THE WEATHER TODAY ,Scene of Hampion, Iowa, Cafe Blast .. J Cloudy and windy today with rain. Sun­ day generally fair, warmer. High today, 42i low, 30 degrees. Yesterday's high wal owal1 74 degrees. Establlahe~ lass-vol. 80, No. ] 54-AP News and Wirep_h_ot_o__ .._ ... _ -_ ",:_ low_a_C_ity..:.;.., _Io_w_a_,_S_atur__ d_ay-=-, _M_Ol_. _27_,_1_9..!.~8-_'_F_iv_._c._n_ta_--=-______-:_-:----,,-, ______Palestine -- International -- JewS' Wanl U. 'So Charges Russ Divided Germany Ask Eisenhower To UN Guards Says Soviets Set Up Weather -- Elliott and Franklin Roosevelt Jr. Claim Concentration Camps 'Ike' Could Band Conservatives, L"berals to .Jerusalem In Eastern Germany Tornado Jars NEW YORK (JP) - Franklin D. Roosevlt Jr" and h ' older brother, Elllott, yeslA!rday called on Gen. Dw(&ht D. i! nhower to I the W ASHJNGTON ~JP)-The United . Democrntie prestdenUal nomination. JERUSALEM (JP)- The Jewish States accused RUSSia last nJght Such an action,

ASHES and RubbJsb haulJn,. WHERE TO GO Phone 5623. DANCE To Recorded Music "Across from the CRANDIC" Com. in today, tm WOodburn Sound SEE THE IIEW till JIM and "DOC" CONNELL lOYAL PORTABLE TYPEWRITER 8 E. Colie,e WITH CLEANING & PRESSING FINGER FORM KEYSI STUDENTS Let U. W1m. TYPEWBnta EXCHANGE Meet The Gang Keep Your Clothe. 1%4, E. Collr.. e Dial 8-J051 Looking Lik. N.w J

TypeWI'ltera are Valuable "Tea Time" CI O. D. Cleaners keep them .... PICKUP AND DEUVDI' 8DVImi CLEAN and in REPAm At Th. Da.ul &4aa 1M .. CAPITOL •• ROUR 8E1lVlCl Frohweln Supply Co. BS. Clinton Phone 3474 Hub-Bub loom I'r7 0 ... AUeralieu IIDll Repaln Dept. PHOTOGRAPHY Lower Lobb,. 0' &be ROOM Am> BOARD By GENE AHERN Jet'enon Hote. ' STUDIO A WISHING WELL HAS ALWAYS C. D. GBECIE ~AD A CHARMING APPEAL 10 .·Ine Quality PEOPLE, AND IF nEY WANT Application Por'ralta 10 TOSS IN SMAJ..L COINS TO All work retoucbed SOLICIT FULFILLMENT OF A WISH, IT WILL MERELY Dub. tZ7 8. Dial 4885 PAY FO~ 'THE UPKEEP , /'\ AND WATER. SUPPLY ~ ~'V,..t"\ OF MY PICTURESQJ6 ETTA ItETf PAUL 10111180. KENT PHOTO Service , __...... ,'" ~ V WEU-/ .. ""'u,. 1ft '11M _ Wetldlq .... Applloailon Pldane ~"'-t-...J (,.:? ~ _oaF I5I'd.1D De.. " ... ,.,.- .... CHIIa ,....apeeta...... au" I.... An. DIal .... ------»owny Flak~ beau .. FURNITURE MOVING And WafOM , , For )lreakf"'!"TrJ,unc:h MAHER BROS. TRAN8F18 Dinner Special Orders &0 r. IIIcIeDt'...... FraternUie. and SororUlu MOYIDv Fountain - ~and)YjQhea A8II SOUPI - F""¢Ja F",. IAGOACJE TRAKIPIII 1,B4ll1rdIID'. Ice ,CNCIDL!2OC.Plat DIAL- .... -DW 2U E. Wash. Pti6kM 7822 • f .. , - .'Grudge (ase' Says Coppock Vernon Nas6 Talk ~:- These A~e TQugh Babies To Please ,- Meetings, Speeches Hospital Schedules To Install Dial ,. . Scheduled by UWF , , Internal Medicine After Pacific.Junction Incident F~:~~~ts,N~Si~~ _P~;;I~~nt , w:}~ Town n Refresher Course Phone System ' speak here Tuesday, J. A. Swish­ tnstallatiOIl or a dial i elephon. By GEORGE WATSON er, chairman of the local UWF A course in inlernal medicine "ystl'm In University hospltala 8peclal 10 The DaD, Iowan chapter, announced yesterday. Campus wlll be given March 31 through building. WOK announced yester. April 2 lor six.teen Iowa d clOt·s at day by Roy A. Williams, local "This is nothing but a grudge Touring Iowa umler the auspic­ Un Iv rsily hospitals. case. That's my honest opinion. es 01 the UWF· state organization, manllgpr or NOl"thwe~te rn BeU ATHENS - MI~. E.L. Tilus, T('J<,phone compallY. We put him on the spot and he's he will talk at 8 p.m. !l,t Fellow­ This conft!rence is th first of 1029 Kirkwood avenue will be a sel'ie. or I 'er r ~her cours 9 In ,olng to get even with us." ship hall of F irst Methodist . EXI)C('teo to br"in in June, the hostess to the Ath ns History cir­ 1'01H' fields of medicine to b of­ ncw ~ystelll will \"eplace the old ' These were the words of Pacilic church. He will emphasize the fered here this spring. lh.· 'e-position switchboard now Junctton government teacHer need for rebuilding the United Na­ cle Monday afternoon ul 3 o'clock. m ann d by lill'e{' operators, Russell Coppock, 35, as he awaited tions to make it a federal world Mrs, C.S. Meardon will review Gu st inl>l ructorR fOI· lhe con­ ference wi ll bDl'. WlIlium }T. the jury's verdict in his appeal government. "Iron Land" Iby Dorothy Oglf'Y Wilh thr new eqU ipment, more Bunn, Youllgstnwn, Ohio; DI·. A. of a charge of unlawful assembly A veteran of World War I, Nash and N. Cleland. etrlcl 'nL ("utnl1lllnlcu lion within B. Baker, prof sS() r at lhe Uni­ arising from an incident in Pa­ holds two journalism degrees from and \0 Ihe ou t ~jd of th hospltaiJ versity of Minn . oto; and Dr. Al­ citic Junction Oct. 13. • the University of Missouri and the wi ll be pu,~ibl(' , Hospitat per30n· CANTERBURY - Canterbury bert M. 8nl'II , proressor or m di­ 11('1 will bl' abl to dtal other A district court jury aquitted Ph.D. degree from Teachers col­ lege, Columbia university. In 1916 club members and Iheir guests rine ot the Mayo foundation, pilon !I in th(' lIystf>m and also him Thursday. He had been ac­ he was a Rhodes scholar from will have an informal open howe Rochester, Minn. phone!! In the Iown City syslem, cused of interfering wIth Pacific and supper ot the parish house at Missouri. Membel's of lhe univcrsily hos­ As With Ihe pr ent university Junction Mayor John Lutter when 5:30 p.m. tomorrow. Douglas Nash founded the first Chinese pital stofr will also se rv a in­ diu I syslrtn, tanS coming from the the latter attempted tx:l get a Bal­ Baines, G. Edmonton, Alberto, school of journalism at Yenching structors. Olllsldl' WIll hal to b handled timore Negro, Alfred Twitty, to Can., will be ill charge of Ihe ur­ university, Peiping, in 1924. He 01 her short cO\lrs s In nbst I des by OJ) riltols urlr\" Ih 11 w system leave town. rangements. has lived or traveled In 20 nations and "ynecology, genel"31 surgel'Y i~ in O))l'l"lItiOI1. Lutter, the ")lim" Coppock re­ and opthalmology are schl'duled ferred to, claimed in court he was on four continents. He has spoken to more than 1,200 audiences In BOOK AND BA KET - Mem­ for the eries. doing his duty in trying to keep RUSSELL COPPOCK Dr. William C. Kp lei J!! acting the small railroad tx:lwn from the 48 states. bers of the Book and Baslce t club Kelso Elected Head chairman of th University 0 being "overrun by riff-raff of the will meet Monday al 2:30 p.m. at the Mary o. Coldren home, 602 fowa medleal school's commitlf'e naUon." 011 postgraduate educotion, "Twitty wasn't any bum," Cop­ Clark street. Roll call will be onl<­ Of VFW Auxiliary pock said, "He was dressed as wered with Easter sentiments. MrR. Mf'mb I. of V.F .W. auxiliary r Herbert Ashdown will pr side at No. 2581 Il'CtE'd Mrs. Amos Kel.!o nicely as I am." He added that it Church Calendar International Club Lists was a civil liberties case in a th~ meeting. 'Norwegian Night' Party PI bldent at a business meelin, I held Thur.d y night Ilt the Com­ double sense. ST. PAUL~ LUTHERAN CHAPEL Preparatory Eervlce for communicants. Mr. Twitty',! rights to move.. 404 t. Jeffellon street 10:30 a.m. EllSler fe stival serv ice. Ser­ SADDLE CLUB _ The Iowa The university Tnter national munity building. Jobn F. ChoU •. pa.lor mon : The Victory 01 LIfe." Holy Com­ Other office I'lected were Mrs. IIIbout and seek work were jeopar­ Sunday , 9:30 a.m. Sunday school and munion will be admInistered. Tuesday, TRYING TO INTEREST her slx·week-ohl quadruplets In a. quartet City Saddle club wil meet at 7:30 club is sponsoring [l "Norwegian Bible class. 10:30 a.m. Easter Sunday 1:30 p.m. Adult membershIp class. Thu rs· L onord Spratt,. nior vice-presi· dized, he said, and, secondly, "It's of Ea8t~ bunnies, Mrs. Darbara Zavada, 26. Latrobe, Pa .• doesn't Monday night in the Community night .. April 2 at 8 p.m., at the .ervlce, "All Hatl, Rejolce l'· day. 2:3lI p.m. Regular meeting of the d nt; Mrs. Owen Rogers, junior III restriction of our rights to de­ Ladle. AId soc Iety. Friday. 6:30 p.m. meet with much success. While Nurse Dorothy Murray looks on, building. Mr. and Mrs. Eorl Grout Congregational church. feed someone else's rights." JEHOVAH"8 WITNI:SSE8 Regular meeting of the Home-Builders. and Chet Hanson will be In chargp. Six students f.·om Norway will vice-pl'('sid nt; Mrs. Warren Clark, Sunday. 3 p.m. Talk on ·'A Slgn.1 for John Michael (right) registers a howling protest, ~ema.dette E11Ia­ ,Ir usul'f'r: Mrs F..dwnrd Bushman, The Iowa Civil Liberties union AU People:· by F. R. Wil son. 4:16 p.m. parlicipnte in the program which ST. M"RY'S CHURCH beth sleeps, Barbara Rose looks coyly at the camera. and tin)' Anna paid the costs of Coppock's de­ Watch lower .tudy. FrlQay, 8 p.m. Bible Jefferson and Llan .lreet. will inc Iud e NO)'weglan folk chaplain; Mrs .John Zohner, con. study. Rt. Rev. MI,r. C. H. Molnbor,. pall •• Mary is oblivious to 11 all. (AP WIREPHOTO) TRINITY - The hlrh IIChooJ dances, folk ISOngs ond music. ductn·. ; Mrs. A.E. Robas, guard, f ense. Although the state attor­ Ro •. J. W. Scllmlt. aad group of the Trinity Episcopol ami Mrs. EVE')YI~ Goss, three-year­ neys denied a race issue was in­ FfRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, 'Rev. E. R . Hoenl" ...Ilta.t pa.tor Two color· mills on Norway will scrENTrST Sunday ma sses at 6, 1 :30 . 9, 10:1~ and church will IT),eet at the parish be shown. . vo\ved In the trial, Coppock in­ '122 E. Colle,e .tr ... 11 :30 a.m. Weekday rna .... at 6:30 a.m. tomorrow at 4 p.m. Father Har­ sisted there was. Sunday. 8 a.m. WHO radio broadcast. In the convent and at 7:25 and 8 a.m. In KXIC Constructs Two American ond foreign students 8:45 a.m. Sunday school. 11 a.m. Lesson­ the church. Novena .ervlces Thursday old F'. McGee will I od (I group are invited. Coffee and refresh­ "They're just trying to brush Aermon on " ReaUty." Nursery. Wednes­ .t 3 and 7 :30 p.m. Confessions: Saturday discussion. that off," he said of the race day. 8 p.m. TestimonIal meeting. at 2:30 to 5:30 and 7 to 8 :20 p.m.; week­ Personal. Notes Transmission Towers ments will be served. Beverly Culver and day. durIn, the 7:25 a.m. m... and alter Norwegian students participat~ question, adding that a state at­ MENNONITE GOSPEL, MISSION the Novena service. KXIC, Iowa City's new radio Sunday. 10 a.m. Sunday school. Begin­ The earliest railway In Eng­ ina are Peter L. Berntsen, Miss torney and some witnesses had ner and primary llroups will /lIve their Bhilgwat Prasad Singh, G, Bir­ sta tion, yesterday completed con.­ Max Oilman Wed used the word "nigger", and then REOItGANIZED CHURCH ot JESUS land, sanctioned by Parliame'lt Odny Gra!, Hans H. Len.~chow, Easter program 0/ recitations and songs. C1IItIST AND LATTEIt DAY SAINTS pur, India, is touring Chicago dur­ struction oJ: two 300-foot trans.­ Two lII1IVI'. ity stud nts, Bev· quickly changed it to "Negro". 11 a.m . Sermon : "The UndI sturbed in 1801 , was opernted wilh horse­ Gunnar Sau~jurd, John A. Sir - Grave Clothes." 1 p.m. The JunIor-In­ YMCA .ooms or the Iowa UnIon mission. towers, Robeort E.J. Sny­ erly Culvl'l" and Max J . OIlman, Sunday. 9:30 a.m. Class study and dis­ ing the Easter holidays. He is drawn vehicles and, ill one in­ vaag and Eri,k Rn stnd ond his The attitude of his students on termedIate chorus will IIYe theIr pro­ der, president and general man­ w I' mllni d y ' Ierday at Manly. • ram In sonll. cussIon. 10 :30 a.m. Hou r of worship and staying at the International house. stance, by sail power. wife. the incident has been very good, sermon. ager said yesterday . Th dOllUIt'1 trig eer mony was Ooppock said. He attributed this FfRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH The station is tentatively sched­ p rfonned by the Rev. Carl to the fact that "12 to 15" of his 211 Iowa avenue ST. THOMAS MORE CHAPEL Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Yu, 106 E. Frank Nellon Gardner, pador 40~ N. RI.e ..lde drive uled to start operating June l. FranklwlIs r In thl home of the students saw the incident. "It has Fairchild street, will entertain Sunday, 8:45 • . m. The ChrIstian radIo R.ev: Leonard J . Brurman, pastor Studios and offices are now Jury Awards S4,400 in Rodgers Suit brid 's IXlIl·1I1 , Mr. and Mrs. R. made it possible tor me to do a hour, station WMT. 9:30 a.m. Church Jt.e .. . J . Waller McEleney, anlt pall. or school for all age groups. 10 :30 a.m. kev. Ryan Belser, ••,'l pastor members or the journalism fac­ being constructed on the third A. Culver. more effective job of teaching," The jury yesterday l'eturned a Inal pl'tilion in the ca. They Morning worship and communion serv­ Sunday masses: 5:45. 8. 9. LO and 11 :30 ulty and their wives at a Chinese C100r of Whetstone building, 32 S . e. Alt('nd:ml~ w re Mrs. Jack he said. Ice. Sermon : "Would You Have Lite a.m. Weekday masses: 6:30. 1. and 7:30 verdict of $4,400 for Mr. and Mrs. askf'd 101 $2,01i2.Sn Ihey claimed Stanley, Df'troit, sister of the Elernal?" Monday, 8 p.m. Congregation a.m. Holy day masse.: 5:45. 7. 8, ]I and dinner at their home today at 6:30 Clinton slt·eet. "This is a lesson to my students bu sIness meetrng at the church. Wednes­ 12:15 a.m. Confession s heard from 3:30 to Sam Rodgers on their counter was due them on a prom! ' ory brid • 311d Milf rd O. Brunsvold, and the people all over Iowa," he day. 11 a.m. W.M.B, society will serve 5 p.m. and 7 10 8:30 p.m. on all Satur· p.m. The dinner, to be served in Located on highway 218 nonlh claim against Priebe and Sons. notc. The ('ompnny later amend­ E4, M,.nly. a luncheon Cor the public. 8 :30 p.m. days, days belor" holy days and first American style, honors the one of Iowa City on the former Corl emphasized. Coppock said he car­ Choir reheaTllal at the church. 20 Judge James P _ GaUney order­ ed th petllion 10 $3,398.74. The bride was graduated from FrIdays. Also. Sundays from minute. Linder property, the towers were ried the case through-making an before mass to :5 mJnutes before ma s1C. month birthday ot their baby, and ed the clerk not to enter judg­ Prieb and Sons was granted a Manly high ·hool and attended UNITARIAN CHURCH Newman club each Tuesday oC school is a traditional celebration 1!1 put up in 50 hours, Snyder said. issue of it-to prove that a person Sunday, 10 ; 4~ a.m. Morning service. year at 7:30 p.m. In the student center. ment on this verdict against judMment against the Mr. and Grinn . 1I coli 'lie. She is n.ot a can do more than just preach civil The church school will joIn In the regu· China. Workers started raising steel sec­ Priebe and Sons at this time and Mrs. Rodgers in the amount of juniol' in the University ()f Iowa lar Easter service and will not meet tions 3 p,m. Wednesday and fin­ rights. separately. Sermon: "After Death ­ ST. WENCESLAUS CHURCH that this case is re erved for fu­ their petition on a dir cted verdict ,ch(.I01 tlr journal!. m. The bride­ 680 .E. Davenpo.t street , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parson ~, ished the project yesterday at 5 Of the townspeople Coppock Whal." Rev. Joseph W. HI ••" ••• ·1 p ••to. ture argument and consideration. by Judge Jam s P. GaUn y. groom. on ot Mr. and Mrs. Hann Grinnell, will spend thi.; weekend p.m. would only say that "in my pres­ J'IJUIT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday. 6:30 a.m. Low ma.s. 8 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers hod a. ked The counter claim WdS th!'n the Oltlnan, Manly, is a graduate of Low m..... dally masses at 1 and 9:30 at the home of Prof. and Mrs. Transmitters will be built under ence, there is DO evidence of hos­ 26 E. Market Itroet a.m. Saturday contesslon. 3 to 5:30 p.m. . for a $5,000 judgment in their only issue left to be lrled and the Manly hillh dlOol lind i Q sopho- P . HewlloB Polloek, p •• tor 7 to 8:30 p.m, Stromsten. 121 Richards street. the lowers. Construction will start tility. " Sunday, 6:30 a.m. Easter .unrlse serv­ counter claim. The y claimed jury returned their verdict on 1II0r in thc eullege ()r engineer­ Mr. Parsons is a biology instl'uctol· He 1eels sure he won't return to Ice and breakfast. lor hlllh school and ST, PATItICK'S CHURCH sometime next week. Priebe and Sons had charg d that yeslerday at noon. ing. junior high young people. 9:30 a.m. at Grinnell college. • Pacific Junction next fall. Others 111. Rev. ~.. ,. Pat,lek O'Reilly, p.. to. When completed, about April 13 them lor merchandise which they W. H. Bartley repl e nted AIt'r a blier wedding trlp to Church school wor.hlp service In the Th. Rov Raymond J Pa. ha, as.lstant hIIve advised him to teach in a sanctuary. 10 :45 a.m. MornIng worship. paslor this yea I·, the station will consist did not receive. Priebe and Sons Dnd D. C. NolDn Chicago, th ('ouple will be at bigg~ r city, he said. Sermon: "The Gilt of Victory.1t Nursery. 6:30 a.m. Low mass, 8:30 a.m. HIgh Barbara Baird, daughter of Prof. or one audience partictpatlon P riebe and Sons Iill'd the orig- repre;;ented Mr. and :\"rs Rodgers. hume li t 1215 Y 'w~ 1I treet. 5:30 p.m. HI club party In the church. mus. 9:30 a.m. Low mass: dally masses "But I couldn't have gone back Thursday, 1:30 p.m Meellnll of the and Mrs. AC. Baird, 200 Ferson studio, one announcers' studlo, building lund commlUee In the church. at 8 3.m. Saturday mosses at 7:30 a.m. anyWay," he said, "even before avenue, will spend her Easter \'a­ news, music and continuity rooms Friday, 1 p.m. Regular monthly meetlnc COMMUNITY CHURCH CENTER the incident." of the Session In the pastor's study. cation with her parents. She i~ at­ and offices, Snyder said. Community 1I.lIdln, tending Wellesley college, Welles­ Of the mayor, Coppock said, Donovan O. H.r., p ••tor Although at present a &traight CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Sunday. 9:30 a.m. Church school. 10:30 ley Mass. AM station, the corporation hopes " I have no hostility toward the Sunday. g:30 a.m. Church school. 111 :30 a.m. Easter worshIp servIce. The Rev. fellow, but he is cool toward me." a.m.. Morning worship. Sermon: " Down Thomas Edwards will be the guest speak­ to add FM facilities later. To Earth," by the Rev. .John Craig. e.. There wlll be no evenIng service_ Stanton Umans, G, Brooklyn, 's An overall program policy for He said he had only known Lut­ Wednesday. 1 p.m. Choir practice. this week. ter well enough to accept a couple visiting friends in Chicago this t.he station will b announced I'IRST ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHlJRCII EVANGELlC"L FItEE CHUItOH weekend. later, Snyder said. of rides with him. (U nIted l,lItllera. ehur.h In Amorlea) C.ralvllle He said he went ahead with the Dub_que and Market streets Sunday, 10 a.m. The Sunday school Ralph M. Krue,er . pa ~ tor will present an Ea.ter program of reci ­ ..I ease because he f"t it was "not Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Easter Dawn service. tation and song. The mornln, worship ~rmon on "Christ Is Risen Indeed ftl necessary to sacrifice principle for 9:30 a.m. Sunday school. ]0:45 a.m. servIce wilt follow directly alter the the sake of my family." EutH mornln, WOTllhlp. Sennon theme: program. 1 p.m, Junia. fellowship. 1:,0 Brenneman's Resilient comfort, famous for rugged "The Easter Certalnty." Tuesday, 8:30 p.m. Pre-servIce prayer meeting. 8 p.m. Coppock's wife and four young p.m. M and M club pot-lUCk supper and Evangelistic service. 9 p.m. Slng"pl.a· endurance .... at Sears low pri e lions live in Shannon City, nearly meetlnc at th.e church. Wednesday. 8 tlon. Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Prayer meet­ p.m. Women of the c.hurch will hold a Ing In the home of Orace Newbre, 1135 100 miles east of Paci~ ic Junction, post-Easter rally wIth a dInner and pro­ Wilson. Iowa City. because he couldn't find a house lIfam. Reservations should be rrutde be­ fore TUesday noon. Thursday, 8:30 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH where he teaches school. S. Clinton and Barlln,toll ••, •• b p.m. Luther lealfUe meeUn, al the Elmer E. Dle,k., pa.t •• He took his undergraduate work Sunday, 8 a,m. Breaklast and com­ at Simpson college, Indianola, and METHODlIIT CHURCH munIon at Roge. William. house for the lefler••• and Dabuque &tree .. senlo. hlah school young people. 9:30 , spent a year in the University of L. L. DUDDtn,loD and • • R. Sanks, a.m. Ch!n"ch school with a special Easter Iowa graduate college, majoring in mlal!!ltefJ program. 10:30 a.m. Easter servIce of Sunday. no church school. 9:30 and worsh.ip. Sermon: "The 'Resurrections of sociology. 11 a.m. Mornln, worshIp service. Ser­ mens Gold HWory," Nursery. Wednesday, 6:30 p,m. mon: "Heaven's Momtn, Breaks." A Choir rehearsal. nurselT wttt be maintained durin, both worship services. TRINITY EPISOOPAL CHURCH Harold F. MeGee, , ZION LUTHERAN CHURCR Sunday, 8, 9 and 10 : 4~ a.m. Holy Com­ (Amerlea' Lutheno Co.'ereDee) munion. Sermon: "ChrIstians Courage­ Spot of Coffee t JObDIOD aad Bloonlln,toD .~reet. ou ...• 4 p.m. Hlah school hour. Tues­ A. C. P.oehel, palt.r day. 7:30 p.m. Inquirers' cl.... Wed nes­ Bunday. 9: 15 a.m. Sunday school. 8:30 day. 8:4S and 10 a.m. Holy CommunIon. a.m. Student Bible cl.... 10: 10 •.m . 7 p.m. Junlo. choir. cr pe British Brewing Over • Their Java WSUI PROGRAM CALENDAR Rawther extrawdinary, 0 1 d Sala,4&" Ma,.h n, Ufl 2:30 p.m. Voice Of the Army chap. Britain's mlnlstry of food : ; ~ : :!::: ~~:,In, Chapel 332;33'~5 ~ : !::m: ~R~m;'emto~err:.:~~: 01 s is launchina an all-out campaign 6:30 a.m. Golden Gate Quartete : p. . e ""... G di • S I' tq improve the taste tot a spot of 8:4S a.m. Children's Album .:.00 pm. Resurrection I J Upp lell!!! coffee, according to an article re- : : ~ : :::: : ro~~C~t~:'.!e~~:c~el"1! Assocla- .: ; ~ ~ : :::: ~::e~I~oe ~~1~r:. ~ ~nIn., tlon 5:00 p.m. ChIldren's Hour n~ cently published. in the Busi ness 8:30 a.m. The Bookshelf 5.30 pm. Up to Ihe MInute News _ a . Week magazine, g : 4~ a,m. After Breakfast Coffee .. Sports \

C!~io:rl!~~e;Of:~~:~ye:~~taS:~;1 ~ \ ~ ::~ : ~*!:~:ar:~r ~ ; ~ ~ :!::: ~~~~~~~~u'Evenlni Re- moneyl Cut food bills by planting high quality main trouble with British coffee 1111::0016,m.. LatinRed CroAmericanss Fund Rhythm 7:l5 p.m, Musicalrd MoodsI S I vegetable seeds in your garden. EnJ·oy garden fresh vege-0 brewln, is that the En,llsh people 11 :30 a.m. World of Sona 7 :30 p.m. Salu ay Sw na e55 on tables all Bummer long. BRENNEMAN'S have the GO l) nm 8:00 p.m. Candlellaht MusIc do n~t use en.ouh,h cOffkee. If " ~; ; :: ~~,:'t ::t. Rambles 8:30 p,m. A Look .t AII,lralla leeds to make your garden payoff. Com in todayl "o~ those w 0 ma e co~ ee, 12:f5 p.m. The Constant Invlder 8 : 4~ p.m. Harmony From Way Back , continued. the article "93% al- 1:00 p.m. Musical Chat. 9:00 p.m. Campus Shop -. , 2:00 p.m. Johneon County New. 9 : 4~ p.m. News • Sup rb Styling ways use lest than the establlshed ;'::::1::5.,.:p:.m::.::... :Sa::f:' et:::y_s:p::e:a:ks~ _____.:....IO_ :O_O..:p_.m_. _SI_G_N_O_"_F _____'--- minimum of one tablespoon of coffee to a breakfast cup_ Even 80, Bulk Garden Seeds • Pr mium Lathers \ the coffee is often bitter because WHO Calendar WMT Calendar it is bolled for a long time." (CBS Outlet) The survey also showed that Every comfortable .Iap will tell fO'l restaurant patrons are most dis 10:30 I .m. smllln' Ed McConnell 11 :00 I .m. Theater of Today e/Radishes e Lettuce - II :15 a,m. O'oyernor Blue II :30 a.m. Stars Over Hollywood Ih.a. at QUALITY .hoea. rich III &atistled. Two-thirdJ feel the 11 :30 I,m. Corf .. wllh Can..... 1:30 p.m. Orand Central Station with mOl'l'llllln coUee iJ either too weak or 12:30 p.m. News 2:00 p.m. CounlY "air car fuJ d e talUnq by maater crcdtI. k 1:30 p.m. Salute to Vete.ans 2:30 p.m. Olve and Take tor. 6 to l:t, doelll't have enough mil In it. 2:00 p,m. Rochester Philharmonic ' :30 p,m. Campus Parade • Carrots • Beets atruetlon mana amoothn... un_ The ministry of tood hopes to 3:00 p,m. IdWa Roundtabr. 7:00 p.m. Howdy'. Open House h ':00 p.m. LIfe of Riley ' :00 p.m. Joan Davi. 1001: Ih If ndutlnQ' crepe rubbet improve the taste of B ritis - 7:30 p.m. Truth or Consequences 8:30 p.m. Vaullhn Monroe A complete assortment of fine seeds brewed coffee throu,h pubUcizlnr ' :00 p.m. Your HIt P.rod. 9:00 p.m. Easy Ac •• ao1es outwear 1 ath r. Wear h_ · OW l·t mould be made. 10 : 1~ p.m. News 9:30 p.m. II Pays To Be Iinor.nt h 10:30 p.m. Kay Kyser 10:30 p.m. Dick Juraen. aome Gold Bonda , ••• exclualyel, Othef hi,hllghts in the survey ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ Seanl ot Britain's coUee habits are: oJ Gladiolus and Other Bulbs I, Britain's coffee conlUJllptlon ha. lone up 10% in the past ten yean. 2. MOlt popular time. amon, WATCH OUT Britons tor coffee-drlnkin, are. in BRENNEMA \N LOOP TIE order: mid-momina. lut thinl at FOR ·OUR AD brown osrord l'Ii,ht, breakfast and after lunch. SIzes Il h to 11 . 3. Some 71" of British hoUl... ON APRIL ht wive make COftM In laucepau 01' jUlS Instead 01 coffeepot-. SEED STORE 111 . Coller. 8t. ------~~ ~ , The ot paper In the United KOlA and McCOLLISTER U. 217 E. CoUeqe Iow~ City Phoe 8501 States hu doUbled III the put ten JOWl '" t...-.. ___ I _.~...... -...... ----_ ...... __ ~~-...~.