UNIT 1: L EVELS OF ORGANIZATION 1. The w ord “ ” c omes fr om a Gr eek r oot w ord tha t means: A structure B to cut apart C body D life

2. Human ph ysiology is the s tudy of the ——— of body s tructures and the w ays in ho w the y w ork t ogether t o support lif e functions. A systemic ana tomy B complexity C chemistry and ph ysics D uniqueness

3. ——— is the pr ocess b y which lar ger mor e c omplex sub stances ar e br oken do wn in to smaller , simpler molecules. A Anabolism B Metabolism C Calcinosis D Catabolism

4. Neg ative f eedback s ystems ha ve thr ee basic c omponents, including a sensor , c ontrol cen ter and a/ an: A site monit or B effector C regulator D pressure poin t

5. The ——— is the ser ous membr ane tha t surr ounds the se veral or gans in the abdominopelvic c avity. A pericardium B peritoneum C pleura D hypochondriac r egion

6. A PET sc an is a medic al imaging t echnique in which r adiopharmaceuticals ar e tr aced t o r eveal ——— and ph ysiological functions in tissues. A metabolic B hematologic C hormonal D reproductive

7. An electr on has about ——— the mass of a pr oton or neutr on. A 1/500th B 1/1000th C 1/2000th D 1/3000th

8. ——— is an essen tial c omponent of lif e bec ause it is able t o br eak the ionic bonds in salts t o fr ee the ions. A Carbon B Water C Hydrogen D Oxygen

9. An enz yme is a c atalyst c omposed of pr otein or ——— acid. A sulfuric B perchloric C ribonucleic D hydrochloric

10. Carboh ydrates ar e r eferred t o as: A galactose B saccharides C triglycerides D fructose

11. Pr ostaglandins ar e deriv ed fr om: A proteins B unsaturated f atty acids C cholesterol D steroids

12. S ynthesis r eaction is a type of anabolic r eaction wher e tw o or mor e a toms or molecules bond, r esulting in f ormation of a lar ger molecule. A True B False

13. ——— is the mo vement of particles fr om an ar ea of high c oncentration t o an ar ea of lo wer c oncentration. A Passive tr ansport B Diffusion C Active tr ansport D Facilitated dif fusion

14. ———, the jelly -like sub stance within the cell, pr ovides the fluid medium necessar y f or biochemic al r eactions. A Cytoplasm B Lumen C Cytosol D Extracellular fluid

15. Within the nucleus ar e thr eads of ——— c omposed of DNA and associa ted pr oteins. A chromosomes B nucleosomes C histones D chromatin

16. T ranslation is the pr ocess of s ynthesizing a chain of amino acids c alled a(n): A RNA s trand B codon C anticodon D polypeptide

17. A t the ——— checkpoin t, the cell mus t be r eady f or DNA s ynthesis t o occur .

A G0 B G1 C G2 D G3

18. The pr ocess of ——— in volves the diff erentiation of multipot ent cells in to blood and immune cells. A hematopoiesis B splicing C phagocytosis D autolysis

19. The fir st embr yonic cells g enerated ha ve the ability t o diff erentiate in to an y type of cell in the body and, as such, ar e c alled: A unipotent B pluripotent C totipotent D multipotent

20. The endothelium is the epithelial tissue tha t lines v essels of the lympha tic and c ardiovascular s ystem. A True B False

21. ——— secr etion accumula tes near the apic al portion of the cell. A Endocrine B Merocrine C Holocrine D Apocrine

22. ——— is the mos t c ommon type of c artilage in the body . A Fibrocartilage B Hyaline C Elastic D Collagen

23. A long “t ail,” the a xon, e xtends fr om the body of a neur on and c an be wr apped in an insula ting la yer kno wn as: A fluid c onnective tissue B endothelium C myelin D Schwann cells

24. ———, r egions of the chr omosomes necessar y f or cell division, short en each time cells divide. A Telomerase B Centrosomes C Centromeres D Telomeres


25. The epidermis is c omposed of k eratinized, s tratified squamous epithelium. It is made up of f our or fiv e la yers of: A epithelial cells B stem cells C blood cells D cells

26. The ——— is w ell v ascularized and has a rich sensor y and s ympathetic ner ve supply . A hypodermis B papillary la yer C elastin fiber D reticular la yer

27. The ——— ends deep in the dermis a t the hair bulb. A hair ma trix B hair r oot C hair f ollicle D hair papilla

28. A(n) ——— is a type of oil gland tha t is f ound all o ver the body and help s lubric ate and w aterproof the skin and hair . A eccrine gland B apocrine gland C sebaceous gland D merocrine gland

29. A thir d-degree burn e xtends in to the epidermis and dermis, des troying the tissue and a ffecting the ner ve endings and: A sensory function B underlying muscle C D stratum c orneum

30. ——— is a har d, dense c onnective tissue tha t f orms mos t of the adult sk eleton, the support s tructure of the body . A Cartilage B Osseous tissue C Epithelial tissue D Mucous membr ane

31. A pr ojection is an ar ea of a bone tha t pr ojects abo ve the surf ace of the bone. A True B False

32. Bone c ontains a r elatively small number of cells en trenched in a ma trix of ——— tha t pr ovide a surf ace f or salt cr ystals t o adher e. A elastin fiber s B reticular fiber s C elastic fiber s D collagen fiber s

33. B y the sixth or se venth w eek of embr yonic lif e, the actual pr ocess of bone de velopment, ——— begins. A gastrulation B neurulation C ossification D placentation

34. While ar e incr easing in leng th, the y ar e also incr easing in diame ter, a pr ocess c alled: A longitudinal gr owth B appositional gr owth C modeling D remodeling

35. This type of fr acture, c alled ———, occur s a t an angle tha t is not 90 degr ees. A oblique B transverse C greenstick D comminuted

36. A ——— bone is a small, r ound bone embedded in a t endon, tha t pr otects the t endon fr om c ompressive f orces. A compact B long C short D sesamoid

37. Ther e ar e ——— bones in the appendicular sk eleton of an adult. A 118 B 126 C 142 D 206

38. The ——— c onnects t o the middle and inner c avities of the t emporal bone. A styloid pr ocess B carotid c anal C internal ac oustic mea tus D external ac oustic mea tus

39. The c oronal sutur e runs ——— acr oss the sk ull. A from side t o side B downward C upward D high

40. The ——— sinus is loc ated jus t abo ve the e yebrows, within the fr ontal bone. A maxillary B sphenoid C frontal D paranasal

41. E ach pair ed ——— pr ocess pr ojects la terally and arises fr om the junction poin t be tween the pedicle and lamina. A spinous B transverse C superior articular D inferior articular

42. A c ostal gr oove is a shallo w gr oove along the in ferior mar gin of a tha t pr ovides passag e f or blood v essels and a ner ve. A True B False

43. During the thir d w eek of embr yonic de velopment, a r od-like s tructure c alled the ——— de velops dor sally along the leng th of the embr yo. A fontanelle B sclerotome C somite D notochord

44. The ——— lies on the pos terior aspect of the shoulder . A B C pectoral gir dle D axial sk eleton

45. The ——— has tw o phalang es, a pr oximal phalan x, and a dis tal phalan x bone. A B interphalangeal join t C pollex D

46. The ——— of the r adius is sligh tly cur ved and has a small ridg e along its medial side. A neck B shaft C head D ulnar not ch

47. The ——— is the kneec ap and articula tes with the dis tal f emur. A B C D tarsal bone

48. The base of the fifth me tatarsal has a lar ge, la teral e xpansion tha t pr ovides f or muscle a ttachments. A True B False

49. The ——— is a pos teroinferior portion of the hip bone. A interphalangeal join t B C D lunate

50. An immobile or nearly immobile join t is c alled a: A synovial join t B synarthrosis C cartilaginous join t D fibrous join t

51. A c artilaginous join t wher e the bone ar e joined b y fibr ocartilage is c alled a: A symphysis B gomphosis C articular c artilage D periodontal lig ament

52. Abduction and ——— motions occur within the c oronal plane and in volve medial-la teral motions of the limb s, fing ers, t oes, or . A circumduction B pronation C adduction D supination

53. Loc ated be tween the articula ting surf aces of the f emur and tibia ar e tw o articular discs, the medial meniscus and: A medial epic ondyle B medial tibia C fibula D lateral meniscus

54. A type of fibr ous join t in which the r oot of a t ooth is anchor ed in to its bon y ja w sock et b y s trong periodon tal lig aments: A saddle join t B gomphosis C plane join t D acetabulum

55. ——— allo ws muscle tissue t o pull on its a ttachment poin ts and short en with f orce. A Contractility B Elasticity C Extensibility D Excitability

56. The mot or neur ons tha t t ell the sk eletal muscle fiber s t o c ontract origina te in the: A cerebellum B brainstem C spinal c ord D spinal fluid

57. As long as A TP is a vailable, it r eadily a ttaches t o ———, the cr oss-bridge cy cle c an r ecur, and muscle c ontraction c an c ontinue. A tropomyosin B myosin C troponin D actin

58. The ab sence of the lo w-level c ontractions tha t lead t o muscle t one is r eferred t o as h ypotonia. A True B False

59. P araxial mesodermal cells adjacen t t o the neur al tube f orm block s of cells c alled: A myoblast B satellite cells C somites D pericyte

60. A muscle with the opposit e action of the prime mo ver is c alled a/ an: A synergist B antagonist C fixator D agonist

61. The e xtensor orum of the f orearm is an e xample of a ——— muscle. A pennate B unipennate C bipennate D multipennate

62. The ——— is a cir cular muscle tha t mo ves the s. A orbicularis oris B buccinator C orbicularis oculi D corrugator super cilii

63. In ana tomical t erminology, che wing is c alled: A comminution B rumination C deglutition D mastication

64. The ——— gr oup f orms the majority of the muscle mass of the back and is the primar y e xtensor of the v ertebral c olumn. A iliocostalis B erector spinae C longissimus D spinalis c apitis

65. The an terior muscles include the subcla vius, pect oralis minor , and: A serratus minor B trapezius C rhomboid major D rhomboid minor

66. The fle xor r etinaculum e xtends o ver the ——— of the . A dorsal surf ace B palmar surf ace C distal phalang es D distal phalan x

67. The f our deep muscles in the pos terior c ompartment of the leg ar e poplit eus, fle xor digit orum longus, fle xor hallucis longus, and: A fibularis longus B extensor digit orum br evis C tibialis pos terior D

68. The ——— is the cir cle of t endons ar ound the shoulder join t. A rotator cuf f B sartorius C sternohyoid D palmaris longus

UNIT 3: R EGULATION, INTEGRATION, AND CONTROL 69. A loc alized c ollection of neur on cell bodies in the Cen tral Ner vous S ystem (CNS) is r eferred t o as a(n): A ganglion B nucleus C axon D dendrite

70. Neur ons ar e usually described as ha ving ——— a xon(s). A one B two C three D four

71. Glial cells, or neur oglia or simply glia, ar e a type of cell f ound in ner vous tissue. A True B False

72. A ——— opens bec ause a signaling molecule, a lig and, binds t o the e xtracellular r egion of the channel. A mechanically g ated channel B ligand-gated channel C voltage-gated channel D leakage channel

73. The action pot ential is initia ted a t the beginning of the a xon, a t wha t is c alled the ——— segmen t. A orsus B prime C proto D initial

74. Ther e ar e ——— types of c onnections be tween electric ally activ e cells, chemic al s ynapses and electric al s ynapses. A two B three C four D five

75. The ——— is the out ermost la yer of gr ay ma tter in the br ain, wher e c onscious per ception t akes place. A cerebral c ortex B cerebellum C cranium D thalamus

76. The ——— de velops in to the in tegumentary s ystem and the ner vous s ystem. A exoderm B mesoderm C endoderm D ectoderm

77. The ——— is a v esicle which c an be c alled the midbr ain. A rhombencephalon B mesencephalon C prosencephalon D hindbrain

78. Br oca’s ar ea is r esponsible f or the pr oduction of languag e, or c ontrolling mo vements r esponsible f or speech. A True B False

79. Activity in the ——— is r elated t o orien ting the e yes t o a sound or t ouch s timulus. A tectum B tegmentum C inferior c olliculus D superior c olliculus

80. The in ternal c arotid art ery en ters the cr anium thr ough the ——— in the t emporal bone. A circle of Willis B carotid c anal C foramen magnum D occipital sinus

81. Cer ebrospinal fluid is pr oduced within the v entricles b y a type of specializ ed membr ane c alled a: A meningeal dur a ma ter B telencephalon C choroid ple xus D cerebral aqueduct

82. The ——— c onstitute a r ow of g anglia tha t r eceive cen tral input fr om the la teral horn of the thor acic and upper lumbar spinal c ord. A sympathetic chain g anglia B paravertebral g anglia C prevertebral g anglia D terminal g anglia

83. Ax ons fr om diff erent spinal ner ves will c ome t ogether in to a: A nerve ple xus B ventral ner ve r oot C dorsal ner ve r oot D systemic ner ve

84. The am ygdala is nucleus deep in the t emporal lobe of the cer ebrum and is r elated t o ——— and emotional beha vior. A motor functions B visual sensa tion C memory D smell

85. An e xteroceptor is a r eceptor tha t is loc ated near a s timulus in the e xternal en vironment, such as soma tosensory r eceptors. A True B False

86. A t the end of the audit ory c anal is the ———, which vibr ates a fter it is s truck with sound w aves. A auricle B C D tympanic membr ane

87. The inner surf ace of each e yelid is a thin membr ane kno wn as the: A lacrimal duct B palpebral c onjunctiva C cornea D superior oblique

88. The dor sal c olumn s ystem and the ——— ar e tw o major pa thways tha t bring sensor y in formation t o the br ain. A spinothalamic tr act B nucleus gr acilis C medial lemniscus D nucleus cunea tus

89. Sound loc alization is achie ved b y the br ain c alculating the in teraural ——— diff erence and the in teraural in tensity diff erence. A frequency B speed C level D time

90. Bec ause of the o verlapping field of vie w be tween tw o e yes, the br ain c an es timate the dis tance of s timuli based on binocular dep th cues. A True B False

91. The ——— ar e r esponsible f or mo ving the e yes in r esponse t o visual s timuli. A cone phot oreceptors B frontal e ye fields C corticospinal tr act D medulla

92. The ——— c ortex is loc ated in the pr ecentral gyrus of the fr ontal lobe. A prefrontal B primary mot or C premotor D supplementary mot or

93. Ther e ar e typic ally ——— g anglia in the chain on either side of the spinal c olumn. A 18 B 20 C 23 D 26

94. The pr eganglionic par asympathetic fiber s within cr anial ner ve III t erminate in the ——— g anglion: A otic B intramural C terminal D ciliary

95. A bar oreceptor in the w alls of the aort a and c arotid sinuses senses or gans s tretching when blood v olume or pr essure incr eases. A True B False

96. The am ygdala is a gr oup of nuclei in the ——— r egion of the t emporal lobe. A distal B medial C proximal D superior

97. ——— is an an tagonist t o the adenosine r eceptor. A Pilocarpine B Clonidine C Cocaine D Caffeine

98. The limbic lobe is a r egion of s tructures arr anged ar ound the edg es of the ——— tha t ar e in volved in memor y and emotion. A cerebrum B cerebellum C brainstem D spinal c ord

99. The cr anial ner ve e xam t ests the function of the 12 cr anial ner ves and the cen tral and peripher al s tructures associa ted with them. A True B False

100. The inability t o f orm ne w memories is a c ondition c alled: A retrograde amnesia B anterograde amnesia C episodic memor y D procedural memor y

101. The ——— has aut onomic functions in the thor acic and superior abdominal c avities. A abducens ner ve B vestibulocochlear ner ve C olfactory D vagus ner ve

102. The opening of the or al c avity in to the phar ynx is kno wn as the: A uvula B hard pla te C fauces D salivary duct

103. Soma tic senses ar e inc orporated mos tly in to the skin, muscles, or: A nervous tissue B cartilage C D tendons

104. ——— is an e xcess c ontraction in r esistance t o s tretch. A Spasticity B Fibrillation C Clasp-knife r esponse D Fasciculation

105. ——— signaling r equires mor e time than neur al signaling t o pr ompt a r esponse in t arget cells. A Paracrine B Endocrine C Autocrine D Synaptic

106. Hormones deriv ed fr om lipids include: A proteins B peptides C steroids D amines

107. The ——— is a s tructure of the diencephalon of the br ain loc ated an terior and in ferior t o the thalamus. A hypothalamus B infundibulum C cerebellum D frontal lobe

108. The ——— hormone s timulates the adr enal c ortex t o secr ete c orticosteroid hormones such as c ortisol. A adrenocorticotropic B thyroid-stimulating C Luteinizing D growth

109. The par athyroid hormone (P TH) is the major hormone in volved in the r egulation of blood c alcium le vels. A True B False

110. The ——— pr oduces the hormone insulin and mak es up appr oximately 75 per cent of each pancr eatic isle t. A alpha cell B beta cell C delta cell D PP cell

111. ——— is a disor der in adults c aused when abnormally high le vels of GH trig ger gr owth of bones in the f ace, , and f eet. A Gigantism B Goiter C Acromegaly D Hyperparathyroidism

U NIT 4: F LUIDS AND TRANSPORT 112. Plasma is c omposed primarily of w ater. In f act, it is about ——— per cent w ater. A 68 B 92 C 75 D 82

113. In the , hemoglobin pick s up o xygen, which binds t o the ir on ions, f orming: A oxyhemoglobin B deoxyhemoglobin C hypoxemia D carbaminohemoglobin

114. The ——— is a major c omponent of the body ’s de fenses ag ainst disease. A erythrocyte B leukocyte C bilirubin D reticulocyte

115. Pla telets ar e k ey pla yers in hemos tasis, the pr ocess b y which the body seals a rup tured blood v essel and pr events further loss of blood. A True B False

116. When a portion of a thr ombus br eaks fr ee fr om the v essel w all and en ters the cir culation, it is r eferred t o as a/ an: A thrombosis B fibrinolysis C lymphoblast D embolus

117. ——— is the f ormation of a blood clot; part of the pr ocess of hemos tasis. A Hemoblast B Coagulation C Diapedesis D Thrombocytosis

118. The gr eat v eins, the superior and in ferior v enae c avae, and the gr eat art eries, ar e a ttached t o the ——— surf ace of the heart. A posterior B anterior C inferior D superior

119. The righ t v entricle pump s deo xygenated blood in to the ———, which leads t oward the lungs. A inferior v ena c ava B left a trium C pulmonary trunk D mitral v alve

120. The sep tum be tween the a tria and the v entricles is kno wn as the a trioventricular sep tum. A True B False

121. The w alls of the v entricle ar e lined with ———, ridg es of c ardiac muscle c overed b y the endoc ardium. A purkinje fiber s B trabeculae c arneae C chordae t endineae D cardiac ple xus

122. ——— supply blood t o the m yocardium and other c omponents of the heart. A Coronary art eries B Marginal art eries C Atrial art eries D Pulmonary art eries

123. Normal c ardiac rh ythm is es tablished b y the sinoa trial node, a specializ ed clump of m yocardial c onducting cells. A True B False

124. Ther e ar e fiv e pr ominent poin ts on the E CG: the P w ave, the ———, and the T W ave. A O w ave B QRS c omplex C V w ave D XY c omplex

125. In this type of heart block, the E CG w ould r eveal some P w aves not f ollowed b y a QR S c omplex, while other s w ould appear normal: A partial B complete C first-degree D second-degree

126. Individuals ar e c autioned t o monit or their HR t o ensur e the y s tay within the t arget heart r ate r ange be tween: A 120 and 160 bpm B 60 and 100 bpm C 110 and 130 D 130 and 150

127. ——— r efers t o the t ension tha t the v entricles mus t de velop t o pump blood e ffectively ag ainst the r esistance in the v ascular s ystem. A Preload B Afterload C Contractility D Venous r eturn

128. The heart f orms fr om ——— ar ound 18 t o 19 da ys a fter f ertilization. A ectoderm B endoderm C mesoderm D cardiogenic c ords

129. The ——— is c omposed of epithelial and c onnective tissue la yers. A tunica media B tunica in tima C tunica e xterna D arteriole

130. The tunic a e xterna is a sub stantial shea th of c onnective tissue c omposed primarily of c ollagenous fiber s. A True B False C D

131. If an art ery or art eriole c onstricts t o one-half of its original r adius, the r esistance t o flo w will incr ease ——— times. A 1.5 B 2 C 4 D 16

132. The ne t filtr ation pr essure r epresents the in teraction of the h ydrostatic and osmotic pr essures, driving fluid ——— the c apillary. A out of B into C near D to r eabsorb within

133. As lit tle as 30 minut es of e xercise o ver the c ourse of each da y has been sho wn t o lo wer the r ate of heart a ttack b y nearly 50 per cent. A True B False

134. ——— occur s when art erioles lose their normal muscular t one and dila te dr amatically. A Cardiogenic shock B Vascular shock C Anaphylactic shock D Septic shock

135. The ——— pr ovides blood t o the muscles of the thor acic c avity and the v ertebral c olumn. A pericardial art ery B esophageal art ery C intercostal art ery D superior phr enic art ery

136. An o varian art ery is c onsiderably ——— than a t esticular art ery. A longer B shorter C wider D narrower

137. Blood fr om the br ain and the superficial f acial v ein flo w in to each: A internal jugular v ein B azygos v ein C superior v ena c ava D subclavian v ein

138. Blood supply fr om the liv er dr ains in to each ——— and dir ectly in to the in ferior v ena c ava. A phrenic v ein B hepatic v ein C renal v ein D adrenal v ein

139. The ——— is a t emporary blood v essel tha t br anches fr om the umbilic al v ein, allo wing fr eshly o xygenated blood fr om the placen ta. A ductus art eriosus B foramen o vale C o valis D ductus v enosus

140. Ner vi V asorum ar e small ner ve fiber s f ound in art eries and v eins tha t trig ger c ontraction of the smooth muscle in their w alls. A True B False

141. Humans ha ve about ——— lymph nodes thr oughout the body . A 400-500 B 500-600 C 600-700 D 700-800

142. ——— ar e lymphoid nodules loc ated along the inner surf ace of the phar ynx and ar e k ey t o de veloping immunity t o or al pa thogens. A Granzymes B Mast cells C Tonsils D Thymocytes

143. The primar y barrier t o the en trance of micr oorganisms in to the body is the: A lysozyme in the or al c avity B acidity of the s tomach C mucous layer of the GI tract D skin

144. ——— ar e T Cells tha t kill t arget cells b y inducing apop tosis using the same mechanism as Na tural Killer (NK) cells. A Cytotoxic T cells (T c) B Regulatory T Cells (T reg) C Helper T cells (Th) D Memory T cells

145. This class of an tibody is the one tha t cr osses the placen ta t o pr otect the de veloping f etus fr om disease: A IgM B IgG C IgA D IgE

146. ——— occur s with diseases such as s ystemic lupus er ythematosus, wher e soluble an tigens accumula te in the blood t o blood v essel linings. A Delayed h ypersensitivity B Type III h ypersensitivity C Type II h ypersensitivity D Immediate Hyper sensitivity

147. A na tural killer cell (NK) is a cy totoxic lymphocy te of inna te immune r esponse. A True B False


148. The ——— is the c oncave surf ace tha t c onnects the x of the nose t o the upper lip. A dorsum nasi B philtrum C bridge D ala

149. The ——— help(s) main tain equal air pr essure thr oughout the alv eoli and . A alveolar sac B alveolar duct C alveolar por es D alveolus

150. In trapleural pr essure r emains appr oximately ——— Hg thr oughout the br eathing cy cle. A -1 mm B -2 mm C -3 mm D -4 mm

151. ——— describes the beha vior of g ases when the y c ome in to c ontact with a liquid, such as blood. A Dalton’s la w B Henry’s la w C Boyle’s la w D Wolff’s la w

152. The ——— is a phenomenon tha t arises fr om the r elationship be tween pH and o xygen’s a ffinity f or hemoglobin. A chloride shift B Haldane e ffect C Root e ffect D Bohr e ffect

153. ——— is a pr ocess of adjus tment tha t the r espiratory s ystem mak es due t o chr onic e xposure t o high altitudes. A Inspiration B Acclimatization C Vital c apacity D Inspiratory r eserve v olume

154. The phar ynx pr opels f ood fr om the or al c avity t o the ——— and lubric ates f ood and passag eways. A stomach B C small in testine D large in testine

155. P erhaps the mos t import ant ingr edient in saliv a fr om the per spective of dig estion is: A glycoproteins B ions C salivary am ylase D growth f actors

156. The ——— is the poin t wher e the esophagus c onnects t o the s tomach and thr ough which f ood passes in to the s tomach. A cardia B fundus C pylorus D ruga

157. The c oiled tube of the small in testine is subdivided in to thr ee r egions: the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. A True B False

158. The righ t c olic fle xure (hepa tic fle xure) and bec omes the: A sigmoid c olon B transverse c olon C ascending c olon D left c olic fle xure

159. A hepa tocyte is the liv er’s main cell type, acc ounting f or ar ound ——— per cent of the liv er’s v olume. A 30 B 80 C 50 D 60

160. The thr ee lipases r esponsible f or lipid dig estion ar e lingual lipase, g astric lipase, and: A pancreatic lipase B pancreatic nuclease C ribonuclease D phosphatase

161. The ——— is a poin ted t ooth is used f or t earing and shr edding f ood. A cuspid B molar C dens D deciduous t ooth

162. Of the f our major macr omolecular gr oups tha t ar e pr ocessed b y dig estion, ——— ar e c onsidered the mos t c ommon sour ce of ener gy. A proteins B nucleic acids C lipids D carbohydrates

163. Cortisol, ———, and adr enaline/epinephrine ar e e xamples of c atabolic hormones tha t help r egulate me tabolic pr ocesses. A insulin B glucagon C estrogen D testosterone

164. T o s tart ———, citr ate s ynthase c ombines ace tyl CoA and o xaloacetate t o f orm a six -carbon citr ate molecule. A the Calvin cy cle B glycolysis C the ur ea cy cle D the K rebs cy cle

165. When the f ood-gastric juice mixtur e en ters the small in testine, the pancr eas r eleases ——— t o neutr alize the HCI. A pepsin B elastase C sodium bic arbonate D chymotrypsin

166. ——— is the tr ansfer of hea t b y tw o objects tha t ar e in dir ect c ontact with one another . A Convection B Conduction C Radiation D Evaporation

167. The amoun t of miner als in the body is small—only ——— per cent of the t otal body mass. A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4

168. The kidne ys mus t pr oduce a minimum urine v olume of about ——— mL/da y t o rid the body of w astes. A 250 B 350 C 500 D 600

169. The ——— is the en try and e xit sit e f or s tructures ser vicing the kidne ys: v essels, ner ves, lympha tics, and ur eters. A calyces B renal hilum C medulla D renal papillae

170. The v olume of filtr ate f ormed b y both kidne ys per minut e is t ermed the glomerular filtr ation r ate (GFR). A True B False

171. A principal cell possesses channels f or the r ecovery or loss of sodium and: A magnesium B sugar C potassium D insulin

172. Anuria is the ab sence of urine pr oduced; pr oduction of ——— mL or less per da y. A 50 B 40 C 30 D 20

173. In tracellular fluid (ICF) mak es up about ——— of the t otal w ater in the . A 40% B 60% C 75% D 50%

174. The kidne y e xcretes ——— milliosmoles of solut es per da y. A 200-1000 B 500-1400 C 50-1500 D 100-1200

175. ——— is r eleased if blood le vels of pot assium incr ease, if blood le vels of sodium se verely decr ease, or if blood pr essure decr eases. A ADH B Aldosterone C Angiotensin D ANP

176. During the c onversion of C O2 in to bic arbonate, h ydrogen ions liber ated in the r eaction ar e buff ered b y: A phosphate B bicarbonate-carbonic acid C Protein D Hemoglobin

177. ——— means a per son has lo wer-than-normal le vels of sodium in the blood. A Hypernatremia B Hypocalcemia C Hyponatremia D Hypocapnia


178. The t estes ar e each appr oximately ——— cm in leng th and ar e housed within the scr otum. A 2 t o 3 B 3 t o 4 C 4 t o 5 D 5 t o 6

179. The pr ostate normally doubles in siz e during puberty . A t appr oximately ag e ———, it gr adually begins t o enlar ge ag ain. A 25 B 30 C 40 D 50

180. T estosterone, an andr ogen, is a s teroid hormone pr oduced b y: A Leydig cells B Theca cells C granulosa cells D Sertoli cells

181. The middle r egion of the ut erine tube, c alled the ———, is wher e f ertilization oft en occur s. A isthmus B infundibulum C corpus lut eum D ampulla

182. The innermos t la yer of the ut erus is c alled the: A perimetrium B myometrium C endometrium D fundus

183. Br east milk is pr oduced b y the ———, which ar e modified s weat glands. A lactiferous ducts B mammary glands C lactiferous sinus D areolar glands

184. The r elease of LH occur s primarily a t nigh t during sleep and pr ecedes the ph ysical chang es of puberty b y se veral y . A True B False

185. The ——— is a wide, dis tal portion of the ut erine tube t erminating in fimbriae. A myometrium B infundibulum C fundus D mons

186. If sperm do not enc ounter an oocy te immedia tely, the y c an sur vive in the ut erine tubes f or another ——— da ys. A 2 B 3 C 2-4 D 3-5

187. F ollowing f ertilization, the z ygote and its associa ted membr anes, t ogether ar e r eferred t o as the: A morula B conceptus C blastocoel D trophoblast

188. The ——— c onnects t o the c onceptus via the umbilic al c ord, which c arries deo xygenated blood and w astes fr om the f etus. A amnion B yolk sac C placenta D mesoderm

189. During w eeks ——— of f etal de velopment, the br ain c ontinues t o e xpand, the body elong ates, and ossific ation c ontinues. A 9-12 B 16-20 C 21-28 D 29-31

190. The pituit ary hormone pr olactin is ins trumental in the es tablishment and main tenance of br east milk supply . A True B False

191. ——— inherit ance pa tterns ar e much mor e r are bec ause neither he terozygotes nor homo zygotes sur vive. A Recessive le thal B Dominant le thal C Incomplete dominance D Codominance

192. A(n) ——— is a tigh tly pack ed spher e of blas tomeres tha t has r eached the ut erus but has not y et implan ted itself . A embryo B morula C diploid D zygote


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