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The JW.HAU CORK p. Y-- THUKSDAY, FEBRUARY B, WBSj- PA6B TWCNTt Average Dally Net Preaa Run The Weather iSantlTPatpr 1EBPttihgNipral& For the Week: Ending. Foraanat of O. 8. B of«aa January >1, 1S59 cuaa 'ooursa aelactiona but appoint­ Fair and ooMer tonight and Sat­ Kdmund H. Hindi* Jr., IS l Olcn- Chapman Court. Order of Ama­ port of Manchester’s c i ^ and eco- o l i r p r i 8 C " ' o l l O ^ G r nomlc development.” ments ahould be ma)le in Advance. 12,879 urday. I.OW tonight 10-tS. High Wood S t, ton Of Mr. uid Mr*. E. H. ranth. will meet tomorrow at 7:46 Let Child Pick About Town Hindi*, Six Parker St., ia now at p.m. in the Masonic Temple. Fol­ . a . • w ; * l More than 500 persons aHcnded ‘ A ' Hyatt Sutliffe served a* Member of the Audit Saturday In tOs. — — th* Its. Naval RecetvtnR Station. lowing the business session a sur- r o r M i s s W i IGV th* chamber-dinner ■i..eeUn|Nl*st Own Curriculum, moderator and introduced the VERY SOON Bureau *t Orrnlation. * ! year in the high sOhool. Reset Manehe$tt>rr^A City of Village Charm H w Eipaer Club will bold its Norfolk. Va., awaiting: transfer to I prlsii entertainment will be pre- three .panelists: Edson Bailey, I tented. Refreshmenta will be ... „ - , r '■'.T.r « a, ' Uons for the ’.59 event may bi Mrs. Gertrude Hitchcock and. Mra. weakly aetback party in the club- Rooaavelt Roads. San Juan. Puer- Miss Patricia Wiley, 2 Olcott ,St.. i jhe Chamber of- Panelists Advise i served in the banquet hall by Mr*. Alba Hotkowski, representing the locans Saturday atartiag at 8:30! to Rico. H * is a guided miaaileman was honored with a miacellaneoiis fir*. MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 6. 19.\9 (rtnssined Advertising on Pago 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS pjn. I t*an>an. I Constance Twitchell and ht^r com­ high school and Junior high school VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 108 (SIXTEEN PAGES) mittee. bridal shower last night. j N ^ Iy 500 parent* attend^ the administrative and guidance staffs. Th* flr*t meeting In th* aariea; Edward B. Kerin, son of Mr. and The shower was given by Mrs, | mee£irul<; of the Barnard Junior The next meeting "of the PTSO on intenatiooal relations aponsor- Mrs. Edward J. Kerin. 24 Hartland Misa Barbara A. Bovnton, Willis Schulla and Mrs. William i High ParMit Teacher Organization will be held March .19 In the . high Rd.. recently acted in the Colgate Pearl St., and Miles J. O'Reilly Police Arrests •d by tha 8*rvic* Bureau for W orn-: Humphrey, aunt* of the bride- [ Tuesday ni^h| in the high school school cafeteria, where coffee will State Police|Scnator.s Trim en’a Orgaillaation* will bo held on . University dramatic club's presen­ Jr.. Bolton, will be united in msr- groom-to-be. at the horn* of M r*.: be served. The program will be tation of Shakespeare’s "Julius risge Ssturday at 6 a.m. in St. audltor-Him. Ike Has No Plans Feb, ,13 from 10:80 a.m. to 2:15 j Schultz in Glastonbury. About 25 ' entitled '“ParenU, Let’s Talk It Georg* W. Lovewell, 35, of Marl­ A panel disetuktm on "Planning p.ia. at K i Main St., Hartford. Caesar.” A sophomore, he is a James' Clturch. friends are relative* were present. Over.” borough. 'wa* arrested shortly Abaolom VHakaai of th* Union of j member of Sigma Nu social fra­ Decorations were in aqua, pink for Your Future Nqw” was pre­ j Earl H. Johnson of 52 North St. after 11 o'clock last night and In W ar on South .Africa will be one of the { ternity. q,nd white. A buffet luncheon was sented. Panelist* advised parents to Landlords Fight Bill < is taking the Stale Police training charged with passing in a no- Advertisement— apaakera. Advance reseavations for j served, including a ahower cake encourage their childrehl to make To Visit Reds Now, ’ course at Bethany barracks. He passing zone on N. Main St. He thla meeting o r ' for th* series of Loyai Circle of Kings Daughters made and decorated by Mrs. their own decisions as tn which started Monday after receiving an is due in court Feb. 16. four meetings should be made with ' will meet in the Fellowship room of .Schullr. high school curriculum would^best Don’t forget! Hairdresser* Card Car Detects •» appointment to the school two the Service Bureau. I Center Church Monday night at Mis* Wiley, the daughter of Mr. Joseph R. Klinkevtch, 81, of 105 flt their abilities and desires,'Aand Party and Food Sale. W ^nesday, Washington, Feb. 6 (/P)— weeks ago. He is mai'ricd to the: 7:45. Hostesses will be Mrs. Mary and Mr*. Joseph Wiley, and Irving N. Elm St., wa* arrested Iset It was emphasized that at this February 11. 1:30 p.m. American By unanimous con.sent. the former Maureen Opalach. They! Press Aide Claims Hartford, Feb. 6 {IP)— State The monthly meeting of the Kraetschmar and Mrs. Elisabeth August of Stafford Spring* will he night and charged with passing time it ia very important for thr-T^gion Home. Please bring your Senate today cut $100 million have a daughter, Kimberly. I's. ! Police today took on a new Homemakers' Holiday group was McIntosh. married on April 4. a stop sign at Woodbridge and pupil to plan hi* 4-year high achool W n cards. Call your beautfclan to- from its $.ifi5-million bill for' h*M yeaterday at the Community > Oakland Sts. He is due In court course. Guidance pounselorii will daV for tickets. Proceeds to Chll- .safety chore by starting a T. Mrs. Barttara Lord of the Ladies night will be observed by ,^ Mr*. Clifford O. .Simpson, Mr*. Monday. welcome talks with parents to dls- j dren's. Services of Manchester. Thomasville, Ga., Feb. 6 (/P)ff»ct, h* hasn’t received any Invlta- federal airport aid. At the To Allow Rent Curbs statewide campaign to get Robert W. Martin and Mrs. - - tlon except through th* reports of same time, it '.educed the pro- Whiton Memorial Ubrsuy gave the th* Methodist Men of the North — ^The White House said to­ cars with defective equipment members an insight into various Methodist Church at their meeting Charles R. Baxter Jr recently at­ CJiamljer Dinner an off-hand invitation extended in gr'rii from five to foiir ye.'ii's. tended a 2-da,v workshop in sacred day President Eisenhower a political speech. off of Connecticut’s high- types of books ttat different in­ Mondaj- night at 8 o'clock at the The action was a gesture along -"-n-T-' ryceSS* dividuals enjoy. She also gave a church. ”111* Rev. and Mr*. Harvey dance held in NVw York City. The Slated April 15 would consider visiting Rus­ "Ever since he has been in office ways. the path of what Deniocralic lead- review of the new book, "Quiet Mousley will show pictures and tell meeting was .vpon.sored by the Ss- ' sia if future developments in­ President Ei.«ienhower has siways State Police Commissioner John era Lyndon B. .lohnann of Texas Pleaae, Mrs. Rabbit” by Hilda of their trip to Palestine. Devo­ cred Danif Guild, and was attend­ made it clear that he was willing 100 Object; Plans are now being made for dicate it would serve the cause C. Kelly said the dilv* will oon- called trying to meet Pre.sident Espy. tions will he lead by the Rev. ed by many people inlcre.stcd In to go an.vwhere in the world if. j timie until fr.ither notice with the Ei!,enhn\ver half way on differ- James Busch, and refreshments rhythmic rhnir.s. ttie ,58th annual meeting of the bv *0 doing, auch a visit woiild' ' overall objective of "mailing the in spending proposals. Manchester Chamber of Com­ Presidential Pre»* ' .serve the of peace. will be serA-ed. public safety (onseions in this par- B,,t ,t more than a gea- Gouge Hit The public is Invited tn the mili­ Jamea C. Hagertv made the .stale-; , merce. which will be held April 15 menl in commenting on Soviet j "Should fntuie development. ticular respeci.” lure, because, although the dollar An open board meeting of the tary whist tonight at 8 o'clock at in the Armory on Mam St. Premier Nikita Khiu.shrhev * in-,-suggest that a visit to the Soviet No Road Block* total waa reduced, the pioposed Connecticut P'ellowship of Congre­ the Knighl.a rf Columbus Home. vitatlon to Eisenhower vesterday Union or an>-where else would Check point* will be aet up at annual outlay waa not changed gational Cfhristian Women will be Tickets will he sold at the door. The meeting will start at 7 p.m., By NAACP and will feature a social hour, a to come to Ru.aaia. ' | »»''ve to advance thia cause, then s’.ii'table places, the commissioner aince the number of years v as re- held on Feb 18 at the Asylum Hill But Hagerty stressed that it certainly would be considered. .said, but there will not be any duced, I Church. Hartford. Luncheon will A meeting of the rommitlee buffet dinner, speakers and enler- this move , tainmenl. Eisenhower has no pre.senl plan.s' The fact the White Hou.«e re road block* or unnece.ssary traffic Johnson engineered be served. Reservations should be that planned last night's testi­ as he had taken the lend in some Hartford.
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