THE WEATHER TODAY ,Scene of Hampion, Iowa, Cafe Blast .. J Cloudy and windy today with rain. Sun­ day generally fair, warmer. High today, 42i low, 30 degrees. Yesterday's high wal owal1 74 degrees. Establlahe~ lass-vol. 80, No. ] 54-AP News and Wirep_h_ot_o__ .._ ... _ -_ ",:_ low_a_C_ity..:.;.., _Io_w_a_,_S_atur__ d_ay-=-, _M_Ol_. _27_,_1_9..!.~8-_'_F_iv_._c._n_ta_--=-_______-:_-:----,,-, _______ _ Palestine -- International -- JewS' Wanl U. 'So Charges Russ Divided Germany Ask Eisenhower To Run UN Guards Says Soviets Set Up Weather -- Elliott and Franklin Roosevelt Jr. Claim Concentration Camps 'Ike' Could Band Conservatives, L"berals to .Jerusalem In Eastern Germany Tornado Jars NEW YORK (JP) - Franklin D. Roosevlt Jr" and h ' older brother, Elllott, yeslA!rday called on Gen. Dw(&ht D. i! nhower to I the W ASHJNGTON ~JP)-The United . Democrntie prestdenUal nomination. JERUSALEM (JP)- The Jewish States accused RUSSia last nJght Such an action, <the sons of the Late Pt-esident ~ in .ep rate FOLLOWING YESTEBDA Y'S restaurant explosion lD Hampton, agency asked yesterday that for­ of restoring concentration camps state­ Iowa, the remains of the Bob Ohlert ho-. I.nd on the len. Center to eastern Gennany and filling Indiana Towns ments. would unite American cOll5ervative and liberal lements. eign troops be sent to J erusalerIJ.. At the same time they criticized both the third party movement of wreck ale 18 wbere the Holmetl' cafe Itood. At nrh' I, & four-family them with opponents of its "new to prevent the possible bombard- DANVILLE, IND. (JP) -At Ie t Henry A. Wallace and the leadership of Ule Republ1c:&n party The dwelllni damared 10 badlY Us 'OCcupant!! were forced &II I118ve out. totalitarianism" there. ment and destruction of the city's 11 persons were killed and dOZ€J1B only criticism of th Democratic leadership wu VOIC by Elliott, who (AP WIREPHOTO) Further, the American govern- Injured by a tornado which cut a said It had "faill!d to provide the holy places, ment charged in a note s nt to the le•• enrup n ed In the The plea was made by an Soviet embassy that Russia and its path acros, west central Indiana wtnrun, of pe ce" agency spokesman as Jerusalem eastern Europ an sateiJites--not IMe y terday. There w no immediate com- Restaurant Blast Kills One, received a day-long respite from the western powers-are respon­ Being Gagged, , Nine persons were known dead ment from 1m ower or the terrors of the Arab-Jewish sible [01' diViding Germany and at Coat ville, in the outbwest th White Hou civil war, Not a Single shot sound- splitting the whole of Europe be­ "Th third ~ Ily C IldJdQ IA! ltl no corner of Hendricks county. One ed in tbe City on this Good Fri- tween east and west. couceivabl way r n ts or inher­ Injures 13, ShaHers Homes day, but at least 10 Jews and child was killed here in. Danville, Wallace Says Arabs were killed in, Palestine. The American note, signed by Itl the llbe ab' . nv Ilnd prin­ and a woman ~yas killed in Clay ciples of my late father," Fr nklln . HAMPTON, lA, (IP) - One per· Assislant Secretlu'y of State Nor- * * Christians moved in prayer man Armour and addressed to county, 30 miles souUlwest of here, NEW YORK (JP) - Henry A. said at a news conference. I * along the route Christ followed Soviet Ambassador Alexander S. Wallace sald last night President "In a mom nt of world crisis hit son was killed, at least 13 others I from Condemnation to Ca l,vary. Four persons were listed as were Injured and tour families FCC Move A"ainst, Truman and his advisers ar~ "try. Is con/win, nd dividina the They stood with bowed heads in Panyushkin, was delivEtred to the missing llere. Ing to silence all opposition to ancient streets commanded by embassy Thursday and released country Not' havt' the men lug­ were left home.! by an explos- KICD I E I· ed C03tesvtlle, a town of 350 p r­ their program of r gimentatlon sled tor flepublicau nornmaUon I smoke-blackened gun positions, by the state department last e ion which demolished a restaurant S xp am sons, was in rums, Twenty-five and preparation tor war." demonstrated any marked ability At each station of the cross Arab night. homes, n grain elevator. several h!,re this afternoon. to uni~ the Amt'riCkn people." SPENCER, IA. (A'}-tien B. guards stood at attention while It rejected outright a Russian The former vlc&opresident and The dead man was identified as business houses and several auto­ third-party presidential candidate In a statement I ued from hi. Sanders, genera) manager ,ot ra- prayen were said. protest of March 6 that the United mobiles were d stroyed. A 1ou,.­ Louis Rowe, 44, manager ot the said 10 a radio speech (NBO) that Ryd Park home, Elliott aid in dlo ~tatlon ]{JCD said last night The agency spokesman sug- Slates, Britain and France were apartm nt building was leveled Farmers elevator, Several of the "the men who p ak of reiglUi of record to Wlollace's candidacy: the federal communications com- gested that ]0,000 Danish and breaking. the. Potsdam agreement and burning. injured were repOl'lted In crttlcal I terror in EUrope are fast introduc­ "It ha, b n dt'olon trated to conditiOn! mission action annoLlllcing pro- Norwegian troops be sent [rom by meehng In London a month Red Cross disaster units trom posed revocation ot hI! license to northern Germany to garrison I ago to work out new steps fOI' eco­ Ing reign of terror hel at me that th amI.' hadividuals are The ruins were being searched Indianapolts and Terre Haut Assassination home, running til policy making ot Itho operate the station "much less se- Jerusalem when the British man- nomic unity in western Germany. were on the way to Coatesville, for possible additional dead or vere" than early reports indicat- date ends May 15. He explained The British government rejected "President Truman set the p t­ third party as mad up the so­ which Is about 30 miles west of called group of lib tal who foufbt inJured. Auto wreckers and drag­ ed, that the Jews are not inSisting that Russia's protest Thursday, t t Tn when h branded th mil­ llnes were mobilized Ito help Jrulve Indianapolis and 50 miles ast of Franklm D. Roo, vell in 1939 and Sanders said in a long distllnce those particular troops be used Terre Haute. * * * lions who oppo!le hLs pollei s a the wreckage. In yesterday's note the Russians 'Communists,' " WaHace- aid. 1940 in h15 ffort, to r ann and telephone lall that a formal fil- and said it was up to the United Col. Robert Rossow, state police Besides the restaurant, the blast were sharply reminded that as Former King Mihai "'3uch an appeal I:D prejudice blots prepare this natlon fM poss ble ing for a hearing would be made Nations to determine what mili.. superintendent, was on lhe scene badly damaged a tour-family long ago as September, 1946, they out r ason and unleashes d T1i 1'­ war.. - Monday, and that if pOSSible, Ihe tary units should be sent here, setting up temporary headqu r­ dwelling on one side and a one­ hearing would take place at • _ _ were formally offered by Secre­ Guarded, Told of ous forces ot hate that thr aten tary Stnle Byrnes lhe opportu­ ters. family house on the opposl~ side Spencer. ot the freedom and livelihood of all nity to join with the United States Albert Sechman. about 60, said of the building. The FCC is bound by law to Arab Spokesman Hits Am ricans" in economic merger of the occu­ he saw the storm approaciung Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ohlert, living conduct a full hearing on the tech­ As assination Plot Without givilli names or turther Jewish Agency Request pation zones In Germany, Coatesville. He described It as a in the single family house, escaped nicalities involved In the matter, d tails, Wallae said: "huge and very dark cloud coming W ASlUNGTON (.II') - Sp cia I unharmed, but the house was SeN­ he said, For Foreign Troops AplOllr wrote Panyushkin: "The "The police comm ,sioner or low down." precautions w re ord red ye~ler­ No. .. erely damaged and made un­ responsibility for rejecti 1 of this one 01 the larg t Am rtcan clUe The FCC had announce<! that it CAIRO, EGYPT (IP)-Dr, Yar­ inhabitable by th force of the orfer and for fnilure to Include its • • • day to protect former King Mihal writes a letter In which be says SII., would revoke Sanders' license be­ oub Khoury, official spokesman of explosion and fire. zone in this economic arrange­ ot Romania trom assa slnalion, that Henry Wallac I. un-Ameri· Mlr.' cause Sanders, majority stock­ the Palestine Arab higher com­ Alabama Tornado Rips Three of the apartments in the holder of the station, had acknow­ ment lies upon the Soviet Union They were order d all r th can, and t h • tun-Am rlcans lnul mittee, said yesterday that Arabs itself." Through Town; Two should b shot. The man charg d four farn1Jy dwelling were render­ ledged he made Incorrect state­ would "right any foreign force slate department announced it had ments regarding his financial po­ The not said the Soviets had with upholding the law and pro­ ed uninhabitable, leaving Mr. and that enters Palestine." Killedj Many Injured received "reports or rumors ot a Mrs. Darrell McGeathy; Mr.
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