of a viable fetus -ac Pertaining to acanth/o Spiny, thorny acetabu/o Acetabulum acou/o, acous/o Hearing acr/o Extremities acu/o Sharp, severe ad- Toward, in direction of aden/o Gland adenoid/o Adenoids adhes/o Stick to adip/o Fat adnex/o Bound to adren/o Adrenal glands aero- Air aesthesi/o Sensation agress/o Attack -aise Comfort, ease -al Pertaining to albin/o White algesi/o Pain

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 129

Component Meaning -algesia Sensitivity to pain -algia Pain aliment/o Nourishment all/o Other, different alopec/o Baldness alveol/o Hollow cavity, pit ambly/o Dim ambul/o To walk amel/o Enamel amyl/o Starch an- No, not, without andr/o Male aneurysm/o Aneurysm angio/o Vessel an/o Anus anky/o Bent, crooked, stiff, fixed ante- Before, forward anter/o Forward anti- Against aort/o Aorta apic/o Apex, tip aplast/o Defective, lack of development append/o Appendix appendic/o Appendix -ar Pertaining to -arche Beginning arter/o, arteri/o Artery arthr/o Joint -ary Pertaining to -ase Enzyme

130 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Component Meaning -asthenia Lack of strength ather/o Plague, fatty substance -ation Process atop/o Strange, out of place atri/o Atrium aur/i, aur/o, auricul/o Ear auto- Self axill/o Armpit azot/o Urea, nitrogen


bacteri/o Bacteria balan/o Glans penis bi- Two bi/o Life bifid/o Split into two parts bil/i Gall, bile -blast Embryonic, immature blast/i Embryonic, immature blephar/o Eyelid bol/o To cast, throw brachi/o Arm brady- Slow bronch/o, bronchi/o Bronchus brux/o Grind bucc/o Cheek burs/o Bursa

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 131

Component Meaning C calcin/o Calcium calcul/o Stone, calculus calor/i Heat carcin/o Cancer cardi/o Heart cari/o Decay, rot carp/o Carpals, wrist bones cartilage/o Cartilage cauter/o Burn, heat cav/i Hollow, cave cec/o Cecum -cele Hernia, cyst, swelling celi/o Abdomen, belly cement/o Rough stone, cementum -centesis Puncture to remove fluid cephal/o Head cerebell/o Cerebellum cerebr/o Cerebrum cervic/o Neck cheil/o Lip chem/o Chemical cholangi/o Bile duct chol/e Gall, bile cholecyst/o Gallbadder choledoch/o Common bile duct chondr/o, chondri/o Cartilage -cide Causing death circum- Around, about

132 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Component Meaning cirrh/o Orange-yellow cis/o To cut col/o Colon colp/o Vagina colon/o Colon colp/o Vagina condyl/o Knuckle, knob conjunctiv/o Conjunctiva contra- Against, opposite corne/o Cornea coron/o Crown, Heart cort- Covering cost/o cox/o Hip crani/o Skull -crine Secretion -crit Separation cry/o Cold crypt/o Hidden cubit/o Elbow cutane/o Skin cyan/o Blue cyst/o Bladder cyt/o Cell -cyte Cell


dacr/o Tear, tear duct, lacrimal duct

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 133

Component Meaning dactyl/o Fingers and toes de- Down, lack of, loss dehisc/o Burst open, split demi- Half dem/o People, population dent-, dent/i, dent/o Tooth derm/o, dermat/o Skin -desis Bind together, surgical fixation of joint di- Two dia- Through, complete -dipsia Thirst dips/o Thirst dis- Absence of dissect/o Cutting apart dist/o Far diverticul/o Side pouches dont/o Tooth dors/o Back of body duct/o Tube duoden/o Duodenum dur/o Dura mater -dynia Pain dys- Painful, difficult


e- Out of -eal Pertaining to ec- Outside

134 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Component Meaning ecchym/o Pouring out of juice echo- Sound -ectasia Stretching, dilation -ectasis Stretching, dilation ecto- Out -ectomy Remove, cutting out -edema Swelling electr/o Electricity em- In -ema Process embol/o Thrown in -emesis Vomiting -emia Blood condition en-, endo- In, within encephal/o Brain enter/o Small intestine eosin/o Red epi- Upon, on, above episi/o Vulva erupt/o Break out, burst forth erythr/o Red -esis Abnormal condition esophag/o Esophagus esthesi/o, -esthesia Feeling, sensation eti/o Cause eu- Well, good ex-, exo- Out, away from extra- Outside

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 135

Component Meaning F faci/o Face fasci/o Fibrous bond, fascia febr/i Fever femor/o fren/o, frenul/o Frenulum fibr/o Fibrous fibril/o Muscular twitching fibul/o fiss/o Crack fistul/o Tube, pipe fluor/o Luminous foll/i Sac follicul/o Small sac foramen/o Opening fren/o Frenula front/o Forehead furc/o Branching


galact/o Milk gangli/o Ganglion gastr/o Stomach -gene, -genic Origin, cause geni/o Chin genit/o Related to reproductive organs -genous Origin, cause ger/i Old age

136 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Component Meaning geront/o Old age gingiv/o Gums glauc/o Grey -globulin Protein gloss/o Tongue glott/o Back of tongue gluc/o Sugar glyc/o Sugar glycer/o Sweet gnath/o Jaw -gnosis Knowledge gon/o Seed -gram Record, tracing, picture -graph Instrument for recording -graphy Process of recording gravid/o Pregnancy gynec/o Female, woman


hal/o Breath halit/o Breath hem/o, hemat/o Blood hemi- Half hepat/o Liver heter/o Different hist/o, histi/o Tissue humer/o hydr/o Water

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 137

Component Meaning hyper- Over, excessive, increased hypn/o Sleep hypo- Under, below, decreased hyster/o Uterus


-ia Condition -iac Pertaining to -iactrics Field of study -ian Specialist -iasis Abnormal condition -iatrist Specialist -iatry Field of study -ic Pertaining to -ical Pertaining to -ician Specialist ile/o Ileum, small intestine ili/o Ilium, hip bone in- In, not infer/o Below, beneath infra- Below, beneath, inferior to inguin/o Groin inter- Between intern/o Within, inner intra- In, within intro- In, within -ion Process -ior Pertaining to

138 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Component Meaning ir/o, irid/o Iris of the eye isch/o To hold back -ism Process, condition iso- Same, equal -ist Specialist -itis Inflammation -ium Structure, tissue


jejun/o Jejunum jugulo Throat juxta- Near, nearby


kera- Horn, hardness kerat/o Horny, hard, cornea kinesi/o Movement -kinesis Movement kyph/o Bent, hump


labi/o Lip lacer/o Torn, mangled lacrimin/o Tear, tear duct lact/o Milk lapar/o Abdomen, abdominal wall

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 139

Component Meaning laps/o Slip, fall, slide downward laryng/o Larynx, voice box later/o Side leiomy/o Smooth muscle -lepsy Seizure letharg/o Drowsiness leth/o Death leuk/o White ligat/o Binding, tying off lingu/o Tongue lip/o Fat lith/o Stone -lith Stone lob/o Lobe -logist Specialist in the study of -logy Study of lumb/o Lower back lymph/o Lymph -lysis, -lytuc Breakdown, separation, destruction


macro- Large macul/o Spot mal- Bad mal/o Cheek -malacia Softening mamm/o Breast man/i, man/o Hand

140 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Component Meaning mandibul/o Mandible, lower jaw mast/o Breast mastic/o Chew maxill/o Maxilla, upper jaw meat/o Meatus, passage medi/o Middle mediastin/o In the middle medull/o Medulla, inner section, middle, mega-, megal/o Large -megaly Enlargement melan/o Black mening/o, meningi/o Meninges men/o, menstru/o Menses, menstruation menisc/o Cresent mens-, mens/o Menses, menstruation ment/o Mind mes/o, mesi/o Middle meta- Beyond, over, between, change metacarp/o Metacarpals metatars/o Metatarsals metr/i, metr/o, metri/o Inner lining of uterus -metry Measurement micro- Small mictur/o Urination mono- One, single morbid/o Disease, sickness morph/o Shape, form mort/o Death muc/o, mucos/o Mucous multi- Many

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 141

Component Meaning muscul/o Muscle mut/a Genetic change mut/o Unable to speak my/o Muscle myel/o , bone marrow myring/o Tympanic membrane, eardrum


nar/i Nostril narc/o Numbness nas/i, nas/o Nose nat/i, nat/o Birth necr/o Death neo- New nephr/o Kidney nev/o Mole neur/o Nerve noct/o Night nod/o Knot, swelling non- No norm/o Normal nuch/o Nape, neck region nucle/o Nucleus


obstetr/o Midwife, pregnancy occipit/o Back of the skull

142 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Component Meaning occlus/o Shut, close ocul/o Eye odont/o Tooth -oid Like, resembling olecran/o Elbow olfact/o Smell olig/o Scanty, few -oma Tumor onc/o Tumor onchy/o Fingernail or toenail oo/o Egg oophor/o Ovary ophthalm/o Eye vision -opia Vision -opsy Process of viewing opt/o Eye optic/o Eye or/o Mouth orch/o Testes orchi/o Testes orchid/o Testes orth/o Straight -osis Abnormal condition oss/e, oste/o Bone -ostomy Artificial opening ot/o Ear -ous Pertaining to ov/i, ov/o Egg ovari/o Ovary

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 143

Component Meaning

P palat/o Palate pancreat/o Pancreas papill/o Nipple-like papul/o Pimple para- Near, beside, abnormal, away -paresis Slight paralysis -partum Birth patell/o Kneecap path/o Disease -pathy Disease, emotion pector/o Chest pedi/o Child ped/o Child, foot pelv/i, pelv/o Hip, pelvic cavity -penia Lack, deficiency peps/i, pept/o Digestion -pepsia Digestion per- Through peri- Around perine/o Perineum peritone/o Abdominal wall pernici/o Destructive, harmful pertuss/i Intensive cough petechi/o Skin spot -pexy Fixation, put into place -phage Cell that destroys -phagia Swallowing

144 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Component Meaning phalang/o Phalanx pharyng/o Pharynx, throat -phasia Speech phleb/o Vein -plegic Paralysis phob/o Fear -plakia, plak/o Thin flat layer plant/o Sole of foot -plasia, -plasm Formation, growth -plasty Surgical repair -plegia, plegic Paralysis pleur/o Pleura, side of body -pnea Breathing pneum/o, pneumon/o Lung pod/o Foot poly- Many por/o Pore, small opening -porosis Pore, less density post- After poster/o Back, behind -prandial Meal pre-, pro- Before, in front of proct/o Anus and rectum prost/o Prostate prostat/o Prostate proxim/o Near pseud/o False psych/o Mind -ptosis Dropping, sagging, prolapsed -ptysis Spitting

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 145

Component Meaning pulmon/o Lung purul/o Pus py/o Pus pyel/o Renal pelvis


radi/o Radiation, radicul/o Nerve root re- Back, again rect/o Rectum ren/o Kidney retro- Behind, backward rhin/o Nose -rrhage, -rrhagia Burst forth -rrhaphy Suture -rrhea Flow, discharge rrhythm/o Rhythm


sacr/o saliv/o Saliva salping/o Fallopian tube sarc/o Flesh scler/o, -sclerosis Hardening, abnormal dryness scoli/o Crooked, curved -scope Instrument for viewing -scopy Process of viewing with scope

146 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Component Meaning scrot/o Bag, pouch sect/o To cut semi- Half seps/o, sept/o Infection sial/o Saliva, salivary glands sialaden/o Salivary glands sigmoid/o Sigmoid colon sinus/o Sinus -sis Abnormal condition son/o Sound -spasm Contraction of muscle -sphyxia Pulse spin/o Spine splen/o Spleen spondyl/o Vertebra -stasis, -static Stopping, controlling -stenosis Tightening, stricture, narrowing stern/o stom/o, stomat/o Mouth -stomy Artificial opening sub- Under suppur/o, suppurat/o Pus forming supra- Above, excessive synov/o Synovial membrane


tachy- Fast tars/o Tarsals, ankle

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 147

Component Meaning tempor/o Temple ten/o, tendin/o Tendon test/o, testicul/o Testicle -therapy Treatment therm/o Heat thorac/o Chest - Chest thromb/o Clot, clotting thyr/o, thyroid/o Thyroid tibi/o Tibia, shin bone -tic Pertaining to tinnit/o Ringing, buzzing -tion Process tom/o Section, cut -tomy Process of cutting ton/o Tension tonsill/o Tonsil tox/o, toxic/o Poison trache/o Trachea trans- Across, through trigon/o Trigone -tripsy Crushing -trophy, troph/o, -trophic Development, nourishment tympan/o Tympanic membrane, eardrum


-ule Little uln/o

148 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Component Meaning ultra- Beyond, excess umbilic/o Umbilicus, navel uni- One ur/o Urinary tract, urine -uria Urination, urinary condition urin/o Urinary tract, urine uret/o Ureter urethra/o Urethra -us Thing urtic/o Rash uter/o Uterus


vagin/o Vagina valv/o Valve valvul/o Valve varic/o Twisted, swollen vein vas/o Vessel vascul/o Vessel ven/o Vein ventricul/o Ventricle vertebr/o Vertebra visc/o Sticky vulv/o Vulva


xanth/o Yellow

© 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 149

Component Meaning xen/o Strange, foreign xer/o Dry


-y Condition, process

Z zygomat/o Zygoma, cheek bone

150 © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons