Washington State €vergreen 'I z799 STATE COLLEGE OF WASIDNGTON, PULLMAN, WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JUNE 2, 1941 ------------------~------------------~---------------------VOL.XLVll NO. 95 AAA Takes Students to Attend War Holds Up Senior-Alum Picnic Four Seniors Student Union FOUR STENOGRAPHERS, all 1941 Seabeck Meet CONSTRUCTION arrangements Precedes Graduation graduating seniors at WSC, and two ·for the long planned Student Union By UNITED PRESS new men from the county office will THE ANNUAL Seabeck confer- have been postponed until after the A LvVA YS A prominent feature be employed by the Agricultural passing of the national emergency, Adjustment Administration, 101 ence, sponsored by the Pacific graduate manager Earl Foster indi- of the senior activities preceding International: Home Economics building, as soon Northwest Student YMCk and cated yesterday. Building costs have commencement exercises, this year's ROME-Adolf Hitler and Benito as their clearances arrive from Wash- Fight Song YW CA Regional council, will be mounted rapidly and with defense Chinooks senior-alumni picnic on Saturday Mussolini met this morning as the ington D. c., according to Robert held this year from June 14 to 22. priorities on construction materials. June 7, is expected to command the world speculated on their next move. Storch, employee of the AAA. The theme for this year's session to continue making more than plans largest attendance yet realized at . The two dictators conferred at The Washington State will be "Can We Build a Christian this annual affair. The picnic is Although the AAA is not directly for architectural design would be Graduating seniors who their usual meeting place at Bren- Fight song will be featured Democracy?" scheduled for noon at the golf club- connected with the college, several out of the question. The college has have signed tags will re- ner Pass in the presence of their in the college medley of house. of the men among the 65.people em- The Seabeck conference is design- already experienced difficulties in ob- ceive their Chinooks from foreign ministers. The official Rome Uncle Fud's Dog House ployed are State College graduates, ed for any college student or fa- taining building materials for the the bursar's office in the Ad- • Contact Seniors Tonight radio, heard in New York, says that and most of the women employed program. The song, which culty member desirous of further- new veterinary building at the prices ministration building, June The men's and women's big fives the German and Italian leaders spent either attended or graduated from was played on this program ing the purposes of the conference, expected. 9. in charge of senior plans, witl visit several hours discussing the politi- WSc. Other women employed were last year, will be heard next which this year witl deal with prob- halls and group houses this eve- cal situation. taken directly from business colle- Friday, June 6. The half- lems relating to basic problems con- Complimentary Chinooks ning during the dinner hour to con- ges. hour Dog House show is fronting society, enriching personal to student salesmen will be distributed from the gradu- tact seniors. Continuing a custom CAIRO-A British communique One of the new men will be em- heard in Pullman at seven- lives and deepening religious faith. ate manager's office begin- started many years ago, this year a claims that Royal Air Force pilots ployed as an engineer, the other as a thirty p.m. Mixer Dance • McCreery Leads Discussion ning Thursday, June 12. contest will again be sponsored to destroyed 244 German and Italian publicity man. The four stenograph- Otis C. McCreery, dean of men, stimulate the sale of tickets for the planes III the Middle East 'during ers, all secretarial science majors All other students witl re- along with Mrs. Merus, dean of alumni-senior get-together. The first May. The total destroyed for the graduating next week, are Katheryn ceive their Chi n 00 k s first five months of 1941 is set at women at Oregon State college, will Big Success group to secure one hundred per Fo.strup, Genevieve Thompson, through the bursar's office 1.243. lead afternoon sessions on "Friend- cent sale of tickets in their residence Alice Hunt and Virginia Aller. STUDENTS will It! the futur~ when they check out of TOKYO-Japanese planes again ship and Marriage." In addition to will be awarded a prize on Satur- Board Votes have access to numerous all-campus school. have bombed Chungking-scoring these, 1941 Seabeck leaders will be day. Tickets are 50 cents each, and mixers if the tremendous success of direct hits on the hospital of the Rev. James Myers, lecturer from seniors are urged to invite family Friday's trial function is any indi- American Methodist Episcopal mis- New York City, who wil! lead sem- and friends. cation of the enthusiasm to be shown sion. It is reported that damage at McChord On Editors mars on "Realism in Christian Liv- ing"; Professor Ralph Harlow of toward such dances. Among the activities included in the hospital was heavy. But no one the plans for Alumni day next Sat- vas injured. EDITORS AND business mana- the school of religion and social • Preliminary to Others gers of the Evergreen and Chinook ethics at Smith college will be daily KWSC Plans urday is the golf competition be- At the same time, the 'Japanese Field Takes 4 Friday's mixer, a preliminary to tween alumni and seniors. Four divi- News Agency reports that British for next semester will be appointed plenary session speaker and discus- by the Board of Publications at a future campus-wide inexpensive sions of the tournament include officials have repeated a warning to LIEUTEN ANT Croteau from sion leader; Rev. Cecil Ristow, of dances, was successful from begin- meeting in the graduate manager's groups for men and women alumni their nationals to get out of Saigon, McChord field in Tacoma announc- Great Falls, Montana, for the daily ning to end. Some 408 persons, a Full Schedule office this afternoon. The board's and men and women seniors. An- French Indo-China. The action is ed today that there are 16 vacancies worship services; Frank Bayley, hundred more than were expected, decision will be sent to the luncheon nouncement of victors in the morn- aid to be connected with rumors in the army air corps and that stud- lawyer of Seattle; Prof. O. R. Cham- attended, swinging to the popular PLANNING A FULL schedule meeting of the board of control to- bers of Oregon State; Dean New- ing tournament will be made at the of a crisis concerning Singapore. ents interested in applying for en- dance music of Uncle Fud and his of programs including United Press picnic. Pat Saltz and Louis Allen Just what the so-called crisis would trance should report to him at the morrow for ratification, house of the University of Washing- orchestra. The sophomore class, who newscasts and several new features, are in charge of arranging plans. nvolve is not clear. military department sometime today Saturday morning the Evergreen ton; and Rev. John Swornley, vice agreed to back the affair financially, K\VSC, 'Washington State's educa- Meanwhile, at Shanghai, United or tomorrow. staff held a straw vote for the edi- chairman of the National Council made a small profit. • Honor President Holland States Marines and Japanese Gen- • Four Students Chosen torship, the results of which will be of Methodist Youth . tional radio station will continue on used as a guide by the publications Marlowe Jones, talented drummer President E. O. Holland will be darmes have had a bit of trouble Henry Rumberger and Ove Kil- gave a brilliant performance pi'e~ the air throughout the summer Lieutenant Croteau during his board. honored at luncheon Saturday in due to it misunderstanding. The stay on the campus, is selecting 20 gren of the University of Washing- cecding intermission. months. It is expected that the new edi- commemoration of the completion Marines stopped a group of armed men for the air corps and at pres- ton will again have charge of the tors will release all other staff ap- • Cliff Rowan Comments • Miller in Charge of his 25th year as president of the gendarmes who were crossing the ent, four students have been chosen. music athletics and folk games. pointments by Friday. Allen Miller, production directcr State College. Also at that time, mass Marine sector in trucks. However, They are Harold Dennie of Spangle, • Oswald Attends Cliff Rowan, chairman of the com- of KWSC, will be in charge of the induction of seniors into the Alumni officials straightened out the matter Louis Miller of Bocowa, Ralph Bick- Members of the publications board mittee in charge of the function, stat- A tentative list of students attend- programs during the summer while association will take place. Chairman and released the Japanese. ' ford of Spokane and Robert Nadeau this year are Don Greeley, Earl V. ed, "I may be a little prejudiced, but, Foster, J. L. Ashlock, James Steiner, ing from here are as foJlows : Janet boy. it was good, anel everybody 11r. Yeend, director of K\VSC, plans of Alumni day and master of cere- from. Oakland, California. monies at the picnic will be Claude LONDON-'Weary British sol- Don Berg, Ray O'Day and Howard Oswald, Jane Ledger, Lois Ross, seemed to have a good time. I hope to do some studying at the Univer- • Need College ~raining Betty Jane Christenson, Mary Wills. Irwin of Pullman. A varied program d ier s have arrived in Egypt from Greer. this clinches the dances for next sity of Southern California. He will is being planned, the details of which he battle of Crete.
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