(Iowa City, Iowa), 1950-07-01
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I 1 ~ to Univer~~ty of Iowa. .I'3RARY , . Ditty Helps Denver WI" , ..I Jack Dittmer. former Iowa second kae W.at~.~ mcm. helped Denver to a 21·4 Will over Part.ly e10udy ~IUt scat· Wichita Friday mQht with a double tere. Mowen ....y. which elrove lD two runs. He collected HI,Il .Way, It: 1_. 55. one hit in two official trip. to the plate. RJ,II frl'a" 1.j low, M. Dittmer al80 participated in a double " . play and haudled el~ht chance. With· e al oman out , error. The qame Frlday was Dltt· mer'. fII'IIt.tartlnq aulqrunenl. Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire. AP Wirephoto, UP Leased Wire - Five CenlJl Iowa Ci'.y, Iowa, Saturday, July I, 1950 - Vol. 84, N?: 228, !-----------------------------~----------~'~------------------------------------~~--------------------------------------------'----------~~--~~~~ -~- NORTH KOREA 5"0 01 Jupon (Interpretin .tory on UN of .5. lJround force. in Korea on WASHINGTON (IP) '- In a ,"~e paqe 2.) display of unanimity the .-serjate o o Friday approved, 68-0, a U,2~,- l SOMEWIIEHE IN KCffiEA. (Saturday) ( UP) - Americall 500.000 program to arm natlopS lR~ f'ARALLH resisting communism, incllidinl infantrymen, weighed down by battle packs and carrying full South Korea. : rf- ------- ' war eq-uipment, were air·lifted to Korea today-and went into .. Rcpuplican,s who bave heatec,Uy' action. assailed admlnlsti-lltion Jlltittl6di The battalion of infantrymen; took up defensive positions im defending thc - ,f~ w ()i La against aggre:;slon 8\1d~I, ' cl~'" mediately along a line about 25 miles north of Teajon, the tem- ed' ranks behind , tJu,! bi).i. , lmp~ij~ porary capital of the South * * * by the Korcan crl&ls. '., ''';' i; Korean republic, The h!... i8~qn nJw go~" to " the ' house. It Is an au.thorization ·mc~- The remainder of the division \ sure which requi~es l!CPal'lite:: ~e- , ot which tbc ba ttalion is part is War at a Glance "r The Auoc:h.ted rrels tion to finance it. " , ' following by ship. TAEJON, KOREA-First batta Although the bulk of the fund's, The U.S. combat troops went ~on of U.S. 24th infantry flies to $I-billion, would '0 to stren~l1en into action after American head korea as South Korean army col IO«MOSA North Atlantic treaty aUles,. Sen. quarters were driven from thc lapses. Amcrican headquariers Tom Connally tD,Texas) voiced Suwon beadquarters by a new _nd vital airfield at Suwon aban assurance that "t~c bill c~ntllirls South Korean collapse. !JOlled. 'I'aejon, 70 milcs s04tb of plenty' of funds for ~orea." . r While the U.S. army girded Cor Suwon, becomes temporary Kor- Connally, chairman. o('th,e'·sen. battlc, the alrforco steadily in an capital. (/ ate toreign relations ~6ml1lhtec: r tensified the fury ot its attack on TOKYO - U.S. airforee an said tbat tile billlsl$HJ-mlUiOn ,ear the Communists. nounced 15 North Korean tanks marked for Korea and the Ptltl Planes ot five typcs trom B- destroyed. B-29's active. Iippines could be Increased at a-ny. 29's and rockct carrying jcts to WASHINGTON - President .' time by a shift of funds . • Mustang fighters flew 161 sorties Truman orders U.S. ground troops in combat. Defense officials say * * It ·.!· infantry forces are on the way to Signs Draft Law. • ' ~ ... Moscow Almost Mum battle the Communists. Say '. f'. South Korean forces rallying. WASHINGTON (,If') - Prei ld ~n OSLO. NORWAY (SATUR Congressmen generally approve Truman Friday signed ., the nC\V D~Y) (JP) - The White House President's decision. President d~aft law which leav~ ,hi~ , u~· announcement that !'resldent signs new draft Jaw . restric~ed al.\thorlty' ~ ord¢r ~ I~ Truman hilS ordered Gen. Dou, LAKE SUCCESS - Egypt tells duc.tions resumed at any till)e . ... ' las MacArthur to use Ameri UN she will not support American Thc' Jaw, wm~h · runs untJI .,uIy 9, 1951, also einpowers'lllql 'to ~ put can 'rround troops In the Korean • (AP WI .. ,".I~) -le(l Bation against North Korea. the national guard and the I I'll. f1chtlnJ' was mentioned In a But 32 other cpuntries are now sinJ'le sentence by radJo Mos serves on active duty any 'time be'hind the action, security coun Possible RQutes,of·:U.S;<Troops cow today. 'I I , • he· sees fit to ' do so. '., ' : .. ~ ... ~. Is advisd. The broadcast, read here, did cil THIS MAP INDlCATES h3'Y V.S.' rroul;ld' t~O" tt,a,tJoned In Jap . Males from .19 do 26 are ' sub-' not comment editorially on the an (i), Okinawa (2) .and ibe PbHlpplnes ,<U_ eould: be brau,Jat to jccted to Inqu~tiory~ . ..' , ". ) order. UN Support* * ..* Korea. Troops could be tuDn~le,il tltrO.Ulh. 1"UA1l <I'rrowbead), chief port in South Korea. Shaded l" Co ..ni;uli! ..t·IIlPn,tr.iI~ . area, Iowa . yesterday They shot down 2 LAKE SUCCESS (JP) - Thirty· tiftans~t \S~ lAP Wlre.k.,.) Cominuni~t planes and destroyed two countries have lined up in Breakthrough ns Suwon, Airfield 15 tanks, 30 moto( trucks, 2 loco s~pport of American-Jed military "'1;;.- V "' t"h:" .:.': ~V!J'· .. ": -t-·· '. ,.Li 'Flying SatJt:~( .~' ,.",,:, thca&ul'es under UN auspices to moUves and .about 10 frcight cars, ~nlO ,-:OU " .. ~q: mf. ~ $.. , TWIT 'rowel Citla~s sald :tl;ejr' ~i\V ' J\."NoRTII KO~AN ARMOltED C01..UMi (arrowl broke through the Han river line (sawtooth) Sat D-29's Spread Ruin saVe South Korea, the security D,e utclh' atld e~lIt)p'ed Suwon (A). which hMl~en the hcadquarrets af the United States 'mffllary mission The B-29's spread ruin 10 council was advised Friday. -·'/·~n' "g" '(,t g"" ;/i'ft,.," ~ u" ;~·s ~ ' ''t IYlng s~u~r" at. ~~ ;~ ? ' a.m. !~t~,:'" !till ,tbe Sou III , Korean army staff. 4'}fe' tt'lr c~ul"' "'4150 .ovez!i-an 't~er ltal Ii.ttlelct. at Suwon de 'tbere was onc flaw in thc oth , . F,·re barges, tanks, convoyS and road Set R n E. S. oiJ'J<· pt:ivlllC tile Sruth Korean defenders vi !blla!!t la'rce {il'tleld nlltt'h of b~an '(B), port city 175 miles to intersections in enemy - held "ier erwise solid lineup ' of non-Com fJ :' ~ ',\;" ., ~rlte GOldl~" 40~ J munist' nations offering material '. , ky' . bo 20" I)uque, ' aM HoW.ard C'1'io1l "2:5 : tb,e. sOll~~~t. Sblps are available in Japa ~ or ~~~~h1~':!t of 1J;S' 1groun~ troopS fronl there into Korea ritory. COL VMBUS , OHIO (AP) - A ~\Js circ~s rousta ut, 'W. BUrlington said ·CHe) .'. s~ . UI.ro..,.h .PWlan which, Is. abou~. 128 miles ·t.m JlJ: It'l'S stu~e~milOst island of Kyusbu. and mqral support. The South Korean army broke by his own words a killer and arsoniSt sin~e th~ age of six, has con- tbe "sllucer" i~ the sou.tbelj_fcrn yesterday in a vii al sector ot the , Egypt told the council she would not accept the council's rcsolu fessed t~ touching off the blaze that took 168 lives as it swept sky and .-that the. o.bject .. \\1~ ~ Han river front south ot Seoul. · \. .. .. • emitting a "bluisH light." .'.' , Troops in the secter !Led in tion of Tuesday night endorsing h I h R J\merican intervention in Korea t roug 1 t e mg mg Bros. CirCUS SIX years a~o. The "saucer" waa movtmi ~;at panic. I Although not fonnally char.lled "J . ' ..., ' what appeared to be a .tjlrr,Jfl.c Suwon, headquarters of th'e U. and asking other nations to con tribute tbeir support. with the circus fire, Robert Dale QueullIe.App' speed, tbey)cJ?Orted, ~'\~ . ~ttI~1kl ~ S!~'~~~~!~~~b!om n'fGynfA~~,~~,~!o~~~,!,~~ S. military advisory mission and toved Segee, of nearby Circlevi~lc, wlls ' ,.... to be, a.t a great dista.ncc! . :' , get and bids for construction of locker rooms, will begin about the Korean army staff was ab~n doned, and Communist flying ¥.,iS50uri Man May Face named Friday by Ohio 'Fire ~ar. ' As -' French Premier Tbe men said tbey wcr! ~lttlI!i the addit·ion to SUI's women's July 15, Horner said. The addi- . I on tbe cast tteiglit plaUo'iiii qJ ~ne gymnasium were approved here tion will be located at the corner columns occupied it and the ad shall Harry J. Callan as the mlln :, '(SATURDAy) (JP)-The nehar Btuh:1'1i!tli: joining Suwon airstrip last night. Local Charge in 1964 f~S Cra nd~c s~atiho\l th~ ' by tHe state board of education of Jefferson and Madison streels. T~e man who robbed the At who put the lorch to I tbe cit.cus rt t ..... li1 Ii' bl" -'fl eel H ton brIdge w en t ey saW e~ ob- The Communists drove 20 miles in Hartford, Conn., July 6, 1944, a 'Ivn .a sem J cOu rm en- 'ect .' " Froiday. Successful bidders on tbe wo- berhasky grocery May 24 may in 15 hours to take Suwon. In addition to the buge death toll, IIi.,. Q,tibuille .as premier of trance l . .~" '- I The board als~ appointed a men's gymnasium include, in addi- rJ'ot face trial for tbe charge un til 412 persons were injured: ~al'IY , 'tqdlfy by a votc ' of 36 to PLU,MDEIt ARlflSTED i president for Iowa State i tion to the Morehead company, New Defense 1964. n~w Callan said Segee had 'signed 2M. ' Queuille needed Sll . vote. IOwa City poJi<:c Friday attested Teachers college; approved 1950- i Cars ton Brothers company, Ack- Fresh South Korea troops Jerome H. Harretl, Canton, Mo.