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Iiat x " ' TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1959 The Weather AYcnRe Daily Net PrcM Run PAGE EIGHTEEN FnrooMt of C. 8. Weothor QinaM JlanrhPHtpr Eupiifttg ralli For tho Wook Eotling April 18, 19S9 Fair and oold tonight With oono seattered fro*t. Lbwoot 80 t« 88. Installation of new- officers of Offilcers mid member*,, of the FT' Showers Given I 12,914 lianrh^Bt^r iEuening BrralJi Thiiroday fair, littio warmer, ttigli Brltish-Amertcsn Club will meet i the Rockville Emblem Club will be 80 to 88. AboutTowii held lonorrow niRht at 8 o'clock at the cluliioi'se tomorrow *t 7:30 i Master Plan Sought For Miss Burke LECLERC Member of the Audit at the Bllui Home. Rockville. Tlie I p.ni. and proceed to the Holmes ; Biireou of Clrrulotton y ' Mnnche/tter— A City o f Village Charm ln.-tal)ation will be preceded by a ! Funeral Home, to pay their re- FUNERAL HOME Tli« Emm* Nfttlelon Club of Mia.s Patricia A. Burke of Bos­ dinner at 8 :.10. I anects In William J Fleming, a Center Church will m«<“t in the I memhrr of tho .liib who died yes- For Robertson Park ton, Ma.ss.. formerly of Manchester, (Clasalfled Advertising on Page *8) PRICE FIVE CENTO Robbins room tonirht at 8 o'clock FUNERAL MAN( HKvSTK.R. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, APRIL- 22. 19.^9 ! terday. was honored with a miscellaneoii.* VOI*. LXXVIII, NO. (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES— TWO SECTIONS) Mr. and Mrs. ■William Kirby of The I..ad e; Mi.-.ston£.ry SorietV' 172 timated al $.30,000 by town en­ shower given by her aunt-s. Mrs. Windsor will show color .^lirtibi of of Talcottville ConKiejjational Town Director Fraud* Mahoney'-’ gineer James Shcekey—could pos­ Rose A. Novak and Mrs. Thoma.s SERVICE Bermuda. A social time with re­ rhuri'h -.vill hold a food *ale Th-ir*- j .Mis Irene l-a Palme. 1.Y5 Wal- has called for a meeting of agen- h TT ! ker St , may be called by WBA cie.s and property-owtner.s to start sibly come from othe* sources as O. Miner. 37 Haynes .St.. Saturday Walter N. freshments will follow. i flay It the .1. W. Hale Store. I ; members who wl.sh to have ai- planning the betterment of I well as the $123,000 w hich General night. Leclerc, U.S. Rejecis Demand Seated under a decorated um­ Senior Uirl Scout Troop I will i tides picked up for the rummage Robertson Park in the North End. | Manager Richard Martin has ear­ Director St. James' Mothers Circle will brella of blue, pink and white, the hold a runimafie .«ale at the Com- 1 sale Thursday at*9:3 0 a m. in Odd Mahoney, named recently by marked for capital irhprovoments meet tomorrow nijrht at 8 o'clock m-inity Y tomorrow nipht at fii.iO. I Fellows hall. Articles may also be Mayor Eugene T. Kelly to ramrod next year. The cdnimillce he would bride-to-be opened her many love­ Call Ml 9-5869 at the home of Mr*. Salvatore the Robert.son redevelopment, al.so iiame would suggest an appropria­ ly gifts. The guests enjoyed a buf­ Found Unhurt, Ribicof f Asks Car Fee ! brought In the meeting this eve­ 23 Main Street, Manchester JJolds Line Vinci. 90 Clinton St The co-ho.«: ning or left at the haJl tomorrow experts to show movies to the tion upon completing its study, he fet lunch. esa will be Mrs. Edward Ri taii. The .Golden Rule Club of the 5 night. • ' Board nf Directors within seversl! said. Miss Burke, who is to he married Russians Rap Taliotlville CoiiftroKatioiiiil Church weeks depicting park conditions i Mahoney said that in a tour of May 2 at St. James' Church to Little Lost March will hoM an .vu tion in the chim h Misa Barbara Smith.- daiig-htcr the park Sunday with Olcavage James J. Taipey of Brighton, vc.-trv Thuisday. al 7;l.''i p.m. The Temide fiiapler. Order of the and what will liave to be done to' of Mr. anfi Mr*. Oval J Smith. and Director Alice Lamenr.o he Mass., has been entertained in Bos­ IMnMtard East Hampton, April 22 i/1’1 proceed* will he for the annual F.astern .Star, will meet lomor- improve them; i 12o Main St., a junior at Albert-..- found that the light soil cover had ton with a personal shower given —State Police reported that a mi*.*uon I'lojeci of the ( luh.' Plic rn-.v at 8 pm. in the .M a s o n 1 e | .Mahoney said recreation, police, HOLLYWOOD W a.shington, .-Xpril 22 t/T’)— Mi.fmu8 ColleKC. New Haven. i.« a : worn from the pipe in places and by her attendants, and al.so with committee in charce 1* Mi.- Krau- Temple The business will include and planning officials, property Bonn N-Arms 4-year-old Hoy, who It ad member of the puhliciti .on riil- that a manhole cover at the junc­ another miseellaneous .shower in TliP cost of living, a.* nieas- .* naiiiti. Mrs Beverly Knil and the initiation of candidates. .Mrs. owneis, and repre.sentativea of the l>een wanderinjz in a thickly-j tee preparing for the fe.-tivr.ir- 11 tion of Lydall and While Brooks Brighton, given by the sisters of tiretl l),v the goveinnipnt, hold Funds for School Aid P.iihard Rhork* will serve as Joseph Jay Photo Y.Mt'.A, Whiton Board of truatee*. i of the junior prom weekend thi- .Mr* A r i m e (tor.dr ZiRmund Gor.dz W'ashington. A pril 22 military eommander, Gen. Lauris wooded, swampy area since chairman of tlie refreshment eom- Bnanl of Edueatinn. and all other had been removed. her fianre. WHIIL CHAIR uncliangod in .Marcli. cominjf w-eekend. i will *eiv e a* am tioneer. yesterday afternoon. was mil I re. FJiifiaffvd ,group* who might have alft^gy in He said he and Olcavage re­ The I nited States le- base agreement.* Tile OepRitmoTU an- noiim trulay its « nnsumoi prire * Ihe park planning will be invited placed the cover with the help of Eaitly cco o- found today— unharmed. 0(1 The monthlv mee'.niK of the Annoiinceinenl of the engage­ jected as completely nyptv negotiated with Britain F.dward H. GIcnney loial chair­ tr. the meeting al the Municipal two boys at the site. A man there Ttrtedtreed frifrom The hoy, .Shane Morey, one of index sta\ed .at K.’3,7 fior eent of M I’u he-tci- Radio l.iiib will be held ment of .Mi.ss Siiiiiey Ann Beck­ critical a new Soviet demand and Italy am' intermediate range llip 194T-111 axTia^p. (omplpljng thp man foi the Brown University Building 8 p.m. May 27. was taking movies, Mahoney .said, resr-wheel to the eight children of .Mr and .Mis, on .Monday in Uie Civil Pefense with to rtoiiglas Prior i* made by that the western powers with-, r.h.ssiles artiully have been de­ lonpost ptMinil of reialivp pri(*p Claims Plan WEDDING !■' -nd foi the .Manche.sler area >« He hopes to name a committee which he hopes to show to the Di­ front-wheel Willsi-d .Morey of East Hamp on. lieadqUHi I ei s .Munivipal BinldinR. he: parents. .Mr. and .Mrs. .John T. ; Britain. There have Imen stab11i!\' on loiDitl licad.iig an in'.onsi' drive during 1 opi esent ing all the group.* to rectors after they are processed. propelling, or hold nuclear and othe,- modern was found early today as more INVITATIONS when Lewi* .Mr('o\. a .staff mein- Beckwith. C la.* ton bury. The index hajs imt flu< tmUed by- develop a master plan. In its present condition. Ma­ Auction CO *11 5-incb than 130 aearchers tramped ihe period fron April 2.'v to .May Her fiance i* the son of Mrs. weapons from \N est Crerman j,,, pm.ioai- and STATIONERY her of I he Amern an Radio Rrla c honey said, the park is virtually Sponsored Bv '•ssteri. through Ihe swampy woods. more than two points m the past IwaKue of West Haitfoiil. will ■i. dining winch a special appe.il_ Kdith I’rior, Ilk Keeney .St. To Hurry Planning forces. ! n-il.s.siles equipment hi:t there ha.* nine months, the Bniean of Labor Will Block 2 GOLDEN RI LE CLUB As the volunteer searchers will be iniidc to Brown alumni •Sin h a session - had been plan­ unusable except for the tennis The Soviet government in a note been no anno ineenient of any WILLTON'S GIFT SHOP .-pc.ak on con *I 1 u I 111 >11 nictliod* of Miss Beckwith is employed at OF $72.00 combed the area. State Policeit-ian Slflti.sins said and now stands two- Ihronghinil tile coiinlry ned by the town administration, court and softball field, and voung- handed to U.S. Ambassador Llew- ngn-pnienl to this effect 9M MAIN ST—MI fi-lOll antenna- He will aI*o show a film Ihe .Soiithein .New I'Ingland Tele­ Clifford Bombard tried to peer in­ tenUis of a j*oim below Ihi* all- hut .Mahoney was named to huny er children ge" little benefit from Talcottville ellvn 3'hompson In Moscow yester- The new note followed a severe I ..Ill el innc *1 .iii>lilift wave r.iIm All phone Co., and her fianre is ein- to the jumble nf bushes and small time Insh of 12.'^ !> pel I enl toin hed N(‘3v Taxes Ladle* .\ii,siliai'V to Manchester plo'ei| in the engineering depart­ maltcis along after recent com­ these, he added.
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