Copyrighted Material
ABA form Bierma, Wigger, 103 Cheltenham family, 46, 46 communication, 70–74, 115 Bill, Max, 20, 92 Chimero, Frank, 147 typographic grids, 106–107 Bitstream, 24 Chisel, 32, 32 Academy of Art University, 205 Blackburn, Bruce, 23 Chiu, Chiu-Ping, 213 Accented characters, 35, 35 “Block style,” 18 Chromolithography, 15 Acropolis (Athens, Greece), 3 Bodoni, 34, 76 Chukwu, Chinedue, 221 Adobe, 25 Bodoni, Giambattista, 11, 12, 307 Chwast, Seymour, 22, 23 Adobe Garamond, 26, 35, 35 Bodoni Italic, 46, 46 Cincinnati, University of, 194, 198 Adobe Systems, Inc., 133, 135 Bongartz, Veronica, 156 Clarendon type, 14 Akkurat, 181 Bonnell, Bill, 24 Clarkson, Larry, 211 Aldine Press, 7 Boom, Irma, 27 Coates, Stephen, 122 Alestra, Anthony, 197 Boston University, 190 Cody, Mike, 138 Alphabets. See also Letter Bowl, 32, 33 Colines, Simon de, 9, 252, 253 Bayer’s universal, 19 Boyle, Robert, 50 Colley, David, 74, 110, 110, 118, 120, 200 defined, 31 Bradley, Will, 17 Collins, Gail, 50 legibility, 76, 76 Brainstorming, 220 Color, legibility, 82– 84 Phoenician, 3 Brancusi, Constantin, 19 Column Index Angle, typefaces, 46, 46 Brandt, Erik, 216 typographic grid, 100 Anthony, Carol, 115 Brodovitch, Alexey, 20 typographic syntax, 56, 58–60 Page numbers in italic refer Antialiasing, legibility, 82 Brody, Neville, 26 Column interval, grids, 100 to illustrations Apeloig, Philippe, 27 Brueggenjohann, Jean, 61, 202 Communication. See also Typographic Apex, 32, 33 Bruner, Paul, 204 syntax Apple Computer, 135 Brush writing, 3, 32 ABA form, 70–73 Arch of Constantine (Rome), 4 Buenos Aires Underground (Subte) typographic message, 112–124 Arm, 32, 33 176–179 visual hierarchy, 68 Armstrong, Frank, 50, 51, 52, 55, 55, Bukhshaisha, Fatima, 205 Computer.
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