I 1 ~ to Univer~~ty of Iowa. .I'3RARY , . Ditty Helps Denver WI" , ..I Jack Dittmer. former Iowa second kae­ W.at~.~ mcm. helped Denver to a 21·4 Will over Part.ly e10udy ~IUt scat· Wichita Friday mQht with a double tere. Mowen ....y. which elrove lD two runs. He collected HI,Il .Way, It: 1_. 55. one hit in two official trip. to the plate. RJ,II frl'a" 1.j low, M. Dittmer al80 participated in a double " . play and haudled el~ht chance. With· e al oman out , error. The qame Frlday was Dltt· mer'. fII'IIt.tartlnq aulqrunenl. Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire. AP Wirephoto, UP Leased Wire - Five CenlJl Iowa Ci'.y, Iowa, Saturday, July I, 1950 - Vol. 84, N?: 228, !-----------------------------~----------~'~------------------------------------~~--------------------------------------------'----------~~--~~~~ -~- NORTH KOREA 5"0 01 Jupon (Interpretin .tory on UN of .5. lJround force. in Korea on WASHINGTON (IP) '- In a ,"~e paqe 2.) display of unanimity the .-serjate o o Friday approved, 68-0, a U,2~,- l SOMEWIIEHE IN KCffiEA. (Saturday) ( UP) - Americall 500.000 program to arm natlopS lR~ f'ARALLH resisting communism, incllidinl infantrymen, weighed down by battle packs and carrying full South Korea. : rf- ------- ' war eq-uipment, were air·lifted to Korea today-and went into .. Rcpuplican,s who bave heatec,Uy' action. assailed admlnlsti-lltion Jlltittl6di The battalion of infantrymen; took up defensive positions im­ defending thc - ,f~ w ()i La against aggre:;slon 8\1d~I, ' cl~'" mediately along a line about 25 miles north of Teajon, the tem- ed' ranks behind , tJu,! bi).i. , lmp~ij~ porary capital of the South * * * by the Korcan crl&ls. '., ''';' i; Korean republic, The h!... i8~qn nJw go~" to " the ' house. It Is an au.thorization ·mc~- The remainder of the division \ sure which requi~es l!CPal'lite:: ~e- , ot which tbc ba ttalion is part is War at a Glance "r The Auoc:h.ted rrels tion to finance it. " , ' following by ship. TAEJON, KOREA-First batta­ Although the bulk of the fund's, The U.S. combat troops went ~on of U.S. 24th infantry flies to $I-billion, would '0 to stren~l1en into action after American head­ korea as South Korean army col­ IO«MOSA North Atlantic treaty aUles,. Sen. quarters were driven from thc lapses. Amcrican headquariers Tom Connally tD,Texas) voiced Suwon beadquarters by a new _nd vital airfield at Suwon aban­ assurance that "t~c bill c~ntllirls South Korean collapse. !JOlled. 'I'aejon, 70 milcs s04tb of plenty' of funds for ~orea." . r While the U.S. army girded Cor Suwon, becomes temporary Kor- Connally, chairman. o('th,e'·sen. battlc, the alrforco steadily in­ an capital. (/ ate toreign relations ~6ml1lhtec: r tensified the fury ot its attack on TOKYO - U.S. airforee an­ said tbat tile billlsl$HJ-mlUiOn ,ear­ the Communists. nounced 15 North Korean tanks marked for Korea and the Ptltl­ Planes ot five typcs trom B- destroyed. B-29's active. Iippines could be Increased at a-ny. 29's and rockct carrying jcts to WASHINGTON - President .' time by a shift of funds . • Mustang fighters flew 161 sorties Truman orders U.S. ground troops in combat. Defense officials say * * It ·.!· infantry forces are on the way to Signs Draft Law. • ' ~ ... Moscow Almost Mum battle the Communists. Say '. f'. South Korean forces rallying. WASHINGTON (,If') - Prei ld ~n OSLO. NORWAY (SATUR­ Congressmen generally approve Truman Friday signed ., the nC\V D~Y) (JP) - The White House President's decision. President d~aft law which leav~ ,hi~ , u~· announcement that !'resldent signs new draft Jaw . restric~ed al.\thorlty' ~ ord¢r ~ I~­ Truman hilS ordered Gen. Dou,­ LAKE SUCCESS - Egypt tells duc.tions resumed at any till)e . ... ' las MacArthur to use Ameri­ UN she will not support American Thc' Jaw, wm~h · runs untJI .,uIy 9, 1951, also einpowers'lllql 'to ~ put can 'rround troops In the Korean • (AP WI .. ,".I~) -le(l Bation against North Korea. the national guard and the I I'll. f1chtlnJ' was mentioned In a But 32 other cpuntries are now sinJ'le sentence by radJo Mos­ serves on active duty any 'time be'hind the action, security coun­ Possible RQutes,of·:U.S;<Troops cow today. 'I I , • he· sees fit to ' do so. '., ' : .. ~ ... ~. Is advisd. The broadcast, read here, did cil THIS MAP INDlCATES h3'Y V.S.' rroul;ld' t~O" tt,a,tJoned In Jap­ . Males from .19 do 26 are ' sub-' not comment editorially on the an (i), Okinawa (2) .and ibe PbHlpplnes ,<U_ eould: be brau,Jat to jccted to Inqu~tiory~ . ..' , ". ) order. UN Support* * ..* Korea. Troops could be tuDn~le,il tltrO.Ulh. 1"UA1l <I'rrowbead), chief port in South Korea. Shaded l" Co ..ni;uli! ..t·IIlPn,tr.iI~ . area, Iowa . yesterday They shot down 2 LAKE SUCCESS (JP) - Thirty· tiftans~t \S~ lAP Wlre.k.,.) Cominuni~t planes and destroyed two countries have lined up in Breakthrough ns Suwon, Airfield 15 tanks, 30 moto( trucks, 2 loco­ s~pport of American-Jed military "'1;;.- V "' t"h:" .:.': ~V!J'· .. ": -t-·· '. ,.Li 'Flying SatJt:~( .~' ,.",,:, thca&ul'es under UN auspices to moUves and .about 10 frcight cars, ~nlO ,-:OU " .. ~q: mf. ~ $.. , TWIT 'rowel Citla~s sald :tl;ejr' ~i\V ' J\."NoRTII KO~AN ARMOltED C01..UMi (arrowl broke through the Han river line (sawtooth) Sat­ D-29's Spread Ruin saVe South Korea, the security D,e utclh' atld e~lIt)p'ed Suwon (A). which hMl~en the hcadquarrets af the United States 'mffllary mission The B-29's spread ruin 10 council was advised Friday. -·'/·~n' "g" '(,t g"" ;/i'ft,.," ~ u" ;~·s ~ ' ''t IYlng s~u~r" at. ~~ ;~ ? ' a.m. !~t~,:'" !till ,tbe Sou III , Korean army staff. 4'}fe' tt'lr c~ul"' "'4150 .ovez!i-an 't~er ltal Ii.ttlelct. at Suwon de­ 'tbere was onc flaw in thc oth­ , . F,·re barges, tanks, convoyS and road Set R n E. S. oiJ'J<· pt:ivlllC tile Sruth Korean defenders vi !blla!!t la'rce {il'tleld nlltt'h of b~an '(B), port city 175 miles to intersections in enemy - held "ier­ erwise solid lineup ' of non-Com­ fJ :' ~ ',\;" ., ~rlte GOldl~" 40~ J munist' nations offering material '. , ky' . bo 20" I)uque, ' aM HoW.ard C'1'io1l "2:5 : tb,e. sOll~~~t. Sblps are available in Japa ~ or ~~~~h1~':!t of 1J;S' 1groun~ troopS fronl there into Korea ritory. COL VMBUS , OHIO (AP) - A ~\Js circ~s rousta ut, 'W. BUrlington said ·CHe) .'. s~ . UI.ro..,.h .PWlan which, Is. abou~. 128 miles ·t.m JlJ: It'l'S stu~e~milOst island of Kyusbu. and mqral support. The South Korean army broke by his own words a killer and arsoniSt sin~e th~ age of six, has con- tbe "sllucer" i~ the sou.tbelj_fcrn yesterday in a vii al sector ot the , Egypt told the council she would not accept the council's rcsolu­ fessed t~ touching off the blaze that took 168 lives as it swept sky and .-that the. o.bject .. \\1~ ~ Han river front south ot Seoul. · \. .. .. • emitting a "bluisH light." .'.' , Troops in the secter !Led in tion of Tuesday night endorsing h I h R J\merican intervention in Korea t roug 1 t e mg mg Bros. CirCUS SIX years a~o. The "saucer" waa movtmi ~;at panic. I Although not fonnally char.lled "J . ' ..., ' what appeared to be a .tjlrr,Jfl.c Suwon, headquarters of th'e U. and asking other nations to con­ tribute tbeir support. with the circus fire, Robert Dale QueullIe.App' speed, tbey)cJ?Orted, ~'\~ . ~ttI~1kl ~ S!~'~~~~!~~~b!om n'fGynfA~~,~~,~!o~~~,!,~~ S. military advisory mission and toved Segee, of nearby Circlevi~lc, wlls ' ,.... to be, a.t a great dista.ncc! . :' , get and bids for construction of locker rooms, will begin about the Korean army staff was ab~n­ doned, and Communist flying ¥.,iS50uri Man May Face named Friday by Ohio 'Fire ~ar. ' As -' French Premier Tbe men said tbey wcr! ~lttlI!i the addit·ion to SUI's women's July 15, Horner said. The addi- . I on tbe cast tteiglit plaUo'iiii qJ ~ne gymnasium were approved here tion will be located at the corner columns occupied it and the ad­ shall Harry J. Callan as the mlln :, '(SATURDAy) (JP)-The nehar Btuh:1'1i!tli: joining Suwon airstrip last night. Local Charge in 1964 f~S Cra nd~c s~atiho\l th~ ' by tHe state board of education of Jefferson and Madison streels. T~e man who robbed the At­ who put the lorch to I tbe cit.cus rt t ..... li1 Ii' bl" -'fl eel H ton brIdge w en t ey saW e~ ob- The Communists drove 20 miles in Hartford, Conn., July 6, 1944, a 'Ivn .a sem J cOu rm en- 'ect .' " Froiday. Successful bidders on tbe wo- berhasky grocery May 24 may in 15 hours to take Suwon. In addition to the buge death toll, IIi.,. Q,tibuille .as premier of trance l . .~" '- I The board als~ appointed a men's gymnasium include, in addi- rJ'ot face trial for tbe charge un til 412 persons were injured: ~al'IY , 'tqdlfy by a votc ' of 36 to PLU,MDEIt ARlflSTED i president for Iowa State i tion to the Morehead company, New Defense 1964. n~w Callan said Segee had 'signed 2M. ' Queuille needed Sll . vote. IOwa City poJi<:c Friday attested Teachers college; approved 1950- i Cars ton Brothers company, Ack- Fresh South Korea troops Jerome H. Harretl, Canton, Mo.
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