Washington State €vergreen 'I z799 STATE COLLEGE OF WASIDNGTON, PULLMAN, WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JUNE 2, 1941 ------~------~------VOL.XLVll NO. 95 AAA Takes Students to Attend War Holds Up Senior-Alum Picnic Four Seniors Student Union FOUR STENOGRAPHERS, all 1941 Seabeck Meet CONSTRUCTION arrangements Precedes Graduation graduating seniors at WSC, and two ·for the long planned Student Union By UNITED PRESS new men from the county office will THE ANNUAL Seabeck confer- have been postponed until after the A LvVA YS A prominent feature be employed by the Agricultural passing of the national emergency, Adjustment Administration, 101 ence, sponsored by the Pacific graduate manager Earl Foster indi- of the senior activities preceding International: Home Economics building, as soon Northwest Student YMCk and cated yesterday. Building costs have commencement exercises, this year's ROME-Adolf Hitler and Benito as their clearances arrive from Wash- Fight Song YW CA Regional council, will be mounted rapidly and with defense Chinooks senior-alumni picnic on Saturday Mussolini met this morning as the ington D. c., according to Robert held this year from June 14 to 22. priorities on construction materials. June 7, is expected to command the world speculated on their next move. Storch, employee of the AAA. The theme for this year's session to continue making more than plans largest attendance yet realized at . The two dictators conferred at The Washington State will be "Can We Build a Christian this annual affair. The picnic is Although the AAA is not directly for architectural design would be Graduating seniors who their usual meeting place at Bren- Fight song will be featured Democracy?" scheduled for noon at the golf club- connected with the college, several out of the question. The college has have signed tags will re- ner Pass in the presence of their in the college medley of house. of the men among the 65.people em- The Seabeck conference is design- already experienced difficulties in ob- ceive their Chinooks from foreign ministers. The official Rome Uncle Fud's Dog House ployed are State College graduates, ed for any college student or fa- taining building materials for the the bursar's office in the Ad- • Contact Seniors Tonight radio, heard in New York, says that and most of the women employed program. The song, which culty member desirous of further- new veterinary building at the prices ministration building, June The men's and women's big fives the German and Italian leaders spent either attended or graduated from was played on this program ing the purposes of the conference, expected. 9. in charge of senior plans, witl visit several hours discussing the politi- WSc. Other women employed were last year, will be heard next which this year witl deal with prob- halls and group houses this eve- cal situation. taken directly from business colle- Friday, June 6. The half- lems relating to basic problems con- Complimentary Chinooks ning during the dinner hour to con- ges. hour Dog House show is fronting society, enriching personal to student salesmen will be distributed from the gradu- tact seniors. Continuing a custom CAIRO-A British communique One of the new men will be em- heard in Pullman at seven- lives and deepening religious faith. ate manager's office begin- started many years ago, this year a claims that Royal Air Force pilots ployed as an engineer, the other as a thirty p.m. Mixer Dance • McCreery Leads Discussion ning Thursday, June 12. contest will again be sponsored to destroyed 244 German and Italian publicity man. The four stenograph- Otis C. McCreery, dean of men, stimulate the sale of tickets for the planes III the Middle East 'during ers, all secretarial science majors All other students witl re- along with Mrs. Merus, dean of alumni-senior get-together. The first May. The total destroyed for the graduating next week, are Katheryn ceive their Chi n 00 k s first five months of 1941 is set at women at Oregon State college, will Big Success group to secure one hundred per Fo.strup, Genevieve Thompson, through the bursar's office 1.243. lead afternoon sessions on "Friend- cent sale of tickets in their residence Alice Hunt and Virginia Aller. STUDENTS will It! the futur~ when they check out of TOKYO-Japanese planes again ship and Marriage." In addition to will be awarded a prize on Satur- Board Votes have access to numerous all-campus school. have bombed Chungking-scoring these, 1941 Seabeck leaders will be day. Tickets are 50 cents each, and mixers if the tremendous success of direct hits on the hospital of the Rev. James Myers, lecturer from seniors are urged to invite family Friday's trial function is any indi- American Methodist Episcopal mis- New York City, who wil! lead sem- and friends. cation of the enthusiasm to be shown sion. It is reported that damage at McChord On Editors mars on "Realism in Christian Liv- ing"; Professor Ralph Harlow of toward such dances. Among the activities included in the hospital was heavy. But no one the plans for Alumni day next Sat- vas injured. EDITORS AND business mana- the school of religion and social • Preliminary to Others gers of the Evergreen and Chinook ethics at Smith college will be daily KWSC Plans urday is the golf competition be- At the same time, the 'Japanese Field Takes 4 Friday's mixer, a preliminary to tween alumni and seniors. Four divi- News Agency reports that British for next semester will be appointed plenary session speaker and discus- by the Board of Publications at a future campus-wide inexpensive sions of the tournament include officials have repeated a warning to LIEUTEN ANT Croteau from sion leader; Rev. Cecil Ristow, of dances, was successful from begin- meeting in the graduate manager's groups for men and women alumni their nationals to get out of Saigon, McChord field in Tacoma announc- Great Falls, Montana, for the daily ning to end. Some 408 persons, a Full Schedule office this afternoon. The board's and men and women seniors. An- French Indo-China. The action is ed today that there are 16 vacancies worship services; Frank Bayley, hundred more than were expected, decision will be sent to the luncheon nouncement of victors in the morn- aid to be connected with rumors in the army air corps and that stud- lawyer of Seattle; Prof. O. R. Cham- attended, swinging to the popular PLANNING A FULL schedule meeting of the board of control to- bers of Oregon State; Dean New- ing tournament will be made at the of a crisis concerning Singapore. ents interested in applying for en- dance music of Uncle Fud and his of programs including United Press picnic. Pat Saltz and Louis Allen Just what the so-called crisis would trance should report to him at the morrow for ratification, house of the University of Washing- orchestra. The sophomore class, who newscasts and several new features, are in charge of arranging plans. nvolve is not clear. military department sometime today Saturday morning the Evergreen ton; and Rev. John Swornley, vice agreed to back the affair financially, K\VSC, 'Washington State's educa- Meanwhile, at Shanghai, United or tomorrow. staff held a straw vote for the edi- chairman of the National Council made a small profit. • Honor President Holland States Marines and Japanese Gen- • Four Students Chosen torship, the results of which will be of Methodist Youth . tional radio station will continue on used as a guide by the publications Marlowe Jones, talented drummer President E. O. Holland will be darmes have had a bit of trouble Henry Rumberger and Ove Kil- gave a brilliant performance pi'e~ the air throughout the summer Lieutenant Croteau during his board. honored at luncheon Saturday in due to it misunderstanding. The stay on the campus, is selecting 20 gren of the University of Washing- cecding intermission. months. It is expected that the new edi- commemoration of the completion Marines stopped a group of armed men for the air corps and at pres- ton will again have charge of the tors will release all other staff ap- • Cliff Rowan Comments • Miller in Charge of his 25th year as president of the gendarmes who were crossing the ent, four students have been chosen. music athletics and folk games. pointments by Friday. Allen Miller, production directcr State College. Also at that time, mass Marine sector in trucks. However, They are Harold Dennie of Spangle, • Oswald Attends Cliff Rowan, chairman of the com- of KWSC, will be in charge of the induction of seniors into the Alumni officials straightened out the matter Louis Miller of Bocowa, Ralph Bick- Members of the publications board mittee in charge of the function, stat- A tentative list of students attend- programs during the summer while association will take place. Chairman and released the Japanese. ' ford of Spokane and Robert Nadeau this year are Don Greeley, Earl V. ed, "I may be a little prejudiced, but, Foster, J. L. Ashlock, James Steiner, ing from here are as foJlows : Janet boy. it was good, anel everybody 11r. Yeend, director of K\VSC, plans of Alumni day and master of cere- from. Oakland, California. monies at the picnic will be Claude LONDON-'Weary British sol- Don Berg, Ray O'Day and Howard Oswald, Jane Ledger, Lois Ross, seemed to have a good time. I hope to do some studying at the Univer- • Need College ~raining Betty Jane Christenson, Mary Wills. Irwin of Pullman. A varied program d ier s have arrived in Egypt from Greer. this clinches the dances for next sity of Southern California. He will is being planned, the details of which he battle of Crete. The British war Requirements include two years of The board of control will also ap- Virginia Rogers, Margaret Ann year." be gone from the middle of June un- college training, passing the physi- Lindley, Gwen Taxelius, Virginia will be announced later'. office claimed yesterday that 15,000 poin t senior managers in baseball, Patrons and patronesses were Mr. til September 1. Others who will cal examination, a birth certificate Smith, Mary Watson, Charlotte men had been evacuated safely de- track, intrarnurals and minor sports and Mrs. H. P. Goss, Mr. and Mrs. work at the radio station are Hugo Following luncheon, a tea-dance and three letters of recommenda- Sehlonga, Mary Lou Berry, Wilson pite terrific attacks by the German and discuss financial reports. H. L. Eastlick and Mr. and Mrs. Libby, chief engineer. and Miss Ruth will be held in the clubhouse. In the air forcc. tion. Kerns. J olin Kuc'cenbecker, Bill Sy- Eagleson, secretary. KWSC will he afternoon, competition between the dewski, Lester Liebel, Gordon Tay- L. J. Cronbach. Lulu H. Holmes, The evacuated soldiers were an After 20 rrre n have been selected dean of women, and E. C. Kundert on the air frorn 6 :45 a.m. to 8 p.m. freshman and varsity baseball teams unsmiling, silent lot. The one thing special training will be given to the lor: Orin Marshall and Harlan Me- each day except for Thursday when Cullough. were guests. will take place on the home diamond. they said over and over is that if group to improve teamwork and Army Will Give it will leave the air at 7:30 p.m. Members of the Monday "Mourn- establish competition between col- Mary LOll Sander and Don V. • Friendly and Informal they only had more air support they • News at Same Hours ing" Coaching association (they can could have put up a better fight. leges. Lieutenant Croteau will leave Bishop of the University of Wash- "It was a friendly and informal tell you how it should have been Advance Tests The United Press news will be The RAF switched commanders Friday. ington are co-chairmen for 1940-41. party, conducted on the high level done), Jerry Brown and Jim Roberts kept at the same hours, 7 a.m., 10 in the Middle East. Although air IN ORDER THAT registrants • Discuss Education Trends which we like to seek for all of our will coach the freshman and varsity a.m., 12:30 p.m., 3 :30 p.m., 7 p.m. and chief marshal Arthur W. Longmore under selective service who are pro- parties. It is the hope of the Student teams, respectively, replacing Jack Sen~inars will be centered around 9 p.m, Other programs that will fol- was promoted to inspector general perty owners, business men or men Activities corrsmi ttce that more such Friel and Buck Bailey in this capa- Short Courses the main theme of the meet and wiIl low the arne schedule are: The Farm of the force British sources said he holding key positions, the induction parties wiII be held next year. Stud- city. include morning and afternoon ses- and Home hour, Master Works of actually had' been kicked upstairs be- of whom might entail a sharp finan- ents may come and go before or after sions. Each year more faculty and Music and Concert Hall. A number cause of the Crete debacle. The new cial loss or serious injury to the other engagements. The necessary Offered Ags advisory board members have at- of features from the 4-H club will be Middle East chief is Longmore's charge will be so small that 1110St business, Lieutenant Colonel Walter tended Seabeck and discussions for released a week after school is out, next in command, A. W. Tedder. BERT L. BROWN, teacher-train- J. DeLong, selective service director students may feel they can afford it the group will be centered around June 16. Special features include Two Graduate There was obvious disappointment er of agricultural education announc- for Washington, has announced a as part or all of an evening's enter- trends tI1 education especially as convocation broadcasts, live talent in London over the outcome in Crete. es that there will be several special program of advance physical ex- tainm en t," stated Dean Holmes fol- they relate to student participation lownig Friday's mixer. The de~n of broadcasts of the summer school But it was a question of looking courses available to vocational agri- aminations. in religious practices. Enrichment of women also said that the affair would classes and transcribed features. The from Randolph ahead now. culture instructors during the 1941 In some instances, business mea relationships between students and be brought before the board of con- visiting faculty will be utilized once summer session. These short courses have disposed of their concern at a RICHARD D. Graves, Puyallup, advisers will be sought. trol, Tuesday, to discuss and make a week. offered on July 14 to 25 inclusive secrifice after being ordered to re- '39, Delta Upsilon and John P. Yen- National plans for next year's functions. are arranged primarily for present port for military duty and later were Displays of material from each ney, \Valla \Val1a, '40, two former HYDE PARK, NEW YORK - agricultural instructors or those who rejected at the induction station, campus and group will be made with local students are among the 330 The vast production machinery of • Fine Function are preparing for jobs this year.' En- thereby having to start business opportunity for securing program flying cadets who graduated yes- the United States now can be put Kirk Gebert, who attended tire Pharmacists tirely new work is being featured anew. It is for such cases that the advice and council from competent terday from the basic flying school on a war basis. mixer in the women's old gymnasium in farm management, in dairy pro- advance examination plan has been persons at Randolph Field, Texas. President Roosevelt has signed the and enjoyed it very much, said,' "I ductc and in vocational agricultural mandatory priorities bill. This means formulated. The plan is a result of Registration forms may be secured think it was a mighty fine function. Receive Awards It reads like a register of the lead- problems this summer. close cooperation between state head- from the "Y" secretary or president Good music helped it a lot. It is a that the government may, if it deems IN ACCORDANCE with the a11- ing American colleges and univer- • Courses Listed quarters, the induction station and for anyone interested in attending good occasion for all sides of the necessary, subordinate completely nual custom of awarding a set of sities-the educational background The following courses are offer- the corps area headquarters. the college conference. campus to get together and mix. I CIvilian needs in industry-that in- books to the outstanding senior of these clyi ng' cadets. Cadets in this ed, each worth one credit hour: Fa- For each case, the local board is heard a lot of good comments about clustry must produce first the things pharmacy majors, Dr. P. H. Dir- one class alone came from 171 dif- brication Methods (forge work) the agency to determine whether or it. I am very much in favor for more the government tells it to, without stine, dean of the school of pharma- ferent schools to do their graduate taught by Mr. Hierath. Fabrication not a registrant requires this excep- such affairs." protest. cy, has announced Stanley Bernhoft work in flying at the "W est Point of Methods (welding) taught by Mr. tional consideration. Further details Also signed by the president IS Tuesday Con "The, band was very good and I'm the Air," and to become a portion of the program were outlined bv and Joyce Johnson as the winners the 1942 treasury-postoffice appr op- Montgomery and Mr. Sayles. Elec- sure everyone there had a swell of the 30.000 flyers a year being train- corps area headquarters today stating of this year's awards. The former nation bill. Under the measure, Can- tricity on the farm taught by Mr. time," commented Hank Hewitt, ed at the army arr corps training that each registrant reporting to the received his award for being the adian ships may haul iron ore be- Wildebour. Farm Management Finishes Year senior man on the board of control. centers. Tacoma army induction station for pharmacy major with the highest tween United States Great Lakes course taught by Mr. Orr. Dairy Products Problem , caurse taught such examination must bear with TUESDA Y, June 3, fourth period, scholarship in all subjects. and the The full-fledged pilots-to-be en- port~, there will be a musical convocation latter, for the highest scholarship in tered the south Texas basic training ]t had been expected Mr. Roose- by 11r. Bendixen. A Vocational him a letter from the local board Agricultural Problems course taught stating full facts of the case at hand. presented by Russell Danburg's stud- pharmacy subjects. The awarded school In late March after having velt would return to Washington to- Catch Window gift consists of a set of three books by Mr. Guitteau, Mr. \iVebb and Mr. • 12th Call in June ents 111 theory and composition completed ten weeks of primarv day, but it is announced he will not published by the Merck company. Brown. The plan was also discussed by the classes. training at mid-western flying fields. start back until tomorrow. These books are of particular inter- At primary schools they had some Each person is allowed to take two headquarters staff with Lieutenant 'There will also be a convocation The president has an important Climber in Act est to pharmacy students. 65 hours of flying time in 200-horsl'- conference engagement for tomor- courses for credit and one additional Trygve Bogevold, corps area liason Thursday, June 5. The new ASSCW A DARK turquoise-trousered leg Comprlsing the set are '''The power training planes and won their row with John G. Winant, the Am- one if desired by the auditor. Regis- officer. Lieut. Bogevold informed council will be installed. This year's president, Don Greeley, will give a was carefully pushed through the .Merck Index," giving the vanOLlS places in the .450-horsepower train- erican ambassador to Britain. Win- tration for these courses will take the headquarters staff that a 12th half-open window. It was followed types of chemical products and their ers at Randolph Field. ant will make a special report, pre- place at 7 :30 a,m., Monday, July call could be expected for the last summary of the work done this year before introducing next year's pres- by another, and soon a beige sports standards; "The Reagent Chemi- sumably too confidential to entrust 14, in 'Nilson hall. Mr. Brown says 10 days in June. This bringsl June They've proved their mettle again ident, Kirk Gebert. Paul Sax, this coat came into view. Cautiously eas- icals and Standards" by Joseph to routine channels. that he expects over forty instructors calls to three in number; the 10th and leave Randolph Field this week to be here to take advanta'ge of these for 351 men on June 2 through 6; th~ year's vice president, will introduce ing said coat and trousers over the Rosin; and "The Merck Manuel" a for their final period of training- the new vice president Rich Gay, window ledge, a sign of ecstasy was diagnosing and treatment of dise~se. WASHINGTON - The United short· courses. 11th on June 16-18 for 246 men and a period of specialization during and Marion Maloney will introduce heard as the individual turned a States fleet must remain America's the number of men to be requisi- which they will master fast single- the new secretary, Betty Berg. The smiling face to the lay-out before main line of defense for another year tioned on Call Number 12 was not moto~ed or mulai-motored equip- yet determined. new board of control will also be him. All was as he had expected. ment. at least. Rookie Teachers Get Figures released by the corps area presented. He had accomplished it again, a!ld A United Press survey of defense In early August these college men Free Examinations representative showed that Wash- without a slip. The daring deed- progress indicates that, of the three in fact, it could almost be termed Graduates will win their wings and be commis- THE COLLEGE infirmary is giv- ington State has furnished 11 per fighting forces, only the Navy is Waitress Gives c-undignified-was not' even wit- sioned as second lieutenants in the ing free examinations required of cent of the white selectees inducted ready for battle. The basic land and nessed. But such a procedure, when air corps reserve. From advanced all students who intend to teach next in the 9th Corps area and 8 per cent air forces won't be in shape until Thoughts on Cokes carried out consistently could not Reserved seats for com- training fields they will go on ac- 4 year. Students are to report to the of the colored selectees. sometime in 19 2, and both still are fail to attract attention. Consequent- mencement exercises will be tive duty with tactical units of the secretary of the school of ed uca tion, \Vhat the girl behind the counter woefully short of ultra-modern ly, sleuths interested in solving the available to seniors at the army air corps. equipment. room 108, College hall, for appoint- thinks: "Why don't these kids hold College Offers Janitor great mystery, are asked to report to students' bookstore. They Every five weeks finds new classes The fleet, the United Press finds, ment. As it is imperative that these their horses. Plenty of coke in this will be given to seniors for gadget ... it's, not gonna' dry. the Evergreen office. The question of American youths, a majority of IS noW the world's most powerful examinations be made, the time in Training Session the use of their relatives Oh, oh, here comes the four o'clock is-and everything but the third de- them college men, embarking on an and heavily armored navy. This, de- which the appointments can be made who plan to attend exercis- A training school for janitors is stampede. gree has been resorted to in an at- aviation career-youths who are find- spite the fact that the dream of a has been extended until Tuesday to be offered at the State College tempt to find the answer-What use es. The' number of reserved ing in the expended air corps train- two-ocean navy still is five years evening. "Wonder what Doc will spring on June 14 to 18. The school will has a door?-or-why does John seats available is limited and ing program opportUnities to real- from realization. on us tomorrow in Econ. If he cov- be under the direction of L. O. Pittman prefer the window? seniors are requested to se- ize on their college specialization ani The army is powerfully entrench- "Tommy" Thompson, janitorial ex- ers that last chapter, I'm a goner. cure them only for relatives training. ed in its great defense outposts at Ellen H. Richards pert from California. Maybe I should stay home and study who are coming to the cam- Hawaii and the Canal zone. But Janitors from all parts of Wash- tonight, after all. Ga1nma Alpha Chi pus for the commencement. During their 30-week training pro- even there, it lacks powerful ultra- Group Drafts Plans 'gram, flying cadets receive $75 a ington will attend and will be di- "Wha was that? A cherry-grape- An unlimited number of un- modern anti-aircraft weapons. Mod- Meets Tomorrow month in addition to uniforms and OFFICERS AND members vided into four c1sses according to fruit phosphate? Gosh some of these reserved seats will be avail- ern artillery and tanks are just be- able for students and towns- ~quipment, food, quarters, and med- of the steering committee of the their previous training. Last year a gals are particular. This stuff looks GAMMA ALPHA Chi will meet ginning to roll off production lines; people who desire to attend Ical and dental care. As a second Ellen H. Richards club met on the successful training school was held like Su' mouthwash to me. Two at the Kappa Alpha Theta house to- And few of the fighter planes in ser- the exercises. lieutenant on active duty with the fourth floo< of the Home Economics here with 150 in attendance but thi" more? Guess I'll have to make these morrow evening at 6:45. All old and vice are up to European combat army air corps the young officer building, Wednesday evening, for -a year over double that number 13 things a little more potent. There, standards. new members are urged to attend. receives $205 a month plus quarters, dinner and business meeting. expected. that ought to curl their hair!" said Okie Wallin, president. or $245 a month. Washington State Evergreen Offiqal. publication of the Associated Students of the State College of Wash- ':"er=reen Ington. Published Monday, Wednes~ay, and Friday of the reg.u~ar college .year, Seniors Make witla the exception of summer vacation, when a midsummer edition IS pubbshed. Student subscription included in student activity book. Subscription rate: $2.00 KWSCGoes Out of the per year; $1.00 per semester. Printed by The Pullman Herald Publishing Co., Patll1l4a.· . 1942 -=-=~IIJR-= Entered as second class matter at the post office at Pullman, Washmgton, Plans for nnder -the act of March 3 1879. . . A~: Editorial office, College hall. Telephone 4311. Business office, Ad- to Press IN T\tVO more weeks the senior ~veryday ministration building, Telephone 1281. .' R~ted for National advertising by National Advertising Service, Lnc., ~ol- by HAZEL MITCHELL class of \NSC will leave these stately by JEAN BUCKLAND lege '''oWshers Representative, 420 Madison Avenue, New York City. Offices portals to go out to face the cruel, In Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. (Member United Press) cruel world. TO AVOID LIBEL suit agains t "~G-= THE OTHER DAY, while going DICK BARNES DON BERG this column, it is necessary to make Here are some of the plans fer through the dusty files and bound Editorials Comment Editor Manager a retraction of a statement last week the men and women about to take books in th attic, I ran across a Assodate Editors . . . . . Virgina Storm, Myrna Olson concerning chief announcer Bob \Vi!- their place in that world: tiny book, Etiquette for Gentlemen, MONDA Y, JUNE 2, 1941 PAGE Z kinson. Bob is not a hermit; on the Betty Mae Davis is one of those published by Appleton in 1851. Managing Editors contrary he really gets around ... girls who just can't stand to leave In thumbing it through I thought Bob Boyer Richard Gay Jeanne Rounds he has been out every weekend since \VSC; so she's coming back next se- perhaps these rules might prove sse- Night Editors spring vacation. It's a mystery to the mester to finish her fifth year; then, ful to some of the up and coming Type Faces Show Developments Lee Miller Bruce Bruchler Gerald Weitz Bud Coppers editor of this column how the word she'll get a job or work for her campus lads: "comedy" replaced the word "ro- masters degree. 1. "If a lady waltz with you, be- Sports Editor __.__. John Jarstad News Editor .__.. Kay Border mance" in last week's original copy ware not to press her waist; lightly Since /-land-Copied Manuscript Feature Editor __Ruth Peterson Society Editors -... Okie Wallin which described Bob and Doris. In John Kuckenbecker will travel all Wire Rditor. __.Bonnie Jean Howland Janet Steward touch it with the open palm of your spite of the fact that Wilkinson an- the way to Peoria, Illinois, to study hand, lest you leave a disagreeable . AFTER At.L THESE years of usually classified in two groups. In reading the Evergreen and looking Day Editors nounces "This is KHQ ... sput- in the Caterpillar Tractor company's impression not only on her ceinture northern Europe, and in general Pat Durkin Mary Filer Marianne Busch ter ... 'sputter ... KWSC in Pull- graduate school for two years. After but on her mind." at the different sizes and styles of outside of Italy, the scribes employ- man," he is really one of the better this he will work as an engineer in type, let's take a quick look at the ed a style of letter which was tall. 2. "Finger-glasses come on with Correspondence Editors boys around KWSC. their factories. history of type faces. angular, and because of the broad,» the dessert; wet a corner of your Lois Pintler Donna Jean Middleton Donna Olson • Tricky Radioists heavy strokes, very black in appear- napkin and wipe your mouth; then I t is customary to classify type SOCIETY STAFF: Betty Allen, Margie Axelson, Peggy Buren, Naney Boyd, Farewell to arms; That's the Gale Gehring says, "One never ance. These broad strokes were due' immerse your fingers in the water faces into groups on the basis of Gerll)" Case. Margaret Kelly, Ruth Marten, Florence Montgomery, Betty Carol slogan of announcers Max Agather knows, does one?" Perhaps that's to the type of pens used, which had NEWS STAFF: Dorothy Buck, Dottie Hammer, Bonnie Jean Howland. and dry them with the napkin-but their origin. In th~t connection, it and Ed Canepa. Max was climbing what a lot of the seniors will be do- points shaped somewhat like a small .ssist,,,t news editors : Lois Pintler, correspondence editor ; Margie Axelson, Jack on no account be quilty of the dis- should be remembered that until Carvd', Lorna Cook, Leonard Christenson, Rosalie Daggy, Bill Goodyear, Helen up the drain pipe to his second story ing next year. chisel. JohlllSOn, Sophie Knapp. pan. Ogden, Cecile Ph~lippay, G_eorge Ryan. . . gusting practice of gargling your type came into general use, manu- room of the A TO house. Max de- Nourl(e. Etoise Ohme, Lois Pintler , Marilynn Seltz, joy Sinkoskey, Conme Sisler, Joyce Johnson will go on a trip to mouth, and ejecting the water into scripts were copied laboriously by • Barbarous Name Rosemary Smith, Virginia Smith; Barbara White. cided to use the "T" as a stepping hand. The copyists, through much DESK STAFF: Helen Harger, Lola Johnson, assistant day editors; Virginia old Missouri and when she gets back the glasss." The style of letter thus developed Cunningham, Rosalie Daggy. judy Decker, Helen johnson, Shirley Miller. stone. The "T" couldn't take it and practice, were much more skilled in will start being a "woiking gal" in a has been called Text or Black let-· SPORTS STAFF: Bud Coppers. Gerald Weitz, assistant sports editors; Frank came off. Our second-story-man also 3. "Always change your dress, writing than are most individuals to- Welcl1, intramural sports editor; Kenneth Clark, Glenn Jarstad, Elmer Leonard, drugstore in Athena, Oregon. after having been in a room where ter or Gothic. It received the latter Stan Mowt"ey, Bob Neilson, Bob Sutton, Bob Swart. came off and the sidewalk. He day; and they had developed the art there was much smoking, if you are name because certain people who now is carrying his broken left arm Vern Butts, that tall, lanky basket- of forming letters to a high degree going into general society, and par- did not like it said it was barbarous No. 95 in a sling. Ed ... well, it's hard to ball flash will be back on the campus of artistry. VoL XLVII Monday, June 2, 1941 ticularly if you have to meet the -and to dwellers in southern Europe get down to the cause of the quan- to take his fifth year in physical cd ladies." • Copied Style the Goths were barbarians. tity of adhesive tape Ed Canepa is and education. Editorials and Features in the Evergreen reflect the opinion of the writer. Naturally, when printmg was in- The second style of writing was They"'"jnake DO claim to represent student or university opinion. All unsigned wearing on his left shoulder. He was 4. "If walking with a lady in the editorials are by the editor. chasing Lana Turner down Ad walk Elma Ryan has her future all country and she should sit upon the yen ted, the' early type makers pat- an outhgrowth of the great revival ... no, she was chasing him. Any- mapped out with a job in the per- ground, remain standing, unless re- terned their type letters after the of learning which took place in the way he was playing baseball. sonnel department of the Puget quested to be seated." letter forms then in general use, for fifteenth centuny, and which we the printed characters were only a . know as the Rennaissance. Italian No sooner had technician Kenny Sound Power and Light company at 5. "When conversing with young substitute-and some people thought scribes, especially at Florence, turn- Progress Pendleton recovered from having Seattle. Elma will work in the offices and gay women, do not discourse ed to earlier modes and produced a his appendix carved out than he for two years before she goes out in- of metaphysics, but chat about the a poor substitute-for the hand- Another chapter in the colorful history of Washington letter which was round rather than returned to the college hospital with to field work for the company. copied books to which readers were State is about to close. The class of 1941 will soon go forth last fashion, the new opera or play, angular, with relatively thin strokes, the measles! Poor Kenny, without the last concert or novel, ets. With accustomed. into the world to leave classrooms behind after sixteen years Louis Allen will be back next At the time Gutenberg and others and with small bars, known as his pipe. single ladies past twenty-five, speak of state education. were making the first' types there serifs, at the top and bottom. This • Romance Lacking year, girls, so dry those tears. Yes, of litera ry matters, music, etc., and It has been a highly successful year for the college that style of writing came to be known as Pat McCallum, script writer, was Louis has a fellowship in pharmacy silently compliment them by a pro- were four or five styles of writing in general use in Europe. "These are Roman. stands on the hill. Progress in scholastic endeavor, sports very disappointed when he learned at good old WSc. per deference to their opinions. With competition and student activity has marked the course of that the ring on Secretary Eagle- Marian Hintzen is going to take married ladies, inquire about the • Roman Grows Popular the year. son's right hand (Ruth is left-hand- a nice relaxing vacation with her health of their children, speak of Printing types followed these two The school's remarkable record in growth was continued ed) turned out to be a graduation folks before she starts her demon- their grace and beauty, etc." Father Writes models, the Gothic and the Roman. this year when another record enrollment was chalked lip present from her aunt! stration work with the Public Utili- Many variations of both varieties by the registrar last fall. Scotty Hamley asked the boss for ties in Portland. Right in with the A gang of Betas• were out fishing appeared. Perhaps the best known That the veterinary school is to receive a modern and the day off so that he could visit big business, these WSC kids. early Sunday morning. Not a soul Public Apology of the Gothic are those which we with his father who was coming was around-excepting the game call Olel English, and the black-let- complete "vet shack" after years of waiting, is probably t~e Chuck Martin will shuffle off to "pOP OF A fine, husky (we can over for the day. As the boss was warden. ter types used in printing German. most encouraging news of all. One of the few colleges In Buffalo where he will do graduate hardly write it) Theta" makes the going home he met Hamley and a "Hey, you young fellers! Don't In America the Gothic types are the nation boasting a good vet school, Washington State can work in pharmacy at the University Evergreen headlines a second time. very beautiful brunette that couldn't you know that the bass season isn't now mostly used for greeting cards, soon cease to be ashamed of the disgraceful building in which of Buffalo. This summer he's just A bit of publicity in Terra Fi·rma posibly have been Scotty's father! open yet"? and where a formal or religious at- the vet students have been obliged to work for years. going to take it easy in preparation. pointed out the incongruity of a • Batting the Ball mosphere is desired . "Why-er-yes," stammered Ray, "Theta" lad, led him to write this Cougar success on the sports front reached a climax. this Leo Pierson of sports com- Pollyana Daniel will dash into her The Roman 'Style of type proved the only Beta that had not pulled letter to. the boys of the Theta Chi year when the basketball team battled its way to the.national mentation fame, has cast the "mike" working clothes at 8 :30 the day after more popular and is today in wide- his line out of the water. house: collegiate finals at Kansas City. It was the greatest group of aside to take up the bat during base- graduation. That's when her job with spread use. In the course of cen- "Well, what are you doing with hoop stars ever assembled at any western college that won ball season. Remember that home the Pacific Telephone and T'elc- "My Dear Boys: turies, however, it underwent some that whopper of a bass on yom for Washington State the Northern, Pacific coast and West- run he made last week against Vlash- graph company in Spokane starts. "W oe is n1.e-'Pride cometh before modification, especially in the forma- string," demanded the Warden. a fall,' and how true that is. The tion of the serifs and the reiati,'e ern divisional championships. . ington? . Virginia Storn1 will scout around "It's this vvay, Warden," explained pride W

Yakima .__c •••• •• _. __ • ._· 5.07

Ellensburg ..__.__.. 5.56 Tourist* Seattle ._.__... ._.-._.__.._... 7.87. __ __....__.$9.00 SALE! Tacoma __._..__ _._ _ 7.87_._ _._.. . 9.00 OlYmpia ____..__ _ _. 8.02 ._ _.. 9.15 Aberdeen ...._.__ _ _._ _ 9.72 .._._._10.87 From Today-JUNE 2-Through Commencement Day, Centralia _ _.__ _._.. 7.87 __._._. ._ 9.00 . JUNE 9. Chehalis .. _.. 7.87 ..._._._9.00

':'Double lower berth to Seattle and Tacoma $1.60; double upper 25% discount berth $1.20 On AU Boxed Candy in Stock! Send a box home, show your appreciation to some senIOr Phone 1110 for reservations have a supply on hand for finals.

Nortbern Pacific Railway Page Four THE EVERGREEN Monday, June 2, 1941 Army Flying Cadet Board Men Approve Four Cougar Track Stars Lists Scholastic Changes Summer Styles WITH SUMMER WELL on its Drill for Big Ten Meet. way and the sun beating down for REVISED requirements in the ment to insure that it covers exam- FOUR WASHINGTON State Low hurdles-Haley, Washington hours every day on most campuses, written educational examination for inations for which exemption is trackmen, Captain Bill Dale, Jim State; Johnson, USC; Duke, UCLA, it seems time to take a look at the Borne for Flying Cadet appointments were an- claimed, that the subject has been Lang, Pat Haley and Noel Williams. or Laret, USc. new sports, spectator sports, anJ nounced today at the headquarters successfully completed in college, will be on the Pacific Coast confer- Shot put-Merritt, USC; Grey, lounge clothes now appearing daily of Major General Ernest D. Peek, and that the college is an approved ence all-star track team when that Stanford; R. Biles, California. SUMMER Commanding General, Ninth Corps higher educational institution. on the market. Many students buy squad meets the representatives of Discus=-W olf, California; Hiler, Area, at the Presidio of San Fran- most of their summer wardrobe • Explain Chern Exam the Big Ten conference June 17 at Stanford; Clawson, Montana. cisco, California, on their receipt The examination in Inorganic while still at school, and give it a HOLIDAYS Los Angeles. The athletes to par- Javelin-Peoples, USC; M. Biles, from the War Department. The edu- good breaking-in during 'May and Chemistry will cover the scope of ticipate in tbis night meet were chos- Calif-ornia; R. Biles, California. cational examination scheduled for the first weeks of June, before thev a standard text book used in an ap- en by PCCC coaches after the coast High jump-Steers. Oregon; Wil- August 12, 1941, will be the first leave for home and summer vaca- proved high school. meet last Sat ur day. son, USC; Lacava, USc. SPECIAL FARES to be affected by the changes. .The examination in modern lan- tions, or jobs. Slacks for this summer run into Haley will run the IOO-yard dash Broad jump-Bleeker, USC; • Five Required Subjects guages will consist of a brief essay to and the low hurdles, Dale and Lang Effective June 9 - 14,Inclusive be selected from a list of general many colors, and while gray flan- Wren, USC; Findlay, Oregon State As revised, the educational exam- nel still stands up, Bedford cord, will travel the half-mile distance and college. subjects which will be furnished at Williams will be the favorite to take For home-going students, special Coaches and Pull- ination will comprise five required doeskin and covert cloth are in high Pole vault-Smith, California; the time of the examination. the 2-mile event. and two optional subjects. The re- demand. These fun from off-white Nichols, Caliofrnia; .Schaefer, USc. man- Tourist sleepers leave Pullman 7·:30 p. m. June quired subjects will be English Com- and oyster through beige, light tan, • U Represented Too Mile relay-Two teams intact; 13th and 14th. Following rail fares good in Coaches position and Grammar, Arithmetic, and into darker shades of blue, gr een Kjell Qvale ~nd Johnny Long, both California (Reese,· From, Barnes, and Pullman-Tourist sleepers. *Berths extra. Lower Algebra (to include quadratics), Butch Reveals and brown. They are generally in of Washington, Vic Dyrgall and Phil Klemmer) and Southern California $1.35; upper $1.00, to Portland. Plane Geometry and Plane Trigo- solid colors and go with soft shirts, Liebowitz, distance stars of Idaho. (Upton, Smith, Bourland, Kerns). nometry. The two optional subjects sweats and sport coats. While the Les Steers. Oregon high jumper, SCHEDULES and FARES will be selected by the applicant from Night J-iawks trousers are somewhat narrower and Gene Clawson, Montana discus the following: United States History, One-Way Fares the waists are pleated and most of tosser, were other northerners who Psychology ... General History, Elementary Phy- Darned flies buzzing around my In In PuUman- them have belts of the same material. rate a good chance to place in the Destination Arrive Coaches Tourist sics, Inorganic Chemistry, and any nose. I'd get up and move around if • Continued from Page Two Ar. Portland a. There are several new types of big intersectional competition. 7:20 m. $7.22 $8.11 modern languages except English. it wasn't too much effort. What's jackets for summer. One of the most psychology and the practical fields Ar. Vancouver 9:00 a. m. 7.49 8.41 • All Star Squad Ar. Kelso 10:06 a. m, Applicants who show successful col- that? . . . Ahhhh nuts, just that bunch popular is a single-breasted made of of architecture and engineering 7.87 9.00 of guys starting to run around on the 1~O-yard dash-Qvale. Washing- Ar. Chehalis _ 11:17 a. m. ·7.S7 9.00 lege completion of subjects given in suede-finished wool, cut rather long. seems almost impassible. But such Ar. Centralia 11:Z6 a. m. field, kicking that ball around and ton; Sinclair, UCLA, Haley, Wash- 7.87 9.00 the educational examination may be with loose patch pockets, leather but~ is not actually the case. The archi- Ar. Aberdeen 1:28 p. m. ington State. 8.24 9.63 excused from examination in such yammering away with that 'come on tons and hand-stitching. These come tect must satisfy human wants with Ar. Olympia 12:Z5 p. m. 8.02 9.15 subjects and given credit for a grade gang, let's go gibberish. Wonder if in a variety of colors, green and tan 220-yard dash-Sindair, UCLA; his plans providing for mental and Ar. Tacoma 1:04 p. m. 7.87 9.00 of 80 per cent in each such subject. they haven't anything else to do but being the most popular. Qvale, Washington ; Me Farland, physical comfort and in pleasing the Ar. Seattle 2:20 p. m. 7.87 9.00 The applicant should present at the run around down there every after- Somewhat shorter than these jack- Stanforcl. estheticside of our nature. time of examination official docu- noon. ets is another new model which 440-yard dash-Long, Washing- And, of course, psychology is VI- Connections at Portland for California ment from his college or univer- Get's doggone lonesome up here. draws in at the sides to make the ton; McFarland, Stanford; Ueland tally associated with the arts of sity showing the subject completed If those guys need exercise they coat tighter if desired. This has a or Fairbanks, Montana. speech, music and the fine arts, in- Points and the grade attained. The exam- could take a walk up here and give zipper front, broad shoulders, and 880-yard run-Dale, Washington cluding painting and sculpture. me a chance to strut around in here. State; Lang, Washing ton State; Ol- For further information, Phone 1115 ining board will check the docu- the collar is cut without lapels. • Why We Take It ·Boy! I can hardly wait to see how Shorts are increasing in populari- son or Hyde, Stanford. L. B. Moyer, Agent, or call at SENIORS, wanting rides to the the next bunch that comes up here to ty and there will be a wide selection Mile r un-i-Liebowitz, Idaho And so psychology is a requir- Union Pacific Station Coast, immediately after graduation. see me likes that new slinking prowl of these in flannel, gabardine and Weed, USC; Peter, California. ed subject it college. And knowing Call 8391 for details. One way, or act I thought of last night. What's doeskin. Some of the more elaborate Two-mile- Williams, Washing- its importance to each one of us both return. that? ... Hah! Somebody's coming. models have polo belts, although ton State; Dyrgall, Idaho; Vaillan- here in college and when we get out • Butch Has Plot most of these have regular belts of court, Oregon State. on our own, we decide t refrain from Now I'll just hide around this cor- the same material. High hurdlea+-Kacewitz, USC; skipping class and to practice up on Professional Cards ner and then jump out at them. Oh Two-piece summer suits, most of Eiewener, USC; Homrriell, USc. it in our spare time. Lord! It's that same couple again! them single-breasted, will come in a Suppose they'll just look at me for a number of tropical worsted patterns. Dentists minute and then start nuzzling each gabardines and Palm Beach as well. other and not even pay attention to The tropical worsteds include solid me. Wait till I spring my new prowl colors, plaids and some stripes, and DR. A. E. HUDSON on them though; I'll bet they'll watch should prove even more popular TRUE FRIENDS OF that Listen to that stuff. 'Hello, than last year. These lightweight Dentistry Butch did ya miss us, Butch .. wool suits do not wrinkle or crush Dental X-Ray Equipment · we're back again, Butch.' Hah! I easily, and are as comfortable as any Office First National Bank Bldg. guess I'd better act decent toward of the tropical materials. They keep Phone 2771 them though-I'd hate to have them their shape and, if properly hung stop coming to visit me. up at the end of the day, are fresh Washington State What's this? He wants to scratch and unwrinkled in the morning. DR. A. A.ROUNDS my ears through th is wire? Say Yes they are! Dentist that's ... prrrr, prrrr r ... that's OK. • They're all right. Enough scratching For summer wear the oxford cloth • Room 232, First National Bank Bldg my ears, huh? Are they going away? shirt lasts as well as any material, A number of firms throughout the Northwest are 100 per cent for the Washington Phone 1241 · .. No, just going to lean against the button-down collars this season Dental X-Ray Equipment that outer fence and watch me. are worn for a multitude of occa- State Athletic Program. They enjoy seeing our football team up near the top. They ------1. What's the Use? sions ... from the informal country get a big kick out of the basketball team winning the conference championship. The Now I'll give it to them! \Vatch club dance to a sailing trip or a game DR. FRED D. JOHNSTON this! I'll ssss llli iiinrm nkkk along- of tennis. White and blue arc still favorites for these shirts, although same applies to track, baseball, boxing and the other sports benefitting through the Dentist 1 stop-look over my shoulder-open they are obtainable in some striped First National Bank Bldg. 'my mouth to show my teeth- Cougar Club fund. patterns and in gray, tan and several Room 238-New Wing gggg11liiiidddee ffforrrwwwaaa-we!1 other shades. Phone 5251 I'LL BE . . . !!! There they are again! Nuzzling each other rub- A particularly adaptable shirt is If they are supporting us, then we should support them. bing up against each other look- the new Doubler, a combination of Osteopath ing in each other's eyes. Ah N uts ' regular shirt and sport shirt,· made What's the use. I guess I'll go to with a convertible collar that may When you see a color picture of Butch in a ·businessestablishment throughout the ter- sleep. Maybe I'll dream about the be worn buttoned up with a tie or ritory be sure and thank them for their support of Cougar athletic enterprises. woods and .... zzzzz. unbuttoned without a tie. This shirt DR. E. A. ARCHER comes in a good variety of fabrics Osteopathic Physician -oxfords, voiles and twill flannels Here are the business firms having 1941 memberships in the and Surgeon Cougar Baseball in white and solid colors. First National Bank Bldg. There is news in sports shirts • Continued from Page Three Office Ph. 1239-Res, Ph. 2341 this summer. They are being made Washington State (9) by some forward-looking manufac- Optometrists AB R H A turers in regular numerical shirt Daggett, 2b ~.---'---_ ... - 4 2 2 6 sizes instead of small, medium and COUGAR CLUB Pierson, 3b .._------3 2 2 2 large. Now your sport shirt will fit DR. J. F. NEWBY Butts. ss ------_ .._------3 0 1 0 just as well as your regular shirts. SPOKANE COLFAX CHEHALIS Optometrist VanSlyke, c --- ..- ..... __ ... 4 0 1 0 Sport shirt models to be seen this Office Open Sunday Afternoon. Branigan, 1£ _ ..... ""--."- 3 1 2 0 spring are with either short sleeves Davenport Sport Shop Branch FiTst National Digger Boone's Garage Closed SaturdaYs Hemel, cf ..----_ ...... _-- .. 3 0 1 0 or long sleeves, with the body of Dessert Hotel & Oasis Bank of Seattle 218 First National Bank Building Jarstad. rf ------_ ...-.... 2 1 1 0 the shirt square cut to be worn either Phones: Office 1243 - Res. 3703 Bushman, p ------_ .... - 2 1 1 1 inside or ouside the trousers. These John W. Graham Co. McSweeney Tractor Co. ELLENSBURG are in cottons, linens and spun rayon F. O. Berg Co. Totals 28 9 13 14 and cotton mixtures. Old Nat'l Bank Antlers Hotel DR.T.V.BOYCE Another item that proves the shirt Peter Jacoy Optometrist Idaho 000 100 0-1 L.L. Bruning WSC 102 123 x-9 manufacturers are takIng your .in- D N& E Walters Co. New York Cafe 014 Grand Street terests to heart is the introduction Office Open Sunday 9:00 A.M. to Errors-Sewell, Hilton 2, Pierson. of the summer dress shirt, in voiles, The Crescent Perry & Lee 1:00 P. M. Closed Saturdays Three-base hits-Jarstad, Hemel. dimities and the lightest weight ma- John Logan SEATTLE Phones: Office 1195 - Res. 5453 Two-base hits-Branigan, VanSlyke, terials. These provide you with an Boyle Fuel Co. Pierson, Caccia. Double plays- adcled source of coolness and com- Diamond Fuel & Ice Co. Grady Drug New Washington Hotel Butts-Daggett-Sewell, Daggett-Sew- fort, and at the same time keep up a ell, Bushman-Sewell, Pierson-Dag- good appearance. Associated Accountants Clodius Grocery Classilied Directory gett-Sewell. Bases on balls-Jenkins Those undercover garments, Spokane Lithograph Co. Fred Stapleton 2, Bushman 1. Strike-outs- Jenkins shorts, are becoming more and more Carstens Packing Co. TACOMA 4. Stolen bases-Butts, Jarstad. Um- comfortable. Regular broadcloth Elk Drug Co. Jensen Fuel Co. pires-Clink and Borrows. shorts with the· special seamless Armour & Co. Taxi Second Game crotch construction come in plain Colfax Hotel Idaho (5) and fancy patterns to match your Zellerbach Paper Co. AB R H A shirts. There is also the brief ath- Barton Oldsmobile Whitman Hotel PORTLAND Diamond Cab Kara. c ------..-_- 4 0 0 1 letic short, designed especially for Caccia, 3b ...... 4 2 1 3 active sports-wear. A new short. McGoldrick-Sandison Bo Henry, Insurance Bates' Garages DIAL 1214 Hilton, Ib .. _ ..... _ 4 1 2 0 "Sprinter," is made for sports and Inland-American Printing Brown & Holter Atkinson, 2b ...... ~4 0 0 3 regular wear, and has a construction Moran Sport Goods Day and Night Service Redmun, ss ...... 3 0 1 3 different from the customary under- Co. Moore Furniture Bechtol. rf ...... 3 0 1 0 wear. The feature of this garment Eastern Outfitting' Co. Insurance Lewis, d ...... 2 0 0 0 is the shirred top over an elastic Spokane & Eastern PALOUSE • Foster, 1£ ...... 1 0 0 0 band, which moreover, contains 110 S. A. Schulien & Co...... Bartlett Tavern Snyder, p 3 0 1 1 shield or any of the snap gadgets Whitehouse & Price Dr. R. O. Barton Smith. cf .... _-- ...... 1 1 1 0 and tie sides of other underwear. McFarlane Seed Co. DAN C. DOWNEN Reid, 1£ ...... 1 1 0 0 You will be hearing a great deal J. C. Penney Co. Palouse Republic Insurance Specialist more about this garment. Ideal Laundry Emerson-Knox Co. J. C. Penney Co. Pullman, Wash. Totals.. . 30 5 7 1t The one color slack suit, which Phone 3261 WSC (6) came into prominence several years C. W. Hill Printing Co.• Shamrock Cafe R. L. Smith, druggist AB R H A ago, will not be as popular this sum- Washington· Machine Co. Bryson Bowling Alleys Daggett, 2b ...... 4 0 0 0 mer. It will be replaced in many Lloyd Miller, druggist Barberi Perry, If ...... 3 1 0 0 sections of the country by separate Oscar Levitch LewSmawley Harold Kimball, mortuary Butts, ss ...... 3 1 2 3 shirts and slacks in different but Central Pre-Mix Williams Ice & Fuel Sewell, lb, p ...... 3 0 0 2 harmonizing colors. Allen Lamphere, insurance See the Gentry, rf ..... _ .... - ...... __ . 2 1 0 0 MM Jewelers Levance WeskiI, treatres roWER BARBERS Chambers, p. rf, ...... 3 2 2 2 • The Pastime Pierson, 3b ...... 3 1 0 1 Summer ties are going to be gay Zukor's for clean, courteous service. Heme!. d. Ib ...... ---- 3 0 2 0 and colorful to a considerable de- Standard Service Audian Bldg. 211 Main St. Bill Hatch Sporting Goods ABERDEEN Schreiner, c .., ..... _ ..... 2 0 0 0 gree. There are plaids, stripes and Pullman., Wash, Standard Oil Co. Olson. cf -_ ..... --.., ...... 0 0 0 0 any number of small designs made Simchuck Sporting Goods Morek Hotel "Thank You" Is Our Slogan up' in reps, twills, foulards and the Warn & Warn Fox's Associated Service Milwaukee Grain Co. Totals .26 6 6 8 lightweight wools. There are colorer! Cabinet Shop Idaho 000, 002 3-5 linen and cotton handkerchiefs to WSC 012 102 x-6 go with these if you ask your dealer Errors-Hilton, Foster, Atkinson, to see styled items of shirt, tie and Modern Cabinet Shop Caccia, Pierson 2. Three-base hits- handkerchief. Although they are "If it is made out of wood, we CaD Chambers, Butts, Hilton. Two-base not matched sets of the same fa- make it:' hits-Chambers, Hilton. Double bric they are selected with an eye The (ougar Club' SAW FILING play-Butts-Hemel. Bases on balls to the general ensemble and can be First Door West of Post Offiee -Snyder ~, Chambers 5. Umpires- worn together or switched around PhOllAt9561 Borrows and Clink. with other accessories.